Newsletter 1
Diocese of Rockford
In addition, please consult the Ordo for the Province.
2009/2010Cycle C, Year II
1st Sunday of AdventSunday, November 29, 2009
Immaculate ConceptionTuesday, December 8, 2009 (Holy Day of Obligation)
This is a holy day of obligation in the USA. It is our country’s and diocese’s principal patronal feast, it never falls under
the “Monday/Saturday ruling” and the obligation to participate at Mass is never abrogated. To note, that ruling only
applies to January 1(Mary Mother of God), August 15 (Assumption), November 1 (All Saints). Funeral Mass is not
permitted on this day.
Christmas EveThursday, December 24, 2009 (Vigil Masses may be celebrated only AFTER 4:00 PM )
Texts for the Mass(es) after 4:00 PM on Wednesday, will properly be chosen from the Solemnity of the Nativity of the
Lord B the Vigil Mass. After midnight, the Mass texts will be from the Mass at Midnight, the Mass at Dawn, and the
Mass during the Day, respectively. The creche is to be displayed outside the sanctuary; it may be blessed at the Vigil
Mass with the appropriate texts from the Book of Blessings (BB Chapter 48).
Christmas DayFriday, December 25, 2009 (Holy Day of Obligation)
Funeral Mass is not permitted on this day.
Mary, Mother of GodFriday, January 1, 2010 (Holy Day of Obligation)
Since this falls on a Friday this year, it is a holy day of the obligation in the dioceses of the United States.
Funeral Mass is not permitted on this day.
Ash WednesdayWednesday, February 17, 2010
Rite of ElectionFirst Sunday of Lent, February 21, 2010
Palm SundaySunday, March 28, 2010
Holy ThursdayThursday, April 1, 2010, Funeral Mass is not permitted on this day.
Good FridayFriday, April 2, 2010, Funeral Mass is not permitted on this day.
Holy SaturdaySaturday, April 3, 2010 (Sunset 7:18pm,Chicago)
, Funeral Mass is not permitted.
EasterSunday, April 4, 2010
Ascension (Observed on Sunday) Sunday, May 16, 2010
The solemnity of the Ascension is celebrated on the Seventh Sunday of Easter.
PentecostSunday, May 23, 2010
Corpus Christi (Observed on Sunday) Sunday, June 6, 2010
Assumption of Mary Sunday, August 15, 2009 (Holy Day Obligation)
This solemnity supersedes the Sunday celebration. The Saturday vigil Mass, the Sunday morning Masses, and the Sunday
evening Masses are to use the orations and readings from Assumption of Mary.
Newsletter 2
Anniversary of the Dedication of the Cathedral of St. Peter Monday, October 11, 2010
In the Cathedral itself, a solemnity, use Mass texts from Common of the Anniversary of the Dedication of a Church.
Outside the Cathedral it is celebrated as a feast.
All Saints DayMonday, November 1, 2010 (Holy Day of Obligation is abrogated)
Solemnity of the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls) Tuesday, November 2
The Lectionary (nos. 668 or 1011-1016) provides a wealth of readings. The Sacramentary provides three sets of
orations, five Prefaces for Christian Death (77-81), and a solemn blessing.
2010/2011 – Cycle A, Year I
1st Sunday of Advent Sunday, November 28, 2010
Immaculate ConceptionWednesday, December 8, 2010 (Holy Day of Obligation)
Christmas Eve Friday, Dec 24, 2010 (Vigil Masses may be celebrated after 4:00 PM)
Christmas DaySaturday, December 25, 2010 (Holy Day of Obligation)
Mary, Mother of GodSaturday, January 1, 2011 (Holy Day Obligation abrogated)
Ash Wednesday Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Palm Sunday Sunday, April 17, 2011
Holy Thursday Thursday, April 21, 2011
Good Friday Friday, April 22, 2011
Holy Saturday Saturday, April 23, 2011 (Sun Set 7:40pm, Chicago)
Easter Sunday, April 24, 2011
Ascension (Observed on Sunday) Sunday, June 5, 2011
Pentecost – Sunday, June 12, 2011
Corpus Christi (Observed on Sunday) Sunday, June 26, 2011
Assumption of MaryMonday, August 15, 2011 (Holy Day Obligation is abrogated)
All Saints Day Tuesday, November 1, 2011 (Holy Day of Obligation)
2011/2012 – Cycle B, Year II
1st Sunday of Advent Sunday, December 4, 2011
Immaculate Conception Thursday, December 8, 2011 (Holy Day of Obligation)
Christmas Eve Saturday, December 24, 2011 (Vigil Masses may be celebrated after 4:00 PM)
Christmas Day Sunday, December 25, 2011 (Holy Day of Obligation)
Mary, Mother of God Sunday, January 1, 2012 (Holy Day of Obligation)
Ash Wednesday Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Palm Sunday Sunday, April 1, 2012
Holy Thursday Thursday, April 5, 2012
Good Friday Friday, April 6, 2012
Holy Saturday Saturday, April 7, 2012 (Sun set 7:23pm)
Easter Sunday, April 8, 2012
Ascension (Observed on Sunday) Sunday, May 20, 2012
Pentecost – Sunday, May 27, 2012
Corpus Christi (Observed on Sunday) Sunday, June 10, 2012
Assumption of Mary Wednesday, August 15, 2012 (Holy Day of Obligation)
All Saints Day Thursday, November 1, 2012 (Holy Day of Obligation)
In addition, please consult the Ordo for the Province.
Newsletter 3
Choice of Day for the Rite of Marriage
Whenever marriage is celebrated during Mass, white vestments are worn and the wedding Mass is used. In the Diocese
of Rockford, Sunday weddings are NOT PERMITTED. If the marriage is celebrated on a solemnity, the Mass of the
day is used with the nuptial blessing and where appropriate, the special final blessing.
The liturgy of the word is extremely helpful in emphasizing the meaning of the sacrament and the obligation of
marriage. When the wedding Mass may not be used, one of the readings from the Rite of Marriage (nos. 67-105) may
be chosen, except from Holy Thursday to Easter and on the feast of Christmas, Epiphany, Ascension, Pentecost,
Corpus Christi, and other holy days of obligation. However, the Rite of Marriage outside Mass may be celebrated on
the above days except during the Easter Triduum.
When a marriage is celebrated during Advent or Lent or other days of penance, the parish priest should advise the
couple to take into consideration the special nature of these times (Rite of Marriage, no. 11, emphasis added).
The funeral Mass is not permitted on solemnities that are holy days of obligation, on Holy Thursday and the Easter
Triduum, and on the Sundays of Advent, Lent, and the Easter season (General Instruction of the Roman Missal, third typical
edition, no. 380 and Order of Christian Funerals, no. 178, 271). The funeral liturgy outside Mass may be used on these
The Anniversary of the Dedication of the Cathedral.
In the Cathedral itself, a solemnity, outside the Cathedral it is celebrated as a feast. For other parishes on the day of
their particular anniversary it is a solemnity. Consult the “Table of Liturgical days” on page five of this calendar for the
days that may impede this celebration. The anniversary of the Dedication of the Cathedral of St. Peter is October 11.
Other Masses
When choosing the Mass texts for Ritual Masses, Masses for Various Needs and Occasions, and Masses for the Dead,
please see the chart on page five.
The Choice of the Mass and Its Parts
The pastoral effectiveness of a celebration will be greatly increased if the texts of readings, the prayers, and the
liturgical songs correspond as closely as possible to the needs, spiritual preparation, and culture of those taking part.
The priest, therefore, in planning the celebration of Mass, should have in mind the common spiritual good of the
people of God, rather than his own inclinations. He should, moreover, remember that the selection of different parts
is to be made in agreement with those who have some role in the celebration, including the faithful, in regard to the
parts that more directly belong to each.
Since, indeed, a variety of options is provided for the different parts of the Mass, it is necessary for the deacon, the
lectors, the psalmist, the cantor, the commentator, and choir to be completely sure before the celebration about those
texts for which each is responsible and is to be used and that nothing is improvised. Harmonious planning and carrying
out of the rites will be of great assistance in disposing the faithful to take part in the Eucharist (GIRM 352).
Newsletter 4
General Norms for the Liturgical Year and the Calendar #59
1. Easter Triduum of the Lord=s Passion and Resurrection
2. Christmas, Epiphany, Ascension, and Pentecost
Sundays of Advent, Lent, and the Easter Season
Ash Wednesday
Weekdays of Holy Week from Monday to Thursday inclusive
Days within the Octave of Easter
3. Solemnities of the Lord, The Blessed Virgin Mary, and saints listed in the General Calendar
All Souls (Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed)
4. Proper Solemnities, namely:
a. Solemnity of the principal patron of the place, i.e., the city or state
b. Solemnity of the dedication of a particular church and the anniversary
c. Solemnity of the title of a particular church
d. Solemnity of the title, or of the founder, or of the principal patron of a religious order
5. Feasts of the Lord in the General Calendar
6. Sundays of the Christmas season and Sundays in Ordinary Time
7. Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of the saints in the General Calendar
8. Proper Feasts, namely:
a. Feast of the principal patron of the diocese
b. Feast of the anniversary of the dedication of the cathedral
c. Feast of the principal patron of a region or province, or a country, or of a wider territory
d. Feast of the title, founder, or principal patron of an order or congregation and of a religious province,
without prejudice to the directives in no. 4.
e. Other feasts proper to an individual church
f. Other feasts listed in the calendar of a diocese or of a religious order congregation
9. Weekdays of Advent from 17 December to 24 December, inclusive.
Days within the Octave of Christmas.
Weekdays of Lent
10. Obligatory memorials in the General Calendar
11. Proper obligatory memorials, namely:
a. Memorial of a secondary patron of the place, diocese, region, or province, country or wider territory, or
of an order or congregation and of a religious province.
b. Obligatory memorials listed in the calendar of a diocese, or of an order or congregation
12. Optional Memorials; but these may be celebrated even on the days listed in no. 9, in the special manner
described by the General Instruction of the Roman Missal and of the Liturgy of the Hours. In the same
manner obligatory memorials may be celebrated as optional memorials if they happen to fall on the Lenten
13. Weekdays of Advent up to 16 December inclusive
Weekdays of the Christmas season from 2 January until the Saturday after Epiphany.
Weekdays of the Easter Season from Monday after the Octave of Easter until the Saturday before Pentecost
Weekdays in Ordinary Time.
Diocese of Rockford 5
Ceremonial of Bishops, Appendix III, 1989
Revised to reflect the new ordering in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, third typical edition, 2002
V1 = Ritual Masses (GIRM 372); MVNO and VM in case of serious pastoral need or advantage at the direction of
the local ordinary or with his permission (GIRM 374)
V2 = MVNO and VM in cases of serious need or pastoral advantage, at the discretion of the rector of the church or
the priest celebrant (GIRM 376)
V3 = MVNO and VM chosen by the priest celebrant in favor of the devotion of the people (GIRM 373 & 375)
D1 = Funeral Mass (GIRM 380)
D2 = D1 and Mass on the occasion of news of a death, final burial, or the first anniversary (GIRM 381)
D3 = Daily Mass for the Dead (GIRM 381). When D1 and D2 are not permitted, neither is R3.
(+) = permitted (-) = not permitted
Holy Thursday, Easter Triduum V1 - D1
Sundays of Advent, Lent, and the Easter Season V1 - D1
Solemnities of precept V1 - D1
Solemnities not of precept, All Souls V1 - D1 +
Ash Wednesday, weekdays of Holy Week V1 - D1 +
Days in the Easter Octave V1 - D1 +
Sundays of Christmas, and in Ordinary Time V1+, V2- D1+, D2-
Feasts V1+, V2-, D1+, D2-
Weekdays December 17-24 V1+, V2- D1+, D2+
Days in the Christmas Octave V1+, V2- D1+, D2+
Weekdays of Lent V1+, V2- D1+, D2+
Obligatory Memorials V1+, V2+ D1+, D2+
Weekdays of Advent to December 16 V1+, V2+ D1+, D2+
Weekdays of Christmas from January 2 V1+, V2+ D1+, D2+
Weekdays of the Easter Season V1+, V2+ D1+, D2+
Weekdays in Ordinary Time V1+, V2+, V3+ D1+, D2+, D3+