Finding a Choice in a Haystack: Automatic Extraction of
Opt-Out Statements from Privacy Policy Text
Vinayshekhar Bannihatti Kumar*
, Roger Iyengar*
, Namita Nisal
, Yuanyuan Feng
, Hana Habib
Peter Story
, Sushain Cherivirala
, Margaret Hagan
, Lorrie Faith Cranor
, Shomir Wilson
Florian Schaub
, Norman Sadeh
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
School of Information, University of Michigan
Institute of Design, Stanford University
College of Information Sciences and Technology, Penn State University
Website privacy policies sometimes provide users the option to
opt-out of certain collections and uses of their personal data. Un-
fortunately, many privacy policies bury these instructions deep in
their text, and few web users have the time or skill necessary to
discover them. We describe a method for the automated detection
of opt-out choices in privacy policy text and their presentation to
users through a web browser extension. We describe the creation
of two corpora of opt-out choices, which enable the training of clas-
siers to identify opt-outs in privacy policies. Our overall approach
for extracting and classifying opt-out choices combines heuristics
to identify commonly found opt-out hyperlinks with supervised
machine learning to automatically identify less conspicuous in-
stances. Our approach achieves a precision of 0.93 and a recall of
0.9. We introduce Opt-Out Easy, a web browser extension designed
to present available opt-out choices to users as they browse the
web. We evaluate the usability of our browser extension with a user
study. We also present results of a large-scale analysis of opt-outs
found in the text of thousands of the most popular websites.
Security and Privacy Human and societal aspects of se-
curity and privacy.
Privacy, machine learning, opt-out, privacy policy, text analysis.
ACM Reference Format:
Vinayshekhar Bannihatti Kumar*
, Roger Iyengar*
, Namita Nisal
, Yuanyuan
, Hana Habib
, Peter Story
, Sushain Cherivirala
, Margaret Hagan
Lorrie Faith Cranor
, Shomir Wilson
, Florian Schaub
, Norman Sadeh
2020. Finding a Choice in a Haystack: Automatic Extraction of Opt-Out
The rst two authors contributed equally to the paper
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WWW ’20, April 20–24, 2020, Taipei
© 2020 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-9999-9/18/06.. . $15.00
Statements from Privacy Policy Text. In WWW ’20: The 2020 Web Con-
ference, April 20–24, 2020, Taipei. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 12 pages.
On the web, notice and choice primarily revolve around (1) the use
of privacy policies to disclose the data practices associated with
a website, and (2) the notion that users can then choose whether
to interact with the website and can possibly exercise additional
choices oered to them. This framework is widely perceived to be
broken [
]. Website privacy policies tend to be lengthy legal
documents that users often struggle to understand, or simply do not
read [
]. In spite of their cognitive inaccessibility to most
web users, privacy policies often contain information about certain
choices users have over the collection and use of their personal
information. These choices, which we refer to collectively as opt-
outs, allow a user to exclude themselves from data practices such as
tracking by advertising networks, sharing of personal information
with third parties, or being contacted by phone or e-mail.
Few users read privacy policies, people are often unaware of
the existence of these opt-out choices and, as a result, fail to take
advantage of them. A tool that automatically extracts and classies
opt-out choices found in the text of privacy policies could help more
people make use of these choices. We present the development
of such a tool, from techniques to automatically identify opt-out
choices to the design, development, and evaluation of a browser
extension that makes these results available to users.
Our research built on the initial observation that the privacy pol-
icy text describing opt-out choices often includes hyperlinks [
We initially assembled a corpus of 236 website privacy policies
and hand-labeled 2,692 hyperlinks from these policies, indicating
whether they represented a privacy-related opt-out mechanism.
Next, we trained a logistic regression classier to automatically
detect opt-outs in privacy policy text. We also explored the poten-
tial of active learning to reduce the quantity of hand-labeled data
necessary for this machine learning task. Additionally, detecting
opt-outs enabled us to characterize distributions of their properties,
such as the data practices that they address. We have released the
corpora to the research community for further development.
After establishing the feasibility of detecting opt-outs, we used
our system to identify opt-outs in 6,885 privacy policies to support
Our corpora are available at:
WWW ’20, April 20–24, 2020, Taipei Kumar and Iyengar, et al.
a practical level of web coverage. We discuss the distribution of
dierent types of opt-outs across dierent websites – a website’s
popularity appears to correlate with the number and types of opt-
outs it oers in its privacy policy. We further use our technique to
automatically identify opt-outs in the text of privacy policies and
design and develop a web browser extension, Opt-Out Easy, which
presents users with opt-outs for the sites they visit. A small-scale
between-subjects user study suggests that the extension makes a
dierence in helping users identify opt-out choices more quickly
and in enabling them to successfully exercise the choices oered
by these opt-outs.
Below, we briey discuss prior work related to this research.
2.1 Regulatory Framework
Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) grants con-
sumers several rights pertaining to how companies can use their
information. For example, Article 7 allows consumers to revoke
consent for the processing of their personal data beyond fullling
a contractual obligation or business transaction, and Article 21 pro-
vides the “right to object” to the use of personal information for
direct marketing [
]. Several laws in the United States also man-
date certain types of opt-out choices for consumers. At the federal
level, the Controlling the Assault of Non-solicited Pornography
and Marketing (CAN-SPAM) Act requires companies to provide
opt-out choices for commercial and marketing email messages [
The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) grants California
residents the right to opt-out of the sale of their personal data to
third parties, including for marketing purposes [9].
Opt-out choices related to targeted advertising are included in the
advertising industry’s self-regulatory guidelines developed by the
Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA), Network Advertising Initiative
(NAI), and Interactive Advertising Bureau Europe (IAB Europe) [
]. DAA members are required to provide consumers an opt-
out mechanism for tracking-based targeted advertising [
]. IAB
Europe has developed GDPR-specic guidelines for transparency
and consent [
]. These industry groups also have developed opt-
out tools for their members [16, 45].
2.2 Usability Issues with Opt-Outs
Prior studies have found that consumers often object to the use
of their personal information for marketing purposes and desire
controls over receiving marketing communications [
]. Similar
objections have been found related to web tracking and targeted
advertising due to privacy concerns [
]. However, con-
sumers face multiple challenges in addressing these concerns. In a
2010 survey, McDonald and Cranor found that many people were
unaware of opt-out tools related to advertising [
]. Yao et al. have
found that users continue to have misconceptions and limited tech-
nical knowledge about how targeted advertising works [65].
An empirical analysis of privacy choices conducted by Habib et
al. found that websites primarily provided choices through the user
account settings and the privacy policy. However, the text head-
ings under which choices were placed were inconsistent across
websites, which makes nding opt-out choices dicult for con-
sumers [
]. Similarly, Sanchez-Rola et al. found that many
websites they analyzed provided misleading information about
choices, and that opt-outs for ad tracking were typically dicult
to nd or ineective, even after the implementation of GDPR [
Furthermore, consumers rarely read privacy policies, which still
suer from poor readability [
]. This has negative implications
for how useful current opt-out choices are.
Though broadly adopted, the guidelines and opt-out tools devel-
oped by the advertising industry have severe shortcomings. Studies
have found that many websites are non-compliant with respec-
tive self-regulatory guidelines, particularly with regards to trans-
parency [
]. Hernandez et al. observed that for the Alexa top 500
websites in the United States, fewer than 10% of shown third-party
ads displayed the AdChoices icon required by DAA guidelines, and
even fewer included the associated text [
]. Users also have been
found to have diculty understanding the scope of these opt-out
tools, such as misinterpreting the NAI advertising opt-out tool as
an opt-out for all data collection [
]. The limitations of these tools
highlight the need for other technologies to enable consumers to
eectively exercise their privacy preferences.
Browser extensions that block online trackers have become pop-
ular, and have been found to be eective in reducing the number of
targeted ads [
]. However, they also suer from usability issues. De-
pending on the extension, if users keep the default settings they may
not be eectively blocking all web trackers [
]. Furthermore, some
extensions use jargon that users do not understand and users may
not be provided with appropriate prompts to change the extension
settings when a browser extension interferes with the use of a web-
site [
]. Prior work suggests that using these extensions does not
lead users to have a better understanding of web tracking [
In short, though users desire greater control over online tracking,
current mechanisms fail to inspire engagement from users [
We leverage the ndings from this prior work to inform the design
of a new browser extension which removes the burden of locating
opt-out processes from users.
2.3 Programmatic Extraction of Opt-Outs
Text classication has been a well-studied problem in the eld of
Natural Language Processing (NLP). Classical NLP techniques focus
on extracting features from text and training models like logistic
regression or support vector machines (SVM) [
]. With the
advancement of deep learning, prior work in NLP has focused on
using word embeddings for text classication [
]. Recently,
contextualized word embeddings have shown promise in achieving
state of the art results on many natural language understanding
problems [
]. We experiment with three of these techniques
and compare their performance for opt-out extraction.
NLP techniques have been applied to privacy policies in the past
]. For example, Wilson et al
. [64]
created the OPP-115 corpus
of annotated privacy policies. Recent work has focused on applying
neural models to this dataset [
]. But relatively little
work has been done to automatically detect opt-out choices oered
in privacy policies. Mysore Sathyendra et al
. [43]
used logistic re-
gression to detect statements in web privacy policies that described
data practices that a user could opt-out of. We extend this work by
Finding a Choice in a Haystack: Automatic Extraction of Opt-Out Statements from Privacy Policy Text WWW ’20, April 20–24, 2020, Taipei
Figure 1: Privacy policy data pipeline.
examining a larger corpus. Furthermore, whereas Mysore Sathyen-
dra et al
. [43]
only analyzed the text of privacy policies to identify
descriptions of opt-out actions, we also utilize the HTML structure
of the privacy policy page to segment the policy. This allows us
to restrict our problem to detecting hyperlinks that can be used
for opting-out of data practices, rather than having to consider all
text in a policy. We examined how features derived from policy
text, hyperlink URLs, and hyperlink anchor texts can help models
determine which hyperlinks are opt-outs. Our results are signi-
cantly improved over those reported by Mysore Sathyendra et al
[43], making it possible to build a useful browser extension.
In this section we describe our data pipeline, from scraping web-
pages to the inputs to our ML classiers (see Figure 1). We download
webpages containing privacy policies using the Mercury Parser
], which renders pages and removes sidebars, ads, and other
elements that are not part of the page’s main content. We then use
Beautiful Soup to construct a Document Object Model (DOM) tree
of the page’s remaining content. We then traverse the DOM tree
and extract segments of text from the policy.
3.1 Finding Privacy Policies
We attempted to download privacy policies from the top 500 web-
sites on the U.S Alexa list in the fall of 2018, using the Alexa Top
Sites API [
]. Our system downloaded the homepage of each of
these websites using Selenium [
] and Geckodriver [
]. Geck-
odriver renders the webpage which allows us to obtain content
that gets loaded dynamically after the initial HTTP request. Our
code then assembles a list of linked pages and downloads them.
The HTML content of each webpage was classied using logistic
regression (LR), to determine if it contained a privacy policy using
the classier by Zimmeck et al
. [67]
. Afterwards, we manually in-
spected all pages and removed any without privacy policies that
our LR classier mislabeled. This left us with a list of 236 unique
URLs of pages containing privacy policies.
3.2 Extracting Policy Text
Many privacy policy pages include extraneous content such as
navigation bars and advertisements. We used the Mercury Parser
API to obtain a ltered subset of each policy page. This subset also
contains content loaded after the initial HTTP request to a page.
We constructed a DOM tree based on the page’s content using
BeautifulSoup [
] and the lxml parser [
]. Most webpages violate
def r e c u r s i v e _ t o k e n i z e ( dom_subtree ) :
for l i in dom_subtree :
Remove l i from do m _ s u b tree
r e c u r s i v e _ t o k e n i z e ( l i )
fo r p in do m _ subtre e :
Remove p from do m_subt r e e
r e c u r s i v e _ t o k e n i z e ( p )
fo r d i v in do m _ s ubtree :
Remove d i v from do m _ s u b tree
r e c u r s i v e _ t o k e n i z e ( d i v )
n l t k _ s e n t _ t o k e n i z e ( d o m _subt r e e . t e x t )
Listing 1: Obtaining text segments from the DOM tree.
I f you wish t o opt o u t o f i n t e r e s t b a s e d
a d v e r t i s i n g , c l i c k <a hr ef = " h t t p : / / p r e f e r e n c e
s mgr . t r u s t e . com " > h ere < / a>
Listing 2: Hyperlink with anchor text “here” [55].
HTML standards [
]. Fortunately, BeautifulSoup is eective on
many invalid HTML documents.
The privacy policies we retrieved were not always written in
complete sentences. Instead, some of these pages split up lines of
text using lists or line breaks without any punctuation. This com-
plicated the process of text segmentation. Simply running NLTK’s
sentence tokenizer [
] on the raw text BeautifulSoup extracted from
the page resulted in malformed segments. Consider a webpage that
ends a line with the word “condence” and then starts the next line
with the word “You,” without any punctuation in between. Beauti-
fulSoup will extract “condenceYou” as the raw text, which NLTK
will not split up. The same problem would occur with a list, where
one item ended with the word “condence” and the next item began
with the word “You. To further complicate matters, some pages
nested list, paragraph, and content division elements within each
To address this, we inserted a space character at every place
there was a line break. We used a recursive function to traverse the
DOM tree and split the text into chunks that were then run through
NLTK’s sentence tokenizer (see Listing 1). We call a token found
using this function a segment. Note that a complete sentence that
does not span multiple list items, paragraphs, or division elements
would be a segment. A page that is not written in complete sen-
tences would have at least one segment that does not correspond
to a complete sentence.
Many websites contain hyperlinks that use part of the page’s
text as an anchor. The word “here” is the anchor in the example
in Listing 2. We stored the URL and anchor text of hyperlinks
that appeared on privacy policy pages. We also kept track of the
policy segment in which a hyperlink appeared. Because NLTK’s
sentence tokenizer only operates over raw text, we had to replace
each hyperlink’s anchor text with a unique ID in order to match
hyperlinks to text segments after the text was tokenized.
WWW ’20, April 20–24, 2020, Taipei Kumar and Iyengar, et al.
3.3 Annotating Data
We now had a (segment text, hyperlink URL, hyperlink anchor text)
tuple for each hyperlink on every privacy policy page. We observed
that 521 of the 3,213 hyperlinks we found linked to only 11 common
third-party services. The informational webpage
accounted for 80 of these 521 common third-party service links.
Links to are not opt-out links. However, the re-
maining 441 links were opt-outs. The DAA and NAI opt-out services
accounted for 259 of these 441 common third-party opt-out links.
We labeled all 80 links as not being opt-out links
and all 441 links to common opt-out services as being opt-out links.
The tuples corresponding to the remaining 2,692 hyperlinks were
manually annotated. The classier performance results reported in
Sections 4 and 5 were obtained based only on the 2,692 manually-
annotated hyperlinks.
We manually labeled tuples, indicating whether or not they con-
stituted an opt-out hyperlink. This determination was primarily
based on how the policy described the link, as well as an exami-
nation of the destination page when the policy text was not suf-
ciently clear to make a labeling decision. All 2,692 tuples were
annotated by one annotator, according to a coding manual that
had been iteratively developed. A subset of 50 labeled tuples were
then randomly sampled and also independently labeled by two
additional annotators. Inter-rater reliability was suciently high
(Fleiss’ κ = .70).
For this task, we built an annotation tool using the Flask micro
web framework [
]. This tool ran the webpages that were being
annotated through a browser’s rendering engine in order to enable
the annotators to see hyperlinks in the context of the page and also
see the page’s text structured with paragraphs and headings. Seg-
ments that were repeated verbatim multiple times within a single
policy or multiple dierent policies were ltered out, retaining only
one instance of each segment. Some segments contained multiple
hyperlinks. We picked a single hyperlink to go along with each
segment. We treated the hyperlinks that were not picked as if they
were just plain text. This left us with 2,016 tuples in our corpus, 297
of which were opt-outs.
We randomly assigned policies, and respectively extracted seg-
ments, to either the training, validation or test set. The training set
consisted of 1,416 segments, the validation set of 258 segments, and
the test set of 339 segments.
Each element contained a tuple (segment text, hyperlink URL,
hyperlink anchor text). All three tuple elements for the example in
Listing 2 contain information that might help indicate that this seg-
ment describes an opt-out choice. We experimented with features
extracted from all three tuple elements. These included features
derived from segment text in the form of bags of words and bigrams,
modal verbs and key phrases, and topic modeling. In addition, we
tried bags of words based on the hyperlink URL and anchor text.
We ran experiments using a logistic regression model. We ran
an ablation test to assess the importance of individual feature sets.
The results are shown in Table 1. We note that there is a signicant
drop in recall when we remove our bag of words and bigrams
feature set. We then trained and evaluated models using only a
Table 1: Results of ablation test.
Removed Feature Set Precision Recall F1
None 0.90 0.86 0.88
Words and bigrams 0.91 0.76 0.83
Modal verbs/key phrases 0.86 0.82 0.84
Topics 0.90 0.86 0.88
Hyperlink URL 0.87 0.94 0.91
Hyperlink anchor text 0.88 0.86 0.87
Table 2: Results from models that were trained and evalu-
ated using only a single feature set.
Validation Test
Feature Set Used Precision Recall F1 F1
Words and bigrams 0.87 0.88 0.87 0.79
Modal verbs/key phrases 0.58 0.84 0.69 -
Topic Modeling 0.25 0.92 0.40 -
Hyperlink URL 0.78 0.27 0.41 -
Hyperlink anchor text 0.56 0.45 0.5 -
BERT 0.83 0.98 0.9 -
fastText 0.90 0.76 0.82 -
single feature set (see Table 2). The model that was trained and
evaluated using only our bag of words and bigrams feature set
performs almost as well as any combination of feature sets that
we evaluated during our ablation test. This indicates that the other
features do not signicantly help with this task.
We further trained and evaluated classiers on our corpus us-
ing BERT [
] and fastText [
]. BERT is an encoder of a Trans-
former [
] model which uses contextualized word embeddings
to achieve state of the art results on many NLP tasks. FastText is
a library for text classication and word representation. FastText
models require less computation than neural networks. BERT and
FastText only operate over raw text. We could therefore only train
our BERT and FastText models on the segment without the URL,
and we could not highlihgt the anchor text to the model. Our eval-
uation of these classiers is included in Table 2. The performance
of the BERT model is similar to the performance of our classier
that used words and bigrams. The FastText model did not perform
as well.
We decided to perform our nal test using our logistic regres-
sion model that only included features from segments’ words and
bigrams. We chose this model over BERT because inference is less
computationally intensive for LR than neural networks; explaining
decisions is easier for LR than neural networks; and the LR model
had higher precision than BERT. We present our results from test-
ing this model on the test set in Table 2. The model performance on
the test and validation sets are similar, indicating that this classier
will likely have similar performance on new data.
Finding a Choice in a Haystack: Automatic Extraction of Opt-Out Statements from Privacy Policy Text WWW ’20, April 20–24, 2020, Taipei
Figure 2: Comparisons of classiers trained on data sampled
randomly and data sampled base d on Entropy.
4.1 Exploring Active Learning
Active learning is a semi-supervised machine learning approach
in which annotators will label items that models have the highest
uncertainty about. We wanted to see if active learning would reduce
the number of tuples that needed to be labeled in order to build
an opt-out detection classier. First, we ran a baseline experiment
in which we started with a seed of 600 tuples that were randomly
selected from our training set. Next, we trained a logistic regression
classier with this seed and evaluated it on our validation set. Then
we expanded the size of our sample by randomly selecting 4 of the
remaining 816 tuples in our training set. Afterwards, we trained a
new classier with the 604 tuples in our sample. This process was
repeated, randomly selecting 4 more training tuples to add to our
sample each time. Adding a tuple to the sample represents labeling
an additional piece of data and then adding it to the training set.
We then ran a similar experiment where we expanded our sam-
ples based on entropy, rather than selecting elements randomly [
Entropy is high when a classier is uncertain about a prediction.
Therefore, adding the tuples with the highest entropy to the train-
ing set may increase the classier’s performance more than adding
tuples with lower entropy.
We repeated the experiment from the baseline, except we selected
elements with the highest entropy, rather than selecting randomly.
Entropy was computed using the formula:
H = P
) P
Figure 2 shows the results of these experiments. Most classiers
trained on samples selected based on entropy performed better than
classiers trained on a sample of the same size that was selected
randomly. We believe that selecting data to label based on entropy
is an eective way to collect training data in this domain.
In addition to detecting opt-out hyperlinks, we wanted to determine
the types of data practices that these opt-out choices involve. The
opt-out detector that we describe in Section 4 was used to help with
this. We rst annotated the 297 opt-out tuples in our rst corpus
with up to two categories of data practices that the opt-out involves.
Some of our training examples had 2 categories of opt-outs. These
Table 3: Breakdown of corpus by category annotation.
Category Train Val Test
Targeted Advertising (AD) 185 76 133
Communication (CM) 139 61 81
Cookies (CK) 90 45 44
Analytics (AN) 45 28 38
Sharing with third parties (SH) 50 29 33
Others 49 29 79
Table 4: Results from Category Classication.
Logistic Regression BERT
Category Val F1 Test F1 Val F1
Targeted Advertising 0.75 0.79 0.73
Communication 0.83 0.85 0.86
Cookies 0.74 0.70 0.75
Analytics 0.75 0.62 0.68
Sharing with third parties 0.62 0.63 0.64
Others 0.55 0.51 0.62
categories are shown in Table 3. We then downloaded and ltered
388 additional policies from the Alexa top-2,000 U.S. websites. We
ran these 388 policies through our opt-out detector. This provided
us with 751 additional opt-out hyperlinks that we also annotated
with category labels. Table 3 provides a breakdown of this corpus. If
we had labeled all hyperlinks in these policies, we would have had
to label 6.5 times as many hyperlinks to get the same number of
tuples containing opt-out links. We acknowledge that in the process
we likely missed some opt-out hyperlinks, as the performance of
our overall classier is not perfect.
We built a logistic regression classier to automatically deter-
mine the categories of opt-outs. Features were generated by a TF-
IDF vectorizer that incorporated words, bigrams, and trigrams. In
addition, we built a classier using BERT. The results of these two
classiers are presented in Table 4. Their performance is roughly
similar, with F1 values typically ranging between 0.70 and 0.85, and
lower values for third party sharing opt-outs. Since both the BERT
model and the logistic regression model performed equally well, we
chose the logistic regression model for our test set evaluation as it
was faster at evaluating the classes compared to BERT. The perfor-
mance of these classiers would likely improve if one had access to
a larger corpus of annotated opt-outs. It is worth remembering how-
ever that these results are for opt-out links that do not correspond
to the set of 11 easily-identiable third party services used by many
sites to implement opt-out choices. When crafting simple rules to
automatically detect these opt-outs and combining these rules with
our classiers, we are actually able to achieve an overall recall of
0.90 and a precision of 0.93. In our annotated corpus, the 11 easily-
identiable third party opt-out services accounted for 441 of 3,251
hyperlinks, which represents 14% of the hyperlinks. Accordingly,
in determining the performance of our hybrid approach, which
combines the detection of these 11 easily-identiable opt-outs with
our machine learning techniques, we considered a test set with 17%
WWW ’20, April 20–24, 2020, Taipei Kumar and Iyengar, et al.
Figure 3: Number of policies vs number of opt-outs.
of the annotated data and added 74 (17% of 440) instances of the 11
easily-identiable opt-outs, resulting in an overall precision of 0.93,
a recall of 0.9 and an F1 score of 0.91.
In the remainder of this paper, we build on this hybrid approach
to analyze the presence of opt-out links on several thousand top-
ranked websites. We also use this hybrid approach to build and
evaluate a browser extension that automatically extracts opt-out
links from the text of privacy policies and presents them to users.
In this section, we use our approach to automatically analyze opt-
outs disclosed in the 6,885 privacy policies displayed on The Usable
Privacy Policy Explore Website.
Some websites linked to multiple
privacy policies. At the same time, we intentionally skipped 23
websites with adult content and a small number of otherwise prob-
lematic websites (e.g., sites that created diculties for our parser or
segmenter). We segmented these policies as described in Section 3.2
and ran our hybrid approach to identify opt-outs. Below we discuss
some of our ndings.
Many privacy policies do not seem to have opt-outs. We observed
that, at a high level, most of the analyzed privacy policies had none
or at most one opt-out hyperlink, as shown in Figure 3. We pro-
ceeded to conduct a ner analysis, looking at potential correlation
between the number of opt-outs found in a privacy policy and the
popularity (Alexa rank) of the corresponding website.
Number of opt-outs per website based on website’s Alexa rank.
Given that some websites have multiple privacy policies, the results
presented report the total average number of opt-outs identied
across dierent websites (Columns 3) in Tables 5 and 6. We then
nd the mean number of opt-outs per site(Column 4). We nd that
the average number of opt-outs varies with the website’s Alexa
rank. This is true both when looking solely at U.S. websites (see
Table 5: When looking at U.S. rankings, more popular sites
also oer more opt-outs to their users
US Alexa Rank # Policies # Opt-Outs (normalized) Ratio
1-200 194 669.00 3.43
200-1000 702 1,751.45 2.49
>1000 7,848 9,639.53 1.22
Table 6: When looking at worldwide rankings, more popular
sites oer more opt-outs to their users.
Global Alexa Rank # Policies # Opt-Outs (normalized) Ratio
1-200 121 342.2 2.82
200-1000 418 1,016.1 2.43
>1000 8,213 10,707.9 1.30
Table 7: We observe a dierence in the kinds of opt-outs
mentioned based on a website’s Alexa ranking.
Global Alexa Rank AD% CM% CK% AN% SH%
1-200 69.20 11.25 11.66 0.80 7.08
200-1000 56.74 10.08 19.16 7.10 6.80
>1000 54.04 10.06 21.04 8.80 5.90
Mean % of opt-outs 60.00 10.46 17.28 5.56 6.59
Table 5) and also when looking at websites based on global ranking
(see Table 6). Specically, more popular websites (namely sites with
low Alexa ranks) seem to oer their users more opt-outs than less
popular ones (namely sites with a higher Alexa rank). This is true
both when looking at U.S. rankings and worldwide rankings. It
should be noted that these results are based on the analysis of
these websites’ privacy policies. It is always possible that some
sites do not disclose all their opt-outs in their privacy policies. This
being said, intuitively one would expect more popular websites
to generally be more sophisticated (e.g., more complex workows,
more sophisticated privacy personnel, etc.). This in turn seems to
translate into these sites also oering a greater number of opt-outs
to their users.
Distribution of Opt-Outs By Categor y and Website Rank. Table 7
breaks down identied opt-outs by popularity of websites and also
by categories of opt-outs. As can be seen advertising opt-outs (AD)
account overall for 60% of all detected opt-outs, following by 17%
of cookie opt-outs (CK), 10% communication opt-outs (CM), about
7% third-party sharing opt-outs (SH), and about 6% analytics opt-
outs (AN ). The more popular websites seem to also have a greater
percentage of advertising opt-outs than the less popular sites and
their percentage of analytics opt-outs also seems to be signicantly
lower than the corresponding percentages on less popular sites. We
acknowledge that these measurements are limited by the presence
of opt-out hyperlinks on the privacy policies of websites.
Finding a Choice in a Haystack: Automatic Extraction of Opt-Out Statements from Privacy Policy Text WWW ’20, April 20–24, 2020, Taipei
Building on our approach for automatically extracting and classify-
ing websites’ opt-out hyperlinks, we developed a browser extension,
called Opt-Out Easy, to make it easier for users to nd and access
opt-outs in privacy policies. By clicking on the extension’s icon, a
user is presented with categorized opt-out links identied in the
text of the website’s privacy policy. The extension also helps users
keep track of which opt-outs they have already interacted with.
We attempted to download privacy policies from the Alexa top-
7,000 U.S. websites. Our pipeline described in Section 3 was used,
except we did not manually verify that all policy URLs corresponded
to policies. All extracted tuples were fed into the classier described
in Section 4 to determine which corresponded to opt-out choices.
Next, the tuples corresponding to opt-out choices were run through
the classier described in Section 5 to determine the type(s) of data
practices the choice involves. These results were stored in a MySQL
database and later served to the browser extension through an API
built with Django.
When the user clicks the extension’s icon, the extension makes
a request to our API server. The server responds with the opt-out
hyperlinks for the current website, if it has already scanned the
website’s privacy policy for hyperlinks, otherwise the user has the
option to request that the site be analyzed later. Because it would
take up to a minute or two to perform the analysis in real-time
and also because of cost issues, this seemed to be a reasonable
compromise, as it provides for some level of user engagement even
when the extension does not have results it can readily show to the
user. User requests are later processed in a batch job, with results
available for users who visit those sites later on. Our server only
stores anonymized logs of the websites for which opt-out links have
been requested. To protect users’ privacy, these logs are dissociated
from specic users and we make no other attempts to identify users.
7.1 Browser Extension Design
We describe the main design aspect and features of the Opt-Out
Easy browser extension.
7.1.1 Opt-out Screen. The main screen users see when they click
the extension’s icon is the opt-out screen. It shows all opt-out
choices identied in the privacy policy of the website the user is
currently visiting. For a given opt-out hyperlink, the browser exten-
sion shows an icon and heading, which inform the user about the
type of opt-out (e.g., targeted advertising, communication, cook-
ies, analytics, or sharing). A favicon shown at the bottom right of
the icon and additional text communicating whether the opt-out
is being oered by the rst party (the current website) or a third
party. This helps users understand the kind and scope of the opt-out.
Figure 4 shows the opt-out results after scanning the Overleaf web
Opt-out links that a user has already visited are shown in blue,
while the links which the user has not yet visited are shown in
orange. Because users are likely to forget whether or not they
have already visited some opt-out choices, the feature helps them
remember and saves them the trouble of revisiting opt-out choices
with which they have already interacted. To further help users keep
track of the actions they have taken with specic opt-outs, the
extension also oers users the ability to record their action via a
Figure 4: Opt-Out Easy’s results for
Figure 5: Opt-Out Easy’s summary of opt-out hyperlinks
across recently visited websites.
“tell us what you did” link. If the user decides to use this link, the
extension can also remind them about the actions they have taken
when they return to the website.
7.1.2 Summary of opt-outs for recently visited websites. The browser
extension provides a second screen to help users keep track of opt-
outs for pages they have recently visited. This screen consists of
three tabs: “Take Action” shows opt-out choices for which the user
hasn’t yet taken any action. “Opt-Outs Visited” lists opt-out links
that the user has already visited but not opted out of. “Opted-Out”
lists the opt-out links that the user has visited and indicated they
opted out of. These views are meant to encourage the user to take
action on websites they recently visited and also help them quickly
glance at all the privacy choices they have already made.
7.1.3 Information page. The extension also includes an informa-
tion page (see Figure 7) that explains to users how the browser
extension and the opt-out hyperlink analysis works. Clearly com-
municating the underlying functionality helps users understand
what the extension does, helps build trust in the technology, and
may also help users understand the extension’s limitations (e.g.,
the extension could miss some opt-out links and does not show
links not disclosed in the privacy policy). The extension itself is
designed to be privacy friendly: it does not record any identiable
WWW ’20, April 20–24, 2020, Taipei Kumar and Iyengar, et al.
Figure 6: Opt-Out Easy allows users to request that we scan
the privacy policy of any website they want.
Figure 7: Opt-Out Easy’s information page for users to un-
derstand how the tool works.
information about the user on the server side. We only record in-
formation about the users on the local client on which the tool has
been installed.
7.1.4 Request page. Our system is currently set up to analyze
privacy policies of most of the top 7,000 Alexa U.S. websites in
batches. We plan to run the system once per month initially. If users
want to see results for websites not included in our monthly analysis,
they can use the browser extension’s online request form, as shown
in Figure 6. We are planning to process such requests within a
week and add them to the collection of sites we analyze monthly.
Over time, depending on available resources and popularity of the
extension, we may increase the frequency of our analyses.
7.2 Initial Usability Evaluation
We conducted an initial usability evaluation of Opt-Out Easy to
determine to what extent the extension helps users identify opt-outs,
looking at eectiveness, eciency, and overall user satisfaction.
7.2.1 Study procedures and participants. Our study employed a
between-subjects design. Participants in the treatment group and
the control group were asked to complete the same set of opt-out
tasks with or without Opt-Out Easy, respectively. This between-
subject experiment aimed to evaluate to what extent the extension
helps users opt-out of data practices faster and more successfully.
Follow-up interviews with all participants provide additional quali-
tative data to evaluate the usability of the extension.
We followed an Institutional Review Board-approved study pro-
tocol, which we detail below. We used social media posts and phys-
ical yers to recruit potential participants to ll out a screening
survey. Then, we invited eligible participants to our university cam-
pus to participate in the study. After obtaining informed consent,
we rst explained “opt-out” and “data practices” in layman’s terms
to all participants with print-out screenshots of opt-out choices.
For the treatment group, we provided additional screenshots of
the extension and showed participants where to access this exten-
sion in the Chrome browser. These explanations ensured that all
participants had a basic understanding of the concepts and the
functionality needed to work on the tasks we would assign them.
We created a list of 5 opt-out tasks on 4 major websites, covering
most opt-out categories supported by the extension (see Table 9),
namely advertising and email communication opt-outs. Participants
used a lab computer with study accounts to complete these tasks.
The accounts were preset to the same privacy settings to ensure
study consistency. When describing each task to participants, we
used scenario prompts without mentioning the specic word “opt-
out” to minimize potential framing. For example, for the New York
Times’ website, we described the task as: “You just got the 10th
update email from New York Times today. Now you want to stop re-
ceiving them.” We recorded the computer screen when participants
completed these tasks for analysis.
In the post-experiment interview, we asked participants about
their (1) perceived ease of performing the tasks, (2) familiarity
with the 4 websites used in the experiment, (3) previous opt-out
experience on the web, and (4) intention to opt-out of data practices
in the future. For the treatment group, we asked them to rate 6
usability statements about Opt-Out Easy (see Table 8) and their
subjective opinions about using the extension. For the control group,
we then described Opt-Out Easy to them with screenshots and asked
them if they would like to use it when trying to opt-out in the future.
All interviews were audio recorded and transcribed by the research
team for qualitative analysis.
We recruited 8 participants for this pilot study. 4 participants
were female (2 in each group), 7 had college degrees (3 in treatment
group), 6 self-reported as being tech savvy (3 in treatment group).
After completing all study procedures, each participant received a
$15 gift card for their time.
7.2.2 Study results. To measure the eectiveness of the extension
in helping users opt out of data practices, we analyzed the screen
recordings to calculate if participants successfully completed each
task and the time they took to do so. Note that task 5 on GAP’s
website contained a number of third-party advertising opt-outs
and most participants struggled with it as some of these links were
broken. Due to these issues in both groups, we excluded task 5 from
this analysis. Also, we consider a task failed if the participant spent
more than 60 seconds on it because users are unlikely to spend
that much time to opt out in real life. The treatment group had an
average success rate of 87.5%, while the control group’s average
success rate was 56.25%. Similarly, participants in the treatment
group tended to opt out faster on most of the tasks, as shown in
Table 9. These data show initial evidence that Opt-Out Easy is
eective in helping users opt-out.
For the 6 usability statements about Opt-Out Easy, participants
in the treatment group rated all statements with either positive
or neutral ratings (ratings >=0). The average ratings are shown
in Table 8. Their perceived future use of the extension and the
Finding a Choice in a Haystack: Automatic Extraction of Opt-Out Statements from Privacy Policy Text WWW ’20, April 20–24, 2020, Taipei
Table 8: Treatment group’s rating on usability statements for Opt-Out Easy
Statements Average Rating
This browser plugin is easy to use. 1.00
I would like to use this browser plugin in future. 0.75
The text in this browser plugin is easy to understand. 0.75
The various types of opt-outs provided by this browser plugin are useful. 2.00
I need no additional technical support to be able to use this browser plugin. 1.25
I would imagine that most people would learn to use this browser plugin quickly. 1.00
-2:Strongly disagree, -1:Slightly Disagree, 0:Neutral, 1:Slightly agree, 2:Strongly agree
easiness to understand the text in the extension received slightly
lower ratings, showing space for usability improvement.
For the interview questions asked to all participants, all partic-
ipants in the treatment group reported at least 4 out of 5 tasks
were easy when using the extension, while most participants in the
control group considered these tasks moderate. 4 participants (3 in
the treatment group) had opted out of data practices on websites
before, and most participants reported that they were familiar with
either Google, Amazon, or both websites. These two factors may
have aected their reported ease of carrying out the assigned tasks.
For example, 2 participants in the control group reported that their
prior opt-out experience and/or familiarity with Google made task
1 easier for them. However, 2 participants in the treatment group
felt that their familiarity with these websites did not inuence their
reported ease of carrying out the assigned tasks. For instance, one
of these two participants said “[It did] not help the most because
I was using the extension.” This suggests that the extension could
better assist users with opting out on unfamiliar websites.
For the group-specic interview questions, we conducted a basic
thematic analysis on all interview transcripts and summarized three
signicant themes from the qualitative data. First, all participants in
the treatment group liked some aspects of the extension, such as the
way it centralizes all opt-out choices (e.g., “I can just do it through
[the] tool rather than having to hunt down the privacy practices for
everything”), the minimal user eort (e.g.,“It was just like a one click
kind of thing”), and the detailed information about each opt-out
choice (e.g., “It broke down exactly what the tracking was”).
Second, participants in the control group showed certain frustration
with the scope of data practices they encounter on the web and the
level of eort needed to opt out of these practices. One participant in
the control group who stated he had not opted opt out on websites
before said “I have left my data pretty vulnerable in the world, so
far. Maybe it [the study] is a bit of a wake up call.” Another control
participant found Tasks 4 and 5 more dicult, saying “The New
York Times had too many dierent things to click and I don’t know
what they were...And then the GAP one, it was buried in the privacy
policy. It wasn’t in account settings.
Third, participants in both groups saw the value in a tool that
streamlines the opt-out process on the web. For the treatment group,
3 participants indicated they were likely and 1 participant stated
(s)he would denitely download the extension for their own use.
All of them would recommend the extension to others if there was a
need, as one commented “Maybe not [recommend it] to my friends,
but probably to my mom or family member who doesn’t understand
Table 9: The mean time and success rate of each opt-out task
in the experiment by group (n=8). Task refers to the type
of opt-out task involved with “Ad” referring to opting out
of advertising and “Email” referring to opting out of email
Time (s) Success rate
Website Task Control Treat Control Treat
Google Ad. 85.50 46.25 0.50 0.75
Amazon Ad. 142.50 20.00 0.50 1.00
Amazon Email 48.00 48.50 0.75 1.00
NY Times Email 104.25 68.75 0.50 0.75
how to opt out.” For the control group, all participants said they
would like to use such a tool. Specically, one participant in the
control group initially said she would not opt out in the future but
changed her mind after we described the tool, saying “That would
change my previous answer to ‘yes’. Rather than taking 1-3 minutes
to do, if it took me 10-15 seconds, I would use it.
Because opt-out choices are often buried deep in the text of privacy
policies, few people know about these choices, let alone exercise
them. Overall our work shows that it is possible to (1) develop
technology that can automatically identify a large percentage of
opt-out choices found in the text of privacy policies and (2) develop
eective user interfaces, such as the browser extension piloted in
our study, to present users with available opt-out choices and en-
able them to more eectively make use of these choices. Below
we further discuss some of the more detailed ndings of our de-
mographic study of opt-out hyperlinks and of our human subject
study, including public policy considerations.
8.1 Demographics of Opt-out Choices
Results presented in Section 6 show that the number of opt-out
choices found in privacy policies is relatively small. On average,
websites that are not among the 1,000 most popular websites (Alexa
rank over 1,000) often have just one opt-out per policy. More popu-
lar websites have more opt-outs on average. This is partly a result
of these sites’ complexity. Policies for sites like Amazon or Google
cover multiple web properties and support very diverse data ows.
WWW ’20, April 20–24, 2020, Taipei Kumar and Iyengar, et al.
These sites are also scrutinized more, and the organizations that run
them have the resources to hire privacy professionals. A more exten-
sive study could also look at how sectoral regulations correlate with
the presence of opt-out links. For instance, U.S. nancial organiza-
tions are required by the Graham Leach Bliley Act to have opt-out
notices [
]. Future work might also examine the jurisdictions under
which dierent sites operate and to what extent dierent jurisdic-
tions yield dierences in the average number and types of opt-outs
found on dierent sites. One benet of the automatic classication
approach presented in this paper is that it actually enables people
to ask these questions and to more systematically analyse opt-out
demographics within and across dierent categories of websites
(e.g. based on popularity, based on sector, based on country where
the site is hosted, and more). We hope that moving forward this
type of analysis will be used to inform public policy debates. In
particular, with the advent of the California Consumer Privacy Act,
which requires the introduction of an opt-out for the sale of one’s
data, it will be interesting to extend the approach presented here
and to conduct systematic studies looking at the presence of opt-
out hyperlinks focused specically on this requirement (e.g., what
percentage of sites are in compliance, how compliance varies with
the popularity of sites, by sector, etc.).
8.2 What Can We Learn from Our User Study?
While small, the pilot study of our Opt-Out Easy browser extension
suggests that users are often unaware of available opt-out choices
and lack the necessary functionality to discover and exercise these
choices. Our study seems to indicate that Opt-Out Easy helps in-
crease awareness of available opt-out choices, while also reducing
the time it takes to identify opt-out hyperlinks and eventually take
advantage of these choices. While a larger scale evaluation of our
browser extension is needed to conrm these early ndings, results
of out study are encouraging. However, our study also shows that
our tool only solves part of the problem experienced by users who
decide to opt-out. In fact, our study, as well as prior work by Habib
et al
. [22]
, shows that it is not uncommon for opt-out hyperlinks to
be broken or for the time required to take advantage of one of these
links to be unreasonable. In our study, we observed the following
problems at the NAI and DAA opt-out services:
When users connect to these services to opt-out, they are
presented with (often long) lists of trackers present on the
website and have to select which tracker they want to opt-
out from. Often a number of these trackers are shown as
“temporarily unavailable,” which would require the user to
come back multiple times to complete their opt-out requests.
The opt-out process tends to be painfully slow, with users
complaining about the “slow progress bar” and often just
giving up before the process is complete.
While our browser extension and our automated opt-out identica-
tion process cannot solve these problems, they could possibly help.
Specically, one could systematically scan websites for opt-out
choices and request crowdworkers to attempt to opt-out, recording
whether they succeed and how much time they need. By systemati-
cally collecting such statistics, one could help build pressure on the
entities running these services. The resulting statistics could also
help inform policy makers and motivate them to require minimum
standards for availability and response time.
8.3 Limitations and Future work
Our corpus only includes policies for websites at the top of the Alexa
list for the United States. Our classiers thus only work on policies
written in English. Future studies should examine privacy policies
for non-U.S. sites and lower-ranked sites. Our corpus only contains
opt-out links that use anchor tags. Non-anchor tags with Javascript
event handlers that redirect users were ignored. Our classiers for
determining whether a webpage contained a privacy policy and
whether a hyperlink was an opt-out had non-zero false-negative
rates. Our small corpus size likely hurt our precision and recall.
Future work could improve performance with additional feature
engineering or training a BERT model from scratch on a large
corpus of privacy policies, thereby creating a privacy policy-BERT,
analogous to “Bio-BERT” [32].
Finally, we acknowledge the small sample size of the pilot study
of our Opt-Out Easy extension. While we were able to mitigate this
with in-depth qualitative data through post-experiment interviews,
we plan to conrm our results by running a larger study.
A central tenet of privacy in the U.S. revolves around the concept of
“notice and choice.” Unfortunately many choices, which generally
come in the form of “opt-outs” are buried deep in the text of privacy
policies that few people ever bother to read. The research presented
in this paper shows that it is possible to develop techniques that
automatically identify opt-out choices in the text of policies. We
use this technology to study the demographics of opt-out choices
on a corpus of 6,885 popular websites and to also develop a browser
extension that automatically displays available opt-outs to users as
they browse the web. Results of this research open the door to the
more systematic analysis of opt-out demographics on websites and
to the development of tools that empower users to eectively take
advantage of available opt-outs. At the same time, our study also
shows that, even when websites oer opt-outs, these hyperlinks
are not always working and using them may also take more time
than users have available.
This research was mainly conducted as part of the NSF SaTC Fron-
tier project on Usable Privacy Policies (CNS-133059) [
] with
additional funding provided by NSF grants CNS-1801316 and CNS-
1914486, and a DARPA Brandeis grant on Personalized Privacy
Assistants (FA8750- 15-2-0277). Further support was provided un-
der a National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship
Program under Grant Nos. DGE1252522 and DGE1745016. The U.S.
Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for
Governmental purposes not withstanding any copyright notation.
The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the au-
thors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the
ocial policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of
the NSF, DARPA, or the U.S. Government.
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