© 2007 Nature Publishing Group
Creating a practice website is one way of promoting a dental practice.
Clear steps in the process of creating a practice website are explained.
The services offered by different website design companies are compared.
Creating a practice website
P. K. Downes
A website is a window to the outside world. For a dental practice, it may be the fi rst point of contact for a prospective new
patient and will therefore provide them with their ‘fi rst impression’; this may be days or weeks before actually visiting the
practice. This section considers the different ways of creating a dental practice website and lists some of the main dental
website design companies. It also describes what factors make a successful website and offers advice on how to ensure
that it complies with current regulations and recommendations.
A website can be anything from a single web
page of text to the $2.5 million all-singing,
all-dancing multimedia experience of IBM’s
showpiece ‘Eternal Egypt’.
What they have
in common is that they are written in HTML
(or one of its variants), are stored on a web
server and are viewed over the Internet by a
web browser.
There are many different reasons for creating
a practice website, the most common reason
being to promote the services of the practice.
This may be aimed at the practice’s existing
patient base or it may be more geared towards
attracting new patients. Your website could be
a patient’s fi rst experience with the practice.
Some sites may want to emphasise patient
education, certain dental products or treat-
ment philosophies. Online appointment book-
ing has also become a popular service. But
remember that the web is a ‘pull’ medium as
opposed to a ‘push’ medium; people still have
to actively seek out your site.
There are four main ways of creating a
practice web site:
1. Write the site from scratch yourself. This
entails a fair bit of work learning about
HTML and multimedia presentation. The
good news is that there are thousands of
sites on the web that have been designed
to guide you through this process, most
of them written by educational establish-
ments. There is a wide range of software
which can be used to write web pages:
Notepad (this text editor comes bundled
with Windows and is all you need to write
simple pages in HTML)
1. An introduction to the Internet
2. Connecting to the Internet
3. Introduction to email
4. Effective use of email
5. Introduction to the
World Wide Web
6. Creating a practice website
7. Power searching
8. Dental resources on
the Internet
9. Safe and ef cient use of
the Internet
10. Putting it all together;
dentistry and the Internet
General Dental Practitioner, Kelvin House
Dental Practice, 2 Nelson Road, Whitsta-
ble, Kent, CT5 1DP
Correspondence to: Dr Paul K. Downes
Email: paul@pdownes.fsnet.co.uk
Refereed Paper
© British Dental Journal 2007;
202: 597-604
DOI: 10.1038/bdj.2007.424
All web pages are written using the same computer
language, hypertext markup language (HTML). HTML
has evolved from the printing industry. HTML started
as a simple form of tagging or formatting text, and has
developed to include commands for integrating the
multimedia and interactive elements found on many
web pages. HTML instructs your web browser how the
text and graphics should appear (eg bold, italic, font
size, centred etc) as the page is downloaded onto your
computer. Figure 1 shows a simple example of what
a ‘raw’ HTML web page looks like, and Figure 2 shows
how it would appear when viewed by a web browser.
The importance of HTML is the fact that it is not
system-dependent; this means that your web browser
will be able to view any page written in HTML no
matter what operating system your computer is using
(for example, IBM-PC or Apple Macintosh). For a
good grounding in using HTML, visit w3schools’
HTML Tutorial.
© 2007 Nature Publishing Group
Word (which will ‘translate’ most straight-
forward Word documents into HTML docu-
ments with a moderate degree of success)
Free or non-expensive authoring pro-
grams, such as AceHTML Freeware,
Coffee Cup’s HTML Code/Visual Editor
($49) or NetObjects Fusion
($200). Some
programs concentrate on the HTML code
behind the design while others are more
like desktop publishing software and keep
the code out of sight
Professional authoring packages, such as
Macromedias Dreamweaver
will do eve-
rything very well, but has a steep learning
curve (and costs almost £400).
2. Use a website content management service
to create your own simple site online. One
drawback is the lack of templates suitable
for a dental practice. Many of the Ameri-
can sites have designs that are very out-
dated. A UK site that has excellent templates
that can easily be adjusted for dental use
is MoonFruit
(Fig. 3). You can trial the
SiteMaker software for free for 14 days. It is
also excellent value for money; the lite ver-
sion costs £26.99 a year and allows you to
create one web site with an unlimited number
of pages, up to a maximum of 40MB. I have
created a demonstration site
which, using
existing text and images, took about 90
minutes to create
3. Use a dental website design company to
build a site for you based upon a selection
of different designs. They would also nor-
mally fi nd you a suitable domain name and
host the site for you. Minor text updates are
often included in the package (see Table 1
for details)
4. Use a web design company to produce a
bespoke website from scratch. If you require
a unique look to your website with the very
latest technological ‘bells and whistles’ then
this may be the best option. Prices will vary
enormously depending on your require-
ments (see Table 1 for details). A computer
student wanting to supplement his/her uni-
versity grant may well charge less than a
Fig. 1 HTML code written in Note-
pad (the colours have been added
simply to highlight the different
sets of tags). Notice that most
of the tags are in pairs, with the
second command turning off the
tag. It can be saved as a web page
by using the fi le extension .html
instead of .txt
A Really Basic Document</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#87ceff">
This is a really <B>basic</B>document
It contains a link to the
<A HREF="http://www.gdc-uk.org/">General Dental
Fig. 2 How the HTML code in Fig-
ure 1 would appear as a web page
when viewed in Internet Explorer
© 2007 Nature Publishing Group
professional web design company, but at the
end of the day, you get what you pay for. Just
remember the quote from John Ruskin, the
century critic and author: ‘It is unwise
to pay too much, but it is worse to pay too
little. When you pay too much you lose a lit-
tle money – that is all. When you pay too lit-
tle, you sometimes lose everything, because
the thing you bought was incapable of doing
the thing it was bought to do. The common
law of business balance prohibits paying a
little and getting a lot – it cannot be done. If
you deal with the lowest bidder, it is well to
add something for the risk you run. And if
you do that, you will have enough to pay for
something better.
Table 1 This table shows details of the services provided by various website design companies who
create sites for dental practices. Information was taken from each company’s website and was correct
on 16th March 2007
Dental website design company
of style
Features Costs
Up to fi ve pages
Can add your own logo
to the template
Will help in writing copy
Includes one free change
per month
Search engine registration.
£611 package includes the
rst year’s hosting and
two free email addresses
£25 for two years domain
name registration
£216 per year for hosting.
Dental Community
Up to seven pages
Scanning & image
manipulation of photos
Unlimited updates to the
Dental Team page
Unlimited minor text
£250 set up fee
£300 per year for hosting,
domain name and
Unlimited email addresses
Extra pages are £75-£90
Dental Design Limited
Links to many examples of
their work can be found on
their website
Offer a content manage-
ment system (CMS) for
people who want to
update their own site
Offer many Internet
marketing strategies.
Prices on application
Website management
and search engine
optimisation are charged
at £50 per month.
Links to many examples of
their work can be found on
their website
Offer many Internet
marketing strategies.
Prices on application.
Practice Box (Dentsure Ltd)
Includes choice of 12
animated introductions
Assistance with adding
Subscriber makes text
changes themselves
Search engine optimisation
Free poster and lea ets to
promote website.
£620 per year for
comprehensive website (up
to 35 pages), hosting and
domain name registration
for co.uk. and .com
£255 per year for budget
website (up to seven
pages), hosting and
co.uk domain
Also offer a bespoke
design service.
PracticeGenie from Wrigley
(Dentsure Ltd)
No details
Service limited to Wrigley
OHA members
Hosted on the Wrigley
PracticeGenie server,
therefore web address
would be similar to
Free, but Wrigley Orbit
advert on every page and
Orbit often mentioned in
the patient advice pages
Can upgrade the site
for £99, £299 and £499
per year.
The Internet Marketing Company
Various interactive
features available aimed at
UK small businesses.
£195 activation fee and
monthly fee from £25.
© 2007 Nature Publishing Group
Bring the content together
Before you can start creating a website you
need to gather all the information that you
want to include on the site. This normally
takes the form of text and images. Aim the
content at the sort of end-user you have in
mind and think of the sort of information that
they would want to nd from your site. Keep
in mind that the estimated reading age of the
UK population in general is about 9 years.
Many companies will be happy to base
your website on the information contained
within your practice information leafl et; pro-
vide them with the original digital text and
graphic fi les if you have them.
Mos t pe ople hav e a c ce s s to a d ig it a l ca me r a or
will be able to scan some existing photographs.
Us e an image- e d iti ng pr ogr am , such a s Picasa,
Paint Shop Pro
or Photoshop Ele-
to make the necessary adjustments to
the images. Do an Internet search on the terms
'image optimization' to fi nd out how to create
images that will load faster from your web-
site. There are many websites that provide free
images for personal non-commercial use. For
images to be used in the practice, try one of the
free-to-use stock photography agencies (who
nor mally ju st requ i re that cred it be given to the
photographer) or purchase either royalty free
images (once purchased, they can be re-used
in different projects without paying an addi-
tional fee) or rights protected images (where
you pay for each project in which the image
is used). Details of such websites appear in the
next chapter.
Select and register your domain name
For a personal website it is fi ne to use the
domain name given to you by your ISP, for
example http://mysite.wanadoo-members.
co.uk/paul_downes/. However, for a profes-
sional image, a dental practice should really
register their own domain name, for example
www.cosmeticteeth.co.uk. The registration
process is very quick and easy: go to a site
such as simply.com
or 1&1,
type in your
proposed domain name to check that it has not
already been taken, register the name and pay.
Prices for a .uk domain are about £3 per year
and about £9 for a .com address. Prices nor-
mally include website and email forwarding;
this means that when a patient types www.
cosmeticteeth.co.uk into a web browser, the
address will automatically be redirected to
wherever your pages are stored, for example to
your ISP at http://mysite.wanadoo-members.
Create the design
Once you have a rough idea of the content,
you can think about the overall design for
the website. If you are using a template, then
this will simply be a decision about how
many pages you require and which template,
colour scheme and font best suits your prac-
tice image. If you want to create a site from
scratch then it is best to start with pencil and
paper and draw out some ideas based on other
websites (not necessarily dental) that you like
the look of and you feel would work with your
content. It is really no different from starting
to design a kitchen with rough sketches and
cutouts from magazine articles and adverts.
You can then communicate your design
ideas to an outsourced web designer or start
developing the fi rst page yourself with some
suitable software already mentioned.
Design the site navigation
How will people navigate around the website?
Fig. 3 A screenshot from the Moon-
fruit website. It shows one of the
stages involved in creating a website
using their online tool, SiteMaker
© 2007 Nature Publishing Group
This is one of the most important features of
a successful website and should be paramount
when designing the overall look of the pages.
Most web servers require the welcome page
to be named something like index.html and
from this page you would create hyperlinks
to other pages on the website. Some pages
may be ‘daughters’ of a particular page, for
example you may require the user to click to a
page entitledtreatment options which would
contain links to pages ‘ llings, crowns’,
‘bridges’, ‘dentures’, ‘implants’ etc. All pages
should contain a way of navigating back to
the ‘welcome’ page, since someone fi nding a
page from your site by using a search engine
may be directed to a page deeply buried
within the site. The design and navigation of
a website are the key factors in good usabil-
ity (Fig. 4). In a UK online survey of 2,500
adults, in-depth interviews and in-house
qualitative research, YouGov found that 83%
of respondents reported ease of navigation as
being the most important factor in their ‘ideal’
website, with 62% rating high speed and 49%
rating functionality as the other key fac-
tors. Eighty percent of people surveyed rated
a clean and simple overall design as their
most desirable design factor with only 6%
wanting innovative use of fl ash and multime-
dia options.
Decide on the degree of multimedia
and interactivity
All dental practice websites should contain
images, but you need to decide on whether or
not to include other elements such as a photo
gallery, 360-degree panoramas, video, dental
animation (eg Dental Zone
web package for
£25 per module), animated text and graph-
ics, electronic welcome pack, automatic free
feed of dental news items,
blogger diary,
web cam and speech/music. Some of these
elements can make a website more attrac-
tive and interesting, but many may not be
suitable for your particular practice and if
done badly they can easily turn away poten-
tial users. Take into account that some peo-
ple will still be using a modem connection,
that users may have to download additional
software in order to access the extra content
and you may have to ensure that your hosting
service supports these additional multimedia
Interactivity should include something as
simple as an email hyperlink but could also
include a form for prospective new patients
to submit a request for an appointment, live
online appointment booking, a feedback form,
guest book, ‘tell a friend’ referral, discussion
forum, a poll to a simple question, live patient
support during working hours via a chat ses-
sion, an online store for dental consumables,
or the ability to request a regular copy of the
practice newsletter to be sent by email. The
same caveats apply to interactivity as they do
to multimedia.
Compliance with current regulations
and recommendations
Check that your proposed design and content
complies with the following:
General Dental Council (GDC) guidance
The GDC no longer issue their detailed
Maintaining standards guidelines, as these
have been replaced by their broader Stand-
ards for dental professionals. However,
some things to consider when creating a
website include:
ô Only use the title ‘specialist’ if you are on
the specialist register. Do not let a web
design company imply possession of spe-
cialist status in terms that could
mislead patients
ô Make sure that any external links only go
to websites where you can be sure that the
information is correct
ô Indicate whether or not the practice sees
NHS patients
ô Maintain patient confi dentiality
ô If the website is to contain advertisements,
ensure that the products or services pro-
moted are not in con ict with dentistry or
the principles of health care.
Electronic Commerce (EC Directive)
Regulations 2002
The main points related to dental practices
include that a practice website should have
details of:
ô The name and address of the practice(s)
ô The email address, telephone and fax
numbers of the practice(s)
ô The name of each dentist at the practice,
their professional qualifi cations and their
country of quali cation
ô Information about professional registra-
tion, including the dentist’s GDC number,
the address and contact details of the GDC
and a link to the GDC website
ô A reference that the dentist(s) adhere to
the rules governing the profession (ie the
GDC Standards for dental professionals).
ô There must be no comparison in the descrip-
tion of care given at the practice and at oth-
ers or of skills or quali cations of dentists at
the practice and at other practices
ô All changes in practice circumstances
must be re ected in the website within
one month of the change taking place (eg
changes in dentists working in the practice)
ô Sites must make it clear when the page was
last updated.
Disability Rights Commission (DRC)
The DRC published a report in April
2004 entitled The web: access and
inclusion for disabled people.
Some of
the suggestions include:
ô Provide a text equivalent for every
non-text element
ô Ensure that foreground and background
colour combinations provide suf cient
contrast when viewed by someone having
colour defi cits (a large proportion of the
country is red-green colour blind)
© 2007 Nature Publishing Group
ô Ensure that pages are usable when scripts
(eg Javascript), applets and other objects
are turned off or not supported. If this is
not possible, provide equivalent informa-
tion on an alternative accessible page
ô Ensure page titles are meaningful
ô Use consistent navigation.
HON code of conduct
The HON Code of Conduct for medical and
health websites aims to raise the quality
of healthcare information available on the
web. It is a self-regulatory, voluntary cer-
tifi cation system based on an ‘active seal’
concept. It addresses, among other things,
the authority of the information provided,
data confi dentiality and privacy, proper
attribution of sources, transparency of
nancial sponsorship and the importance
of clearly separating advertising from
editorial content.
Freedom of Information (FOI)
The FOI Act was passed on 30 November
2000 and is intended to promote a culture
of openness and accountability amongst
public sector bodies by providing people
with rights of access to the information
held by them. Dental practices should
have written their publication scheme by
October 2003 (you can download a copy
of the dental model publication scheme
The information can either be in the form
of a printed hard copy available from the
practice or, more conveniently, be kept on
the practice website.
Decide on a host for your site and
upload the fi les
Many of the web design companies
include hosting of the site as part of the
package (although this is often just farmed
out to another specialised hosting company).
Another option would be to use the free web
space that ISPs include as part of their mem-
bership. Both solutions have limitations on
the total fi le size, but this is normally more
than adequate for the average dental practice
website. Complicated websites often require
support for certain software to run and you
need to check with the host as to whether
or not this is available. Basic hosting suit-
able for small businesses costs about £4-£5
per month.
Specialised hosting, which
would normally include your own dedicated
web server, would be overkill for most dental
practice websites.
The nished website les are uploaded to
the host web server using a process called fi le
transfer protocol (FTP). Most ISPs will direct
you to a web page that enables you to upload
the les to your web space via the web browser.
A quicker and more reliable (but not so user-
friendly) way of uploading the fi les is to use a
dedicated FTP program, such as WS_FTP.
There are four main aspects to getting your
website known to existing and new patients:
The fi rst is promoting the existence and
address of the site by printed media such
as leafl ets, posters, newsletters, the Yellow
Pages, press releases, letter headed paper,
appointment cards, receipts etc
The second is directed towards people who
are actively searching for your practice
website in an online business directory,
such as yell.com
or a dental directory
such as the Dental Guide.
Many web
directories will list your website for free,
Fig. 4 Time spent in planning the
overall design and navigation for a
website is time well spent
© 2007 Nature Publishing Group
but it is up to you or your web design com-
pany to register your details with the most
popular directories
The third method is to ensure that your
website is ranked high on the fi rst page of
results from the major search engines. This
is achieved by properly submitting details
of the website and by better use of page
design, HTML and meta tags. This service
is offered by some web design companies
and is called search engine optimisation.
The fourth technique is to pay for your
website to appear on the fi rst page of
results in a search engine. Most search
engines accept paid listings, which means
that your website will appear above or
alongside the list of results for the key-
words that you are interested in, for exam-
ple ‘London, ‘dentist, ‘implants’. Google,
one of the most popular search engines,
runs a scheme called Google Adwords,
where you only pay when a person clicks
on your advert. It is possible to limit your
advert’ appearing to a certain geographi-
cal target audience. You will fi nd a wealth
of information about these issues on the
Seoconsultants.com website.
Monitoring the website
Hosting services and ISPs normally provide
statistics about the websites that they host
as part of the package. These statistics nor-
mally give a report on how many pages have
been visited over a period of time, the number
of unique or returning visitors etc. Another
way of monitoring the website is to ask new
patients how they heard about your practice
(eg Yellow Pages,word of mouth, website)
and keep a monthly record.
Updating the website
Most web design companies allow you to make
Applet: a program, written in the Java programming language, that can be run from inside a web page, but is not
limited by the functionality of HTML. Applets can display animation, perform database queries, or make other web
page enhancements.
Ajax: asynchronous Javascript and XML is a web development technique for creating interactive web applications.
Small amounts of data are exchanged with the server so that the entire web page does not have to be reloaded each
time the user requests a change. It makes the web page feel more responsive.
Blogs: web logs that are updated regularly, usually on a daily basis. They contain information related to a specifi c
topic and are commonly used as daily diaries about people’s personal lives, political views etc.
CGI: common gateway interface. This interface sits on a web server, allowing it to execute other programs and
incorporate their output into text, graphics and audio, which is then sent to a web browser. It allows developers to use
programming tools such as Perl, C++ and Visual Basic so that users can look up database records, search sites, build
counters, rotate advertising banners, handle forms and much more.
CMS: content management systems are software programs that allow non-programmers to update their web pages
themselves. All they have to do is login, edit the text or graphics in a simple online editing page and click the save but-
ton once they have fi nished. Adobe Contribute
is one example of a CMS and it costs about £125.
CSS: cascading style sheets. This is a mark-up language designed to control the presentation of text content across a
series of web pages. It is possible to base all your text formatting on a single external CSS fi le so that there is absolute
consistency across the website. Each web page looks to that fi le to see how its text should be formatted. Making
changes to this one fi le can therefore change the appearance of the whole website.
Domain name registration: purchasing a unique domain name (web address) from an authorised registrar service.
Once registered, the domain is exclusively yours to use provided you keep paying the annual fee of around £3-£10.
Flash: a program made by Macromedia/Adobe which is used to create compact interactive web pages by animating
graphics, text and sound; it costs about £330 for the basic version. Many websites now use a Flash animation as their
welcome page, however this can reduce search engine ranking. Another option is to buy the cheaper (and some say,
easier to use) SwiSH Max Flash authoring tool for about $99.
Hosting service: renting space for your website fi les on a special computer, called a web server. The web server is con-
nected by a high-speed connection to the Internet, 24 hours a day. A low level hosting service comes free with most
ISP packages.
Image optimisation: getting the right balance between fi le size and image quality. Simple logos, line drawings and
shapes should be created as .gif fi les. Photographs should be cropped to keep the essential information, resized to the
correct dimensions for use and compressed by 10-20%.
Javascript: a programming language. The code is placed inside the HTML of a web page and is executed by a java-
script-enabled web browser. It can enhance the dynamics and interactive features of a page by enabling users to
perform calculations, fi ll in forms, play interactive games, see special effects, use security passwords and much more.
Meta tags: part of the HTML code of a web page that describes the content of the page. The main components are
the meta description and the meta keywords. The meta description is now more widely indexed by search engines than
the meta keywords and gives you some control over the description of your page as it appears in the search engine
PHP: PHP: hypertext preprocessor. PHP is a scripting language that can be embedded into the HTML of web pages.
Instead of the code being executed at the user’s end (like Javascript), PHP is executed at the web server end and the
results then sent to the user. It is widely used to support database-enabled web pages. Pages written with PHP need to
be hosted on a server that has PHP installed.
Search engine optimisation: a process of making a website’s content more search engine friendly. The aim is to get
the site more highly ranked in as many major search engines as possible for relevant keywords.
SSL: secure sockets layer is a protocol that resides on a web server. A web server with a SSL digital server certifi cate of
authenticity will encrypt data so that no one who intercepts it will be able to read it. It can prevent anyone from med-
dling with data going to or coming from the server and it can also stop unauthorised users from connecting to the
server. It is commonly used on sites where sensitive data is stored or monetary transactions are carried out. A secure
page can be recognised by a URL that begins with ‘https:’ instead of just ‘http:’ or by a message from the browser.
© 2007 Nature Publishing Group
small text changes to the website as part of
their package. Some companies offer a con-
tent management system (CMS), whereby you
can make the changes yourself. If you have
created your own practice website, you could
buy your own CMS software to enable staff
members with no knowledge of HTML to keep
the site up to date.
I will finish this chapter with a quote from
Michael Dell (Dell Computers): ‘Show me a busi-
ness that’s not on the Internet, and I’ll show you
a business that’s out of touch with the future.
1. Eternal Egypt website. http://www.eternalegypt.org/
2. HTML tutorial. http://www.w3schools.com/html/
3. AceHTML website design software.
4. Coffee Cup website design software.
5. NetObjects Fusion website design software.
6. Adobe/Macromedia software products.
7. Moonfruit online SiteMaker. http://www.moonfruit.com/
8. Moonfruit demonstration dental website.
9. Picasa image editing software. http://picasa.google.com/
10. Irfanview graphic viewer. http://www.irfanview.com/
11. Paint Shop Pro photo editing program.
12. Photoshop Elements image editing program.
13. Simply.com domain registration and web hosting.
14. 1&1 web domain registration and web hosting.
15. Dental Zone patient education software.
16. News4sites dental newsfeed. http://www.news4sites.
17. Blogger.com. http://www.blogger.com
18. General Dental Council website. http://www.gdc-uk.org/
19. Department of Trade and Industry. Electronic
commerce (EC Directive) regulations 2002. Statutory
instrument 2002 no. 2013. http://www.opsi.gov.uk/si/
20. The Disability Rights Commission website.
21. The Disability Rights Commission. The web: access and
inclusion for disabled people. London: TSO, 2004.
22. The HON code of conduct for medical and health web-
sites. http://www.hon.ch/HONcode/Conduct.html
23. NHS freedom of information website. http://www.foi.nhs.uk/
24. The freedom of information dental model publication
form. http://www.foi.nhs.uk/downloads/064a_model_
25. WS_FTP program. http://www.ipswitch.com/
26. The Yellow Pages online. http://www.yell.com/
27. The Dental Guide website. http://www.dentalguide.co.uk/