10 Best Practices for Writing a White Paper that Gets Results
Steve Hoffman
Hoffman Marketing Communications, Inc.
1. Don’t make the white paper too long (or too short).
A four-page document may be easy to read, but it usually fails to provide sufficient
information to aid in effective decision making. At the other end of the spectrum, long
white papers (15-20 pages) can challenge the attention span of readers. A happy medium
of 8-10 pages including illustrations (about 3000 words) provides sufficient space to
cover a complex subject area in a readable length for most audiences. (In a notable
exception to this recommendation, some highly technical audiences demand even more
information, justifying a longer paper.)
2. Use the third person in the white paper.
While the pronouns “I” and “we” (first person) or “you” and “your” (second person) may
seem friendly in a white paper at first blush, they actually may alienate the reader. Most
white paper readers expect to gain useful, credible information in a professional business
context. The casual tone of the first or second person is inconsistent with this expectation.
Use of the third person is almost always a better choice for professional business writing.
3. Refrain from including marketing information about your product or service
throughout the white paper.
In most cases, the goal of a white paper is to provide
unbiased, objective information to educate and inform a
target audience, and to demonstrate thought leadership.
Adopting a marketing tone or incorporating marketing-
oriented language in a white paper reduces the objectivity of
the paper, thereby interfering with this goal. However, using
factual descriptions of products and services, and limiting these discussions to the second
half or last third of the paper (e.g., after discussing business challenges, motivations, and
best practices) supports this goal and enhances objectivity. Marketing collateral (e.g.,
brochures, case studies, flyers, data sheets, and similar documents) is the best place for
marketing language. White papers are not marketing collateral; they complement
marketing collateral.
White papers are not
marketing collateral;
they complement
marketing collateral.
4. Address business and technical audiences in separate white papers.
Business and technical audiences struggle with significantly different challenges, and
seek quite different information about solutions. Their perspectives, as well as the
language to which they respond, are often widely divergent. Hence, attempting to address
both of these audiences in a single paper (sometimes called a “hybrid” white paper) is
almost always significantly less effective than developing a separate paper for each type
of audience. Most readers respond more positively when the information the paper
provides is tailored to their particular needs, motivations, background, and objectives.
Trying to develop one paper that addresses both audiences is unwieldy and inefficient,
and often costly to rectify by eventually rewriting the paper in two versions.
5. Stick with the facts; avoid posing strong opinions or specifying required
courses of action in a white paper.
Some writers believe that white paper readers
welcome an opinionated approach. However, most
business and technical decision makers (the primary
audiences of white papers) are independent thinkers.
They usually do not respond well to unsubstantiated
opinions or instructions that they “must” implement
a product or they “must” adopt a strategy. Stating
facts, describing options and alternatives, and factually explaining the likely ramifications
of various actions is likely to resonate better with the information seekers that read white
papers. This latter approach demonstrates thought leadership most effectively. It provides
readers with the information they seek so that they can make their own decisions.
6. Motivate readers by providing useful information, not by instilling fear,
uncertainty, and doubt.
For thousands of years, humans have been highly motivated by fear. However, this does
not mean that instilling fear, uncertainty, and doubt in readers’ minds is the optimal
strategy for white papers. Most business and technical decision makers do not operate
based on these emotions. Instead, they typically evaluate options to implement sound
decisions, especially in situations with significant financial implications. Overly used
predictions of “doom and gloom” may seem trite to sophisticated audiences. White paper
readers usually prefer factual statements of the possible repercussions of various courses
of action to aid them in their evaluations and decisions.
7. Include third-party information.
By synthesizing related information from various
sources on a particular topic, a white paper can be
a powerful resource for readers. Third parties (i.e.,
parties other than the author and reader) are
excellent information sources, especially when
Effective white papers
provide readers with the
information they seek so
that they can make their
own decisions.
A white paper can be a
powerful resource for
readers, especially when
third-party information is
they are relatively unbiased entities such as industry associations, regulatory bodies,
government agencies, nonprofit entities, and analyst firms. Weaving information from
these sources into the content of the white paper also enhances credibility. Hence, this
approach strengthens the white paper by supporting the author’s message and expertise.
8. Consider the option of outsourcing white paper development.
Many companies outsource the writing of white papers because of the difficulties
inherent in writing them in-house. In-house authors are often too close to their products
and services to be able to write an objective white paper about them. Additionally, in-
house personnel are often not skilled in the art of white paper writing, which results in
ineffective papers. White paper development quality also usually suffers when in-house
personnel try to find time in their schedules to develop the paper while continuing to
perform their existing duties. A carefully selected outside writing firm can produce a
high-quality white paper in a timely fashion without excessive use of in-house resources
for interviews.
9. Consider hiring an agency, rather than a freelancer, to write your white papers.
Freelance writers can produce high-quality work and may be fairly inexpensive, but they
lack the strategic advantages of agencies. Agencies usually employ multiple writers,
thereby mitigating risk, providing broader coverage, and offering faster response times
when business conditions call for quick action. Compared to freelancers, agencies can
generally provide an ongoing, more consistent resource at-the-ready – a partner that
allows businesses to communicate to target audiences consistently and effectively, in a
timely fashion.
10. Don’t try to find a subject matter expert to write your white papers.
Intimate knowledge of the subject of a white paper
can actually be a detriment rather than an advantage.
Long-time industry insiders can bring preconceived
notions or opinions to a writing project that may
bias the writing. Moreover, outdated opinions may
no longer be valid. Conversely, a writer that has a proven ability to write effectively
about a broad range of complex subjects brings a fresh approach to the writing task. A
writer who is less familiar with the subject at hand is more likely to include pertinent
information that an industry insider might not realize is important. Effective white paper
writers have proven time and time again that the demonstrated abilities to review and
quickly synthesize complex information from various sources, conduct efficient
interviews, develop a concise outline, draft a compelling paper, and efficiently
incorporate comments are more important to white paper creation than prior knowledge
in a specific subject area.
Intimate knowledge of the
subject of a white paper
can actually be a detriment
rather than an advantage.
Special Bonus: Get the most out of your white papers; use them to inform other
audiences too.
Organizations typically target white papers to a defined external audience, such as
business decision makers in a specific industry, or technical decision makers that face a
particular type of problem or need. However, organizations can also use white papers to
educate and inform a broad array of secondary audiences. Even though the white papers
are not primarily targeted to these additional groups, the papers remain an effective
vehicle for conveying useful information to them. These audiences may include
employees (e.g., sales forces, executives, legal personnel, and HR personnel), potential
employees, contractors (e.g., PR firms, ad agencies), regulatory personnel, the media,
analysts, and partners, including resellers, recruiters, suppliers, and investors.
Steve Hoffman is President of Hoffman Marketing Communications, Inc., which
specializes in writing white papers for leading technology companies around the world.
Visit http://www.hoffmanmarcom.com, email info@hoffmanmarcom.com, or call (408)
778-5664 for more information.