Bureau Highlights | NPS | BH-81
National Park
NPS Funding
Dollars (in millions)
Mission—The Organic Act of 1916 created the
National Park Service (NPS) “to conserve the scen-
ery and the natural and historic objects and the
wildlife therein and to provide for the enjoyment
of the same in such manner and by such means as
will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of
future generations.”
Budget Overview—The 2021 budget request for
NPS is $2.8 billion. NPS estimates the budget will
support total stang of 17,615 full-time equiva-
lents in 2021.
Program Overview—The national park system
covers 85 million acres at 419 park units, including
134 historical parks or sites, 83 national monu-
ments, 62 national parks, 30 national memorials, 25
baleelds or military parks, and 85 otherwise des-
ignated national park units. NPS also helps admin-
ister dozens of aliated sites, the National Reg-
ister of Historic Places, National Heritage Areas,
National Wild and Scenic Rivers, National Historic
Landmarks, and National Trails. In addition, NPS
sta work with communities across the Nation to
help preserve local history and create recreational
Operation of the National Park System—The
2021 budget requests $2.5 billion for operations
of the national park system. In 2018, NPS served
more than 318 million visitors from across America
and around the world.
The budget includes $228.5 million for natural
resource programs. In support of the Administra-
tion’s strategy to reduce wildre risk, the budget
includes $4.0 million to support projects that create
defensible space around NPS infrastructure and
assets. This proactive mitigation work increases
the safety of reghters and the public and mini-
mizes the impacts to park operations, visitor expe-
riences, and gateway communities. These activities
will be coordinated with fuel treatment projects
funded through the Oce of Wildland Fire. The
NPS budget includes $1.3 million to support the
Veteran Fire Crew to conduct active forest manage-
ment work at park units, including fuels reduction,
re eects monitoring, educational outreach, pre-
re preparation of burn units, and participation
in prescribed res in the western and southern
United States. Fire crews engaging in active forest
management help protect our Nation’s forests,
parks, grasslands, and neighboring communities
and ensure recreational access is either preserved
or restored as the impacts of re are mitigated.
Eective stewardship of NPS and our Nation’s
In 1916, Congress created the National Park Service, also known as “America’s Best Idea.”
The national park system includes 419 park units, which encompass 85 million acres in all 50 States
and 4 Territories.
In 2018, more than 318 million people visited the units of the national park system.
In 2019, roughly 21,000 individual full- and part-time employees and more than 279,000 volunteers
worked to preserve, protect, and share the history of this land and its people.
The NPS mission requires a diverse workforce, including archeologists, biologists, curators,
engineers, historians, hydrologists, landscape architects, law enforcement officers, and many
other disciplines.
NPS collaborates with Tribes, States, local governments, nonprofits, and historic property owners
who share in preserving the Nation’s shared heritage.
BH-82 | Bureau Highlights | NPS
resources requires working collaboratively to iden-
tify common interests, concerns, and opportunities
across connected landscapes. National parks are
critical seings for the conservation of natural
resources and play a unique role as places to apply
adaptive management strategies. The budget
includes $11.0 million for collaborative activities
with States, gateway communities, and adjacent
lands. Funding will support projects in parks that
advance the protection and restoration of migra-
tory routes and winter range habitat, enhance
wildlife-related recreation, support research pri-
orities and/or protection or restoration of priority
corridors identied in State Action Plans, and
provide technical assistance to parks that support
collaborative conservation outcomes. Projects may
include habitat restoration, to include remov-
ing invasive species, planting native species in
parks, monitoring species movements, identifying
multispecies wildlife corridors in western parks,
and reestablishing ecosystem connectivity.
The budget includes $88.8 million for cultural
resource programs. NPS preserves and pro-
tects cultural resources, including archeological
resources, cultural landscapes, ethnographic
resources, historical artifacts, historic and prehis-
toric structures, and museum collections. Overall,
the national park system contains more than 26,000
historic and prehistoric structures; 4,200 statues,
monuments, and memorials; 82,000 archeological
sites; and 185 million museum objects and archival
documents. NPS also conducts associated applied
research informing its stewardship of the extensive
and varied cultural resources contained within the
national park system.
Funding also includes $9.6 million for restoration,
conservation, and protection eorts in the Ever-
glades. The Everglades Restoration and Research
program is critical to the restoration, conservation,
and protection of Federal interest lands in south
Florida. The program focuses applied science
projects on data and syntheses needed to inform
decisions regarding the design and function of the
current and future restoration projects, the eects
of infrastructure and operations on threatened
and endangered species, the eects of large-scale
disturbances, and the eects of environmental
impacts and invasive species on NPS resources.
NPS is a major partner in the combined State and
Federal eort to restore the Everglades ecosys-
tem. The south Florida park units are among the
collaborating entities implementing major water
resource projects.
The budget proposes $243.2 million to support the
visitor experience at national park areas. Visitor
services are central to the National Park Service
mission and foster an understanding and appreci-
ation of NPS places of natural beauty and cultural
and historical signicance. These interpretation,
education, and management programs ensure
America’s natural, cultural, and recreational
Bureau Highlights | NPS | BH-83
treasures are provided in context and available to
park audiences formally and informally. To help
showcase and care for these treasures, NPS enlists
the help of a strong volunteer force organized with
the help of partnerships and visitor services. The
request also supports NPS management of the
thousands of concession contracts, commercial use
authorizations, and operating leases that enhance
the visitor experience and protect resources.
Interior plays a major role in providing access to
outdoor recreation. Outdoor recreation opportuni-
ties enable all of us to be healthier, more fully enjoy
the wonderful features of Federal lands, and take
advantage of hunting, shing, and other pursuits
that are part of the American conservation ethic.
The budget includes $44.2 million to improve rec-
reational and public access to park lands in ways
that benet park visitors and neighboring gateway
communities. Funding supports shing programs
for youth and other novice anglers and improves
recreation-related infrastructure and resources,
outreach to and involvement of veterans, invest-
ments in information technology to facilitate the
visitor experience, and coordination with State,
local, business, and nonprot stakeholders to facil-
itate access to outdoor recreation opportunities.
To ensure public safety and the protection of
resources in the parks, the budget includes $366.2
million for law enforcement and health and safety
programs. NPS law enforcement programs—
including the U.S. Park Police at the Washington,
DC; New York City; and San Francisco area NPS
sites—enforce Federal laws and regulations within
all park units. Park protection activities are import-
ant to stewardship of the parks. They help keep
NPS natural and cultural resources unimpaired for
future generations, provide the public the oppor-
tunity to enjoy the national park units in a safe
manner, and ensure NPS employees have a safe
work environment. The 2021 budget includes $4.2
million for 1-year funding to support visitor ori-
entation and safety services during the 2021 Pres-
idential inauguration. The budget proposes $2.0
million be appropriated from the Medical Services
Fund established in P.L. 116-9, the John D. Ding-
ell, Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation
Act. The Medical Services Fund is capitalized with
fees collected for medical services provided at 10
NPS park units. The NPS ability to access the funds
is subject to appropriations.
NPS manages thousands of assets, working to
sustain their condition being their status as
America’s treasures while making them available
for public enjoyment. The 2021 budget prioritizes
NPS infrastructure needs. The Facility Operations
and Maintenance program provides expertise to
manage these resources appropriately by protect-
ing, restoring, rehabilitating, and maintaining nat-
ural and cultural resources, visitor and employee
facilities, and other infrastructure. The budget
provides $844.2 million for park facility operations
and maintenance across the national park system,
including $121.1 million for repair and rehabilita-
tion projects and $188.2 million
for cyclic maintenance projects
to address routine maintenance
needs. Performing cyclic main-
tenance on schedule prevents
deferred maintenance from
accumulating and helps ful-
ll the full life expectancy of
park assets.
The budget proposes $539.1 mil-
lion for Park Support to admin-
ister, manage, and support
park operations throughout the
United States. This funding also
Visitors (in millions)
National Park Service
Visitation per Month
Salem Maritime National Historical Park: After more than 3 years of renovations, the Friendship returned to port in Salem, MA this summer.
BH-84 | Bureau Highlights | NPS
supports internal administration needs, such as
personnel, nance, procurement, data processing
and communications, and other support services.
The budget includes $4.6 million, as authorized in
the NPS Centennial Act, to support National Park
Foundation eorts to promote public-private part-
nerships that leverage private funding.
To improve the management of park operations,
the Department proposes to extend the period
of availability of funding in the Operation of the
National Park System and National Recreation and
Preservation accounts to 2 years. Two-year funding
availability will allow NPS to more eciently and
eectively manage available resources and adjust
for disruptions in the scal year. This is consistent
with the period of availability of the operating
funds at other Interior land management bureaus.
National Recreation and Preservation—The
2021 budget includes $33.9 million to support
local community eorts to preserve natural and
cultural resources. Natural resources programs
funded in this account support collaborative and
community-driven eorts and outcome-focused
investments to preserve and enhance rural land-
scapes, urban parks and rivers, important ecosys-
tems, cultural resources, and wildlife habitat. NPS
cultural programs support public participation
in preservation of the Nation’s cultural heritage
through National Register Programs and research
and training in historic preservation and conserva-
tion. This budget activity also supports cooperation
with other nations on park and heritage resource
management issues and local management of
National Heritage Areas.
Historic Preservation—The Historic Preservation
Fund supports preservation of non-Federal histor-
ically and culturally signicant sites and entities.
The 2021 budget includes $40.7 million for the His-
toric Preservation Fund, including $26.9 million for
Bureau Highlights | NPS | BH-85
States and Territories and $5.7 million for Tribes to
operate historic preservation oces that admin-
ister grants-in-aid. The budget also includes $8.0
million for grants to Historically Black Colleges
and Universities. Grants provide resources to meet
preservation responsibilities, including infrastruc-
ture permiing, required by the National Historic
Preservation Act to protect and preserve historic
resources in accordance with local needs and
Land Acquisition and State Assistance—The
budget requests $8.6 million for the Land Acqui-
sition and State Assistance appropriation, which
includes $22.6 million in new budget authority
and the proposed cancellation of $14.0 million in
prior-year balances. The request includes $10.0 mil-
lion for grants to acquire land to protect American
Baleelds, $4.0 million for land acquisition that
supports expanded recreational access within park
unit boundaries, and $8.6 million to administer the
NPS Federal land acquisition program.
The 2021 budget proposes to shift funding for NPS
State Conservation grants from current to perma-
nent funding. Accordingly, no discretionary funds
are requested in 2021. Starting in 2009, the current
Land and Water Conservation Fund appropria-
tions for the State Conservation Grants program
have been augmented by revenues from oil and
gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico, as authorized by
Section 105 of the Gulf of Mexico Energy Secu-
rity Act (GOMESA). GOMESA receipts increased
signicantly in 2017 and are projected to gener-
ate revenue over $100 million for the foreseeable
future. In 2021, the amount of GOMESA revenue
estimated to be available to NPS for State grants is
$117.2 million.
Construction—The budget requests $192.6 million
for the NPS Construction Program. The budget
includes $127.8 million for line-item construction
projects to address the highest priority needs on
mission-critical assets. It funds $4.0 million for
demolition or disposal of surplus or otherwise
unneeded assets and $4.8 million for dam safety,
employee housing, and equipment replacement
programs. The budget includes $15.2 million for
construction project planning, $35.2 million for
construction program management and opera-
tions, and $5.7 million for park planning and envi-
ronmental compliance.
Centennial Challenge—The National Park Ser-
vice Centennial Act established the permanent
National Park Centennial Challenge Fund for
high-priority projects or programs that enhance
the visitor experience. Amounts exceeding $10.0
million from the sale of age-discounted Federal
Recreational Lands Passes, commonly known
as Senior Passes, are deposited into the fund to
be used for projects and programs that receive
non-Federal matching donations on at least a 50–50
basis. The budget estimates the fund will receive
$4.0 million in 2021.
Management Reforms—The 2021 budget
helps to advance several signicant management
reforms. The budget supports the Administration’s
priority workforce goal to incentivize employee
performance to beer recognize high-performing
employee contributions to mission achievement
across the bureau. In 2021, the Department pro-
poses to consolidate all agency ethics stang and
funding within the Departmental Ethics Oce in
the Oce of the Solicitor. The 2021 budget there-
fore assumes a transfer of $3.4 million and 15 FTEs
associated with current bureau ethics activities.
The budget also supports operations and manage-
ment of an enterprisewide grants management and
tracking system, GrantSolutions.
The 2021 budget reects completion of activities to
stand up the Interior regions in 2020. Funding to
maintain support for regional coordination across
bureaus and implementation of shared services is
budgeted centrally within the Oce of the Secre-
tary and the appropriated Working Capital Fund.
Fixed Costs—Fixed costs of $36.3 million are
fully funded.
BH-86 | Bureau Highlights | NPS
(all dollar amounts in thousands)
Comparison of 2021 Request with 2020 Enacted
Item 2020 Enacted 2021 Request Change
FTE Amount FTE Amount FTE Amount
Operation of the National Park System
������������������������� 14,145 2,573,692 13,203 2,516,690 -942 -57,002
Centennial Challenge �������������������������������������������������������� 21 15,000 0 0 -21 -15,000
National Recreation and Preservation ��������������������������� 204 71,166 179 33,924 -25 -37,242
Historic Preservation Fund ���������������������������������������������� 3 118,660 1 40,672 -2 -77,988
Construction (and Major Maintenance) ������������������������� 293 389,345 222 192,649 -71 -196,696
Land Acquisition and State Assistance �������������������������� 98 206,121 54 8,626 -44 -197,495
Subtotal, Current ����������������������������������������������������������� 14,764 3,373,984 13,659 2,792,561 -1,105 -581,423
Land Acquisition and State Assistance
1/, 2/
��������������������� 0 117,625 0 117,171 0 -454
Visitor Experience Improvements Fund ������������������������ 0 12,703 0 9,897 0 -2,806
Recreation Fee Permanent Appropriations ������������������� 1,661 344,598 1,661 348,319 0 +3,721
Other Permanent Appropriations ����������������������������������� 428 214,128 428 221,212 0 +7,084
Miscellaneous Trust Funds ���������������������������������������������� 225 52,003 225 52,003 0 0
Subtotal, Permanent ������������������������������������������������������ 2,314 741,057 2,314 748,602 0 +7,545
Allocation and Reimbursable
Allocation ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 676 0 829 0 +153 0
Reimbursable ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 813 0 813 0 0 0
Subtotal, Allocation and Reimbursable
���������������������� 1,489 0 1,642 0 +153 0
Total, National Park Service ���������������������������������������� 18,567 4,115,041 17,615 3,541,163 -952 -573,878
Pursuant to the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA) requirements.
The 2020 enacted level reflects a rescission of $2.3 million in prior-year balances, and the 2021 request reflects a cancellation
of $14.0 million.
By Appropriation Activity/Subactivity
APPROPRIATION: Operation of the National Park System
Item 2019 Actual 2020 Enacted 2021 Request Change
Park Management
Resource Stewardship
��������������������������������� 333,399 342,033 326,889 -15,144
Visitor Services ��������������������������������������������� 246,762 257,645 243,174 -14,471
Park Protection���������������������������������������������� 375,336 372,370 366,188 -6,182
Facility Operations Maintenance ��������������� 830,735 859,175 844,151 -15,024
Park Support ������������������������������������������������� 531,554 552,182 539,123 -13,059
Subtotal, Park Management �������������������� 2,317,786 2,383,405 2,319,525 -63,880
External Administrative Costs ����������������������� 184,925 193,587 197,165 +3,578
(w/o transfers) �������� 2,502,711 2,576,992 2,516,690 -60,302
Mandated Transfer ��������������������������������������� -500 -3,300 0 +3,300
Other Transfer ����������������������������������������������� +127 0 0 0
(w/transfers) ����������� 2,502,338 2,573,692 2,516,690 -57,002
Bureau Highlights | NPS | BH-87
Detail of Budget Changes
2021 Change
2020 Enacted
����������������������������� -57,002
Park Management �������������������������������������������� -63,880
Resource Stewardship ��������������������������������� -15,144
New Responsibilities at Existing
Park Areas ���������������������������������������������� +825
Mitigate Fire Risk to NPS
Infrastructure ����������������������������������������� +3,000
Collaborative Conservation �������������������� +11,000
Cultural Resource Projects ���������������������� -12,635
Cultural Resource Compliance ��������������� +501
Natural Resource Projects ����������������������� -2,104
Park and Program Operations ���������������� -20,980
Fixed Costs ������������������������������������������������ +5,249
Visitor Services ��������������������������������������������� -14,471
New Responsibilities at Existing
Park Areas ���������������������������������������������� +1,192
Recreational and Public Access �������������� +7,806
2021 Presidential Inauguration ��������������� +1,800
Indian Youth Service Corps �������������������� +500
Interpretation and Education Projects ��� -937
Volunteers in Parks Program ������������������ -4,886
Youth Partnership Program �������������������� -6,218
National Capital Area
Performing Arts������������������������������������� -2,227
Park and Program Operations ���������������� -15,739
Fixed Costs ������������������������������������������������ +4,238
Park Protection���������������������������������������������� -6,182
New Responsibilities at Existing
Park Areas ���������������������������������������������� +1,450
Recreational Access—Veteran
Fire Crew ������������������������������������������������ +1,300
2021 Presidential Inauguration ��������������� +2,400
Medical Services Fund ����������������������������� +2,000
ProRanger �������������������������������������������������� +500
Southern Arizona Office �������������������������� +350
U�S� Park Police Security Detail �������������� +1,337
Park and Program Operations ���������������� -22,934
Fixed Costs ������������������������������������������������ +7,415
Facility Operations Maintenance ��������������� -15,024
New Responsibilities at Existing
Park Areas ���������������������������������������������� +2,032
2021 Change
2020 Enacted
Recreational Access
���������������������������������� +14,000
Challenge Cost Share ������������������������������� -386
DC Water and Sewer �������������������������������� -2,399
Cyclic Maintenance Projects ������������������� +34,609
Repair and Rehabilitation Projects ��������� -14,863
Emergency Management and
Damage Program ���������������������������������� -878
Environmental Management Program �� -1,980
Park and Program Operations ���������������� -53,597
Transfer of Centers Funding from
Park Support
��������������������������������������� +900
Fixed Costs ������������������������������������������������ +7,538
Park Support ������������������������������������������������� -13,059
New Responsibilities at Existing
Park Areas ���������������������������������������������� +1,564
Recreational Access ���������������������������������� +21,109
Monitor UPARR
-Funded Projects ������� +155
Connecting Trails to Parks ���������������������� -299
Global Positioning System ���������������������� -2,000
Semiquincentennial Commission ����������� -3,300
400 Years African-American
Commission ������������������������������������������� -3,300
Departmental Reorganization ���������������� -900
Transfer Ethics Program to Solicitor ������ -3,364
Park and Program Operations ���������������� -29,767
Transfer of Centers’ Funding to Facility
Operations Maintenance
������������������� -900
Fixed Costs ������������������������������������������������ +7,943
External Administrative Costs ����������������������� +3,578
GrantSolutions Enterprise System ������������� +1,202
Fixed Costs ���������������������������������������������������� +2,376
2020 Mandated Directed Transfer ����������������� +3,300
Subtotals for Changes Across Multiple
New Responsibilities at Existing
Park Areas �������������������������������������������������� [+7,063]
Recreational Access �������������������������������������� [+44,215]
Park and Program Operations �������������������� [-143,017]
2021 Presidential Inauguration ������������������ [+4,200]
Fixed Costs ���������������������������������������������������� [+34,759]
Includes the Historic Presidential Training Center and the Western Center for Historic Preservation.
UPARR = Urban Park Recreation Recovery Program.
APPROPRIATION: Operation of the National Park System (continued)
BH-88 | Bureau Highlights | NPS
APPROPRIATION: Centennial Challenge
Item 2019 Actual 2020 Enacted 2021 Request Change
TOTAL APPROPRIATION ����������������������������� 20,000 15,000 0 -15,000
Detail of Budget Changes
2021 Change
2020 Enacted
����������������������������� -15,000
Centennial Challenge Projects ������������������������ -15,000
APPROPRIATION: National Recreation and Preservation
Item 2019 Actual 2020 Enacted 2021 Request Change
Natural Programs ��������������������������������������������� 14,170 15,757 11,478 -4,279
Cultural Programs ������������������������������������������� 25,562 31,127 20,648 -10,479
Environmental Compliance and Review ������ 433 435 400 -35
Grants Administration ������������������������������������ 2,004 0 0 0
International Park Affairs ������������������������������� 1,648 1,903 1,000 -903
Heritage Partnership Programs
Commissions and Grants
���������������������������� 19,339 20,962 0 -20,962
Administrative Support ������������������������������ 982 982 398 -584
Subtotal, Heritage Partnerships �������������� 20,321 21,944 398 -21,546
TOTAL APPROPRIATION ����������������������������� 64,138 71,166 33,924 -37,242
Detail of Budget Changes
2021 Change
2020 Enacted
����������������������������� -37,242
Natural Programs ��������������������������������������������� -4,279
Rivers, Trails, and Conservation
Assistance �������������������������������������������������� -1,399
National Natural Landmarks ��������������������� -86
Chesapeake Gateways and Trails �������������� -3,000
Fixed Costs ���������������������������������������������������� +206
Cultural Programs ������������������������������������������� -10,479
National Register Programs ������������������������ -815
National Center for Preservation
Technology and Training ������������������������ -215
Native American Graves Protection and
Repatriation Grants ���������������������������������� -1,907
Japanese-American Confinement Site
Grants ��������������������������������������������������������� -3,155
2021 Change
2020 Enacted
American Battlefield Protection Program
Assistance Grants
������������������������������������� -1,198
American Indian and Native Hawaiian
Art and Culture Grants ���������������������������� -1,500
9/11 Memorial Act Grants ��������������������������� -2,000
Fixed Costs ���������������������������������������������������� +311
Environmental Compliance and Review ������ -35
Environmental Compliance and Review �� -43
Fixed Costs ���������������������������������������������������� +8
International Park Affairs ������������������������������� -903
Office of International Affairs including
Transfer of SWBRPP
����������������������������� -248
Transfer SWBRPP
to Office of
International Affairs ��������������������������������� -676
Fixed Costs ���������������������������������������������������� +21
SWBRPP = Southwest Border Resource Protection Program.
Bureau Highlights | NPS | BH-89
2021 Change
2020 Enacted
Heritage Partnership Programs
��������������������� -21,546
Commissions and Grants ���������������������������� -20,962
Administrative Support ������������������������������ -603
Fixed Costs ���������������������������������������������������� +19
2021 Change
2020 Enacted
Subtotals for Changes Across Multiple
Fixed Costs
�������������������������������������������������������� [+565]
APPROPRIATION: Historic Preservation Fund
Item 2019 Actual 2020 Enacted 2021 Request Change
Grants-in-Aid to States and Territories
����� 49,675 52,675 26,934 -25,741
Grants-in-Aid to Indian Tribes ������������������� 11,735 13,735 5,738 -7,997
Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization
Grants ��������������������������������������������������������� 5,000 7,500 0 -7,500
Grants-in-Aid to Historically
Black Colleges and Universities ������������� 8,000 10,000 8,000 -2,000
Competitive Grants-in-Aid ������������������������� 15,250 18,750 0 -18,750
Subtotal, Grants-in-Aid ��������������������������� 89,660 102,660 40,672 -61,988
Grants-in-Aid—Save America's Treasures ��� 13,000 16,000 0 -16,000
(w/o supplemental) ��������������������������������������������� 102,660 118,660 40,672 -77,988
Supplemental ������������������������������������������������ 50,000 0 0 0
(w/supplemental) ��� 152,660 118,660 40,672 -77,988
Detail of Budget Changes
2021 Change
2020 Enacted
���������������������������������������������������� -61,988
Grants-in-Aid to States and Territories ����� -25,741
Grants-in-Aid to Indian Tribes ������������������� -7,997
Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization
Grants ��������������������������������������������������������� -7,500
Grants to Historically
Black Colleges and Universities ������������� -2,000
Competitive Grants-in-Aid ������������������������� -18,750
Grants-in-Aid—Save America's Treasures ��� -16,000
APPROPRIATION: National Recreation and Preservation (continued)
Detail of Budget Changes
BH-90 | Bureau Highlights | NPS
APPROPRIATION: Construction (and Major Maintenance)
Item 2019 Actual 2020 Enacted 2021 Request Change
Line-Item Construction Projects �������������������� 259,275 282,956 131,788 -151,168
Special Programs ���������������������������������������������� 20,769 21,491 4,839 -16,652
Construction Planning ������������������������������������� 29,453 29,453 15,183 -14,270
Construction Program
Management and Operations ��������������������� 45,002 45,180 35,157 -10,023
Management Planning ������������������������������������ 10,205 10,265 5,682 -4,583
(w/o supplemental) ��������������������������������������������� 364,704 389,345 192,649 -196,696
Supplemental ������������������������������������������������ 78,000 0 0 0
(w/supplemental) ��� 442,704 389,345 192,649 -196,696
Detail of Budget Changes
2021 Change
2020 Enacted
����������������������������� -196,696
Line-Item Construction Projects �������������������� -151,168
Special Programs ���������������������������������������������� -16,652
Emergencies and Unscheduled Projects ��� -3,848
Housing Improvement Program ���������������� -2,519
Dam Safety and Security Program ������������ -1,000
Equipment Replacement Program ������������� -9,290
Fixed Costs ���������������������������������������������������� +5
Construction Planning ������������������������������������� -14,270
Construction Program Management
and Operations ����������������������������������������� -10,023
Construction Program Management ��������� -1,333
Denver Service Center Operations ������������ -3,139
2021 Change
2020 Enacted
Harpers Ferry Center Operations
�������������� -2,759
Regional Facility Project Support ��������������� -3,441
Fixed Costs ���������������������������������������������������� +649
Management Planning ������������������������������������ -4,583
Unit Management Plans ������������������������������ -2,302
Special Resource Studies ����������������������������� -492
Environmental Impact Planning
and Compliance ���������������������������������������� -1,927
Fixed Costs ���������������������������������������������������� +138
Subtotals for Changes Across Multiple
Fixed Costs �������������������������������������������������������� [+792]
Bureau Highlights | NPS | BH-91
APPROPRIATION: Land Acquisition and State Assistance
Item 2019 Actual 2020 Enacted 2021 Request Change
Acquisition Management �������������������������������� 9,679 10,500 8,626 -1,874
Federal Land Acquisition
����������������������������������������������������������� 13,903 28,400 0 -28,400
Recreational Access �������������������������������������� 2,000 7,000 4,000 -3,000
Emergencies, Hardships,
and Relocations ����������������������������������������� 3,928 4,000 0 -4,000
Inholdings, Donations, and Exchanges ����� 4,928 5,500 0 -5,500
American Battlefield Protection Program
Acquisition Grants
��������������������������������� 10,000 13,000 10,000 -3,000
Subtotal, Federal Land Acquisition ������� 34,759 57,900 14,000 -43,900
State Conservation Grants
State Conservation
Grants—Formula �������������������������������������� 100,000 110,000 0 -110,000
State Conservation
Grants—Competitive ������������������������������� 20,000 25,000 0 -25,000
Subtotal, State Conservation Grants ������ 120,000 135,000 0 -135,000
State Conservation Grants Administration ��� 4,006 5,000 0 -5,000
(w/o cancellation
and rescission) ���������������������������������������������������� 168,444 208,400 22,626 -185,774
Cancellation of Prior-Year BA
������������������� 0 0 -14,000 -14,000
Rescission of Prior-Year BA ������������������������ 0 -2,279 0 +2,279
and rescission) ���������������������������������������������������� 168,444 206,121 8,626 -197,495
Amounts in the 2021 request for NPS Federal Land Acquisition and the proposed cancellation of prior-year balances differ from
those shown in the FY 2021 President’s Budget Appendix. The information included here assumes approval and transmittal of an
amendment to the Appendix.
Detail of Budget Changes
2021 Change
2020 Enacted
and rescission) ���������������������������������������������������� -197,495
(w/o cancellation
and rescission) ���������������������������������������������������� -185,774
Acquisition Management �������������������������������� -1,874
Acquisition Management Activities ���������� -2,062
Fixed Costs ���������������������������������������������������� +188
Federal Land Acquisition �������������������������������� -43,900
Federal Land Acquisition Projects ������������� -28,400
Recreational Access Projects ����������������������� -3,000
Emergencies, Hardships,
and Relocations ����������������������������������������� -4,000
2021 Change
2020 Enacted
Inholdings, Donations, and Exchanges
����� -5,500
American Battlefield Protection
Program Acquisition Grants ������������������� -3,000
State Conservation Grants ������������������������������ -135,000
State Conservation Grants—Formula ������� -110,000
State Conservation Grants—Competitive -25,000
State Conservation Grants Administration ��� -5,000
Cancellation of Prior-Year BA ������������������������ -11,721
Subtotals for Changes Across Multiple
Fixed Costs �������������������������������������������������������� [+188]