Grade 7 Elective Offerings 2022-2023
Advanced course: Students must pass the previous course/prerequisite indicated before enrolling.
Decisions regarding elective offerings are subject to change based on student interest & staff availability. Students whose
teacher(s), assessments and/or individual plan indicate the need for extra support may be placed in an intervention class,
such as Curriculum Assistance, ESL, math or reading intervention courses, instead of electives. 3/1/2022
LAST NAME_________________________FIRST NAME____________________ STUDENT ID #_______________
Increase your chances of getting the electives you want by completing this simple form:
1) Indicate if you prefer to take the Health and Physical Education Course requirement for one semester or for
the entire school year (consider scheduling space remaining for other electives).
2) Indicate 3 “P” Primary electives and 3 “A” Alternates from this list.
3) Use this completed handout as a guide to register for your classes.
Health & Physical
This course is required for all students. Students have the option to request Year-long
PE (2 semester-long classes remain open for electives) or semester-long PE (3 semester
long classes remain open for electives). Students are required to indicate 3 “P”s and 3
“A”s no matter which Health & PE they choose.
Animal Science This introduction to the animal kingdom emphasizes hands-on learning through a variety of
classroom and outdoor experiences. After students learn how to care for captive animals in general, they pick a
classroom animal to hold, study and complete a research project. Students then study vertebrate classes. Outdoor
activities include dip netting, wildlife observations, and a turtle mark-and-recapture study.
*Animal Science Advanced (Prerequisite: Animal Science) This course continues the study of
the animal kingdom with an emphasis on hands-on learning through a variety of classroom and outdoor experiences.
Olympics of Science and Math This course enables students to apply science and mathematics concepts
and principles in innovative situations that enhance problem-solving skills. Independent and group projects are
completed under the guidelines of the National Science Olympiad. Students may have the opportunity to compete
in local, regional, state, and national Science Olympiad competitions.
Spanish Beginning less than 1 Year This course begins the study of the Spanish language and culture.
Major topics include greetings, conversation questions, telling time, classroom objects, asking for help, the parts of
the body, infinitive verbs, expressing likes and dislikes definite and indefinite articles, adjectives subject pronouns,
the present tense of-ar verbs, and the plurals of nouns and articles.
*Spanish Beginning 1 Year (Prerequisite: Spanish Beginning less than 1 Year)
Students will learn the foundations of vocabulary and structures to communicate in simple, memorized
sentences related to basic necessary skills in Spanish. Classes are conducted primarily in Spanish with a
strong focus on comprehensible input at a level appropriate for novice learners. Activities focus on students’
abilities to perform in the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes of communication.
Beginning Band (year-long course)
Instrument Preference: _____________________
*Intermediate Band (year-long course) (Prerequisites: Beginning Band)
Instrument Preference: ______________________
Visual Arts Exploratory This course introduces students to the elements of art through a variety of
media that may include drawing, painting, printmaking, mixed media, pottery, and weaving. Application of
Grade 7 Elective Offerings 2022-2023
Advanced course: Students must pass the previous course/prerequisite indicated before enrolling.
Decisions regarding elective offerings are subject to change based on student interest & staff availability. Students whose
teacher(s), assessments and/or individual plan indicate the need for extra support may be placed in an intervention class,
such as Curriculum Assistance, ESL, math or reading intervention courses, instead of electives. 3/1/2022
these elements to the students’ own original artwork is the major emphasis while being introduced to art
history and critical analysis of master work as well as their own.
Visual Composition Students will engage in deep study of the elements and principles of art
centered on the curriculum set forth in the North Carolina Essential Standards for Visual Art. Two and
three-dimensional techniques will be taught using a variety of media. Students explore various cultures, art
history and learn to think and write critically about master work as well as about their own.
Drawing Students are taught drawing techniques using various media. They work with line, value, and
basic perspective. In addition, students will learn to think and write critically about master work as well as
about their own.
Pottery / Sculpture Students will create their own work with a wide variety of media such as paper,
wood, clay, plaster, paper mâché, or fabric. Students explore various cultures, art history and learn to think
and write critically about master work as well as about their own.
CTE Courses are two 9-week courses that are combined to make one semester elective course.
Digital Literacy (combined with Keyboarding and Basic Word Processing)
These combined CTE courses are designed to allow students to learn the touch method of keyboarding, digital
literacy, computer knowledge, basic word processing and document formatting skills. English language arts and
mathematics are reinforced. Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) competitive events, community
service, and leadership activities provide the opportunity to apply essential standards and workplace readiness
skills through authentic experiences.
*Introduction to Office Productivity (combined with Office Productivity
(Prerequisite: Digital Literacy) These middle school courses are composed of instructional modules
designed to allow students to learn the touch method of keyboarding, digital literacy, computer knowledge,
basic word processing and document formatting skills.
*Exploring Business and Entrepreneurship (combined with Exploring Business
Procedures and Leadership)
(Prerequisite: Digital Literacy) Students will be introduced to the principles of business and the concepts of
entrepreneurship. They will learn life-long career success building skills like business etiquette, ethics, and how
to seek, gain and maintain employment. Students will learn the procedures and requirements for starting and
running a business.
Computer Science Discoveries I (combined with Computer Science Discoveries II)
combine to form a course that empowers students to create authentic artifacts and engage with computer
science as a medium for creativity, communication, problem solving, and fun. This course covers topics such as
programming, physical computing, HTML/CSS, and data. The course inspires students as they build their own
websites, apps, games, and physical computing devices.
Minecraft Coding Program: This is a semester course. Using the Minecraft platform, students will
gain the skill of designing and developing algorithms. Students will also learn how to predict the outcome of
running a series of statements; apply and understand the concept of iteration and selection. Finally, students
will understand how to debug and resolve problems in algorithms
Grade 7 Elective Offerings 2022-2023
Advanced course: Students must pass the previous course/prerequisite indicated before enrolling.
Decisions regarding elective offerings are subject to change based on student interest & staff availability. Students whose
teacher(s), assessments and/or individual plan indicate the need for extra support may be placed in an intervention class,
such as Curriculum Assistance, ESL, math or reading intervention courses, instead of electives. 3/1/2022
Exploring Nutrition and Wellness (combined with Exploring Childcare) These
combined CTE courses explore basic Family and Consumer Sciences foundations and skill
sets including interpersonal relationships, nutrition and wellness, child development and education. Students
are eligible to receive the American Red Cross® Babysitter certification
Exploring Apparel & Interior Design (combined with Exploring Personal
Finance and Hospitality) This middle school course is composed of instructional modules designed to
provide instruction on basic Family and Consumer Sciences foundation and skills. The following modules are
included: personal finance and resource management and apparel and interior design.
Exploring Engineering and Design (combined with Invention and Innovation)
These middle school courses focus on applying the design process in the invention or innovation of a new
product, process, or system. Through engaging activities and hands-on projects, students focus on
understanding how criteria, constraints, and processes affect designs.
*Design and Creativity (combined with Technology and Society) (Prerequisite:
Exploring Engineering and Design) In these middle school courses emphasis is placed on brainstorming,
visualizing, modeling, testing, and refining designs. Students develop skills in researching information,
communicating design information, and reporting results. Activities are structured to integrate physical and
social sciences, mathematics, English language arts, and art.
Bits & Bytes
Through hands-on, on-your-feet kinesthetic activities and investigations, students will
learn the foundations of computer science and computational thinking, including non-
linear problem solving, algorithms, artificial intelligence, image types, how humans
interface with computers, and more. This course will incorporate cooperative group work
and project-based learning to enhance the learning experience.
Technology has reached a point where it is changing almost moment by moment. At any
given time, a new technology emerges. This course will immerse you in the study of your
choice of emerging technologies, with your first task being the discovery of the
definition of exactly what an emergent technology is! This elective will also provide you
the basic knowledge to understand on what platform all technologies are built. More
importantly, this class will help you develop skills that you will need to be able to keep
up with a rapidly changing technological world!
Mechatronics I
Students will learn the fundamentals of robot operation and programming. This will
include the study of basic electrical concepts and components, sensors that provide data to
robots, and programming techniques to control robot behavior.
Students will expand their knowledge of electronic circuits and devices. They will learn
about the Arduino microcontroller, Raspberry Pi mini-computer, and how these devices
are used in robots, smart devices, and other applications. Students will gain experience
with different software that can be used with these devices. Students will also be
introduced to the Internet of Things. (Prerequisite: Mechatronics I)
Students will explore ways to use the Arduino microcontroller and Raspberry Pi mini
computer in more complex projects. Students will be introduced to biomedical
engineering and drone technology.
(Prerequisite: Mechatronics II)