Richard Hall
Land Rover Buyers Guide
A guide for the novice
Landrover Buyers Guide
Ā© Richard Hall
All text and images copyright Richard Hall, Glencoyne Engineering (except cover image)
Book layout and design by Jennifer Farley, Laughing Lion Design (
Table of Contents
1 Buying A Land Rover 1
2 Living With An Older Land Rover 5
3 Land Rover Engines Since 1958 10
4 Checking The Chassis 13
5 Engine History 17
6 Land Rover Carburettors 20
7 Land Rover Green 23
Glossary 26
| 1
Buying a Land Rover
Are you looking to buy your ļ¬rst Land Rover? Confused by
all the diļ¬€erent models? Bewildered by conļ¬‚icting advice
from friends, colleagues and ā€˜expertsā€™? ī€œen read on - I am
here to help you choose the vehicle that is right for you.
ī€œe ļ¬rst thing to understand is that there are an almost
inļ¬nite number of variations on the basic Land Rover
design. Since 1958 there have been three basic chassis
lengths, about half a dozen diļ¬€erent engines and dozens
of permutations of seating, loadspace and window
arrangement to choose from. ī€œanks to the bolt-together
modular construction of Land Rovers, it can often be easier
to modify an existing vehicle to suit your requirements than
to try and ļ¬nd one which already meets them. ī€œat is why,
before I even think about showing you any vehicles for sale,
I like to understand what you will be asking your Land
Rover to do. Towing a horsebox? Camping holidays?
Oļ¬€road adventures? Carrying two people, or twelve?
Long distances, or just local trips? ī€œe more information
you can give me, the better.
ī€œere are many myths surrounding Land Rovers, so letā€™s
demolish a few of them at this stage.
Itā€™s a Land Rover all right. But is it the right one for you?
Myth: Land Rovers are made from
aluminium, so they donā€™t rust.
Truth: Most of the outer body panels on a Land Rover
are indeed aluminium. But the vehicle is built on an old-
fashioned ladder frame chassis. ī€œis is what gives a Land
Rover its strength: it is made from mild steel sections
welded together, it is given a bare minimum of corrosion
protection at the factory, and it rusts very readily indeed.
Any vehicle more than ten years old may be suļ¬€ering from
chassis corrosion: the condition of the visible body panels
provides no guide to the state of the chassis, and chassis
replacement is a very expensive job.
(However, it is worth mentioning that most Japanese 4x4s
are far more rot-prone than Land Rovers.)
ī€œe other crucial structural component is the bulkhead -
the structure to which the windscreen, dashboard, steering
column, doors, bonnet and front wings are bolted. ī€œis, like
the chassis, is a safety-critical item, and guess what? Itā€™s
made from mild steel, and it rusts. Replacing a bulkhead is
almost as involved and expensive as chassis replacement.
simply, I will not sell a vehicle that has a rotten chassis or
bulkhead (unless it is for spares or restoration). But the
best thing you can do to protect your new purchase is to
buy a pressure washer (a cheap one will do) and make sure
you regularly power wash the chassis, especially the hollow
sections where mud and road salt can accumulate. A clean
chassis will rust only slowly: a mud and salt-encrusted one
will disappear much faster.
Myth: Land Rovers are so tough,
they go on forever.
Truth: Land Rovers are indeed tough and strongly built, but
they are not indestructible, and they do not respond well
to neglect. A Land Rover is more complex mechanically
than the average family car, and it needs more frequent and
extensive servicing. Neglected Land Rovers can hide some
quite serious mechanical faults, appearing to drive perfectly
well right up to the moment where they go bang. In addition,
there are a number of well-documented weaknesses, which
vary from model to model, and which can be very expensive
to put right.
I know all about the mechanical problems that can aļ¬„ict
older Land Rovers. Every vehicle I sell gets a comprehensive
service and inspection before it is handed over to the customer,
and I will not sell a vehicle unless I have thoroughly road-
tested it myself. ī€œat is why I am conļ¬dent enough in my
vehicles to oļ¬€er my own warranty at my own expense.
Myth: Only diesel Land Rovers are
worth having
Truth: It depends entirely on what you are planning to do
with the vehicle. For extensive oļ¬€-road use with lots of
short journeys, I would most probably recommend a diesel,
but for some other applications the dieselā€™s noise, harshness,
lack of power and short service intervals may count against
it. I am particularly enthusiastic about the 2.5 petrol engine
when converted to run on LPG. ī€œis engine produces about
the same power as a 2.5 turbodiesel, it is smoother, quieter,
easier to start in cold weather and, running on LPG, the fuel
bills are about 15-20% lower than a diesel 110. Click here
to ļ¬nd out more about my LPG conversions.
For heavy-duty towing applications the 3.5 litre petrol V8
cannot be beaten, and I can oļ¬€er LPG systems to suit this
engine as well. So keep an open mind, and let me advise
you on the engine and fuel option that best matches your
ī€Ÿis patchwork quilt is even worse than it looks. ī€Ÿe bottom face of the chassis
was so rotten I could poke my ļ¬ngers through it. ī€Ÿe vehicle actually looked
quite smart from above...
Other areas where steel is used include the door frames,
the storage boxes under the front seats, and the protective
cappings along the top and rear corners of the bodywork.
Any of these areas can rust extensively, and often do.
Further problems can arise where steel and aluminium meet
- a chemical reaction results in the aluminium being eaten
away and turning into a crumbly white powder. ī€œis is most
common around the edges of the doors.
I check every vehicle I sell for structural soundness. Quite
Myth: Land Rovers cost a
fortune to run.
Truth: It is true that fuel consumption, even on the diesel
vehicles, is no better than that of a large family car. You
will be lucky to see better than 25 mpg in everyday use.
However, fuel costs are only part of the story. Land Rovers
depreciate (lose value) very slowly compared with most cars,
so you can expect to get more of your money back when you
come to sell your Land Rover or trade it in for another one.
ī€œere is a ļ¬ercely competitive market for spares and
accessories, and you will ļ¬nd that many parts are actually
cheaper than for even a small car. ī€œe vehicles are simple
to work on, and DIY routine maintenance is well within the
abilities of anyone who has ever assembled an Ikea wardrobe
without having too many bits left over. And Land Rovers
fall into a low insurance group. If you can aļ¬€ord to run an
ordinary family car, you can aļ¬€ord a Land Rover.
Myth: The newer the vehicle,
the better
Truth: Land Rover build quality has tended to be a bit
variable, and the way the vehicles are treated early in life
will have a huge eļ¬€ect on their long-term durability. It is
hard to discern a pattern: I have seen mid 1990s vehicles
with advanced chassis and bulkhead rot, and early 1980s
vehicles still as solid as the day they left the factory. ī€œere
were various key improvements in speciļ¬cation over the
years, most notably in 1983/4 where the coil sprung 90
and 110 vehicles replaced the old leaf sprung ā€˜Seriesā€™ Land
Rovers, and then in 1990 when the TDi diesel engine was
introduced. However, as a general rule, you should choose
your Land Rover on condition and speciļ¬cation, with age
being one of the least important factors. In choosing a
newer vehicle, you will undoubtedly be paying more, but
that does not mean you will get a better or more durable
vehicle for the money.
So thatā€™s given you some idea of the questions to ask. But
the big question is - is an older Land Rover really for you?
Read on to ļ¬nd out.
I get a lot of enquiries from people who have never before
owned a Land Rover, and who fancy one of the older vehicles
as an introduction to Land Rover ownership. Perhaps they
have a limited budget, only need the vehicle for occasional
use, donā€™t want to tie up a huge sum of money in a vehicle
that only gets used to take the dogs to the beach, like the
idea of saving Ā£190 a year in road tax, or maybe they just like
the look of the older vehicles.
An older Land Rover, whether an early coil-sprung 90 or
110, or one of the classic leaf sprung ā€˜Seriesā€™ models, can
be a faithful and durable friend, but you really need to go
into the purchase with your eyes wide open and use some
common sense. Only a couple of weeks ago I was oļ¬€ered
a vehicle very cheaply by someone who had fancied ā€˜an old
Land Roverā€™ and had gone out and bought the ļ¬rst one he
looked at. It was, in every way, a bad purchase. It was a long-
wheelbase model, so he could barely get it into his tightly
curved driveway. It was a 2.25 3-bearing diesel, and he had
bought it with a view to towing his boat down to the South
Coast once a month, a 400 mile round trip for which a slow,
noisy, underpowered vehicle was desperately ill-suited. ī€œe
chassis was a patchwork quilt of plates welded on top of
other plates, and the bulkhead wasnā€™t much better. It had
been through ten owners, none of whom had ever spent any
money on it, and mechanically it was about as bad as they
get. Every week it broke down, he took it into the garage
and was presented with a large bill. Now he just wanted to
get rid of the thing, and swore never to buy another Land
Rover again.
What is really sad is that, for the money he ploughed into
this rolling wreck, if he had done some basic research, taken
good advice and really thought about his requirements, he
could have had a nice, well-maintained older vehicle which
would have lasted him many, many years. (I didnā€™t buy his
vehicle by the way, but someone on eBay did...)
So what do you need to think about, and beware of, when
considering spending Ā£2,000 - Ā£3,000 (the most common
price range I am asked to supply) on an older Land Rover?
General points ļ¬rst. ī€œis kind of money will not stretch to
a post 1990 Defender TDi, at least not one that any sensible
buyer would touch with a bargepole. So the vehicles you are
looking at will be OLD. At least ļ¬fteen years old, possibly
forty or even older. Land Rovers are mechanically complex
and incorporate some very old fashioned technology. ī€œis
means that however clean, well-maintained and low mileage
your vehicle, it WILL break down at some point, and it
WILL require money spending on it, on a regular basis, to
keep it in good mechanical condition. If that is unacceptable
to you, go and buy a new Nissan X-Trail.
A Land Rover is designed as a fairly uncompromising oļ¬€-
road workhorse for farmers, the military and construction
workers. By passenger car, or even modern 4X4 standards,
it will be slow, noisy, ill-handling, with an uncomfortable
driving position, minimal creature comforts and heavy
controls. ī€œis applies much more to the older vehicles, but
even a Ninety can be a bit of a culture shock if you are used
to driving a 3-series BMW to work every day.
ī€œis rugged, uncompromising, utilitarian nature is part of
the Land Roverā€™s enduring appeal, but it is not to all tastes.
Make sure you understand what an older Land Rover is all
about before you buy one. It isnā€™t a cool-looking alternative
to a Suzuki Jeep or Toyota RAV-4. Itā€™s more like a tractor
that you can use to take the kids to school in.
Safety equipment - you get seatbelts, and a big heavy ladder
frame chassis that will give you plenty of protection in front
or rear impacts, but absolutely none in side collisions or
rollovers. ī€œatā€™s all. No airbags, anti-lock brakes, electronic
stability aids, traction control or any of the other stuļ¬€ that
keeps drivers of modern cars out of trouble. If you drive an
older Land Rover like a modern car, two things will happen:
you will crash, and it will hurt a lot.
Now letā€™s look at some of the issues speciļ¬c to particular
Living with an older Land Rover
Series II (1958-61),
Series IIA (1961-71):
Everyoneā€™s idea of what a proper classic Land Rover should
look like. Headlamps mounted close together in the centre
of the grille panel until 1968, when they were moved out to
the wings. ī€œese vehicles were strongly built of good quality
materials (they predated the British Leyland era) and there
are a surprising number still around, and not too expensive
either. Only very minor detail diļ¬€erences between the
Series II and IIA, which means that the design of these
vehicles is now getting on for half a century old. What does
that mean?
Firstly, they are not really up to modern traļ¬ƒc conditions
without some important improvements. ī€œe main ones
Brakes - these vehicles did not have power assisted brakes,
so the brakes are very, very heavy indeed. Also they had
single circuit brakes - so if a leak develops anywhere in the
system, you only have the handbrake to stop you.
Performance - the 2.25 petrol is just about powerful enough
to keep up with modern traļ¬ƒc, but the diesel engine is
underpowered, noisy and tends to self-destruct if worked too
hard. Realistically, top speed is 55 mph in a petrol vehicle,
45 in a diesel. Try driving everywhere at 45 in your car, and
see how long a queue builds up behind you. Try doing it on
the motorway, and see how quickly you get rear-ended by
an East European artic. An overdrive will raise the cruising
speed by 10 mph, but the diesel in particular will always
struggle on hills, more so when heavily laden or towing.
Ride and handling - these vehicles use very old leaf-spring
technology, and although the ride on new springs and shocks
is tolerable, it deteriorates very badly as these components
age. ī€œe steering is non-assisted, low geared and heavy. ī€œe
turning circle is fairly large on short wheelbase vehicles,
supertanker-huge on long wheelbase ones.
Controls - the clutch can be very heavy (a real pain,
literally, in traļ¬ƒc jams), the switchgear is scattered all over
the dashboard, poorly marked and hard to read, brakes and
steering as mentioned above are heavy and imprecise in
feel, and the gearchange takes care and practice to master.
ī€œere is no synchromesh on ļ¬rst or second gear (a hangover
from the Land Rover transmissionā€™s pre-war roots) so you
will need to rediscover the lost art of double-declutching
when changing up or down. All this gives every journey a
feeling of adventure, but if you just want an unchallenging,
straightforward drive, one of these vehicles is not for you.
Comfort - you get ļ¬‚at slabs of black vinyl-covered foam
to sit on, non-retracting seatbelts and sliding side windows
which let in draughts. Rainwater leaks round the corners
of the windscreen and drips onto your legs. ī€œe heater
is feeble. ī€œe seats have very limited adjustment and no
headrests. ī€œe driving position is strange - like sitting at
a school desk, back upright with your feet ļ¬‚at on the ļ¬‚oor.
ī€œere is no stereo, and no point in ļ¬tting one because you
wonā€™t be able to hear it with the engine running.
Electrics - the vehicles have dynamo charging systems, long
since obsolete. ī€œese do not provide enough power to keep
the battery charged when using all the electrics. Headlamps,
wipers and heater - you can have any two out of three, but
not all three, unless you want to end up with a ļ¬‚at battery.
ī€œe problem is worst at low speeds - so if you want to use
the vehicle for winter commuting in heavy traļ¬ƒc, you need
to do something about it. And the lights are inherently
unreliable. Just remember the motto of the classic British
vehicle owner: ā€œLucas Electrics - Home Before Dark!ā€
Fuel - petrol engines will not run on unleaded without either
cylinder head modiļ¬cations (approx Ā£350-Ā£400) or a fuel
additive. ī€œe same applies if you are planning to convert the
vehicle to run on LPG.
ī€œere are solutions available to all these problems, but (of
course) they cost money. So you have to decide which of
these defects you can live with, and which you must ļ¬x. ī€œis
will depend on the use to which you plan to put the vehicle.
Bottom line is, is you are doing more than about 3,000 miles
a year, using the vehicle as daily transport, covering a lot of
motorway miles or will struggle with heavy hand or foot
controls, one of these vehicles is not for you, unless you can
aļ¬€ord to have it updated to a more modern speciļ¬cation.
ī€œe next point to consider is that these vehicles, even when
in good order, are quite heavy on maintenance (just like any
other 40 year old car) and need regular checking, lubricants
topping up etc to spot emerging problems before they
become serious enough to immobilise the vehicle. If you
have no mechanical skills or sympathy, you will develop a
very close and ļ¬nancially crippling relationship with your
local garage. Iā€™m not saying that you need to be able to strip
and rebuild a gearbox by the roadside with a Swiss Army
knife and some baler twine - but some basic mechanical
understanding will greatly help to keep the relationship
with your vehicle a happy one.
Series IIA in original unrestored condition. A forty year old vehicle still doing the job it was built to do. Lovely.
But donā€™t forget the good points. ī€œese vehicles are simple,
sturdy and easy to work on. Most parts are still available,
and very cheaply at that. You can insure them on a classic
car policy, thereā€™s no road tax to pay, and of course you have
a genuine icon of British design, instantly recognisable the
world over.
ī€œese are the vehicles that made Land Roverā€™s reputation,
and you will feel very proud to own a vehicle which is maybe
40+ years old, still doing the job for which it was designed.
ī€œey are real fun to drive, a properly involving driving
experience, and they look great. Just donā€™t expect them to be
modern, because they arenā€™t.
Series III, 1971-84:
If these vehicles look similar to the Series IIA, thatā€™s because
they are. ī€œey got a new dashboard with instruments and
switchgear in front of the driver, synchromesh on all gears,
alternator charging and slightly better interior trim, but in
essence they are still the same 1958-vintage design, with
most of the same usability and comfort issues. As production
went on through the strike-bound Seventies, quality became
very erratic, with chassis corrosion in particular becoming a
major issue towards the end of the production run. But the
design was steadily reļ¬ned and improved through its life,
and the following items are well worth looking out for:
5-bearing engines - both petrol and diesel from 1980.
Smoother and far more durable at motorway speeds. Can
be retroļ¬tted to earlier vehicles - but the older 3-bearing
engine can be ļ¬tted to late vehicles as well, so you need to
check the engine serial number.
Power brakes - available on many though not all Series III
vehicles. All but the early ones had dual circuit brakes, and
post 1980 short wheelbase vehicles like the one pictured
above had the same front brakes as long wheelbase models
- much more powerful.
Deluxe and County trim - interior trim panels, more
comfortable shaped seats to cut down noise and improve
driver comfort. Later vehicles had retracting seat belts as well.
Stage One V8 (1979-83)
ī€œis was a totally diļ¬€erent animal, with 3.5 litre V8 power
and permanent four wheel drive. Perhaps the most usable
Series III, especially if converted to run on LPG, but only
available here in long wheelbase form.
ī€œe Series III is perhaps not quite as pure a piece of design as
the Series II/IIA, and only the very earliest (1972) vehicles
are tax exempt. But there are huge numbers about, and a
late one in good condition will still be up to pretty much
any job you ask of it.
Ninety and One Ten, 1983-90*:
A quantum leap forward in comfort and usability, despite
being initially little more than a Series III body on an old
Range Rover chassis. Ninety is short wheelbase, One Ten
is long wheelbase. Coil spring suspension gives vastly
improved ride and handling, power assisted brakes (discs at
front) on all models from the start, as was permanent four
wheel drive (which greatly aids stability). Interiors better
trimmed, wind-up windows on all but the very ļ¬rst One
Tens, power steering (optional, but a common ļ¬tment), a
new 5-speed gearbox for relaxed motorway cruising, better
seats, better mirrors - the list goes on. ī€œe turning circle,
though still large, is far more manageable than a Series III.
ī€œey still need a lot of servicing, but at longer intervals than
the older vehicles. Engines are more powerful (except the
very early ones). So why wouldnā€™t you buy one instead of a
Series vehicle?
*Sometimes you see pre-1990 vehicles described as
Defenders. ī€œis is incorrect - the Defender model name
did not appear until the new TDi engine was introduced
in 1990.
ī€Ÿis Series III from 1981 has had a much harder life than the IIA pictured above. I sold this one for rebuilding.
Reasons Not To Buy A Ninety
Or One Ten:
Their popularity.
Precisely because they are so much more usable in modern
conditions than the Series vehicles, demand even for older
vehicles remains high. ī€œat means that the same money
that will buy a clean, well-loved Series II or III will only
stretch to a fairly shabby, hard-worked Ninety. You donā€™t get
something for nothing.
Their complexity.
ī€œe coil spring suspension has lots of bushes which wear
and can be expensive and time-consuming to replace. ī€œe
permanent four wheel drive system is more complex than
the selectable system on the Series vehicles and expensive
to ļ¬x if it goes wrong. Electrical systems are more complex,
and faults therefore harder to trace. Wind-up windows
and push-button door handles provide an unending source
of irritating problems which just donā€™t exist on a Series
Their (lack of) quality.
Early One Tens (sliding side windows) seem to have
been better built and painted than the last of the Series
IIIs, but it all went downhill from there. ī€œere are major
issues, particularly on late Eighties vehicles, with chassis
rot and especially with bulkheads rotting away just below
the windscreen and around the top door hinge. Doors
corrode internally and fall apart, and cost about four times
as much to replace as the two-piece Series doors. Wiper
motors lose their self-parking function. Power steering has
unreliability built in as standard. Turbodiesels (pre TDi)
blow up. Gearboxes break expensively, losing all drive to
the wheels, due to a design fault which Land Rover took 14
years to ļ¬x.
Their ubiquity.
ī€œese vehicles are absolutely everywhere. If you want
something distinctive which stands out from the crowd, a
Ninety or One Ten is not the way to go. You can paint
it bright yellow, stick aluminium chequerplate all over
the outside, ļ¬t a bullbar, huge wheels, half a dozen
spotlights and jack up the suspension, and the next day
youā€™ll meet another one coming the other way, to which
its owner has done exactly the same as you have to yours.
But if you plan to do a lot of miles, want a Land Rover to use
as your only vehicle, need power steering, suļ¬€er from back
problems or spend all your life on the motorway, a Ninety or
One Ten is probably your best choice. However, you need to
be very careful buying one of these vehicles. With a Series
Typical example of a hard-working Ninety - actually my old workhorse, now gone to a new home.
II or III, if the chassis and bulkhead are sound (and they
are pretty easy to inspect) then most other problems can be
sorted out fairly cheaply. But turning a tired Ninety into
reliable transport can become a very expensive game indeed.
ī€œere are far more bad examples out there than good ones,
and shiny paintwork is no guide to what lies underneath.
Compare and contrast - Series IIA on left, Ninety on right
Land Rover used a number of diļ¬€erent engines over the
years, although all belonged to one of three ā€˜familiesā€™:
1. ī€œe inlet-over-exhaust petrol engines, in both four and
six cylinder variants, which were used from the very ļ¬rst
Land Rovers in 1948, and which had their origins in pre-
war Rover cars.
2. ī€œe four cylinder overhead valve engines,both petrol
and diesel, which ļ¬rst appeared (in diesel form) in 1957, at
the tail end of Series One production, and evolved over the
years to the TDi 300 turbodiesel, which remains in produc-
tion today for some overseas markets.
3. ī€œe Buick-sourced all aluminium V8 motor.
Since 1998 Defenders have used the TD5 motor, an all-new
5 cylinder turbodiesel which, thanks to Ford, looks likely to
be the last Land Rover designed engine. Reports suggest
that it will be dropped next year in favour of a Ford diesel.
What follows is a short guide to the various engines used by
Land Rover since the start of Series II production in 1958. ī€œe
comments are based mainly on my own experience - others may
have diļ¬€erent views. ī€œe list is in roughly chronological order.
1997cc Petrol, inlet-over-exhaust:
ī€œe ļ¬rst few months production of Series II 88 inch petrol
had these engines, carried over from Series One production.
I suspect that most of the survivors will have been ļ¬tted
with later 2286cc engines by now.
2052cc Diesel, overhead valve:
Land Roverā€™s ļ¬rst diesel engine, and one of the ļ¬rst small
high-speed diesels produced in the UK. It appeared in 1957,
and was used in Series II production until 1961. Looks al-
most identical to the later 2286cc engine, but many internal
diļ¬€erences. 51 bhp wasnā€™t really good enough even in the
late Fifties, and I would be surprised if more than a tiny
handful of these engines remain in use.
2286cc Petrol, overhead valve,
3 bearing crank:
Must be the most numerous of all Land Rover engines.
Closely related to the 2052cc diesel but with cylinders bored
direct in the block (rather than the wet liners used by the
diesel). Early engines had some weaknesses, prompting a
redesign of many internal parts for the Series IIA in 1961.
After that, carried on pretty much unchanged until 1980
when the 5 bearing crank appeared (see below).
A rugged, torquey motor with few real weaknesses: tends
to wear its crank bearings (especially the centre one) due to
crank ļ¬‚ex at high revs, but will still keep going even when
very rattly. Major bore wear is very common but doesnā€™t
seem to make a huge diļ¬€erence to power or oil consump-
tion... Series II and IIA had Solex downdraught carburettor
to 1968, later Series IIA and Series III had Zenith 36IV.
Both can give problems in old age - quickest ļ¬x is a Weber
replacement, but opinions on this conversion are divided.
Some people report carburettor icing, and the Weber has a
smaller intake than either the Solex or Zenith, which reduc-
es power output (although economy is improved). A new or
reconditioned original speciļ¬cation carburettor will be more
expensive but probably better in the long run.
2286cc Diesel, overhead valve,
3 bearing crank:
Appeared in 1961 alongside the redesigned 2286cc petrol
engine at the start of Series IIA production, and shared its
Land Rover Engines Since 1958
cylinder block and some other components. A big improve-
ment over the earlier diesel: power output now a half decent
62 bhp. But the three bearing crank was a major weak spot:
despite being made of better materials than the petrol one,
it ļ¬‚exed at high revs and tended to break under load with
expensive consequences. Fuel injection pump was driven
oļ¬€ the camshaft by a skew gear which wore badly, giving
unstable pump timing and lots of light grey smoke on older
engines. One of these engines, if assembled properly, is still
just about up to modern use: but keep below 45 mph (55
on overdrive-equipped vehicles) to be sure you donā€™t break
2625cc Petrol, inlet-over-exhaust:
Borrowed from the Rover saloon range, in response to de-
mands from mid-Sixties Land Rover users for more power
and torque. ī€œe big, heavy old straight six was heavily de-
tuned for commercial use. Acquired a reputation for over-
heating and cracking cylinder heads, mainly due to operator
neglect. (Nothing much wrong with the engine, as long as
you keep ļ¬‚uids topped up and donā€™t let it go out of tune.)
Also it was thirsty and barely more powerful than the four
cylinder petrol engine, although it sounds lovely and devel-
ops usefully more torque. Parts supply these days is patchy
(although the engine remained available until 1980). ī€œe
Weslake-head 3 litre engine from a Rover P5 is near enough
a direct swap and used to be very popular, so check those
serial numbers.
Mark Rumsey (Series II Club technical guru) adds: ā€œ(ī€œe
straight six) feels barely more powerful than a 2.25 when
driven in the same way, but in fact is quite a lot more pow-
erful, around 20% in fact. If you use the full rev range of
the engine you can take advantage of exceptional low speed
torque, and if you are prepared to run the revs up you can get
rapid acceleration. However, stick with the mid range (2000-
3000rpm) and its only slightly better than a 2.25. Where the
6 shows it potential most is on hills. Where a 2.25 would
start losing speed, the 6 just keeps pulling. Also the Weslake
head on either the 2.6 (Rover P4 110 engine) or 3 litre wonā€™t
ļ¬t without modiļ¬cation to the clutch pedal box. However,
the early non-Weslake 3 litre drops straight in.ā€
2286cc petrol/diesel, overhead valve,
5 bearing crank:
In 1980, Land Rover ļ¬nally did something about the crank
failures which had plagued its four cylinder engines for 22
years. ī€œe new crank was so strong that Land Rover could
(and did) get away with using the same crank for petrol and
diesel engines. ī€œese engines lasted beyond the end of Se-
ries III production and into the ļ¬rst couple of years of the
new Ninety and One Ten ranges. Well worth paying extra
for, if you are looking to replace a worn or broken 3 bearing
engine in a Series vehicle.
3528cc V8 Petrol:
ī€œe ex-Buick all alloy V8 engine appeared in the Range
Rover right from the start of production in 1970, but did
not make its way into the companyā€™s utility vehicles until
1979. ī€œe Series III 109 V8 (or ā€˜Stage One V8ā€™) was in-
tended to replace the 2.6 litre six cylinder vehicles: Land
Roverā€™s engineers obviously thought the new vehicle would
be too fast for its brakes and suspension, so they detuned
the engine to 91 bhp by ļ¬tting restrictors in the carbs. Re-
moving these takes the engine up to Range Rover spec (138
bhp or thereabouts). ī€œe One Ten (from 1983) had the 138
bhp V8 as an option from the start, and the same engine
later appeared in the Ninety. ī€œe V8 engines were gradually
phased out after the TDi turbodiesel appeared, with only a
handful being ļ¬tted to Defenders as a special order option
after 1990.
ī€œe V8, in all its applications, is a strong and reliable en-
gine, but not indestructible: camshafts wear out at around
90-100 thousand miles, head gaskets and camchains usu-
ally go around the same time. ī€œese engines can hide seri-
ous problems very well, so be suspicious of one which has
a slight misļ¬re or is a bit down on power - it is probably
overdue for a rebuild.
2495cc petrol, overhead valve:
ī€œe ļ¬nal development of Land Roverā€™s ohv petrol ā€˜fourā€™,
with hardened valve seats which allow running on unlead-
ed (or LPG). Lots of torque, and similar power output to
the 2.5TD, but without the reliability issues (see below).
A much underrated engine: works well with LPG, easy to
maintain, and 2.5 petrol Landies tend to be much cheaper
than diesels. Buy now while stocks last.
2495cc diesel, overhead valve:
Land Rover reworked the old ā€˜two and a quarterā€™ diesel
for the Eighties. ī€œe injection pump was now driven oļ¬€
a toothed belt at the front of the engine (together with the
camshaft) which sorted the pump timing drift problem of
the older diesels, and the increase in capacity provided a bit
more power. Slow but strong, simple and dependable.
2495cc turbodiesel, overhead valve,
type 19J:
Given the strength and reliability of the 2.5 diesel, you can
understand why Land Rover thought it would cope with
turbocharging, but the result was a warranty nightmare.
2.5TDs can fail in any number of ways, but the most com-
mon seems to be internal cracks developing in the cylinder
block. ī€œis gives the same symptoms as a blown head gas-
ket or cracked cylinder head, but is not repairable. Due to
a defective design of crankcase breather, these engines also
tend to dump large amounts of engine oil into the air ļ¬lter
housing, which turns the paper air ļ¬lter into a soggy black
lump. ī€œis in turn leads to oil being drawn into the air in-
take, causing the engine to ā€˜run awayā€™ and self-destruct.
Land Rover introduced a new cylinder block for the 2.5 Tur-
bodiesel (part no. ERR479) from engine number 19J27515C.
I have not been able to conļ¬rm, but suspect that this block
was strengthened to get round the block cracking problems
I would consider rebuilding a later engine, but not one of
the earlier ones. In general, if the vehicle itself is any good,
the sensible thing to do is to upgrade to a 200TDi (see be-
low), or for old and tatty TDs the 2495cc non-turbo engine
is a very straightforward swap, with only the air intake hose
and exhaust system needing to be changed.
2495cc turbodiesel, overhead valve,
200TDi and 300TDi:
Second time lucky for Land Rover. ī€œe lessons learned from
the 2.5TD were incorporated into the new TDi engines
available in the Defender and Discovery from 1990. ī€œe
cylinder block still looked familiar (although strengthened
internally with an aluminium ladder frame bolted to the
bearing caps) but the cylinder head was all-new and a direct
injection fuel system was used. ī€œese engines have gained
an impressive reputation for power and durability. Defender
engines produced 107bhp, Discovery engines (with diļ¬€erent
manifolding and a couple of other small changes) 111bhp.
ī€œe 300TDi has a single serpentine drive belt for alternator,
power steering etc, better soundprooļ¬ng and a few small in-
ternal diļ¬€erences compare to the 200TDi. Power outputs of
the two engines are identical. ī€œough no longer oļ¬€ered in
Europe (due to emissions regulations) the 300TDi remains
available in some export markets.
2495cc turbodiesel, 5 cylinder, TD5:
New and much stricter Euro emissions regulations for die-
sel engines led Land Rover to develop an all-new engine
for the second generation Discovery, and this also found its
way into the Defender. ī€œe TD5 features electronic control
of the fuel injection system (with a control unit under the
driverā€™s seat), ā€˜drive by wireā€™ throttle and other reļ¬nements,
all aimed at minimising exhaust emissions. Early reaction
was mixed: the TD5 was much easier to stall than the earlier
diesel engines (a characteristic shared by many of the lat-
est generation of environment-friendly diesels) and there
were reports of oil pump failures, cylinder head problems
and other reliability issues - but not on anything like the
scale of the 2.5TD ļ¬asco in the Eighties. In any case, these
issues appear to have been resolved, and the TD5 has turned
out to be a lovely engine - much smoother than the old TDi,
and it sounds better too.
Non Land Rover engines:
ī€œe weaknesses of some of the earlier engines re-
sulted in a thriving industry ļ¬tting engines from vari-
ous manufacturers to Land Rovers. Before the 200TDi,
if you wanted a powerful, reliable diesel engine in
your Land Rover, a conversion was the only way to
go. Popular engine swaps over the years have included:
Perkins 4.203 and 4.236 - big, slow-revving industrial
engines, lots of torque but not much speed
Ford 2.5 York diesel (horrible) and 2.5Di (excellent)
Perkins Prima 2.0 turbodiesel (best bit of an Austin
Peugeot 2.3 and 2.5 diesel - slow but durable
Almost every Japanese diesel between 2.0 and 3.5 litres
ī€œese days, the most popular engine swap is the 200TDi.
ī€œis engine, sourced from a Defender, will bolt into any
four-cylinder Ninety or One Ten with the minimum of
modiļ¬cations. ī€œe 300TDi needs more work (it is designed
to ļ¬t the later R380 gearbox, rather than the LT77 used in
the older vehicles) and ex-Discovery TDis also need some
modiļ¬cations to make them ļ¬t. ī€œe 200TDi will also ļ¬t
a Series II, IIA or III Landie with some work, and I have
developed the ā€˜200Diā€™ conversion - basically a derated, non-
turbo version of this engine - speciļ¬cally for Series applica-
Older Land Rovers may have a chequered past.
ī€œey could have been rebuilt several times and end-
ed up with quite a diļ¬€erent conļ¬guration to the one
they started with. Not a problem in itself, but it can
be interesting to discover how your vehicle began its
life. More seriously, stolen Landies are sometimes
given a new identity using the chassis plate from a
scrapped vehicle. So if the chassis number doesnā€™t
correspond to the vehicle you are looking at, alarm
bells should start to ring.
ī€œe chassis number is usually found stamped on an
aluminium plate which also gives a basic description
of the vehicle. ī€œis will usually be mounted on the
bulkhead - inside the cab on earlier vehicles, under
the bonnet (sometimes attached to the bulkhead,
sometimes to the brake servo) on later ones. ī€œe
list below does not include Series One vehicles -
these are very much a collectorā€™s item nowadays, and
I would recommend joining the Land Rover Series
One Club if you are serious about purchasing one of
these historic machines.
From the end of 1979 Land Rover went over to the
modern 17 digit VIN numbers - these are slightly
harder to decode, but still no problem with the list
below. Prior to this, 9 digit numbers, or 8 digits
plus a suļ¬ƒx letter, were used.
Checking The Chassis
Chassis plate on Defender
Chassis plate on later Series III (bonnet removed)
141xxxxxx - 145xxxxxx: Series II 88 inch petrol
146xxxxxx - 150xxxxxx: Series II 88 inch diesel
151xxxxxx - 155xxxxxx: Series II 109 inch petrol
156xxxxxx - 160xxxxxx: Series II 109 inch diesel
161xxxxxx - 165xxxxxx: Series II 109 inch petrol station
166xxxxxx - 170xxxxxx: Series II 109 inch diesel station
222xxxxxx - 229xxxxxx: Series IIA 109 inch petrol One
Tonne 6 cylinder
231xxxxxx - 235xxxxxx: Series IIA 109 inch petrol One
236xxxxxx - 239xxxxxx: Series IIA 88 inch petrol airport-
able (ā€˜Lightweightā€™)
241xxxxxx - 245xxxxxx: Series IIA 88 inch petrol
246xxxxxx - 250xxxxxx: Series IIA 109 inch petrol One
251xxxxxx - 255xxxxxx: Series IIA 109 inch petrol
259xxxxxx - 259xxxxxx: Series III 88 inch petrol
261xxxxxx - 265xxxxxx: Series IIA 109 inch petrol station
266xxxxxx - 270xxxxxx: Series IIA 109 inch petrol One
Tonne 6 cylinder
271xxxxxx - 275xxxxxx: Series IIA 88 inch diesel
276xxxxxx - 280xxxxxx: Series IIA 109 inch diesel
281xxxxxx - 285xxxxxx: Series IIA 109 inch diesel station
286xxxxxx - 290xxxxxx: Series IIA Forward Control petrol
300xxxxxx - 304xxxxxx: Series IIA Forward Control petrol
6 cylinder
305xxxxxx - 305xxxxxx: Series IIA Forward Control diesel
310xxxxxx - 310xxxxxx: Series IIA 109 inch airportable
315xxxxxx - 319xxxxxx: Series IIA 88 inch petrol station
320xxxxxx - 324xxxxxx: Series IIA 88 inch diesel station
325xxxxxx - 329xxxxxx: Series IIB Forward Control petrol
330xxxxxx - 334xxxxxx: Series IIB Forward Control petrol
6 cylinder
335xxxxxx - 339xxxxxx: Series IIB Forward Control diesel
343xxxxxx - 343xxxxxx: Series IIA 109 inch petrol 6 cylin-
der station wagon (North America)
345xxxxxx - 349xxxxxx: Series IIA 109 inch petrol 6
350xxxxxx - 354xxxxxx: Series IIA 109 inch petrol 6 cylin-
der station wagon
524xxxxxx - 524xxxxxx: Series IIA 88 inch petrol station
wagon (North America)
895xxxxxx - 895xxxxxx: Series III 88 inch diesel airport-
able (ā€˜Lightweightā€™ - military export)
901xxxxxx - 905xxxxxx: Series III 88 inch petrol
906xxxxxx - 910xxxxxx: Series III 88 inch diesel
911xxxxxx - 915xxxxxx: Series III 109 inch petrol
916xxxxxx - 920xxxxxx: Series III 109 inch diesel
921xxxxxx - 925xxxxxx: Series III 88 inch petrol station
926xxxxxx - 930xxxxxx: Series III 88 inch diesel station
931xxxxxx - 935xxxxxx: Series III 109 inch petrol station
936xxxxxx - 940xxxxxx: Series III 109 inch diesel station
941xxxxxx - 945xxxxxx: Series III 109 inch petrol 6 cylin-
946xxxxxx - 950xxxxxx: Series III 109 inch petrol 6 cylin-
der station wagon
951xxxxxx - 955xxxxxx: Series III 88 inch petrol airport-
able (ā€˜Lightweightā€™)
956xxxxxx - 960xxxxxx: 101 Forward Control 12 volt
961xxxxxx - 965xxxxxx: 101 Forward Control 24 volt
VIN numbers 1979 on: (ļ¬rst 3 digits are SAL in all cases)
LBAAGxxxxxxxxx: Series III 88 inch diesel
LBAAHxxxxxxxxx: Series III 88 inch petrol
LBABGxxxxxxxxx: Series III 88 inch diesel station wagon
LBABHxxxxxxxxx: Series III 88 inch petrol station wagon
LBBAHxxxxxxxxx: Series III 88 inch petrol airportable
LBCAGxxxxxxxxx: Series III 109 inch diesel
LBCAHxxxxxxxxx: Series III 109 inch petrol
LBCAPxxxxxxxxx: Series III 109 inch petrol 6 cylinder
LBCAVxxxxxxxxx: Series III 109 inch petrol V8
LBCHGxxxxxxxxx: Series III 109 inch diesel high capac-
ity pickup
LBCHHxxxxxxxxx: Series III 109 inch petrol high capac-
ity pickup
LBCHVxxxxxxxxx: Series III 109 inch petrol V8 high
capacity pickup
LBCMGxxxxxxxxx: Series III 109 inch diesel station
LBCMHxxxxxxxxx: Series III 109 inch petrol station
LBCMPxxxxxxxxx: Series III 109 inch petrol 6 cylinder
station wagon
LBCMVxxxxxxxxx: Series III 109 inch petrol V8 station
LBDAHxxxxxxxxx: Series III 109 inch petrol One Tonne
LBDAPxxxxxxxxx: Series III 109 inch petrol 6 cylinder
One Tonne
Ninety and One Ten: Model range far more extensive to
list here, but code can be decoded as follows.
First ļ¬ve digits should always be SALLD
6th digit: V= Ninety, H= One Ten
7th digit: A= regular body, B= Ninety Station Wagon, H=
High Capacity Pickup, M= One Ten Station Wagon
8th digit: B= 2.5 turbodiesel, C= 2.5 diesel, D= 2.5 petrol,
F= 2.5 TDi turbodiesel, G= 2.25 diesel, H= 2.25 petrol, V=
V8 petrol
Most older Land Rovers have had at least one engine change
in the past. Land Rover engine designs did not change of-
ten, but there are a couple of key changes which may not
be immediately obvious just looking at an engine, and for
which the serial number can be very invaluable. ī€œe most
obvious ones are:
Major redesign of the 2286cc petrol engine in 1961,
when the Series IIA replaced the Series II
Diesel engine redesigned and increased from 2052cc to
2286cc at the same time
Change from 3 bearing to 5 bearing crank on 4 cylin-
der engines around 1980
2286cc petrol replaced by 2495cc in 1985 - the new en-
gine has hardened valve seats and will run on unleaded
A couple of other points worth knowing in relation to en-
gine numbers. Firstly, the 2286cc petrol and diesel engines
had interchangeable cylinder blocks. It is not uncommon
for engine reconditioners to mix and match components, so
you may ļ¬nd a diesel engine with a petrol serial number or
vice versa. ī€œis should not be a problem on 5 bearing en-
gines as the petrol and diesel used the same crankshaft, but
on the earlier 3 bearing engine, petrol crankshafts were cast,
and much weaker than the forged items used in diesel en-
gines. If you put a petrol crankshaft in a diesel engine, it will
run ļ¬ne but may break under load. So if you ļ¬nd a diesel
engine which has a petrol serial number on it, you need to be
sure that the crankshaft has been replaced with the correct
diesel type. To confuse matters more, some unscrupulous
ļ¬rms have been known to put petrol cranks in reconditioned
diesels, and hope they last until after the warranty runs out.
So with a 3 bearing diesel of unknown history, the safest
check is to remove the sump and take a look inside. (Sump
gaskets are very cheap, and you can clean all the old gunge
from the bottom of the sump at the same time.) If the crank
has a large letter ā€˜Pā€™ cast into it, and is of smooth appearance,
it is a petrol crank. If it is slightly rough looking and has no
letter ā€˜Pā€™ itā€™s a diesel crank.
Compression ratios: although Land Rover used diļ¬€erent se-
rial numbers for low compression (7:1) and high compres-
sion (8:1) four cylinder petrol engines, the cylinder heads
are interchangeable between the two, so the engine number
is not a reliable guide to the actual speciļ¬cation. ī€œe com-
pression ratio is cast into the side of the cylinder head.
Also worth knowing is that Land Rover introduced a new
cylinder block for the 2.5 Turbodiesel (part no. ERR479)
from engine number 19J27515C. I have not been able to
conļ¬rm, but suspect that this block was strengthened to get
round the block cracking problems for which the 2.5TD
had become notorious. Certainly the later (1989-90) 2.5TD
seems more durable than the earlier ones. If I were rebuild-
ing one of these engines I would try to get hold of a late
block just to be sure - I certainly wouldnā€™t bother rebuilding
an earlier one.
Finally, whereas the 2286cc petrol and diesel blocks have the
same part number, on 2495cc engines they are diļ¬€erent (and
the TD is diļ¬€erent again). So I do not know whether these
blocks are interchangeable.
Finding your serial number: On four cylinder engines, the
engine number is stamped on a ļ¬‚at area just forward of and
below the front exhaust port, between the exhaust manifold
and the water pump housing. On V8s it can be seen by
looking down between number 2 and 3 exhaust outlets on
the left hand (dipstick) side.
Engine History
Serial number location on 4 cylinder (arrowed)
Serial number location on V8 (head removed)
105xxxxxx Series III petrol 3528cc V8
10Hxxxxxx 90/110 petrol 2286cc 8:1 CR
10Jxxxxxx 90/110 diesel 2286cc
11Gxxxxxx Series III petrol 3528cc V8 (detoxed)
11Hxxxxxx 90/110 petrol 2286cc 8:1 CR (detoxed)
12Gxxxxxx Series III petrol 3528cc V8 (Australia)
12Jxxxxxx 90/110 diesel 2495cc
13Hxxxxxx 90/110 petrol 2286cc 7:1 CR
141xxxxxx Series II petrol 1997cc
146xxxxxx Series II diesel 2052cc
14Gxxxxxx 90/110 petrol 3528cc V8
151xxxxxx Series II petrol 2286cc
156xxxxxx Series II diesel 2052cc
15Gxxxxxx 90/110 petrol 3528cc V8 (detoxed)
19Jxxxxxx 90/110 turbodiesel 2495cc
236xxxxxx Series IIA petrol 2286cc (ļ¬tted to 88 inch air-
241xxxxxx Series IIA petrol 2286cc 8:1 CR
251xxxxxx Series IIA petrol 2286cc 7:1 CR
252xxxxxx Series IIA petrol 2286cc 7:1 CR
253xxxxxx Series IIA petrol 2286cc 7:1 CR
271xxxxxx Series IIA diesel 2286cc
276xxxxxx Series IIA diesel 2286cc
286xxxxxx Series IIA petrol 2286cc (Forward Control)
300xxxxxx Series IIA petrol 2625cc (Forward Control)
325xxxxxx Series IIB petrol 2286cc (Forward Control)
330xxxxxx Series IIB petrol 2625cc (Forward Control)
335xxxxxx Series IIB diesel 2286cc (Forward Control)
345xxxxxx Series IIA petrol 2625cc
361xxxxxx Series III petrol 2286cc 8:1 CR 5-bearing
364xxxxxx Series III petrol 2286cc 7:1 CR 5-bearing
366xxxxxx Series III diesel 2286cc 5-bearing
895xxxxxx Series III diesel 2286cc 3-bearing (ļ¬tted to 88
inch airportable for export)
901xxxxxx Series III petrol 2286cc 8:1 CR 3-bearing
902xxxxxx Series III petrol 2286cc 8:1 CR 3-bearing
903xxxxxx Series III petrol 2286cc 8:1 CR 3-bearing
904xxxxxx Series III petrol 2286cc 7:1 CR 3-bearing
906xxxxxx Series III diesel 2286cc 3-bearing
941xxxxxx Series III petrol 2625cc
951xxxxxx Series III petrol 2286cc 3-bearing (ļ¬tted to 88
inch airportable)
956xxxxxx 101FC petrol 3528cc V8
961xxxxxx 101FC petrol 3528cc V8
Carburettors on older Land Rovers seem to cause a dis-
proportionate number of problems for owners. In these
days of high fuel prices and global warming, it makes a lot
of sense to get your vehicle running as well as possible to
improve fuel economy and minimise emissions. A decent
fuel system will also make your Land Rover a lot easier to
live with.
So, what carburettor do you have ļ¬tted, and what might be
up with it?
Solex 40PA - factory ī€Ÿtment Series II
and IIA, 1958-67
ī€œese are not especially common these days - many were
replaced with Zeniths or Webers when they developed
problems - but they still turn up. A Solex in good con-
dition works very well, with a nice progressive throttle
action. ī€œey seem quite prone to blocked jets which will
cause poor idling, slow pickup or lack of power depend-
ing on which jet is aļ¬€ected. ī€œe jets are accessible without
dismantling the carb, and can be sprayed with carb cleaner
and then blown through with an airline to clean them. Do
not start poking bits of wire into the jets or you will ruin
them. Float needles wear, leading to fuel ļ¬‚ooding into the
intake - parts were unavailable for a while but the supply
seems better now. A worn out Solex can usually be refur-
bished, there are several specialists who will undertake this
work. New Solexes are no longer available.
Zenith 36IV - factory ī€Ÿtment Series
IIA and III, 1967-84
Easy to identify with its large sloping ļ¬‚oat chamber. ī€œe
36IV is a simple, almost primitive device, but well suited to
the 2286cc petrol engine. It suļ¬€ers from throttle spin-
dle wear, which allows excess air to be drawn in at small
throttle openings, giving hesitant performance at low
speed. ī€œere is an ā€˜Oā€™ ring between the upper and lower
body which can perish or split leading to fuel ļ¬‚ooding into
the intake. Blocked jets are not unknown - the one that
seems to suļ¬€er most is the accelerator pump jet, leading
to hesitation and ļ¬‚at spots when the throttle is opened
from idle. Replacement Zeniths are widely available - the
originals are still being made, and there are several repro-
ductions also available. Beware as some of these are of very
poor quality. ī€œe ones I sell through my Ebay shop, made
by a company called PA, are individually bench tested by
the manufacturer, are made of good quality materials and
ļ¬nished to a high standard. I use them myself, because
they are very good.
A new Zenith can be ļ¬tted as a direct replacement for
a Weber 34ICH (see below). It can also replace a Solex
Land Rover Carburettors
40PA, but for this application you will need an adap-
tor plate and throttle linkage from a Zenith or Weber-
equipped vehicle.
Weber 34ICH - aftermarket ī€Ÿtment 1980s
- date
ī€œis carburettor became very popular in the 1980s when
the supply of Solex parts dried up, and when the only
source for Zeniths was the Land Rover dealer network.
ī€œey were sold as a cheap replacement which also im-
proved fuel economy. ī€œis is true up to a point, and the
34ICH is still available today at around Ā£80, but it is not as
popular as it once was. Reasons? Firstly, the fuel economy
improvement is achieved through two things - ļ¬rstly the
carb is a bit small for the application, with restricted gas
ļ¬‚ow, and secondly it is jetted to run fairly lean. Taken
together these two factors certainly improve economy, but
really hurt performance.
ī€œe Weber is also very prone to jet blockages (worse than
the Solex) and, more seriously, internal fuel passage block-
ages that can be almost impossible to clear. It can also
suļ¬€er badly from carb icing - it really needs a heated air
intake which the Land Rover does not have. If your ve-
hicle starts easily on cold mornings, but splutters to a halt
after a couple of minutes, then restarts and runs as sweetly
as before, carb icing is probably the cause. Oddly, not all
Weber-equipped Land Rovers suļ¬€er from this problem - it
varies from vehicle to vehicle, for no apparent reason.
Weber 32/34 DMTL - factory ī€Ÿtment
on 90 and 110, 1983 onwards
ī€œis is a twin choke carburettor, ļ¬tted to all four cylinder
petrol 90 and 110 models. ī€œere are two slightly diļ¬€erent
versions, one for the earlier 2286cc engine and another for
the 2495cc lump. ī€œey look identical, the only diļ¬€erence is
in the jetting. ī€œe 2495 carb will work ļ¬ne with the earlier
engine, and gives noticeably better low speed throttle
response, but not the other way round. ī€œis carb is a good
reliable piece of kit with few vices - mainly blocked jets
(easily accessible after removing the plastic air intake over
the carburettor). ī€œere is an idle shut oļ¬€ solenoid mount-
ed on the side of the carb - if this fails the engine will
not idle at all. ī€œis carb uses a diļ¬€erent inlet and exhaust
manifold to the Series carbs, and although the manifold
will bolt to any of the 4 cylinder Series engines, you will
need to make up your own front exhaust pipe as the Series
pipe will not ļ¬t. ī€œe carb also has a cable operated throt-
tle, whereas all the Series vehicles are rod-operated.
Replacing and setting up your carburettor
- Series vehicles
ī€œis is a nice easy job and should be well within the ca-
pabilities of anyone who can change a light bulb without
getting electrocuted. First things ļ¬rst: before removing
your old carb, make sure that your ignition system is up to
scratch. ī€œat means plugs in good condition and correctly
gapped, points ditto, and ignition timing properly adjusted.
You will not be able to get your vehicle to run smoothly
if the ignition system is in bad shape. If your distributor
is worn out, I have brand new, good quality Lucas 45D4
reproductions in my Ebay shop.
ī€œe carb removal and replacement procedure is well-ex-
plained in both the factory workshop manual and the
Haynes manual, so I will not give a blow by blow account
here. If you do not have a manual, buy one. ī€œere are just
a few things I would emphasise:
1. When you remove the old carburettor, make sure you
clean all the old gasket material oļ¬€ the manifold, and use a
new gasket when you ļ¬t the new carb. Do not use silicone
sealant (ā€œinstant gasketā€ as it has a nasty habit of getting
into the air passages in the base of the carb. If you try to
re-use the old gasket you will probably get air leaks which
will make the carb impossible to set up.
2. Do not overtighten the nuts which secure the carb to the
manifold. ī€œe carb is made of aluminium and the mount-
ing ļ¬‚ange is easily distorted. Again this will cause air
leaks. Just tighten the nuts until the locking washers are
compressed ļ¬‚at.
3. Make 100% sure that the fuel line is correctly connected
and the clamps done up tight. If the fuel line is split or
perished, replace it. ī€œe carb on these engines sits directly
above the exhaust, and a petrol leak is seriously bad news.
4. Ideally you need a gas analysis machine to set the mix-
ture, but you probably donā€™t have one. So run the engine
until it is warm, then adjust the idle screw until the idle
speed sounds about right. Note that Series Land Rovers
idle a bit slower than modern cars - around 600 rpm. ī€œe
engine should not sound ā€˜busyā€™ at idle. If you have an earli-
er vehicle with dynamo charging, the charge warning light
should be ļ¬‚ickering, but not bright. ī€œen slowly screw in
the mixture screw until the idle speed drops and the engine
starts to run rough. Unscrew it around a quarter of a turn
from this point, and readjust the idle speed if needed. If
the engine idles smoothly at the right speed, your settings
will not be far out.
Unless you have spent the last ten years on a desert island,
you will have noticed that environmental pressure groups
have got it in for big 4x4s. Greenpeace denounces Land
Rover as ā€˜climate criminalsā€™ and wants everyone to drive a
Toyota Prius. 4x4s are portrayed as a major cause of global
warming, their owners as mindless status-obsessed eco-
vandals. With more and more people taking an interest
in ā€˜greenā€™ issues, it is fair to ask where old Land Rovers ļ¬t
into this debate, and what can be done to minimise their
environmental impact.
So what are the main problems with old Landies, as perceived
by the environmentalists? Basically it comes down to two:
fuel consumption (and the related issue of greenhouse gas
emissions), and safety of other road users. ī€œere may be
other factors behind the current anti-4x4 campaign - anti-
consumerism, and maybe just a bit of envy - but these are
nothing to do with the big environmental issues. And
anyway, if you drive a 20 year old Landie your ignorant
neighbours are more likely to feel sorry for you than envy
you. ā€œPoor chap, canā€™t even aļ¬€ord a nice modern car.ā€ So letā€™s
look at the really big issues.
Fuel consumption
OK, I admit it. Old Land Rovers, in standard form, have
really terrible fuel consumption. A 2.5 diesel Ninety might
just see 25 to the gallon. Any four cylinder petrol will
struggle to do 20, and the big beasts - straight six and V8
engined vehicles - can get down into single ļ¬gures around
town. Abysmal fuel consumption - leading to the production
of huge quantities of CO2. Guilty as charged.
And yet... Fuel consumption isnā€™t the whole picture. What
about the energy consumed - and greenhouse gases produced
- in manufacturing a new vehicle? And what about the energy
used, pollutants released and rubbish created in scrapping
it? It has been estimated that around 30-40% of the total
greenhouse gas emissions over the life of a vehicle come
from its manufacture. Scrapping creates large quantities of
non-recyclable plastics, toxic heavy metals, asbestos, CFCs,
PCBs and rubber products, all of which have to be disposed
of. So you can argue that by keeping an old vehicle on the
road instead of scrapping it and buying another one, you are
Land Rover Green
helping to oļ¬€set the damage done through its poorer fuel
You are also helping to provide a market for components
reclaimed from vehicles which really have reached the end
of their useful life. On a scrap Land Rover, very little goes to
waste. Any reusable component will most likely be reused.
Why? Simply because there are so many old Land Rovers
still on the road, which creates the demand for recycled
parts. Reusing parts on other vehicles has less environmental
impact than melting them down for scrap. Remember that
next time you are struggling in the pouring rain to remove
the back axle from a dead Landie in a breakers yard, with a
giant oily Alsatian gnawing at your ankle.
Alternative fuels
Hereā€™s another thing. ī€œe reason that fuel consumption and
global warming are linked is that nearly all our current fuel
comes from a non-renewable source: crude oil. We pump it
out of the ground, reļ¬ne it, burn it in vehicles, and the carbon
contained within it, which has been harmlessly trapped for
millions of years, combines with oxygen in the air to form
carbon dioxide - a greenhouse gas. But there is another
group of fuels - biofuels - which are derived from growing
plants. ī€œe great thing about plants is that when growing,
they absorb carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen, trapping
the carbon within their structures. You turn them into fuel,
burn the fuel, the carbon is released but then reabsorbed by
the new plants you are growing to replace the ones you have
harvested for fuel.
Old Land Rovers are mechanically simple and very easy
to convert to run on biofuels - unlike modern computer-
controlled vehicles which will need major modiļ¬cation.
ī€œere are already thousands of diesel Land Rovers running
on waste vegetable oil (a by-product of the catering industry).
Petrol Land Rovers should be easily modiļ¬ed to run on
the new fuel E-85 (85% ethanol) which is now starting to
Finally there is LPG - not a biofuel, but a very clean burning
fuel, and ideal for petrol engined Land Rovers. Switching
from petrol to LPG will reduce CO2 emissions by about
20%, and uses a fuel which is a by-product of natural gas
extraction and might otherwise go to waste. As a short-
term measure, LPG is probably the quickest way to minimise
your greenhouse gas emissions.
Improving fuel consumption
ī€œere is plenty more you can do to improve the fuel
consumption of your old Land Rover.
1. Keep it well maintained. Make sure it is regularly serviced,
that fuel and ignition systems are in good condition and
properly set up, and that oil is clean and at the correct level,
not only in the engine but also the transmission. Make sure
Prime suspect for climate change crime - the Rover V8 engine.
the brakes are in good condition and not dragging, and that
the tyres are correctly inļ¬‚ated.
2. Choose your tyres carefully. Big wide chunky oļ¬€-road
tyres look cool, but create lots of drag. If you use your Land
Rover mainly on-road, go for a road-biased tread pattern,
and avoid extra-wide tyres. ī€œe optimum sizes I have found
are 235/70R16 on a short wheelbase, 235/85R16 on a long
wheelbase. Unless you have specialised oļ¬€-road needs, you
donā€™t need to go any bigger.
3. Avoid unnecessary weight and drag. ī€œink carefully about
the accessories you bolt to your Land Rover. Roofracks,
extra lamps, snorkels, jack racks, even chequer plate, all add
weight and drag, and that hurts fuel economy. Donā€™t put
your spare wheel on the bonnet, hang it at the back or (even
better) put it inside the vehicle.
4. Modify for economy. Higher ratio transfer gearing (or
an overdrive) will give more relaxed cruising with better
fuel economy. Free wheel hubs (on Series vehicles) reduce
drivetrain drag a little. ī€œe four cylinder petrol engine was
designed to run on very poor quality petrol, and can be
much improved for use in developed countries by ļ¬tting a
higher compression gasļ¬‚owed cylinder head. Finally and
most drastically, if your engine needs changing, consider
ļ¬tting something more modern and eļ¬ƒcient. ī€œe Land
Rover TDi turbodiesel and Ford 2.5Di (Transit engine) will
both give you 30 MPG or better, as will the Perkins Prima
2.0 turbodiesel.
Safety of other road users
An old Land Rover weighs the best part of two tonnes. It
has a square front end and a big solid bumper attached to
a rigid chassis. If you hit something smaller, whether it is
a pedestrian or a Smart car, it is going to hurt them more
than you. ī€œat, in essence, is why environmentalists object
to 4x4s on safety grounds. Much of this is governed by the
laws of physics, but there are a couple of things you can
do to help. Firstly, avoid bolting stuļ¬€ to the front of your
Landie unless you actually need it. ī€œat means bullbars, A-
bars, extra lights, winches, jerrycan holders, toolboxes etc.
Secondly, donā€™t speed in built up areas. In this day and age,
with speed cameras proliferating everywhere, one of the
really useful things about old Landies is that they are very
easy to drive slowly. In a modern car, 30mph feels painfully
slow. In a Land Rover, it is plenty fast enough. If you drive
like a maniac you will just give the anti-4x4 people more
ammunition. Slow down, relax and enjoy the ride.
When reading descriptions of Land Rovers for sale, there are many terms which might confuse the ļ¬rst-time buyer. Here
is a handy guide to some of the more common words and phrases, and what they mean.
Tubular steel front crash protection bar with mounts for spotlights. Currently very fashionable as an aftermarket acces-
sory for Defenders. See photo below.
Alpine lights
Narrow oval windows to be found in the outer edges of the roof on Station Wagons. Sometimes ļ¬tted as an optional
extra to hard top Land Rovers.
ī€œe structure between the engine bay and vehicle interior, to which the windscreen, front doors, front wings and bonnet
are attached. Made of mild steel and can rot badly. Very expensive to replace.
Bull bar
Large piece of ironmongery bolted to the front bumper for added crash protection. Now rather unfashionable as they are
not very pedestrian friendly. Most people ļ¬t A-bars instead.
Centre diī€Ÿerential
Found in the transfer box in 90, 110 and Defender models. Allows permanent four wheel drive without excessive tyre
wear. Can be locked for oļ¬€-road use in slippery conditions.
Chequer plate
Shiny 3mm aluminium sheet with an ā€˜anti-slipā€™ pattern. Intended for use on gangways, ramps etc, but hugely fashionable
for giving Land Rovers that tough industrial look. Now available in a huge variety of pre-cut shapes to attach to almost
every outer surface of your Land Rover. Handy for covering up minor damage to wings, sills etc., but otherwise purely
Chrome balls
See steering swivels
ā€˜Luxuryā€™ trim speciļ¬cation, found on late Series III and early 90/110. Cloth seats, headlining etc.
Manufacturer of sturdy adjustable-height tow hitches, very popular with Land Rover users.
Driving technique which allows crunch-free gearchanges on gearboxes with no (or badly worn) synchromesh. Essential
for Series II/IIA drivers, useful on more modern Land Rovers with worn gearboxes. For an explanation of how to do it,
click here.
Heavy duty gear oil, used in the gearbox (Series II/III only), transfer box, axles and steering swivels. ī€œe stuļ¬€ that leaks
onto your drive.
Free wheel hubs
Popular accessory for Series vehicles, disconnects the front wheels from the front diļ¬€erential and driveshaft to reduce
drag, noise and vibration when running on-road in 2 wheel drive.
Hard top
Van type body, usually comes with a safari door, See photo below. Can be ļ¬tted with side windows and rear seats.
Modular wheels
Popular aftermarket steel wheels, a multihole pattern with a ring of small bolts running round the edge. See photo below.
Highly desirable accessory for Series vehicles, eļ¬€ectively adds a ļ¬fth gear for relaxed cruising.
Parabolic springs
A desirable modiļ¬cation for Series vehicles. A Series vehicle ļ¬tted with parabolic springs will ride just about as well as a
new Defender.
Safari door
Full depth, side-opening rear door. Standard on all station wagons, optional (although very common) on other Series
vehicles, standard on hard top 90/110 and Defenders
Salisbury axle
A heavy duty rear axle, ļ¬tted to long wheelbase Series III and One Ten vehicles. Can be ļ¬tted to earlier long wheelbase
vehicles, but requires expert welding to adapt for short wheelbase ones. Almost indestructible and therefore highly desir-
Stage One
ī€œe unoļ¬ƒcial name given to an interim model which had most of the features of the Series III, but permanent four wheel
drive and a V8 engine, also the ļ¬‚at front design which became standard on the 90/110 and Defender.
Station wagon
ī€œe original people carrier. Short wheelbase vehicles seat seven, long wheelbase seat ten or twelve depending on speci-
ļ¬cation. Rear seats are cramped and uncomfortable for adults but brilliant for children. Comes with alpine lights and
safari door.
Steering swivels
To be found at each end of the front axle. ī€œey contain the driveshaft joints which run in a bath of EP90. ī€œe oil is pre-
vented from leaking out by a rubber seal around a large chrome ball. ī€œe chrome becomes pitted and rusty, the seal tears
and you get oil leaks. Replacing chrome balls is an involved and expensive job.
ī€œe system which allows smooth, crunch free gear changes. Taken for granted on modern cars: but Series II and IIA
vehicles only had synchromesh on 3rd and 4th gear. ī€œe mechanism can wear badly on the newer vehicles, resulting in
crunchy gearchanges. ī€œese can be avoided by double-declutching.
Timing belt
Rubber toothed belt found inside all 2.5 litre Land Rover diesel engines. Must be changed according to the manufac-
turerā€™s service schedule: otherwise it can snap without warning, which will destroy the engine. Belt replacement quite
expensive, new engine much more so.
Transfer box
A two-speed gearbox which sits behind the main gearbox, and transfers the drive to the front and rear wheels. Series
vehicles have a selectable four wheel drive system, 90/110 and Defender have permanent four wheel drive with a centre
Truck cab
ī€œis is the short roof, which just covers the front seats, allowing the vehicle to be used as a pickup truck. See photo
Weber carburettor
Common ļ¬tment to petrol Series vehicles, improves fuel consumption slightly but also reduces power.
Richard Hall,
Glencoyne Engineering
16 Napier Place,
Norfolk IP24 3RL