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Rev. 07/19
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Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services
Information about the Application for Assistance
What kind of assistance does the Department of Children and Family Services
Economic Stability offer?
Family Independence Temporary Assistance Program (FITAP) Provides temporary cash
assistance to eligible low-income families who need assistance for children. FITAP recipients
also receive Medicaid benefits through the Louisiana Department of Health.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (formerly the Food Stamp Program)
Provides monthly benefits that help low-income households buy the food they need for good
Kinship Care Subsidy Program (KCSP) Provides cash assistance for eligible children who
reside with qualified relatives other than parents. KCSP recipients also receive Medicaid benefits
through the Louisiana Department of Health.
For more information about programs and services or for specific information about your case,
call 1-888-LAHELPU (1-888-524-3578).
How do you apply for assistance?
Complete the Application for Assistance, form OFS 4APP.
The Application for Assistance may be completed online and submitted electronically on the
DCFS website at www.dcfs.la.gov.
You may also apply online or pick up a paper application at one of your local community partners.
Return the completed form to any parish DCFS office, if a paper application is completed.
One form may be used to apply for the FITAP, SNAP, and KCSP.
You may file a separate application for SNAP. Whether you file a SNAP application (paper or
online) with another program or separately, your SNAP application will be processed according to
the same SNAP procedures, including timeliness, notice, and fair hearing requirements.
If you file an application for SNAP jointly with another program and are denied benefits from the
other program, you do not have to turn in another application for SNAP. You may not be denied
SNAP benefits just because you may not be eligible for benefits from another program.
We will determine your eligibility for all programs for which you apply.
You need to be interviewed if you are applying for FITAP, SNAP, or KCSP.
You need to provide verification to the parish DCFS office where you apply. Verification is
explained below.
If you are applying for:
Complete these pages
In Person
Department of Children and
Family Services ES
(225) 663-3164
CAFÉ’ Customer Portal
Any DCFS Office
Document Processing Center
P. O. Box 260031
Baton Rouge, LA 70826-9918
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Do you need help completing the application form?
You may ask someone to help you fill out the form, or
You may ask the worker during your interview to help you fill out the form.
What happens after we receive your application form?
You will be assigned a worker.
You will be interviewed, if you are applying for FITAP, SNAP, or KCSP. You may receive an
appointment letter for a telephone interview. You may request to have a face-to-face interview
instead of a telephone interview.
You will receive a list of verification that is required.
Your worker will determine your eligibility within 30 days from the date of application.
If you applied for FITAP, you may be required to participate in the Strategies to Empower People
(STEP) Program. The STEP Program provides opportunities for work-eligible FITAP families to
receive job training, employment, and supportive services to enable them to become self-
What will we do with the information that you provide?
Information you give us on your application form will be verified by federal, state, and local offices
including computer cross-matching with other agencies. Someone from our agency may contact
other people in order to verify your eligibility for benefits.
The alien status of household members is subject to verification through the United States
Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) and may affect eligibility and benefit amount.
You will not have to provide immigration status information or documents for any household
members who are not eligible because of immigration status and who are not asking for benefits.
If a member of your household does not wish to provide information about his/her citizenship or
immigration status, he or she will not be eligible for benefits. Other family or household members
may still receive benefits, if they are otherwise eligible. You can apply for and get benefits for
eligible household members even if your household includes other members who are not eligible
because of immigration status.
Why do we need your Social Security Number and are you required to provide it?
The collection of information requested on the application form, including Social Security
Numbers (SSNs) of household members, is voluntary and authorized under the Food and
Nutrition Act of 2008, (7 U.S.C. 2011-2036), as amended. Failure to provide required information
including SSNs or proof you have applied for an SSN for household members may result in that
person’s ineligibility for SNAP and cash assistance. You will not have to provide Social Security
Numbers for any household members who are not eligible because of immigration status and who
are not asking for benefits.
SSNs are used to:
o collect information from other sources,
o check identity of household members,
o determine whether your household is eligible, and
o prevent households from getting more benefits than they are entitled to receive.
SSNs are used in state and federal program reviews, audits, and computer-matching with other
agencies such as Louisiana Workforce Commission, Social Security Administration, Internal
Revenue Service, etc., through the State Income and Eligibility Verification System.
Under the Privacy Act of 1974(P.L. 93-579), SSNs may be released for various reasons including
those directly connected to the administration of the Child Support Enforcement Program.
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What type of verification do you need to provide?
Verification means proof of the information you report. The following table lists the information that
must be verified by each program and the examples of the proof that is required. Let your worker
know if you have any questions about what you must provide or if you need help in getting the proof.
It is our responsibility to help you get the proof that you need.
What Must be Verified and Examples of Proof
Identity driver’s license, work or school ID, ID for health benefits or
another social services program, voter’s registration card, check stub, or
birth certificate
Age/Relationship - birth certificate, baptismal certificate, or hospital
birth records of the person to be included. If not your own child, birth
records to prove how the child is related to you
Social Security Number - copy of the social security card or papers you
received at the hospital for a newborn. A Social Security number is not
required for any household member who is not eligible due to
immigration status.
Alien status - if not a U.S. citizen, forms or cards from USCIS that prove
the person is a legal alien (unless you choose not to apply for this
Wages - last 4 pay check stubs or employer’s statement for each person
who works
Self-employment - income tax returns, sales records, quarterly tax
records, personal wage record
Other income such as contributions, child support, alimony, Social
Security, SSI, VA, retirement checks, Unemployment Compensation
(UCB) - award letters, court orders, statements from contributors
Income that stopped within the last 2 months pink slip, termination
notice, or statement from former employer, termination notice or
statement from source of any income that ended
Medical expenses - receipts, pharmacy printouts for last 3 months,
doctor bills or other papers that show medical expenses for household
members who are disabled or over age 59
Child support payments made to someone outside your home -
court order or other legal papers and proof that you are making
payments such as cancelled checks or wage withholding statements
Immunization - shot, school, or doctor’s records
Custody - court order, other legal papers, or provisional custody by
Home - proof of who lives in the home; such as current school records,
landlord’s written statement or the name and phone number of two
people (not related to you) who know your situation
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Rights and Responsibilities
When you receive benefits from the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services, you have
certain rights and responsibilities that are explained below. Keep this important information for future
What are your rights?
This institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability,
age, sex and in some cases religion or political beliefs.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture also prohibits discrimination based on race, color, national origin,
sex, religious creed, disability, age, political beliefs or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity
in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information
(e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State
or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech
disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally,
program information may be made available in languages other than English.
To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint
Form, (AD 3027), found online at: https://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html and at any
USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information
requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992.
Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C.20250.9410
(202) 690-7442; or
For any other information dealing with Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) issues,
persons should either contact the USDA SNAP Hotline Number at (800) 221-5689, which is also in
Spanish or call the State Information/Hotline Numbers (click the link for a listing of hotline numbers by
State);found online at: https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/contact_info/hotlines.htm.
To file a complaint of discrimination regarding a program receiving Federal financial assistance
through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), write: HHS Director, Office for
Civil Rights, Room 515-F, 200 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C.20201 or call (202)
619-0403 (voice) or (800) 537-7697 (TTY).
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
You may file a civil rights complaint with the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) by
completing the Civil Rights Complaint Form. Turn the form in to a local office; mail it to DCFS Civil
Rights Section, P O Box 1887, Baton Rouge, LA 70821;email DCFS.BureauofCivilR[email protected],
or; call (225) 342-0309. You may file a civil rights complaint with DCFS and USDA or only DCFS.
A program complaint may be filed with the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) by
emailing LaHelpU.DC[email protected] or by calling 225-342-2342.
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Fair Hearing - If you do not agree with any decision made on your case, you have the right to
ask that your case be reviewed. You can tell us that you want a fair hearing in writing, in
person, or by calling the office. You have the right to look at your case record before the
Confidentiality All the information you give us is confidential. This means that we cannot
give information about your case to other people except under special conditions. Examples
of those conditions include official review by other State and Federal agencies or Federal,
State and private collection agencies for the collection of claims against SNAP benefits.
Information from your case may also be given to law enforcement officials for the purpose of
catching persons fleeing to avoid the law and for investigation of a felony or probation/parole
Voter Registration - If you are not registered to vote where you live now, you may indicate that
you would like to apply to register to vote on the Application for Assistance. Please note that
the information you give to the agency will remain confidential and will be used only for voter
registration purposes. Applying to register or refusing to register to vote will not affect the
amount of assistance or services that you may receive from the Department of Children and
Family Services. DCFS will assist you with completing a Louisiana Voter Registration
Application unless assistance is refused. You may fill out the application form in private.
What are your responsibilities?
Cooperation - You have to cooperate by providing the information we need to determine your
eligibility for benefits for you and others for whom you are applying. You also have to provide
proof of the information you report. You will be expected to cooperate if a home visit is
necessary to determine your eligibility. If your case is selected for a quality control review by
state or federal reviewers, you have to cooperate with them.
Report changes
If you receive SNAP benefits, you must report if:
o Your household’s monthly income increases to more than the gross income limit for your
household size. This includes reporting the income of a person who moves into your home
if that person’s income combined with your SNAP household’s income is more than the
gross income limit for your household.
o Your household includes an Able-Bodied Adult Without Dependent (ABAWD), you must
report changes in work hours of the ABAWD who is subject to the SNAP time limit if the
change results in the ABAWD working an average of less than 20 hours per week or less
than 80 hours per month.
o Your household receives lottery or gambling winnings of $3500 or more, won in a single
game before taxes or other withholdings.
These changes must be reported by the 10
of the month following the month in which the
change occurs.
In addition, if you are receiving:
o FITAP - You have to:
Follow the reporting requirements explained in your Family Success Agreement and
report these changes within 10 days of your knowledge of the change.
Report within 10 days if the only eligible child receiving FITAP benefits moves out of
your home.
o KCSP - You have to report within 10 days if the only eligible child receiving KCSP benefits
moves out of your home.
If you are not receiving SNAP benefits, and are receiving:
o FITAP or KCSP - You have to report within 10 days if:
There is a change in the source of any income received in your household. This
includes changes in employers and new sources of income such as child support,
Social Security, SSI, etc.
The amount of your household’s unearned income changes by more than $50 per
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The amount of your household’s earned income changes by more than $100 per
Someone moves into or out of your household.
You move.
o FITAP or KCSP - In addition to the changes listed above, you have to report within 10
days any changes in:
School attendance of any 18 year old in your household.
Marital status of anyone in your household.
Information on Non-Cash Services
Your household may be authorized to receive the following non-cash TANF/MOE funded services.
For additional information, please visit our website at www.dcfs.louisiana.gov or contact your local
DCFS Office.
Family Violence Prevention and Intervention Program - Provides services for victims of
domestic violence and their children. Services are limited to children and/or
parents/caretaker relatives who are victims of domestic violence. Call 1-888-411-1333.
Jobs for America’s Graduates LA (JAGS-LA) Program - Helps keep in school students
(age 12 through 21) at risk of failing who face at least two barriers to success which may
include economic, academic, personal, environmental, or work related barriers; assists out-
of-school youth in need of a high school education; provides an avenue for achieving
academically; and assists students in ultimately earning recognized credentials that will
make it possible for them to exit school and enter post-secondary education and/or the
workforce. Call 225-219-0368.
Nurse Family Partnership Program - Serves low-income, first-time mothers who are no
more than 28 weeks pregnant by providing nurse home visitation services beginning early
in pregnancy and continuing through the first two years of the child’s life. Call 504-219-
9520 or 337-898-6097.
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) - Enhances family stability by facilitating
links between the particular child/family and community resources/systems through trained,
qualified, and supervised advocates who provide skilled communication, necessary
transportation, efficient and thorough information gathering, and other services identified in
an individual case. Call 225-930-0305 and 1-888-567-2272.
Drug Court Programs - Combines both treatment and educational components with the
ability of a supervising judge to award incentives and sanctions based upon the
performance of the clients while in treatment. Treatment is community-based and drug court
participants are required to meet with the judge on a regular basis to review progress. Call
Alternatives to Abortion - Provides intervention services including crisis intervention,
counseling, mentoring, support services, and pre-natal care information, in addition to
information and referrals regarding healthy childbirth, adoption, and parenting to help
ensure healthy and full-term pregnancies as an alternative to abortion.
LA 4 Public Pre-Kindergarten Program - Provides high quality early childhood education
for low income 4-year-olds in participating public school districts and Charter schools.
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If you knowingly report incorrect information, your SNAP benefits or cash assistance may be denied,
reduced, or ended and you may be subject to criminal prosecution.
What penalties apply in SNAP?
If you do the following:
You will:
Hide information or give false information
Trade or sell SNAP benefits or EBT cards
Use SNAP benefits to buy ineligible items, which
includes alcohol, tobacco, hot food, and any food sold
for on-premises consumption. Nonfood items are also
not allowed.
Use someone else’s SNAP benefits
Pay for food purchased on credit with SNAP benefits
Lose your SNAP benefits for:
1 year for the first violation
2 years for the second violation
Permanently for the third violation
You may also be fined up to $250,000 or
imprisoned for up to 20 years or both.
Trade SNAP benefits for illegal drugs
Lose your SNAP benefits for:
2 years for the first violation
Permanently for the second violation
Trade SNAP benefits for firearms, ammunition, or
Trade, buy, or sell SNAP benefits of $500 or more
Lose your SNAP benefits
Give false information about who you are or where you
live in order to receive benefits in more than one case
at the same time
Lose your SNAP benefits for 10 years
What penalties apply in FITAP and KCSP?
If you do the following:
You will:
Hide information or give false information
Lose your benefits for:
1 year for the first violation
2 years for the second violation
Permanently for the third violation
You may also be fined up to $50,000 or
imprisoned for up to 20 years or both.
Use your EBT card:
in a liquor store,
in a gambling casino or gaming establishment,
in a retail establishment that provides adult
entertainment in which performers disrobe or
perform in an unclothed state for entertainment
at any adult bookstore, any adult paraphernalia
store, or any sexually oriented business,
at any tattoo, piercing, or commercial body art
at any nail salon,
at any jewelry store,
at any amusement or video arcade,
at any bail bonds company,
at any night club, bar, tavern, or saloon,
on any cruise ship,
at any psychic business; or
at any establishment where persons under age 18
are not permitted, or
at an ATM in any of these establishments.
Lose your benefits for:
1 year for the first violation
2 years for the second violation
Permanently for the third violation
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Use your EBT card:
at any retailer for the purchase of an alcoholic
at any retailer for the purchase of tobacco products,
at any retailer for the purchase of lottery tickets,
at any retailer for the purchase of jewelry.
Give false information about where you live in order to
receive benefits in two or more states at the same time
Lose your benefits for 10 years
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Louisiana Department of Children and
Family Services
Date Received
Application for Assistance
Assigned to
Is an EBT card needed? Yes No
Check only those programs for which you are applying:
Family Independence Temporary Assistance Program (FITAP)
Kinship Care Subsidy Program (KCSP)
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (formerly the Food Stamp Program)
You can begin to apply and establish your application date by filling in your name, address and signature below
and give this form to us today. It will help us to process your application faster if you also give us a telephone
number where you can be reached during the day and provide a copy of a photo ID or other proof of identity.
Can you read and understand English? (¿Puede leer usted y poder comprender ingles?) Yes (Sí ) No
If No, what language can you read and understand? (¿Si no, qué idioma le puede lee y comprende?)
(Last Name)
(First Name)
(Middle Name)
Social Security Number
Street or Rural Route
Apt. or Lot#
City and State
Zip Code
Mailing Address if different from above:
I certify under penalty of perjury, the truth of the information contained in this application, including the information concerning
citizenship and alien status of the members applying for benefits.
Your Signature
What if you need SNAP benefits right away?
We may be able to get SNAP benefits to you within 7 days of the date you apply if you qualify. You may qualify if:
The total amount of money you have received or expect to receive this month is less than $150 and you
have $100 or less in liquid resources such as cash, savings or checking accounts; or
Your household’s rent/mortgage and utilities are more than your total income and resources; or
Your household includes migrant or seasonal farm workers.
If any of the above describes your household, answer the following questions:
What is the total amount of money that your household will receive this month?
Include money from all sources such as earned income, contributions, Social
Security, SSI, VA, etc.
How much money does your household have in liquid resources? Include cash on
hand, checking accounts, savings accounts, etc.
How much is your household’s monthly rent or mortgage?
Do you pay for utilities, such as electricity, gas, water, etc.?
Yes No
Do you pay utility costs for heating or air conditioning?
Yes No
Do you pay telephone expenses?
Yes No
Is anyone in your household a migrant or seasonal farm worker?
Yes No
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Office Use Only
Is #1 less than $150? Yes No
Is #2 less than $101? Yes No
If yes to both, Expedite. If no, consider shelter costs.
Is B greater than A? Yes No
If yes, Expedite. If no, consider migrant or seasonal farm worker status.
Utility Standard*
Is anyone in the household a migrant or seasonal farm worker?
Yes No
Is #2 less than $101? Yes No
If yes to both, Expedite. If no, the case is not expedited.
*If, on the reverse side, the answer to:
#4 is Yes and #5 is No, use BUA.
#5 is Yes, use SUA
#6 is Yes and #4 and #5 are No, use
Expedited: Yes No If yes, enter “Expedited Date” on CP CA screen of LAMI.
Due Date*:
*The case must be certified and the client must have their EBT card in sufficient time to be able to use their
SNAP benefits by the 6th calendar day after the date of application. If the 6th calendar day falls on a weekend or
holiday, the due date becomes the previous workday.
Expedited status determined by:
Signature of Agency Representative
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A. Tell Us About You
This information is requested solely for the purpose of determining DCFS compliance with
Federal civil rights laws. Your response will not affect consideration of your application and may
be protected by the Privacy Act. The information is being collected to assure that program
benefits are distributed without regard to race, color, or national origin.
Do you need a new Louisiana Purchase Card? Yes No
First Name
Middle Initial
Last Name
Maiden or Other Name
Mailing Address
Apt/Lot No.
State Zip Code
Home Address (If different from mailing)
Apt/Lot No.
State Zip Code
( )
( )
( )
Home Telephone Number
Cell Telephone Number
Work or Other Telephone Number
Social Security Number
Parish of Residence
Date of Birth
E-mail Address
Sex: Male Female
Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino? Yes No
Highest grade level
completed in school?
Marital Status:
Racial Heritage (check all that apply):
Yes No
Native Hawaiian/
U.S. Citizen?
Yes No
Pacific Islander
If no, do you have
American Indian/
immigration papers?
Yes No
Never Married
Alaskan Native
Date of entry in U.S.:
Black or African American
Would you like a copy of your application?
Yes No
If yes, what format would you like the copy of your application?
B. Tell Us If You Have An Authorized Representative
An Authorized Representative is someone you allow us to talk with about your SNAP Program benefits. You can
name someone, but it is not required.
Would you like to have an Authorized Representative? Yes No
If yes, tell us about your Authorized Representative.
( )
Name of Authorized Representative Relationship to Applicant
Telephone Number
Zip Code
For Office Use Only
Rights and Responsibilities discussed with applicant? Yes No
Reporting requirements explained to applicant? Yes No
Is an EBT card needed? Yes No
Is there an authorized representative? Yes No
Identity verified by: Driver’s License Identification card Other
Residency verified by:
Marital status verified by:
Reason for application:
FITAP/KCSP explained? Yes No Client selected: FITAP KCSP
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C. Tell Us About The Other People In Your Household Do Not Include Yourself
List everyone else who lives in your household, even if you are not applying for them. This information is
requested solely for the purpose of determining DCFS compliance with Federal civil rights laws. Your response will
not affect consideration of your application and may be protected by the Privacy Act. The information is being
collected to assure that program benefits are distributed without regard to race, color, or national origin.
Don't miss out on No Cost Health Insurance. If you answer the question below, we will share what you entered
on this application with the Louisiana Department of Health (LDH). LDH will sign up anyone who qualifies and send
you a letter with more information about the Medicaid program. Children and adults (under age 65 without
Medicare) may qualify.
Yes, please share my information with LDH so I do not need to complete another application.
No, please do not share my information. Do not help me get Medicaid.
Household Members (Enter Name)
to you
Level *
Code **
Last First MI
Complete these sections only for those who need benefits
**Race: (You may select more than one race)
AN = Alaskan Native WH = White BL = Black or African American
Y = Hispanic or Latino
AI = American Indian AS = Asian PI = Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
N = Not Hispanic or Latino
*ED Level: List highest grade completed or GED/college
If you need more space for additional household members, you can write the information on plain paper or ask for
an “Additional Household Members Form.
If anyone for whom you are applying is not a U. S. citizen, your worker will complete an Alien Addendum and
Checklist with you during your interview for those for whom you are applying.
For Office Use Only
Household composition: person household
Are all members linked on LAMI? Yes No
Enumeration verified by:
Age and relationship verified by:
Document CR 5
Citizenship: Are all household members U.S. citizens? Yes No
If no, complete Alien Addendum and Alien Checklist for all aliens who the household is applying for benefits.
Names of aliens who have opted out of applying for benefits due to immigration status.
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D. Tell Us About Your Household
For Office Use Only
Please answer the following questions for yourself and everyone else in your
Are you or anyone in your household a fleeing felon?
Yes No
Are you or anyone in your household in violation of
their probation or parole?
Yes No
Have you or anyone in your household been
convicted as an adult for a felony that occurred after
February 7, 2014, for one of the following crimes?
Yes No
Aggravated sexual abuse under section 2241 of title 18, U.S.C.; Murder
under section 1111 of title 18, U.S.C.; Sexual exploitation and other
abuse of children under chapter 110 of title 18, U.S.C.; A Federal or
State offense involving sexual assault, as defined in section 40002(a) of
the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (42 U.S.C. 13925(a)); An
offense under State law determined by the Attorney General to be
substantially similar to an offense listed above.
If yes, who?
Is this person in compliance with terms of their
Yes No
Have you or anyone in your household been
disqualified or had their benefits reduced or stopped
for breaking the rules of SNAP, FITAP, KCSP, or
Yes No
4. If yes, complete supplement.
Do you or anyone in your household have a
Yes No
5. If yes, complete supplement.
Does anyone in your household attend high school,
college, vocational or technical school?
Yes No
6. If yes, is anyone attending an
institution of higher education?
Yes No
If yes, complete the following for each student:
If yes, complete supplement.
Eligible student
Ineligible student
Name of Student
Name of School and Program of study
How many hours does the student attend school each week?
Is this considered full or part-time? Full-time Part-time
Eligible student
Ineligible student
Name of Student
Name of School and Program of study
How many hours does the student attend school each week?
Is this considered full or part-time? Full-time Part-time
Do you usually buy food and prepare your meals with
Yes No
everyone who lives with you?
If no, who buys and prepares their food
Have you or anyone in your household received cash
Yes No
assistance or SNAP benefits in Louisiana or from
another state?
a. If yes, who?
b. When?
c. What state(s)?
Do you or anyone in your household have an
9. If yes, what type?
application pending for any benefits that you are not
receiving yet?
Yes No
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E. Tell Us About Your Household’s Work
For Office Use Only
Tell us about any money received by you or anyone in your household for work
including full-time, part-time, temporary, or seasonal jobs, self-employment,
training, military reserve pay, or work study. This includes money received
from wages, salaries, tips, or commissions.
Do you or anyone in your household work?
Yes No
Complete the following information for each person who works for an
employer. If anyone works for more than one employer, complete a separate
block for each employer. Use plain paper if you need more space.
Person Who Works For An Employer
Use OFS 3
Start Date
Verified by:
Employer’s Name
Phone #
How often paid?
Every two weeks
Twice monthly
Are reimbursements received?
Yes No
# of hours worked per week
Hourly wage
# of days worked per week
Do you ever work overtime?
Yes No
Is commission earned?
Yes No
If yes, how much?
How often?
Is this piecework?
Yes No
Rate per piece?
If yes, how often?
How many hours?
Are tips earned?
Yes No
If yes, how much?
How often?
Is this Work Study?
Yes No
Person Who Works For An Employer
Start Date
Use OFS 3
Employer’s Name
Phone #
Verified by:
How often paid?
Every two weeks
Twice monthly
Are reimbursements received?
Yes No
# of hours worked per week
Hourly wage
# of days worked per week
Do you ever work overtime?
Yes No
Is commission earned?
Yes No
If yes, how much?
How often?
Is this piecework?
Yes No
Rate per piece?
If yes, how often?
How many hours?
Are tips earned?
Yes No
If yes, how much?
How often?
Is this Work Study?
Yes No
Is anyone on strike?
Yes No
Has anyone in your household (including you)
stopped working in the last 60 days?
Yes No
5. If yes, complete supplement.
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Complete the following information for each person who is self-employed. This
includes fishermen, child care providers, hair dressers, and people who do odd
jobs such as cutting grass, picking up cans, etc. Use plain paper if you need
more space.
For Office Use Only
Persons Who Are Self-Employed
6. Verified by:
Prior year’s income tax
Accountant or
Type of Business
Type of Business
bookkeeper records
Personal business
Monthly Business Income
Monthly Business Income
Monthly Business Expenses
Monthly Business Expenses
# Hours Worked Per Week
# Hours Worked Per Week
Is anyone in your household (including you) looking
for work?
Yes No
7. If yes, complete supplement.
Is anyone in your household a migrant or seasonal
farm worker?
Yes No
Do you or anyone in your household rent a room?
Yes No
Do you or anyone in your household pay someone
else in your home for meals?
Yes No
F. Tell Us About Other Income
Do you or anyone in your household receive money from a source other
than work? Yes No If yes, check each type of income.
Annuity Income
Child Support Income
Social Security
Contributions From
Disability Insurance Benefits
Energy Check
Spousal Support/Alimony
Interest Income
Tribal Money
Training Allowance (WIOA)
Military Allotment
Trust Income
Oil Lease/Royalties
Unemployment Benefits
Railroad Benefits
Veterans Benefits
Rental Income
Workers Compensation
Retirement Pension
For Office Use Only
WR Code
Reason For Exemption
WR Code
Reason For Exemption
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For each box checked in #1 of this section on page 5, complete the
following information. Include any money you expect to receive in the
next 30 days.
For Office Use Only
Type Of
How Often
Monthly, etc)
Do You Expect
This Income To
Yes No
Verified by:
If yes, when?
Yes No
If yes, when?
Yes No
If yes, when?
Yes No
If yes, when?
Is someone court-ordered to pay child support to you
or anyone in your household?
Yes No
3. If yes, complete supplement.
Do you or anyone in your household receive any
money from a child’s parent who is not court-ordered
to pay?
Yes No
4. If yes, complete supplement.
G. Tell Us About Your Expenses
Living Arrangement
In order to receive the most benefits possible, you need to tell us about your
household expenses. Failure to report any of the expenses listed below will be
seen as a statement by your household that you do not want to receive a
deduction for the unreported expense.
Public housing
HUD or Section 8 subsidy
Other subsidy
No rent subsidy
Check each type of housing expense that you or anyone in your
household has.
Mortgage(s), (if buying)
Are insurance and property taxes
included in the mortgage
payment? Yes No
Are any of these bills past due?
Yes No
Lot Rent
Homeowner’s Insurance
Flood Insurance
Property Tax
Condominium Fees
For each box checked in #1 of this section, complete the following
Type Of Housing
Name and Phone Number of
Person or Company Paid
How Often Paid
(Weekly, Monthly,
Indicate how each expense was
Eligible for: SUA
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Do you pay housing expenses for a home you are no
longer living in but plan to return to?
Yes No
For Office Use Only
Is your household responsible for paying a utility bill
for using a heater or air conditioner?
Yes No
Does anyone help you pay your housing expenses?
Yes No
5. If yes, complete supplement.
Do you receive energy assistance?
Yes No
If yes, is the assistance through the Low-Income
Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)?
Yes No
Is any of the rent you pay used to pay utilities?
Yes No
Do you or anyone in your household pay someone to
care for a child, or an adult who is elderly or disabled,
so that you or a household member can work, attend
training or school, or look for work?
Yes No
1. If yes, complete the OFS 4DC-
Dependent Care Expense
Certified for CCAP?
Yes No
If yes, complete the following information.
Paid For Whom
Name And Telephone
Number Of Person Paid
How Often Paid
Monthly, Etc.)
What is co-payment amount?
Does anyone in your household pay court-ordered child
Yes No
Court-ordered child support
If yes, complete the following information.
Who Pays
Paid to Whom
How Often Paid
(Weekly, Monthly,
We can allow a medical deduction in your SNAP case for each household
member who has a disability or is over the age of 59. A deduction may be given
for medical expenses that are more than $35.00 per month.
Is there anyone in your household who has a disability
or is over the age of 59?
Yes No
If yes, answer the questions in this section.
If no, skip to the Household Resources section on the
next page.
Does this person have to pay medical expenses?
Yes No
If yes, do you want to verify these expenses so
that you can receive a medical deduction?
Yes No
Medical expenses:
Use form SNAP 1MW
Check each medical expense that this person has.
Dental Bills
Prescribed Medicine
Hospital Bills
Prescription Drug Plan
Health Insurance Or
Medicare Premiums
Nursing Home
Medical Appliances
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For each box checked in # 2 on page 7, complete the following information.
For Office Use Only
Type of Expense
How Often Paid
(Weekly, Monthly,
Medical Transportation Expense is money spent for trips to the doctor, hospital,
drug store, etc. This includes miles driven in your own vehicle.
Does any elderly or disabled person listed on previous
page have medical transportation costs?
Yes No
Does this person use their own vehicle or a
household member’s vehicle?
Yes No
If yes, complete the following information.
Name Of Person
List All Places Visited
For Medical Purposes
(Ex. Doctors, Drug
Store, Hospital, Etc.)
# Of Miles
Number Of
Visits Per Month
Does this person pay someone other than a
household member for medical transportation?
Yes No
If yes, complete the following information.
Name Of Person
Who Is Paid
Where Does
This Person
Does This
Pay Per
How Many Trips
Does This
Person Pay For
Each Month
If you need more space, you can write the information on plain paper.
Will you or anyone in your household be reimbursed for
any of the medical expenses listed above?
Yes No
5. If yes, complete supplement.
Does anyone help pay the medical expenses?
Yes No
6. If yes, complete supplement.
When management is
questionable, use form OFS
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H. Tell Us About Your Household’s Resources
For Office Use Only
Resources include cash, money in the bank, Certificates of Deposit, stocks, and
bonds. Resources do not include personal property such as jewelry, furniture,
electrical equipment, or clothing.
Check each resource listed below that you or anyone in your household has.
Bank/Credit Union Account
Cash On Hand
Certificate Of Deposit (CD)
Bank/Credit Union Account
Money Market Account
Mutual Funds
Joint Account
Savings Bond
For each box checked above, complete the following information.
In Whose Name Is The
Resource Listed
Type Of
Is It
Where Is The Resource (Include
Name Of Bank Or Company,
Where Money Is Held, Address
Of Property, Etc.)
Are liquid resources $1500 or
less? Yes No
Have you or anyone in your household received a
Federal tax refund in the last twelve months?
Yes No
3. If yes, complete supplement.
Have you or anyone in your household received or
do you or anyone in your household expect to receive
a lump sum of money?
Yes No
4. If yes, complete supplement.
Countable lump sum
Non-countable lump sum
Does your name or the name of anyone in your
household appear on a bank/credit union account with
someone else?
Yes No
How was this verified?
Client statement
Bank statement
If yes, whose names are on the account?
Why is this name on the account?
Does someone else make deposits into this
Yes No
If yes, who and how much per month?
Have you or anyone in your household sold, traded,
given away, or transferred a resource in the last three
Yes No
6. If yes, complete supplement.
For Office Use Only
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For Office Use Only
Are you applying for FITAP or KCSP?
Yes No
If yes, complete this page. If no, skip to page 12.
Do you or anyone in your household need to get away from an
2. If yes, issue Flyer DV
abusive situation?
Yes No
Are immunizations current on all children?
Yes No
3. Verification:
If no, who?
Are you or anyone in your household pregnant?
Yes No
If yes, who?
Due date:
Can you or anyone in your household get health
5. If yes, provide BHSF Flyer
insurance through an employer?
Yes No
Please complete the following information for two people who are not
*Note: If client checked “Yes” for
#5 on page 3, complete OFS 90
or OFS 90L.
related to you who can verify your household situation.
Phone Number
If you are not the parent of the child(ren) for whom
7. Custody verified by:
you are applying, do you have custody?
Yes No
If yes, complete the following information.
Children For Whom You Have
Type Of Custody
Effective Date Of
A non-custodial parent is a parent who does not live in the home with his/her child. Tell us about the non-
custodial parent(s) of each child living in your home. This includes both mother and father if you are not the
parent of the child(ren). If a child’s biological father and legal father are not the same person, give the requested
information for both fathers. Use plain paper if you need more space.
Non-Custodial Parent Information
Social Security Number
Date of Birth
Street Address
Phone Number
Name(s) of Children
Parental Relationship (relationship of children’s parents):
Never Married
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Non-Custodial Parent Information
Social Security Number
Date of Birth
Street Address
Phone Number
Name(s) of Children
Parental Relationship (relationship of children’s parents):
Never Married
Non-Custodial Parent Information
Social Security Number
Date of Birth
Street Address
Phone Number
Name(s) of Children
Parental Relationship (relationship of children’s parents):
Never Married
For Office Use Only
Living in the home with qualified relative? Yes No
Verified by:
Landlord statement
School records
NCP: Complete form 4NCP and 4NCP Supplement, if applicable:
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Read Carefully And Sign Below
I certify under penalty of perjury that the information I have given on this application is true, complete, and
correct to the best of my knowledge, including the information I have given regarding the felony conviction of
certain crimes and the U.S. citizenship or immigration status of all household members. I understand that I and
any adult household member will be subject to disqualification and prosecution and will be required to repay
ineligible benefits if we knowingly give false, incorrect, or incomplete information in order to obtain or try to
obtain financial or food assistance. By signing this application, I give permission for the release of information
to the Department of Children and Family Services by any persons or agencies who have knowledge of my
Remember, you must turn in proof of the information you reported on this application form and
verification of your identity.
Your Signature (or mark)
Date Signed
Signature (or mark) of your wife or husband
Date Signed
Signature of Minor Unmarried Parent
Date Signed
If you, or your wife or husband, sign with an “X” mark, ask two people to witness the mark; if applicant
is blind, ask three people to witness.
Signature of Person Who Helped You Complete this Form and His or Her Relationship to You
Signature of Agency Representative
I want to withdraw my
application because
Signature of Applicant
How to submit the Application for Assistance to the Department of Children and Family
Services (DCFS):
By Mail:
Department of Children and Family Services ES
Document Processing Center
P. O. Box 260031
Baton Rouge, LA 70826-9918
By Fax:
In Person:
Any DCFS Office
If you have any questions regarding the application process, please contact the Customer
Service Center at 1-888-LAHELPU (1-888-524-3578).
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Voter Registration
If you are not registered to vote where you live now, would you like to apply to register to
vote here today? (Check one)
I want to register to vote. I do not want to register to vote.
Applying to register or declining to register to vote will not affect the amount of assistance that
you will be provided by this agency. Voter eligibility requirements are found on the voter
registration application form.
Note: If you do register to vote, the location where your application was submitted will remain
confidential. If you decline to register to vote, this fact will remain confidential. Applying to register
or declining to register to vote will be used only for voter registration purposes.
If you would like help in filling out the voter registration application form, we will help you.
The decision whether to seek or accept help is yours. You may fill out the application form
in private. (Check one)
Yes, I would like help. No, I do not want help.
For assistance in completing the voter registration application form outside our office, contact the
Department of Children and Family Services at 1-888-LAHELPU or 1-888-524-3578.
If completed outside our office, this declaration form and your completed voter registration
application form (if you filled one out) should be returned to the DCFS ES Document Processing
Center at P.O. Box 260031, Baton Rouge, LA 70826-9918.
Signature or Mark
Name Typed or Printed
Signatures of Two Witnesses If Signed With Mark:
If you believe that someone has interfered with your right to register or to decline to register to
vote, your right to privacy in deciding whether to register or in applying to register to vote, or your
right to choose your own political party or other political preference, you may file a complaint with
the Louisiana Secretary of State, Commissioner of Elections, P.O. Box 94125, Baton Rouge, LA
70804-9125 or by calling (225) 922-0900 or 1-800-883-2805.
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