Portfolio Manager Data Collection
Energy Performance Improvement Reporting
50001 Ready Energy Performance Reporting with Portfolio Manager
After completing the 25 tasks in the 50001 Ready Navigator, projects seeking recognition must complete and upload
to the online Navigator tool a signed Self-attestation Form and a completed Energy Performance Improvement
Report (EPIR).
This EPIR serves to demonstrate a site-wide understanding of your site’s energy consumption and
energy performance improvement. Energy Star’s Portfolio Manager can be used to collect energy data for entry into
the EPIR. The guidance included in this document is for project’s seeking 50001 Ready recognition that are electing to
use Energy Star’s Portfolio Manager as a means of demonstrating energy performance.
Getting it done:
1. Verify the Portfolio Manager property information and metrics align to your 50001 Ready project’s scope
and metrics.
2. Generate a 50001 Ready Portfolio Manager data collection report using one of the two applicable
reporting templates:
a. First Time Annual Recognition - 50001 Ready Reporting Template
b. Subsequent Annual Recognitions - 50001 Ready Reporting Template
3. Enter data from the 50001 Ready Portfolio Manager Reporting Template to the 50001 Ready Energy
Performance Improvement Report (EPIR) after converting metrics from KBtu to MMBtu.
Full description:
Step 1: Verify Portfolio Manager Property Data:
Prior to generating a 50001 Ready data collection report, you will want to verify that the property information and
metrics to be downloaded from Portfolio Manager are accurate and that they align with your intended 50001
Ready EnMS scope, boundaries and metrics. When your Portfolio Manager property was originally set up, its basic
information and meter data was entered in order to benchmark the property in the Energy Star system. The 50001
Ready Portfolio Manager Reporting Template extracts a pre-selected data set from your selected Portfolio Manager
property (or set of properties) to facilitate the demonstration of energy performance for entry on the 50001 Ready
Portfolio Manager Data Collection
Energy Performance Improvement Reporting
To confirm the Portfolio Manager property details
first log into your Portfolio Manager account, then
from the MyPortfolio tab of your Portfolio
Manager landing page [Figure 1], select each
property associated with the 50001 Ready project
submission from the list of properties under the
Dashboard section. Once a property is selected its
details will open in a new page and be displayed
across multiple tabs beginning with the Summary
tab. [Figure 2].
It is generally recommended that all Portfolio
Manager property details be confirmed for
accuracy, but for the specific purposes of
demonstrating energy performance for project’s
seeking 50001 Ready recognition, the following
details should be verified:
1. Property Name and Address
From the Summary tab at the top left corner, verify
your Portfolio Manager property is consistent with
what you are including in your 50001 Ready energy
management system (EnMS). Check that the property
name, address, and number of buildings are accurate.
2. Total Gross Floor Area (GFA)
From the Details tab [Figure 3]under the dashboard,
confirm that the total GFA reported in Portfolio
Manager aligns with your 50001 Ready submission.
Figure 2: Verify the property name, address, and
number of buildings
Figure 1: Energy Star Portfolio Manager MyPortfolio page
Portfolio Manager Data Collection
Energy Performance Improvement Reporting
3. Property Type:
On the Details tab under the Property Type section [Figure 3], check
to confirm that the property type is correct according to the Energy
Star designations.
4. Number of Buildings:
From the Energy tab [Figure 4] under the Your Property section,
confirm the portion of and/or number of the buildings tracked at this
property are accurate and that they align with your 50001 Ready
submission. For information on how Portfolio Manager defines a
property and how to report multiple building campuses in a single
property, refer to the Energy Star guidance on tracking buildings on
your property
, on a campus
, and defining property relationships
Note: The definition of a single “property” in Portfolio Manager is
detailed in the Energy Star glossary referenced above. A 50001 Ready
EnMS scope and boundary is not necessarily limited to this same
definition. Single, multiple, and partial Portfolio Manager properties may
be included within a single 50001 Ready EnMS depending on the
configuration that has been defined in task 3 activities of the 50001
Ready Navigator.
5. Meters:
The Energy tab also displays the connected meters to this property in
its main section. Check to ensure all meters are linked, current and
align with your 50001 Ready project submission.
Step 2: Generate a 50001 Ready Data Collection
Report with Energy Star’s Portfolio Manager
Generate a 50001 Ready data collection report with Portfolio
Manager from one of the two templates linked below. The type of
50001 Ready annual recognition that your project is seeking, either
first time or subsequent year annual recognitions, will determine which
template to use:
a. First Time Annual Recognition - 50001 Ready
Reporting Template
b. Subsequent Annual Recognitions - 50001 Ready
Reporting Template
Figure 3: Property type and GFA are
located on the "Details" tab of dashboard
the "Energy" tab of the dashboard
Portfolio Manager Data Collection
Energy Performance Improvement Reporting
The selected link will route to the Portfolio Manager login screen, where you will be prompted to sign into your
Portfolio Manager account. Once signed in, the “Respond to Data Request page will open [Figure 5]. At the top of
this page, the information about this data request will be displayed. Just below that are detailed instructions for
generating your 50001 Ready Energy Data Request.
Definitions of terms used in 50001 Ready Energy
Performance Improvement Report and how it relates to
Portfolio Manager
The full list of Portfolio Manager custom reporting metrics can be
downloaded from the Energy Star site.
The following terms used on
the 50001 Ready recognition webpage and their relationship to
Portfolio Manager are detailed below:
Current Reporting Period:
For first time annual recognition requests: The Current Reporting
Period is a consecutive 12-month time span that can be established
with a starting date up to 25 months prior to the 50001 Ready
recognition request date. This allowance is provided to
accommodate sites that report energy consumption data to other
programs. Sites are encouraged to establish the Current Reporting
Period so that it ends as close to the 50001 Ready recognition
request date as possible.
Figure 5: Portfolio Manager Reporting
Template Instructions page
Portfolio Manager Data Collection
Energy Performance Improvement Reporting
For subsequent annual recognition requests: The Current Reporting Period is the 12-month period that follows
immediately after the Prior Reporting Period. If there is a gap greater than 6 months between 50001 Ready
Recognitions, contact the 50001 Ready Help Desk for guidance on establishing a new Reporting Period.
Prior Reporting Period:
For first time annual recognition requests: No
Prior Reporting Period will exist.
For subsequent annual recognition requests: The
Prior Reporting Period is the same 12-month
period as the Current Reporting Period for the
previous 50001 Ready recognition.
Reporting template instructions in
Portfolio Manager for first-year annual
Generate a report demonstrating 12 months of
1. In the “About Your Response section, select the appropriate designation:
a. If you are responding on behalf of yourself, then select the “myself” option.
b. If you have been delegated to respond to this request on behalf of someone else, then select their
name from your Portfolio Manager “Contacts Book so that they will be attributed to the response.
2. In the “Your Response” section [Figure 6], select the timeframe and properties associated with your initial
year 50001 Ready submission:
a. Select the “Single Year” option from the “Timeframe” drop-down menu
b. Next, enter the final month and year of the 12-month date range (the Current Reporting Period)
that you are declaring as your 50001 Ready energy performance data.
3. Select the Portfolio Manager property (or properties) that make up your 50001 Ready EnMS scope and
Note: If a single Portfolio Manager property makes up your 50001 Ready EnMS, then select the “One Property” option
from the “Properties” drop-down menu and then make the appropriate property selection from your property list. If your
EnMS scope and boundaries includes multiple properties, then select the “Multiple Properties” option along with those
associated properties from the drop-down menu to be included in your report.
Figure 6: Portfolio Manager Reporting Template's "About
Your Response" and "Your Response" sections
Portfolio Manager Data Collection
Energy Performance Improvement Reporting
4. Once your property is selected, click the “Generate
Response Preview” button.
a. The system will generate the report and you will
be automatically routed to your Portfolio
Manager account “Reporting” screen [Figure 7]
where a list of your most recent reports generated
will be displayed.
b. Locate the report titled “Data Request: First Time
Annual Recognition Reporting Template” and from
the report’s “I want to” drop-down menu option
located in the “Action” column, select “Download
Preview in Excel” to download and save the
report to your computer.
c. When submitting for 50001 Ready Recognition in
the Navigator tool, you will be prompted to fill
out and upload an Energy Performance
Improvement Report. Use the output of the
downloaded Portfolio Manager report to
populate section 2 of the Energy Performance
Improvement Report.
Reporting template instructions in Portfolio Manager for
subsequent annual recognition requests:
Generate a report demonstrating energy performance improvement
(comparing two 12-month ranges of data):
1. In the “About Your Response” section [Figure 8], select the
appropriate designation:
a. If you are responding on behalf of yourself, then
select the “myself” option.
b. If you have been delegated to respond to this
request on behalf of someone else then, select
their name from your Contacts Book so that they
will be attributed to the response.
Figure 8: Portfolio Manager "Reporting"
Figure 7: Portfolio Manager account
"Reporting Screen"
Portfolio Manager Data Collection
Energy Performance Improvement Reporting
2. In the “Your Response” section [Figure 8], select the
timeframe and properties for comparing your initial year
50001 Ready recognition to your subsequent year 50001
Ready submission:
a. First, select the “Date Range” option from the
“Timeframe” drop-down menu. Then, select the
“Yearly” reporting interval option from the drop-
down menu and enter in the appropriate two
time-frames to compare your energy
performance metrics.
i. For the first data set (the Prior Reporting
Period), enter in the last month and year of your
initial year of 50001 Ready implementation.
ii. For the second data set (the Current Reporting
Period), enter in the last month and year of your
subsequent year of 50001 Ready
3. Select the Portfolio Manager property or properties associated with your 50001 Ready EnMS scope and
Note: If a single Portfolio Manager property makes up your 50001 Ready EnMS then you would select the “One
Property” option from the “Properties” drop-down menu and then make the appropriate property selection from your
property list. If your EnMS scope and boundaries includes multiple properties, then you would select the “Multiple
Properties” option along with those associated properties from the drop-down menu to be included in your report.
4. Once you have selected your property, select the “Generate Response Preview” button.
a. The system will generate the report and you will be automatically routed to your Portfolio
Manager account “Reporting” screen [Figure 9] where a list of your reports generated with the
most recent will be displayed.
b. Locate the report titled “Subsequent Annual Recognition(s) - 50001 Ready Reporting Template
(Request from 50001 Ready Help Desk)” and from the report’s “I want to” drop-down menu option
located in the “Action” column, select “Download Preview in Excel” to download and save the
report to your computer.
c. When submitting for 50001 Ready Recognition in the Navigator tool, you will be prompted to fill
out and upload an Energy Performance Improvement Report. Use the outputs collected from the
downloaded Portfolio Manager report to populate sections 2 and 3 of the Energy Performance
Improvement Report.
Figure 9: Portfolio Manager "About Your
Response" and Your Response" sections
Portfolio Manager Data Collection
Energy Performance Improvement Reporting
Step 3: Enter Portfolio Manager Data into a 50001 Ready Energy Performance
Improvement Report
The 50001 Ready Energy Reporting Template generated in Energy Star’s Portfolio Manager will provide the data
needed to fill out the 50001 Ready Energy Performance Improvement Report (EPIR)
[Figure 10].
Note: Portfolio Manager reports metrics in kBtus or therms, but the 50001 Ready EPIR requires data be reported in
MMBtus. Refer to the Energy Conversions tab of the EPIR to convert your project’s metrics into MMBtus prior to entering
them into the Report tab of the EPIR [Figure 11].
For step by step mapping and instructions for entering data into
the EPIR using the data generated from your 50001 Ready
Portfolio Manager reporting template, refer to the 50001 Ready
Energy Performance Reporting with Portfolio Manager document.
Figure 10: 50001 Ready EPIR, Report tab
sections 1 and 2
Figure 11: 50001 Ready EPIR Energy
Conversion Tab
Portfolio Manager Data Collection
Energy Performance Improvement Reporting
If you have elected to use the EPIR’s Energy Performance Improvement Calculator to
calculate energy intensity-based energy performance improvement follow the guidance
The required Energy Performance Improvement Report includes a feature to calculate energy intensity-based energy
performance improvement [Figure 12]. To use the
calculator, enter the 12-month Current Reporting Period
“output or activity level values”, then enter the 12-month
Prior Reporting Period “output or activity level values” into
cells I87 and I90 respectively. Note that you only need to
provide the numeric values for the unit of output or activity,
not the unit itself (i.e., if you are calculating energy intensity
based upon volume of production, floor area, or
occupancy, you only need the quantitative value associated
with these metrics and not list the metrics themselves). For
example, if you measure energy intensity based on the
total building area within your scope, and your total area
is 800,000 ft
, then simply enter “800,000” as the output
or activity value.
Once you have completed the EPIR, upload through the
Navigator online tool along with your Attestation Form.
For additional guidance on filling out the EPIR, refer to the
accompanying 50001 Ready Energy Performance
Reporting with Portfolio Manager document and the 50001 Ready Navigator Recognition Requirements page.
For questions, contact the 50001 Ready Help Desk at: 50001ready@lbl.gov.
Figure 12: 50001 Ready EPIR: Section 3 with optional Energy
Intensity Calculator