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This handbook describes the coding of accounts in New Jersey Approved Private Schools for Students
with Disabilities. The coding system with its multi-dimensional structure creates a common language
for use in recording, reporting, and controlling the activities of approved private schools for students
with disabilities. The coding structure categorizes two basic types of financial activity revenues and
expenditures - through dimensions and their descriptors. The descriptors for each dimension allow
information to be retrieved in various ways to aid in managing private school district activities.
This handbook follows the structure of Financial Accounting For Local and State School Systems
(Handbook 2R2) by the National Center for Education Statistics and it replaces The Chart of Accounts
originally authorized by the State Board of Education in July 1984 and revised in December 2001.
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FORWARD ........................................................................................................
The Accounting System
The Account Classification Structure
The Minimum Chart of Accounts
1. Funds
2. Revenue Classifications
3. Expenditure Classifications
Program and Project/Reporting
1. Overview
2. Minimum Outline
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The Account Classification System
The accounting system is the means by which financial data is captured during the actual operation of
the private school for students with disabilities (private school), recorded in the books of account, and
then analyzed to produce required reports. Financial transactions can be classified to facilitate their
accumulation in categories needed for reports. The guidelines here provide a classification structure,
which will meet most of the accounting system’s needs and, by standardizing reported data, will permit
reports from different private schools to be compared.
Several principles guided the design of the account classification structure in this publication. Taken
together, they support the needs of decision-makers - school officials, other public officials, creditors,
and the general public - who use district financial reports. These principles are as follows:
1. The Chart of Accounts encourages full disclosure of the financial position of the private school.
Emphasis is placed on the accurate classification of financial transactions. Expenditures are
recorded in the accounting categories applicable, regardless of the implications of some of those
2. Comprehensiveness of financial reporting is encouraged. The private school for students with
disabilities should incorporate all financial activities into a single accounting and reporting
system for full disclosure. The account classifications here encourage this procedure.
3. Simplified reporting is encouraged. Only the minimum number of funds consistent with legal
and operating requirements should be established, since unnecessary funds result in undue
complexity and inefficient financial administration.
4. Financial reporting emphasizes the results of private school for students with disabilities
operations more than the resources applied. The account code structure emphasizes program
accounting and the application of supporting services costs to the “products” of the educational
5. The account classification system is flexible: it meets the needs of both small and large private
schools while retaining comparability of reported data. The guidelines here include a minimum
list of accounts essential for state reporting.
6. The classification of accounts and the recommended reporting structure remain in accordance
with GAAP.
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This publication provides for classifying two basic types of financial activity: revenues and other
sources of funds and expenditures and other uses of funds. For each type of transaction, the specific
account code is made up of a combination of classifications called dimensions. Each dimension
describes one way of classifying financial activity. The dimensions applicable to each type of transaction
are as follows:
Revenues Expenditures
Fund & Major Account Fund & Major Account
Revenue Source Program and Project/ Reporting
Coding structures applicable to each dimension are shown below. An additional identifying dimension
may be added, if required, to accommodate computerized record keeping systems. The department
recommends that the private schools for students with disabilities use the indicated coding system
(account numbers), but these account numbers are not required. The private school for students with
disabilities may use any numbering system they please. However, the private school for students with
disabilities must use the new indicated line item titles.
Fund & Revenue
Major Account Source
xx xxxx
Fund & Program and
Major Account Project/Reporting Function Object
xx xxx xxx xxx
Fund & Major Account (Subfund)
The Fund and Major Account (Subfund) is used but the revenue sources are limited to tuition and
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Fund & Major Account (Subfund)
A fund is a fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording cash and other
financial resources. Funds are established to carry on specific activities or attain certain objectives of a
private school for students with disabilities according to special legislation, regulations, or other
Program and Project/Reporting
Programs and projects are activities and procedures designed to accomplish an objective or set of
The function describes the activity for which a service or material object is acquired. Functions consist
of activities, which have the same general operational objectives. Furthermore, categories of activities
comprising each of these divisions are grouped according to the principle that the activities should be
combinable, comparable, reliable, and mutually exclusive.
1. to expand the level of detail of the function or object dimension by using more specific
categories described in Handbook 2R2 (the three digit function code may be expanded to four
The object is the service or commodity bought. These categories are divided into subobjects for more
detailed accounting.
Use in its entirety, the handbook classification structure (particularly the expenditure classifications) can
generate a variety of detailed data. Hence, a private school for students with disabilities may choose in
some ways which parts of the system it needs or wants to use. It may choose
to add dimensions not included in the publication such as organizational unit, level of
instruction, job classification or subject matter.
Whatever course a private school for students with disabilities chooses, it must follow a certain
minimum list of these classifications to meet state reporting requirements. Dimensions, accounts, and
coding structures listed in this handbook are minimum requirements unless labeled as optional.
Budgetary records must be maintained in conformity with the enclosed Chart of Accounts.
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Account Classification Descriptions
This chapter describes the account classification structure in greater detail. Each component of the
dimensions in the accounting system are numbered and defined. The chapter contains three sections:
funds, revenue classifications and expenditure classifications.
Private school for students with disabilities accounting systems should be organized and operated on a
fund basis. The diverse nature of private school operations and the necessity of assuring legal
compliance preclude recording and summarizing financial transactions in a single accounting entity.
Instead, the required accounts are organized on the basis of funds, each of which is completely
independent of another. Each fund must be so accounted for that the identity of its resources,
obligations, revenues, expenditures, and fund equities is continuously maintained. These purposes are
accomplished by providing a complete self-balancing set of accounts for each fund, which shows its
assets, liabilities, reserves, fund balances, revenues, and expenditures.
A fund is a fiscal and accounting entity, with a self-balancing set of accounts recording cash and other
resources, together with all related liabilities and residual equities or balances, or changes therein. If
one were to compare fund accounting with commercial accounting, each fund would equate to an
independent business, with a separate set of records owned by one entity, the private school for students
with disabilities.
The classifications of funds and account groups included here are similar to those used by state and
local government units. The two classifications are divided into the following categories, called fund
1. General Fund
2. Debt Service Funds
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Code Description
10 General Fund. Accounts for all financial resources of the private school for students
with disabilities except those to be accounted for in another fund. Expenditure reporting
requires further breakout in the fund code for character class delineation as follows:
11 General Current Expense. Accounts for all allowable current expenditures of the
private school for students with disabilities chargeable to public schools.
12 Capital Outlay. Accounts for all allowable capital expenditures of the private school
for students with disabilities for capital outlay which are for equipment, furniture and
fixtures and depreciation.
40 Debt Service Funds. Accounts for the payment of long-term interest and depreciation
of school and administrative buildings.
Revenues are classified by type and source for the various funds of a private school for students with
disabilities which impact the public school restricted working capital fund for a non-profit school and
the retained earnings for a profit school.
The majority of revenues for a private school for students with disabilities come from tuition paid by
LEAs, private placements (individuals or out-of-state schools), restricted contributions and interest.
Code Description
Revenue from sending districts and other sources for education provided by the
private school for students with disabilities.
Tuition From LEAs Within the State
12 Month School Year.
Tuition From LEAs Within the StateExtraordinary Services
(July through June).
Tuition From Other Sources.
Tuition From Individuals or LEAs Outside the State (Private Placements).
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Code Description
1500 Earnings on Investments.
1510 Interest On Investments. Interest revenue.
Expenditures include total obligations incurred, whether paid or unpaid, for current expense, capital
outlays, debt service and intergovernmental grants, entitlements and shared revenues. Transfers
between funds; exchanges of cash for other current assets such as the investment of cash in U.S. Bonds;
payments of cash in settlement of liabilities already accounted as expenditures; and the repayment of the
principal of current loans payable in the same fiscal year in which the money was borrowed are not
considered expenditures.
The expenditure classifications are divided into the following dimensions: fund and major account,
program and project/reporting, function, and object.
Programs and projects are activities and procedures designed to accomplish an objective or set of
objectives. Program and project/reporting codes allow districts to accumulate expenditures to meet a
variety of specialized reporting requirements at the local, state, and federal level. The program and
project/reporting code permits the organization of restricted projects.
The sample coding structure outlined below was designed to enable districts to accumulate expenditures
for all possible programs and projects necessary to meet the minimum reporting and bookkeeping
requirements of the Department of Education (DOE). This coding structure represents a minimum
A private school may choose to use the sample coding structure below or develop its own program and
project/reporting code structure. While DOE approval is not required, any coding system used must
contain at least three digits in the program code. It must also enable private schools to meet the
minimum reporting and bookkeeping requirements for programs; that is, each program/project must
contain a unique code. The DOE reserves the right to require use of the sample minimum coding
structure in any district not meeting these requirements.
The three-digit program and project/reporting code was designed to efficiently meet the DOE’s
minimum reporting and bookkeeping requirements. The first digit of the code assigns a program to one
of nine broad program categories. The second and third digits show the sequence that individual
program/projects appear within each program area and they ensure each project/project contains a
unique code.
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Code Description
Special Programs
. Activities primarily for students having special needs. The special
programs include pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, elementary, and secondary services for
the mentally retarded, physically handicapped, emotionally disturbed, culturally different,
students with learning disabilities, along with special programs for other types of
students. When recording special education instructional costs, services provided as a
result of individualized education programs (I.E.P.s) that benefit all students in the
program classification are recorded under the appropriate program category.
Special Education Cognitive Mild
Special Education Cognitive Moderate
Special Education Learning and/or Language Disabilities
Special Education Visual Impairments
207 Special Education Auditory Impairments
Special Education Behavioral
Special Education Multiple Disabilities
214 Special Education Autism
Special Education Preschool Disabilities Part-Time
Special Education Preschool Disabilities Full-Time
222 Special Education Cognitive Severe
300 Vocational Programs. Activities that provide students with the opportunity to develop
the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed for employment in an occupational area that
are offered during regular school hours.
Special Vocation Programs. Vocational programs in the private school provided
by certificated vocational teachers.
400 Other Instructional Programs - Elementary/Secondary. Activities that provide
students in preschool or grades K-12 with learning experiences not included in the
program codes 100-300, 500, and 600.
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Code Description
401 School - Sponsored Cocurricular Activities
402 School - Sponsor Athletics
700 Debt Service. Programs to service the debt of the private school for students with
disabilities, including payments of both principal and interest.
701 Debt Service - Regular
000 Undistributed Expenditures. All charges, which are not readily assignable directly to a
program, are classified here.
The function describes the activity for which a service or material objective is acquired. The functions
of a private school for students with disabilities are classified into five broad areas: instruction, support
services, operation of non-instructional services, facilities acquisition and construction, and other
outlays. Functions are further broken down into subfunctions and service areas.
Each of these levels consists of activities, which have somewhat the same general operational objectives.
Furthermore, categories of activities comprising each of these divisions and subdivisions are grouped
according to the principle that the activities are related and can be combined and compared. For
Function - support services 200
Subfunction - support services - students 210
Service area -attendance and social work services 211
The function structure in these guidelines is not intended to dictate an organizational structure. Rather,
an effort has been made to group together functions in relation to the magnitude of expenditures
typically found in the private school for students with disabilities. This grouping corresponds to the
categories most frequently requested in reporting to external authorities.
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Code Description
100 Instruction. Instruction includes the activities dealing directly with the interaction
between teachers and students. Teaching may be provided for students in a school
classroom and in other learning situations such as those involving cocurricular activities.
It may also be provided through some other approved medium such as television, radio,
computer, telephone, and correspondence. Included here are the activities of aides or
classroom assistants of any type (clerks, graders, teaching machines, etc.) which assist in
the instructional process. If proration of expenditures is not possible for department
chairpersons who also teach, include department chairpersons who also teach in
instruction. Full-time department chairperson’s expenditures should be included only in
Used only with programs 100-600 with the exception of unallocated equipment
200 Support Services. Support services provide administrative, technical (such as guidance
and health), and logistical support to facilitate and enhance instruction. These services
exist as adjuncts for fulfilling the objectives of instruction.
210 Support Services - Students. Activities designed to assess and improve the well being of
students and to supplement the teaching process.
211 Attendance and Social Work Services (except Social Workers’ Salaries & Fringe
Benefits). Activities designed to improve student attendance at school and which
attempt to prevent or solve student problems.
These services include the supervision of attendance and social work services; they
include the identification of nonattendance patterns, promotion of improved attitudes
toward attendance, analysis of nonattendance, and enforcement of attendance laws; and
they include the investigation and diagnosis of student problems arising from the home,
school, or community, casework and group work services for the child or parent, and
communications with other staff about student problems. This area does not include the
cost of School Social Workers salaries and fringe benefits. However, all other
Attendance and Social Work Services costs are charged here.
Student accounting services - the collection, maintenance, and reporting of school
attendance records, family characteristics data, census data, and other pertinent
information are included here.
211.1 Social Worker Services Salary and Fringe Benefits The salaries and fringe benefits of
all School Social Workers are included here. All other costs associated with School
Social Worker Services must appear in 211 Attendance and Social Work Services
(except Social Workers Salaries & Fringe Benefits).
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Code Description
213 Health Services. (Except School Nurses’ Salaries & Fringe Benefits) Physical and
mental health services, which are not direct instruction. This function includes
supervision of health services, health appraisal (including screening for vision,
communicable diseases, and hearing deficiencies), screening for psychiatric services, and
periodic health examinations, emergency injury and illness care, dental services, and
communications with parents and medical officials. This area does not include salary and
fringe benefits for School Nurses. However, all other Health Services costs are charged
213.1 School Nurses Services This area includes the salary and fringe benefits of all School
Nurses. All other costs associated with Health Services and School Nurses are charged
in 213 Health Services.
Related Services. Physical and mental health services, which are not direct instruction.
This function includes supervision of health services, health appraisal (including
screening for vision, communicable diseases, and hearing deficiencies), screening for
psychiatric services, and periodic health examinations, emergency injury and illness care,
nursing services, and communications with parents and medical officials. It also includes
physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech teacher, speech therapist, and
counseling, etc.
217 Student Extraordinary Services. Services for one-to-one aides, which would include the
salary and fringe benefits of all of this type of staff. These costs are not included in the
total allowable costs when calculating the Certified Actual Cost Per Pupil.
218 Other Support Services - Students - Regular. Guidance services and any other activities,
supplemental to the teaching process, that are designed to assess and improve the well
being of students. Guidance services involve counseling with students and parents,
consulting with other staff members on learning problems, evaluating the abilities of
students, assisting students in their educational and career plans, assisting students in
personal and social development, providing referral assistance, and working with other
staff members in planning and conducting guidance programs for students. Guidance
services also include record maintenance services - the compiling, maintaining, and
interpreting of records of individuals for such factors as physical and medical status,
standardized test results, personal and social development, school performance, and
home background - and they include placement services the placing of students for
educational and occupational situations.
This includes the cost of food/beverages for
staff meetings, parent/teacher meetings, workshops and professional development or
teacher’s meetings not to exceed $3,000.
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Code Description
220 Support Services - Instructional Staff. Activities associated with assisting the
instructional staff with the content and process of providing learning experiences for
221 Improvement of Instruction Services. Activities primarily for assisting instructional staff
in planning, developing, and evaluating the process of providing learning experiences for
students. These activities include supervision of instruction services, curriculum
development, techniques of instruction, child development and understanding, staff
training, etc. Department chairperson activities are not assigned here; they are assigned
to function 240.
222 Educational Media Services (except School Librarians salaries and fringe benefits).
Activities concerned with the use of all teaching and learning resources, including
hardware, and content materials. Educational media are defined as any devices, content
materials, methods, or experiences used for teaching and learning purposes. Educational
media services include school library services, except School Librarians salaries and
fringe benefits, audiovisual services, educational television services, and computer
assisted instruction services. School library services involve selecting, acquiring,
preparing, cataloging, and circulating books and other printed materials; planning the use
of the library by students, teachers and other members of the instructional staff; and
guiding individuals in their use of library books and materials, whether maintained
separately or as a part of an instructional materials center. Textbooks should not to be
charged to this function but rather to function 100. Audiovisual services involve
selecting, preparing, caring for, and making available to members of the instructional
staff equipment, films, filmstrips, transparencies, tapes, TV programs, and similar
materials. This area does not include salaries and fringe benefits of School Librarians.
However, all other costs associated with Educational Media Services and School
Librarians are charged here.
School Librarians (Salary and Fringe Benefits only) - This area includes only the salary
and fringe benefits for School Librarians. All other costs associated with School
Librarians must appear in 222 Educational Media Services.
Educational television services concern the planning, programming, writing, and
presenting of educational programs or segments of programs by closed circuit or
broadcast television.
Computer-assisted instruction services include the development of educational projects
that use a computer as the principle medium of instruction. The actual provision of
computer-assisted instruction is recorded under the instruction function.
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Code Description
223 Instructional Staff Training Services. Activities concerned with the use of all teaching
and learning resources, including hardware, and content materials. Educational media
are defined as any devices, content materials, methods, or experiences used for teaching
and learning purposes. Educational media services
include school library services, audiovisual services, educational television services, and
computer assisted instruction services.
230 Support Services - General Administration. Activities concerned with establishing and
administering policy for operating the private school for students with disabilities. These
include all activities in the offices of the superintendent, assistant superintendent,
director, assistant director, and executive director. Meetings for the general
administration and expenses for legal advice are also included as are the activities of
external auditors.
Support Services - School Administration. Activities concerned with overall
administrative responsibility for a school. They include the activities performed by the
principal, assistant principals, vice principals and other assistants while they supervise
operations of the school, evaluate school staff members, assign duties to staff members,
supervise and maintain the records of the school, and coordinate school instructional
activities with those of the private school for students with disabilities. These activities
include the work of clerical staff in support of teaching and administrative duties.
Graduation expenses, full-time department chairpersons’ expenditures, and the prorated
expenditures of part-time department chairpersons are also included in this function. If
proration of expenditures is not possible for department chairpersons who also teach,
those expenditures are included in instruction.
262 Operation and Maintenance of Plant Services. Activities concerned with keeping the
physical plant open, comfortable, and safe for use, and keeping the grounds, buildings,
and equipment in effective working condition for both the school facilities and
administrative facilities. These include the activities of maintaining safety in buildings, on
the grounds, and in the vicinity of schools. Included in this function are supervision of
operation and maintenance services; operation, repair, replacement, and cleaning of
building facilities and equipment such as heating, lighting, and ventilating systems; care
and upkeep of grounds including landscaping, snow removal, and grounds maintenance;
care and upkeep of equipment such as furniture, machines, and movable equipment;
provision of security services including police activities for school functions, traffic
control on grounds, building alarm systems, and hall monitoring; and operation and
maintenance of vehicles (other than for pupil transportation vehicles) such as trucks,
tractors, graders, and staff vehicles. Also included in this function are the costs of
building rental and property insurance.
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Code Description
270 Student Transportation Services. Activities concerned with conveying students between
the school and school activities. This function includes supervision of student
transportation services, vehicle operation services, monitoring services, and vehicle
servicing and maintenance services. Vehicle operations services involve operating buses
or other vehicles for student transportation, from the time the vehicles leave the point of
storage until they return to the point of storage. Monitoring services entail supervising
students as they are transported between
home and school and between school and school activities. Such supervision can occur
while students are in transit and while they are being loaded and unloaded. Vehicle
servicing and maintenance services include repairing vehicle parts, replacing vehicle
parts, cleaning, painting, fueling vehicles, and inspecting vehicles for safety.
290 Business and Other Support Services. All other support services not classified elsewhere
support services - business and support services - central.
Support services - business concerns the paying, transporting, exchanging, and
maintaining of goods and services for the private school for students with disabilities.
These include budgeting services, receiving and disbursing services, financial and
property accounting, payroll, inventory control, internal auditing, managing funds,
purchasing services, warehouse and distributing services, and printing, publishing and
duplicating services. The chief business official and the activities of the chief business
official expenditures are included here.
Support services - central involves activities other than general administration which
support instructional and support services programs. These include planning, evaluation,
information services, data processing services, and staff services.
Information services are concerned with writing, editing, and other preparation necessary
to disseminate educational and administrative information to students, staff, and
managers through direct mailing, news media, or personal contact.
Data processing services are concerned with the preparation, storage, and retrieval of
data for management and reporting.
Staff services are concerned with maintaining an efficient staff for the school system. It
includes such activities as recruitment and placement, staff transfers, in-service training
(for non-instructional staff), health services, and staff accounting.
300 Operation of Non-Instructional Services. Activities concerned with providing non-
instructional services to students, staff, or the community.
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Code Description
310 Food Service Operations. Activities concerned with providing food to students and staff
in a school or private school for students with disabilities. This service area includes
preparing and serving regular and incidental meals, lunches, or snacks in connection with
school activities.
400 Facilities Acquisition and Construction Services. Activities concerned with acquiring
land and buildings, remodeling buildings, constructing buildings and additions to
buildings, initially installing or extending service systems and other built-in equipment,
and improving sites.
500 Other Uses. A number of outlays of governmental funds are not properly classified as
expenditures or do not meet the classification criteria of the preceding functions, but still
require budgetary or accounting control. These are classified under “Other Outlays.
These accounts are not used with proprietary funds.
510 Debt Service. Servicing the debt of the private school for students with disabilities,
including payments of interest and depreciation. Interest on current loans is charged to
function 290.
This dimension is used to describe the service or commodity obtained as the result of a specific
expenditure. There are nine major object categories, each of which is fuller divided. The following are
definitions of the object classes and selected subject categories:
Code Description
Personal Services - Salaries. Amounts paid to both permanent and temporary private
school for students with disabilities employees including personnel substituting for those
in permanent positions and part-time employees. For individuals assigned to more than
one activity, their salaries should be prorated according to the amount of time spent in
each activity. Used with all functions except 500.
Salaries of Teachers. The salaries for all teaching services rendered to pupils including
the services of part-time and substitute teachers. Salaries of teachers on sabbatical leave
are recorded here. The salaries of department chairpersons who also teach are prorated
between this object and 104, Salaries of Other Professional Staff. The salary of a head
teacher acting as a principal should be recorded entirely under object 103. Used only
with function 100.
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Code Description
102 Salaries of Supervisors of Instruction. The salaries for services rendered as general or
subject supervisors of instruction. Supervisors of instruction assist teachers in improving
instructional methods and the learning process. Used only with functions 221 and 223.
103 Salaries of Principals/Assistant Principals. The salaries of principals, assistant principals,
and other personnel performing the function of a principal. The salaries of a head
teacher acting as principal should be recorded here. When teachers or other instructional
staff is assigned administrative duties usually performed by the assistant principal and
given extra pay for these duties, the salaries for these extra services are also recorded
here. Used only with function 240.
104 Salaries of Other Professional Staff. The salaries for services rendered by professional
staff not recorded in the above objects. Salaries of supervisors of instruction may not be
include in this object code.
105 Salaries of Secretarial and Clerical Assistants.
Detail breakout required with function 218, 221, 223, and 240. Otherwise, may be
included in object 100.
106 Other Salaries for Instruction. The salaries for any assistants or aides to instructional
staff other than secretarial and clerical personnel including IEP required in-house student
job positions. Used only with function 100.
Salaries for Pupil Transportation (Other Than Between Home and School). The amount
paid to private school for students with disabilities employees for transporting students
for school activities other than between home and school. Used only with function 270.
Other Salaries. Salaries not recorded in other objects. Used only with functions 218,
221, 223, and 240.
200 Personal Services - Employee Benefits. Amounts paid by the private school for
students with disabilities on behalf of employees; these amounts are not included in the
gross salary, but are in addition to that amount. Such payments are fringe benefits and,
while not paid directly to employees, nevertheless is part of the cost of personal services.
Included in this category are group insurance, social security contributions, retirement
contributions, tuition reimbursement, unemployment compensation, workmens
compensation, and unused sick leave.
Employee Benefits (except Pension). Cost of all allowable fringe benefits (except
pension) which includes group life insurance and any other allowable group insurance,
the employer's share of social security, unemployment compensation, workmen's
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compensation, health benefits including medical, vision and dental, and tuition
reimbursement paid to employees, unused sick leave, cost of drug testing and any other
employee benefit not listed.
210 Group Insurance. The employer’s share of group life insurance and any other type of
group insurance.
220 Social Security Contributions. The employer’s share of social security for employees.
232 Pensions Contributions. The employer’s share of expenditures for allowable pension
250 Unemployment Compensation.
260 Workmans Compensation.
270 Health Benefits that include medical, vision and dental.
Tuition Reimbursement.
Other Employee Benefits. Includes individual life insurance, group life insurance, unused
sick leave, cost of drug testing and any other employee benefit not listed.
300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services. Services, which by their nature can
be performed only by persons or firms with specialized skills and knowledge. While a
product may or may not result from the transaction, the primary reason for the purchase
is the service provided. Included are the services of architects, engineers, auditors,
dentists, medical doctors, lawyers, consultants, teachers, accountants, etc.
320 Purchased Professional - Educational Services. Services supporting the instructional
program and its administration. Included would be curriculum improvement services,
counseling and guidance services, library and media support, and contracted instructional
Detail breakout required with function 100, 216, 217, 218, 221, and 223. Otherwise,
may be included in object 300.
Code Description
330 Other Purchased Professional Services. Expenditures for purchased professional
services other than professional-educational services. Included are management
consultant services, school management support activities, election services medical
services, legal services, architectural services, accounting services, auditing services,
negotiating services, and other such services.
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Detail breakout required with function 290. Otherwise, may be included in object 300.
331 Legal Services. All legal services except those specifically addressed in object code 332
below. All legal services are recorded under function 230.
332 Legal Services. All legal services in connection with the school defending against any
legal action.
339 Other Professional Services.
Used to record other purchased professional services other than legal services under
function 230. Used only with function 230.
340 Purchased Technical Services. Services to the private school for students with
disabilities, which are not regarded as professional but require basic scientific knowledge,
manual skills, or both. Included are data processing services, purchasing and
warehousing services, graphic arts, and the like.
Other Purchased Professional and Technical Services.
This object is used to record expenditures for other types of purchased professional
services and technical services under those functions.
Purchased Property Services. Services purchased to operate, repair, maintain, and rent
property owned or used by the private school for students with disabilities. These
services are performed by persons other than private school for students with disabilities
employees. While a product may or may not result from the transaction, the primary
reason for the purchase is the service provided. Included are utility services for water
and sewage, cleaning services, repair and maintenance services, and rentals of land,
buildings, equipment and vehicles.
420 Cleaning, Repair and Maintenance Services. Services by non-district personnel for
cleaning buildings and for repairs and maintenance. Cleaning services include garbage
disposal services, snowplowing services, custodial services, and lawn care. Repairs and
maintenance services include contracts and agreements covering the upkeep of buildings
and equipment, but do not include costs for renovating and
Code Description
remodeling. The determination of a repair or maintenance cost is not based on the total
amount of the cost
. Used only with function 262 and 270.
Rentals. Costs for renting land, building, equipment, and vehicles. The rental of land
and buildings is reported under function 262, object 441. The rentals or leasing of
equipment and vehicles is included under the appropriate function (usually 100 or 200
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series) and program code in object 490, 500, or 590, depending upon the level of detail
441 Rental of Land and Buildings. Expenditures for rental of land and buildings for both
temporary and long-range use by the private school for students with disabilities.
Includes renting of both school and administrative facilities. Used only with function
450 Construction Services. Includes amounts for constructing, renovating, and remodeling
paid to contractors. Used only with function 400.
490 Other Purchased Property Services. Purchased property services which are not classified
above, such as water and sewage utilities. Telephone services are not included here but
rather in object 530 in function 230. Used only with function 262.
500 Other Purchased Services. Amounts paid for services rendered by organizations or
personnel not on the payroll of the private school for students with disabilities (separate
from professional and technical services or property services). While a product may or
may not result from the transaction, the primary reason for the purchase is the service
provided. Included are student transportation services, insurance (other than employee
benefits), communications, advertising, printing and binding, tuition food service
management, travel, etc.
Cost of telephone line(s) for Internet service for instructional
purposes would be included here.
512 Contracted Services (Other Than Between Home and School) - Vendors. The
expenditures to vendors for transporting students for school activities other than
between home and school. Used only with function 270.
Insurance. Expenditures for all types of insurance coverage other than fringe benefits,
including property, liability and fidelity. School related insurance would be recorded
under function 230, object 590. Transportation related insurance would be reported
under function 270, object 593.
Code Description
530 Communications/Telephone. Expenditures for telephone and communication services
including rental of equipment. This object includes expenses for postage equipment
rental and postage. Used only with function 230. Does not include cost of telephone
line(s) for Internet service for instructional purposes.
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590 Miscellaneous Purchased Services. Purchased services other than those described above.
Interdistrict payments other than tuition and transportation are reported here.
593 Miscellaneous Purchased Services - Transportation. Purchased services in the 500 series
other than cleaning, repair, and maintenance services and contracted transportation
services. Transportation related insurance would be reported here. Used only with
function 270.
600 Supplies and Materials. Amounts paid for material items of an expendable nature that
are consumed, worn out, or deteriorated by use; or items that lose their identity through
fabrication or incorporation into different or more complex units or substances. Included
are general supplies (including freight and cartage), energy, food, books and periodicals,
etc. The cost of non-instructional equipment and furniture, which cost less than $2,000
per item are recorded here.
610 General Supplies. Expenditures for all supplies, other than those listed in objects 620
and 640, for the operation of a private school for students with disabilities including
freight and cartage. Includes expenditures for reference books other than the initial
purchase of library books. The cost of instructional equipment and furniture, which cost
less than $2,000 per item are recorded here. Used with all functions except 500. Costs
for non-instructional equipment and furniture are recorded under Supplies and Materials
in object 600.
Energy. Expenditures for energy, including gas, oil, coal, gasoline, and services received
from public or private utility companies other than water and sewage. Used with
function 262.
640 Textbooks. Expenditures for textbooks furnished free to pupils, binding and other
textbook repairs, and freight and cartage of textbooks. Expenditures for books not
meeting this definition are included in object 610. Used only with function 100.
Property. Expenditures for acquiring fixed assets, including land or existing buildings,
improvements of grounds, initial equipment, and replacement of equipment.
Code Description
740 Depreciation of Equipment, Furniture and Capital Costs. Depreciation expenditures for
the initial, additional, and replacement items of equipment and furniture costing $2,000
or more per item and depreciation of capital assets.
800 Other Objects
. Amounts paid for goods and services not classified above.
Judgments Against the School District. Expenditures from current funds for all
judgments against the school district that are not covered by liability insurance, but are of
a type that might have been covered by insurance. Judgments against the school district
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resulting from failure to pay bills are recorded under the appropriate expenditure
account. Legal expenses for defending against judgments are not recorded here; they are
recorded under object 331. Use only with function 230.
830 Interest. Expenditures for interest on bonds or notes. Used with functions 290 and 510.
831 Interest on Current Loans. Used only with function 290.
832 Interest for Lease Purchase Agreements.
Amounts paid for interest under lease purchase
agreements for land and buildings. Used only with function 290.
Miscellaneous Expenditures
. Amounts paid for goods or services not properly classified
in one of the above objects. Includes expenditures of assessments for membership in
professional or other organizations or payment to a paying agent for services rendered.
Other Uses of Funds. This object is used to classify transactions which are not properly
recorded as expenditures but do not meet the classification criteria of the preceding
911 Depreciation. The portion of the cost of a building using straight line depreciation.
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The following expenditure account outline lists the minimum level of detail to be maintained in the
Chart of Accounts for compliance with DOE and federal reporting requirements. This handbook has
described in detail the funds, programs, functions, and objects that comprise the coding structure of the
Chart of Accounts. Appendix A illustrates a coding structure that incorporates the minimum function
and object detail required to meet the aforementioned reporting requirements for each program. As
reporting needs differ among programs, the function and object coding may be structured at the
category or subcategory level.
11 General Current Expense
200 Special Education Combined
100 Instruction
101 Salaries of Teacher
104 Salaries of Other Professional Staff
106 Other Salaries for Instruction
205 Employee Benefits (except Pension)
232 Pension Contribution
320 Purchased Professional-Educational Services
340 Purchased Technical Services
500 Other Purchased Services
610 General Supplies (including other books and periodicals)
640 Textbooks
800 Other Objects
201 Special Education Cognitive - Mild
function and object same as program 200
202 Special Education Cognitive - Moderate
function and object same as program 200
204 Special Education Learning and/or Language Disabilities
function and object same as program 200
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206 Special Education Visual Impairments
function and object same as program 200
207 Special Education Auditory Impairments
function and object same as program 200
209 Special Education Behavior Disabilities
function and object same as program 200
212 Special Education Multiply Disabilities
function and object same as program 200
214 Special Education Autism
function and object same as program 200
215 Special Education Preschool Disabilities Part-Time
function and object same as program 200
216 Special Education Preschool Disabilities Full-Time
function and object same as program 200
222 Special Education Cognitive Severe
function and object same as program 200
320 Special Vocational Programs
function and objects same as program 200
401 School-Sponsored Cocurricular Activities
100 Instruction
100 Salaries
205 Employee Benefits (except Pension)
232 Pension Contribution
500 Purchased Services (300-500 Series)
600 Supplies and Materials
800 Other Objects
402 School-Sponsored Athletics
function and objects same as program 401
000 Undistributed Expenditures
211 Attendance and Social Work Services (except Social Workers Salaries & Fringes)
100 Salaries
205 Employee Benefits (except Pension)
232 Pension Contribution
300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services
500 Other Purchased Services
600 Supplies and Materials
800 Other Objects
211.1 Social Workers Salaries and Fringes only
100 Salaries
205 Employee Benefits (except Pension)
232 Pension Contribution
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213 Health Services (except School Nurses’ Salary & Fringes)
objects same as function 211
213.1 Health Services School Nurses’ Salary and Fringes only
100 Salaries
205 Employee Benefits (except Pension)
223 Pension Contribution
216 Other Support Services Related Services
100 Salaries of Other Professional Staff
205 Employee Benefits (except Pension)
232 Pension Contribution
320 Purchased Professional-Educational Services
600 Supplies and Materials
800 Other Objects
217 Other Support Services Extraordinary Services
100 Salaries of Other Professional Staff
205 Employee Benefits (except Pension)
232 Pension Contribution
218 Other Support Services - Students - Regular (guidance, etc.)
104 Salaries of Other Professional Staff
105 Salaries of Secretarial and Clerical Assistants
110 Other Salaries
205 Employee Benefits (except Pension)
232 Pension Contribution
320 Purchased Professional-Educational Services
390 Other Purchased Professional and Technical Services
500 Other Purchased Services
600 Supplies and Materials
800 Other Objects
894 Miscellaneous Expenditures Meetings/Other
221 Improvement of Instruction Services/Other Support
Services - Instructional Staff
102 Salaries of Supervisors of Instruction
104 Salaries of Other Professional Staff
105 Salaries of Secretarial and Clerical Assistants
110 Other Salaries
205 Employee Benefits (except Pension)
232 Pension Contribution
320 Purchased Professional - Educational Services
390 Other Purchased Professional and Technical Services
500 Other Purchased Services
600 Supplies and Materials
800 Other Objects
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222 Educational Media Services/School Library (except School Librarians Salary & Fringes)
100 Salaries
205 Employee Benefits (except Pension)
232 Pension Contribution
300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services
500 Other Purchased services
600 Supplies and Materials
800 Other Objects
222.1 School Librarians Salary and Fringe Benefits
100 Salaries of School Librarians
205 Employee Benefits (except Pension)
232 Pension Contribution
223 Instructional Training Services
102 Salaries of Supervisors of Instruction
104 Salaries of Other Professional Staff
105 Salaries of Secretarial and Clerical Assistants
110 Other Salaries
205 Employee Benefits (except Pension)
232 Pension Contribution
320 Purchased Professional - Educational Services
390 Other Purchased Professional and Technical Services
500 Other Purchased Services
600 Supplies and Materials
801 Other Objects
230 Support Services - General Administration
100 Salaries
205 Employee Benefits (except Pension)
232 Pension Contribution
331 Legal Services (all legal costs except those in 332)
332 Legal ServicesLawsuits (defending and/or initiating litigation)
339 Other Purchased Professional Services
340 Purchased Technical Services
530 Communications/Telephone
590 Other Purchased Services
600 Supplies and Materials
820 Judgments Against The School District
890 Miscellaneous Expenditures
891 Miscellaneous Expenditures - Advertising Expenditures (Restricted)
892 Miscellaneous Expenditures Entertainment
893 Miscellaneous Expenditures Real Estate Taxes
896 Miscellaneous Expenditures Bad Debts (after three years of collection attempts)
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240 Support Services - School Administration
103 Salaries of Principals/Assistant Principals
104 Salaries of Other Professional Staff
105 Salaries of Secretarial and Clerical Assistants
110 Other Salaries
205 Employee Benefits (except Pension)
232 Pension Contribution
300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services
500 Other Purchased Services
600 Supplies and Materials
800 Other Objects
262 Operation and Maintenance of Plant Services
100 Salaries
205 Employee Benefits (except Pension)
232 Pension Contribution
300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services
420 Cleaning, Repair, and Maintenance Services
441 Rental of Land and Buildings-Other than Lease Purchase Agreements
490 Other Purchased Property Services
520 Insurance
590 Miscellaneous Purchased Services
610 General Supplies
620 Energy (Heat and Electricity)
800 Other Objects
270 Student Transportation Services
109 Salaries for Pupil Transportation (Other Than Between Home
and School)
205 Employee Benefits (except Pension)
232 Pension Contribution
390 Other Purchased Professional and Technical Services
420 Cleaning, Repair, and Maintenance Services
442 Rental Payments School Buses
512 Contracted Services (Other Than Between Home and School) -
593 Miscellaneous Purchased Services- Transportation
600 Supplies and Materials
890 Miscellaneous Expenditures
290 Business and Other Support Services
100 Salaries
205 Employee Benefits (except Pension)
232 Pension Contribution
330 Purchased Professional Services
340 Purchased Technical Services
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500 Other Purchased Services
600 Supplies and Materials
831 Interest on Current Loans
832 Interest for Lease Purchase Agreements
890 Miscellaneous Expenditures
895 Miscell. Expenditures Corporation Taxes on Tuition Income
310 Food Services
100 Salaries
205 Employee Benefits (except Pension)
232 Pension Contribution
600 Supplies and Materials
800 Other Objects
400 Facilities Acquisition and Construction Services
100 Salaries
331 Legal Services
390 Other Purchased Professional and Technical Services
450 Construction Services
610 General Supplies
800 Other Objects
12 Capital Outlay
200 Special Education Instruction
100 Instruction
740 Depreciation
201 Special Education Cognitive Mild
function and object same as program 200
202 Special Education Cognitive Moderate
function and object same as program 200
204 Special Education Learning and/or Language Disabilities
function and object same as program 200
206 Special Education - Visual Impairments
function and object same as program 200
207 Special Education - Auditory Impairments
function and object same as program 200
209 Special Education Behavior Disabilities
function and object same as program 200
212 Special Educate - Multiply Disabilities
function and object same as program 200
214 Special Education - Autism
function and object same as program 200
215 Special Education-Preschool Disabilities - Part-Time
function and object same as program 200
216 Special Education - Preschool Disabilities - full-time
function and object same as program 200
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222 Special Education – Cognitive Severe
function and object same as program 200
320 Special Vocational Education
function and object same as program 200
000 Undistributed Expenditures
100 Instruction
740 Depreciation
210 Other Support Services-Students-Regular (211, 213, 216, 218)
740 Depreciation
220 Support Services-Instructional Staff (221, 222, 223)
740 Depreciation
230 General Administration
740 Depreciation
240 School Administration
740 Depreciation
262 Operation and Maintenance of Plant Services
740 Depreciation
270 Student Transportation
740 Depreciation
290 Business and Other Support Services
740 Depreciation
310 Food Services
740 Depreciation
400 Facilities Acquisition and Construction Services
740 Depreciation
40 Debt Service Funds
701 Debt Service - Regular
510 Debt Service
830 Interest
911 Depreciation
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The purposed Chart of Accounts contains a total of 326 line items, which include lines for all possible
program types (Cognitive Moderate, Multiple Disabilities, Autism, etc.) if a private school chooses to
charge tuition rates by program types. If a private School charges only one tuition rate for the entire
program this will eliminate lines 12 though 132 and 283 through 304. Private schools that don’t
provide a vocational program may eliminate lines 133 through 142.
1. Special Education Programs - Instruction (11-200-100-101 or 104 or 106 or 205 or 232 or 320
or 340 or 500 or 610 or 640 or 800)
The salaries of teachers of the handicapped and substitutes should be recorded in object 101.
The cost of additional compensation paid to teachers for services such as hall monitors,
detention, and lunchroom aides are also included here. If other employees provide such
services, the costs are not recorded here but under Other Operation and Maintenance of Plant
Services. Additional compensation paid to teachers for chaperoning educational activities are
recorded here. Those chaperoning activities related to social events are recorded under School
Sponsored Cocurricular Activities.
is used for those private schools that are charging only one tuition
rate per school. This section is to record direct classroom instruction for the costs of teachers of the
handicapped and teachers such as but not limited to art, science, math, physical education, etc.
The salaries of all subject area teachers such as but not limited to math, science, art, music,
physical education, reading, English, etc. would be recorded in object 104.
The salaries of assistants or aides to instructional staff other than secretarial and clerical
personnel including IEP required in-house student job positions would be recorded in object
If benefits are allocated to the individual program/function, all benefits except pension are
charged to object 205 and pension is charged to object 232. If benefits are not allocated they
are charged to unallocated benefits by object code 210, 220, 232, 250, 260, 270, 280, 290,
under function 291.
Purchased services (320, 340) include those contracted services that are related to special
education instruction provided in the classroom with the breakout between professional-
educational, technical, and other purchased services. These would include amounts paid for
assembly speakers or standardized specific subject exams.
Other purchased services include any rental or lease purchase of equipment for regular program
classroom use would be recorded in object 500. Communication costs directly related to the
provision of classroom instruction (dedicated lines to district technology labs or classrooms)
would also be budgeted here.
General supplies include those teaching supplies other than textbooks such as workbooks, tests,
chalk, paper, pencils, paints, other classroom supplies, filmstrips, periodicals, and other
reference items for specific regular classroom use are recorded in object 610. Such items used
for general reference are recorded under Educational Media Services/School Library. The cost
of instructional equipment and furniture, which cost less than $2,000 per item are recorded here.
Textbooks are recorded in object 640.
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Other objects (800) include those classroom costs for special education instruction that are not
included in the above classifications such as expenditures for dues and fees for teachers'
membership in professional or other organizations. The admission costs for field trips made as
part of the regular instruction program are also recorded here. The admission costs of field
trips, which are purely recreational, are recorded under School-Sponsored Cocurricular
2. Special Education - Instruction (11-201-100-101 to 11-222-100-800) If the private school for
students with disabilities will not be charging separate tuition rates by program type, the school must
disregard these line items. These line items are only used for those private schools that intend to charge
separate tuition rates by program type for program types such as Cognitive Mild, Cognitive
Moderate, Learning and/or Language Disabilities, Visual Impairments, Auditory Impairments,
Behavioral Disabilities, Multiple Disabilities, Autism Preschool Disabilities Part Time, Preschool
Disabilities Full Time and Cognitive Severe. Those private schools for students with disabilities only
charging one per diem tuition rate must use #1. Special Education Instruction line items 11-200-100-
101 to 11-200-100-800. If the private school chooses to charge separate tuition rates by program type
please refer to item #1 above for the explanation of the object codes.
3. Special Vocational Programs Instruction (11-320-100-101 or 106 or 205 or 232 or 320 or 340
or 500 or 610 or 640 or 800)
Salaries of vocational teachers are recorded in object 101.
is used to record the classroom costs of providing the vocational program
in the private school for students with disabilities.
The salaries of assistants and aides working in the vocational program including IEP required in-
house student job positions are recorded in object 106.
If benefits are allocated to the individual program/function, all benefits except pension are
charged to object 205 and pension is charged to object 232. If benefits are not allocated they
are charged to unallocated benefits by object code 210, 220, 232, 250, 260, 270, 280, 290,
under function 291.
Purchased services (320, 340) include those contracted services that are related to the
vocational program provided in the classroom with the breakout between professional-
educational and technical services.
Other purchased services for the vocational program include any rental or lease purchase of
equipment for classroom use is recorded in object 500.
General supplies for the vocational program include those teaching supplies other than
textbooks such as workbooks, tests, chalk, paper, pencils, paints, and other classroom supplies
are recorded in object 610. The cost of instructional equipment and furniture, which cost less
than $2,000 per item are recorded here.
Textbooks for the vocational program are recorded in object 640.
Other objects (800) include those classroom costs that are not included in the above
4. School-Sponsored Cocurricular Activities (11-401-100-100 or 205 or 232 or 500 or 600 or 800)
is used to record the costs associated with private school for students with disabilities sponsored
cocurricular activities such as entertainment, publications, clubs, band, and orchestra.
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The salaries related to the cocurricular activities such as teachers and support staff including
assistants, aides, and secretarial and clerical staff is recorded in object 100.
If benefits are allocated to the individual program/function, all benefits except pension are
charged to object 205 and pension is charged to object 232.
Purchased services include those contracted services related to the cocurricular activities (other
than transportation) along with any equipment rentals or lease purchases are recorded in object
Supplies and materials for the cocurricular activities are recorded in object 600. The cost of
non-instructional equipment and furniture, which cost less than $2,000 per item are recorded
Other objects include those costs related to the cocurricular activities that are not included in the
above classifications are recorded in object 800.
5. School-Sponsored Athletics (11-402-100-100 or 500 or 600 or 800)
The salaries related to school sponsored athletics such as teachers and support staff including
assistants, aides, and secretarial and clerical staff is recorded in object 100.
is used to record the costs
associated with athletic programs in the private school for students with disabilities.
If benefits are allocated to the individual program/function, all benefits except pension are
charged to object 205 and pension is charged to object 232.
Purchased services include those contracted services related to the athletics program (other than
transportation) such as amounts paid to outside doctors for sports physicals or officials along
with any equipment rentals or lease purchases are recorded in object 500.
Supplies and materials for the athletics program are recorded in object 600. The cost of non-
instructional equipment and furniture, which cost less than $2,000 per item are recorded here.
Other objects include those costs related to the athletics program that are not included in the
above classifications are recorded in object 800.
6. Undistributed Expenditures - Attendance and Social Work Services Except Social Workers
Salaries and Fringes (11-000-211-100 or 205 or 232 or 300 or 500 or 600 or 800) is used to record
the expenditures associated with activities designed to improve student attendance at school and which
attempt to prevent or solve student problems. These services include the supervision of attendance and
social work services (except Social Workers’ salaries and fringe benefits); they include the identification
of nonattendance patterns, promotion of improved attitudes towards attendance, and enforcement of
attendance laws; and they include the investigation and diagnosis of student problems arising from the
home, school, casework and group services for the child or parent, and communications with other staff
about student problems. The collection, maintenance, and reporting of school attendance records,
family characteristics data, and other important information is recorded here.
The full-time, part-time, and prorated salaries of all employees
Salaries and fringe
benefits for Social Workers are not recorded here but in section 6a Undistributed Expenditures - Social
Workers Salaries and Fringes Only (11-000-211.1-100 or 205 or 232). All other costs associated with
Attendance and Social Work Services are recorded here.
except Social Workers’ salaries
performing the aforementioned activities, including secretarial and clerical, are recorded in
object 100.
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If benefits are allocated to the individual program/function, all benefits except pension are
charged to object 205 and pension is charged to object 232. If benefits are not allocated they
are charged to unallocated benefits by object code 210, 220, 232, 250, 260, 270, 280, 290,
under function 291. The fringe benefits of Social Workers are not recorded here.
Purchased professional and technical services are used to record consulting fees paid for services
which support the attendance and social work program and its administration. Included would be
any outside support services, improvement services, and any contracted service related to the
provision of attendance or social work services are recorded in object 300.
Other purchased services include the rental or lease purchase of equipment related to this
support service and the travel for these staff is recorded in object 500.
Supplies and materials used to record attendance and social work forms, office supplies, books
and periodicals, and other items that are consumed, worn out, or deteriorated through use are
recorded in object 600. The cost of non-instructional equipment and furniture, which cost less
than $2,000 per item are recorded here.
Other objects used to record expenditures for dues and fees for attendance and social work
services staff membership in professional or other organizations. Miscellaneous expenditures for
goods or services not classified above are recorded in object 800.
6a. Undistributed Expenditures - Social Workers Salaries and Fringes Only (11-000-211.1-100
or 205 or 232) is used to record the expenditures associated with School Social Workers’ salaries and
fringe benefits only. All other costs associated with School Social Workers are charged to 6. (11-000-
211-300 or 500 or 600 or 800
The full-time, part-time, and prorated salaries of all school Social Workers’ salaries only are
recorded in object 100.
If benefits are allocated to the individual program/function, all benefits except pension are
charged to object 205 and pension is charged to object 232. If benefits are not allocated they
are charged to unallocated benefits by object code 210, 220, 232, 250, 260, 270, 280, 290,
under function 291.
7. Undistributed Expenditures - Health Services Except School Nurses’ Salaries and Fringes (11-
000-213-100 or 205 or 232 or 300 or 500 or 600 or 800) is used to record the costs associated with
physical and mental health services (except School Nurses’ salaries and fringe benefits) provided to
students which are not direct instruction, such as supervision of health services, health appraisals
(including screening for vision, communicable diseases, and hearing deficiencies), emergency injury and
illness care, nursing services, and communications with parents and medical officials. All other costs
associated with Health Services except School Nurses’ salaries and fringe benefits are recorded here
The salaries of health personnel, both professional and administrative are recorded in object 100
except the salaries of School Nurses which are recorded in 7a below and fringe benefits are also
recorded in 7a below. The salaries and fringe benefits of School Nurses are not recorded here
If benefits are allocated to the individual program/function, all benefits except pension are
charged to object 205 and pension is charged to object 232. If benefits are not allocated they
are charged to unallocated benefits by object code 210, 220, 232, 250, 260, 270, 280, 290,
under function 291.
Purchased professional and technical services (object 300) are used to record the consulting fees
for services, which support the health program and its administration. Included would be any
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outside support services, improvement services, and any contracted services related to the health
program, including health services by personnel who are not on the payroll of the private school.
Other purchased services (500) would include the rental or lease purchase of equipment related
to this support service and the travel for health program staff.
Supplies and materials (600) is used to record health program forms, medical supplies, office
supplies, books and periodicals, and other items that are consumed, worn out or deteriorated
through use. The cost of non-instructional equipment and furniture, which cost less than $2,000
per item are recorded here.
Other objects (800) are used to record expenditures for dues and fees for health program staff
membership in professional or other organizations. Miscellaneous expenditures for goods or
services not classified above should also be recorded in other objects.
7a. Undistributed Expenditures - School Nurses’ Salaries and Fringes (11-000-213.1-100 or 205
or 232) is used to record the costs associated with School Nursessalaries and fringe benefits only. All
other costs associated with School Nurses are recorded in Undistributed Expenditures - Health Services
Except School NursesSalaries and Fringes (11-000-213-300 or 500 or 600 or 800
The salaries of School Nurses are recorded in object 100.
If benefits are allocated to the individual program/function, all benefits except pension are
charged to object 205 and pension is charged to object 232. If benefits are not allocated they
are charged to unallocated benefits by object code 210, 220, 232, 250, 260, 270, 280, 290,
under function 291.
8. Undistributed Expenditures - Other Support Services - Students - Related Services (11-000-
216-100 or 205 or 232 or 320 or 600 or 800)
Object 100 is used to record the salaries of certified district employees providing those services.
is used to record the costs of related services provided to
students for services such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and counseling,
If benefits are allocated to the individual program/function, all benefits except pension are
charged to object 205 and pension is charged to object 232. If benefits are not allocated they
are charged to unallocated benefits by object code 210, 220, 232, 250, 260, 270, 280, 290,
under function 291.
If the services are contracted, they should be budgeted in object 320.
Supplies and materials for related services are recorded in object 600. The cost of non-
instructional equipment and furniture, which cost less than $2,000 per item are recorded here.
Other objects (800) are used to record expenditures for dues and fees for related services
program staff membership in professional or other organizations. Miscellaneous expenditures
for goods or services not classified above should also be recorded in other objects.
9. Undistributed Expenditures - Other Support Services - Students - Extraordinary Services (11-
000-217-100 or 205 or 232 or 320 or 600 or 800) is used to record the costs of services other than
related services provided to students as a result of an I.E.P. that are unique to individual students, such
as one-to-one aides. The total cost of these services is not included in the total costs to determine the
tuition rate charged public schools
Salaries paid to a one-to-one aide are recorded in object 100.
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All benefits except pension must
be charged to object 205 and pension is charged to object 232.
10. Undistributed Expenditures - Other Support Services - Students - Regular (11-000-218-104
or 105 or 110 or 205 or 232 or 320 or 390 or 500 or 600 or 800)
The full-time, part-time, and prorated salaries of all professional employees performing the
aforementioned activities are recorded in object 104.
is used to record the costs
associated with guidance services and any other activities supplemental to the teaching process that are
designed to assess and improve the well-being of students other than 1) attendance and social work
services, 2) health services, or 3) other support services - students - special. Guidance services includes
counseling with students and parents, consulting with other staff members on learning problems,
evaluating the abilities of students, assisting students in personal and social development, providing
referral assistance, and working with other staff members in planning and conducting guidance
programs for students. Guidance services also include record maintenance services - the compiling,
maintaining, and interpreting of records of individuals for such factors as physical and medical status,
standardized test results, personal and social development, school performance, and home background.
Salaries of secretarial and clerical assistants are recorded in object 105.
Other salaries (object 110).
If benefits are allocated to the individual program/function, all benefits except pension are
charged to object 205 and pension is charged to object 232. If benefits are not allocated they
are charged to unallocated benefits by object code 210, 220, 232, 250, 260, 270, 280, 290,
under function 291.
Purchased services is detailed between those that are professional-educational (object 320) and
other purchased professional and technical services (object 390) when recording consulting fees
paid for services which support the guidance and other services and their administration.
Included would be any outside support services, improvement services, and any contracted
service related to the provision of guidance and other student services.
Other purchased services (500) would include the rental or lease purchase of equipment related
to this support service and the travel for these staff.
Supplies and materials (object 600) is used to record guidance office forms, office supplies,
books and periodicals, and other items that are consumed, worn out, or deteriorated through
use. The cost of non-instructional equipment and furniture, which cost less than $2,000 per item
are recorded here.
Other objects (800) are used to record expenditures for dues and fees for guidance and other
student services staff membership in professional or other organizations. Miscellaneous
expenditures for goods or services not classified above should also be recorded in other objects.
Miscellaneous Other (894) is used for the cost of food/beverages for activities such as but not
limited to staff meeting, parent/teacher meetings, workshops and professional development
seminars for parent or teacher meetings, not to exceed $3,000.
11. Undistributed Expenditures - Improvement of Instruction Services/Other Support Services -
Instructional Staff (11-000-221-102 or 104 or 105 or 110 or 205 or 232 or 320 or 390 or 500 or 600
or 800) is used to record the costs associated with the assistance of instructional staff in planning,
developing, and evaluating the process of providing learning experiences for students. These activities
include supervision of instruction services, curriculum development, techniques of instruction, child
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development and understanding, etc. Department chairperson activities are not recorded here; they are
recorded in the school administration support services function.
The salaries recorded under this support service are segregated between supervisors of
instruction (object 102).
Other professional staff (object 104).
Secretarial and clerical assistants (object 105).
Other salaries (object 110) and include the salaries of curriculum coordinators and in-service
training staff. The additional compensation paid to teachers for curriculum development work
done during the summer months should be recorded under object 104.
If benefits are allocated to the individual program/function, all benefits except pension are
charged to object 205 and pension is charged to object 232. If benefits are not allocated they
are charged to unallocated benefits by object code 210, 220, 232, 250, 260, 270, 280, 290,
under function 291.
Purchased services is detailed between those that are professional-educational (object 320) and
other purchased professional and technical services (object 390) when recording consulting fees
paid for services which support the improvement of instruction services and its related
administration, including curriculum developers and presenters at workshops.
Other purchased services recorded in object 500 would include the rental or lease purchase of
equipment related to this support service, outside workshop fees, and the travel for these staff.
Supplies and materials (object 600) is used to record forms, office supplies, books and
periodicals, and other items that are consumed, worn out, or deteriorated through use. The cost
of non-instructional equipment and furniture, which cost less than $2,000 per item are recorded
Other objects (800) are used to record expenditures for dues and fees for improvement of
instruction services staff membership in professional or other organizations. Miscellaneous
expenditures for goods or services not classified above should also be recorded in other objects.
The professional development cost of teachers is not included in this cost center. It should be
included in Instructional Staff Training Services (11-000-223-XXX).
12. Undistributed Expenditures - Educational Media Services/School Library Except School
LibrariansSalaries and Fringes (11-000-222-100 or 205 or 232 or 300 or 500 or 600 or 800) is
used to record the costs associated with activities concerned with the use of all teaching and learning
resources, including hardware, and content materials. Educational media are defined as devices, content
materials, methods, or experiences used for teaching and learning purposes. Educational media services
include school library services except School Librarians salaries and fringe benefits), audiovisual
services, educational television services, and computer assisted instruction services. The actual
provision of computer-assisted instruction is recorded under the instruction function. School
Librarianssalaries and fringe benefits are not recorded here, but in 12a Undistributed Expenditures -
School Librarians Salaries and Fringes (11-000-222.1-100 or 205 or 232
The salaries of educational media personnel
(except School Librarians)
If benefits are allocated to the individual program/function, all benefits except pension are
charged to object 205 and pension is charged to object 232. If benefits are not allocated they
, both professional and
administrative, are recorded under object 100 and include school library staff, audiovisual staff,
educational television staff, and staff engaged in the development of computer-assisted
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are charged to unallocated benefits by object code 210, 220, 232, 250, 260, 270, 280, 290,
under function 291.
Purchased professional and technical services (object 300) is used to record the consulting fees
for services which support the educational media services program and its administration and
would include purchased services for on-line computer information retrieval for students.
Other purchased services (500) would include the rental or lease purchase of equipment related
to this support service and the travel for these staff. It would also include communications costs
directly related to educational media services/school library such as on-line reference services.
Supplies and materials (object 600) include expenditures for curricular books and periodicals
(but not textbooks, which should be included in instruction), films, filmstrips, transparencies,
tapes, TV programs, tape recordings, reference books, general use books and periodicals for use
by staff but not for classroom instruction. The cost of binding or other repairs to school library
books is recorded here. Other expenditure items that are consumed, worn out, or deteriorated
through use should be included in this object. The cost of non-instructional equipment and
furniture, which cost less than $2,000 per item are recorded here.
Other objects (800) are used to record expenditures for dues and fees for educational media
services staff membership in professional or other organizations. Miscellaneous expenditures for
goods or services not classified above should also be recorded in other objects.
12a. Undistributed Expenditures - School LibrariansSalaries and Fringes (11-000-222.1-100 or
205 or 232) is used to record the salaries and fringe benefits of School Librariansonly. All other costs
associated with Education Media Services except School Librarians salaries and fringe benefits are
recorded in 12. Undistributed Expenditures - Educational Media Services/School Library Except School
LibrariansSalaries and Fringes (11-000-222-300 or 500 or 600 or 800
The salaries of the School Librarians are recorded under object 100.
If benefits are allocated to the individual program/function, all benefits except pension are
charged to object 205 and pension is charged to object 232. If benefits are not allocated they
are charged to unallocated benefits by object code 210, 220, 232, 250, 260, 270, 280, and 290,
under function 291.
13. Undistributed Expenditures - Instructional Staff Training Services (11-000-223-102 or 104 or
105 or 110 or 205 or 232 or 320 or 390 or 500 or 600 or 800) is used to record the activities that
contribute to the professional or occupational growth and competence of members of the instructional
staff during the time of their service to the school. Professional development costs are defined as those
costs that represent reimbursement to teaching staff for attendance at out-of-school workshops and the
costs of professional development activities for teachers, which the district itself sponsors. The
reimbursed development costs of other staff members are recorded under the appropriate function of
budget. The costs of in-house programs for other staff members are included under Business and Other
Support Services. The reimbursed costs would include registration reimbursement, travel costs,
overnight accommodations, and meals. Stipends for attendance and related substitute costs are not
recorded here, but are budgeted in the applicable teachers’ salaries account. The direct costs for in-
house programs would include the reasonable allocation of staff time for program development costs
and costs for materials and supplies and any outside consultant fees and their related expenses.
Allocated costs may not include any costs related to the supervision or evaluation of staff or curriculum
work and any tuition reimbursements.
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The salaries recorded under this support service are segregated between supervisors of
instruction (object 102).
Other professional staff (object 104).
Secretarial and clerical assistants (object 105).
Other salaries (object 110) include the in-service training staff.
If benefits are allocated to the individual program/function, all benefits except pension are
charged to object 205 and pension is charged to object 232. If benefits are not allocated they
are charged to unallocated benefits by object code 210, 220, 232, 250, 260, 270, 280, 290,
under function 291.
Purchased services is detailed between those that are professional-educational (object 320) and
other purchased professional and technical services (object 390) when recording consulting fees
paid for services which support the instructional staff training services function and its related
administration, including presenters at workshops.
Other purchased services (400-500 series) recorded in object 500 would include the rental or
lease purchase of equipment related to this support service, outside workshop fees, and the
travel for these staff.
Supplies and materials (object 600) is used to record forms, office supplies, books and
periodicals, and other items that are consumed, worn out, or deteriorated through use. The cost
of non-instructional equipment and furniture, which cost less than $2,000 per item are recorded
Other objects (800) is used to record expenditures for dues and fees for instructional staff
training services staff membership in professional or other organizations. Miscellaneous
expenditures for goods or services not classified above should also be recorded in other objects.
14. Undistributed Expenditures - Support Services - General Administration (11-000-230-100 or
205 or 232 or 331 or 339 or 340 or 530 or 590 or 600 or 820 or 890 or 891 or 892 or 893 or 896)
The salaries of general administration personnel, both professional and administrative, are
recorded under object 100 and include staffs that are assigned to the central office of a private
school such as the superintendent's, assistant superintendent’s, director’s, assistant director’s
and executive director’s offices. Object 100 would also include the salaries of assistants,
secretarial and clerical personnel who provide general administrative services. The salaries and
related costs of assistant superintendents or other administrators for specific support services
should not be recorded here but rather should be recorded under the appropriate support
services function. If the chief school administrator also acts as a building principal, his/her salary
should be prorated between general administration and school administration. Under the Chart
of Accounts, there is no further allocation of the chief school administrator's salary between
other functions.
used to record the costs associated with activities concerned with the establishing and administering
policy for operating the private school for students with disabilities. These include the operation of the
superintendent's, assistant superintendent’s, director’s, assistant director’s and executive director’s
offices. Board of directors meetings and expenses for legal advice are also included, as are the activities
of external auditors. Legal fees should be accounted for on line 11-000-230-331. Central support
services, such as planning and evaluation, as well as data processing, should not be included here, but in
business and other support services.
If benefits are allocated to the individual program/function, all benefits except pension are
charged to object 205 and pension is charged to object 232. If benefits are not allocated they
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are charged to unallocated benefits by object code 210, 220, 232, 250, 260, 270, 280, and 290,
under function 291.
All legal services are recorded in object 331.
All other purchased professional services such as outside auditors; staff relations and negotiation
services are reported in object 339.
Any purchased technical services provided to the private school which are not regarded as
professional but require basic scientific knowledge, manual skills, or both related to the general
administration of the district are reported in object 340.
Communications/telephone costs must be separately reported from other purchased services in
the 500 series under this function in object 530. Communications/telephone includes all district-
wide costs for telephone and communication services, including the rental of related equipment.
This object also includes expenses for postage equipment rental and postage. Communication
costs related to direct dedicated lines to technology labs or classrooms are considered
instructional rather than district-wide.
All other purchased services related to the aforementioned services, such as legal ads, equipment
rental or lease purchase, board related insurance (liability and fidelity), and staff travel, are
reported in object 590.
General administration supplies (object 600) include expenditures for items that are consumed,
worn out, or deteriorated through use. Books and periodicals would also be included here. The
cost of non-instructional equipment and furniture, which cost less than $2,000 per item are
recorded here.
Object 820 includes expenditures from current funds for all judgments against the district that
are not covered by liability insurance, but are of a type that might have been covered by
insurance. Only amounts paid as a result of court decisions are recorded here. Judgments
against the district resulting from failure to pay bills are recorded under the appropriate
expenditure accounts as though the bills had been paid when due.
Miscellaneous expenditures consist of expenditures for dues and fees for general administration
staff for membership in professional or other organizations, including a school board association,
the write-off of uncollectible accounts receivable, and other miscellaneous goods or services not
classified above are included in object 890.
Costs for advertising the school program include but are not limited to cable TV, videos, open
houses, marketing and public relations. The total advertising costs are limited to 0.5 percent of
the private school's actual allowable costs not including advertising costs. The costs of a
website, the printing of descriptive brochures, newspaper advertising and advertising in a
telephone book are not included in object 891.
Costs of providing any type of food/beverage to school officers, school directors/trustees,
consultants and/or individuals providing services to the school at any time or to school
employees after school hours are recorded in object 892.
Miscellaneous Expenditures Entertainment (892) is used for costs of providing any type of
food/beverage to school officers, school directors/trustees, consultants and/or individuals
providing services to the school at any time or to school employees after school hours.
Miscellaneous Expenditures Real Estate Taxes (893) is used for amounts paid for real estate
taxes for school and administrative buildings.
Miscellaneous Expenditures Bad Debts (896) is used to write off bad debts after three years of
attempting to collect the outstanding receivable.
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15. Undistributed Expenditures - Support Services - School Administration (11-000-240-103 or
104 or 105 or 110 or 205 or 232 or 300 or 500 or 600 or 800) is used to record the costs associated
with the overall administrative responsibility for a school. It includes the activities performed by the
principal, assistant principals, vice principals, a head teacher acting as a principal, and other assistants
while they supervise operation of the school, evaluate staff members, supervise and maintain the records
of the school, and coordinate school instructional activities with those of the private school for students
with disabilities. Also included here would be the activities of department directors such as
guidance, athletic, and special education. These activities include the work of clerical staff in
support of teaching and administrative duties
The salaries all principals (principals, assistant principals, vice principals) are recorded in object
. Graduation expenses, full-time department
chairpersons' expenditures, and prorated expenditures of part-time department chairpersons are also
included in this function. If proration of expenditures is not possible for department chairpersons who
also teach, those expenditures are included in instruction. If the chief school administrator also acts as a
building principal, his/her salary should be prorated between general administration and school
The salaries of other professional staff are recorded in object 104.
The salaries of secretarial and clerical assistants are recorded in object 105.
The salaries of other personnel are recorded in object 110.
If benefits are allocated to the individual program/function, all benefits except pension are
charged to object 205 and pension is charged to object 232. If benefits are not allocated they
are charged to unallocated benefits by object code 210, 220, 232, 250, 260, 270, 280, and 290,
under function 291.
Purchased professional and technical services (object 300) would include expenditures for the
purchased services of consultants and school scheduling firms.
Other purchased services are recorded in object 500 and would include school administration
equipment rentals or lease purchases and staff travel expenses.
School administration supplies and materials (object 600) would include office supplies and
other items that are consumed, worn out, or deteriorated through use. Books and periodicals
would also be included here. The cost of non-instructional equipment and furniture, which cost
less than $2,000 per item are recorded here.
Other objects (object 800) consist of expenditures for dues and fees for school administration
staff for membership in professional and other organizations, along with miscellaneous goods or
services not classified above.
16. Undistributed Expenditures - Other Operation and Maintenance of Plant Services (11-000-
262-100 or 205 or 232 or 300 or 420 or 441 or 490 or 520 or 590 or 610 or 620 or 800)
Expenditures meeting the definition of routine maintenance and other operations and maintenance costs
will be reported here. Routine maintenance means contracted custodial or janitorial services,
expenditures for the cleaning of a school facility/administrative facilities or its fixtures, the care and
upkeep of grounds or parking lots, removal of illegal locks or unauthorized construction and the
cleaning of, or repairs and replacements to, movable furnishings or equipment, or other expenditures
which are not required to maintain the original condition over the school facility’s useful life. Included
here are the activities of maintaining safety in buildings, on the grounds, and in the vicinity of schools,
the cost of providing security, and estimated amounts that will be recouped through user charges (e.g.
custodian charges for the use of buildings in the evenings).
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The salaries of routine maintenance and other operation and maintenance personnel, both
professional and administrative, are recorded under object 100. Other operation and
maintenance staff includes those responsible for operation and maintenance supervision,
operation (heating, lighting, ventilating, repairing and replacing of equipment), staff for care and
upkeep of grounds and equipment, vehicle operation and maintenance other than student
transportation, and security services staff. This would include employees hired as hall monitors,
playground aides, and lunchroom aides. (Note: the additional amounts paid to teachers for such
services are reported as teachers' salaries and are not included here.)
If benefits are allocated to the individual program/function, all benefits except pension are
charged to object 205 and pension is charged to object 232. If benefits are not allocated they
are charged to unallocated benefits by object code 210, 220, 232, 250, 260, 270, 280, and 290,
under function 291.
Purchased professional and technical services for the aforementioned activities are recorded in
object 300.
Cleaning, repair, and maintenance services (object 420) are used to record services by non-
district personnel for cleaning buildings and for repairs and routine maintenance. Cleaning
services include garbage disposal services, snowplowing services, custodial services, and lawn
care. Repairs and routine maintenance services include contracts and agreements covering the
upkeep of equipment.
Object 441 is used to record expenditures for the rental of land and buildings (school and
administrative) for both temporary and long-range use by the private school for students with
disabilities. Expenditures for land and building leased purchase agreements should not be
recorded here. Other purchased property services would include equipment and vehicle rentals
or leased purchases for operation and maintenance and utility services such as water and
Other purchased property services which are not classified elsewhere such as water and sewer.
The costs of property insurance are reported in object 520.
All other purchased services in the 500 series are recorded in miscellaneous purchased services
(object 590), which would include such expenditures as payments to non-district employees for
lunch room services and travel expenses for operations and maintenance staff.
Other operation and maintenance general supplies (object 610) expenditures are for those items
that are consumed, worn out, or deteriorated through use. The cost of non-instructional
equipment and furniture, which cost less than $2,000 per item are recorded here.
Other energy costs are separately reported in object 620, including gasoline for other than the
district's transportation program.
Other objects (object 800) consist of expenditures for dues and fees for operations and
maintenance staff for membership in professional and other organizations, along with
miscellaneous goods or services not classified above.
17. Undistributed Expenditures - Student Transportation Services (11-000-270-109 or 205 or 232
or 390 or 420 or 442 or 512 or 593 or 600 or 890) is used to record the costs associated with
conveying students between to and from other school activities. This function includes supervision of
student transportation services, vehicle operation services, monitoring services, and vehicle servicing
and maintenance services. The full costs of the student transportation program should be reported here.
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The salaries of transportation staff employees are separately reported as other than between
home and school (109).
If benefits are allocated to the individual program/function, all benefits except pension are
charged to object 205 and pension is charged to object 232. If benefits are not allocated they
are charged to unallocated benefits by object code 210, 220, 232, 250, 260, 270, 280, and 290,
under function 291.
Other purchased professional and technical services related to the transportation program are
recorded in object 390.
Cleaning, repair, and maintenance services related to the transportation program are reported in
object 420.
The payment for the rental of school buses or vans used for the transportation other than
between home and school are recorded in object 442.
Contracted services for transportation are detailed between vendors and other than between
home and school, and special education in 512.
Miscellaneous purchased services - transportation (object 593) is used to report those costs
other than cleaning, repair, and maintenance and contracted transportation services such as
transportation related insurance, equipment rentals or lease purchases for other than buses, and
travel for transportation staff.
Supplies and materials (object 600) include those items such as gasoline that are consumed,
worn out, or deteriorated through use. Examples of these expenditures would include routine
automobile and bus maintenance and energy expenditures such as gasoline. The cost of non-
instructional equipment and furniture, which cost less than $2,000 per item are recorded here.
Miscellaneous expenditures (object 890) are used to report miscellaneous expenditures for
goods or services not classified above.
18. Undistributed Expenditures - Business and Other Support Services (11-000-290-100 or 205 or
232 or 330 or 340 or 500 or 600 or 831 or 832 or 890 or 895) is used to record the costs of the other
support services provided by the private school for students with disabilities that are not classified
elsewhere, including support services - business and support services - central. Support services -
business concerns the paying, transporting, exchanging, and maintaining of goods and services for the
private school for students with disabilities. These include budgeting services, receiving and disbursing
services, financial and property accounting, payroll, inventory control, internal auditing, managing
funds, purchasing services, warehouse and distributing services, and printing, publishing, and
duplicating services. The chief business official and the activities of the chief business official
expenditures are included here. There is no allocation of the salary between other functions. Support
services - central involves activities other than general administration which support instructional and
support services programs. These include planning, evaluation, information services, data processing
services, and staff services. Information services are concerned with writing, editing, and other
preparation necessary to disseminate educational and administrative information to students, managers,
and the general public through direct mailing, news media, or personal contact. Data processing
services are concerned with the preparation, storage, and retrieval of data for management and
reporting as well as the maintenance. Staff services are concerned with maintaining an efficient staff for
the school system. It includes such activities as recruitment and placement, staff transfers, in-service
training (for non-instructional staff), health services, and staff accounting.
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Salaries of the school business administrator, business manager, assistant business manager,
accountant, bookkeepers and other support staff such secretarial and clerical are recorded in
object 100.
If benefits are allocated to the individual program/function, all benefits except pension are
charged to object 205 and pension is charged to object 232. If benefits are not allocated they
are charged to unallocated benefits by object code 210, 220, 232, 250, 260, 270, 280, and 290,
under function 291.
Purchased professional services (object 330) would include the purchased professional services
of such business support services as budgeting, payroll, financial accounting, internal auditing,
planning, research, and development, and fixed asset appraisal.
Purchased technical services (object 340) would include services to the private school for
students with disabilities which are not regarded as professional but require basic scientific
knowledge, manual skills, or both. Included are data processing services, purchasing and
warehouse services, and the like.
Other purchased services in object 500 for business and other support services such as
equipment rentals or lease purchases and staff travel are reported in object 500.
Supplies and materials (object 600) expenditures are for items that are consumed, worn out or
deteriorated through use. Books and periodicals would also be included here. Examples would
be paper supplies for budgeting, payroll, financial accounting, internal auditing, printing and
duplicating, and evaluation. The cost of non-instructional equipment and furniture, which cost
less than $2,000 per item are recorded here.
All interest on current loans is reported in object 831.
The interest portion of lease purchase agreements for the purchase of land and buildings is
included in object 832. As a reminder, the interest portion of lease purchases of equipment
items is not included here, but rather is budgeted as a rental cost under the program and function
applicable to where the equipment will be used.
Miscellaneous expenditures (object 890) consist of expenditures for dues and fees for
membership in professional or other organizations, along with expenditures for goods or
services not classified above such as bank fees.
Miscellaneous expenditures (object 895) consist of expenditures for corporation tax paid on
tuition income.
19. Food Services (11-000-310-100 or 205 or 232 or 600 or 890)
The salaries related to the food service fund activities such as cooks, aides and support staff
including are recorded in object 100.
is used to report the board's share of
expenditures for the food service program. If a private school for students with disabilities receives
state or federal reimbursement for or collects fees from students for the cost of meals, all food service
operation revenue must be netted against the costs.
If benefits are allocated to the individual program/function, all benefits except pension are
charged to object 205 and pension is charged to object 232. If benefits are not allocated they
are charged to unallocated benefits by object code 210, 220, 232, 250, 260, 270, 280, and 290,
under function 291.
Supplies and materials for the food service fund, which include general supplies and food, are
recorded in object 600. The cost of non-instructional equipment and furniture, which cost less
than $2,000 per item are recorded here.
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Other objects include those costs related to the food service fund activities that are not included
in the above classifications are recorded in object 890.
20. Personal Services - Employee Benefits (11-XXX-XXX-205 or 210 or 220 or 232 or 250 or 260
or 270 or 271 or 280 or 290) is used to report the employee benefits for private school for students
with disabilities staff whose salaries are reported in the general fund. Lines are reflected to allow the
optional allocation of employee benefits to the various programs/functions of the current expense and
capital outlay subfunds. There also are lines provided for those benefits that are unallocated (function
291). The private school has the option of recording benefits as allocated or unallocated. If allocated
benefit costs are reported, those allocated amounts will be used by the department in the Comparative
Spending Guide and for other calculations of per pupil costs that involve an allocation of benefits to
various programs/functions of the budget. Any amounts reported as allocated will be directly associated
with that program/function in per pupil cost calculations and only those costs reported by private
schools as unallocated will be associated with the program/function through a percentage of total
salaries application. Object code 271 is for the cost of medical benefits for retired staff (meeting NJAC
6A:23-4.5(a)56). This amount is outside the cost category calculation and must not be allocated across
the cost categories.
The employer’s share of all fringe benefits except pension is recorded in object 205 and the
pension contribution is recorded in object 232 only when these costs are allocated to the
individual program/function.
The employer’s share of group insurance is recorded in object 210.
The employer’s share of social security is recorded in object 220.
The employer’s share of the pension contributions is recorded in object 232.
The employer’s share of unemployment compensation is recorded in object 250.
The employer’s share of workmen’s compensation is recorded in object 260.
The employer’s share of health benefits is recorded in object 270.
The employer’s share of health benefits for retired staff is recorded in object 271
Tuition reimbursement paid to employees is recorded in object 280.
Other employee benefits include unused sick leave, cost of drug testing and any other employee
benefit not listed are recorded in object 290.
21. Capital Outlay Equipment, Furniture and Capital Assets
The cost of depreciation of equipment and furniture (instructional and non-instructional) costing
$2,000 per item or greater is recorded in object code 740 along with the depreciation of capital
is used to record the depreciation of
equipment and furniture costs of $2,000 per item or greater and depreciation of capital assets.
Depreciation of equipment and furniture and capital assets for special education programs instruction
are codes 12-200-100-740 to 12-320-100-740 and undistributed equipment, furniture and capital costs
are codes 12-000-100-740 to 12-000-300-740.
21. Facilities Acquisition and Construction Services (12-000-100-331 or 390 or 45 or 610 or
800) is used to record activities funded by current revenues concerned with acquiring land and
buildings, remodeling building, constructing buildings, and additions to buildings, initially installing or
extending service systems and other built-in equipment and improving sites.
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The salaries of district employees for such activities are recorded in object 100.
Legal services related to construction projects are included in object 331.
Other purchased professional and technical services such as architects, engineers, and
specifications (blueprint) developers are recorded in object 390.
Construction services (object 450) includes amounts for constructing, renovating, and
remodeling paid to contractors and includes rewriting of buildings for the installation of LANs
and/or WANs.
General supplies and materials are reported in object 610.
Other miscellaneous expenditures for facilities acquisition and construction services not
classified above are reported in object 800.
22. Debt Service
The cost of mortgage interest is recorded in object code 830.
is used to record the cost of mortgage interest and depreciation on school and
administrative facilities.
The cost of depreciation is recorded in object code 911.
Appendix B-1 Narrative COA.doc