8 Indiana Libraries, Vol. 30, Number 1
t is confession time. When I
developed an interest in instructional
technology, I did not understand
how deep and involved the profession is. I
had never heard of the eld “instructional
design” and thought it was just a fancy term
for “how you teach a class.” I cannot speak for
all librarians, but while working on my library
science degree I certainly was not taught
how to do the things that an instructional
technologist knows how to do. Make no
mistake, though, I thought I knew how to do
it. I suspect others are in the same situation.
Some adaptation of the instructional
technologists skill set is now useful for
practicing librarians. Interestingly, both
professions have an amusing similarity: the
average person probably does not understand
what these professionals actually do. Trust me
on this! Over the past three years, without fail,
I have had the following conversation many
Acquaintance: “So Ryan, what do you do?”
Me: “I’m the Instructional Technology/
Information Literacy Librarian at California
University of Pennsylvania.
Acquaintance: “Oh, very interesting.
(ponderous expression)
Me: “Hehe, you have no idea what that means,
do you?”
Acquaintance: “Haha! Nope! Sorry about that.
Do you just help people nd electronic books
or something? Do you do tech support?”
Me: “No worries; this happens all the time. Do
you have a few minutes? Let me explain.
This is a nice icebreaker when I meet new
people. But it has taught me that not only
is librarian a mysterious profession to some
folks, but also when you add in instructional
technology/technologist you are entering
a realm that is even more unfamiliar. My
experience, incidentally, is that this is not just
a few individuals – it is most people that I
However, this changes when I meet other
librarians. Sometimes, that conversation goes
more like this:
Librarian: “So Ryan, what do you do?”
Me: “I’m the Instructional Technology/
Information Literacy Librarian at California
University of Pennsylvania.
Librarian: “Oh, very cool. I do a lot of that
stuff, too. You know how it goes; we all wear
so many hats.
Me: “I know, all too well! Working on anything
cool right now?”
Librarian: “Well, I’m working on . . .
Me: “Nice! Sounds fun. What ID model are you
Librarian: “Excuse me?”
Me: “What instructional design model are you
Librarian: “I’m just . . . ya know . . . doing
what I always do. There’s a model?”
Me: (pass out)
My air for the dramatic aside, this is just one
example of a real life conversation in which I
have participated.
Identity Crisis: Librarian or
Instructional Technologist?
By Ryan L. Sittler
Indiana Libraries, Vol. 30, Number 1 9
Now, you might be thinking to yourself “OK,
but do I really need to know some model in
order to do my job properly? Do I really need
some sort of special training in order to make
better use of instructional technology in my
career?” The short answer is: it depends.
The long answer is: the rest of this article!
The following thought piece will dene and
discuss instructional technology/design (and
by extension, the instructional technologist),
in the context of librarianship, as well as
addressing convergence with librarianship and
misconceptions about the interplay between
these two professions.
Dening the Librarian in the Context of
Instructional Technology
Traditionally, librarians are information
professionals. We select, organize, and manage
information sources so that we can then help
others to nd the knowledge that they seek.
We are also, of course, generalists – we need
to know a little about “everything” so that
we can better help our broad population of
patrons. Some of us may pick up a subject
specialty in one specic area, but that does not
diminish the need for an assortment of skills
and knowledge in a wide variety of areas. It
is for these reasons, and others, that we wear
so many different hats in our profession. The
modern librarian is called upon to do a variety
of things that, though necessary, may not
fall within the strict denition of “information
professional.” We are experiencing convergence
with aspects of other elds and that is affecting
what we do and how we do it. And some of
these items fall within the eld of instructional
The notion that librarianship and instructional
technology/design are converging is not new.
Steven Bell and John Shank even coined
the term for this convergence as “Blended
Librarianship” in 2004 (Bell & Shank, 2006).
Over 6 years later, I meet many librarians that
purport to have a fundamental understanding
of instructional technology/design skills.
However, when the conversation goes deeper,
I nd that they are mistaken in their self-
So, how much convergence has taken
place? Are librarians full-on instructional
technologists? Or do we just occasionally make
use of some of these skills? I will save these
answers for the end. First, we have to get a
handle on what “instructional technology” is if
we are going to discuss it. Therefore, we will
talk about this next.
Dening the Instructional Technologist
Friends and colleagues tend to have their own
concept of what instructional technology might
mean. Typically, the rst phrase they throw
at me is either “is this like DVD players and
projectors?” or “this has to do with computers,
right?” I usually respond with “well, projectors
and computers might be a part of it . . . but
think about technology as meaning ‘techniques’
and you will be a bit closer.” We will start here
with a denition and try to create an image of
what this all actually means.
Instructional Technology or Educational
The technical denition for instructional
technology, as stated by the Association for
Educational Communications and Technology
(AECT) Denitions and Terminology Committee
(2001) is:
Instructional Technology is the theory
and practice of design, development,
utilization, management, and evaluation
of processes and resources for learning.
The words Instructional Technology in
the denition mean a discipline devoted
to techniques or ways to make learning
more efcient based on theory but
theory in its broadest sense, not just
scientic theory (4).
This is one denition; however, not everyone
uses this phrase to discuss the eld. The
term “instructional technology” is often used
interchangeably with “educational technology,
which is sometimes replaced with “learning
technology.” Or, depending on with whom you
discuss the issue, you might nd someone
using one of a half dozen other terms! Each
idiom carries its own denition. Confounding
this issue is that “educational technology” was
recently redened by AECT. Again, this causes
10 Indiana Libraries, Vol. 30, Number 1
So, do these terms all mean the same thing?
Uses and denitions for these phrases have
changed throughout their existence (and I
have met just as many people that insist they
are one in the same as those that insist they
are different). However, as with any type of
label or naming convention, some people
attach their own connotations to the terms
used (Lowenthal & Wilson, 2010). This creates
a problem when trying to discuss “instructional
technology” in the context of librarians. One
person may interpret it as a librarian well
versed in instructional design theory and
pedagogy, someone else may interpret it as a
librarian that is quite good at the design and
development of multimedia-based learning
objects, and still someone else may interpret
it as a librarian that feels comfortable using a
computer to nd information. Quite a disparity;
quite problematic.
Common terminology is a challenge in this
eld. So, I will use the terms “instructional
technology” or “instructional technologists”
throughout this article to encompass all of the
phrases mentioned above. Otherwise, things
would get quite confusing! However, I am in
the camp that views “instructional technology”
and “educational technology” as being different
entities when discussing the subject with non-
instructional technologists. The reason is that
trained instructional/educational technologists
converse with one another from a common
history, vocabulary, and (generally) education.
The same phenomenon exists in librarianship
– e.g., Technical Services Librarians and Public
Services Librarians are able to interact with
one another based on a common background
and way of viewing their profession.
Finally, I should mention that people often
confuse this term with an “information
technologist.” Though a librarian or
instructional technologist might be comfortable
with information technology, this is a separate
eld. All three professions share some aspects
with one another but require separate skill sets
and knowledge.
So, What Does an Instructional
Technologist Do?
Instructional Technologists may wear many
different hats depending on what they like to
do and where they are employed. Job selection
may also depend on the level of education
they have completed and/or the coursework
they elected to pursue. Others, however,
may be given the job title “instructional
technologist” without any real training or
experience in that arena – but they may have
practical or tangential experience that qualies
them for the profession. The following are
examples of the types of careers Instructional
Technologists/Designers may pursue. Though
other possibilities exist, these illustrations
are included to create a clearer image of this
profession that is more concrete for the reader.
Business and industry has a lot of potential
for the aspiring Instructional Technologist. He
or she may wish to become an independent
Instructional Designer that contracts with
pharmaceutical companies to develop training
on how to complete certain task-specic
processes (such as chemical safety). Others
may work for a corporation, like Dick’s Sporting
Goods, as part of an internal Instructional
Design/Training department that develops
instruction on the proper use of Point of Sale
software. Each of these examples would entail
the Instructional Designer working with a
Subject Matter Expert and Stakeholders to
dene what needs to be accomplished with
the training, as well as important factual
information that needs to be included.
The business environment is not appealing
to everyone, of course, so other Instructional
Technologists may gravitate towards working
with the military. The armed forces have a
history of hiring Instructional Technologists/
Designers to design, develop, and assess face-
to-face training, online modules, manuals,
and simulations for various needs. As above,
Subject Matter Experts and Stakeholders would
be involved with the process. Depending on
with whom you discuss this topic, you may
hear that this is the most difcult arena to
enter . . . as well as the most protable.
Another large sector for Instructional
Technologists is in education. They may
work as a Director of Learning Technologies
at a university, overseeing an entire staff
of employees that provide assistance
with instructional design, learning object
development, media production, and provide
Indiana Libraries, Vol. 30, Number 1 11
project management for the implementation
and maintenance of a Course Management
System. On a smaller college and university
scale, they may serve as a Learning Media
Producer or Instructional Designer. Finally, in
primary and secondary education, they may
work as a Technology Integration Facilitator or
District Project Manager.
OK. What Type of Training and Education
Does This Person Need?
People working in these positions may have a
variety of educational backgrounds. Though
the following is not meant to be exhaustive,
it is a snapshot of the expertise/training
needed for these types of careers. Depending
on the program, and its focus (instructional
technology, instructional systems design,
instructional media, etc) the coursework may
be more thorough in one aspect over another.
Further, some programs emphasize theory over
practical skill sets.
Instructional design and development
(or instructional systems design): This
area specializes in designing and developing
effective, pedagogically sound, instruction. This
concept was developed by the military in the
early 1900’s and has since been expanded by
numerous models and theories for designing
instruction. Today, two of the most commonly
taught are the ADDIE and Dick and Carey
models, though many more exist. After you
have implemented your instruction or learning
solution, this component also calls for some
form of assessment (more on that in a bit!)
Pedagogy (and/or educational
psychology): No surprise: it is difcult to
design and develop pedagogically sound
instruction or if you do not know anything
about pedagogy or educational psychology.
These individuals have expertise in how the
mind processes instruction, as well as how
to leverage these mental processes for the
highest benet to the learner.
Media/multi-media utilization and/or
production: As the eld of communications
began to explore the effects of modern media
on people, and how audiovisual communication
could be used to teach, some researchers
began to look at the educational value of
media and how to best utilize it. Education
in this area may be limited to selection and
utilization of media for teaching and learning,
but may also include production (video, audio,
scriptwriting, etc) of original media content.
Technology planning and/or integration
or project management: Other terms may
be used here, but once you have created
your pedagogically sound instruction (which
may or may not utilize advanced technology,
depending on your denition) you need to nd
a way to integrate it. These individuals know
how to take what has been created, integrate
it, assess it, and then decide how to proceed.
Librarianship and Instructional
Technology: Convergence
Earlier, I promised to address the following
statements: how much convergence has
taken place? Are librarians full-on instructional
technologists? Or do we just occasionally make
use of some of these skills? Based on skill
sets and education alone – librarianship and
instructional technology have a long way to go
before they are truly converged. Nonetheless,
librarianship has a lot to gain from instructional
technology. Consider the following:
Are you going to be offering new technology-
based services in your library? You will need
some experience with technology planning
or project management. Are you going to be
creating online tutorials that show patrons how
to nd a particular piece of information? You
had better brush up on your media production,
pedagogy, and instructional design skills. Are
you building a new, robust information literacy
program at your college or university? Better
yet, is some of your instruction going to be
done online? Are you going to be assessing it
to see if it was successful? Gee, you had better
be studying up on all of these topics!
Common Misconceptions
The preceding statements are just a snippet of
some ways in which these skills are becoming
necessary in librarianship, but they are very
real examples. However, as I stated near the
beginning of this article, I have met individuals
that misunderstand the fundamentals of
instructional technology as well as over-
12 Indiana Libraries, Vol. 30, Number 1
estimate their skills in this area. I was one of
those individuals.
The following statements are meant for fun.
They are examples of some misconceptions
that I had about instructional technology when
I started my career in librarianship. If you have
made any of these declarations, your secret is
safe with me. Additionally, I am including some
things to consider in relation to each topic.
I know about instructional design (or
pedagogy) because I know how to teach. I
was wrong. Not all great teachers are great
instructional designers. And not all great
instructional designers are great teachers. This
seems counter-intuitive. But consider this:
did you ever have a “great teacher” that was
quite engaging but lacked substance in his or
her coursework? Likewise, did you ever have a
“lousy teacher” that clearly laid out the subject
matter but lacked charisma and left you feeling
unengaged? My guess is that you did.
Next time you are ready to teach, consider
the following: did you do a thorough analysis
of your learners? Do you know their entry
behaviors (the skills and abilities with which
they enter your classroom)? Are you trying
to teach too much information for the time
allowed? Have you tried any model to design
and develop your instruction? What is your
educational philosophy, and do you practice it?
How do you know that what you are teaching
is what the students need to know? Do you
actually understand pedagogy, or do you just
think that you do?
I do not need special training or equipment to
produce instructional media because modern
technology is so easy to use. Once again,
I was wrong. But there is some truth here,
depending on the individual and/or situation. It
is true that the technologies needed to produce
media in 2010 are quite different from those
of even ten years ago. Consider video cameras
and editing software. They are cheaper,
easier to use, and there are tons of resources
available on the Internet that can show you
how to use them. If you cannot afford a true
video camera, you could probably even just
use your cell phone to shoot the video and
then edit it together with free software like
Microsoft Movie Maker. If you have a natural
talent for this or if your goal is to just produce
“something” then the above statement is true.
The statement becomes false if you want
to produce something of decent quality and
are not innately gifted at media production.
Others, for better or worse, need to develop
that skill. Consider a “B” movie with low
production value versus a Hollywood
blockbuster with a high production value. What
is more engrossing to the viewer? (OK, some
of us love “B” movies . . .) The point is that
unengaging, poorly produced instructional
media may turn off the learner. And they, in
turn, may not watch (or absorb) the content
you have produced.
Next time you are ready to produce something,
perhaps an online tutorial, consider the
following: do you need to storyboard your
production? Why or why not? Will you be using
voiceover? Have you completed a script? Will
you be using professional voiceover talent?
(Hint: always get a professional to do the
voiceover or go take vocal training lessons).
Do you need background music or SFX? Are
you using graphics, images, or video? Who will
produce them? How long will your production
be? Does it need to be pared down if it is going
to be over thirty seconds? Should your 1 video/
tutorial/podcast actually be 5 or 6 shorter
ones? Is the production engaging? Are your
fonts, SFX, etc, consistent? Do any shots hold
too long, or not long enough? Do things move
too slowly or too quickly? If something changes
in 6 months, will it be easy to go back and
correct your assets, or will you need to start
I am a librarian that knows how to use
technology in my daily job duties, including
teaching – I am basically an instructional
technologist. / I am an instructional
technologist that knows how to use technology
to nd information – I can basically do
anything a librarian can do. OK, I was wrong
on the rst one. The second one just seemed
like a nice parallel. Anyway, both statements
are false, but both elds do borrow skill sets
from each other. The convergence of these
elds is not one sided. Though we did not
discuss how instructional technologists borrow
skill sets from librarianship, one example would
Indiana Libraries, Vol. 30, Number 1 13
be reference interviewing and research skills.
When tasked with designing instruction, a good
instructional designer needs to ask the right
questions – and do great research – to design
and develop the best instruction possible.
The misconception I had, though, is that
a librarian is automatically skilled to be an
instructional technologist or vice versa. That
perhaps providing a little extra professional
development can completely close the gap
between each profession. This is untrue. Both
elds are still quite independent, despite their
growing convergence, and more will need to
be done if these elds are to ever completely
So, are you an instructional technologist?
Consider the following: how many instructional
design models do you know? When would
it be appropriate to use one over another?
Are there differences between them, or are
they all basically the same? When would it be
appropriate to use formative or summative
assessment in your instruction? What do you
know about pedagogy? What is the difference
between Objectivism and Constructivism?
Does it matter? What works better in your
instruction? What do you know about media
production? What preproduction issues
do you need to consider before you begin
creating instructional media? What is your
plan for integrating new technologies into your
services? Do you need these new technologies?
How will you manage them? How can they
best be utilized? Will they increase learner
comprehension? Will they increase learner
Instructional technology is an interesting and
deep eld that, in comparison to librarianship,
is quite young. It also has various denitions
and this has led to confusion about what it
actually means – particularly in relation to
librarianship. I have discussed informally the
topic of convergence with other librarians, and
I am always surprised at the responses that
I receive. Some believe, as I once did, that
they are already essentially an instructional
technologist. Others indicate that they know
little about the eld (even if they are utilizing
skills from it on a regular basis).
I hope that you consider exploring the “how”
aspect of instructional technology. It is a fun
eld and learning to develop, and implement,
these skills is rewarding. As the professions
continue to converge, just a little education
and/or training in these topics can go a
long way to enhancing your expertise as a
librarian. I am optimistic that you have a
clearer understanding of what an instructional
technologist does and why they are able to
do it. If not, please feel free to get in touch
with me. My contact information is on the next
14 Indiana Libraries, Vol. 30, Number 1
AECT Association for Educational Communica-
tions and Technology. (2001). Association for
Educational Communications and Technology.
Retrieved from http://www.aect.org/standards/
Bell, S., & Shank, J. D. (2006). The blended
librarian – Overview. Retrieved from http://
Lowenthal, P., & Wilson, B.G. (2010).
Labels do matter! A critique of AECT’s re-
denition of the eld. TechTrends, 54(1),
p. 38-46. Retrieved from http://www.
Ryan L. Sittler
California University of Pennsylvania
Assistant Professor, Instructional Technology/
Information Literacy Librarian
610-780-2661 / 724-938-4923
Manderino Library
250 University Avenue, Box #15
California, PA 15419
Ryan L. Sittler is an Assistant Professor of
Library Services and Instructional Technology/
Information Literacy Librarian at California
University of Pennsylvania. He is also a
doctoral candidate at Indiana University
of Pennsylvania (IUP) where he is working
toward a Ph.D. in Communications Media and
Instructional Technology. He has published two
books with Dr. Doug Cook, Practical Pedagogy
for Library Instructors and The Library
Instruction Cookbook, through ACRL. His
research interests are games and simulations
for learning, instructional technology,
information literacy, and how to beat his
own high score in Rock Band. He is currently
working on the award-winning information
literacy game, A Planet in Peril: Plagiarism,
with his colleagues at IUP. It can be found at