To: Teradata Vendor Legal/Privacy Teams (as applicable)
From: Teradata Privacy Legal Team
Notice of Amended Privacy Laws, including revised Standard
Contractual Clauses (EU &
Swiss SCCs & UK Clauses) and CPRA
Dear Teradata Vendor,
We are writing to you in relation to your company’s provision of goods or services to Teradata under a
master or other governing agreement and the related data processing agreement or addendum
(collectively, the Agreement”). As a Teradata vendor, you have agreed to comply with laws, including
privacy laws, applicable to the goods and services you provide to Teradata Operations, Inc., having its
principal place of business at 17095 Via Del Campo, San Diego, CA 92127, USA, and/or any of its direct or
indirect subsidiaries or affiliates (hereinafter each and collectively referred to as Teradata). This Notice
recognizes recent updates to certain privacy laws and the need to comply with those laws and the need
to amend the Agreement to comply with those laws.
Replacement of Old SCCs with New SCCs Under GDPR & New Swiss and UK Clauses
On June 4, 2021, the European Commission published new standard contractual clauses
(“New SCCs”)
for international transfers of personal data to countries outside of the European Economic Area (EEA”).
Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), such transfers must meet certain conditions to
be lawful (Conditions). The New SCCs are an EEA-approved mechanism to enable companies
transferring personal data outside of the EEA to meet those Conditions. They replace the previous set of
standard contractual clauses (Old SCCs), which were deemed inadequate by the Court of Justice of the
European Union. The European Commission requires that all companies relying on the standard
contractual clauses as a mechanism to transfer personal data outside of the EEA implement the New
SCCs by December 27, 2022.
To the extent that our current Agreement with you incorporates the Old SCCs, or requires the addition
of the New SCCs to meet the Conditions, Teradata hereby notifies you that such Agreement is amended:
i) to replace the Old SCCs with, or to add, the New SCCs, where required, for the transfer of
personal data outside of the EEA, and
ii) to include, as applicable, the UK International Data Transfer Agreement VERSION A1.0
, in
force 21 March 2022 for transfers from the UK (“UK Clauses), and
iii) to include, as applicable, the necessary amendments to the New SCCs for transfers of
personal data from Switzerland (“Swiss Clauses), all occurring from the Effective Date
All references in the Agreement to the Old SCCs in the Agreement will now correspond to the New SCCs,
UK Clauses, and Swiss Clauses, as applicable.
1. Interpretation. All capitalized terms that are not expressly defined in this Notice shall have the
meanings assigned to them in the Agreement. In the event of any conflict between the Notice
and the Agreement, the provisions of the Notice shall prevail to the extent necessary to comply
with the law.
2. Revised terms for the New SCCs, UK Clauses, and Swiss Clauses:
a. New SCCs:
i. Module: The applicable Module (1, 2, 3 or 4) of the New SCCs will be applied,
depending on the particular roles of the parties under the Agreement, and the
following shall apply:
ii. Clause 7: the Docking clause shall apply.
iii. Clause 9(a) (Modules 2 & 3 Only): Option 1-Specific Prior Authorization
required from Teradata for sub-processors, with 30 days prior notice, shall
iv. Clause 11(a): The Optional text shall apply.
v. Clause 17: The Governing Law shall be the laws of Ireland.
vi. Clause 18: Forum and Jurisdiction: Any dispute arising from the New SCCs shall
be resolved by the courts of Ireland.
vii. Annex I & II: Details are provided in the Agreement. The period of processing
shall be the duration of the Agreement or as otherwise agreed in writing.
Regarding Annex II: you will implement technical and organizational measures
no less protective of the personal data than those set out here
, as may be
supplemented by those in the Agreement.
viii. Annex I.C. Competent Supervisory Authority: Bayerisches Landesamt für
ix. Annex III (Modules 2 & 3 Only): Details are provided in the Agreement.
b. UK Clauses: The UK Clauses, or updated applicable standard data protection clauses
issued, adopted or permitted under the UK GDPR from time to time, shall be
incorporated by reference, and the annexes, appendices or tables of such clauses shall
be deemed populated with the relevant information set out in the New SCCs and their
c. Switzerland: To the extent that the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (25 September
2020) (FADP) applies to the data exporters processing when transferring personal
data, the New SCCs shall be amended with the following modifications:
i. references to Regulation (EU) 2016/679shall be interpreted as references to
the FADP (as applicable);
ii. references to specific Articles of Regulation (EU) 2016/679shall be replaced
with the equivalent article or section of the FADP;
iii. references to Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 shall be removed;
iv. references to EU, Union and Member State shall be replaced with
references toSwitzerland;
v. Clause 13(a) and Part C of Annex I are not used and the competent supervisory
authorityshall be the Swiss Federal Data Protection Information
vi. references to the competent supervisory authorityand competent courts
shall be replaced with references to the Swiss Federal Data Protection
Information Commissionerand applicable courts of Switzerland;
vii. in Clause 17, the Standard Contractual Clauses shall be governed by the laws of
Switzerland (as applicable); and
viii. to the extent the FADP applies to the Processing, Clause 18 shall be replaced to
state: Any dispute arising from these Clauses shall be resolved by the
competent courts of Switzerland. The Parties agree to submit themselves to the
jurisdiction of such courts.
d. Application: The parties shall abide by the terms of the New SCCs, UK Clauses, and Swiss
Clauses in the manner described in this Notice. The New SCCs, UK Clauses, and Swiss
Clauses shall apply to your company in its role as data importerand to Teradata in its
role as data exporterand, to the extent legally required, all of the parties authorized
affiliates established within the European Economic Area, Switzerland, or the UK.
e. In respect of any proposed transfer to a non-Teradata party that relates to the
Agreement, you shall only make such transfers using the New SCCs, the UK Clauses, or
the Swiss Clauses, as the case may be, or other lawful transfer mechanism, and with the
prior written consent of Teradata. Any such transfer must be carried out in accordance
with the conditions stipulated in chapter V of the GDPR, the UK GDPR, and the Swiss
Agreement Not to Sell or Share Personal Information under the CPRA
In November 2020, California voters passed Proposition 24, the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA).
The CPRA amends and extends the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 and shall become generally
operative on January 1, 2023. The CPRA includes additional contracting requirements for vendors of
To the extent that the CPRA is applicable to the services you provide to Teradata, the Agreement is
amended to state that you shall continue to comply with CPRA requirements, including that you:
Shall not Sell or Share a consumers personal information, as these terms are defined under
California Civil Code Sections 1798.140(ad) and 1798.140(ah);
Shall obligate any third party, service provider, or contractor authorized by Teradata:
o not to Sell or Share a consumers personal information,
o to comply with other applicable obligations under the CPRA, and
o to provide the same level of privacy protection as is required by the CPRA;
Grant Teradata the right to take reasonable and appropriate steps to help ensure that you and
any authorized third party, service provider, or contractor use the personal information
transferred in a manner consistent with the business obligations under the CPRA;
Shall notify us if you determine that you can no longer meet your obligations under the CPRA;
Grant us the right, upon notice, to take reasonable and appropriate steps to stop and remediate
unauthorized use of personal information.
Except as required to comply with governing law, this Notice in no way alters any terms or conditions
contained in the Agreement. Rather, it amends the Agreement to recognize the parties continued
compliance with any applicable laws and adherence to the recent changes described above.
As applicable, the amendments listed above are incorporated into the Agreement from the Effective
Date below. For the avoidance of doubt, receipt of this Notice shall be deemed to constitute acceptance
of the New SCCs, UK Clauses, Swiss Clauses, and the CPRA amendments.
You do not need to take any further action to incorporate the New SCCs, UK Clauses, Swiss Clauses, or
CPRA amendments into your Agreement with Teradata.
Effective Date: Changes regarding New SCCs under GDPR and the New Swiss and UK Clauses will come
into effect on December 27, 2022. The changes regarding CPRA will come into effect on 1
For information on how Teradata collects, uses, and discloses personal data, as well as the choices
available regarding the personal data Teradata collects and processes, please read the
Teradata Privacy
Policy. For questions about our privacy program or practices, please email our Privacy Team at