Department of Pathology
and Anatomical Sciences
University of Missouri-Columbia
School of Medicine
M263 Medical Science Building
One Hospital Drive DC055.07
Columbia, MO 65212 USA
PHONE (573) 882-1201
FAX (573) 884-4612
The donation of one’s body historically is an accepted way to contribute meaningfully to essential
advances of medical science. Bodies donated to the University of Missouri-Columbia School of
Medicine are used for educational purposes in the instruction for students training for the medical,
physical therapy, and athletic training professions. Bodies are also used in undergraduate anatomy
courses, largely populated by pre-healthcare professions students, and by physicians and researchers
who are involved in more specific studies to advance educational and basic science research
outcomes in various medical specialties, such as orthopedics, otolaryngology, and plastic surgery.
Any questions concerning the Gift of Body Program (“Program”) should be directed to the Gift of
Body Program Coordinator, Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences, University of
Missouri–Columbia School of Medicine, at the above address, or at [email protected] , or at
573.882.2288. General information about the Gift of Body Program may be obtained at:
https://medicine.missouri.edu/departments/pathology-and-anatomical-sciences/gift-of-body .
The decision to donate your body to the Program is a serious decision, and we strongly encourage
you to discuss your decision with your family. The procedure for enrolling in the Program involves
completing this Agreement, which includes the Authorization For Donation, Personal Information,
Brief Medical History, and Authorization For Disclosure of Health Information, and sending one
original, signed copy to the Program Coordinator at the above address. It is recommended that a
second copy be made for your records, and copies provided to appropriate family members. Wallet
cards will then be issued to facilitate communication with Program representatives upon your death,
and to communicate this information to family and caretakers.
Once you enroll in the Program, the Agreement remains on file in the office of the Department of
Pathology and Anatomical Sciences permanently. If you decide to revoke the Agreement, the
Notice of Revocation of Authorization for Donation of Body” must be sent to the Program
Coordinator at the above address. Your donation cannot be revoked or overridden by any other
person at any time, even after your death.
Upon death, the Program shall provide notification as to where the body is to be transported, either
to the Medical Sciences Building at the University of Missouri-Columbia or an alternate location.
The cost for transportation and ensuring an appropriate condition of your body until delivered must
be paid from your estate or your next of kin. Other costs typically include the following: 1)
completion and filing of the Missouri Department of Health Certificate of Death by the appropriate
authority (hospital or funeral home); and 2) timely removal of the body (within 12 hours) by a
funeral home and holding it in refrigeration until transportation can be arranged to the Medical
Sciences Building or an alternate location as directed by the Program. Length of refrigeration can
affect acceptance to our Program (see below) so the funeral home must be promptly advised about
the intent for your body to be donated. If your body cannot be accepted into the Program,
representatives of the Program will communicate with your family and/or funeral home regarding
the lack of acceptance.
In general, conditions leading to rejection of a body donation include: (1) body not intact (e.g.
autopsy or organ donation with exception of eye donation); (2) presence of a communicable disease
(e.g., tuberculosis, AIDS, or hepatitis) or any bacterial infections; (3) exceeds the maximum weight
of 200 lbs.; (4) body not processed in a timely manner following death; or (5) any recent surgeries
resulting in incisions not completely healed. Occasionally there are times our Program is full; if we
are unable to accept a body, it will be the family’s responsibility to make other arrangements for the
While most bodies donated to the Program are accepted, acceptance cannot be guaranteed. The final
acceptance of a donation is dependent on the body being in a condition suitable for use by our
Program at the time of donation. Please make family members aware of this as it will alleviate
distress if your body is not accepted by the Program. Completion of this Agreement does not
constitute a contract with the University of Missouri, but rather is an indication of your desire to
contribute your body to the MU School of Medicine.
A donated body will be used by the Program in a manner to be determined exclusively by the
Program, pursuant to the policies and procedures that are in effect at the time of your death or as
they may be revised thereafter.
Donors to the Program understand the following:
The acceptance and exact use of the donor’s body will be at the discretion of the Program.
Examples of how the body may be used for education or research include, but are not limited
to: medical education and training; advanced clinical training skills; forensic sciences (e.g.,
pathology, engineering, anthropology).
For the purposes of education or research, the Program reserves the right to permanently
preserve and retain certain tissues and organs of the donor, and/or to create photographic,
video, or media images of parts of donors in ways that respect the donor’s dignity.
At times, other accredited institutions have need of body donors. In such cases, the donor
body may be transferred to another, approved institution at the discretion of the Program.
Typically after 2-3 years, the remains of the donor’s body, except for any remains retained by
University for educational and research purposes, will be cremated and either interred or returned as
stated in the “Authorization for Donation of Body.If the person designated in the Authorization to
be contacted for the return of the remains fails to claim the remains within 2 years of cremation
after being notified at the address listed on the Authorization or any updated address, the remains
will be interred at the Memorial Park Cemetery. The cost of interment in Memorial Park Cemetery
is born by the University. The gravesite at Memorial Park represents the commingled remains of
many individuals. Once interred at Memorial Park Cemetery, remains cannot be retrieved. The
location of graves is indicated by a large memorial stone. Individual graves are marked with
headstones indicating the year of interment. Names of all individuals interred are maintained on a
master list, one copy of which is held at the offices of Memorial Park Cemetery.
Donors may be commemorated in a ceremony organized by medical students, faculty, and staff of
the University of Missouri-Columbia. Typically, speakers include faculty and physicians, there are
videos of student expressions of gratitude for the gifts of bodies, and musical performances. It is a
time to pause for reflection of the gifts of bodies for the advancement of medical science at the
University of Missouri-Columbia. Information about the Gift of Body Commemoration Ceremony
shall be provided to the individual designated to receive the information about the interment.
Any information that is obtained about the donor is confidential, and its privacy and security are
protected from illegal uses and disclosures in accordance with Federal and Missouri laws.
Disclosures will only be made as permitted by law and authorized by the donor or legal
Name (Please Print) ________________________________________________
Street Address: ____________________________________________________
City, State, Zip Code: _______________________________________________
I hereby donate my body, following my death, to the Department of Pathology and Anatomical
Sciences, University of Medicine–Columbia School of Medicine. I have read and understand
all of the information contained in this Agreement.
The remains of my body shall be cremated and:
(Initial applicable statement)
______ Interred at the Memorial Park Cemetery in Columbia, MO, with information
about the interment to be provided to (name, address, and phone number):
______ Returned to (name, address, and phone number; please consider identifying
several individuals in the event the first named individual cannot be located or has died):
I hereby direct that my body be delivered to the University of Missouri–Columbia to be used
for educational and research purposed as set forth in this Agreement.
Signature of Donor Date
Signature of Witness Print Name Relationship to Donor Date
If the Donor is physically unable to sign this Authorization, another individual may sign this
Authorization which shall be witnessed by two adults, at least one of which shall be a
disinterested witness. A “disinterested witness” is a person other than the Donor’s spouse,
child, parent, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, or guardian. By signing below, you are
indicating that the Donor has authorized and directed the making of this anatomical gift.
Signature of Individual Signing at the Direction of Donor Date
Signature of Disinterested Witness Date
Signature of Witness Date
I, ________________________________, hereby revoke my Authorization for Donation of
Body, effective immediately.
Signature of Donor Date
If the Donor is physically unable to sign this Authorization, another individual may sign this
Authorization which shall be witnessed by two adults, at least one of which shall be a
disinterested witness. A “disinterested witness” is a person other than the Donor’s spouse,
child, parent, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, or guardian. By signing below, you are
indicating that the Donor has authorized and directed the revocation of this anatomical gift.
Signature of Individual Signing at the Direction of Donor Date
Signature of Disinterested Witness Date
Signature of Witness Date
Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Birthplace (city and state, or foreign country):
Date of Birth:
Social Security Number:
Ever in Armed Forces (yes or no):
Marital Status (married, never married, widowed, divorced):
Surviving Spouse/Domestic Partner name (if different
from married name, provide full original name):
Usual Occupation (during most of working life; do not list retired):
Kind of Business or Industry:
Residence - Street and Number:
City, Town, or Location:
State and Country:
Zip Code:
Inside City Limits (yes or no):
Years at Present Address:
Of Hispanic Origin (yes or no - if yes, specify, Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, etc):
Race (American Indian, White, Black, etc):
Years of Education - Elementary (secondary 0-12):
College and/or post-college (1-5 or 5+):
Father's Name:
First Middle Last
Mother's Name:
First Middle Last
Date this Form was Completed:
Sex Assigned at Birth:
Date of Birth:
Congenital (Inborn) Abnormalities:
Abnormalities Acquired Through Injury or Disease:
Major Surgeries and Approximate Dates: ____________________________________________
Communicable Diseases (examples include hepatitis, HIV, AIDS, pertussis, rabies, tetanus,
Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus [MRSA]):
Present State of Health: __________________________________________________________
Additional Information Relating to Physical Condition: _________________________________
Signature: ___________________________________
Donor’s Name: ____________________________________________________
Date of Birth: ____________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________
Phone Number: ____________________________________________________
This Authorization is for the Gift of Body Program (“Program”) at the University of Missouri-
Columbia School of Medicine, Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences
(“University”) to disclose certain information about you if your body is accepted as a gift to the
Gift of Body Program. The permissible disclosures may be made to non-University outreach
groups for educational purposes only.
The following information about you may be disclosed by University: Name; address; age;
occupation; minimal medical information; cause of death.
This Authorization may be revoked by you at any time in writing to University. This
Authorization becomes effective upon signing and will expire five (5) years after your death.
_____________________________________ ______________________
Signature of Donor Date