Benets for infertility treatment in
UC’s non-Medicare medical plans
The University of California’s comprehensive medical benets
encompass the broad needs of our diverse workforce to keep
our employees, retirees and their family members healthy. All
of UC’s non-Medicare medical plans oer benets related to
infertility, although coverage may vary by plan.
Generally, infertility is an involuntary medical condition
recognized by a doctor that causes the inability to conceive a
baby or the inability to carry a pregnancy to a live birth.
The information below is an overview of coverage for
infertility treatment under UC’s non-Medicare medical plans.
Check your medical plan’s Evidence of Coverage or Summary
Plan Description booklet, available on UCnet
( for additional details.
Diagnosis and treatment of underlying cause of infertility
Prescription infertility drugs
Articial insemination
Gamete intrafallopian fertilization transfer (GIFT)
Zygote intrafallopian fertilization transfer (ZIFT)
In vitro fertilisation (IVF)
Fertility preservation and storage of embryos as part of a
covered IVF cycle and when certain medical treatments may
cause iatrogenic infertility
Elective services related to procurement and storage of
Services to reverse voluntary, surgically induced infertility
This fact sheet does not oer a guarantee of coverage. Check
the medical plan’s booklet for details regarding eligibility for
infertility health benet, co-pays and deductibles, and covered/
excluded care. Services may require preauthorization and/or
may require members to follow plan guidelines in obtaining
services to ensure services are covered.
Medical plan copayments and coinsurance payments for
infertility health procedures are eligible for reimbursement from
the UC Health Flexible Spending Account.
For additional help with understanding your coverage for
infertility treatment under the UC benet plans, consult with
a UC Health Care Facilitator and/or call the member services
number on your medical plan identication card.
By authority of the Regents, University of California Human Resources, located in Oakland, administers all benet plans in accordance with applicable plan documents and
regulations, custodial agreements, University of California Group Insurance Regulations for Faculty and Sta, group insurance contracts, and state and federal laws. No
person is authorized to provide benets information not contained in these source documents, and information not contained in these source documents cannot be
relied upon as having been authorized by the Regents. Source documents are available for inspection upon request (800-888-8267). What is written here does not con-
stitute a guarantee of plan coverage or benets—particular rules and eligibility requirements must be met before benets can be received. The University of California intends
to continue the benets described here indenitely; however, the benets of all employees, retirees, and plan beneciaries are subject to change or termination at the time of
contract renewal or at any other time by the University or other governing authorities. The University also reserves the right to determine new premiums, employer contribu-
tions and monthly costs at any time. Health and welfare benets are not accrued or vested benet entitlements. UCs contribution toward the monthly cost of the coverage
is determined by UC and may change or stop altogether, and may be aected by the state of California’s annual budget appropriation. If you belong to an exclusively
represented bargaining unit, some of your benets may dier from the ones described here. For more information, employees should contact their Human Resources Of-
ce and retirees should call the UC Retirement Administration Service Center (800-888-8267).
In conformance with applicable law and University policy, the University is an armative action/equal opportunity employer. Please send inquiries regarding the Universitys
armative action and equal opportunity policies for sta to Systemwide AA/EEO Policy Coordinator, University of California, Oce of the President, 1111 Franklin Street,
Oakland, CA 94607, and for faculty to the Oce of Academic Personnel and Programs, University of California Oce of the President, 1111 Franklin Street, Oakland, CA
Elective fertility preservation is a non-covered service unless part of a covered
IVF cycle or due to medical treatments that may indirectly or directly cause
iatrogenic infertility.