BAR Brazilian Administration Review
Vol. 18, No. Spe, Art. 3, e200069, 2021
Special Issue on
Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and Distributed Organizations
Research Article
Blockchain Technology in Renewable Energy
Certificates in Brazil
João Akio Ribeiro Yamaguchi
Teresa Rachael Santos
André Pereira de Carvalho
Fundação Getúlio Vargas, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Received 01 July 2020. This paper was with the authors for three revisions. Accepted 13 September 2021.
First published online 20 October 2021.
Editors-in-Chief: Carlo Gabriel Porto Bellini (Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil);
Ivan Lapuente Garrido (Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil)
Guest Editors: Jorge Renato Verschoore (Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil);
Eduardo Henrique Diniz (Fundação Getúlio Vargas, EAESP, Brazil);
Ricardo Colomo-Palacios (Østfold University College, Norway)
Reviewers: Jefferson Marlon Monticelli (Universidade La Salle, Canoas, RS, Brazil) and one anonymous reviewer
Editorial assistants: Kler Godoy and Simone Rafael (ANPAD, Maringá, PR, Brazil)
J. A. R. Yamaguchi, T. R. Santos, A. P. de Carvalho 2
Several renewable energy certificate (RECs) applications point out that the blockchain technology
can be useful in ensuring the traceability and transparency of transactions, despite some barriers
to its implementation, such as the legal and market development. However, it is not clear how
the organizational positioning, in relation to its given market, influences the artifact developed.
In this study, through design science research (DSR) and case study methodology, we structure
the problem space of two different positioned organizations in the sustainability field, with
blockchain-based applications to produce and trade RECs. We find out that: (a) the position of
the organization in relation to other stakeholders changes the behavior of the technology
adoption; (b) the technological solution preceded the perception of the problem; (c) organizations
create different representations of the artifact for each stakeholder. We suggest other studies to
deepen these findings in order to better develop theories that explain how organizations see their
problem when developing technological solutions while using DSR.
Keywords: blockchain; design science research; renewable energy certificates; energy
JEL Code: M15
Blockchain technology in renewable energy certificates in Brazil 3
The need to limit global warming to even 1.5° C above pre-industrial levels demands rapid, far
reaching, and unprecedented changes in the current production and consumption model
(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC], 2018). In 2010, 35% (17 GtCO2eq) of
global anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were released in the energy supply sector.
When GHG emissions from electricity and heat production are attributed to the final consumer
sectors (i.e., indirect emissions), the shares of the industry and buildings sectors represent 31%
and 19% of global emissions, respectively (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC],
Besides decarbonization, i.e., the necessary reduction in carbon intensity of energy generation,
the electrical power systems are being affected also by two other main drivers of change:
digitalization of energy trading, which offers opportunities for new business models based on
peer-to-peer (P2P) and transparent transactions; and decentralization of power systems, including
distribution networks that comprise decentralized generation (most based on renewable energy
sources), storage and active participation of the consumers, some of them turned into prosumers,
as they also produce energy on the decentralized system (Silvestre, Favuzza, Sanseverino, & Zizzo,
In energy markets, it is impossible for consumers to distinguish between the consumption of
renewable energy (RE) and non-renewable energy. The decarbonization of the electricity
generation is addressed by governments through traditional policy tools, such as taxes and
subsidies, and through the implementation of certification schemes to promote the use of RE,
such as renewable energy certificates (RECs) (Hulshof, Jepma, & Mulder, 2019). RECs are a
market-based policy instrument that represents the property rights to the environmental, social,
and other non-power attributes of a fixed amount of electricity, usually one megawatt-hour
(MWh), generated and delivered to the grid from a renewable energy source (RES), typically
covering a range of renewable technologies in an undifferentiated way (Criscuolo, Johnstone,
Menon, & Shestalova, 2014; United States Environmental Protection Agency [US EPA], 2017).
And although RECs have different characteristics in each country depending on grid and market
specificities, as well as on national laws and regulations, there has been criticism of the RECs
trade process, particularly due to the existence of double counting of this type of certificate
(Frenkil & Yaffe, 2012).
Within this context, the blockchain technology “could contribute to greater stakeholder
involvement, transparency and engagement and help bring trust and further innovative solutions
in the fight against climate change, leading to enhanced climate actions” (United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change [UNFCCC], 2017, online). by improving carbon
emission trading, facilitating low-carbon energy trading, and enhancing climate finance flows
(UNFCCC, 2017). Blockchain was initially identified as the technology used in Bitcoin
cryptocurrency (Nakamoto, 2008), thus was first applied in the development of cryptocurrencies.
Simply said, blockchain is a decentralized and distributed ledger used to store transactions,
contracts agreements in a digital record able to combine the more efficient information security
J. A. R. Yamaguchi, T. R. Santos, A. P. de Carvalho 4
methods by using various cryptographic protocols and by recording information in a distributed
database (Kushch & Castrillo, 2017). However, in the last five years, the interest in blockchain
application has grown in different areas, including sustainability applied to the energy sector. For
instance, blockchain can be a tool to avoid double counting of RECs, by allowing greater
traceability and transparency in transactions (Abou Jaoude & Saade, 2019; Pournader, Shi,
Seuring, & Koh, 2020; Silvestre et al., 2020), to reduce the operational costs of developing a REC
market platform (Castellanos, Coll-Mayor, & Notholt, 2017) and to encourage consumer
participation in the RECs trading market on energy systems with a high percentage of RE
available (Zhao, Guo, & Chan, 2020). However, certificate trading schemes, such as RECs, based
on blockchain applications remain in a nascent stage (Burer, Lapparent, Pallotta, Capezzali, &
Carpita, 2019). It is not clear in the literature, however, how organizational positioning in a given
market (sustainability and RECs), influences the implementation of blockchain and the artifact
To make a contribution within this subject, in this study, through a review of the issues on
blockchain applied to the energy sector, and specially on RECs, and using design science research
(DSR) and case study methodology, we structure the problem space (Maedche, Gregor, Morana,
& Feine, 2019) to identify how two organizations in the Brazilian sustainability field, with
different market positions and backgrounds, understand their problems and propose blockchain-
based technological artifacts to produce and trade RECs. Among the aspects considered are
traceability, transparency, and the influence of the regulatory and political context for the
development of blockchain applications (Brilliantova & Thurner, 2019; Burer et al., 2019).
Additionally, we discuss the impact that blockchain could produce on the Brazilian RE market,
in which RES accounted for 46% in the national matrix in 2019, almost triple the global average
in 2017 (14%). The electricity generation is predominantly from renewable sources (83%), based
mainly on hydropower (65%), followed by wind (8.6%), biomass, such as sugarcane bagasse
(8.4%), and solar photovoltaic (1%) (Empresa de Pesquisa Energética [EPE], 2020). Considering
the decarbonization commitments assumed by countries under the Paris Agreement, and by
companies on a voluntary basis or in response to regulation, the high share of RES in the Brazilian
energy matrix makes the country a player with great potential in the global RECs market. At the
same time, members of the energy supply chain might benefit from blockchain technology
applied to RECs issued in Brazil to attract new participants and turn this market more efficient.
By studying the relationship between organizational positioning and blockchain technology, we
hope that these findings can guide entrepreneurs in the energy sector in the process of thinking
about their business models and its relationship to technological development.
Blockchain applied to the energy sector
Sustainability became one of the key objectives of energy policy and an important driver of
innovation in the energy sector. Energy strategies are built around the following hierarchy in
Blockchain technology in renewable energy certificates in Brazil 5
energy options from the most to the least sustainable: energy conservation through improved
energy efficiency and rational use of energy, increasing use of RES and exploitation of
unsustainable resources using low-carbon technologies (Saygin & Çetin, 2010). Energy systems
are undergoing rapid changes to be able to accommodate the increasing volumes of embedded
RE generation. RES went through massive development enabled by the unbundling of the energy
sector and privatizations, boosted by international and national energy policy initiatives and
financial incentives (Andoni et al., 2019), represented in the 2015’s United Nations Global
Opportunity Report by three distinct avenues of action to address the risk of lock-in to fossil fuels
(table 1).
Table 1
Avenue of action on risk of lock-in to fossil fuels by United Nations Opportunity Report
Avenue of Action
Regulated Energy Transition
Regulatory initiatives can accelerate the transition to cleaner energy generation. Redirecting
fossil fuel subsidies, trade regulation favoring low-carbon products and services, and setting
a price on fossil fuels that reflects their cost to the environment are all prominent tools.
Besides pushing for a more sustainable energy system, clear and meaningful regulation can
provide dynamic incentives for innovation of new low-carbon solutions.
Energy Autonomy
Autonomous energy generation from renewable sources is a promising means of electrifying
off-grid areas. In many high-income countries, small-scale energy systems today are
transforming the role of households in national energy infrastructure. This approach
generates several added benefits, including the chance to combat energy poverty and
increase resilience to extreme weather events.
Green Consumer Choices
Consumers’ concerns about the environment and climate change can be translated into
sustainable choices. Making the green choices easy and attractive can empower consumers
to act and thereby initiate larger structural changes by applying pressure from the demand
This scenario leads the energy sector to undergo a far-reaching shift toward decarbonization of
energy generation, decentralization of energy supply, allowing increased customer participation
and demanding innovation at the distribution level, and digitalization of energy trading, based
on by peer-to-peer and transparent transactions. Combined, decarbonization, decentralization,
and digitalization (the three Ds) impact the way that electrical power systems are managed and
coordinated, as well as its business models (Brilliantova & Thurner, 2019; Silvestre et al., 2018).
Blockchain technologies play an important role in this changing scenario. Andoni et al. (2019)
indicate that the energy industry stakeholders, utility companies, and energy decision-makers are
interested in blockchain technologies. Thought an analysis of 140 blockchain applications in the
energy sector, they identified eight categories of blockchain applications for energy applications:
(a) metering, billing, and security; (b) cryptocurrencies, tokens, and investment; (c) decentralized
energy trading; (d) green certificates, including RECs, and carbon trading; (e) grid management;
(f) internet of things (IoT), smart devices, automation, and asset management; (g) electric e-
mobility; and (h) general purpose initiatives developing underpinning technology. Among the
applications examined, 33% of the applications concern decentralized energy trade; 19% concern
J. A. R. Yamaguchi, T. R. Santos, A. P. de Carvalho 6
cryptocurrencies; and 7% accounts for green and RE certificates and the carbon market.
Blockchain applications expand the possibilities of solutions and applications to be implemented
in the energy sector, and indicate that this technology can bring benefits to energy system
operations, markets, consumers, allowing disintermediation, increasing transparency, and
empowering consumers and small RE producers.
Similarly, O’Donovan and O’Sullivan (2019) also explore the evolution of blockchain
applications in energy: of the 129 cases found, only nine (7%) are related to energy certificates
and carbon credits. Fields with greater representativity are: 46 (36%) related to decentralized
energy transactions, 26 (20%) to cryptocurrencies, and 16 (12%) to IoT and smart devices.
Analysis by Andoni et al. (2019) and O’Donovan and O’Sullivan (2019) confirm the low presence
of RECs blockchain-based application development in the energy sector.
Analyzing some of these applications, some authors are already able to identify the main groups
and objectives of blockchain adoption. According to Abou Jaoude and Saade (2019), blockchain
energy applications target four aspects: (a) controlling the inter-machine electricity market, with
consumer choice of multiple suppliers; (b) facilitating energy transactions, with the creation of
local markets; (c) increasing the security of energy grids; and (d) increasing the supply of low-
carbon energy, as schemes such as RECs become more trustworthy.
Brilliantova and Thurner (2019) divide the blockchain energy applications into two groups: the
technical ones, addressing the decentralization of power generation and grid management; and
the economic ones, which deal with transaction and payment methods. The energy trade using
blockchain-based applications, with increased traceability and transparency, facilitates P2P RE
trading among suppliers and consumers (Pournader et al., 2020).
Silvestre et al. (2020) divide blockchain applications in the electrical power industry into two
classes according to its main concern: electrical energy trading between two parties exchanging
electricity against a unit of value (e.g., P2P energy trading), which can be efficiently managed by
a grid operator or in a decentralized way; and demand response tracing and RECs, in which
blockchain records the amount of RE added into the grid by one site or recognizes the
contribution of a prosumer in an aggregation program or a demand response program.
The adoption of blockchain energy applications is not exactly dependent on technological
limitations, but the development of the energy industry. Among the risks reported by the authors
are: the cost of blockchain distribution; integration challenges between organizations in the
energy supply chain; legal uncertainty due to lack of regulation; and manpower requirements
(Brilliantova & Thurner, 2019). Regarding legal uncertainty, as the role of consumers could
change from a largely passive market participant and subject to a protective legal approach to an
actor at the heart of the market as a prosumer, this change demands the current actors’ definitions
(producers, transmission and distribution system operators, suppliers, and consumers) to be
reconceptualized in the electricity law (Diestelmeier, 2020).
Blockchain technology in renewable energy certificates in Brazil 7
Blockchain applied to renewable energy certificates (RECs) schemes
In energy markets, it is impossible for consumers to distinguish between the consumption of RE
and non-renewable energy. The energy production often occurs far from consumers and in the
electricity grid the distributed energy mixes both sources, which may cause the problem of
information asymmetry, leading consumers with low-carbon energy preferences to buy less or
none RE. RECs, a market-based policy instrument, were introduced in energy markets to address
this information asymmetry, enabling consumers (businesses or individuals) to make better
decisions and encouraging the production of RE (Hulshof et al., 2019).
RECs schemes were used since 2001 in countries like Australia, Sweden, Italy, Germany, UK,
and India to promote growth of RE under a supportive policy and regulatory regime (Narula,
2013). In the European Union (EU), the guarantee of origin (GO) is defined in the EU Directive
2018/2001/EC as “an electronic document which has the sole function of providing evidence
to a final customer that a given share or quantity of energy was produced from renewable sources”
(European Union [EU], 2018, online). Member states have been given a duty to develop a reliable
GO certificate system in EU Directive 2001/77/EC. Systems may differ in architecture, but each
member state has a GO issuing body in charge of implementing it. The Association of Issuing
Bodies (AIB), created in 2002, is made up of 28 countries and developed the European Energy
Certificate System (EECS), a voluntary scheme in accordance with the EU directive requirements.
In 2019, 707 million certificates (707 TWh) were issued ( retrieved on
July 10, 2021). In the United States and Canada, RECs are supported by different levels of
government, regional electricity transmission authorities, and non-governmental organizations,
but the certification is completely entrusted to private organizations. Ten regional electronic REC
tracking systems ensure that each REC is counted only once by assigning a unique serial number
to each MWh of renewable electricity generation (Hulshof et al., 2019; National Renewable
Energy Laboratory [NREL], 2015).
Besides the GO tracking system in Europe and the REC tracking system in North America, the
International REC Standard (I-REC Standard) scheme has been used in 40 countries in Latin
America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, including China, India, Russia, South Africa, and
Brazil. The I-REC Standard Foundation, a non-profit organization headquartered in the
Netherlands, provides the tracking standard to be used around the world. In 2020, 31 million
certificates (31 TWh) were issued (International REC Standard Foundation, 2020).
In the private sector, RECs promote the acquisition of electricity produced from RES among
companies willing to reduce GHG emissions through the electricity purchased, in addition to
investments in energy conservation and energy-efficiency, which in inventories standards such as
the GHG Protocol Program is considered as Scope 2 category emission (Chuang, Lien, Den,
Iskandar, & Liao, 2018).
Especially when RECs are sold unbundled from electricity, buyers and sellers must ensure that
certificates are not double-counted (Frenkil & Yaffe, 2012). Once the data recorded in the
blockchain cannot be tampered privately, blockchain technology can improve the trade of RECs
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by increasing transparency and efficiency in this market ensuring that each unit of RE produced
in the electric system can be traced back and is taken into account only once (Gacitua et al., 2018;
Hou, Wang, & Luo, 2020; Imbault, Swiatek, Beaufort, & Plana, 2017; Khaqqi, Sikorski,
Hadinoto, & Kraft, 2018; Spinnell & Zimberg, 2018).
Once the power system sector might involve several authorities (e.g., grid operators, aggregators,
banks, certification entities for equipment providing data, data protection officers) that do not
trust each other, the blockchain plays the important role to guarantee, under regulated or non-
regulated market, that the system works properly, from the technical authorization for an RE
transaction given by the grid operator to the transfer of financial assets of the parties, also keeping
their identities safe (Silvestre et al., 2020).
Blockchain applications in RECs are incremental innovations from a regulatory point of view,
since they can be introduced in the current legal framework or require minor adjustments. The
response of energy and data regulators is adaptive: to award legal recognition of the blockchain
as a legitimate source of information on which commercial transactions can be based, including
certification schemes (Amenta, Sanseverino, & Stagnaro, 2021).
Castellanos, Coll-Mayor and Notholt (2017) performed a simulation of a RECs market based on
cryptocurrencies. The authors conclude that the Ethereum blockchain lowers the operational
costs of developing a market platform. Thus, prosumers and consumers can enter the market
without a big investment. Code optimization can still lower transitional costs; however, the
volatility of gas and ether prices imposes uncertainty.
Burer, Lapparent, Pallotta, Capezzali and Carpita (2019) list some organizations that work in this
area: Volt Markets, which integrates energy origination, tracking, and a trading platform that sells
both energy and RECs; Ideo CoLab, a solar-panel designer; and the sensor maker Filament.
Zhao, Guo, and Chan (2020) developed a blockchain-based RECs simulation combining theories
of social norm and peer effects. They found out that the higher percentage of RE on the market,
the more residents are willing to participate in trading RECs. The simulation of the I-Green also
shows that improvements can be made on the consensus mechanisms, as the authors developed
their proof-of-green protocol, which improved the market liquidity compared to traditional
protocols like proof of work (PoW) and proof of stake (PoS).
Through this collection of cases in the literature, we can identify how the application areas of
blockchain in sustainability are distributed, pointing out that the REC applications are still in an
early stage of development (Andoni et al., 2019; O’Donovan & O’Sullivan, 2019). Others already
incipient develop analytical divisions on the application areas (Abou Jaoude & Saade, 2019;
Brilliantova & Thurner, 2019; Silvestre et al., 2020). In addition, a third group is studying the
consequences of blockchain implementation in a defined context (Burer et al., 2019; Castellanos
et al., 2017; Zhao et al., 2020).
Blockchain technology in renewable energy certificates in Brazil 9
Due to the early stage of blockchain development and its applications in RECs, we have chosen
to use DSR as a way to evaluate these solutions and produce knowledge about the challenges of
their application context. DSR is a robust method to study artifacts as answers to classes of
problems; consequently, their solutions are not just a punctual answer to a certain problem in a
certain context (Lacerda, Dresch, Proença, & Antunes, 2013). Case study is a method suitable
for studying real life situations as detailed situations, especially when there are complex issues
and there is little prior theory or empirical evidence (Eisenhardt, 1989). Combined, these
methods allow us to apprehend the complexity of the context in which the problem is built and
the characteristics of the artifacts built as a solution for a given class of problem.
DSR is a method that aims to propose and evaluate IT artifacts that address innovative ways to
solve organizational problems (Hevner & Chatterjee, 2010). These artifacts can be defined as:
constructs (vocabularies or symbols); models (abstractions or representations); methods
(algorithms or practices); or ‘instantiations’ (systems and prototypes).
Hevner, March, Park and Ram (2004) formulate a list of seven guidelines to delimit the
requirements of research using the design science research method. The first guideline is design
as an artifact. The second guideline is the relevance of problems. The third guideline is evaluation
design; metrics must demonstrate the utility, quality, and effectiveness of the artifact. The
contribution to the area of knowledge is the fourth guideline. The fifth guideline is research rigor.
The sixth guideline is design as a process. The last guideline is research communication, which is
oriented to management audiences and technology. Other authors conceptualize different stages
for the execution of DSR projects (Aken & Romme, 2009; Baskerville, Baiyere, Gergor, Hevner,
& Rossi, 2018; Peffers, Tuunanen, Rothenberger, & Chatterjee, 2007; Santos, Koerich, &
Alperstedt, 2018; Sein, Henfridsson, Purao, Rossi, & Lindgren, 2011). However, even with
variations, authors who propose methods for DSR projects focus on defining a problem (a);
building a solution (b); evaluating the solution (c); and formalizing the learning or artifact (d).
Several authors are exploring the use of DSR to analyze the relationship between technology and
sustainability (Albizri, 2020; Almeida, Borsato, & Ugaya, 2017; Baldassarre et al., 2020; Diniz et
al., 2021; Eidelwein, Collatto, Rodrigues, Lacerda, & Piran, 2018; França, Amato, Gonçalves, &
Almeida, 2020; Stiel, Michel, & Teuteberg, 2016). Even beginning to be widely used in solution
development, especially in the field of sustainability, the theoretical development of DSR was
built from the artifact perspective and evaluation, in contrast with the delimitation of the
problem that the artifact is trying to solve. Finally, other authors are already applying DSR in
studies beyond the field of technology (Bianchi & Ferraz, 2020; Debastiani, Alperstedt, Santos,
& Koerich, 2020; Gaspareto & Henriqson, 2020).
Maedche, Gregor, Morana and Feine (2019) found three types of problem formulation in design
science based on Kuechler and Vaisnhavi (2012), Peffers, Tuunanen, Rothenberger and
Chatterjee (2007), and Sein, Henfridsson, Purao, Rossi and Lindgren (2011). Based on this
analysis, Maedche et al. (2019) developed a conceptualization of the main aspects of the problem
J. A. R. Yamaguchi, T. R. Santos, A. P. de Carvalho 10
space in DSR projects, which was not precisely developed in the literature, especially if compared
with the artifact analysis. This conceptualization breaks down the problem space into four
components: needs, goals, requirements, and stakeholders. The need refers to what is desired by
the project in a larger perspective than the resolution of the problem, indicating opportunities
that have not yet been delimited as a problem. The goals represent the results or states desired by
the project, describing the intentions of the stakeholders. Goals can be conflicting and are more
specific in purpose and more abstract than objectives. Requirements refer to technical specificities
of software engineering, such as user and system capability, and documented stakeholder needs
and goals. Finally, stakeholders would be people or organizations that are directly involved in the
project or that are affected positively or negatively by it.
Thus, Maedche et al. (2019) proposed a conceptual model relating problem space and solution
space. In problem space, the needs inform the goals needed for the project, which must be
satisfied by the requirements; these constructs are communicated among themselves by the
stakeholders of the project. From this problem construction, the artifact is proposed. The model
organizes and structures the process of analysis and description of the problem, in contrast to
literature that presents variant terminology. The author proposes that the model can be extended
by sub-concepts or new concepts can be introduced.
Figure 1. Problem space model based on Maedche et al. (2019).
In this study, we use the framework proposed by Maedche et al. (2019) to relate each artifact
(solution space) to the problem space, conceptualizing the organizational needs, goals,
requirements, and stakeholders. Through semi-structured interviews, we identified how
organizations understand the constructs related to their application of blockchain. This effort
highlights the kernel knowledge boundaries that provide understanding of the problem and the
organizational context (Hevner, Brocke, & Maedche, 2019). We expect to contribute on how the
market position can influence the understanding of blockchain in the RE system, so we selected
two organizations with different market positions and backgrounds to explore similarities and
differences, relying on theoretical sampling (Eisenhardt & Graebner, 2007).
All company and product names have been anonymized. ALL is the biggest certificate issuer in
Brazil, not only in environmental topics. The organization is the local issuer of I-REC, regarding
RECs, and implemented a blockchain-based system in 2019. BC-Company is an organization
Blockchain technology in renewable energy certificates in Brazil 11
created by the environmental investment group Credit-C, which started in April of 2019 its
operations on RECs through blockchain.
Regarding data collection, as a first step we used reports and semi-structured interviews with
researchers to understand the Brazilian RE ecosystem. In this process, we decided to collect data
from additional organizations that are part of the ecosystem, ABC, Trading, and EnergyS,
allowing us to better apprehend the problem space (Maedche et al., 2019) and to triangulate with
ALL and BC case studies (Patton, 1999). ABC’s core business is the generation and
commercialization of energy through large assets enabling the corporation to provide affordable,
sustainable energy. In Brazil, it had the concession in the south region and in São Paulo City.
Recently, ABC (the Brazilian branch) sold both to resume its original goal toward generation and
commercialization of energy. Not long ago, ABC wanted to improve the I-REC system with
blockchain technology. EnergyS is a RE generator in Brazil with São Simão Hydroelectric Power
Plant, Vale dos Ventos Wind Complex, Millennium Wind Farm. They have an opinion against
RE certification. Trading assists businesses to enter the free energy market; and recently, they
implemented a blockchain system for bilateral short-term contracts in energy purchase. To enrich
our understanding of this phenomena and bring perspectives from other players (Patton, 1999),
the interviewees were chosen for their knowledge and interests on the topic of RECs, for their
direct participation in the process of defining the problem/solution of the blockchain-based
artifact for the generation of RECs, or for their technical knowledge in the creation or
implementation of such an artifact, which increases the credibility of the study (Lincoln & Guba,
1985). Actors from different organizations and hierarchical levels are unlikely to engage in
converging retrospective views on context (Eisenhardt & Graebner, 2007). Data was collected
from semi-structured interviews conducted with 12 professionals (Appendix A) among managers,
directors, and founders of the organizations.
Regarding data analysis, to be able to capture an appropriate understanding and description of
the underlying problem space in the creation of ALL’s and BlockC’s artifacts, we decided to focus
on the needs, goals, requirements, and stakeholders that define it, following Maedche et al.’s
(2019) framework, through within-case and cross-case analysis (Eisenhardt & Graebner, 2007),
allowing the transferability of the results for other contexts (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). We,
therefore, reach our research objective by identifying how different positioned organizations
understand their problems and propose their technological artifacts applications on RECs (Table
5), which grants dependability to this study, and shows that the results can be replicable (Lincoln
& Guba, 1985).
After that, we triangulate data with Trading, EnergyS, and ABC to discuss the implications to the
blockchain application literature and DSR theory, to grant the study’s confirmability (Lincoln &
Guba, 1985). Finally, we discuss how the energy market will change in future years with new
technological applications.
J. A. R. Yamaguchi, T. R. Santos, A. P. de Carvalho 12
In this section, we provide a clear description on the case analysis through the Maedche et al.’s
(2019) framework, with illustrative quotes. Tables 3, 4, and 5 represent our conclusions about
the model concepts in the cases analyzed.
Case 1: ALL
ALL was founded in 2003 as an accreditation company on quality accounting and work safety.
In 2013, it launched a REC created at the request of the Brazilian Clean Energy Generation
Association (Portuguese acronym ABRAGEL) and the Brazilian Wind Energy Association
(Portuguese acronym ABEEólica), which were looking for an instrument that could highlight
both social and environmental attributes of the RE generated in Brazil. Once the certificate had
international quality, in 2016, ALL was accredited as a local issuer of RECs in Brazil by the I-
REC Standard.
During the first two years as an I-REC issuer, ALL issued a low volume of certificates, which
allowed a simplified control and a manual issuance procedure. However, in 2019, with an
increase in the volume of certificates issued, from 100 thousand to millions, the organization
started to have problems in its traditional way of working. The increase in workload was felt,
since auditing work is a time-consuming task and highly dependent on human analysis resources.
Those internal workload issues became how ALL framed its needs (Maedche et al., 2019). Other
kinds of certifications do not prioritize IT investments in ALL’s perspective, as they require a low
work volume.
Due to the founders’ interest in new technologies and the market’s confidence in blockchain,
the system was created in a way that could be compatible with it. There were other requirements
(Maedche et al., 2019) for the implementation of the blockchain, mainly investments in
technology and human resources. Currently, an internal IT team manages the platform. Each
condition needed to be fulfilled in order to construct the system.
In December 2019, ALL put the new system (without blockchain) into operation with a good
performance. It facilitated the issuance of RECs directly by authorized companies. In 2020, they
could put the complete database on blockchain technology and the implementation was designed
to add more security to the certification process, increasing the quality of the I-REC product. The
blockchain technology could also provide a greater traceability on the I-REC and ensure that
there is no double beneficiary on the certificates. ALL intended to consolidate itself as a reference
in the market.
“For the companies that acquire the [blockchain-based] certificates, the advantage is that they have one
more security layer, although this was never a requirement; because, when a consumer presents a RECs
statement with the ALL logo, as we have a whole governance process, we are audited, thus, we have a
whole control here, this was never questioned, that’s why I’m realizing that it is one more security layer.
It’s not because it was unsafe, but it became safer, so that’s the advantage.” ALL interviewee A.
Blockchain technology in renewable energy certificates in Brazil 13
Comparing these goals (Maedche et al., 2019) with the reported needs of the company, we notice
a disconnection in how these two factors are explained. While the needs are described as internal
inefficiencies in the company, its objectives are described as additions to its final product, thought
mainly from the customer’s perspective. In an artifact perspective, those blockchain qualities of
transparency and traceability do not demonstrate the artifact utility for solving the workload
problem as indicated by Hevner and Chatterjee (2010).
In 2020, ALL has 95% of the RE generated in Brazil registered on its blockchain, for that it uses
data from the Electric Energy Trading Chamber (Portuguese acronym CCEE) and from
distributed electricity generators. According to an interviewee of ALL:
“This is important because to issue a certificate you must have the evidence that the electric RE was
generated. In order to comply with international standards, we asked that this evidence be evaluated,
checked, verified by an independent third party. Invariably this information sent by clients came from
CCEE, through reports sent by companies from which the manual issue of RECs would be made.” ALL
interviewee B.
The CCEE is a private entity, established by law. It is a private association with several functions;
one of them is to take stock of energy contracts. To sell or to buy energy on the free market it is
required to have a user, an associate of CCEE. Thus, the shared data contains both information
about the energy sold and its seller and information about the energy bought and its buyer.
With the digitalization of RECs issuance process, ALL started to capture this generation
information directly from the CCEE databases. Therefore, companies no longer have to send the
evidence, once ALL already has this evidence captured directly from CCEE, and, consequently,
all energy generation companies able to generate RECs have a checking account. Energy (in
MWh) can be added by ALL to the company’s checking account every month based on CCEE
However, the relationship with stakeholders (Maedche et al., 2019) could change due to the
implementation of the blockchain. ALL intends to acquire some RE generation plants looking
to become independent from CCEE data, reducing the one-month delay. The purpose is to have
plants in which generation is connected by the internet to be able to use the internet of things
(IoT) to feed the database directly. The CCEE and other regulators of the energy sector are being
called to be validators on the blockchain platform. Thus, data providers would become data
validators. The formation of these alliances is a process in which ALL communicates their
product and vision for the market, further developing relationships.
J. A. R. Yamaguchi, T. R. Santos, A. P. de Carvalho 14
Table 3
ALL Synthesis of the problem space, based on the interviews
Industry regulators and other organizations participate in the platform. Search for other validators.
Plan to use IoT so as not to depend on data from regulatory agencies.
As it is already a third party, companies are more comfortable sharing the data.
Market confidence on blockchain.
Some organizations on other projects do not understand the meaning of the blockchain.
Growth in work volume.
Time-consuming audit work.
Chains with little data volume do not need blockchain.
Resources for investment in technology and people.
Companies need RECs to prove that they consume RE, reducing GHG emissions through the electricity
IT team already manages the platform.
IT system had already been built before without blockchain.
Consolidate itself as a reference in the market.
Quality increase in the existence service, with: (i) one more layer of security, (ii) greater traceability, and
(iii) no double beneficiary.
IT system of REC.
In ALL’s case, its objectives are related to the characteristics of its products, such as adding a
security layer to the certification service, a new feature for the consumer. Moreover, the old work
routines do not change after the implementation of the blockchain. Thus, the implemented
technology is not a solution to ALL’s needs, but the market consensus about the blockchain has
a greater influence on the company’s decision regarding implementation. ALL identifies that it
is necessary to search for projects that understand (already existing) meanings of the blockchain.
Case 2: BC-Company
BC-Company belongs to a group of companies, all of them derived from Credit-C Brazilian
Company, which develops projects related to the carbon market. Cofounder A, one of the Credit-
C founding partners and owner of other companies in the group, works since 2000 in the RE
sector through companies that have direct and indirect participation in businesses associated with
the increase of RE supply and the reduction of GHG emissions. In 2017, considering that the
investment in RE was something that was already widespread, Credit-C decided to experiment
with the development of new technology-based business models through involvement with other
stakeholders (Maedche et al., 2019). Credit-C hired a company focused on technology projects
that identified the blockchain’s potential to support companies toward more sustainable business
models, including carbon markets. It resulted in a process of experimentation with the technology
and two companies were created: XC2, a platform specialized in carbon credits, and BC-
Blockchain technology in renewable energy certificates in Brazil 15
Company, based on a system that allows companies to map their emissions throughout their
entire value chains. The IT technical knowledge, business experimentation, and experience in
the sustainability sector were the main requirements (Maedche et al., 2019) for the development
of new companies.
Credit-C’s greatest needs (Maedche et al., 2019) were related to its internal work process. In the
view of the interviewees, the growth in labor productivity was linked to the work time of auditors,
which made data verification activities costly and could demand a long time to be performed. In
the business model of BC-Company, the blockchain will be used to ensure the validity and
traceability of the emission mapping. This system would be fully automated and therefore would
depend on as little audit labor as possible for data verification.
“This sustainability advisory business has a capacity for growth, like any other consultancy. And the
consultancy is a business that grows with man-hours. So, it was a business decision. These two friends
talked like this: We won’t be able to make a business explode, unless I’m willing to explode my labor
force, because I only sell hours; so, I have to have hours to sell. Thus, they started to think about a new
business model, and presented the blockchain technology, which they came to the conclusion that, if they
are right, it will be the reason why this research started.” BC-Company interviewee A.
However, the complete system, the company’s objective (Maedche et al., 2019), is being built in
stages. In addition, BC-Company prioritizes the mapping of specific production chains, in which
there is an interest of the market for its traceability. Blockchain’s technology, for giving
traceability to transactions, was identified as a possible solution to BC-Company’s needs
(Maedche et al., 2019). Moreover, these blockchain-based by-products have a specific market
meaning for each stakeholder. BC’s role in this case would be to create this representation and,
from it, to generate a process of convincing of its importance to the market.
“The company has to design effectively what is the searched value by each of those involved in that
representation, on that entity that is creating the blockchain. Being it [the representation] an
informational registration or a possession right.” BC-Company interviewee B.
One of these by-products is BC-REC, a blockchain-based REC that does not follow the I-REC
Standard. To issue the certificates, BC-Company would certify the entire documentary process of
the distributor, which delivers the energy. For that, data integration with other stakeholders,
mainly with CCEE, is needed (Maedche et al., 2019). The system would search CCEE website
for data on the energy production of generators to issue the certificate. In other words, when
acquiring a certain amount of energy from a wind generator, for example, and, in turn, a
customer-consumer bought, when acquiring an MWh certificate, it must be equal to or less than
the amount that the generator sold to the distributor. With blockchain, this certificate can be
inviolable, thus there is no possibility for the generator to sell the same energy certificate to two
different people, that is, there is no double counting. Additionally, the marginal cost of each
certification decreased expressively after the implementation of the system, due to the lack of
audit work for the data verification.
BC-Company’s founders believe there is a demand for initiatives capable of tracking companies
“emission reductions, more specifically, tracking companies GHG emissions,” as several
J. A. R. Yamaguchi, T. R. Santos, A. P. de Carvalho 16
companies have committed to make GHG emissions inventories. They see weaknesses in the
mapping and traceability of GHG inventories. One of the partners explains: “As the main
characteristic of blockchain technology is immutability/inviolability, for me it becomes extremely
interesting for any use case linked to traceability. But, mainly, for those cases where the
information is transmitted by means that you do not control and in which there is no established
trust relationship. So, you use technology precisely to ensure that there is no possibility of the
information being modified by one of the agents participating in the chain. And, consequently,
it does not get lost or defrauded.” However, obligations regarding GHG emissions inventories
are necessary for more companies to embrace the use of RECs.
“No, I don’t think so, because I think that while there is no compliance program, some legal requirement,
companies will always do very little. It is very complicated for companies to spend money without showing,
in an unequivocal way, the results of this money invested.” BC-Company interviewee C.
Table 4
BC-Company Synthesis of the problem space, based on the interviews
Recognition of the company in the sustainability market.
Negotiations depend on the market network.
Search for IT knowledge in other organizations.
Mandatory GHG emissions inventories are necessary for more companies to embrace the use of RECs.
There is a process of convincing about the importance of technology.
Blockchain can assure the reliability of data that the organization does not control or trust.
Data by regulatory agencies is used.
Blockchain can offer an alternative to the I-REC certification standard in the Brazilian context, with its
large RES matrix. The technology must have a business meaning that varies according to the
stakeholder; the company must design that representation.
Labor productivity growth.
Better data integration between platforms.
Time consuming and high cost of audit work.
Versatility of technology to track different chains.
Fragility in mapping and tracking these inventories.
Technical IT knowledge.
Experience in the sustainability sector.
Market influence for prospecting clients.
Need for experimentation and testing with the technology before release.
Mapping the emissions throughout the value chain.
Specific by-products, such as RECs.
Greater speed, reliability, and lower cost of the company’s value proposal.
REC with ballast in public information for greater credibility.
Blockchain technology in renewable energy certificates in Brazil 17
In BC-Company’s case, the blockchain is intrinsically connected to explore possibilities of
internal work organization, since the company has a limitation in the labor force. Within these
possibilities, the company tries to create blockchain-based products, exploring the versatility of
the technology. However, for this to occur there is the requirement of specialized IT knowledge
that is shared by external organizations.
Other organizations researched
In this section, we present the solutions of the supplementary interviewed companies. From
them, in the following section, we triangulate this information with the vertical analysis of ALL
and BC-Company, with the purpose of reflecting on the DSR model used.
ABC also had a market leader behavior regarding the creation of new products. The organization
understood that there was market demand for RECs, so much so that it decided to certify its own
plant for the generation of I-RECs not depending on ALL as an I-REC issuer anymore. However,
likewise, from a technological reading of the market, they want to improve this specific process
of generating RECs by using blockchain technology to guarantee the reliability of the source and
reduce the time it takes to authenticate and generate the certificate, by not needing to review the
entire chain. However, they chose to not create a new certificate, but improve the I-REC
certification. They identify, therefore, two products already understood by the market, the I-RECs
and the blockchain technology, and try to mix them.
“Our option to continue with the I-REC certification, specifically, is because it is already established, it is
already a recognized certificate and we did not want to create a market, or a proposal to renew the market,
as a first step. We are taking this first step to optimize the process of generating I-RECs, specifically,
because it is already a recognized certificate in the country.” ABC interviewee A.
However, there are risks in creating new products based only on the reputation of their attributes.
The employees interviewed at EnergyS, for example, were critical about RECs. They understood
that RE trading contracts would already prove the origin of the energy. In addition, they
considered that a large part of Brazilian energy would already be renewable due to the high
participation of hydroelectric plants. These reasons would make customers not so interested in
the certificates. New solutions in the sustainability market, therefore, would be imported from
other countries, without considering if they would make sense in the Brazilian context.
Trading also does not see a demand in the area of RECs. Following the logic that energy purchase
transactions would already prove the RES, the company carried out a project to implement the
blockchain in bilateral short-term contracts. However, regarding the certificates, the company
states that the implementation of blockchain means an evolution of the already existing
certification method. Nevertheless, Trading had to create a separate company to develop these
new technology projects, TEC-Trading, with specialized knowledge.
J. A. R. Yamaguchi, T. R. Santos, A. P. de Carvalho 18
Cross-case analysis
The application of the framework (Maedche et al., 2019) in the case of ALL and BC-Company,
combined with the analysis of other organizations, gave us data to identify the limits of the
concepts and the relationship between them in theory. We present an analysis model triangulated
for the organizations and, from this analysis, a reading of how the cases in depth can contribute
to the theory of DSR.
Table 5
Cross-case analysis Synthesis of the problem space, based on the interviews
Cross-case Analysis
Market leader (ALL, ABC, Trading) wants to identify a blockchain product that is already
understood by other market stakeholders.
Market challenger (BC-Company) wants to create a new representation of blockchain technology
to offer to stakeholders.
Audit tasks are costly and time-consuming and the market challenger (BC-Company) wants to
achieve a competitive advantage through blockchain. The market leader (ALL) wants the
coexistence of old and new practices.
Human and technological knowledge are necessary for the development of blockchain
applications (BC-Company, ALL, Trading). However, the market challenger (BC-Company) must
experiment with new business models to ensure the creation of new representations of blockchain
for the market.
The market leader (ALL, Trading, ABC) wants to add a security layer to an existing service. Market
challenger (BC-Company) wants to create new services around the blockchain.
First, the companies in the study cannot clearly separate their needs and objectives from the needs
and objectives of their clients. In ALL’s case, they argue about the low productivity of internal
manual audit work; and, as Spinnell and Zimberg (2018) state, blockchain can make the
recording of RE more cost-efficient. However, when they think about their objectives, they
emphasize the usefulness of the artifact for their client, that is, the characteristics of traceability
and transparency of the blockchain, aspects already identified by the literature (Gacitua et al.,
2018; Khaqqi et al., 2018; Pournader et al., 2020; Silvestre et al., 2020; Spinnell & Zimberg,
2018). This shows that there could be a theoretical separation of the needs and objectives of each
stakeholder for understanding the problem space (Maedche et al., 2019). Most other models do
not have this conceptual separation (Hevner & Chatterjee, 2010; Kuechler & Vaishnavi, 2012;
Peffers et al., 2007).
Second, stakeholders not only have a role in communicating the needs, requirements, and
objectives of companies, but depending on market positioning, each organization can follow a
distinct path in developing blockchain solutions. Some authors point out that the adoption of
blockchain technology is dependable on the market and regulatory development (Brilliantova &
Thurner, 2019; Burer et al., 2019). Furthermore, we contribute to the literature of blockchain
Blockchain technology in renewable energy certificates in Brazil 19
applications on RECs on how the regulatory context and the market positioning of the
organization influence the blockchain implementation. In this study, we identify that leading
organizations expect a consensus from stakeholders regarding new technologies and then
implement them; this was the case in ALL, Trading, and ABC. However, other organizations,
seeing these perspectives of other stakeholders, decide not to implement this technology
consensus, as in the case of EnergyS, while the challenging one, BC-Company, produced through
trial and error new possibilities of representing technology to convince stakeholders of its utility.
There is, therefore, a direct link between the artifact and the stakeholder, which is not present in
the model of Maedche et al. (2019).
This trial and error process, which was not present in Meadche et al. (2011), can be found in
Sein et al. (2011), at the principle of reciprocal shaping. Thus, the IT artifact implemented and
the organizational context would be inseparable. The application design, for example, can change
the business environment understanding and vice versa. Even so, the different representations of
technology for stakeholders are not present in the model of Sein et al. (2011).
Finally, leading companies, after waiting for stakeholder consensus on the new technology
panacea, can implement technologies without a clear sense of what needs they are having. This
consensus is subsequent to the increase in RE produced (Empresa de Pesquisa Energética [EPE],
2019), and the consequent market development and entry of new players into the market (Zhao
et al., 2020). This may be one of the causes of the disconnection between needs and objectives
already reported by ALL and ABC. However, in the model (Maedche et al., 2019), the path to
understanding the problem is only taken from the needs to the objectives, which presents a
limitation in contexts where there is an euphoria for the use of new technologies without a clear
In Kuechler and Vaishnavi (2012), we can make a parallel with the awareness of the problem and
the development of the artifact; with needs and goals (Maedche et al., 2019). In this science design
model (Kuechler & Vaishnavi, 2012), reasoning is viewed in DSR as a cycle. Thus, suggestions
and the development of the artifact can indicate new forms of awareness of the problem, with
the cycle continuing its steps later. Even so, we still cannot identify the process of creating
meaning, in which the consensus of the adoption of new technology finds a justification in the
organization, as a solution in search of a problem, but without a subsequent reflection or change
in the design of the solution. Other models only express a one-way rationalization direction
between problem identification and solution objectives (Aken & Romme, 2009; Peffers et al.,
2007) and others present no clear way of rationalization between them (Hevner & Chatterjee,
In case studies via DSR, either in the sustainability field (França et al., 2020; Stiel et al., 2016) or
in other areas (Bianchi & Ferraz, 2020; Debastiani et al., 2020; Gaspareto & Henriqson, 2020),
there is a clear rationalization between the problem to be solved and the solution proposed or
analyzed, always in a direction in which the problem induces the solution. However, in the case
analyzed the ways in which organizations justify the implementation of their solutions and the
resolution of their problems are built in a different way: organizations, whether leaders or
J. A. R. Yamaguchi, T. R. Santos, A. P. de Carvalho 20
challengers, choose the blockchain as a panacea and apply it to the resolution of several problems
by trial and error in an attempt to justify the resolution of problems that are not actually solved,
such as the traditional forms of auditing that remain without internal changes, that are intrinsic
and dependent on the policy and regulatory context (Burer et al., 2019). It is speculated how
DSR theories can be compatible in these environments with disconnection between the needs
and objectives of companies, which resemble behaviors understood in the garbage can model
(Cohen, March, & Olsen, 1972).
As for practical implications in public policy, this behavior is mirrored in the multiple streams
model (Kingdon, 2011); in this case, blockchain policy entrepreneurs can influence its
implementation in areas without reflection, which occurs in the problem stream. Therefore, it is
also important to analyze the stakeholders’ interpretation of the technology, which is not present
in the reviewed DSR models.
The objective of this study was to identify how different positioned organizations understand
their problems and propose their blockchain technological artifacts in the RECs market. Using
a case study methodology and design science research (DSR), we analyzed the problem space
(Maedche et al., 2019) of two different organizations that propose blockchain-based applications
to produce and trade RECs. We confirmed that blockchain can make the recording of RE more
cost-efficient (Spinnell & Zimberg, 2018). In addition, entrepreneurs emphasize the
characteristics of traceability and transparency of the blockchain (Gacitua et al., 2018; Khaqqi et
al., 2018; Pournader et al., 2020; Silvestre et al., 2020; Spinnell & Zimberg, 2018).
We also contribute to the literature of blockchain applications on RECs by identifying ways in
which the organization’s market context influences blockchain adoption and development. We
found that depending on the market positioning of the organization, its behavior regarding the
development of the blockchain solution will be different. While leading organizations expect
market consensus on technology adoption, challenger organizations use experimentation
processes to create new technological products, which involves creating technology
representations for different stakeholders. In addition, organizations implement the technology
without a clear notion of the problem to be solved, which may lead to failures in business models
and coexistence of analog and technological processes. These findings can guide entrepreneurs
in the process of thinking through their business model and its relationship to technology
We contribute to the literature of DSR by providing an in-depth description of the cases based
on the model (Maedche et al., 2019) and we point out inconsistencies that can be explored in
future studies to improve the theory. More specifically, we found that: (a) the position of the
organization in relation to other stakeholders changes the behavior of the technology adoption:
leaders and challengers have different behaviors; (b) the technological solution preceded the
perception of the problem, as leading companies, after waiting for stakeholder consensus on the
Blockchain technology in renewable energy certificates in Brazil 21
new technology panacea, can implement technologies without a clear sense of what needs they
are having; (c) organizations create different representations of the artifact for each stakeholder
to persuade them of its efficacy.
We suggest other studies to deepen these findings in order to develop theories that explain how
organizations see their problem when developing technological solutions while using DSR. Not
only due to the use of the case study methodology, but also due to the specific regulatory and
economic context, this research has limited potential for generalization. Nevertheless, studies
from other developing countries or investigations on other technologies in Brazil could find
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Authors’ contributions
author: conceptualization (lead), data curation (lead), formal analysis (lead), investigation (lead), methodology
(lead), validation (equal), writing-original draft (lead), writing-review & editing (equal).
author: conceptualization (equal), formal analysis (supporting), investigation (equal), methodology (equal),
resources (equal), validation (equal), writing-original draft (supporting), writing-review & editing (equal).
author: conceptualization (equal), formal analysis (equal), supervision (equal), writing-original draft (equal).
João Akio Ribeiro Yamaguchi*
Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo
Av. Nove de Julho, n. 2029, Bela Vista, 01313-902, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Teresa Rachael Santos
Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo
Av. Nove de Julho, n. 2029, Bela Vista, 01313-902, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
André Pereira de Carvalho
Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo
Av. Nove de Julho, n. 2029, Bela Vista, 01313-902, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
* Corresponding author
Peer review is responsible for acknowledging an article's potential contribution to the frontiers of scholarly knowledge on business
or public administration. The authors are the ultimate responsible for the consistency of the theoretical references, the accurate
report of empirical data, the personal perspectives, and the use of copyrighted material.
This content was evaluated using the double-blind peer review process. The disclosure of the reviewers' information on the first
page is made only after concluding the evaluation process, and with the voluntary consent of the respective reviewers.
J. A. R. Yamaguchi, T. R. Santos, A. P. de Carvalho 26
Table A1
Interviews and interviewees
Founder and director
March 06, 2020
Online video call
27 min
Administrative analyst
September 23,
Online video call
20 min
Co-founder and COO
December 21,
Online video call
31 min
December 3,
Online video call
23 min
BC’s technology
Software services director
December 4,
Online video call
43 min
Trading director
July 21, 2020
Online video call
45 min
Business development and M&A
R&D and innovation coordinator
July 30, 2020
Online video call
32 min
Senior R&D and innovation analyst
Relationship manager
July 27, 2020
Online video call
22 min
IT infrastructure manager
September 25,
Online video call
16 min
Information was not provided, but interviewees belong to the same department as the relationship manager.