GRANDSTREAM NETWORKS Wave Desktop Application Release Notes Page 1
Wave Desktop Application Release Notes
Tabl e of Content
WAVE DESKTOP VERSION 1.25.13 .......................................................... 3
PRODUCT NAME ................................................................................................................................. 3
DATE ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
IMPORTANT NOTE ....................................................................................................................... 3
CHANGES SINCE VERSION 1.25.12 ........................................................................................... 3
ENHANCEMENTS ......................................................................................................................... 3
BUG FIXES .................................................................................................................................... 3
KNOWN ISSUES ........................................................................................................................... 3
WAVE DESKTOP VERSION 1.25.12 .......................................................... 4
PRODUCT NAME ................................................................................................................................. 4
DATE ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
IMPORTANT NOTE ....................................................................................................................... 4
CHANGES SINCE VERSION 1.25.9 ............................................................................................. 4
ENHANCEMENTS ......................................................................................................................... 4
BUG FIXES .................................................................................................................................... 4
KNOWN ISSUES ........................................................................................................................... 5
WAVE DESKTOP VERSION 1.25.9 ............................................................ 6
PRODUCT NAME ................................................................................................................................. 6
DATE ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
IMPORTANT NOTE ....................................................................................................................... 6
CHANGES SINCE VERSION 1.25.6 ............................................................................................. 6
ENHANCEMENTS ......................................................................................................................... 6
BUG FIXES .................................................................................................................................... 6
KNOWN ISSUES ........................................................................................................................... 7
WAVE DESKTOP VERSION 1.25.6 ............................................................ 8
PRODUCT NAME ................................................................................................................................. 8
DATE ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
IMPORTANT NOTE ....................................................................................................................... 8
CHANGES SINCE VERSION 1.23.21 ........................................................................................... 8
ENHANCEMENTS ......................................................................................................................... 8
BUG FIXES .................................................................................................................................... 9
KNOWN ISSUES ......................................................................................................................... 10
GRANDSTREAM NETWORKS Wave Desktop Application Release Notes Page 2
NEW FEATURES OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................... 10
PIN MESSAGES IN GROUP CHATS .......................................................................................... 10
SAVE MESSAGES ....................................................................................................................... 10
VIEW RESOLVED WHATSAPP/TELEGRAM SESSIONS .......................................................... 12
CONVERT MULTIPLE CALLS INTO A MEETING ....................................................................... 12
GROUP CHAT READ RECEIPTS ................................................................................................ 13
QUICK REPLY ............................................................................................................................. 14
ADDITIONAL CRM SUPPORT .................................................................................................... 15
GRANDSTREAM NETWORKS Wave Desktop Application Release Notes Page 3
WAV E%DESKTOP% V E RS I O N % 1 . 25.13%
Wave Desktop Application
Wave Desktop is available for Windows and macOS. Users can download the latest version from here:
[Application] Fixed some known bugs (UCM63xx 1.0.25.x or higher version required).
Fixed an issue with number resolution issue during incoming calls.
When using Wave for Windows 32-bit version, users are not able to send files over 30MB to E2EE chats.
To in st al l th e la te st v er si on o f Wa ve D esk to p fo r ma cO S, ma cO S ve rs io n mus t be 1 0. 13 o r hi ghe r.
GRANDSTREAM NETWORKS Wave Desktop Application Release Notes Page 4
WAV E% D E S KTO P% V E RS I O N % 1 . 25.12%
Wave Desktop Application
Wave Desktop is available for Windows and macOS. Users can download the latest version from here:
[Application] Fixed some known bugs (UCM63xx 1.0.25.x or higher version required).
Fixed an issue with the Wave account and phone account matching issue while binding CTI
between the Wave Desktop application and the IP phone. This issue will cause a binding failure
Fixed an issue with blue border missing issue on the CTI pop-up window while using the Wave
Desktop application.
Fixed an issue with sharing display incorrect issue in the P2P call when there is no screen
recording permission.
Fixed an issue with no audio issue during the Wave call or meeting when the Wave is
muted/unmuted through the headset.
Fixed an issue with the camera icon is displayed incorrectly when the camera is not turned on
during the Wave meeting.
Fixed an issue with the headset abnormal issue during the Wave meeting after unplugging and
plugging the headset while on the Wave login page.
Fixed an issue with the headset abnormal issue during the Wave call or meeting after unplugging
and plugging the headset.
GRANDSTREAM NETWORKS Wave Desktop Application Release Notes Page 5
Fixed an issue with the interface stuck issue during the Wave meeting when stopping sharing
function on the MAC OS.
When using Wave for Windows 32-bit version, users are not able to send files over 30MB to E2EE chats.
To in st al l th e la te st v er si on o f Wa ve D esk to p fo r ma cO S, ma cO S ve rs io n mus t be 1 0. 13 o r hi ghe r.
GRANDSTREAM NETWORKS Wave Desktop Application Release Notes Page 6
WAV E% D E S KTO P% V E RS I O N % 1 . 25.9%
Wave Desktop Application
Wave Desktop is available for Windows and macOS. Users can download the latest version from here:
[Application] Added Slovenian language display in Wave applications.
[Application] Fixed some known bugs.
*Requires UCM63xx to be on firmware 1.0.25.x or higher
Fixed an issue with Slovenian language display that the transferred owner name cannot be
displayed in system messages.
Fixed an issue with the SIP reconnection prompt should not be displayed forever after
reconnecting the network.
Fixed an issue with the call interface is abnormal after calling the ringing group in the CTI mode.
Fixed an issue with the call interface does not display the name of the other party after answering
the call.
Fixed an issue with the phone should exit the call when establishing the call with the ringing group
number in the CTI mode.
Fixed an issue with the CTI application icon in the call device should not be distorted in multiple
Fixed an issue with the call should not be randomly ended when reconnecting the network
GRANDSTREAM NETWORKS Wave Desktop Application Release Notes Page 7
Fixed an issue with calls cannot be established with the camera is configured as IP Camera
Fixed an issue with the call is ended when switching the SBC during the call.
Fixed an issue with the other party receiving video invitation pop-up window after switching the
SBC during the call.
Fixed an issue with the other party receiving video invitation pop-up window after opening video
failed and reconnecting the network.
Fixed an issue with pinned messages are displayed as undefinedafter creating a new group by
selecting a meeting history.
Fixed an issue with the prompt in the pop-up window is not displayed correctly (in Slovenian
language display) when the group owner has been transferred.
Fixed an issue with the time range for viewing chat history is not displayed correctly (in Slovenian
language display) when adding group members.
Fixed an issue with the number of members in the group chat is not displayed correctly in the
forwarding pop-up window in Slovenian language display.
Fixed an issue with incorrect prompt is displayed (in Slovenian language display) for sending files
failure when sending files exceeding the limit during the chat.
Fixed an issue with the meeting list should show different information of the meeting organizer as
it shows on the meeting details section in Slovenian language display.
Fixed an issue with the specific number of members is not displayed under the pop-up group for
adding invitees in Slovenian language display.
Fixed an issue with the * mark in front of the text is too far away from the copy in the pre-meeting
email when the display language is Slovenian.
When using Wave for Windows 32-bit version, users are not able to send files over 30MB to E2EE chats.
To in st al l th e latest version of Wave Desktop for macOS, macOS version must be 10.13 or higher.
GRANDSTREAM NETWORKS Wave Desktop Application Release Notes Page 8
WAV E% D E S KTO P% V E RS I O N % 1 .25.6%
Wave Desktop Application
Wave Desktop is available for Windows and macOS. Users can download the latest version from here:
[Call] Added the ability to convert multiple calls into a meeting with one-click. [CONVERT MULTIPLE
[Call] Added the ability to only share PC audio during a call. This feature is not available in meetings.
*[Chat] Added the ability to pin messages in group chats. [PIN MESSAGES IN GROUP CHATS]
*[Chat] Added the ability to save chat messages. [SAVE MESSAGES]
*[Chat] Added support for read receipts in group chats. [GROUP CHAT READ RECEIPTS]
*[Add-in] Added the ability to view resolved WhatsApp/Telegram sessions. [VIEW RESOLVED
[Add-in] Added the ability to quick reply via the desktop pop-up notifications. [QUICK REPLY]
[Add-in] Added support for more CRM add-ins. [ADDITIONAL CRM SUPPORT]
[Application] Added the Log In Automatically option to the QR code login page.
[Application] Added new keyboard shortcut keys for the following features: Raise Hand/Lower Hand,
End Call, and Leave Meeting.
[Application] Added new settings in the Wave Desktop application: Hide Chat Message Preview and
Enable HTTP API Listening Service.
[Application] Added new permission options: Send Attachment in Chat and View Recording File.
[UI] Added CTI option to the Applications interface.
[UI] Minimized call windows will now be hidden when screen sharing.
*Requires UCM63xx to be on firmware 1.0.25.x or higher
GRANDSTREAM NETWORKS Wave Desktop Application Release Notes Page 9
Fixed several memory issues.
Fixed several CTI issues.
Fixed several UI issues.
Fixed an issue where users could still access recordings even when the corresponding permission
is disabled.
Fixed an issue with abnormal number display when using certain languages.
Fixed an issue where the speed dial keyboard shortcut cannot dial numbers with period separators.
Fixed an issue with dialing out detected numbers on Chrome after automatic Wave logins.
Fixed an issue with the Wave time being inconsistent with the UCM system time and PC system
Fixed an issue with volume and virtual background settings being shared across accounts.
Fixed an issue with meeting windows still being open after logging out.
Fixed an issue with being unable to paste meeting links in the Join Meeting window.
Fixed an issue with not being able to draw on the whiteboard after moving the mouse past the
whiteboard page.
[macOS] [Application] Fixed an issue with the incoming call window disappearing when minimizing
the main Wave window.
[macOS] Fixed an issue with being unable to click the comment toolbar when screen sharing.
[macOS] Fixed an issue with window size not being remembered.
[macOS] Fixed an issue with new message notifications still being heard even after disabling them.
Added the ability to view resolved chat sessions from WhatsApp Business and Telegram
Fixed an issue with not being able to close the screen share toolbar in private calls.
Fixed an issue with not being able to call certain accounts.
Fixed an issue with being unable to unmute after switching mics.
Fixed an issue with where the latest message and its preview in the chat list did not match.
Fixed an issue with successfully joining cross-server meetings even after closing the meeting
Fixed an issue with not highlighting speakers.
GRANDSTREAM NETWORKS Wave Desktop Application Release Notes Page 10
Fixed an issue where guest participants are still seen in the meeting participant list even after
closing the meeting window.
When using Wave for Windows 32-bit version, users are not able to send files over 30MB to E2EE chats.
To in st al l th e la te st v er si on o f Wa ve D esk to p fo r ma cO S, ma cO S ve rs io n mus t be 1 0. 13 o r hi ghe r.
This section describes the major new features/changes introduced in the update and provides instructions
for usage.
Users can now pin important messages in group chats for members to quickly see and reference. Clicking
on the pin icon at the top of the chat menu will show all pinned messages.
Figure 1: Group Chat Pins
Users can save any message in the chat, such as important notifications, tasks, and important files by right-
clicking on it and clicking Save Message.
GRANDSTREAM NETWORKS Wave Desktop Application Release Notes Page 11
Figure 2 - Save Message
Users can view all saved messages at any time by clicking on the Saved icon at the top of the chats list.
Figure 3 - Saved Messages Button
Figure 4: Saved Message List
GRANDSTREAM NETWORKS Wave Desktop Application Release Notes Page 12
Resolved Whatsapp/Telegram chat sessions are now automatically saved and can be viewed at any time
by clicking the button.
Figure 5: View Processed WhatsApp/Telegram Sessions
When handling multiple calls at once, users can now merge all the calls into a meeting by clicking the new
N-way Conference:
GRANDSTREAM NETWORKS Wave Desktop Application Release Notes Page 13
Figure 6 - N-Way Conference Button
Figure 7: Convert Multiple Calls into a Meeting
Group chats now support read receipts, allowing users to know who and how many in the group chat have
read a message.
GRANDSTREAM NETWORKS Wave Desktop Application Release Notes Page 14
Figure 8: View Read Status of Group Chat Messages
Users can now reply to new Wave messages right from the message toast notification, allowing users to
stay on top of communication without having to leave their current window to open Wave.
Figure 9: Quick Reply
GRANDSTREAM NETWORKS Wave Desktop Application Release Notes Page 15
The following add-ins have been added to Wave app store:
Oracle NetSuite
monday sales
Less Annoying CRM
Figure 10: New CRM Add-ins