Terms and Conditions –
For use with the HSBC
Star Alliance Credit Card
Eective 11 April 2024
HSBC Star Alliance Rewards
terms and conditions
These are the terms and conditions for the
HSBC Star Alliance Rewards program.
You should read these terms and conditions
alongside your HSBC Credit Card Terms.
The meaning of words printed like this (i.e. in
bold) and some other key words is explained at
the end of these terms and conditions (see
section 12).
1 Eligibility for membership
1.1 When you open an account with us, Star
Alliance will automatically create your Star
Alliance ID and enrol you as a member of
Star Alliance Rewards. Non-individuals
(i.e. companies, firms, associations and other
organisations) are ineligible for membership in the
HSBC Star Alliance Rewards program.
1.2 Additional cardholders are not eligible for
membership in the HSBC Star Alliance Rewards
program in their own right, but HSBC Star
Alliance Rewards Points will accrue to your
program account and then be automatically
credited to your Star Alliance Rewards account,
in accordance with these terms and conditions
for eligible transactions eected by additional
1.3 You must provide a copy of these terms and
conditions to each additional cardholder.
1.4 We may suspend or cancel your membership in
the HSBC Star Alliance Rewards program if:
(a) your account is in default, we’ve told you
about this and you haven’t fixed it in the
timeframe notified to you; or
(b) we, acting reasonably, determine that you
have been abusing your membership in the
HSBC Star Alliance Rewards program; or
(c) it is reasonably necessary to protect our
legitimate business interests.
We will give you at least 30 days’ notice before
any cancellation of your membership unless it
is reasonably necessary to give you a shorter
notice period or no notice to manage material and
immediate risks.
1.5 Your membership in the HSBC Star Alliance
Rewards program is automatically cancelled if
your account is closed. You should check the
Star Alliance Rewards terms and conditions
for important information in relation to the expiry
of (accumulated) Star Alliance Points, as well as
changes to any other benefits earned through the
HSBC Star Alliance Credit Card as a result of your
account closure.
1.6 Your membership in the HSBC Star Alliance
Rewards program will be discontinued if there is
a permitted change to your account (for example
where you change your account to another HSBC
credit card type).
1.7 You cannot transfer your membership in the
HSBC Star Alliance Rewards program to any
other person.
1.8 You may be entitled to a status tier corresponding
to Star Alliance Silver Status or Star Alliance
Gold Status (each a Star Alliance Premium
Status). In order to achieve Star Alliance Silver
Status or Star Alliance Gold Status under
the HSBC Star Alliance Rewards program,
eligibility requirements apply including minimum
spend criteria. For further details on the eligibility
requirements including minimum spend, visit cards/products/
1.9 We reserve the right to cancel your HSBC Star
Alliance Rewards program and/or account
should we reasonably consider that the HSBC
Star Alliance Rewards program is no longer
commercially viable for HSBC or in the interests
of our business. Before we do this, we will
give you at least 30 days’ notice, unless it is
reasonably necessary to give you a shorter notice
period or no notice to manage material and
immediate risks.
1.10 If we suspend or terminate the HSBC Star
Alliance Rewards program, your account or
your participation in the HSBC Star Alliance
Rewards program, any HSBC Star Alliance
Rewards Points that have not been credited to
your Star Alliance Rewards account at that
time are forfeited.
2 Other terms and conditions
2.1 These terms and conditions are supplemental
to, and do not replace, the HSBC Credit Card
Terms for your account which you can find here:
2.2 These terms and conditions are in addition to,
and do not replace, the Star Alliance Rewards
terms and conditions, which are applicable to
claiming any rewards, benefits or privileges under
Star Alliance Rewards. For details visit
2.3 These terms and conditions apply once we
have linked your account to the HSBC Star
Alliance Rewards program.
2.4 In order to claim Star Alliance Silver Status or
Star Alliance Gold Status (each a Star Alliance
Premium Status) to which you are entitled under
the HSBC Star Alliance Rewards Program,
you will need to engage with Star Alliance.
For details on claiming any rewards, benefits or
privileges under Star Alliance Rewards, see the
Star Alliance Rewards terms and conditions
3 HSBC Star Alliance Rewards Points
3.1 We will transfer the HSBC Star Alliance
Rewards Points in your program account,
earned during a specific statement period, to
your Star Alliance Rewards account shortly
after the end of the applicable statement period
as shown on your monthly statement of account.
3.2 In order for us to credit HSBC Star Alliance
Rewards Points to your Star Alliance Rewards
account, you authorise us to disclose any
relevant personal information we hold about you
to Star Alliance.
3.3 HSBC Star Alliance Rewards Points are
oered at our discretion and do not constitute
your property. You cannot transfer your HSBC
Star Alliance Rewards Points to any other
person or entity. In the case of your death or
bankruptcy, any HSBC Star Alliance Rewards
Points that you have earned but which have not
been credited to your Star Alliance Rewards
(a) will automatically be forfeited; and
(b) may not be used by any other person or entity.
3.4 HSBC Star Alliance Rewards Points you
accrue have no cash or monetary value and,
once credited to your Star Alliance Rewards
account, are subject to the Star Alliance
Rewards terms and conditions. For details visit
4 Earning points using a card
4.1 You may only earn HSBC Star Alliance
Rewards Points for one program account.
4.2 We will calculate and award you ordinary
points based on the total value of your net
purchases at the end of each statement period
for your account, as per the circumstances set
out in clause 5.1.
4.3 The total value of your net purchases at the end
of each statement period for your account
excludes ineligible transactions. Hence, HSBC
Star Alliance Rewards Points will not be
awarded on ineligible transactions.
4.4 The number of HSBC Star Alliance Rewards
Points that can be earned in any statement
period is uncapped.
5 Points awarding
5.1 We will award 1 HSBC Star Alliance Reward
Point for each whole 1.00 AUD of the total value
of an eligible transaction made in Australia or
overseas (rounded up or down to the nearest
whole dollar value of the eligible transaction)
up to 3,000 AUD spent per statement period
for your account. We will award 0.5 HSBC Star
Alliance Rewards Points for each whole 1.00
AUD of the total value of an eligible transaction
5.2 We may award bonus points and promotional
points at our absolute discretion.
5.3 HSBC Star Alliance Rewards Points earned
in a statement period will be submitted to Star
Alliance for crediting to your Star Alliance
Rewards account shortly after the end of the
applicable statement period as shown on your
monthly statement of account. Usually your
HSBC Star Alliance Rewards Points will be
credited within four weeks of the end of the
applicable statement period.
5.4 You should notify us of any queries regarding
your missing HSBC Star Alliance Rewards
points as soon as possible.
6 Deduction of points
6.1 When you obtain a refund or reimbursement of
an eligible transaction that formed part of your
net purchases for which we have previously
awarded you HSBC Star Alliance Rewards
Points (for example when you return goods
or cancel bookings made and paid for and a
credit is issued to your account) your HSBC
Star Alliance Rewards points balance in your
program account may be reduced accordingly
to reflect the change in your net purchases
during the relevant statement period.
6.2 We may deduct HSBC Star Alliance Rewards
Points where you or any additional cardholder
request us or any of our agents or contractors
who may be appointed from time to time, to
do anything in connection with your program
account or otherwise.
6.3 Where we reasonably believe that we have
incorrectly awarded you with HSBC Star
Alliance Rewards Points (for example, where
we erroneously awarded you with HSBC Star
Alliance Rewards Points for an ineligible
transaction) or your HSBC Star Alliance
Rewards Points balance is otherwise incorrect,
we may correct and reduce your HSBC Star
Alliance Rewards Points balance in your
program account accordingly.
6.4 Where a chargeback has been applied, resulting
in a credit to your account, the chargeback
amount will be deducted from the total value
of your net purchases for a given statement
period accordingly. Your HSBC Star Alliance
Rewards Points balance in your program
account may also be reduced accordingly.
6.5 Where the value of your net purchases
for a given statement period is negative,
meaning the total dollar amount of any refunds,
reimbursements or chargebacks of eligible
transactions which have been credited to your
account during a given statement period, is
greater than the total dollar amount you have
spent on eligible transactions during the same
statement period, the HSBC Star Alliance
Rewards Points balance of your program
account will reduce accordingly. Where the
HSBC Star Alliance Rewards Points balance
of your program account is placed in negative
as a result of the negative value of your net
purchases for a given statement period,
this negative HSBC Star Alliance Rewards
Points balance will be carried forward and oset
against any subsequent calculations of your
HSBC Star Alliance Rewards Points balance
until such a time that you have a positive HSBC
Star Alliance Rewards Points balance in your
program account once again.
7 Redemption of points
7.1 HSBC Star Alliance Rewards Points can only be
transferred to your Star Alliance Rewards account.
HSBC Star Alliance Rewards Points cannot
otherwise be transferred, credited or redeemed.
7.2 Star Alliance Points are redeemable in
accordance with the Star Alliance Rewards
terms and conditions. For details visit
8 Statements of program accounts
8.1 We will provide you with a statement of the HSBC
Star Alliance Rewards Points in your program
account with your statement of account or, if you
are registered online to use our Credit Cards Online
Service, you may check the number of HSBC Star
Alliance Rewards Points that you have earned
and are eligible to be transferred to your Star
Alliance Rewards account online.
9 Changing these terms
9.1 We may make changes to these terms and
conditions in accordance with the clause “Changes
to your agreement” of your HSBC Credit Card Terms.
9.2 If you do not wish to be bound by the change, you
can terminate this agreement at any time before the
change takes eect by contacting us.
9.3 You are responsible for any taxation liability, other
government charge or reporting requirement
arising from the HSBC Star Alliance Rewards
program or the crediting, earning and redeeming of
HSBC Star Alliance Rewards Points under this
HSBC Star Alliance Rewards program and Star
Alliance Rewards.
10 Complaints
10.1 All complaints regarding HSBC Star Alliance
Rewards Points or these terms and conditions
will be resolved by us in accordance with our
complaints handling processes as set out in your
HSBC Credit Card Terms. For further information
please visit
11 Interpretation
11.1 All references to dollars are to Australian dollars
unless otherwise stated. Where an eligible
transaction is recorded in your account in a
foreign currency, the relevant amount of HSBC
Star Alliance Rewards Points will be awarded
by reference to the Australian dollar value of that
eligible transaction.
11.2 The use of examples is for illustration purposes only
and the operative eect of those provisions is not to
be limited by the examples given.
12 Meaning of words
account” means an account that you have with
us which we determine may be linked to the HSBC
Star Alliance Rewards program.
additional cardholder” means a person to whom
a credit card is issued in connection with your HSBC
Star Alliance Credit Card – see the HSBC Credit
Card Terms for your account which you can find
here for more details:
bonus points” means the HSBC Star Alliance
Rewards Points awarded to your program
account in addition to ordinary points and are
based upon your expenditure at selected bonus
points providers as communicated to you from time
to time.
BPAY®” means the electronic payment service
provided by BPAY® Pty Ltd (ABN 69 079 137 518).
business expense” means an expense which is
wholly or predominately the ordinary and necessary
expenses incurred as part of the cardholder’s
business or trade.
cash advance” means:
(a) each amount of cash supplied by use of a card
on your account or by any other operation of
your account;
(b) each payment made by a user to a person who
does not accept or is not entitled to accept
credit payments from your account or states
that any payment to them will be processed as
a cash advance or if you are using your card
for gambling purposes or to purchase a cash
(c) each amount transferred from your account
to any other account you have with us or any
other person (for instance, to eect a balance
transfer); and
(d) cash advance usage charge.
chargeback” means where we reverse all (or part
of) the amount of a disputed transaction back to
your account in accordance with the card scheme
rules set by Visa.
eligible transaction” means a transaction which
is debited to your account other than an ineligible
HSBC Credit Card Terms” means the terms and
conditions which apply to all of HSBC’s credit cards,
which are available here:
HSBC Star Alliance Rewards Points” means
points earned under the HSBC Star Alliance
Rewards program before the points are transferred
to your Star Alliance Rewards account.
HSBC Star Alliance Rewards program” means
the rewards program oered by HSBC which
provides for you to earn HSBC Star Alliance
Rewards Points directly, subject to these terms
and conditions.
ineligible transaction” means a transaction which
is debited to your account and takes the form of any
one of the following:
(a) balance transfers;
(b) cash advances;
(c) interest free transactions and HSBCs Credit Card
special promotions (including but not limited
to balance transfers, cash transfers and special
interest or interest free promotional purchases),
save for any interest free purchases of flight
bookings made directly through participating
Star Alliance carrier websites, where HSBC
Star Alliance Rewards Points will still be
(d) business expenses;
(e) fees or charges, including bank fees, overseas
transaction fees, government fees or charges
such as registrations, rates, licences,
infringements or Australian Taxation Oce
(f) a transaction which we reasonably determine is
fraudulent or involves the abuse of a credit card;
(g) a disputed debit transaction;
(h) BPAY® ;
(i) cash transfers; and
(j) refunds.
net purchases” means the total dollar amount
you have spent on eligible transactions in
AUD in a given statement period, less, the total
dollar amount of any refunds, reimbursements
or chargebacks of eligible transactions in
AUD, credited to your account during the same
statement period.
ordinary points” means the HSBC Star Alliance
Rewards Points awarded to your program
account based upon the value of an eligible
program account” means the account we
establish in your name for recording HSBC Star
Alliance Rewards Points for the purposes of these
terms and conditions.
promotional points” means the HSBC Star
Alliance Rewards Points awarded to your
program account at HSBCs discretion and in
response to special promotional or marketing
activities that may be communicated to you from
time to time.
Star Alliance” means Star Alliance Australia Pty
Ltd ACN 661 145 080.
Star Alliance Gold Status” means the status tier
which is granted to you subject to certain eligibility
criteria and spending thresholds being met, as set
out on HSBC’s website:
Star Alliance ID” means the Star Alliance
membership ID given to you by Star Alliance when
Star Alliance enrols you as a member of Star
Alliance Rewards.
Star Alliance Points” means the points, as
defined in the Star Alliance Rewards terms and
Star Alliance Premium Status” means a status
tier corresponding to either Star Alliance Gold
Status or Star Alliance Silver Status as set out
and governed by the Star Alliance Rewards terms
and conditions. For further details visit:
Star Alliance Rewards” means the Star Alliance
Rewards program operated in Australia by Star
Star Alliance Rewards account” means the Star
Alliance Rewards program account operated in
Australia by Star Alliance held in the name of the
primary account holder.
Star Alliance Rewards terms and conditions
means the terms and conditions provided to you by
Star Alliance when Star Alliance enrols you as a
member of Star Alliance Rewards.
Star Alliance Silver Status” means the status tier
which is granted to you subject to certain eligibility
criteria and spending thresholds being met, as set
out on HSBC’s website:
statement period” means the dates shown on
each of the statements of account that are provided
to you by us.
terms and conditions” means the terms and
conditions for the HSBC Star Alliance Rewards
program which are set out in this document.
we” or “us” means HSBC Bank Australia Limited
ABN 48 006 434 162 and any related body corporate
(as that term is defined in the Corporations Act 2001
you” means a person who has an account with
Issued by HSBC Bank Australia Limited ABN 48 006 434 162
AFSL/Australian Credit Licence No. 232595 HSBCVCC175-R05-0424