15 OCTOBER 2020
ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available for downloading or ordering on the e-
Publishing website at
RELEASABILITY: There are no releasability restrictions on this publication
Supersedes: AFI24-602 V4, 10 October 2014;
AFI24-501, 10 October 2014
Certified by: AF/A4L
(Brig Gen Linda S. Hurry)
Pages: 99
This instruction implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 24-6, Distribution and Traffic
Management, and the Personal Property allowances provisions of the Joint Travel Regulations
(JTR), Uniformed Service Members and Department of Defense (DoD) Civilian Employees This publication applies to all civilian
employees and uniformed members of the Regular Air Force, Air Force Reserve, and Air
National Guard. It sets forth policy on the movement and storage of personal property within the
Continental United States (CONUS) and Outside Continental United States (OCONUS) areas. It
also outlines responsibility for counseling military members and civilian employees on the
shipment of personal property, privately owned vehicles and mobile homes. Each paragraph is
numbered to indicate both the chapter and paragraph number, and is cross-referenced to the
appropriate chapters of the JTR. For example, paragraph 2.2 (020501) means chapter 2,
paragraph 2, and is cross-referenced to JTR, par. 020501. Responsibilities assigned to
commanders may not be further delegated, unless the text notes specify that delegation is
authorized. Ensure all records created as a result of processes prescribed in this publication are
maintained in accordance with AFI 33-322, Records Management and Information Governance
Program, and disposed of in accordance with the Air Force Records Disposition Schedule
located in the Air Force Records Information Management System. Refer recommended changes
and questions about this publication to AF/A4LR, 1030 Air Force Pentagon, Washington, DC
20330-1030 using the AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication; route AF
Forms 847 from the field through the appropriate functional chain of command. This instruction
requires the collection and or maintenance of information protected by the Privacy Act of 1974
authorized by Title 10 United States Code, Section 9013, Secretary of the Air Force. The
2 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
applicable SORN FTRANSCOM 01 DoD, Defense Transportation System (DTS) Records is
available at
View/Article/569704/ftranscom-01-dod/. SORN F024 AF IL B, Personal Property Movement
Records is available at Per Diem, Travel and
Transportation Allowance Committee (PDTATAC) has reviewed this instruction per DoD
Instruction 5154.31, dated 16 October, 2015, as case RR16016. Further supplements by Major
Commands (MAJCOM) must be forwarded to AF/A4LR for coordination and approval. The
authorities to waive wing/unit level requirements in this publication are identified with a Tier
(“T-0, T-1, T-2, T-3”) number following the compliance statement. See AFI 33-360,
Publications and Forms Management, for a description of the authorities associated with the Tier
numbers. Submit requests for waivers through the chain of command to the appropriate Tier
waiver approval authority, or alternately, to the requestor’s commander for non-tiered
compliance items.
This instruction has been substantially revised and must be completely reviewed. The major
changes incorporated in this document includes Personal Property Activity, Headquarters (PPA
HQ) responsibilities and level of authority, clarification of paragraph meanings and
interpretations, corrects references to correspond with JTR changes, incorporates Quality Control
(QC) procedures, updated Household Goods (HHG) and Privately Owned Vehicle (POV)
counselling methods.
1.1. HQ USAF/A4LR, Logistics Readiness Division: .................................................... 8
1.2. Personal Property Activity Headquarters (PPA HQ): .............................................. 8
1.3. Major Commands (MAJCOMs): ............................................................................. 9
1.4. Installation Transportation Officer/Traffic Management Officer (TMO): .............. 10
1.5. Logistics Readiness and Aerial Port Squadron Commanders: ................................. 10
2.1. (0205) Shipment and Storage of HHG While on TDY. .......................................... 11
2.2. (020501) - Shipment of HHG by a Service Member. .............................................. 11
2.3. (051306) - Excess Charges. (See paragraph 3.7. and Chapter 12) ........................... 11
2.4. (052007) - PCS With TDY En Route, PCS While on TDY, or PCS Following
TDY Pending Further Assignment. (See paragraph 4.1.1.) ..................................... 11
2.5. (031201) - Indeterminate TDY. ............................................................................... 11
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 3
2.6. (020502) - Storage in Transit (SIT) and Special Storage of HHG by a Service
Member. ................................................................................................................... 11
3.1. (0513) Standard Allowances. ................................................................................... 13
3.2. (051402) Exceptions to the Authorized Weight Allowance. (See Attachment 2
and 3) ....................................................................................................................... 15
3.3. (051301-C) Re-Transportation of HHG. .................................................................. 16
3.4. (0515) Transportation Methods. .............................................................................. 16
3.5. (051402) Exceptions to the Authorized Weight Allowance. ................................... 17
3.6. (051401) Authorized PCS Weight Allowances. ...................................................... 18
3.7. (051306) Excess Charges. ........................................................................................ 19
4.1. Transportation Under Various Types of Situations. ................................................ 21
4.2. (052002) PCS HHG Transportation to, from, or between Locations OCONUS
and to, from, or between Ships. ............................................................................... 21
4.3. (0519) Local Moves. ................................................................................................ 24
4.4. (052012) HHG Transportation Due to Separation from the Service or Relief from
Active Duty. ............................................................................................................. 25
4.5. (052013) HHG Transportation in Connection with Retirement, Placement on the
Temporary Disability Retired List (TDRL), Discharge with Severance or
Separation Pay, or Involuntary Release from Active Duty with Readjustment or
Separation Pay. ........................................................................................................ 27
Table 4.1. Common Justifications and Required Documentation for Extension Requests. ...... 30
5.1. (0520) HHG Transportation Related to Categories of Travel. ................................. 32
5.2. (052010-C) HHG Transportation When a Service Member is Officially Reported
as Injured or Ill, Absent for 30 or More Days in a Missing Status, or Upon Death. 32
5.3. (051205-C) Travel and Transportation For A Dependent Relocating For Personal
Safety. ...................................................................................................................... 33
5.4. (052005_ - HHG Transportation ICW Early Return of Dependents. ...................... 33
6.1. (0518) HHG Storage. ............................................................................................... 34
4 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
6.2. (0518-B) Non-Temporary Storage (NTS). .............................................................. 36
7.1. (052901) Shipment of a POV at Government Expense. ......................................... 39
7.2. (052902) Shipment of a POV by the Service Member. ........................................... 39
7.3. (0530) SHIPMENT OF A POV OCONUS ............................................................. 39
7.4. (053001) Authorized Shipment of a POV at Government Expense. ....................... 39
7.5. (053001-B1) Location Points Authorized for POV Transportation. ....................... 40
7.6. (053001-B) Allowances. .......................................................................................... 40
7.7. (053001-B3) Port or Vehicle-Processing Center (VPC) Used. ................................ 41
7.8. (053001-B Table 5-65) Factors Affecting POV Transportation OCONUS. ........... 41
7.9. (053001-B) POV Transportation Under Special Circumstances. ............................ 42
7.10. (053001 Table 5-65) Factors Affecting POV Transportation OCONUS. ................ 42
7.11. (053001-B7) Responsibility for POV after Delivery. .............................................. 43
7.12. (0532) POV Storage ................................................................................................ 43
7.13. (0532-B3) Storage Facilities Used. (See paragraph 44
7.14. (0532-B11b) Excess Storage Costs. ......................................................................... 44
7.15. (0532-B11) Continued POV Storage. ...................................................................... 44
8.1. Personally Procured Moves (PPM). ......................................................................... 46
8.2. PPM Procedures. ...................................................................................................... 46
8.3. (0518-B) Non-Temporary Storage (NTS). .............................................................. 49
8.4. Counseling. .............................................................................................................. 49
Figure 8.1. Required Weight Tickets Example. ......................................................................... 50
8.5. Vehicles and Equipment. ......................................................................................... 51
8.6. Shipment Weight. .................................................................................................... 51
8.7. Insurance Coverage. ................................................................................................. 53
8.8. OCONUS PPM. ....................................................................................................... 53
8.9. Unauthorized Items. ................................................................................................. 53
8.10. Combined Shipment Military Married to Military. .............................................. 54
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 5
8.11. Member Responsibilities. ........................................................................................ 54
8.12. Personally Procured Transportation and/or NTS of HHG without Prior Approval. 54
8.13. Final Settlement/PPM Closeout. .............................................................................. 55
9.1. (052301) Standard Allowances. ............................................................................... 57
9.2. (052403) Personally Procured Transportation. ........................................................ 57
Figure 9.1. Mobile Home Cost Computation. ............................................................................ 58
9.3. (0527) Mobile Home Transportation Under Unusual or Emergency
Circumstances. ......................................................................................................... 58
9.4. (0526) Excess Mobile Home Transportation Costs for A Service Member
Separated or Deceased Or Heirs of Deceased Service Member. ............................. 58
9.5. (052401) Government Procured Transportation for Short Distance Moves. ........... 58
9.6. (0525) Mobile Home Transportation When An Active-Duty Service Member Is
Ill: ............................................................................................................................ 58
9.7. (052404) SIT. .......................................................................................................... 58
10.1. (051303-A) Alcoholic Beverage Transportation. .................................................... 59
10.2. (051303-B) Firearm Transportation. ........................................................................ 59
10.3. Consumables. ........................................................................................................... 59
10.4. Motorcycle/Moped. .................................................................................................. 59
10.5. Permanent (Duty) Station (PDS). ............................................................................ 59
11.1. Personal Property Guidance. .................................................................................... 60
11.2. Counseling Members/Employees. ........................................................................... 60
11.3. Sensitive Shipments/Witness Protection. ................................................................. 61
11.4. Exception to Provisions of the Joint Travel Regulations is prohibited. ................... 61
11.5. Congressional Inquiries. .......................................................................................... 62
11.6. Airlift of HHG. ........................................................................................................ 62
11.7. Office of Special Investigations. .............................................................................. 64
11.8. Pertinent Personal Property Guidance in Non-Transportation Regulations. ........... 64
6 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
11.9. Payment to TSP or Agent when Services Rendered and Movement is Canceled. .. 64
11.10. Routing and Mode Selection of Domestic Shipments Weighing 1,000 pounds or
Less. ........................................................................................................................ 64
11.11. General Officer and Senior Executive Service Moves. ........................................... 64
11.12. Personal Property Transformation/Procedures and Process. .................................. 65
11.13. Administrative Process for Policy and Entitlement Clarification or Interpretation. 65
12.1. Excess Cost Responsibilities. .................................................................................. 66
12.2. Origin TO Responsibilities: Part I: Members/Employees in Pay Status. ................. 66
12.3. Destination TO Responsibilities. ............................................................................. 67
12.4. Member/Employee Responsibilities. ...................................................................... 68
12.5. Excess Cost Processing and Rebuttal Procedures: .................................................. 68
12.6. Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records (BCMR) Procedures. ............ 69
13.1. (054305) Transportation. ......................................................................................... 70
13.2. (054309) PBP&E. .................................................................................................... 70
13.3. (054305-E) Transportation Methods. ....................................................................... 70
13.4. (0547) POV Transportation. .................................................................................... 71
13.5. (0544) Mobile Home Transportation. ..................................................................... 71
14.1. Purpose. ................................................................................................................... 72
14.2. Inspector Qualification. ........................................................................................... 72
14.3. Training. ................................................................................................................... 72
14.4. Preparation. .............................................................................................................. 72
14.5. Inspection of a TSP’s Facilities and Equipment. ..................................................... 72
14.6. TSP Equipment, Supplies and Personnel. ................................................................ 73
14.7. Inspection Criteria. ................................................................................................... 73
14.8. Telephonic Inspection. ............................................................................................. 74
14.9. Accessorial Services. ............................................................................................... 75
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 7
14.10. Post-Inspection Duties. ............................................................................................ 76
15.1. (060101) Authority to Order an Evacuation. ........................................................... 77
15.2. (060103) Choosing an Evacuation Destination. ...................................................... 77
PAR 051404, TABLE 5-39 90
8 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
Chapter 1
1.1. HQ USAF/A4LR, Logistics Readiness Division:
1.1.1. Implements the DoD personal property program for the Air Force.
1.1.2. Establishes, operates, staffs, supports, and supervises personal property shipping
offices for assigned areas of responsibility worldwide.
1.1.3. Publishes Air Force publications and guidance in order to implement passenger
movement, materiel distribution, and JTR allowances, delegations of authority and
Secretarial Processes authorized by the Secretary of the Air Force in accordance with DoDI
4500.57, Transportation and Traffic Management.
1.1.4. Takes timely and appropriate action to correct program deficiencies as reported by the
Commander, United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) or his or her
1.1.5. Furnishes the Commander, USTRANSCOM, or his or her designee, as required, cost
and claims data, and other information necessary to manage the program.
1.1.6. Provides representatives to working groups established and convened by the
Commander, USTRANSCOM, or his or her designee.
1.1.7. Ensures effective and efficient use of DoD and commercial resources in carrying out
assigned missions.
1.1.8. Consolidates personal property shipping offices and traffic management functions,
whenever possible, with the primary focus on meeting customer requirements while utilizing
regionalization, outsourcing, and consolidations to reduce administrative personnel and
facility requirements.
1.1.9. Publishes Air Force instructions to implement the JTR and to implement the
delegations of authority and personal property entitlements authorized by the Secretary of the
Air Force in accordance with Department of Defense Directive (DoDD) 4500.09,
Transportation and Traffic Management and Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI)
1.1.10. Manages the overall personal property program, ensure the Air Force has provisions
for Personally Procured Moves (PPM), identify and adjudicate excess costs through the
Personal Property Activity, Headquarters as its Secretary of the Air Force and Air Staff
delegated executive agent.
1.2. Personal Property Activity Headquarters (PPA HQ):
1.2.1. Provides the single management for Air Force personal property execution, focuses on
standardized procedures at Personal Property Shipping Offices, Joint Personal Property
Shipping Offices, and Personal Property Processing Offices to provide reach back capability.
1.2.2. Provides AF-wide intermediate level organizational advice, planning, and oversight
for personal property movement.
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 9
1.2.3. Directly consults, coordinates and advises subordinate and MAJCOM subordinate
activities performing personal property functions.
1.2.4. Has Direct Liaison of Authority (DIRLAUTH) to AF units (e.g., flights, squadrons,
wings) to assist in day-to-day management and execution of personal property functions;
likewise, units are authorized DIRLAUTH to work with PPA HQ.
1.2.5. Coordinates with United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM), their
subordinate units, and other agencies as required.
1.2.6. Collects, analyze, and report installation level Quality Assurance inspection rate and
face-to-face counseling metric data to AF/A4L. (T-0).
1.2.7. Provides centralized management of manpower, budget and civilian training for those
Joint Personal Property Shipping Offices (JPPSO) who are integrated into PPA HQ structure.
1.2.8. Serves as the Air Force Executive Agent for the Defense Personal Property System
(DPS) functional requirements.
1.2.9. Functions as the Air Force single manager for personal property reports and analysis,
electronic payment financial processes, and the Third Party Payment System (TPPS).
1.2.10. Serves as the SecAF delegated authority for identifying and adjudicating personal
property excess cost.
1.2.11. Assists Air Force personnel and transportation offices in clarifying and interpreting
HHG and POV transportation and storage allowances of military members, civilian
employees, dependents and Next of Kin of deceased members.
1.2.12. Approval and disapproval authority for Home of Selection and Home of Record
Travel and Transportation allowances extension requests for medical, education and training
and other deserving circumstances.
1.2.13. Fields questions for active duty, retired and separated members on allowances and
extensions, addresses customers concerns with the moving process and provides guidance,
assists sister services personnel regarding allowances, regulation and directive interpretation
as it applies to Air Force members, assists with research and staffing Congressional Inquiries
and Inspector General (IG) complaints, and communicates personnel property movement and
storage information to the transportation community.
1.2.14. Provides policy and allowances interpretation to PPPOs/PPSOs/JPPSOs/CPPSOs,
MAJCOM and sister Service Components who service Air Force personnel.
1.3. Major Commands (MAJCOMs):
1.3.1. Establishes and maintains relationships with PPA HQ to collaborate on travel and
transportation allowances, requirements, and procedures for movement of household goods.
1.3.2. Provides support for MAJCOM unique requirements to enforce governing laws,
directives, regulations, and instructions.
10 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
1.3.3. Ensures theater mission, or basing, issues are supported that require MAJCOM
intervention, to include opening or establishing logistical support at new bases or operating
locations. The MAJCOM inherent role in establishing the transportation infrastructure to ship
HHG, POVs, negotiating host customs and border clearance requirements, Status of Forces
Agreement (SOFA) issues, licensing, fuel requirements, disposal and transfer requirements,
1.3.4. Staffs household goods administrative weight allowance restrictions and POV
shipment prohibition with Wing Commanders and appropriate staff agencies.
1.4. Installation Transportation Officer/Traffic Management Officer (TMO): Follows DoD
4500.9-R, Defense Transportation Regulation, Part IV, Personal Property, to execute the
personal property movement program. (T-0).
1.5. Logistics Readiness and Aerial Port Squadron Commanders:
1.5.1. Ensures all service members receive face-to-face counselling as a standard level of
service. Face-to-Face counselling can consist of one-on-one or group counselling sessions.
1.5.2. Enforce an 80% Quality Assurance inspection rate for all personal property shipments.
1.5.3. Reports monthly the Quality Assurance inspection rate and face-to-face counseling
data. (T-1). Data will be uploaded at
Management Repository.aspx
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 11
Chapter 2
2.1. (0205) Shipment and Storage of HHG While on TDY. (020501-B1a) Professional
Books, Papers and Equipment (PBP&E). (See paragraph 3.1.3)
2.2. (020501) - Shipment of HHG by a Service Member.
2.2.1. (020501) - B1 Weight Allowance Entitlement. See the Table 2-25 in JTR, par.
020501-B1, for maximum temporary duty weight allowances. Authorization should be
indicated in the member's order to ship a specific amount (in words, figures, or both) of
HHG. However, a permanent change of station (PCS) with temporary duty (TDY) en route
order (JTR par. 052007) need not contain the specified amount authorized for shipment
unless additional weight is authorized IAW Secretarial process contained in paragraph 3.1.2
2.2.2. (051504) HHG Improperly Transported or Misdirected. The Joint Personal Property
Shipping Office (JPPSO) or Personal Property Shipping Office (PPSO)/Personal Property
Processing Office (PPPO) is responsible for determining and documenting conditions that
resulted in improper shipment of HHG or unavoidable separation of the HHG from the
member. If justifiable, (J)PPSO personnel should forward the shipment to a proper
2.3. (051306) - Excess Charges. (See paragraph 3.7. and Chapter 12)
2.4. (052007) - PCS With TDY En Route, PCS While on TDY, or PCS Following TDY
Pending Further Assignment. (See paragraph 4.1.1.)
2.5. (031201) - Indeterminate TDY. Indeterminate deployment applies when an Airman’s
deployment order does not provide for return to the Permanent Duty Station (PDS) and the
deployment is more than 20 weeks at one location, or the order does not specify or imply any
limit to the period of absence from the PDS.
2.6. (020502) - Storage in Transit (SIT) and Special Storage of HHG by a Service Member.
2.6.1. (020502-B) - SIT Allowances. The TO is designated to authorize/approve storage
under this paragraph.
2.6.2. (020502-C) TDY/Deployment for 90 or more days/an indefinite period. Deployment
storage requires commander’s approval and unit Operations and Maintenance (O&M)
funding using the following criteria: Mission requirement rather than personal convenience should be thoroughly
documented. Willingness to fund does not authorize a storage allowance. Storage is not authorized if the member concurrently receives basic allowance
for housing (BAH) in the commuting area of the PDS unless there is a documented
mission requirement for the storage. (T-0).
12 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 A written approval letter for storage, or orders/amendments approving storage,
under this paragraph is to be submitted to the (J)PPSO/PPPO and include the individual's
name and grade, anticipated duration of the TDY, Special Order Number, unit's
Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Line of Accounting (LOA), TDY purpose, rationale
for storage and concurrence of the individual’s Wing, Group or Squadron Commander.
2.6.3. The member's unit O&M funds are to be used to effect storage under this paragraph.
Storage at government expense terminates not later than 90 days after TDY completion. A
member's request for additional storage should include an endorsement by the member's
commander. The TDY or deployment period need not be at just one location. However, to
qualify for this storage, multiple TDY assignments or deployment are to be for more than 90
consecutive days. (T-0).
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 13
Chapter 3
3.1. (0513) Standard Allowances.
3.1.1. (0513) When members exhaust their JTR weight allowance, shipment of additional
weight at government expense or by government arrangement is prohibited. (T-0). However,
if the maximum government obligation has been exceeded but the member has not exceeded
their weight allowance, shipment of remaining allowances is subject to excess cost. (051301-D) Additional transportation. After issuance of a new PCS order,
allowances under a prior PCS order cease to the current PDS, except as provided in JTR,
paragraph (051301-D). This procedure is often referred to as a “Combination of Orders”
shipment. Such shipments may only be made from a former duty station or authorized
point to which previously shipped at government expense. The household goods should
have been acquired before the effective date of all orders used in the combination of
orders. The authorized weight allowance is the unused balance in effect on the effective
date of the previous orders (See example provided in 051301-D). The appropriate
shipping document is to be annotated to show “Paying Officer Review Requested.” A member who has exceeded his/her weight allowance may release NTS that is
currently under government control (NTS) to ship HHG to an authorized destination.
3.1.2. (0514) HHG weight. Requests for exception under this paragraph IAW Table 5-37
may be submitted after receipt of excess weight notification and after the rebuttal and
remission of debt process is complete. The member needs to justify that a significant
financial hardship exists. The Secretarial process to request an exception is through the
servicing MPF to AF/A1PA. Permanent Change of Station (PCS): Within the CONUS, full JTR weight allowance is authorized. To, from, and between outside Continental United States (OCONUS) areas.
HHG shipment weight allowances are subject to JTR administrative limitations. Refer to for overseas weight
restrictions. (See paragraph 2.2 and Attachments 2 and 3) Note: Full JTR weight
allowance is authorized upon return from OCONUS for retiring or separating members.
3.1.3. (051304) PBP&E and required medical equipment (See Attachment 6) See PBP&E definition for member or employee and a member’s dependent
spouse in JTR, Appendix A. Home school supplies and equipment do not qualify as
spouse PBP&E. If an allowance for NTS exists, NTS is authorized for both the PBP&E
for the member and the PBP&E for his/her dependent spouse when one or both are not
required at the member’s next PDS. If incomplete applications are received, shipment is not delayed provided the
member's desires are not questionable and shipments are otherwise authorized.
14 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 Entry in the remarks section of the DD Form 1299, Application for Shipment
and/or Storage of Personal Property should read “PBP&E FOR SPOUSE” followed by
the estimated weight (NTE 500 pounds). Document DD Form 1299 to include spouse’s
employment/occupation or community support activities at the next or later destination. Note: Re-emphasize that in making such a declaration, later consideration
for PBP&E is not given unless the member qualifies for the “after-the-fact” approval
identified below. When a member declares PBP&E for himself/herself or for a spouse, it acts
as certification that those items are necessary in the performance of their official
duties. Such items needs to meet the criteria of PBP&E for a member and the criteria
of PBP&E for a member’s dependent spouse as defined in JTR, Appendix A, and
other provisions contained herein. Members are to be counseled that the burden of
proof, if challenged, rests with the member. Separately declare member and spouse PBP&E. PBP&E is separately
packed, marked with the word “M-PRO” for the member and “S-PRO” for the
dependent spouse, inventoried and weighed. In addition, a clear description of the
articles along with an annotation as to the type of PBP&E (“M-PRO” or “S-PRO”) is
annotated on the HHG inventory prepared at the time of pickup. If a clear description
is not evident, credit cannot be granted unless verified under paragraph If it
isn’t possible or practical to weigh PBP&E at origin, the constructive weight of 7
pounds per cubic foot described in the JTR, par 051404 Table 5-39 applies. In either
event, actual or constructive weights of each inventoried item is to be identified on
the inventory. When certified scale weights are obtained for PBP&E that weight is to
be used. (T-0). After-the-Fact verification of PBP&E can only be accepted when a review
of the member’s case file contains documented intent to declare PBP&E for
himself/herself and/or a spouse. Documented intent includes declaring an estimated
weight entered on DD Form 1299, or separately identified, marked, and inventoried
during the move in question as per paragraph. When a member declares PBP&E but fails to have the Transportation
Service Provider (TSP) record and weigh the items, credit may be given if the
(J)PPSO/PPPO documents the items and weight upon delivery, or review the
inventory to make a determination. Verification should be at the time of, or
immediately after delivery and prior to unpacking of the PBP&E. This process is only
to give credit to those cases that obviously completed all actions of declaration except
when the TSP fails to annotate the Government Bill of Lading (GBL) or Bill of
Lading (BL). The (J)PPSO/PPPO can use actual weight or construct weight of 7
pounds per cubic foot. See Attachment 6. Refer questionable cases to Personal
Property Activity Headquarters/Excess Cost Adjudication Function (PPA HQ/PPEX), Military Affiliate Radio Station (MARS) Equipment (Applies to members only): To qualify for shipment or storage of MARS equipment at government
expense members is to provide a current MARS membership certificate.
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 15 Consult the Personal Property Consignment Instruction Guide (PPCIG) for
restricted areas and country restrictions regarding transmitting equipment. Air Force Band Equipment (Applies only to members): (T-1). To qualify band equipment as PBP&E, the member provides a written
statement, signed by the local band commander, certifying such equipment is
PBP&E. Following is a suggested statement: “I certify (member's name and rank) is a
member of the Air Force Band and possesses the appropriate AFSC. I further certify
the band equipment to be (shipped) (stored) as professional equipment is necessary in
the performance of official duties." Personal stereo equipment and associated media are not PBP&E.
3.1.4. (052002-F) Consumable Goods. See paragraph 10.3 for description of consumable
goods. The use of extra HHG pickup provisions to pick up consumable goods directly from
base commissaries or commercial grocery stores is permitted.
3.1.5. (0517) HHG expenses associated with shipping. Services provided for shipment or
storage of such items is limited to those provided under TSP’s tariffs or contractual
provisions. (T-0). Nothing in the law (Title 37 United States Code) or implementing
directives provides that the government furnishes extraordinary or special services when
shipping expensive and valuable items. If a member requests exceptional packing and crating
services, the member is responsible for all costs for those services.
3.1.6. (051301-E) HHG Lost, Damages, or Destroyed. The TO is the approval authority for
this provision.
3.2. (051402) Exceptions to the Authorized Weight Allowance. (See Attachment 2 and 3)
3.2.1. (051402-A) Administrative weight limitations: Unaccompanied members assigned to, from, and between OCONUS areas
(including Alaska and Hawaii) are limited to HHG weight allowances in Attachment 3,
Table A3.1 Review in order to
identify restricted weight areas for accompanied members assigned to, from, and between
certain OCONUS areas. Exceptions to the administrative weight limitations are listed in
Attachment 2, Table A2.1 and identified on PCS orders. Air Force policy is that members assigned to restricted areas generally remain
weight restricted on departure from the area even if the weight restriction is lifted while
the member is still assigned to that area. The establishment of an effective date for the
policy change is designed to apply prospectively, not retroactively. Therefore, across-the-
board approval of full JTR weight shipments cannot be authorized for these personnel.
However, requests for additional weight can be considered on a case-by-case basis under
the provisions of Attachments 2 and 3, Tables A2.1 and A3. (T-0).
3.2.2. (051402-E) Higher weight allowances. Exceptions in Attachment 2 and 3, Table
A2.1 and A3.1 may apply. The Military Personnel Flight (MPF) annotates the authorized
weight exceptions in member’s special order.
16 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
3.3. (051301-C) Re-Transportation of HHG.
3.3.1. Member’s convenience. Reshipment of the same property on one PCS order is not
authorized at government expense after delivery to member/employee. Reshipment of the
TDY weight allowance from TDY location to TDY location to new PDS is authorized
3.3.2. Delivery from storage is not synonymous with the term reshipment. A long delivery
from storage SIT can be made to an alternate or different destination for the member’s
convenience. The Government Bill of Lading IS NOT be terminated. The member agrees to
be financially responsible for the excess cost for the distance exceeding delivery within the
commander’s authorized local (delivery) area (See paragraph 10.5). This applies to a
member who selects a city to live outside the local delivery area or if the shipment cost
exceeds the remaining maximum transportation obligation.
3.4. (0515) Transportation Methods.
3.4.1. (0515) Household Goods (HHG). CONUS: Shipment is by surface mode. OCONUS: Normally, shipment is made by a surface mode except to and from
“Hardlift areas” Transportation Priority 4 (TP-4) areas, or when authorized or approved
under the provisions of paragraph 11.6 Shipments to hardlift areas, TP-4 areas, and
those approved for airlift are always to be moved with preference given to Air Mobility
Command (AMC). Note: (1) Space required airlift of HHG including airlift to “hardlift areas” is
not authorized for retirees or separatees. (2) There is no TP-4 capability for inter-theater
shipments (i.e., EUCOM to PACOM); however, TP-2 is available
3.4.2. (051403) Unaccompanied Baggage (UB). Note: UB is part of the administrative
HHG weight limitation. Between points within CONUS: Normally, UB is included with the HHG if the
transit time satisfies the member’s needs. HHG shipped in this manner is identified to the
TSP as “designated items for extra pickup or delivery.” One GBL is issued and annotated
“Extra Pick Up and/or Extra Delivery Authorized.” The TSP is required to inventory,
load and store designated items to permit ready access at destination. Expedited mode
(for the JTR-limited amount of UB) may be used when the transit time of the HHG
shipment does not meet the required delivery date for UB. This also applies when the
only shipment is UB. To, From, or between points OCONUS: See the PPCIG for routing/mode.
Separate shipments of UB to, from, and between hardlift areas are not authorized for
dependents or members when concurrent travel of dependents is authorized. (T-0).
Separate shipment is authorized when required due to host country restrictions. Review
PPCIG (Overseas). UB weight entitlement is determined by adding member and/or dependent
authorized weight IAW Attachment 4, Table A4.1 However, per JTR, par. 051403 the
maximum weight of UB transported by any mode at government expense is 2,000 lbs.
(net), excluding the weight of PBP&E, if PBP&E is transported with UB.
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 17 Shipment of UB by Mail. Shipment of UB by parcel post or military official
mail is authorized when it meets the member’s requirements or is cost effective. UB
should meet the specification of the U.S. Postal Service.
3.4.3. (051502) Personally Procured HHG Transportation. (See Chapter 8)
3.5. (051402) Exceptions to the Authorized Weight Allowance.
3.5.1. (051402-F Table 5-38) Service member married to another service member or
married to a civilian employee. When a military member is married to another military
member (MIL to MIL) neither member can be considered a dependent of the other to
increase any allowance including HHG weight. If no other dependent(s) exists, both are
members without dependents in determining weight allowance. When both members are assigned to or from an OCONUS duty station
unaccompanied, they each are limited to the unaccompanied member weight allowance. When both members are assigned either to or from a different weight restricted
OCONUS duty station accompanied, both members are authorized to ship their
maximum restricted weight allowance combined or separately. The combined weight
allowance may be divided between the two members provided neither exceeds the weight
allowance prescribed for their grade. Any shipment exceeding the authorized weight is
subject to excess cost. If both members are assigned to the same PDS or nearby PDS in
the same area at which they jointly occupy a residence and their new orders are both to
the same PDS/joint residence, the members are limited to one administrative weight
allowance. When both members are assigned to or from OCONUS duty station
accompanied, they are each authorized full JTR weight entitlement. Once the HHG have been shipped to the authorized PDS under one member’s
entitlement, the government’s statutory and regulatory obligation to the member has been
met. Further movement of the same HHG under the other member’s order is not
authorized (54 Comptroller General Decision 847, Transportation of Household Effects
Dual Rights B-181402, 10 April 1975). (T-0). Military member married to a civilian employee. The civilian employee, if under
a PCS order, is authorized appropriate JTR allowances. The member may also be
authorized HHG shipment under a PCS order. (T-0). Both persons cannot be paid for the
same expenses. Exception is only one administrative weight allowance is authorized if
the couple are PCS from the same location and to the same location IAW JTR, 051402-
F1 Table 5-38
3.5.2. (051504) HHG Improperly Transported or Misdirected. The (J)PPSO/PPPO is
assigned responsibility for determining and documenting conditions which result in improper
shipment (property erroneously shipped at no fault of the member) or unavoidable separation
of the property from the member. If justifiable, (J)PPSO personnel should forward the
shipment to the proper destination and provide a copy of the shipment justification to PPA
HQ/PPEX, email: [email protected], fax: (210) 321-4262. (See paragraph 3.3
and JTR, par. 051504).
3.5.3. (0516) Transportation of items of extraordinary value.
18 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 Members contemplating shipment of expensive and valuable items should be
counseled: If maximum claim amount provides inadequate settlement, members should be
advised to obtain commercial insurance. Members should hand-carry valuables such as jewelry, watches, cameras,
currency, and other items subject to pilferage.
3.5.4. (052101) Transportation of HHG removed from a mobile home to meet safety
requirements. Excess items should be removed upon the recommendation of the commercial
TSP when based on the condition of the mobile home. The member is to provide the
(J)PPSO/PPPO with a written copy of the TSP’s assessment when applying for HHG
shipment under this paragraph.
3.5.5. (010302) Duplicate payment and fraudulent claims. A member with travel and
transportation allowances incident to separation or retirement that accepts employment with a
federal agency is entitled to the greater of the two allowances. Allowances may not be added
or combined (Comptroller General Decision B- 196535). (T-0). Dual HHG allowances are a
form of a duplicate payment.
3.5.6. (051302-B) Effect of order issuance on HHG transportation. A letter-in- lieu-of-order
is issued by the PCS orders issuing authority. (J)PPSO/PPPO personnel retains the member’s
written agreement to be financially responsible for the shipment as well as the letter-in- lieu-
of-order and establish a suspense file of 60 days to ensure an order is received. If the
PPSO/PPPO does not receive the order within 60 days, the PPSO/PPPO inquires with the
MPF. If an order has not and will not be issued, PPPOs will notify PPA HQ/PPEX via email
at [email protected] to initiate billing action (DD Form 139, Pay Adjustment
Authorization) against the member and forward to DFAS. (T-0). A Letter-in-Lieu-of-Order should contain an accounting classification. (051302-B4) A letter-in- lieu-of-order cannot be issued for a separatee or retiree
(AFI 36-3203, paragraph 1.6). (T-1). A member without dependents, stationed in CONUS, pending discharge because
of non-judicial punishment is not authorized to use letter-in-lieu-of-order. A member who moves HHG at personal expense prior to the issuance of an
order or a letter-in- lieu-of-order is not entitled to reimbursement. (T-0).
3.6. (051401) Authorized PCS Weight Allowances.
3.6.1. (051402) Exceptions.
3.6.2. In any case where the outer container is the member's "personal" property, no packing
adjustment is authorized.
3.6.3. The TO is designated to approve a change of the net weight of shipments. This is
allowed only when a shipment is completely unpacked and weight of packing materials is
verified. The actual weight of the packing materials is then subtracted from the
TSP/contractor's net weight.
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 19
3.6.4. Note: A packing allowance as prescribed in Attachment 5 is not authorized after
weighing in this manner.
3.7. (051306) Excess Charges. (See Chapter 12 for Responsibilities and Procedures).
3.7.1. (0518-B3) Non-temporary Storage (NTS). Charges for excess HHG weight in government NTS facilities are paid by the
government and charged to the member. Charges include preparation, drayage handling,
and storage. JPPSOs are not to bill members unless advised by PPA HQ/ECAF. Excess HHG weight in commercial non-temporary Storage (NTS) facilities.
When excess weight situations become known, only after PPA HQ/ECAF
recommendation should (J)PPSOs convert the overweight portion to the member's
expense. HQ/ECAF determines which shipment (HHG, NTS, UB, etc.) the excess weight
and costs are attributable. When computation of excess weight on NTS shipments result
in the least excess cost to the member and the member requested the government to pay
the excess costs in the DD Form 1299 Remarks Section, PPA HQ/ECAF sends the
member a letter offering two payment options. The member may (1) immediately pay all
storage costs (based on the tour length reflected on the special order) for the excess
weight stored, or (2) defer payment of the excess costs until the lot is withdrawn from
NTS. A copy of this letter is provided to the (J)PPSO. Considering the members
selection, PPA HQ/ECAF (1) issues a DD Form 139 and subsequently provides a
corrected DD Form 139 if the actual storage time-frame differs from the anticipated tour
length, or (2) provides a DD Form 139 once the property is removed from NTS or
remains in NTS under a new special order. Provide copies or ensure the member’s NTS documentation (DD Form 1164,
DD Form 1299, special order, weight tickets, etc.) are available to PPA HQ/ECAF and
provide copies or ensure the new line-haul or local drayage weight tickets are available. The above procedures result in lower excess cost payment for affected members
because they pay the lower Governmegt storage rate rather than the higher commercial
storage rate.
3.7.2. (051306-B Table 5-36) HHG Transportation in Excess of Authorized Weight
Allowance. Excess cost includes accessorial preparation, drayage, warehouse handling,
storage, line haul, port handling, and Military Sealift Command (MSC) or Air Mobility
Command (AMC) charge (if applicable). Transportation counselors are to annotate in the
counseling module of Defense Personal Property System (DPS) “Paying Officer Review.”
3.7.3. (051306-C) HHG transportation other than between authorized locations. Members
contemplating shipment of HHG other than between authorized locations should always be
advised of possible excess cost. Excess costs may occur even if the distance is less than the
distance between authorized locations. Annotate in the counseling module of DPS “Paying
Officer Review.” (T-0).
20 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
3.7.4. (051306-D) Transportation of unauthorized items. The member pays all expenses
between any locations for unauthorized articles. See definition of HHG in Appendix A of the
JTR for a listing of unauthorized articles. Annotate in the counseling module of DPS “Paying
Officer Review.” (T-0).
3.7.5. (051306-E) HHG transportation with special routing or services provided. Higher cost mode specifically requested by member. Excess cost is the
difference between the mode normally selected by the JPPSO and the mode requested by
the member. Special services. Special services not provided under normal rates can be
requested by and furnished to the member. These include premium packing and crating
not otherwise required by a TSP to protect an item. The excess cost includes the cost of
the special services. The member may request final shipment of the property legally awarded to an
ex-spouse incident to a divorce. The decision on whether or not to use the PCS allowance
for this purpose rests solely with the member. The shipment is authorized on the current
order provided the property was not previously shipped on that order and a shipping
entitlement still exists. Otherwise, a new PCS order is required before property may be
shipped. Annotate in the counseling module of DPS “Paying Officer Review.”
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 21
Chapter 4
4.1. Transportation Under Various Types of Situations.
4.1.1. (052007) PCS with TDY en route, PCS while on TDY, or PCS following TDY
pending further assignment. Approval for shipment of HHG up to the TDY weight allowance
does not have to be included in the PCS order for the member to be eligible for shipment to
the TDY location. (052007-A) PCS with a TDY en route or while on a TDY. The PCS line of
accounting is used for all shipments except NTS. Advocate the use of NTS for duration of the TDY to reduce the possibility of
excess costs and to further allow a temporary storage entitlement at the new PDS.
4.1.2. (052011-B) Ordered from OCONUS PDS. Members returning for separation
processing may use the AF Form 899 (PCS Order) to: Place property in NTS. Ship unaccompanied baggage or HHG directly to a location in the CONUS.
Destination may be beyond the processing station only if the AF Form 899 contains the
"home of record" or "place of entry into the service" or “place last entered on active
duty." It also includes the point to which such travel is intended. Shipments exceeding the
authorized weight or distance are subject to the advance collection procedures described
in Chapter 11 of this supplement. Shipment from Non-temporary storage is not authorized until the final separation
order (AF Form 100) is issued. (T-0).
4.1.3. (052011 Table 5-50) Ordered from a PDS OCONUS to the U.S. or to a non-foreign
area OCONUS for separation processing with Home of Selection (HOS) authorized.
Encourage a member returning for retirement processing to always exercise NTS unless they
believe they are going to retire in the vicinity of the processing station or require a partial
release to establish a residence. However, the member bears all excess cost for HHGs that are
delivered at the processing station and later shipped to the members HOS.
4.2. (052002) PCS HHG Transportation to, from, or between Locations OCONUS and to,
from, or between Ships.
4.2.1. (052002-A Table 5-42, Item 1) Transportation of HHG to a PDS OCONUS. The
member may elect to ship HHG to a designated location limited in cost to a shipment to the
OCONUS PDS or place the HHG into NTS. No further shipment at government expense of
the same property is authorized until a new PCS order is issued. Upon subsequent PCS to
another duty station outside CONUS, shipment from the designated location or non-
temporary storage to the new consecutive OCONUS tour PDS requires prior approval. The
member’s gaining MPF is designated to authorize and/or approve these shipments.
22 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
4.2.2. (052002-A Table 5-42, Item 2) Ordered to a PDS OCONUS and is advised, in
writing, that HHG transportation will be authorized within 20 weeks after the service
member’s port reporting month. HHG shipments may be sent directly to the OCONUS PDS
when authorized/approved by HQ USAF/A4LR via MAJCOM. Criteria for approval
includes: the member’s acceptable written justification, copy of the member’s PCS order, and
the estimated cost of storage and transit time.
4.2.3. (052002-A Table 5-42, Item 4) Shipment of HHG from NTS is not be allowed until
receipt of dependent entry approval is provided and that the dependents are to be command
sponsored and the member has at least 12 months remaining on the OCONUS tour on the
date the dependents are scheduled to arrive. (T-0).
4.2.3. (052002-A Table 5-42, Item 6) Ordered from a PDS in the CONUS to a PDS
OCONUS to which HHG transportation is prohibited or restricted by service regulation,
service member serving an unaccompanied tour, service member is serving a dependent
restricted tour or under unusual circumstances. If dependent travel is not involved, MAJCOM
commanders are designated to authorize and/or approve shipments. This authority may be
delegated to MPF. Approval Criteria: non-temporary storage is authorized at government expense
in lieu of shipment. Shipment to a designated location OCONUS should not be
authorized when dependent travel is not applicable unless the HHGs are intended for use
at the OCONUS destination by dependents who are already located at that point, or after
completion of the current OCONUS tour of duty. The member states in writing his/her
intention to establish a residence at that designated location upon separation or retirement
(See JTR, par. 052013). Single members and members serving an "all others" (dependents not
authorized) tour are limited to the applicable UB allowance. These allowances are shown
in Attachment 4, Table A4.1, and applicable notes. Exceptions to these weight
allowances are listed in Attachment 3, Table A3.1 To participate in both the "Follow-on" and "Home Basing" assignment
programs, members agree to certain conditions. The conditions include voluntary
member decisions on shipment and storage of HHG, and movement of dependents at
government expense. A member participating in either program may still exercise the JTR
allowances to ship and store HHG. Questions on whether a particular action impacts
the follow-on assignment should be resolved between the member and MPF. An order to a restricted or remote assignment may identify either the
foreign and/or CONUS follow-on location. This order is not the authority for
movement of HHG to the foreign OCONUS follow-on points. The letter from the
gaining MPF is evidence that the SOFA agreement and customs have been approved
by the follow-on location. A dependent travel order specifically authorizing shipment
to the foreign OCONUS follow-on location is required. Careful review of the PPCIG
is a necessity for shipment of UB to an OCONUS location for unaccompanied
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 23 Exceptions to utilize PCS allowances and receive advance assignment
consideration are: Relocation of dependents and/or HHG are authorized to the CONUS/non-
foreign OCONUS follow-on location only. HHGs should not be shipped to the
follow-on location at government expense unless the member or the member’s agent
can accept delivery upon HHG arrival at the follow-on location. A period of SIT not
to exceed 90 days may be authorized as the intent of this program is to allow the
dependents time to establish a residence at the follow-on location. Single members, single member parents, or either spouse of a member-
married-to-member couple, who are to serve concurrent, but separate, unaccompanied
short tours, can store HHG at government expense. If denied continued occupancy of government owned or controlled quarters
or privatized housing, dependents and HHG may be moved (local move only) as
prescribed by JTR, section 0519.
4.2.4. (052002-B, Table 5-45) HHG transportation between PDSs OCONUS, from
OCONUS to a ship, or between ships. If dependent travel is not involved, MAJCOM
commanders are designated to authorize/approve shipments. This authority may be delegated
to MPF. Approval Criteria: non-temporary storage is authorized at government expense
in lieu of shipment. Shipment to a designated location OCONUS should not be
authorized when dependent travel is not applicable unless the HHGs are intended for use
at the OCONUS destination by dependents who are already located at that point; or after
completion of the current OCONUS tour of duty, the member states in writing his/her
intention to establish a residence at that designated location upon separation or retirement
(See JTR, par. 052013). Careful review of the PPCIG is a necessity for shipment of HHG
to an OCONUS location for unaccompanied dependents.
4.2.5. (052002-B Table 5-45, Item 3) Ordered on a PCS from a PDS OCONUS to another
PDS OCONUS to which HHG transportation is prohibited or restricted by service regulation,
service member serving a dependent restricted tour and service members serving an
unaccompanied tour at the new PDS. MAJCOM commanders are designated to
authorize/approve shipments of HHG to any location outside the CONUS in situations other
than described above. Approval Criteria: dependent travel to such location can be
authorized/approved under JTR, par. 050809 or the dependents may already be residing at
the OCONUS location. The PPCIG should be reviewed for shipments of HHG to OCONUS
locations for unaccompanied dependents.
4.2.6. (052002-E) HHG transportation when performing a PCS from a location OCONUS
or sea duty. Shipment of HHG from OCONUS areas other than the official OCONUS duty
station is permitted. The term “HOUSEHOLD GOODS” does not include articles
acquired AFTER the effective date of the order. For new furniture shipments, the items
are to be owned and manufactured before the effective date of the order to qualify for
shipment by government arrangement.
24 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 The member, prior to departure from the OCONUS PDS, is required sign a DD
Form 1299 agreeing to be responsible for all additional costs resulting from such
shipments. (T-0). PPSO/PPPOs do not forward DD Form 1299 if the member has exceeded his/her
JTR weight allowance by previous shipments. When administrative weight limitations
are exceeded, members are to be counseled that OCONUS costs are a personal financial
responsibility. The full JTR weight allowance applies for the CONUS portion of the
shipment. (T-0).
4.3. (0519) Local Moves.
4.3.1. (0519) The local short distance move area is not defined by the local move contract. (051901) Short distance move for a reassignment or PCS. HHG movement between activities at the same PDS, or between PDSs located in
proximity, requires the member to obtain the gaining activity commander approval in the
grade of O-5 or above, or a civilian employee at the equivalent grade. The commander
certifies in writing the member’s specific circumstance that requires HHG movement as a
mission essential requirement, is in the government’s best interest, and is not primarily
for the member’s convenience. A member’s desire to reside closer to his/her new duty
station does not constitute a requirement for movement of HHG movement. PCS Code V (Low-Cost): When authorized by the gaining activity commander
(O-5 or above), members requesting a low-cost move are authorized only a HHG
shipment consisting of PBP&E from current PDS to new PDS, NTE $1,000 in total PCS
costs, as outlined in AFMAN 65-604, Appropriation Symbols and Budget Codes. Use the
PCS line of accounting (LOA) contained on the travel orders. PCS Code M (No-Cost): No-cost moves are not authorized HHG nor a PBP&E
shipment. All other PCS Codes: PCS Codes other than M and V, are authorized complete
HHG movement in connection with a local proximity move when the gaining activity
commander (O-5 or above) certifies in writing the member’s specific circumstance that
requires HHG movement as a mission essential requirement, is in the government’s best
interest, and is not primarily for the member's convenience. A member’s desire to reside
closer to the new duty station does not constitute a requirement for movement of HHG.
Use the PCS (LOA) contained on the travel orders. Retain a copy of the commander’s certification memo in the member's file. (T-
4.3.2. (051901-A) Reassignment between activities at the same PDS or between PDSs
located in proximity. Temporary storage for inter-city moves under JTR, section 0519 may
be authorized in section 0518-A6.
4.3.3. (051903) Short-distance assignment or termination. (See paragraph
Members separating or retiring are limited to their weight allowance in Table 5-37 (T-0).
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 25 (051903-B1) Government quarters or privatized housing. The Air Force has a
vested interest to ensure maximum utilization of government and privatized housing.
Local moves under this paragraph are considered "directed" in nature when the move
fulfills a legitimate service requirement, such as occupying idle government/privatized
quarters. The fact that a member volunteers to move does not make the move of the
“member’s convenience” if the move fulfills a government requirement of filling a vacant
unit. Per AFI 32-6000, Housing Management, housing management determines when
assignment to housing is strictly for a member’s convenience. Do not deny a local move solely because of lack of funds. In the event a shortage
of local drayage funds limits potential assignment and move into government/privatized
housing, such moves are considered "must pay" and installations follow the normal
budgeting process to request additional funding. Members are not to be denied the JTR
allowance of a government funded move, nor be required to fund a local move at their
expense. (T-0). The cost of local moves, including the non-temporary storage of HHGs, should
be charged to the operating funds of the organization making the housing assignment,
regardless of member's service affiliation. The organization that controls the assignment
of quarters is responsible for funding such moves regardless of the service affiliation of
the individual being assigned.
4.3.5. (051904) Short-Distance Move When Vacating Local Private-Sector Housing. (See
4.4. (052012) HHG Transportation Due to Separation from the Service or Relief from
Active Duty.
4.4.1. (052012-A) HHG transportation and NTS. Use Attachment 9 to counsel and
document eligible HHG transportation allowances for members leaving the Air Force under
the provisions of JTR par. 051002. Members should be carefully counseled before electing to
receive travel pay to a selected separation point. Election to receive the greater amount of
travel pay may be negligible when compared to the loss or restriction of the HHG shipment
allowances. For separated members, there is no authority to consign shipments of HHG to an
embassy or consulate. Full JTR weight allowance IAW section 0514, Table 5-37 is authorized upon
return from OCONUS for separating members. They are not restricted to allowance
authorized to the OCONUS PDS. However, to avoid excess costs, NTS and HHG at
designated locations should be taken into account. When a member dies before exercising his/her entitlements, the dependents or
other persons legally entitled are offered the same entitlements as the member. Members who separate under JTR, par. 051002-J that serve less than the
prescribed period of service (90%) are authorized a HHG shipment. The restrictions
contained in par. 051002-J pertain to travel only. (Reference Block 19 on a separation
26 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
4.4.2. (052012-A2) HHG transportation and NTS. Ninety (90) days prior to expiration of
NTS entitlement (180 days from effective date of separation), the (J)PPSO advises the
member by any communication available (e.g., email with read/delivery receipt, mail, phone,
DFAS, etc.) that if application for shipment is not received by the (J)PPSO before the
expiration of the entitlement, the member’s NTS lot converts to member’s expense. (T-0).
Not later than 45 days before the NTS entitlement is due to expire, the (J)PPSO sends a
certified letter to the member, and follow procedures outlined in the Defense Travel
Regulation (DTR), Chapter 406, para C.13. If the member elects to have their property continue in storage at the end of the
180 day authorized period, it is imperative to inform the member that the storage converts
to his/her expense at a cost negotiated between the member and the NTS Transportation
Service Provider (TSP). The TO should advise the member to negotiate with the
contractor continuance of the lot at the government rate or a discounted rate. Members
are also responsible for acquiring loss/damage insurance for storage of their property
beyond the basic 180-day time limit and contacting the TSP to make arrangements for
storage payments. Member can apply for an extension of travel and transportation
entitlements, which if approved, allows for release and shipment of the personal property
to the applicable Home of Record (HOR) or Place Last Entered Active Duty (PLEAD).
Shipment to any other place as specified in JTR, para 051002, is limited to the cost of
transporting the member’s maximum HHG weight allowance to the applicable
HOR/PLEAD. (T-0). (052012-A3) Temporary Storage of HHG transported from NTS should be
avoided. Close coordination between TSP and the member is critical. If temporary
storage becomes necessary, the destination (J)PPSO is the appropriate authority to
authorize/approve. See paragraph. 6.1.9.
4.4.3. (052012-B-1 Table 5-51 Item 6b) Service member is separating from the service or
is being released from active duty and is required by appropriate authority to vacate
government quarters, government controlled quarters or privatized housing. This local
drayage authority applies only to a member who is in physical receipt of a separation order.
A member’s separation order is to be used to effect the shipment under this paragraph. The
following statement is to be annotated in the remarks section of the DD Form 1299,
“Shipment per JTR, par. 051902-B.” Shipment is authorized to any point within the local
commuting area. (JTR 0206)
4.4.4. (052012-C) Time Limit. Submission of an application is not to be interpreted strictly as the member's
signature on the DD Form 1299. A constructive application, which contains the signature
of the member, such as a letter, fax or email from the member, within the specified time
frame, is acceptable. When an HHG transportation application is made within 180 days,
HHG need to be turned over for transportation as soon as practicable after submission.
The TO or designated representative determines the reasonableness on a case-by-case
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 27 (J) PPSOs may approve extension for shipment for a period of 15 workdays
following the scheduled pickup date. This applies when hardship occurs after shipping
arrangements have been made, but before the scheduled date services are to be
performed. Extension requests and authorizations or approvals are to be documented and
retained in the shipment file. (051002-K) Time limitation for separation. PPA HQ/PPEC is the delegated
authority to approve or disapprove requests for an extension of the basic 180 day
entitlement. Extension of the time limit is permitted if a written request is submitted within
the 180-day-time limit and physical release of HHG within the 180-day-time limit would
impose a hardship on the separated member. All requests for extensions are to be fully documented and forwarded to PPA
HQ/PPEC, email: [email protected], fax: (210) 321-4263. Extension requests forwarded to PPA HQ should contain a specific date for
the new time limitation. Each extension equals 180 days (e.g., 2 extensions = 360
days) not to exceed 5 extensions. Due consideration is given to circumstances
surrounding each member’s request. Note: See paragraph for guidance on viable, but not inclusive,
qualifying justifications.
4.5. (052013) HHG Transportation in Connection with Retirement, Placement on the
Temporary Disability Retired List (TDRL), Discharge with Severance or Separation Pay,
or Involuntary Release from Active Duty with Readjustment or Separation Pay.
4.5.1. (052013-A) HHG Transportation and Storage. PPPO/PPSO prepares an AF Form
2473, Home of Selection Travel and Transportation Entitlements, in duplicate, prior to
shipment or storage incident to retirement. AF Form 2473 and other supporting
documentation are made available to the JPPSO/PPSO before processing shipment. Upload a
copy of the AF Form 2473 to CPPPo and provide a copy to the member. AF Form 2473 may
be obtained through AF publishing, reproduced locally, or produced from automated
systems. Home of selection is the place selected by the member under JTR, par. (051003). A home of selection shipment at government expense is authorized to any
place within the United States (including Alaska and Hawaii). (051003-B3) A shipment is authorized to a place outside the United States
from which the member was called (or ordered) to active duty. Any “other place” (applies to members not meeting the criteria in
paragraph at a cost not to exceed what it would have cost the government
had the member selected a home at a specified place in the CONUS. Note: If “other place” is selected, collection action is effected by PPA HQ
based on all pertinent travel and transportation documents. Counselors should advise
the member to select a CONUS location that yields the greater allowance.
28 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 If member chooses an HOS outside the United States as “other place,” no
POV transportation entitlement exists unless HOR is an OCONUS location. For a retired member, the HHG weight allowance is noted in JTR par. 051401
Table 5-37). The pay grade in which the member was serving on the last day of active
duty is used. For a member separated or retired under JTR, par. 052013, there is no authority
to consign a shipment of HHG to an embassy or consulate. For members separating or retiring under JTR, par. 052013, full weight
allowance is authorized upon return from OCONUS.
4.5.2. (0518) Temporary storage. If temporary storage meets the requirements of JTR,
section 0518-A2b, the destination PPSO is the appropriate authority to approve SIT.
4.5.3. (051003-I1d) Time limitations for retirement. PPA HQ/PPEC is the delegated
authority to approve or disapprove requests for an extension of the basic 1 year. Due
consideration is given to circumstances surrounding each member’s request.
4.5.4. (052013-B) Service member who is authorized HHG transportation to a HOS, is
confined in or undergoing treatment at a hospital on the active duty termination date. Members who were undergoing medical treatment or hospitalization on the last
day of active duty. Members who were undergoing substantially continuous treatment or
hospitalization for the same or an associated condition. Extension is for 1 year after the date of discharge from the hospital or
termination of medical treatment. Criteria: The original request for an extension of time limitation needs be
supported by the following documents: (T-0). The retirement or other pertinent order; A completed copy of the Medical Extension Request Validation (MERV).
The MERV is to be completed by the member’s physician to include signature and
medical stamp. Subsequent Extensions. Each subsequent request submitted requires an up-to-
date MERV. Availability of medical resources or care. Extension requests are not to be
disapproved solely upon availability of medical resources or care elsewhere.
4.5.5. (052013-B) Member Authorized Transportation to a HOS, is Confined In or
Undergoing Treatment at a Hospital for any Period of Time during the 1-year period. Extension is limited to the period of hospitalization or medical treatment. Criteria: The retirement or other pertinent order supports the original and
subsequent requirements for an extension of the time limitation. A completed copy of the MERV. The MERV is to be completed by the
member’s physician to include signature and medical stamp.
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 29 Subsequent Extensions. Each subsequent request submitted requires an up-to-
date MERV. Availability of medical resources or care. Extension requests are not to be
disapproved solely upon the availability of medical resources or care elsewhere.
4.5.6. (052013-B) Service member is authorized HHG transportation under par 051003-A
and par 051003-B is undergoing education or training to qualify for transition into civilian
employment on the active duty termination date. On-the-job training (OJT) can be considered as acceptable training for extension
of the HHG shipment entitlement. The member's request for an extension is supported
by: An applicable retirement or separation order. An official statement by the registrar or other appropriate official of the
educational institution, commercial concern, or place of employment for OJT. The
statement is to be on institutional or company letterhead and contain the complete
designation of the educational institution, commercial concern, or place of
employment; the nature of study or course of instruction; the date the period of
education or training began; and the contemplated date of completion of the period of
education or training. Education is required to be on a continuous basis. The member
needs to attend at least two major semesters (example: spring and fall or summer and
fall, etc.) and be taking a minimum of 6 semester hours or be a half time student. Note: Change in majors may void future extensions. Internet and
correspondence courses do not qualify for education extension. The intent of the
program is to allow members undergoing education or training to qualify for
acceptable civilian employment. Subsequent Extensions. Each subsequent education request can be an
official or unofficial transcript or a letter from the registrar with the information
identified in paragraph Non-Temporary Storage. Ninety days prior to the expiration, (J)PPSO advises the member by any
communication available (i.e. email return receipt, mail, phone, DFAS, etc.) of the
pending expiration date. The (J)PPSO will follow procedures outlined in the DTR,
Chapter 406, para B-11. (T-3). If a member elects to have property continue in storage at the end of the 1-
year authorized period, brief the member that the storage converts to his/her expense
at a cost negotiated with the NTS contractor. Members are responsible for acquiring
loss and damage insurance for storage of their property beyond the 1-year time limit
and for contacting the TSP to make arrangements for storage payments. Members
should be encouraged to apply for an extension of travel and transportation
entitlements, which if approved, allows for release and shipment of personal property
to the HOS. Shipment to any other place, as specified in JTR, par. 051003-A, is
limited to the cost of transporting the member’s maximum HHG weight allowance to
the applicable HOS.
30 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
4.5.7. (052013-C) Other Deserving Cases. The member can submit an extension request to:
PPA HQ/PPEC, via e-mail to: [email protected]. An explanation of the
circumstances preventing completion of the final move within the time limit needs to be
clearly stated. Include in the request the number of months an extension is required, a
retirement or separation order and all documentation supporting the unusual circumstances
such as:
Table 4.1. Common Justifications and Required Documentation for Extension Requests.
Reason For Extension & Documents Required (See Notes)
# of Extensions
Delay in selling/renovating/construction of retirement home. Statement
from contractor or realtor stating the reasons for delay and approximate date
of completion.
Child’s Education. *Entitlement expiration date ends in the middle of a
child’s school year. Child entering high school during the one year post
retirement. Both circumstances require a letter from the school indicating
enrollment and grade.
Child’s Special Education. Only those with learning disabilities and the
child is in a program established prior to retirement. Requires annual
extension request with current individual education plan (IEP) assessments.
Spouse’s education. Middle of school term or to complete final year. Only
in year following retirement, not after previous extensions. Requires letter
from the school.
Immediate family member’s severe illness (unexpected, serious, terminal).
Medical Evaluation Request Validation form to be completed by physician.
Death in Family (immediate family, brother, sister, parent-in-law).
Statement from the member with the circumstances and date of death.
Death of Member (Active Duty). First extension is automatic with call from
Spouse is active duty member. Copy of spouse’s active duty order and
Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) or Virtual
Record of Emergency Data (VRED).
Retiree’s/Separatee’s job search. Letters from employment agencies,
perspective employers, etc. (“Suitability” is not a consideration.)
Employment OCONUS. Employment is to be beneficial to the government
(e.g., DoD contractor, civil service employee, etc.). Requires letter from
employer indicating if a transportation agreement has been signed.
Legal/administrative proceedings that preclude member from moving within
time limits (e.g., BCMR, divorce, custody hearings, etc.). Requires copy of
document denoting proceedings.
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 31
Member’s Education. Adequate time to complete current term or able to
graduate next term. Requires a letter from the school administer indicating
date of enrollment, anticipated graduation date and course of study.
Note: The circumstances outlined above are guidelines only. Due consideration is to be given
to circumstances surrounding each member’s request. Comptroller General Decision B-
207157, 2 Feb 1983 states “The primary requirement is that the travel be the result of
separation/retirement from the service, since it is not a benefit which the separated/retired
member retains until used regardless of circumstances.”
*1/4 Maximum of one extension for a child in the middle of the school year. Four extensions
for a child in high school.
HOS: Each extension equals 1 year and may not be extended for more than a total of 6 years
(to include the first year after retirement) from the retirement date IAW JTR. Par (051003-I).
HOR: Each extension equals 180 days not to exceed 5 extensions. (T-0).
32 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
Chapter 5
5.1. (0520) HHG Transportation Related to Categories of Travel.
5.1.1. (051402-C) Exceptions to administrative weight limitations. Table of weight
allowances, JTR, par. 051401, Table 5-37 applies with the exception of those areas where
administrative weight is applicable. (See
AW-01.pdf) Members assigned to weight restricted areas may request a weight exception
upon next PCS in accordance with Attachment 2 and 3.
5.1.2. (052002-A3) PDS to which dependent travel is authorized changed to dependent
restricted tour PDS. Installation commanders are designated to authorize/approve HHG
shipment under JTR, par. 052002 Table 5-44 items 2 and 3. (See AFI 36-3020, Family
Member Travel). (T-0).
5.1.3. (052009-C) HHG Transportation due to a court-martial or administrative discharge
under Other than honorable conditions for a service member with a dependent stationed in
the CONUS. Installation commanders are delegated the authority to authorize/approve, and
extend associated time limits for, transportation of dependents and movement of HHG of
members stationed in CONUS incident to a member's court-martial sentence or
administrative discharge under other than honorable conditions. The applicable installation
commander shall be the commander of the installation at which the member was stationed at
the time of court-martial sentence or administrative discharge action. (T-3).
5.1.4. (052002-F) Consumable goods. The Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force for
International Affairs, SAF/IA (AFAAO), is designated to authorize/approve a member’s
request for shipment of an additional consumable allowance in connection with the tour
extension or In Place Consecutive OCONUS Tour (IPCOT) of Air Force personnel assigned
to the Defense Attaché System. (See
5.2. (052010-C) HHG Transportation When a Service Member is Officially Reported as
Injured or Ill, Absent for 30 or More Days in a Missing Status, or Upon Death.
5.2.1. (052010-C3) Limitations. See paragraph 4.5.3 for extension procedures.
5.2.2. (Table 5-48) When Authorized. See paragraph
5.2.3. (052010-C4) Storage. (052010-C4) General. Identification and location of the person entitled to
receive custody of the property is the responsibility of the appointed casualty assistance
officer or summary court officer. (052010-C1) Absent for a period of 30 days or more in a missing status. Important: This item refers to JTR Table 5-49, which provides an authority
for Non-temporary storage not to exceed 1 year from the missing status report.
Extensions beyond the 1-year limit are processed IAW 4.5.4.
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 33 Criteria: Extension of the non-temporary storage allowance requires a
written statement from the appropriate casualty assistance office, indicating the status
of the member remains within the purview of the Missing Persons Act. (T-0).
5.2.4. (052010) Administrative Instructions. The Mortuary Affairs Officer (MAO) is the primary point of contact for matters
involving the death of a member. (See AFI 34-501, Mortuary Affairs Program) Upon notification of a member's death, the appointed mortuary officer, summary
court officer, and the MAO coordinate the movement and storage of the deceased
member’s HHG. (T-0). Appropriation chargeable. When appropriations are not quoted in an authorizing
document, obtain the applicable appropriation from the local comptroller. (T-0). Mark code word "BLUEBARK" on all shipping documents and crated shipping
containers. (T-0). Mark shipment documents "Direct Delivery Prohibited." The responsible origin
shipping office (J)PPSO ensures that all shipment documents are marked “Direct
Delivery Prohibited.” (T-0). The responsible shipping office advises the destination of impending
BLUEBARK shipment by all means to include telecom and electronic means. The responsible destination (J)PPSO coordinates delivery and inspection with
the authorized receiving agent.
5.3. (051205-C) Travel and Transportation For A Dependent Relocating For Personal
Safety. Installation commanders are delegated authority to approve travel and transportation
allowances for dependents relocation for personal safety. Installation commanders may further
delegate this authority to the support group commander.
5.4. (052005_ - HHG Transportation ICW Early Return of Dependents.
5.4.1. (052005-B3) - HHG Transportation from a Location OCONUS due to a Personal
Situation. (052009) - HHG Transportation When PCS is in Connection with Disciplinary
Action Installation Commanders are designated to authorize/approve return HHG
shipment under JTR, par. 052005-B3, under the same circumstances as for return
transportation of dependents under JTR, par. 050804. This authority applies to return of
HHG from the member’s OCONUS PDS. (See AFI 36-3020)
34 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
Chapter 6
6.1. (0518) HHG Storage.
6.1.1. (0518-A) SIT. Departing personnel should be thoroughly briefed on their
responsibility to promptly notify the Transportation Service Provider (TSP) when they arrive
at destination. When temporary storage is required at origin, two methods of storage may be
used. If the member specified a geographical destination, a GBL or similar type of
shipping document authorizing SIT at origin may be issued to cover storage and
movement. If the member does not designate a destination state, HHG may be placed in
storage under a Tender of Service or Direct Procurement Method (DPM) contract. (T-0). Personal property remaining in origin SIT beyond storage authorization is
converted to member’s/employee’s expense. TSP bills for origin services and GBL
Correction Notice is issued for “origin services only,” no line-haul or destination service
performed. Do not terminate the GBL. The member is entitled to a line-haul to
destination provided the order is valid. DPM contractors invoices for origin services.
Member is to coordinate storage payment directly with TSP. (T-0). If shipment is made at a later date and the member has not yet reimbursed the
government, collection action is to be canceled. The initial warehouse handling and
storage are services authorized incident to the line-haul shipment. If payment has already
been made, the member may file a claim for reimbursement. If a member remains in a pay status and receives further PCS orders before
requesting shipment under the previous order, collection for origin services and storage
previously furnished remains valid. However, these charges should not be collected if the
new order amends, modifies, or revokes the previous order (JTR par. 051302-D), or if the
member requests a shipment under the chain-of-orders concept. Members separated in a non-pay status could also face situations wherein
approved temporary storage expires before the shipping allowances expire (e.g., HHG
placed in storage at origin before the separation date or member obtained an extension of
the shipping time limitation.). In those circumstances, follow the guidance above.
6.1.2. (0518-A1) First 90 days of storage. Advise the member that temporary storage is an
allowance contingent upon necessity. Do not arbitrarily advise the member of an automatic
allowance to temporary storage. (J)PPSOs are to maintain an effective suspense system on all
temporary storage. Members are to be notified as to expiration of temporary storage and
advised as to their responsibilities concerning removal or continued storage. Members should
be thoroughly counseled so they understand and can comply with all instructions relating to
temporary storage allowances.
6.1.3. (0518-A2) Second 90 days of storage. Ensure member provides justification to
warrant an extension for conditions beyond their control. PPPOs are to assist members with
completion of DD Form 1857, Temporary Commercial Storage at Government Expense,
justification letter and supporting documentation and forwarding to responsible (J)PPSO.
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 35
6.1.4. (0518-A3) Storage after first 180 days. See JTR, 0518-A3a and b. Approval and
denial authority for shipments in temporary storage beyond 180 days is delegated to the
appointed TO at the shipping office. Questionable and problematic cases may be forwarded (0518-A3a) Additional storage when member on TDY or deployed for more
than 90 days or for an indefinite period while HHG are in temporary storage. The TO at
the (J)PPSO is designated to authorize or approve additional storage under JTR, section
0518-A3a. Criteria to consider when approving SIT: Household goods that arrive at the PDS after a member begins a
deployment should be placed in SIT. Upon arrival at the PDS where a future deployment is known, the member
has an inherent responsibility to secure adequate housing to accept their HHG prior to
deployment and SIT should be terminated. In circumstances where reasonable time to
locate housing is not available, SIT may be provided. Requests need to include a copy of the member's TDY or deployment
order, together with the member’s statement as to the necessity for additional
temporary storage. Storage at government expense terminates not later than 90 days
after completion of TDY or deployment unless the approving official authorizes
additional storage NTE an additional 90 days. (0518-A3b) Additional storage under circumstances beyond member's control.
Approval criteria for shipments in temporary storage over 180 days are as follows: Storage required to permit direct delivery from temporary storage into
government quarters. To meet this criterion authorizing an extension for a specific
delivery date, the member is to be on the active government quarters waiting list. This does not apply to members who are on a waiting list for a specific
type of house when other adequate housing is available. Verification in writing from
the housing office is required. If a member is removed from the active waiting list,
government SIT terminates immediately. Storage required due to non-availability of suitable local economy quarters
for the member based on the member's pay grade and family size is to be supported
by documentation from the local housing office. Other deserving cases wherein members submit justification indicating that
the situation is beyond their control and that failure to provide the additional storage
would create a financial hardship.
6.1.5. Conversion to member’s expense. Temporary storage is terminated at 2400 hours on
the final day of approved storage then the account converts to the member's expense. TSPs
must receive the DD Form 1857 prior to the expiration date for the extension to be accepted.
Additional accrued storage charges become a matter for resolution between the member and
the storage company. (T-3). After conversion to member’s expense, the member is entitled to delivery at
government expense. The (J)PPSO using the GBL, local invoicing or purchasing
procedures can pay for delivery services at government expense.
36 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 Conversion to member’s expense is the (J)PPSO’s responsibility.
6.1.6. (0518-A10) Temporary Storage Converted to NTS. The (J)PPSO is the designated
approval authority for converting SIT at origin to NTS. This can also apply to SIT ICW a
6.1.7. (0518-A4) HHG partial lot withdrawal and delivery from temporary storage. The
(J)PPSO/TO is the designated approval authority for a partial lot withdrawals and deliveries
from SIT and in determining if circumstances warranted government payment for a second
delivery. Partial lot withdrawals and deliveries from SIT beyond two are the member’s
financial responsibility. (T-0).
6.1.8. (0518-A6) Short distance moves, inter-city moves. Approval or authorization for
storage under this paragraph is the same as identified in JTR, par. 051901-A. Approval
authority for retirees and separatees in this paragraph is the (J)PPSO.
6.1.9. (0518-A9a) SIT for HHG transported from NTS. Prudent traffic management
requires members to provide a delivery address prior to shipment from NTS to permit direct
delivery, prevent unnecessary SIT, and limit re-handling of property. If circumstances lead to
HHG being shipped with no destination address, TOs may authorize SIT contingent upon
necessity IAW par. (0518-B).
6.2. (0518-B) Non-Temporary Storage (NTS).
6.2.1. (0518-B2) General. When NTS is authorized from OCONUS, HHG are normally
returned to a CONUS port of entry for NTS. NTS is authorized OCONUS when such
approved facilities are available for members OCONUS who select a home in or near the
OCONUS duty station and have a home of selection shipping allowance.
6.2.2. (0518-B2) Return of HHG from OCONUS. HHG returned from OCONUS for NTS
are to be forwarded to the CONUS NTS storage facilities. Shipments are to be marked and
documented “FOR NON-TEMPORARY STORAGE,” and supported by a DD Form 1299
and the member's order. (T-0).
6.2.3. (0518-B5) NTS as an alternative to transportation. The TO is the designated approval
authority: When a cost comparison indicates NTS for the contemplated period of the new
assignment is equal to or of less cost than shipment of the same property to the new duty
station. See Attachment 7 for cost comparison worksheet. When HHG are in NTS and continued storage costs less than or equal to
shipment to the new assignment. PPA HQ is the determining authority in all other and questionable cases.
6.2.4. (0518-A9) NTS converted to temporary storage. This allowance applies only to the
removal of HHG from NTS for line-haul shipment under the same order for which HHGs
were placed in NTS. The TO is the designated approval authority. A DD Form 139 is to be
initiated to collect storage charges in excess of 180 days unless additional storage is
authorized under JTR, section 0518. Ensure copies are available in the applicable records
imaging system. (T-0).
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 37
6.2.5. (0518-B7) NTS incident to occupancy of government/government-controlled quarters
or privatized housing and incident to vacating local private sector housing. This applies to
CONUS and OCONUS areas. A letter authorizing drayage and storage at government
expense a fund citation provided by the housing or billeting officer. (0518-B7) Incident to occupancy of government or government-controlled
quarters or privatized housing. Under certain circumstances, when it has been predetermined that a
member is to occupy government quarters immediately upon arrival at a new duty
station, the member may apply for NTS at the old duty station in CONUS. The
gaining installation funds the storage cost for the NTS regardless of the location of
the property. This exception ordinarily applies to key and essential personnel required
to occupy pre-designated quarters or members who arrived at the PDS and received
new quarters prior to moving HHG from their old PDSs. The items are to be declared
excess to the requirements in assigned quarters at the new duty station. As such, the
members would be afforded the opportunity to inspect assigned government quarters
and could, at that time, determine NTS requirements at origin. The housing office at
destination would have to issue an appropriate letter and funding for the items
authorized for NTS at origin. Members assigned to or between government quarters who intend to
declare articles excess to space limitations, submit a list of articles to the housing or
billeting office that controls the assignment to government quarters. The member prepares a list of articles to be placed into NTS. The
responsible housing manager reviews and authenticates this listing. Normally, this is
done before the actual movement of the HHG to, from, or between government
quarters. The PPSO does not arrange, or store at government expense, any articles not
identified on the inventory and authorized by the housing manager. Property placed into NTS incident to the assignment to, from, or between
government quarters is not to be removed at government expense without the express
consent of the housing or billeting manager and specific authorization of the ordering
officer. Members vacating government quarters at personal expenses are entitled to
storage (through date of quarters termination), and handling-out to warehouse
platform, local drayage, and unpacking at government expense. (0518-B9) Incident to vacating local economy quarters. A written order citing
specific authority for the local drayage and local O&M funds (fund citations) is required
to support application for such moves.
6.2.6. (0518-B11) NTS When ordered on PCS to a remote CONUS area with a housing
shortage. AF/A4LR is designated to authorize/approve this NTS. The member's application is
to be submitted through command channels. The authorizing/order issuing authority must
indicate the restricted nature of the assignment. (T-1).
6.2.7. (0518-B4) Time Limits.
38 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 (052010-C4b) Termination of allowance. When a member is missing or absent
for a period of more than 30 days, PPA HQ/PPEC is designated to authorize extensions
under this provision. Termination of Allowance. Property awarded to an ex-spouse incident due to
divorce may remain in storage for a reasonable period. The time cannot exceed the
member's authorized storage period based on the member's assignment at the time of the
divorce. If the member is still active duty, the (J)PPSO may elect to maintain the
government funded character of the shipment in NTS and recoup the excess storage cost
from the member upon delivery (61 Comp. Gen. 180 (1981)). (T-0).
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 39
Chapter 7
7.1. (052901) Shipment of a POV at Government Expense. (052901-A2) The local MPF
authorizes or approves POV shipments when member is physically unable to drive or there is
insufficient time for the member to drive and report to their new PDS. It is the member's
responsibility to provide medical documentation substantiating the request for overland shipment
to the MPF and the authorization is to be included in the member’s PCS order. This allowance
does not extend to dependents unable to drive for any medical reason. (T-0).
7.2. (052902) Shipment of a POV by the Service Member. There is no authority for a PPSO
to arrange for shipment of a member’s POV under this paragraph. Arrangement and
reimbursement for a member’s POV is between the MPF, Financial Services Office (FSO) and
7.3.1. (053001-A) Eligibility.
7.3.2. The "ownership prior to effective date of orders provision" does not apply for
shipment of POVs.
7.3.3. Military members married to military members are each entitled shipment of a POV
one POV per member.
7.4. (053001) Authorized Shipment of a POV at Government Expense.
7.4.1. OCONUS tour of duty in excess of 1 Year. The POV is to be delivered to Vehicle
Processing Center (VPC)/POV loading port within 90 days of the member’s (or dependent’s)
departure from the previous PDS and requires that the member have a minimum of one year
remaining on the current tour at the time of vehicle turn in at the VPC/port. (T-0). If over 90 days has passed since the member’s (or dependent’s) departure from
the previous PDS and/or less than one year remains on the current tour, the POV may be
shipped only upon written approval of the OCONUS Logistics Readiness or equivalent
Squadron Commander. For the purpose of this allowance, OCONUS commander
authority may be delegated to TO. OCONUS tour of duty for 1 year or less. The POV is required to be delivered to
the VPC/port within 30 days after departure of the member from the member’s last PDS.
(T-0). Transportation of POV incident to a PCS involving inter-theater assignments. Members may ship one POV for personal use or their dependents’ use
from port/VPC serving old PDS to the port/VPC serving their new PDS, or A POV can be shipped to the port serving the member's new PDS
providing the cost does not exceed the cost of through water movement between the
port serving the old and new duty stations, or no direct ocean service is available
between the ports serving the old and new duty stations.
40 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
7.4.2. (053002) POV transportation when transportation to the PDS OCONUS is not
authorized. MAJCOM/A4Rs or the PPA HQ in the absence of a MAJCOM/A4R, is the
determining authority under JTR, par. 053002-B1, when the shipment is not related to the
travel of dependents. The member affirms in writing, that the POV destination is the
port/VPC normally serving one of the following: residence of member's family, home of
record, or place of entry on the current tour of active duty. A request for shipment to any
other place requires a detailed justification and clearly identify who is to accept the
vehicle. (T-2). For shipments under JTR, par. 053002-B3, the member is responsible for all
costs related to payment of customs, import duties, etc. (T-0).
7.4.3. (053003) Replacement POV shipment. MAJCOM and Separate Operating Agencies
(SOA) Directors of Transportation having logistical responsibilities in the OCONUS areas,
or the PPA HQ in the absence of a MAJCOM/A4R, are designated to make replacement
vehicle determinations when in the best interest of the government. Normally, replacement
transportation is not approved if the member is in possession of a second vehicle, or if a
vehicle can be purchased in the overseas location through private sales or manufacturer new
car sales programs. Time remaining on station requirements in paragraphs and 7.4.1
do not apply. However, approval for members with less than one year remaining requires
strong justification. This section pertains to shipment of POVs from CONUS to the
OCONUS station. Requests for authorization to replace a POV originally shipped overseas that is
worn out due to age and normal deterioration, or was lost through fire, theft or similar
cases, needs to meet the below criteria. (T-0). The vehicle is to be disposed of and supporting documentation (letter from
salvage yard, repair company, etc.) is used to support the request. Sale to a private party
does not meet the requirement in par. 053003-A. Consider the age of the vehicle when initially shipped OCONUS. The age and
condition of the vehicle should be expected to last the duration of the OCONUS tour. Whether the member is currently in possession of another vehicle, and if so, why
that vehicle is not considered a suitable replacement. Whether an adequate replacement vehicle can be purchased at the overseas duty
7.5. (053001-B1) Location Points Authorized for POV Transportation. Transportation of a
POV Between OCONUS VPC/Port and OCONUS PDS. SAF/IA (AFAAO) is designated to
authorize/approve requests for Air Force personnel assigned to US Defense Attaché offices
7.6. (053001-B) Allowances.
7.6.1. (053001-B) Restriction, prohibition, or suspension to a member’s OCONUS PDS.
See DTR, Part V, Customs and PPCIG.
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 41
7.6.2. (053001) Reimbursement for personally procured transportation of POVs obliges
members to meet the requirements of JTR, 053001-B1 Table 5-64 If POV is transported on
foreign registered TSP, statement of non-availability of U.S. flag TSP is required. (T-0).
7.6.3. (053001-B2) Excess POV transportation costs. Size restrictions for POV shipment is
20 Measurement Tons (MT). The formula for determining the measurement MT size of a
POV is: length times width times height (in feet) divided by 40. (EXAMPLE: (L) 17' x (W)
8' x (H) 5.75' = 782 cubic feet/40 = 19.55 MTs). Size restriction does not apply for members
who are authorized shipment of an oversized POV for medical reasons. (T-0).
7.6.4. Members requesting shipment of an oversized POV for medical reasons are directed
to send requests through the Installation Surgeon General and MPF. The member’s PCS
order should include a statement authorizing shipment of an oversized vehicle for medical
7.7. (053001-B3) Port or Vehicle-Processing Center (VPC) Used.
7.7.1. The designated port for allowance purposes is the United States Transportation
Command (USTRANSCOM) controlled VPC nearest to the current and next PDS or a VPC
in between the old and new PDS. See Global POV Contract for identification of ports that
have service between the shipping and receiving points.
7.7.2. (053001-B3d) Alternate Ports/VPCs. For allowance purposes, shipments to/from a port located in a different country
than the designated port’s country, requires PPA HQ approval. Exception: SAF/MRM has granted approval for AF members in Europe to
ship from any European port provided members pay any excess costs. A request is to be forwarded to the applicable MAJCOM, or the PPA HQ
in the absence of a MAJCOM/A4R, for initial determination. If the request contains
adequate justification, it is to be forwarded to PPA HQ for approval. Any request forwarded requires a recommended MAJCOM endorsement.
Prime considerations in forwarding a case for review are those situations beyond the
member's control and those where approval would alleviate an undue hardship. Other than designated shipping port usage within the CONUS. The member is to
be advised of the responsibility for any excess cost for use of a port/VPC other than a
designated port/VPC.
7.7.3. (053001-B3) Transshipment from a Designated Port. PPA HQ is designated to make
determinations on these requests.
7.8. (053001-B Table 5-65) Factors Affecting POV Transportation OCONUS. (053001-B
Table 5-65 Item 2) Transportation of POV may be deferred. EXAMPLE: Member PCS’d from
Andrews AFB, MD, to RAF Mildenhall, UK, in 2010 and did not use the allowance to ship a
POV. In 2013, the member PCS’d from RAF Mildenhall, UK, to Ramstein AB, GE. Member has
an allowance to ship a POV from the port/VPC servicing Andrews AFB to Germany or from
England to Germany.
42 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
7.9. (053001-B) POV Transportation Under Special Circumstances.
7.9.1. (053001-B11) Reassignment from accompanied PDS to unaccompanied PDS
OCONUS before POV is transported. This paragraph authorizes inter or intra-coastal
shipment of a POV. The authorization is to a port/VPC serving the designated location of
dependents, when such designated location is in the CONUS. When the dependents travel to
a non-foreign OCONUS area (e.g., Alaska, Puerto Rico), shipment is authorized as provided
in JTR, par. 053002-B2.
7.9.2. (0531) POV shipment and storage when service member reported as ill, injured,
absent for a period of 30 or more days in a missing status or dead. A POV is not to be shipped or released from storage at government expense until
such time as the Mortuary Officer (MO) or Summary Court Officer (SCO) officially
advises the (J)PPSO of the name and address of the lawful recipient of the POV. (T-0). DD Form 1300, Report of Casualty, or documents listed in AFI 34-501, may be
used to support the procurement for shipment. Also, the dependent travel order may be
used if travel of dependents is applicable. Commercial "drive-away" service is not to be used for overland shipment of
POVs. (T-0). Mobile dwelling and campers used as a primary residence and designed to be
moved overland, whether self-propelled or tow-away, fall within the definition of a
mobile dwelling and, as such, are not transported as a POV under provisions of this
paragraph. Primary residence should be annotated on the travel authorization and
appropriate transportation documents. Utmost consideration is to be given to the Next of Kin (NOK) needs when
determining the method of shipment.
7.10. (053001 Table 5-65) Factors Affecting POV Transportation OCONUS.
7.10.1. (053001-B Table 5-65 Item 5) An eligible service member is separating from the
service or being relieved from active duty. A member who is separated with allowance to
travel pursuant to JTR, par. 051002, may have a POV shipped. Shipment is authorized to the
port/VPC nearest the home of record or place of entry into the service (as applicable),
provided: The home of record or place of entry is so located as to authorize transoceanic
shipment as defined in JTR, pars. 053001-A, Table 5-64, and 053001-B3 The POV is offered to a port/VPC before 2400 hours on the 180th day after
separation or release from active duty. Approval authority is delegated to PPA HQ. (See
paragraph The provisions of JTR do not prohibit the shipment, per JTR, par. 053001-B,
Restriction, Prohibition, or Suspension to a Member's OCONUS PDS. Members understand they are financially responsible for all taxes, duties, and
other entry requirements if shipment destination is in a foreign country, or non-foreign
area such as a US Territory, or Possession.
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 43
7.10.2. (053001-B Table 5-65 Item 6) An eligible service member retires or is placed on
the temporary disability retired list, discharged with severance or separation pay, or
involuntarily released from active duty with readjustment or separation pay. A member who is retired with allowance to travel pursuant to JTR, par.
051003-A2, may, under certain circumstances, be authorized to ship a POV. POV
shipment is authorized to a port/VPC nearest the home of selection, provided: Home of selection (HOS) is so located as to authorize transoceanic shipment as
defined in JTR, pars. 053001-A, Table 5-64, and 053001-B3 A member whose HOS is
“any other place” does not have a POV shipping entitlement as defined in JTR, par.
051003-A1. A member who retires from a CONUS PDS and selects an OCONUS
location is not authorized a POV shipment to OCONUS location. POV is offered to a port/VPC for shipment within 1 year from the date of
retirement. (The 1-year time limit may be extended for medical, educational, training or
other deserving cases. See paragraphs 4.5.3, 4.5.4, 4.5.5, and 4.5.6 (T-0). Member understands that he/she is financially responsible for all taxes, duties,
and other entry requirements if shipment destination is in a foreign country, or non-
foreign area such as a US Territory, or Possession.
7.11. (053001-B7) Responsibility for POV after Delivery. Except as authorized in JTR,
sections 0531-B3 and 0532, storage of a POV at government expense or by government
arrangement is NOT AUTHORIZED. (T-0). The only exception is free holding time at the Water
Port of Embarkation (WPOE)/Water Port of Debarkation incident to shipment of the POV to,
from, or between OCONUS areas. Normally, such holding time cannot exceed 45 days. (See Part
B, paragraph 6.12 of this chapter for POV storage when POV transportation to PDS is not
7.11.1. Note: For further POV information, guidance and reference, please see:,
iv/dtr_part_iv_app_k_3.pdf, or
7.12. (0532) POV Storage
7.12.1. (0532-A) Eligibility. (0532-A1) The PPCIG is to be used to determine if the member’s requirements
of JTR, section 0532-A1a is applicable. (0532-A1b) A line of accounting funding POV storage is required on the TDY
order. (T-0). This item is considered a special authorization and the CED line of
accounting should be used. Note: Indeterminate TDY POV storage is charged to the
Military Personnel (MILPERS) account IAW AFI 36-2110, Total Force Assignments.
7.12.2. (0532-B4b) When government storage is not available OCONUS, POVs may be
shipped to a CONUS storage facility. Once in storage, POVs may be removed from storage
in lieu of continued storage for the duration of the TDY. POVs removed in lieu of continued
storage, may be returned to the VPC for return shipment to the VPC servicing the OCONUS
44 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 PPA HQ is delegated authority to approve or disapprove requests for POV
storage where laws, regulations, and/or other restrictions imposed by the foreign country,
area, or, if the POV would require extensive modification as a condition of entry to the
OCONUS area. All requests for POV storage are to be fully documented (i.e. itemized
list of work, cost, dealer certification etc.) and forwarded to PPA HQ/PPEC via email: POV shipment and storage is a discretionary allowance contingent upon
Service HQ approval. The Air Force permits a POV shipment to most locations except
where prohibited or restricted in the PPCIG (Japan/Okinawa vehicles manufactured after
1976, Korea for E-6 and below, or those serving an unaccompanied tour, etc.). The intent of POV shipment and storage is to provide for the member's primary
means of transportation at the PDS. It is not an automatic allowance to be used to
transport or store vintage, historic, classic, restored, collector or customized vehicles. Restrictions imposed by foreign countries applies to all US POVs manufacturer
original factory vehicle configuration. Storage requests for vehicles that met host nation
entry requirements and were subsequently modified or customized by the owner and are
no longer in compliance, will not be approved. (T-0).
7.13. (0532-B3) Storage Facilities Used. (See paragraph
7.13.1. Air Force members who have an eligible allowance to store a POV as a result of a
PCS are required to use one of the following options: DoD Global POV Contract (GPC) or
personally procured commercial storage. If the member self-procures storage, reimbursement
is limited to the government constructive cost cited in the GPC available at
7.13.2. Commercial facilities are defined as those businesses that offer vehicle storage to the
general public. Storage facilities located on a military base and charge for storage are
considered a commercial facility. A residential garage, spare room, shed or a private lot/yard
is not a commercial facility. (T-0).
7.14. (0532-B11b) Excess Storage Costs.
7.14.1. Members exceeding authorized time limit are required to pay excess costs pertaining
to monthly storage charges. For members not remaining in a pay status, the POV contractor
should collect prior to releasing the vehicle to the member. For members remaining in a pay
status the POV contractor completes a DD Form 139, Pay Adjustment Authorization, and
remits to PPA HQ/ECAF at [email protected].
7.15. (0532-B11) Continued POV Storage.
7.15.1. Storage at government expense terminates not later than 90 days after TDY
completion. (T-0).
7.15.2. A member separated from the Service or relieved from active duty who has a POV in
storage under JTR, section 0532 is authorized continued POV storage until the 180th day
after the active duty termination date, unless specifically prohibited in par. *051002. Storage
charges, accrued on/after the 181st day, are the member's financial responsibility, unless
additional storage is authorized/approved by ECAF IAW para 3.5
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 45
7.15.3. A member, retired, placed on the TDRL, discharged with severance or separation
pay, or involuntarily released from active duty with readjustment or separation pay, who has
a POV in storage under JTR section 0532, is authorized continued POV storage for up to 1
year from the active duty termination date (including by a member's death). The authority
and circumstances in par. 052013 apply for extending the 1-year storage limit. Storage
charges, accrued on/after the 366th day, are the member's (or dependent's) financial
responsibility, unless additional storage is authorized/approved by PPA HQ/PPEC IAW
paragraph 4.5
46 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
Chapter 8
8.1. Personally Procured Moves (PPM). The personally procured method of HHG
transportation is available to active duty, retired or separated members, and the next of kin of a
deceased member. This method allows members to personally procure HHG transportation
and/or NTS when they have an allowance to ship or store HHG in connection with a PCS move,
special storage, local move, etc. A member can use any privately owned vehicle, direct hire
and/or rental of a conveyance (with or without operator) to move HHG. Under no circumstances
is the use of a government owned and/or leased vehicle authorized for a PPM. (T-0). Personally
procuring transportation and/or NTS of HHG allows for:
8.1.1. Reimbursement of actual cost incurred when government transportation is not
available and directed by the TO to personally procure transportation for weight moved up to
the member’s maximum authorized weight allowance.
8.1.2. Reimbursement of authorized expenses incurred not to exceed the government
Constructed Cost (GCC) for weight moved up to the member’s maximum authorized weight
allowance, or
8.1.3. A monetary allowance equal to 95% of the GCC for weight moved up to the
member’s maximum authorized weight allowance.
8.1.4. If the member’s authorized expense incurred exceeds the monetary allowance equal to
95% of the GCC, the counselor recreates/reimburses the PPM in accordance with paragraph
8.1.2, not to exceed 100% of the GCC.
8.2. PPM Procedures. The PPPO/PPSO provides information to members on the methods and
procedures for performing a PPM. Counselors advise members that they may elect any of the
reimbursement methods above, either as a full PPM or in conjunction with a government
arranged move. PPPO/PPSO can assist with preparation of a DD Form 2278, Application for Do
It Yourself Move and Counseling Checklist.
8.2.1. (051501) Government-Procured HHG Transportation. (051502-B) Government transportation office not available. A member who is
directed in writing by (J)PPSO to personally procure transportation, and/or NTS of HHG
because (J)PPSO is unable to procure government contractual services (GBL, DPM, etc.)
is authorized reimbursement of actual costs for shipment and storage up to the member’s
maximum authorized HHG weight allowance. The (J)PPSO issues a letter of non-
availability to the member regardless of the member’s service affiliation. (T-0). A
template for a letter of non-availability is located at Attachment 11. When government transportation of HHG/NTS cannot be procured to honor a
member’s primary or alternate shipment dates due to TSP capacity constraints (e.g.,
blackout dates or saturation), (J)PPSO forwards a copy of the letter of non-availability to
[email protected]. PPA HQ retains letters of non-availability and
notify AF/A4LR to ensure systemic challenges are addressed. (T-0).
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 47 (J) PPSO coordinates with the responsible PPPO immediately after directing the
member to personally procure transportation and/or NTS of HHG. PPPO generates a DD
Form 2278 under JTR, par. 051502-B for actual cost reimbursement. (T-0). This method can be extremely costly and should only be applied in
circumstances where (J)PPSO has exhausted all possible avenues for transportation or
NTS. Advance authorization. The member may be provided an advance equal to the
constructed expenses for transportation (JTR, par. 051502-G) to ship the member’s HHG
not to exceed the member’s JTR weight allowance. The member is required to provide a
copy of the carrier’s estimated expenses to the PPPO/PPSO. (T-0). (051502-B1) Special routing and services. Any special routing and services
requested under this section are not included as part of the actual cost and are not
reimbursable. (T-0).
8.2.2. (051502-C) Government procured transportation is available but not used. The GCC
includes all authorized charges that would have been used to procure government contractual
services outlined in the applicable USTRANSCOM tender, DPM contract or NTS Tender of
Service (TOS) at point of origin. For local moves the PPSO/PPPO uses the applicable local
move contract rate. The PPSO/PPPO issues a DD Form 2278. (T-0). (051502-C1) Actual expense method. A member who desires to personally
procure transportation or NTS of HHG is authorized reimbursement of authorized
expenses incurred, not to exceed the GCC for actual weight moved up to the member’s
maximum authorized weight allowance. Payment of accessorial charges may be approved
when charges would have been authorized during a government-arranged move and all
applicable tariff approval rules have been met. Payment of an accessorial is in addition to
the authorized reimbursable expenses under the provisions of JTR, par. 051502-E1c. (051502-G) Advance of funds. The member may be provided an advance
equal to 60% of the GCC based on an estimated weight provided by the member not
to exceed the member’s weight allowance. When the member provides a copy of the
carrier’s invoice or estimated expenses exceeding 95% of the GCC, the member may
be provided an advanced operating allowance equal to the constructed expenses, not
to exceed 100% of the GCC. (051502-C2) Monetary allowance method. A member who desires to personally
procure transportation and/or NTS of HHG may choose to receive a monetary allowance
equal to 95% of the GCC for actual weight moved up to the member’s maximum
authorized weight allowance. Payment of accessorial services is authorized when the JTR
criteria is met. A descriptive list of requested accessorials is provided to the PPPO/PPSO
at the time of counseling. This list is authorized/approved by the TO or designated
representative. Attach a copy of the approved accessorial list to the DD Form 2278 and
retain a copy in member’s case file. (051502-G) Advance of funds. The member may be provided an advanced
operating allowance equal to 60% of the monetary allowance (95% of the GCC) based on
an estimated weight provided by the member not to exceed the member’s weight
48 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 (051502-C1b) Use of mail or small package service. The JTR limits
reimbursement to authorized expenses incurred not to exceed the GCC for the actual
weight of HHG transported not to exceed the member’s weight allowance. Payment of
monetary allowance is not authorized. (T-0). The GCC is computed in accordance with
JTR, par. 051502-C1a. (051502-C1b) Temporary storage. The JTR limits temporary storage
reimbursement to authorized expenses incurred not to exceed the GCC for actual weight
stored and not to exceed the member’s JTR weight allowance. The member may make arrangements for temporary storage, not to exceed
90 days. If additional storage is required, the member may request approval of an
additional 90 days storage from the PPPO/PPSO. If approved, the PPPO/PPSO
documents the approval using DD Form 1857 in 90-day increments IAW established
SIT criteria outlined in the JTR, AFI 24-602 V4 and the DTR, Part IV. The
PPPO/PPSO may assist the member in arranging for temporary storage if requested
by the member by putting property in SIT at government expense and paying for
storage/delivery using invoicing procedures (purchase agreement). Storage facilities
authorized for use in the temporary storage of HHG consist of commercial
warehouses or self-storage facilities where the general public may store property.
Storage in a private residence or garage or on a private lot does not constitute storage
at a commercial facility. (T-0). Temporary storage reimbursement is limited to the first day and each
additional day of SIT. (T-0). A member may be reimbursed for warehouse handling
and delivery out provided receipts indicates services were performed. In order to qualify for temporary storage reimbursement, the HHGs need to
be physically removed from the vehicle and placed into a commercial warehouse if a
commercial carrier was used to transport the property. An invoice or contract
containing the name and address of the commercial facility is required. SIT is not
reimbursed for a member who negotiates a direct delivery with a commercial
company and the commercial company elects to hold the household goods on a
vehicle at a residence or other location. For PPMs using portable moving and/or
storage containers, household goods do not need to be removed from the container.
However, temporary storage is to be reimbursed when the container is stored at the
company’s storage center/facility and not at the member’s origin or destination
residence. As an incentive to employ the portable container company, many
companies advertise an initial period of storage at no charge to the member,
Temporary storage at the company’s storage facility during the “no charge” period
cannot be reimbursed. (T-0). A member is authorized to extend rental vehicle contracts in lieu of SIT to
facilitate direct delivery to residence. Reimbursement is actual cost not to exceed
government constructive cost. Monetary allowance payment is not authorized. Use
400NG, Item 185B (Destination) to reimburse SIT on a rental vehicle. Items 185A-
Day, 210A-SIT Pup/Del, and 225A-P/D Self/Mini Storage do not apply. (T-
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 49
8.3. (0518-B) Non-Temporary Storage (NTS). Storage facilities authorized for long-term
storage of HHG consist of commercial warehouses or self-storage facilities where the general
public may store property. Storage in a private residence, garage, shed or on a private lot/yard
does not constitute storage at a commercial facility. (T-0). A storage facility located on a military
base whereby renters are required to pay for storage of their personal property does meet the
requirements of a storage facility as noted in this paragraph.
8.3.1. The PPPO/PPSO are required to use the lowest applicable rates contained in the
current NTS TOS to determine the GCC (packing, handling in, drayage in, storage, handling
out, and drayage out). (T-0).
8.3.2. Members can obtain an advanced operating allowance under or
(packing, handling in, drayage in, and storage rates apply).
8.3.3. Members can receive reimbursement/monetary allowance for the initial services of
personally procuring storage under or This may include packing, handling in,
drayage in, and storage as applicable.
8.3.4. If the member receives reimbursement/monetary allowance for the initial storage,
packing, handling in and drayage in, do not include the same services when finalizing
payment. (T-0).
8.3.5. Members may elect to receive payment for storage in quarterly increments or receive a
complete pay out of all services performed at the end of the authorized storage period
(packing, handling in, drayage in, storage, handling out, and drayage out rates apply) under or (T-0). The member submits paid storage receipts and applicable order to the servicing
PPPO/PPSO for payment. (T-0). The PPPO/PPSO computes the storage charges using the monthly storage rate
times the number of months paid by the member. (T-0). PPPO/PPSO completes by determining the reimbursable or monetary allowance
amount. (T-0).
8.3.6. (020503-B) TDY/deployment for 90 or more days. A member is authorized to self-
procured storage under this paragraph. Reimbursement/monetary allowance is based on the
methods reflected in paragraphs 8.1.1, 8.1.2, or 8.1.3
8.4. Counseling. It is imperative that members in receipt of orders, obtain counseling and
authorization for their moves. Opportunities exist for the member to be counseled in preparation
for a PPM either in person at a PPPO/PPSO, or at Counseling is highly
encouraged for members electing to perform PPMs ICW a PCS with a TDY en route. (T-0).
8.4.1. Origin PPPO/PPSO completes DD Form 2278, blocks 1-10c., using applicable rates
outlined in the applicable USTRANSCOM tender, DPM contract or NTS Tender of Service
(TOS) at point of origin. For local moves, the PPSO/PPPO is to use the applicable local
move contract rate. (T-0). Origin PPPO/PPSO prepares two DD Form 2278s for a round-trip TDY. (T-0). Origin PPPO/PPSO prepares the applicable number of DD Form 2278s for a
PCS with a TDY en route. (T-0).
50 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 Origin PPPO/PPSO informs the member that an individual set of weight tickets
are required for each segment of their PCS with a TDY en route. (T-0). EXAMPLE:
Member is to PCS from Vance AFB to Offutt AFB with a TDY en route to Randolph
AFB. Three complete sets of weight tickets are required.
Figure 8.1. Required Weight Tickets Example.
8.4.2. Origin PPPO/PPSO advises the member that computation of any reimbursement
and/or monetary allowance is only an estimate based upon the estimated weight provided and
the ‘best value’ methodology. (T-0).
8.4.3. Origin PPPO/PPSO advises the member where to locate government or commercial
scales. (T-0).
8.4.4. Origin PPPO/PPSO informs the member that tare and gross weight tickets, as
described in paragraph 8.13.1, are mandatory and required for final processing of
reimbursement and/or monetary allowance payment. (T-0).
8.4.5. Origin PPPO/PPSO briefs the member that he/she is subject to excess cost for all
transportation costs arising from the situations listed in JTR, par. 051306. (T-0).
8.4.6. Origin PPPO/PPSO advises the member on the types of vehicles and equipment
authorized for moving their property and which are classified as HHG. (T-0).
8.4.7. PPPO/PPSO advises the member that reimbursement and/or monetary allowance is
based on the remaining balance of the member’s JTR weight allowance when multiple
shipments are involved. (T-0).
8.4.8. PPPO/PPSO advises the member that FSO pursues collection action to recoup any
advanced operating allowance received if PPM requirements have not been completed. (T-0).
8.4.9. PPPO/PPSO advises the member that he/she is responsible for coordinating SIT and
payment directly with the storage facility. The member may request reimbursement Not to
Exceed (NTE) 90 days. Reimbursement is based upon actual days of storage utilized. (T-0).
8.4.10. Advise the member that prior to reimbursing for temporary storage, the
circumstances meet the intent for normal approval of SIT for a government arranged move.
For example, the government typically does not reimburse for temporary storage en route
except under extreme circumstances such as a member receiving notice of a reassignment.
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 51
8.4.11. PPPO/PPSO advises the member, for a PPM where loading of personal property is to
be at a commercial contracted NTS facility, a legible copy of the storage contractor’s
inventory is to be used by the member to check for loss or damage at the time of pick-up. If
damage exists or if an item is missing, a Notification of Loss or Damage at Delivery, is
prepared. Both parties (member and warehouseman) signs and date the Notification of Loss
or Damage at Delivery. Each party is to retain a legible copy for their respective files. If there
is no indication of loss or damage at the pick-up point, the member assumes all responsibility
for loss or damage. (T-0).
8.5. Vehicles and Equipment. There are no restrictions as to the type of POV or equipment
used, however, use of a privately owned airplanes is not an authorized method.
8.5.1. A member who uses a personally owned utility trailer may claim the weight of the
utility trailer only once in the net weight. Associated trailers, as defined in the JTR, Appendix
A, Household Goods, (B-8), constitute HHG and the weight may be included in the net
8.5.2. The member or member’s dependent is to have owned the trailer prior to the effective
date of the PCS or TDY order. (T-0).
8.5.3. Automobiles, trucks, vans and similar motor vehicles, airplanes, mobile homes,
camper trailers, horse trailers, and farming vehicles are not HHG as defined by the JTR,
Appendix A, household goods and the weight of these items should not be included in the
PPM weight. (T-0).
8.5.4. The weight of a personally owned car-top carrier that would be accepted for shipment
by a TSP may be included. However, the weight of a rented or borrowed car-top carrier
cannot be included. (T-0).
8.5.5. The weight of a camper or POV with a previously installed camper shell, built-in
HHG and any other previously installed equipment is to be included only in the tare weight
8.5.6. Tare weight is defined as the empty weight of the POV and/or rental equipment with
all pads, furniture dollies, hand trucks, ramp, and other equipment required to transport HHG.
8.5.7. If driver and/or passengers are in the vehicle at the time of tare weighing, they are also
required to be in the vehicle at the time of gross weighing. (T-0).
8.6. Shipment Weight. Weight tickets that do not contain all increments of data in accordance
with but appear valid and reflect the actual weight moved, are to be processed for a
monetary allowance when verified by the PPPO/PPSO. (T-0).
8.6.1. The TO may authorize/approve the use of a constructed weight prior to the
performance of the PPM when circumstances listed in JTR, par. 051502-D apply. When
PPSO/PPPO operations are contracted, the Functional Director or Quality Assurance
Evaluator (QAE)(government personnel) having oversight of the contracted operations,
certify use of a constructed weight. For example: Government move would be paid on the basis of a factor other than weight. Scales are not available. (i.e., to/from/between government quarters) Public and government scales are closed because of time of day or holiday.
52 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
8.6.2. Prior to approving the use of a constructed weight for shipments described above,
PPPO/PPSO obtains a properly completed inventory of property. PPPO/PPSO may use and
print the weight estimator from This
establishes constructed weight.
8.6.3. When a member does not obtain weight tickets, the PPPO/PPSO may
authorize/approve the use of a constructed weight. Reimbursement is limited to authorized
expenses incurred NTE the GCC for the constructed weight of HHG transported but NTE the
member’s JTR weight allowance. Monetary allowance option (95%) is not authorized for
personally procured shipments without weight tickets. The following documentation is
required: (T-0). Weight estimator requires the member’s signature and the following statement:
“I certify the listed property was transported during the move. I understand that the
penalty for willfully making a false or fraudulent statement of claim is a maximum fine
of $10,000, maximum imprisonment of five years, or both (18 U.S. Code § 287).” (T-0). Weight estimator requires certification by the PPPO/PPSO. When PPSO/PPPO
operations are contracted, the Functional Director or QAE (government personnel)
having oversight of the contracted operations certifies use of constructed weights. (T-0). A letter from the member explaining the reason weight tickets were not
obtained. (T-0). A signed DD Form 2278. (T-0). A legible copy of applicable travel orders to include all amendments. (T-0). A legible copy of the vehicle rental contract, if applicable. (T-0).
8.6.4. When a member includes PBP&E (JTR par. 051304), a descriptive list is provided to
the PPPO/PPSO at the time of counseling. Previous estimates, inventories or lists are not
acceptable. This list is authorized/approved by the TO or designated representative using the
cubic foot method. The PPPO/PPSO may also use the weight estimator at to calculate PBP&E weight. Either method is
acceptable. Attach a copy of the approved list to the DD Form 2278 and retain a copy in
member’s case file. (T-0). Property identified as PBP&E is to meet the definition outlined in JTR,
Appendix A, for both the member and member’s spouse. (T-0). PBP&E is computed at 7 pounds per cubic foot. (T-0). The list or weight estimator establishes the PBP&E weight to be added to the
member’s JTR weight allowance only. The PPSO/PPPO computes the estimated GCC
based on a member’s estimated weight to include PBP&E. (T-0). Members are not required to obtain separate weight tickets for PBP&E. If a member exceeds their JTR weight allowance and has approved PBP&E
weight, reimbursement and/or monetary allowance is based on their JTR weight
allowance plus the approved PBP&E weight. (T-0).
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 53
8.7. Insurance Coverage. The PPPO/PPSO advises members of their rights to file claims with
the government for loss or damage under the Military Personnel and Civilian Employees Claims
Act (31 U.S. Code § 3701 and 3721). (T-0). Claims are generally paid for those damages
incurred due to circumstances beyond a member’s control (vehicle accidents, leakage, fires, or
thefts in which the member is free of negligence). Members may want to consider purchasing
private insurance to cover HHG being transported if they believe the basic valuation coverage by
the government ($40,000) is not sufficient to cover the value of their property. This added
protection may be especially important if the member is moving items for which the government
may pay limited maximum amounts if lost or damaged. The expense of additional insurance for
shipment or storage is not reimbursable. Members should contact the Air Force Claims Service
Center (AFCSC) for information on maximum amounts.
8.7.1. The PPPO/PPSO advises members who plan to use a trailer for a PPM to check with
their automobile insurer to determine if they are properly covered in case of loss or damage.
Some automobile insurance companies may extend coverage when trailers are towed behind
a POV, others may not. Additional insurance is not a claimable expense. (T-0).
8.7.2. The PPPO/PPSO advises members that if they are involved in an accident, the other
party/parties may file a claim against the member or their insurance company. (T-0). In such
cases, the law of the state where the accident occurs determines liability. Some courts have determined that members operating privately owned or rented
vehicles on change-of-station moves are not acting within the scope of their employment.
Thus, they may not be protected by the Federal Tort Claims Act, 28 U. S. Code
§ 2679(b). As a result, members may be held personally liable if they have inadequate
insurance coverage to satisfy all damage and third-party injury claims or lawsuits
resulting from an accident. Should a member be involved in an accident, he or she should notify the staff
judge advocate at the nearest military base about the accident as soon as possible.
8.8. OCONUS PPM. A member may personally procure HHG shipment services to and from
OCONUS. However, the PPPO/PPSO should advise the member that if choosing to personally
procure transportation of HHG to an OCONUS area, that he/she is entirely responsible for all
issues related to the SOFA, import/export processes, tariffs, customs, etc. PPSO/PPPOS should
discourage this unless the member is thoroughly familiar with international requirements. PPM
shipments to OCONUS locations can be closed out by the destination PPPO/PPSO.
8.9. Unauthorized Items. See JTR, Appendix A, for definition of HHG.
8.9.1. If a member moves unauthorized or hazardous items in their PPM, the weight of
unauthorized or hazardous items cannot be included in the net weight. (T-0).
8.9.2. If unauthorized or hazardous items are included in a PPM, the member forfeits any
monetary allowance or reimbursement. The case file is forwarded to appropriate investigative
authorities (e.g., Office of Special Investigations (OSI), Judge Advocate General (JAG),
USTRANSCOM) for review. (T-0).
54 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
8.10. Combined Shipment Military Married to Military. A military couple may ship or
store their combined JTR authorized weight allowance or exercise an individual allowance.
8.10.1. The members may request the PPPO/PPSO prepare one DD Form 2278 for a
combined weight PPM. Either order can be utilized. Both members are required to sign the
DD Form 2278 and a copy of each order is required for a combined weight PPM.
8.10.2. A military married to military couple may each request an individual PPM. Each
member has a separate entitlement and can perform a PPM under his/her order.
8.10.3. Separate and individual weight tickets and receipts (expenses) are required for each
member’s respective PPM. Comingling of weight tickets and expenses is not authorized. (T-
8.11. Member Responsibilities.
8.11.1. Members are to obtain legible weight tickets for all PPMs. (T-0). Weight tickets are to be obtained from a certified government, commercial or
public scale and should include: Complete name and location of the scale. Date of each weighing. Identification of weight entries as tare, gross, or net weights. License plate number for any POV(s), trailers, rental vehicles or
commercial company vehicles used for the move. Member’s full name.
8.11.2. The use of a manufacturer weight for POVs or commercial vehicles, on-line weight
estimates or weight tickets from prior moves are not acceptable weights. (T-0).
8.11.3. Axle scale weights are permitted when local or state law does not otherwise restrict
8.11.4. Complete a DD Form 1351-2. (T-0).
8.11.5. Complete the PPM checklist and certification of expenses. (T-0).
8.12. Personally Procured Transportation and/or NTS of HHG without Prior
Approval. TOs may authorize payment of monetary allowance when an event beyond a
member’s control prevents prior approval and issuance of DD Form 2278. All other requirements
of the PPM (i.e., obtained necessary weight tickets or qualified for constructed weight (see
paragraph 8.6.2)) are essential. The member must possess a special order or funded housing
assignment/termination authorization prior to accomplishing the move to qualify for an
allowance (see paragraph 8.4). Reimbursement of actual expenses incurred may be authorized
when a member does not obtain weight tickets.
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 55
8.12.1. When a member did not obtain necessary weight tickets, the use of a constructed
weight can be authorized and certified by the PPSO/PPPO. When PPSO/PPPO operations are
contracted, the Functional Director or QAE (government personnel) having oversight of the
contracted operations certifies use of a constructed weight. Reimbursement is limited to
authorized expenses incurred not to exceed the GCC for the constructed weight of HHG
transported but not to exceed the member’s weight allowance. Monetary allowance is not
authorized for personally procured shipments without weight tickets.
8.12.2. Extreme circumstances (e.g., evacuation, fire, theft, etc.), which prevents weight
tickets from being obtained or provided to the PPSO/PPPO, should be evaluated on a case by
case situation and due consideration by the TO should be explored to determine if a monetary
allowance is permissible.
8.12.3. Questionable cases may be forwarded to [email protected]
for review and recommendation.
8.13. Final Settlement/PPM Closeout. Receipts for expenses incurred when performing a
PPM are not required for submission to finalize settlement of a PPM unless the expenses exceed
the incentive. Do not submit receipts to finance as it may cause the PPM package to be rejected.
It is the member's responsibility to retain moving expense records IAW IRS regulations.
8.13.1. In the event the PPM is performed in conjunction with a government arranged move,
PPPO/PPSO should suspense the final PPM closeout until all government arranged move(s)
has/have been delivered and the actual weight(s) is/are known in order to prevent
overpayment of the PPM. TOs may close out PPMs before the government move(s) has/have
been delivered and where reasonable circumstances are known. For example, low weight on
the government move, low PPM weight, the PPM is performed well in advance of the
government shipment, etc. If adequate weight is remaining on the member’s weight allowance, the
PPPO/PPSO can close out the PPM with the actual PPM weight moved. If the remaining weight after the government arranged move(s) is not sufficient,
the PPPO/PPSO can close out the PPM with weight allowable up to the member’s
authorized weight allowance. If there is no remaining weight on the member’s weight allowance after all
government arranged move(s) have been delivered, do not close out the PPM in DPS.
Inform the member that his/her weight allowance has been exhausted and a PPM
payment cannot be authorized.
8.13.2. When a PPM is performed to a TDY en route location authorized on PCS order, the
PPSO/PPPO at the TDY location may close out the PPM. The member may also choose to
submit all DD Form 2278s to the PCS transportation office.
8.13.3. Retiree and separatees submit PPM documentation for final payment to the
originating PPSO/PPPO (i.e. the base from which the member retired or separated).
8.13.4. If a member makes a local vicinity or NTS move, within or outside CONUS, the
PPPO/PPSO uses the rate specified in the local contract or NTS TOS times the actual weight
or member’s remaining weight allowance, whichever is less.
56 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 Exception. Moves made incident to JTR, pars. (051902), (051904-A), (051904-
B), (0518-B8) and (0518-B9a) are authorized without regard to the member’s prescribed
weight allowance.
8.13.5. Upon close-out of the PPM, ensure the member retains copies of all documents
submitted to the PPSO/PPSO for their records.
8.13.6. The member submits the following required documents to ensure prompt payment: A signed DD Form 2278 PPM Checklist and Certification of Expenses DD Form 1351-2, Travel Voucher Legible copy of order and all amendments If applicable, a copy of the letter of non-availability Legible copy of weight tickets or weight estimator if constructive weight is
approved. If applicable, a legible copy of registration for trailer, Contract and receipts from commercial storage facility to support request for
SIT/NTS reimbursement.
8.13.7. PPPO/PPSO closes out the PPM, certifies and forwards required documents to the
FSO. (T-0).
8.13.8. The certifying PPPO/PPSO uploads all documents pertaining to finalized/closed out
PPMs to the appropriate data storage repository (CPPPo). Uploading finalized PPMs to a
storage repository (CPPPo) is required. If the PPPO/PPSO is not associated with an Air
Force JPPSO, upload the case file to JPPSO-SC online database (i.e., CPPPo). (T-0).
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 57
Chapter 9
9.1. (052301) Standard Allowances.
9.1.1. Operational procedures for transportation of mobile homes are contained in the DTR,
Part IV, Chapter 407. A mobile dwelling is a term applied equally to boat, camper (5th
wheel), houseboat, tiny home and mobile home when declared by the member as a primary
(permanent) residence at the new PDS. Boat One Time Only (BOTO), Mobile Home One
Time Only (MOTO) are required. The travel order and necessary transportation documents
should indicate that the member intends to use the mobile home as a primary residence at the
new PDS.
9.1.2. Members moving mobile homes are provided a copy of the DTR, Attachment K-5, It’s
Your Move, Moving Your Mobile Home pamphlet, and DD Form 1800, Mobile Home
Inspection Record. (T-0). The member should use DD Form 1800 as a guide in completing
pre-move requirements. The DTR, Attachment K-5, may be found at DD Form 1800 may
be found at
9.1.3. Service members who are assigned from CONUS to OCONUS remote assignment
with a follow-on assignment to CONUS or Alaska can ship a mobile home to the follow-on
location where they intend to use the mobile home as a primary residence upon return from
the remote assignment. The member is responsible for making arrangements for receipt and
disposition of the mobile home upon its arrival at destination. (T-0).
9.2. (052403) Personally Procured Transportation. See Attachment 8 for Mobile Home
Cost Comparison Worksheet for government-arranged transportation. Cost Computation
Example (using worksheet in Attachment 8): SMSgt with dependents moves mobile home
between PDS in San Antonio, TX, and Phoenix, AZ. Distance moved is 983 miles. Authorized
weight allowance is 14,000 pounds. Authorized cost is based on the cost to move 14,000 pounds
of HHG from San Antonio, TX, to Phoenix, AZ (JTR, par. 052301-A).
58 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
Figure 9.1. Mobile Home Cost Computation.
Estimated cost to transport 14,000 pounds of HHG from San Antonio, TX to
Phoenix, AZ
Estimated government cost to move the mobile home
(052402 Table 5-60)
Estimated costs not allowed (052402 Table 5-60)
Estimated cost to transport 1,000 pounds of HHG removed from mobile home to
meet safety requirements from San Antonio, TX to Phoenix, AZ
Excess Cost
9.3. (0527) Mobile Home Transportation Under Unusual or Emergency
Circumstances. (052101) Transportation of HHG Removed from Mobile Home to Meet Safety
Requirements. See paragraph 3.5.4
9.4. (0526) Excess Mobile Home Transportation Costs for A Service Member Separated or
Deceased Or Heirs of Deceased Service Member. Government arranged shipments for
members who do not remain in a pay status (or dependents/heirs of deceased members) is
authorized. The Personal Property Government Bill of Lading (PPGBL) can be issued to obligate
the government in an amount not to exceed the member's maximum entitlement plus the value of
any advance excess cost collected. Any remaining excess costs are to be settled by the separating
member with the TSP at destination.
9.5. (052401) Government Procured Transportation for Short Distance Moves. A
separatee or a retiree terminating government facilities is entitled to a local move of the mobile
home and a subsequent shipment in conjunction with the separation or retirement entitlement.
9.6. (0525) Mobile Home Transportation When An Active-Duty Service Member Is
Ill: Injured Or Reported Absent for 30 or More Days in a Missing Status, or Upon Death (0525-
F2) Death of a Service Member. PPA HQ/PPEC is designated to authorize/approve extensions of
the basic 1-year limit for shipment of mobile homes under JTR, 0525-D and 0525-F2. Forward
requests to [email protected].
9.7. (052404) SIT. TOs may authorize SIT not to exceed 180 days.
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 59
Chapter 10
10.1. (051303-A) Alcoholic Beverage Transportation. Alcohol may be transported in HHGs
subject to restrictions imposed by states, territory, district, foreign country, etc. Consult the
PPCIG for host country requirements/restrictions.
10.2. (051303-B) Firearm Transportation. Firearms HHG transportation is prohibited for
members cited in a Military Restraining Order (MRO) or Temporary Restraining Order (TRO)
status ICW Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) federal statute. (T-0). Household goods
transportation may result in a “frustrated” shipment and potential legal concerns for AF and the
10.3. Consumables. (JTR Appendix A) Consumables may consist of food stuff items,
household or other personal items that are to be consumed and need replacement. Consumables
cannot include any prohibited items. The member should have received information from the
sponsor advising which types of consumables are not available at the new location. See for eligibility, authorized locations
and allowances.
10.4. Motorcycle/Moped.
10.4.1. Shipment of a motorcycle or moped in HHG does not change federal emission
control or safety requirements in effect for that model year. Motorcycles and mopeds
entering the CONUS not conforming to US Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA)/Department of Transportation (DOT) standards are not to be included in HHG. The
entire shipment could be detained and opened at CONUS port of entry by customs. The
certification label affixed to the frame is used to determine compliance with US EPA/DOT
standards. See Note: Members may elect to make a separate HHG shipment, subject to excess
cost, for non-conforming motorcycles/mopeds.
10.4.2. The motorcycle/moped should be prepared for shipment by the member to meet TSP
requirements. See DTR Part IV, Appendix I, Paragraph H, Note 2.
10.4.3. Carefully review PPCIG for motorcycle/moped requirements and restrictions for
each country.
10.4.4. For surface shipments, documents should identify the location of the vehicle in the
shipment. This is necessary because any surface shipment destined to/from OCONUS may
be diverted to an air shipment. If the shipment is diverted to AMC, a Shipper Certification for
Dangerous Goods is prepared. To complete the form, it is a necessity that the service liaison
and AMC personnel are able to locate the vehicle in the shipment.
10.5. Permanent (Duty) Station (PDS). (JTR Appendix A). If an authorized commuting area
has not been determined, the PPSO/PPPO should request that the Installation Commander
establish an authorized commuting area IAW JTR, section 0206.
60 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
Chapter 11
11.1. Personal Property Guidance.
11.1.1. Members and employees will be individually counselled to the maximum extent
possible. This includes counselling by face-to-face, group, phone or virtual methods. (T-1)
Group counseling and self-counseling may be used where mission or unique circumstances
dictate. First time movers, separatees, retirees and BLUEBARK shipments will be counseled
by PPPO/PPSO personnel. (T-1).
11.1.2. PPPO/PPSO advises members/employees to: Establish an account with Electronic Transportation Acquisition (ETA) at in order to access DPS. (T-0). Contact the System Response Center (SRC) help desk for assistance when log
in or a system error occurs. Maintain communication with the TSP and to update phone numbers and email
addresses to both the TSP and DPS during their move. (T-0). Complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) within seven days of each
complete shipment delivery. Advise the member, that if a shipment has physically
delivered to a residence but has not been delivered in DPS, to contact the TSP to update
the record to reflect a delivery. The customer does not receive notification to complete a
CSS nor be able to file a claim if a shipment is not indicating delivered in DPS. (T-0). If self-counseled, members need to print, sign, and submit the DD Form 1299,
DD Form 1797, Personal Property Counseling Checklist and valid travel orders and
provide to the servicing PPPO/PPSO. (T-0).
11.2. Counseling Members/Employees.
11.2.1. Use DD Form 1797 and Attachment 9, if applicable, to record information provided
during counseling to include questionable requests or disagreements between the counselor
and the member/representative. Use this record to respond to case file inquiries. (T-0).
11.2.2. If a customer elects to waive outbound counseling, complete the following actions:
On DD Form 1299, the customer is required to initial/sign in the appropriate areas. On DD
Form 1797, check each applicable item on the bottom (backside) as “no.” Both, counselor
and member/employee or representative, initial and sign the DD Form 1797. (T-0).
11.2.3. Statement for DD Form 1797: “I waive the counseling on all parts of my move,
which includes Household Goods, UB, Non-temporary Storage, Privately Owned Vehicles,
Boats, Mobile Homes, Weapons and Loss/Damage Claims Options. I fully understand my
entitlements and assume full responsibility for any consequences caused by waiving
counseling.” (T-0).
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 61
11.2.4. When a dependent has a travel authorization to or from overseas, the dependent may
apply for shipment without the member's Power of Attorney (POA) or informal letter of
authorization (LOA) provided the shipment is to the member's new PDS or the property is
being placed in NTS. If the dependent requests shipment of property to any other place, a
copy of the POA/LOA is retained with pertinent shipping documents. . (DoD 4500.9R, Part
IV, Chap 401, G2a(1)c. (T-0).
11.2.5. Members and employees must be counseled on POV movement and storage using
Part V of the DD Form 1797. Review the PPCIG for host country requirements, provide
information regarding locations of the vehicle processing centers (VPC) and instruct
members to verify if any recalls exists on their vehicle prior to arriving at a VPC. (T-0).
11.2.6. At the conclusion of the counseling session, ensure that the member signs the DD
Forms 1299 and 1797. Provide a copy of all signed documents to the member. (T-0).
11.2.7. PPPOs servicing AF JPPSOs are to use DPS as the primary source for document
upload and repository for all shipments moving through the DPS system.
11.2.8. PPPOs are to upload all documents pertaining to Direct Procurement Method (DPM),
NTS shipments and all completed PPMs through the current electronic storage system. (T-0).
11.2.9. When possible, participate in Airman and Family Readiness Center base relocation,
separation and retirement programs to brief household goods and passenger entitlements
associated with PCS, retirement and separation. (T-0).
11.3. Sensitive Shipments/Witness Protection. For Air Force personnel with classified
assignments, the "to be assigned" blocks of the special orders do not contain "in-the-clear"
destinations. Therefore, counseling and documentation preparation requires special attention.
Ship the property to the destination requested by the member.
11.3.1. Accept a statement from the District Detachment Commander certifying the
authorized weight allowance for Office of Special Investigations (OSI) special agents. Treat
this information as sensitive data to be used for entitlement purposes only. (T-0).
11.3.2. If a counselor with the proper security clearance is available and the member is
allowed to discuss the end assignment on a need-to-know basis, provide the member with a
briefing. Annotate the reverse of the DD Form 1797 to reflect that a briefing was provided.
Both counselor and member are to date and sign all associated documents. (T-0).
11.3.3. If a properly cleared counselor is not available or if the member cannot discuss the
end assignment with (J)PPSO/PPPO personnel on a need-to-know basis, give the member a
generic counseling and record the counseling on the reverse of the DD Form 1797. (T-0).
11.4. Exception to Provisions of the Joint Travel Regulations is prohibited.
11.4.1. The JTR is a direct implementation of the laws enacted by the Congress and the
President and interpretations of those laws by the Comptroller General of the United States
(GAO) and Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals, and has the force and effect of law. The
JTR is the DoD implementation of General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Travel
Regulation (FTR) that is the direct implementation of law and GAO and GSA Board of
Contract Appeals (GSBCA) interpretations. There is no authority to grant an exception or a
waiver to any JTR provision. (T-0). Do not forward requests of this nature to AF/A4LR for
62 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
11.4.2. Recommended administrative changes to the JTR may be submitted through
MAJCOM A1 and A4 channels to AF/A4LR who forwards to AF/A1PA for submission
through the appropriate channels.
11.5. Congressional Inquiries. Air Force personnel have the legal right to petition, furnish
information to, or communicate with the Congress (5 U.S. Code § 7102 and 10 U.S. Code
§1034). Most congressional inquiries relating to HHG are sent to SAF/LL and then tasked to
AF/A4LR. AF/A4LR instructs PPA HQ to ascertain all facts and specifics pertaining to
11.5.1. Should a (J)PPSO/PPPO receive a request for information from PPA HQ, respond
quickly and accurately, answering all questions to the best of your ability. Ensure your
MAJCOM functional, if applicable, and commander are informed of the request and your
response. (T-1). Review AFI 90-401, Air Force Relations with Congress, for more detailed
information on handling Congressional Inquiries at various levels within the Air Force.
11.5.2. When the Air Staff or PPA requests a MAJCOM or field activity to supply
information or to coordinate on the draft response, the action officer will explain that the sole
purpose is to obtain information for a Congressional inquiry, and the field activity should not
construe the inquiry otherwise. There is no requirement to coordinate fact finding with the
MAJCOM IG or Wing staff agencies unless tasked directly. (T-2).
11.6. Airlift of HHG. HHG shipment by air to, from, or between hardlift areas via AMC TP-4,
does not require prior approval. TP-2 airlift to any other area (except inter-theater) requires prior
approval. PPA HQ is delegated approval authority for TP-2 airlift. Validation of hardlift areas
should be completed through the PPCIG.
11.6.1. Space required airlift of HHG is not authorized for retirees or separatees. (T-0).
11.6.2. TP-2 Airlift for all inter-theater HHG shipments is authorized for
members/employees outside CONUS unless the member/employee has a temporary
duty/leave/delay en route of more than 30 days. Under those circumstances, ship HHG by
surface TSP.
11.6.3. TP-4 Airlift of HHG. AMC TP-4 airlift of HHG uses AMC excess by-product airlift capability. HHG are airlifted on a space-available basis at surface competitive rates. AMC TP-4 airlift of HHG can be used with Code T or DPM shipment modes.
However, AMC air terminal managers control the availability of this service over specific
airlift channels in coordination with the Air Clearance Authority (ACA). The ACA
determines the actual amount of TP-4 accepted into the aerial ports. The ACAs also work
together to fill excess capacity to maximize aircraft utilization. The ACA validates the
movement and coordinates with the appropriate APOE. Shippers should use one of the
following methods when requesting clearance of HHG at the TP-4 rate. Fax information to DSN (312) 787-3185 or commercial (937) 257-3185. Telephone ACA office DSN (312)787-4949 or commercial (937) 257-
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 63 Available TP-4 airlift may be used when a cost comparison indicates that it is
cost favorable or when it is required to meet the member's, dependent's, or next-of-kin's
requirements. However, HHG shipments are to move as TP-4 when it best meets the
needs of the member without incurring storage-in-transit costs at destination. Shipments returning from OCONUS points destined for CONUS Non-
temporary storage cannot be routed via TP-4. Once the appropriate ACA clears a shipment, it moves as TP-4. Shipments are
not to be pulled out of the airlift system by AMC and diverted to surface movement
without coordination with the ACA.
11.6.4. TP-2 Airlift Requests. Airlift requests (AMC TP-2) to, from or between other than
approved hardlift areas are sent to PPA HQ/PPEC at
[email protected]. The (J)PPSO/PPPO initiates the request that
includes, as a minimum, the following: The member’s name, grade, and social security number. (T-0). The shipment origin and destination. (Identify any applicable origin and
destination military installation.) (T-0). Pickup date and Required Delivery Date (RDD). (T-0). Pieces, weight, and cube. (T-0). Original code of service, name of TSP, and GBL number. (T-0). Circumstances (obtained from the origin (J)PPSO) resulting in the
inability to move via surface to include, as applicable: TSP delay in delivery to port;
port processing delays; ship availability (past and anticipated); origin (J)PPSO failure
to comply with applicable routing guide; port agent deficiency; failure to effect
shipment from origin; or other pertinent data. (T-0). Specific hardships experienced by the member or family. Indicate
whether a housing loaner kit is available and being used by member. General
statements such as "member is in dire need," "member has quarters," and "past RDD"
are insufficient to justify airlift. (T-0). Any other data to assist in evaluation of requests. Airlift requests should be transmitted to PPA HQ with information copies to
AFMC LSO/LOTA and the MAJCOM (if applicable). Disapproval authority for airlift requests is HAF/A4LR. If PPA HQ considers
the request lacks adequate justification, telephonic coordination is to be made with
HAF/A4LR. Requests for airlift of a civilian employee’s HHG should include the authority
to cite the specific allowance. If authority of the agency controlling the funds has not
been obtained, the agency is to be included as an action addressee. The agency is
required to furnish PPA HQ the authority to cite their funds to defray airlift cost. The
controlling agencies are: The gaining civilian personnel office for Air Force employees.
64 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 Defense Language Institute English Language (DLIELC/LEX), Lackland
AFB TX/LEANO for Defense Language Institute (DLI) employees. The DoD Education Activity (DoDEA) Human Resources Regional
Service Center for DoDDS (DoD Dependents Schools) Teachers.
11.7. Office of Special Investigations. AF/A4LR sends OSI reports concerning HHG and
POVs to the appropriate MAJCOM or PPA HQ. The MAJCOM, if applicable, conducts a review
and recommends a course of collection action to PPA HQ.
11.8. Pertinent Personal Property Guidance in Non-Transportation Regulations.
11.8.1. DoD Manual 4160.21-M, Disposal of Unclaimed Personal Property
11.8.2. AFI 34-501, Mortuary Affairs Program
11.8.3. AFI 32-6001, Family Housing Management
11.9. Payment to TSP or Agent when Services Rendered and Movement is
Canceled. Normally, services are ordered, government funds are obligated, and line-haul
movement is made. If movement is canceled, the government must pay the TSP or agent for
services rendered up to the movement cancellation. Use the following procedures to effect
payment for services rendered:
11.9.1. Do not cancel a GBL if it has been issued. Obtain TSP or agent invoice, or DD Form
619, from the TSP or agent for services rendered. The TO certifies services performed on the
GBL at origin. Annotate the GBL that “no line haul” was involved and provide a brief
explanation as to why movement was canceled. Documents are forwarded to the TSP or
agent for use in submitting payment for services rendered. (T-0).
11.9.2. If a GBL was not issued, required, or canceled, the (J)PPSO obtains an invoice from
the TSP or agent. The invoice should show services rendered up to the time movement was
canceled. The TO certifies on the invoice that services were performed and payment is due.
Annotate the invoice with the reason movement was canceled and why payment is being
made in this manner. Copies of the applicable travel orders and the invoice are forwarded to
Defense Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS) or service finance center for payment. (T-
11.9.3. Use of these procedures for local moves is normally more expensive than using local
packing and crating contractor rates. Therefore, local moves that use these procedures are
subject to close review by audit, IG inspection, etc.
11.10. Routing and Mode Selection of Domestic Shipments Weighing 1,000 pounds or
Less. Shipping offices may use the Direct Procurement Method to move domestic shipments
estimated to weigh 1,000 pounds or less or when cost-effective and circumstances warrant. (T-3).
11.11. General Officer and Senior Executive Service Moves.
11.11.1. Each TO is responsible for monitoring Air Force General Officer (AFGO) and
Senior Executive Service (SES) moves, inbound and outbound to their installation. Origin
(J)PPSO/PPPO must provide complete shipment information to the destination
(J)PPSO/PPPO. In turn, the destination TO must advise all concerned upon shipment arrival
and delivery, to include any information regarding unsatisfactory service. (T-3).
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 65
11.11.2. The 11th Logistics Readiness Squadron, Joint Base Andrews-Naval Air Facility
Washington, MD, acts as the responsible agency for AFGO moves to, from, and within the
National Capitol Region (NCR). , The 11
LRS provides counseling, document preparation,
and arranges pick up and delivery of AFGO shipments moving to and from the NCR. (T-0).
11.12. Personal Property Transformation/Procedures and Process. Procedure and process
changes proposed by PPPOs, JPPSOs, PPA HQ, or MAJCOMS which will impact manpower or
resources will be coordinated and approved in an appropriately staffed package through
AF/A4LR and MAJCOMs before implementation. (T-1).
11.13. Administrative Process for Policy and Entitlement Clarification or Interpretation.
11.13.1. TOs are the base-level authority to execute the front-office process of the Air Force
Personal Property Movement Program. To resolve policy or allowance issues, use the
following progressive levels to elevate.
11.13.2. The Personal Property Activity Headquarters (PPA HQ) Customer Service Center.
The PPA HQ Customer Service Center is established as a Center of Excellence to assist Air
Force personnel and transportation offices in clarifying and interpreting HHG and POV
moving and storage policy and allowances of military members, civilian employees,
dependents and NOK of deceased members. PPA HQ fields questions on retirement and
separation allowances, redirects customers to correct section within and outside the AF
Personal Property Enterprise, assists sister service personnel when necessary, assists with
research and staffing Congressional inquiries and IG complaints, and communicates personal
property movement and storage information to the transportation community. (T-0).
11.13.3. Servicing JPPSO/CPPSO. Base transportation offices and PPPOs first contact their
servicing JPPSO/CPPSO to resolve moving and storage issues and allowance interpretation.
11.13.4. PPA, HQ Customer Service Center provides policy and allowance interpretation to
PPPOs/PPSOs/JPPSOs/CPPSOs, MAJCOMs and sister service components that service Air
Force personnel.
11.13.5. MAJCOM Logistics Readiness Staffs. MAJCOM Logistics Readiness staffs are an
available resource for PPPOs to consult. MAJCOM staffs reconcile allowance interpretation
and process issues with the PPA HQ.
66 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
Chapter 12
12.1. Excess Cost Responsibilities. Personal Property Activity Headquarters, Excess Cost
Adjudication Function (PPA HQ/ECAF), is the Air Force executive agent to evaluate,
adjudicate, and process identified excess cost cases. TOs are to support PPA HQ/ECAF efforts as
outlined in paragraphs 11.2.1 through 11.2.8
12.1.1. PPA HQ/ECAF Responsibilities: Review potential excess cost on Air Force-funded shipments identified through
DPS, (J)PPSOs/PPPOs, and Vehicle Processing Centers (VPCs). Identify excess cost on active duty, retired, separated, Air Force Reserve and
Air National Guard military personnel, and DoD Air Force civilian employees. Determine which shipment or storage lot results in the least cost to the
member/employee. Initiate collection action by preparing a DD Form 139 with a Notification of
Indebtedness letter and submit to the member's/employee's servicing Financial Services
Office (FSO) or DFAS for appropriate action.
12.1.2. Adjudicate excess cost rebuttals for all Air Force-funded shipments. (T-0). If indebtedness is sustained, prepare a letter to the servicing FSO or DFAS.
State the debt is upheld and collection is in order. If indebtedness is adjusted, prepare a letter explaining the reason for the
adjustment, attach a new DD Form 139 and forward to the servicing FSO or DFAS for
appropriate action. If indebtedness is canceled, prepare a letter canceling the DD Form 139 and
forward to the servicing FSO or DFAS for appropriate action.
12.2. Origin TO Responsibilities: Part I: Members/Employees in Pay Status.
12.2.1. Identify in DPS “Paying Officer Review” for members/employees remaining in a pay
status when excess costs could incur as a result of the member’s request for higher cost
mode, special services, excess weight, excess mileage, etc. (T-0).
12.2.2. In the event cases are marked “paying officer review,” please forward all
12.2.3. Air Force policy provides automatic TP-2 approval for a member's/employee's inter-
theater shipment. Counsel members/employees regarding the extremely high cost of TP-2
movement in the event of excess weight and allow members the option of the cheaper surface
movement. This option must be made before the shipment departs from origin. (T-0). Part II: Members/Employees in Non-Pay Status.
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 67
12.2.4. Determine in advance that the member/employee is will financially responsible for
all excess costs to effect movement. Advise the member that excess costs are paid at origin.
However, shipment is not routinely placed into SIT at origin pending payment. Advise the
member/employee that the debt is turned over to DFAS for out-of- service collection if
payment is not made prior to delivery. Advise the service member to contact servicing
(J)PPSO the day following pickup to determine if excess costs are due. (T-0).
12.2.5. Computing the excess cost. Prepare DD Form 1131, Cash Collection Voucher.
Include the appropriate accounting classification and excess cost computation. Place the case
file in suspense pending verification that charges have been paid. Excess cost should be
collected for service members in non-pay status when the following actions occur: additional
transportation costs related to the service member’s negligence (i.e. attempted pickup and/or
delivery charges), request of higher cost modes, or as defined as special services (i.e. special
crating). All other shipments should be forwarded to PPAHQ/PPEX for adjudication and
collection of the out-of-service debt. If collection is accomplished, please advise the
member/employee to provide the servicing FSO the DD Form 1131, copy of the DD Form
1299, and applicable special order, along with cash, certified cashier's check, money order,
traveler's checks, or bank draft made payable to “Treasurer of the United Statesto cover the
excess cost. Any combination of the above, in a total amount equal to the computed excess
cost, is acceptable.
12.2.6. Instruct the member/employee to return a copy of DD Form 1131 reflecting voucher
number, date, and amount collected to the servicing (J)PPSO. (T-0).
12.2.7. Annotate the original GBL/BL or procurement document ordering the services with
the voucher number, date, and amount collected. If the original documents cannot be
annotated, issue a SF 1200, Government Bill of Lading Correction Notice, stating the above
information. (T-0).
12.2.8. If excess charges are discovered after a shipment departs origin, the origin (J)PPSO
issues an SF 1200, stating excess costs were not collected at origin. Contact the destination
(J)PPSO and have them attempt to make collection prior to delivery. Forward a copy to PPA
HQ/ECAF. ECAF ensures billing is correct and excess cost has been collected. (T-0). Contractual documents are annotated to reflect that the member is in an “excess
cost status.” Every attempt should be made to collect excess costs in advance from
members not in a pay status (i.e. separatees). If the shipment is under government control and the member is financially
unable to make payment, the shipment is to be delivered and documents forwarded to
PPA HQ/PPEX, via email:hqppa[email protected] fax: (210) 321-4262 to initiate
out of service collection.
12.3. Destination TO Responsibilities.
12.3.1. Notify the member/employee of excess cost and attempt to collect excess charges
prior to final delivery. If collection action is unsuccessful, issue a SF Form 1200 indicating
excess charges were not collected and that paying officer review is required. Provide a copy
to PPA HQ/PPEX who then initiates out-of-service collection action. Property should be
delivered even if the member/employee is no longer in a pay status. (T-0).
68 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
12.3.2. Counsel the member/employee concerning "acceptable evidence" to support excess
cost rebuttals. The following situations are generally not acceptable as evidence to provide a
lawful basis for adjustments or elimination; Member or employee states or alleges that: the
contractor, TSP, or personal property counselor estimated the weight below the authorized
weight allowance, miscounseling; TSP over packed the shipment, weights were not properly
obtained, weight authorization for non-availability of TA-414 items (government owned
furnishings) was insufficient to compensate for weight of items purchased, shipments were
not reweighed, previous shipment of the same property was not overweight, no prior advice
or notice that an overweight condition existed, TSP did not list or separately identify and
weigh PBP&E, or advice of excess cost was not received within a reasonable time. The
above situations are not all inclusive; members and employees are not prohibited from
submitting a rebuttal under any circumstances. (T-0).
12.3.3. Advise the servicing FSO of the rebuttal action with a copy of the transmittal letter of
rebuttal sent to PPA HQ/PPEX. (T-0).
12.3.4. Determine and state which shipments were reweighed and provide legible reweigh
documentation. (T-1).
12.3.5. State the total number of shipments received and identify destination services (i.e.,
temporary storage, warehouse handling, drayage, etc.). (T-1).
12.3.6. Furnish the complete case file including local and self-procured moves to PPA
HQ/ECAF. Include the servicing PPPO/PPSO response to the member's/employee's
allegations. (T-1).
12.3.7. State if collection was made for any other contractual service. If so, provide a copy
of the applicable DD Form 1131. If collection was not made, do not issue a DD Form 139
incident to the rebuttal action. Provide PPA HQ/PPEX the rates upon which collection should
have been made. (T-1).
12.3.8. All rebuttal cases, to include active duty, separated and retired members, need to be
forwarded to [email protected].
12.3.9. When the suspense date on the FSO letter cannot be met, the (J)PPSO or
member/employee may request an extension from the FSO. (T-0).
12.4. Member/Employee Responsibilities. A member/employee presenting a rebuttal for an
excess cost charge for shipment/storage of personal property or a privately owned vehicle (POV)
12.4.1. Contact the destination (J)PPSO/PPPO for proper counseling on rebuttal procedures.
12.4.2. Prepare a letter stating all reasons for the rebuttal. Include copies of ALL applicable
orders (front and back).
12.4.3. Provide legible copies of the inventories if the allegations are based on PBP&E and
any other applicable documents (i.e. reweigh tickets).
12.5. Excess Cost Processing and Rebuttal Procedures: Upon Identification of Indebtedness
12.5.1. The servicing FSO complies with procedures in DFAS DEM 7073-1, Defense Joint
Military Pay System, Volume 1.
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 69
12.5.2. The FSO or DFAS effects collection if the member/employee agrees with the excess
cost computation. If the member/employee does not agree, comply with processing
procedures in 12.2.1 through 12.3.10.
12.6. Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records (BCMR) Procedures. The
BCMR has authority to correct any element of a military record, including the facts supporting
any type of indebtedness. It applies to members, former members, dependents or heirs of
deceased members. It recognizes the right to appeal cases if they think an error or injustice has
been committed. The individual completes and submits a DD Form 149, Application for
Correction of Military Records, Under the Provisions of 10 U.S. Code § 1552.
12.6.1. Before BCMR action involving excess costs can occur, the member is required to
appeal the case by filing a rebuttal with PPA HQ/PPEX. A copy of the final adjudication
from PPA HQ/ PPEX is needed to support the BCMR application.
12.6.2. Members on active duty file for remission (cancellation) of the debt before
submitting for BCMR. The remission request should be sent to DFAS through the local FSO.
A copy of the response from DFAS should accompany the BCMR application.
12.6.3. If a BCMR request is granted, PPA HQ/PPEX takes the necessary action to modify
or terminate the indebtedness.
12.6.4. The DD Form 149 and AFI 36-2603, Air Force Board for Correction of Military
Records, can be acquired at
Personnel-Records/ or from any Air Force Military Personnel Flight or publications
distribution office.
70 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
Chapter 13
13.1. (054305) Transportation. A civilian employee who is authorized a move at government
expense is authorized HHG transportation. NTS may be authorized in lieu of HHG transportation
when assigned to certain locations if eligible. The maximum HHG weight allowance that may be
transported (and/or stored ICW transportation) is 18,000 pounds.
13.1.1. (054304 Table 5-87) HHG weight allowances. For uncrated shipments, a 2,000
pound allowance is added to the maximum weight for packing weight, covering barrels,
boxes cartons and similar materials.
13.1.2. (054305 Table 5-89) Responsibility for transportation expenses. The employee is
financially responsible for all transportation costs as the result of excess HHG weight
allowance, alternate HHG transportation locations, articles transported that are not authorized
HHG, special services requested by the employee, and transportation related costs caused by
the employee’s negligence. (T-0).
13.2. (054309) PBP&E.
13.2.1. Policy. The exact weight of approved professional items cannot be determined until
weighed at time of pickup by a TSP or contractor. PBP&E is HHG and part of the PCS
weight allowance.
13.2.2. (054309-B) Weight limitations. The maximum weight allowance for shipment of
PBP&E is 2,000 pounds net weight.
13.3. (054305-E) Transportation Methods.
13.3.1. (054305-E1) UB. UB is part of the total HHG weight allowance. Arrangements for
shipment of UB should be made as soon as possible to minimize the requirement for
expedited movement. This applies when permanent duty travel is involved.
13.3.2. Additional costs are not considered in determining an employee’s allowance to GBL
shipment versus commuted rate system (CRS) shipment. (T-0).
13.3.3. (054304-A) Administrative weight limitation. The typical administrative limited
weight allowance is 4,500 pounds (25 percent of 18,000 net weight pounds) for a civilian
employee. An allowance of up to 500 pounds in addition to the applicable authorized
administrative weight is allowed for packing weight covering barrels, boxes, cartons and
similar materials only. Consumable goods and/or PBP&E (administrative expense)
transportation weight allowances are in addition to the administrative HHG weight. See for approved administrative
weight allowance locations that may differ from the 4,500 pounds amount. Only
administrative weight allowance locations listed at are valid.
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 71
13.4. (0547) POV Transportation.
13.4.1. (054705) Eligibility Determination for POV Transportation OCONUS. Eligible
traveler authorized POV transportation is a traveler transferred in the government’s interest,
new appointee, or student trainee assigned to the first PDS.
13.4.2. (054704) POV Transportation OCONUS. For OCONUS POV transportation, only
one POV may be authorized to be transported at government expense per the Agency/Service
determination. The vehicle may not be shipped as PBP&E. The POV is to be in operating
order, legally titled and registered for driving. (T-0).
13.5. (0544) Mobile Home Transportation.
13.5.1. (054401) Eligibility. A mobile home acquired on before the effective date of the
employee’s Temporary Change of Station (TCS)/PCS travel order may be moved at
government expense only if it is be used as the primary/permanent residence at the new PDS.
13.5.2. (054401-C) Responsibility. The employee is responsible for ensuring the mobile
home body and chassis, including tires and tubes, have been placed in fit condition at the
employee’s expense and to the government’s/transporter’s satisfaction to withstand
transportation between the authorized locations indicated in par. 054403. (T-0).
13.5.3. (0544) Cost limitations. Mobile home transportation is HHG weight allowance
limited to 18,000 pounds between the old and new PDSs plus 90 days of HHG SIT. Any
“unused” mobile home transportation cost may not be used to ship HHG. Mobile home
transportation to other locations by the employee is subject to excess cost. (T-0).
13.5.4. (054405) Reimbursement of costs for personally procured commercial
transportation. An eligible traveler authorized mobile home allowances under par. (054401)
may transport a mobile home at personal expense and be reimbursed for transportation cost
NTE the amount determined by section (0544).
13.5.5. (054406-B) Mobile home towed by POV. When a mobile home is transported by
means other than a commercial transporter, i.e., towed by a POV, an allowance of $.11 is
paid to cover the costs of transporting the mobile home for expenses allowed (054405 Table
72 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
Chapter 14
14.1. Purpose. The Quality Control (QC) function is critical in providing quality personal
property movement for our customers (member, employee or their authorized agent) and is
organized to permit effective use of resources to meet this mission. The extent of the
organization and development of the QC section in the Personal Property Shipping Office
(PPSO)/Personal Property Processing Office (PPPO) depends on workload. The time spent
traveling to/from inspection areas and between inspections should be weighed against the
number of inspections that can be accomplished in a day. TOs with extensively large areas of
responsibility should consider establishing a QC position physically located within the distant
14.1.1. Standard: JPPSO/CPPSO/PPSO/PPPO will inspect 80 percent of all personal
property shipments in their area of responsibility. Credit for an inspection will be taken on
the pickup/delivery date only after the requirements are met for on-site inspections. For
occasions when physical inspections are not feasible (distance or unique circumstances),
inspections can be telephonic and/or virtual; however, telephonic or virtual inspections will
not count toward meeting the 80 percent standard. (T-1).
14.1.2. Multiple visits are considered an integral part to a quality inspection. (T-1).
14.2. Inspector Qualification. QC Inspectors should be drawn from the ranks of military (E4
and above) and/or civilian employees who have a broad background in traffic management
2T0X1 career fields. Inspectors should limit their relationship with local agents and adhere to the
Code of Ethics for Government Service and the DoD 5500.7-R, The Joint Ethics Regulation. A
professional relationship should be maintained at all times.
14.3. Training. TOs should provide continuous formal/informal training in personal property
and its associated automated systems for QC Inspectors. Many resident and nonresident courses,
seminars, and workshops are offered by various federal agencies and commercial sources to meet
this requirement. Unit training managers can determine the practicality and availability of
training, seminars, workshops and/or courses.
14.4. Preparation. Refer to DTR Appendix P for QC inspector preparation. Additionally,
PPPO/PPSO should consider investing in updated technology (IPads, Smart Phone, Geo-Tab
etc.) to increase inspector efficiency and effectiveness.
14.5. Inspection of a TSP’s Facilities and Equipment.
14.5.1. Previously Approved Facilities: Storage Management Office (SMO) may request
PPPO/PPSO support in inspection of TSP facilities and equipment.
14.5.2. General Inspection Procedures are outlined in DoD 4500.9R, Part IV, Appendix D
and E.
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 73
14.6. TSP Equipment, Supplies and Personnel.
14.6.1. Verify the TSP has adequate equipment and supplies on hand to protect the
customer’s property from weather elements. Additionally, ensure transport vehicle is free
from defects, such as holes in roof/floor and is road worthy. Refer to DTR Appendix B for
further guidance. (T-0).
14.6.2. TSP representatives that are inefficient or unfamiliar with tender of service or
contractual requirements are to be identified to the crew chief or TSP for corrective action.
(T-0). This is extremely critical during summer months when the TSP may be using
temporary personnel.
14.7. Inspection Criteria.
14.7.1. Origin. The inspector will: Verify pre-move survey was accomplished. In residence pre-move survey are
conducted on all domestic shipments estimated at 4,700 pounds or more and international
shipments estimated at 3,200 pounds or more within a 50-mile radius of their servicing
facility. (T-1). Remind the customer to segregate personal property if there are multiple
shipments, and to separate PBP&E and high value items. (T-1). If it appears there are insufficient numbers or types of cartons and pads
available, the inspector resolves the issue with lead personnel. (T-1). Identify any unauthorized/hazardous items on premises to the customer and
TSP. (T-1). Ensure TSP has proper documentation (such as bill of lading, inventory, and
DD Form 619). Review for completeness, legibility, and any special requirements, such
as extra pickup, etc. (T-1). Advise customer of the importance of an accurate and legible inventory.
Customer should carefully review the inventory to ensure all property is annotated on the
inventory, to include make, model, caliber, gauge, and serial number of firearms, make,
model and serial number of electronic devices and PBP&E of member or spouse. Brief
customer to make exceptions on the inventory if there is a disagreement on property
condition codes and show them the proper place to make the exception. (T-1). Reiterate to the customer that he/she should not sign any blank forms. (T-1). Remind customers originating from Gypsy Moth areas of their responsibility to
provide the TSP with Gypsy Moth Inspection Certification. Inform customers of the
importance to contain the Gypsy Moth population as it is one of the most destructive
insects in the eastern United States and causes an estimated $868 million in annual
damages. Authority for this program is Title 7, Code of Federal Regulation (7CFR), Part
301.45. Remind customers to provide the original customs forms to the servicing TSP.
(T-1). Instruct the customer to ensure all items have been packed, inventoried, and
loaded prior to signing DD Form 619 and TSP personnel departing. (T-1).
74 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 Check loading of moving van or shipment containers to ensure furniture items
are padded or wrapped and properly loaded to protect surfaces. (T-1). Discuss potential overflow requirements with TSP and customer if vehicle
does not appear to be large enough to transport entire shipment. If it is necessary to split a
shipment for the line haul movement, the established Required Delivery Date (RDD)
applies to all parts of the shipment. (T-1). Note any problems/issues and take photographs as required. Contact the
destination PPSO/PPPO for assistance. (T-1). Provide the customer with necessary contact information for both origin and
destination transportation offices or (J)PPSO. (T-1).
14.7.2. Destination. The inspector will: Ensure items serviced or disassembled by the TSP at origin are serviced or
reassembled at destination. (T-1). Verify TSP has provided customer with Notification of Loss or Damage at
Delivery form. Advise customer to use After Delivery forms after delivery is complete
and TSP has departed the residence. Remind customer they have 75 days from delivery to
file a notice of loss or damage for all missing and damaged items. (T-1). Brief customer that all packing material/cartons and debris is to be removed
from the residence by TSP personnel at time of delivery, unless the unpacking of boxes is
waived. If unpacking is waived, the customer is responsible for disposal of empty cartons
and packing material. The TSP is not required to return for debris removal unless
authorized by the responsible PPSO. (T-1). Advise customer that upon completion of delivery, if presented with a DD
Form 619-1, they are required to sign the form verifying accessorial services were
performed. Advise customer not to sign TSP’s delivery documentation until completion
of all services. (T-1). Document any problems or issues, take photographs as required, and update
inspection data in DPS. Contact the PPSO/PPPO for assistance if needed. Upload to the
appropriate data storage repository in member’s/TSP performance file. (T-1). Provide the customer with necessary emergency contact information. (T-1). Verify completion of approved accessorial service requests. (T-1). Advise customer of mandatory completion of CSS. (T-1).
14.8. Telephonic Inspection. When workload or distance precludes on-site visits, a telephonic
inspection can be completed utilizing the checklist in Attachment 10. Telephone inspections are
an exception and not performed on a routine basis.
14.8.1. Prior to initiating a telephonic inspection, the inspector determines: the property
location, TSP performing services, and type of shipment.
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 75
14.8.2. When calling the customer, the inspector introduces him/herself by name and
organization, and determines if the TSP has arrived or left the pickup/delivery location. The
inspector interviews the customer using the Attachment 10 and addresses concerns as
needed. The inspector concludes the interview by thanking the customer for his/her
time and provides appropriate contact information should additional assistance be
14.8.2. Update DPS with inspection data and upload form to the appropriate data storage
repository or TSP performance file.
14.9. Accessorial Services.
14.9.1. Inspectors may be requested to verify auxiliary or third party services, approve and
update in DPS.
14.9.2. International Tender (IT) Item 508. Crating. Crating of HHG may be authorized
when normal packaging does not adequately protect an item from damage during transit.
Consider the type of movement when authorizing crating. An item may require crating on a
van shipment but may not need a crate in a Code 2 or OCONUS containerized shipment.
Requirements for crating should be closely scrutinized to prevent unnecessary expenditure of
funds. The inspector should use prudent judgment with the following guidance when
approving crating: Only those items that have unique features should be approved for crating. For
example, a grandfather clock should not be crated just because it is a grandfather clock.
Features such as leaded glass or curved glass panels that cannot be duplicated without
great expense could be justification for crating. Crating furniture items such as sofas, tables, chairs, and buffets cannot be
approved unless there are unique features easily susceptible to damage. A customer’s
request to crate items declared to be of extraordinary value is not enough reason to
warrant crating at government expense. Large mirrors, pictures, paintings with ornate
frames, plate glass, and similar fragile items that do not fit into corrugated “mirror”
cartons may be crated. Items such as marble tabletops and pool table slates may be too heavy or large
for available cartons and are eligible for crating. Special services not approved by the PPSO/PPPO can be requested by, and
furnished to, the customer. These include premium packing and crating not otherwise
required by a TSP to protect an item. The customer is financially responsible for all costs
associated with these special services directly with TSP. Do not deny crating solely because the member did not retain a crate authorized
by the government on a previous move. (T-1).
14.9.3. Do not deny third party services solely because third party service was denied at
origin. (T-1).
76 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
14.9.4. Debris Removal: Debris removal service is utilized by exception only. Some
exceptions such as Bluebark, Wounded Warrior, deployed spouse when member is deployed,
may be approved.
14.9.5. (400NG Item 225) Pick up or delivery at self or mini storage. Removing items from
or placing items into self/mini storage warehouses is a member responsibility. In certain
instances such as bluebark, deployed spouse, wounded warrior, PPSOs may approve
additional services to allow the TSP to enter the warehouse for purpose of removing or
placing of items.
14.9.6. Servicing front-load washers. If a front load washer requires stabilizing or securing
of the wash drum during transit, third party service should not be authorized. The
transportation charge includes purchasing/providing necessary bolts or other suitable related
products and installation of these products at origin, as well as the removal of the bolts and
related products used to stabilize the drum, upon delivery at destination.
14.9.7. Totes. Repacking of totes is at the discretion of the TSP. If items are packed by the
member in plastic or similar type containers, the TSP may pack the containers in an approved
carton, if a carton is available that can accommodate the container. If the plastic container
cannot be packed in an approved carton, TSP empties and packs the contents into an
appropriate, approved carton. The empty plastic container is to be wrapped in pads for
14.10. Post-Inspection Duties.
14.10.1. Upon completion of daily inspections, the inspector completes appropriate shipment
evaluation and inspection documents and initiates follow-up on discrepancies as required. (T-
14.10.2. The inspector records and maintains data pertaining to the number of shipments
eligible for inspection and those actually inspected. PPPOs are responsible for maintaining
inspection metrics and reporting as required. (T-1).
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 77
Chapter 15
15.1. (060101) Authority to Order an Evacuation. Installation commanders have the
authority to ship and store HHG using local O&M funds, including quarters to quarters
(government and economy) moves and non-temporary storage of HHG for quarters that become
uninhabitable at locations due to a man-made or natural disaster. Local moves may be performed
under JTR, pars. (051903) (051904) and 054802 for civilian employees with NTS authorized
under paragraphs (0518-B) for service members. There is no authority for NTS for civilian
employees. These moves are funded by local installation support funds, and cannot be charged to
evacuation funding appropriations. An evacuation does not have to be declared for the
installation commander to authorize HHG shipment or storage.
15.2. (060103) Choosing an Evacuation Destination. Transportation from the initial safe
haven to a final safe haven may be authorized through the Secretarial Process retained at
Lieutenant General, USAF
DCS/Logistics, Engineering, & Force Protection
78 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
Attachment 1
Joint Travel Regulations, current edition
DoDD 4500.09, Transportation and Traffic Management, 27 Dec 19
DoDR 4500.9-R, Defense Transportation Regulation (DTR), Part IV, Personal Property, current
DoDI 4500.57, Transportation and Traffic Management, 07 Mar 17
DoD 5500.7-R, The Joint Ethics Regulation (JER), 30 Aug 93
DoD Manual 4160.21, Vol 1, Defense Materiel Disposition: Disposal Guidance and Procedures,
22 Oct 15
5USC § 7102
10USC § 1034
10USC § 1552
7CFR Part 301.45, Notice of quarantine; restriction on interstate movement of specified
regulated articles, current edition
18USC § 287
28USC § 2679(b)”
Title31, Section 3701 and 3721, United States Code, Money and Finance
54Comptroller General Decision 847, Transportation of Household EffectsDual Rights B-
181402, 10 Apr 75
Comptroller General Decision, Travel and Transportation on Retirement from the Uniformed
Services, B-207157, 2 Feb 83
Comptroller General Decision, Entitlement to Transportation of Household Goods, B-196535, 22
Apr 80
DFAS DEM 7073-1, Volume 1, Defense Joint Military Pay System
Defense Personal Property Program Domestic Tariff 400NG -2020, Personal Property
Publication, current edition
AFI 32-6001, Family Housing Management, 21 Aug 06
AFI 34-501, Mortuary Affairs Program, 16 Apr 19
AFI 36-2110, Total Force Assignments, 5 Oct 18
AFI 36-2603, Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records, 17 Sep 17
AFMAN 65-604, Appropriation Symbols and Budget Codes (Fiscal Year 2020), 1 Oct 19
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 79
AFI 90-401, Air Force Relations with Congress, 14 Jun 12
Prescribed Forms:
AF Form 2473, Home of Selection Travel and Transportation Entitlements
Adopted Forms:
DD Form 139, Pay Adjustment Authorization
DD Form 149, Application for Correction of Military Record
DD Form 619/619-1, Statement of Accessorial Services Performed (Storage-In-Transit Delivery
and Reweigh)
DD Form 1131, Cash Collection Voucher
DD Form 1164, Service Order for Personal Property
DD Form 1299, Application for Shipment and/or Storage of Personal Property
DD Form 1300, Report of Casualty
DD Form 1351-2, Travel Voucher or Sub-voucher
DD Form 1797, Personal Property Counseling Checklist
DD Form 1800, Mobile Home Inspection Record
Notification of Loss or Damage at Delivery
DD Form 1857, Temporary Commercial Storage at Government Expense
DD Form 2278, Application for Do It Yourself Move and Counseling Checklist
SF Form 1200, Government Bill of Lading Correction Notice
AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication
AF Form 899, Request and Authorization for Permanent Change of Station - Military
Abbreviations and Acronyms
ACAAir Clearance Authority
AFAir Force
AFAAOAir Force Attaché Affairs Office
AFCSCAir Force Claims Service Center
AFGOAir Force General Officer
AFMANAir Force Manual
AFRCAir Force Reserve Command
AMCAir Mobility Command
ATFAlcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
BAHBasic Allowance for Housing
80 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
BCMRBoard for the Correction of Military Records
BLBill of Lading
BOTOBoat One Time Only
CONUSContinental United States
CPPPoConsolidated Personal Property Portal
CRSCommuted Rate System
CSSCustomer Satisfaction Survey
DFASDefense Finance and Accounting Service
DIRLAUTHDirect Liaison Authorized
DLIDefense Language Institute
DODEADepartment of Defense Education Activity
DoDDSDepartment of Defense Dependents Schools
DOHADefense Office of Hearings and Appeals
DOTDepartment of Transportation
DPMDirect Procurement Method
DPSDefense Personal Property System
DTRDefense Travel Regulation
ECAFExcess Cost Adjudication Function
EPAEnvironmental Protection Agency
ERDEarly Return of Dependents
ETAElectronic Transportation Acquisition
FSOFinancial Services Office
FTRFederal Travel Regulation
GAOGeneral Accountability Office
GBLGovernment Bill of Lading
GCCGovernment Constructed Cost
GPCGlobal POV Contract
GSAGeneral Services Administration
GSBCAGSA Board of Contract Appeals
HHGHousehold Goods
HORHome of Record
HOSHome of Selection
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 81
IAWIn Accordance With
ICWIn Connection With
IEPIndividual Education Plan
IGInspector General
IPCOTIn-Place Consecutive Overseas Tour
ITDYIndeterminate TDY
JERJoint Ethics Regulation
JPPSOJoint Personal Property Shipping Office
LOALine of Accounting, Letter of Authorization
M-PROMember Pro
MAJCOMMajor Command
MARSMilitary Affiliate Radio Station
MERVMedical Extension Request Validation
MILPERSMilitary Personnel
MAOMortuary Affairs Officer
MOTOMobile Home One Time Only
MPFMilitary Personnel Flight
MROMilitary Restraining Order
MSCMilitary Sealift Command
MTMeasurement Ton
NCRNational Capital Region
NOKNext of Kin
NTENot to Exceed
NTSNon-Temporary Storage
O&MOperations and Maintenance
OCONUSOutside Continental United States
OJTOn-the-Job Training
OSIOffice of Special Investigations
PBP&EProfessional Books, Papers, & Equipment
PCSPermanent Change of Station
PDSPermanent Duty Station
PLEADPlace Last Entered Active Duty
82 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
POAPower of Attorney
POVPrivately Owned Vehicle
PPA HQPersonal Property Activity, Headquarters
PPGBLPersonal Property Government Bill of Lading
PPMPersonally Procured Move
PPPOPersonal Property Processing Office
PPSOPersonal Property Shipping Office
QAEQuality Assurance Evaluator
QCQuality Control
RDDRequired Delivery Date
S-PROSpouse Pro
SOASeparate Operating Agencies
SCOSummary Court Officer
SESSenior Executive Service
SITStorage in Transit
SOFAStatus of Forces Agreement
SMOStorage Management Office
SRCSystem Response Center
TCSTemporary Change of Station
TDRLTemporary Disability Retired List
TDYTemporary Duty
TMOTraffic Management Office, Traffic Management Officer
TOTransportation Officer
TOSTender of Service
TPTransportation Priority
TROTemporary Restraining Order
TSPTransportation Service Provider
UBUnaccompanied Baggage
USTRANSCOMUnited States Transportation Command
VPCVehicle Processing Center
WPOEWater Port of Embarkation
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 83
Attachment 2
Table A2.1. Exception to Household Goods Weight Allowances for Accompanied Members
Serving Command-Sponsored Tours
then the member is
and (see note 1)
furniture is
certain items of
furniture are not
authorized the weight of each
TA 414 item that is not
available or the actual weight
approved by Furnishing
Management Office (See note
exception is
according to the
current AFPC
Furnishings &
PCS involves
where one
duty station
is weight
PCS is between
OCONUS stations
from weight-
restricted station to
full weight station
authorized the full HHG
weight allowance from the
weight restricted station, other
authorized location, or both, to
the full weight station (see
notes 1 and 2)
the MPF is to
include the
weight allowance
in the member’s
PCS order
PCS is within
theater from full
weight station to
restricted weight
authorized the full HHG weight
allowance for HHG located
within the OCONUS theater (see
note 2)
PCS is between
OCONUS theater
from full weight
station to restricted
weight station
not authorized the full HHG
weight allowance unless split
shipments of HHG are
prohibited from the losing
overseas station (See notes 2
and 3)
84 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
member states
in writing the
intent to retire
in the
completion of
the current
PCS tour
either before
or after arrival
at the
member gains
allowance to home of
selection move per
JTR, Chapter 5, upon
issuance of an order
after completion of
authorized the full HHG weight
allowance and is not authorized
available Government furniture
(See notes 2 and 4)
HHGs in
area by reason
of marriage
member agrees to
serve the command-
sponsored tour (see
notes 5 and 6)
authorized the weight of acquired and
medical items, plus other authorized storage
or shipments, not to exceed the full JTR
weight allowance. The member will submit
a request to the MPF for approval. It must
include name, grade, tour status, certified
list of items with estimated weight and date
of acquisition. (See note 2)
the MPF
includes the
approved weight
allowance in the
subsequent PCS
HHG in
area by
reason of
(see notes 6 and 7)
allowance due
to personal or
medical reasons
medical officer has
prescribed and
approved item (see
note 6)
authorized the weight of acquired
and medical items, plus other
authorized storage or shipments, not
to exceed the full JTR weight
allowance. Member submits a
request to the MPF for approval to
include tour status, certified list of
items with estimated weight and
date of acquisition. (See note 2)
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 85
a request for
unusual or
(See note 8)
authorized to submit a request
for HHG exception to the
servicing PPSO/PPPO,
MAJCOM/A1 in turn. The
request should include name,
grade, tour status, certified list of
items with estimated weight,
date and source of acquisition.
List the circumstances
necessitating the need for an
exception. Include supporting
documentation and whether or
not government quarters and
furniture was available or used
(see note 9).
MPF advises the
member of
during initial
processing or
sooner, as
86 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
1. The MPF advises members that the weight of items shipped and stored at government
expense may not exceed their JTR weight allowance. This includes the weight of any authorized
2. Member may be assigned to non-Air Force installations. Another component service may
provide government furniture support. In these cases, the senior Air Force installation
commander may approve the member’s request.
AW-01.pdf. (Comments: clarify sentence regarding AF authority to overrule non-Air Force
installations’ authority).
3. The losing PPPO/PPSO advises the MPF if split shipments are prohibited from the country of
their location.
4. The MPF advises the member that use of government furniture is not authorized. The MPF
forwards a copy of the member’s approved request to the gaining Furnishing Management
5. The MPF immediately advises the member to apply for command sponsorship and weight
6. The MPF advises the member that the request is to be supported by an appropriate document.
A marriage license, inheritance certificate/will, or medical officer approval is required.
7. The MPF counsels the member concerning exceptions procedures. This is done during initial
reassignment processing or when it becomes known that an exception is desired, whichever
occurs first.
8. If the member was previously assigned to a weight restricted area that is subsequently
changed to a full JTR weight area, MAJCOM/A1 may approve a request to ship HHG from
storage to full JTR weight areas. Members should have an approved tour extension resulting in
serving a period of time equal to two tours, and have elected to return assigned government
furniture. These approvals constitute the removal of a previous administrative weight restriction.
An amended order citing current fiscal year funding is required. Members assigned to weight
restricted areas agreeing to, or having served the equivalent of two tours, may ship additional
weight upon departure from the OCONUS PDS. The MAJCOM/A1 approves up to 2,500
pounds for accompanied members. Two thousand five hundred pounds or 25 percent of full JTR
allowance or the UB allowance (without 10 percent option) may be approved for
unaccompanied members. Members with dependents are not authorized this exception if they
are eligible to serve the accompanied tour and elected the shorter unaccompanied tour. Members
should have at least 12 months remaining at the overseas station on the date HHG are due.
MAJCOM/A1 may delegate this approval authority to Numbered Air Force or base level.
Members “are not” subject to payment of storage charges in excess of 180 days when removing
HHG from non-temporary storage under these authorities (new, amended, revised, or modified
9. The PPPO/PPSO annotates member’s request to include number of shipments and weight of
HHG shipped and/or stored on last PCS. Also, identify HHG erroneously shipped OCONUS but
not returned to a proper destination in accordance with JTR, par. 051504. This weight is
authorized, without exception approval, upon subsequent PCS. Advise the MPF to include the
applicable weight in PCS order (note 1 applies). Also, include, if applicable, the estimated
weight and list of items in excess of the prescribed administration weight allowance.
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 87
Attachment 3
Table A3.1. Exception to Household Goods Weight Allowances for Single and Members
Serving the Unaccompanied and Accompanied
then the member is
quarters are
not available
furniture is not
authorized the full HHG weight
the MPF
includes the
allowance in
PCS orders.
furniture is
authorized 2,500 lbs or 25 percent of
JTR weight allowance (whichever is
greater.) Plus UB, without the 10
percent option. Unavailable TA-414
items can also be authorized. (See
Table A2.1, Rule 1)
quarters and
furnishing are
available (e.g.,
member is not
directed to
reside off base
not authorized exceptions. However,
10 percent of full allowance is
authorized via surface in lieu of UB
shipment via air
annotates the
allowance on
the DD Form
1299 for
electing the
10 percent
are to verify
selection in
88 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
authorized to
occupy family
furniture is
authorized 2,500 lbs or 25 percent of
full JTR weight allowance plus UB,
without the 10 percent option.
Unavailable TA 414 items can also be
authorized in addition to the basic
the MPF
includes the
allowance in
PCS order.
furniture is not
authorized the full HHG weight
1. MPF advises members that weight of items shipped and stored at government expense
may not exceed their JTR weight allowances. This includes weight of any authorized
2. When applicable, rules 5, 7, 8, and 9 of Attachment 2, Table A2.1 may be used for
unaccompanied members.
3. E-7s and above, without dependents, electing optional base residency, are subject to the
above rules. They do not get a weight exception based solely on their option to reside off
4. When unaccompanied members are assigned from an OCONUS station where they are
authorized a HHG weight allowance to another OCONUS station (including Alaska and
Hawaii) and will be provided with government quarters and furnishings, the special order is
to reflect the weight allowance at both stations (i.e., “member authorized full JTR weight
allowance from Osan AB, Korea. Shipment to Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, AK,
limited to UB or 10% option by surface.”). HHG in excess of the member’s weight
allowance at the new duty station can be shipped to non-temporary storage or to a
designated location in the CONUS.
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 89
Attachment 4
Table A4.1. Maximum Unaccompanied Baggage Weight Allowance.
If the grade is
and the member is
then the allowance is
01 to 03
600 lbs net weight (See notes 1
& 2)
04 to 06
800 lbs net weight (See notes 1
& 2)
07 to 08
1000 lbs net weight (See notes
1 & 2)
1500 lbs net weight (See notes
1 & 2)
2000 lbs net weight (See notes
1 & 2)
E1 to E8
500 lbs net weight (See notes 1
& 2 )
600 lbs net weight (See notes 1
& 2 )
800 lbs net weight (See notes 1
& 2 )
E1 to 010
PCS and authorized movement of
350 lbs net weight for each
dependent 12 yrs of age or
older. 175 lbs net weight for
dependents less than 12 yrs
1. Single and unaccompanied members assigned to duty stations outside the CONUS have two
options. They may ship the normal UB allowance by air or 10 percent of their full JTR weight
allowances by surface (700 lbs for E-1 through E-4). This surface option is also authorized for the
member of a military couple not authorized to ship a HHG weight allowance. When the member
elects the surface option, the shipment may include HHG. Split shipments (part by air, part by
surface) are not authorized.
2. For unaccompanied members assigned to a hardlift area, shipment of the 10 percent option, by
air, is authorized.
90 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
Attachment 5
TABLE 5-39
Table A5.1. Computing Packing Adjustments (Military Only) JTR, Par 051404, Table 5-
Computation of Packing Adjustments for Military Members
Code of
and when net
weight is not
known REDUCE
gross weight by:
or when net weight is
known, REDUCE
TSP/contractor recorded
net weight by:
10% (See note 1)
10% (See note 1)
10% (See note 1)
20% (See note 1)
1. For entitlement purposes only. An origin net weight may be recorded for code 7, 8, J, or DPM.
A gross reweigh at destination cannot be combined with the origin tare weight to produce a lower
net weight. On such cases, the reweigh is to include both gross and tare weights to be valid for
adjustment purposes.
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 91
Attachment 6
Table A6.1. Adjudicating PBP&E for a Member and a Member’s Dependent Spouse.
If PBP&E has
then the
been declared at
the time of
separately identified,
marked, inventoried,
and weighed at origin
weight recorded on
GBL, DD Form 619,
certified weight ticket or
HHG descriptive
spouse is credited
with the weight of
PBP&E in rule 1,
column c
identified, but not
cube is recorded
spouse is credited with
PBP&E constructed
weight of 7 lbs per
cubic foot
cube is not recorded,
but type container is
cube is constructed
using dimension
information from
known container with
PBP&E constructed
weight computed
using 7 lbs per cubic
cube or type container
PBP&E weight is
constructed using 7
lbs per line item
cube or type container
unknown but PBP&E
reweigh is obtained
only items identified
as being shipped (by
inventory item
number) retain the
PBP&E identity with
credit give to
spouse based upon
outcome of reweigh
92 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
not separately
identified or
weight recorded on
GBL, DD Form 619,
certified weight ticket or
HHG descriptive
rule 1, column d
not been declared
at time of
identified on
case file reflects
indisputable intent
to declare PBP&E
member is credited
with PBP&E per
rules 2, 3, 4 or 5,
column d
1. If no evidence is available to support that PBP&E was physically transported, no credit is
allowed. Issue a GBL correction notice to document circumstances under Column D. This table is
not an “after-the-fact-verification.” This applies regardless of the GBL correction notice issue
date. If certified scale weights are not used for PBP&E, PPA HQ applies the PBP&E cube rule
when making excess cost determination. (See paragraph for after-the-fact PBP&E
2. PBP&E entitlement for a member’s dependent spouse is NTE 500 lbs.
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 93
Attachment 7
Figure A7.1. Non-Temporary Storage in Lieu of Shipment Worksheet (Applicable to
Member’s Name:
Estimated Weight of HHG:
Estimated Number of Months:
Government’s “Best Value” Cost to Authorized Destination
Total Shipment Cost: $ ___________________
Non-Temporary Storage Cost
Packing Charge: $ ______________ X Estimated Weight/100 = $ _______________
Drayage In: $ ______________ X Estimated Weight/100 = $ _______________
Handling In: $ ______________ X Estimated Weight/100 = $ _______________
Handling Out: $ ______________ X Estimated Weight/100 = $ _______________
Storage: $ ______________ X Estimated Weight/100 X No. of Months =
$ __________
*Total NTS Cost: $ ________________
*NTS Total Cost is the sum of the estimated the five costs factors (packing, drayage, handling
in, handling out and storage).
NTS as an alternative to transportation may be approved in accordance with paragraph 6.2.3.
if Total Shipment Cost is greater than or equal to Total NTS Cost.
94 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
Attachment 8
Figure A8.1. Mobile Home Cost Comparison Worksheet for Government- Arranged
(A) Government’s ‘Best Value’ cost to transport the member's maximum PCS HHG
weight allowance between the old/new PDSs (052301)
Estimated MOTO Costs
(B) Estimated Allowable Cost (MOTO) (052402, Table 5-60) $ _____________
(C) Estimated Costs Not Allowed (052402, Table 5-60) $ _____________
(D) ‘Best Value’ cost to transport HHG removed from a mobile home to meet
Safety requirements between the old and new PDS (052102-D) $ _____________
Total Estimated MOTO Costs (B, C, and D) $ _____________
(A) Government’s ‘Best Value’ cost to transport the member's maximum PCS HHG
weight allowance between the old/new PDSs (5396 052301) $_____________
minus -
Total Estimated MOTO Costs (B, C, and D) $_____________
*Total $ ______________
*A negative number indicates estimated excess costs.
*A positive number indicates no estimated excess costs.
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 95
Attachment 9
Figure A9.1. Home of Record Transportation Entitlement Counseling.
1. SHIPMENT OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS (HHG): My entitlement to ship HHG at
government expense terminates within 180 days of the effective date of my separation unless
extended as provided in paragraph 3 or HHG are turned over to a Traffic Management
Officer or to a carrier for shipment prior to my expiration date.
a. The Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) authorizes shipment of _______________ lbs of HHG
to my Home of Record (HOR) or the Place where I Last Entered Active Duty (PLEAD).
b. Multiple shipments or shipments to location(s) other than PLEAD or HOR, may incur
excess cost payable by me.
c. If ordered to a CONUS separation station on an AF Form 899 (PCS Order), I may ship
HHG from overseas to the processing station. However, if I take possession of these HHG at
the processing point, the government will not transport the HHG to my PLEAD, HOR or any
other location.
d. I understand that once I ship HHG to my PLEAD or HOR, I am no longer authorized to
place HHG into non-temporary Storage (NTS). I am authorized Storage in Transit (SIT) up to
90 days.
e. A member residing in government controlled quarters who is in receipt of a separation
order and is required by competent authority to vacate quarters is entitled to a local move of
HHG utilizing the separation order. This move does not constitute a PLEAD or HOR
2. NON-TEMPORARY STORAGE (NTS) OF HHG: The entitlement to NTS at
government expense terminates 180 days after the effective date of separation. If I choose not
to ship my HHG to a PLEAD or HOR upon separation, I may place my HHG into NTS at
Government expense at any time during the 180 day entitlement period. HHG already in NTS
may continue in NTS at my expense using government rates until expiration of this
entitlement. However, if HHGs are in NTS as “excess to quarters” this storage lot is to be
converted to my separation order.
3. EXTENSIONS: The time limits noted above may be extended if approved by the
Secretarial Process for a bona fide hardship, educational requirement, medical problems, or
other deserving circumstances. An extension for HHG transportation does not extend the
180 days of NTS (JTR, par. 052012-C3). Procedures for extensions applications are:
Submit an extension request prior to the expiration of your entitlement via e-mail at
[email protected] at or fax (210) 321-4263. Extensions beyond 180 days will be
considered, however, the letter should clearly indicate why you could not perform your
move within 180 days of separation. Include in your request:
a. A copy of my separation order, AND
96 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
b. (MEDICAL) Request a medical extension request validation form via email at
[email protected] to substantiate a medical extension request.
c. (EDUCATION) A statement from the registrar, or other authority of the educational
institution addressed to PPA HQ/PPEC, (on institutional letterhead) attesting to the dates of
commencement and completion of training (if applicable) or the contemplated date of
completion of the course of instruction or training, including the nature of the course of
training or instruction.
d. Death in the immediate family furnish a copy of the death certificate.
e. Delay in the construction of permanent home statement from the contractor regarding
the delay and estimated completion date.
f. Severe illness of dependent request a medical extension request validation form via
email at [email protected] to substantiate this type of extension request.
a. Requests for extension should be submitted between 30-45 days prior to expiration of
your entitlement.
b. Extensions are not automatically approved.
c. Extensions are approved in 180 day increments. Extension requests should provide a
specific date for the new time limit (For example: 3 months, 90 days, 6 months). Request for
open-ended extensions will be returned without action.
d. Extensions are to meet criteria in paragraph 3 above and no more than 5 extensions for a
total of 3 years will be approved.
e. If request is disapproved, the time required for submission/review of your request does
not extend your time limit.
f. A travel and transportation entitlement extension does not extend the government’s
obligation for storage costs beyond the original 180 days entitlement.
_______________________________________ _________________________
Member’s Signature Date
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 97
Attachment 10
Table A10.1. Telephonic Inspection.
Outbound Services:
a. Was a pre-move survey conducted?
b. In your opinion, was the TSP personnel professional and courteous?
c. Did TSP arrive between 0800 to 1700?
d. Did the TSP have sufficient supplies on hand (cartons, packing
materials) to complete the your pack out?
e. Were packing cartons new or in good condition?
f. Were shipping containers new or in good condition?
g. Were old container markings redacted or blackened out?
h. Were all items inventoried to include PBP&E and Spouse PBP&E?
i. Did TSP provide required documents (DD Form 619, legible copies
of inventory, GBL/BL)?
j. Were you satisfied with the packing of your personal property?
k. Did the inspector provide the customer with emergency contact
Inbound Services
a. In your opinion, was the TSP personnel professional and courteous?
b. Did the TSP reassemble items which were disassembled at origin?
c. Did the TSP provide you with claims information, forms and
d. Did you waive packing?
e. Did TSP unpack and/or remove packing materials/debris?
f. Were you briefed on verifying services provided on the DD Form 619-
g. Did the TSP arrive between 0800 to1700?
h. Was a reweigh requested and performed?
i. Did you (inspector) provide the customer with emergency contact
j. Did you (inspector) instruct the customer to complete the CSS within 7
Customer Information:
Shipper’s Name: Rank:
Code/Type of Shipment: GBL#:
Additional Inspector Comments:
98 AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020
Attachment 11
Figure A11.1. Sample Letter of Non-Availability Government Procured Transportation
and/or NTS Not Available.
SUBJECT: Government Procured Transportation and/or NTS Not Available
1. (Member’s Name), (Rank), and (Last 4).
2. Authorized movement from to_________________________.
3. Members maximum authorized weight allowance is . Previous shipment
under this order YES/NO? If yes, combine weight for all shipments and insert the member’s
remaining authorized weight.
4. An advance payment of a monetary allowance equal to the carrier’s written estimate is
authorized per JTR, par. 051502-B. If authorized JTR weight allowance is exceeded, the
member is liable for the excess costs associated with the shipment and/or storage of the excess
5. Recommend member purchase insurance through the carrier transporting the HHG or
through other available means. File claims for loss and damage directly with the carrier
transporting HHG.
6. Storage-In-Transit (SIT) is authorized up to 90 days. If an additional 90 days is required, it
is to be authorized by the PPSO/PPPO to safeguard reimbursement.
7. Member is authorized reimbursement of all charges associated with move including SIT up
to maximum JTR weight allowance. The cost of a direct hire or rental cost of transportation,
with or without an operator, not including special routing and services stated in JTR, par.
AFI24-602V4 15 OCTOBER 2020 99
8. Final settlement requires:
DD Form 2278, Application for Do It Yourself Move and Counseling Checklist PPM
Checklist and Certification of Expenses
DD Form 1351-2 Travel Voucher
Copy of order and all amendments
Copy of Government procured transportation and/or NTS non availability letter
Weight tickets or weight estimator if constructive weight is approved.
Copy of rental contract if applicable
Copy of trailer registration, if applicable
Copy of receipts - Original receipts to be held by member for income tax purposes
Signature Block of Transportation Officer