The most used PowerPoint add-in for corporations
Market Research Use Cases Feature Overview Case Studies Editions & IT Requirements About Made in Office
Copyright © 2019 Made in Office GmbH.
How empower® slides is able to help your company
Consistently communicate your brand in every presentation
Sales enablement optimally support your sales team
Free up more time for what is important
Ensure compliance to your corporate identity
Encourage collaboration and exchange of knowledge
Learn to love PowerPoint
Increase user acceptance of your Corporate Design Relaunch
Copyright © 2019 Made in Office GmbH.
vs. 60% content
hours of PowerPoint
per week
of all presentations
do not conform
to CD
Our PowerPoint study in collaboration with GfK
The complete survey can be downloaded for free: download the comprehensive PowerPoint study
How much time per week on average
do you spend working with PowerPoint?”
How much of this time do you
spend formatting?”
How many presentations do not match the
prescribed brand presence?”
Use Cases &
Feature Overview
Copyright © 2019 Made in Office GmbH.
See empower® slides in action in less than 2 mins
Copyright © 2019 Made in Office GmbH.
Provide slides companywide
Compliance workflows, expiry
dates and a complete version
history enable clear
understanding of changes.
Provide content
Make all important content
available to your employees. All
content is retrievable directly in
PowerPoint even via
SharePoint connection and
specialized iPad app.
Search content
Every one of your employees
can utilize a Google-esque
search to acquire relevant
content which they can then
easily add into their
Work offline
Employees always have access
to all the content that they have
permission to use even on
the road thanks to integrated
offline mode or iPad app.
Update slides
Update slides and empower®
slides will ensure that these
updates are distributed
companywide. Users will receive
update notifications when they
open outdated content.
Manage languages
Provide slides in multiple
languages and empower®
slides will ensure that all
translations are up to date. The
user can then switch between
different language versions.
It is easy to administer
empower® slides yourself
thanks to bulk uploads,
intelligent change detection and
usage statistics.
Control access
Access in empower® slides can
be conveniently controlled on a
folder level via active directory
Multiple users are able to work
on the same presentation
simultaneously without the
danger of data loss and back-
and-forth emails.
Copyright © 2019 Made in Office GmbH.
Create slides efficiently & brand compliant
Master templates
All masters are made directly
available within PPT. Marketing
can update them centrally with
a single mouse click.
We create personalized
SmartArts that behave in
accordance to your corporate
Create an agenda
Create an agenda at the click of
a button that conforms to
corporate design. With sub-
points, page numbers and in
any layout you wish.
Fonts & colors
empower® slides only presents
colors and fonts that are used in
your corporate design. This way
you work conform to CD
every time.
Clicking on an image
placeholder automatically opens
your central image gallery
optimized for PPT. You can also
connect empower® slides to
your 3
party DAM systems.
Slide templates
Choose from hundreds of pre-
designed and CD-approved
slide templates: no matter if
your need a world map,
organigram or value chain.
Create perfectly formatted
diagrams with a single click or
apply these styles to existing
Texts & tables
Centrally define perfectly CD-
approved text elements and
tables which you can insert into
your presentation with little
Have an icon gallery at your
fingertips with all the important
icons for diagrams and
infographics according to your
PowerPoint requirements.
Copyright © 2019 Made in Office GmbH.
Revise existing slides
Design Check
Design Check examines and
corrects master, fonts, colors,
titles, numberings, margins and
logo spacing to make
everything conform to CD.
Layouts & footers
Removes unrequired layouts
from the master and
automatically corrects the
Slide updates
Apply slide updates after you
have revised existing slides.
empower® slides will highlight
all available updates and you
decide which ones to use.
4:3 <> 16:9 switch
Dynamically switch between 4:3,
16:9 and any other format you
use. Distortion is eliminated and
replaced with smart layout
Spell check
Check the spelling of your
presentations by centrally setting
the language.
Excel links
Update your slides with excel
diagrams and tables via the link
Apply formats
Eliminate time consuming
formatting by applying the
format of existing objects to
your own text elements and
Layout tools
Create professional diagrams
with the help of enhanced
layout tools to align elements by
a grid, automatic distribution
and a position painter.
Status objects
If required you can change the
appearance of traffic lights,
harvey balls, etc. at the click of a
References &
Case Studies
Copyright © 2019 Made in Office GmbH.
A selection of our empower® slides customers
Sales Enablement
How to align the global sales force with
your headquarters
Siemens Industry had the challenge to provide
easy access to all available PowerPoint sales
materials to its 10,000 user global salesforce.
Slides were updated frequently and the sales
people on the road were to never present
outdated information.
Global Slide Management with empower®
Siemens Industry introduced empower® slides
in 2014. Today, Siemens stores more than half a
million slides in approx. 5,000 presentations in
their central library. With cutting edge update
technology, all employees receive updates
immediately with full access to all content even
when working offline.
empower® is an important add-in that
significantly increases our PowerPoint
productivity with a high-performing
enterprise-level architecture.
Thomas Rubach, Head of Information Management
Productivity and Compliance
PowerPoint in the financial industry
As with all companies in the financial industry,
S&P creates a massive amount of content using
PowerPoint. No matter whether it is internal or
external documents, PowerPoint is the means
for presenting this content. S&P wanted to
reduce the time spent on creating
presentations as well as ensuring compliance
and review paths for all changes. In particular,
typical tasks like creating and updating tables
of contents, applying table and chart styles to
Excel-based data and using a slide library were
required to make the company-wide creation
and management of content more efficient.
30% time saved with empower® slides
S&P conducted a global research to find the
best PowerPoint solution available. After
extensive research and due diligence, they
decided to implement empower® slides. Since
then, the productivity of the users has gone up
by 30% on average, freeing up a significant
amount of time that now can be used for more
important tasks like the analysis and
From our perspective, we have always
thought of Made in Office and the work
they do as the “gold standard” of how
products should be developed. Made in
Office is innovative, reliable, experts in
Office plug-ins, and incredibly hard working.
Alyssa Le, VP Business Development
Brand Communication
Corporate Design Relaunch in 2014
Continental AG is one of the world’s largest
suppliers in the automotive industry. When
Continental modernized its brand in 2014, their
big challenge was migrating millions of existing
presentations from the old to the new design.
In addition, after investing so much money in
rebranding, they asked themselves how they
could empower® slides their employees to
always create consistent presentations
according to their brand.
Brand consistency increased threefold with
empower® slides
Continental introduced empower® slides
company-wide to all 80,000 users globally. Not
only could they quickly migrate old slides to
the new design with the cutting edge
corporate design check, but they also ensured
that all users have direct access to the new
template, the valid corporate design colors and
fonts and all corporate images and icons. This
enabled the entire organization to live and
breathe their brand in every presentation.
With empower® we have significantly
improved the consistency of our brand
communication without significant
investments in our IT infrastructure.
Thomas Röhrich, Head of Brand Communications
Editions &
IT Requirements
Copyright © 2019 Made in Office GmbH.
Which empower® slides edition is right for you?
empower® slides
empower® slides
empower® slides
Agenda, Send, Spelling
Layout Tools
Harvey balls, traffic lights, stamp, checkboxes
Corporate Design
CD guidelines (color and font pickers)
Design Check and slide migration
Template Library with slides, icons, images, charts, tables
Slide Management
Slide library with presentations, slides and elements
Update notifications, bulk slide updates in multiple
presentations, Multi-language slides, versioning, collaboration
IT Setup
Windows and Mac add-ins to be installed on the client
Server requires a MS SQL database and services either
on-premise or in our empower Azure cloud.
On-Prem or Cloud
Content changes can be
done anytime
Client only
Content changes require
new client package
On-Prem or Cloud
Content changes can be
done anytime
About Made in Office
Copyright © 2019 Made in Office GmbH.
Leader in the field of Office programming
Full-time employees
Locations in Germany, USA, France,
England and Switzerland
>1.2 m
empower® users worldwide
customers worldwide
Facts & Figures
Copyright © 2019 Made in Office GmbH.
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80 Broad Street
New York, NY 10004
Made in Office UK
41 Wardour Street
London W1F 0UT
+44 7946 504 977
Made in Office GmbH
Im Mediapark 8
50670 Köln
+49 221 99 37 85 77
Our Locations
Contact us to discuss your requirements, learn about pricing and schedule an
online demo.
Made in Office France
3B Rue Taylor, CS 20004,
75481 PARIS CEDEX 10
+33 (0)1 84 88 01 70
Folienwerke GmbH
Zollikerstraße 153
8008 Zürich
+41 44 578 44 84