535 Boylston St., 10th Floor
Boston, MA 02116
P 617 572-2833
F 617 572-2834
New York
112 West 34th St., Suite 1510
New York, NY 10120
P 646 562-8900
F 646 562-8901
San Francisco
465 California St., 11th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94104
P 415 627-1100
F 415 627-4575 |
Adapting Your Resume for a Nonprofit Job Search
If you are a prospective bridgersomeone with experience primarily in business who is seeking a senior
position in the nonprofit sectoryou’ll want to take a hard look at your resume and consider adapting it
for a nonprofit job search. It is to your advantage to make your resume clear, easy to follow, and relevant
to the nonprofit sector and the function(s) on which you are focusing your search. There is no single
correct way to write or format a resume for the nonprofit sector, but the following tips, questions, and
examples can help you create one that is both true to your experience and accessible and appealing to
hiring managers at nonprofit organizations.
Resume content
The keys to adapting a primarily for-profit resume for a nonprofit job search are emphasizing transferable
skills, highlighting nonprofit experience, and making the content relevant to a nonprofit hiring manager. As
you review your resume, ask yourself the following questions:
Have I articulated my experience clearly and emphasized the transferability of my skills from the
for-profit sector to the nonprofit sector?
Have I described fully and prominently all of my experience in the nonprofit sector, including any I
may have gained as a volunteer, board member, or committee member?
Have I included descriptions of the companies I have worked for if their names might be
unfamiliar to someone outside my field?
Have I removed jargon that may only be understandable or relevant to someone in my previous
Resume format
While the following simple formatting tips are relevant to preparing your resume for a job search in any
sector, they too often are overlooked. Hiring managers are more likely to find your resume easy to read
and understand if you:
Use a limited number of type styles to provide emphasis and guide the reader through your
resume, but be consistent in how you use them. For example, you may want to use bold and
italics to set off company and organization names, job titles, and/or dates.
Copyright © 2009 The Bridgespan Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Bridgestar and Bridgespan are registered trademarks of The Bridgespan
Group, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
Be consistent throughout your resume with verb tense; margins and indentation; the shape, size
and positioning of bullets; and capitalization, punctuation, and abbreviations.
Put your contact information (including email address and work, home, and/or mobile phone
numbers, identified as such) at the top of your resume to make it easy for hiring managers and
recruiters to find.
Sample resumes
The following resumeswhich are the resumes of real bridgers with their identifying information
removedillustrate a range of approaches for-profit executives might use to position their experience to
be compelling to hiring managers at nonprofit organizations.
Sample resume 1 (Jill Cook): highlight nonprofit experience.
In her summary, Jill emphasizes the skills that are most transferable to the nonprofit roles for
which she’ll be applying. In her nonprofit section, she describes her extensive volunteer work.
Rather than simply listing each of her past volunteer roles, Jill elaborates on her experience and
is explicit about her accomplishments. In her for-profit section, Jill describes each of her past
employers, helping a nonprofit hiring manager to more quickly understand the size and scope of
her roles. She uses numbers well to make her contributions clear and concrete.
Sample resume 2 (Diane Jackson): demonstrate ability to produce results.
By including an objective at the top of her resume, Diane helps nonprofit hiring managers to
quickly assess her for opportunities in a specific functional area (operations) and sub-sector
(education). Diane uses a consistent format for both her professional and volunteer histories,
helping the reader to focus on the content and look at her experience holistically across sectors.
She uses a “results” bullet in each job description to call attention to and quantify her
accomplishments, presenting the picture of a capable, results-oriented person who can be
effective in a variety of settings.
Sample resume 3 (Jack Smith): emphasize for-profit and nonprofit functional skills.
Jack includes a "career profile" at the top of his resume to put his nonprofit experience on a par
with his professional history and highlight his functional skills, which are highly transferable
across sectors. In the main body of his resume, he provides extensive detail on his community
experience first, rather than crowding it into a line or two at the bottom of his resume. While Jack
has a technical background, he avoids jargon and technical specifics.
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Group, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
Sample resume 1: Jill Cook
Jill Cook
31 Vista Creek Lane, Ashfield, MA 01746
Home: (508) 555-2491 Cell: (508) 555-0600
Senior executive with 25 years of experience in general management, marketing, and sales.
Strategic, results-driven leader with proven ability to create new organizations, spearhead
change, and conceptualize and execute innovative, sustainable initiatives.
A compassionate manager with excellent interpersonal and communication skills, dedicated to
fostering a working environment that encourages collaboration and optimizes team performance.
Many years of leadership roles in nonprofits and government. Elected official for town School
Committee (nine years). Founded two organizations to improve local education. Proposed and
worked to pass a law assisting elderly and disabled low-income Massachusetts residents, which
has been adopted by six Massachusetts communities.
An aptitude for addressing cultural diversity. Lived in England, South Africa, and Israel. Fluent in
Nonprofit Volunteer Experience
Tax Relief Fund for the Underserved Present - 1998
Founder and Member
Founded town committee to identify and assist low-income elderly and disabled residents.
Conceived and wrote, with State Rep. Janet Fitzmueller, first statewide bill establishing a tax-
relief fund for elderly and disabled residents (Mass. General Law, Chapter 39, Section C).
Named Ashfield Monthly (local newspaper) “Person of the Year” in 1999 for community service.
Ashfield School Committee 1995 - 2004
Assistant Chair (elected position)
Introduced strategic planning to school district, resulting in new curriculum programming,
significant improvements in standardized-test scores, and an annual review process for goal-
Copyright © 2009 The Bridgespan Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Bridgestar and Bridgespan are registered trademarks of The Bridgespan
Group, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
Oversaw construction of four school buildings, chaired the Policy Subcommittee, participated in
staff contract negotiations, hired two superintendents, worked with town committees to pass two
tax overrides, instituted goal-based evaluation systems for administrators and teachers, and
introduced programs for at-risk students resulting in a reduction of special education students.
Massachusetts Department of Education 1995 - 1998
Vice Chair, Advisory Council
Assisted Massachusetts Department of Education in developing strategies to advance
differentiated instruction in public schools, resulting in increased state funding and the creation of
the Office for Gifted and Talented within the Department.
Ashfield Education Foundation 1993 - 1997
Founding Board Member
Organized first Regional Education Foundation conference in New England in 1994 to educate
communities about how to establish and grow public school education foundations.
Helped create first capital plan to address long-term, predictable infrastructure investments.
For-Profit Experience
Paper Solutions, Inc., Lakerun NH 2004 - Present
$300 million publicly held paper converter with three divisions and multiple distribution channels in North
Vice President, Marketing & Sales
Lead 40 sales and marketing professionals nationwide. Create and implement strategy, sales,
and profit growth plans for two markets.
Developed new-product and new-market initiatives that resulted in development of multiple new
products and product lines (several already launched) that are moving the division into untapped
markets with high profit potential.
Improved profitability of a $120 million division from losses at the beginning of 2005 to record
profit month in October 2005 by introducing an innovative, margin-based sales incentive plan.
Developed performance-based measurement tools to support account profitability improvement.
Moved division’s largest customer from break-even to record profitability.
Copyright © 2009 The Bridgespan Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Bridgestar and Bridgespan are registered trademarks of The Bridgespan
Group, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
Highmark Associates, Natick, MA 1994 - 2004
Consulting firm specializing in strategy development and market research for more than 30 public and
private companies in a range of industries, including financial services, plastic, health care, and energy-
efficiency consulting.
President and Owner
Identified new market and product opportunities for many organizations, using research tools
such as online surveys and 360-degree, in-depth qualitative and quantitative interviewing.
Advised private equity firms on the strategic implications of potential acquisitions, as part of their
due diligence process.
Led strategic planning projects for multiple clients, utilizing data-driven customer, vendor, and
employee feedback; projects resulted in specific annual operations plans for each company.
Served as featured speaker on unique due diligence and research process at four national
conferences focused on corporate growth and strategy development.
Modern Office Corporation, Watertown, MA 1992 - 1994
$300 million contract furniture dealership.
Vice President and General Manager
Led sales, marketing, and operational activities.
Restored profitability in 18 months by reorganizing staff, introducing programs to improve morale,
instituting new compensation program and streamlining cost structure.
Vice President of Marketing, Hospital and Health Care
Spearheaded 48% sales and profit increase in two years by establishing a channel-focused sales
and marketing division to sell health-care furnishings to hospitals and long-term-care facilities.
Created tracking and performance measurement tools for divisional accountability.
Introduced partnerships with leading industry manufacturers, new compensation programs, sales
training, and collateral materials.
Stellar Supplies, Inc, Framingham, MA 1982 - 1992
$3 billion, Fortune 500 office products manufacturer.
National Sales Manager, Mass Market, Office Products Division
Responsible for U.S. sales into mass market accounts including warehouse clubs, mass
merchants, and food and drug chains.
Within one year opened two major retailers, adding 15 products, and converted a major drug
store retailer’s business, resulting in incremental sales of $4 million.
Copyright © 2009 The Bridgespan Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Bridgestar and Bridgespan are registered trademarks of The Bridgespan
Group, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
Market Manager, College and Mass Market; Product Manager, Ring Binders
Created and implemented marketing and sales strategies resulting in 39% sales and 45% margin
gains in two years.
Introduced qualitative research techniques resulting in new product category.
MBA, New England School of Business, Portland, ME; Highest Honors
BA, Drama, Woodley College, Fairfax, VA; Cum Laude (College Year in Cape Town, South
Copyright © 2009 The Bridgespan Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Bridgestar and Bridgespan are registered trademarks of The Bridgespan
Group, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
Sample resume 2: Diane Jackson
120 Fairview Drive • Carlisle, NJ • 19618
w: 908-555-0097 • [email protected] • c: 212-555-0159
To apply operational leadership skills and experience in a dynamic, education-focused nonprofit
Eighteen years of experience in management, strategic planning, and analysis
Proven ability to develop a vision, achieve consensus, and deliver results in a wide variety of
corporate and nonprofit settings, with increasing levels of official authority
Strong leadership, interpersonal, and communication skills
Independent Consultant, Carlisle, NJ
On volunteer basis serve as Director for Enliven, a nonprofit organization
providing pro bono consulting services to innovative, education-focused
o Developed and executed capacity-building needs assessment and
strategic plan in preparation for expansion of a $1.5 million after-school
program; identified needed upgrades in the areas of program
evaluation, organizational communication, marketing and systems;
results: organization executed strategic plan and has expanded from
three sites to five over two years while increasing enrollment at
existing sites
o Facilitated strategic-planning meetings/retreats for three organizations
o Provide ongoing coaching and informal strategy consulting to
leadership team of local charter school founded in 2004
Led strategic planning process for $600 million division of large financial-
services company
o Developed process to understand and assess market environment,
determine levers of client value, evaluate business strategies, and
Copyright © 2009 The Bridgespan Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Bridgestar and Bridgespan are registered trademarks of The Bridgespan
Group, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
implement selected plan
o Facilitated planning sessions among diverse senior management
teams with varied objectives to achieve consensus on goals,
strategies, and plan
o Results: Plan accepted by Corporate; division targeted for additional
investment; management team reported plan was best and most
integrated they had ever done; engaged to return following year to
facilitate planning sessions and to refine process to address additional
investment/growth potential
Developed process and approach to ensure on-time compliance with new SEC
regulations for large mutual fund company
o Worked with large, cross-company task force and several external
legal firms to develop process to identify, document, and assess all
regulatory policies and procedures within six-month window
o Outlined and justified requirements for staffing, systems expenditures,
and organizational changes
o Prioritized work to be done prior to regulatory deadline vs. future
o Results: Staffing and systems expenditures approved; project
proceeding on schedule
Fordham Investment Management Services, New York, NY
Senior Vice President (1991-2003)
Vice President (1989-1991)
Services Group
Headed Marketing for Large Plan Services division, which provides 401(k) plan
administration to Fortune 500 companies
Co-led company-wide task force capturing assets eligible for distribution from
401(k) and other qualified plans
Results: Large Plan Services gross sales increased 20% over two years;
gross rollover sales increased 25%
Services Group
Served on management team for start-up business unit capturing assets eligible for
distribution from 401(k) and other qualified plans
Launched and managed 70-person inbound and outbound telephone sales
and retention operation
Results: Increased asset retention 41% over baseline; increased gross sales
Copyright © 2009 The Bridgespan Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Bridgestar and Bridgespan are registered trademarks of The Bridgespan
Group, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
38%; increased customer satisfaction
Tier One Asset
Managed Operations and Customer Service division supporting Fordham’s high-net-
worth customers
Developed and implemented strategy for integrating tiered service delivery
with expanded suite of investment and advice products and multi-channel
access targeted at $1 million-plus investors
Directly managed 60-person operations group that handled all back office
processing for specialty products
Oversaw management of 300-person phone group supporting high-net-worth
customers and products
Launched high-end customized service and product offering aimed at $2
million-plus investors
Managed operating marketing budget of $60 million
Results: Achieved higher-than-average customer satisfaction among high-net-
worth customers; increased multi-product ownership; increased gross sales
Managed 200-person Customer Problem Resolution division handling customer
problem and dispute resolution across all retail products for entire customer base
Redesigned process and organizational structure using customer input,
process analysis and competitive benchmarking to increase efficiency and
customer focus
Empowered frontline employees to make more decisions while customer on
Redefined department “philosophy” from confrontational to customer
Instituted comprehensive measurement system
Managed operating budget of $35 million
Results: Increased customer satisfaction with problem resolution process by
over 10 percentage points; decreased average turnaround time by over one
day; doubled percentage of customers who felt that their issue was resolved
at first contact; maintained level unit costs
planning and
Oversaw wide variety of strategic-planning and project-management assignments
involving personnel from across the company, including many inter-departmental and
cross-functional teams
Managed implementation of two-year, $2 million redesigned customer
Copyright © 2009 The Bridgespan Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Bridgestar and Bridgespan are registered trademarks of The Bridgespan
Group, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
statement system that affected 3.5 million customers; results: increased
customer understanding score on survey about statements, decreased
statement preparation time by two days and costs by 15 percent
Introduced streamlined systems for fulfilling customer paperwork requests;
Results: reduced time to meet customer paperwork requests by 35 percent
Supported business plan development for several business units, including
facilitating working sessions, drafting documents, and presenting results;
results: executed over 25 business plan development projects
Markmen Consulting Associates, Boston, MA
Consultant (1988-89)
Associate Consultant (1986-1988)
Successfully planned and executed analytical projects of all sizes in various
o Multiple acquisition/joint venture analyses for $2 billion diversified
information-services company resulting in two purchases of over $200
million each
o Development and implementation of purchasing cost reduction
program for household products/pharmaceutical products firm
o Implementation of simplified marketing/options packaging program for
Big-Three automobile manufacturer
Interacted with all levels of client personnel and served as primary point of
contact for matters relating to delivery of service and scope
The Children’s Exploration Center, New York, NY
Overseer (2003-present)
Co-Chair, Outreach Task Force (2003-2004)
Led project to develop strategy for expanding visitation from communities
outside of New York City
Coordinated activities of 14-member task force made up of employees, board
members, and other volunteers; facilitated meetings and discussions
Directed analysis and market research
Developed prioritized list of tactical and strategic recommendations, including
Copyright © 2009 The Bridgespan Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Bridgestar and Bridgespan are registered trademarks of The Bridgespan
Group, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
new marketing messages, redesigned communications, and community
outreach programs
Results: Task force recommendations presented to Center management and
incorporated into 2004-2005 plan, resulting in 10% increase in museum
attendance during Q1 and Q2 of 2006 and 5% increase in special program
enrollments during same period
ABCs Nursery School, Carlisle, NJ
Treasurer (2001-present)
Manage ongoing financial and budgeting process for $200K annual budget
Facilitated strategy and teambuilding sessions with 10-person school staff
focused on addressing and resolving issues and identifying areas for
Led efforts to secure space after landlord of 25 years abruptly terminated
school’s lease
Worked with landlord (local church) to develop solution that met needs of both
parties and ultimately secured long-term lease at terms attractive to school
o Developed financing plan combining fundraising, loans, and rent
concessions to fund $100,000 renovation project
o Managed renovation project, including selecting contractor, approving
design, and chairing committee overseeing work
o Results: ABC relocated to new space at their existing location at lower
rent; renovation completed on time and on budget; relations between
school and church are stronger than ever
Parker College, Bristol, RI
B.A., Mathematics, 1986
Available upon request
Copyright © 2009 The Bridgespan Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Bridgestar and Bridgespan are registered trademarks of The Bridgespan
Group, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
Sample resume 3: Jack Smith
Jack K. Smith
10 Hobart Street, Waxhall, VA 22153 703.555.2459 (cell) [email protected]
To leverage operational, management, and nonprofit experience to benefit the growth and development
of a nonprofit organization
Professional History Skills Community Experience
ALPHAMEG, Inc. Relationship management Washington Cares Leader
Vision One Systems Training Greater DC Food Bank Board Member
MatrixSoft, Inc. Communication
Logistics Committee
Carter Hodges, LLP Employee development
Nutrition Committee
Images International Organization alignment
Building Committee
Financial management Images International Volunteer Team Founder
Operations management
Greater DC Food Bank
Leading hunger-relief organization supplying food to hundreds of community food pantries across greater
Board Member October 2002 Present
Provide oversight and support around policy development, organizational alignment, and fiduciary
Committee Member September 2001 Present
Logistics Committee: hire consultants; evaluate distribution network, capacity utilization, and
future capacity needs; identify short- and long-term improvement opportunities
Nutrition Committee: work with staff to determine nutritional guidelines for food bank activities
Building Committee (2001-2003): determined new facility strategy; recommended
methodologies and plans to Board; hired architects and contractors; executed plan
Copyright © 2009 The Bridgespan Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Bridgestar and Bridgespan are registered trademarks of The Bridgespan
Group, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
Washington Volunteers
Volunteer clearinghouse that engages DC professionals in projects that support and enrich local
Project Leader February 1999 Present
Lead and coordinate monthly projects with variety of local organizations
Utilized opportunity to familiarize self with DC’s non-profit sector
ALPHAMEG/Vision One Systems, Springfield, VA
Supplier of advanced process-control software for microelectronic manufacturing industry
Deployment Services Manager March 2002 Present
Manage $8M annual revenue, global professional services, customer relationships, and accounts
Work strategically with client executives to establish and deliver process control roadmap
Participate in new customer sales process; negotiate and close contracts with current customers
Led teams to develop pricing strategy and quote and sales process
Worked with teams to develop product lifecycles, generic project plans, legal and sales
Managed systems integration for order processing with ALPHAMEG, developed and delivered
Account Manager October 2001 March 2002
Oversaw $3M in annual revenues, customer relationships, projects, and resources
Developed forecasting process and tool utilization; trained sales and account management teams
MatrixSoft Inc., Hunterton, MA
Vertical application service provider offering integrated best-of-breed solutions for high-tech equipment
manufacturing industry
Director of Account Management March 2001 July 2001
Managed $1M in annual revenues, customer relationships, projects, and resources
Worked strategically with account executives to establish and deliver technical roadmaps
Communicated with all MatrixSoft organizations to effectively execute customer solutions
Business Consultant: Pre-Sales Engineer July 2000 March 2001
Collaborated with sales team on presentations for complex sales cycle
Copyright © 2009 The Bridgespan Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Bridgestar and Bridgespan are registered trademarks of The Bridgespan
Group, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
Demonstrated software capabilities, sold software features to array of US software companies
Carter Hodges Consulting, Boston, MA
Global business and strategy consulting firm
Manager September 1998 July 2000
Client: $120M speaker design and manufacturer
Projects: Inventory Assessment, Product Development Process Design, and Master Scheduling
Specific Role:
Conducted inventory assessment through interviews and data analysis, identified root
causes, and presented and sold solutions to client CEO and executive team
Managed product development process design, working closely with CEO and VP of
engineering; created workplans; guided consultants through research, interviews, and
workshops with 70 client employees and final development of new engineering process
Client: $300M medical devices manufacturer
Project: VantageSoft/Business Process Assessment and Improvement Plan
Specific Role:
Conducted business, manufacturing, and VantageSoft assessment of seven divisions
with team through use of individual and cross-functional interviews as well as systems
Developed and presented findings and opportunities to client executive team
Client: $150M exercise equipment manufacturer with plants in MA, CA, and MN
Project: VantageSoft Software Implementation
Specific Role:
Oversaw Order-to-Cash, Product Configurator, and Engineering module implementation
Managed implementation of MN plant, including staffing, workplans, and client meetings
Trained client on new processes and paperwork responsibilities; transitioned role to
Images International, Pittsburgh, PA
Global company producing photographic materials and equipment
Manufacturing Manager, Dispersion Manufacturing August 1995 August 1998
Managed $58M continuous chemical flow process and 22 employees
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Group, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
Developed and maintained Annual Operating Plan (financial), capacity model, performance
matrix, employee commitment plans, employee development plans
Reduced process waste by 43%, defects per unit by 48%; managed large capital projects
Flow Team Manager, X-Ray Cassette Manufacturing January 1994 August 1995
Managed business of 40 empowered employees manufacturing medical product
Reorganized planning system, reduced delivery time by 50%
Initiated supplier improvements in delivery and quality through matrix measurement system
MRPII Project Leader, Carton Manufacturing June 1993 January 1994
Managed project; organized presentations, data, and audit
Achieved Manufacturing Resource Planning "Class A"
Process Coordinator, Carton Manufacturing June 1992 June 1993
Interacted with offset printing, die cutting, and gluer operations
Overhauled operations information flow and Bills of Material
Connecticut Polytechnic Institute, Hartford, CT M.B.A. 1998
Executive Master in Business Administration
University of Southern New England, Concord, NH B.S. 1992
Major: Industrial Management
Minors: Manufacturing Management, Industrial Engineering
Bridgestar (, an initiative of the Bridgespan Group, provides a nonprofit management
job board, content, and tools designed to help nonprofit organizations build strong leadership teams and
individuals pursue career paths as nonprofit leaders.