Long-Term Care Insurance
Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company
M28381 For producer use only. Not for use with the general public.
It’s a new approach to long-term care insurance
The long-term care marketplace is changing…and we’re changing right along with it. We developed the
Solutions portfolio to allow consumers to protect a portion of their retirement assets while
maintaining the viability and sustainability of the product line for years to come.
The MutualCare
Solutions portfolio contains two product packages underwritten by Mutual of Omaha
Insurance Company – a name people know and trust.
Solutions MutualCare
Secure Solution
Custom Solution
Traditional policy that gives people the
security of knowing they have some
measure of asset protection.
A good fit for:
• Customers who are looking for
easy-to-understand benefit choices
• Agents who like a product with a simple
design and traditional benefits
Provides flexibility to manage LTC expenses
and control how the dollars in the “account
are spent.
A good fit for:
• Customers who want to customize a policy
• Agents who are looking for a product with
a strong premium solve capability
Two packages with some of the same great features
Both packages in the MutualCare
Solutions portfolio provide coverage for home health care, assisted living
and nursing home care. They also contain many of the same features and benefits, including:
Cash benefit with no elimination period – Provides cash to pay for any cost associated with
long-term care expenses
The ability to switch between cash and reimbursement benefits – Offers the flexibility and freedom
to control care options from the first day of qualified need
Monthly benefit amount – Allows greater flexibility to maximize policy benefits
Calendar-day elimination period – Provides reimbursement benefits sooner
Stay-at-home features – Offers multiple benefits to help keep people at home for as long
as possible
Partner*-friendly benefits – Includes benefits for partners* who purchase identical coverage
No cap on premium allowances
– Provides maximum savings by giving people all allowances
they are eligible to receive
So, what’s the difference?
We designed the MutualCare
Solutions portfolio to give your clients options for supplementing their out-
of-pocket costs with benefits from a long-term care insurance policy. Rates for both packages are built on
the same pricing structure. However, package selections and benefit choices like elimination period, benefit
amount, inflation protection and other optional features impact the final premium.
Secure Solution
Custom Solution
Policy limit based on benefit multiplier Policy limit based on pool of dollars
30 percent cash benefit built in 40 percent cash benefit built in
Basic optional features Enhanced optional features
• More inflation protection options
• More partner* benefits
• More return of premium options
Secure Solution
Custom Solution
Issue Ages
Tax Status
Tax Qualified Only
Partnership Qualified (based on state
approval, age of the applicant and
inflation option selected)
Built-In Benefits
Policy Limit
Benefit multiplier determines
policy limit
(benefit multiplier x maximum
monthly benefit = policy limit)
Options include
24, 36, 48 or 60 months
Pool of dollars determines
policy limit
Options include
$50,000 to $500,000
in $500 increments
Maximum Monthly Benefit
$1,500 to $10,000
per month in $1 increments
$1,500 to $10,000
per month in $50 increments
(subject to monthly benefit
and policy limit combinations)
Elimination Period
90, 180 or 365
calendar days
0, 30, 60, 90, 180 or 365
calendar days
Cash Benefit
30% of home health care
benefit up to initial maximum
of $2,400
per month
40% of home health care
benefit up to initial maximum
of $2,400
per month
Nursing Home Benefit
Assisted Living Facility Benefit
50%, 75% or 100% of maximum monthly benefit
Home Health Care Benefit
50%, 75% or 100% of maximum monthly benefit
Adult Day Care Benefit
Up to 100% of the monthly home health care benefit
Stay-at-Home Benefits
• Caregiver Training
• Durable Medical Equipment
• Home Modification
• Medical Alert System
Up to two times the maximum monthly benefit
Bed Reservation Benefit for Nursing
Home & Assisted Living Facility
30 days
per calendar year
Portfolio Overview MutualCare
Portfolio Overview
Secure Solution
Custom Solution
Respite Care Benefit
1 month
per calendar year
Hospice Care Benefit
Pays maximum monthly benefit;
no elimination period applies
International Benefit
Maximum monthly benefit for up to 12 months
Waiver of Premium
• Nursing Home
• Assisted Living Facility
• Home Health Care
Included; subject to eligibility requirements
Alternate Care Benefit
Available when care coordination is used
Optional Partner* Benefits
Shared Care
Security Benefit
Joint Waiver of Premium
Not Offered Available
Survivorship Benefit
Not Offered Available
Other Optional Benefits
Waiver of Elimination Period
for Home Health Care
Nonforfeiture – Shortened Benefit
Period (removes Contingent
Nonforfeiture built into policy)
Return of Premium at Death (less claims
paid) – Three Times Initial Maximum
Monthly Benefit
Return of Premium at Death (less claims
Not Offered Available
Return of Premium at Death (less claims
paid) – If Death Occurs Before Age 65
Not Offered Available
Professional Home Health Care
Not Offered Available
Portfolio Overview
* Partner is defined as spouses who are legally married, domestic or civil union partners, or adults in a serious, committed personal relationship
intended to be lifelong who have shared a common residence for the most recent three years, are not married to or a domestic or civil partner of
anyone else, and are not related in any way that would bar marriage.
Secure Solution
Custom Solution
Inflation Protection
Inflation Protection Options
3%, 4% or 5% compound
Inflation Percentage:
1% to 5% compound in
.25% increments
3% or 5% compound
Inflation Duration:
Lifetime, 20, 15 or 10 years
Inflation Protection Buy-Up Option
Not Offered Available
Premium Allowances
• Both Issued
• One Issued
Association/Sponsored Group
Common Employer
Premium Payment
Portfolio Overview MutualCare
Solutions MutualCare
Here’s what it means for you
Not only do you have the ability to select the right policy to meet a client’s needs and fit the premium into
what might be an already tight budget, you also have a competitive advantage with Mutual of Omaha.
We have a long history of serving policyholders – We’ve been paying claims to our policyholders since
1909, which means your clients can count on us to be here when they need us
We’re a mutual company – In fact, we’re the oldest mutual company in the LTCi marketplace.
As a mutual company, we’re not focused on short-term, quarterly results that often characterize publicly-
traded companies. Instead, every business decision is made with the long-term needs of
our policyholders in mind
We’re a household name – People who already know and trust the company you represent will feel
comfortable with your recommendation and confident in their decision to buy from you
We’re strong, stable and secure – Year after year, we earn high marks from the leading industry
rating organizations for our overall financial strength and ability to meet ongoing obligations
to our policyholders
We’re committed to LTCi – We’re not going anywhere. After more than a quarter century of LTCi sales,
we remain committed to helping people plan for their LTC needs
Want to learn more?
Contact our Sales Support team at
Visit our website at
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Long-Term Care Insurance underwritten by:
Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company
Mutual of Omaha Plaza
Omaha, NE 68175-0001
Whats Next?
Now that you’ve applied for a long-term care insurance policy, you
need to be aware of what will happen before you can be approved for
coverage and your policy issued.
Additional Medical Information
Your application will be reviewed by our long-term care underwriting
team to determine if you meet eligibility requirements. In doing so,
they will ask for additional medical information, including:
Medical Records – A copy of your medical records will be
requested from your physician. This is required for all long-term
care insurance applicants
Prescription Drug Report – A pharmaceutical check also will be
conducted for all long-term care insurance applicants
Personal Health Interview
You also will be asked to participate in a personal health interview.
The interview typically is conducted by a registered nurse who will ask
you about your current health, the medications you take and your daily
activities. The questions are not difficult and will include things like:
• The name of your primary care physician and any specialists
you see
• The names and dosages of any medications you take
• Your future plans for surgery, medical testing or medical
• Your living arrangements and social activities
• Your use of medical devices, such as a wheelchair or cane
In addition, questions will be asked to evaluate your memory.
The personal health interview is conducted either by telephone or
face-to-face, depending on your age and/or health status. In order to
Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company
In the Long-Term Care Insurance
Application Process
get your policy issued quickly, you are encouraged to schedule your
interview within two weeks.
Telephone Interview – If you are age 64 or younger, the
interview will be conducted over the telephone and will take
approximately 30 to 45 minutes. You will be contacted to schedule
an interview at your convenience or your insurance agent may
set up the interview for you. Please note: We will make every
attempt to contact you within the two-hour window you specified
on your application. For example, if you asked to be contacted
at 5 p.m., the contact window will be 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. (the time
zone will reflect the address of the legal residence you list on your
Face-to-Face Interview – If you are age 65 or older or you have
certain medical conditions, a nurse will come to your home
to meet with you in person. This will take approximately one
hour. A nurse will contact you to schedule the interview at your
Tips for Completing the Personal Health Interview
The personal health interview is important, so be sure to give the
interviewer your full attention and answer all questions completely
and accurately.
• Turn off the television or radio or move to a quiet spot where
you will not be distracted
• Make sure you can hear the interviewer clearly
• Answer all questions to the best of your ability
• If a distraction should occur while the interview is being
conducted, be sure to let the interviewer know and ask to
reschedule for a better time
Preparing for the Personal Health Interview
Its a good idea to take a few minutes now to collect the following
information so you’ll be prepared for your personal health interview.
Applicant A Applicant B
Primary Care Physician
Name: ________________________________
Address: ______________________________
City, State ZIP: _________________________
Phone: _______________________________
Date & Reason Last Seen: _________________
Name: ________________________________
Address: ______________________________
City, State ZIP: _________________________
Phone: _______________________________
Date & Reason Last Seen: _________________
Specialist Physician
Name: ________________________________
Address: ______________________________
City, State ZIP: _________________________
Phone: _______________________________
Date & Reason Last Seen: _________________
Name: ________________________________
Address: ______________________________
City, State ZIP: _________________________
Phone: _______________________________
Date & Reason Last Seen: _________________
Current Medications (prescription and over-the-counter)
Name: ____________________________________
Dosage: ___________________________________
Frequency: _________________________________
Name: ____________________________________
Dosage: ___________________________________
Frequency: _________________________________
Name: ____________________________________
Dosage: ___________________________________
Frequency: _________________________________
Name: ____________________________________
Dosage: ___________________________________
Frequency: _________________________________
Name: ____________________________________
Dosage: ___________________________________
Frequency: _________________________________
Name: ____________________________________
Dosage: ___________________________________
Frequency: _________________________________
Name: ____________________________________
Dosage: ___________________________________
Frequency: _________________________________
Name: ____________________________________
Dosage: ___________________________________
Frequency: _________________________________
Name: ____________________________________
Dosage: ___________________________________
Frequency: _________________________________
Name: ____________________________________
Dosage: ___________________________________
Frequency: _________________________________
Your Information is Strictly Confidential
We protect your privacy by safeguarding your information. Mutual of
Omaha Insurance Company uses this information solely during the
application process for long-term care insurance and will not release
the information without your prior written authorization.
Long-Term Care Insurance underwritten by:
Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company
Mutual of Omaha Plaza
Omaha, NE 68175
Long-Term Care Ins urance
Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company
Connecting You
to What
Matters Most
You take care of your kids...because that’s
what parents do. But now that you’re getting
older, you don’t want to rely on your family for
help. You want to maintain your independence.
And you don’t want your kids to have the
responsibility of caring for you.
Your Family
Its where you raised your kids and where your
family still gathers for holidays. Your home is
where some of the best memories are made.
Its the place you feel most comfortable…
where you feel safe and secure. Its where you
belong and where you plan to stay.
Your Home
You’ve worked hard all your life...built a
comfortable retirement nest egg.
And throughout the years, you dreamed
about all the things you’d do someday.
Now that someday is drawing
near, you want to make sure
you have the money to turn your dreams
into reality.
Your Nest Egg
How Connections are Impacted
Did you know the need for long-term care has the potential to
derail your plans and impact your connections to the things that
matter most?
Long-term care isn’t medical care. Instead, it’s the kind of care
people need when they no longer can do all the things
they once did for themselves. Its help with activities like
bathing, dressing, shopping and cooking. As you get older,
there’s a chance you’ll need this type of help. And that has the
potential to:
Impact the time spent with your family when a spouse or
child must take on the role of caregiver
Loosen the connections you have to your home when
you can no longer manage there by yourself
Weaken the connection to your nest egg when the assets
you worked a lifetime to accumulate must be used to pay
for long-term care services
Stay Connected
Good news! There’s something that may help you stay connected
to all the things that matter…a long-term care insurance policy.
Planning for long-term care is an important part of your overall
plan for retirement. A long-term care insurance policy may
be used to help reduce the amount you pay out-of-pocket for
long-term care services. And that means you may be able to
strengthen your connections to family, home and nest egg by:
Supplementing the help you receive from family members
with professional caregiving services
Getting the long-term care services you need in the comfort
of your own home
Protecting your retirement assets from being depleted by
supplementing your out-of-pocket costs with the benefits
of a long-term care insurance policy
When you add long-term care insurance to your retirement plan,
you’re not only taking an important step toward a more secure
future…you’re strengthening the connections to the things that
matter most.
Long-Term Care insurance underwritten by:
Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company
Mutual of Omaha Plaza
Omaha, NE 68175
Policy form: ICC13-LTC13. This policy has exclusions, limitations, reductions and terms under which the policy may be continued in
force or discontinued. For costs and complete details of coverage, call your agent/producer or write to the company.
This is a solicitation of insurance. An insurance agent/producer may contact you by telephone to provide additional information.
Your Family
Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company
They Mean the World to You
You love spending time with your family and cherish the
close relationships you share. You know they would do
anything for you...including stepping in to help if you
had trouble with life’s everyday activities. But taking
on the role of caregiver isnt as easy as it might seem.
After all, your spouse may be working or may not be
physically able to take care of you. And your kids have
busy lives, complete with family and work obligations of
their own. Besides, the last thing you want is to rely on
your family for help.
When You Need a Caregiver
As people age, its not uncommon to need help with
activities like shopping, meal preparation, housework
and laundry. Some people need help managing money
or taking medications properly. Others need help with
personal services, like bathing, dressing or using the
bathroom. Have you thought about who might be able to
help you? You know your family cares about you…but do
you want them to have to care for you?
There are a variety of professional services available
to provide the help you may need someday. Many are
available so you don’t even have to leave your home.
But it can be costly. Based on national average costs,
you might expect to pay $154 per day for a home health
aide. That could add up to nearly $37,000 per year.*
The cost of long-term care services differs greatly
depending on where you live. Your Mutual of Omaha
insurance agent/producer can show you the average
costs in your area.
Reality Check
If you need help someday:
Will you be able to stay in your home?
Do family members live close enough to stop
in frequently?
Would you be able to move in with one of
your children?
Do you have funds available to hire professional
home care services?
Keeping Connections Strong
A long-term care insurance policy may help your family
connections remain strong. It provides benefits for
covered long-term care services. And that means you’ll
be able to supplement the help you receive from family
members with professional caregiving services.
Long-term care insurance is underwritten by Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company. Mutual of Omaha Plaza, Omaha, NE 68175,
1-800-775-6000. Policy form: ICC13-LTC13. This policy has exclusions, limitations, reductions and terms under which the policy
may be continued in force or discontinued. For costs and complete details of coverage, call your agent/producer or write to the company.
This is a solicitation of insurance. An insurance agent/producer may contact you by telephone to provide additional information.
*Source: Mutual of Omaha’s Cost-of-Care Survey conducted by Univita, 2012
Connecting You
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Matters Most
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Long-Term Care Insurance
Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company
Three Things You Should Know
Long-Term Care insurance underwritten by:
Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company
Mutual of Omaha Plaza
Omaha, NE 68175
mutualofomaha.c om
Policy form: ICC13-LTC13. This policy has exclusions, limitations, reductions
and terms under which the policy may be continued in force or discontinued.
For costs and complete details of coverage, call your agent/producer or write to
the company.
This is a solicitation of insurance. An insurance agent/producer may contact you
by telephone to provide additional information.
Whether its your family, your home or your retirement nest egg, a long-term
care insurance policy from Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company may be
the solution to keeping connections strong by providing benefits to help
you pay for long-term care services.
1. How Long-Term Care Insurance Works
A long-term care insurance policy is designed to help you pay for the
long-term care services you need by providing benefits to cover a portion
of the cost.
Covered Services
Our long-term care insurance policies cover services provided in a variety
of settings. Since many people prefer to get the care they need at home,
our policies are designed to help you remain there for as long as possible.
Covered services include:
Personal care services to assist you with everyday activities
Homemaker services to help with grocery shopping, meal preparation
and housekeeping
Professional services of a registered nurse, home health aide
or therapist
Should you need more care, our policies also provide benefits for
assisted living, nursing home and hospice care.
Eligibility to Receive Benefits
You’re eligible to receive policy benefits when a licensed health-care
practitioner submits a plan of care that certifies you are chronically ill. That
means you need help with at least two of the six activities of daily living
for at least 90 consecutive days. These activities include bathing, dressing,
eating, transferring, toileting and continence. You also are eligible for benefits
if a health-care practitioner certifies you need continual supervision due to a
severe cognitive impairment.
How Benefits are Paid
You can choose to receive policy benefits one of two ways – cash or
If you elect cash, you receive a percentage of the policys home
health care benefit, up to a specified amount each month. There’s no
elimination period to satisfy. Cash is available beginning on the first day
of qualified need and can be used to pay any cost associated with your
long-term care expenses
If you elect reimbursement, benefits will begin after you satisfy the
policys elimination period. You will be reimbursed for actual covered
long-term care expenses you incur each month, up to the maximum
monthly benefit of the policy
As long as you remain eligible for benefits, your policy will continue to pay
until your current policy limit is reached.
Care Coordinator Services
Our policies offer the optional services of a care coordinator – a licensed
health care professional who can assess your needs, develop an
individualized plan of care and help you arrange for long-term care services.
There’s no elimination period to satisfy when using these services, which
means you have immediate access to a care coordinator.
2. How to Develop a Policy thats Right for You
A long-term care insurance policy can be tailored to meet your specific
situation. Your agent/producer will help you evaluate your needs and
recommend a policy thats right for you.
Assessing Your Needs
In order to make an appropriate recommendation, your agent will ask you
about your family, your lifestyle, your health, your assets, and your plans for
the future.
Making Basic Decisions
There are several decisions to make when purchasing a long-term care
policy. First, you should consider how much you will be able to share in the
cost of your care. Then, your agent/producer will help you understand policy
options and select those that are appropriate for you, including:
Policy limit – the maximum dollar amount available in benefits during
the life of the policy
Maximum monthly benefit – the highest dollar amount payable in a
month for all covered services
Elimination period – the initial number of calendar days you must
be chronically ill before benefits begin. The elimination period
begins on the first day you are chronically ill and receive a covered
long-term care service
Inflation protection – a percentage by which your benefit amounts
will increase each year to help keep pace with inflation
Adding Optional Benefits
Your agent/producer will explain the many optional benefits that can
be added to your policy at an additional cost.
Saving on Premium
Your agent/producer also will make sure you get all the allowances
you’re eligible to receive to help keep your premium as low as
possible. You may qualify for one or more premium allowances.
3. How to Select the Right Company
When you’re considering a long-term care insurance policy, its
important to select a company that is strong, stable and financially
secure. Mutual of Omaha has a long history in the insurance industry;
we’ve been paying claims to our policyholders since 1909. In addition,
we continually earn high marks from the leading industry rating
organizations for our overall financial strength and ability to meet
ongoing obligations to our policyholders.
So, when you’re looking for the right insurance company, consider
this: Mutual of Omaha’s longevity, financial strength and experience
helping people like you plan for their long-term care needs means you
can count on us to be here when you need us.
Connecting You
to What Matters Most
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Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company
Long-Term Care Insurance
Tax Advantages for Business Owners and Employees
Depending on the tax-structure of your business, there may be significant tax savings when you use business
dollars to purchase long-term care insurance. Additionally, your employees may enjoy tax savings on a long-
term care insurance policy purchased under a company-sponsored program.
Premiums may be tax-deductible
Under current tax laws, you and your employees may be able to deduct either the actual premium or
eligible premium paid on a tax-qualified long-term care insurance policy.
Actual premium is the actual amount paid for a long-term care insurance policy
Eligible premium is an amount determined annually by the federal government
Policy benefits may be tax-free
Benefits paid by a tax-qualified long-term care insurance policy are intended to be tax-free as long as they
do not exceed the greater of qualified long-term care daily expenses or the per-day limitation, which is $320
in 2013.
Source: Section 7702B of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC)
The Tax Advantages of Long-Term Care Insurance
For Your
Self-Employed Business Owners
(Sole Proprietor, Partnership,
LLC, S Corporation)
Eligible premium may be tax
deductible when the business
purchases long-term care
insurance policies for:
• Owner
• Spouse
• Dependents
Actual premium may be tax
deductible when the business
purchases long-term care
insurance for:
• Employees
Owners of C Corporations
Actual premium may be tax
deductible when the business
purchases long-term care
insurance policies for:
• Owner/employee
• Spouse
• Dependents
• Employees
For Your
Eligible premium may be tax deductible when an employee
purchases his or her own long-term care insurance policy.
Long-term care insurance premium may be included as a medical
expense as the employee’s combined medical expenses exceed
10 percent of adjusted gross income and deductions are itemized
on his or her income tax return (7.5 percent for those 65 and over
through 2016).
The information provided is not intended to be tax advice. Consult your tax advisor to determine the
tax benefits for your business.
Eligible Premium
Guidelines for 2013
At age: You can
40 and
41-50 $680
51-60 $1,360
61-70 $3,640
71 and older $4,550
Source: IRS Revenue Procedure
Eligible premiums are established
annually based on the medical
care components of the Consumer
Price Index.
Long-term care insurance is underwritten by Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company, Mutual of Omaha Plaza, Omaha, NE
68175, 1-800-775-6000. Policy form: ICC13-LTC13. This policy has exclusions, limitations, reductions and terms under
which the policy may be continued in force or discontinued. For costs and complete details of coverage, call your agent/
producer or write to the company.
This is a solicitation of insurance. You may be contacted by telephone by an insurance agent/producer.