Approved July 2024
The undersigned Executive Directors and Team Presidents of the Mendo-Lake Empire
Junior Football League, do hereby certify that the following bylaws were duly adopted
as the League Bylaws of said organization on July 22, 2024 and that these bylaws now
constitute the League Bylaws of the Mendo-Lake Empire Junior Football League.
Commissioner: Donald Ryan
Co-Commissioner: Tyler Ojeda
Secretary: Melissa Cramer
Cloverdale Chargers: Eric Hernandez
Fort Bragg Cubs: John Richelson
Kelseyville Chiefs: Blake Grivette
Lower Lake Trojans: Mark Garner
Middletown Colts: Bubba Kilstrom
Northshore Junior Cougars: Derick Hughes
Sonoma Dragons: Justin Weaver
Westshore Cardinals: Carrie Bridges
Willits Cougars: Shawn Simpson
Note: The original digital copy will be in the possession of The League Secretary.
I: Organization 4
II: Name 4
III: Goals & Objectives ... 4
IV: Governing Body 4
A. Board of Representatives 4
B. League Meetings 4
C. Amending Bylaws 5
V: Commissioner, Co-Commissioner & Secretary 5
A. Duties of Office 5
B. Probation 5
C. Suspension 5
D. Right to Appeal 5
E. Game Day Privileges 5
F. Roster Changes 5
VI: Conduct: Coaches, Parents, Spectators, Etc. 5
A. Role Models 5
B. Coaches Code of Conduct 5
C. Spectator Areas 6
D. Sidelines 6
E. 25-yard Marker & Injuries 6
F. Violations 6
G. Grievance Process 6
VII: Teams 6
A. Team Types 6
B. Peewee Teams 6
C. Junior Varsity Teams 7
D. Varsity Teams 7
E. Older/Lighter Rule 7
F. Rosters 7
G. Physicals
H. Equipment 7
I. Uniforms 7
J. Footballs 7
VIII: Eligibility 7
A. Right to Participate 7
B. League Age 7
C. Maximum Limitations 7
D. Residential Boundaries 7
E. Grade & Age Verification 7
F. Verifying Player Home School 8
G. Verification Difficulties 8
H. Rosters 8
I. Roster Addendums 8
J. Criteria for Roster Changes 8
IX: Camp Guidelines 8
X: Practices 9
A. Sign-Ups 9
B. Conditioning 9
C. Full Contact 9
D. Limitations 9
E. Scrimmages 9
F. Air Quality Index (AQI) Protocol 9
XI: Games 9
A. Number of Players 9
B. Scales 9
C. Weigh-Ins 9
D. X-Man Rule 10
E. Quarter Durations, Start Times (see Standing Rules), Cancellations, Makeup Games &
Power Outages 10
F. Scoring 10
G. Kicks 10
H. Medical Personnel 10
I. Officials & Fees 11
J. Admission 11
K. Rules & Regulations 11
L. Non-League Games 11
M. Mercy Rule 11
N. Mercy Rule Violations 11
O. Headsets 11
P. Championship Games & Tiebreaker Rules 11
Q. Air Quality Index (AQI) Protocol 12
R. On-field Coaches During Peewee Games & Extra Peewee Water Breaks 12
S. Fifth Quarter Scrimmages (5QS) 12
T. Player Ejection / Suspension Rule 12
XII: Disciplinary Action & Responsibility 13
A. Media Restrictions 13
B. Team Representative Responsibilities 13
C. Roster Signatures 12
D. Coach Misconduct 13
E. Background Checks 13
F. Disciplinary Action Process 13
XIII: Dues & League Expenses 13
A. Initiation Fees & Dues 13
B. Actual Expenditures 13
C. Incurring Expenses 14
D. Insurance (Proof of Insurance) 14
XIV: California Bill AB-2300 Youth Football Act 14
A. Grievance Form (Parts 1-3) 15, 16, 17
B. Official Roster Forms (sent electronically to each Team) 18
C. Official Roster Addendum Form (sent electronically to each Team) 18
D. Weighmaster Instructions 19
E. Standing Rules 20
The purpose of the Mendo-Lake Empire Junior Football League (MLEJFL) organization is to
provide a youth football and cheer program (see Standing Rule 11) for children 7-14 years of
age under the supervision of qualified adults. The League consists of nine (9) teams, approved
by majority vote by the MLEJFL Team Presidents (or their designated alternates).
The organization shall be known as the Mendo-Lake Empire Junior Football League, hereafter
known as The League or MLEJFL.
The primary goal & objective of The League is to develop a recreational youth program that
provides a fun and enjoyable environment for children 7-14 years of age, while also teaching the
fundamental skills of football and cheer, through qualified adult supervision.
A. Board of Team Representatives The policy-making body of The League shall be the Board
of Team Representatives, hereafter known as The Board.
1. Team Representatives The Board shall consist of two (2) representatives from each team,
with one alternate. Each team has one (1) vote per motion. Each team is responsible for
selecting its own team representatives who will serve for at least one year. An alternate may be
selected in case one (1) team representative is unable to attend a League board meeting.
However, only two (2) representatives will be allowed to enter into any discussion during
meetings. In case of a tie vote, the Commissioner (or Co-Commissioner if the Commissioner is
absent) shall cast the deciding vote.
2. Quorum A quorum is required to conduct League business. A quorum is two-thirds (⅔) of all
teams currently in The League.
3. Guests Guests are allowed to attend meetings as silent observers, but may not offer any
comments, suggestions, or dialogue unless first recognized by The Board.
B. League Meetings The Secretary shall notify all Team Presidents (and referee associations if
necessary) of League board meetings one week prior to the meeting via email, text message
and/or private League Board Facebook group. It is each team's responsibility to keep their
contact information current.
1. Annual Meeting There shall be an Annual Meeting for the purpose of: nominating &
approving Executive Directors, reporting on overall League status, discussion of upcoming
season-related issues & concerns, beneficial guest speakers (such as referees or guests
providing technical assistance, medical information, etc.), and voting on any pending proposals.
The Annual Meeting typically occurs in February each year.
2. Rules Meeting If The League does not schedule a Rules Meeting for all teams and referee
representatives to attend, Team Presidents are required to schedule a meeting with their
respective officiating association prior to the first scheduled game. A Rules Meeting typically
occurs in July or August prior to the first scheduled game.Teams who share the same officiating
association for their home games may coordinate one joint meeting if they wish. All head
coaches must attend. All assistant coaches are encouraged to attend.
3. Additional League Board Meetings Additional League board meetings may be scheduled
as needed. Typically a second league board meeting is scheduled in May.
C. Amending Bylaws Any team may request a bylaw change or addition. Proposals (either
written or verbal) may be brought up for discussion at any League board meeting.
A. Duties of Office The Commissioner shall be the Chief Executive Officer of The League and
will work with the Co-Commissioner and Secretary to give general supervision, control, and
direction of matters relating to the administering of The League, as well as govern meetings and
enforce rules. The Commissioner shall call all meetings of The League when they deem it
B. Probation The Commissioner/Co-Commissioner may place a player, coach, team, or League
board member on probation for a specified period of time. “Probation” shall mean that a formal
warning of a breach or violation of a League rule has occurred.
C. Suspension Further violations within the same playing year will result in a temporary
suspension pending a League hearing. “Suspension” means revocation of membership from
The League and disassociation with any team within The League.
D. Right of Appeal Any player, coach, team, or League board member having been suspended
may appeal the decision of the Commissioner/Co-Commissioner and request a hearing at the
next regularly scheduled League board meeting.
E. Game Day Privileges The League Commissioner, Co-Commissioner, and Secretary and one
(1) guest of their choosing may attend any game free of admission. The Commissioner and Co-
Commissioner have the right to attend weigh-ins. The Commissioner, Co-Commissioner, and
Secretary may stand on the sidelines to observe (but not affect) game play.
F. Roster Changes The League Commissioner and Co-Commissioner have the authority to
allow any team to add a player or make changes to their Official Roster after the designated
deadline. Roster addendums are due Friday by 5PM each week. Any addendum received after
5PM may be denied until the following week of play. Last day to add new players: Sunday after
the Week 4 game. [Approved 5/01/22]. Addendums must be emailed to the Commissioner,
Co-Commissioner, and Secretary. If approved, the Commissioner will sign, scan, and email back
to the Secretary. The Secretary will then email approved addendums to the Team President and
Team Roster Contact. See Article VIII; Sections H, I and J for other details.
A. Role Models Coaches and adults connected with this league will conduct themselves in a
mature, positive manner at all times so as to set good examples for all youth. This includes
behavior toward officiating staff during games.
B. Coaches Code of Conduct In addition to each team’s Code of Conduct, all coaches are
expected to conduct themselves by the following standards:
1. Tobacco (in any form) is not to be used in the presence of the players, at any team practice,
game or function, or on any school grounds.
2. The consumption of alcohol or drugs (in any form) is not to be used in the presence of the
players, or at any team practice, game or function, or on any school grounds.
3. Profane or abusive language is not to be used at any time in the presence of players.
4. Grabbing players by their face masks or any physical abuse is unacceptable.
5. Verbal hazing or vocal abuse of players is not in the best interest of the player, team or
League and is unacceptable.
6. It is important to remember that we are to teach players positive behavior, good
sportsmanship, and the idea of fair play. It is imperative that we as adults, coaches, and board
members lead by example.
C. Spectator Areas Parents and all other spectators will remain in the stands and removed
from the sideline benches and playing field at all times during the game. They will also refrain
from yelling at players, coaches, or referees. Referees should be aware of these rules and, if
necessary, stop the game until everyone has returned to their seats in the stands or have
moved away from team sidelines (see also Standing Rules).
D. Sidelines Each team will be limited to approved personnel on the sidelines during games.
Unless given special permission by Team Presidents, all home team personnel (including chain
gang and film crew), must remain on the home team side of the field; visitors must remain on
the visitor side (see also Standing Rules). Mandatory Sideline Badges: everyone on the
sidelines must wear a team-approved photo badge around their neck. [Approved 4/14/24]
E. 25-yard Markers & Injuries All coaches and players on the sidelines must stay between the
25-yard markers during the game, except when there is an injured player on the field. The
coach may then go to the injured player for a first-hand evaluation of their injury.
F. Violations Violation of the rules & regulations by any coach, assistant coach, or team
representative may result in the forfeiture of a game or several games.
G. Grievance Process Should any team, player, parent, etc. have a grievance, the following
procedure must be followed:
1. The Grievant must fill out the League Grievance Form (Appendix A - Part 1) to provide a
brief summary of the incident, issue or concern.
2. The Grievant will approach the Head Coach first by discussing the issue in a civil manner in
an effort to find a reasonable resolution. This conversation should occur after a practice; it
should not occur before or after a game. The Grievant should wait no longer than the Friday
after the incident took place to discuss the matter with the Head Coach. The Head Coach
should then immediately deal with the situation, discuss the end result with the Grievant, and
write the results on the Grievance Form.
3. If the Grievant is still dissatisfied, they should take their Grievance Form to their Team Board
of Directors. The Team Board will investigate the incident, take action to remedy the issue as
they deem necessary, and note the results on the Grievance Form (Appendix A - Part 2) .
4. If the Grievant is still dissatisfied, the Grievant may then appeal their Grievance to the
League Commissioner. All documentation should be included. The Commissioner will fill out the
Grievance Form (Appendix A - Part 3). The Commissioner's decision is final (or see Article V,
Section D).
A. Team Types The League will consist of teams with Varsity, Junior Varsity, and Peewee
squads. New teams may join The League at any time by a majority approval of the League
Board. But typically, new teams are interviewed at the Annual Meeting in February.
B. Peewee Squad Peewee players will be 4th graders on down. The maximum weight for this
division will be 95 pounds stripped weight prior to each game. The minimum age will be 7 years
by the first official day of practice (4th Monday of July). [Approved 5/01/22]. The maximum age
will be 10 years on or before the first official day of practice (4th Monday of July). Players over
95 pounds may play up. (Proof of grade will be required.)
C. Junior Varsity Squad Junior Varsity players will be 6th graders on down. The maximum
weight for this division will be 125 pounds stripped weight prior to each game. The maximum
age will be 12 years on or before the official first day of practice (4th Monday of July). Players
over 125 pounds may play up. (Proof of grade will be required.)
D. Varsity Squad Varsity players will be 8th graders on down. The maximum weight for this
division will be 160 pounds stripped weight prior to each game. The maximum age will be 14
years on the official first day of practice (4th Monday of July) of the present season. There will
be no minimum weight or age restriction, but good judgment by the coaches should be
exercised when putting a small or young person on the Varsity team. (Proof of grade will be
E. Older/Lighter Rule Only for first year players (from any league or level); only for 7th grade
players; must weigh 100 pounds or less to play at JV level. [Approved 3/19/23]
F. Rosters There will be no maximum number of players on each team roster, nor will there be
any age break down as for the number of players at each age level.
G. Physicals All players and cheerleaders must complete a sports physical by a doctor who
must provide a release to play. Each team must keep a copy of said sports physical on file.
H. Equipment All players will be outfitted in proper football equipment (i.e. NOCSAE updated
helmets, all-purpose shoes, and NFHS approved equipment). Guardian caps may be worn by
MLEJFL players for practice and games. [Approved 4/14/24]
I. Uniforms No team may change or add colors to uniforms without written permission from The
League Commissioner. The League does not require teams to have a numbering system.
Preferably all teams have reversible jerseys so they have the option to wear dark for home,
white for away. In the event teams do not have a white/light version and both teams on game
day have a similar color palette, if the home team has a white/light jersey - as a courtesy - they
should wear their white jerseys for that home game. [Approved 4/14/24]
J. Footballs All Peewee teams will use “Peewee” sized footballs. Junior Varsity teams are to
use “Junior” sized footballs, and Varsity teams will use “Youth” sized footballs.
A. Right to Participate No one will be denied the right to participate due to their national origin,
race, color, religion, sex, or familial status. Unfortunately due to safety, some disabilities may not
be accommodated due to the physical aspects of both football and cheer. However, all
reasonable accommodations will be considered and met, where and if possible.
B. League Age League age shall be that age of the player on the official first day of practice
(4th Monday of July). [Approved 5/01/22].
C. Minimum & Maximum Grade & Age Requirements, Game Play Limitations Football
players must be age 7 by the official first day of practice (4th Monday of July) of the present
season. The maximum age is 14 years on the official first day of practice (4th Monday of July),
and an 8th grade student. No player may play in more than one (1) game per day. [Approved
D. Residential Boundaries There will be no residential boundary requirements. Disputes
between teams over players will be referred to The League Commissioner/Co-Commissioner.
The League Commissioner/Co-Commissioner will make the final decision.
E. Grade & Age Verification Each player's grade must be verified by either the registrar,
secretary, principal, or vice principal from the player’s school or district office. The roster must
be signed by that person. That person cannot be a board member or coach. A hard copy or
digital copy of each players birth certificate must be kept on hand at each game to be shown
(upon demand) by the opposing team’s President, Head Coach, Team Representative, or
Commissioner/Co-Commissioner to show proof of age.
F. Verifying Home School Verification of home-schooled students will come from the parents of
the child or by their governing residential school district, by providing a letter from the
supervising school on school letterhead stating that the child is indeed being homeschooled and
what grade that player will be entering.
G. Verification Difficulties Should the Commissioner or Co-Commissioner encounter any
difficulties in verifying a team’s roster, that team will be notified immediately. It is then up to the
team to clear up any questions that the Commissioner and Co-Commissioner may have.
H. Team Roster A team’s Official Roster with each player’s name, jersey number, weight,
League age, and grade in school will be provided to the opposing team’s Weighmaster prior to
each game. If a players name does not appear on the Official Roster, the player is not eligible
to play until a Roster Addendum for that player has been approved by the Commissioner or
Co-Commissioner. Rosters are due the Monday prior to the first game. [Approved 3/19/23]
I. Roster Addendums Teams wishing to make changes must complete the Roster Addendum
Form (Appendix C) and provide it to the Commissioner, Co-Commissioner, and Secretary.
Roster Addendums are due each Friday by 5PM. If approved, the Commissioner will sign, scan
and email back to the League Secretary. The Secretary will then email the approved addendum
to the Team President and Team Roster Contact.
J. Criteria for Roster Addendums When adding to or making changes to a roster, the following
considerations must be met:
1. No addendum for new players will be accepted after the Sunday after the Week 4 games.
New teams are exempt and may add players throughout the entire season for one year only;
2. The applicant must meet all age, grade, and weight requirements;
3. The applicant is moving up or down due to weight, etc. and was previously registered by the
original deadline. Only one move ma y be made per player per season.
4. Absolutely no changes will be allowed without completing the Roster Addendum Form
(Appendix C) and forwarding it to the Commissioner, Co-Commissioner, and Secretary with an
appropriate verification of age and grade from the attending school, approved physical from a
doctor on file, and a statement by the applying team that they have a birth certificate on file, and
that the requested player will meet the minimum ten (10) hours of conditioning, and ten (10)
hours of contact prior to playing a game (20 hours total).
All team-sponsored football camps must be pre-approved by the Executive Team. No
team-hosted camps may be scheduled after July 1st. Camp information must be emailed to all
Team Presidents & Vice Presidents minimum of two (2) weeks in advance. Team-hosted camp
info must be publicly posted on social media. Any team caught performing an unapproved camp
(or performing unapproved practice-type events prior to the first day of practice) will forfeit their
entire season and will therefore be ineligible for postseason play. No exceptions. Additionally,
team-hosted camp registration fees must be he same for all attendees; team-hosted camps may
be run by MLEJFL coaches; maximum three (3) consecutive days; skills & drills only (no plays,
no tackling, no contact, no helmets or pads; MLEJFL coaches may not assist outside-hosted
camps. [Approved 3/19/23]. All teams may host a maximum of two camps each year. [Approved
A. Registration/Sign-Ups Registration may commence at any time.
B. First Day of Practice and Conditioning A conditioning period with no contact may begin
any time on or after the first day of official practice. Unless otherwise approved by The Board,
no practice may start prior to the fourth (4th) Monday of July. [Approved 2/27/22].
C. Full Contact Contact practice cannot start until after a player has completed ten (10) hours
of conditioning.
D. Limitations Teams must complete a minimum of five (5) practices with pads before the first
game. Beginning the day after Labor Day, practices will be limited to three (3) per calendar week
and should not exceed two (2) hours per session. These practices will be exclusive of games. A
fourth (4th) day of non-field practice may be held (such as class-room, chalk talk, game film
review). Practice Clarification: Monday through Friday (no weekend practices, no practice before
games); one practice per weekday (including classroom, chalk talk, game film review); 2-hours
maximum per day; no contact drills, no pads on Fridays; no more than two full-contact practices
per week (maximum of 30 minutes of full contact drills on both days). Beginning the day after
Labor Day, practices will be limited to three “with pads” 2-hour practices per week. A fourth day
of no gear, non-field practice may be held (such as classroom, chalk talk, game film review).
(Added per Executive Team 7/03/24)
E. Scrimmages and Jamborees Two (2) controlled scrimmages or jamborees are allowed with
any other team(s) in The League during or prior to the season. The host team must provide
medical personnel and weigh-ins must be held with an absolute maximum of three (3) pounds
over League game weight allowed. That is, 98 pound maximum for Peewee, 128 pound
maximum for Junior Varsity, and 163 pound maximum for Varsity. This three (3) pound rule
applies to X-men as well. If scrimmages are played, they are considered separate from
practices and games; they do not count toward a team’s overall league record; but must follow
all agreed upon scrimmage rules (see also Standing Rules).
F. Air Quality Index (AQI) Guidelines Please see Article XI, Section P.
A. Number of Players Each team must field an 11-man team for each game.
1. Should a team not be able to field an 11-man team, they must forfeit the game. However,
they may still scrimmage the opposing team. The scrimmage will consist of two (2) halves, each
twenty (20) minutes in duration, with a ten (10) minute halftime. [Approved 7/21/21]
B. Scales All weigh-in scales must be accurate and certified each year by county Weights &
Measures. Any team may bring a certified scale. In the event of a dispute, the certified scale
must be used. If county Weights & Measures does not provide a “certified” sticker for your scale,
you must have on hand a hard copy of the letter of certification that clearly shows the serial
number of your scale.
C. Weigh-Ins All players must be weighed prior to each game. Teams must line up in jersey
numerical order. Weighmasters are in control of the weigh-ins and all coaches must be out of
the facility at the time of the official weigh-in. If a player does not make the weight requirement,
the player is not allowed to play but may be on the sidelines with their team (player is not
allowed to wear shoulder pads under their jersey). Stripped weight is allowed.. A player may
weigh in as many times as is necessary, the last time being no later than ten (10) minutes
before their scheduled game time. The ruling of the Weighmaster is final. All “heavies” may
weigh in immediately following Peewee weigh-ins (or before, if Weighmasters from both teams
are available). Weighmasters for both teams must be available starting at 2pm. Stripped Weight
definition: When weighing in, players may remove all clothing with exception of their underwear
(this includes a sports bra for females). Players must be provided with a private area to disrobe
and be weighed (with the cord of the scale around a corner, if necessary). An added level of
personal safety is for a parent/guardian to be present (optional). [Approved 4/14/24]
D. X-Man Rule Applies to Varsity and JV levels only. Applies to players up to ten (10) pounds
over the weight limit: Varsity 170lbs. and JV 135lbs. Back of helmets must be clearly labeled
with an X made of bright pink, orange, or yellow tape (depending on helmet color). X-man Rule
shall expand to include tackles (offensive and defensive). However, X-men cannot pull
(offensively or defensively). [Approved 8/03/23] X-man Rule: X-man may play interior line only
(center, guard, tackle positions); cannot play on special teams. If an X-man gains possession of
the ball, the play is dead. There may be a minimum of one (1) X-man, and a maximum three (3).
Important stipulations: Team may have one (1) X-man even if opposing team has none. Team
may have two (2) X-men if opposing team also has two (2) X-men. Team may have three (3)
X-men if opposing team also has three (3) X-men. Teams do not have to play all their X-men.
9/1 (Willits). [Approved 5/01/22]. OFFENSE: X-Man may only play in one of the interior offensive
lineman positions (center, guards, tackles). If your team has an unbalanced line, the X-Man
must line up next to the center/ball. DEFENSE: X-Man is allowed to be one (1) of the two or
three interior defensive lineman positions, depending on formation. In an even front, players
must start the snap head up or inside of the two tackles of the offensive line. In an odd front,
players must start the snap head up or inside of the two tackles and head up on the center. If an
X-Man recovers a fumble (on offense or defense), the play is over and the ball is spotted where
it was recovered. If an X-Man records an interception, the play is dead and the ball is placed at
the spot of the catch. If an X-Man makes normal weight at any time during the season, they may
remove the X from their helmet and play as normal. [Approved 5/10/21]
E. Quarter Durations, Start Times, Cancellations, Makeup Games & Power Outages Varsity
and Junior Varsity games shall consist of four (4) 10-minute quarters (not a running clock) with a
15-minute half-time. Peewee games shall consist of four (4) 8-minute quarters (not a running
clock) and have a 10-minute half-time to include the 3-minute captains meeting. Start Times:
Peewee 4:00pm, Junior Varsity 5:30pm, Varsity 7:30pm. Games cannot start early. (Added per
Executive Team 7/03/24) In the event of a game cancellation, the make-up game shall be
played on the Sunday immediately following the cancellation on the original field. Make-up
game start times will be: Peewee 12:00pm, Junior Varsity 1:30pm, Varsity 3:30pm. If power
outages or other events outside our control occur, games should start at noon so teams have
enough daylight to safely play. If there is no power, one person from each team must be
designated to keep score. [Approved 5/10/21]
F. Scoring Touchdowns will count 6 points; Field goals 3 points; Safety 2 points; Point-After-
Touchdown (PAT) by place or drop kick 2 points; PAT by run or pass 1 point.
G. Kicks Place kicking or kick-offs will be done with a standard tee and shoes on. In Peewee
games there will be no rushing the punter. For Peewee games only, there are no kick-offs.
Therefore, for all Peewee games at the beginning of the first half, the second half and after all
scoring plays, the ball will be placed on the 30-yard line.
H. Medical Personnel An ambulance or proper medical personnel (EMT or doctor) with
stretcher and medical emergency bag must be present at each game. Although it is the home
team’s responsibility to furnish the equipment and personnel, it is the responsibility of each team
to verify this prior to fielding their teams. Officials must not start any game until the presence of
medical personnel on site is confirmed.
I. Officials & Fees There must be at least three (3) paid officials for all games. The home team
is responsible for paying fees for officials.
J. Admission Admission to all League games cannot be more or less than $4 for all adults, $1
for children ages 17 & under. These rates may not be changed without League board approval.
All coaches must pay admission on game day. [Approved 5/19/24]
K. Rules and Regulations Where not specified, the game rules will follow the National
Federation of High School Associations (NFHS) rules and regulations. A copy of these can be
obtained through their website at
L. Non-League Games The scheduling of games outside the League may be done by any team
without prior approval or sanction of The League Board so long as there is no conflict with
scheduled League games.
M. Mercy Rule Once there is a 30-point spread, the Mercy Rule is implemented and game is
over at that point (and that is the official final score); first team players are removed from both
teams, reserves play (first team players who must remain on the field due to a small team, must
play in weakened positions); running clock in the second half; clock stops for timeouts, injuries
and scoring; points will still be put up on the scoreboard after the Mercy Rule is implemented
(but do not change the final score). It is the responsibility of the hosting team to advise the
referees of the 30-point Mercy Rule and remind the referees that they need to call a “Referee
Time-Out” to allow teams time to rearrange their players.
N. Mercy Rule Violations The 3-tier disciplinary system for coaches/teams found to be in
violation of the Mercy Rule shall be as follows (please also see Appendix E Standing Rules):
1. Suspected Violation If you suspect a team of violating the Mercy Rule as outlined above,
you must document it on film, making sure to record the score at the time of the offense.
2. Filing a Grievance Fill out the Grievance Form and send it (with video documentation) to
the Commissioner, Co-Commissioner, and Secretary. All complaints must be filed within 72
hours (3 days) of the possible violation.
3. 1st Offense After the 1st offense has been verified, the head coach of the offending team
shall be removed for one (1) game. Team may have to forfeit the game.
4. 2nd Offense After the 2nd offense has been verified, the offending team’s board will be
fined $500.00 to be equally divided up amongst the teams of The League. The coach will be
removed for two (2) games. Team will forfeit the game.
5. 3rd Offense After the third offense has been verified, the coach of the offending team shall
be permanently removed from coaching within The League.
O. Headsets The use of headsets during games is not permitted under any circumstances.
P. Championship Games & Tiebreaker Rules Championship games will be hosted on a
rotational alphabetical basis. Championship games will be played within one week of the last
regular season game, or one week after Playoff games if played. Rotation cycle starts over
alphabetically with all current teams, with Cloverdale hosting in 2025. [Approved 5/10/21] Playoff
and Championship game start times: Peewee 3:30pm, Junior Varsity 5:30pm, and Varsity
7:30pm. Games cannot start early. (Added per Executive Team 7/03/24)
1. Tiebreaker Rule for League Standings In the event of a tie between teams, the following
tiebreaker sequence will be used to determine which teams move into the Playoffs (or to the
Championships if no Playoffs are played that season): Win-Loss Record, then Head-to-Head
Record, then Least Points Allowed, then Points Score (PS added to tiebreaker sequence
[Approved 8/22/21), then Coin Toss. The Coin Toss must include representatives from both
teams, as well as the Commissioner or Co-Commissioner.
2. Tiebreaker Rule for Playoff or Championship Games Only When the score is tied at the
end of the fourth (4th) period, the referee will instruct both teams to return to their respective
team boxes. There will be a three (3) minute intermission during which both teams may confer
with their coaches. At the coin toss in the center of the field the visiting team's captain shall be
given the privilege of choosing "heads" or "tails" before the coin is tossed. The winner of the
coin toss shall be given their choice of defense or offense first, or of designating the end of the
field at which the ball will be put in play for this set of downs. The coin toss loser will choose
from the other options. The referee will indicate the winner of the toss by placing a hand on the
players shoulder. To indicate which team will go on offense, the referee will have that captain
face the goal toward which their team will advance and indicate this with the first-down signal.
The other team captain will face the offensive captain with their back toward the goal they will
defend. The ball will be placed on the ten (10) yard line. Both teams are given a chance to
score. If no team scores, the procedure is repeated. If both teams score, the procedure is
repeated. If the A-team does not score and the B-team scores, the game is over. If a defensive
score is made, the game is over. Teams are allowed to kick a field goal on fourth (4th) down
only. Each team will be awarded two (2) timeouts for the overtime. Any nuances, defer to current
NFHS Football Rules. [Approved 8/03/23]
Q. Air Quality Index (AQI) Guidelines The League has created AQI guidelines for the safety
and well-being of all who participate in our League. Full practice and games (including
scrimmages) are permitted up to AQI 150 (no limitations). Players or cheerleaders with lung or
heart disease (or parental prerogative), may opt out at AQI 100. Teams may practice indoors
between AQI 100-150. No practice or games over AQI 150. All teams must use the Purple Air
app with the same settings (EPA Standard / 1HR average) to compute accurate AQI. Teams will
have parents sign the AQI Liability form. Teams may still practice/play even if other teams
cannot practice/play due to poor AQI. NOTE: Presidents must contact each other at noon on
game days to discuss/resolve potential issues. [Approved 8/22/21].
R. On-field Coaches During Peewee Games & Extra Peewee Water Breaks One (1) Peewee
coach may be on the field during all offensive and defensive plays during games; no coaches
may be on the field for playoff or championship games; coach must be respectful and not
interfere with game play or officiating; when temperatures exceed ninety (90) degrees, an extra
mandatory water break timeout will be added per quarter at the 4:00 minute mark. [Approved
3/19/23] See also Standing Rule.
S. Fifth Quarter Scrimmages Fifth Quarter Scrimmages (5QS) are for Peewee (PW) teams
only. Intent is to provide field time every game day for all second and third string players
(smallest, least experienced players) in a safer environment; no starters, no first string players
may play; 5 minutes offense, 5 minutes defense. Fifth Quarter Scrimmages are optional, and
dependent upon game day factors, such as (but not limited to) weather temperature, air quality,
player injuries. A coach from each team must volunteer to officiate 5QS. Head coaches (along
with their Team President or Vice President) must meet and discuss 5QS prior to each game.
[Approved 5/19/24]
T. Player Ejection / Suspension Rule The disciplinary consequence when a MLEJFL player is
ejected from a game is an automatic 1-game suspension (no matter the reason). This changes
if a punch is thrown: first time offenders 1-game suspension, second time offenders 3-game
suspension. That said, suspension time may be increased if the incident is deemed more
severe per the Executive Team. Example 1: a fight results in an injury. Example 2: we see a
pattern of fighting within one team. [Approved 4/14/24]
A. Media Restrictions No team shall release to any media source any information regarding
League business, without the approval of the Commissioner or Co-Commissioner.
B. Team Representative Responsibilities It will be the responsibility of Team Presidents to be
certain that all their coaches have read all League rules & regulations, are familiar with them,
and agree to abide by them.
C. Roster Signatures All coaches must sign the Coaches Code of Conduct (Page 2, Item 3 of
the Official Roster) stating that they have read, understand, and agree to abide by the rules and
regulations of The League.
D. Coach Misconduct Any coach whose conduct is found to be in conflict with the goals and
objectives of The League shall be removed from The League. This action may take place at a
League board meeting (after a majority approval) when all the facts have been heard. But may
be done at the team level without interference from The League Board.
E. Background Checks Background checks will not be performed by The League. All individual
teams shall put in place a background check system for all adults who are in regular contact
with minors.
F. Disciplinary Action Process Teams should maintain high standards of behavior; disciplinary
actions should be firm and appropriate. The League expects teams to address issues in house
whenever possible. Including the Commissioner on team issues or grievances should be
considered a last resort. Should an issue or formal grievance arise between two teams, their
leadership may determine appropriate disciplinary action amongst themselves. Team Presidents
(or their designated representative) must communicate with each other and keep the
Commissioner, Co-Commissioner, and Secretary in the loop during this process, summarizing
their final agreement in writing. If teams cannot come to some sort of mutual agreement, the
Commissioner will step in to determine final disciplinary action(s). Once disciplinary action(s) are
finalized and implemented, issues must be put to rest with all further discussion squelched.
Teams should move forward in a positive manner. Continued discussion or gossiping in-person
or via social media may result in further disciplinary action(s) by The League. The Executive
Team (Commissioner, Co-Commissioner, Secretary), in consultation with each other, reserve the
right to discipline teams and/or their representatives, if necessary. An emergency meeting of the
full League Board will still be convened for all major grievances or events, when necessary.
[Approved 2/12/20]
A. Initiation Fee and Dues There will be no initiation fee or dues to belong to The League.
However, if any League expenses are incurred for legal, insurance, secretarial, copy or other
similar expenditures, it may be necessary to assess each team an equal share to cover such
B. Actual Expenditures In no event will assessments of expenses be in excess of the actual
expenditures nor will any income be accumulated.
C. Incurring Expenses A majority approval of the board will be necessary before The League
will be allowed to incur any expenses.
D. Insurance Each of the members (i.e. teams) of The League will pitch in to purchase
“Directors and Officers” insurance for “The Mendo-Lake Empire Junior Football League.” The
Commissioner, Co-Commissioner, Secretary as well as the current team board members will be
covered. It is also recommended that each team add “The Mendo-Lake Empire Junior Football
League” as additionally insured to their liability policies.
1. Proof of Insurance Proof of said insurance for the current season shall be submitted to the
League Commissioner on the same designated date as the Official Rosters.
As of January 1, 2021 each team must be in compliance with the following: 1. Minimum of (1)
EMT at all games (including pre and post season play), authorized to remove player if deemed
necessary. 2. No pre-season full contact practices. 3. No more than (2) 30-minute max full
contact practices per week. 4. All coaches must complete tackling and blocking training from
nationally accredited source, certificate required. 5. All League and Team board members, and
all coaches must annually complete the following trainings: concussion and head injury
education, opioid fact sheet training, heat-related injury training (signs, symptoms, responses).
6. Each football parent must be provided with hard copy of concussion & head injury
information, and opioid fact sheet. 7. All helmets must be reconditioned and re-certified every
other year with month/year sticker on helmets. 8. All coaches must annually be CPR/First
Aid/AED certified. 9. (1) independent, “non-rostered” person, appointed by each program (who
is CPR/First Aid/AED certified, and concussion and heat-related injuries, opioid trained), must
be at all practices, authorized to pull player from practice if deemed necessary. 10. Safety
equipment checked prior to all full contact practices and all games. 11. Any player removed for
concussion or head injury must comply with Section 124235 (see in comments). Concussions
must be reported to League Directors within 48 hours of concussion. 12. Each player must
complete (10) hours of non-contact conditioning prior to participating in full-contact practice;
may wear a helmet but no shoulder pads until (10) hours are completed. 13. Each program
must provide a “Declaration of Compliance” (signed by the Team President) to League Directors
regarding compliance of 1-12 above by the first day of practice. An all-team “Declaration of
Compliance” (signed by the Commissioner) will be publicly posted to the public League
Facebook group (upon receipt by all individual program forms).
Appendix A (Part 1) Grievance Form
Grievance Information - Step #1 to be completed by the person filing the grievance.
Name of Grievant:
How Affiliated with the League:
Cell Phone:
Email Address:
Date of Incident:
Grievance Filed Against (Team or Person):
Persons Involved:
Witness Name(s) with Cell Phone Info:
Description of Incident (be brief and state facts only):
Proposed Resolution:
Date Grievance Submitted:
Signature of Grievant:
Print Name of Grievant:
Appendix A (Part 2) Grievance Form
Grievance Review Step #2 to be completed by Team President or Team Vice President).
Print Name / Title:
Cell Phone:
Action Taken To Resolve Grievance::
Signature of Team President or Team VP:
Appendix A (Part 3) - Grievance Form
Grievance Appeal - Step #3 to be completed by Commissioner/Co-Commissioner. Appeals may
only be considered by the Commissioner/Co-Commissioner after there has been official
grievance filed, and an attempt to resolve it at the team level first. If the grievance cannot be
resolved at the team level, then it may be appealed up to the Commissioner/Co-Commissioner.
Print Name / Title:
Cell Phone:
Decision Regarding Grievance Appeal::
Signature of Commissioner or Co-Commissioner:
Appendix B Official Roster Forms
The Official Roster forms (Appendix B) are sent electronically to each Team by The League
Secretary. Be sure to list players in numerical order by jersey number. Email completed rosters
by the due date provided each season to the Commissioner, Co-Commissioner and Secretary.
Don Ryan, Commissioner: [email protected] / 707-262-2219
Tyler Ojeda, Co-Commissioner: [email protected] / 707-536-5876
Melissa Cramer, Secretary: [email protected] / 707-841-0803
Appendix C Official Roster Addendum Form
The Official Roster Addendum form (Appendix C) is sent electronically to each Team by the
League Secretary. Roster Addendums are due by Friday 5PM each week. Addendums
received after 5PM may be denied until the following week of play. Email completed addendum
forms to the Commissioner, Co-Commissioner and Secretary. The last date to submit an
addendum for a new player is the Sunday after the fourth (4th) game.
Appendix D - Weighmaster Instructions
1. Scale must be certified at the start of each season. If possible, we highly recommend
that teams bring their own digital scale to away games to serve as back up in case the
home team scale is not certified or is non-functional (see Standing Rule 10).
2. Each team must provide your weighmaster with (2) complete sets of rosters, including all
roster addendums. One (1) set is for your weighmaster, the other set is for the opposing
team’s weighmaster. We highly recommend that weighmasters confirm with each other
on game day their cell phone number listed on the team roster.
3. Weighmasters must be available starting at 2pm. Once weighmasters from both teams
are available heavies may weigh in. For safety reasons, heavies may weigh in before
PW teams. But once PWs start, they must wait until that PW team is done. They cannot
interrupt a team.
4. Coaches must line up their players by jersey number before weigh-ins start.
5. Typically, PWs weigh in between 2:30-3:00pm. JV weigh-in is at half time of PW game.
Varsity weigh-in is at half time of JV game.
6. No coaches may be inside the weigh-in area. However, they should remain nearby if
weighmasters have questions.
7. Weight limits are: PW95, JV125, V160.
8. X-Man Rule weight limits are: JV135, V170. X-men must have a large X taped on the
back of their helmets with bright pink, orange, or yellow tape (depending on helmet
9. Players may strip down to underwear (may not be completely nude) in a private area to
be weighed by weighmasters, if necessary. They are always allowed to have a safety
witness if they wish.
10. Write down each player’s official weight to the left of the jersey number column.
11. If a player makes weight, their hand should be stamped with the home team’s stamp or
special color marker.
12. Heavies may weigh in as many times as they wish up until ten (10) minutes prior to their
game start time. Same for late arriving players, okay to weigh in up until ten (10) minutes
prior to their game start time. Heavies may not interrupt team weigh-ins.
13. Any irregularities or issues during weigh-ins must be reported to a team board member
(preferably the President) immediately. Contact the Commissioner, Co-Commissioner, or
League Secretary if necessary. Weighmasters should have those cell phone numbers
available to them (first page of roster).
14. Always keep all weigh-in sheets! Toss all once the season is over.
Appendix E - Standing Rules
During MLEJFL board meetings, some topics are discussed with informal agreements made
amongst Team Presidents (but no bylaw made). The Executive Team also has guiding rules
when making decisions (also not bylaws). These help the League operate more smoothly (or at
least that is the intention). As Executive and Team leadership changes over the years, some
information is lost. This running list of “Standing Rules” is an attempt to capture that information
for current and future leadership. This list will be added to as new Standing Rules are
determined. This list should be reviewed at each Annual Meeting.
1. Designate a Roster Contact - Every season each team must designate one person who will
be responsible for creating and submitting their team rosters, and roster addendums during the
season. [Added 3/19/23].
2. Mercy Rule - The Mercy Rule must be reviewed with all coaches each season; it is the
responsibility of each President to do so. Not properly implementing the Mercy Rule is a safety
issue! Consequences for any violation will be determined per MLEJFL bylaws and/or during an
emergency League board meeting with decision by majority vote of Presidents (please also see
Article XI, Section M). [Added 3/19/23].
3. Playoff Location Requests - Each year two (2) playoff locations near each other are
approved on a rotational basis. However for safety and convenience reasons, the specific 1v4
and 2v3 locations are left TBD until team 1-4 rankings are finalized at the end of the season.
Location requests will be taken in order of priority: 1) Program is hosting and has one or more
teams in playoffs; 2) Program is not hosting but has multiple teams in playoffs; 3) Driving
distance between home and playoff locations; 4) Where team is ranked in League standings.
We cannot promise perfection, but where possible, the Executive Team will attempt to minimize
travel times for all teams. [Added 3/19/23].
4. Playoff & Championship Home Side Seating Requests - If your program is hosting the
playoffs or championship games - and you have one or more teams playing - you automatically
get your home side no matter where ranked in standings. If programs have multiple teams
playing, generally they will be kept on the same side throughout game day. [Added 3/19/23].
5. Scrimmages - Teams are not required to wear game jerseys. Teams may wear their
unnumbered practice jerseys. Since scrimmages tend to be played prior to rosters being
approved, rosters are not required during weigh-ins. However, all players must weigh-in and
meet the appropriate weight for their level. Players may be three (3) pounds over for
scrimmages only, this includes X-men. All players who meet the appropriate weight must have
their hand stamped with the host team’s unique stamp. Officials are recommended, but not
required. Medical staff / EMTs are required at all scrimmages. [Added 7/30/23]
6. On-field Coaches During Peewee Games - Coach may be in the huddle, but once the
huddle breaks they cannot interfere; coach must stand behind officials during each play.
[Approved at Coach Meeting 7/30/23]
7. Non-competitive Cheer - It is generally understood that The League does not “govern”
cheer in the sense that we do not have one standard set of rules, limitations, and guidelines
across all teams regarding cheer camps, cheer practices, or on-field cheer skills during games.
This is due to cheer teams not competing against each other on game day. However, we do
have expectations regarding behavior and good sportsmanship. These “code of conduct”
expectations include cheer coaches, parents, and cheerleaders. The League expects teams to
develop and practice their own appropriate “youth-level” cheer standards regarding skills and
safety. In addition, as with the football side of our league, the Commissioner provides cheer
coaches, parents, and cheerleaders the ability to appeal team board decisions via the grievance
process when necessary. In the future if cheer teams wish to compete, then standard rules,
limitations, and guidelines must first be created and approved by The League. Until
league-specific cheer skills rules are officially approved by Team Presidents, all cheer teams will
comply with USA Cheer Rules. [Approved 4/14/24]
List below is added by Executive Team during each season for league board to review in
the off season: