Packaged licence self-audit checklist
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Liquor & Gaming NSW GPO Box 7060, Sydney NSW 2001 | T 1300 024 720 | W
Liquor & Gaming NSW
Before you complete this checklist
What this checklist is for
It is a valuable tool you can use to help your venue comply
with all your obligations under liquor laws. It covers important
legislative requirements such as signage, advertising and
responsible service of alcohol (RSA). We recommend that you
use the checklist regularly to help monitor your compliance.
If you check ‘No’ for any of the questions asked, you may be
in breach of your obligations. Our compliance ocers use this
same checklist when they audit your licensed premises.
Why you need this checklist
The Secretary of the Department of Customer Service
(the Secretary), Liquor & Gaming NSW (L&GNSW) and the
Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority Board (the Authority) can
impose conditions on your licence. The Secretary can order you
to cease, vary or implement venue practices, order a late hour
entry declaration, ban undesirable products and promotions, and
require you to contribute and participate in a local liquor accord.
Unless otherwise specied, the terms ‘approved, ‘authorised’,
an approval’ and ‘an authorisation’ relate to approvals and
authorisations from or by the Authority or an L&GNSW delegate.
Your licensed premises
Liquor licence number Licence name
This checklist completed by
Full name
Role/title Date
This checklist authorised by
Full name
Role/title Date
How to purchase or download
signage and display material
specied in this checklist
Download the CE0003 ‘Signage
and collateral order form’ at
Print-at-home signage will be
available for download in the
‘Signs for your business’ section at
Need more information?
Contact us online
1300 024 720
Liquor operations
Unless otherwise specied, this liquor operations checklist operates under the Liquor Act 2007 and Liquor
Regulation 2018.
The rst column of this checklist refers to sections in the Liquor Act 2007 and regulations in the Liquor
Regulation 2018.
If you check ‘No’ to any of the questions in this checklist, you may be in breach of your obligations and require
further inquiry.
Part 1 Primary purpose and licence conditions
ss. 30, 31
Is the venues principal activity ‘the sale or supply of liquor for
consumption away from the venue’? Yes No
ss. 11, 52,
53, 54
Does the venue comply with all conditions imposed on the liquor licence,
including any restrictions to the sale and supply of liquor? Yes No
ss. 9, 29
Is liquor sold and supplied only in the manner and at times as authorised
by the liquor licence? Yes No
ss. 12, 49
Does the venue trade only within the hours it is permitted to as per the
licence? Yes No
r. 44
Is a copy of the licence, licence-related authorisations and conditions
available at all times to sta members and security? Yes No
s. 107
Is the licence available for immediate inspection by police or a Liquor
& Gaming NSW inspector? Yes No
Part 2 Periodic licence fees and biennial return
r. 9
Has the venue paid the periodic licence fee due on 29 May of each
assessment year? Yes No
Part 3 Licensee control
s. 7
Does the person apparently in control of the venue have an authorisation? Yes No
s. 8
Does the licensee ensure liquor is only sold in the authorised area
of the venue? Yes No
ss. 92(1)
If the licensee or approved managers intends to be absent from the venue
for more than 6 weeks, has an approval been provided authorising a
temporary manager to manage the venue? Yes No
s. 92(1)(d)
Does the licensee ensure that all instances of letting or sub-letting of any
part of the licensed premises have an approval? Yes No
s. 61,
If the licensee has not been present at the venue for more than 28 days,
does the person in charge have an approval? Yes No
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Part 3 continued
s. 93
If the venue was not trading for a continuous period of more than 6 weeks,
was L&GNSW notied? Yes No
Part 4 Take-away sales
ss. 9,
Does the licensee have procedures and controls in place to prevent
liquor being sold or supplied after 11pm Monday to Saturday (if
authorised) and 10pm on Sundays? Yes No
Part 5 RSA training and competency card
Does the licensee hold a current recognised RSA certication? Yes No
Do all sta involved in the sale and supply of liquor hold a current
recognised RSA certication? Yes No
Do all sta involved in security and crowd control hold a current
recognised RSA certication? Yes No
Has the licensee sighted each sta member’s current recognised RSA
certication? Yes No
Does everyone involved in liquor promotions on the venue premises hold
a current recognised RSA certication? Yes No
Are all sta able to produce their current physical or digital RSA
competency card or interim certicate? Yes No
Has the licensee sighted each sta member’s physical or digital RSA
competency card or interim certicate? Yes No
For any sta working under an interim RSA certicate, is the interim
certicate still valid for work? Yes No
Part 6 Minimising intoxication
s. 73(1)
Are there procedures and controls in place to prevent intoxication,
indecent, violent or quarrelsome conduct in the venue? See the L&GNSW
GL4003 ‘Intoxication guidelines at Yes No
Are there procedures and controls in place to detect intoxicated patrons
before they enter the venue? Yes No
s. 73(2)
Are there procedures and controls in place to prevent liquor being sold
or supplied to an intoxicated person? Yes No
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Part 7 Minors
s. 117(1),
Are there procedures and controls in place to prevent anyone under
the age of 18:
From being sold or supplied liquor? Yes No
From consuming or taking liquor away from the venue? Yes No
s. 117(8)
Are there procedures and controls in place to prevent a person from
obtaining liquor for a minor unless that person is the parent or guardian
of the minor? Yes No
s. 119
If the licensee allows a minor to sell, supply or serve liquor on the venue
premises, have they obtained an approval? Yes No
Part 8 Deterring crime
s. 74
Are there procedures and controls in place:
That deter criminal activity in the venue, including the use/supply
of illicit drugs and tracking of stolen goods? Yes No
To report actual or suspected criminal activity to police? Yes No
s. 74(3)
Are all sta members aware that any criminal activity including stolen
goods or prohibited plants/drugs in the venue is prohibited? Yes No
s. 74(4)
Are all sta aware of the venues procedures and controls that deter
criminal activity in the venue, including the use or supply of illicit drugs? Yes No
Part 9 Liquor self-exclusion
s. 76
Does the venue operate a voluntary liquor-self-exclusion scheme? Yes No
If requested, can sta properly inform patrons of the self-exclusion scheme? Yes No
s. 76(3)
Has the licensee accepted all requests from patrons wishing to self-
exclude from the venue? Yes No
Does the licensee ensure patrons know how the self-exclusion
scheme works? Yes No
Does the licensee publicise the self-exclusion scheme? Yes No
Part 10 Liquor promotion and advertising
s. 99
and r. 84
Are all the liquor promotions conducted in accordance with the
responsible service of alcohol (RSA)? Yes No
Does the licensee ensure that all liquor promotions or activities consider
the responsible service of alcohol principles? Yes No
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Part 10 continued
s. 99
and r. 84
Does the licensee ensure that all liquor promotions or advertisements
that involve discounting include the responsible consumption of
alcohol message? Yes No
r. 84(3)
Has the Secretary issued the licensee with a written notice under r. 50
concerning the inclusion of the responsible consumption of alcohol
message in any liquor promotion or advertising relating to the venue? Yes No
r. 84(4)
If Yes, has the licensee complied with the written notice? Yes No
ss. 102,
Have all liquor promotions declared undesirable by the Secretary been
banned from promotion? Yes No
Has the Secretary issued a written notice to the licensee under s. 102
prohibiting liquor promotions deemed undesirable? Yes No
Has the licensee ensured that all sta members are informed and able
to comply with the s. 102 written notice? Yes No
Note: See the GL4001 ‘Liquor promotion guidelines’ at
Part 11 Undesirable liquor products
s. 100
and r. 86
Have all liquor products declared undesirable by the Minister been banned
from sale? Yes No
s. 101
Has the Secretary issued a written notice to the licensee under s. 101
concerning the restriction or prohibition of the sale and supply of any
undesirable liquor product? Yes No
If Yes, has the licensee complied? Yes No
Have all sta members been informed of the s. 101 written notice? Yes No
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Part 12 Remote liquor sales that appears to be under the age of 25
s. 114
and r. 51
If the venue sells or supplies liquor via phone, fax, mail order or online,
is the liquor licence number displayed on the advertising material or
published information?
Yes No
Is the notice ‘No Alcohol can be sold or supplied to anyone under 18. It’s
against the law.’ prominently displayed on any website?
Yes No
Does the licensee require a prospective purchaser to provide identication
with date of birth to ensure the purchaser is not a minor?
Yes No
Does the licensee give a written instruction to the delivery person to
ensure that minors do not accept or take possession of liquor purchased
and delivered?
Yes No
Does the licensee ensure that liquor cannot be delivered to public
areas which are alcohol-free zones, alcohol prohibited areas or
restricted alcohol areas?
Yes No
Does the licensee ensure that a record is maintained of non-delivery
where the receiver was a minor or intoxicated person? Are records
maintained for at least 1 year?
Yes No
Have all delivery drivers undertaken mandatory responsible supply
training? Yes No
Does the licensee have processes in place to ensure that any liquor
advertised for same day delivery is not delivered after 11pm on a
Sunday and after midnight on any other day or before 5am?
Yes No
Part 13 Written direction
s. 75
If the Secretary has issued a written direction about any matter relating
to the venue, have the licensee and sta complied? Yes No
Part 14 Signage and resources
s. 95(1)
and r. 49
Is there a sign at the front of the venue which can be read by a person
from outside the premises?
Yes No
Does the sign include the venue name shown on the liquor licence, type
of licence and the licensee name shown on the licence?
Yes No
s. 95(2)
If the venue name has been altered, has the licensee obtained a written
Yes No
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Par t 14 continued
s. 127
and r. 50
Is Sign 1L (under 18s not to be served alcohol)
prominently displayed at the bar or, if no bar,
at or close to every public entrance?
Yes No
97 and
r. 55
If the venue has a breath analysis instrument,
is Sign 4L (breath testing) prominently displayed
close to it?
Yes No
and r. 32
If the venue sells liquor online, is Sign 1L (under
18s not to be served alcohol) or the following
notice prominently displayed on the site?
‘No alcohol can be sold or supplied to anyone
under 18. It’s against the law.
Yes No
You may either purchase signs from L&GNSW, or print it out yourself. Please see the ‘Signs for your
business’ section at for the correct signs to be displayed.
If purchasing the signs from L&GNSW, some of these signs are available in durable UV-resistant hard plastic
and as decal stickers for placing on glass panels
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Liquor & Gaming NSW CL1006 Packaged licence self-audit checklist
Bottle Shops - Is Sign 9L prominently displayed
on the premises and at, or close to every public
Yes No
Supermarkets or general stores - Is Sign 3L
prominently displayed in areas dedicated to the
sale of liquor by retail in sealed containers?
Yes No
s. 123
s. 123