“Your key to the open road.
Tennessee Truck Driving School
7142 Clinton Highway, Clinton TN 37849
(865) 330-0035 | TennesseeTruckDrivingSchool.com
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TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................... 2
INFORMATION SHEET ........................................................................................................................... 3
DISCLOSURE STATMENTS ................................................................................................................... 4
ENROLLMENT PROCEDURES AND ADMISSION POLICY .............................................................. 5-6
CLASS ATTENDANCE ............................................................................................................................ 7
EXCUSED ABSENCES ........................................................................................................................... 7
PROGRESS REPORTING ....................................................................................................................... 8
SATISFACTORY PROGRESS STANDARDS ......................................................................................... 9
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................... 9
STUDENT BEHAVIOR AND CONDUCT ............................................................................................... 10
DISCLOSURE ABOUT TRANSFERABILITY OF CREDITS ................................................................. 11
CREDIT TRANSFERS ........................................................................................................................... 12
STUDENT COMPLAINT/GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE .......................................................................... 13
NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL .................................................................................................................. 14
REFUND AND CANCELLATION POLICY ............................................................................................ 14
2024 COURSE FEE SCHEDULE .......................................................................................................... 15
STUDENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AND FINANCING OPTIONS ................................................... 16
VETERAN STUDENT ADDENDUM ...................................................................................................... 17
CURRICULUM BREAKDOWN .............................................................................................................. 18
JOB PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE SERVICES ..................................................................................... 19
FACILITIES, TRAINING EQUIPMENT, AND EDUCATION STAFF ..................................................... 20
2024 CALENDAR ................................................................................................................................... 21
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Governing Board for Tennessee Truck Driving School
Barry Henson - President | Jennifer Henson - Secretary &Treasurer
Our institutional mission is to focus on providing exceptional entry level training to all qualified
students aspiring to learn the skills and knowledge to obtain their Class A CDL license. Our
combined administrative and educational staff have decades of experience in the transportation
industry on all different levels. We share our knowledge and experience with our students in, an
effort to prepare them for their new career opportunities within the transportation industry.
Barry Henson, CDL Licensed
Barry Henson / Lindsey Waldrop
Janet Hill
David Tata,
CDL Licensed
Jo Clark,
CDL Licensed
Jeff Horton,
CDL Licensed
Joshua Branch, CDL Licensed
Mark McCauley,
CDL Licensed
Sam Hoskins,
CDL Licensed
Dawn Norman,
CDL Licensed
Kevin McDermott,
CDL Licensed
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Tennessee Truck Driving School is authorized by the Tennessee Higher Education
Commission. This authorization must be renewed each year and is based on an
evaluation by minimum standards concerning quality of education, ethical business
practices, and fiscal responsibility. For license verification please visit TN.gov/THEC
and click on “Authorized Institutions Data”.
For the program entitled Class A CDL Training, I have been informed that, for the Fiscal
Year 2021-22, the withdrawal rate is 9.8%, the completion rate is 89.8%, and the in-
field placement rate is 100%. Detailed statistical data for this program may be viewed
by going to http://state.tn.us/thec and clicking on the “Authorized Institutions Data”
This catalog is not to be construed as a contract. Although every effort is taken to
ensure the accuracy of the contained information, no responsibility is assumed by
Tennessee Truck Driving School for clerical, editorial or print errors. From time to time,
some changes will be necessary but will be done so while adhering to the strict
guidelines and approval of the Tennessee Higher Education Commission.
Tennessee Truck Driving School further states that there will be no discrimination
against students or employees on the basis of race, creed, color, age, sex, disability,
or national origin in relation to all policies and procedures including but not limited to
admissions, education programs, employment practices and financial aid. Enrollment
with Tennessee Truck Driving School implies the acceptance of these conditions
concerning all matters within this catalog.
Tennessee Truck Driving School respects your privacy. We will not sell any information
to outside parties and any transfer of personal information for pre-hire purposes will be
done so with the student’s approval.
Per PL 115-407 Section 103, Tennessee Truck Driving School will not impose any
penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries,
or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow
additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet
his or her financial obligation to the institution due to the delayed disbursement of
funding from VA under Chapter 31 or 33.
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Our student enrollment criteria are as follows:
General Enrollment Criteria
Must be 21 years old to qualify for job placement assistance
Need to have been licensed for one year within the United States
Must have a high school diploma or GED. An industry test is available to
determine eligibility if necessary
Must have the basic and fundamental skills to read, write and speak the
English language as per F.M.C.S.R.
Must be able to understand highway traffic signs and signals
Must be able to make entries on reports and records
Must be a lawful permanent resident of the United States
Must have an original or certified copy of birth certificate to obtain a permit
from the DMV
Must obtain a 7-year MVR with no convictions in the past 3 years of any of
the following: DUI, Refusal to take a chemical test, hit and run, leaving the
scene of an accident, or careless/reckless driving
No DUI in the past 5 years or more than two DUI’s in a lifetime
All students will be required to take and pass a DOT physical and drug screen by their
first day of class.
All students must meet the United States Department of Transportation physical
qualifications as stated in Section 391 of the Federal Motor Carrier’s Safety Regulation
Handbook. The school may require written documentation from a physician regarding
an applicant’s health in addition to the DOT Medical Card. Students are required to
disclose contagious diseases.
Once these requirements are met, applicants are asked to contact the school and take
part in an admissions interview. Upon acceptance, the applicant will then need to
complete the enrollment agreement and provide payment for tuition.
A student will need a high school diploma or GED to attend Tennessee Truck Driving
School. If the student does not have either document, an ability to benefit industry test
can be administered prior to enrollment. A student is required to pass the test with a
minimum of 70% to receive a passing grade.
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Any one of the following conditions may be cause for non-admittance:
Traffic Violations
More than one at fault accident in the past three years
If your current license is suspended, cancelled, or revoked in the State of
Tennessee or any other state
More than 1 careless and/or reckless driving convictions in the past three
Any alcohol/drug related violations in a motor vehicle in the last five years
More than three moving violations in the last three years
Criminal Convictions
A felony criminal record in the past five years. Felonies over five years
are reviewed on a case-by-case basis
A misdemeanor record in the past will be reviewed by the Director who
may waive the time limit on a misdemeanor charge depending on the
circumstances of each case
Parole or restricted probation
Late Enrollment: We will not allow late enrollments. Students must attend orientation,
or they will need to start the following week.
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Class attendance and punctuality are part of the commitment a student makes when
deciding to attend Tennessee Truck Driving School. It is the student’s responsibility to
arrive for classes on time, return from breaks on time and remain in class until dismissed.
Attendance is monitored daily by all instructors as well as the administrative
Attendance will be documented in quarter hour increments for late arrivals
and early departures.
Each student is required to sign in when arriving and sign out when leaving.
All signatures must be legible and in black or blue ink only. Sign-in sheets
become the official source document for recording attendance. No alteration
may be made on the attendance record without an instructor’s approval and
All students are required to make up time lost due to any kind of absence, excused or
unexcused. Any student having three (3) or more days of unexcused absences will be
dismissed from class.
No student will be allowed to re-enter class without the approval of the Director of Training
or the School Director.
Excused Absences
The following will be considered excused absences:
Death in the immediate family
Sickness that would disrupt or spread to the rest of his/her class or affect
their ability to operate school equipment. A doctor’s excuse for missed
school will be required to obtain make up work and any prolonged illness will
require that the student re-start the phase once well enough
All students are required to make up time missed due to any kind of absence, excused or
unexcused. Any student having three (3) or more days of unexcused absences will be
dismissed from class.
We will try and work with everyone and understand that events do occur that prevent
students from being able to attend school. We will maintain a strict policy in hopes to allow
for the best training possible for our students.
Students may be required to train during weekend hours to maintain class hours and
scheduling if needed.
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Student grades are assigned, posted, and recorded at the completion of each area. Students
may obtain a copy of their grades from the Student Records Office. Grades “D”, “F”, or “I”, is
not considered passing. The following marks reflect the student’s work:
A 93-100
B 86-92
C 85-80
D 79-70
F 0-69
I Incomplete
W Withdrawal
Students are required to obtain an 80% or better on their CDL permit test and must complete
their training with Tennessee Truck Driving School with an 80% or better to graduate and
complete their course.
The mark “I” signifies that work in a course is incomplete because of illness or circumstances
beyond the control of the student or because an instructor feels further evaluation is needed
before the grade can be determined.
The mark of “W” signifies withdrawal from an area of instruction and is given when a student
officially withdraws from this area. Credit is not given for classes students have not completed
at the time of withdrawal.
A student’s daily progress/attendance will be maintained and then filed in their student file
upon either graduation or withdrawal.
Any student receiving a “D”, “F”, “I” or “W” will be subject to Academic Probation or
Suspension. Academic Probation or Suspension will be determined on a case-by-case basis
by the Director. Examples including, but are not limited to class participation, attendance, a
student’s efforts and/or grading evaluations will be assessed when determining Academic
Probation or Suspension. Readmission from Academic Probation or Suspension will be
determined on a case-by-case basis.
Class training time is expressed in the form of clock hours. A clock hour represents 60 minutes
of possible classroom time with an allowance of up to 10 minutes of every hour available for
classroom breaks. The remaining 50 minutes of each clock hour is dedicated to training.
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Each student must meet the following academic requirements to successfully complete
their program.
Each student must maintain an average of 80% for each section of their training
throughout the program. o If a student falls below the 80%, they will need to do
additional training to get their scores above the required 80%
Each student must complete a minimum total of 165 hours
A progress report is available to each student for viewing at the completion of each
phase of training. All progress records are stored in the student’s file.
Students who have paid in full for the training may request a copy of their certificate
and transcripts at any time. Students who have financed their tuition must pay their loan
in full before the certificate and transcripts will be released.
For students requiring additional training time, up to 55 hours will be allowed at no
additional cost. We know that not everyone trains at the same pace. Additional training
time over 55 hours will be charged at $250.00 per day.
Graduation Requirements
To graduate, students must meet the following criteria:
1. Obtain an overall average of 80% or above
2. Complete a minimum of 165 hours
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Tennessee Truck Driving School provides quality career training for those students
desiring to learn how to operate a Class A vehicle in a proper and safe manner.
Students are expected to begin their professionalism from the moment they arrive on
day one. Respecting fellow students, the instructors, and the administrative staff will
facilitate a positive learning environment for all involved.
The use of any illegal drug or controlled substance while attending Tennessee Truck
Driving School on or off campus will not be tolerated. Any student found or believed to
be doing any type of illegal or controlled substance will be subjected to a mandatory
drug and alcohol test, at the student’s expense. If the student tests positive for any of
the substances tested, that will be cause for immediate dismissal and loss of all tuition
paid. We are clear on our policy regarding drug and alcohol use while at Tennessee
Truck Driving School.
Disruptive behavior of any type will not be tolerated. Examples can include but are not
limited to the following:
Excessive absences
Use of cell phone in class, only permitted on breaks
Undisciplined talking in class
Sleeping in class
Negative attitudes
Coming to school under the influence of alcohol or other drugs
Verbal threats or violent or unruly behavior
Bullying or derogatory remarks about other students or faculty
Sexual or vulgar acts towards peers or school staff
Possession of firearms, incendiary devices, explosives, articles, or substances usable
as weapons or means of disruption of legitimate school functions calculated to
intimidate, disturb, discomfort, or injure a member of the school community are strictly
Cheating, copying the work of another student, falsifying homework assignments, and
any other variation of academic dishonesty is prohibited.
Tennessee Truck Driving School will not tolerate any of the above-mentioned items.
Noncompliance of the above-mentioned items are subject to Conduct Suspension or
Dismissal. Re-admission for Conduct Suspension or Dismissal will be evaluated on a
case-by-case basis by the Director.
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Tennessee Truck Driving School is a special purpose institution. That purpose is to
provide exceptional entry level training to all qualified students aspiring to gain the skills
and knowledge to obtain their Class A CDL license. Students should be aware that
transfer of credit is always the responsibility of the receiving institution. Whether or not
credits transfer is solely up to the receiving institution. Any student wishing to transfer
credits should check with the receiving institution directly to determine to what extent,
if any, credit hours can be transferred.
Credits earned at Tennessee Truck Driving School may not transfer to another
educational institution.
Credits earned/granted at another education institution, training, or experience may not
be accepted by Tennessee Truck Driving School. You should obtain confirmation that
Tennessee Truck Driving School will accept any credits you may have earned at
another educational institution before you execute an enrollment contract or
agreement. You should also contact any educational institutions that you may want to
transfer credits earned at Tennessee Truck Driving School to determine if such
institutions will accept credits earned at Tennessee Truck Driving School prior to
executing an enrollment contract or agreement.
The ability to transfer credits from Tennessee Truck Driving School to another
educational institution may be very limited. Your credits may not transfer, and you may
have to repeat courses previously taken at Tennessee Truck Driving School if you enroll
in another educational institution.
It is highly recommended, and you are advised to make certain that you know the
transfer of credit policy of Tennessee Truck Driving School and of any other educational
institutions you may in the future want to transfer the credits earned Tennessee Truck
Driving School to before you execute an enrollment contract or agreement.
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Tennessee Truck Driving School has established the following guidelines for a
cooperative relationship between Tennessee Truck Driving School and Tampa Truck
Driving School. Students transferring from Tampa Truck Driving school may transfer
contact hours to Tennessee Truck Driving School. Students must complete a minimum
of 165 contact hours to be eligible for a Certificate of Completion for Class A CDL
Training at Tennessee Truck Driving School.
Student intending to transfer should complete the admissions process for Tennessee
Truck Driving School. There are no additional fees for contact hour transfer.
Curriculum Equivalency Guide
Tampa Truck Driving School
(Transferring Institution)
Tennessee Truck Driving School
Course Name
Contact Hours
Course Name
Contact Hours
1 (max 55)
1 (max 55)
Field Training
1 (no max)
Field Training
1 (no max)
Road Training
1 (no max)
Road Training
1 (no max)
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Schools authorized by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission must have policies
and procedures for handling student complaints. If ever a student has a complaint
concerning any staff or faculty members of Tennessee Truck Driving School, the student
is directed to first attempt resolution with the staff or faculty member directly who is at the
source of the complaint. If this first attempt does not resolve the difficulty, then the
complainant should proceed with the steps outlined below:
1. Contact the Director of Education, Lindsey Waldrop, immediately for a resolution
to the complaint.
a. Contact Information
Director of Education Lindsey Waldrop
7142 Clinton Highway
Powell, TN 37849
(865) 330-0035
2. If the Director of Education cannot satisfactorily resolve the complaint, the
complainant should file a written, signed and dated complaint against said staff,
faculty member or other student with the schools Institutional Director. The
Institutional Director will respond in writing within (14) fourteen business days of
receipt of the original complaint.
a. Contact Information
Institutional Director Barry Henson
(865) 330-0035
3. Should this not satisfactorily resolve the complaint, the
complainant may
contacting the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, which
authorizes schools to operate in the state of Tennessee. The commission’s
address and phone number is as follows:
State of Tennessee
Higher Education Commission
312 Rosa Parks Ave, 9
Nashville, TN 37243-0830
Phone: (615) 741-3605
Email: THEC.DPSA-[email protected]
Any person claiming damage or loss as a result of any act or practice by this institution that
may be a violation of the Title 49, Chapter 7, Part 20 or Rule Chapter 1540-01-02 may file
a complaint with the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, Division of Postsecondary
State Authorization.
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A student who is considering withdrawing from Tennessee Truck Driving School must
see the Director of Education. Once a decision is made to withdraw from the school,
an official exit interview form and/or a withdrawal letter needs to be completed which
can be obtained from the Student Record Office. The completion of this form is
especially important to students to prevent problems that may surface when students
do not properly withdraw from school. Not showing up for class is not proper withdrawal.
Refund and Cancellation Policy
This portion of the catalog outlines the obligations and entitlements of both the school
and the student if the student withdraws from school before completing the full course
of study in which he or she is enrolled.
The official date of termination will be determined by reviewing the last documented
day the student attended. All applicable refunds will be calculated per the following
policy. Amounts due will be refunded within (30) thirty days of request.
If the student withdraws during the first 10% of the training period (up to 16
hours), Tennessee Truck Driving School will refund at least 75% of the
If the student withdraws during 11% to 25% of the training period (17 hours
to 41 hours), Tennessee Truck Driving School will refund at least 50% of the
If the student withdraws during 26% to 50% of the training period (41 hours
to 82.5 hours), Tennessee Truck Driving School will refund at least 25% of
the tuition.
Once a student completes 51% of the training period (over 82.5 hours),
Tennessee Truck Driving School will retain the full paid tuition funds.
Refund requests must be made to the Student Coordinator’s office by phone, email,
or in person within 15 days of the official date of termination.
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165 Hours Class A CDL Tuition*
$ 6000.00
Application Fee (Applied to CDL Exam)*
DOT Medical Exam/Physical & Drug Screen*
Hair Follicle
Class A CDL Permit Fee*
Class A CDL License Fee*
MVR & Background Check
Full Pay Policy: Students who wish to pay their full tuition amount prior to their start
date may do so with a discount of $1000.00 on the tuition, making the tuition price
$5000.00. Students are responsible for all applicable fees.
All incoming students must be able to pass the required DOT drug screen and either have or
obtain a DOT Medical Certificate and Long Form. We will be happy to assist incoming
students by directing them to designated approved testing facilities here locally.
The following are miscellaneous costs that the student will be responsible for:
Daily food expenses (we have a refrigerator for students to use if they choose to
bring their lunch with them)
Transportation to and from school. Bus service does run by the school, call for
schedule of service
Please note: Any student that has an out of state license and does not pass their CDL
skills/road exam will be required to pay an additional $75.00 testing fee to book an additional
test appointment. Tennessee Truck Driving School will allow a student up to an additional 55
hours (1 week) of training time free of charge to help prepare for the test.
If any student needs additional training after the extra week allowed, the student will be
required to pay $250.00 per day for the additional training.
Tennessee Truck Driving School will only CDL test a student three (3) times.
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Due to the short nature of our training program, incoming students do not qualify for
Federal Financial Aid programs. Payment and/or signed financing agreement must be
received prior to enrollment. We have the following options available to those who
1. Full Payment: All students are eligible for a reduction in tuition if they choose not
to utilize Tennessee Truck Driving School’s financing options. All students are
eligible for the reduction regardless of method of payment (cash, debit/credit
card, check, or money order). The reduction shall not exceed $1000.00.
2. Financing provided by Tennessee Truck Driving School: To qualify for financing,
student must meet the requirements for job placement and have a valid checking
Please speak with a recruiting agent or enrollment specialist for information regarding
financing options.
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This catalog addendum applies to those students receiving U.S. Department of Veterans
Affairs education (GI Bill) benefits while attending Tennessee Truck Driving School.
Prior Credit Policy: Per 38CFR 21.4253 (d)(3), previous training and experience will be
considered, and granted if appropriate, for veterans and other eligible students. Veterans must
submit a copy of their DD-214 discharge certificate and request that transcripts from all
previous postsecondary schools attended be forwarded to Tennesse Truck Driving School.
Attendance Policy: Class attendance and punctuality are part of the commitment a student
makes when deciding to attend Tennessee Truck Driving School. It is the student’s
responsibility to arrive for classes on time, return from breaks on time and remain in class until
dismissed. All students are required to make up any and all time lost due to any kind of
absence, excused or unexcused. Any student having three (3) or more days of unexcused
absences will have veteran education benefits terminated and dismissed from the school.
Students who have been terminated from the school for unsatisfactory attendance may be re-
admitted at the discretion of the Director.
Conduct Policy:
Students must always conduct themselves in a respectable manner.
Disruptive or inappropriate behavior deemed unsatisfactory conduct by school officials will
result in termination of veteran education benefits, and possible dismissal from Tennessee
Truck Driving School. Re-admittance after conduct dismissal will be at the discretion of the
Academic Progress Policy: Students receiving veteran education benefits must maintain
and 80% grade average per week or veteran education benefits will be terminated and the
student may be subject to termination from the school. It is understood that I can only be
certified to VA for 165 clock hours of training and I may be re-admitted to the school only once.
Pro-Rata Refund Policy for Veterans and other Eligible Students: Per CFR 21.4255,
Tennessee Truck Driving School has a pro-rata refund policy for the refund of the unused
portion of tuition, fees and other charges in the event the veteran or eligible person fails to
enter the course or withdraws or is discontinued therefrom at any time prior to completion.
Enrollment Verification: Post-9/11 GI Bill® students who receive Monthly Housing
Allowance (MHA) and/or kicker payments are required to verify their enrollment to continue
receiving their payments.
How to Verify Enrollment: You can verify enrollment via text, email, or online at VA.gov. If
you need to verify your enrollment and are looking for instructions on how to do it, check out
the How to Verify Enrollment for Post-9/11 GI Bill Students video or by following this How to
Verify Enrollment infographic.
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
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Program Objective: Demonstrate the skills, knowledge, and competency of an entry-level
commercial vehicle driver. All students are required to attend for 165 hours in order to
graduate. Students will be tested for their Road/Skills test here on our property with our State
Licensed Third Party Testers.
Week 1 Classroom (Monday – Friday) – 55 Hours
Classroom training will cover the items listed below. Subjects include but are not limited to
the following:
A. General Knowledge
B. Air Brakes
C. Combination Vehicle
D. Homework, classroom assignments
8:00 am – 5:30 pm
Tuesday Friday
6:00 am – 6:00 pm
* Upon completion of the classroom training, TN residents will take their CDL permit
test on-site. Other state residents will return to their home state to test for the CDL
Week 2 Field Training (Monday Friday) – 55 Hours
Our field training will allow our students to have hands-on training with both trucks and trailers
at our five-acre yard training facility. Subjects include but are not limited to the following:
Week 3 Road Training (MondayFriday) – 55 Hours 4:1 Ratio
The last 55 hours will be split between road training and field training. Students will drive on
a variety of roads, such as highways, city, and rural. Subjects will include but are not limited
to the following:
Monday Thursday
6:00 am – 6:00 pm
6:00 am – 4:30 pm
8:00 am – 5:30 pm
Monday Thursday
6:00 am – 6:00 pm
*CDL Testing*
A. Pre-Trip Inspection this is
done every day of training
B. Straight-line Backing
C. 45 Degree Angle Back
D. Offset Back left and right
E. Coupling and Uncoupling
F. Sliding Fifth Wheel and Tandems
G. Homework – Pre-Tip Inspection
D. Shifting
E. Highway Driving
F. City Driving
G. Right and Left Turns
H. Safety Procedures, Space and
Speed Management
F. Defensive Driving techniques, Extreme
Driving Conditions, Emergency Maneuvers
G. Hazardous Materials
H. Logbook, Map Reading and Trip Planning
I. 90 Degree Alley Dock
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Tennessee Truck Driving School will provide lifetime job placement assistance for all
of its students. For us to do this properly we ask that you fully disclose all pertinent
information regarding your driving/background/work history. Please note, the trucking
companies will run your driver record, background, and verify all previous employment.
It is in your best interest to be upfront and honest with all questions on the applications.
Tennessee Truck Driving School cannot guarantee you will get a job. We will do
everything we can to assist you, but your employment offer is based on the information
you have provided on your application.
Tennessee Truck Driving School cannot guarantee you will graduate the program. In
order to graduate, you are required to complete 165 hours of training and earn an
overall grade of 80% or above.
Tennessee Truck Driving School cannot guarantee you will obtain your Class A CDL
license. We will provide you with all the necessary tools to pass the CDL exam, but it
is ultimately up to you, the student.
**A student will need a High School Diploma with transcripts or GED to attend
Tennessee Truck Driving School. If the student does not have either document, an
ability to benefit industry test (ATB Test) can be administered prior to enrollment.**
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Classroom Instructor: Jo Clark - CDL Licensed
Students at Tennessee Truck Driving School are taught by experienced instructors. We keep
our class size small to ensure quality training and individual attention where needed. Our
classroom is well lit, and climate controlled for the student’s comfort. The classroom tables
are large for ample space per student for learning materials. The classroom instructor will
use a white board, TV, and Trucking Industry DVD’s for training of the basics of tractor-trailer
driving, laws and requirements to get the CDL Permit.
Yard Instructors: Jeff Horton, Joshua Branch, Mark McCauley- CDL Licensed
The pre-trip inspection, maneuvering, backing, and coupling training will be done on our five-
acre lot. There is ample room for all forms of maneuvering as well as straight line backing
and ally docking.
Road Instructors: Sam Hoskins, Kevin McDermott, Dawn Norman - CDL Licensed
On the road training will be done in school owned, well-maintained equipment that is similar
to what is on the road today. Students will drive with our Road Instructors on all types of
roads such as city routes, interstate/highways, rural routes and mountainous locations for
added education. Initial driving will be done during the day but as the training progresses,
some night-time driving will be done as well. Set driving routes will be established and they
will maintain a 50-mile radius from the school.
All training will be provided at:
7142 Clinton Highway
Powell, TN 37849
Tennessee Truck Driving School provides equal employment opportunities to all employees
and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin,
age, disability, or genetics. In addition to federal law requirements, Tennessee Truck Driving
School complies with applicable state and local laws governing nondiscrimination in
employment in every location in which the company has facilities.
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Program Start Date
School Holiday
Open Enrollment