Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)
Encouraging Diversity, Growth and Equity Program (EDGE)
omen-owned Business Enterprise (WBE)
Veteran-friendly Business Enterprise Programs (VBE)
Fiscal Year 2021 Report
For the seventh consecutive year, Ohio’s state agencies, boards, and commissions exceeded the
requirement of a 15% set-aside for Minority Business Enterprise-certified companies. In Fiscal Year
2021, which ended June 30, 2021, the state purchased 18.79% of eligible goods and services from MBEs
through the set-aside program.
This report details the results of state purchasing from businesses in four state of Ohio
certification programs:
Minority Business Enterprise (MBE).
Encouraging Diversity, Growth and Equity (EDGE).
Women-owned Business Enterprise (WBE).
Veteran-Friendly Business Enterprise (VBE).
In July 2021, the state’s Equal Opportunity Division moved from the Department of Administrative
Services and merged with the Minority Business Development Division (MBDD) at the Ohio
Department of Development (Development). In conjunction with the Division’s Minority Business
Assistance Centers across the state, the merger gives businesses a one-stop-shop for earning
certifications and accessing business advice and financial resources.
In FY2021, the state of Ohio purchased $296,847,033, or 18.79%, of eligible goods and services through
the MBE set-aside program. Additionally, the state of Ohio purchased from MBE-certified businesses
through open-market competitive selection $40,953,672 in goods and services, or 2.59%. Combined,
the state of Ohio spent with MBE-certified businesses (set-aside and open market) $337,800,706 or
21.38%. In addition, expenditures with EDGE-certified companies for FY2021, was 4.23% by purchasing
$190,964,284 in all eligible procurement categories including construction.
The state saw an increase in its base of MBE-certified businesses receiving expenditures from 314 to
334. This was an increase of 6.3% over FY2020.
The MBDD on October 9, 2020, took responsibility for administrating the Women-owned Business
Enterprise program. To date, this program has been successful by certifying into the program 814
companies that already had other certifications and certifying 73 additional companies, with 69
companies awaiting certification.
One of the main advantages of the WBE program is the state of Ohio’s ability to enter into agreement
with other states for certification. FY2021, MBDD contacted 22 other states that had same or similar WBE
programs. MBDD is in the final stages of signing agreements with the states of Missouri and Oregon.
MBDD and the state of Ohio are devoted to continuing forward momentum. The state of Ohio
collectively treats the mandates of setting aside 15% for MBE-certified businesses and 5% for EDGE-
certified businesses as the floor and not the ceiling. The state of Ohio is moving forward to surpass
FY2021 goals achieved in the MBE and EDGE programs.
MBE Program Overview
The state of Ohio’s MBE program requires a 15% set-aside procurement goal for state agencies,
boards, and commissions in awarding contracts to MBE-certified businesses. The MBE program is
designed to assist MBE-certified businesses in obtaining state government contracts for goods and
services. Unlike the EDGE program, the MBE program does not apply to construction contracts.
The state of Ohio developed the program because it recognized the need to encourage, nurture, and
support the growth of minority businesses to foster their development and increase the number of
qualified competitors in the marketplace.
An MBE-certified business must be owned and controlled by a U.S. citizen who is a resident of Ohio
and a member of one or more of the following minority groups: Blacks or African Americans, American
Indians, Hispanics or Latinos, or Asians. In addition, the following criteria must be met:
The business must:
Have been in business for at least one year prior to applying.
Be at least 51% minority-owned.
Possess requisite knowledge of the business and industry in which he or she is applying.
Have day-to-day control over the business, exercising final authority over all aspects of daily
operations, including but not limited to operations, financial, and business management, human
resources, and policy decisions.
Demonstrate capability or expertise within the classifications identified for a period of one year
prior to certification
Possess all licenses and permits required by law to perform the scope of work within classifications
1 Additional certification requirements apply.
2 Set-Aside means a competitively bid procurement opportunity reserved exclusively for MBE-
certified companies
3 Open market means a competitively bid procurement opportunity that is open for all businesses to
bid on and compete for
MBE FY2021 Results
Cabinet Level – agencies spent 18.83% of their MBE set-aside
eligible expenditures with MBE-certified
businesses representing $289,098,259.
In addition, another 2.61% was spent with MBE-certified businesses through open market
FY2021, 17 of 25 cabinet level agencies met or exceeded the 15% goal for set-aside purchases from
MBE-certified businesses.
Non-Cabinet Level – agencies spent 17.47% of their MBE set-aside-eligible expenditures with MBE-
certified businesses representing $7,748,774.
FY2021, 30 of 45 non-cabinet level agencies met or exceeded the 15% goal for set-aside purchases
from MBE-certified businesses, up from 24 agencies in FY2020.
Statewide – Agencies spent 18.79% of their MBE set-aside eligible expenditures with MBE-certified
businesses, representing $296,847,033.
$337,800,706 total was spent in FY2021 (set-aside and open market bidding).
This is a increase of $38,904,833 based on FY2021 expenditures. It is MBDD’s opinion that this
increase was a direct result of companies adapting and looking for opportunities outside of their
general market area.
A key indicator of program success is how many MBE-certified businesses received expenditures from
the state of Ohio. This indicator has continued to increase each fiscal year.
334 MBE-certified businesses received expenditures from the state of Ohio in FY2021 up from 314
MBE-certified businesses in FY2020. This represents an increase of 6.3%.
Total new MBE applications processed for FY2021 were 708 with an average certification time of 75
days, compared to 641 applications processed in FY2020.
Total MBE-certified business for FY2021 were 1,241 with 80 applications in que for processing.
4 Additional certification requirements apply.
EDGE Program Overview
The state of Ohio’s EDGE program establishes an annual goal for state agencies, boards, and
commissions, as well as guidelines for state universities in awarding contracts to EDGE-certified
businesses. The EDGE program is designed to assist socially and economically disadvantaged
businesses in obtaining state government contracts in the following areas: construction, architecture,
and engineering; professional services; goods and services; and information technology services.
In contrast to the MBE program, the EDGE program does apply to construction contracts. The state
of Ohio developed the program because it recognizes the need to encourage, nurture, and support
the growth of economically and socially disadvantaged businesses to foster their development and
increase the number of qualified competitors in the marketplace.
An EDGE-certified business must be owned and controlled by a U.S. citizen who is a resident of Ohio.
A business may qualify for EDGE certification if either (a) its owner is both socially and economically
disadvantaged or (b) the business is in a qualified census tract and the owner is economically
disadvantaged. Economic disadvantage is based primarily on the owners personal net worth. In
addition, the following criteria must be met:
Have been in business for at least one year prior to applying.
Be at least 51% owned by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.
Have day-to-day control over the business, exercising final authority over all aspects of the
daily operations of the business, including but not limited to operations, financial and business
management, and human resources, and policy decisions.
Possess all licenses and permits required by law to perform the scope of work within
classifications requested.
EDGE FY2021 Results
Cabinet Level – agencies spent 3.08% of their EDGE-eligible expenditures with EDGE-certified
businesses representing $115,554,429.
In FY 2021, 10 of 25 cabinet level agencies met or exceeded the 5% goal for purchases from EDGE-
certified businesses. This was a slight decrease over FY2020.
Non-cabinet Level Agencies spent 9.92% of their EDGE eligible expenditures with EDGE-certified
businesses representing $75,409,855.
FY 2021, 20 of 45 non-cabinet-level agencies met or exceeded the 5% goal for purchases from
EDGE-certified businesses, matching the FY 2020 agencies goal achievement.
Statewide – agencies spent 4.23% of their EDGE-eligible-expenditures with EDGE-certified businesses
representing, $190,964,284.
The state of Ohio spent less money with EDGE-certified businesses than FY2020.
This is an decrease of $159,222,684 over FY2020. It is MBDD’s opinion that this reduction was a
direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic that reduced tax collection, which caused agencies in
FY2021 to reduce or eliminate expenditure outlays, especially in construction areas.
A key indicator of program success is how many EDGE-certified businesses received expenditures
from the state of Ohio. This indicator has increased each fiscal year.
368 EDGE-certified businesses receive expenditures from the state of Ohio in FY2021, down from
378 EDGE-certified businesses in FY2020. This represents a decrease of 2.6%.
Total new EDGE applications processed for FY2021 was 737 with an average certification time of 75 days.
Certification levels continue to increase year to year. Total EDGE-certified business for FY2021 were 1,189.
WBE Program Overview
The state of Ohio’s Women-owned Business Enterprise (WBE) program is designed to assist
women-owned businesses in obtaining contracts for goods and services, construction, architecture,
engineering, information technology, and professional services. The WBE program does not apply a
procurement goal or set-aside target for state government contracts. The state of Ohio developed the
program because it recognized the need to encourage, nurture, and support the growth of women
businesses to foster their development and increase the number of qualified competitors in the
One of the main benefits to being a certified WBE is the ability to do business in other states’ WBE
programs. The MBDD has the authority to enter into reciprocity agreements with other states. These
agreements allow businesses that are certified in either the state of Ohio’s WBE program or the
other state’s program to be expedited and certified into each other’s program. This initiative reduces
application time to an average of five business days, allowing the state to increase in the number of
WBE-certified businesses.
FY2021, MBDD contacted 22 other states that had same or similar WBE programs. Currently MBDD is in
the final stages of signing agreements with Missouri and Oregon. In addition, substantive discussions
have occurred with Kentucky, New Jersey, Virginia, and Tennessee. Changes in administrations and
staff have been factors in progress in this area. Discussions with Kentucky ended after a change in
administration resulted in a different philosophy regarding the basis of a reciprocal agreement.
Both Kentucky and Indiana determined that reciprocal agreements could be entered into only if they
recognized both WBE and MBE certifications. Texas has no interest in having a reciprocal agreement
based upon the lack of proximity of our states. The city of New York, N.Y., has reached out to explore a
reciprocal agreement and to discuss our strategies with ongoing consideration of a reciprocal agreement.
Based upon the WBE program becoming effective on October 9, 2020, and the need to develop electronic
monitoring systems, there is no available expenditure or contract data available for this program.
WBE FY2021 Results
While no contract or expenditure data is available, MBDD has since October 9, 2020, certified 814
companies into the program that already had other certifications and certified 73 additional companies
for a total of 887 certified WBE companies. There are 69 companies awaiting certification determinations.
VBE Program Overview
The state of Ohio’s Veteran-Friendly Business Enterprise (VBE) Procurement program provides
preference or bonus points to certified companies that compete to contract with the state to supply the
goods or services it needs, including eligible construction services.
To be eligible for certification, the applicant business must satisfy one of the following criteria:
At least 10% of its employees are veterans or on active service.
At least 51% of the applicant business is owned by veterans or persons on active service.
If the applicant business is a corporation 51% of which is not owned by veterans or persons on
active service, at least 51% of the board of directors are veterans or persons on active service.
The business is certified by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs as a Service-Disabled Veteran-
Owned Small Business or a Veteran-Owned Small Business and the owner(s) of the business meets
the definition of veteran (OAC 123:5-1-01(II).
VBE FY2021 Results
Based on the requirement to monitor VBE companies being codified on September 30, 2021, no
expenditure or contract data is available. However, MBDD has certified in FY2021 328 VBEs.
Procurement Contracts with MBE and EDGE Businesses
MBDD and DAS General Service Division’s (GSD) Office of Procurement Services, which is responsible for
setting up enterprise-wide contracts from which all state agencies purchase, continued collaborating on
areas of recruitment, vendor searching, and market analysis. Doing so contributed to multiple contracts
that have previously been awarded to non-certified business to be awarded to MBE-certified businesses.
DAS Office of Procurement Services Enterprise IT Contracting (EITC) awarded a contract to Knowledge
Services, Inc. for IT-related staff augmentation from which state agencies can purchase services from
a readily available pool of MBE- and EDGE-certified businesses. EITC has also worked with multiple
open-market vendors that were awarded information technology contacts to have embedded MBE set-
aside requirements in the terms and conditions of the contracts. This initiative had companies such as
Hewlett Packard, International Business Machines, Microsoft, and Navigator to sub-contract with MBE-
certified businesses on contracts that otherwise may have been too large for MBE-certified businesses
to execute on their own.
FY2021, MBDD created new initiatives while continuing efforts that assist the state of Ohio in
successfully altering the culture and mindset of state agencies regarding doing business with MBE-,
EDGE-, WBE-, and VBE-certified businesses.
Below are some of the key initiatives implemented by MBDD in collaboration with other state agencies
to maximize outreach efforts.
1. MBE Projection Plan
To meet the requirements of ORC 125.081, MBDD requires each state agency, board, and commission to
submit an annual projection plan detailing their contracts and purchases for the upcoming fiscal year.
Historically, MBDD uses this data to compile a comprehensive MBE Projection Plan Analysis Book. The
information in the book, allowed MBE-, EDGE-, WBE-, and VBE-certified businesses to create or adjust
business plans by providing a basic idea of the expenditures that agencies projected to spend in their
respective service or product area, thus allowing them to do more targeted marketing to agencies.
FY2021, MBDD modified the book to be a more interactive “MBE Projection Plan Analysis”. It uses
a crosswalk developed through a partnership between the Ohio Office of Budget and Management
and DAS Office of Procurement Services that translates state accounting codes to established United
Nations Standard Products and Services Codes (UNSPS Codes). MBDD utilizes UNSPS Codes to certify
that MBE-certified businesses have performed the services and/or provided products for at least one
year before being able to bid on set-aside procurement opportunities. While this restricts MBE-certified
businesses from bidding on set-aside procurement opportunities that the business was not certified
by MBDD to have performed in the last year, it does not preclude the MBE-certified businesses from
bidding on open market procurement opportunities.
By using the crosswalk and then the MBE Projection Plan Analysis, MBE-certified businesses can more
readily identify which specific agencies plan to have expenditures in their specific areas of expertise
and target their marketing efforts accordingly.
2. COVID-19 Initiatives
Developed a list of MBE and EDGE-certified businesses that sell personal protective equipment and
related products and services for the State’s COVID-19 website, coronavirus.ohio.gov.
Partnered with state, federal, and local partners to refer small, minority-, women-, and veteran-
owned businesses to resources that support their growth and success.
Supported administration of the new Ohio Micro-Enterprise Grant Program by verifying
certification requirements and working with nonqualifying grant applicants to start the process for
MBE or EDGE program participation.
3. Outreach Events
MBDD participates in numerous vendor outreach events throughout the state of Ohio each fiscal year.
These events provide vendors an opportunity to network with agencies, boards, and commissions.
These events also give agencies an opportunity to conduct brief informational sessions with vendors
about services and/or products they will be seeking for the current fiscal year. Because of COVID-19,
these events were curtailed.
Other informational sessions and training opportunities provided including agency specific
procurement; Zoom one-on-one meetings between vendors and agencies; and Teams training,
including contracting process, how to do business with the state of Ohio, the benefits of joint ventures,
and how vendors can grow their business.
All state agencies did not have any actual face-to-face initiatives, mainly because of employees
working from home.
tate of Ohio
(MBE EDGE) Scorecard
Fiscal Year 2021: July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021
Fiscal Year 2021
(July 1 2021 - June 30, 2021)
Set Aside
Set-Aside %
Participation %
MBE Total
Expenditures %
EDGE Expenditures
Total %
Adjutant General's Department $11,047,652 $671,314 6.08% $521,498 4.72% $1,192,812 10.80% $21,225,274 $967,337 $526 $967,863 4.56%
Administrative Services,
$331,678,780 $66,353,352 20.01% $11,360,458 3.43% $77,713,810 23.43% $323,385,958 $4,136,337 $152,846 $4,289,183 1.33%
Aging, Department of $3,666,683 $870,502 23.74% $10,005 0.27% $880,507 24.01% $3,666,184 $138,852 $0 $138,852 3.79%
Agriculture, Department of $8,385,319 $794,432 9.47% $392,652 4.68% $1,187,084 14.16% $8,670,069 $332,418 $8,670 $341,088 3.93%
Budget and Management, Office
$797,628.14 $152,326 19.10% $9,180 1.15% $161,506 20.25% $781,754 $86,924 $0 $86,924 11.12%
Commerce, Department of $8,091,129 $5,352,760 66.16% $228,720 2.83% $5,581,480 68.98% $14,563,463 $425,317 $0 $425,317 2.92%
Development, Department of $4,651,111 $1,796,615 38.63% $326,021 7.01% $2,122,636 45.64% $4,428,834 $291,395 $0 $291,395 6.58%
Developmental Disabilities,
22,855,003 $7,390,927 32.34% $716,020 3.13% $8,106,947 35.47% $24,564,159 $1,841,748 $211,978 $2,053,726 8.36%
Environmental Protection Agency $7,572,022 $2,316,444 30.59% $150,544 1.99% $2,466,988 32.58% $6,341,388 $30,212 $0 $30,212 0.48%
Health, Department of $289,668,066 $51,736,514 17.86% $1,922,337 0.66% $53,658,851 18.52% $238,263,047 $788,328 $85,259 $873,587 0.37%
Higher Education, Department of $217,526 $19,438 8.94% $0 0.00% $19,438 8.94% $1,043,527 $5,561 $0 $5,561 0.53%
Insurance, Department of $3,236,584 $806,369 24.91% $1,240,256 38.32% $2,046,625 63.23% $3,236,245 $178,389 $0 $178,389 5.51%
Job and Family Services,
$103,305,107 $16,283,810 15.76% $5,117,697 4.95% $21,401,507 20.72% $134,985,366 $14,677,311 $0 $14,677,311 10.87%
Lottery Commission $66,242,345 $3,974,655 6.00% $145,707 0.22% $4,120,362 6.22% $65,793,415 $322,083 $0 $322,083 0.49%
Medicaid, Department of $223,969,600 $39,675,584 17.71% $314,228 0.14% $39,989,812 17.86% $223,497,570 $423,225 $0 $423,225 0.19%
Mental Health and Addiction
$40,481,276 $7,606,926 18.79% $12,295 0.03% $7,619,221 18.82% $54,795,025 $102,372 $853,348 $955,720 1.74%
Natural Resources, Department of $36,594,514 $4,678,997 12.79% $2,438,801 6.66% $7,117,798 19.45% $149,749,873 $6,482,370 $310,259 $6,792,629 4.54%
Opportunities for Ohioans with
$2,492,629.84 $184,369.00 7.40% $8,709.73 0.35% $193,079 7.75% $2,429,522.45 $145,290.76 $0 $145,291 5.98%
Public Safety, Department of $94,062,351 $15,169,558 16.13% $4,041,296 4.30% $19,210,854 20.42% $88,192,950 $15,904,917 $0 $15,904,917 18.03%
Rehabilitation and Correction,
$75,382,341 $24,094,407 31.96% $2,634,445 3.49% $26,728,852 35.46% $106,227,602 $9,132,600 $2,506,137 $11,638,737 10.96%
Taxation, Department of $4,458,848 $1,448,365 32.48% $127,970 2.87% $1,576,335 35.35% $3,859,312 $662,469 $0 $662,469 17.17%
Transportation, Department of $148,471,560 $31,397,639 21.15% $7,428,809 5.00% $38,826,448 26.15% $2,215,299,690 $50,081,370 $445,897 $50,527,267 2.28%
Veterans Services, Department of $6,322,007 $436,753 6.91% $33,021 0.52% $469,774 7.43% $10,564,571 $2,223,908 $18,662 $2,242,570 21.23%
Workers’ Compensation, Bureau
$34,429,510 $4,293,566 12.47% $782,927 2.27% $5,076,493 14.74% $31,407,271 $806,882 $10,850 $817,732 2.60%
Youth Services, Department of $7,339,725 $1,592,637 21.70% $46,585 0.63% $1,639,222 22.33% $15,890,793 $703,696 $58,683 $762,379 4.80%
Cabinet Agencies Totals $1,535,419,317 $289,098,259 18.83% $40,010,181 2.61% $329,108,440 21.43% $3,752,862,862 $110,891,314 $4,663,115 $115,554,429 3.08%
Accountancy Board $15,921 $10,354 65.03% $156 0.98% $10,510 66.01% $5,568 $0 $0 $0 0.00%
Architects and Landscape
$4,809 $4,236 88.09% $0 0.00% $4,236 88.09% $573 $93 $0 $93 16.21%
Athletic Commission $1,586 $393 24.76% $0 0.00% $393 24.76% $1,194 $117 $0 $117 9.77%
Career Colleges and Schools,
$613 $419 68.38% $613 100.00% $1,032 168.38% $193 $0 $0 $0 0.00%
Casino Control Commission $108,496 $344 0.32% $6,026 5.55% $6,370 5.87% $108,151 $35,432 $0 $35,432 32.76%
Chemical Dependency
$976 $503 51.56% $0 0.00% $503 51.56% $473 $0 $0 $0 0.00%
Chiropractic Board, State $8,463 $627 7.41% $0 0.00% $627 7.41% $7,835 $0 $0 $0 0.00%
Civil Rights Commission $13,753 $369 2.68% $0 0.00% $369 2.68% $13,384 $3,319 $0 $3,319 24.80%
Consumers’ Counsel, Office of the
$210,952 $122,533 58.09% $0 0.00% $122,533 58.09% $205,032 $7,148 $0 $7,148 3.49%
Cosmetology and Barber Board,
$118,154 $54,307 45.96% $2,697 2.28% $57,004 48.25% $63,847 $5,694 $0 $5,694 8.92%
Counselor, Social Worker and
Marriage and Family Therapist
$3,914 $918 23.44% $1,146 29.29% $2,064 52.73% $2,996 $322 $0 $322 10.74%
Dental Board, State $65,181 $16,194 24.85% $0 0.00% $16,194 24.85% $48,986 $0 $0 $0 0.00%
Education, Department of $20,675,063 $4,201,515 20.32% $400,459 1.94% $4,601,974 22.26% $20,378,458 $91,942 $0 $91,942 0.45%
Elections Commission $4,306 $752 17.45% $0 0.00% $752 17.45% $3,555 $0 $0 $0 0.00%
Embalmers and Funeral Directors,
$5,995 $2,585 43.13% $0 0.00% $2,585 43.13% $3,410 $295 $0 $295 8.64%
Employment Relations Board $12,567 $2,075 16.51% $938 7.46% $3,013 23.98% $10,491 $699 $0 $699 6.66%
Engineers and Surveyors, State
$9,502 $2,279 23.99% $1,251 13.16% $3,530 37.15% $7,223 $838 $0 $838 11.60%
Environmental Review Appeals
$812 $576 70.89% $0 0.00% $576 70.89% $812 $60 $0 $60 7.39%
Ethics Commission $13,749 $3,090 22.47% $0 0.00% $3,090 22.47% $10,659 $47 $0 $47 0.44%
MBE Program Results (Goal 15%)
EDGE Program Results (Goal 5%)
State of
(MBE EDGE) Scorecard
Fiscal Year 2021: July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021
Expositions Commission $666,275 $0 0.00% $7,850 1.18% $7,850 1.18% $4,114,427 $14,778 $0 $14,778 0.36%
Facilities Construction Commission $1,240,808 $389,459 31.39% $42,826 3.45% $432,285 34.84% $715,036,823 $560,871 $73,678,626 $74,239,497 10.38%
Industrial Commission of Ohio $1,902,043 $730,056 38.38% $73,662 3.87% $803,718 42.26% $1,039,247 $388,953 $0 $388,953 37.43%
Inspector General, Office of the
$53,940 $9,147 16.96% $0 0.00% $9,147 16.96% $44,793 $2,903 $0 $2,903 6.48%
Latino Affairs Commission $19,236 $3,713 19.30% $0 0.00% $3,713 19.30% $15,523 $430 $0 $430 2.77%
Library of Ohio $2,714,908 $376,746 13.88% $35,126 1.29% $411,872 15.17% $2,348,994 $65,358 $0 $65,358 2.78%
Liquor Control Commission $8,336 $2,447 29.36% $0 0.00% $2,447 29.36% $5,889 $0 $0 $0 0.00%
Medical Board $411,818 $3,981 0.97% $9,173 2.23% $13,154 3.19% $408,486 $25,140 $0 $25,140 6.15%
Minority Health, Commission on $70,289 $45,163 64.25% $0 0.00% $45,163 64.25% $25,126 $1,442 $0 $1,442 5.74%
Motor Vehicle Repair, Board of $1,246 $1,204 96.65% $0 0.00% $1,204 96.65% $42 $0 $0 $0 0.00%
Nursing, Board of $167,116 $14,923 8.93% $0 0.00% $14,923 8.93% $152,193 $138 $0 $138 0.09%
Occupational Therapy, Physical
Therapy and Athletic Trainers
$20,765 $9,862 47.49% $1,042 5.02% $10,904 52.51% $10,904 $783 $0 $783 7.18%
Pharmacy, Board of $3,048,868 $288,093 9.45% $5,728 0.19% $293,821 9.64% $2,828,810 $29,455 $0 $29,455 1.04%
Psychology, Board of $8,778 $1,245 14.18% $0 0.00% $1,245 14.18% $7,533 $0 $0 $0 0.00%
Public Defender, Office of the
$2,232,770 $58,102 2.60% $17,130 0.77% $75,232 3.37% $2,174,668 $1,907 $0 $1,907 0.09%
Public Utilities Commission $3,782,171 $1,066,710 28.20% $275,806 7.29% $1,342,516 35.50% $3,896,979 $341,350 $13,482 $354,832 9.11%
Public Works Commission $18,780 $3,440 18.32% $441 2.35% $3,881 20.67% $15,340 $0 $0 $0 0.00%
Racing Commission $383,125 $476 0.12% $93 0.02% $569 0.15% $382,649 $12,366 $0 $12,366 3.23%
School for the Blind $1,619,987 $151,445 9.35% $22,250 1.37% $173,695 10.72% $1,873,575 $61,003 $22,172 $83,175 4.44%
School for the Deaf $1,164,705 $124,136 10.66% $37,127 3.19% $161,263 13.85% $1,040,569 $38,629 $0 $38,629 3.71%
Service and Volunteerism,
$146,979 $6,239 4.24% $0 0.00% $6,239 4.24% $140,740 $0 $0 $0 0.00%
Speech and Hearing
$4,352 $733 16.83% $0 0.00% $733 16.83% $3,619 $0 $0 $0 0.00%
Tax Appeals, Board of $38,041 $13,615 35.79% $1,273 3.35% $14,889 39.14% $24,426 $1,278 $2,482 $3,760 15.39%
Tuition Trust Authority $3,348,533 $21,194 0.63% $0 0.00% $21,194 0.63% $3,348,533 $0 $0 $0 0.00%
Veterinary Medical Board $5,226 $1,415 27.07% $0 0.00% $1,415 27.07% $3,811 $228 $0 $228 5.98%
Vision Professionals, Board $2,330 $1,162 49.88% $679 29.15% $1,841 79.03% $1,168 $80 $0 $80 6.86%
Non-Cabinet Agencies Total $44,356,235 $7,748,774 17.47% $943,492 2.13% $8,692,266 19.60% $759,817,706 $1,693,093 $73,716,762 $75,409,855 9.92%
Statewide Totals $1,579,775,551 $296,847,033 18.79% $40,953,672 2.59% $337,800,706 21.38% $4,512,680,569 $112,584,407 $78,379,877 $190,964,284 4.23%