Collection of database exams
Rasmus Pagh
October 25, 2011
This collection of database exams is meant to provide students of the
course Introduction to Database Design extensive practice towards achieving
the intended learning outcomes of the course relating to databases. The first
exam covers all intended learning outcomes, including those related to XML.
Several E-R notations are used that differ from the one used in our textbook,
by Kifer, Bernstein and Lewis (KBL).
In the fall 2003 and January 2004 exams the relationship R2 means
that for each entity of type BRAVO there is at most one entity of type
In the january 2005 exam, arrows in relationships are placed next to
the entity types, and not the relationships. However, the meaning of
an arrow in each direction is the same as in KBL.
In the June 2006 exam the notation has been changed to coincide with
that in KBL.
In the January 2007 exam, the syntax for data accesses is different from
that of KBL, but straightforward: R(A) denotes a read of database element
A, and so on. In the January 2006 exam, Γ is the grouping operator of
extended relational algebra, and not described in KBL.
Data Storage and Formats
IT Universitety of Copenhagen
January 5, 2009
This exam is a translation, by Michael Magling, of an original Danish language exam.
It consists of 6 problems with a total of 15 questions. The weight of each problem is stated.
You have 4 hours to answer all questions. The complete assignment consists of 7 pages
(including this page). It is recommended to read the problems in order, but it is
not important to solve them in order.
If you cannot give a complete answer to a question, try to give a partial answer.
The pages in the answer must be ordered and numbered, and be supplied with name,
CPR-number and course code (BDLF). Write only on the front of sheets, and order them
so that the problems appear in the correct order.
“KBL” refers to the set in the course book “Database Systems - an application approach,
2nd edition”, by Michael Kifer, Arthur Bernstein and Philip M. Lewis.
All written aids are allowed.
1 Data modeling (25%)
Micro loans are small loans, which is beginning to gain popularity especially among bor-
rowers in developing countries. The idea is to bring venture lenders together using infor-
mation technology. Typically, the loans will be used to finance startup or development of
the borrower’s company, so that there is a realistic chance for repayment. The money in
a loan can, unlike traditional loans, come from many lenders. In this problem, you must
create an E-R model that describes the information necessary to manage micro loans. The
following information form the basis for creating the model:
Each borrower and lender must be registered with information about name and ad-
A loan starts with a loan request, which contains information about when the loan
should at latest be granted, The total amount being discussed (US-dollars), and how
long the payback period is. Also, a description is included of how the money will be
used. The rent on the payment is calculated in the loan amount, which is to say, the
full amount is not paid .
Lenders can commit to an optional portion of the total amount of a loan request.
When the commitments for the loan request covers the requested amount, the request
is converted to a loan. If not enough commitments can be reached, the loan request
is cancelled. A borrower can have more than one request, and more than one loan at
a time, but can at most make one request per day.
The loan is paid through an “intermediary”, typically a local department of a charity,
who has a name and an address.
The borrower chooses when he or she will make a payment. Every payment must be
registered in the database with an amount and a date (at most one payment per loan
per day). The lenders share the repayment based on how large a part of the loan they
are responsible for.
If the loan is not repaid before the agreed upon deadline, a new date is agreed. The
database must not delete the old deadline, but save the history (the deadline can be
overridden multiple times).
Each lender can for each burrower save a “trust”, which is a number between 0 and 100
that determines the lender’s evaluation of the risk of lending money to that person.
The number must only be saved for the borrowers, for whom there has been made
such an evaluation.
a) Make an E-R model for the data described above. If you make any assumptions about
data that doesn’t show from the problem, they must be described. Use the E-R notation
from KBL. Put an emphasis on having the model express as many properties about the
data as possible, for instance participation constraints.
b) Make a relational data model for micro loans:
Describe at least two of the relations using SQL DDL (make reasonable assumptions
about data types), and
state the relation schemas for the other relations.
The emphasis is if there is a correlation between the relational model and the E-R diagram
from a), along with primary key and foreign key constrations being stated for all relation.
It is not necessary to state CHECK constraints and the like.
2 XML (20%)
Consider the following XML document, loaners.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="mystylesheet.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
<address>Freedom Way 1, 23456 Johannesburg, South Africa</address>
<repayment amount="100" date="1991-01-01"/>
<repayment amount="100" date="1992-01-01"/>
<repayment amount="100" date="1991-01-01"/>
<address>Circle Strait 8, 98764 Bumbai, India</address>
a) Write an XPath expression that returns all of the name (name elements) in
loaners.xml. Emphasis is on if the expression also works on other, similar, XML do-
b) Write an XPath expression that returns all the names of borrowers, who have (had)
at least one loan, which is to say, where there is a loan element. Emphasis is on if the
expression also works on other, similar, XML documents.
Consider the following XSL stylesheet, mystylesheet.xsl:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:template match="microloans">
<xsl:apply-templates select="//loan"/>
<xsl:template match="loan">
<xsl:apply-templates select="../name/last"/>,
<xsl:apply-templates select="../name/first"/>:
<xsl:apply-templates select="amount"/><br/>
c) State the result of running mystylesheet.xsl on loaners.xml.
d) Write an XQuery expression that for each borrower in loaners.xml computes the
total amount, which is to say the sum of the numbers in the amount elements, minus the
sum of the numbers in the repayment attribute of the repayment elements. The output
must be valid XML that for each borrower states name and outstanding amount (in a
debt element).
3 Normalization (10%)
The following relation schema can be used to register information on the repayments on
micro loans (see the text in the problem 1 for the explanation on micro loans, and the
example on data about micro loans in problem 2).
A borrower is identified with an unique borrower_id, and has only one address. Borrowers
can have multiple simultaneous loans, but they always have different request dates. The
borrower can make multiple repayments on the same day, but not more than one repayment
per loan per day.
a) State a key (candidate key) for Repayment.
b) Make the normalization to BCNF. State for every step in the normalization, which
functional dependency that causes it.
4 SQL (25 %)
This problem is about writing SQL for the relation Repayment from problem 3:
To solve the problem, the information from the description in problem 3 must be used.
a) Write an SQL request that returns all the tuples with information on repayments from
the borrower with id equal to 42, and where the lent amount exceeds 1000 USD.
b) Write an SQL request that for each address finds the total repaid amount for the
c) Write an SQL request that finds all names which has a unique address, which to say
is where there does not exist a tuple with a different name and same address.
d) Write an SQL command, which deletes all information on ended loans, which is to
say loans where the total repaid amount equals the lend amount.
5 Transactions (10 %)
Consider the following transactions, which uses explicit locking of tuples. Here ?1,?2,?3,?4
is used to reference parameters that are substituted in.
UPDATE R SET a=?3 WHERE id=?1;
UPDATE S SET b=?4 WHERE pk=?2;
UPDATE S SET d=?3 WHERE pk=?1;
UPDATE R SET c=?4 WHERE id=?2;
a) Argue that there is a possibility for deadlocks, if the two transactions are run at the
same time. State a specific sequence of locks, that leads to a deadlock.
b) Suggest a change of the transactions, so deadlocks can no longer be created, and give
a short argument that this is in fact the case. Emphasis is on that the transactions keep
their original effect.
6 Indexing (10%)
We again look at the relation Repayment from problem 3 (un-normalized). Assume that
the following four SQL commands are known to be frequent (with actual parameters sub-
stituted in for ?):
1. SELECT DISTINCT name, address
FROM Repayment
WHERE borrower_id = ?;
FROM Repayment
WHERE borrower_id = ? AND repayment_date > ?;
3. SELECT borrower_id, loanamount
FROM Repayment
WHERE loanamount BETWEEN ? AND ?;
4. INSERT INTO Request VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?);
a) Suggest one or more indexes, taking into account of the above. State the indexed
attributes for each index, along with the index type (primary or secondary). Argue shortly
for your choices. Emphasis is on the suggested indexes supports the SQL commands as
effectively as possible.
Database Systems
IT University of Copenhagen
January 2, 2007
This exam consists of 5 problems with a total of 15 questions. The weight of each
problem is stated. You have 4 hours to answer all que stions. The complete assignment
consists of 6 numbered pages (including this page).
If you cannot give a complete answer to a question, try to give a partial answer. You
may choose to write your answer in Danish or English. Write only on the front of sheets,
and remember to write your CPR-numb er on each page. Please start your answer to each
question at the top of a new page. Please order and number the pages before handing in.
RG refers to Database Management Systems by Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes
Gehrke, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
All written aids are allowed / Alle skriftlige hjælpemidler er tilladt.
1 SQL DDL and normalization (20%)
The national railroad company in the Republic of Delalaya maintains a relational database
of information on (physical) trains, train personnel, and manning. The database stores key
numbers for each train, and information on which employees work on a given train depar-
ture. To simplify administrative procedures, employees always work on the same physical
train, and always work all the way from the departure station to the final destination. The
database has the following schema:
The attribute type of Train refers to the train manufacturer’s code for a specific kind
of trains. All trains with the same code are identical. The attribute worksOnTrain of
Personnel is a foreign key reference to Train(Tid). This reflects the fact that each person
always works on the same train (but of course not all the time). Any tuple in Personnel
must contain a valid reference to a tuple in Train. The Sid attribute of Manning is a
reference to a code for a specific departure in the time table. However, the time table
is not part of the database . The attribute pair (Pid,Tid) in Manning is a foreign key
reference to Personnel(Pid,worksOnTrain).
a) Write SQL statements that create the above relations, including key and foreign key
constraints. You can make any reasonable assumption about the data types.
b) Identify all functional dependencies in the relations that do not have a superkey on
the left hand side (i.e., are “avoidable”). Use the dependencies to decompose the schema
into BCNF, and state the resulting database schema. Briefly discuss the quality of the
new schema (ignoring eciency issues).
2 Data modeling (30%)
The transportation authority in the Republic of Delalaya has decided to implement a
database to keep statistics on public transportation (fuel-driven buses and electricity-driven
trains), with emphasis on keeping track of delays and the number of travelers. In particular,
it should be used to identify particular weaknesses in the transportation systems (e.g.,
stretches of railroad that often cause delays, or employees who have trouble keeping the
First of all, data from the railroad company, as described in Problem 1, should be
integrated into the system, but not necessarily using the schema stated there.
a) Draw an ER diagram corresponding to the data described in Problem 1, including, if
possible, all integrity constraints stated there. You should follow gene ral rules for making
a good ER design your design does not need to translate to the three relations stated
in Problem 1.
In addition to the above, the following information is needed:
Information on buses. Similar to the information on trains, but in addition the
range of each bus (the number of kilometers it will drive on a full tank) should be
Information on bus drivers. Similar to to the information on train personnel,
with the following changes: All bus drivers have the same work (driving the bus). A
bus driver does not drive a specific bus, but may drive any bus.
Route information. The sequence of stops on each train/bus route. Each route
has a unique route number.
Vehicle usage. For each route and departure time, on each day, record which
physical train/bus was used. (In Delalaya, this is always a single bus or train
several trains can’t be coupled together.)
Timetable information. Information on planned arrival and departure times for
each route and every stop.
Timetable statistics. Information on actual arrival and departure times for every
train/bus and every stop, on every day.
Traveler statistics. Periodically, surveys are being made that record the destina-
tions of all travelers in a given bus/train at a given time (between two stops).
Manning. Who has worked on a particular vehicle at every time. It should be taken
into account that manning may change at any time during a route.
b) Draw an ER diagram that integrates the additional data described above with the ER
diagram of Problem 2 a). You should follow general rules for making a good ER design.
If you need to make any assumptions, state them.
c) Suppose that we desire the database to evolve over time (e.g. with new time tables),
but we also want to be able to store and query historical data. Outline how the ER
diagram of Problem 2 b) could be changed to achieve this.
3 SQL (25 %)
Consider a database of flight departures and airplanes, with the following schema:
a) Write an SQL query that lists the airplaneID of all airplanes made before 1960.
b) Write an SQL query that lists the departureID for all departures bounded for desti-
nations starting with the letter “D”.
c) Write an SQL query that lists the average capacity of airplanes fabricated 1970 or
d) Write an SQL query that lists the departureID for every overbooked departure (i.e.
where the number of bookings exceed the capacity of the plane).
e) Write a query in relational algebra that lists the model-name of every airplane that
was fabricated in 1970.
f) Write an SQL query that lists the fabricationYear of the oldest and second oldest
plane. You may assume that the two oldest planes have dierent values on the attribute
(Note: Some versions of SQL have a special syntax for this kind of query however, you
are required to write the query using only SQL features found in RG.)
g) Write an SQL query that lists all destinations that has more empty seats than the
average number of empty seat on all departures (we assume that the number of empty
seats is the number of booked seats subtracted from the capacity of the plane).
4 Transactions (10 %)
a) Consider an initially empty table T with the schema T(number) and transactions
running at isolation level READ COMMITTED
Transaction 1 Transaction 2
State what is returned from each of the SELECT querie s at line 3, 4, 6, and 7.
If there are several possibilities, you may state any of them.
b) Consider the two schedules below.
Schedule 1: Schedule 2:
Transaction 1 Transaction 2
Transaction 1 Transaction 2
State for each of the two schedules whether it is serializable or not. If the schedule is
serializable write a serialization of the schedule, otherwise give a brief explanation of why
the schedule is not serializable.
5 Database eciency (15%)
Consider the relation T(id
,name) with 100,000 tuples. Values of id are positive integers,
and values of name are strings of length at most 30. The following queries are of interest:
1. SELECT * FROM t WHERE id = 100
2. SELECT * FROM t WHERE id > 10
3. SELECT * FROM T WHERE id > 100 and id < 9000 and name = 'Mads'
a) State for each of the above queries whether an index would speed it up. In the cases
where the answer is “yes” you also have to specify:
Would a Hash-index or a B-tree index be the fastest index?
Which attribute(s) s hould be indexed?
Would a clustered index make the query significantly faster than an unclustered
Database Systems
IT University of Copenhagen
June 8, 2006
This exam consists of 5 problems with 16 questions, printed on 7 numbered pages.
The weight of each problem is stated. You have 4 hours to answer all questions. If you
are unable to answer a question, try to give a partial answer. You may choos to write in
English or Danish.
Pages in your answer should be numbered and contain name, CPR number, and course
code (DBS). Write only on the front page of pages, and put the pages in order before
handing in.
“MDM” refers to the course book “Modern Database Management 7th edition” by
Jeffery A. Hoffer, Mary B. Prescott, and Fred R. McFadden.
All written aids are allowed.
1 Data modeling (35%)
Consider the below EER diagram (extended Chen notation), modeling data on national
team soccer: Coaches, fan clubs, matches, championships, and players. For coaches, it is
recorded who is assisting (Assists). For players it is modeled with national league team
(LEAGUE TEAM) they have a contract with (Contract with). Some national teams are youth
teams the YOUTH TEAM and NATIONAL TEAM entity sets are connected by an “IsA”
relationship. For fan clubs it models who are members, and who is president. For each game
it models which players were active (Plays), and in what time period (between startTime
and endTime). If the whole match is played, these numbers are 0 and 90, respectively
a) Indicate for each of the following statements if they agree with the EER diagram.
(Observe that the diagram does not necessarily model reality exactly.)
1. A national team always has at least 1 coach.
2. The assistant of a coach can have an assitant herself.
3. A player has a contract with at most 1 league team.
4. A player cna take part in matches for more than 1 country.
5. A player can be substituted in and out several times in a match, and hence have
several starting times.
6. A youth team can take part of a championship.
7. There can be 20 players on court for each team in a match.
8. There can be two fan clubs of the same name.
b) Convert the EER diagram to relations. When there are several choices, you should
choose a method that minimizes the number of relations. Write the schemas of the
resulting relations, with primary key attributes underlined.
The EER diagram does not model historic data on player careers (what teams they have
played for, in what periods, and for what salary). Further, a playing coach will correspond
to an instance of the COACH entity as well as a PLAYER entity, with no information that
this is the same person. A new data model is sought where these restrictions do not apply.
Further, the new data model should make it possible to register not only the result of
the match, but also the most important events in a match:
Goals (who is goal scorer is, and in what minute the goal was scored).
Penalties (what minute, who committed the penalty, and against whom).
Red and yellow cards (who and when).
Substitutions as in the present ER diagram.
c) Draw a revised ER model in your chosen notation, taking the above wishes into
account. You should strive to make a flexible data model, which can easily be extended
with more detailed information. Write explanatory text if needed to understand your
2 Normalization (15%)
Consider a relation with the schema: Sales(seller,producer,product,amount). The
following is a legal instance of Sales:
seller producer product amount
Silman SoftFloor AG Velour 101000
Bjarnes Tæpper Bøgetæpper Berber 207000
Top Tæpper Bøgetæpper Kashmir 77000
Silman SoftFloor AG Berber 72000
Bjarnes Tæpper Bøgetæpper Valnød 17000
a) Which of the following potential FDs do not hold, based on the instance above?
1. amount product 2. amount product seller
3. product producer 4. producer product
5. seller product amount
The instance above can be computed as the join of these relations:
seller producer
Silman SoftFloor AB
Bjarnes Tæpper Bøgetæpper
Top Tæpper Bøgetæpper
seller product amount
Silman Velour 101000
Bjarnes Tæpper Berber 207000
Top Tæpper Kashmir 77000
Silman Berber 72000
Bjarnes Tæpper Valnød 17000
b) State a functional dependency (FD) that ensure that Sales can be split as in the
example given with no loss of information. In other words, the FD should ensure that the
SQL statement
(SELECT seller, producer FROM Sales) NATURAL JOIN
(SELECT seller, product, amount FROM Sales)
always returns a relation that is identical with Sales. Further, give an explanation in
words of what the FD expresses.
c) Give an instance of Sales where the chosen split does not work, i.e., where the SQL
statement in question b) does not return the same instance.
3 SQL (30 %)
Consider the relations fan(id,name,cprnr,memberSince,favorite) og player(id,name,country),
and instance with the following data:
id name cprnr memberSince favorite
1 Birger Hansen 1412861261 2000 5
2 Mads Mikkelsen 2605807413 1995 5
3 Jens Green 0909928475 2005 2
4 Hans Westergaard 1006701245 1980 1
5 Christian Lund 1102524895 1975 2
6 Jesper Andersen 1501661569 2000 3
7 Betina Jørgensen 1506751486 2005 5
id name country
1 Peter Ijeh Nigeria
2 Marcus Allb¨ack Sverige
3 Martin Bernburg Danmark
4 Jesper Christiansen Danmark
5 Michael Gravgaard Danmark
The relations contain data on members in a fan club, and their favorite players.
a) How many tuples are returned for each of the following queries, when run on the
instances above?
1. SELECT * FROM fan WHERE memberSince = 2003;
2. SELECT * FROM fan WHERE memberSince >= 2000 AND favorite <> 5;
3. SELECT COUNT(*), memberSince FROM fan GROUP BY memberSince;
4. SELECT * FROM fan WHERE name LIKE ’Hans%’;
5. SELECT, FROM fan R1, fan R2
WHERE R1.favorite = R2.favorite and <;
6. SELECT name FROM fan R1
WHERE (select count(*) FROM fan R2 WHERE R2.favorite=R1.favorite) >
7. SELECT name FROM fan WHERE favorite NOT IN
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE country=’Danmark’);
b) Write an SQL command that, for each tuple in the relation fan where cprnr is larger
than 3112999999 or less than 0101000000, sets cprnr to the value NULL.
c) Write an SQL command that deletes all tuples in fan where cprnr has the value NULL.
d) Write a query that, for each member in the fan club, computes the name of the
member and the name of his/her favorite player.
e) Write an SQL query that computes the average of the column memberSince in the
relation fan.
f) Define an SQL view that for each member in the fan club shows the name of the
member, and the name of the members’ favorite player. Use your view to write a query
that computes the number of fans of each player (the name of the player must be shown).
g) Write an SQL query that returns a relation with a single attribute, containing all
names in fan and player. You can assume that the data types for the name attributes
are identical.
h) Write an SQL query that returns the names of all players that have more female than
male fans. A person in fan is male if and only if the expression cprnr % 2 = 1 is true.
4 Transactions (10 %)
Consider two database connections that make updates and queries on the relation MyFan(id,
Connection 1 Connection 2
INSERT INTO MyFan VALUES (3,’Bent Ølg˚ard’);
INSERT INTO MyFan VALUES (7,’Birger Hansen’);
INSERT INTO MyFan VALUES (5,’Birger Hansen’);
SELECT * FROM MyFan; (1)
SELECT * FROM MyFan; (2)
SELECT * FROM MyFan; (3)
a) Assume that MyFan does not contain any tuples, that the transactions are running
at isolation level READ COMMITED, and that the individual SQL commands are sent to the
DBMS in the sequence shown above. Which tuples are returned for each of the 3 SELECT
5 Constraints (10%)
Assume that the relations fan and player have been created with no constraints, and
that the tables contain the data shown in problem 3. We now add constraints with the
following commands:
FOREIGN KEY (favorite) REFERENCES player(id);
ALTER TABLE fan ADD CONSTRAINT MyThirdConstraint UNIQUE (cprnr);
a) State for each of the following commands which of the three above constraints (if any)
are violated, i.e., result in an error message.
1. DELETE FROM spiller WHERE land=’Sverige’;
2. INSERT INTO spiller VALUES (6,’Michael Gravgaard’,’Danmark’);
3. UPDATE fan SET cprnr=1214650124 where navn LIKE ’%Hans%’;
4. INSERT INTO fan VALUES (7,’Hans Metz’,NULL,2001,7);
5. UPDATE fan set favorit=NULL where navn LIKE ’%e%’;
Introduction to Databases
IT University of Copenhagen
January 16, 2006
This exam consists of 5 problems with a total of 16 quest ion s. The weight of each
problem is stated. You have 4 hours to answer al l 16 questions. The complete assignment
consists of 12 numbered pages (including this page), plus an answer sheet to be used for
several of the questions.
If you cannot give a complete answer to a question, try to give a partial answer. You
may choose to write your answer in Danish or English. Write only on the front of sheets,
and remember to write your CPR-number on each page. Please start your a ns wer to each
question at the top of a new page. Please order and number the pages before handing in.
GUW refers to Database Systems The Complete Book by Hector Garcia-Molina, Je
Ullman, and Jennifer Widom, 2002.
All written aids are allowed / Alle skriftli g e h jæl pemidler er tilladt.
1 Database design (25%)
The academic world is an interesting example of international cooperation and exchange.
This problem is concerned with model i n g of a datab a se that contains information on re-
searchers, academic institutions, and coll aborations among researchers. A r esear cher can
either be employed as a professor or a l ab assistant. There are three kinds of professors:
Assistant, associate, and full profes sor s. The following should be stored:
For each researcher, his/her name, year of birth, and current position (if any).
For each institution, its name, country, and inauguration year.
For each institution, the names of its schools (e.g. School of Law, School of Business,
School of Computer Science,. . . ). A school belongs to exactly one institution.
An employment history, inc l u d i n g information on all employments (start and end
date, position, and what school).
Information about co-authorshi p s, i.e., which researchers have co-authered a research
paper. The titles of common research papers sh o u l d also be stored.
For each researcher, information on his/her highest degree (BSc, MSc or PhD), in-
cluding who was the main supervisor, an d at what school.
For each professor, information on what research projects (ti t l e, start date, and end
date) he/she is involved in, and the total amount of grant money for which he/she
was the main applicant.
a) Draw an E/R diagram for the data set described above. Make sure to indicate all
cardinality constraints specified above. The E/R diagram should not contain redundant
entity sets, relationship s, or attributes. Al s o, use relationships whenever appropriate. If
you need to make any assumptions, include them in your answer.
b) Convert your E/R diagram from question a) into relations, and write SQL statements
to create the relations. You may make any reasona bl e choice of data types. Remember
to include any constraints that follow from the description of the data set or your E/R
diagram, including primary key and foreign key constraints.
2 Normalization (15%)
We consider the following relation:
It contains information on art i cl es published in scientific journals. Each article has a unique
ID, a title, and information on where to find it (name of jour n a l , what issue, and on wh i ch
pages). Also, if results of a n arti cl e previo u sl y appear ed in a “technical report” (TR), the
ID of this technical report can be specified. We have the following information on the
For each journal, an issue with a given numb er is published in a single year.
The endpage of an article is never smaller than the startpage.
There is never (part of) more than one article on a single page.
The following is an instance of the relation:
ID title journal issue year startpage endpage TR-ID
42 Cuckoo Hashing JAlg 51 2004 121 133 87
33 Deterministic Dictionaries JAlg 41 2001 69 85 62
33 Deterministic Dictionaries JAlg 41 2001 69 85 56
39 Dictionaries in less space SICOMP 31 2001 111 133 47
57 P vs NP resolved JACM 51 2008 1 3 99
77 What odel missed SICOMP 51 2008 1 5 98
78 What odel missed Nature 2222 2008 22 22 98
a) Based on th e above, indicate for each of the following sets of attributes whether it is a key
for Articles or not. Use the answer sheet of the exam for your answer.
1. {ID}; 2. {ID,TR-ID}; 3. {ID,title,TR-ID}
4. {title}; 5. {title,year}; 6. {startpage,journal,issue}
If you wish, you may additionally write a brief explanation for each answer, which will be taken
into account, but is not necessary to get full points.
b) Based on the ab ove, indicate for each of the following potential functional dependencies,
whether it is indeed an FD or not. Use the answer sh ee t of the exam for your answer.
1. ID ! title; 2. startpage ! endpage; 3. journal issue ! year
4. title ! ID; 5. ID ! startpage endpage journal issue; 6. TR-ID ! ID
If you wish, you may additionally write a brief explanation for each answer, which will be taken
into account, but is not necessary to get full points.
c) Based on a) an d b ) , perform normalization into BCNF, and state the resulting r el at i ons .
3 SQL and re la t io nal algebra (35%)
We consider again the rel at i on Articles from problem 2.
a) Indicate for each of the following expressions whether it is a valid SQL statement or not.
A valid statement, as des cr ibed in GUW, should be accepted by a standard SQL interpreter,
whereas an invalid statement should result in an error message. Use the answer sheet of the
exam for your answer.
1. SELECT * FROM Articles WHERE endpage-startpage>10;
2. SELECT * FROM Articles WHERE endpage-startpage<0;
3. SELECT SUM(title) FROM Articles;
4. SELECT AVG(year) FROM Articles WHERE title LIKE 'C%';
5. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Articles GROUP BY year;
6. SELECT year,COUNT(*) FROM Articles WHERE COUNT(*)>10 GROUP BY year;
b) Indicate for each of the following queries, how many tuples would be returned if it was run
on the instance of Articles from problem 2. Use the answer sheet of the exam for your answer.
1. SELECT ID FROM Articles WHERE year<2006;
2. SELECT DISTINCT ID FROM Articles WHERE year<2006;
3. SELECT AVG(year) FROM Articles GROUP BY journal;
4. SELECT ID FROM Articles WHERE title LIKE '%d';
Consider the relations Authors(auID,name) and Authoring(articleID,authorID), containing
information on names of authors, and who is authoring whi ch papers , r e spect ively.
c) Write an SQL query that returns for each article, its ID, title and the numb e r of authors.
d) Write an SQL query that ret u rn s t h e titles of articles authored by 'Robert Tarjan'.
e) Wri t e an SQL query that ret u r ns the number of co-authors of 'Robert Tarjan'.(I.e.,the
number of authors who have written at least one ar t ic l e together with him.)
f) Write SQL statements that correspond to the following two relational alge br a expressions.
Duplicate elimination should be performed.
4 Eciency and transactions (15%)
Consider the following six queries on Articles from problem 2:
1. SELECT title FROM Articles WHERE year=2005;
2. SELECT title FROM Articles WHERE endpage=100;
3. SELECT title FROM Articles WHERE year>1995 AND year<2000;
4. SELECT title FROM Articles WHERE journal='JACM' AND issue=55;
5. SELECT title FROM Articles WHERE issue=55 AND journal='JACM';
6. SELECT title FROM Articles WHERE endpage-startpage>50;
a) Indicat e which of the above queries would l i kely be faster (based on the knowledge you have
from the course), if all of the following indexes were created. Use the answer sheet of the exam
for your answer.
CREATE INDEX Idx1 ON Articles(year,startpage);
CREATE INDEX Idx2 ON Articles(startpage,endpage);
CREATE INDEX Idx3 ON Articles(journal,issue,year);
In the following we consider the below transactions on the Authors(auID,name) relation.
Time User A User B
1 INSERT INTO Authors VALUES (42,'Donald Knuth');
2 INSERT INTO Authors VALUES (43,'Guy Threepwood');
3 DELETE FROM Authors WHERE name LIKE 'Don%';
4 INSERT INTO Authors VALUES (44,'Donald E. Knuth');
5 DELETE FROM Authors WHERE name LIKE 'Guy%';
b) Suppose that Authors is initially empty, that the transactions are run at isolation level
READ COMMITTED, and that the commands are issued i n the order indicated above. What is the
content of Authors after the execution?
c) Suppose that Authors is initially empty. What are the possible contents of Authors af t er
each serial execution of the two t r an sact i on s?
5 Constraints (10%)
Suppose that the Authoring relation of problem 3 relation was created as follows:
a) Indicate whi ch of the following statements are tr ue , and which are not. Use the answer sheet
of the exam for your answer.
1. If we try to delete a tuple from Authoring, the tuple is not deleted. Instead, articleID
is set to NULL.
2. If we delete a tuple from Authoring, any tuples in Author referred to by this tuple are
also deleted.
3. If we delete a tuple from Article, some attributes of Authoring may have their values
set to NULL.
4. If we try to insert a tuple into Author, with an ID that is not referr ed to in Authoring,
the operation is rejected.
5. If we try to insert a tuple i nto Authoring, with an ID t hat does not exist in Author,the
operation is rejected.
b) Write CHECK constraints for Articles of Problem 2 that ensure the following:
1. Values of the journal attribute does not start with 'Journal'.
2. The value of the endpage attribu t e i s never smaller than that of startpage.
3. The value of year is given in full (e.g. 1999 is not abbreviated as 99). You may assume
that year is of type integer, and that there are no arti c le s mor e than 200 years old.
Answer sheet (to be handed in)
Name Page number
CPR Total pages
Instructions. For all questions except 3.b (which asks for numbers), you must place exactly
one X in each c olu mn . Note that the grading will be done in a way such that ran dom answering
does not pay. For exampl e, two cor r ec t answers and one incorrect answer will be worth the same
as one correct answer and two question marks.
Question 2.a 1 2 3 4 5 6
Not a key
Question 2.b 1 2 3 4 5 6
Not an FD
Question 3.a 1 2 3 4 5 6
Question 3.b 1 2 3 4
Number of tuples
Question 4.a 1 2 3 4 5 6
Question 5.a 1 2 3 4 5
IT Universitetet i København
7. juni 2005
Eksamenssættet best˚ar af 5 opgaver med 13 spørgsm˚al, fordelt p˚a 6 sider (inklusiv
denne side).
Vægten af hver opgave er angivet. Du har 4 timer til at besvare alle spørgsm˚al. Hvis
du ikke er i stand til at give et fuldt svar p˚a et spørgsm˚al, s˚a prøv at give et delvist svar.
Du kan vælge at skrive p˚a engelsk eller dansk (evt. med engelske termer).
Siderne i besvarelsen skal være numererede, og forsynet med navn, CPR nummer og
kursuskode (DBS). Skriv kun p˚a forsiden af arkene, og sort´er dem inden numereringen, s˚a
opgaverne forekommer i nummerrækkefølge.
“MDM” refererer i sættet til kursusbogen “Modern Database Management 7th edition”
af Jeffery A. Hoffer, Mary B. Prescott and Fred R. McFadden.
Alle skriftlige hjælpemidler er tilladt.
1 Datamodellering (30%)
a) Udarbejd en datamodel for blodbanken i Sengeløse Sygehus ved brug af EER nota-
tionen beskrevet i MDM kapitel 3 og 4. Nedenfor er en beskrivelse af det, som systemet
skal dække. I det omfang beskrivelsen ikke er fyldestgørende, m˚a du selv gøre dig nogle
antagelser. (S˚adanne antagelser skal fremg˚a af besvarelsen.) Ved vurderingen lægges der
vægt p˚a, at der er mindst mulig redundans i databasen, og at attributter med samme
indhold og betydning ikke unødigt bruges p˚a flere entitetstyper.
b) Konvert´er din EER model fra spørgsm˚al a) til en relationel datamodel. Du skal blot
angive attributnavne for hver relation, og f.eks. ikke specificere datatyp e r, fremmednøgler,
etc. Angiv hvilken metode, du anvender til konverteringen (fra MDM eller fra kursets
Sengeløse Sygehus er et mindre lokalt sygehus, der har skadestue, tilbyder ambulante be-
handlinger, og de suden driver en blodbank, der tapper lokale donorer og er leverandør
af blodportioner til regionens større sygehuse. Administrationen af blodbanken er hidtil
foreg˚aet ved hjælp af et papirbaseret journalsystem. I f orbindelse med pensioneringen af
blodbankens mange˚arige sekretær, er det besluttet at erstatte systemet med et moderne
IT system, der desuden skal have en række nye funktioner.
For hver donor findes et donoroplysningskort med personinformation samt information
om tapninger. Flg. er et eksempel p˚a et s˚adant donorkort:
CPR: 060275-1133
Navn: Rasmus Berg
Adresse: Bakketoppen 1
Postnr: 1313 Bjergby
Tlf.: 1223 3344
Blodtype: A pos.
Tapninger (dato, tapning/kontrol):
1. 11/2-2001 ABP/AG
2. 13/5-2001 PR/AG
3. 29/9-2001 AG/ABP
. . .
Oplysningerne om tapning og kontrol handler om, hvem fra personalet, der har foretaget
selve tapningen, og hvem der har lavet den obligatoriske kontrol af oplysningerne. Det er
tanken, at den information om tapninger, der findes i det eksisterende journalsystem ikke
skal overføres. Dog ønskes det, at information om, hvor mange gange en donor er tappet i
alt, gemmes i det nye system. Ud over disse oplysninger skal det for hver donor registreres,
hvorn˚ar denne senest er blevet indkaldt til tapning (dette sker ved brev), og hvorn˚ar det
evt. er aftalt, at tapningen skal foretages.
For personalet skal gemmes standardoplysninger om CPR nummer, navn, adresse, og
telefon. Desuden skal det registreres, hvorn˚ar en person er ansat (og evt. ophørt med an-
sættelsen), hvilken uddannelse vedkommende har, samt hvad personens unikke initialer er.
(Det er disse initialer, der anvendes p˚a donoroplysningskortene.) Det er ikke nødvendigt at
gemme oplysninger om tidligere ansættelser, hvis personen har været ansat flere gange. For
bioanalytikere skal der yderligere gemmes information om, hvorvidt de har uddannelses-
funktion eller ej. For læger skal der yderligere gemmes information om, hvilke specialer de
har (f.eks. genetik eller mikrobiologi). For sygeplejersker skal der ikke gemmes yderligere
Den sidste type af information, der skal gemmes i systemet, omhandler blodportionerne.
For hver blodportion skal det registreres, hvilken tapning portionen stammer fra, hvorn˚ar
tapningen fandt sted, hvilken blodtype det drejer sig om, og hvad blodprocenten er. N˚ar
en blodportion sendes til en afdeling p˚a et andet sygehus, skal leverancen registreres, s˚a
man efterfølgende kan se hvor portionerne blev sendt hen, og hvorn˚ar det skete. Til brug
ved leverancerne skal systemet registrere navn og adresse for alle sygehuse, der aftager blod
fra Sengeløse Blodbank, samt navn p˚a den person p˚a hver afdeling, der er ansvarlig for
modtagelse af blod.
2 Normalisering (10%)
I denne opgave betragter vi relationen Behandler, der indeholder information om medicinske
behandlere, og hvilke sygdomme de behandler:
Hver behandler har en unik id, og desuden præcis ´en registreret adresse. Til ethvert
postnummer svarer netop ´et bynavn. En behandler kan have mere end ´et speciale, men
i hver by er der højst ´en behandler med et givet speciale. En sygdom hører til præcis ´et
speciale, men et speciale kan dække mange sygdomme.
a) Angiv alle kandidatnøgler i Behandler. Redegør for eventuelle antagelser om, hvordan
data kan se ud.
b) Foretag normalisering af Behandler til 3. normalform. Angiv det resulterende rela-
tionsskema, samt hvilke funktionelle afhængigheder, der er anvendt ved normaliseringen.
Eventuelle antagelser om, hvordan data kan se ud, skal ogs˚a angives.
3 SQL (30 %)
Denne opgave omhandler SQL forespørgsler p˚a Behandler relationen fra opgave 2. (Be-
mærk at forespørgslerne skal være p˚a Behandler og alts˚a ikke p˚a de normaliserede re-
lationer fra spørgsm˚al 2.b.) Ved løsningen skal du bruge oplysningerne fra opgave 2 om
indholdet i Behandler. Betragt flg. SQL forespørgsler:
1: SELECT speciale
FROM Behandler
WHERE postnr=1000 AND sygdom=’hundegalskab’;
2: SELECT speciale
FROM Behandler
WHERE postnr=1000 AND id IN (SELECT id
FROM Behandler
WHERE sygdom=’hundegalskab’);
a) Giv en kort forklaring i ord p˚a, hvad de to forespørgsler returnerer herunder hvad
der er forskellen mellem dem.
I kurset har vi stiftet bekendtskab med SQLs COUNT(*) funktion, der bruges til at tælle
tupler. SQL har desuden funktionen COUNT (DISTINCT <attribut>), der bruges til at
tælle antallet af forskellige værdier af en attribut.
b) Skriv en SQL forespørgsel, der returnerer en relation med tre attributter: Der skal
være et tupel for hvert speciale i Behandler med angivelse af antallet af behandlere og
antallet af forskellige sygdomme indenfor specialet.
Antag at vi nu yderligere har relationen Patient(id,sygdom,behandler id), der inde-
holder information om patienter, hvilke(n) sygdom(me) de har, og for hver sygdom hvilken
behandler (fra Behandler relationen), de er henvist til.
c) Skriv en SQL forespørgsel der returnerer id for de patienter, der (fejlagtigt) er henvist
til en behandler, som ikke ifølge Behandler kan behandle deres sygdom.
For at forebygge fejlagtige referencer ønskes det at erstatte Patient med relationen
Patient2(id,sygdom,behandler by). Id´een er, at {sygdom,behandler by} bruges som
fremmednøgle. (Da der kun er ´en behandler for hve r sygdom i hver by, kan man referere
til en unik behandler p˚a denne m˚ade.)
d) Skriv en SQL kommando, der opretter relationen Patient2, og erklærer ovennævnte
fremmednøgle. Skriv herefter en eller flere SQL kommandoer, der indsætter informationen
fra Patient i Patient2, s˚aledes at alle patienter beholder deres behandler(e). Patienter
og sygdomme, der ikke er henvist til en kvalificeret behandler, indsættes med værdien
NULL p˚a attributten behandler by.
4 Transaktioner (15 %)
Relationen Seats(seatID,class,reserved) bruges til at h˚andtere sædereservationer i et
fly. Den indeholder er tupel for hvert sæde, og attributten reserved er 0 eller 1 afhængigt
af, om sædet er ledigt eller reserveret. 15 minutter før afgang lukkes der for reservationer til
business class ved at eventuelle ledige sæder p˚a business class bliver overført til kunder p˚a
“economy plus”. Nedenst˚aende transaktion (skrevet i Oracle SQL) foretager overførslen,
ved hjælp af to relationer FreeBusinessSeats(seatID,reserved) og Upgrades(seatID),
der bruges til at gemme mellemresultater.
1. DELETE FROM FreeBusinessSeats;
2. DELETE FROM Upgrades;
3. INSERT INTO FreeBusinessSeats (SELECT seatID, reserved FROM Seats
WHERE class=’business’ AND reserved=0);
WHERE class=’economy plus’ AND reserved=1)
WHERE rownum<=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FreeBusinessSeats));
5. UPDATE FreeBusinessSeats SET reserved=1
WHERE rownum<=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Upgrades);
6. UPDATE Seats SET reserved=0 WHERE seatID IN (SELECT * FROM Upgrades);
7. UPDATE Seats SET reserved=1
WHERE (seatID,1) IN (SELECT seatID,reserved FROM FreebusinessSeats);
Forklaring: De først to SQL sætninger sletter evt. gamle mellemresultater. Linie 3 ind-
sætter de ledige business class sæder i relationen FreeBusinessSeats. I linie 4 udvælges
reservationer p˚a “economy plus”, som skal opgraderes. Antallet af opgraderinger holdes
under antallet af ledige pladser ved brug af rownum variablen, der returnerer nummeret p˚a
den aktuelle række. Linie 5 markerer det rette antal ledige sæder i FreeBusinessSeats
som reserverede. I linie 6 og 7 overføres informationen om de nye reservationer til Seats
a) Antag at ovenst˚aende transaktion kører p˚a SQL isoleringsniveau READ COMMITTED.
Argument´er for, at hvis der samtidig foretages en reservation p˚a en business class plads
(dvs. en transaktion, der ændrer en reserved værdi fra 0 til 1), kan der forekomme en
dobbeltbooking, dvs. at antallet af reserverede sæder er mindre end antallet af passagerer.
P˚a grund af ovenst˚aende problem er det oplagt at overveje et højere isoleringsniveau. Vi
betragter SQLs REPEATABLE READ og SERIALIZABLE, samt “snapshot isolation” beskrevet
i artiklen A Critique of ANSI SQL Isolation Levels.
b) Overvej for hver af de tre ove nnævnte isoleringsniveauer, hvorvidt der kan forekomme
en dobbeltbooking. Argument´er for dine svar.
5 Indeksering (15 %)
De to forespørgsler angivet i opgave 3 refererer til attributterne speciale, postnr, sygdom
og id. For at forbedre forespørgslernes køretid kan det overvejes at oprette et eller flere
indekser. Denne opgave g˚ar ud p˚a at vurdere forskellige muligheder for indeksering.
a) Vurd´er for hver af de fire ovennævnte attributter effekten af at have et indeks p˚a denne
attribut som eneste indeks. Det skal angives hvilke af de to forespørsgler (om nogen),
indekset vil gøre hurtigere. Hvad en den eller de bedste af disse muligheder, med henblik
p˚a at gøre begge forespørgsler hurtige? Argument´er for dit svar.
b) Betragt f ølgende fire muligheder for at lave et “composite” indeks:
CREATE INDEX idx1 ON Behandler(postnr,sygdom);
CREATE INDEX idx2 ON Behandler(sygdom,postnr);
CREATE INDEX idx3 ON Behandler(id,postnr);
CREATE INDEX idx4 ON Behandler(postnr,id);
Angiv hvilke af de to forespørgsler (om nogen), hvert indeks vil gøre hurtigere, hvis det
oprettes som eneste indeks.
c) Foresl˚a en kombination af to indekser, der f˚ar forespørgslerne til at køre s˚a hurtigt
som muligt, samlet set. Argument´er for dit valg.
Introduction to Databases
IT University of Copenhagen
January 7, 2005
This exam consists of 6 problems with a total of 16 questions. The weight of each
problem is stated. You have 4 hours to answer all 16 questions. If you cannot give a
complete answer to a question, try to give a partial answer. You may choose to write
your answer in Danish or English. Your answers should appear in the same order as the
corresponding questions. Remember to write the page number and your CPR-number on
each page of your written answer. The complete assignment consists of 5 numbered pages
(including this page).
GUW refers to Database Systems The Complete Book by Hector Garcia-Molina, Je
Ullman, and Jennifer Widom, 2002.
All written aids are allowed / Alle skriftlige hjælpemidler er tilladt.
1 Database design (20%)
Consider the following E/R diagram, modeling data about patients in a hospital:
Patients treats
a) Perform a conversion of the E/R diagram into relation schemas, using the method de-
scribed in GUW. You should eliminate relations that are not necess ary (e.g., by combining
Imagine you are given the task of integrating the database for the data of the E/R
diagram with a database used for managing beds. It has the following relational database
The Beds relation contains information on all beds in the hospital, including which room
they are in. It corresponds to the “Beds” entity set, plus one additional attribute. The
Rooms relation contains information ab out each room. Finally, the BedBookings relation
contains information about w hat beds will be used in future, planned hospitalizations. It
contains information on at most one hospitalization for each patient.
b) Integrate the relational database schema in the E/R diagram above, and draw the
complete E/R diagram. The resulting E/R diagram should have the property that it can
be converted into relations using the method described in GUW, so that the relations
Beds, Rooms, and BedBookings have exactly the above schemas.
2 Normalization (15%)
Consider the relations Beds, Rooms, and BedBookings from Problem 1. After questioning
the facilities management of the hospital, you have the following information about what
kind of data can occur in these relations:
The only key of Beds is (room
id,bed number).
All beds bought on the same date are of the same typ e.
All beds in the same room were bought on the same date.
The only key of Rooms is (room id).
Rooms of the same typ e can have dierent capacities.
There can be rooms of dierent types with the same capacity.
The only key of BedBookings is (room
id,bed number,patient cpr).
The attribute to date is either NULL or larger than from date.
a) Based on the above information, give an example of redundancy and an example of
an update anomaly in the relations.
b) Identify all avoidable functional dep endencies in the three relation schemas (i.e.,
nontrivial functional dependencies that do not have a superkey on the left hand side).
c) Based on the functional dependencies from b), perform a decomposition of the relations
into BCNF.
3 Transactions (10%)
Relation BedBookings from Problem 1 has three types of transactions performed on it:
1. Booking a bed. This involves finding a bed in Beds that only occurs in BedBookings
with to date before a certain date, and using it for a new tuple in BedBookings.
2. Signing out a patient, i.e., setting the to date attribute to a certain date.
3. Gathering statistics, i.e., computing an aggre gate on the relation.
a) Suggest an appropriate SQL isolation level for each type of transaction. Argue in
favour of your choices.
4 SQL and relational algebra (30%)
Consider the relations Beds, Rooms, and BedBookings from Problem 1.
a) Write an SQL query that computes the total capacity of all rooms where type is ’T’.
b) Write a query in SQL that computes the room ids and types of rooms with at least
one bed having buy date < ’1990’. (If desired, you may use the fact from Problem 2
that all beds in the same room were bought on the same date.)
Consider the following SQL expression:
UPDATE BedBookings
SET room_id=NULL, bed_number=NULL
WHERE (room_id,bed_number) IN (SELECT room_id,bed_number
WHERE type=’OLD’);
c) Give a short and precise explanation of what changes are performed on the data when
the above expression is run.
d) Write an SQL statement that sets the capacity of every room in Rooms to the number
of beds that are currently in the room (as registered in the Beds relation).
e) Write relational algebra expressions corresponding to the SQL of questions a) and b).
5 OLAP (10%)
This problem concerns the construction of a relational OLAP system for data about trac.
Data for the system comes from a sensor that registers passing vehicles, and measures their
speed and their type (“bike”, “car”, “van”, or “truck”). The sensor data is combined with
information about the time and day of week, and the weather (“snowy”, “rainy”, or “dry”).
a) Identify the facts, measures and dimensions to be used in an OLAP system for the
trac data.
b) Give a star schema for the data.
6 SQL privileges (15%)
Consider the relation BedBookings from Problem 1. Suppose that it is created by the user
dba, who executes the following statements:
GRANT DELETE ON BedBookings TO adm;
Subsequently, the user adm executes these statements (some of which may result in error
messages from the DBMS):
GRANT SELECT ON BedBookings TO doc;
GRANT UPDATE(from_date,to_date) ON BedBookings TO doc WITH GRANT OPTION;
GRANT DELETE ON BedBookings TO doc;
a) State what kinds of rights (SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE) the user doc has on the
relation BedBookings.
Now assume that the user dba executes the following statements (some of which may result
in error messages from the DBMS):
REVOKE UPDATE(from_date) ON BedBookings FROM adm CASCADE;
b) State the rights of the user doc after the above REVOKE statements.
The following SQL query returns all tuples in BedBookings concerning female patients,
omitting the patient cpr attribute. (It uses the fact that females have even CPR num-
SELECT room_id,bed_number,from_date,to_date
FROM BedBookings
WHERE (patient_cpr%2=0);
c) Write SQL statements that, if executed by the user dba, allows the user public to
retrieve the information produced by the above query, but does not allow public to access
any CPR numbers, or any tuples concerning males. Hint: First define a view.
Introduction to Databases
IT University of Copenhagen
January 20, 2004
This exam consists of 6 problems with a total of 12 questions. The weight of each
problem is stated. You have 4 hours to answer all 12 questions. If you cannot give a
complete answer to a question, try to give a partial answer. You may choose to write your
answer in Danish or English. Remember to write the page numbe r, your name, and your
CPR-number on each page of your written answer. The complete assignment consists of 5
numbered pages (including this page).
GUW refers to Database Systems The Complete Book by Hector Garcia-Molina, Je
Ullman, and Jennifer Widom, 2002.
All written aids are allowed / Alle skriftlige hjælpemidler er tilladt.
1 Database design (25%)
This problem has two unrelated parts. In the first part we consider the task of designing
a database for characters in the Lord of the Rings books. The Tolkien trilogy contains
characters belonging to many dierent people, e.g., hobbits, elves, dwarves, and men. The
database should record:
The name of each character, and the people he/she belongs to (you may assume that
there is exactly one such people for each character).
The places in the books (volume and page number) featuring this character. (The
page number would refer to a specific edition.)
For every pair of characters, the places in the book where these two characters meet.
For each people, information on what place(s) it resides in (or has resided in), in-
cluding the start (and possibly the end) of the period of residence.
For example, it should be recorded that the elves resided in Rivendell since the Second
Age, and that Bilbo Baggins and Frodo Baggins are hobbits, and meet on page 3, say, of
volume 1.
a) Draw an E/R diagram for the database. Rememb er to include appropriate keys and
constraints. Emphasis should be put on using the design principles described in GUW.
In the second part we consider the following E/R diagram:
Students Courses
b) Perform a conversion of the E/R diagram into relation schemas, using the method
described in GUW. You should combine relations when possible. Write SQL statements
to create the relations, including key constraints. The attributes sid, cid, tid, and grade
should be of type integer, and the remaining attributes text strings of length at most 30.
2 SQL queries and relational algebra (25%)
Consider the following relation schemas, used for examples in GUW:
We assume (as in GUW) that the title and year uniquely identify a movie, and that the
name uniquely identifies a movie star. Consider the following SQL queries, Q1 and Q2:
Q1: SELECT DISTINCT title, studioName
FROM Movie, StarsIn
WHERE starname=’Meryl Streep’ AND
title=movietitle AND
Q2: SELECT DISTINCT title, studioName
FROM Movie, StarsIn, (SELECT starname
FROM StarsIn
HAVING count(*)>10
GROUP BY starname) Productive
WHERE title=movietitle AND
year=movieyear AND
a) Give a description in words of what each of the queries computes. Emphasis should
be put on giving a short and clear description.
b) Write a relational algebra expression (us ing extended operators if needed) correspond-
ing to each of the queries. You may use the aggregation operator COUNT(*) to obtain a
count of all tuples. Hint: First rewrite the subquery to avoid the HAVING clause.
The following SQL query computes the title and year of all color movies in the database
from before 1939:
SELECT title, year
FROM Movie
WHERE year<1939 AND inColor=1;
c) Write a sequence of SQL statements that permanently remove from the database
information on all color movies from bef ore 1939, and all actors in the database starring
only in such movies.
3 Indexing (10%)
Consider again query Q1 of Problem 2.
a) Suggest an index which could speed up Q1, and write SQL (using the syntax presented
in GUW) to create the index.
Suppose that Q1 takes 100 ms with an index, and 1100 ms without an index (at that
the size of the relations is not changing to o much, so this number can be regarded as fixed).
Also, assume that updating the index takes 100 ms per update (insertion or deletion).
b) How many updates must there be for each query before the time used for updating
the index exceeds the time saved on queries.
4 Normalization (15%)
Consider the following instance of a relation R:
saleID salesman regNo make office
42 B. Honest VY 34718 Opel City
53 W. Gates PQ 11112 Ford Redwood
87 B. Honest MX 32781 Ford City
99 L. R. Harald AB 12345 Porche City
The functional dependencies of R, not including trivial ones, are:
1. saleID salesman regNo make office
2. salesman office
3. regNo make
a) Decompose the relation into B CNF. For each step of the decomposition procedure,
state what functional dependency it is based on, and give the relation schemas after the
step has been carried out.
b) State the relation instances in your BCNF schema corresponding to the above instance
of R. Give an example of an update anomaly of the original relation schema that has been
eliminated in the BCNF schema.
5 Database constraints (15%)
We again consider the relation schemas from Problem 2. In this problem we suppose that
the schema for StarsIn contains the declarations
FOREIGN KEY (movietitle,movieyear) REFERENCES Movie(title,year) ON DELETE CASCADE,
and that corresponding UNIQUE constraints are set on Movie and MovieStar.
a) Explain what happens, if anything, to maintain the referential integrity constraints
in each of the following cases:
1. A tuple in Movie is deleted.
2. A tuple in MovieStar is deleted.
3. A tuple in StarsIn is deleted.
Suppose we issue the SQL command:
INSERT INTO StarsIn VALUES (’Total Recall’,1990,’Arnold Schwarzenegger’);
b) Explain what is the result of the insertion command in each of the following cases:
1. The movie Total Recall does not exist in Movie.
2. The name Arnold Schwarzenegger does not exist in MovieStar.
6 Transactions (10%)
Consider the following three transactions on the relation students(name,grade):
Transaction A
INSERT INTO students VALUES (’F. Student’,5);
INSERT INTO students VALUES (’A. Student’,13);
INSERT INTO students VALUES (’C. Student’,8);
Transaction B
UPDATE students SET grade=grade+1 WHERE grade<11 AND grade>3;
Transaction C
UPDATE students SET grade=3 WHERE grade=5;
a) Suppose that the transactions run more or less simultaneously at isolation level READ
COMMITTED, and that students is initially empty. List all 4 possible instances of students
after all transactions have committed (assuming that no transaction is rolled back).
Introduction to Databases
IT University of Copenhagen
Trial exam, Fall 2003
This exam consists of 6 problems with a total of 12 questions. The weight of each
problem is stated. You have 4 hours to answer all 12 questions. If you cannot give a
complete answer to a question, try to give a partial answer. You may choose to write your
answer in Danish or English. Remember to write the page number, your name, and your
CPR-number on each page of your written answer. The complete assignment consists of 5
numbered pages (including this page).
GUW refers to Database Systems The Complete Book by Hector Garcia-Molina, Je
Ullman, and Jennifer Widom, 2002
All written aids are allowed / Alle skriftlige hjælpemidler er tilladt.
1 Database design (25%)
This problem has two unrelated parts. In the first part we consider the task of designing a
database for a book club. The club has a selection of books for sale to its members. There
is a “book of the month” every month, which is automatically shipped to all members
who have not cancelled the shipment before a certain date. The database should contain
information about:
The selection of books, including information on titles, authors, publishers, and ISBN
numbers (each book has a unique ISBN number).
The members, including information on names, addresses, and payment due.
The books selected as “book of the month”.
Which books have been shipped to each customer, and in what quantity.
Which “books of the month” have been cancelled by each customer.
a) Draw an E/R diagram for the database. Emphasis should be put on using the design
principles of GUW section 2.2. Remember to include appropriate keys and constraints.
In the second part we consider the following E/R diagram:
b) Perform a conversion of the E/R diagram into relation schemas, using the method
described in GUW. You should combine relations when possible. Write SQL statements
to create the relations, including key constraints. Assume that all attributes are integers.
2 Normalization (15%)
Consider the following instance of a relation R:
student course grade address
William Gates Operating systems 6 Microsoft Way 1
Jakob Nielsen User interfaces 8 Silicon Valley 22
Mads Tofte IT Management 10 Glentevej 67
Jakob Nielsen User interfaces 8 Glentevej 38
William Gates Intro. to databases 7 Microsoft Way 1
Steve Jobs Intro. to databases 10 Apple Drive 10
Steve Jobs Operating systems 10 Apple Drive 10
The functional and multivalued dependencies of a relation schema can be determined
only from knowledge of the data that the relation is supposed to contain. However, from
a given relation instance we may be able to say that a given FD or MVD does not hold.
a) Which of the following functional dependencies can be seen to not hold for R:
student address, address student, course grade.
Argue in each case why a functional dependency is possible or impossible.
b) Which of the following multivalued dependencies can be seen to not hold for R:
student address, address student, course grade.
Argue in each case why a multivalued dependency is possible or impossible.
3 SQL queries and relational algebra (20%)
Again consider the relation R from Problem 2. The following SQL query is used in the
statistics oce:
SELECT student, avg(grade) AS GPA
HAVING count(*) > 1
GROUP BY student;
a) What is the result of the query when run on the instance of R from Problem 2?
Describe in words what the query computes in general.
b) Rewrite the query to avoid the HAVING clause. That is, write an equivalent SQL query
that does not contain the keyword HAVING. Hint: Create a new attribute to contain a
count of tuples, and select those tuples where this attribute has value > 1.
c) Write an expression in relational algebra which is equivalent to the above query.
Hint: Use your answer from b).
4 Authorization (15%)
The user alice has just created a relation R(user,info), and issues the following SQL
Consider the following SQL commands:
1. SELECT * FROM alice.R WHERE user=’claire’;
2. INSERT INTO alice.R VALUES (’claire’,’clairvoyant’);
3. GRANT SELECT ON alice.R TO dorothy;
a) State for each of the three users bob, claire, and dorothy, which of the above SQL
commands he/she has autorization to execute.
Now assume that bob executes the command
and alice then executes the command
b) Again, state for each of the three users bob, claire, and dorothy, which of the above
SQL commands he/she has autorization to execute at this point.
5 Transactions (10%)
Consider the following three transactions on the relation accounts(no,balance,type):
Transaction A
UPDATE accounts SET balance=balance*1.02 WHERE type=’savings’;
UPDATE accounts SET balance=balance*1.01 WHERE type=’salary’ AND balance<0;
UPDATE accounts SET balance=balance*1.07 WHERE type=’salary’ AND balance>0;
Transaction B
UPDATE accounts SET type=’salary’ WHERE no=12345;
Transaction C
UPDATE accounts SET balance=balance-1000 WHERE no=12345;
The purpose of Transaction A is to add interest to the balance of accounts, depending on
the type and balance. Transaction B changes the type of a particular account. Transaction
C makes a withdrawal from a particular account.
a) Suppose that the transactions are run more or less simultaneously at isolation level
READ COMMITTED. What results of running the transactions are possible in this case, but
not if the transactions had been run at isolation level SERIALIZABLE?
6 Database eciency (15%)
You are appointed the administrator of a new DBMS that is used to register business
transactions of a large multinational company, for use by the top management. Every day
about 10,000 new business transactions are registered, and there are about 10 queries for
old business transactions (identified by a transaction code). Having learnt about indexes
on IDB, you consider placing an index on the transaction code to speed up queries. A full
table scan processes 10,000 business transactions per second, while an index lookup can be
done in 100 ms. The time used to insert is 40 ms without an index, and 100 ms with an
a) With 100,000 business transactions registered, what is the daily processing time (reg-
istering new + looking up old business transactions) with and without an index?
b) When will it become an advantage (in terms of total processing time) to use an index?