RE 858 (Rev. 4/19)
The following chart shows the required disclosures of licensure based on the purpose of the mortgage loan advertisement. In addition
to the information in the chart, the requirements of Business and Professions Code (B&P) Section 10140.6(b) apply to all first point-
of-contact materials designed to solicit the creation of a professional relationship between the licensee and consumer.
Please note: All disclosure requirements of licensure can be located in B&P Sections 10140.6, 10235.5, 10236.4, and Title 10,
beginning with Section 2770, of the Regulations of the Real Estate Commissioner. (See below.)
Advertising Media
If you have questions, please call the Mortgage Loan Activities
The disclosures are required in all advertising including, but not
section at (877) 373-4542 or write to: Department of Real
limited to, flyers, mailers, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines,
Estate, Attn: Mortgage Loan Activities, P.O. Box 137015,
yellow pages, and the Internet.
Sacramento, CA 95813-7015.
Advertising Purposes
First Point of Contact Only
(Business cards, email,
Soliciting for Borrowers
Soliciting for Investors/Lenders
and/or Note Purchasers
CA Bur of Real Estate Real Estate Broker;
Real Estate Broker CA Bur of Real Estate
- AND -
Broker, agent, Realtor, loan correspondent or
abbreviations bro., agt., or other similar terms
or abbreviations
Broker, agent, Realtor, loan
correspondent or abbreviations
bro., agt., or other similar terms
or abbreviations
Broker, agent, Realtor, loan
correspondent or
abbreviations bro., agt., or
other similar terms or
DRE License
8-digit license number of each licensee in the
- AND -
8-digit license number of the broker
8-digit license number of each
licensee in the advertisement
- AND -
8-digit license number of the
8-digit license number of
each licensee in the
NMLS Unique
Unique identifier of each licensee in the
- AND -
Unique identifier of the broker*
Unique identifier of each
licensee disseminating the
(Unique identifier of the
employing broker or
corporation not required)
Font Size
No less than the smallest font used in the
No less than the smallest font
used in the advertisement
No less than the smallest font
used in the advertisement
*Only applies to residential mortgage loan originators, as defined in Section 10166.01 of the Business and Professions Code.
Business and Professions Code
Disclosure of Licensed Status in Advertising
10140.6. (a) A real estate licensee shall not publish, circulate,
distribute, or cause to be published, circulated, or distributed
in any newspaper or periodical, or by mail, any matter
pertaining to any activity for which a real estate license is
required that does not contain a designation disclosing that he
or she is performing acts for which a real estate license is
(b) (1) A real estate licensee shall disclose his or her license
identification number and, if that licensee is a mortgage
loan originator, the unique identifier assigned to that
licensee by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System
and Registry, on all solicitation materials intended to be
the first point of contact with consumers and on real
property purchase agreements when acting as an agent in
those transactions.
The commissioner may adopt regulations identifying the
materials in which a licensee must disclose a license
identification number and, if that licensee is a mortgage
loan originator, the unique identifier assigned to that
licensee by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System
and Registry.
(2) For purposes of this section, "solicitation materials
intended to be the first point of contact with consumers"
includes business cards, stationery, advertising fliers, and
other materials designed to solicit the creation of a
professional relationship between the licensee and a
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consumer, and excludes an advertisement in print or
electronic media and "for sale" signs.
(3) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit or
change the requirement described in Section 10236.4 as
applicable to real estate brokers.
(c) The provisions of this section shall not apply to classified
rental advertisements reciting the telephone number at the
premises of the property offered for rent or the address of the
property offered for rent.
(d) "Mortgage loan originator," "unique identifier," and
"Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry" have
the meanings set forth in Section 10166.01.
Advertising of Loan License Disclosure
10235.5. (a) No real estate licensee or mortgage loan
originator shall place an advertisement disseminated primarily
in this state for a loan unless there is disclosed within the
printed text of that advertisement, or the oral text in the case of
a radio or television advertisement, the Department of Real
Estate license number and the unique identifier assigned to
that licensee by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System
and Registry under which the loan would be made or arranged.
(b) "Mortgage loan originator," "unique identifier," and
"Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry" have
the meanings set forth in Section 10166.01.
Disclosure of License Number in Advertisement; License
Number and DRE License Information Telephone Number
in Disclosure Statements
10236.4. (a) In compliance with Section 10235.5, every
licensed real estate broker shall also display his or her license
number on all advertisements where there is a solicitation for
borrowers or potential investors. Every mortgage loan
originator, as defined in Section 10166.01, shall also display
the unique identifier assigned to that individual by the
Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry on all
advertisements where there is a solicitation for borrowers.
(b) The disclosures required by Sections 10232.4 and 10240
shall include the licensee's license number, the mortgage loan
originator's unique identifier, if applicable, and the
department's license information telephone number. *
(c) "Mortgage loan originator," "unique identifier," and
"Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry" have
the meanings set forth in Section 10166.01.
[*The DRE’s licensing information telephone number is not
required on advertisements for loan activities. The number is
required to be on the Lender/Purchaser Disclosure Statement
and the Mortgage Loan Disclosure Statement.]
Commissioner’s Regulations
2770.1. Advertising - License Designation.
Use of the terms broker, agent, Realtor, loan correspondent or
the abbreviations bro., agt., or other similar terms or
abbreviations, is deemed sufficient identification to fulfill the
designation requirements of Section 10140.6(a) and (c) of the
Business and Professions Code.
Use of the terms and abbreviations set forth above does not
satisfy the requirements of Sections 10235.5 and 17539.4 of
the Code.
2773. Disclosure of License Identification Number on
Solicitation Materials - First Point of Contact with
(a) A real estate broker or salesperson, when engaging in acts
for which a license is required, shall disclose its, his or her
eight (8) digit real estate license identification number and
responsible broker’s name as currently licensed, and may, but
is not required to, also include the responsible broker’s license
identification number, on all solicitation materials intended to
be the first point of contact with consumers. If the name of
more than one licensee appears in the solicitation, the license
identification number of each licensee shall be disclosed. The
license identification numbers of responsible brokers or
corporate brokers whose names, logos or trademarks appear
on solicitation materials along with the names and license
numbers of salespersons or broker associates do not need to
appear on those materials. If the advertising is in written form,
the type size of the license identification number shall be no
smaller than the smallest size type used in the solicitation
Solicitation materials intended to be the first point of contact
with consumers, and in which a licensee must disclose a
license identification number, include the following:
(1) Business cards;
(2) Stationery;
(3) Websites owned, controlled, and/or maintained by the
soliciting real estate licensee;
(4) Promotional and advertising flyers, brochures, postal
mail, leaflets, and any marketing or promotional
materials designed to solicit the creation of a
professional relationship between the licensee and a
consumer, or which is intended to incentivize, induce or
entice a consumer to contact the licensee about any
service for which a license is required;
(5) Advertisements in electronic media (including,
without limitation, internet, email, radio, cinema, and
television advertisements, and the opening section of
streaming video and audio);
(6) Print advertising in any newspaper or periodical; and
(7) “For sale,” “for rent,” “for lease,” “open house,” and
directional signs that display the name of the licensee.
(b) No license identification number is required where a “for
sale,” “for rent,” “for lease,” “open house,” or directional sign
has no name, trademark, or other branding of a real estate
licensee, or where the only licensee identified is a responsible
broker as defined in Business and Professions Code Section
(c) “Advertisements in electronic media” that constitute a first
point of contact solicitation are those advertisements that a
licensee purchases or directly places on an electronic platform,
where the licensee controls the content and presentation of the
advertisement, and which include information that is intended
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to enable consumers to directly contact the licensee. Instances
where another party controls the content and visual
presentation of the licensee’s information on a platform are
excluded from “advertisements in electronic media,” except
where the licensee subsequently adopts the content and
presentation of the content by distributing or forwarding the
advertisement to a consumer.
2847.3. Disclosure of License and Issuing Department.
(a) Use of either of the following statements shall satisfy the
requirements of Sections 10235.5 and 17539.4 of the Code.
(1) Real estate broker, California Department of Real
dash (-) may be used in lieu of the comma appearing in
the statements set forth above in paragraphs (1) and (2).
(b) The type size of the statement as set forth in subdivision
(a) will also satisfy the designation requirements of Section
10140.6 of the Code.
(c) Use of either statement as set forth in subdivision (a) will
also satisfy the designation requirements of Section
10140.6(a) and (c) of the Code.