The ServiceNow
CSDM4.0 Mapped to
Dr Michelle Supper
EMEA Enterprise Architecture Advisor
August 2023
The ServiceNow CSDM4.0
Mapped to ArchiMate
What is in this document?
This document contains a mapping of the ServiceNow CSDM 4.0 to the ArchiMate
notation. Essentially, this is a metamodel that can be used to produce a
TOGAF/ArchiMate based architecture that will be supported by the Now
Platform’s CSDM (Common Service Data Model).
Aligning an architecture in this way is particularly useful if one wishes to populate
and maintain an architecture repository with a direct integration between the
ServiceNow CMDB and an architecture repository tool.
Definitions, naming conventions, and examples are listed in Table 1. Definitions are
essential to ensure consistency and governance within an architecture. The
definitions presented in this document are compatible with TOGAF 10, ArchiMate
3.2 and the ServiceNow CSDM 4.0.
Who is the Intended Audience?
This is primarily for Enterprise Architects, Data Architects, Process/Workflow
Designers, and any others involved in modelling an enterprise that uses the Now
Table of Contents
What is CSDM4.0? 4
Why Map CSDM4.0 to ArchiMate? 4
What is in the ArchiMate Model? 5
How can I use this Mapping? 5
Diagram of CSDM4.0 6
Diagram of Extended CSDM4.0 Mapped to ArchiMate 7
Definitions of Elements in the ArchiMate Model 8
References 18
Thanks and Acknowledgements 18
About the Author 18
The ServiceNow CSDM4.0
Mapped to ArchiMate
What is CSDM4.0?
The Common Service Data Model (CSDM) describes the logical structure of the
CMDB (Configuration Management Database) that sits at the heart of the Now
Platform. It contains a standard set of connected, service-related objects that can
be used and reused by ServiceNow products, enabling true service level reporting
across the Now Platform.
CSDM 4.0 is illustrated in Figure 1. Further details on the CSDM4.0 can be found in
the white paper by Scott Lemm.
Why Map CSDM4.0 to ArchiMate?
ArchiMate is a non-proprietary enterprise architecture notation that is commonly
paired with the TOGAF architecture standard. Both ArchiMate and TOGAF are
trademarked standards of The Open Group, and their specifications can be
downloaded from The Open Group Library.
The CSDM mapping to ArchiMate shown in Figure 2 has been used by
ServiceNow’s partners to create integration apps between the Now Platform and
their EA Repository tools. These integration apps are available in the ServiceNow
App Store.
When creating an enterprise architecture, it is important to have a metamodel
that describes how the various elements can connect logically together. The
metamodel ensures consistency within the architecture repository, and among the
various artefacts that are generated from it. It also ensures that those creating the
model can maintain consistency in their approach, so that their work will hold
together as a single, coherent model.
The CSDM4 model describes the most commonly used elements in the
ServiceNow CMDB; but there are many more elements held in the data tables of
the Now Platform which can be accessed through the CMDB. When a company's
data architecture is usefully aligned to the CSDM, and hence to the wider CMDB,
it will be far easier to design processes that make best use of the platform: they
can reuse data and enable it to flow without obstruction. Also, by aligning their
enterprise architecture metamodel with the CSDM, an architect can take full
advantage of the integration apps that exist between various enterprise
architecture repository tools and the Now Platform, since data can be passed
directly from the CMDB to the tool to automatically populate the repository. This
saves a huge amount of time in data gathering As Is (current state) data, allowing
the architects to focus on the more valuable tasks of modelling, analysis and
strategic planning. It also enables the current state architecture to reflect a near
real-time view of the enterprise landscape.
For tools that have a two-way integration to the Now Platform, alignment to the
CSDM is akin to semantic interoperability it makes it possible to pass data back
from the EA tool to the Now Platform to update records and request changes. For
example, a strategic decision to retire an application could be passed back to
the Strategic Portfolio Management product as a demand for action to remove
the application from the landscape.
What is in the ArchiMate Model?
The model contains elements from CSDM4.0 (objects with a C prefix in Figure 2).
The model also contains some additional elements; while these are not explicitly
named in the CSDM4.0, they do in some cases align to tables in the Now Platform
that can be used for data integration purposes. These elements serve to connect
the objects from the IT and Data architecture layers that are the primary concern
of the Now Platform with objects from the Motivation and Business layers that
define the unique character and purpose of the organisation being modelled.
For example, The Now Platform will certainly contain data describing the things
that exist within the organisation - the applications, data flows, and the services
being offered, and so on - but it might not contain data that describe intangible
concepts, and plans for the future, such as the drivers and goals that are
motivating the need for a transformation programme, or options to consider in the
To Be state. These elements are not routinely stored on the Now Platform, but you
may want to enter them into the EA repository so that they can be incorporated
into useful artefacts.
When used together, the objects in the CSDM and the extended metamodel will
help to align the layers of the Enterprise Architecture, particularly during digital
transformation, ensuring that the IT elements will serve the business needs.
How can I use this Mapping?
The mapping shown in Figure 2 can be used in its entirety as a metamodel within
your Enterprise Architecture if required, or parts of it could also be used to
supplement or extend your current metamodel.
If your organisation already has a metamodel; specific definitions that it has
adopted; or if it has different elements in its metamodel, then feel free to adapt
the material in this document to fit your needs.
Please remember, however: each object in the CSDM is defined (see the
CSDM4.0 White Paper), and these definitions span the ServiceNow product
portfolio and the Now Platform. As a result, the closer your organisation’s data
model is to the CSDM, the easier it will be to manage your data in the ServiceNow
instance, to maintain your repository if you are using an integrated EA tool, and to
upgrade your instance to the latest ServiceNow releases.
Figure 1 : CSDM 4.0, from The CSDM 4.0 White Paper
Figure 2 : The CSDM 4.0 mapping to ArchiMate
Definitions of Elements in the ArchiMate Model
Element Origins:
C = CSDM 4.0
A = Object included to extend the model so that artefacts may be created that help to align the user’s enterprise
architecture, and if necessary, to describe the transformation programme.
Definitions have been drawn from the CSDM 4.0 White Paper by Scott Lemm, which contains far more detail than has been
included here.
For the additional objects, definitions have been drawn from the ArchiMate Specification (Version 3.2).
Table 1 Definitions of the Objects in the CSDM ArchiMate Model
The “Application” object represents code running on
a host, that is, any deployed program or module that
is designed to provide specific functionality on
specific compute infrastructure.
Applications are typically discoverable instances
and tend to provide a set of functionalities for one or
more services. In the context of ServiceNow,
applications are limited to single host to ensure they
maintain a unique identification during discovery
There is not a one
-to-one relationship between
application and application service; a single
installed Application (such as a database instance)
may support multiple Application Services
depending on the configuration and use of the
The out of the box Business Application table in the
CMDB is meant to house your inventory/portfolio of
applications and their metadata; this table can be
populated by Discovery.
Workday, Website,
Middleware, Database
An application interface represents a point of
access where application services are made
available to a user, another application component,
or a node.
Web services interface,
A Capability represents an ability that an
organization, person, or system, possesses.
Capabilities provide a high
-level view of the current
and desired abilities of an organization, in relation to
its strategy and its environment. They are realized by
various elements (people, processes, and
Typically, it should
be expressed as a
compound noun
or gerund (
form of verb)
The name of a
capability should
emphasize ‘what we
do’ rather than ‘how
we do it.Marketing,
Finance, HR (Human
Resources), Project
Management, Market
Development, Product
Humans, departments,
and business units.
‘John Smith’ or ‘ABC
Corporation,’ or they
may be generic; e.g.,
‘customer’ or ‘supplier.’
The name of a
business service
should preferably
be a verb ending
Alternatively, a
name explicitly
containing the
word ‘service’
may be used.
Transaction Processing,
Customer Support
For example, an
organization may offer
two levels of desktop
support in your
organization: a
‘standard’ offering of
upgrades and virus
protection and an
‘executive’ offering with
the standard
commitments plus some
type of response
guarantee, such as 30
minutes between 8am
5pm on weekdays.
Portfolio in
Figure 1
Noun, the name
of a collection of
products and/or
Marketing and Events
C Business
Business Units are parts of an organization that are in
charge of certain operations, such as Finance, HR, IT,
and so on. Business units typically comprise
departments, and are associated with a company
Noun Finance Department,
Human Resources
A CMDB Group is a collection of CIs (Configuration
Items) based on one or more of the following:
• Saved Query Builder queries
• Encoded queries
• Manual entries
The CMDB Group is not a configuration item. The
purpose of the CMDB Group is to provide a
grouping of CIs which can then be used throughout
the Now Platform.
For example, a CMDB CI Lifecycle Management
API (Application Program Interfaces) can use a
CMDB group scriptable API to retrieve the group's
list of CIs, and then apply a CI Lifecycle
Management action collectively to all the CIs.
CMDB Groups are recorded in the cmdb_group
Since CMDB groups become a critical element of
Dynamic CI Groups and the strategic
management of CIs, early consideration of how
you wish to monitor and report on CIs will help in the
creation of CMDB Groups in support of your
C Company A Company; either the customer organisation itself,
or another company with whom it does business
(e.g. a supplier, service provider, subsidiary
company, or consumer)
Proper Noun Company Name
C Contracts A Contract represents a formal or informal
specification of an agreement between a provider
and a consumer. It specifies the rights and
obligations associated with a product and
establishes functional and non-functional
parameters for interaction.
The Contract element may be used to model a
contract in the legal sense, but also a more
informal agreement associated with a product. It
may also include an SLA (Service Level Agreement)
describing an agreement about the functionality
and quality of the services that are part of a
Contracts are recorded in the ast_contract
table. A
Contract is not a Configuration Item. Contracts
utilize Contract Model types from the Product
Model module. Service contracts may support
hardware CIs in support of SLA and Vendor
Management. Additionally, Service contracts may
be utilized by Customer Service Management.
Noun Insurance Policy, User
ServiceNow Contract
Number 1234
A Control Controls are engineering mechanisms that use
continuous monitoring of operational variables (e.g.
pressure, temperature) to reach product output
specifications and objectives.
Noun Thermostat, Security
Camera, Monitoring
A Demand A Demand represents the investment needed to
realise a Business Goal
In the end, a business goal must be realized by a
plan and/or change, which may require a new
system or changes to an existing system.
Demands/Requirements specify what is needed
to achieve the ‘ends’ that are modelled by the
Implementing a new
HR Management
System, Upgrading a
Website to a New
Version, Introducing a
New Feature. Might be
listed as a monetary
amount and a level of
effort, e.g. a team for a
C Department A Department/functional team in the
organisational structure of the enterprise.
Proper Noun Finance Dept, Security
A Driver A Driver represents an external or internal
condition that motivates an organization to
define its goals and implement the changes
necessary to achieve them. Drivers that are
associated with a stakeholder are often called
‘concerns’ of that stakeholder. Concerns may
pertain to any aspect of the system’s functioning,
development, or operation, including
considerations such as performance, reliability,
security, distribution and evolvability, and may
determine the acceptability of the system.
Noun Examples of internal
drivers are customer
satisfaction and
profitability. Drivers of
change may also be
external to the
enterprise (e.g.,
economic changes or
changing legislation)
and need not have a
stakeholder associated
with them.
Dynamic CI
The Dynamic CI Group is a dynamic grouping of
configuration items (CIs), based on results of
CMDB Groups queries.
There are two types: an application service
grouping or a technical grouping.
Goal A Goal represents a high-level statement of
intent, direction, or desired end state for an
organization and its stakeholders. Goals are
typically used to measure success of an
In principle, a Goal can represent anything a
stakeholder may desire, such as a state of affairs,
or a produced value.
While not explicitly named in the CSDM4.0, Goal
is used within the Now Platform in several
products including PPM and APM.
Goals are
expressed using
qualitative words;
e.g., ‘increase,’
‘improve,’ or
‘easier.’ Goals
can also be
e.g. ‘increase
profit’ can be
into the goals
‘reduce cost’
and ‘increase
To increase profit, to
reduce waiting times
at the helpdesk, or to
introduce online
portfolio management.
C Group The Group table is used to identify a set of users
who share a common purpose. Groups may
perform tasks such as approving change
requests, resolving incidents, receiving email
notifications, or performing work order tasks. Any
business rules, assignment rules, system roles, or
attributes that refer to the Group apply to all
Group members automatically.
A Change Approval
Group, Assignment
Groups for incidents
(who should be
working to resolve
C Information
The Information Object logically describes the
type of data (or the information) that is
interchanged between application(s) and/or a
database. This is important because there may
be legal implications to the type of data being
Credit Card
Healthcare Records
C IoT An Internet of Things device
A KPI A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a measure
of how well something is being done. An
assessment of the KPI may reveal strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, or threats for some
area of interest. Weakness and threats will need
to be addressed by adjusting existing goals or
setting new ones, which may trigger changes to
the Enterprise Architecture.
The name of a
KPI should
preferably be a
noun or a (very)
short sentence.
Number of contracts
signed per quarter.
Dollar value for new
contracts signed per
A KRI A Key Risk Indicator (KRI) is a measure used in
management to indicate how risky an activity is.
Key risk indicators are metrics used by
organizations to provide an early signal of
increasing risk exposures in various areas of the
The KRI differs from a key performance indicator
(KPI) in that the latter is meant as a measure of
how well something is being done, while the
former is an indicator of the possibility of future
adverse impact. KRIs give an early warning to
identify potential event that may harm continuity
of the activity/project.
The name of as
KRI should
preferably be a
noun or a (very)
short sentence.
Number of active
database administrator
Number of users with
similar roles but
dissimilar security
C Location The location maps to the attribute location. For
example, the offering/application/subscribers in
Japan vs a separate offering/application service
in the UK
Technical service offerings and application
services should identify their managing location
when multinational environments exist.
Noun UK, Europe,
Headquarters, London
If your reporting
requirements identify
greater location detail
then you could extend
the hierarchy into
floors, rooms, data
centres and so on.
C Network Gear Hardware elements that make up the
infrastructure that hosts the platform.
A Outcome An Outcome represents an end result.
Outcomes are high-level, business-
oriented results
produced by capabilities of an organization, and
by inference, by the core elements of its
architecture that realize these capabilities.
Outcomes are tangible, possibly quantitative and
time-related, and can be associated with
assessments. An outcome may have a different
value for different stakeholders.
Outcome names
identify end
results that have
been achieved
or are expected
to be achieved
at a definite
point in the
Examples include ‘First-
place customer
satisfaction ranking
achieved’ and ‘Key
supplier partnerships in
place.’ Outcome
names can also be
more specific; e.g.,
‘10% year-over-year
quarterly profits
increase in 2018’.
A Partner
A contract is a binding agreement between two
In the Now Platform, contracts contain detailed
information such as contract number, start and
end dates, active status, terms and conditions
statements, documents, renewal information,
and financial terms.
In this model, the Partner Contract represents the
contract given to a delivery partner who will assist
with transformation programmes; the connected
Programme, Project, Sub-Project and Task
objects are also associated with the
transformation programme.
A PPI Process Performance Indicators (PPI) represent a
measurement of the achievement of strategic
and operational goals that a company wants to
achieve on a process level.
indicators refer to
indicators to
measure whether
activities took
Holding of meetings,
conduct of training
courses, distribution of
development and
testing of health
education materials
A Principle Architecture Principles define the underlying
general rules and guidelines for the use and
deployment of all IT resources and assets across
the enterprise. They reflect a level of consensus
among the various elements of the enterprise
and form the basis for making future IT decisions.
The name of a
Principle should
preferably be a
noun or a (very)
short sentence.
A Process A Business Process is an activity or a series of
related steps that stakeholders take to achieve a
business goal. Processes are used to realise
specific business capabilities, and typically, a
process produces a specific service or product.
Process is a new element of CSDM V4, it ships out
of the box, and since the Rome release the IRM,
RPA and BC/DR planning products have used it.
The Business Process is a manually maintained
configuration item that can identify criticality,
both declared and determined, and impact
confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
Business Processes are recorded in the
cmdb_ci_business_process table. Business
Processes may be identified in a parent/child
hierarchical manner using the parent attribute as
a reference to a parent Business Process.
Name of the process,
e.g. “Order
Process”, “Customer
Support Process”,
“Shipping Process
(The review frequency
of the Business Process
can be set to Monthly,
Quarterly, Semi Annual
/ Half Yearly, Annually,
or none, and the next
review date can be
A Process
Process Groups are groupings of related
processes that are applicable across operational
hierarchies and silos. Process Groups can be
replaced by top-level Business Capabilities.
A Process
A Process Workflow consists of multiple Process
Tasks that implement a Process Activity.
Verb The name of the
workflow; Invoice
A Product A Product created by the enterprise to sell or
provide to consumers. Can be a physical
product or an intangible product.
a mortgage, insurance,
C Product
Products Models are specific versions or
configurations of a product used for managing
and tracking through various ServiceNow
platform applications.
Product Models provide the ability to identify a
product owner, teams, the status of a product
within your organization, compatibility to other
products, reference to product catalogue, and
reference list of objects representing the details
of various stages of a products life cycle.
Additionally, you can identify the end-of-life
details of your products as established by 3rd
party providers and/or internal product owners.
With product models you can bundle other
products as components to represent the set of
products that your organization develops, sells
and/or consumes.
Product Models are recorded in the
table or its extended tables aligned
to the 7 base types. The Product Model tables
are not configuration items. Configuration items
reference Product Models using the “Model ID”
attribute available on all CMDB tables. For
example, a Service Offering CI may reference a
Service Model, while a Windows Server may
reference a Hardware Model.
The Product Model tables identify the unique
types of products developed or consumed by
your organization. Assets and CIs may be
grouped by product models. Such grouping may
be desired for project planning, costing, and
rationalization. Discovery can populate hardware
model type products once operational, but other
product types require planning from Product
Product Models are
extended into 7 base
types: Application
(version agnostic),
Software (version
specific), Contract,
Facility, Hardware,
Consumable, Service.
Products may be
bundled to create a
collection or grouping
of products such as a
FlashBlade Server
(hardware model) and
the 24/7 support
service (service
A Program
This object has been added to the metamodel to
represent a digital transformation Program,
comprising one or more projects, that will affect
the use of the Now Platform in the modelled
Programs are available through the Now Platform
when you install PPM or APM.
The Program
Future Vision 2025
A Projects This object has been added to represent a
Project that is part of a digital transformation
Projects are available as objects through the
Now Platform when you install PPM or APM.
The Project
Better With Now Project
C Request
A Request Catalogue provides a consumable
view of available business and technical
products, services, service commitment options,
and offerings.
Catalogues help to manage and modify the
services a user may have access to, and they are
the initiation point for access to available
HR service catalogue,
technical catalogue.
The SDLC (Software Development Lifecycle)
Component is a configuration item that
represents a unique development effort of code.
The purpose of the SDLC Component is to
represent the software of a larger Business
Application / Digital Product, broken down into its
individually developed components.
The SDLC Component is part of the new build
domain and will be referenced by the DevOps
Types of SDLC
• Application
examples include
micro services and APIs
• Infrastructure
examples include
configurations and
security configurations
C Server
The identifier of a Server used by the Customer. A
CI Type. Represents the physical entities in a data
Noun Customer's name of
C ServiceNow
Product /
A ServiceNow Product suite, or software from the
ServiceNow App Store, that is installed on the
ServiceNow Instance
Name of the
Service /
An Application Service is realized by one or more
application functions that are performed by the
component. It exposes the functionality of
components to their environment. This
functionality is accessed through one or more
application interfaces.
An Application Service may require, use, and
produce data objects. It should be meaningful
from the point of view of the environment; it
should provide a unit of behaviour that is, in itself,
useful to its users. It has a purpose, which states
this utility to the environment.
The Application Service is the glue that ties all the
elements of the CSDM together where
applications are present.
The name of an
service should
preferably be a
verb ending with
‘-ing.’ Also, a
name explicitly
containing the
word ‘service’
may be used.
Transaction Processing
A SN Platform
The identifier of an instantiated instance of the Now
We support platforms in two ways: In Design we have
Business Applications that represent Platforms, and
Application Services that represent instances of
See video for details here:
name of
A Solution This has been added to the metamodel to represent
the proposed Solution (the To Be views) that will be
realised by the transformation programme.
A Sponsor A key, senior stakeholder who champions part of the
transformation program because it supports a
corporate strategy in which they are invested, or for
which they are responsible.
Noun, Role CEO, CTO
A Strategy
A Strategy describes how the company will achieve its
goals and objectives by deploying its resources to
gain a sustainable competitive advantage.
‘Strategy’ appears as a data object in our Strategic
Portfolio Management (SPM, formerly ITBM) suite. It is
not in CSDM4.0, however, you may model your
organisation’s own Strategies within your EA tool using
this element and connect them to Drivers, Goals,
Principles and Sponsors as shown in the model.
A Sub Project Parts of the Transformation Program; work packages
that exist within the main projects/ work streams.
Sub Projects are available through the Now Platform
when you install PPM or APM.
A Task
Tasks are the smallest unit of work in the platform, Tasks
allow users to request tasks, and track how they are
being fulfilled by the appropriate parties. Tasks can be
assigned to specific users or user groups.
Task is a core table in the Now Platform, starting with
workflow at the core, and used in most products
including PPM, Agile, Incident, Catalog, etc.
You may wish to list the
tasks required to realise
a transformation
programme, and
assign them to relevant
people (stakeholders,
delivery partners, etc)
C Technical
Technical Service is a service type that is published as
a catalog item to technical service consumers and
typically underpins one or more business or
application services. Using Technical Services lets you
view and manage the technology you provide to the
business. A Technical Service may have an
operational view made up of one or more Technical
Service Offerings.
Environments, Network
Services, Database
C Technical
Technical Service Offerings are different tiers of
technical service based on commitments.,
locations, costs, etc.
C Users ‘Users’ is a core data type in the CMDB that
details of individual Users of the system. The User
table is used to identify the individuals that have
access to the ServiceNow instance. These Users
can then be organized within groups, associated
to Company, Business Unit, and Departments.
Names John Smith
A Value Value represents the relative worth, utility, or
importance of a concept.
Value may apply to what a party gets by selling
or making available some product or service, or it
may apply to what a party gets by buying or
obtaining access to it. Value is often expressed in
terms of money, but it has long since been
recognized that non-monetary value is also
essential to business; for example,
practical/functional value (including the right to
use a service), and the value of information or
Though Value can hold internally for some system
or organizational unit, it is most typically applied
to external appreciation of goods, services,
information, knowledge, or money, normally as
part of some sort of customer-provider
It is
to name Value
from a positive
point of view, i.e.
as an action or
state that can be
performed or
reached as a
result of the
element being
Cost Efficiency, Being
Informed, Peace of
Mind, Certainty,
Access Granted
A Value Stream Value Streams are artefacts within business
architecture that allow a business to specify the
value proposition derived by an external (e.g.
customer) or internal stakeholder from an
A Value Stream depicts the stakeholders initiating
and involved in the Value Stream, the stages that
create specific value items, and the value
proposition derived from the value stream.
The Value Stream is depicted as an end-to-end
collection of value-adding activities that create
an overall result for a customer, stakeholder, or
user. A Value Stream will usually require input
from several different business capabilities.
Often named for
the start and end
of the value
stream, or for the
ultimate value
that it delivers
Strategy to Portfolio,
Food Production Value
CSDS4 White Paper: The official ServiceNow white paper describing the Common Service
Data Model Version 4
TOGAF 10th Edition: The specification document of the TOGAF enterprise architecture
framework and methodology, from The Open Group
ArchiMate 3.2, The Open Group: The specification document of the ArchiMate architecture
modelling language, from The Open Group
ServiceNow App Store: With hundreds of certified, ready to use applications from a growing
partner ecosystem of innovation, the ServiceNow Store enables departments across the
enterprise to do more with the Now Platform faster with certified apps that complement and
extend ServiceNow.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks for wisdom, comments and proof reading to Scott Lemm, Mark Bodman, Dave
Armes and Graham Williamson
About the Author
Dr Michelle Supper has contributed to the creation of eight international standards, along
with other publications including white papers and guides. She is the EMEA Enterprise
Architecture Advisor at ServiceNow, in the EMEA EA Team, and the creator of the Guided
Architecture methodology.
Please join the conversation at the ServiceNow Enterprise Architecture Forum on LinkedIn.
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