The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley
Graduate Fellowship Application
This application, along with
two letters of recommendation
, must
be received by the first Monday in February. Please submit this application and attachments
(Statement of Purpose, List of Materials, Unofficial Transcripts) as a single PDF named with
your last name.
MAIL: The Bancroft Library, Fellowship Program,
University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720-6000
Please check all the Bancroft Fellowships for which you are applying. Please read the
requirements for each fellowship carefully and apply only for those whose criteria match your
You must fill out all following portions of this form.
This application:
______ The Bancroft Library Hill Study Award *
______ The Bancroft Library Meylan Study Award *
______ The Bancroft Library Summer Study Award
______ The Arthur J. Quinn Fellowship
______ The Gunther Barth Fellowship
______ The Reese Fellowship
______ The Donald Sidney-Fryer Fellowship
* Not offered every year. Check
Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Last First Middle
Title of Project: ________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ____________________________ Email: _________________________________
Country of Citizenship: ____________________ DOB: _______________________________
Home Campus: _______________ Major/Department: _______________________________
Degree Objective: ______________________________________________________________
Are you in a doctoral program? ____Yes ____No
Date or anticipated date for advancement to candidacy for the doctoral degree: ______________
When did you first register as a graduate student? _____________________________________
When did you last register as a graduate student, if not currently enrolled? __________________
List in reverse chronological order all colleges or universities attended:
Name of Institution Dates Attended Degree Goal Degree Date
Please list all graduate fellowships, scholarships or traineeships you have held as a graduate
Name of Institution Dates Amounts Awarded
Please list all the occupations, other than that of a student, in which you have engaged to any
considerable extent.
Name of Institution Dates
Letters of Recommendation
Please list the names of two persons from whom you have requested recommendations. The
Committee requires current letters with Bancroft’s cover letter form.
Statement of Purpose
Please attach a Statement of Purpose of 3,000 words or less describing how the research project
will be aided by access to The Bancroft Library’s collections. The statement must be double-
spaced in 12 size font. Include your name and page numbers on all pages. You may cite your
academic plans for the coming year, area of specialization, career goals, and any additional
information which may aid the selection committee in evaluating your application.
Materials at The Bancroft Library
Please attach a list of materials that you would utilize at the Bancroft Library during your
research. Include call numbers and collection names.
Please attach unofficial transcripts of all college and university work.
All of the information on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Name Signature Date