Program Details:
If You Are:
A business making a capital investment in a qualied wind energy facility of $50M ($17.5M if a
tenant) in New Jersey and will be employing at least 150 new, full-time employees at the qualied
wind energy facility or through an equipment supply coordination agreement.
You Can Apply For:
Tax credits equal up to 100% of the qualied capital investments made, except as limited by a
110% net positive economic benet to the State.
Taxpayers may apply 20% of the total credit amount per year over a ve-year period against their
corporate business tax or insurance premiums, or sell the tax credit certicate for an amount not
less than 75% of the credit amount.
Eligibility Guidelines:
Capital Investment Requirements:
Businesses must make or acquire a minimum $50 million capital investment in a qualied
wind energy facility located in New Jersey.
Tenants must occupy space in a qualied wind energy facility located in New Jersey
where the owner has made or acquired a minimum $50 million capital investment in the
facility. The tenant-occupied space must represent at least $17.5 million of the capital
investment in the facility.
New Full-Time Employee Requirements:
Must employ a minimum number of new, full-time employees compared to the start of the
application during the ve eligibility years following application for the tax credit
Eligibility Year
Minimum Number of New
Full Time Employees
First Year 100
Second Year 150
Third Year 200
Fourth Year 300
Fifth Year 300
Eligible businesses with between 150 and 300 new, full-time employees compared to the number
of full-time employees at the time of application will receive an award based on the following
prorated formula.
Percent of Tax Credit
Eligibility Year
Minimum Number of New
Full Time Employees
50% 150-199
65% 200-249
85% 250-299
The Oshore Wind
Tax Credit is a
powerful nancial
tool designed to
spur private capital
investment and
employment growth
in major, land-
based oshore wind
industry projects.
The tax credit
program provides
reimbursement for
capital investments
in industry-specic
facilities located in
New Jersey.
Wind Tax
Learn More
The calculation of new full-time employees may include new full-time employees resulting from supply coordination agreements between
the applicant and an equipment manufacturer, supplier, installer or operator that supports a qualied oshore wind project. All supply chain
jobs must also be new jobs (above a baseline set before the rst-year supplier agreement with the applicant). These positions will be counted
on a cumulative hour/full time equivalent basis.
New full-time jobs can be counted if the employee’s primary oce is at the qualied wind energy facility and they spend at least 80% of his
or her time at the facility. They can also be counted if they result from a supply coordination agreement and the employee spends at least
80% of his or her time in New Jersey.
Please note the tax credits may be reduced or forfeited if facility or employment levels are not maintained for the required term.
Oshore Wind Tax Credit
Projects with 150-299 jobs
at QWF
Projects with 300+ jobs at
Application Fee $10,000 $15,000
Approval (Letter of Inten Fee $150,000 $300,000
Tax Credit Certicate Fee $150,000 $300,000
Annual Servicing Fee $50,000 $75,000
Tax Credit Transfer Fee (initial request) $10,000 $15,000
Tax Credit Transfer Fee
(subsequent requests)
$5,000 $7,50 0
Administrative Change Fee $5,000 $7,50 0
Major Administrative Change Fee $15,000 $25,000
More Information
Net Positive Economic Benets Test:
Tax credit awards will be subject to a net positive economic benets test. This means that a project must demonstrate that as a
result of the capital investment and the resultant job creation, the State of New Jersey will receive (through sales, payroll, prop-
erty, and other taxes) at least 110 percent of the total tax credit amount over a 5-year period.
For the Oshore Wind Tax Credit Program, the net positive benets test considers direct, indirect, and induced benets to the
State during construction, and direct and indirect benets for ongoing business activity.
Applicants may request an extended net-benet period (up to 20 years) if there is veriable evidence of a longer company
commitment to the state (i.e., a lease for 20+ years).
Prevailing Wage
Projects utilizing NJEDA nancial assistance for construction related costs are subject to state prevailing wage requirements.
Eective April 1, 2020 all construction contracts in which prevailing wage applies must provide proof of valid NJ Department of
Labor Construction Registration Certication.
More information and application available on our website atshorewindtaxcredit
*additional fees posted on our website atshorewindtaxcredit
In order to receive the Oshore Wind Tax Credit, a business must pay the following fees based on the number of new, full-time employees
at the qualied wind energy facility (QWF) as listed in the application, and subsequently approved by NJEDA as follows