(If we keep IHE logos, need Adams State)
Quick Details Regarding College Admission Use of SAT and ACT Exam Scores for
the High School Graduation Class of 2021
What does the Bill do?
It allows state four-year colleges and universities to make it optional for applicants who are part
of the 2021 high school graduation class to submit SAT/ACT test scores as part of the first-year
admission process.
What does that mean?
Students who are graduating from high school in 2021 will not be required to submit their SAT
or ACT test scores as part of the college admission process to state four-year colleges and
universities in Colorado.
Why is it specific to the high school graduating class of 2021?
The high school graduating class of 2021 were juniors when the SAT exams were cancelled in
spring of 2020 due to the pandemic.
But won’t the SAT’s be rescheduled?
While it is likely (but not confirmed) that the SAT exams will be rescheduled in the fall of 2020
for most school districts in Colorado, the exam will be provided around the same time many
high school seniors apply for college admission. As a result, requiring SAT or ACT scores as part
of the admission process from these students would result in an unnecessary and avoidable
Can SAT/ACT scores still be submitted?
Yes. Absolutely. If students from the graduating class of 2021 still wish to submit their test
scores to the institutions they are applying to, they certainly can do so. Colleges and universities
will review their scores as part of the college admission process.
What will institutions consider as part of the admission process without SAT or ACT scores?
Many different things including high school grade point average, mix and number of academic
courses successfully completed in high school, rigor of courses completed (for example,
Concurrent Enrollment, AP/IB courses and exams, honors, etc.), work, volunteering and
leadership experiences, and more. Some institutions require and/or consider essays and letters
of recommendations as well.
But can a quality admission decision be made without the use of SAT or ACT scores?
Absolutely. National and state research demonstrates that the high school grade point average
is the single best predictor of a student’s likelihood to stay, succeed and graduate from college.
Using SAT and ACT scores in addition to the high school grade point average and other
academic factors can be helpful in predicting a student’s success, but not always.
How do I let the colleges and universities I am applying to know whether I will be submitting
my SAT/ACT scores or not?
Colleges and universities are currently working on this. Visit the freshman admission web page
for the colleges and universities you are interested in applying to for specific instructions.
Which colleges and universities does this impact?
All state four-year colleges and universities in Colorado:
Adams State University
Colorado Mesa University
Colorado School of Mines
Colorado State University Fort Collins
Colorado State University - Global
Colorado State University - Pueblo
Fort Lewis College
Metropolitan State University
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Colorado Colorado Springs
University of Colorado Denver
University of Northern Colorado
Western Colorado University
Some private colleges and universities in Colorado are already “test optional” – these include
Colorado College, Regis University, and University of Denver.
Colorado community, junior, and area technical colleges are open admission and do not require
test scores as part of the admission process.
Aren’t some scholarships dependent on SAT/ACT scores?
Yes, but colleges and universities are working to make most of these scholarships “test
optional” as well.
Are SAT/ACT scores used for other purposes at colleges and universities?
Yes. Often test scores are used to determine if a student is ready to be successful in college
level English, math, and other academic courses. However, other indicators can be used to
place students into college level courses as well. Additionally, students can submit test scores
after the admission process if they wish their scores to be considered for course placement.
Check with the academic advising office at the institution you are interested in for more details.
If I am not graduating from the high school in 2021, can I still apply for college admission
without SAT/ACT scores?
House Bill 20-1407 is specific only to students graduating from high school in 2021. However, if
you are applying for college admission as a first-year student and either do not have test scores
or do not wish to provide them, contact the institution you wish to apply to for assistance.
If I am a transfer student, how does this impact me?
Applicants with 24 or more college level courses successfully completed after high school
graduation have a different admission process and are not required to submit SAT/ACT test
scores as part of the admission process. Visit here for more information regarding transfer
admission: https://highered.colorado.gov/students/preparing-for-college/admissions-eligibility
Where can I learn more about the college admission process in Colorado?
Colorado Department of Higher Education Admission Web Page
My Colorado Journey