Florida State University College of Law
Career Services and Professional
Development Office
@FSULAWCAREERS | 850.644.4495
OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................. 1-3
FIRST-YEAR CHECKLIST..................................................................................................... 4-6
SECOND-YEAR CHECKLIST ............................................................................................... 7-9
THIRD-YEAR CHECKLIST ............................................................................................... 10-11
POST-GRADUATION CHECKLIST ....................................................................................... 11
SELF-EVALUATION .......................................................................................................... 12-14
LAW DEGREE FLEXIBILITY ................................................................................................. 15
PERSONAL WEBSITES AND SOCIAL MEDIA ............................................................... 16-17
NETWORKING ................................................................................................................... 18-22
PROFESSIONALISM AND ETIQUETTE .......................................................................... 23-25
BEEF UP YOUR RESUME WITH EXPERIENCE ............................................................. 26-27
JUDICIAL CLERKSHIPS ......................................................................................................... 28
OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................... 29-32
RESUME EXTRAS .............................................................................................................. 33-39
References .............................................................................................................................. 33
Letters of Recommendation ................................................................................................... 33
Writing Samples ..................................................................................................................... 34
Transcripts ......................................................................................................................... 34-35
Customize Your Resumes ................................................................................................. 35-36
Resume Reminders ................................................................................................................. 36
Resume “Do Not’s” ................................................................................................................ 36
Action Verbs to use in Resume ......................................................................................... 37-38
SAMPLE RESUMES ........................................................................................................... 39-55
COVER LETTER: OVERVIEW .......................................................................................... 56-62
COVER LETTER STRUCTURE: GENERAL..................................................................... 58-60
Judicial Clerkship ................................................................................................................... 63
FORMS OF ADDRESS & SALUTATION ............................................................................... 64
SAMPLE COVER LETTERS .............................................................................................. 65-68
OTHER DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................................ 69-76
Sample Reference List ........................................................................................................... 69
Sample Request for Referral, Advice, and Information ......................................................... 70
Sample Informational Interview Request ............................................................................... 71
Thank You Letter: After Initial Interview .............................................................................. 72
Sample Thank You Letter: Standard ................................................................................. 73-74
Sample Confirmation of Offer Letter ..................................................................................... 75
Sample Rejection of Offer Letter ........................................................................................... 76
EMAIL TIPS .............................................................................................................................. 77
SAMPLE JOB INTEREST & NETWORKING EMAILS .................................................... 78-81
AFTER SENDING THE EMAIL .............................................................................................. 81
OCI PROGRAM ........................................................................................................................ 82
RESUME REFERRAL ............................................................................................................. 82
INTERVIEWING TIPS ........................................................................................................ 83-97
Preparation for the Interview .................................................................................................. 84
Relocation .............................................................................................................................. 85
Know Your Documents .......................................................................................................... 85
Dress/Handshake/Documents to Bring ............................................................................. ….86
Body Language…………………………………………………………………………...86-87
Tips on Video Interviews…………………………………………………………………….87
Call Back Interviews……………………………………………………………………...87-88
Travel Arrangements ......................................................................................................... …..88
Thank you Letters/Notes………………………………………………………………….88-89
Handling Offers ................................................................................................................. ….89
Ethics in Accepting Offers…………………………………………………………….….89-90
Handling Discriminatory Interview Questions .................................................................. 90-92
Potentially Discriminating Questions and Possible Answers…………………………….91-92
Interview Checklist………………………………………………………………………….93
Questions You May Be Asked by the Employer ............................................................... 94-95
Suggested Questions to Ask the Employer ....................................................................... 96-97
TOUGH QUESTIONS TO ANSWER.................................................................................. ….98
DECLINING AN INTERVIEW .............................................................................................. 100
5 TIPS FOR SUCCESS............................................................................................................ 101
ASSISTANCE FROM OTHER LAW SCHOOLS .................................................................. 102
REQUESTING RECIPROCITY ............................................................................................. 102
LAW EMPLOYER RESEARCH WEBSITES ........................................................................ 103
HOW TO RESEARCH LAW FIRMS ..................................................................................... 104
JOB POSTINGS WEBSITES ........................................................................................... 105-107
SEARCHING THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY TIPS ................................................................ 108
This Career Search Survival Guide introduces students to the many services provided by the
Career Services and Professional Development Office at Florida State University College of
Law. It is a collection of information to assist you with the many phases of your job search and
career development.
Mission Statement:
Customized Job Search Strategies
The Career Services team offers law students and graduates a collaborative approach to
professional development and employment search strategies. To create individualized job
search strategies, our experienced staff coordinates with a wide range of resources throughout
the law school, including the Externship Office, the Offices of Academic Programs and Student
Affairs, our faculty and administrators, as well as FSU Law’s extensive and supportive alumni
network and career mentors.
Advising and Professional Development
Through advising and professional development, we prepare our students to be knowledgeable,
confident and competitive in the legal services market. We strive to provide the necessary
assessments to identify job opportunities that align with a student’s interests and values.
Legal Market Research and Outreach
Our team reaches out within Florida and nationally to increase the profile of FSU Law and our
students with potential employers, and to seek out an extensive range of job opportunities. We
stay on top of employment trends and emerging careers, including nontraditional legal
opportunities where a J.D. degree is an advantage, to provide the most up-to-date information
and guidance to our students and graduates. As a part of our competitive outreach strategy, we
explore aspects of the unique cultures of employers to aid students and alumni with their career
Contact the Career Services and Professional Development Office for assistance with all of your
career planning needs.
Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Important Websites:
Our Services Include:
Job Posts: Career Services offers students and alumni access to all of our job postings online
through Symplicity (https://law-fsu-csm.symplicity.com/students/). Your username and password
for Symplicity will be assigned to you. It is suggested that after you login, you change your
Access to Intercollegiate Job Bank: Career Services exchanges monthly alumni job bulletins
with a number of law schools around the country. These bulletins typically include a collection of
recent job listings in each school’s geographic location, which can be useful if you are targeting a
specific location. The Job Bank is under the “Shortcuts” tab in Symplicity. You can also find the
username and password on the right side of your screen when you log into Symplicity. Please note
that the username and password are updated frequently.
Career Advising: The Career Services staff encourages students and alumni to discuss any career-
related issues, including job search strategies, interests, resume review, salary negotiations,
interviewing techniques, mock interviews and other career related issues. Call Career Services at
(850) 644-4495 to make an appointment. Also, please check out our page on the College of Law
website for additional helpful information: https://law.fsu.edu/careers.
Career Mentors/Alumni Directory: Many College of Law alumni have agreed to be Career
Mentors. You are encouraged to contact them about advice for job search strategies, particularly
in their geographic area and practice areas. The Career Mentor Directory is found at
www.law.fsu.edu/alumni. We have over a thousand alumni volunteers willing to discuss career
goals with students and offer their advice. You also have access to our extensive alumni directory.
See the appendix on how to search the alumni directory.
Reciprocity: Reciprocity allows students and alumni interested in obtaining employment in other
states, cities, or regions to use career facilities located at law schools in those geographic areas.
For example, if you wanted to move to New York, our office could request a reciprocity agreement
with Columbia University that would allow you to use their career facilities. Reciprocity is at the
discretion of each law school, but in the majority of instances, reciprocity is granted with certain
restrictions. For more information, please see the Reciprocity Policy on our website.
Symplicity: Symplicity is our online career services system used for job postings, OCIs, and
workshop and event RSVP’s. In addition, Symplicity contains numerous links to additional
resources and databases as well as important documents and guides.
Symplicity is located at https://law-fsu-csm.symplicity.com/students/. Contact Career Services
for a username and password. When logging in for the first time, ensure that you fill out your
profile. You must complete all the required fields (as notated by red asterisks) before you can begin
to use
Symplicity’s resources. It is important to keep your profile information, preferences, and resume
updated throughout law school.
Symplicity’s Document and Video Library: On your Symplicity Home Page you have access
to our Document and Video Library. This library contains helpful guides and videos on topics that
will be useful to you during your 3 years of law school. For example, it contains videos on topics
like resumes and cover letters and how OCI works. There are many useful guides on topics like
judicial clerkships and JAG jobs. Please take a moment to look through the Library to see what is
Statistical Information: Please inform Career Services of all accepted offers of employment and
salary. This is particularly important after students graduate because our office is required to report
recent graduate statistics to the ABA. Additionally, we often have requests from alumni, students
and employers for this type of statistical information. Individual student identifying information
(i.e., name, address) is always kept confidential.
Professional Development: Throughout the academic year, Career Services conducts workshops,
orientations, and presentations on topics such as resume drafting, interviewing techniques, and
networking. Be sure to RSVP to these events through Symplicity because refreshments are usually
served and a head count is needed.
Information Sessions: The Career Services Office provides briefings on a number of specific
areas of interest and career related topics, including, internships and jobs with federal agencies,
Florida legislative internships, public interest law and environmental law, as well as programs
featuring information on job searches in Miami, Atlanta, Washington D.C., and other locales.
“Food for Thought” Events: Speakers from all over the state and country come to the law school
and participate in this luncheon series. We usually limit the “Food for Thought” events to 10-15
students in order to maintain a small group setting, which encourages students and the speaker to
interact in a lively discussion. Please RSVP to these events through the “events” tab in Symplicity
to help us ensure that we have enough lunch for everyone.
Canvas Page: Our ever-evolving page houses information that is pertinent throughout the year
and includes announcements and reminders about what is in this Survival Guide and Symplicity
for your use. It focuses on how we can help you!
OCI: OCI stands for “On-Campus Interviews”. We host both a fall OCI program and a somewhat
smaller spring OCI. Employers from all over come to campus and interview law students here in
the Advocacy Center. Some (like state agencies) are looking for clerks for the upcoming semester,
but most are looking to hire summer clerks for the following summer.
Many of our FSU COL students find excellent employment opportunities through our On-Campus
Interview program. It is not the only way to find a job, but it is a very efficient use of your time
because the employers come to you. Important: many Florida firms ONLY hire through OCI for
their 2L Summer Clerk programs.
Resources and Materials: Our office has a mini-library of career planning & job search guides
that can help you assess career fields, research law firms, area of practice and more. These
resources are available for check-out.
1L Fall Semester
Purchase an interview suit. Consult the FSU Law Career Services Canvas
page for some guidance.
Begin to use Symplicity (https://law-fsu-csm.symplicity.com/students/) and fill in your
profile completely, including your preferred practice area and geographic region. Upload
your revised resume to Symplicity.
Review the Career Search Survival Guide and create a basic cover letter.
Set up an appointment with the staff in Career Services to assist you in identifying summer
opportunities and remember to consider Judicial Clerkships and externships.
Focus on academics during the first semester because of the critically important relationship
to future clerkships, internships and other career opportunities. Your grades and class rank
will play a big role in securing future employment.
Edit all Facebook and other social media profiles so that they are “employer friendly” and
change your settings to “Private.” Scrutinize who has access to your social media.
Create a professional email address.
Record a professional voicemail and keep your mailbox empty so employers can reach you.
Start networking! Get out and meet people in the legal community anywhere lawyers
may be you should go too. Introduce yourself and ask lots of questions.
Use this Survival Guide to create a legal resume. You should edit your resume and be
prepared to bring it to the Career Services Office for review with us when you set your first
appointment mid-October.
If you are interested in clerking for a Federal Agency, make sure to research application
deadlines. Many Federal Agencies have very early deadlines (some as early as late August!).
Attend at least ONE Food for Thought event during the fall semester.
Begin to identify potential legal employers and geographic locations for your 1L Summer
job. Please note that public interest organizations and governmental agencies are more
likely to hire 1Ls, and have early deadlines. Smaller firms also often hire 1Ls.
Keep checking Symplicity. New opportunities are posted weekly.
Reach out to prospective employers and attempt to secure informational interviews during
the Winter Break. Follow up with a phone call a few days later.
Discuss with friends, family and classmates about possible contacts in the legal community.
Explore the possibilities of externships. There are many opportunities for externships during
your 2
year, however, there are early deadlines and prerequisites to be aware of. Stop by
the externship office on the 3
floor of the Advocacy Center, they will be happy to help
guide you.
Study, study and then study some more!
1L Spring Semester
Meet with Career Services staff to discuss status of job search efforts. Update your resume
based on first semester grades and class rank.
Continue checking Symplicity and your emails from Career Services.
Continue targeted mailings to employers. Follow-up with phone calls on the resumes you
have sent out.
Attend Career Planning activities and workshops, including On-Campus Interviewing
(“OCI”) Orientation.
Watch for Symplicity job posts.
Participate in spring OCI.
Attend the annual Board of Visitors events and continue to network .
Arrange possible interviews or employer visits over spring break.
Attend Professional Development Workshops on interviewing, networking and resumes.
Continue to work on your Florida Bar application.
If you are interested in Judicial Clerkships or externships, contact career services ASAP.
Finalize summer plans and find suitable housing. Join the local voluntary bar association
in the location of your summer employment, most will let you join free of charge. See the
Florida Bar link for full listing: https://www.floridabar.org/about/volbars/
Advise Career Services of your summer plans and provide the office with your address.
Continue to network!
Meet with the Career Services staff to discuss your 1L summer and strategize for your 2L
Prepare for Fall OCI by attending the Career Services OCI Orientation and meeting with
Career Services staff to discuss interviewing skills. Fall OCI begins in August, so plan
your summer travel accordingly. Make sure you are able to be in Tallahassee 3 weeks
before school starts to participate in OCI.
If you are interested in Public Interest jobs, be sure to register for the Equal Justice Works
Job Fair in Washington DC, which is every year in October.
Research various job fairs catering to specific practice groups you are interested in.
SEMJF register for the Southeastern Minority Job Fair, all students are welcome to apply.
This job fair takes place in Atlanta and hosts over 200 employers. Deadlines are in April
and the fair is in July.
1L Summer
Constantly check Symplicty for fall application deadlines.
Review the online OCI Information for employers and deadlines.
Watch for and review the emails we send you over the summer about OCI and other
upcoming job opportunities. The job you have your 2L summer is very important, and
believe it or not, the search for that job often starts during your 1L summer.
Update your resume with first-year grades, activities and your summer experience. Be sure
to upload your updated resume onto Symplicity.
Begin establishing references through law professors and legal employers.
Be sure to update your Symplicity profile to reflect any new preferences.
Begin to narrow your focus of interest both geographically and by area of practice.
Review the Second-Year Timetable.
Employers will begin interviewing students at FSU for fall OCI in early August before
school starts, so plan to return to Tallahassee at that time if you are going to
participate in that process. You will also want to make sure you have internet access
in July because that is when you will begin electronically submitting your resume to
these employers.
Review the Government Honors & Internship Handbook for early deadlines. The website
and password are available under the “Shortcuts” section when you log into Symplicity on
the right side of your screen. Please note the password is updated frequently.
Some law firms begin their search for 2L summer law clerks very early. On June 1
each spring we will post jobs from employers who participate in what we call “Pre-
cruiting”. These employers are seeking to fill 2L summer law clerk positions for the
following summer (11 months later), but do not want to participate in the traditional OCI
program. For more information, please review our Pre-cruiting Policy, which can be found
in the Symplicity Document Library and on the Career Services website student page.
2L Fall Semester
Mark calendar to attend career presentations and workshops.
Join bar associations in your geographic region of interest or subject area.
Check alumni directory and reach out to develop contacts.
Continue to check Symplicity and emails for job postings.
Apply directly to employers of interest who do not participate in the College of Law’s fall
recruiting activities. Identify time frames for potential on-site interviews (e.g., winter
Prepare for interviews by attending career services workshops and reviewing sample
interview questions.
Consider scheduling a mock interview with the Career Services office.
If you are interested in Public Interest Law, register and attend Public Interest Job Fair in
Washington, D.C. (Equal Justice Works).
Begin researching employers for outreach. Identify employers and have cover letters
reviewed by Career Services. See the appendix for law firm research resources.
Plan follow-up strategy for all applications.
Review judicial clerkship materials on Symplicity in the Document Library.
Begin preparing cover letter, writing sample, and request references for federal and state
judicial clerkships.
Network! Network! Network!
Keep an Excel worksheet to record who you have met, where, contact information and
important details.
Schedule meetings or interviews with potential employers over winter break.
Meet with Career Services staff to discuss status and review options for expanding job
If you are interested in Public Interest, contact potential public interest employers and
sponsors for summer fellowships/work-study.
2L Spring Semester
Review job notices posted on Symplicity.
Update resume and upload it to Symplicity.
Be sure to review Career Services information on spring OCI.
Begin submitting your resume to employers for spring OCI.
Speak to the Career Services staff if you are interested in a Federal Judicial
Begin researching state and federal judges you might be interested in working for
after graduation. Most federal judges start accepting applications during your 2L
year for positions that will start after you graduate. Check OSCAR on the
Symplicity homepage for information on federal judges. State judges hire a little
Continue to check Symplicity for job postings and expand your job search to
smaller employers.
Attend Career Services workshops and information sessions.
Utilize Career Mentor and Alumni Directory. Begin corresponding with Career
Attend Board of Visitor activities.
Continue to check Symplicity for job postings.
Prepare application materials for state courts selecting judicial clerks during the
spring semester.
Contact employers to confirm start date and express continued interest in that
Locate suitable housing.
Advise Career Services of your summer job/address.
Meet with Career Services staff to discuss maximizing your summer experience and
to plan for the fall of your third year.
SEMJF register for the Southeastern Minority Job Fair, all students are welcome to
2L Summer
You should plan to be working in the geographic location where you want to secure
permanent employment after graduation.
Develop a good working relationship with the attorneys you work for. If you will
be searching for your post-graduate position during your 3L year, ask permission to
use them as references. Also, obtain permission from your supervising attorney to
use work product as a writing sample for future job interviews.
Identify potential employers who you have met during the summer for possible
follow-up during fall semester.
Update your resume based on summer experience and upload it to Symplicity.
Also, update your profile information.
Check Symplicity and emails from Career Services for information on On-Campus
Interviewing (“OCI”), which begins in early August. Career Services will send
you an email with information on fall recruiting programs, including OCI.
Employers will begin interviewing students at the College of Law for fall OCI in
early August before school starts, so plan to return to Tallahassee at that time. You
will also want to make sure you have internet access in July, because that is when
you will begin electronically submitting your resume to these employers.
3L Fall Semester
If you’re interested in working for the Federal Government, Review the Government Honors
& Internship Handbook, also known as the “Arizona Handbook,” for early deadlines in
late August. The website and password are available under the “Shortcuts” section when
you log into Symplicity on the right side of your screen. Please note the password is
updated frequently.
Attend Career Services workshops, informational sessions and 3L “Open House”.
Apply directly to employers of interest who do not participate in the College of Law’s fall
recruiting activities. Identify time frames for potential on-site interviews (e.g., winter
If you haven’t already, join local bar and practice area bar associations (state, local and
If you are interested in Public Interest Law, register and attend Public Interest Job Fair in
Washington, D.C. (Equal Justice Works).
Begin researching employers for targeted mailing. Identify employers and have cover
letters reviewed by Career Services.
Plan follow-up strategy for all applications.
Convert your student registration or Certified Legal Intern (CLI) registration to pursue
admission to the Florida Bar (if applicable).
Begin preparing cover letter, writing sample, and references for employers, including state
judicial clerkships. Schedule interviews with potential employers over winter break.
Meet with Career Services staff to discuss your status and review options for expanding job
Schedule a mock interview with Career Services.
3L Spring Semester
Continue to check Symplicity for job postings and networking opportunities.
Update resume and participate in spring On-Campus Interviewing.
Continue to review job notices from Career Services.
Attend workshops and seminars hosted by Career Services.
If needed, expand search to non-traditional employers (insurance companies, banks,
consulting firms, and corporations) who tend to hire in the spring.
Continue to review job notices from Career Services.
Finalize state bar plans (including review courses, hotel, arrangements for other state bar
Expand search activities as needed.
Contact employers to confirm start date and express continued interest in that employer.
Locate suitable housing.
Schedule and attend Exit Interviews with College of Law Student Student Advancement
Keep in mind that we are here to assist you after the bar exam and beyond.
Advise Career Services of your permanent position and provide updated contact
information and permanent email address. Update your profile information on
Plan strategy for post-bar exam job search.
Continue to check Symplicity and emails from Career Services.
Update Career Services regarding your employment status. Clean up social
media/Create professional messaging.
If you are still looking for a position, update your Symplicity profile especially the phone
numbers, email and geographic area/practice area preferences.
Join local bar/community organizations and attend their events and volunteer for a
If living/studying where you intend to practice, volunteer for legal aid (5 hours/week) or
in a law office.
Check your emails at least two times per day.
Email all friends/family letting them know what you are doing and your goals.
Reach back to all contacts from law school and give them status update about you.
Update your resume if you volunteered or joined any organizations to show local ties.
Once you are admitted to the bar, put your bar membership at the top of your resume with
bar number. See appendix for examples of how to word your status.
Sign up to be a Career Mentor with the Alumni Office once you have found employment
The most important advice anyone can give you when it comes to your career is “Lawyer-
Know Thyself”; sure those words may have been said by Socrates but it’s just as true today
as it was in ancient Greece. As you enter law school there will be a myriad of questions and
factors you have to consider when formulating your job search strategy. Geography,
practice areas, firm size are all important aspects of your job search; however, an often-
overlooked element of any job search is Self-Evaluation. A realistic inventory of what’s
important to you and what you need to see in an employer is just as important as location,
practice areas and starting salary.
How do you conduct a ‘Self-Evaluation’? Simple. Asking the following questions
(although not an exhaustive list) can be a good first step towards determining what is most
important to you in your career. Do I prefer to work with ideas or people? Do I value a
life outside of the office? Am I better working alone or do I need to be part of a team? Is
creativity a vital component of my work? Do I equate money with success? Do I need
structure or is a more free-wheeling environment better? Large city or small town? Large
firm or small? Just how sociable am I?
These are just some of the questions you need to be asking yourself during your law school
career. Creating a road map will greatly assist you in determining where you want to go
after graduation as well as those of us in the Career Services office who want to help you
get there.
Organizational Culture
When the time comes to begin evaluating employers, one important aspect to keep in
mind is the concept of Organizational Culture.
What is ‘Organizational Culture’ and why does it matter? Organizational Culture is
another way of describing the personalities that make up an entire firm, government agency
or corporation. It is, often, a much overlooked part of a successful job search. Every single
one of you reading this guidebook has a unique, distinctive personality. It is what makes
you, ‘you’. Organizations are no different. After all, what is an organization other than a
collection of people under the same roof engaged in the same type of work? The aggregate
forms a collective personality that is reflected in the values and beliefs of that organization.
The extent to which your personality meshes with an organization’s culture (or personality)
will play a vital role in determining your level of happiness, longevity and productivity.
Career Services can discuss types of employers that might be the right ‘fit’ for you.
How does Career Services help?
Career Services is committed to providing all of our students with information and advice
so that you can evaluate any and all employment opportunities. Our office constantly
researches employers, from ‘Big Law’ to General Counsel’s offices and government
entities in order to compile a broad classification of the various types of organizational
cultures and the personalities that comprise them. We can also work with you to identify
key aspects of your personality that allow us to make some assumptions about how well
you would ‘fit’ with a prospective employer. Through advisory meetings with our team, we
explain how certain personality traits are equivalent to skills nearly all effective lawyers
possess. This information, when combined with a job search strategy, can greatly enhance
the probability our students will find employment opportunities that make them happy and
Career Services houses a variety of resources that can assist you in your self-evaluation and
job search. Listed below are resources you can use for self-evaluation.
In the Career Center you can find these available titles:
The Official Guide to Legal Specialties, Lisa L. Abrams, J.D.
From Law School to Law Practice, Suzanne O’Neill and Catherine Gerhauser
Guerilla Tactics for Getting the Legal Job of Your Dreams, Kimm Alayne Walton
Insider’s Guide to Getting a Big Firm Job, Erica Finn & Jessica Olmon
Maximize Your Lawyer Potential, Amee, McKim
Law School to Law Practice, Suzanne O’Neill and Catherine Gerhauser Sparkman
The Lawyers Career Change, Hindi Greenberg
How to Get a Legal Job, Shauna Bryce
The Introverted Lawyer, Heidi Brown
You can find these titles at the Research Center:
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change, Stephen Covey
Alternative Careers for Lawyers, Hillary Mantis
Career Anchors: Self-Assessment, Edgar Schein
Do What You Are: Discover the Perfect Career for You Through the Secrets of
Personality Type, Paul Tieger and Barbara Barron-Tieger
Educating Lawyers: Preparation for the Profession of Law, William Sullivan;
Anne Colby; Judith Wegner; Lloyd Bond; Lee Shulman
Excellence in the Workplace: Legal and Life Skills, Kay Kavanagh; Paula Nailon
Full Disclosure: The New Lawyer’s Must-Read Career Guide, Christen Civiletto Carey
Jagged Rocks of Wisdom: Professional Advice for the New Attorney, Morten Lund
Judgment Reversed: Alternative Careers for Lawyers, Jeffrey Strausser
Non-Traditional JD Careers
In recent years, students graduating with a Juris Doctor have gone on to explore and work in
areas beyond those considered the “traditional” legal jobs. Employers have learned that people
with law degrees are very successful in many areas. There are many reasons for this, not the
least of which is the way lawyers learn to think and analyze. In considering what you want to
do during and after law school, you may want to talk to with your career advisor about some of
these non-traditional JD career options. Just about any interest you have may lead to such a
Legislative Staff
Federal Reserve Bank and
Financial Oversite
Legal Investigation
Banking/Financial Services
Nature Conservancy
Human Resources
Law Firm Administrator
Consumer Advocacy
Immigration Rights
Public Interest Administration
Legal Journalism
Real Estate Development
Environmental Consulting
Sports Management
Law School Administration
(admissions, recruiting, law
librarian, career services,
alumni affairs, Dean of
students, etc.)
Foreign Service/ US State
Consulting Firms
Purchasing and Contract
Patent Registration
Jury Consultant
Bar Associations: ABA, state
and local
State and Local Police
Law Librarians
Literary Agents
Computer Assisted Research
Develop Educational
and Motivational
Corporate Management
Lexis and Westlaw
Personal Websites
Employers are checking candidates’ personal websites like Facebook and Instagram. Be cautious
when using these websites. Set your websites to “private” and be cognizant of the pictures and
information you post to the internet because employers are WATCHING! Inappropriate social
media can cost you the job.
Many students incorrectly assume anonymity when participating in online blogs. While some
students assume an alias, an alias may be traceable. Many employers will also check blogs in
addition to websites such as Facebook and Twitter. Negative comments regarding school, political
rants, and descriptive postings of wild parties, may harm your chances of obtaining employment.
Use of Social Media & Managing Your Online Image
Your online image is now part of the public record. In the past, a job interview was your first
chance to make an impression on a potential employer; now, your first impression is based on your
online image.
When reviewing your application, prospective employers will Google you and search for any
social media profiles. Some employers even ask applicants to give them access to social media
profiles. Prospective employers are looking for any indication that an applicant does not fit into
the employer’s image and values. It is necessary to ensure that what you have online is the image
you want to project.
Search the internet with your full name.
Search text, images, videos, and news; the results may surprise you.
Clean up your social networks.
Make sure all information displayed on your social networking pages align with the image and
values of your potential employer. What type of person do your social networking pages portray
you as? Is it someone your mother or grandmother would be proud of? What do your photographs
say about you? Do you use proper spelling and grammar? Are you proud of every post, image,
and video you are tagged in? Cleaning up your profile may take some time, but it is worth it!
Join online professional networks.
LinkedIn is highly recommended, and it is free to join! Join LinkedIn groups in professional fields
you are interested in.
Search for websites in your field of interest.
Contact the websites, and offer to write a guest post about the subject area. Writing guest posts
creates unique content that can be found with a Google search of your name. You could also create
a YouTube video to demonstrate expertise in your subject area.
Populate your profiles.
Now that you have cleaned up your social media profiles, be sure to populate them with excellent
information about your field of interest. Also, only add the best posts, photographs, and videos to
your profile.
Create a Google alert for your name.
By creating an alert, every time your name appears online, you will get an email notifying you.
**7. Stay positive!**
This is the most important tip to follow. The internet is not the place for you to vent. In fact,
potential employers may take your comments very seriously. Never vent about a person, a
corporation, a politician, or anyone else on the internet.
Tips for Monitoring Your Online Reputation:
See what your online reputation looks like by Googling yourself. Also check Google
Set up regular Google Alerts for your name to continually monitor your online presence.
Set up a Google profile so you can control the links that make up your online personality.
Complete professional profiles for websites such as LinkedIn to present the information
you want to be seen.
View what others are posting about you, including tagging of photos.
Immediately un-tag yourself from any discriminating content.
Actively post professional content associated with your name. More positive and recent
posts will push down older and unwanted information in the search results of your name.
Sign up for social network sites such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and WordPress
you don’t use in order to “claim” your name.
What is Networking and why do it?
Networking simply means meeting new people and making connections. It is a way to expand
both your knowledge about the practice of law and expand the list of people who may be able to
help you find good career opportunities. It can also be fun. Studies consistently show that more
than half of legal jobs found by law students are obtained through making personal connections
(and not through finding an advertised position). Also, once you learn and practice good
networking skills, those skills will benefit you for the rest of your career. But networking skills
must be practiced. For many, they don’t come naturally (you are not the only one). But these
skills can be learned really!!
Brainstorming for Contacts
You know more people than you think. Here are some sources of people you already know and
places you can meet people:
Friends, family friends, relatives, neighbors, professors, alumni, local alumni associations, class
reunions, professors, cocktail parties and fundraisers, conferences, conventions, former
employees, former co-workers, public relations persons, local politicians, journalists, business
people, non-profit directors, your doctor, your hair dresser, prominent community members,
members of professional organizations, club meetings, internet list-servs, volunteer projects,
continuing education classes, members of other organizations to which you belong or have contact,
your fraternity or sorority members, children’s teachers, store owners, former employers. The list
is endless. Everyone knows a lawyer or knows someone who knows a lawyer!
Expanding Your Network
Attend professional, social, educational, and community events such as: lectures, seminars,
conferences and events hosted by the law school or your undergraduate/graduate schools; Bar
association committee and section meetings, social events, and continuing legal education; events
held by other law associations like the local family law bar, criminal defense bar, Inns of Court,
business conferences; charitable, community, and religious gatherings. Any event where you will
meet lawyers is a good event.
Know What You Want and What is Reasonable to Ask For
Be able to articulate your career goals, to whatever extent you’ve determined them so far, and what
you are asking the person for. (See suggestions about what to say, at the end of this section.)
Be Genuinely Interested in Others
Showing genuine curiosity will help you draw out what you need to know and at the same time
will make people want to talk to you. People are pleased and flattered when you refer to
they’ve told you at an earlier time. It can be about children, pets, trips, music-it doesn’t matter
what. Work on remembering names and details of conversations with contacts and make lots of
notes after you meet people to review before future meetings. Create a system to remember names!
Tip: make a couple of notes on the back of someone’s business card to help you remember them.
Present Yourself Professionally & Positively
Dress to project a professional image. However informal the person’s manner or the occasion
seems, remember that you still need to make a positive impression as someone that person would
want to recommend to others. Express appreciation for large and small favors, not only through
thank you notes but also on the spot. Always write, call, or email thanks to people who give you
information, advice, and referrals. If you actually get a job through a contact, you might send a
small gift or offer to take them to lunch (your treat).
Get Comfortable Talking about Your Skills & Accomplishments
Develop a “30-second sell” that shows your competence and interest in your target field. What do
you want people to remember about you? Think about your training and achievements. Use short
sentences and conversational language.
For example: “I am very interested in working in elder law in the Tampa Bay area when I
graduate. I grew up in Tampa. I volunteered at a senior center during high school and really
enjoyed my wills and trusts class. I also assisted one of my professors with the research he was
doing for an article on prosecuting scammers who target seniors. I worked last summer at an
elder law firm and now I am looking for a post-graduation position.”
Take an Organized Approach
Map out a plan; calendar things to do. Set goals (i.e., # number of calls a week, # number of
informational interviews a month). We suggest you keep detailed records of your meetings with
people using an Excel spreadsheet.
Follow Up
Don’t end your contact with an individual after the first conversation. Thank them by letter or
email, and keep them posted on your progress. People often feel they have to get to know you
before they are ready to refer you for a job. Don’t call someone every day, but keep in touch every
few weeks. Think about connecting on LinkedIn.
Be Patient
Networking doesn’t have a structured timeline like a job application with a deadline. If you keep
in touch with a contact over time, your “investment may well pay off, and sometimes in surprising
ways. Someone you met months ago may reach out to you when the right thing comes along.
Think in Terms of Giving as Well as Getting
“Giving back” can be as simple as sending a copy of an article you think a contact would be
interested in, or as major as referring a new client. You have a lot you can offer networking
contacts as well, including thoughts on technology, client relations, suggestions for the next
generation, observations on the legal market and changing market conditions. Sometimes you will
be “giving back to the person who helped you; sometimes you’ll be giving encouragement,
feedback, information, advice, and practical leads to your peers or those coming behind you. You
may think, “What do I have to offer, I am just a law student,” but you do have thoughts, opinions
and experiences that others want to hear about.
Contact Record
Set up a thorough and consistent contact record using an Excel worksheet. You need to have a
record of when you called, wrote, emailed, and met with people as well as a system to prompt you
when you need to contact them next. Try to record as much information as possible (i.e., full
name, nickname, employer, contact information, personality, topics discussed, and referrals
We strongly suggest you set up an Excel “Networking Chart”. It could look something like this:
Working a Room
When you arrive at an event, scan the room. If you know someone, go say hello. Your
friend/acquaintance may be able to introduce you to others. Write your name legibly and large on
your nametag and wear it on the right side. Be upbeat and friendly. Students should always get a
business card from potential employers so that follow up contact can be made.
You can walk up to people and introduce yourself. Start with, “Hello, I am Jane Smith, I am a 2
year law student at FSU. How are you tonight?” Only spend about 5-10 minutes per person. When
you are ready to move, extend your hand for a parting handshake. Tell the person how glad you
were to meet them and ask for a business card. Tell the person you would like to get in touch to
speak further.
Possible exit lines:
I’m sure there are other people you need to speak with. I don’t want to monopolize your
time. I’ve enjoyed speaking with you.
Excuse me, it was nice meeting you.
Excuse me; there is someone I need to talk to before they head out. (Be sure you move to
another part of the room.)
When you get home, be sure to record the information you gathered in your contact record or Excel
worksheet. Write personalized notes to people you met thanking them for anything you learned
or advice they provided. If you mentioned an article or something else they seemed interested in,
send them a copy or more information about the item. If someone suggested you attend the event,
send that person a note or email thanking them for the suggestion.
Using Business Cards
Many students decide to get business cards to use when they go to networking events. This is
acceptable and can be very helpful. The key is to use them professionally. If you have a
conversation with someone ask for their business card and offer yours. You can say: “would you
mind if I give you one of my cards”, but this should be part of a conversation. You should not
walk around an event just handing out your card to everyone in attendance. If you are interested
in ordering student business cards with an FSU logo these are available through Target Print &
Mail here in Tallahassee, 850-224-3007.
The following information is appropriate for a law student business card:
JD Candidate, May 2021
Florida State University College of Law
Things to Say When Networking
I’m interested in working with emerging companies in Orlando. I’d love any tips you
could give me.
I want to work in a corporate firm anywhere in the Tampa area. What do you think is the
best approach for me to take?
I’m trying to find out more about what tax lawyers do in federal and state agencies.
You mentioned in your speech that you practiced in a firm in Jacksonville for 5 years before
you moved here. I’d be grateful for your perspective on the legal market there.
I’m hoping to get advice on what I should do to get into the State Attorney’s Office.
Do you have any suggestions about how I could make myself more attractive to
environmental law firms?
I’d like to stay in Tallahassee, but the most important thing to me is to do public defender
work. What do you suggest?
I am considering either corporate litigation or transactional work, what do you see as the
best path?
I would love your input on what business classes would be best to take my final year to
complete my business law certificate.
Things to Say Once You Have Established a Relationship
Can you suggest any attorneys doing civil rights work in Miami that it would helpful to me
to talk to?
What plaintiff’s firms in town do you see as doing high caliber work?
Do you know anyone at (potential employer) I could contact? May I use your name?
Can you refer me to anyone doing employment law in Atlanta I could talk to?
If you were me, what would you do next?
Feel free to share my resume with anyone who you think may be interested in talking to
Information to Solicit When Networking
Who else do you suggest I meet?
What organizations do you suggest I join?
What websites, books, newspapers, or blogs do you suggest I read?
What experiences should I get in law school so I can become an attractive candidate in the
Networking Emails
Please see networking emails in the sample email section of this guide.
Professionalism is acting or conducting oneself with the qualities the profession dictates.
Professionalism in the law involves acting with the highest moral and ethical codes. Similarly,
etiquette is defined as the practice and forms prescribed by social convention or authority.
You should conduct yourself with professionalism from the beginning of law school and
throughout your law career. You are building a reputation for yourself starting with the
relationships you develop with your professors and classmates within the law school. It carries to
the next level, when you are applying for internship/externship opportunities with law firms,
government agencies, judges, or public interest firms. Each action you take impacts the
development of your professional reputation and ultimately, what career options will be available
to you upon graduation. You want to be sure that you are conducting yourself with integrity while
utilizing high ethical standards to guide your actions.
We could write a whole book on professionalism in the context of law school and practicing law.
By following these basic rules, you should be off to a good start:
Treat others as you wish to be treated
Be honest in your dealings with classmates, professors, staff, clients and co-workers
Be respectful of others’ ideas and thoughts
Remember that the word “professional” carries with it a high expectation of behavior
Respect others’ time and efforts
Consider the element of fairness in the choices you make
Remember that as a lawyer, your behavior reflects on your school and on the profession
as a whole.
Dining Etiquette
There will be networking events you attend where dining out is involved. You also may have
interviews with potential employers during a meal. When eating meals with potential employers,
it is extremely important that you follow the rules of dining etiquette.
Place the napkin in your lap after you sit down. If you leave the table during the meal, be sure to
leave your napkin, folded or unfolded, on your chair and push your chair in. When you have
finished your meal, fold your napkin and put it to the left of your plate. If you have to cough,
cough into your napkin. Do not use your napkin like a tissue.
Butter your bread one bite at a time. Cut a piece of butter off the slab and put it on your bread
plate. Break your bread with your hands into bite-sized pieces to butter or eat. Do not use a knife
to cut your bread.
Place Settings
When you look down at your place setting, your bread plate will always be on the left. Your meal
plate will be in the center with your beverage glass to your right. T hink BMW left to right
bread, meal, water.
As for utensils, work your way from the outside in. If you skip the first course, then skip the first
fork. Once you use a utensil, you should never let it touch the table. The used silverware should
always be resting on a plate.
Pits & Bones
All foreign surprises (i.e., olive pits and fish bone) should be removed from your mouth with your
thumb and index finger. Place the object on the side of your dish. Be discreet. If you get
something stuck in your teeth and you cannot remove it discreetly with your tongue, then you
should excuse yourself from the table to remove it.
Sugar Packets, Tea Bags, & Beverages
Place empty sugar packets neatly under the rim of your coffee/tea saucer. Ask for a receptacle for
a used tea bag if you can’t keep it in the pot.
You should hold your wineglass by the stem near the bottom. Never order alcohol when
interviewing for a job. During a normal business meal, you may order a cocktail if your host does.
Don’t pick up a glass if you are being toasted.
Toothpicks, Lipstick, Doggie Bags, & Soup
Do not use toothpicks in public. Never powder your nose or apply lipstick at the table. Do not
ask for a doggie bag unless you are with friends and family. Do not slurp soup from a spoon.
Spoon the soup away from you when you take it out of the bowl and sip it from the side of the
spoon. If your soup is too hot to eat, let it sit until it cools; do not blow on it.
Ordering & Eating
If there are items you are uncertain about, ask your server any question. It is better to find out
before you order that a dish is prepared with something you are allergic to or do not like.
An employer will generally suggest that your order be taken first; his or her order will be taken
last. Sometimes, however, the server will decide how the ordering will proceed. Often, women's
orders are taken before men's. As a guest, you should not order one of the most expensive items
on the menu or more than two courses unless your host indicates that it is all right. It is best to
order foods that can be eaten with a knife and fork. Finger foods can be messy and are best left for
informal dining. Avoid anything messy, such as red sauce, or BBQ sauce. Do not eat anything
until everyone at the table has been served. If you are with a large party (10 or more), then you
can begin to eat when more than half of the guests have received their meal. Cut only one piece
of food at a time. Slice from the end of a piece of fish or meat, not from the middle. Sit up straight
at the table. When you are not eating, keep your hands on your lap or resting on the table (with
wrists on the edge of the table). Elbows on the table are acceptable only between courses, not while
you are eating. Never chew with your mouth open or make loud noises when you eat.
If you need something that you cannot reach easily, politely ask the person closest to the item you
need to pass it to you. If you drop your silverware on the floor, pick it up if it is within reach and
then ask the server for another utensil. If food spills off your plate, you may pick it up with a piece
of your silverware and place it on the edge of your plate. Do not push your plate away from you
when you have finished eating. Leave your plate where it is in the place setting. The common way
to show that you have finished your meal is to lay your fork and knife diagonally across your plate.
Place your knife and fork side by side, with the sharp side of the knife blade facing inward and the
fork, tines down, to the left of the knife. Do not leave a used spoon in a cup. Place the used spoon
on the saucer. Any unused silverware is simply left on the table.
Often during call back interviews, a meal may be involved. T his may raise the issue of whether
you should or should not order an alcoholic beverage.
We strongly urge you not to order an alcoholic beverage during a lunchtime meal, especially if
you have more interviews that same afternoon.
During an evening/dinner business meal, it is okay to order a cocktail if your host does. Before
doing so, please consider the following:
Just because the lawyers you are with order a cocktail does not mean you have to.
If you do not drink regularly, consider the effect a cocktail may have on you. If you get
even a little tipsy, it may create a negative perception by those interviewing you. Also, if
you have interviews the next day, you do not want to risk being late because you
oversleep or appearing hungover.
Never order more than one drink ever!
Paying the Bill
If you are attending a networking event, such as a bar association meeting, there is usually a fee
prior to entry of the event. If you are invited to lunch or dinner by an attorney for either a
networking or interview purpose, the person who did the inviting will usually offer to take care of
the bill. It is polite to offer to split or pay for the meal, but do not feel the need to offer more than
once or twice. Be prepared to pay for your meal as well as your dining partner just in case. It is
also appropriate to offer to pay for the gratuity, but do not keep asking or insisting if the other
person has declined your offer.
Students who gain legal work experience while in law school are more likely to obtain jobs upon
graduation. Not only do they better understand the information being presented in the
classroom, they also learn critical skills and make connections with attorneys in areas in which
they may want to practice. There are numerous ways to gain work experience and most students
do more than one.
Paid employment there are paid employment opportunities available throughout the
legal community for students to gain work experience. Students can search for paid
employment opportunities through Symplicity (https://law-fsu-csm.symplicity.com/).
See other sources of job postings in the appendix. Networking is also a good way to find
these jobs.
Externship Florida State University College of Law offers an extensive clinical
externship program, which allows students to earn academic credit while gaining work
experience. There are opportunities available in government agencies, judicial settings,
state attorney offices, public defender offices, legal aid, corporations, and public interest
offices. More information on externship opportunities is available by contacting the
Externship Office at (850) 644-1432. You can also learn more about this on Canvas:
Org: FSU College of Law Externships
Judicial Clerkships please see the detailed information in this guide on these
prestigious and coveted positions. You can also look at the “State and Federal
Judicial Clerkship Handbook” in the Document Library on your Symplicity
Public Interest Law Center The Public Interest Law Center is essentially a student
law firm that represents indigent clients with various types of legal needs. The clinics
within the Public Interest Law Center are The Children’s Advocacy Clinic; The Veterans
Legal Clinic; The Children in Prison Project; The Healthcare Access Project; Human
Trafficking and Exploitation Law Project; The Immigration and Farm Worker Project;
Veterans Driver License Project; and The Gender and Family Justice Clinic. Students are
given the opportunity to operate as an attorney with the primary responsibility for cases,
and receive up to six credits for the spring and fall semesters, and three credits for the
summer semester. More information on the Public Interest Law Center is available by
contacting the office at (850) 644-9928. You can also learn more about these clinics at:
http://www.law.fsu.edu/academics/clinical-programs/public- interest-law-center
Research Internship Up to two academic credits are available for students engaging
in a research internship. A research internship is an opportunity for students to explore
an area of special legal interest based on a substantial research and writing effort (a
research paper or legal memoranda, briefs, etc.), and 120 hours of work experience in an
actual practice setting. The research internship gives students the opportunity to practice
in a broad range of legal settings and further develop research and writing skills. More
information is available here: http://www.law.fsu.edu/docs/default-
source/registrar/internship.pdf?sfvrsn=6 .You can also contact Academic Programs at
Pro Bono Volunteer All Florida State law students are required to perform a
minimum of 20 hours of pro bono legal work sometime during their second or third year
of law school in order to graduate, and many students do more. Pro bono legal work is
defined as “work on behalf of indigent individuals or other uncompensated legal work in
conjunction with an individual lawyer, law firm or organization on behalf of a
disadvantaged minority, the victims of racial, sexual, other forms of discrimination, those
denied human and civil rights, or other work on behalf of the public interest.” Pro bono
legal work can be an excellent opportunity to gain work experience and network with
legal professionals. More information on how to fulfill the pro bono requirement is
available by contacting the Office of Student Advancement at (850) 644-7338 or by
looking at their Canvas Page under the “Pro Bono” tab.
Volunteer many opportunities to gain work experience are unpaid. Though an
opportunity may be unpaid, it still may offer a meaningful experience and the opportunity
to network and make connections with legal professionals. Volunteer opportunities are
frequently posted to Symplicity (https://law-fsu-csm.symplicity.com/).
1L Judicial Externship Program -- In 2015, the FSU College of Law created a new
program for 1Ls called the “1L Summer Judicial Externship Program”. This program
allows law students to earn 2 or 3 law school credits while working with a judge during
the summer between their first and second year of law school. The 1L Judicial
Externship Program is supervised by the Career Services Office. A 1L Judicial
Externship can be with any kind of judge and it can be anywhere in the country. In the
past, students have worked with:
Federal Appellate judges
Federal Magistrates
State Supreme Court judges
State Appellate Court judges
State Circuit Court judges
The Florida Department of Administrative Hearings
Courts in Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Louisiana, New York and
other states
To learn more about this program, you can find a description of the “1L Judicial
Externship Program” in the Document Library in Symplicity.
Certified Legal Intern -- One way to obtain excellent experience is to work as a
Certified Legal Intern. A CLI is a law student approved by the Florida Supreme Court to
represent clients in court under the supervision of an approved licensed Florida Attorney.
These jobs are usually with a government agency, such as the Public Defender or State
Attorney. Sometimes you may find work as a CLI with a legal aid organization. All
Certified Legal Interns must have completed legal studies amounting to at least 48
credit hours and be registered in a Clinic or Externship for credit. You must also
have received your Character Clearance from the Florida Bar. Questions about becoming
a CLI should be directed to the Externship Office at 850-644-1432.
A judicial clerkship, whether it is with an individual judge or an entire court, is an excellent first
step in a legal career. A clerkship provides a unique opportunity to learn from a skilled jurist and
to experience the behind-the-scenes workings of the judicial system. As a judicial clerk, you will
have the opportunity to develop and refine your research and writing skills, learn the intricacies of
trial or appellate procedure, and gain exposure to the bar that practices before that court. A
clerkship can also further one’s career goals. Because such positions are so limited, they are
viewed as very prestigious and valued, and many clerks have an edge in competing for subsequent
jobs with both private and public sector employers. Please contact the Career Services Office for
more information as soon as you think you might be interested in a judicial clerkship. There are
prerequisites that apply.
Judicial Law Clerk Faculty Committee: The law school formed a faculty committee with the
goal of encouraging and assisting law students obtain federal judicial clerkships. Please contact
Career Services to obtain information on current faculty committee members who will be more
than happy to assist you in the application process.
When considering clerkships, think about the following array of opportunities:
Federal Courts Specialty Courts
United States Supreme Court Court of Federal Claims
Federal District Courts Bankruptcy Court
Appellate (Circuit) Courts Tax Court
Magistrate Judges Court of International Trade
Alien Terrorist Removal Court
State Courts Military Courts (civilian clerks)
State Supreme and Appellate Courts Court of Veterans Appeals
General Trial (County and City) Courts International Tribunals
Important Online Resources
OSCAR: Online System for Clerkship Application & Review
Federal Judicial Vacancies
Florida Law Clerk Resume Repository
FSU’s Symplicity CSM (Document Library contains the Federal & State Judicial
Clerkship Guide)
Resume Preparation
Your resume is often your first introduction to an employer. Therefore, it must project a
professional and self-assured image. Its most important function is to be a selling piece to help
you obtain an interview. It is also important as a conversational guide and as a memory-refresher
after the interview. It should be written to interest the employer and to supply information
concerning your education, past experience, and unique abilities and skills. Identify those
experiences in your background that make you particularly qualified for the position you are
seeking and find ways to highlight them in a positive way. Review your resume from the point of
view of the employer to determine whether you have given a complete and positive view of
yourself as a potential employee.
Why are resumes and cover letters so important?
For starters, your resume and cover letter will be the only tangible things that prospective legal
employers will have on which to judge you as a candidate. Most legal recruiters will spend less
than 30 seconds reviewing your resume and cover letter. Therefore, you want to make sure that
you are portraying yourself in a manner that is positive, organized, concise, and persuasive. Your
cover letter and resume should be your absolute best work product.
What are the characteristics of a good resume?
A good resume is concise and brief. The general rule is to keep it to one page (unless you had a
previous career before law school). For maximum impact, the resume should be arranged so that
the high points can be absorbed in literally 20 seconds. This may be all the time you get from the
reader, so use it well. Do not, however, resort to cute gimmicks to attract attention. Remember
that the legal profession is typically very conservative. Also remember, never use “first person”
pronouns (i.e., “I”) on your resume.
Be absolutely certain that the information provided is correct. Do not estimate information; use
accurate class standing, GPA, dates and titles. Proofread the resume. It must be free of
grammatical, typographical, and spelling errors. Employers will cut applicants based on one
typo in a resume!
Where to start?
Begin with the heading. Your name should be at the top of the resume, either in bold or all CAPS
and in a larger type font size. Include your current address (don’t forget apartment numbers), email
address and a telephone number where you can be reached. ** Use a good quality resume paper,
like linen. Use only white or ivory/cream colored paper.
**Very Important Tip** Make sure the phone number you list on your resume has a
professional voicemail (i.e., “You have reached First name, Last name. I am unable to take your
call, but please leave me your name and number, and I will return your call as soon as possible.”)
If you are interested in employers in specific geographic locations (i.e., where you permanently
reside), you may wish to include a permanent address as well. This is useful because it shows ties
to a particular area and allows employers to contact you when school is not in session.
Finally, include your email address. Make sure you check it regularly! Make sure your email
address is professional. Do not use nicknames or slang (e.g., [email protected]).
What about stating an objective?
A career objective section is not necessary and is discouraged.
What do I list first: Education or Experience?
As a law student, education should be the first section on your resume. (Once you have graduated,
you may want to list Experience or Bar Memberships first.) List your education starting with your
law school and working backwards to undergraduate. Do not include high school information.
Spell out the educational institutions’ full names. Do not use the more familiar FSU College of
For your law school information, indicate your status as “Juris Doctor Candidate, May 20 .” With
respect to other schools, make sure to list the dates that you received your degree by month and
year. Do not use exact dates or dates of attendance. Also indicate the kind of degree (Bachelor of
Science, etc.) and the major area of study. You may also include participation in study abroad
Should I include my G.P.A. or other grade information?
The decision to put grades or class rank on your resume is a sensitive subject and should be
considered carefully by each student. First, you want to make sure that you are including
information that works to your advantage. If you have significant work experience or other
qualifications to set you apart from others, then an employer may very well select you for an
interview without any grade information. Employers sometimes assume the worst if no grade
information is provided. If grades are an important hiring criterion to a particular employer and
you do not have top grades, you probably will not be selected for an interview.
If your grades have shown consistent improvement, you may want to highlight that by breaking
them down by academic year. If you have had unusual circumstances while in law school (illness,
injury, etc.) which have impacted your academic performance, indicate this in your cover letter.
Make sure when you list your grades or class rank that they are accurate. Most legal
employers will eventually ask for a transcript, so your resume grades should match the grades on
your transcript.
If you have a specific question regarding how best to illustrate grades or class rank, or specific
coursework, please stop by the Career Services Office and we can assist you. Generally, if you are
in the top 33% of your class, then you should include your grades and class rank on your resume.
Do I include LSAT Scores?
Do I include information about high school?
No, unless you had a unique high school experience, then there is no reason to list it.
Where do I put my honors and activities from school?
Indicate honors and/or activities under the respective education sections. It is preferable to separate
Honors and Activities, but you may combine the headings if you wish. If you use a combined
heading however, make sure you have information listed for both categories. Do not call the
section Honors/Activities and just list activities.
Awards or distinctions such as Dean’s List, Journals, Moot Court and Mock Trial should be listed
under Honors. Be sure to include a brief description of the honor if it is not self-explanatory or
Activities should include student organization memberships or sports activities in which you have
participated. Make sure to include any elected offices. Undergraduate activities are only important
if they show achievement, leadership, or something that you feel is particularly important for the
employer to know.
Do I use “Employment” or “Experience” as a section title?
There is no right answer here; either one is acceptable. Most students entitle the section
EXPERIENCE to include clinical work during law school, internships, and/or volunteer work in
this section. Significant volunteer work counts equally towards experience and need not be singled
out in a separate section (although it can be if you prefer). Make sure that you list work in reverse
chronological order (most recent first). The format should include the employer name, city and
state, dates you held the position (month/year), title and description.
Descriptions are an important detail and you should carefully consider the information you include
here. The most recent job does not necessarily warrant the longest description. Instead, use longer
descriptions to accentuate those work experiences most relevant to your job search. Employers
will assume that the longer the job description, the more priority you gave to the work.
Break down the individual description sections into short, active phrases that read more quickly
and easily than complete sentences. Use dynamic action verbs and be consistent in your tenses.
You need not create separate sections for “legal” versus “non-legal experience”. Many of the skills
and responsibilities of non-legal positions are transferable to the legal field. Thus, focus on these
transferable skills in your job descriptions as many employers will focus on the types of
responsibilities you had rather than the legal subject matter.
What about categories such as publications, languages, interests, references, or computer
A PUBLICATIONS section should be used to list either published or unpublished works to provide
further evidence of your research and writing abilities. Be prepared to produce copies.
If you are fluent or conversational in more than one language, you should create a separate category
called: LANGUAGE(S). Use terms such as “Fluent in French”, “Can read Italian”,
“Conversational Japanese”. Be sure not to overrate your skills in the event that you are asked to
demonstrate them during an interview.
Adding a line or two about INTERESTS can be invaluable. Not only does it counterbalance
your academic pursuits, but it also provides interviewers additional topics of conversation.
However, many employers and students believe that interests are not related to professional
qualifications and thus do not belong on a legal resume. Because there are differing opinions
about the value of interests on a resume, do what makes you feel comfortable. If you choose to
include interests, be sure to include only those interests for which you have a genuine passion.
Do not exaggerate to make you sound more worldly or scholarly. Remember this rule of thumb:
hobbies should be interesting but not weird. Bounce your ideas off of Career Services before
you include them.
A REFERENCES section is not necessary because employers assume that you will be able and
ready to provide references upon request. Before you list someone as a reference, ask permission
and provide your resume to your reference.
Omit a COMPUTER SKILLS section! It is universally assumed that all law students have and will
graduate with skills in word processing and online research such as Westlaw and/or Lexis. The
exception to this is if you have advanced computer skills that will be directly relevant to the
position you are seeking (e.g., working in a technology-related legal field) or have advanced
knowledge of Westlaw/Lexis (e.g. Advanced Certificate Training).
What are the standard margins and font styles/sizes?
The standard margins on a legal resume can be 0.4 to 1 inch all the way around the document.
Standard font styles are Times New Roman, CG Times, Arial, Garamond, and Tahoma. The
standard font size for the body of your resume (excluding your name, contact information and
section titles) can be no less than an 11pt. font size.
How should a resume be saved for electronic applications?
Many times, your resume will be submitted electronically to potential employers. Your resume
and any other materials should be saved as a .pdf to ensure that the receiver will get a copy of your
materials in the original format. You should use your name as the file name as a courtesy to the
employer, for instance:
Please read carefully to ensure you understand when a reference list and/or letters of
recommendation are being requested as a part of your application as these are two separate
documents, not the same thing.
A reference page is important when sending out your resume. Do not put the statement “references
available upon request” on your resume; it is taken for granted that you are able to provide
references. Generally, the reference page is a separate sheet from the resume. Usually three to five
references should be provided, and include their name, title, address, phone number, and email
List prior and present employers, especially attorneys. Law school and undergraduate professors
who are very knowledgeable about your work should also be listed. Don’t list personal references
or “family friends” who have known you forever, and can only attest to your personality or
character (unless specifically requested).
Ask permission from your references before you give out their name. (Tip: send your references
a copy of your resume to have on hand when they are called.) Ask your references what they
would say about your work if asked. You cannot afford any surprises when applying for a job.
Letters of Recommendation
A letter of recommendation should accomplish several purposes. First, it should describe how the
author knows you and for how long. Second, it should discuss your personal and professional
attributes (with emphasis on professional) and it should comment on your past performance.
Finally, it should state the author’s general level of recommendation.
Many students ask former employers to write general letters of recommendation that accompany
their resume packets. There are two schools of thought regarding these “to whom it may concern
letters. While some employers consider these general letters to be valid recommendations, there
are some employers who take the position that they are not valid because they were not written or
obtained in confidence. If you do decide to attach a general letter of recommendation, make sure
it is up-to-date. Keep in mind that most employers like to call references on the phone. They can
learn more by hearing a person’s voice tone.
Writing Samples
Some employers may ask you to provide a writing sample during the application process. You
should be prepared with examples of your best work. It is also a good idea to re-read your writing
sample before your interview in case you are asked to discuss the subject.
ALL legal employers value legal research and writing skills and use writing samples to assess your
writing style and proficiency. An ideal writing sample demonstrates your ability to analyze a set
of facts. It also shows your ability to take and support a position with sound legal reasoning by
applying and distinguishing case law or applicable statutes and rules.
What to use? You may use a law school paper or a work product from a previous job. The work
should be entirely yours. If the writing was edited or done with others, your contribution should
be clearly identified. First-year students usually have to use a paper from their legal writing course.
If you use a work product from a previous job, make sure to get permission from your supervising
attorney in advance. You should also redact (“white-out”) client names to protect confidentiality.
The four types of legal writing:
Application Analysis. This includes memos, briefs, judicial opinions, and law
school exams. (Most employers expect to see an application analysis, as this is what
the attorney or law student is going to be asked to do in his or her job.)
Critical Analysis. Includes seminar papers, law review articles, and case notes.
Legal Drafting. Includes contracts, interrogatories, and pleadings.
Legal Correspondence. Includes letters to clients and other attorneys.
Length? Even though most legal writings (memoranda of law, briefs, etc.) are fairly lengthy, most
employers will not want to read more than 6-10 pages. Most job postings and OCI’s will designate
how long it should be. It is appropriate to submit an abridged version of a writing sample. If you
choose to do so, you may include an introductory cover page or paragraph with the following (or
similar) language:
“The following is an excerpt from my Open Memo I submitted in my Legal Writing and
Research class. I would be more than happy to provide a copy of the entire work upon
If submitting a shortened sample, you should provide the applicable fact pattern or issue so that
the employer can read your legal analysis(es) in context. We suggest that you submit a portion of
the Discussion section of a memo or a portion of the Argument section of an appellate brief.
Ideally, the portion you submit will be a complete Conclusion-Rule-Explanation-Application-
Conclusion (CREAC). For more assistance, you should reach out to the FSU Law Legal Writing
and Research faculty, who are always willing to help.
You may be asked to provide a transcript by some employers. Unless directed otherwise by the
employer, you may send an unofficial transcript. It is also recommended that you keep several
copies on hand to take on interviews. You may access your transcript online. In order to view
your unofficial transcript or request an official transcript, please follow the steps detailed at the
following link: http://sc.my.fsu.edu/students/how/access-unofficial-transcripts. PLEASE
NOTE: if you went to FSU for your undergraduate degree, the system may automatically include
your undergrad transcript with your law school grades. You only need to submit the law school
portion. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Records Office at
[email protected] or (850) 644-3288.
If you need to scan a copy of your transcript, you can do so at Career Services.
Things to consider:
purposes, you should only indicate your GPA in 100-point scale to accurately
reflect the grading system at our law school still in use in 2018. The GPA you
obtain from Canvas, which is on a 4.0-scale, should NOT be used on your
Only use unofficial transcripts or official transcripts that you received after
following the detailed steps at http://sc.my.fsu.edu/students/how/access-unofficial-
transcripts .
Rounding off or approximating your GPA/class rank is prohibited. If you choose
to put your GPA and class rank on your resume, it must be identical to the GPA
and class rank you receive from the law school Registrar.
Rounding up your GPA is an example of a material misrepresentation.
Sometimes it takes a while between our registrar’s office and main campus for
updated transcripts to be ready. Even if grades have gone out, that doesn’t mean
updated transcripts are ready. So, if you are dealing with a job application deadline,
you can put in your cover letter that your most recent transcript is not ready but you
will provide it or update your application materials as soon as it is.
Uploading Transcript in Symplicity- If you get a message that you can't upload your transcript
because it is "secured", then this is how you remove the "security" before uploading it to
You must change the security settings to "no security" and then save the PDF again. Some students
are not able to do this because of their version of Adobe Acrobat. We have Adobe Acrobat PRO
in our office so you are welcome to use our computers if necessary, OR b.) Print the transcript and
then just scan it as PDF. This removes the security. If you don't have a scanner you can use the
one in our office, OR c.) Use the website www.pdfunlock.com (or similar software) to change the
security settings on the document.
Customize Your Resumes
It is a good idea to keep and maintain a personal resume with all of the details of your experience.
Every time you join an association or organization, you should add the information to your long
personal resume. You can then cut and paste information from your long personal resume onto
your legal resume as needed. It is a good idea to customize your legal resume for each employer.
For example, if you are applying for an attorney position at an environmental law firm, then include
your volunteer experience with the Sierra Club. However, you may not want to take up space with
your Sierra Club experience if you are applying to a tax law firm. Keeping all of your experience
in a long personal resume will make it easy to customize your resume.
Resume Reminders
Standard Margins: 0.4 to 1 inch; Standard Font Size: no less than 11pt. font size for body of
Only use bullets if your resume is sparse they help take up some space. A crowded resume
will look less crowded if you take off the bullet points.
Align all columns. Keep formatting consistent.
Describe non-legal experience using “legal” verbs (i.e., drafted, communicated, synthesized,
organized, supervised, analyzed, and prioritized).
List only 1 phone number and make sure your outgoing message is professional.
Use only professional email addresses on your resume. Avoid “Hotmail”
Include ALL legal/law related experience. Be concise, but describe the work you contributed.
List your law degree as “Juris Doctor Candidate, May 201_” or “Juris Doctor expected,
December 201_.” Do not say “Juris Doctorate”.
The education section of the resume should begin with “Florida State University College of
Law.” Then list education working backwards to your undergraduate degree.
Use 8.5 x 11 inch white or cream colored paper only.
Proofread! Use a ruler and review each line separately. Give it to a friend to proofread.
If you are invited onto Law Review, then list it as “Law Review Invitee”.
Save your resume as a PDF and use your name as the file name (i.e., michaelbluthresume.pdf).
Resume “Don’ts
Inclusion or mention of salary or indicating reasons for leaving prior employment.
Using “I” or “me” anywhere.
Titling the page, “Resume.”
Exceeding one (1) page (unless you had a previous career.)
Avoid too much white space study samples in this book carefully.
Exaggerating or approximating your GPA or other credentials.
Do not use hyperlinks any link or email address should be black ink without an underline.
Including activities or employment that you have not participated in (i.e., if you have not been
formally invited to be on law review, then do not put law review on your resume).
Using nicknames, abbreviations or contractions.
Action Verbs to Use in a Legal Resume
Followed up*
Wrote *
= Verbs to use when
describing legal work
Minimal Legal Experience, No Class Rank yet
Willie Taggart
100 Garnet Way
Tallahassee, FL 32306
(941) 555-3434
Florida State University College of Law
Tallahassee, FL
Juris Doctor Candidate, May 2021 GPA: 84/100
Walter Payton Scholar
Moot Court, 2019 Best Brief
Chipper Jones All-Star Football Foundation
Intellectual Property Society, Founding Member
Sports & Entertainment Law, Board Member FSU Chapter
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, KY
Bachelor of Science, Biology, May 2016
Minor in Sports Management
GPA: 3.7/4.00
Graduated with honors
Dean’s List 4 semesters
Toby, Shadow,
Bowling Green, KY
Legal Assistant Feb. 2018 May 2018
Met with clients to collect initial intake information. Created client files for all
new clients. Observed hearings, depositions, and mediations. Answered telephone
and assisted with set up for meetings.
Alvarez Sports Consultants
Bowling Green, KY
Associate Consultant Feb. 2017 - Feb. 2018
eveloped online help, printed documentation, and training materials for clients
starting new sports and entertainment businesses. Worked with graphics design
team on marketing proposals.
Krzykewski Sports Software
Bowling Green, KY
Technical Writer
June 2016 - Jan. 2017
Created online help systems and training materials for software solutions for sports
industry businesses.
INTERESTS: Competitive water skiing, Spelunking in North America
Minimal Legal Experience, No Class Rank yet
Beyoncé Knowles
4862 Pepper Drive (617) 555-5555 560 State Street
Tallahassee, FL 32304 New York, NY 11217
EDUCATION Florida State University College of Law Tallahassee, FL
Juris Doctor Candidate, May 2019
Activities Insurance Institute for Law Students, Founder
Intramural Soccer Team
City University of New York New York, NY
Bachelor of Arts, Women’s Studies, May 2014
EMPLOYMENT Knowles, Giselle, and Carter, PLLC Brooklyn, NY
Summer Associate May 2017-August 2018
Analyzed incoming cases. Wrote
deposition summaries.
Corresponded with insurance adjusters.
Observed court proceedings.
Blue Ivy Used Car Lot Los Angeles, CA
Salesperson August 2015-June 2016
Greeted customers.
Negotiated automobile sales contracts.
Assisted with store marketing.
Employee of the Month: October 2003; February 2010.
Quentin Tarantino Junior High Los Angeles, CA
Teacher September 2013-July 2015
Taught English and Geometry to sixth grade students.
Presented daily lessons.
Created lesson plans.
Organized curriculum. Evaluated
students’ progress.
Contempo Casuals Houston, TX
Sales Associate August 2011-May 2013
Scheduled employees for work shifts.
Organized back room inventory on weekly basis.
Interacted with customers to provide excellent customer service.
Fluent in Spanish. Intermediate German.
No Class Rank, Publications, No Legal Experience, Graduate Degree
Jon Snow
765 Oprah Road ∙ Tallahassee, Florida 32331 ∙ (850) 999-7777 ∙ wallwatcher@dadstark.net
Florida State University College of Law
Juris Doctor Candidate, May 2018
University of Georgia
Master of Musical Theater, August 2015
Tallahassee, FL
Athens, GA
3.5/4.0 G.P.A.
Poetry Club, President
Georgia Institute of Technology
Bachelor of Science, Sociology, May 2009
Atlanta, GA
3.5/4.0 G.P.A., Academic Honors Program
Senior Hall of Fame
Richard Hamilton Leadership Honorary- President
Mortar Board Senior Honorary- Vice President
The Pilot Party- Campaign Manager
Kappa Sigma Fraternity- Secretary, Social Chairman
Georgia House of Representatives
Atlanta, GA
Property Tax Council
May August 2016
Assisted council during 2015 Legislative Session with various clerical, committee, and
legislative duties.
University of Georgia Athens, GA
Student Body President and Trustee March 2014 March 2015
Administered and enforced rules and regulations governing entire Student Body;
Member of University Board of Trustees and several other university committees; Chief
advocate of higher-education interests on behalf of students at DUU; managed $5
million budget.
Georgia Student Association Atlanta, GA
Chairman May 2012 January 2013
Chaired a board comprised of eight student body presidents from various Georgia state
universities; Coordinated lobbying efforts at both state and federal levels with executive
director on behalf of 300,000 state university students.
Georgia Board of Regents Atlanta, GA
Board Member May 2007 January 2008
Sole student member on the Board of Regents, which oversaw eight state university
system schools.
Executive Office of Governor Catelyn Tully Atlanta, GA
Research and Administrative Assistant September 2011 February 2012
Researched and compiled background checks, references, and CV’s of candidates for
Governor’s consideration.
PUBLICATIONS Co-Author, Battle of the Trident, Journal of Sociology, Vol. 3, December 2014
Kylo Ren
1000 Enemy Lines Way │ Tallahassee, FL 32303 │owenwilson@fighterpilot.com │ (333) 555-1234
Florida State University College of Law Tallahassee, FL
Juris Doctor Candidate, May 2019
Dispute Resolution Society; Federalist Society; Student Bar Association
George Lucas University Scarlett, CA
Master of Business Administration, May 2010
Emphasis in Management
College of Business Administration Graduate Fellow
Leia Organa University Melanie, CA
Bachelor of Arts, Geography and Planning, May 2007
Dean’s List, multiple semesters; Awarded Naval ROTC scholarship
Kenobi, Palpatine & Yoda, P.A. Tallahassee, FL
Law Clerk May-August 2017
Drafted various motions, including Motions to Suppress Evidence and Motions for Summary Judgment;
Prioritized assignments received from partners.
United States Navy Naval Air Station Miramar, CA
Crew Commander April 2011-August 2016
Supervised all aspects of site operations and commanded a 2-person Navy crew and 6 support personnel;
Selected from more than 200 eligible candidates to attend “Topgun” fighter pilot school; Won crew
commander of the quarter award for April through June 2012; Certified as instructor for both crew
commanders and crew chiefs.
United States Navy Naval Station Norfolk, VA
Chief of Training, Procedures, and Plans August 2007-April 2011
Resolved critical last-second take-off malfunction; Led investigation team and personally briefed findings to
four-star generals; Conducted intensive month-long training and quarterly recurring training of Water
Mission Ready (WMR) personnel, including Admirals.
Florida Senator Anakin Skywalker Tallahassee, FL
Office Assistant January-May 2014
Wrote and edited proposed legislation; communicated with constituents via phone and mail; wrote senator’s
talking points for presentation and debate on proposed legislation.
Career Change
Alexander Hamilton
1776 Wall St. │ Tallahassee, FL 32303 │ Alexander.Hamilton@premail.com │(333) 555-1234
Florida State University College of Law Tallahassee, FL
Juris Doctor Candidate, May 2019
Federalist Society; Student Bar Association
Manuel University Washington, DC
Master of Business Administration, May 1991
College of Business Administration Graduate Fellow
Caribbean University New York, NY
Bachelor of Arts, American History, May 1990
Show choir; Broadway Society
Dean’s List, multiple semesters
Broadway.com New York, NY
Site Executive April 1999-August 2016
Supervised all aspects of website production; Oversaw the production of several web features on plays
including The Young Man and the Beach, Almost Cousins, and Love, Indubitably; Drafted reports related
to web traffic and supervised web production teams; Ensured the website complied with state, federal,
and union regulations.
Aaron Burr Productions New York, NY
Executive Assistant June 1991-March 1999
Assisted the head Studio Executive on several large Broadway productions each year; Ensured
compliance with state, federal, and union regulations related to the productions; Coordinated with unions
and talent agencies to ensure all productions were adequately staffed; Read all scripts and worked with
writers to ensure all dialogue was grammatically correct.
St. Eliza Hospital New York, NY
Long-term Patient Entertainment August 2005-April 2011
Coordinated faux wedding ceremonies, illusion/magic shows, and short plays for long-term patients at St.
Eliza Hospital; Organized large groups of other volunteers.
Designing and sewing historically accurate costumes
Reading books about the American Revolution
Career Change
Taylor Swift
1000 Scranton Way │ Tallahassee, FL 32303 │ taylorswift@popmusic.com │(333) 555-1234
Florida State University College of Law Tallahassee, FL
Juris Doctor Candidate, May 2019
Business Law Society; Tax Law Society; Student Bar Association
University of Southeast Florida Vero Beach, FL
Masters of Science, May 1999
Focus in Management and Taxation
University of East Florida St. Augustine, FL
Bachelor of Science, May 1998
Magna Cum Laude
Accounting; Minor in Business
Bad Blood Accounting Tallahassee, FL
Partner August 2012-August 2016
Youngest partner elected to a partner position. Continued to grow client base. Developed a strong
expertise in the international tax area. Mentored and developed younger staff and partners. Led team
that ensured compliance with state and federal laws and interfaced with firm’s general counsel.
Blank Space Accounting Tallahassee, FL
Manager August 2008-August 2012
Responsible for overall management of client engagements and new business development. Managed a
team of professionals to complete client assignments. Conducted various in-house training seminars for
professional staff. Spearheaded and conducted numerous client seminars on relevant financial and tax
topics. Developed a large book of business of mid-sized entrepreneurial companies primarily in the real
estate, construction, wholesale distribution, travel, international trade, and professional services
industries. Participated on team that ensured compliance with changes in state and federal laws.
Cara and Gigi CPAs Scranton, FL
Staff Accountant June 1999-August 2008
Performed tax services for firm’s client base of mid-sized companies. Worked to continually improve
skills and developed into a reviewer within 3 years. Managed client engagements and worked with the
owners and management of assigned clients within 4 years of hire.
Certified Public Accountant in the State of Florida (since 1998)
Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants (FICPA)
Gary Sinise
1000 Service Way │ Tallahassee, FL 32303 │ gar[email protected] │(333) 555-1234
Florida State University College of Law Tallahassee, FL
Juris Doctor Candidate, May 2020
GPA 89/100, Class Rank: 22/185
Dean’s List: Spring 2018
Book Awards for highest grade in the class: Contracts and Legal Research and Writing I
Pursuing Business Law Certificate
Member of: Business Law Society; Student Bar Association
University of Southeast Florida Vero Beach, FL
Masters of Business Administration, May 2016
Focus in Management and Taxation
University of East Florida St. Augustine, FL
Bachelor of Business Administration, May 2010
Magna Cum Laude
Awarded Air Force ROTC Scholarship
U.S. Attorney’s Office – Northern District of Florida Tallahassee, FL
Legal Intern Summer 2018
Performed legal research, drafted legal memoranda, and assisted with trial preparation for civil and
criminal cases. Attended trials, oral arguments, and depositions. Participated in witness preparation and
defendant proffer sessions.
Patriot Financial Planning Tallahassee, FL
Financial Advisor September 2016-June 2017
Conducted detailed analysis of clients’ financial situation and designed strategies to achieve short-term
and long-term investment goals. Communicated complex financial information to help clients assess the
relative merits of different investment and insurance strategies
United States Air Force Eglin Air Force Base, FL
Captain, E-3 Senior Director July 2013-September 2016
Led team of five officers as an airborne tactical command and control operator conducting missions over
Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Arabian Gulf. Awarded two Air Medals for Outstanding Aerial Achievement.
Managed squadron’s largest flight; supervised the administration and training of 87 personnel. Won
Company Grade Officer of the Year for 2014 (#1/110).
United States Air Force Kadena Air Base, Japan
First Lieutenant, E-3 Air Weapons Officer June 2011-July 2013
Conducted airborne tactical command and control operations in the Western Pacific Theater of
operations. Led long-range planning for the squadron’s $12 million Flying House Program. Arranged
short-term and long-term flight scheduling for two E-3 aircraft valued at $540 million. Deployed to
Afghanistan as Squadron Executive Officer in support of Operation Enduring Freedom
United States Air Force Tyndall Air Base, FL
Second Lieutenant, Undergraduate Air Battle Management Train September 2009-June 2011
Ranked #1/10 in training class. Awarded “Top Graduate” honors; earned “Top Academic Award” for
achieving the highest academic average. Led team of six through the three-week course including a
week-long survival scenario and a three-day prisoner of war exercise.
Publications, Great Grades In Only Certain Classes
Adele Adkins
5544 Allison Circle
Tallahassee, Florida 32303
(850) 555-1987 • [email protected]
EDUCATION Florida State University College of Law Tallahassee, FL
Juris Doctor Candidate, May 2019
Business Law/ Carter Book Award (highest grade in class) Contracts I (Fall 2016)
Activities Walthall Book Award (highest grade in class) Contracts II (Spring 2017)
Business Associations (Spring 2017) 93/100 grade
Gratuitous Transfers (Fall 2017) 91/100 grade
Freeland Scholarship
Student Bar Association
Grammy State University Miami, FL
Bachelor of Arts, Sociology, May 2015
GPA: 3.67/4.0 major; 3.62/4.0 cumulative
Honors/ Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society
Activities Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
Platinum Key Honor Society
National Dean’s List
President’s List (five semesters)
Dean’s List (all semesters)
EXPERIENCE Hamilton, Burr, and Washington Miami, FL
Receptionist November 2015 - August 2016
Revamped and organized legal filing system
Provided front-line support by operating switchboard
Other Side, Inc. Miami, FL
Intern Summer 2014 & 2015
Researched various issues pertaining to efficient operation of facility
Filed and organized facility maintenance documents
Sold Out Concerts, Inc. Miami, FL
Administrative Assistant November 2012 - March 2013
Conducted administrative duties of business
Checked invoices for accuracy
PUBLICATIONS Author, Send My Love, Journal of Sociology, Vol. 23, December 2014
Author, Someone Like You, People Sciences Weekly,
August 17, 2013
Summer Abroad
JoJo Abroad
9876 Cotton Place (850) 555-1234
Tallahassee, FL 32301 [email protected]
Florida State University College of Law Tallahassee, FL
Juris Doctor Candidate, May 2019
GPA: 90.93/100 Class Rank: 19/200 (Top 10%)
Taylor and Buffett Book Award for Property I (highest grade in class)
Dean’s List, Fall 2012
Law Review invitee (graded on)
Journal of Transnational Law & Policy invitee (graded on)
Altico Foundation Art History Field School Ajax, Austria
Focus: European Art in the 20
Century, Summer 2010
Andrea University Recardoville, GA
Bachelor of Science, Art History with Honors, May 2011
Sloan Award for Academic Excellence
Harrison & Harrison, P.A. Cartersville, GA
Paralegal October 2011 - August 2016
Composed correspondence and pleadings for family law and civil litigation cases. Maintained client
relations and worked independently with little supervision. Administered and managed the family
law cases from inception to conclusion.
Law Offices of Rose & Bach Cartersville, GA
Part-Time Legal Secretary and Part-Time Billing Clerk January 2009 - June 2011
Drafted correspondence and pleadings for health care law practice.
Scheduled appointments, hearings, and depositions. Handled sensitive and confidential
client information. Maintained client billing software.
Brooke Law Firm, P.A. Cartersville, GA
Legal Assistant August 2007 - May 2009
Prepared and filed paperwork for formation of Georgia corporations. Communicated with clients.
Nisha Ash, Esq. Recardoville, GA
Legal Assistant May - October 2007
Prepared and organized files for civil trials. Scheduled court hearings.
Singing & AIDS Project Georgia
Roses for Vets Society
Class Rank, No Legal Experience
Tina Belcher
(615) 555-2250
Current Address: Permanent Address:
756 Tucker Road 65 Jorge Way
Tallahassee, FL 32333 Nashville, TN 61543
EDUCATION Florida State University College of Law Tallahassee, FL
Candidate for Juris Doctor, May 2019
GPA: 3.29/4.0 Class Rank: 66/200 (Top 33%)
Activities Student Bar Association
Javelin University Nashville, TN
Bachelor of Arts, English, May 2016
GPA: 3.99/4.00
Honors Suma Cum Laude, Jessica Rodriguez “Straight A” Scholarship
EXPERIENCE Tennessee Lakes Water Patrol Memphis, TN
Lake Rescue Lifeguard Summer 2009-2016
Administered first aid, rescued swimmers, trained new recruits and
performed CPR
Javelin University Nashville, TN
Research Assistant August 2013-September 2016
Performed research and developed a data collection system
Researched data on parachutes for a NIH funded project
Gayle Medical Center Nashville, TN
Nursing Assistant November 2007-June 2011
Performed basic care of patients including vital signs
Consulted with physicians regarding patient’s health
Bob’s Burgers Restaurant Nashville, TN
Server April 2007-May 2009
Interacted with customers to provide an exceptional level of service
Assisted with numerous catering orders and events
PROFFESIONAL Lifeguard of the Year nominee Tennessee Lakes Water Patrol, June 2009
AWARDS & American Association of Nurse Assessment Coordination Award, July 2010
Book Award, Journals, Self-Employment
Lebron James
Current Address: (351) 874-2121 Permanent Address:
2055 Colorado Drive 12345 Steamboat Place
Tallahassee, FL 32303 Punta Gorda, FL 33111
EDUCATION Florida State University College of Law Tallahassee, FL
Juris Doctor Candidate, May 2019
GPA: 3.69/4.0, Class Rank: Top 16% (30/193)
Honors & Activities Dalton Book Award for Legal Writing and Research I;
Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law; Journal of Transnational Law &
Policy; Business Law Review invitee; Chinese Law Society
American Bar Association, Student Member
University of Miami Coral Gables, FL
Bachelor of Science, Management May 2009
Bachelor of Arts, History
Minor, Marketing
GPA: 3.74/4.0, Cum Laude
Honors & Activities Munter Scholar; Teaching Assistant-Legal Environment of Business; Teaching
Assistant-Management; Delta Gamma Sorority; Study Abroad Ambassador
Esmond International Dubai Dubai, France
Certificate, International Business May 2007
EMPLOYMENT St. Vincent-St. Mary High School Akron, OH
Teacher August 2009-June 2015
Taught Management Essentials, Management Applications, and Human
Resource Management; Researched and created lessons for two job-training
classes on legal issues including state and federal child labor standards and
workers’ compensation; Raised nearly $30,000 while managing the Snack Shack
and established a scholarship fund with proceeds; Sponsored a student
management organization; Tutored foreign-language students in English;
Organized a Leukemia Society fundraiser.
Self-Employed Miami, FL
Portuguese Tutor August 2009-June 2011
Tutored children in Portuguese; utilized marketing skills to establish client base.
Heat Health & Fitness Centers/Javelin Enterprises Miami, FL
Business Intern January 2007-May 2009
Planned and executed a public relations campaign; Researched, planned and
marketed advertising activities including print advertisements.
University of Miami Athletic Association Miami, FL
Athlete Mentor August 2007-December 2009
Taught time management and organization to student athletes; Collaborated with
academic advisors to counsel students on academic matters.
LANGUAGE Speak, read and write Portuguese fluently.
2L Transfer Student
Jimmy Fallon
1000 Ty Way jimmyf[email protected]
Boston, MA 65328 619-498-3434
Florida State University College of Law Tallahassee, FL
Candidate Juris Doctor, May 2019
Environmental Law Society
Barkley School of Law Boston, MA
GPA: 3.0/4.0, Top 33% of class, Fall 2016Spring 2017
Received John F. Kennedy Scholarship
Law School Scholar, Fall 2016
Lockwood University Boston, MA
Bachelor of Arts in History, December 2010
GPA: 3.54/4.0, Cum laude
Al Bundy Scholarship
Dean’s List
Tutor for 100, 200, and 300 level history courses
State Attorney’s Office Boston, MA
County Court Director’s Intern April-September 2017
Researched case law in support of prosecution
Prepared discovery on homicide cases for exchange with defense counsel
Assisted with depositions
Drafted motions and orders
State Attorney’s Office Boston, MA
Juvenile Division Intern January -March 2016
Oversaw and reviewed criminal cases in juvenile diversion program
Counseled juveniles to determine proper sanctions to be required
Mediated disputes between defendants and victims of crimes
Guided parents of juvenile defendants through the diversion process
YMCA Beesly, MA
Fitness Room Attendant January-August 2011
Taught various workouts and “Gloria aerobic techniques
Supervised entire weight room area to ensure members’ safety
Coached youth basketball team named “The Fighting Clowns”
Developed fitness plans for about 135 new members
Roxie Animal Shelter, Katie Mission
Collegiate Cheerleading
3L Class Rank
Lena Dunham
9876 Project Place ▪ Tallahassee, FL 32301 ▪ (850) 555-1234 ▪ lenadunh[email protected]
Florida State University College of Law Tallahassee, FL
Juris Doctor Candidate, May 2019
GPA: 90.93/100
Rank in Fall 2016 Entering Class: 24/200 (Top 12%); Upper-Level Class rank: 25/250 (Top 10%)
Taylor and Buffett Book Award for Property I
Dean’s List, Fall 2016
Law Review invitee
Journal of Transnational Law & Policy invitee
Girls Foundation Art History Field School Ajax, Austria
Focus: European Art in the 20
Century, Summer, 2015
Shoshanna University Recardoville, GA
Bachelor of Science, Art History with Honors, May 2011
Sloan Award for Academic Excellence
Dunham & Sons, P.A. Cartersville, GA
Paralegal October 2011 - August 2013
Composed correspondence and pleadings for family law and civil litigation cases. Maintained client
relations and worked independently with little supervision. Administered and managed the family
law cases from inception to conclusion.
Law Offices of Elijah, LLC Cartersville, GA
Part-Time Legal Secretary and Part-Time Billing Clerk January 2010 - June 2011
Drafted correspondence and pleadings for health care law practice. Scheduled appointments, hearings,
and depositions. Handled sensitive and confidential client information. Maintained client billing software.
Brooke Law Firm, P.A. Cartersville, GA
Legal Assistant August 2009 - May 2010
Prepared and filed paperwork for formation of Georgia corporations. Communicated with clients.
Hannah & Hannah, Esq. Recardoville, GA
Legal Assistant May - October 2008
Prepared and organized files for civil trials. Scheduled court hearings.
3L Transfer Student
Chris Pratt
1000 Lorne Way cpratt@jurassicpark.com
Boston, MA 65328 619-555-3434
Florida State University College of Law Tallahassee, FL
Candidate Juris Doctor, May 2019
GPA: 3.2/4.0, Class Rank: 60/200 (Top 30%)
Florida State Business Review
Student Bar Association
Barkley School of Law Boston, MA
GPA: 3.0/4.0, Top 33% of class, Fall 2017Fall 2018
Received John F. Kennedy Scholarship
Law School Scholar, Fall 2017 & Fall 2018
Lockwood University Boston, MA
Bachelor of Arts in History, December 2014
GPA: 3.54/4.0, Cum laude
Upright Citizens Scholarship
Dean’s List
Tutor for 100, 200, and 300 level history courses
State Attorney’s Office Boston, MA
County Court Director’s Intern April-September 2018
Researched case law in support of prosecution
Prepared discovery on homicide cases for exchange with defense counsel
Assisted with depositions
Drafted motions and orders
State Attorney’s Office Boston, MA
Juvenile Division Intern January-March 2018
Oversaw and reviewed criminal cases in juvenile diversion program
Counseled juveniles to determine proper sanctions to be required
Mediated disputes between defendants and victims of crimes
Guided parents of juvenile defendants through the diversion process
YMCA Beesly, MA
Fitness Room Attendant January-August 2010
Taught various workouts and “dinosaur” aerobic techniques
Supervised entire weight room area to ensure members’ safety
Coached youth basketball team named “Raptors
Developed fitness plans for about 135 new members
Roxie Animal Shelter, Katie Mission
Collegiate and Professional Sports
U.S. Address:
1635 Congress Way
Tallahassee, FL, USA, 32301
LL.M. Candidate
Aziz Ansari
(+1) 850-339-6182
U.K. Address:
112 Oxford Way
London, U.K. W11 2BQ
Florida State University College of Law, Tallahassee, FL,
L.L.M. Candidate, American Law for Foreign Lawyers, May 2017
Relevant coursework: Business Associations; Securities Regulation Activities: International
Law Society
Faculty of Law, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Legal Practice Course, Commendation, July 2012
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
LL.B., July 2010
Activities: Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition (2010)
Innocence Project of Florida, Tallahassee, FL,
Legal Intern, June 2016 Present
Work under a supervisory attorney to learn post-conviction process.
Assisted with wrongful conviction cases. Improved legal research and writing skills necessary to the
American practice of law.
Parks and Recreation Law Group, LLP, London, UK
Solicitor, July 2012 July 2016
Served as lead contact for transactional matters with foreign companies.
Incorporated and structured international companies in the UK and abroad. Advised clients on
international finance reform proposals, specifically consumer protection laws affecting capital markets.
Master and None LLP, London, UK
Trainee Solicitor, June 2010 June 2012
Drafted documents for filing with the U.K. Financial Services Authority. Participated in
International commercial transaction negotiations. Reviewed agreements relating to mergers.
English (native); Hindi (fluent); Spanish (conversational)
Law Society of England and Wales (2011); Florida Government Bar Association (2013)
Amy Schumer
(850) 339-6182
1004 Vista Drive
Atlanta, GA 30300
Florida Bar Member No. 123456
Registered to take Georgia Bar exam, February 2015
Florida Real Estate License: July 2010
Caramele & Trainwreck Atlanta, GA
Summer 2013; September 2014 - Present
Associate, Corporate/Real Estate/Real Estate Finance
Represent a wide spectrum of national and international clients in complex commercial real estate
transactions, including acquisitions, dispositions, financing, refinancing, development, and leasing matters
Participated in loan restructurings, workouts and other transactions involving nonperforming loans and
distressed assets. Non-lending based practice includes structuring, documentation, and negotiation of
commercial real estate transactions involving large office and multiuse projects, hotels, shopping
centers, and industrial properties and regularly advise corporate clients in connection with their real
estate needs as required to support their core business outside of the real estate industry
Maron & Seinfeld Tallahassee, FL
Summer 2012 - Spring 2013
Legal Intern
Provided high-quality, effective legal services and research to clients. Aided in the representation of
businesses and organizations in various transactions with the State of Florida. Prepared legal
memoranda for a variety of court proceedings
State of Florida Public Defender’s Office, 14
Circuit Marianna, FL
Summer 2011
Legal Intern
Conducted preliminary interviews of all clients. Assisted Public Defenders in trial preparation.
Regularly attended various court proceedings
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP Atlanta, GA
Summer 2009
Staff Accountant Intern, Assurance and Advisory Business Services
Performed audit and consulting services for various Fortune 500 clients. Created a comfort letter for a
multi-million dollar corporation enabling them to successfully offer an IPO Offer extended for full-time
State of Florida Auditor General Tallahassee, FL
Summer 2008 - 2009
Staff Accountant Assistant
Averaged 20 hours a week while enrolled as a full-time student. Performed audit of Florida Department of
Motor Vehicles and Highway Safety. Ensured the proper use of federal grants by the State of Florida
through the use of various statewide audits
Graduate (continued)
Co-author of Subversive Law: How to Deal with It!, 51:3 Sawyer L. Rev. 270-92
Florida State University College of Law Tallahassee, Florida - May 2014
Juris Doctor, Cum Laude, GPA: 88.23 / 100 - Class Rank 37 / 314
Dean’s List – Spring 2012, Fall 2013, Spring 2014
Fred Weasley Memorial Scholarship Recipient Fall 2011
James Potter Scholarship Recipient Fall 2011
Book Awards for Highest Grade Taxation I & Cyber Law Seminar
Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida - April 2010
Bachelor of Science, Accounting, Cum Laude, GPA: 3.64 / 4.0
Bachelor of Science, Finance, Cum Laude
Student Government Association - Senior Class Treasurer
Delta Nu Sorority - President, Delta Nu Award Recipient (2009-10), Florida State Inter-Fraternity Council
President of the Year (2010), Inter-Fraternity Council Judicial Board Justice
Leadership in Accounting Scholarship Recipient, Intra-Fraternity Council Scholarship Recipient
Mortar Board Honor Society, Beta Alpha Psi Accounting Honor Society, Beta Gamma Sigma Honor
Society, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Burning Spear Honor Society
Study Abroad Program - Leysin, Switzerland - Summer 2008
Below are a few examples of ways to describe your bar status on your resume.
You should list one of these under a heading such as: Professional Licenses & Memberships,
Professional Licensure, Memberships, etc.
If you have not yet taken the bar exam but are registered for a particular administration:
Registered to take the July 20__ Florida bar examination.
If you have taken a bar exam but results have yet to be announced:
Awaiting results of the July 20__ Florida bar examination.
If you passed the bar exam, but are awaiting bar clearance/character and fitness:
Passed July 20__ Florida bar examination.
If you passed the bar exam and have your bar clearance:
Passed July 20__ Florida bar examination. To be sworn in on October 2, 20__.
If you’ve been sworn in but are waiting for your bar number:
Florida Bar, October 20__
If you have your bar number:
Florida Bar Member No. 123456
Cover Letters and Other Correspondence
Cover Letter Preparation:
The cover letter is one of the most important pieces of marketing you will write. A personal, well-
crafted cover letter should accompany each resume you send to an employer. A cover letter offers
you an opportunity to make a positive first impression on the firm or organization. It should
establish logical reasons to explain why you are sending your resume to a particular employer (your
experience, geographical considerations, personal contact, etc.) and state your interest in and
qualifications for the particular type of work. Most importantly, you cover letter should explain
your skills and experience in a way that shows the employer what you can do for them. Or, worded
a little differently, what you bring to the table that will be an asset to them.
Your cover letter and any other correspondence should be neatly typed on quality paper. Use paper
that coordinates with your resume. Letters must be originals; never use copies. Neatness, proper
punctuation, and correct spelling are a must. Try to get another person to proofread your letter.
Employers will assume that the quality of your letter reflects the quality of your work.
If you are submitting your cover letter electronically, save your cover letter as a .pdf, and use your
name as the file name (i.e., michaelbluthcoverletter.pdf). Your email is not your cover letter; your
email should state briefly who you are and explain that your documents are attached.
Very important: Address the letter using the formal letter formats found below in this guide. It
is not a resume; your name should not be at the top in the middle of the page.
Always address the cover letter to a specific person—never send a letter “to whom it may
concern.” In order of choice, use 1) the person in charge of hiring, 2) the person who interviews
on-campus, 3) a graduate of F.S.U. College of Law, or 4) the senior partner in the firm. Check
with Career Services for information regarding the names of on-campus interviewers. Employer
websites, Martindale-Hubbell, NALP, Lexis, and Westlaw are also good sources of this
information. You can also call the employer and ask the person who answers the phone, “to whom
should I address letters dealing with employment?”
Mention any pertinent information about yourself not available in your resume. Close your letter
by stating your interest in and availability for a personal interview. If you plan to be in the area at
a certain time, mention that fact and indicate that you will call regarding an interview. Customize
your letters to each employer; do not give the impression of a standardized form letter.
In every letter you write, the approach you take and the language you use are critical. Be
professional, clear and concise, but let some of your personality shine through. A good rule for
judging the effectiveness of your correspondence is to read over it as though you were the person
receiving it. You should tailor your letters to meet their specific needs.
Once you have sent your cover letter to an employer, you may not get an immediate response. You
may have to contact the employer again after your initial try. If this is the case, wait about two
weeks for a response to your first letter before following up with another letter or a telephone call
to ensure the employer received your resume. Some students hesitate to call an employer under
these circumstances. Persistence in follow-up is considered a positive quality. Being a
pest, however, is not. If you receive a negative (we do not have any openings) response, then
remove that employer from your list. If you receive a “putting off” response (we’ve been too busy
to even look at resumes), ask when you should call back and then follow up.
Tips to Remember:
Keep it to one page.
Avoid typos and grammatical errors at all costs. Have someone proofread your letter.
Sometimes less is more. You should not restate everything that is in your resume.
Make every effort to get the name of a specific person to address your letter to, even if you
have to call the employer and ask.
Do NOT use first names in salutation. I t should say “Dear Mr. Smith” not “Dear Mr. John
Do NOT start with “My name is”.
Show that you’ve done your homework on the firm and know its areas of practice.
Do not exaggerate. Lying will ruin your credibility.
Remember, lawyers are a pretty conservative group. Stay away from being cute or too
Focus on what you can provide the employer, not why this job is the perfect opportunity
for you.
Point out the skills you have that apply to this job that will make you an asset to their
organization. For instance:
Legal terminology/interpretations
Analytical ability
Legal research
Factual Investigation
Organization and Management of Work
Recognizing and Resolving Ethical Dilemmas
Litigation experience
Good Writing Skills
Do not recite from the website what the firm does.
The tone of your letter is crucial. You want to be confident and enthusiastic about your
skills and experience without sounding cocky.
Don’t shy away from mentioning connections if you know someone in the firm.
Establish a geographic tie to the area where you are seeking work.
If you are submitting your cover letter electronically, save your cover letter as a .pdf and
use your name as the file name (i.e., michaelbluthcoverletter.pdf).
If you are sending out multiple applications, double check and triple check that you are
sending the correct letter to the correct person and employer mentioned in the letter. If an
employer receives, a letter addressed to another person or firm, this is understandably not
going to make a good impression. This is very easy to do when you are busy and tired.
Your full address here
(two spaces)
Date of the letter
(two spaces)
Employer Name (Mr. Michael Jackson)
Employer Name (Jackson, Mitchell and Ryan, PA)
Employer Address
(two spaces)
Dear Mr./Ms.: (Do NOT use first names)
First Paragraph:
Tell why you are writing, name the position for which you are applying, and tell how you
heard of this opening.
If you are writing to someone who is a “friend of a friend,” mention this person’s name and
indicate that he/she suggested you write in the very first line of the letter to get the
person’s attention.
(For example → Justice Big Wig suggested I contact you regarding the associate
position opening in your Tampa office.)
If you met an attorney through a non-business setting, reintroduce yourself.
(For example → It was a pleasure meeting you at the Bowl-a-thon picnic last
August.) If you are writing to an alumnus/a, indicate this connection as well.
State that you are qualified for this position and you may want to include 2 or 3 brief
reasons why you are qualified.
I am qualified for this position because of my legal education and extensive volunteer
experience with migrant farm workers.
I am qualified for this position because of my legal education and my experience working
at the State Attorneys Office here in Tallahassee for the last two semesters.
I am qualified for this position because of my legal education and my many years of
working in the construction industry prior to law school.
I am qualified for this position because of my legal education and my successful
completion of the Business Law Certificate here at the FSU College of Law.
Second and Third Paragraphs:
Establish your value by explaining your skills and experience.
You need to answer the fundamental question, “What can you do for the employer?”or,
stated differently, “What experience and skills do I have that will attract this
employer?”. Use these paragraphs to supplement, not replicate, the information on your
resume. Refer to the attached resume which gives a summary of your qualifications and a
description of past employment or to whatever material (such as a writing sample) you are
using to illustrate your training, interests, and experience. Be sure to mention skills that
you don’t have on your resume. (i.e., ability to work under deadline pressure; outgoing;
ambitious). Be sure to describe your skills and where you developed those skills. Tell the
employer the story of what you can do don’t just make a list. If your experience is non-
legal, be sure to explain how your skill set can be easily translated into the legal profession.
During my work at Rush & Morton last summer, I further developed my research and
writing skills by completing numerous legal memoranda on in depth family law,
guardianship, and trust issues.
I am very organized and work well under deadline pressures. For instance, when I worked
at Chick Fil A, I was often responsible to open the store before the 6 am morning rush.
This required me to accomplish a very specific set of tasks in an efficient and timely
manner and effectively handle any difficulties that might arise.
As a legal intern at ABC Corporation, I worked on a myriad of corporate compliance
issues and learned firsthand about the challenges corporations face in this area. For
example, I assisted the General Counsel in responding to a lengthy annual compliance
questionnaire from the US Securities and Exchange Commission. This experience,
combined with the Business Law Certificate I will earn upon graduation makes me
particularly suited to a position at your company.
Tell the employer why you are interested in working for them, and specify your interests in
the type of work they do. If you have experience, sources, publications, or clinical
experience, be sure to point out what particular achievements you have accomplished in this
field or type of work. Be sure to tell the employer that one reason you are interested in
working for them is that you want to work where you will be an asset and you believe your
skills and experience match what they are looking for.
Fourth Paragraph:
If you have a strong geographical tie to the area, then state it. This can be in the First or
Fourth paragraph.
I have strong family connections to the Tampa area.
I worked the last two summers in Jacksonville and decided it is the place for me.
During my undergraduate time at Georgetown, I knew I would return to the Washington, DC
area to live and practice after law school.
Assert your method of follow up.
Have an appropriate closing to pave the way for the interview by giving your telephone
number or by offering some similar suggestion for an immediate and favorable reply. Let the
employer know if you will be in the area and that you are available for a visit or interview at
their convenience or that you will call to see if they would be available for a visit, and finally,
that your resume is enclosed.
For OCI cover letters simply thank the employer for considering your application and state: I
look forward to meeting you on campus to discuss my qualifications for this position in more
Your Signature
(if electronic
there will be
no signature)
Your name (typed)
The Honorable OR Justice
Employer Address
Dear Judge :
Your Address
Date of Writing
First Paragraph:
Tell why you are writing, name the position for which you are applying, and how you heard
of this opening.
If you are writing to someone who is a “friend of a friend,” mention this person’s name and
indicate that he/she suggested you write in the very first line of the letter to get the person’s
(For example → Attorney Big Wig suggested I contact you regarding the clerkship position
in your chambers for the upcoming term.)
Make a connection to the Judge’s chambers, perhaps by location.
(For example → I am specifically interested in clerking in your chambers because my older
sister, with whom I am very close, lives in Tampa, Florida.)
State that you are qualified for this position and you may want to include 2 or 3 brief reasons
why are you qualified.
(For example → I am qualified for this position because of my legal education and extensive
volunteer experience with migrant farm workers.)
Second Paragraph:
State your skills and establish your value. Highlight something on your resume.
You need to answer the fundamental question, “What can you do for the employer?” Use
this paragraph to supplement, not replicate, the information on your resume. Refer to the
attached resume which gives a summary of your qualifications and a description of past
employment or to whatever material (such as a writing sample) you are using to illustrate
your training, interests, and experience. Be sure to mention skills that you don’t have on
your resume, such as the ability to work under deadline pressure; outgoing; ambitious. Be
sure to describe your skills. (i.e., while working at Clinton, Bush, and Obama, I honed my
skills in drafting discovery and presenting cases to juries). If your experience is non-legal,
be sure to explain how your skill set can be easily translated into the legal profession.
Tell why you are interested in working for this employer, and specify your experiences that
will help you contribute as a clerk. If you have experience, sources, or publications, or took
a helpful class in law school explain how those experiences will lend to your clerkship and
be sure to point out what particular achievements you have accomplished that will allow you
to perform well as a clerk.
(For example → As an Executive Editor for the Florida State University Law Review, I
learned critical skills in legal writing that will translate to my clerkship, such as legal analysis
and attention to detail in work product.)
Third Paragraph:
Close with appreciation for their consideration.
Your Signature
Your name (typed)
Judicial Clerkship
425 W. Jefferson Street
Tallahassee, FL 32306
February 9, 2020
The Honorable Judith Sheindlin
United States District Court
2188 Gabrielle Solis Federal Building
75 Spring Street, S.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Judge Sheindlin:
I am a third-year student at the Florida State University College of Law. Having attended
Springfield College for my undergraduate degree in Earth Science, I would appreciate the opportunity to
return to the familiar city of Atlanta to serve as your judicial clerk beginning in the fall of 2021. Enclosed,
please find a current resume, writing sample, transcript and letters of recommendation.
Prior to entering law school, I completed my Master’s degree in Forestry at the University of
Illinois, where I finished first in my graduate class. Currently, I rank eighth in my law class, placing me in
the top 3% overall. I am a member of both the Florida State Moot Court Team and The Florida State
University Law Review, for which I have served as Notes and Comments Editor, earning two Outstanding
Subciter Awards, and the Editor-in-Chief’s “Piece of the Year” Award.
This past summer, I had the pleasure of working as a Summer Associate at the international firm
of Moe, Homer & Burns, LLP, where I gained litigation experience in civil matters ranging from real
property issues to toxic tort and copyright infringement. In addition, I have served as a law clerk for the
Tallahassee law firm of Flanders & Krustowski. Both of these positions helped improve my legal writing
and research skills, my ability to analyze and interpret the law, and my interpersonal and communication
skills. Further, I have served as a research assistant to Professor Waylon Smithers, former President of
the American Bar Association, and well-respected appellate advocate. Through this invaluable
experience, I had the opportunity to participate in drafting a brief filed with the Florida State Supreme
Court, seeking an initiative constitutional amendment, as well as assisting in the preparation for oral
I would be honored to serve as your judicial clerk for the 2021 term. Thank you for your time and
Bart Simpson
The following are some guidelines for correctly addressing a letter to a judge. When addressing
a letter to a judicial clerk, include the title "Law Clerk" after the name.
Envelope and Address on
U.S. Supreme Court
Chief Justice
The Chief Justice of the
United States
Washington, DC 20543
Dear Chief Justice:
Associate Justice
Justice (name)
The Supreme Court of the
United States
Dear Justice (surname):
U.S. Court of Appeals for
the (circuit)
Chief Judge
The Honorable (full name)
Chief Judge, (name of court)
Dear Chief Judge (surname):
Judge or Senior Judge
The Honorable (full name)
(name of court)
Dear Judge (surname):
U.S. District Court for the
(district) and Other Federal
Chief Judge
The Honorable (full name)
Chief Judge, (name of court)
Dear Chief Judge (surname):
Judge or Senior Judge
The Honorable (full name)
(name of Court)
Dear Judge (surname):
Magistrate Judge
The Honorable (full name)
U.S. Magistrate Judge (name
of the court)
Dear Magistrate Judge
State Supreme Court
Chief Justice
The Honorable (full name)
(name of the court)
Dear Chief Justice (surname):
The Honorable (full name)
(name of the court)
Dear Justice (surname):
Other State Courts
Chief Judge
The Honorable (full name)
(name of the court)
Dear Chief Judge (surname):
The Honorable (full name)
(name of court)
Dear Judge (surname):
Read Job Posting
432 Oakhaven Lane
Tallahassee, FL 32308
November 5, 2018
Mr. Nick Miller, Esq.
Miller & Schmidt
25 Broadway Street
Orlando, FL 33333
Dear Mr. Miller:
I was delighted to read about your associate position opening in the Florida Bar News. I
will be graduating from Florida State University College of Law in May 2018 and am qualified
for this position because of my legal education, work experience with the U.S. Securities &
Exchange Commission, and compliance background. Your firm is of particular interest to me
because of your specific involvement in securities regulations work.
The legal intern position I held last summer with the Securities and Exchange
Commission in Washington D.C., was an excellent learning experience and underscores my
interest in that area of law. While working as an intern, I was able to learn federal securities
law. I was able to develop my computer research skills and legal writing skills by assisting
S.E.C. attorneys in preparing discovery for federal litigation.
Additionally, my work experience at Merrill Lynch prior to attending law school focused
on securities compliance. During my tenure at Merrill Lynch, I was able to serve as the liaison
between customers and administration regarding all securities issues for the Southeast region of
Georgia. This position required me to communicate effectively with clients, work under
deadline pressure, and prioritize multiple responsibilities.
I plan to visit my parents in Orlando the week of December 18th, and I look forward to
the opportunity to interview with you during that time at your convenience. I will contact your
office the week of November 14
to confirm receipt of my documents, answer any questions you
may have, and see if we might be able to find a time to meet in person.
Zooey Deschanel
Met an Associate at a Networking Event
February 14, 2017
432 Oakhaven Lane
Tallahassee, FL 32308
Mr. Frank Reynolds, Esq.
Patty, Pub, and Philly LLC
P.O. Box 111 Philadelphia,
PA 19019
Dear Mr. Reynolds:
I am a first-year law student at the Florida State University College of Law. Last week, I
had the pleasure of meeting one of your associates, Deandra Reynolds, at a Florida Bar/Real
Property Section reception held at my law school. After talking to her about my particular interest
in the area of real property and probate law, she suggested that I contact you regarding
opportunities in your summer associate program.
I believe strongly that my educational background and practical work experience would
allow me to make immediate contributions at Kip, Rico & Rex. As you will see from my attached
resume, prior to attending law school I worked as a runner for the Tallahassee firm of Summer &
Wheatly. I found the experience to be invaluable, exposing me to a law firm setting and
developing strong interpersonal communication skills. I also had the opportunity to learn a bit
about probate law, as this is an area I am interested in exploring.
I greatly enjoyed the opportunity and experience gained at Summer & Wheatly last
summer. It was a great experience preparing me for law school. For this upcoming summer, I
am seeking a position in Pennsylvania, where I plan to relocate upon my graduation in April 2019
in order to remain close to my family.
I would very much appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss my
qualifications. I will be returning to Pennsylvania the week of March 4th and would welcome the
chance to talk with you during that time. I will contact your office the week of February 25th to
confirm receipt of my application, answer any questions you may have, and determine if an
interview can be arranged at your convenience. If there is any additional information that I can
provide to you in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me at (850) 555-1234.
Charlie Kelly
Job Lead through Reciprocity
597 Sunnyside Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32308
November 5, 2018
Mr. Thomas Norton, Esq.
Norton & Bloom
25 Broadway Street
Boston, MA 02101
Dear Mr. Norton:
I am a 3
year law student at the Florida State University College of Law in Tallahassee,
Florida. I was delighted to see your associate position opening listed on the job post system at
Northeastern University School of Law, which was kind enough to grant me temporary reciprocity
for my job search purposes.
I will be graduating in May 2018 and am qualified for this position due to my legal education,
work experience with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission, and compliance background.
Your firm is of particular interest to me because of your specific involvement in securities
regulations work and extensive client base on Wall Street in New York. My goal has always been
to work in Boston after graduation so I can return to the town where I grew up and completed my
undergraduate degree.
The legal intern position I held last summer with the Securities and Exchange Commission
in Washington D.C. was an excellent learning experience and underscores my interest in
Securities. While serving as an intern, I was able to learn federal securities law, develop my
computer research and legal writing skills by assisting S.E.C. attorneys in preparing discovery for
federal litigation.
Additionally, my work experience at Merrill Lynch prior to attending law school focused on
securities compliance. During my tenure at Merrill, I was able to serve as the liaison between
customers and administration regarding all securities issues for the Southeast region of Georgia.
This position required me to communicate effectively with clients, work under deadline pressure,
and prioritize multiple responsibilities.
I plan to visit my parents in Boston the week of December 18th, and I look forward to the
opportunity to interview with you during that time at your convenience. I will contact your office
the week of November 14
to confirm receipt of my documents, answer any questions you may
have, and see if we might be able to find a time to meet in person.
Thank you for your consideration.
James Cordon
Invited to Firm Event
425 W. Jefferson St., Apt. 5A
Tallahassee, FL 32301
(850) 555-6445
June 22, 2018
Ms. Mary Golden
Recruiting Manager Grammy &
Grammy, LLC
2789 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10143
Dear Mr. Golden:
I appreciate you getting back in touch with me in regards to Grammy & Grammy, LLC’s Coast-to-
Coast event! Although my law school exam schedule has prevented me from visiting the South Florida
offices earlier, I am excited to have the opportunity to learn more about the Grammy & Grammy, LLC firm
culture, client work, and summer associate program from the lawyers in the Miami office next Friday.
Presently, I am a rising 2L at the Florida State University College of Law. During my
remaining time in law school, I plan to concentrate my studies in transactional related classes in
addition to completing a nationally ranked environmental law certificate program. Outside of the
classroom, I am a member of the Mock Trial team and will be participating next February in the A-List
competition in Los Angeles, California.
As my enclosed resume reflects, I have planned my education and experiences thus far to enable
myself to enter a transaction-oriented practice area upon graduation from law school. This summer I
have enjoyed the unique opportunity to clerk in the transactional practice of a San Diego boutique firm
that caters specifically to entertainment venues. During my clerkship thus far, I have been involved in
various stages and capacities with the contracts of these venues.
My education and experience prior to law school was concentrated in land and water
management issues. Last spring I was an intern in the Water Department of the Palm Beach
County Attorney’s Office. While at the County Attorney’s Office, I gained experience researching the
Florida Statutes and Palm Beach County ordinances. On multiple occasions, I had to give
presentations to senior staffers on various water and land use management issues.
The main reason I have been attracted to Grammy & Grammy, LLC is the firm’s reputation as a
market leader in many of South Florida’s transactional-related practice areas. Based on my prior
education and training, I feel I would make a strong addition to Grammy & Grammy, LLC’s South Florida
Thank you for your time and consideration. I am looking forward to meeting the lawyers in
the Coconut Grove office.
Taylor Swift
Sample Reference List
Piper Chapman
(615) 555-2250
Current Address: Permanent Address:
756 Tucker Road 65 Jorge Way
Tallahassee, FL 32333 Nashville, TN 61543
Kevin W. Duke
King, Jester and Duke, LLP
279 W. Royal Street
Nashville, TN 34563
Larry Bloom, Legal Writing Professor
Florida State University College of Law
425 West Jefferson Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32306-1601
(850) 555-5555
Andrew Nance, Professor
Bugle University
123 West Jenson Street
Nashville, TN 34564
(850) 555-5555
Wanda Bell
Scialabba Dance Studio
101 North Vandy Street
Nashville, TN 34564
(850) 555-5555
Request for Referral, Advice & Information
100 Washington Way
Tallahassee, FL 32303
(913) 575-3434
September 25, 2016
Ms. Mila Kunis, Recruiting Manager
Point Place, LLC
4466 Mahan Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Dear Ms. Kunis:
I am completing my last year of law school at Florida State University and will be graduating in May of
2017. I am beginning to put some “feelers” out in advance of the completion of my degree and would
appreciate any advice and referrals you might be able to give me to assist me in my job search.
Enclosed you will find my resume. As you may note, I have spent a summer clerking for Davis,
Rodriguez, Ash, and Flury, a local firm, which has a reputation for encouraging its attorneys to do pro
bono work and get involved in the community. I also completed an internship during my second year
with Wakulla Springs Legal Aid, working in their consumer law department. Ideally, the position I am
looking for would be at a small to medium sized general practice law firm that would allow me some
freedom to continue my work with helping to provide legal services for the indigent. I prefer to remain
living within Florida but would relocate in the right circumstances.
If any situations come to mind where you think my skills and background would fit, or if you have any
suggestions as to others whom it might be beneficial for me to speak, I would appreciate hearing from
you. You may contact me at (913) 555-3434.
Thank you for taking the time to assist me. I look forward to hearing from you.
Ashton Kutcher
Informational Interview Request
3456 Madison Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32302
(856) 222-5656
September 10, 2016
Mr. Harry Potter, Esquire
Potter, Weasley, and Granger, LLP
18 ½ Privett Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Dear Mr. Potter:
Albus Dumbledore suggested that I contact you regarding your extensive tax practice. I am
interested in pursuing a practice in tax law and would like to be able to conduct an informational interview
with you.
I am currently a third-year law student at the Florida State University College of Law. From the
enclosed resume you will note that I have been concentrating my law school courses and prior summer
clerkships in the tax field to prepare me for an associate position with a private firm specializing in tax law.
I would appreciate being able to talk with you and obtain first-hand information about what a tax practice
is really like and your advice on how to focus my last year of law school to best prepare me for a career in
tax law.
If law school is any indication of the workload ahead, then I can appreciate how busy your
schedule is. However, I would appreciate being able to meet with you briefly. I will contact you on
Tuesday of next week to discuss scheduling an appointment.
Neville Longbottom
Sample Thank You Letter: After Initial Interview
200 Lincoln Blvd.
Tallahassee, FL 32301
(644) 923-1111
August 14, 2017
Ms. Anna Kendrick,
Esquire Pitch &
Perfect, LLP 200 South
Orlando, FL 33333
Dear Ms. Kendrick:
Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. It was a pleasure to speak with you when you were at the
Florida State University College of Law last Friday.
I was very impressed by the description you gave me of your firm’s tax practice. I, too, believe that one
cannot practice tax in a vacuum and thus, would welcome the opportunity to integrate myself into all
phases of my client’s legal needs.
I regret that we did not have more time to talk, as I would have liked to have discussed my qualifications
in more depth with you. Briefly, let me point out to you that in addition to the experience I gained as a
CPA with Swashbuckle and Associates, I have taken the following courses which I believe will be most
useful to me in a practice such as yours: Bankruptcy Policy Seminar, Taxation 1, and White Collar Crime.
I look forward to a further interview with your firm. I hope to hear from you soon.
Anna Camp
Sample Thank You Letter: Standard
900 James Madison Way
Tallahassee, FL 32302
(750) 123-4567
August 26, 2018
Mr. Bryan Cranston, Esquire
Law Office of Tim Whatley, LLP
900 David Street
Miami, FL 33333
Dear Mr. Cranston:
Thank you so much for taking the time to interview me yesterday at the Florida State University College of
Law. I thoroughly enjoyed our discussion and only regret that we were not able to talk longer.
Having worked in the Orlando community, I was aware of your firm’s excellent reputation. My interview
only confirmed my initial impression that I would like to become professionally associated with your firm.
The opportunity to practice in the field of commercial litigation, while still being able to explore other areas
of the law (such as our mutual interest in tax law) is very appealing to me.
I hope that you will seriously consider me for a position with your fine firm. Again, it was a pleasure
speaking with you. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
Sincerely yours,
Malcolm Middleditch
Sample Thank You Letter: Standard
42 Walaby Way
Tallahassee, FL 32301
(644) 923-1111
August 14, 2016
Ms. Ellen Degeneres, Esquire
Dory & Nemo, LLP
200 MacLaren Lane
Orlando, FL 33333
Dear Ms. Degeneres:
Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. It was a pleasure to speak with you when you were at the
Florida State University College of Law last Friday.
I was very impressed by the description you gave me of your firm’s tax practice. I, too, believe that one
cannot practice tax in a vacuum and thus, would welcome the opportunity to integrate myself into all
phases of my client’s legal needs.
I regret that we did not have more time to talk, as I would have liked to have discussed my qualifications
in more depth with you. Briefly, let me point out to you that in addition to the experience I gained as a
CPA with McGee and Associates, I have taken the following courses which I believe will be most useful to
me in a practice such as yours: Bankruptcy Policy Seminar, Taxation 1, and White Collar Crime.
I look forward to a further interview with your firm. I hope to hear from you soon.
John Pixar
Sample Confirmation of Offer Letter
459 Physician Way
Tallahassee, Florida 32311
April 12, 2018
Mr. John Legend, Esq.
Legend & Smith, P.A.
25 North Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30301
Dear Mr. Legend,
Thank you so much for extending me the offer to work as a summer associate at your firm from
May 2019 to August 2019. This letter is to confirm my acceptance of your offer to work in the Atlanta,
Georgia office for $22.00 an hour during the summer months. My last final exam will be May 2nd so I will
be available any time after that date to begin work. I am happy to discuss specific dates with you at your
convenience. I look forward to working with you this coming summer and I appreciate the opportunity to
work at such a prestigious firm.
Chrissy Tiegen
Sample Rejection of Offer Letter
555 Jefferson Avenue
Tallahassee, FL 32301
(989) 555-7676
December 20, 2017
Mr. Nick Carter, Hiring Partner
Law Offices of Carter &Timberlake
1100 Abe Froman Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32327
Dear Mr. Carter:
It was indeed a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Timberlake, and the other members of the Law Offices of
Carter &Timberlake to discuss your need for an associate in 2019. Our time together was most
enjoyable and informative.
Thank you again for the confidence you demonstrated in me by your generous offer. However, after
careful deliberation, I have decided to withdraw myself from consideration for the position. My decision is
based upon the fact that I have accepted a position elsewhere that is more suited to my qualifications,
experiences, and aspirations.
You have an impressive team of attorneys, and it would have been a pleasure being able to work with
Best wishes to you and the other members of the Law Offices of Carter & Timberlake.
Lance Bass
Email Tips
Emails can be just as important as your cover letter and other documents. Use care and formality
when sending emails to professionals and potential employers.
Tips for Using Email Effectively:
Use a professional account name. Your student email account is fine to use.
Don’t forget the attachments and make sure the document name clearly identifies the
Be sure to include the correct attachments (i.e., do not attach a cover letter for X job
when applying to Y job).
Be sure all attachments are saved as .pdfs and include your own name as the file name
(i.e., michaelbluthresume.pdf).
Avoid “casual speak.”
Do not use first names unless the person knows you and you are on a first name basis.
Use “Ms.” for females unless they have sent you something specifically using another
Pay attention to employer preference when sending application materials.
Use proper spelling, grammar & punctuation.
Do not use shortcuts, i.e., “u” for “you”, IDK, tho, etc.
Make it personal, but not overly informal.
Be concise and to the point.
Answer all questions.
Do not use the high priority option.
Do not write in CAPITALS or all lower-case.
Read and re-read the email before you send it.
Do not overuse "Reply to All".
Do not use emoticons and "text talk” acronyms in professional emails (i.e., LOL, ROFL).
Do not request delivery and read receipts.
Indicate a meaningful subject line (i.e., “Application for summer law clerk position”).
Use active instead of passive voice.
Avoid using URGENT and IMPORTANT.
Be aware that unless the reader knows you well on a personal level, sarcasm, and humor
do not always convey through email, and can be misinterpreted.
Remember that, while email is widely accepted, a handwritten note is still a very nice
touch, especially for thank you notes.
From: FSU Law Student [mailto:lawstudent@my.fsu.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 2:33 PM
To: AttorneySmith@lawfirm.com
Subject: Florida State Law Student Seeking Summer Employment
Dear Mr. Smith:
I am a second-year student at Florida State University College of Law and I am interested in obtaining a
position with your firm for the summer 2016. I attached a copy of my cover letter and resume for your
I will be in the Miami area during winter break (December 19 - January 3), and would welcome an
opportunity to meet with representatives of your firm.
Thank you for your time and consideration. You may reach me direct at 111-222-3333. I look forward to
speaking with you.
Law Student
FSU LAW JD Candidate 2019
Law Student Cover Letter
Law Student Resume
From: FSU Law Student [mailto: lawstudent@my.fsu.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018
To: AttorneyMif[email protected]
Subject: Florida State Law Student Seeking Employment
Dear Mr. Mifflin,
I am a third-year law student at Florida State University College of Law and I am interested in obtaining a
position with Dunder Mifflin Law after my graduation in May of 2019. I plan to pursue a career in business
transactional law, with a focus on work involving complex financial and taxation issues. I have attached a
copy of my cover letter, resume, and references for your review.
I am available to meet with a representative of your firm any time this semester and would welcome the
opportunity to tell you more about my experience.
Thank you for your time and consideration. You may reach me directly at 111-222-3333. I look forward to
hearing from you.
Law Student
FSU Law, JD Candidate 2019
Attachments: Resume, Cover Letter, References
Subject: FSU Law Student
Dear Mr. Dumbledore,
I am a second-year law student at FSU College of Law interested in real property and land use law.
From looking at the FSU Alumni Career Mentor Directory, I see you practice property law in Tampa.
I will be in Tampa during the Thanksgiving holiday and was wondering if I could visit with you in your
office for about 15 minutes to get some advice and guidance on breaking into the Tampa market. I would
also like to hear about your practice. If you are not available to meet, perhaps we could schedule a
phone call.
I have attached my resume to give you some background on myself. I look forward to hearing from
you. Sincerely,
Harry Potter
Subject: FSU Law Student
Dear Ms. Everdeen,
It was a pleasure meeting you at the Alumni Reception last night in Orlando. I really enjoyed
hearing about your criminal defense practice.
As I mentioned to you yesterday, I plan to move to Orlando after law school and I am very interested in
criminal law. I am really enjoying the evidence class I am currently taking and plan to take Criminal
Procedures next semester. I would appreciate it if you would let me know if you hear of any
opportunities in the field. Also, please let me know if there is anyone else in the Orlando area who
would be good to talk to about a career in criminal law.
I have attached my resume to provide you with more background information about myself. Please feel
free to forward it.
With warmest regards,
Hermione Granger
From: FSU Law Student [mailto: lawstudent@my.fsu.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018
To: AttorneySchrute@SchruteandScottlawfirm.com
Subject: Florida State Law Student
Dear Mr. Schrute,
I am a second-year law student at the Florida State University College of Law. This past week at the
Tallahassee Bar Association Fish Fry, I spoke to several attorneys about my interest in labor and
employment law. Two people mentioned your name as someone I should definitely reach out to.
I wanted to see if I could visit your office sometime in the next few weeks to get your input and guidance
on that area of law and how I can best prepare. If you are not available to meet, perhaps we could
schedule a phone call.
I have attached my resume to give you some more background information on myself. I look forward to
talking to you soon.
James Halpert
From: FSU Law Student [mailto: lawstudent@my.fsu.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018
To: AttorneyKirk@KirkandSpocklawfirm.com
Subject: Florida State Law Student
Dear Mr. Kirk,
I am a second-year law student at the Florida State University College of Law. My goal is to gain
admittance into the Air Force Jag Program after law school. I know the JAG application process is very
competitive, so I want to get input and advice from people familiar with what it takes to succeed. My
Career Advisor here at FSU suggested I talk to you.
Would you have time for a telephone call sometime in the next week or two to talk about your experience
with the Air Force JAG program? I would also like to hear about your law career after JAG.
I have attached my resume to give you some more background information on myself. I look forward to
talking to you soon.
Nyota Uhura
After You Send a Job Interest or Networking Email
After you send an email it is appropriate to follow up with a phone call. We suggest you wait at
least a week. If you get the attorney’s assistant, leave a message with your name and contact
information and tell the person you are following up on an email you sent Mr. /Ms. Attorney on
[date]. That way, Mr. Attorney can find the email before he calls you back. You may call one
more time, again about a week later.
Be sure to have your questions ready so if you reach the person you are calling and he/she says
“I’ve got time right now, what do you want to know” – you are ready to go. You can find a list
of suggested questions in the Networking Section of this Guide.
From: FSU Law Student [mailto: lawstudent@my.fsu.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018
To: lknope@fljud27.gov
Subject: Florida State Law Student/1L Judicial Externship Program
Dear Judge Knope,
I am a first-year law student at the Florida State University College of Law. I am interested in participating
in our 1L Judicial Externship Program, which would allow me to spend my first summer working with a
judge while earning law school credit.
I would like to schedule a time to talk to you or your judicial assistant in order to tell you more about this
wonderful program and to discuss the possibility of spending part of my summer in your chambers in
I have attached my resume to give you some more background information on myself. I look forward to
talking to you soon.
Ronald Swanson
On-Campus Interviews Program
One of the most effective ways employers recruit our students is through our fall and spring On-
Campus Interview (OCI) programs. OCI provides legal employers the opportunity to interview
law students for full-time and part-time law clerk, intern, or associate positions. Students may view
participating employers, submit their application materials, and sign up for interview times (if
chosen) through their Symplicity account. Please take some time to review the OCI Guide, OCI
FAQs, and OCI Videos which can all be found in the Document Library in Symplicity.
Please do not submit your application materials to an employer if you do not meet the required
criteria listed in the OCI. You can still apply, but you must email your application materials in one
PDF document to CareerServices@law.fsu.edu before the application deadline. Put the name of
the employer in the subject line of your email.
If you are interested in an employer but you do not meet the employer's preferred criteria, submit
your applications through Symplicity. "Preferred criteria" are just that---preferences of the
employer, but you can still submit via Symplicity.
Make sure that all attached documents are titled with your name. For example, your resume should
be titled “Jane Doe Resume” and your cover letter should be titled “Jane Doe Cover Letter for
ABC law firm.” Review your resume for blank pages, awkward breaks in text and a neat and tidy
format. Print it out so that you can see how it will look to an employer and fix any formatting
issues. Remember: sometimes when you convert to PDF from Word the software may change the
spacing. Be sure to check for this. If they are asking for a transcript, make sure you are only
including your transcript from law school, not your entire undergraduate transcript.
Important: Prior to participating in OCI, you will be required to review and sign the Career Service
Office No-Show Policy. You can review the No-Show Policy anytime in the Symplicity Document
Resume Referral
Some job postings are considered "resume referrals", which means the employer has not yet
decided to come to campus to interview students but the employer is interested in receiving
application materials from our students. Some employer’s welcome application materials, and
once received, will review those students, and decide whether or not they want to schedule a time
to come to campus or schedule interviews via video/telephone. If you are interested in any of the
employers who have Resume Referrals set up, submit your application materials through the
Symplicity job posting for that employer. If the employer decides to interview our students, they
will either reach out to you individually or through our office.
By the time you reach the interview stage of the job search, you have analyzed your abilities and
skills, and you know what type of legal employment for which you qualify. You have chosen your
geographical preferences and your resume presents a clear picture of your education and
employment history. You have carefully researched employers and have prepared appropriate
cover letters for each one. Hopefully, all this hard work will result in an interview.
Once you obtain an interview with a prospective employer, you are at the most critical point in
your job search with respect to your ability to convey your qualifications in face-to-face
conversations with your prospective employer. At this point, the emphasis has shifted from
“paper” to your ability to deal with human relationships. To be successful in an interview you must
use skills of judgment, intuition, and insight.
This process will be much easier for you if you understand that an interview is a mutual exchange
of information between an applicant and an employer. The interviewer is seeking information
about your background and personality that will aid in judging your potential contribution and
worth to the firm itself. The interview provides an opportunity for the interviewer and the student
to assess whether a potential working relationship will be possible and profitable. The interview
not only provides an important test of one’s intellect and skill as a lawyer, but it also gives the
student an opportunity to demonstrate personality, poise, maturity, and sophistication.
In the few minutes you have at the beginning of the interview, you will need to size up the
interviewer or interviewers quickly. They may be well trained and experienced or they may be
interviewing for the first time and feel completely uncomfortable with the process. Assess the
interviewer’s skill early in the interview and adopt an appropriate approach. Try to determine what
type of personality the interviewer has. Be alert for body language to assist you in learning the
comfort level of the interviewer. If the interviewer seems unsure, volunteer information about
your background and law school experiences. Indicate why you want to work for the firm or
company and ask questions which will stimulate the interviewer to talk about a subject to which
he/she can relate. Remember that you only have a short time to convince the interviewer that your
strengths will be an asset to his/her organization.
Preparing for
An Interview Getting your answers together
Interview Goals
Key things you want an
interviewer to remember. Key
strengths and abilities.
Examples that show what you
can bring to this job.
Why Law School/Area of
Why did you go to law school and
why are you interested in this area
of law?
Why Us?
Reasons why you are
interested in THIS employer.
Areas for you to
“Tell me about your
Challenges you’ve faced, and how
did you overcome them?
State how this job would fit
well will your career plans
and what makes you a ‘fit’
for them too.
Questions I have…
About the position,
interviewer, organization, etc.
Do some research and do not
ask obvious questions.
Items of Note
Items about the specific employer
to keep in mind for the interview.
Preparation for the Interview
Your chances for a successful interview increase with the amount of prior preparation. Knowledge
of the firm or business is of primary importance. Do some background research on the employer
beyond the employer’s website, and talk to students, faculty, or friends who may have contact with
the firm or business. You should try to find out the following information about the employer
before the interview:
learn about the employer by reviewing their profile on martindale.com, vault.com, and
nalp.com see the appendix for more research guides and suggestions;
areas of law the employer practices;
hierarchy of organization;
the name of the managing partner and/or general counsel and/or governmental agency head;
philosophies of the employer (read the mission statement on their website);
recent news articles about the employer (google.com is a great resource for this);
locations of offices, the number of attorneys in each of the offices; and
Current events in the city where the employer is located. Read the “local” section of the
city’s newspaper.
The number one complaint we hear from the employers who interview our students is “they didn’t
do their homework about who we are and what we do.”
If you are looking for how to find a law firm’s clients: Visit
Bloomberglaw.com. You click on “Litigation Intelligence Center” on the left and
then “Litigation Analytics.” Up near the top will be tabs for “Company” “Law
Firm” “Judge” and “Attorney.” If you put in, for example, “Greenberg” in the
Law Firm tab it will give you an auto-populated list of firms. The Firm page has
a breakdown of companies they have represented in a pie chart. It lists all the
dockets for these cases directly below the chart. If you click into the “Select
Companies” box on the left it gives you a complete list of each company involved
in the litigation in the chart.
If you are interviewing with an employer and relocation will be required to take that position, you
must be prepared to answer questions about why you want to live and work in that location. You
should put together a solid list of reasons why you want to be in that location. Research the location
by gathering information on the community from places like the city or county’s visitor
information center, chamber of commerce, local bar associations, local news, alumni, etc.
Know Your Resume, Cover Letter, and Writing Sample
Relearn your resume and be prepared to elaborate on your experiences. You must review all
documents you submitted with your application and be prepared to answer questions about them.
Since you have researched the employer, you should have a good sense of what that employer is
looking for in a new attorney. Also be prepared to explain the contents of your writing sample if
the employer asks.
You can never be totally prepared for every question that may be asked. You should be as
knowledgeable about the firm as possible, and you should have a fairly concrete idea of what you
are looking for and what you want the interviewer to know about you. Present yourself in a positive
and assured manner. Never refer to past failures or mistakes. If the interviewer asks about
something unpleasant, explain the circumstances without making excuses or blaming others.
Accentuate your strengths, abilities, and the positive aspects of your personality.
When the attorneys ask you questions, they are interested in how you handle the question rather
than your ability to always give the correct response. Employers are not only trying to determine
whether you would fit into their organization, but they are also trying to gauge how you would
appear to clients, judges and juries. So be honest, direct, forthright and personable in answering
all questions. A façade will be detected. Remember that your objective is to find not just a job,
but also a position where you will be happy and satisfied to come to work each day.
Remember you are the interviewer as well. Asking questions about the firm or agency
demonstrates your interest. Do not be afraid to ask the interviewer to clarify a point. Your
questions are what distinguish one interviewee from another. If you stimulate the interviewer’s
interest, you are more likely to be remembered. At the end of the interview, ask when you may
expect to hear from the firm/employer.
Dress/Handshake/Documents to Bring with You
You are applying for a professional position, so dress like a professional. Being appropriately
dressed means looking like a lawyer who is going into court. For men, a conservative business
suit, preferably dark (blue, black, gray, brown), a white shirt, and a conservative tie are most
appropriate. Women should wear a tailored business suit, preferably dark (blue, black, gray, or
brown). Dark and conservative shoes for both men and women. Low-heeled pumps for women
are appropriate. No open-toe or open-heel shoes! Be sure your suit fits properly and everything
you wear has been pressed. Once a member of the profession, you may dress according to the
standards of your particular organization. While interviewing, remember the legal profession is
very conservative and first impressions are very important. Be sure to bring extra copies of your
resume, writing samples, transcripts, and list of references to the interview. Carry the documents
in a presentable folder or portfolio.
The manner in which you approach the interviewer provides clues to your personality and general
approach to life. A firm handshake, erect posture and eye contact convey an energetic and
confident image. Say your name with confidence! Be positive but do not appear over-anxious.
Listen carefully and ask relevant questions. Be attentive and enthusiastic; you must communicate
interest and enthusiasm as well as competence.
Make sure you have a professional, respectable message on your voicemail. Remove the
automated message from your voicemail. Use your own voice and say your name. Remember to
clear your voicemail que so it is not full.
“You have reached [First Name Last Name]. I am unable to take your call right now, but
please leave me your name and number, and I will return your call as soon as possible.”
Body Language
Studies have shown that body language plays a large role in an employer’s first impression of
you. The following is a list of “good” body language to use during an interview:
grasp the interviewer’s hand firmly and look he/she straight in the eye when introduced;
do not get any closer than 18 inches (2 to 3 feet is even better) when there is not a desk or
table between you and the interviewer;
sit up straight and project an image of alertness;
do not get carried away using hand gestures;
motion that you are willing to leave the room if the interview is interrupted by a phone
do not stare at the interviewer if they end up having to take a phone call during your
interview (busy yourself with personal papers to create a sense of privacy); and
Do not tip your chair back because it suggests that you are overconfident and
perhaps disdainful of the interviewer.
Tips on Video Interviews
Many employers conduct their initial interviews via Skype or other video application.
How you come across on screen is vitally important to your success in the interview.
Pay attention to these small details to enhance your appearance and your vibe.
Check your background. Be aware of what is behind you on screen. Clear away any
background clutter such as an overstuffed bookcase, a crookedly hanging picture, a trash
can, a pet cruising through, etc. You may call Career Services to schedule use of our
video equipped room, or use one of our interview rooms with your computer.
The camera should be slightly above you rather than head on. If using a laptop, prop it
up on a book or two in order to get the right height. Make sure the setup is solid and
sturdy. Avoid a catastrophe!
Try to have a light source on both sides of you, rather than just behind you. Careful not
to have light shining in the eyes of the folks on the other end. Not too bright and not too
Dress professionally all the way, i.e., no shorts and flip flops from the waist down. You
will feel better and more on top of it if you dress the part as you would for an in person
interview. Remember to pull your jacket tight underneath you and “sit on it!” Your
shoulder line will look smooth and sharp.
Take a “selfie” and check your appearance.
Video tape yourself ahead of time as a practice to make sure you are projecting the right
amount of energy and animation. Video interviews have the tendency to flatten your
Look into the camera light at the top of the screen. Looking down makes you appear
shifty. If you want to have some notes, use small post-it-notes next to the camera. But
make sure they cannot be seen by the employer.
There is often a lag-time with video. Plan to pause more frequently than you do in face to
face communication and speak more slowly. It will also give you slightly more time to
formulate your answers.
The Call-Back Interview
If you favorably impress employers at the initial interview, you may be invited to visit their offices.
You will need to prepare for this interview in the same manner that you prepared for the initial
interview. During the call-back interview you will meet with other attorneys in the firm. A typical
law firm call-back will last a half or full day. If the firm has a recruiting administrator, that person
will be responsible for your schedule when you visit the firm. Lunch and/or dinner may be
included as well. Students have also been invited to receptions/cocktail parties and sailing trips or
golf. Be sure to find out what the social obligations are so you will know how to dress.
You should be prepared for very thorough interviews and for seeing many attorneys in one day.
This process requires a great deal of stamina because it is often repetitious. You need to maintain
your enthusiasm in the face of being asked the same questions over and over again. Have questions
of your own prepared so you can participate in the conversation. It is ok to ask the same questions
of various attorneys. Doing so will give you different perspectives to compare.
Government and public interest organizations frequently conduct panel and in-office interviews by
a group of attorneys. These interviews are usually shorter than the law firm interviews depending
on the hiring structure of the agency. Students have also reported telephone interviews (both initial
and call-back) for these organizations. Public interest and government agencies often cannot afford
to pay for your travel expenses.
Handling Travel Arrangements/Expenses
Upon receiving an invitation for a second interview, you should talk with the interviewer to make
arrangements for the visit. In many instances, the employer will make plane and hotel reservations
for you. After making arrangements, confirm them in writing. Generally, a large firm will
reimburse expenses. A small or medium firm may not. If no mention of reimbursement is made,
it is appropriate to ask about the firm’s policy regarding expenses. You should not incur
unnecessary expenses or over bill for expenses. Legitimate expenses are considered to be round-
trip transportation, hotel room, meals, and ground transportation. Movies, excessive room service
charges, including mini-bar, etc. should not be charged to the employer.
If you travel to a city at the expense of one employer and plan to interview with additional
employers while there, do not have that one employer pay for all of your travel expenses. Y ou
should notify the first employer about your plans to interview with additional organizations in the
area before you undertake the trip. Obviously, if you have no interest in working for an out-of-
town firm, then do not accept the interview.
You should under no circumstances double-bill. If you travel to a city and interview with two or
more employers on a single trip, you should make arrangements with the employers to allocate
out-of-pocket expenses among them in an equitable way. In addition, if you receive advances in
the form of pre-paid airplane tickets or otherwise, you must again be certain that any advances in
excess of actual expenses are returned to the employer.
It is a common practice for the large firms to invite your spouse or significant other to accompany
you and pay his/her expenses. “Significant other” is not clearly defined. You should discuss this
with the employers before making plans. A spouse or significant other who accompanies you must
be properly dressed and aware that his/her appearance and behavior may be an important role in
your chances for employment.
Thank You Letters/Notes
Always send a thank you note or letter after every interview. Sample thank you letters are included
in this handbook. Thank you letters can be hand-written and sent on personal stationary or they
can be typed and mailed to the employer. Thank you letters can be sent via email after an initial
For a call-back interview, a thank you letter should be sent to the hiring partner immediately after
your visit to express your appreciation for the firm’s hospitality and to reiterate your interest in
employment. In some cases, you may deem it proper to write a separate letter to several
Handling Offers
The decision to accept or reject an offer can be very difficult. Although no one can tell you exactly
what criteria to use to make a decision, students usually consider job satisfaction, type of work,
opportunity for advancement, and salary as deciding factors. Make sure you know when a response
is expected from you when you are offered the position. If you are considering other positions,
then it is permissible to tell the employer that you have another offer and will need a certain amount
of time to decide. While you should not feel pressured to make a quick decision, you should accept
or decline an offer as soon as possible.
Once you have decided to accept or decline an offer, you should inform the employer by telephone
with a follow-up letter to confirm. When confirming your acceptance of an offer by mail, be sure
to include the terms of the agreement, reiterate the starting date, salary, and any other information
pertinent to employment. A sample acceptance letter is included in this handbook. Please note
The FSU Law Career Services Office has developed guidelines for how to handle offers,
timeframes, etc. Please see the Career Services website for the Recruiting Polices applicable to
student candidates and employers. Keep in mind that firms are not required to abide by these
Students should consider the acceptance of an offer to be a binding obligation. Therefore, you
must immediately contact all other employers who are evaluating your candidacy and withdraw
from consideration. You must also contact Career Services to report your job acceptance and to
request "hardship releases" from any and all OCIs or job fairs for which you have applied. A
sample withdrawal letter in included in this handbook.
You absolutely should not continue to interview or "shop around" for competing opportunities
that would conflict with the commitment you have made to your employer. Do not jeopardize
your good reputation or the chances of other students by rescinding your acceptance or by
failing to withdraw from other employers promptly. The employer world is much smaller
than you might think, and memories can last a long time.
Ethics in Accepting Offers
Generally, you should not accept an offer of employment if you do not intend to honor your
commitment. Receiving a better offer is not an ethically acceptable reason to renege on your
acceptance. Upon accepting a position, you should cancel all scheduled interviews and discontinue
your job search.
If you receive an offer from one employer but are still interested in another employer, it is
acceptable to request additional time to consider your offer. This way, you may contact the other
party to determine where they are in the decision making process in considering you for
employment. The exception to this advice is offers for Federal Judicial Clerkships, which should
be accepted immediately.
Rescission of an acceptance is unprofessional and causes employers to have to invest resources in
re-starting a search for candidates as a result of your rescission. Unfortunately, there have been
past instances when students accepted job offers only to subsequently repudiate their acceptance.
As a direct result, some of those employers have stopped recruiting at our law school.
By comparison to other fields, the legal community is a particularly close network of professionals.
Attorneys often interact during the course of practice and at professional association meetings and
conferences, and they may talk about their experiences. If word got out that you reneged on a
previous job offer, this could make it less likely for you to be offered an interview or position in
subsequent searches.
On very rare occasions, unexpected circumstances would justify rescinding your acceptance of a
job offer such as family and personal issues, illnesses, and an unexpected move. Rejecting an offer
after acceptance would also be justified if an employer provided inaccurate information about the
company or position. In these extraordinary cases, you will need to be timely and honest in
withdrawing your acceptance. If possible, the employer would then have an opportunity to
consider accommodating a candidate’s specific circumstance.
Please keep in mind that the rules that govern employment contracts vary from state to state. While
most employment is at will, if you have concerns, consult an appropriate professional. Please do
not hesitate to contact the Career Services staff if you find yourself having to consider a job offer
(or multiple offers), and we would be more than happy to discuss and assist you in your decision.
The interview is, in many ways a performance.
Be authentic, but demonstrate that you can give the employer what they need.
Sell yourself by mentioning your strong points and abilities.
Be professional in all ways.
Dress appropriately.
Be punctual.
Bring extra copies of your resume, a writing sample, transcript and references.
Prepare thoroughly for the interview by researching all information you can find about the
Know why you want to work for THAT employer in particular and be ready to explain.
Relax during the interview, create the impression that you are comfortable with yourself.
Greet the interviewer naturally and cordially.
Return a firm handshake and make eye contact.
A Word about Handling Discriminatory Interviewing Questions
Certain questions are discriminatory. You should be prepared to answer in a tactful and positive
manner. By doing so you will convey a sense of responsibility and maturity. Questions asked in
an interview should be related to characteristics required for successful job performance.
Questions that should not be asked include those relating to race, age, religion, marital status,
national origin, disabilities, holidays observed, length of time in the United States, citizenship of
relatives, current or anticipated pregnancy status or plans, spouse’s occupation, spouse’s feelings
on applicant travel for the employer, and views on feminism or civil rights. However, if certain
questions are deemed job related and if they are asked of all applicants, they are justifiable. For
example, if a small firm needs a new lawyer who can increase the firm’s local client base and it
has been determined that lawyers with established family and friends in the area are a source of
new clients, that firm can use “ties to the area” as a criterion for employment.
Although most interviewers are informed regarding the issue of discriminatory questions, you will
occasionally encounter an unfair or blatantly discriminatory question. Your first reaction may be
to answer in a sarcastic or angry manner. Be cautious! Answer clearly and tactfully. Formulate
direct, honest answers. Try directing the focus to the real issues. If you are extremely offended,
suggest that the question does not relate to professional qualifications. Keep objections
professional and not personal. I f you are particularly upset, be sure to let the Assistant Dean of
Career Services know. In order to help you, Career Services must know a problem exists.
Questions should be answered assertively rather than aggressively. Avoid being angry or
frightened by unexpected questions. Review lists of questions, expect the unexpected and take a
moment to formulate your answer before speaking. Try to turn embarrassing questions to your
advantage. Of course, if you ever feel physically uncomfortable in an interview you may end it at
your discretion.
Potentially Discriminating Questions and Possible Answers
How do you plan to care for your children?
I have made full arrangements for taking care of my children.
What will your spouse say about your accepting a job in this city?
My spouse and I have discussed this and are mutually supportive of what the job search may bring.
Are you single? Have you been married?
I have been independent (for some time, the majority of my adult life, for several months) and am
able to focus on my career goals.
How will you handle research and writing in view of your visual/hearing impairment?
I have found adequate accommodations during my law studies and feel confident that I am capable
of carrying out the requirements of a legal career.
We have no female attorneys in our office. How would you feel about being the first woman
to join the firm?
My past career and my experience in law school have provided exposure to many working
environments and I am confident that I can adapt to any situation.
How will you handle arrangements at home when it’s necessary for you to travel?
My home situation will not hamper my ability to travel when necessary.
How would your spouse feel about your out-of-town travel?
Out-of-town travel will not be a problem for us.
Do you (older person) think you would be able to work well as part of a group of younger
I have worked with a variety of people and find that I adjust well to any group.
Do you plan to increase your family?
My immediate goal is to continue my career.
If the firm should assign you to an office in another city, what would your spouse/significant
other do about moving/changing jobs?
It may be necessary for me or for my spouse/significant other to move at some time. If so, we will
make a mutual decision at that time.
What does your spouse/significant other do and what will he/she do if you accept this
My spouse/significant other and I are mutually supportive of our career objectives and goals.
How do you feel about the place of women in the legal profession?
More women are entering law study, and many have achieved status in the profession.
I see you are a member of the ACLU/Federalist Society. Does this mean your views are
extremely liberal/conservative? Do you belong to a church/synagogue/mosque?
I am involved in a number of community activities. For example, I volunteer with …
Do you observe holidays other than the normal legal holidays?
There are certain times when I would prefer to be with my family, but this will not interfere with
my productivity.
How old are you?
Would you mind explaining how knowing my age affects my qualifications for the job?
Interview Checklist
A day or two prior to an interview, take time to consider whether you are fully prepared. Use
this checklist as a guide.
Interview Preparation:
Available information about the employer has been reviewed (see appendix for more
Employer profile/resume
Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory (www.martindale.com)
NALP Directory of Legal Employers (www.nalpdirectory.com)
FSU COL Research Center Assistance
Website of employer
Other directories/resources
Faculty/contacts/practicing attorneys/alumni
Students who previously worked/currently work for the employer
Career Services staff
Personal qualifications and background have been assessed and I am ready to talk about:
Professional qualifications (education, work experience, accomplishments, skills
Personal characteristics (strengths and weaknesses, interests and preferences, values
and goals)
Compatibility with employment situation (short and long-range goals, work
environment preferences, demonstrated interest in employer)
Interview questions and responses have been formulated and practiced:
Information to provide about self to employer ("sales pitch")
Information to obtain from employer (factors to consider in arriving at a decision)
Interview materials have been assembled: (copies of résumé, writing sample,
references, and transcript)
Note pad for names and impressions - to be recorded after, not during
List of questions written (ok to refer to list during interview)
Clothing for interview (shoes shined, extra ties and stockings if wearing, mints for
breath, etc.)
Make sure interview suit is clean and pressed
____ Nails neat and trimmed
Find out where you are going and give yourself plenty of time to arrive
Figure out transportation and parking
Set an alarm clock
Interview Arrangements:
Interview arrangements have been confirmed
Specific time and place confirmed
Name of interviewer(s) has been provided
Method and extent of reimbursement clarified (if applicable)
Information on where to park
Day of Interview:
Bring copies of resume and all application materials including references
Arrive 10-15 minutes early
Bring a notepad and pen with you along with your application materials in a pad folio.
Turn phone all the way off or leave it locked in your car
Greet the receptionist warmly
Stay hydrated
Send thank you notes
After some introductory questions, the interviewer will likely get right to the point. Some
typical questions are below. Familiarize yourself with them and put some thought into how
you should answer them.
What are your long-range and short-range goals, when and why did you establish these
goals, and how are you preparing yourself to achieve them?
What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
What do you really want to do in life?
What are the most important rewards you expect from your career?
What do you expect to be earning in five years?
Which is more important to you, the money or the type of job?
Why did you choose law as your career?
What do you consider to be your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
How would you describe yourself?
What motivates you to put forth your greatest effort?
Why should I hire you as opposed to the other candidates I may interview?
What qualifications do you have that make you think that you will be successful?
How do you determine or evaluate success?
In what ways do you think you can contribute to our firm?
If you were hiring a graduate for this position, what qualities would you look for?
Why did you select your college or university?
What has been your favorite class in law school and why?
What has been your least favorite class in law school and why?
If you could do so, how would you plan your academic study differently? Why?
In what kind of work environment are you most comfortable?
How do you work under pressure?
How would you describe the ideal job for you following graduation?
Why did you decide to seek a position with this firm?
What two or three things are most important to you in your job?
Are you seeking employment in a firm of a certain size? Why?
What criteria are you using to evaluate the firm for which you hope to work?
Do you have a geographical preference? Why? Will you relocate?
Are you willing to travel?
What do you do for fun? (when you are not studying)
Tell me something about you that is not on your resume.
Tell me about a work situation that was challenging for you.
Tell me about a work situation you found rewarding or exciting.
Tell me about a time you failed.
If I talk to the people you worked with at ____________, what would they say they
liked most about working with you?
If I talk to your supervisor at _____________, what would that person say was an area
where you could improve?
What did you do to prepare for this interview today?
How would you describe the work atmosphere at your firm?
Will I have the opportunity to collaborate with Senior Associates/Junior Partners
on complex assignments?
What things does your firm do to foster good communication among the lawyers?
Are there regularly scheduled firm meetings I would be attending?
Do attorneys work in teams? How is the work disseminated?
Would I be working for one attorney or different attorneys?
Would I be working within one practice group or among different practice groups?
How has the firm found success in attracting new clients? How do you help
new associates learn to bring in new clients?
Are associates asked for their input regarding strategic moves the firm may
be considering?
Has the number of partners and associates grown over the past 10 years?
How would my work be assigned to me as an associate (or clerk)?
What opportunities do I have for increased responsibilities?
What opportunities are there to learn/work in a variety of practices?
Can you tell me more about how compensation is determined in the short and
long term? How often are associates (or clerks) given feedback on their
Who judges my performance, how often and how available is feedback on my
work product?
How does the firm determine who makes partner?
How would you describe the channels of communication between junior associates
and more senior firm members? Are there established channels or is it more of an
‘open door’ policy?
Is some type of community service encouraged?
Tell me what you enjoy most about working for (name of organization).
What, if any, are some of the challenges you have with your practice?
What are the firm’s plans for growth in the future? Size? New Practice Areas?
Does the firm have an active international practice?
How is the firm affected by the business cycle? Is your model built to withstand another
2008 type of financial downturn?
You should NOT ask about any of the following: work/life balance, money, vacation time,
flex-time, or “work from home opportunities. You can ask these questions if you get an
Why should we hire you?
Here's the chance to really sell yourself. You need to briefly and succinctly lay out your
strengths, qualifications and what you can bring to the table. Nearly everyone says they are
hardworking and motivated. Set yourself apart by telling the interviewer about qualities that
are unique to you.
Why do you want to work here?
This is one tool interviewers use to see if you have done your homework. You should never
attend an interview unless you know about the company, its direction and the industry in which
it plays. If you have done your research, this question gives you an opportunity to show
initiative and demonstrate how your experience and qualifications match the company's needs.
What are your greatest weaknesses?
The secret to answering this question is being honest about a weakness, but demonstrating
how you have turned it into a strength. If you had a problem staying organized, demonstrate
the steps you took to more effectively keep yourself on track. This shows you have the
ability to recognize aspects of yourself that need improvement, and the initiative to make
yourself better.
Why did you leave your last job?
Be careful about being negative in answering this question. Be as diplomatic as possible. If
you do point out negative aspects of your last job, find some positives to mention as well.
Complaining about a job in the past will not impress your interviewer.
Describe a problem situation and how you solved it.
Sometimes it is hard to come up with a response, particularly if you are coming straight from
college and do not have professional experience. Interviewers want to see that you can think
critically and develop solutions. Most students can think of a problem they had to solve in an
activity or club they were engaged in, and had to step up and lead. This will demonstrate that
you are responsible and can problem solve.
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
The secret to this question is being specific and selecting an accomplishment that relates to
the position. Even if your greatest accomplishment is being on a championship high school
basketball team, opt for a more professionally relevant accomplishment. Think of the
qualities they are looking for and develop an example that demonstrates you have these
Tell me about yourself.
This can be difficult to answer because it is so broad. The interviewer typically does not want to
know about your hometown or what you do on the weekends. They are trying to figure you out
professionally. Pick a couple of points about yourself, your professional experience and your
career goals and stick to those points. Wrap up your answer by bringing up your desire to be a part
of the company. If you have a solid response prepared for this question, it can lead your
conversation in a direction that allows you to elaborate on your qualifications.
What are your salary expectations?
This is one of the hardest questions, particularly for those with little experience. The first thing
to do before going to your interview is to research the salary range in your field to get an idea of
what you should be making. Avoid discussing salary specifics before receiving a job offer. Let
the interviewer know that you will be open to discussing fair compensation when the time
comes. If pressed for a more specific answer, always give a range, rather than a number.
You can use the salary data on the Career Services web page, available here:
Other good resources are:
Using all these resources, you can come up with a range to use as a base during negotiations with
a potential employer. If the salary the employer is offering is not quite what you are looking for,
you can try negotiating for a six-month review and a salary bump at that point, or negotiate
additional benefits. Feel free to contact Career Services for more information.
When accepting an offer for post-graduate employment and evaluating the compensation offered
it is important to look at the benefits included. Because the cost of health insurance and other
benefits like vision, dental, life insurance and disability is substantial, the inclusion or exclusion
of these items can make a big difference in the value of the compensation offered. Additionally,
the availability of a retirement plan (especially if the employer matches your contributions in
some way) can add significant value. Lastly, some firms will include a bonus opportunity or the
ability to participate in a percentage of contingency fees.
So, when talking to your potential new employer, it is appropriate to ask, and you should ask,
about these benefit related items in order to fully assess the offer made.
If you have already accepted employment elsewhere or have made alternate plans, you may no
longer be interested in accepting an offer for an interview. In this case, you should call the firm
directly to speak with the firm’s point of contact (a human resources employee or a supervising
attorney) for the position and explain that while you appreciate the opportunity to interview, you
have accepted another position and thus must withdraw your name from consideration for the
If you sincerely like the employer and would want to try to work there in the future, you should
also tell them that.
You should follow up with a handwritten letter or an email explaining that you really like the
employer, are interested in them, and would like to stay in touch. If an alumnus works there, you
could reach out to that person by asking to go to lunch or grab coffee to stay in touch and continue
to show interest.
5 Tips for Success
Understand the Dress Code
Respect that your office is a place for business by following your office’s dress code. By
ignoring the dress code or taking the phrase “Casual Friday” very literally by wearing flip flops
and shorts, your appearance is indicating that you do not take your job seriously.
Always Happily Accept Additional Responsibility
Don’t be that person who refuses to take on tasks that are not “in the job description.” This
doesn’t mean you have to be a pushover or a sycophant. By being enthusiastic about learning
new things, accepting new work, and supporting a collaborative effort when opportunities arise,
you’re adding value to your resume and your employer. Adding value means additional
success over the long term.
Don’t Be Greedy with Office Perks/Benefits
Even if your office offers unique perks or benefits, you shouldn’t necessarily take advantage of
all of them all of the time, even if you have a coworker who does. Be reasonable in this
Manners Matter
Always say please and thank you. Offer a friendly handshake and stand when being
introduced to someone new. Refrain from swearing and raising your voice at others you
disagree with.
Don’t gossip about your coworkers. Be respectful of everyone you work with, from the
receptionist to the college kid who runs errands and makes coffee.
Respect the common space in your office. Clean up your own messes.
Be Punctual
Being on time is easy enough, but failing to be punctual can make a bad impression. It is okay to
be a few minutes late every now and then, but someone will surely notice if you are arriving late
every single day.
If necessary, make some changes to your schedule by going to sleep earlier, laying out what you
need the night before, and bringing breakfast with you to work. Do whatever it takes to arrive on
Go for it!
Whether the employer has stated the position could lead to a permanent position or not, treat it as
an audition and give it everything you’ve got!
If you are looking for employment in cities in Florida other than Tallahassee, or out of state, the
Florida State University College of Law Career Office can assist you in requesting reciprocity to
access another law school’s career services office. To begin the process, go to the Career Services
webpage of the law school you are seeking to have reciprocity granted to find out if their reciprocity
policy would help you. Some schools will only grant reciprocity to their facilities and not their
job career software so read the school’s reciprocity policy carefully. Additionally, most schools
have “blackout dates” restricting reciprocity to non-“OCI” time periods, and a significant number
of law schools offer reciprocity only on a one-to-one basis.
It doesn’t happen often, but be aware that some law schools do not have reciprocity policies
available, and some may charge you a fee. Please contact Career Services if you have any
questions about reciprocity.
Most law schools require a reciprocity request come from the law schools Career Services
Office, not the student. So, send the following information to Career Services at
Your full name
Your mailing address
Your preferred email address
Your phone number
STUDENTS: Month/Year of anticipated graduation
ALUMNI: Month/Year graduated
Name of the Law School you wish to receive reciprocity of services, if more than one, list
laws schools in order of preference
Link to law schools career services webpage policy on reciprocity
Career services or career office contact’s name
Career services or career office contact’s phone number
Career services or career office contact’s email address
You should allow 3-5 days to receive a response to your request. You will be copied on
correspondence sent to the law school of your choice. Typically, other law schools will send their
responses directly to you and copy our office within 1-2 weeks.
In addition to a firm’s website, the following sites provide additional information about legal
employers and attorneys. Search by name, practice area, firm size, and/or geographic
Comprehensive database of over 1 million lawyer profiles.
Lawyers.com (LexisNexis)
Similar to Martindale.com
NALP (National Association of Law Career)
A widely used directory in legal recruiting. The current edition includes information on more
than 1,700 employers nationwide and is an invaluable tool for job searchers, career counselors,
and legal recruiters.
The American Lawyer
The American Lawyer is a monthly law magazine whose features include the annual “AmLaw
100 Survey” and “AmLaw 200 Survey” (which rank law firms by number of employees, profits
per partner and overall revenue), "The View from the Top", their annual poll of law firm
chairpersons, and their "Corporate Scorecard". The AmLaw 100/200 is considered by the legal
industry as the top law firms in the country.
State of Florida Agencies
A to Z index of state agencies
Federal Government
A to Z index of federal agencies.
Florida Prosecuting Attorneys Association (FPAA)
Links and information about the State Attorney’s Offices throughout the 20 judicial circuits in
The Florida Public Defender Association, Inc.
Links and information about the Public Defenders’ Offices throughout the 20 judicial circuits
in Florida.
Our job-posting website is available to you during law school and long after graduation. We
post law clerk positions, entry-level attorney positions, and lateral attorney positions.
State of Florida (People First)
Search for and apply for State of Florida Jobs.
NOTE: Each county, city, university and college have their own employment websites.
Federal Government
Search and apply for U.S. Federal Government jobs.
American Society of Association Executives has a job board with openings for association
attorney positions and other “JD advantage” positions.
Government Honors & Internship Handbook
Search and apply for internships and entry-level government jobs. The Government Honors
and Internship Handbook is password protected, so check under “shortcuts” on your
Symplicity homepage for login information.
Intercollegiate Job Bank
This is a useful job search website from Brigham Young which includes job postings from law
schools across the United States. The website and password are posted under “Shortcuts” on
your Symplicity home page.
The Florida Bar Career Center
Search the jobs posted by the nation's leading law firms, corporate legal departments, and
government agencies listing their full-time, part-time, contract, and temporary positions online.
The online clearinghouse for law students and lawyers to connect with public interest
opportunities and information on public interest careers. PSJD is a free resource for law
students and alumni of our subscriber schools to search among thousands of public interest job
opportunities and employer profiles.
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Weekly news and job-information source for college and university faculty members,
administrators, and students.
Legal Directories
Click on “Employment”, click on “Job Postings”, then type in your specific location.
With a large legal professional job database, EmplawyerNet provides online job information
to lawyers, law students and paralegals.
LawJobs.com lists legal job openings, classifieds and nationwide ads for lawyers, paralegals,
and legal support staff. It also includes a career center with career profiles, salary information
and career advice.
A highly-trafficked legal website, Findlaw provides job listings for a wide range of legal
professionals. It also maintains a comprehensive set of legal resources on the internet for legal
students and legal professionals including case law and legal news.
Another hugely popular job-hunting website, at ZipRecruiter you can search hundreds of
thousands of jobs. DayBook is an email listserv for all of the governmental jobs out of
Washington, D.C. BCG Attorney Search http://www.bcgsearch.com/
BCG Attorney Search is one of the largest legal recruiting firms in the United States. Dedicated
exclusively to attorney listings, it maintains a job database that matches current openings with
your skills and career objectives.
Law Match
Lawmatch offers free and fee-based services that match your employment profile to online
classified ads for attorneys, law students, paralegals, and other legal professionals, including
full-time, part-time, or contract opportunities.
Simplylawjobs.com maintains an employment database of over 10,000 legal jobs in the United
Kingdom and other countries.
Mylawjob.com offers a job database of almost 3,000 legal jobs.
U.S. Courts
For individuals seeking a job within the judiciary, U.S. Courts maintains a list of employment
opportunities in the federal judiciary.
U.S. Department of Justice
A list of job vacancies at the United States Department of Justice.
ABA Law Student Division Career Information Center
Job boards, information on networking opportunities, internships, other resources offered by
the American Bar Association.
Job listings in public service, including human rights positions throughout the world. If you
enter your profile, Idealist will send you relevant listings.
Please note that both Alumni directories can be searched by state (use postal abbreviation), zip
code and city.
Use the following list of “key words” in your practice area search:
Admiralty and Maritime Law
Alternative Dispute
Animal Law
Antitrust and Trade
Appellate Practice
Auto Accidents
Aviation and Aerospace
Business Litigation
Civil Law
Civil Litigation
Civil Rights
Class Action
Commercial Law
Constitutional Law
Construction Law
Consumer Law
Corporate/Business Law
Criminal Law
Debtor and Creditor
Dependency Law
Disability Rights
Education Law
Elder Law
Election/Campaign Law
Eminent Domain
Employee Benefits
Energy Law
Environmental/Land Use
Family Law
Financial Management
General Capacitor
General Practice
Government Law
Health Law
Homicide Department
Indians and Native
Insurance Law
Intellectual Property
International Law
Investment Management
Juvenile Law
Labor/Employment Relations
Law Enforcement
Legal Malpractice
Medical Malpractice
Mergers and Acquisitions
Natural Resources
Occupational Safety and
Personal Injury
Poverty Law
Pro Bono
Product Liability
Professional Liability
Professional Malpractice
Public Interest Law
Public Policy
Real Estate
Real Property
Science and Technology
Social Security
Tax Law
Transactional Law
Transportation Law
Trial Practice
Trust and Estates
Veteran's Affairs
Victim's Rights
Wills and Probate
Workers Compensation
Wrongful Death