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Notice of Intent to Award Number: 230000000661
The Department of Technology, Management, & Budget’s Procurement office has
completed the evaluation of RFP Proposal #230000001265 for Legal and Medical
Transcription Services - Statewide and has recommended an award to Officemotive,
Inc. DBA Capital Typing in the amount of $278,122.256, pending State Administrative
Board approval, if applicable. More information on the State Administrative Board can
be found at: State Administrative Board.
Bidders who were not recommended for the award are encouraged to schedule a
debriefing session with the Solicitation Manager. The debriefing session will provide the
bidder with the State’s rationale on why the bidder was not recommended for the award.
The Solicitation Manager may be contacted as follows:
Alannah Doak, Solicitation Manager
Background Information:
This Request for Proposal (RFP) was to solicit responses for selection of a Contractor
to provide Legal and Medical Transcription Services. The term of this contract is 1 year
and 3 months, with up to 3 additional 1-year renewal options.
The RFP was posted on SIGMA VSS on Wednesday, February 15, 2023. The following
bidders submitted proposals by the published due date of Friday, March 10, 2023.
Legal Transcription Services - Bidders:
Address, City, State, Zip Code
*SDVOB: Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Business
Medical Transcription Services - Bidders:
Address, City, State, Zip Code
Logic Soft
5900 Sawmill Road, Suite 200, Dublin, OH 43017
Officemotive, Inc. DBA
Capital Typing
1627 Spur Branch Road, Williston, SC 29853
Diskriter, Inc
2840 Library Road, Suite 300 Pittsburgh, PA 15234
*SDVOB: Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Business
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I. Legal Transcription Services - Evaluation Process
A Responsible Vendor is a vendor that demonstrates it has the ability to successfully
perform the duties identified by the solicitation. A Responsive proposal is one that is
submitted in accordance with the solicitation instructions and meets all mandatory
requirements identified in the solicitation.
Proposal Instructions: Mandatory Minimum Requirements - LEGAL
TRANSCRIPTION ONLY (Schedule A Section 3.5.A.1. & 3.5.A.2.)
To avoid disqualification, the bidder must provide documentation to support all the
following requirements:
1. The Contractor must provide Legal Transcriptionist’s certificate number. Only
certified reporters and recorders may record or prepare transcripts of
proceedings held in Michigan courts or of depositions taken in Michigan as
regulated by Michigan Court Rule 8.108(G). Transcriptionists must possess one
of the following certificates issued by the Michigan State Court Administrative
a. Certified Electronic Recorder (CER),
b. Certified Stenographic Reporter (CSR),
c. Certified Stenomask Reporter (CSMR)
2. The Contractor must provide their Firm’s certificate number issued by the
Michigan State Court Administrative Office pursuant to MCL 600.1492(2).
Only proposals meeting the mandatory minimum requirements for Legal Transcription
Services will be considered for evaluation.
Proposal Instructions: Evaluation Process
The full evaluation process is stated in the RFP Proposal Instructions.
LEGAL Transcription Services - Technical Evaluation
Schedule A, Statement of Work, excluding Section 3 - Staffing
Schedule A, Statement of Work, Section 3 - Staffing
Vendor Questions Worksheet
Proposals receiving 80 or more technical evaluation points will have pricing evaluated
and considered for award. If the Contractor is bidding on only one service, (Medical OR
Legal), then the Contractor should respond with “N/A” to the Sections that are
designated for the service that the bidder is not bidding on.
The full evaluation process is stated in the RFP Proposal Instructions.
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II. Medical Transcription Services - Evaluation Process
A Responsible Vendor is a vendor that demonstrates it has the ability to successfully
perform the duties identified by the solicitation. A Responsive proposal is one that is
submitted in accordance with the solicitation instructions and meets all mandatory
requirements identified in the solicitation.
Solicitation Instructions, Section 7, Evaluation Process.
MEDICAL Transcription Services - Technical Evaluation
Schedule A, Statement of Work, excluding Section 3 - Staffing
Schedule A, Statement of Work, Section 3 - Staffing
Vendor Questions Worksheet
Proposals receiving 80 or more technical evaluation points will have pricing evaluated
and considered for award. If the Contractor is bidding on only one service, (Medical OR
Legal), then the Contractor should respond with “N/A” to the Sections that are
designated for the service that the bidder is not bidding on.
The full evaluation process is stated in the RFP Proposal Instructions.
III. Evaluation Method
Responses to this solicitation were reviewed by the Solicitation Manager in collaboration
with Subject Matter Expert; Joint Evaluation Committee, which consisted of the following
DTMB - Central Procurement Services
Joy Nakfoor, Category Manager, Services
DTMB - Central Procurement Services
Michigan Department of Health and Human
Jordan Sherlock, Procurement Manager
DTMB - Financial Services
Renee Smith, Health Information Management
Michigan Department of Health and Human
Services - Kalamazoo Psychiatric Hospital
Debra Frazzitta, Buyer Specialist
Michigan Department of Health and Human
Chanda Donnan, Administrative Hearing
DTMB - Office of Retirement Services
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IV. Medical Transcription Services - Evaluation Results
A. Logic Soft, Inc.
The Evaluation Team determined that Logic Soft, Inc. based on a score of 70, did not
meet the requirements of this RFP. This determination was accomplished by
evaluating their responses to the Technical Evaluation Criteria.
1. Schedule A, Statement of Work, excluding Section 3 - Staffing
Score: 15/40
The Evaluation Team determined that overall, the responses were mostly
unsatisfactory. The following deficiencies were noted:
a. Sections 1.1.A, B, C, D, E, F - Bidder acknowledged requirements but did
not describe how they would comply with these requirements. Bidder
directed to “Company Info.doc” but did not specify what section of this
document to find their answers.
b. Section 1.1.H. - Bidder acknowledged requirements and directed to
“Quality Control” section of “Company Info.doc” but did not describe how
they would comply with these requirements.
c. Section 1.1.J. Bidder acknowledged requirement but did not describe
how they would comply with these requirements.
d. Section 1.1.M. - Bidder acknowledged requirement but did not explain
process for responding to corrective feedback on services being provided.
e. Section 1.1.N, P. Bidder acknowledged requirement but did not explain
process used to ensure compliance.
f. Sections 1.2.A.1, 2, 3, 4, 5. - Bidder acknowledged requirements but did
not describe how they would comply with these requirements.
g. Section 1.6 - Bidder acknowledged requirement but did not identify its plan
for delivery and delivery method.
h. Section 1.7 Disaster Recovery Plan - Bidder acknowledged requirement
but did not include a copy of its Disaster Recovery Plan as EXHIBIT 1 TO
SCHEDULE F as part of their proposal.
i. Sections 4.A, B, C. - Bidder acknowledged requirement but did not explain
how they will meet these requirements.
j. Sections 5.1.A, B, C. - Bidder acknowledged requirements but did not
explain its reporting capabilities and did not provide a billing sample and
did not provide a quarterly invoice sample.
2. Schedule A, Statement of Work, Section 3 Staffing
Score: 25/30
The Evaluation Team determined that overall, the responses were mostly
satisfactory, but the following deficiencies were noted:
a. Section 3.2 - Bidder acknowledged requirement but did not identify its
Customer Service Toll-Free Number.
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b. Section 3.4.A, B, C, D - Bidder acknowledged requirements but did not
explain how firm will ensure compliance of requirements.
3. Vendor Questions Worksheet
Score: 30/30
The Evaluation Team determined that the Bidder met all requirements of this
section with no exceptions.
Total Score:70/100
B. Officemotive Inc DBA Capital Typing
The Evaluation Team determined that Officemotive Inc DBA Capital Typing
based on a score of 98, did meet the requirements of this RFP. This
determination was accomplished by evaluating their responses to the Technical
Evaluation Criteria.
1. Schedule A, Statement of Work, excluding Section 3 - Staffing
Score: 38/40
The Evaluation Team determined that overall the responses were mostly
satisfactory, but the following deficiencies were noted:
a. Section 5 - Bidder did not respond to this requirement.
b. Section 7 - Bidder did not respond to this requirement.
2. Schedule A, Statement of Work, Section 3 Staffing
Score: 38/40
The Evaluation Team determined that the Bidder met all requirements of this
section with no exceptions.
3. Vendor Questions Worksheet
Score: 30/30
The Evaluation Team determined that the Bidder met all requirements of this
section with no exceptions.
Total Score:98/100
C. Diskriter, Inc.
While Diskriter, Inc. did submit a bid for this solicitation, Diskriter, Inc. was not
evaluated as they are the current contracted vendor with the State of Michigan
for Medical Transcription Services. Current contract number is 190000000248.
V. Medical Transcription Services - Technical Evaluation Summary
Medical Transcription Services
Selection Criteria
Logic Soft, Inc.
Officemotive Inc
DBA Capital
Schedule A,
Statement of Work,
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excluding Section
3 - Staffing
Schedule A,
Statement of Work,
Section 3 - Staffing
Vendor Questions
VI. Medical Transcription Services - Pricing Summary
Pricing was evaluated for the bidders who passed technical. The following is a summary
of their price proposals:
Medical Transcription Services Pricing Summary
Deliverable Medical
Officemotive Inc
DBA Capital Typing
Less than 12-hour turnaround
time. Internet Based
Dictation (Phone or Digital
Recorder), or other approved
encrypted electronic format.
Per Line
24-hour turnaround time
(Standard). Internet Based
Dictation (Phone or Digital
Recorder), or other approved
encrypted electronic format.
Per Line
48-hour turnaround time.
Internet Based Dictation
(Phone or Digital Recorder),
or other approved encrypted
electronic format.
Per Line
72-hour turnaround time.
Internet Based Dictation
(Phone or Digital Recorder),
or other approved encrypted
electronic format.
Per Line
Total Estimated 5 Year Cost
VII. Negotiations
Reductions were requested from the Bidders that passed the technical evaluation and
their final pricing is reflected in the tables above.
VIII. Award Recommendation
Award recommendation is made to the responsive and responsible Bidder who offers
the best value to the State of Michigan. Best value is based on the proposal meeting the
minimum point threshold and offering the best combination of the factors stated in the
Proposal Instructions Evaluation Process section, and price. Officemotive Inc DBA
Capital Typing provided the best value to the State. As part of the best value
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determination, overall economic impact to the State of Michigan was considered and is
not a determinative factor in making this award.
Award Recommendation is made to Officemotive Inc DBA Capital Typing in the amount
of $278,122.030.