SMART Embedded Computing
January 2020
The security of COTS embedded computing products used in military and aerospace
programs has become a focal point for military branches and prime contractors. This white
paper addresses the issue of supply chain security, covering topics such as design authority,
chain of custody and governance in supply chains.
It introduces the SMART Embedded Computing concept of ‘Secure COTS’, a holistic and cradle
-to-grave approach that ensures SMART EC products and supply-chains can be trusted.
Secure COTS
Cybersecurity vulnerabilities and supply chain
integrity are under the spotlight for global
technology companies and users. Todays
technology supply chain involves interfacing with
vendors across many international borders. The
current geopolitical climate has created a market
discontinuity that dramatically affects US domestic
critical infrastructure programs.
Securing the Supply Chain
The increasing complexity of global supply chains
and associated interdependencies has raised
questions for American military branches and those
of allied nations worldwide.
The Defense Industrial Base, which includes more
than 100,000 private sector companies and their
subcontractors, have historically made rational
commercial decisions about their supply chains
based on the golden triangle of price, delivery and
These decisions haven’t always accounted for the
security aspects now under the spotlight.
Given the enormity of the implications, an effective
supply chain security strategy must proactively
minimize exposures throughout the entire product/
system life cycle – from cradle (secure component
design and manufacturing) to grave (ethical and
secure e-waste disposal) and everything in between.
The ‘Deliver Uncompromisedstrategy is one of the
Pentagon’s responses, aiming to base even COTS
contracts on security assessments in addition to
cost and performance.
As the original strategy document states,
cyber and supply chain security requires a
combination of actions on the part of the
Department and the companies with which it does
business. Through the acquisition process, DoD can
inuence and shape the conduct of its suppliers. It
can dene requirements to incorporate new security
measures, reward superior security measures in the
source selection process, include contract terms
that impose security obligations, and use
contractual oversight to monitor contractor
(Source: Mitre Corporation)
Design Authority
While the DoD typically retains Design Authority
over the architecture of complex systems that it
purchases, COTS embedded computing platform
suppliers such as SMART Embedded Computing
(SMART EC) work collaboratively with military
system architects to establish Design Authority
principles, terms of reference, governance model,
processes, roles and responsibilities and templates.
The contracted organization may be responsible for
the design, but the authority for acceptance of a
design remains with DoD.
SMART EC’s internal design authority, system
architects, are responsible for ensuring that the
consequences of any design decision are
understood. They maintain a consistent, coherent
and complete perspective of the program design.
Chain of Custody
The concept of “chain-of-custodyoriginated in the
legal context of handling evidence. In this context,
chain-of-custody tracks everyone who has touched
and processed the evidence.
But the concept of chain of custody is much more
widely applicable.
Used with serialization and authentication, a chain-
of-custody means knowing who has what, when
and where. It is a chronological documentation of all
parties that come into contact with an item, and a
history of all transactions.
It is useful in any context where sensitive
information, or vulnerable goods, or valuable
products are handled among many parties and the
possibility of ‘contaminationexists, which would
have serious consequences.
The system of directing behaviors and decisions
around procurement within an organization comes
under the term of supply chain governance. It covers
rules, organizational structures, policies and
regulations that guide, control and lead supply
This is the oversight function in comparison to the
day-to-day role of supply chain management.
SMART EC uses its quality processes, based on a
total quality management approach, to drive integrity
into all that we do. Every employee, supplier and
customer is regarded as an essential part of the
We set an error-free performance standard, based
on prevention and a 'right-rst-time' attitude, and
maintain a quality system in compliance with ISO
standards and relevant international regulatory
requirements. The use of statistical techniques
commensurate with technological developments
within the company is aimed at continuous quality
The objective and expectation is for customers to
have full condence in SMART Embedded
SMART EC employs a variety of control methods to
ensure the security and integrity of our products
from design through manufacturing and repair.
Formal quality management systems:
SMART EC processes are ISO 9001 based
Certied to ISO 9001:2015 standard
Quality manual & procedures
We use a ‘secure-by-designapproach to our
technology planning and management, so security is
considered at every stage of product development.
All design, supply chain management and repair is
done internal to SMART EC, by SMART EC
employees. All of our engineering is in-house, owned
Where we use contract manufacturers or
integrators, we have total control over the supply
chain down to ownership of the bill-of-materials
(BOM) and the suppliers to those subcontracted
Supplier Selection
There are so many suppliers of components these
days that selecting the right suppliers can be a
daunting but necessary step to secure the design of
the product. Suppliers need to be audited, verifying
that they follow standard design practices and verify
their designs appropriately. Knowing where
components are manufactured can be key.
Managing Component Lifecycle
To provide continuity of supply, it is essential to
continually monitor component availability from
suppliers. Manufacturers must evaluate change and
end-of-life (EOL) notices, review them in detail for
changes in specication, device packaging and
manufacturing locations, and then nd appropriate
replacements for components that are no longer
available and assure that replacements are from
approved vendors and manufacturing locations.
Component Selection
There are two aspects that feed into selecting the
right components:
Firstly, selecting components that operate within the
operational limits of the product. This assures that
at the operational limits you have condence the
product will operate correctly and not cause any
unknown side effects that may expose incorrect
operation and a potential vulnerability.
Secondly, choosing components from a known
validated supplier list as mentioned above.
The list of components used in the manufacture of
products, otherwise known as a Bill of Materials
(BOM), must be controlled through the use of
system controls and processes, and any changes or
substitutions authorized only by the design
Product Development
Adding in capabilities to assist application and
system development to enhance the security of the
solution encompasses a variety of areas and can
involve both hardware and software components.
The rst and most fundamental question with
respect to software security is,
are we running the
correct software or rmware?
This is where features
such as Secure Boot or veried boot using Trusted
Platform Modules (TPM) come in. There are two
modes: measured boot and veried boot.
Measured boot uses digital signatures and veried
boot uses TPM with RSA encryption keys for
hardware authentication of software attempting to
Supply Chain Security Measures
SMART EC has implemented thorough process controls over the product lifecycle.
run on the module. This methodology can also be used
to secure the upgrade process for rmware or software.
Many system solutions now involve hosting a virtual
machine manager of some form, such a KVM or
VMware. Ensuring the security of applications running
on these virtual machines (VMs) is vital. Features such
as memory protection extensions in Intel processors
allow VMs to create protected memory regions.
Quick Assist Technology (QAT) provides the ability for
cryptographic and compression functions to use a
hardware accelerator to assist application programs.
This functionality is an option on Intel processors that
aids in cipher operations, hash authentication, public
key functions and digital signature generation and
authentication. SMART EC ATCA products now include
options to include this feature.
Design Verication and Validation including Functional
and Regulatory Compliance
Testing the product to ensure that it meets the
requirements is key not only to determine that the
product is operationally correct, but also to determine
that nothing has been added to the design that was not
intended. Design verication performs detailed low-level
testing of a board’s functionality, testing every circuit to
ensure it is doing what is expected and nothing
untoward is going on.
Regulatory testing such as EMI/EMC testing conrms
that the product emissions are within limits, but also
can check that nothing unexpected is being emitted.
In terms of software, running vulnerability test software
and validating conformity to security technical
implementation guidelines provides necessary
conrmation that no vulnerabilities are left exposed.
Manufacturing and Repair
All the design and functional testing is moot if you
cannot guarantee that only the parts you have selected
and specied make it onto the manufactured board.
Ensuring that component sourcing only buys from the
approved supplier list, not buying from “greymarket
and brokers, is essential. Inspection of incoming
components and materials during the receiving process
Secure COTS Engineering
Design Process
Marketing Requirement Document (MRD)
Product Requirement Documents (PRDs)
Planning: schedule, budget, resources
Simulation: thermal, signal Integrity (SI)
Implementation: coding, schematics, PCB
layout, mechanical drawings
Prototype builds
Test and verication
Functional, environmental testing, EMC
testing, shock & vibration testing
Product documentation and training
Product release
SMART ECs Test Capabilities
Hardware Validation and Compliance
Design reviews (EMC,
safety, standards
Environmental lab
(on-site thermal,
vibration, and
Safety (on-site safety lab via CSA)
EMC (on-site and A2LA accredited)
Interoperability and
Functional &
Interoperability verication
Performance benchmarking
Negative/exception verication
Stress and stability
Complex System
Integration Services
Blades (internal and 3rd party)
is also necessary - only then do these components go
into inventory.
Only components and materials that are in controlled
inventory are used in the manufacturing process.
Having traceability from component lot numbers to
board serial numbers provides a record and also
enables tracking down boards if a component lot
issue is identied at a later date.
Automated optical inspection and visual inspection
need to be performed on 100% of all products and at
the different stages of manufacturing assembly,
product acceptance testing and packaging.
As part of the manufacturing process, software or
rmware is often pre-programmed. By only using
binary images created and validated by the design
engineering team and stored on secure servers can
you ensure that no modications are being made to
the intended functions. This is further secured by
manufacturing tests conrming correct checksums
for these images.
Every product coming off the line needs to be put
through rigorous manufacturing validation through the
use of in-circuit testing and functional testing. Some
products, mainly extended temperature rated units,
may even have burn in test performed to ensure that
they meet quality standards.
Making sure that product or warranty repair services
are performed at company-owned locations or by
trusted third-parties, which only use components
originally specied and qualied from controlled
inventory, along with re-testing using the original
factory tests ensures that nothing post-manufacture
can be added to the product and that the product
meets the functional requirements. SMART EC’s
secure COTS products sold in the USA are repaired at
company-owned locations.
Manufacturing Location
Having exibility in the geographic location of
manufacturing facilities allows a supplier to
balance best-cost, geopolitical concerns, product
integrity, innovation, security of supply and other
factors. Being able to manufacture in the USA, as
SMART EC has the capability to do, can enhance a
customer’s condence in the stewardship of its
supply chain.
SMART EC’s embedded computing business traces
its heritage to Motorola Computer Group, Force
Computers and Heurikon. We have a long legacy of
manufacturing and integration in the USA. We were
one of the inventors of VME and ATCA technology
and continue to be a leading supplier of both
Our history of supplying COTS embedded
computing platforms to military, aerospace and
defense programs goes back many years. Some
VME products have been available for almost 20
years, a principle that now extends to ATCA
technology, which is planned to be in production
through at least 2030.
Many of the processes outlined in this whitepaper
are great in theory, but unless they are correctly
instituted and followed, the customer can’t count
on the benets. It is crucial to have frequent
process audits to ensure that the processes are
being followed. To ensure timely verication, audits
need to be performed at least annually.
SMART EC’s design engineering and
manufacturing processes and facilities are
regularly audited, not only by internal teams, but
also by customers from a range of markets,
including military, rail, aerospace, telecom and
The security of COTS embedded computing
products used in aerospace and military programs
has become a focal point for military branches and
prime contractors. There are two aspects:
1. The security of the products themselves,
which SMART EC addresses in other
published materials
2. The issue of supply chain security, addressed
by this white paper
SMART EC has been a technology partner for
network-centric compute infrastructure in
aerospace and military programs for over 35 years.
Our team has a dual focus:
1. Ensuring today’s technology and our
roadmap provides the functionality and
performance customers need for their
2. Maintaining a world-class design and
operations capability to ensure quality and
security are built-in to our products,
processes and culture.
For more information on secure COTS and supply-
chain security, please contact us.
The stylized “Sand “SMART”, and the stylized “Scombined with “SMARTand “Embedded Computingare trademarks of SMART Modular Technologies, Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their
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SMART EC —Secure COTS White Paper v1
About SMART Embedded Computing
SMART Embedded Computing (SMART EC) is part of
the SMART Global Holdings, Inc family of companies.
We are a global leader in the design and manufacture of
highly reliable embedded computing solutions for a broad
range of defense, industrial IoT (IIoT), edge computing, and
communications customers.
Building on the acquired heritage of industry leaders such as
Motorola Computer Group and Force Computers, SMART EC
is a recognized leading provider of advanced computing
solutions including application-ready platforms, single board
computers, enclosures, blades, enabling software and
professional services.
For more than 40 years, customers have trusted us to help
them accelerate time-to-market, reduce risk and shift
development efforts to the deployment of new, value-add
features and services that build market share.
Our engineering and technical expertise is backed by world-
class manufacturing, global sales oces and advanced
worldwide logistics capabilities that can signicantly reduce
time-to-market and help customers gain a clear competitive
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