New Employee
Guide for
Dear Supervisors:
New employee orientation is your chance to help new hires understand what is
expected of them in your department and at UNC. It’s also a way to make a new
employee feel welcome and get the employee-employer relationship off to a good start.
Traditionally, the purpose of new hire orientation was for Human Resources to collect all
of the required paperwork and cover mandatory training topics. While this is important,
the real purpose of an orientation is to welcome the employee, provide information
needed to start his/her new position on good footing, and create a positive first
impression that will foster pride in UNC and in the employee’s daily work for years to
Human Resources appreciates your assistance with this process to help our employees
succeed. We also appreciate feedback and are available to answer questions. Our
website, houses a wealth of information for
supervisors and employees, along with a HRS Forms section. You can also reach
Human Resource Services by phone at 351-2718.
We appreciate your time and commitment to making the University of Northern
Colorado an outstanding learning institution and an employer of choice.
Julie Tacker
Julie Tacker PHR
Assistant Director of Human Resources
Orientation Process for New, Regular Employees Full- or Part-time
The term “regular” employee refers to applicants hired for full- or part-time positions paid through the university
payroll system. Regular employees include those hired into the state classified system, faculty with their own
position number (starting with F, not FP) and administrative-exempt staff.
For faculty and administrative staff positions, an offer letter, Personal Digital Identity (PDID) form, Personal Data
form and Background Check release form should be given to employee by the hiring department to be returned
as soon as possible. Forward the background check form to HRS immediately upon return. For state classified
positions, an offer letter or phone offer should be made by the hiring department. The new hire should then
come to HRS to complete the Background Check release form, ErgoMed assessment release (if applicable)
and Personal Digital Identity (PDID) form. Please note that employment is contingent upon satisfactory
background and applicable ergonomic checks. Do not start the employee prior to HRS confirmation of hire.
Once the applicant is cleared to start, the supervisor should send an individualized welcome letter stating when,
where, and how to report to work. HRS suggests that the department include a parking map to assist the
employee the first day with parking. For faculty and administrative staff positions, the department business
manager will submit the signed PDID form, Payroll Data form and Personal Data form to HRS at the same time.
The supervisor should complete the appropriate Prior to First Day section of the Department Orientation
Checklist Regular Employee provided by HRS, prepare the work area, and request needed computer access,
Banner access, telephone numbers, business cards, bear number, etc.
First Day through First Week
Supervisors should continue working through the Department Orientation Checklist. Date the items as you
complete them. HRS suggests that the supervisor take the new employee to lunch at one of the dining halls on
the first day or arrange that another employee do so. Where possible, select a peer in the department to assist
the employee as a support person.
Second Week
Supervisors should review the first week with employee and answer questions or concerns; ensure that the
employee has met with appropriate benefit coordinator if applicable; and follow up on on-line training. Complete
the Department Orientation Checklist and send the signed copy to HRS to be included in the employee’s
personnel file. Continue to incorporate any specific department training.
First Month
Review and discuss goals/plan for review period with classified and administrative-exempt employees. Send a
copy of the signed and dated front page of the evaluation form to HRS.
If employee is in the state classified personnel system:
Complete a mid-year evaluation and send copy of cover sheet to HRS by December 15
If employee is an administrative exempt employee:
Although it is not required, administrative-exempt employees should also receive a mid-year review to provide
Within First Year and thereafter
If employee is in state classified personnel system:
Complete annual evaluation and send original evaluation to HRS by March 31
Review PDQ and plan goals for next review period and submit copy of cover page to HRS by April 30
If employee is an administrativeexempt employee:
Must complete annual evaluation and send original to HRS by June 30
Review PDQ and plan goals for next review period and submit copy of cover page to HRS by July 31
Employees should receive feedback regarding their performance and project results throughout the year, not
just at the evaluation periods.
Succession Planning:
Work to cross train and prepare employees for the next step in the department or organization.
Despite having a well thought-out recruiting, hiring, and orientation process, the reality is situations can arise
that require an employee to leave employment. In the event that a regular employee leaves employment, you
as the supervisor should be aware of the steps required to successfully off board the employee.
Upon notice of the separation of a regular employee, submit a Termination /Retirement form to HRS and have
the employee contact HRS to set up an exit interview. During that interview, HRS will discuss continuing
insurance options, technology termination, accounting checkout, and key retrieval. Also make sure to inform
the business manager so he/she can submit a Payroll Data form to HRS with the official end date to terminate
the job.
If the employee leaves suddenly or does not contact HRS to schedule an exit interview, contact Information
Technology directly to ensure the employee account access is terminated upon the employee leaving. Retrieve
keys, UNC identification card, and any purchasing or travel visa cards.
Orientation Process for Adjunct Faculty/Lecturers
Adjunct faculty and lecturers who work less than .5 FTE do not receive benefits. However, it is important that
they are acquainted with the university’s guidelines and expectations of them.
As with regular employees, adjunct faculty and lecturers’ employment is contingent upon a satisfactory
background check. Do not start the employee prior to HRS confirmation of hire. An offer letter, Personal Data
form and Background Check release form should be mailed or given to employee upon contingent hire by the
department to be returned as soon as possible. The department should forward the Background Check form to
HRS immediately upon return. Once the applicant is cleared to start, the supervisor should send the employee
a welcome letter and inform him/her of when, where, and how to report to work. The department must submit
the signed PDID form, PD form, and Payroll Data form to HRS at the same time. The supervisor should
complete Prior to First Day section of Department Orientation Checklist Adjunct Faculty/Lecturer provided by
HRS, prepare the work area, and request needed computer access, telephone numbers, business cards, bear
number, etc.
First Day First Week
Supervisors should continue working through the Department Orientation Checklist Adjunct Faculty/Lecturer.
Date the items as you complete them. If possible, select a person in the department to acclimate the employee.
Often times, these instructors do not get much supervision from the department because of the class schedules
or on-line course delivery. However, they are still in contact with our students and need to convey the same
professionalism and standards required of other faculty representing UNC. When possible, these employees
should attend the HRS orientation. Adjuncts and lecturers must understand their role and should view the
Becoming a Bear booklet on-line to ensure they know relevant policies that may pertain to them. Supervisors
must ensure that these steps are completed.
Second Week
Supervisors should review the first week with employee, answering questions or concerns; follow up on on-line
training; and complete the Department Orientation Checklist Adjunct Faculty/Lecturer and send a signed copy
to HRS to be added to the employee’s hiring packet.
Within First Year and thereafter
Employees should receive feedback regarding their performance and project results throughout the year, not
just at the evaluation periods. It is suggested that supervisors meet with part-time adjuncts/lecturers during the
assignment to ensure the work is satisfactory.
Terminating employees:
If an adjunct/lecturer employee leaves the position prior to the arranged termination date, the department must
contact HRS and Payroll via a Payroll data Form so we can adjust the termination date in the Banner system.
For security reasons, make sure to contact Information Technology to terminate the employees computer
access to your department anytime an employee leaves and retrieve keys and/or UNC Identification Card.
Orientation Process for Temporary or Student Employees Full or Part-time
Students may be hired for many non-regular positions on campus. Student employees are allowed to work up
to 40 hours per week for all jobs worked during a semester; however, it is highly recommended that they only
work between 12-15 hours while classes are in session. Additionally, international students may only work up
to 20 hours per week. Student status is defined as being registered in at least 1 course. You may continue to
hire a student as a student employee during the summer months as long as the student was registered during
the spring and the student will be enrolled during the following fall semester. If the student graduates or will be
taking a leave from school for more than a semester, you must change the status to a temporary employee.
Temporary employees may be hired for full- or part-time temporary assignments on an hourly (university aide)
or salary (technical professional) basis. Per state rules, temporary employees may only work a total of six
months during a twelve-month period. They then must refrain from university work for six months. If you wish
to hire a temporary employee, contact HRS to ensure the candidate has the time available to work your
As with regular employees, temporary employees must pass a satisfactory background check, unless they are
hired for less than one month or have completed one within the last six months. Student employees generally
do not complete background checks unless working for certain positions, such as athletics. Some temporary
jobs do require an ergonomic assessment, however. Supervisors can contact the classified employment
specialist in HRS to see if their position requires the ergonomic exam. Make sure to forward the university aide
or technical professional hiring packet to HRS. Do not start the temporary employee prior to HRS confirmation
of hire. Once the applicant is cleared to start, the supervisor should contact the employee and inform him/her of
when, where, and how to report to work. The supervisor should complete Prior to First Day section of
Department Orientation Checklist Temporary/Student provided by HRS, prepare the work area, and request
needed computer access, telephone numbers, bear number, etc.
Student hourly and salary positions are hired through the Electronic Personnel Action Form (EPAF) process.
Employers are charged with completing the I-9 and photo copying the documentation presented prior to
completing the EPAF. I-9 and Colorado Verification forms must be sent to HRS immediately upon completion
so we can enter them into the Federal E-Verify system. Do not forget to have the supervisor and employee
complete the PDID form so the employee can access his/her payroll information. Even if the student or
temporary employee does not need to use the Banner system, he/she must have access to the pay advice
information located in URSA.
Work-study students are hired through the Financial Aid department. Departments must complete appropriate
paperwork to have the student set up in the system. Contact Financial Aid for further information.
International students are hired through the HRS office. As with work-study students, departments must
complete appropriate paperwork to establish the student in the system.
First Day First Week
Supervisors should continue working through the Department Orientation Checklist Temporary/Student with
Temporary employees. Date the items as you complete them. Where possible, select a peer in the department
to assist the employee. Student employees should complete the on-line training and can view the Becoming a
Bear booklet on-line to ensure they know relevant policies that may pertain to them.
Second Week
Supervisors should review the first week with the employee, answering questions or concerns; follow up on on-
line training; and for temporary employees, complete the Department Orientation Checklist and send a signed
copy to HRS to be added to the employee’s hiring packet. Continue to incorporate any specific department
training. For students, the checklist should be kept at the department level.
Within First Year and thereafter
For Student employees:
If a student leaves the position, the department must terminate the job by submitting an EPAF change.
Additionally, pay increases and FOAP changes can be made using EPAF. For security reasons, make sure to
contact Information Technology to terminate the employee’s computer access to your department when he/she
leaves his/her position.
For Temporary employees:
If a temporary employee leaves the position prior to the arranged termination date, the department must contact
HRS so we can adjust the information in the Banner system. For security reasons, make sure to contact
Information Technology to terminate the employee’s computer access to your department. Remember,
temporary employees can only work for up to six months. If you plan to have an assignment become a regular,
budgeted position, the supervisor must start that process prior to the termination date as the assignment will not
be extended.
Employees should receive feedback regarding their performance and project results throughout the year. It is
suggested that supervisors meet with student and temporary employees during the assignment to ensure the
work is satisfactory. Particularly with students, this may be a first job. Your input and guidance may assist
them in succeeding in future work assignments and career opportunities. If possible, work to cross train and
prepare student employees for the next step in the department or organization.
Orientation Process for Volunteers
Volunteers are not employees of the university and do not receive any payment for their efforts nor receive any
benefits. However, to assist the university, they may require computer access.
Volunteers generally are not required to complete a background check form unless working with the athletics
department or sensitive areas. If a background check is required, do not start the volunteer prior to HRS
confirmation of hire. Once the volunteer is cleared to start, the supervisor should contact the volunteer and
inform him/her of when, where, and how to report to UNC. The supervisor should complete Prior to First Day
section of Department Orientation Checklist Volunteer provided by HRS, prepare the work area, and request
needed computer access codes, telephone numbers, bear number, etc.
First Day First Week
Supervisors should continue working through the Department Orientation Checklist Volunteer. Date the items
as you complete them. If possible, select a peer to help acclimate the volunteer to the department. Often
times, volunteers do not get much direction from the department because of the volunteer status. However,
they are still in contact with our students and need to convey the same professionalism and standards required
of other staff representing UNC. It is important that they understand this and should also complete the on-line
training and view the Becoming a Bear booklet on-line to ensure they know relevant policies that may pertain to
them. Supervisors must ensure that these steps are completed.
Second Week
Supervisors should review the first week with volunteer, answering questions or concerns; follow up on on-line
training; and complete the Department Orientation Checklist and keep the signed original in the department.
Continue to incorporate any specific department training.
Within First Year and thereafter
If a volunteer leaves the position, contact HRS so we can terminate the volunteer status in the Banner system.
For security reasons, make sure to contact Information Technology to terminate the volunteer’s computer
access to your department.
Department Orientation Checklist Regular full-and part-time employees - Non-
Employee Name __________________________ Position __________________________
Dept. ___________________________________ Date of Hire _______________________
Supervisors: Date the items as they are completed. Send completed form to Human Resource Services,
Campus Box 54 at the end of the second week of hire. Retain a copy for your reference.
Items to complete prior to first day of employment
____ Send welcome letter and one-day parking permit
____ Ensure Payroll Data, and Personal Data forms are
faxed to HRS
____ Set up computer and phone system with IT
____ Contact HRS for Bear number if needed
____ Order business cards, name badge, and name plate
(If applicable) find out what name employee wishes to
____ Contact HRS to schedule Orientation date
____ Plan work assignment for 1
____Review orientation plan
____ Complete Banner access request forms
First Day Places to escort employee
____ New employee orientation 9A-11:45A - HRS - Carter
____ Obtain employee photo ID Card Services - UC
____ Dining hall lunch first day
____ Obtain key access if applicable Parsons Hall
Items to be discussed by supervisor during first two weeks of work
____ Who to contact if tardy or absent
____ Appropriate dress
____ Work hours / work hour changes
____ Personal phone calls and visitors
____ Flexibility of starting/ending time
____ Customer service roles and standards
____ How to request time off; leave request forms
____ Work professionalism and courtesy
____ Overtime and/or comp time procedures (if
____ Confidentiality
____ How to report hours worked (if applicable)
____ Office etiquette and answering phones
____ Integrity and internal control policies
____ Appearance of work area standards
Equipment and Property Use
____ Computer; specific software used
Personal Concerns/Items
____ Department website address; department emails
____ Contact information; emergency contact information
____ Telephone number; voice mail access; office
____ Break and lunch periods; available dining facilities
____ Copier; fax; printer use
____ Restroom locations
____ Personal item storage
Safety and Security
____ Evacuation plans; Where to meet up if evacuated
Accounting (if applicable)
____ Hazardous materials/MSDS sheets (if applicable)
____ Update department signature manual and
____ Department safety and security
____ Request P-Card and or travel visa
____ First aid kits; materials
____ Review department funding and budget process
____ Location of fire extinguishers
____ Travel & mileage procedures; auto fleet
____ Tornado safety locations
Job Expectations
Department Functions
____ Employee responsibilities
____ Department policies; procedures
____ Supervisor expectations
____ Forms; documents; reports used and their locations
____ Review PDQ and organizational chart (as applicable)
____ Supervisors management style
____ Performance evaluations and standards
____ Key contacts and referral numbers
____ Job training on day-to-day activities
____ How the department fits into UNC - purpose/mission
____ Team work expectations
____ Department standards; goals; objectives
____If supervisor/manager, review Manager’s Guide
____ Meetings and meeting attendance requirements
____ Job responsibilities of other unit members
____ Work flow charts; department manuals
Facility and co-workers
____ Meet co-workers
____ Parking location
____ Building coordinator
____ Mail drop
____ Professional development; CETL
____ Key access; building hours; after-hours building
____ Facility tour
____ Supply area; how to request/purchase items
____ Remind employee about completing mandatory
online courses: General Safety, Emergency
Preparedness, Sexual Harassment
I have received orientation and training on the dates listed above.
___________________________________ ________________________________
Employee signature and date Supervisor signature and date
Employee phone number and email address
Orientation form was received in HRS on ________________
Employee completed the follow on-line training on the following date(s) __________________
General Safety__________ Sexual Harassment __________ Emergency Preparedness _________
Employee Relations Coordinator signature and date
Department Orientation Checklist Regular full-and part-time faculty
Employee Name ___________________________ Position __________________________
Dept. ___________________________________ Date of Hire ____________________
Supervisors: Date the items as they are completed. Send completed form to Human Resource Services,
Campus Box 54 at the end of the second week of hire. Retain a copy for your reference.
____ Send welcome letter and one-day parking pass
____ Ensure Payroll Data form and Personal Data are
faxed to HRS
____ Set up computer and phone system with IT
____ Contact HRS for Bear number if needed
____ Order business cards, name badge, and name plate (If
applicable) find out what name employee wishes to have.
____ Contact HRS to schedule Orientation date
____ Review orientation plan
____ Complete Banner access/Blackboard request
____ New employee orientation 9A-11:45A - HRS - Carter
____ Obtain employee photo ID Card Services - UC
____ Dining hall Lunch first day
____ Obtain key access if applicable Parsons Hall
____ Who to contact if tardy or absent
____ Appropriate dress
____ Work hours / work hour changes
____ Personal phone calls and visitors
____ How to request time off (if applicable)
____ Integrity and internal control policies
____ Appearance of work area standards
____ Confidentiality
Equipment and Property Use
____ Student/faculty interactions
____ Computer; specific software used
____ Department website address; department emails
Personal Concerns/Items
____ Telephone number; voice mail access; office extensions
____ Contact information; emergency contact
____ Copier; fax; printer use
____ Available dining facilities
____ Restroom locations
Safety and Security
____ Personal item storage
____ Evacuation plans; Where to meet up if evacuated
____ Hazardous materials/MSDS sheets (if applicable)
Accounting (if applicable)
____ Department safety and security
____ Travel & mileage procedures; auto fleet
____ First aid kits; materials
____ Request P-Card and or travel visa
____ Location of fire extinguishers
____ Review department funding and budget process
____ Tornado safety locations
Job Expectations
Department Functions
____ Employee responsibilities
____ Department policies; procedures
____ Supervisor expectations
____ Forms; documents; reports used and their
____ Office hours
____ Supervisors management style
____ Performance evaluations and standards
____ Key contacts and referral numbers
I have received orientation and training on the dates listed above.
___________________________________ ________________________________
Employee signature and date Supervisor signature and date
Employee phone number and email address
Orientation form was received in HRS on ________________
Employee completed the follow on-line training on the following date(s) __________________
General Safety _________ Sexual Harassment __________ Emergency Preparedness _________
Employee Relations Coordinator signature and date
Facility and co-workers
____ How the department fits into UNC -
____ Meet co-workers
____ Department standards; goals; objectives
____ Parking location
____ Facility tour
____ Mail drop
____ Meetings and meeting attendance requirements
____ Job responsibilities of other unit members
____ Department manuals
____ Key access; building hours; after-hours building access
____ Supply area; how to request/purchase items
____ Remind employee about completing mandatory online
courses: General Safety, Emergency Preparedness, Sexual
____ Professional development; CETL
Department Orientation Checklist Adjunct Faculty/Lecturers
Employee Name __________________________ Position __________________________
Dept. ___________________________________ Date of Hire ____________________
Supervisors: Date the items as they are completed. Send completed form to Human Resource Services,
Campus Box 54 at the end of the second week of hire. Retain a copy for your reference.
Items to complete prior to first day of employment
____ Send welcome letter and one-day parking pass
____ Contact HRS for Bear number
____ Set up computer and phone system with IT
____ Complete Banner Access/Blackboard request
____ Ensure Payroll Data and PD forms are faxed to HRS
____ Schedule orientation if able to attend
____ Obtain key access if applicable
____ Provide information on parking permit if applicable
Items to be discussed by supervisor during first two weeks of work
____ Who to contact if tardy or absent
____ Appropriate dress
____ Work hours / work hour changes
____ Personal phone calls and visitors
____ Integrity and internal control policies
____ Appearance of work area standards
Equipment and Property Use
____ Confidentiality
____ Computer; specific software used
____ Student/faculty interactions
____ Department website address; department emails
____ Telephone number; voice mail access; office
Personal Concerns/Items
____ Copier; fax; printer use
____ Contact information; emergency contact information
____ Available dining facilities
Safety and Security
____ Restroom locations
____ Evacuation plans; Where to meet up if
____ Personal item storage
____ Hazardous materials/MSDS sheets (if applicable)
____ Department safety and security
Accounting (if applicable)
____ First aid kits; materials
____ Travel & mileage procedures; auto fleet
____ Location of fire extinguishers
____ Request P-Card and or travel visa
____ Tornado safety locations
____ Review department funding and budget process
Job Expectations
Department Functions
____ Employee responsibilities
____ Department policies; procedures
____ Supervisor expectations
____ Forms; documents; reports used and their locations
____ Office hours
____ Supervisors management style
____ Performance evaluations and standards
____ Key contacts and referral numbers
____ How the department fits into UNC - purpose/mission
Facility and co-workers
____ Department standards; goals; objectives
____ Meet co-workers
____ Supply area; how to request/purchase items
____ Keys; building hours; after-hours building access
____ Meetings and meeting attendance requirements
____ Job responsibilities of other unit members
____ Department manuals
____ Parking location
____ Facility tour
____ Mail drop
____ Professional development; CETL
____ Remind employee about mandatory online courses
I have received orientation and training on the dates listed above.
___________________________________ ________________________________
Employee signature and date Supervisor signature and date
Employee phone number and email address
Orientation form was received in HRS on ________________
Employee completed the follow on-line training on the following date(s) __________________
General Safety ________ Sexual Harassment __________ Emergency Preparedness _________
Employee Relations Coordinator signature and date
Department Orientation Checklist – Temporary and student employees
Employee Name __________________________ Position __________________________
Dept. ___________________________________ Date of Hire _______________________
Supervisors: Date the items as they are completed. For temporary employees, send completed form to Human
Resource Services, Campus Box 54 at the end of the second week of hire. For Students, retain original for your
Items to complete prior to first day of employment
____ Plan work assignment for 1
____ Schedule orientation if temp employee over 1 month
____ Set up computer and phone system with IT
____ Ensure hiring forms are sent to HRS
____Review orientation plan
____ Complete Banner access request forms
Items to be discussed by supervisor during first two weeks of work
____ Who to contact if tardy or absent
____ Appropriate dress
____ Work hours / work hour changes
____ Personal phone calls and visitors
____ Flexibility of starting/ending time
____ Customer service roles and standards
____ How to request time off; leave request forms
____ Work professionalism and courtesy
____ Overtime and/or comp time procedures (if applicable)
____ Confidentiality
____ How to report hours worked (if applicable)
____ Office etiquette and answering phones
____ Inclement weather/ campus closures
____ Integrity and internal control policies
____ Appearance of work area standards
Equipment and Property Use
____ Computer; specific software used
Personal Concerns/Items
____ Department website address; department emails
____ Contact information; emergency contact information
____ Telephone number; voice mail access; office
____ Break and lunch periods; available dining facilities
____ Copier; fax; printer use
____ Restroom locations
____ Personal item storage
Safety and Security
____ Evacuation plans; Where to meet up if evacuated
Accounting (if applicable)
____ Hazardous materials/MSDS sheets (if applicable)
____ Update department signature manual and
____ Department safety and security
____ Request P-Card and or travel visa
____ First aid kits; materials
____ Review department funding and budget process
____ Location of fire extinguishers
____ Travel & mileage procedures; auto fleet
____ Tornado safety locations
Department Functions
Job Expectations
____ Department policies; procedures
____ Employee responsibilities
____ Forms; documents; reports used and their locations
____ Supervisor expectations
____ Supervisors management style
____ Team work expectations
____ Key contacts and referral numbers
____ Job training on day-to-day activities
____ How the department fits into UNC - purpose/mission
____ Department standards; goals; objectives
____ Meetings and meeting attendance requirements
____ Job responsibilities of other unit members
Facility and co-workers
____ Meet co-workers
____ Building hours; after-hours building access
____ Review further department training needed
____ Professional development
____ Parking location
____ Mail drop
____ Supply area; how to request/purchase items
____ Remind employee about completing mandatory
online courses: General Safety, Emergency
Preparedness, Sexual Harassment
I have received orientation and training on the dates listed above.
___________________________________ ________________________________
Employee signature and date Supervisor signature and date
Employee phone number and email
Department Orientation Checklist Volunteers
Employee Name ___________________________ Position __________________________
Dept. ___________________________________ Date of Hire ____________________
Supervisors: Date the items as they are completed. Retain original for your reference.
Items to complete prior to first day of employment
____ Plan work assignment for 1
____ Contact HRS for Bear number
____ Set up computer and phone system with IT
____ Complete Banner access request if applicable
____Review orientation plan
____ Complete PDID form
Items to be discussed by supervisor during first two weeks of work
____ Who to contact if tardy or absent
____ Appropriate dress ____ Confidentiality
____ How to request time off
____ Personal phone calls and visitors
____ Inclement weather/ campus closures
____ Customer service roles and standards
____ Work professionalism, integrity, and courtesy
Equipment and Property Use
____ Appearance of work area standards
____ Computer; specific software used
____ Office etiquette and answering phones
____ Department website address; department emails
____ Telephone number; voice mail access; office
Personal Concerns/Items
____ Copier; fax; printer use
____ Contact information; emergency contact information
____ Break and lunch periods; available dining facilities
Safety and Security
____ Restroom locations ____ Personal item
____ Evacuation plans; Where to meet up if evacuated
____ Department safety and security
Department Functions
____ First aid kits; materials
____ Department policies; procedures
____ Location of fire extinguishers
____ Forms; documents; reports used and their locations
____ Tornado safety locations
____ Supervisors management style
____ Key contacts and referral numbers
Job Expectations
____ How the department fits into UNC - purpose/mission
____ Employee responsibilities
____ Department standards; goals; objectives
____ Supervisor expectations
____ Meetings and meeting attendance requirements
____ Job training on day-to-day activities
____ Job responsibilities of other unit members
____ Team work expectations
____ Online Training
Facility and co-workers
____ Meet co-workers ____ Parking location
____Building hours; after-hours building access if
I have received orientation and training on the dates listed above.
___________________________________ ________________________________
Employee signature and date Supervisor signature and date
Sample Welcome Letter
To: [Employee Name]
From: [Department Manager or Supervisor]
Re: New Employment
I want to be the first to welcome you as a new employee to the University of Northern Colorado. You are an
employee of [department], which is a division of [division name or college].
The supervisor of this area is [supervisor], and his/her office phone number is [phone number]. Your first day of
work will be [day}, [date], at [time] in [building] room [room number]. Your shift (class) starts at [ ] and finishes
at [ ].
After meeting with your supervisor, you will meet with Human Resource Services as part of an orientation
process. There you will complete the required hiring documents; review benefits if applicable; and be
introduced to UNC. During this time, you will need to complete an I-9 form and provide documents showing
that you are eligible to work in the United States. A list of acceptable documents can be found at
and must include one (1) document
from List A
one (1) document from List B
one (1) document from List C. Additionally, it is a condition of
employment to have direct deposit of your pay. Please bring a check or a direct deposit letter so you can
complete the auto deposit form.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact my office.
Again, welcome aboard.
Cc: [Administrative Assistant]
[Human Resources Employment Coordinator]
Orientation Workflow – 1
Month of Employment
Prior to Start
Candidate is contacted via letter (faculty/ administrative staff) or via phone (classified, temporary,
student) for offer and to complete background and ergo med exam (if applicable). Students do not
normally complete background checks unless in certain areas.
If candidate completes check satisfactorily, then department is notified by HRS to hire. Department sets
start date and sends via mail or email with letter attached the welcome letter with information to
candidate of start date and where to report.
Department contacts HRS department to reserve seat at orientation for regular full and part-time
employees, adjunct faculty/lecturers and temporary who are over 1 month assignments if she/he hasn’t
completed orientation prior- informing the name, type of employee, department, etc. (perhaps we create
a standard form)
Department completes Prior to Hire section on Orientation Checklist based on position type.
HRS prepares required documents needed for employee to complete.
First Day Regular employees:
Day of orientation, supervisor or designated department rep escorts employee to HRS for orientation.
HRS Orientation
Supervisor picks up and takes to lunch
Department starts orientation process
First 2 weeks:
Departments continues orientation process
Department submits signed orientation check list to HRS upon completion for employee’s file if
applicable based on employee status.
Third week:
Supervisor verifies employee has completed on-line training. If not, reminds them.
Tentative HR Orientation Schedule
9:00am 9:15am UNC Culture & History Human Resources
9:15am 9:30am UNC Campus Security - UNC Police Department
9:30am 9:40am Title IX - Title IX Investigator
9:40am 9:50am IT&M Chief Information Security Officer, IT
9:50am 10:00am Payroll Human Resources
10:00am 10:15am HR Human Resources
10:30am 11:15am Benefits Overview & New Hire Paperwork Human Resources (If not already
Human Resources Forms
Human Resource FormsThe following forms are also located on the HRS website under HRS forms.
Background Check Release
Personal Data FormUsed to establish new hire as an employee in Banner system
Planning and Evaluation Form - Classified
Planning and Evaluation Form - Admin/Exempt
Payroll Data formContact your department or college business manager.
Parking PermitsOne-day parking permits can be purchased via parking services using P-cards. For further
information go to