University of Mount Union Page 1 of 11
Mass Email Policy
TEC 19.0
Communications & Information Technology
Policy type: Administrative
Applies to: Faculty, staff, students, and volunteers
Issued: 10/13/2023
Revised Last: 10/13/2023
Edited by: Melissa Gardner
Reviewed: 10/13/2023
The purpose of this policy is to provide rules and guidelines for the dissemination of mass email messages within or
outside the University of Mount Union. The University of Mount Union expects all individuals who send email to comply
with this policy. This policy applies to all mass email messages sent from a University-owned domain (e.g., and mass email messages sent through third-party services on behalf of specific departments or offices
of the University.
This policy is intended to ensure that campus community members make the best use of our email resources and keep
the University in compliance with regulations such as the CAN-SPAM Act, Telephone Consumer and Protection Act, and
related institutional policies without unduly limiting the effectiveness of those on campus who need to use mass email to
meet their marketing and communication objectives.
Mass Email
Unsolicited Email
Mailing List
Distribution List
Commercial Content
Transactional or
Relationship Content
Other Content
Identical or substantially similar messages sent to 50 or more addresses
Any message that the recipient did not specifically request and would not reasonably expect
to receive because of either an active, opt-in subscription to a mailing list or a current or past
relationship with any part of the University (e.g., students, prospective students, alumni,
employees, customers, etc.)
An electronic list or email list that allows for widespread distribution; often distributed by a
system that allows an email message to be sent to multiple addresses in a manner that only
allows the recipients to see their own address
A group of email recipients that is addressed as a single recipient
A law that sets the rules for commercial email, establishes requirements for commercial
messages, gives recipients the right to have you stop emailing them, and spells out tough
penalties for violations
Any electronic mail message the primary purpose of which is the commercial advertisement
or promotion of a commercial product or service
Content that facilitates an already agreed-upon transaction or updates a customer about an
ongoing transaction
Content that is neither commercial nor transactional or relationship-based
Mass Email Policy
TEC 19.0
Communications & Information Technology
Applies to: Faculty, staff, student employees, students, and volunteers
University of Mount Union Page 2 of 11
Policy Details
Email is an important tool for academic, research, and administrative communications; however, it is not the only tool, nor
is it always the best tool. The cumulative amount of time spent by students, faculty, and staff on processing unwanted
email represents an enormous loss of personal and institutional productivity. Furthermore, improper use of mass email
potentially exposes the University to blacklisting by various email providers and to liability under the federal CAN-SPAM
Act of 2003. Thus, the standards and restrictions enacted by this policy are necessary to:
Provide for mass emailing at the University of Mount Union that is accessible, concise, consistent, and
Establish guidelines for the appropriate use of mass email versus other communication tools.
Reduce the number of email messages sent to students, faculty, and staff.
Ensure compliance with federal law and the "best practice" expectations of recipients' email providers.
Preserve the effectiveness of email as a communication tool without unduly restricting the free flow of information
within the University community.
Guidelines for Mass Email Communications
All mass email messages will comply with the CAN-SPAM-Act, FERPA, and other appropriate University policies.
This includes internal mass email messages, external mass email messages, and those being distributed through
the University of Mount Union systems.
Don’t use false or misleading header information. Your “From:,To:,” “Reply To:” and routing information
including the originating domain name and email address must be accurate and identify the person or
business who initiated the message.
Don’t use a deceptive subject line. The subject line must accurately reflect the content of the message.
Tell recipients where you are located. Your message must include the business physical postal address.
Tell recipients how to opt out of receiving future email. Your message must include a clear explanation of
how the recipient can opt out of getting email from you in the future.
Honor opt-out requests promptly. Any opt-out mechanism you offer must be able to process opt-out
requests within 10 business days.
All mass communications assembled electronically must use the University’s official email enterprise systems
listed below.
Accounts and network access may be administratively suspended, with or without notice, when continued use of
the University’s resources interfere with the work of others, place the University or others at risk, or violate
University policy.
Sending unsolicited mass email commonly known as spam is prohibited. This means that all email lists must
come from one of the University’s official databases (Slate, Colleague, or Raiser’s Edge) or recipients must have
opted into receiving communication.
The From: address must be a valid email address at or another domain owned by the University.
If the From: address is that of an individual, the permission of that individual must be secured before the email is
sent. If the From: address is a general office or department email, the permission of the account administrator
must first be secured. Use of an address at a domain not owned by the University (such as to
distribute mass email is prohibited.
The body text of the message should include contact information for the person, office, or group that sent it,
especially if this contact information differs from the email address to which Reply To: emails will go. Minimally,
the contact information should include a valid email address at a domain owned by the University.
All recipient addresses must be concealed through the use of a mailing list. If a software limitation precludes the
use of a mailing list, the BCC: field may be used to conceal the recipients' addresses instead; otherwise, use of
the BCC: field to address mass email is prohibited.
The message must include body text that is clear and concise. Additional information, if needed, should be
provided via a web link in the text.
Accompanying files, if any, must be provided via a web link in the body text of the message, not attached to the
message itself.
Mass Email Policy
TEC 19.0
Communications & Information Technology
Applies to: Faculty, staff, student employees, students, and volunteers
University of Mount Union Page 3 of 11
All messages going out in mass email form, unless classified as essential, should have the approval of the area
vice president.
Unless it has been classified as essential (see Essential Communications), the email must include a valid option
to unsubscribe from future mailings. This option must be clearly visible in the body text of the message, and
requests to unsubscribe must be processed and honored within 10 business days. Please see the approved opt-
out messaging provided below, as the appropriate message must be used for the appropriate system. This is
necessary so that unsubscribers are fully aware of the type of institutional email from which they are un-
subscribing as different systems are utilized across campus and unsubscribing from one system does not result in
the unsubscription from communications sent through other systems.
Mass email communications are expected to be targeted as much as possible to constituents who need to receive
or who are most likely to respond to the intended message.
Essential Communications
Any message that meets at least one of the following criteria may be classified as an essential communication and
exempted from offering an unsubscribe option:
a. The message is essential to the mission or operations of the University.
b. The message is essential for student academic performance.
c. The message pertains to an urgent health or safety situation.
d. The message is required by law.
The chief communications officer is charged with determining whether a given message qualifies under these criteria. In
addition, certain messages shall automatically qualify as essential communications, as described in the subsections
below, and do not require approval from the chief communications officer before being sent.
Messages from senior officers - Any message approved by the president, vice presidents, deans, chief
information officer, or director of security for information technology is an essential communication.
Messages from deans - Any message to the faculty, staff, or students of a college from the dean's office for that
college is an essential communication.
Messages from department chairs - Any message to the faculty, staff, or students of an academic department
from the chair of that department is an essential communication.
Messages from supervisors - Any message to the staff of an administrative unit from the supervisor of that unit
is an essential communication.
Messages from faculty and instructors - Any message to the students enrolled in a course from the faculty
member or instructor teaching that course is an essential communication.
Messages from the Office of the University Registrar - Any message to instructors-of-record or students from
the Office of the University Registrar is an essential communication.
Messages from the Office of Information Technology - Any message to the campus community from the
Office of Information Technology regarding systems outages, downtimes, etc.
Style Guidelines
A general Guide to Visual Standards can be found in the University’s Identity Program. A future iteration of the Identity
Program, slated for release in 2023-2024, will include specific style guidelines for mass email.
Accessibility Guidelines
Make your subject line is brief but descriptive.
Format your email from a visual perspective using accessibility best practices.
Use white space to create breathing room around the content.
Use heading styles in a logical sequence to provide structure.
Use a clear and balanced font at an appropriate size; fonts should be at least 14px in size.
Avoid center-aligned paragraphs as they are difficult for those with visual impairments to read.
Avoid using tables as they are difficult for screen readers to read.
Use effective color contrast between your background colors and foreground colors; WCAG’s standards
require a minimum contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for standard-sized text. For text larger than 23px or bold text
larger than 18px, the ratio should be 3:1.
Mass Email Policy
TEC 19.0
Communications & Information Technology
Applies to: Faculty, staff, student employees, students, and volunteers
University of Mount Union Page 4 of 11
Format your links appropriately.
Make links accessible by bolding, underlining, and/or adding a symbol so that they stand out more.
Don’t use link text like “click here” and “learn more” as these can be confusing when screen readers say
them out aloud. Instead, use text like, “read our full guide to coffee roasts” or “learn more about how solar
power works.”
All information conveyed by the message must be in the text, not embedded in images or other elements that are
inaccessible by text-to-speech software.
ALT tags must be included for photos.
Use different alt text for each image, even if the images are similar. Imagine how confusing it would be to
someone using a screen reader if all the pictures sounded exactly the same.
While you do want to be concise, your alt text should also be as descriptive as possible. Remember, you
want to help those with vision disabilities “see” your image as clearly as possible.
Don’t add title text in addition to alt text. Most screen readers will read both the title text and alt text, which
doesn’t provide an ideal listening experience.
Use empty alt text when appropriate. If your image strictly serves a design purpose (like a swirl, pattern,
or shadow) then alt text may not be necessary. However, make sure to add an empty alt=”” to the image
so screen readers know to skip over it.
Official Mass Email Enterprise Systems with Opt-Out Options
The following systems have the capability to send mass email communication and provide receivers with an opt-out
Owner/Point Person
Mass Email
Opt Out
Logan Aguiniga
Barnes and Noble
University Store
Aimee Schuller
Current Students
Current Parents
Prospective Students
Prospective Parents
Blackboard Connect
Melissa Gardner
Constant Contact
Melissa Gardner
Current Parents
Front Rush
Mike Parnell
Prospective Athletes
Mass Email Policy
TEC 19.0
Communications & Information Technology
Applies to: Faculty, staff, student employees, students, and volunteers
University of Mount Union Page 5 of 11
Caitie Scott
Hometown Tickets
Lynn Riggle
Pamela Miller
Athletic Fans
Jump Forward
Athletics (Football)
Mike Parnell
Prospective Athletes
Ryan Smith
Current Students
Sidearm Sports
Sports Information
Nate LaRiccia
Athletic Fans
Kaetlynn Wise
Prospective Students
New Students
Prospective Parents
Survey Monkey
Jennifer Hollinger
Current Parents
Prospective Students
Vanilla Soft
Mount Union Fund
Caitie Scott
Opt-Out Messaging Scripts
The following opt-out messaging scripts are provided to ensure that the University remains in compliance with the
requirements of the CAN-SPAM act. The appropriate message must be included at the end of each email sent through
the official email enterprise systems that require an opt-out option.
Mass Email Policy
TEC 19.0
Communications & Information Technology
Applies to: Faculty, staff, student employees, students, and volunteers
University of Mount Union Page 6 of 11
In accordance with government and system regulations, you may choose to unsubscribe from this and similar emails by
clicking the provided unsubscribe link. Should you choose to unsubscribe, you will be unsubscribing from all alumni
engagement and fundraising communication sent from the University of Mount Union via the Anthology system. You may
continue to receive communication from the institution for other purposes sent via other email systems unless you have
also unsubscribed from those systems.
Barnes and Noble
In accordance with government and system regulations, you may choose to unsubscribe from this and similar emails by
clicking the provided unsubscribe link. Should you choose to unsubscribe, you will be unsubscribing from all University
Store communication sent from Barnes and Noble College on behalf of Mount Union’s University Store. You may continue
to receive communication from the University of Mount Union for other purposes sent via other email systems unless you
have also unsubscribed from those systems.
Blackboard Connect
In accordance with government and system regulations, you may choose to unsubscribe from this and similar emails by
clicking the provided unsubscribe link. Should you choose to unsubscribe, you will be unsubscribing from all emergency
communication, including details regarding cancellations and outages, sent from the University of Mount Union via the
Blackboard Connect system. You may continue to receive communication from the institution for other purposes sent via
other email systems unless you have also unsubscribed from those systems.
Constant Contact
In accordance with government and system regulations, you may choose to unsubscribe from this and similar emails by
clicking the provided unsubscribe link. Should you choose to unsubscribe, you will be unsubscribing from all
communication regarding institutional announcements, policy updates, alerts, events, and news sent from the University
of Mount Union via the Constant Contact system. You may continue to receive communication from the institution for
other purposes sent via other email systems unless you have also unsubscribed from those systems.
Front Rush
In accordance with government and system regulations, you may choose to unsubscribe from this and similar emails by
clicking the provided unsubscribe link. Should you choose to unsubscribe, you will be unsubscribing from all student-
athlete recruitment communication sent from the University of Mount Union via the Front Rush system. You may continue
to receive communication from the institution for other purposes sent via other email systems unless you have also
unsubscribed from those systems.
In accordance with government and system regulations, you may choose to unsubscribe from this and similar emails by
clicking the provided unsubscribe link. Should you choose to unsubscribe, you will be unsubscribing from all crowdfunding
communication sent from the University of Mount Union via the GradAdvance system. You may continue to receive
communication from the institution for other purposes sent via other email systems unless you have also unsubscribed
from those systems.
Hometown Tickets
In accordance with government and system regulations, you may choose to unsubscribe from this and similar emails by
clicking the provided unsubscribe link. Should you choose to unsubscribe, you will be unsubscribing from all athletic
ticketing communication sent from the University of Mount Union via the Hometown Ticketing system. You may continue
to receive communication from the institution for other purposes sent via other email systems unless you have also
unsubscribed from those systems.
Jump Forward
In accordance with government and system regulations, you may choose to unsubscribe from this and similar emails by
clicking the provided unsubscribe link. Should you choose to unsubscribe, you will be unsubscribing from all football
recruitment communication sent from the University of Mount Union via the Jump Forward system. You may continue to
Mass Email Policy
TEC 19.0
Communications & Information Technology
Applies to: Faculty, staff, student employees, students, and volunteers
University of Mount Union Page 7 of 11
receive communication from the institution for other purposes sent via other email systems unless you have also
unsubscribed from those systems.
In accordance with government and system regulations, you may choose to unsubscribe from this and similar emails by
clicking the provided unsubscribe link. Should you choose to unsubscribe, you will be unsubscribing from all
communication regarding your student achievements sent from the University of Mount Union via the Merit system.
Additionally, your student achievements will not be sent to your hometown newspaper, high school, or government
representatives. You may continue to receive communication from the institution for other purposes sent via other email
systems unless you have also unsubscribed from those systems.
Sidearm Sports
In accordance with government and system regulations, you may choose to unsubscribe from this and similar emails by
clicking the provided unsubscribe link. Should you choose to unsubscribe, you will be unsubscribing from all
communication regarding athletic news sent from the University of Mount Union via the Sidearm Sports system. You may
continue to receive communication from the institution for other purposes sent via other email systems unless you have
also unsubscribed from those systems.
In accordance with government and system regulations, you may choose to unsubscribe from this and similar emails by
clicking the provided unsubscribe link. Should you choose to unsubscribe, you will be unsubscribing from all enrollment
and financial aid communication sent from the University of Mount Union via the Slate system. You may continue to
receive communication from the institution for other purposes sent via other email systems unless you have also
unsubscribed from those systems.
Survey Monkey
In accordance with government and system regulations, you may choose to unsubscribe from this and similar emails by
clicking the provided unsubscribe link. Should you choose to unsubscribe, you will be unsubscribing from all survey-
related communication sent from the University of Mount Union via the Survey Monkey system. You may continue to
receive communication from the institution for other purposes sent via other email systems unless you have also
unsubscribed from those systems.
Official Mass Email Enterprise Systems without Opt-Out Options
The following systems have the capability of sending mass email communication but do not provide receivers with an opt-
out option as the communications sent through them are intended for internal business purposes only.
Owner/Point Person
Mass Email
Opt Out
Student Affairs
Sara Sherer
Bill Ketjen
Residential Students
Mass email
related to
housing ONLY
Student Accounts
Student Financial Aid
John Burkey and
Mark Kolenz
Renee Young
Kathleen Thomas
Current Students
Mass email
related to proxy
access, billing
information, and
financial aid
Mass Email Policy
TEC 19.0
Communications & Information Technology
Applies to: Faculty, staff, student employees, students, and volunteers
University of Mount Union Page 8 of 11
Commercial Card
Business Affairs
Shawn Bagley
Mass email to
those on
campus with a
purchasing card
Jennifer Hollinger
Current Students
Mass email
related to course
Ellucian CRM Advise
Center for Student
Marci Muckleroy
John Burkey
Current Students
Mass email
related to
current student
retention efforts
financial aid,
billing, and the
Human Resources
Laura Good
Mass email
related to
reviews ONLY
Safe Colleges
Human Resources
Laura Good
Mass email
related to
training ONLY
Business Affairs
Michelle Sams
Current Students
Mass email to
students for
billing purposes
Guidelines for Using Outlook for Mass Emailing
Outlook is not intended to serve as a mass email system. Group emails can be sent via Outlook, but the total number of
recipients should not exceed the total included in the definition of mass email provided above. An exception exists for
those who have prior approval to send mass email via Outlook using an approved distribution group (studentdg, facultydg,
staffdg). Only the offices of the president, vice presidents, deans, athletics, human resources, University registrar, and
information technology can send using these distribution groups. Individuals who believe they need access to such groups
must go through their appropriate vice president for approval.
Use of the Faculty DG List and Student DG List by the Offices of Academic Affairs and Student Affairs
The chief communication officer and offices of Academic Affairs and Student Affairs utilize the previously-approved
Internal Email Communication Process when making decisions regarding the use of Constant Contact and/or Outlook for
specific communications. This process permits the following.
The Office of Academic Affairs may send mass communication utilizing the facultydg list when the communication
is going to faculty only.
The Office of Student Affairs may send mass communication utilizing the studentdg list when the communication
is going to students only.
If a mass email is going to any combination of faculty, staff, and/or students, it must be sent via the chief
communication officer. The chief communication officer will determine if the information should be incorporated
into UMU Today or sent as a separate email based on several criteria.
Please see the flowchart detailing this Internal Email Communication Process included at the end of this policy.
Mass Email Policy
TEC 19.0
Communications & Information Technology
Applies to: Faculty, staff, student employees, students, and volunteers
University of Mount Union Page 9 of 11
Institutional E-Newsletters as Alternatives to Mass Email
To reduce the number of separate mass email messages sent to faculty and staff, the chief communication
officer, Office of Enrollment Services, and/or Office of Alumni Engagement will regularly distribute the following
mass email newsletters.
UMU Today for faculty, staff, and current students
Mount Union Matters for alumni
U-Connect for current parents
New Raider News for admitted prospective students
Trustee Insider for trustees
Senders will likely be directed to utilize one of these channels in lieu of sending a separate mass email at the
discretion of the chief communication officer, Office of Enrollment Services, or Office of Alumni Engagement.
Access to Distribution Lists
Mass email distribution lists for faculty, staff, and current students must be pulled from the Colleague system and
requested of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness by completing the Request for Institutional Data form. Mass email
distribution lists for faculty, staff, and current students are not permitted to be independently maintained outside of the
Colleague system.
Mass email distribution lists for prospective students and prospective parents must be pulled from the Slate system and
requested of the Office of Enrollment Services by contacting the director of admission. Please note that such lists will
likely only be provided to a predetermined list of individuals, including the chief communication officer as well as staff from
the Office of Marketing, Office of Alumni Engagement, and Office of Institutional Effectiveness. Other offices and
departments should submit their request to the Office of Admission in writing. Mass email distribution lists for prospective
students and prospective parents are not permitted to be independently maintained outside of the Slate system.
Mass email distribution lists for alumni, friends, and current parents must be pulled from the Raiser’s Edge system and
requested of the Office of Alumni Engagement by contacting the director of alumni engagement. Please note that such
lists will likely only be provided to a predetermined list of individuals, including the chief communication officer as well as
staff from the Office of Marketing, Office of Enrollment Services, and Office of Institutional Effectiveness. Other offices and
departments should submit their request to the Office of Alumni Engagement in writing. Mass email distribution lists for
alumni, friends, and current parents are not permitted to be independently maintained outside of the Raiser’s Edge
Please note that all efforts will be made to streamline mass email communication to cut back on the quantity of mass
emails being sent to any given audience at any given time. As a result, requests for stand-alone emails may be declined
and the content may instead be delivered through an institutional e-newsletter or alternative channel. Please see the
Institutional E-Newsletters as Alternative to Mass Email section above.
Distribution groups (studentdg, facultydg, staffdg) within Active Directory are maintained by the Office of Information
Responsibilities for Data Protection
No mailing lists should be given out to third parties without prior approval of President’s Council or contractual
Mass email distribution lists provided for approved purposes must only be used for those intended purposes and
not shared with any other offices, departments, or individuals.
Mass email distribution lists should only include the data necessary to complete the request. Additional Personally
Identifiable Information should be removed from the file prior to sharing with the receiving office, department, or
Once a mass email distribution file is used for its intended purposes, it should be permanently deleted from the
individual’s email client and device.
Under no circumstances should any personally identifiable information be included, shared, or stored in any of
these files. See our Information Security Policy.
Mass Email Policy
TEC 19.0
Communications & Information Technology
Applies to: Faculty, staff, student employees, students, and volunteers
University of Mount Union Page 10 of 11
Authorizations and Approvals
Any mass communications being sent outside of system processes must have the approval at the director level, dean
level, or vice president level or higher. Authorization is given typically through email correspondence.
Email communication sent on behalf of a student organization must first be authorized by the director of student
involvement and leadership. Email communication sent on behalf of an academic program must first be authorized by the
appropriate college dean. Email communication sent on behalf of an administrative office must first be authorized by an
office director or vice president.
Approved Third-Party Entities that Mount Union Assists with Campus Mass Communication
On occasion, because of organizational affiliation or contractual obligations, Mount Union will facilitate email
communication on behalf of approved-third party entities. The University currently supports the following organizations in
this manner:
Athletic camps
Aultman Alliance Community Hospital (Student Health Center)
AVI Foodsystems
Barnes and Noble College
Document Concepts
Mount Union’s official sororities and fraternities
Mount Union Women
United Way of Greater Stark County
Mount Union will not facilitate email communication on behalf of any other third-party entities other than those listed above
without President’s Council authorization. Distribution lists for all or parts of the campus community will not be provided to
any outside entities without prior authorization of President’s Council or specific contractual obligations of a partnership
agreement or contract. Before such contracts or partnership agreements are established, the Office of Information
Technology must review the privacy policies of the organizations involved.
FERPA Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Mount Union Policies University Policies | University of Mount Union
TCPA Compliance Checklist TCPA Compliance Checklist & Guide for Business Messaging (
Persons found in violation of this policy will be reported to the appropriate dean or vice president for corrective
action. Violations may also result in the removal of mailing list or email access privileges, in accordance with the
Office of Information Technology's "Resources Acceptable Use Policy.
Position or Office
Chief Communication
Officer and Information
VPs, Deans, Directors,
Department Heads,
Update of Policy
Implementation of this policy within their respective units.
Mass Email Policy
TEC 19.0
Communications & Information Technology
Applies to: Faculty, staff, student employees, students, and volunteers
University of Mount Union Page 11 of 11
Office of Information Technology
Chief Communication Officer
This policy was established in 2023.
All changes must be listed sequentially, including edits and reviews. Note when the policy name or number changes.
Issued: 10/13/2023
Revised Last: 10/13/2023
Edited by: Melissa Gardner
Reviewed: 10/13/2023