0019-8501/01/$–see front matter
PII S0019-8501(99)00090-5
Industrial Marketing Management
, 1–12 (2001)
© 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010
The Purchasing of
Full-Service Contracts:
An Exploratory Study within the Industrial
Maintenance Market
Stefan Stremersch
Stefan Wuyts
Ruud T. Frambach
Increasingly, companies are extending their product/service
offerings, providing customers with full-service contracts. The
objective of this study is to obtain enhanced insight in the fac-
tors and conditions that underlie the purchase of a full-service
contract as well as DMU members’ roles in this type of pur-
chase. Full service is defined as “comprehensive bundles of
products and/or services, that fully satisfy the needs and wants
of a customer related to a specific event or problem.” The re-
sults of an adaptive conjoint study among (potential) adopters
of full-service maintenance contracts in the food and chemical
industry indicated that their evaluation of full-service suppliers
related to the full-service offering’s effect on general plant per-
formance rather than on specific maintenance costs. Also the level
of detail of information on maintenance activities and supplier
reputation were found to be highly important. Results of in-
depth interviews within customer firms indicated that the DMU
with respect to the purchasing of full-service contracts prima-
rily included the maintenance manager (initiator), the plant
manager (decider), and the purchasing manager (gatekeeper/
purchaser). © 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
In the last decade, industrial firms in different indus-
tries are increasingly tempted to follow a full-service
Address correspondence to Ruud T. Frambach, Tilburg University,
Department of Marketing, P.O. Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands.
strategy, thus offering total need fulfilment to customers
through product/service bundles [1–3]. Maintenance
firms, such as Asea Brown Boveri, GTI, and STORK, are
offering full-service maintenance contracts, in which
they execute all curative, preventive, and predictive
maintenance activities in an entire production site. Tele-
communication companies, such as Alcatel, offer an inte-
grated total-solution approach to firms’ communication
needs. IT companies such as Digital Equipment and EDS
handle firms’ IT challenges completely. Finally, the sup-
plier of bearings, seals, and related products SKF guaran-
tees trouble-free operations through a full package of
products and services, such as technical and logistical as-
sistance, training, monitoring, tools and appliances, and
preventive and predictive maintenance.
This trend towards full service is primarily driven by
the demand side. Industrial firms increasingly demand
turnkey solutions to problems instead of products that
only partially solve their needs [4]. Furthermore, influ-
enced by management practices, such as TQM and JIT,
industrial firms do not longer view their relationship with
suppliers as an adversarial one. Consequently, many in-
dustrial firms are willing to cooperate with a specific
supplier in a single source relationship [5, 6]. This evolu-
tion at the demand side has offered suppliers a way out of
the “commodity magnet” in the markets of their core
product/service offerings, leading to higher margins and
longer lasting relationships with their customers [7].
Although practitioners thus have recognized full ser-
vice as one of the major strategic challenges for the fu-
ture, academics have spent little attention to the subject
[8]. Therefore, many questions remain unaddressed, such
as: what is full service?, what are its conceptual dimen-
sions and underpinnings?, how do industrial firms evalu-
ate a full-service offering compared with the evaluation
of individual services/products?, and who is involved in
full-service purchasing?
The objective of this study is to develop an exploratory
insight in the factors and conditions that underlie the pur-
chase of a full-service contract as well as DMU mem-
bers’ roles in this type of purchase. To do so, we will first
discuss the concept of full service by defining the con-
cept and elaborating on its underlying dimensions. Next,
we will discuss an empirical study on the importance of
different attributes in the purchasing process of a full-ser-
vice maintenance contract. Adaptive conjoint analysis is
used in this study to gain insight in the relative impor-
tance of different attributes within the trade-offs that are
made in the purchase decision-making process. Finally,
the decision-making process for full-service contracts
will be discussed, based on expert interviews with DMU
members from firms that consider a full-service offering
and with project managers from industrial maintenance
suppliers. Although the empirical study focuses on main-
tenance markets, findings also may be applicable to other
industrial contexts.
To gain insight in the factors that influence the pur-
chase of full-service offerings, we must develop a clear
understanding of the concept itself. Although the strategy
of full-service provision is mentioned in the marketing
and management literature by leading scholars, clear def-
initions of the concept are scarce [1, 2, 9, 10]. Based on
the industrial service literature, we define full service as
“a comprehensive bundle of products and/or services,
that fully satisfies the needs and wants of a customer re-
lated to a specific event or problem.” The concept of full-
service strategy is clearly related to the concepts of “bun-
dling” and “systems selling.” Bundling can be defined as
“the offering of groups of products and/or services as a
package” [11], though many scholars take a more re-
stricted approach to bundling after Guiltinan [12–15].
The concept of “systems selling” can be considered a
form of bundling and a forerunner of full-service strat-
egy. In systems selling, “the seller provides through a
combination of products and services a fulfillment of a
more extended customer need than is the case in product
selling” [16]. In this way, full service extends further on
systems selling and also could be called “total system
selling” or “total solution selling.” There are two main
reasons why we prefer to use the term “full-service strat-
egy” instead of total system/solution selling in the re-
mainder of this article. The first relates to the inappropri-
ateness of the terminology of “system/solution
STEFAN STREMERSCH is a doctoral candidate at Tilburg
University (CentER) and Erasmus University Rotterdam, The
STEFAN WUYTS is a doctoral candidate at Erasmus University
Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
RUUD T. FRAMBACH is Associate Professor of Marketing at
Tilburg University, The Netherlands and the University of
Ghent, Belgium.
since the vending process involves more than just promo-
tion and sales [17], and it concerns a real marketing strat-
egy, not just a selling approach [18]. The second relates
to the emphasis on service activities through the use of
strategy, since service activities are begin-
ning to dominate goods even within manufacturing com-
panies [1], and the offering of total solutions is by defini-
tion a service activity [19].
Both from a managerial perspective and from an aca-
demic point of view, a clear insight into the fundamental
dimensions of full service is needed to position full ser-
vice within the current body of scientific knowledge and
managerial practices. As already implicitly indicated
above, the concept of full service is composed of two
conceptually distinct dimensions, that is, (1) bundling
strategy (a bundle of products and/or services); and (2)
extension in customer need fulfilment (that fully satisfies
the needs and wants of a customer related to a specific
event or problem).
In Figure 1, these dimensions are confronted in the fol-
lowing way:
Bundling strategy: does the supplier firm bundle its
products and/or services? Within this dimension two
positions are distinguished: the bundled offer versus
the unbundled offer. This distinction is grounded into
the classification introduced in the bundling literature
by Adams and Yellen [20]. This classification distin-
guished three (un)bundling strategies, that is, pure
components (unbundled offer), mixed bundling (com-
ponents are available in a bundled as well as in an un-
bundled offer), and pure bundling (components are
only available in a bundled offer).
Extension in need fulfilment: this dimension comprises
the extent to which customer needs are satisfied by the
supplier firm; the three levels of customer need fulfil-
ment are indicated in Figure 1, that is: single, ex-
tended, and total need fulfilment [18, 21, 22].
Figure 1 positions full-service strategies relative to
other (industrial) marketing strategies. It illustrates that
firms pursuing a full-service strategy can be challenged
along two dimensions. Competitive offerings may com-
pete with full-service suppliers by focusing on satisfying
specific customer needs, either by means of bundled or
unbundled offers. Alternatively, competitors may choose
Industrial firms increasingly demand
turnkey solutions.
FIGURE 1. Defining the concept of full service.
to satisfy multiple needs by offering different unbundled
solutions. This approach may appeal to customers seek-
ing high levels of flexibility in their purchasing behavior.
Therefore, it is clear that industrial customer firms will
evaluate full-service offerings differently from mere
product/service offerings. These differences are likely to
relate to both the purchasing criteria used as well as the
purchasing process itself. The high degree of comprehen-
siveness and potential implications of full-service con-
tracts is likely to positively influence both the number of
DMU members and the DMU’s heterogeneity [23]. In
the maintenance market that we consider in the present
study, this could imply that full-service contracts—in
contrast to individual service offerings—will be evalu-
ated on their influence on total plant performance, hereby
strongly involving the purchasing, operations, and main-
tenance departments as well as general management.
Thus, focus is likely to be on general performance when
evaluating the supplier’s (full-service) offer and, conse-
quently, the DMU can be expected to be relatively broad
and heterogeneous. This, of course, would have serious
implications for suppliers. Whereas suppliers offering
single maintenance services may only have to deal with
maintenance managers within the customer firm, full-ser-
vice suppliers are likely to face involvement of purchas-
ing and general management as well. This requires a rad-
ically different approach of customer targeting and has
implications for the supplier’s problem solving unit. To
understand the criteria used in the purchase decision of
full-service contracts and to identify the actual members
involved in the DMU and their individual role and influ-
ence in the buying process, we conducted an empirical
study within a major industrial market.
For our study of full-service contract purchasing, we
focused on the industrial maintenance market. This
highly competitive market features both suppliers that of-
fer full-service maintenance contracts to industrial firms
and suppliers that offer bundled and unbundled mainte-
nance services. Within this industry, some customers are
explicitly adopting full-service offerings, whereas others
still purchase unbundled or packaged services. There-
fore, this market provides an interesting context for
studying the factors that affect full-service purchasing.
Since research on full-service offerings in industrial
markets is rather scarce, we studied this phenomenon
from multiple viewpoints by using multiple methods
[24–27]. Thus, we were able to gain more insight into the
construct of full-service strategy as well as its implica-
tions towards buying behavior. The research study con-
sisted of three phases (see Table 1).
In the first phase, we interviewed 15 CEOs of service
companies within three different industries, that is, finan-
Industrial customers evaluate the value
offered rather than price alone.
The Research Design and Methodology
Phase Design Respondents Research Objectives Methods Time Frame
1 Semistructured interviewing 15 CEOs of (service) supplier
companies in three industries
Full-service construct: definition
Preexploratory for next phase
Grounded theory January–February 1998
2 Structured interviewing 12 DMU members within
customer firms
Decision-making process
Attributes of full-service offerings
Grounded theory March–April 1998
3 Conjoint experiment 110 DMU members within
customer firms
Importance of full-service attributes Adaptive conjoint
May–June 1998
cial services (insurance and banking), information and
communication technology services, and maintenance
services (OEMers as well as third party maintenance
companies), to gain insight in the concept of full service.
The semistructured interviews lasted about two hours
and covered the conceptual underpinnings of full-service
offerings as well as implications for marketing such of-
ferings. The interviews were content analyzed using a
grounded theory approach [28, 29]. The data were used
to provide further support for the theoretical framework
and were used as pre-exploratory data for the next phase
of the study.
The second phase of the study consisted of 12 expert
interviews (two hours each) with maintenance managers,
technical managers, purchasing managers, and general
managers of three Dutch companies in the food and
chemical industry that had adopted a full-service mainte-
nance contract with an outside supplier. This phase had
two objectives: (1) identifying the most important at-
tributes of full-service maintenance contracts; and (2) ex-
amining the decision-making process. Again, these data
were content analyzed using a grounded theory approach,
providing insight into the decision-making process with
respect to full-service contracts as well as input for the
third, quantitative phase of the study on the decision-
making criteria used by industrial customers with respect
to full-service purchasing.
The third and final phase of the study set out to iden-
tify the most important attributes that are used in evaluat-
ing the potential adoption of a full-service maintenance
contract among the nine attributes that were preselected
based on the expert interviews. For this objective, a con-
joint study was conducted using Sawtooth’s Adaptive
Conjoint Analysis (ACA) software tool to administer and
analyze the conjoint experiment [30]. Conjoint analysis
is a technique that allows the researcher to assess the rel-
ative importance of attributes that respondents use when
evaluating alternative offerings by means of a prefer-
ence-ranking procedure. The trade-offs that respondents
have to make force them to (implicitely) choose the fac-
tors that matter to them most. The procedure consists of
four phases. In the first phase, respondents are asked to
rank the indicated levels of each attribute (that are ob-
tained by means of qualitative research) according to his/
her preference. Second, respondents indicate the impor-
tance of the difference between the two extreme levels of
each attribute. Third, the respondent is asked to evaluate
combinations of different attribute levels against each
other. Finally, to check for potential inconsistencies, the
respondent is asked to indicate the probability of pur-
chasing certain contracts that are presented to the respon-
dent in full profile (rather than as combinations of certain
attribute levels). Before executing the ACA experiment,
it was pretested by five project leaders from a major Eu-
ropean maintenance company with substantial experi-
ence in the implementation of full-service maintenance
contracts. The sample consisted of 109 managers from 70
production plants of firms in The Netherlands and in Bel-
gium. The 70 plants were obtained by drawing a strati-
fied sample of the Dutch and Belgian food and chemical
industry, excluding production plants with an annual
turnover of less than 40 million guilders (approximately
22 million US dollars). The response rate at the company
level was 31.7%, including large companies such as
Heinz, Mars, Shell, Cindu Chemicals, BASF, and so
forth. Within each firm the maintenance manager, the
purchasing manager, and the plant manager were con-
tacted resulting in 109 valid personal interviews (re-
sponse rate at the individual level
16.4%). The result-
ing sample consisted of 54 maintenance and technical
managers (49.1%), 27 purchasing managers (24.5%), 19
plant managers (17.3%), and nine managers with varying
backgrounds among whom contract managers and facil-
ity managers (8.2%).
The number of subcontractors is less
relevant as long as the main contractor is
well in control.
The expert interviews provided us with nine character-
istics that were found to be the most relevant in the eval-
uation of a full-service maintenance contract and were
subsequently entered into the conjoint experiment. These
attributes (and their levels) were:
Depth of the contract: At which level does the cus-
tomer want to cooperate with the maintenance supplier
(strategic [proactive stance of supplier who is com-
mited to objectives], tactical [supplier takes care of
maintenance and cooperates], or operational [supplier
is called upon when necessary])?
Scope of the contract: How many maintenance suppli-
ers does the customer prefer (one contractor who takes
care of all maintenance and coordination; maximum of
10 contractors; more than 10 contractors)? This relates
to the single versus multiple sourcing discussion.
Type of installations to maintain: Which type of instal-
lations does the customer want to include in the full-
service maintenance contract (nonproduction only,
production only, or both)?
Degree of subcontracting: How many activities is the
full-service provider allowed to subcontract to other
suppliers (less than 33%, 33–50%, or over 50%)?
Detail of information: How much insight in mainte-
nance performance and activities is provided to the
customer (highly detailed info, general info, or crucial
info only)?
Supplier reputation: Does the supplier have a good,
bad, or no reputation in the industry?
Influence on performance: What is the effect of the
full-service contract on the performance of the produc-
tion process (e.g., production losses, downtime, etc.;
none, marginal increase [1–10%], substantial increase
Influence on total costs: What is the influence of the
full-service contract on the total costs of the plant
(none, marginal decrease [1–10%], or substantial de-
crease [
Influence on maintenance costs: What is the influence
of the full-service contract on the maintenance costs of
the plant (none, marginal decrease [1–10%], or sub-
stantial decrease [
The interactive ACA experiment provided a ranking of
these nine characteristics in terms of their relative impor-
tance to the respondents. The importance was computed
as the range of the utility values per attribute (computed
by the program). The aggregated results over the com-
plete sample provide a good indication of what character-
istics of a full-service maintenance contract are taken
into consideration in evaluating the contract. In order of
declining importance these attributes are presented in
Figure 2 (the y-axis represents the importance of each
characteristic on a five-point scale).
The findings show that industrial customers evaluate
the value offered by a product or service rather than its
price alone. Consequently, firms will not evaluate main-
tenance contracts solely on their (maintenance) costs, but
on the entire value proposition. Furthermore, as the pur-
chase of full-service maintenance contracts can be con-
sidered a new task buying situation, DMU members will
be more concerned about obtaining a proper solution to
their needs than getting a low price [31]. This becomes
clear when one compares the influence of the evaluation
criteria “plant performance” and “total cost” versus
“maintenance cost” on the purchasing decision of a full-
service maintenance contract. Total plant cost is consid-
ered the most important attribute by DMU members as it
constitutes the bottom line for the plant; both evaluation
criteria total cost and plant performance are significantly
more important than specific maintenance costs (at the
95% reliability level) in the evaluation of full-service
This finding has major implications for marketing full-
service offerings. In essence, marketing full-service con-
tracts requires the development and communication of a
DMUs for full-service maintenance contracts
tend to be large and heterogeneous.
clear and substansive value proposition towards potential
customers. Rather than focusing on the price and func-
tional properties of the individual services, the full-ser-
vice offer should integrate a value proposition related to
improved plant performance and reduced costs. For ex-
ample, the industrial maintenance market traditionally
offers “hours” of electrical or mechanical engineers for a
fixed fee per hour. They often find themselves competing
against other maintenance suppliers on the hourly rate
charged. Customers shop for the cheapest rate available
within a certain quality range. Competition therefore is
on price rather than on performance or other attributes. In
contrast to this, the full-service maintenance market will
be characterized by contracts that guarantee a maximum
level of downturn of the plant and that calculate the ben-
eficial influence of the maintenance activities on the
plant’s total cost level. As such, offering full-service con-
tracts will reduce competition due to the lower level of
price transparency in the market, leading to higher mar-
gins. In the traditional maintenance market, sales mar-
gins are approximately 0.5%, whereas in full-service
markets margins are up to 10 or even 15%. Thus, full-
service strategies are to be considered powerful tools in
escaping the “commodity magnet” [7] and in revitalizing
the product/service life cycle. In addition, many indus-
trial firms are uncertain about their customers’ willing-
ness to let maintenance costs go up, to restrain costs in
other areas or to enhance a plant’s performance. This
finding strengthens industrial suppliers in their belief that
investments in increased plant performance and de-
creased plant cost are more effective than investments in
decreased maintenance cost. This creates the possibil-
FIGURE 2: Importance of full-service attributes.
ity to differentiate from competitors instead of fighting
price wars.
A second significant finding on the perceived impor-
tance of evaluative criteria of full-service offerings is that
the degree of information detail and the contractor’s repu-
tation are perceived to be as important evaluation criteria
as the improvement of plant performance. This finding
may result from a higher level of perceived risk associated
with the purchase of full-service contracts in comparison
to the purchase of individual services or subsystems [32].
The perceived risk of full-service purchases may be in-
voked by three main characteristics of the full-service buy-
ing decision [33, 34]. First, for most firms the purchase of
a full-service maintenance contract is a new task buying
situation. The low level of experience and familiarity with
the purchase situation causes uncertainty towards the pur-
chase decision to occur. Second, full-service maintenance
contracts are very complex because the takeover of all
maintenance activities of an industrial plant by the mainte-
nance supplier is involved. Third, the importance of full-
service contracts for the industrial buyer is high. Costs of
an unforeseen breakdown of the production process due to
maintenance deficiency can be substantial.
Furthermore, the results show that potential adopters
of full-service contracts do not seem to take much inter-
est in the number of subcontractors the main contractor
will use. They primarily search a key partner who con-
trols all maintenance activities on their behalf. From this
viewpoint, it is not very important for them if the opera-
tional activities are executed by subcontractors rather
than by the main contractor, as long as the main contrac-
tor takes control and full responsibility. This offers op-
portunities for companies that do not have the scale and/
or scope to develop a total solution all by themselves, but
who do have the competence to control and manage an
entire network of subcontractors in an efficient and effec-
tive way (cf., virtual organizations).
No consistently significant differences were found in
the data between the two industries considered in this
study (food and chemical), the functional domain of the
respondent or the geographical location of the firm (Bel-
gium versus The Netherlands), providing support for the
generalizability of the results of this study within the in-
dustrial service area.
In addition to achieving insight in factors underlying
the evaluation of full-service contracts, the present study
aims to understand the factors that are specific to the or-
ganizational buying process of full-service offerings as
opposed to the purchase of individual products/services
and subsystems. In the literature, four main factors can
be identified to influence organizational buying behavior.
These include “buy class,” “dollar value,” “complexity,”
and “time commitment”. To comprehend industrial pur-
chasing within the context of full service, we consider
these four factors related to the purchase of full-service offer-
ings based on the results of in-depth interviews within
customer firms in different industries (see Table 1).
Buy Class
As we noted above, full-service offerings can be con-
sidered a new task buy in most industries compared with
the purchase of individual services in the same industry.
The latter commonly relates to the purchase of service
personnel hours and usually involves straight rebuys or
modified rebuys. Furthermore, full-service contracting
often coincides with the decision to outsource, which is
by definition a new task.
Dollar Value
In maintenance, full-service offerings have a much
higher dollar value than individual services. Normally,
decisions for maintenance are taken at the individual
level in buying “working hours” of mechanicial or elec-
trical engineers, together with the supplies they need in
repair or preventive activities. Compared with the closing
of a full-service maintenance contract that comprises all
maintenance activities for a period of several years on a
substantial part of the total installations and machines of
a production plant, the dollar value of traditional mainte-
nance services is evidently small.
Full-service offerings are considerably more complex
than individual purchases. This is not only because of the
complexity of the interfaces that have to be considered in
full-service contracts, but also stems from its far and
broad reaching consequences on general managerial and
operational activities.
Time Commitment
Full-service contracts are commited to for a longer
time period than individual maintenance services. As
such, the traditional maintenance market is more focused
on individual transactions, compared with the relation-
ship perspective of full-service offerings with an average
time commitment of five years.
These four variables have the following effects on in-
dustrial buying behavior (see also Figure 3).
. The buying center or
decision-making unit consists of the different managers
that take up a role in the purchasing decision [35]. DMUs
for full-service maintenance contracts tend to be large
and heterogeneous, consisting of between eight and 12
members from three to five different departments. This is
consistent with the research findings reported by Ander-
son, Chu, and Weitz [31]. In the case of the maintenance
market, the DMU includes purchasing, maintenance, op-
erations, and plant managers, at both the executive and
management level. In some cases, the finance or legal de-
partment also was involved, mainly in the analysis phase
of the proposals.
. Webster and Wind [36]
and Bonoma [35] distinguished between the initiator, the
decider, the influencers, the purchaser, the gatekeeper,
and the users as DMU members. The expert interviews
conducted in the present study provided an insight in the
DMU in the context of the purchase of a full-service
maintenance contract. The maintenance manager obvi-
ously is involved in an important maintenance decision.
In most cases, he is the initiator, possibly together with
the plant manager or the purchasing manager. The plant
manager is often responsible for budgeting and always
will be involved in the decision-making process of full-
service maintenance contracts. This is consistent with
findings by Johnston and Bonoma [37] who found a pos-
itive impact of purchase class, complexity of the pur-
chase, and purchase situation on vertical involvement. It
is also the plant manager who will eventually “decide”
on the full-service maintenance contract and the choice
of supplier. The most important role of the purchasing
manager is the role of “gatekeeper.” As could be ex-
pected from the literature, the alternative candidates to
provide full-service are chosen by the purchasing depart-
ment [36]. In addition, the purchasing manager is respon-
sible for the commercial aspects of the contract, and s/he
generally is also the one who formally signs the contract,
together with the plant manager. In conclusion, the pur-
chasing manager tends to play a major role in this “new
task decision,” contrary to the original hypothesis in the
theory of buy classes of Robinson, Faris, and Wind [38],
but in accordance with the framework proposed by
Dawes, Lee, and Dowling [39]. One of their findings was
that stakeholding implies increased influence in a direct
and indirect (through participation and information con-
trol) manner. Purchasing managers have substantial
stakeholding in the case of full-service offerings because
of the offer’s impact on total costs and the number of
suppliers, thus explaining their high level of influence.
The production manager is involved and consulted (“in-
fluencer” and “user”), but he plays no significant role in
the negotiations. His input is restricted to the overall
framework of the contract, in a strict sense as to what
machines will be maintained by the contractor. In gen-
eral, the production manager also has a more negative at-
titude towards full-service offerings. The production
manager would like to keep control over the plant,
whereas full-service contracts generally lower that level
of control. Although the financial department or the legal
department often are consulted on accounting regula-
tions, delivery terms and so forth, their “influence” is
limited. We can conclude then that the following three
DMU members occupy leading roles in the decision-
making process relating to full-service maintenance con-
tracts: the maintenance manager, the purchasing man-
ager, and the plant manager.
. Results
of the present study indicate that decisions on full-service
offerings often take a long time due to their high com-
plexity and importance. This is consistent with findings
by Anderson, Chu, and Weitz [31]. The average decision
process lasts about a year.
The findings concerning the decision-making process
have important implications for marketing full-service
offerings as compared with more traditional, single ser-
vice, offerings. Maintenance companies (and OEMers)
will have to broaden their marketing and sales approach
in an horizontal as well as a vertical way. Higher man-
agement levels are involved in the buying process as well
as other departments, which in the past were not, or limit-
edly, involved in purchasing maintenance services. Fur-
thermore, other buying motives will come into play
through the involvement of different people. Mainte-
nance firms also will have to be prepared for the longer
decision-making process and develop specific tools, for
instance to calculate “total cost of ownership,” for spe-
cific phases throughout the extended buying process.
This study focused on a rather new business practice:
full-service offerings. We first constructed a theoretical
framework for full-service strategy, grounded in data ob-
tained at both the customer and supplier level. This pro-
vided us with enhanced insight into the definition and
conceptual underpinnings of the full-service construct.
As such, we defined full service as “a comprehensive
bundle of products and/or services that fully satisfies the
needs and wants of a customer related to a specific event
or problem.” We further examined how full-service of-
ferings are characterized by a different set of evaluative
attributes and go through a different organizational buy-
ing process compared with individual service offerings.
Findings, based on qualitative and quantitative research
in the Dutch and Belgian maintenance market, indicated
that full-service contracts can be considered a new task
buy with high dollar value, high perceived complexity,
involving long-term mutual commitment and therefore
are comprehensively evaluated by decision makers
within the customer firm. The influence of the full-ser-
vice offer on total cost and plant performance was found
to be significantly more important than specific mainte-
nance costs. This provided support for a more holistic
market approach in exchange for higher margins. Fur-
thermore, it was found that the reputation of the contrac-
tor and the level of information detail provided on main-
tenance activities were highly important attributes,
whereas the number of subcontractors used by the main
contractor was considered to be less important. Concern-
ing the decision-making process, it was found that the
full-service offer’s characteristics related to buy task
newness, dollar value, complexity, and time commitment
transferred in broader, more heterogeneous, and gener-
ally larger DMUs than was conventional for individual
maintenance services. In addition, vertical commitment
was higher, resulting in higher levels of involvement of
top management, such as the plant manager, and of spe-
cific departments, such as purchasing and maintenance.
In most cases, the maintenance manager acts as initiator,
whereas plant managers generally take the final decision.
These findings have serious implications towards mar-
keting full-service offerings as they demand considerable
adaptation of the marketing and sales organization of the
Several limitations of this study should be noted. First,
the results must be considered exploratory due to the ab-
FIGURE 3. A model for industrial buying behavior towards full-service offerings (adapted from [40]).
sence of a profound theoretical background on full-ser-
vice offerings. Though this article attempts to compose a
conceptual framework of full service, additional efforts
are needed to gain a clear and comprehensive view on
this complicated business phenomenon. Also, further
work is needed to generalize the findings of the present
research towards a more general theory on full-service
purchasing. Future research that controls for certain in-
dustry-specific and product-specific characteristics is
needed to provide further support for our findings. Fi-
nally, a consistent research stream towards full-service
offerings is needed. While becoming a widespread and
very relevant management practice, research on full-ser-
vice offerings is scarce. Since full-service strategies chal-
lenge conventional ways of thinking in both business
practice and academics, we feel the issue deserves further
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