TYPE Original Research
PUBLISHED 27 March 2024
DOI 10.3389/fmed.2024.1363222
Erich Brenner,
Innsbruck Medical University, Austria
Matthias Siebeck,
LMU Munich University Hospital, Germany
Elena Jost,
University Hospital Bonn, Germany
Emma Paternotte
RECEIVED 30 December 2023
ACCEPTED 27 February 2024
PUBLISHED 27 March 2024
Paternotte E, Dijksterhuis M, Goverde A,
Ezzat H and Scheele F (2024) Comparison of
OBGYN postgraduate curricula and
assessment methods between Canada and
the Netherlands: an auto-ethnographic study.
Front. Med. 11:1363222.
doi: 10.3389/fmed.2024.1363222
© 2024 Paternotte, Dijksterhuis, Goverde,
Ezzat and Scheele. This is an open-access
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Comparison of OBGYN
postgraduate curricula and
assessment methods between
Canada and the Netherlands: an
auto-ethnographic study
Emma Paternotte
, Marja Dijksterhuis
, Angelique Goverde
Hanna Ezzat
and Fedde Scheele
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Gelre Hospitals, Apeldoorn, Netherlands,
Department of
Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Amphia Ziekenhuis, Breda, Netherlands,
Department of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Net herlands,
Division of General
Gynaecology and Obstetrics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada,
Department of
Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Onze Lieve Vrouwe Gasthuis (OLVG), Amsterdam, Netherlands
Introduction: Although the Dutch and the Canadian postgraduate Obstetrics
and Gynecology (OBGYN) medical education systems are similar in their
foundations [programmatic assessment, competency based, involving CanMED
roles and EPAs (entrustable professional activities)] and comparable in healthcare
outcome, their program structures and assessment methods considerably dier.
Materials and methods: We compared both countries’ postgraduate educational
blueprints and used an auto-ethnographic method to gain insight in the
eects of training program structure and assessment methods on how trainees
work. The research questions for this study are as follows: what are the
dierences in program structure and assessment program in Obstetrics and
Gynecology postgraduate medical education in the Netherlands and Canada?
And how does this impact the advancement to higher competency for the
postgraduate trainee?
Results: We found four main dierences. The first two dierences are the
duration of training and the number of EPAs defined in the curricula. However,
the most significant dierence is the way EPAs are entrusted. In Canada,
supervision is given regardless of EPA competence, whereas in the Netherlands,
being competent means being entrusted, resulting in meaningful and practical
independence in the workplace. Another dierence is that Canadian OBGYN
trainees have to pass a summative written and oral exit examination. This
dierence in the assessment program is largely explained by cultural and legal
aspects of postgraduate training, leading to dierences in licensing practice.
Discussion: Despite the fact that programmatic assessment is the foundation
for assessment in medical education in both Canada and the Netherlands, the
significance of entrustment diers. Trainees struggle t o dierentiate between
formative and summative assessments. The trainees experience both formative
and summative forms of assessment as a judgement of their competence
and progress. Based on this auto-ethnographic study, the potential for
further har monization of the OBGYN PGME in Canada and the Netherlands
remains limited.
postgraduate medical education, assessment, EPA, comparison, auto-ethnographic
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It is widely acknowledged that well-structured postgraduate
medical training is important to deliver well-trained medical
specialists who can provide the best possible care. To certify that
trainees develop the necessary skills and attitudes in addition to
the knowledge required to practice, the competency framework
CanMEDS was developed in Canada in 1996 (
1). This competency-
based framework described the competences that trainees should
acquire during their training. In 2015, the CanMEDS framework
was enhanced by incorporating competency milestones for each
CanMED role (
This approach has been implemented in several
medical education systems globally. For instance, the CanMEDS
roles have been used in the official training blueprints of all
postgraduate medical education (PGME) in the Netherlands (
Further expansion of the CanMEDS has led to the development
of EPAs. EPAs are described as Entrustable Professional Activities.
The Netherlands was among the pioneers in implementing EPAs
in their training programs (
48). The Obstetrics and Gynecology
PGME training in Canada also transitioned toward EPAs (see text
1). EPAs are “units of professional practice, defined as
tasks or responsibilities to be entrusted to unsupervised execution
by a trainee once he or she has attained sufficient competence (
The EPAs are designed to ensure a gradual level of
entrustment, known as progressive independence. Entrustment
is intended to mean trust, meaning that if the postgraduate
trainee is entrusted to perform a certain activity, they would
be expected to carry out the procedure without supervision (
For instance, potential applications of EPAs include assessing
competence, making entrustment decisions for independent
practice, facilitating professional development, and informing
curriculum development. It is known that the uptake of EPAs
in the curricula varies among the different specialty training
programs (
Although competency-based training , CanMeds roles, and
EPAs have been implemented in postgraduate OBGYN-training
in several countries, assessment methods considerably differ.
Differences can be attributed to political, social, and cultural
reasons (
4, 11). It has been sug gested that patient outcomes, notably
major complications, are associated with the quality of training
received. Interestingly, quality of training is not associated with
licensing examination scores (
12). Aabake et al. demonstrated that
in Europe, examinations during OBGYN training were used in
89% of the included countries. All examinations were mandatory,
but the study did not clarify whether they were formative or
Abbreviations: OBGYN, Obstetrics and Gynecology; EPA, Entrustable
professional activities; PGME, Postgraduate medical education; EP, Emma
Paternotte; FS, Fedde Scheele; MD, Marja Dijksterhuis; AG, Angelique
Goverde; HE, Hanna Ezzat; LOGO, Landelijk Opleidingsplan Obstetrie en
Gynaecologie (Formal national Education document of Obstetrics and
Gynecology); OSATS, Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills;
Mini-CEX, Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise; CbD, Case-based discussion;
NOTSS, Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons; O-score, Ottawa Surgical
Competency Operating Room Evaluation.
2 https://www.knmg.nl/ik-ben-arts/cgs/regelgeving/specialismen
summative (11). In other words, formative assessments are often
considered assessments for learning, while summative assessments
are assessments of learning (
13). It is interesting to find out
why some postgraduate OBGYN training programs use certain
assessment tools, and why ot hers do not. For instance, despite
Canada having implemented competency-based training and EPAs,
the adoption of new assessment methods and the utilization of a
training logbook are not yet widespread practices (
14). As stated on
the Royal College website,
new formal assessment methods have
been implemented and formalized since Garofalo’s findings in 2017.
Worldwide, t he Netherlands and Canada hold leading positions
in the advancements and modernization of medical education
(14). Given the similar foundations of PGME in Canada and the
Netherlands, it is interesting to discuss differences, particularly
in competency-based education and programmatic assessment.
Therefore, our research questions are “Which differences in
formal assessment methods exist in Obstetrics and Gynecology
postgraduate medical education and how does this impact the
advancement to higher competency for the postgraduate trainee?”
To answer these questions, we employed the auto-ethnographic
obser vation method to gain insights in which differences exist and
how these differences are perceived by the postgraduate trainees.
We scrutinized the Obstetrics and Gynecology PGME blueprints
of both countries to find similarities and differences. Highlighting
the differences between both Canadian and the Dutch assessments
systems with respect to cultural and political differences may
provide insight into assessments that could enhance e ach
training program. By harmonizing curricula, variability in training
outcomes will decrease, which could improve the quality of
training overall. Moreover, it would facilitate benchmarking and
comparisons across centers and streamline the exchange of trainees
between countries (
Materials and methods
This study is grounded in auto-et hnography, a qualitative
research methodology in which the author uses writing and self-
reflection to probe personal experiences, thereby deriving broader
sociocultural meaning and understanding (
Auto-ethnography combines elements from autobiography
and ethnography and represents both a scholarly “process
and “product.” It moves away from traditional approaches to
understanding and representing “culture which has historically
been rooted in rigid structures. Instead, auto-ethnography
“acknowledges and accommodates subjectivity, emotionality, and
the researcher’s influence on research, rather than hiding from these
matters or assuming they don’t exist” (
Participants and setti ng
This is qualitative research includes an introduction of the
enrolled researchers. This project involved five participants: EP,
FS, MD, AG, and HE. The main auto-ethnographer was EP, a
3 https://www.royalcollege.ca/en/credentials-exams/assessment-
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Dutch 6th-year postgraduate trainee in OBGYN who finished an
elective in Vancouver, Canada. She is the subject of the performed
auto-ethnographic study and received support and supervision
throughout the project from the other four participants. FS
is gynecologist and professor in Health Systems Innovation
and Education in the Netherlands, where he supervised PhD
students and conducted research in assessment methods. MD is a
gynecologist in the Netherlands with a PhD in assessment methods
in medical education. AG is gynecologist and program director
of EP in postgraduate medical education of OBGYN in Utrecht,
the Netherlands. HE is gynecologist and program director of the
postgraduate residency program in British Colombia, Canada. The
connection among our te am members was forged serendipitously.
Data collection
The predetermined guiding t heme for this auto-ethnography
was how postgraduate trainees perceive assessment methods and
how formal assessment methods are shaped throughout the course
of residency training. EP’s experiences as an elective OBGYN
postgraduate trainee were discussed with the other researchers. As
the process of reflection and discussion developed, the need to
scrutinize the blueprints of PGME of Canada and the Netherlands
became apparent. Differences and similarities were found. These
findings were then discussed with gynecologists and postgraduate
trainees of both the Netherlands and British Columbia, Canada.
Extensive reflection and dis cussion between EP and these trainees
and gynecologists yielded insig hts into how postgraduate trainees
perceive their assessment methods and how does this impact the
advancement toward hig her competency. These refle ctive sessions
were either audiotaped or noted.
The results are presented in two sections. The first section
provides a general overview based on the blueprints of the
Canadian and the Dutch curricula, with a focus on assessment
methods. In
Table 1, an overview of postgraduate medical
education in OBGYN in both Canada and the Netherlands is given.
Table 2 describes the EPAs in the Netherlands, whereas Table 3
describes the EPAs in Canada.
The second part is a discussion of how these assessment
methods manifest in the workplace. This discussion is based on the
experiences of EP and is the auto-ethnographic part.
PGME and assessment of OBGYN in the
Postgraduate training can be pursued directly after 6 years
of undergraduate medical training. Typically, candidates undergo
a period of work in non-training grade posts in order for the
candidate to gain practical experience and increase their chances
of successfully applying for a postgraduate training program.
Entering a postgraduate training program is based on an interview,
which may sometimes be combined with a personal assessment.
TABLE 1 Overview of PGME in OBGYN focused on assessment.
Canada The Netherlands
Years of
UGME/Med school
4 6
Years of PGME
5 6
36 12
Working hours per
No duty hour
Maximum 48 h
Feedback Formative
throughout the
whole year
Formative throughout the
whole year
Progress assessment Every 6 months by
In the first year every 3
months, after first year at least
annually, progress meeting by
trainee and program director
Progress test Yearly, formative,
not required by
Royal College
Yearly, formative, mandatory
Year 2, summative Mandatory courses
Final examination Written and Oral None
training program
paid by:
Ministry of he alth.
Money to cover
resident salaries not
given directly to
hospitals, but to
health authorities
or larger bargain
units. No funding
for “disutility”
Ministry of health, welfare and
sports, executed by the
Dutch healthcare Authority
(NZA). Money is forwarded
to the teaching hospital where
the trainee is currently
employed. It covers both costs
for training (s alary and
education) and disutility.
The postgraduate training program in OBGYN lasts 6 years
on full-time basis, although part-time placement is allowed to
a certain degree. The program consists of hands-on practical
training in delivering patient c are, complemented by formal
teaching, and academic study. Programs are completed in a
structured learning environment in teaching hospitals supervised
by faculty. Rotations are evenly divided between academic and
district teaching hospitals.
The national training curriculum is based on EPAs (
Table 2),
and progress is registered in the personal electronic portfolio.
The curriculum focusses on delivering competent general
OBGYNs who share common basic skills but have specific
areas of differentiation, depending on their area of interest. The
curriculum of the OBGYN post graduate training is captured
in a national training curriculum for obstetrics and gynecology
LOGO (Landelijk Opleidingsplan Obstetrie en Gynaecologie)
17), where a daily feedback culture is a basic requirement for the
programs. One of the most salient features of current training is the
increased number and variety of formative assessment moments:
assessments that are aimed at providing feedback that can direct
and stimulate learning. Additionally, an annual formative online
progress test, which consists of 160 multiple choice questions,
is mandatory. This test is designed to generate learning goals
based on t he test results. The low-stakes formative assessments
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TABLE 2 Overview of EPAs of OBGYN in the Netherlands (17).
Core EPA # 1: Pregnancy and labor, low-risk
Core EPA # 2: Pregnancy and labor, high-risk
Core EPA # 3: Postpartum healthcare
Core EPA # 4: Abnormal uterine bleeding
Core EPA # 5: Early pregnancy
Core EPA # 6: Prolapse and pelvic floor complaints
Core EPA # 7: Abdominal pain (acute and chronic)
Core EPA # 8: Vulvar and vaginal abnormalities
Core EPA # 9: Healthcare for pre-malignant lesions
Core EPA # 10: Basic oncological care
Core EPA # 11: Fertility healthcare
Core EPA # 12: Lifecycle endocrinology
and learner self-reflection are pivotal to progression within the
training program and not the formative annual national written
progress test (
8). There is no final oral or written examination.
Moreover, postgraduate trainees may participate in mandatory
or non-mandatory courses, such as an ultrasound course. All
formative assessments, together with progress reports, proof
of experience, feedback of supervisors [for example Objective
structured assessment of technical competencies (OSATS) and
mini clinical evaluation exercise (mini-CEX)], individual reflection,
and the results of the annually formative progress test are collected
in a personal electronic portfolio.
Assessment for entrustment of specific EPAs and the final
conclusion on whether or not the postgraduate trainee is competent
to deliver high standards of care is conducted by the educational
team chaired by the program dire ctor and is based on the records
in the electronic portfolio (all activities and development). If
the EPA is entrusted, the trainee is allowed to perform this
EPA independently.
PGME and assessment of OBGYN
in Canada
Medical school students seeking to start postgraduate training
in OBGYN apply to the Canadian residency matching program.
This residency matching program includes a detailed portfolio,
and the selection process includes a file review of medical
school performance records, reference letters, and an interview.
The specialty training requirements in OBGYN include a 5-year
training program governed by the Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons of C anada. A new curriculum, called Competency by
Design, was introduced in 2019 (
The curriculum is framed
around 36 EPAs (
Table 3).
These EPAs represent essential specialist
4 https://www.royalcollege.ca/en/cbd/understanding-cbd.html
5 https://www.royalcollege.ca/content/dam/documents/accreditation/
TABLE 3 Overview of EPAs of OBGYN in Canada
(see text footnote 4).
Transition to Discipline EPA #1:
Performing initial assessments for uncomplicated obstetric patients.
Transition to Discipline EPA #2:
Performing initial assessments for uncomplicated gynecological patients.
Foundations EPA #1:
Providing routine prenat al care to a low-risk, healthy population.
Foundations EPA #2:
Performing assessments of antenatal fetal well-being.
Foundations EPA #3:
Assessing and providing initial management for patients with common obstetric
Foundations EPA #4:
Managing labor and childbirth.
Foundations EPA #5:
Performing uncomplicated cesarean sections with a skilled assistant.
Foundations EPA #6:
Providing early postpartum care.
Foundations EPA #7:
Providing consultation and initial management for patients with urgent and
emergent gyne cologic presentations.
Foundations EPA #8:
Counseling and management for patients requiring family planning.
Foundations EPA #9:
Providing consultation for patients with gynecological conditions.
Foundations EPA #10:
Performing minor g ynecologic operative procedures.
Foundations Special Assessment #1:
Performing critical appraisal of health literature and initiating scholarly projects.
Core EPA #1:
Providing preconception and antenat al care to women with high-risk
Core EPA #2:
Managing patients with acute conditions presenting in the antenatal and
perinatal periods.
Core EPA #3:
Managing complex vaginal deliveries.
Core EPA #4:
Performing complex ces arean sections.
Core EPA #5:
Diagnosing and managing postpartum complications.
Core EPA #6:
Performing obstetric and gynecologi c ultrasound.
Core EPA #7:
Providing definitive management for patients with acute gynecologic
Core EPA #8:
Providing care for patients with complex gynecologic conditions and/or medical
Core EPA #9:
Assessing and initiating management for patients with reproductive
Core EPA #10:
Diagnosing and managing pediatric and adolescent patients with common
gynecologic conditions.
Core EPA #11:
Providing care for patients with pelvic floor dysfunction.
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TABLE 3 (Continued)
Core EPA #12:
Assessing, diagnosing, and managing patients with chronic pelvic pain and
sexual health concerns.
Core EPA #13:
Assessing and managing patients with gynecologic malignancies.
Core EPA #14:
Performing advanced hysteroscopy.
Core EPA #15:
Performing major vaginal and vulvar procedures.
Core EPA #16:
Performing major laparoscopic gynecologic procedures.
Core EPA #17:
Performing major open abdominal gynecologic procedures.
Core EPA #18:
Managing patients with surgical complications.
Core EPA #19:
Managing the birthing unit.
Transition to Practice EPA #1:
Managing complex patients, including those requiring longitudinal care.
Transition to Practice EPA #2:
Discussing difficult news.
Transition to Practice SA #1:
Conducting scholarly work.
Transition to Practice SA #2:
Teaching and managing learners.
The Canadian system of EPAs is subdivided into stages. Stage 1 is transition to discipline,
stage 2 is foundations, stage 3 is core, and stage 4 transition to practice. This structure is
maintained across all postgraduate programs in all disciplines. The trainee must obtain all the
EPAs for a certain stage before the competency committee promotes them to the next stage,
and they can start working on the associated EPAs for that stage.
competencies, leading to optimal OBGYN care outcomes. The
EPAs are designed to align with the stage the trainee is in. The
pedagogical concept is that EPAs should not be time based, but
based on whenever a competency has been demonstrated. However,
as has been stated in The Future of medical education in Canada
“this approach to using competencies to assess the performance of
physicians in practice is still in its infancy.”
Currently, the assessment philosophy of Canadian medical
education is based on this competency by the design structure. This
philosophy includes formative assessments throughout the whole
year. The workplace-based assessments include the following, for
instance: OSATS, mini-CEX, Case-based discussion (CbD), Team
obser vation forms, bi-Annual Review of Competence Progression
by the competency committee, and Non-Technical Skills for
Surgeons (NOTSS). The concept is that continuous assessment
drives and promotes learning. In year 2, the postgraduate
trainee of surgical specialties, such as OBGYN, needs to pass
a summative surgical foundations examination examination (see
text footnote
3). In year 5, a summative written examination
is taken, followed by the final summative oral examination 6
months later. If the postgraduate trainee fails one of these
6 https://www.afmc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/FMEC-
summative examinations, the trainee is required to retake the failed
examinations. Additionally, there is an annual formative written
progress test, which is not mandatory but is utilized to prepare
trainees for the final examination (see text footnote
1) (14).
The formal methods of assessment are described in the
“Standards of Accreditation for Residency Programs in Obstetrics
and Gynecology” (see text footnote
1). The competency committee
comprises supervisors (gynecologists) from various clinics, as well
as the program director. Together, they decide whether an EPA
is entrusted. Even after an EPA is entrusted, some degree of
ongoing direct or indirect supervision remains the cultural, legal,
and practically enforced norm.
Postgraduate medical education in Canada and t he Netherlands
share the same philosophy, including programmatic assessment
in competency based medical education. Medical education in
Canada and the Netherlands are regarded as the highest standards
worldwide (
13). In both countries, de velopment and improvement
are key factors in medical education.
In both the Netherlands and Canada, EPAs and programmatic
assessment have been implemented successfully and this has been
confirmed by stakeholders. Despite these similarities, there are
a few key differences in the curricula and assessment methods
experienced by EP and discussed with the research team.
The first difference between OBGYN education is the
total duration of medical training. In Canada, medical school
(undergraduate training) and residency (postgraduate medical
training) embrace a total of 9 years, whereas in the Netherlands,
total duration is 12 years, usually longer due to junior doctors
commonly working in non-training posts. Another key finding
that aligns with the first difference is that non-training posts are
not possible in Canada. In Canada, non-training posts for junior
doctors who have finished medical school do not exist.
The second difference is the total amount EPAs. In the
Netherlands, the 12 EPAs are used for the whole 6 years of
postgraduate training, while in Canada, EPAs are organized into
stages. The stages represent a stepwise progression of competence
during t he training period. Comparing the content of the EPAs
informs us that there are no big differences in the end terms of t he
OBGYN training. However, it appears that the Canadian OBGYN
EPAs are more fragmented than those in the Netherlands.
The third difference lies in how entrustment is applied by
both countries. In the Netherlands, OBGYN has implemented
this entrustment process in daily clinical practices; a trainee,
entrusted to per form a cesarean se ction, is legally and culturally
allowed to perform the procedure unsupervised. For the trainee,
the entrustment granted during the training years contributes to
an inner sense of confidence that they indeed are capable of
working as a gynecologist (unsupervised). Most PGME programs
in the Net herlands offer the trainees with rotations where they
can experience the role of supervising younger trainees, which
contributes to their confidence and professional growth toward
independent practice. In the Netherlands, entrustment translates
into a meaningful change in st atus. In contrast, in Canada,
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entrustment means that the resident is progressing as would
be expected for their training. Canadian trainees are usually
supervised during (surgical) procedures until their certification as a
gynecologist. Both postgraduate trainees and supervisors describe
this as the norm. A quote from one of t he supervisors is as
follows: “Competency by design is still a bit out of reality of daily
clinical education.”
An explanation for this significant difference in the meaning
of entrustment might be found in how the levels of entrustment
are interpreted. As explained on the website of the Royal College,
the steps of assessment to full entrustment of an EPA are described
by the use of the O-score. This score is a 9-item evaluation tool
designed to assess technical competence in surgical trainees using
behavioral anchors. This O-score seems to be written throug h the
eyes of the supervisor (highest level: “I did not need to be there”),
whereas in the Netherlands, this scoring system is through the eyes
of the trainee (highest le vel: “I supervise this procedure or EPA”).
The entrustment rating of an EPA by the Royal College is as follows:
“Rating trainees as independent does not mean that they are now
always allowed to independently perform that task. It means that
they were independent on this occasion” (
18). The entrustment
rating of independence does not reflect the medico-legal reality,
nor the expectations of patients and trainers of the presence of
a certified specialist who is ultimately responsible, especially in
surgery. The re ason for this may be found in how the regulation and
granting of postgraduate medical education is arranged in Canada
as the Royal College is responsible for pres cribing and assessing
the learning standard, but not for regulating or granting a license
to practice. Ultimately, all trainees, even until the last moment
of training, have an educational license only, which means that
they have no license to practice independently and everything they
do must be supervised. The supervisor is the “most responsible
physician” if something goes wrong. It is understandable why a
faculty surgeon, who owns that responsibility, might hesitate to
allow a resident, even one they believe is highly competent, to
perform a cesarean section without supervision just because the
competency committee (CC) said that they were competent to do
so. However, t he designation by the CC holds little weight outside
the program.
A fourth difference is the formative and summative
examination systems. Both countries have a yearly progress
test, in the form of a written examination. This is obligatory for
the Dutch resident, and its results are used formatively to identify
areas for further study. However, in Canada, the yearly formative
test is not mandatory; the Royal College does not require, endorse,
or even suggest this test. Instead, the program directors and
teachers want trainees to take the test as a necessity to prepare
trainees for their final examination. This final examination has to
be taken by postgraduate trainees in Canada but is not known in
the Dutch postgraduate training program. Though competency by
design in Canada preaches programmatic training of competencies
and formative assessments, the final assessment is summative.
Postgraduate trainees in Canada find it inconceivable to not have
a final examination. The trainees described that supervisors treat
them differently as soon as they passed this examination. Ending
the PGME without this final examination is unimaginable for
them, which gives them the feeling that t hey have met a certain
standard and that this will allow t hem to get a job anywhere else
in Canada. Legally the resident still does not have a license after
passing the examination to act independently, but the examination
certification is the key requirement to that license. In contrast,
Dutch postgraduate trainees are satisfied with their assessment
system without a summative exit examination, mainly because
the Dutch trainee work totally independent at the end of their
training and, therefore, a summative exit examination would not
add anything to the growing process. Growing into being fully
entrusted is an organic process that develops along the way. Dutch
trainees view examinations as a snapshot of their performance
and query how well any such examination would represent their
competence. Interestingly, despite the formative intent of PGME
in OBGYN in both countries, neither set of postgraduate trainees
perceive their training as such. Many post graduate trainees regard
all the feedback moments as small summative assessments and feel
continuously judged about their performance.
To answer our first research questions (“which differences in
formal assessment methods exist in Obstetrics and Gynecology
of postgraduate medical education?”), we created an overview
of the formal assessment methods. For the second research
question (“how does this impact the advancement to higher
competency for the postgraduate trainee?”), we observed four
main differences in the curricula of PGME of OBGYN between
Canada and the Netherlands. The most striking difference lies
in the way that entrustment is interpreted and put into practice
in both countries, since this is of consequence for the role of
assessment in the entrustment process and even more trainees
feeling adequately prepared to work as a gynecologist. However,
the Royal College explains the entrustment of EPAs as the resident
is progressing as would be expected for their stage, for the
Dutch trainees entrustment reflects their professional development
toward independent practice. Additionally, the number of EPAs
differs enormously, which might also reflect the difference between
wanting control and needing a “pass” on smaller parts, vs. believing
in trust the knowledge that the whole is more than the total
sum of small parts. In addition to this consideration, there
is the requirement for passing a summative exit examination
in Canada, whereas in the Netherlands, this requirement has
been rendered redundant. In conclusion, a higher competence is
reached more or less on a similar way in both Canad a and the
Netherlands. However, the meaning of this higher competence is
interpreted differently.
To summarize, programmatic assessment in Canada appears
to be based on the “assessment for learning” principle. The fact
that there is a summative final examination also makes assessment
feel more like an “assessment of learning” or perhaps it is a
combination of the two. In contrast, programmatic assessment
in the Netherlands tends more toward “assessment for learning”
alone. However, in both countries, trainees tend to experience the
assessments as more summative than formative, in general, and
there is ongoing discussion about how to make assessments feel
formative for postgraduate trainees. We propose that there is a role
for both kinds of assessment, in line with the different levels of
knowledge and skills as described in Miller’s pyramid (
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Paternotte et al. 10.3389/fmed.2024.1363222
Formative assessment is the instrument for coaching a trainee
from the “does level in Miller’s pyramid to the “shows level,
for instance in surgical procedures. Summative assessment is the
instrument to actually ascertain and document whether the trainee
has reached the higher “shows” level and to inform supervisor
and trainee about the level of independence in specific tasks or
procedures. Making the aim of t he formative assessment explicit
could help the trainee to focus more on the learning process, while
clearly laying out the summative assessment moments gives the
trainee a perspective on entrustment decisions (
There is no one-size-fits-all solution, and no specific
programmatic assessment has been proven to be superior to others
21). A tip for both countries regarding their assessment methods
is that clear communication about the purpose of assessment
and the use of assessment outcomes needs to be formulated (
All supervisors need to be trained to provide non-judgmental
constructive formative feedback (
20). Competency-based medical
education requires an ongoing process to evaluate and improve the
assessment methods (
13). This difference in assessment program
is largely explained by cultural and legal aspects of postgraduate
training and consequent differences in licensing practice. Based on
this auto-ethnographic study, the harmonization of the OBGYN
PGME in Canada and the Netherlands appears limited since
cultural, legal, and practical aspects of assessment and licensing
predominate. In our opinion, this is a missed opportunity because
harmonization could help to resolve labor shortages where needed.
We recommend investigating whether there are options to facilitate
the harmonization process between postgraduate trainees between
the Netherlands and Canada.
A limitation of this study is that not all perspectives could
be captured. There may be opinions and experiences of trainees,
teachers, and supervisors that were missed. Other limitations
include the inherent subjectivity of the ethnography method and
the limited sample size.
Data availability statement
The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be
made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
Ethics statement
Ethical approval was not required for the studies involving
humans because it is an auto ethnographic study which does
not contain personal information but only interpretations
of t he writer based on humans. The studies were conducted
in accordance with the local legislation and institutional
requirements. Written informed consent for participation
was not required from the participants or the participants legal
guardians/next of kin in accordance with the national legislation
and institutional requirements because no direct material of
humans was used.
Author contributions
EP: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis,
Methodology, Project administration, Writing original draft,
Investigation. MD: Conceptualization, Supervision, Writing
review & editing. AG: Supervision, Writing review & editing.
HE: Writing review & editing, D ata curation, Methodology.
FS: Writing review & editing, Data curation, Methodology,
Conceptualization, Supervision.
The author(s) declare that no financial support was received for
the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be
construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Publisher’s note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those
of the aut hors and do not necessarily represent those of
their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher,
the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be
evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by
its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the
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