Referencing Approved
Drug Products in
ANDA Submissions
Guidance for Industry
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)
October 2020
Referencing Approved
Drug Products in
ANDA Submissions
Guidance for Industry
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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)
October 2020
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
I. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 2
II. BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................... 3
III. DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................... 4
A. Listed Drug ..................................................................................................................................... 4
B. Reference Listed Drug ................................................................................................................... 5
1. FDA’s Identification of Listed Drugs That Have Been Designated as RLDs .................................. 5
2. Choosing an RLD ............................................................................................................................. 6
3. The Role of an RLD in an ANDA ..................................................................................................... 7
4. Identification of the RLD in the Orange Book ................................................................................. 8
5. Changing the RLD ........................................................................................................................... 8
C. Reference Standard ....................................................................................................................... 9
1. Selection of a Reference Standard ................................................................................................... 9
2. Selection of a New Reference Standard ......................................................................................... 10
3. Requesting Selection of a Reference Standard .............................................................................. 11
D. Basis of Submission ...................................................................................................................... 11
1. Basis of Submission for an ANDA for a Generic Drug That Is a Duplicate of Its RLD ................ 12
2. Basis of Submission for a First Petitioned ANDA ......................................................................... 12
3. Basis of Submission for a Generic Drug That Is a Duplicate of a Drug Product Approved in a
Petitioned ANDA ................................................................................................................................ 13
APPENDIX 1: QUICK REFERENCE ..................................................................................... 14
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Referencing Approved Drug Products in ANDA Submissions
Guidance for Industry
This guidance represents the current thinking of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) on
this topic. It does not establish any rights for any person and is not binding on FDA or the public. You
can use an alternative approach if it satisfies the requirements of the applicable statutes and regulations.
To discuss an alternative approach, contact the FDA office responsible for this guidance as listed on the
title page.
This guidance is intended to provide information to potential applicants on how to identify a
reference listed drug (RLD), a reference standard, and the basis of submission in an abbreviated
new drug application (ANDA) submission.
Section 505(j) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) permits any person to
submit to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA or the Agency) an ANDA to seek approval to
market a generic drug.
FDA’s regulations use certain terms for products that relate to an
ANDA. In general, to obtain approval of an ANDA for a generic drug, an ANDA applicant first
must identify the previously approved drug product it seeks to duplicate, i.e., the reference listed
drug (RLD), and must show, among other things, that the generic drug is bioequivalent to the
RLD. A reference standard, which is selected by FDA, is the specific drug product that the
ANDA applicant must use in conducting any in vivo bioequivalence testing required to support
approval of its ANDA.
The reference standard selected by FDA is ordinarily the RLD.
However, there may be circumstances (e.g., when the RLD is no longer marketed) in which the
reference standard is a drug product other than the RLD. In addition, FDA regulations require an
ANDA applicant to include in an ANDA its “basis for ANDA submission” (referred to
hereinafter as basis of submission).
The basis of submission includes, among other things, the
name of the RLD.
A variety of factors has led to confusion among stakeholders on what the terms RLD, reference
standard, and basis of submission mean, and how ANDA applicants should use them. These
factors include the discontinued marketing of many approved drug products and FDA’s past
practice of identifying reference standards with the RLD symbol (“+”) in the printed version, and
This guidance has been prepared by the Office of Generic Drugs in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research at
the Food and Drug Administration in cooperation with the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research.
An ANDA includes all amendments and supplements to the application. 21 CFR 314.3(b).
Throughout this guidance we use the term generic drug to refer to a new drug product described in an ANDA
submitted under section 505(j) of the FD&C Act.
21 CFR 314.3(b).
21 CFR 314.94(a)(3).
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
with a “Yesunder the “RLD” column in the electronic version, of FDA’s Approved Drug
Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations (the Orange Book).
The purpose of this guidance is to address this confusion by explaining what these terms mean
and by clarifying the differences among them. This guidance provides recommendations on how
applicants can accurately use these terms in an ANDA, how persons can request FDA
designation of an RLD, and how persons can request FDA selection of a reference standard.
Because of the confusion regarding use of these terms up until now, previously issued CDER
guidances may not use these terms as we are clarifying them in this guidance.
In general, FDAs guidance documents do not establish legally enforceable responsibilities.
Instead, guidances describe the Agency’s current thinking on a topic and should be viewed only
as recommendations, unless specific regulatory or statutory requirements are cited. The use of
the word should in Agency guidances means that something is suggested or recommended, but
not required.
The process for obtaining approval to market an innovator drug approved under a new drug
application (NDA) differs from that for obtaining approval to market a generic drug under an
ANDA. An NDA for an innovator drug must contain, among other things, a demonstration of
the safety and effectiveness of the drug for the conditions of use for which approval is sought.
A 505(b)(1) application, also known as a stand-alone NDA, is an application that contains full
reports of investigations of safety and effectiveness that were conducted by or for the applicant
or for which the applicant has a right of reference or use (referred to hereinafter as a 505(b)(1)
NDA). A 505(b)(2) application is an NDA that contains full reports of investigations of safety
and effectiveness where at least some of the information required for approval comes from
studies not conducted by or for the applicant and for which the applicant has not obtained a right
of reference or use (e.g., published literature). An application submitted under section 505(b) is
approved under section 505(c) of the FD&C Act.
To obtain approval for a generic drug, an ANDA applicant is not required to provide independent
evidence of the safety and effectiveness of the proposed generic drug. Instead, the applicant
relies on FDA’s finding that a previously approved drug product, i.e., the RLD, is safe and
effective, and must demonstrate, among other things, that the proposed generic drug is the same
as the RLD in certain ways. Specifically, with limited exceptions described in this section, a
drug product for which an ANDA is submitted must have, among other things, the same active
ingredient(s), conditions of use, route of administration, dosage form, strength, and (with certain
permissible differences) labeling as the RLD.
An ANDA applicant also must demonstrate that
its proposed generic drug is bioequivalent to the RLD
and, if in vivo bioequivalence studies are
The Orange Book is available at
Section 505(b)(1) of the FD&C Act.
Section 505(j)(2)(A), (j)(2)(C), and (j)(4) of the FD&C Act; see also 21 CFR 314.94(a).
Section 505(j)(2)(A)(iv) of the FD&C Act.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
required for approval of the ANDA, the applicant must use the reference standard selected by
A generic drug must meet the same high standards of quality and manufacturing as drug
products approved under section 505(c) of the FD&C Act.
FDA’s approval of an ANDA for a generic drug that is a duplicate
of an RLD reflects the
Agency’s determination that the proposed generic drug is therapeutically equivalent to its RLD.
Therapeutic equivalents are approved drug products that are pharmaceutical equivalents for
which bioequivalence has been demonstrated, and that can be expected to have the same clinical
effect and safety profile when administered to patients under the conditions specified in the
To submit an ANDA for a generic drug that is not the same as its RLD because it has one
different active ingredient (in a fixed combination drug product), or has a different route of
administration, dosage form, or strength than that of the RLD, an applicant first must obtain
permission from FDA through the citizen petition process.
Such petitions are referred to as
suitability petitions. FDA will not approve a suitability petition if, for instance, investigations
must be conducted to show the safety and effectiveness of the proposed generic drug.
therapeutic equivalents must be pharmaceutical equivalents
, a generic drug for which FDA
permits a difference under an approved suitability petition (petitioned ANDA) is not
therapeutically equivalent to its RLD.
A. Listed Drug
FDA regulations define a listed drug as
a new drug product that has been approved under section 505(c) of the [FD&C Act] for safety
and effectiveness or under section 505(j) of the [FD&C Act], which has not been withdrawn or
suspended under section 505(e)(1) through (5) or section (j)(6) of the [FD&C Act], and which has
not been withdrawn from sale for what FDA has determined are reasons of safety or
See 21 CFR 314.3(b).
Section 505(j)(2)(A)(vi) of the FD&C Act.
The term duplicate generally refers to a “drug product that has the same active ingredient(s), dosage form,
strength, route of administration, and conditions of use as a listed drug.” See 54 FR 28872 at 28877 (July 10, 1989).
However, the term duplicate, as used in this context, does not mean identical in all aspects to the listed drug.
See 21 CFR 314.3(b). Pharmaceutical equivalents are drug products in identical dosage forms and route(s) of
administration that contain identical amounts of the identical active drug ingredient, i.e., the same salt or ester of the
same therapeutic moiety, or, in the case of modified-release dosage forms that require a reservoir or overage or such
forms as prefilled syringes where residual volume may vary, that deliver identical amounts of the active drug
ingredient over the identical dosing period; do not necessarily contain the same inactive ingredients; and meet the
identical compendial or other applicable standard of identity, strength, quality, and purity, including potency and,
where applicable, content uniformity, disintegration times, and/or dissolution rates. See 21 CFR 314.3(b).
Section 505(j)(2)(C) of the FD&C Act; 21 CFR 314.93(b).
21 CFR 314.93(e)(1)(i).
See 21 CFR 314.3(b).
21 CFR 314.3(b); see also section 505(j)(7) of the FD&C Act.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Drug products approved under an NDA, either a 505(b)(1) or a 505(b)(2) application, may be
listed drugs. Likewise, a drug product approved under an ANDA may be a listed drug. A drug
product is deemed to be a listed drug on the date of approval of the NDA or ANDA for the drug
Each strength of a drug is a distinct drug product and, therefore, a distinct listed drug.
Listed drugs appear in FDA’s Orange Book.
When a drug product is approved, generally it appears in the Orange Book section entitled the
“Prescription Drug Product List” or the “Over-the-Counter Drug Product List”; these sections are
commonly referred to as the Active Section. When an approved drug product is not marketed, it
appears in the Orange Book’s “Discontinued Drug Product List,” which is commonly referred to
as the Discontinued Section. In general, a listed drug is moved to the Discontinued Section when
the applicant notifies FDA that it is withdrawing the listed drug from sale or the listed drug is not
available for sale or FDA otherwise determines that the listed drug has been withdrawn from sale
or is not available for sale.
A listed drug also may be moved to the Discontinued Section if the
applicant requests that approval of the NDA or ANDA be withdrawn because the drug product is
no longer being marketed.
B. Reference Listed Drug
1. FDA’s Identification of Listed Drugs That Have Been Designated as RLDs
The FD&C Act and FDA’s regulations require an ANDA applicant to “refer” in its ANDA to the
specific listed drug on which the applicant relies in seeking approval of its ANDA.
This listed
drug is the RLD.
Because an ANDA applicant is relying on FDA’s finding that the RLD is safe and effective,
FDA’s general practice is to designate as RLDs drug products that have been approved for safety
and effectiveness under section 505(c) of the FD&C Act. Although drug products that were
submitted and approved under section 505(j) of the FD&C Act, which was established by the
Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act of 1984 (Public Law 98-417),
commonly referred to as the Hatch-Waxman Amendments, are listed drugs and may be selected
as reference standards, FDA generally does not intend to designate these products as RLDs.
21 CFR 314.3(b).
Section 506I of the FD&C Act requires the holder of an application approved under section 505(c) or (j) of the
FD&C Act to submit certain notifications to FDA regarding the marketing status of the drug product, and requires
FDA to update the Orange Book based on the information provided. For more information see FDA’s draft
guidance for industry Marketing Status Notifications Under Section 506I of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
Act (January 2019). When final, this guidance will represent FDA’s current thnking on this topic.
An applicant may request that approval of an NDA or ANDA be withdrawn because the drug product that is the
subject of the NDA or ANDA is no longer being marketed. 21 CFR 314.150(c). FDA will withdraw approval of
the NDA or ANDA based on the applicant’s request provided none of the conditions in 314.150(a) or (b) applies.
Section 505(j)(2) of the FD&C Act; 21 CFR 314.94(a)(3).
21 CFR 314.3(b). There may be multiple approved drugs each of which may be eligible to be an RLD for a
particular drug product (e.g., either Trandate 100 milligram (mg) tablets (NDA 018716) or Normodyne 100 mg
tablets (NDA 018687) are eligible to be the RLD for an ANDA for Labetalol Hydrochloride 100 mg tablets).
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
FDA identifies in the Orange Book listed drugs that have been designated as RLDs. A listed
drug approved for safety and effectiveness under section 505(c) of the FD&C Act that appears in
the Active Section of the Orange Book may be eligible to be an RLD. A listed drug approved for
safety and effectiveness under section 505(c) of the FD&C Act that appears in the Discontinued
Section also may be eligible to be an RLD, unless FDA makes a determination that the listed
drug was withdrawn from sale for reasons of safety or effectiveness. If FDA makes such a
determination, the listed drug will be removed from the Orange Book and is no longer eligible to
be an RLD.
Under FDA regulations, the Agency may determine at any time whether a listed drug was
withdrawn from sale for reasons of safety or effectiveness. However, FDA must determine
whether a listed drug was withdrawn from sale for reasons of safety or effectiveness: (1) before
FDA can approve an ANDA that refers to the listed drug as its RLD; (2) whenever the listed
drug is voluntarily withdrawn from sale if any approved ANDA already refers to that listed drug;
and (3) when any person petitions for such a determination.
These determinations are
completed by the Agency and subsequently are published in a Notice in the Federal Register.
Historically FDA generally did not approve ANDAs for which the Agency had made a
determination that the RLD was not withdrawn from sale for reasons of safety or effectiveness
until after that determination was published in a Notice in the Federal Register. In order to
expedite the availability of generic drugs, FDA decided that it may approve a generic drug for
which it has made a final determination that the RLD was not withdrawn from sale for safety or
effectiveness reasons even if that determination has not yet published in a Notice in the Federal
Register and will proceed with Federal Register publication as expeditiously as is practicable.
If FDA determines that a listed drug in the Discontinued Section was not withdrawn from sale
for safety or effectiveness reasons and publishes that determination in a Notice in the Federal
Register, the Agency generally adds the following notation to that product listing information in
the Orange Book: “**Federal Register determination that product was not discontinued or
withdrawn for safety or efficacy reasons**.”
If FDA determines that the listed drug was
withdrawn from sale for reasons of safety or effectiveness, the Agency will remove the listed
drug from the Orange Book and the Agency will not accept for review or approve ANDAs that
refer to the drug product.
2. Choosing an RLD
21 CFR 314.162.
21 CFR 314.161(a).
See, e.g., Determination that KENALOG (Triamcinolone Acetonide) Lotion and Other Drug Products Were Not
Withdrawn From Sale for Reasons of Safety or Effectiveness (81 FR 13797; March 15, 2016); and Determination
that Ondansetron (Ondansetron Hydrochloride) Injection, USP, in PL 2408 Plastic Container, 32 Milligrams in 50
Milliliters, Was Withdrawn From Sale for Reasons of Safety or Effectiveness (80 FR 32962; June 10, 2015).
The Orange Book may not include notations for all such determinations published in Notices in the Federal
Register and does not reflect determinations published in Notices in the Federal Register before 1995. A potential
applicant should refer to the Federal Register to see if FDA has published a Notice that announces a determination
about whether a listed drug has been voluntarily withdrawn from sale for safety or effectiveness reasons.
21 CFR 314.162(a).
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
An ANDA applicant must first choose an RLD. If FDA has not designated an RLD for a drug
product the applicant intends to duplicate, the potential applicant may submit controlled
correspondence to FDA identifying the drug it intends to duplicate (e.g., by NDA number and by
active ingredient, dosage form, route of administration and strength) and asking FDA to
designate an RLD.
If FDA has designated a listed drug as an RLD, but the potential applicant intends to refer to a
different listed drug that was approved for safety and effectiveness under section 505(c) of the
FD&C Act and is a pharmaceutical equivalent to the drug designated as an RLD, the potential
applicant may submit controlled correspondence to FDA to request that FDA designate that
different listed drug as an RLD.
For an ANDA based on an approved suitability petition (a petitioned ANDA), an applicant must
choose as its RLD the listed drug that is referenced in the approved suitability petition.
If an RLD appears in the Discontinued Section and FDA has not published in the Federal
Register a determination whether the drug was withdrawn from sale for reasons of safety or
effectiveness, the applicant must submit a citizen petition seeking a safety and effectiveness
determination for the listed drug at the same time as the ANDA submission.
Such petition
must contain all evidence available to the petitioner concerning the reason that the drug product
was withdrawn from sale.
A determination whether an RLD has been withdrawn for safety or
effectiveness reasons must be made before FDA may approve an ANDA that refers to an RLD in
the Discontinued Section.
If an applicant has a question about which listed drug it should identify as the RLD, the applicant
may submit controlled correspondence to seek input from the Agency.
3. The Role of an RLD in an ANDA
The RLD is the listed drug to which the ANDA applicant must show its proposed generic drug is
the same with respect to active ingredient(s), dosage form, route of administration, strength,
labeling, and conditions of use, among other characteristics.
See FDA’s draft guidance for industry on Controlled Correspondence Related to Generic Drug Development
(November 2017). When final, this guidance will represent FDA’s current thnking on this topic. We update
guidances periodically. To make sure you have the most recent version of a guidance, check the FDA guidance web
page at
21 CFR 314.94(a)(3)(i).
21 CFR 314.122(a). If a citizen petition seeking a safety and effectiveness determination for the listed drug
already has been submitted to FDA, the ANDA applicant should reference the pending petition in its ANDA and
FDA will consider the ANDA to “be accompanied by” the petition. Id. If the listed drug is moved to the
Discontinued Section while the ANDA is pending, a safety and effectiveness determination must be made by FDA
before the ANDA can be approved. 21 CFR 314.161(a)(1).
21 CFR 314.122(a). FDA will consider the evidence in the petition, as well as any other information before the
Agency, to determine whether the listed drug was withdrawn from sale for safety or effectiveness reasons. 21 CFR
21 CFR 314.161(a).
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Regarding the same labeling requirement, the generic drug must have the same labeling as the
RLD, except for differences permitted under the FD&C Act and Agency regulations.
Accordingly, an ANDA applicant must compare its proposed product’s labeling to that of the
RLD, even if FDA has selected a new reference standard for use in in vivo bioequivalence
studies, as described in detail in section III.C. below.
Similarly, in evaluating drug product
formulation and inactive ingredients, an ANDA applicant must compare its proposed generic
drug to the RLD’s formulation, not the formulation of the reference standard.
4. Identification of the RLD in the Orange Book
Prior to 2017, the column in the electronic Orange Book labeled “RLD,” and the symbol in the
printed version described as identifying the RLD, at times indicated the drug product FDA
selected as the reference standard and at other times indicated the RLD, contributing to
confusion about which drug is the RLD and which drug is the reference standard. In 2017, FDA
began to identify in the Orange Book which listed drugs, including some in the Discontinued
Section, FDA has designated as RLDs, and which listed drugs in the Active Section FDA has
selected as reference standards. In the electronic Orange Book, there is a column for RLDs and a
column for reference standards. In the printed version of the Orange Book, the RLDs and
reference standards are identified by distinct symbols.
5. Changing the RLD
Once an ANDA applicant chooses the RLD on which it intends to rely, the FD&C Act and FDA
regulations prohibit the applicant from amending or supplementing its ANDA to change the
RLD after the ANDA has been submitted.
An ANDA applicant that seeks to change its RLD
The FD&C Act and FDA’s regulations permit labeling differences because of differences approved under a
suitability petition or because the generic drug and the RLD are produced or distributed by different manufacturers.
Section 505(j)(4)(G) of the FD&C Act and 21 CFR 314.94(a)(8)(iv). In certain instances, the labeling for the
generic drug may differ from the labeling for the RLD if FDA permits the ANDA applicant to omit (carve out) an
indication or other aspect of the RLD’s labeling protected by patent, or by exclusivity, and obtain approval for the
remaining, non-protected conditions of use, provided the differences do not render the proposed product less safe or
effective than the RLD for all remaining non-protected conditions of use. See, e.g., section 505(j)(2)(A)(viii) of the
FD&C Act; 21 CFR 314.127(a)(7).
An applicant is responsible for checking appropriate sources in order to obtain the RLD labeling. FDA posts
approved labels and labeling for most drug products on Drugs@FDA
( Other sources such as FDA’s Online Label
Repository at, and PRPLLR™ (Pragmatic Regulated Product
Labeling Listing and Registration) may not necessarily display the most recently approved labeling. In instances
where the RLD labeling cannot be located, an applicant for convenience initially may compare its proposed generic
drug’s labeling with the labeling of another ANDA that referenced the same RLD and currently is marketed. Where
FDA has withdrawn approval of the application for the RLD for reasons other than safety or effectiveness, the
ANDA applicant, before approval of the generic drug, may need to revise labeling to reflect certain updated
information that would have been necessary for the RLD had the application for the RLD not been withdrawn. See
FDA’s draft guidance for industry Updating ANDA Labeling After the Marketing Application for the Reference
Listed Drug Has Been Withdrawn (July 2016). When final, this guidance will represent FDA’s current thnking on
this topic.
Section 505(j)(2)(D) of the FD&C Act; 21 CFR 314.96(c) and 314.97(b). We note that where an applicant has
previously mistakenly identified the reference standard (described in detail in section III.C.) as the RLD on Form
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
must submit a new ANDA to obtain approval under section 505(j) of the FD&C Act.
recommend that an ANDA applicant request withdrawal of the pending ANDA before seeking to
change its RLD.
C. Reference Standard
1. Selection of a Reference Standard
As discussed above, the FD&C Act requires an ANDA to provide “information to show that the
new drug is bioequivalent” to its RLD.
If bioequivalence is not self-evident, there are a variety
of methods by which bioequivalence may be demonstrated, including in vivo studies (in human
subjects), in vitro studies (conducted in a laboratory), or both.
A “reference standard” is the drug product selected by FDA that an applicant seeking approval of
an ANDA must use in conducting an in vivo bioequivalence study required for approval of the
FDA generally selects a single reference standard to ensure the greatest level of
consistency between a generic drug and its RLD and among generic drugs. Ordinarily, FDA
selects the RLD as the reference standard.
FDA usually selects as the reference standard the
highest strength available for drug products with multiple approved strengths.
If drug products are approved for multiple strengths but FDA has selected only one of the
strengths as the reference standard, an applicant may use other approved strengths for certain
testing, other than in vivo bioequivalence testing (e.g., dissolution testing to support approval of
those strengths not selected as the reference standard), if the use of such drug product in the
particular testing is scientifically supported.
FDA 356h or elsewhere in its ANDA, the applicant may submit an amendment to a pending ANDA or a supplement
to an approved ANDA to correct the information. FDA considers this error to be a deficiency related to
identification of the appropriate listed drug as the RLD, rather than a change in the RLD itself. The cover letter for
such a submission should clearly identify that the purpose of the submission is “Correction of RLD information.”
Section 505(j)(2)(D)(i) of the FD&C Act; 21 CFR 314.96(c) and 314.97(b). But see section 505(j)(2)(D)(ii) of the
FD&C Act.
Section 505(j)(2)(A)(iv) of the FD&C Act.
21 CFR 320.24.
21 CFR 314.3(b). We note that in vivo bioequivalence evidence is not required in all circumstances, see, e.g., 21
CFR 320.22 and 320.24(b)(6). When in vivo bioequivalence testing is required or an applicant otherwise seeks to
support a demonstration of bioequivalence with in vivo data, such testing should be conducted with the drug product
FDA selects as the reference standard. Although the regulations do not require that an applicant use a particular
product for in vitro testing, we recommend that the reference standard also be used for in vitro testing.
An ANDA applicant may use the authorized generic version of the reference standard for purposes of conducting
an in vivo bioequivalence study required for approval. See section 505(t) of the FD&C Act for additional
information on authorized generics. The ANDA applicant may contact the Office of Generic Drugs via controlled
correspondence before conducting studies to inquire further and to discuss the necessary documentation.
See Abbreviated New Drug Applications and 505(b)(2) Applications; Final Rule, 81 FR 69580 at 69619 (October
6, 2016). There may be instances in which the highest strength would not be the appropriate reference standard for
testing in vivo bioequivalence or the highest strength is not available for testing. For example, FDA may select a
different strength if testing at a different strength provides greater assurance of safety for the subject or is more
feasible in terms of recruiting subjects who meet the study criteria. FDA also may, in limited circumstances, select
multiple strengths in a single application as reference standards, e.g., if there is disproportionality among the product
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Where FDA cannot select the RLD as the reference standard (e.g., where the RLD has been
withdrawn from sale for reasons other than safety and effectiveness), FDA generally will select a
previously approved ANDA that referred to, and is therapeutically equivalent to, the RLD as the
reference standard. If there are multiple approved generic drugs that referred to the RLD and
have the same active ingredient, dosage form, route of administration, and strength, FDA usually
will select the generic market leader, based on commercial data, as the reference standard.
Where a generic drug is intended to duplicate a drug product approved in a petitioned ANDA,
FDA generally selects a generic drug product approved under the petitioned ANDA as the
reference standard.
As discussed above, even if FDA selects a reference standard that is a drug product other than
the RLD for use in conducting in vivo bioequivalence studies, an ANDA applicant must
demonstrate that its proposed generic drug meets the sameness requirements in section 505(j) of
the FD&C Act and Agency regulations in relation to the RLD.
Before 2017, a reference standard selected by FDA was indicated in the electronic version of the
Orange Book with the word “Yes” in the “RLD” column, and in the paper version of the Orange
Book with the “+” symbol, for drug products listed in the Active Section. In 2017, FDA
modified the Orange Book to clarify which listed drugs are reference standards. In the Active
Section of the electronic Orange Book, there is a column for RLDs and a column for reference
standards. In the Active Section of the printed version of the Orange Book, the RLDs and
reference standards are identified by distinct symbols.
2. Selection of a New Reference Standard
FDA may select a new reference standard when doing so will help to ensure that applications for
generic drugs may be submitted and evaluated. In making a decision whether to select a new
reference standard, FDA may consider, among other factors:
Whether the listed drug that is the reference standard is no longer marketed
Whether selecting a new reference standard would help to prevent a shortage of a
particular drug product or category of drug products;
Whether or not the current reference standard is also the RLD, and the Agency
determines that the quantity of the current reference standard in distribution is so limited
that a potential ANDA applicant is not able to obtain a sufficient quantity for in vivo
Executive Order 13588 on reducing prescription drug shortages was issued on October 21, 2011, and directs FDA
to take steps to help prevent and reduce current and future disruptions in the supply of lifesaving drug products. For
example, in June 2013, FDA removed Doxil (NDA 050718) as the reference standard for doxorubicin hydrochloride
(HCl) liposome injection and selected Lipodox (ANDA 203263) as the reference standard. The shortage and
continued unavailability of Doxil, a lifesaving drug product for cancer treatment, meant that there existed no
available reference standard against which to test a generic doxorubicin HCl liposome injection product, effectively
blocking generic competition to Doxil.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
bioequivalence testing (even if the current reference standard has not been withdrawn
from sale).
When selecting a new reference standard, FDA generally selects a drug product that is
therapeutically equivalent to the RLD and is the market leader based on commercial data. In
certain circumstances, FDA will consider additional factors in selecting a new reference
standard. For example, as a practical matter, FDA may consider whether potential reference
standards are approved under applications that cover all the RLD strengths, which may make the
development process more efficient, or whether a potential reference standard is approved for the
particular strength that is recommended by FDA for use in in vivo bioequivalence studies in a
product-specific guidance.
3. Requesting Selection of a Reference Standard
There are circumstances in which a potential ANDA applicant may ask FDA to select a reference
standard. These circumstances include, for example, if FDA has not selected a reference
standard, if a reference standard is moved to the Discontinued Section and FDA has not selected
a new reference standard for the same drug product, if a potential ANDA applicant believes a
reference standard other than the one selected by FDA is appropriate, or if the quantity of the
reference standard in distribution is so limited that a potential ANDA applicant is not able to
obtain a sufficient quantity for in vivo bioequivalence testing. A potential applicant may submit
controlled correspondence to FDA to ask FDA to select a reference standard for a drug product.
If the Agency selects a new reference standard, that product generally will remain the reference
standard even if the original reference standard resumes marketing.
Some stakeholders refer to some generic drugs that are reference standards as second RLDs.
That description is not accurate and has generated confusion regarding generic drug development
and the role of the reference standard relative to that of the RLD for both industry and the
Agency. For example, FDA has received citizen petitions requesting designation of a second
RLD, when in fact the petition is requesting that FDA select a new reference standard. In
addition, ANDA applicants mistakenly have compared their proposed generic drugs to a
reference standard to meet requirements for approval other than in vivo bioequivalence. While
the reference standard is selected by FDA for the purpose of conducting any in vivo
bioequivalence studies required for approval, an ANDA applicant must demonstrate that its
proposed generic drug meets the sameness requirements in section 505(j) of the FD&C Act and
Agency regulations in relation to the RLD. Accordingly, an ANDA’s proposed labeling and
formulation must be compared to the RLD, and not the reference standard, and the applicant
must address any unexpired patents and exclusivity for the RLD as required.
D. Basis of Submission
An ANDA applicant must identify in its application the basis of submission.
See generally, guidance for industry Bioequivalence Recommendations for Specific Products (June 2010).
See the discussion in section III.B.1 of this guidance.
See, e.g., section 505(j)(2)(B) of the FD&C Act; 21 CFR 314.94(a)(12).
21 CFR 314.94(a)(3).
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
1. Basis of Submission for an ANDA for a Generic Drug That Is a Duplicate of Its RLD
When an applicant submits an ANDA for a generic drug that is a duplicate of its RLD, i.e., not a
petitioned ANDA, the basis of submission is the RLD. Accordingly, the name of the RLD,
including dosage form and strength, and its application number
should be provided as the basis
of submission on Form FDA 356h (i.e., the form that accompanies regulatory submissions by an
applicant) and in the appropriate sections of the ANDA. If the reference standard selected by
FDA for the drug product is not the RLD, an applicant should not identify the reference standard
as the basis of submission on Form FDA 356h. However, the reference standard should be
identified in the relevant sections of the ANDA that include information pertaining to
bioequivalence, such as 1.12.11 Basis for submission statement (which statement provides
information about the proposed generic drug broadly, including bioequivalence and other
information), 2.7.1 Summary of Biopharmaceutic Studies and Associated Analytical Methods,
5.2 Tabular listing of all clinical studies, and 5.3.1 Reports of biopharmaceutic studies.
guidance and technical documents related to ANDA formatting are maintained and updated on
FDA’s website.
2. Basis of Submission for a First Petitioned ANDA
When an applicant submits a petitioned ANDA,
the basis of submission is the RLD and the
approved suitability petition. The ANDA must contain: (1) the name of the RLD, which must be
the same as the listed drug identified in the approved suitability petition; (2) a reference to the
suitability petition’s FDA-assigned docket number; and (3) a copy of FDA’s correspondence
approving the suitability petition.
An applicant should identify on Form FDA 356h both the
RLD and the RLD’s application number, just as it would on Form FDA 356h for a non-
petitioned ANDA. In the basis of submission statement section (1.12.11) of the petitioned
ANDA, in addition to identifying the RLD and its application number (as it would for a non-
petitioned ANDA), the applicant should reference the FDA-assigned docket number for the
approved suitability petition and include a copy of FDA’s correspondence approving the
suitability petition. Also, the RLD should generally be identified as the reference standard in
that section.
FDA previously has indicated in certain limited circumstances that for drug products for which one NDA holder
holds multiple approved NDAs for different strengths of the same drug product, it may be appropriate to accept an
ANDA that references more than one NDA number. This promotes a more efficient use of the Agency’s review
resources. See guidance for industry Variations in Drug Products that May Be Included in a Single ANDA
(December 1998). As previously noted, if an applicant has a question about which listed drug it should identify as
the RLD, the applicant may submit controlled correspondence to seek input from the Agency.
See Comprehensive Table of Contents Headings and Hierarchy,
missions/UCM315023.pdf, for electronic submissions.
See, e.g., Attachment 1 of MAPP 5200.14 Filing Review of Abbreviated New Drug Applications, which provides
technical information on how to organize an ANDA submission.
See discussion of suitability petitions in the Background section of this guidance.
21 CFR 314.94(a)(3)(i) and (iii).
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
However, if after approval of a suitability petition and before approval of an ANDA submitted
pursuant to the approved petition, a drug product is approved in an NDA for the change
described in the petition, the suitability petition and the listed drug identified in the petition can
no longer be the basis of submission, irrespective of whether FDA has withdrawn approval of the
petition. Under these circumstances, an applicant seeking approval for a drug product with the
change approved in the suitability petition must submit a new ANDA that identifies the drug
product with the same active ingredient, dosage form, route of administration, and strength that
has been approved for safety and effectiveness under section 505(c) of the FD&C Act as the
RLD and as its basis of submission and comply with applicable regulatory requirements.
3. Basis of Submission for a Generic Drug That Is a Duplicate of a Drug Product
Approved in a Petitioned ANDA
When an ANDA applicant seeks approval of a generic drug that is a duplicate of a drug product
in an approved petitioned ANDA (and for which the same drug has not been approved for safety
and effectiveness under section 505(c) of the FD&C Act), the basis of submission is the RLD
and the approved suitability petition. The ANDA must contain: (1) the name of the RLD, which
must be the same as the listed drug identified in the approved suitability petition, and RLD
application number; (2) a reference to the suitability petition’s FDA-assigned docket number;
and (3) a copy of FDA’s correspondence approving the suitability petition. The drug product
approved under the first petitioned ANDA generally will be selected by FDA as the reference
standard and should be used for and identified in the appropriate sections of a subsequent ANDA
as the reference standard.
21 CFR 314.93(f)(2). See also Abbreviated New Drug Applications and 505(b)(2) Applications; Final Rule, 81
FR 69580 at 69621-69622 (October 6, 2016).
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
This appendix summarizes the concepts discussed in this guidance. We recommend that an
ANDA applicant refer to the appropriate section of the guidance for more detailed information,
as needed.
The reference listed drug (RLD) for an ANDA is the drug product that the
proposed generic drug is intended to duplicate and to which the ANDA applicant
must refer in its ANDA. FDA designates as RLDs listed drugs approved for
safety and effectiveness under section 505(c) of the FD&C Act. The Orange
Book identifies which listed drugs have been designated by FDA as RLDs,
including some listed drugs in the Discontinued Section of the Orange Book. In
the electronic Orange Book, there is a column for RLDs. In the printed version of
the Orange Book, RLDs are identified by a distinct symbol.
The reference standard selected by FDA must be used in conducting any in vivo
bioequivalence study required for approval of the ANDA. The reference standard
may or may not be the same listed drug as the RLD. Other comparisons of the
proposed generic drug to determine whether it meets the statutory requirements
for approval under section 505(j) of the FD&C Act (e.g., sameness requirements)
generally must be to the RLD.
The drug product selected by FDA as the reference standard generally is
identified in the Orange Book. In the electronic Orange Book, there is a column
for reference standards. In the printed version of the Orange Book, reference
standards are identified by a distinct symbol.
If you mistakenly identify the reference standard as the RLD in your ANDA, you
may submit an amendment to a pending ANDA or a supplement to an approved
ANDA to correct the information. FDA considers this error to be a deficiency
related to identification of the appropriate listed drug as the RLD, rather than a
change in the RLD itself. The cover letter for such a submission should clearly
identify that the purpose of the submission is “Correction of RLD information.”
The basis of submission statement in an ANDA (e.g., in section 1.12.11 of the
ANDA) and in Form FDA 356h (field 20) should include the name of the RLD
and the RLD application number. For a petitioned ANDA, the basis of
submission statement in the ANDA (e.g., in section 1.12.11 of the ANDA) also
should include a reference to the FDA-assigned docket number for the approved
suitability petition and a copy of FDA’s correspondence approving the suitability
petition. The reference standard, if it is different from the RLD, should be
identified in the appropriate sections of the ANDA (e.g., sections 1.12.11, 2.7.1,
5.2, and 5.3.1).
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
is the generic drug
intended to be the
Reference Standard
Identification of Basis of Submission in
of reference
standard in
Form FDA
drug that is a
duplicate of its RLD
The RLD is a
listed drug
approved for
safety and
under section
505(c) of the
FD&C Act and
identified as an
RLD in the Orange
Generally, the RLD
also is the reference
standard if it is being
The applicant should
check the Orange Book
to confirm the listed
drug that FDA has
selected as the
reference standard for
that drug product.
Fill in the name
of RLD and its
number for field
20 on the form.
Identify the RLD and
its application number
in section 1.12.11.
Identify the
standard in
1.12.11, 2.7.1,
5.2, and 5.3.1 of
the ANDA.
drug for which a
suitability petition
has been approved
The listed drug,
approved for
safety and
identified in the
suitability petition
is the RLD.
Generally the listed
drug identified in the
approved suitability
petition is the reference
Fill in the name
of RLD and its
number for field
20 on the form.
In section 1.12.11:
Identify the RLD
and its application
Identify the FDA-
assigned docket
number for the
approved suitability
petition, and
Include a copy of
approving the
suitability petition
Identify the
standard in
1.12.11, 2.7.1,
5.2, and 5.3.1 of
the ANDA.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
What drug
product is the
generic drug
intended to
Reference Standard
Identification of Basis of Submission in
of reference
standard in
Form FDA 356h
ANDA for a
generic drug that is
the same as a drug
product approved in
a petitioned ANDA
The listed drug,
approved for
safety and
identified in the
petition is the
The drug product
approved in the first
petitioned ANDA
generally is the
reference standard.
The applicant should
check the Orange
Book to confirm the
listed drug that FDA
has selected as the
reference standard for
that drug product.
Fill in the name of
RLD and its
number for field
20 on the form.
In section 1.12.11:
Identify the RLD and
its application
Identify the FDA-
assigned docket
number for the
approved suitability
petition, and
Include a copy of
approving the
suitability petition.
Identify the
standard in
sections 1.12.11,
2.7.1, 5.2, and
5.3.1 of the