Sample Reference Check Questions
What is/was your relationship to the candidate? And what is your job title?
How long did you work with the candidate?
What was the candidate‘s job title at your organization?
What were the candidate’s dates of employment? (or ask to confirm the dates provided
on the application or resume)
What were the main job duties or responsibilities of the candidate’s position with your
What was this candidate’s beginning and ending salary or hourly rate of pay?
Did the candidate supervise others? If yes: If I spoke to those employees, how do you
think they would describe his/her management style?
What was the biggest project you are aware of that the candidate worked on for your
organization? What was his/her responsibility on this project? Was the project
successfully completed?
Is this candidate more of an individualistic person or team oriented? Why do you think
How do you think co-workers would describe the candidate?
How did the candidate deal with conflict?
Was the candidate in a lot of high pressure or stressful work situations? If so how did
they handle these?
What is/are this candidate’s strengths?
What is/are the area(s) this candidate can continue to improve?
Did the employee have any warnings or discipline regarding unexcused attendance
issues (frequent absences, tadiness, etc.)?
What was the reason this candidate left your organization?
Is the candidate eligible for rehire at this time?
This individual has applied for a position as a ____________ with our company. Do
you believe this candidate would be a good fit for this type of position? Why or why
Is there anything I haven’t asked about that someone considering this person for a job
should be aware of ?