Inside this Issue
The Newsletter of the North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors
North Carolina Bulletin
November 2023 Fall Issue
Ethics ......................................... 2
CPC Rule Changes ............................. 3
Renewals for 2024 ............................. 3
Protecting First Responders ....................4
Departing Member Dinner..................... 6
New Board Member ........................... 7
Exam Changes 2024 ........................... 7
Board Actions ................................. 8
Member Notes ................................12
The North Carolina Bulletin over the years has included many
articles written that discuss Ethics in our profession. The articles
were written by past Board members including Linda Thurman
2018, Glenn Haynes 2011, Teresa Helmlinger Ratcli 2010, George
Freeman 2006, and others. In addition, the North Carolina Board
Sta continues to provide training on Ethics in programs oered to
licensees throughout the year. When you look over the Disciplinary
Actions found in the Bulletin you nd that the Board Action often
includes a requirement that the licensee take an Ethics course (the
Board has often heard from disciplined licensees that have taken
the Ethics course that the course is challenging and very good in
content). At a recent National Council of Examiners for Engineering
and Surveying (NCEES) annual meeting, which was attended by
Board members from throughout the United States, two of the
program sessions included Ethics.
The North Carolina Board believes Ethics are very important and
has recently revised the continuing professional competency rules,
eective as of the 2024 license renewal, that licensees will need
at least 1 (one) Professional Development Hour (PDH) in Ethics or
Rules of Professional Conduct.
So, what are Ethics? Are Morals and Ethics the same thing? Ethics
refer to rules provided by an external source, Morals refer to an
individual’s own principles regarding right and wrong. The Rules
of Professional Conduct NCAC 56.0701 is a good place to start for
professional engineers and surveyors to understand their Ethical
obligations. Every licensee is encouraged to read the complete
Rules. The main headings in the Rules include:
(a) The rules are binding upon every person holding a certicate
of licensure.
(b) Conduct the practice in order to protect the public health,
safety, and welfare.
(c) Perform services only in areas of the licensees competence.
(d) Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful
(e) Avoid conicts of interest.
(f) Solicit or accept work only on the basis of qualications.
(g) Perform services in an ethical and lawful manner.
(h) A licensee who has received a disciplinary action by another
jurisdiction is subject to discipline by the North Carolina Board.
How does a licensee know if a situation and an action are ethically
right or wrong? One action is to communicate between all those
involved. Often the Board has found that an action by the licensee
was done without any communication or there has been poor
communication that has resulted in misunderstanding of the intent
by both parties.
Sometimes it seems that an ethical situation could have been
avoided if the licensee had asked another licensee for their opinion
on how to handle a situation. We are a self-regulating organization
that holds each other to high Ethical Standards. Although engineers
and surveyors are sometimes said not to be the most extroverted
people, we are really dependent on others for the quality of our
work and depend on the ties of our peers in the profession to
maintain and strengthen our professional Ethics. These professional
ties may include others where we work, members we associate
with in one of the professional organizations or in community
service organization we participate in. All of these are invaluable to
strengthen and maintain our Ethics.
The Board sta is always available to discuss an Ethical situation.
We should remember that the Board sta is a great resource that
licensees should take advantage of. As many of you know, David
Tuttle, board counsel for many years, has recently retired and has
taught endless classes on Ethics throughout his career. Fortunately,
David has agreed to continue to support the Board’s outreach
program and oer Ethics training to our licensees. In addition to
David’s outreach eorts, Mike Benton, emeritus member of the
North Carolina Board, is also providing Ethics programs throughout
the state.
Ethics are a way of living. It requires us to be truthful, fair and
honest. Ethics are paramount in our profession to protect public
safety, health and welfare.
By Dennis K. Hoyle, PE, PLS
North Carolina Bulletin
Published to provide news and information
regarding statutory and regulatory changes
and to promote a better understanding of the
practices of engineering and land surveying in
the State of North Carolina.
Board Oce
4601 Six Forks Road, Suite 310
Raleigh, NC 27609
(919) 791-2000
Andrew L. Ritter Executive Director
Board Members – 2023
Dennis K. Hoyle, PE, PLS Chair
Cedric D. Fairbanks, PhD, PE Vice Chair
Brenda L. Moore, PE Secretary
Jonathan S. Care, Public
Toynia E.S. Gibbs, PLS
Vinod K. Goel, PhD, PE
John M. Logsdon, PLS
Carol W. Salloum, Public
Andrew G. Zoutewelle, PLS
Committee Chairs – 2023
Vinod K. Goel, PhD, PE Engineering
Carol W. Salloum CPC
John M. Logsdon, PLS Surveying
Editing and Design
Nicole Scarborough Editor / Content Manager
Angelas Graphx Graphic Design
Renewals for 2024
The 2024 license renewal window opens on December 1, 2023.
The Board no longer mails paper license renewal forms. The Board will e-mail
your 2024 renewal notice on December 1, 2023, to the e-mail you have listed
in the NCBELS Licensee Portal.
The Board will send multiple Constant Contact e-mail notices during the
renewal process to notify you to renew. Please be sure your e-mail address is
up to date. You can make changes to your e-mail through the Licensee Portal
on the Board’s web site (
Licensees can renew their PE and PLS licenses online and pay by credit card or
complete the renewal online and select the pay by check option. If you use the
pay by check option, the renewal is not complete until payment is processed
by the Board.
For questions about license renewals, please contact Stephanie Bryant
CPC Rule Changes
Eective as of the 2024 license renewal (license renewal opens on
December 1, 2023), licensees will need at least 1 Professional Development
Hour (PDH) in Ethics or Rules of Professional Conduct. The course or
activity must contain content areas concerning:
the awareness of ethical concerns and conicts;
an enhanced familiarity with codes of conduct;
an understanding of standards of practice or care;
project management and risk-assessment management; or
other similar topics aimed at maintaining, improving, or
expanding the skill sets and knowledge relevant to conducting
the practice of the profession so as to protect the health, safety,
and welfare of the public.
In addition, Professional Land Surveyors will need to obtain 1 PDH in the
Standards of Practice for Land Surveying. The course or activity must
contain content areas related to Standards of Practice for Land Surveying
in Section .1600 of the Board Rules.
Additionally, a revision to Board Rule .1705(f) now allows for licensees
to earn up to 2 PDHs annually for active participation in accrediting
organizations in addition to professional or technical societies. This credit
is limited to 2 PDHs per society or organization and it requires that a
licensee serve as an ocer or participate in a committee or accreditation
visits. PDH credits are not earned until the end of each year of service is
The Rules now also allow for credit to be earned for active participation in
educational outreach activities pertaining to professional licensure or the
surveying/engineering professions that involve K–12 or higher education
students. Licensees are limited to claiming up to 3 PDHs annually for this
Compliance with the Continuing Professional Competency (CPC)
requirements is determined through the random CPC audit process.
Additional information about the CPC requirements can be found on
the Board’s website on the Continuing Education page to include FAQs.
Licensees with questions about the requirements should contact Martha
Michalowski at [email protected].
Its fall in the Carolinas, and hurricane season is waning. As summer
transitioned into fall and the leaves began to turn, many of us
prepared for the upcoming storms. For most of us, stocking up
on ashlight batteries was the reasonable level of preparedness
and, for some, generators and plywood and evacuation plans
were in order. However, there was yet another group improving
their preparedness for the storms. They readied their gear, trained,
scheduled their availability for deployment and communicated
with their employers and clients about potential unscheduled
absences from their practices. They are your Professional Engineer
colleagues who serve as Emergency Response Engineers and
Structures Specialists locally and throughout the state.
These Professional Engineers (PE) embed within rst responders
and Urban Search And Rescue (USAR) task forces to provide
engineering consultation during incident response and disaster
Initially, years ago, Structures Specialists (StS) within USAR task
forces were tasked with performing structural assessments during
structural collapse rescue and recovery operations with duties
including estimating number of potential victims, areas of potential
survivability, structural hazard identication and mitigation, and
providing structural redundancy through shoring of damaged
structural components. StS also assessed bridges post-earthquake
and post-ooding to assist in the logistics for USAR operations
in moving into and through disaster areas. StS role later grew
to include the use of GPS and “hasty assessments of structures
for wide area search and rescue, such as in a post-hurricane
response. During earthquake response, slope failure, or dam failure,
which often is a huge threat to public safety post-hurricane, a
geotechnical component to the StS role was incorporated, and in
one case hydrology through estimating the times of peak ooding
for planning emergency response has also been part of the StS role.
As local re departments and state emergency managers
comprised many of the USAR task force leadership, they began
incorporating PEs into their local responses. The PEs role when
embedded within local response has grown as command learned
that PEs are, at their core, are problem solvers. As an Emergency
Response Engineer, they respond to local incidents with an even
broader role including building explosion collapse, excavation and
trench collapses, retaining wall collapse, drowning victim recovery,
crane collapse, trapped rst responder rescues, and post-re victim
recovery when the structures integrity has been compromised.
Protecting First Responders
By George D. (Donnie) Barrier, PE
Cherylyn Henry, PE (rst row right in orange) and David Goodman, PE (back
center in orange) before demobilization of NC TF-3 from deployment to
Hurricane Florence 28SEP18 (image courtesy of Charlotte Fire Department,
NC TF-3, and NC Department of Public Safety Division of Emergency
Chris Bathgate, PE inspecting a tower crane at Southpark re 23MAY23
(image courtesy of Charlotte Fire Department, NC TF-3, and NC DPS DEM).
continued on next page
In both cases, whether on a local response or a task force deployment,
the PE reports to the Incident Commander or Task Force Leader.
They make the command decisions, with the PE lling a consultant
role. The PEs perform the task assigned utilizing their experience,
expertise and engineering judgement. The Incident Commanders
and Task Force Leaders then, based on the PE’s recommendations,
direct the operations.
The PEs are essentially volunteers, training on their own time, and at
times at their volition and at their own expense. A nominal stipend
is paid as a State of NC employee under the NC Department of
Public Safety Division of Emergency Management during the PEs
actual response and deployment time. This is intended to aord the
PE workers’ compensation and professional liability coverage while
on duty, which extends liability mitigation beyond that allowed
by “Good Samaritan legislation. They receive highly specialized
training that builds upon their technical expertise and engineering
judgement potential. The fundamental training or StS1 is sponsored
by FEMA and The Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and is held
for a week in October at Moett Field, CA. There are additional
opportunities for training, such as the advanced training or StS2,
held for a week in May, also in CA. Then, there is regional training
held thrice annually at various locations throughout the US. These
training expenses are typically reimbursed by the North Carolina
Department of Health and Human Services Oce of Emergency
Medical Services. In addition, the NC cadre of Rescue Response
Engineers hold an annual or biannual training at various locations
on Saturdays in the summer and winter, annual or biannual
depends on the deployment load. This training is also sponsored
by the NCOEM, the hosting task force and local re department.
To those PEs who serve as Emergency Response Engineers and
Structures Specialists, this is the apex of their engineering careers.
Yes, we as PEs are duty bound to protect the public health and
safety, but rarely do we get the chance to have such a direct,
immediate, and profound consequence of our servitude. Yes, you
start out working outside of your comfort zone in which you have
been programmed to operate, and you have to make judgement
decisions on what at rst may appear to be a chaotic system,
well beyond the elastic zone”, with what information you have to
work with in hand, but that is understood by all the highly trained
rescue professionals you serve with, and you will employ sound
judgement, intuition and experience when it is desperately needed.
Yes, it is a commitment for your time and personal safety, but with
your training and experience when working with consummate
highly trained professionals in the re service, the time is cherished
and the risk is acceptable, managed in the company of the best of
the best.
If you are interested in applying your talents, experience, and desire
to serve the greater good, this is an opportunity to do so. There are
other opportunities, more post-disaster in nature, such as a second
responder performing damage assessments through NCSEAs
Structural Engineering Emergency Response (SEER) program, to
determine whether buildings in the post-disaster environment are
adequate for re-occupancy. If either opportunity is something you
would like to explore further, feel free to contact the author of this
George D. (Donnie) Barrier, PE
continued from previous page
Cherylyn Henry, PE (rst row right in orange) and David Goodman, PE (back
center in orange) before demobilization of NC TF-3 from deployment to
Hurricane Florence 28SEP18 (image courtesy of Charlotte Fire Department,
NC TF-3, and NC Department of Public Safety Division of Emergency
Dennis Hoyle and Mike Benton
is past spring, the Board held a Farwell Celebration for Richard “Mike” Benton, PLS.
Also honored was David S. Tuttle on his retirement.
In addition to the honorees, those in attendance at the festivities included current Board members, Emeritus Board
members, guest Board spouses and several sta members. Memories and humorous anecdotes were shared by current
Board members and Emeritus Board members.
Mr. Benton began his term in January 2013 to fill the Board
vacancy created by the departure of J. Glenn Haynes, PLS. Mr.
Benton was re-appointed in April 2018 with his term expiring
in December 2022. Mr. Benton served as Board Chair in 2017,
Vice Chair in 2016 and Secretary in 2015. Mr. Benton was also
the Surveying Committee Chair in 2014, 2016, 2019 and 2022.
Mr. Benton spoke fondly of his Board experience and service.
Mr. Hoyle presented him with a plaque and small gift.
Dennis Hoyle and David Tuttle
David S. Tuttle, who came to work with the Board on July 1, 1994,
retired on July 31, 2023. David’s 29-year tenure was celebrated with
a luncheon at the Board oce.
Board Chair Dennis K. Hoyle, PE, PLS welcomed everyone and
voiced his appreciation for David’s years of service. The full
board presented a plaque to David to recognize his service and
dedication to the engineering and surveying professions and the
citizens of North Carolina.
David will be missed by many, especially those that frequently
called upon him as a resource to answer rules and laws questions.
The Board and sta wish David the very best in retirement.
Eective July 1, 2024, this ratied bill allows a limited right of entry for professional land surveyors in certain circumstances and to
expedite plan review and authorize at-risk construction permitting for certain commercial and multifamily building projects.
General Assembly of North Carolina - Senate Bill 677
Wes Tripp joined the Board sta as Board Counsel on November 1, 2023. Wes is a graduate of Campbell University School of Law. He is a
cum laude graduate of the University of Tennessee. Prior to joining the Board Wes was an attorney at Young Moore Attorneys focusing
on occupational licensing boards and administrative law.
New Face at the Board
Toynia E.S. Gibbs, PLS, was appointed by Governor Roy Cooper on January 1, 2023, to ll the
vacancy created by the expiration of the term of Richard M. Benton, PLS on December 31, 2022.
Ms. Gibbs made history becoming the rst female surveyor to be appointed to the board. Her
term will expire on December 31, 2027. Toynia holds an AAS holds in Surveying Technology from
Coastal Carolina Community College and additional coarse work in Civil Engineering from NCSU.
She has been a licensed surveyor in North Carolina since January 17, 1997. She currently works as
the Survey Department Manager for the Morrisville, NC oce for ESP Associates, Inc.
Ms. Gibbs has been married to her husband Phil since 1997 and have three children together, and
currently resides in Cary.
Spring 2024 Exam Changes
Toynia E.S. Gibbs Named New NCBELS Board Member
PE StructuralThe PE Structural exam
had its last pencil-and-paper administration
in October 2023. Beginning November 1, 2023, examinees will be
able to register and schedule CBT appointments, which will be
available year-round for the Vertical and Lateral Forces breadth
sections. The exam administration for the Vertical and Lateral Forces
breadth sections will start on April 1, 2024. The April administration
will be a two-day event for the depth sections with the Vertical
Forces exam oered on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, and the Lateral
Forces exam oered on Wednesday, April 17, 2024. Examinees
may reserve their seat at a Pearson VUE test center once they are
registered with NCEES and approved by their board. Member
Boards who manually approve candidates are encouraged to
approve candidates as they register to allow them to reserve their
seat for the two-day depth section event as early as possible.
PE CivilThe PE Civil exam will have new specications and
design standards starting in April 2024. The specications were
posted in October 2023 on the NCEES website.
PE Control SystemsThe PE Control Systems exam will be
oered October 2023 and will shift its Linear Fixed Form (LFF)
administration to the Spring. The test date is Wednesday, April 17,
2024. Registration with NCEES for this exam began on November
1, 2023. Examinees may reserve their seat at a Pearson VUE test
center once they are registered with NCEES and approved by their
board. Member Boards who manually approve candidates are
encouraged to approve candidates as they register to allow them
to reserve their seat for this single-day event as early as possible.
PE Electrical and Computer: Electronics, Controls, and
CommunicationsThe PE Electrical and Computer: Electronics,
Controls, and Communications exam will be oered October 2023
and will shift its Linear Fixed Form (LFF) administration to the Spring.
The test date is Wednesday, April 17, 2024. Registration with NCEES
for this exam began on November 1, 2023. Examinees may reserve
their seat at a Pearson VUE test center once they are registered with
NCEES and approved by their board. Member Boards who manually
approve candidates are encouraged to approve candidates as they
register to allow them to reserve their seat for this single-day event
as early as possible.
PE Fire ProtectionThe PE Fire Protection exam will be oered
October 2023 and will shift its Linear Fixed Form (LFF) administration
to the Spring. The test date is Tuesday, April 16, 2024. Registration
with NCEES for this exam began on November 1, 2023. Examinees
may reserve their seat at a Pearson VUE test center once they are
registered with NCEES and approved by their board. Member
Boards who manually approve candidates are encouraged to
approve candidates as they register to allow them to reserve their
seat for this single-day event as early as possible.
If you have any questions about these changes or require additional
information, please contact Jason Gamble at [email protected]g.
Toynia E.S. Gibbs, PLS
CASE NO. V2021-024
Billy J. Roark, PE [027788]
Cary, NC
VIOLATION: Failed to conduct practice in order to protect the public
health, safety and welfare [.0701(b)]; failed to perform services in
an ethical and lawful manner [.0701(g)]; failed to cooperate fully
with the Board during an investigation [G.S. 89C-20]; and failed to
be completely objective and truthful in professional statements
during the investigation [.0701(d)(1)].
BOARD ACTION: Reprimand and suspend Engineering Certicate
of Licensure until proof of passing ethics course.
CASE NO. V2021-066
John W. Harris, PE [010742]
Raleigh, NC
VIOLATION: Failed to exercise adequate direct supervisory control
(responsible charge) [.0701(c)(3)]; failed to properly certify
documents by using a facsimile signature [.1103(a)(3)]; failed to
clearly indicate date of certication [.1103(a)(4)]; and failed to
include rm license number [.1103(b)(5)].
BOARD ACTION: Reprimand and $2,500 civil penalty.
CASE NO. V2021-104
K. Craig Manawes, PE [027235]
Abilene, TX
VIOLATION: Submitted false information on renewal forms
[G.S. 89C-23, .0701(d)(1)]; failed to comply with annual CPC
requirements [.1703, .1712]; failed to maintain logs and verication
records to support PDH credits [.1706]; and violated an Order of
the Board [G.S. 89C, .0701(b)].
BOARD ACTION: Reprimand, $5,000 civil penalty, suspend
Engineering Certicate of Licensure until proof of 10 additional
PDHs is furnished to the Board in addition to 15 PDHs to renew as
current and audit CPC for the next three years licensee renews as
CASE NO. V2022-009
Damon S. Howard, PE [032126]
Charlotte, NC
VIOLATION: Axed seal to inadequate design documents, failing
to protect the public [.0701(b)].
BOARD ACTION: Reprimand.
CASE NO. V2022-012
Aaron E. Moore [PLS No. L-5139 – Revoked] (Combined with
Wilmington, NC
VIOLATION: Failed to conduct practice in order to protect the
public health, safety and welfare [.0701(b)]; failed to perform
services in an ethical and lawful manner [.0701(g)]; axed seal
to work not done under direct supervisory control or responsible
charge [.0701(c)(3)]; failed to be completely objective and truthful
in professional statements [.0701(d)(1)] including to clients and
the Board; failed to cooperate fully with the Board in the course of
an investigation [G.S. 89C-20]; failed to conform to the Standards
of Practice for Land Surveying in North Carolina [.1600] and G.S.
47-30 Mapping Requirements; failed to properly reference north
arrow and noted an assumed bearing [.1604(d)(1), 47-30(f)(1)];
failed to make adequate investigation [.1602(a), (c)] by noting
survey based on legal description and not researching abutting
properties; failed to protect the public [.0701(b)] by improperly
limiting the surveyor’s certication; failed to properly indicate
name of owner in title of plat [.1604(d)(11), 47-30(c)(2)]; failed to
include correct name and license number of rm on documents
[.1103(a)(6), (b)(5)]; and failed to describe and date revisions
[.1103(a)(7), 47-30(c)(7)].
BOARD ACTION: Revoke Surveying Certicate of Licensure.
continued on next page
The following summaries represent actions taken by the Board. Penalties vary depending upon the specific circumstances of each case. Space
limitations preclude full reporting of all circumstances. The range of disciplinary actions includes: issuing a reprimand; suspend, refuse to renew,
refuse to reinstate, or revoke the certicate of licensure; require additional education; or, as appropriate, require reexamination; or levy a civil
penalty not in excess of $5,000 for any engineer or $2,000 for any land surveyor. Questions or requests for information concerning specic cases
should be directed to Wes Tripp, Board Counsel, at (919) 791-2000, extension 111 or via email at
continued from previous page
CASE NO. V2022-017
Mark D. Pruden [PLS No. L-3065 – Suspended]
Edenton, NC
VIOLATION: Failed to report the results of a survey as a map or report
of survey [.1602(f)]; failed to conduct practice in order to protect
the public health, safety and welfare [.0701(b)]; failed to conform
to the Standards of Practice for Land Surveying in North Carolina
[.1600] when making survey notations on a map by another PLS;
failed to properly certify document [.1103] as the work was not
certied by the PLS, it was not marked as preliminary, and it did
not contain address; performed an inaccurate or substandard
survey, failing to protect the public [.0701(b)] to include not having
an adequate tie to have established property corners [.1602(g),
.1604(d)(9)]; failed to make adequate investigation [.1602(a)];
and failed to include all relevant and pertinent information in
professional statements as to services being provided [.0701(d)].
BOARD ACTION: Suspend Surveying Certicate of Licensure for 12
CASE NO. V2022-019
Jon R. Vandergrift, PE [029506]
Harrisburg, NC
VIOLATION: Axed certication to inadequate design documents,
failing to protect the public [.0701(b)] and failed to properly
certify documents to include using a facsimile signature and not
certifying work [.1103(a)(1), (3)].
BOARD ACTION: Reprimand and $3,000 civil penalty.
CASE NO. V2022-020 (Combined with V2022-012)
Aaron E. Moore [PLS No. L-5139 – Revoked]
Wilmington, NC
VIOLATION: Failed to conduct practice in order to protect the
public health, safety and welfare [.0701(b)]; failed to perform
services in an ethical and lawful manner [.0701(g)]; axed seal
to work not done under direct supervisory control or responsible
charge [.0701(c)(3)]; failed to be completely objective and truthful
in professional statements [.0701(d)(1)] including to clients and
the Board; failed to cooperate fully with the Board in the course of
an investigation [G.S. 89C-20]; failed to conform to the Standards
of Practice for Land Surveying in North Carolina [.1600] and G.S.
47-30 Mapping Requirements; failed to properly reference north
arrow and noted an assumed bearing [.1604(d)(1), 47-30(f)(1)];
failed to make adequate investigation [.1602(a), (c)] by noting
survey based on legal description and not researching abutting
properties; failed to protect the public [.0701(b)] by improperly
limiting the surveyor’s certication; failed to properly indicated
name of owner in the title of plat [.1604(d)(11), 47-30(c)(2)]; failed
to include correct name and license number of rm on document
[.1103(a)(6), (b)(5)]; failed to describe and date revisions [.1103(a)
(7), 47-30(c)(7)]; and failed to report the results of a survey in a
clear and factual manner [.1602(f), .0701(d)(1)] by showing lot and
proposed easement corners as set when no actual surveying was
done and no irons set.
BOARD ACTION: Revoke Surveying Certicate of Licensure.
CASE NO. V2022-023
Guillermo D. Anzola [PLS No. L-4079 – Surrendered]
Charlotte, NC
VIOLATION: Violated an Order of the Board [G.S. 89C, .0701(b)] and
performed services outside area of competence [.0701(c)(3)].
BOARD ACTION: Voluntary and permanent surrender of Surveying
Certicate of Licensure.
CASE NO. V2022-025
Anthony L. Rentz, PE [040192]
Clover, SC
VIOLATION: Axed certication to work not done under direct
supervisory control or responsible charge [.0701(c)(3)] and
knowingly associated with an individual and rm that are not
properly licensed [.0701(g)(1)].
BOARD ACTION: Reprimand, $1,000 civil penalty, and ethics
CASE NO. V2022-032
Southeast Foundation & Crawl Space [Non-licensed]
Clinton, NC
VIOLATION: Practiced or oered to practice engineering in North
Carolina without being licensed with the Board in violation of G.S.
89C-23, 24, 57D and 55B.
BOARD ACTION: Issued letter to place company on notice that
practicing or oering to practice engineering without a license is a
violation of G.S. 89C-23, 24, 57D and 55B.
continued on next page
continued from previous page
continued on next page
CASE NO. V2022-036
Alfred Atef Takla, PE [047507]
Durham, NC
VIOLATION: Axed seal to work not done under direct supervisory
control or responsible charge [.0701(c)(3)]; failed to include address
on plans [.1103(a)(6)]; and failed to properly sign documents by
using a facsimile signature [.1103(a)(3)].
BOARD ACTION: Reprimand, $2,000 civil penalty, and ethics
CASE NO. V2022-037
Anthony J. Tarantino, PE [045478]
Massapequa Park, NY
VIOLATION: Disciplined by another jurisdiction [G.S. 89C, .0701(h)];
failed to notify the Board of the discipline within 30 days [.0505(a)];
and submitted false information on license renewal form [G.S.
89C-23, .0701(d)(1)].
BOARD ACTION: Reprimand.
CASE NO. V2022-039
Paul C. Gilham, PE [024262]
Portland, OR
VIOLATION: Produced an inadequate design and/or calculations,
failing to protect the public [.0701(b)] and knowingly associated
with rm that is not licensed as required by G.S. 89C-24 [.0701(g)
BOARD ACTION: Reprimand and $5,000 civil penalty.
CASE NO. V2022-050
The Colinas Group, Inc. [Non-licensed]
Lakeland, FL
VIOLATION: Practiced or oered to practice engineering and land
surveying without a license in violation of G.S. 89C-23, 24 and 55B.
BOARD ACTION: Board issued letter to place the company on
notice that practicing or oering to practice engineering and
land surveying in North Carolina without being licensed with the
Board, is a violation of G.S. 89C-23, 24, 55B.
CASE NO. V2022-051
Brandon J. Mosteller, PE [039164]
Lincolnton, NC
VIOLATION: Convicted of crimes involving moral turpitude [G.S.
BOARD ACTION: Suspend Engineering Certicate of Licensure
until licensee furnishes to the Board proof of completion and
satisfaction of all terms of court ordered probation.
CASE NO. V2022-052
Eric S. Tomczak, PE [032291]
Wilmington, NC
VIOLATION: Axed seal to work not done under direct supervisory
control or responsible charge [.0701(c)(3)] and aided or abetted
another to evade or attempt to evade the provisions of G.S. 89C
[G.S. 89C-16].
BOARD ACTION: Reprimand.
CASE NO. V2022-054
Afsar Hasan, PE [041082]
Euless, TX
VIOLATION: Disciplined by another jurisdiction [G.S. 89C, .0701(h)];
failed to notify the Board of the discipline within 30 days [.0505(a)];
and submitted false information on license renewal form [G.S.
89C-23, .0701(d)(1)].
BOARD ACTION: Reprimand and $1,000 civil penalty.
CASE NO. V2022-090
John M Kotilla, PLS [L-5319]
Bryson City, NC
VIOLATION: Performed an inaccurate or substandard survey,
failing to protect the public [.0701(b)]; failed to make adequate
investigation [.1602(a)]; and failed to perform services in an
ethical manner [.0701(g)] by not adequately communicating with
the owners the revision to the survey to reect dierent building
oset lines, which located the house partially within the building
oset area.
BOARD ACTION: Reprimand.
continued from previous page
CASE NO. V2023-006
Source Real Estate Solutions, LLC [Non-licensed]
Roxboro, NC
VIOLATION: Practiced or oered to practice land surveying without
a license as required by G.S. 89C-24, 57D and 55B.
BOARD ACTION: Issued letter to place the company on notice that
practicing or oering to practice land surveying in North Carolina
without being licensed, is a violation of G.S. 89C-24, 57D and 55B.
CASE NO. V2023-007
Ricky Mack Rigsbee, Jr. [Non-licensed]
Durham, NC
VIOLATION: Practiced or oered to practice land surveying without
a license as required by G.S. 89C-23.
BOARD ACTION: Issued letter to place the individual on notice that
practicing or oering to practice land surveying in North Carolina
without being licensed with the Board, is a violation of G.S. 89C-23.
CASE NO. V2023-008
Carlos E. Ferreira [PE No. 031765 – Suspended]
Boston, MA
VIOLATION: Disciplined by another jurisdiction [G.S. 89C, .0701(h)]
and failed to notify the Board of license discipline within 30 days
BOARD ACTION: Suspend Engineering Certicate of Licensure
through December 3, 2023, consistent with the period of
suspension in the Consent Agreement between licensee and the
Massachusetts Board of Registration of Professional Engineers.
CASE NO. V2023-015
E&O Building Consultants, LLC [Non-licensed]
Jacksonville, NC
VIOLATION: Practiced or oered to practice engineering without a
license with the Board as required by G.S. 89C-23, 24, 57D and 55B.
BOARD ACTION: Issued letter to place the company on notice that
practicing or oering to practice engineering in North Carolina
without being licensed with the Board is a violation of G.S. 89C-23,
24, 57D and 55B.
CASE NO. V2023-017
Jesse L. Dean, PE [051166]
Portland, OR
VIOLATION: Axed seal to work not done under direct supervisory
control or responsible charge [.0701(c)(3)]; aided or abetted
another to evade or attempt to evade the provisions of G.S. 89C
[G.S. 89C-16]; knowingly associated with a rm that is not properly
licensed to oer or provide engineering services [.0701(g)(1)];
failed to properly certify engineering documents [.1103(a)(3)(6),
(b)(3)(5)] by using a facsimile signature and failing to include rm
license number and proper name.
BOARD ACTION: Reprimand and $2,500 civil penalty.
CASE NO. V2023-041
Faisal Hussain [Non-licensed]
VIOLATION: Practiced or oered to practice engineering without
a license and presented or attempted to use the certicate of
licensure or seal of another in violation of G.S. 89C-23.
BOARD ACTION: Issued letter to place the individual on notice that
practicing or oering to practice engineering without a license
and presenting or attempting to use the certicate of licensure or
seal of another is a violation of G.S. 89C-23.
CASE NO. V2023-044
Hot Springs Pools, LLC [Non-licensed]
Greenville, SC
VIOLATION: Practiced or oered to practice engineering without a
license in violation of G.S. 89C-23, 24, 57D and 55B and presented
or attempted to use the certicate of licensure or seal of another
in violation of G.S. 89C-23.
BOARD ACTION: Issued letter to place company on notice that
practicing or oering to practice engineering without a license
is a violation of G.S. 89C-23, 24, 57D and 55B and presenting or
attempting to use the certicate of licensure or seal of another is a
violation of G.S. 89C-23.
continued on next page
Address Changes
Per Board Rule [21 NCAC 56.0505(a), .0606(a)], you are required to
provide the physical places of business and residential addresses.
You can still provide a PO Box for your mailing address. You can log in
to the Licensee Portal section on the Board’s website at anytime
to update your addresses and e-mail. Also, you are required to
give notice to the Board of a change of business or residential
address within 30 days of the change.
Business Firm Questions?
For any business rm questions, contact: Mark Mazanek,
Director of Firm Licensure, via email to [email protected] or by
phone at (919) 791-2000 x102.
Board Meetings
Meetings of the NC Board of Examiners for Engineers and
Surveyors are open to the public. Meetings are conducted at
the Board oce at 4601 Six Forks Road, Suite 310, Raleigh, NC
27609 (unless otherwise noted).
continued from previous page
CASE NO. V2023-045
Richard “Brett” Haynes [Non-licensed]
Greenville, SC
VIOLATION: Practiced or oered to practice engineering without
a license and presented or attempted to use the certicate of
licensure or seal of another in violation of G.S. 89C-23.
BOARD ACTION: Issued letter to place the individual on notice that
practicing or oering to practice engineering without a license
and presenting or attempting to use the certicate of licensure or
seal of another is a violation of G.S. 89C-23.
The Newsletter of the North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors
North Carolina Bulletin
The North Carolina Board of Examiners
for Engineers and Surveyors
4601 Six Forks Road, Suite 310
Raleigh, NC 27609
is available online at
Inside this Issue
The Newsletter of the North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors
North Carolina Bulletin
November 2023 Fall Issue
CPC Rules Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Renewals for 2024 ..............................2
Ethics ..........................................3
Protecting First Responders ....................4
Departing Member Dinner......................6
New Board Member ............................7
Exam Changes 2024 ............................7
Board Actions ...................................8
Member Notes ................................12