Switching Programme Blueprint phase
Design Authority Terms of Reference
This Terms of Reference (“ToR”) sets out the
role, membership and mode of operation of the
Switching Programme Design Authority.
Programme Sponsor
Rachel Fletcher
Senior Responsible
Owner (SRO)
Rob Salter-Church
Programme Manager
Angelita Bradney
6 June 2016
1. Purpose and duties of the Switching Programme Design
1.1. The agreed objective of the Switching Programme is
“to improve customers' experience of switching, leading to greater engagement in
the retail energy market by designing and implementing a new switching process
that is reliable, fast and cost-effective. In turn this will build consumer confidence
and facilitate competition, delivering better outcomes for consumers.”
1.2. In delivering its contribution to this objective, the Design Authority owns the
design baseline for the Programme.
1.3. The Design Authority is responsible for:
Assessing proposals from the workgroups;
Approving components of the design and impact assessment as the Blueprint
Phase of the Programme progresses; and
Agreeing each stage of the design baseline.
2. Decision-making
2.1. Decisions and recommendations by the Design Authority will be made, in the first
instance, by consensus. If consensus cannot be reached, the Chair may:
commission further work and defer the decision to the next meeting of the Design
Authority; or
escalate the decision to the Programme Board.
Decisions made by the Design Authority during the Blueprint Phase of the
Programme are expected to be either:
o ACCEPT a proposal from a work group with the effect that it will go
forward for inclusion in the blueprint consultation
o REJECT a proposal as it does not meet either a) the objectives of the
Programme b) the Programme Design Principles, c) conflicts with Ofgem
policy. The Design authority will provide reasons for the rejection and
explain where further work is required on the proposal or if there
dependencies elsewhere in Programme that bear upon the proposal being
2.2. The Design Authority must escalate a decision to the Programme Board when the
decision is deemed by the Design Authority to:
have a significant impact on the implementation timescales for the Blueprint
Phase resulting in a delay of two months or more; and/or
risk jeopardising the achievement of the Programme’s objectives as set out in the
PID; and/or
result in a significant increase in the net costs of the Programme; and/or
have a significant impact on other areas of work, for example by introducing
controversial or novel aspects; and/or
require additional budget or resources that are not available to the Programme.
3. Membership
3.1. The Design Authority will be chaired by Nigel Nash, Policy Integration Manager,
Smart Metering.
3.2. Members are accountable for managing the interdependencies between areas of
work in their directorates and the Switching programme. As appropriate,
members should take responsibility for reporting specific issues of relevance back
to (and/or escalating specific issues within) their own divisions and directorates.
3.3. The table below lists the members of the Design Authority with effect from
February 2016.
Accountable for ensuring that products are delivered to a
high standard
Chairs the Design Authority
Ensures that recommendations and decisions are made, and
issues escalated according to the Design Authority’s terms
of reference.
Nigel Nash
Provides secretariat function to the Design Authority
organises meetings, sends out meeting papers, and records
and circulates minutes.
Design and
Reports on progress and drives forward product delivery to
agreed delivery dates.
Advises on impacts on Programme deliverables
particularly time, cost and quality of issues discussed at
the Design Authority.
Design and
Reports on progress of the Design and Impact Assessment
Team/ workgroups
Sponsors policy papers from workgroups
Manages the flow of papers into the Design Authority for
consideration and approval.
Future retail
(FRR) user
Accountable for ensuring that the needs of the FRR team
are incorporated into programme planning and delivery
Formally accepts/rejects the relevant programme
Shares intelligence on FRR-related strategic developments,
including synergies
Reports to the Senior User (Retail) to ensure that the needs
of the Retail Markets team are being met.
Smart Metering
Accountable for ensuring that the needs of the Smart
Metering team are incorporated into programme planning
and delivery
Formally accepts/ rejects the relevant programme
Shares intelligence on smart metering synergies
Reports to the SRO to ensure that needs of the Smart
Metering team are being met.
consumers user
Accountable for ensuring that the needs of the Domestic
Consumers team are incorporated into programme planning
and delivery
Formally accepts/rejects the relevant programme
Shares intelligence on strategic developments, including
identifying synergies
Reports to Senior User (Sustainable Development)
Industry Codes
and Licencing
(IC&L) User
Accountable for ensuring that the needs of the IC&L team
are incorporated into programme planning and delivery
Formally accepts/rejects the relevant programme
Shares intelligence on IC&L-related developments, occurring
within Ofgem and externally
Advises on code governance, SCR process and licence
Systems User
Accountable for ensuring that the needs of the Energy
Systems team are incorporated into programme planning
and delivery
Formally accepts/rejects the relevant programme
Shares intelligence on Energy Systems-related
developments, occurring within Ofgem and externally
Networks User
Accountable for ensuring that the needs of the Netowrks
team are incorporated into programme planning and
Formally accepts/rejects the relevant programme
Shares intelligence on Networks-related developments,
occurring within Ofgem and externally
Reports to the Senior User (Networks)
Mick Watson
Legal Support
Responsibility for ensuring that programme developments
and programme outcomes remain within the scope of
Ofgem’s powers and minimise the scope for legal challenge
Provides technical advice on the products
Dorothy Oti-
3.4. Subject Matter Experts and workgroup leads will attend on an ad-hoc basis to
provide technical input and present policy papers on behalf of the relevant
3.5. Substitutes will be acceptable on an exceptional basis, and with agreement from
the Chair.
4. Working methods
4.1. During the Blueprint Phase, the group will meet approximately every month or as
needed. The meeting frequency will be reviewed by the Chair as appropriate and
may increase towards the end of the Blueprint Phase.
4.2. The role of the Chair is to facilitate discussion across the Group, to enable
challenge and to ensure decisions and recommendations are made, or issues
escalated, in accordance with the group’s terms of reference.
4.3. Members are responsible for driving forward their own contributions to the
Programme and are expected to take action on decisions that are agreed and
assigned by the Group.
4.4. The Switching Programme team will provide the Secretariat for the meetings.
4.5. The Secretariat will aim to provide agendas and papers at least 5 working days in
advance of each meeting and summarise key decisions and actions within 10
working days of each meeting.
4.6. Decisions of the Design Authority will be published on the Ofgem website, with
reasons for the decision, within 10 working days of the relevant meeting.
4.7. The Programme Manager and PMO will review the agenda with the SRO before
each agenda is finalised.
4.8. All papers taken to Design Authority will have a recommendation drafted with
supporting evidence and rationale. This group is primarily intended to be a
decision-making body, rather than to generate ideas or for general discussion,
but it may identify issues for the Design and Impact Assessment Team to review.
4.9. The Ofgem Design and Impact Assessment Team will support the Design
Authority. It will oversee the day-to-day development of the impact assessment
and lead the development of the impact assessment.
4.10. The External Design Advisory Group will provide expert advice and input on issues
before they are taken to the Design Authority.
5. Review
5.1. The Terms of Reference and membership of the Programme Board may be
reviewed at any time to ensure that they remain appropriate for the requirements
of the Programme.