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Chapter 4
Developing Research Questions: Hypotheses and Variables
Common Sources of Research Questions
Selecting a Research Problem
Formulating Hypotheses
Variables of Interest
Selecting Levels of an Independent Variable
Selecting a Dependent Variable
Characteristics of a Good Dependent Variable
Multiple Dependent Variables
Response Classes of Dependent Variables
Case Analysis
General Summary
Detailed Summary
Key Terms
Review Questions/Exercises
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Common Sources of Research Questions
The first three chapters introduced you to some broad themes in behavioral research, including the
purpose of research, types of research, ethical issues, and the nature of science. Beginning with this
chapter, we will focus on the details of conducting behavioral research. From a student’s perspective, the
thought of actually doing behavioral research seems like a daunting task. You are likely to say to yourself,
“I couldn’t possibly do research. I’m not a behavioral scientist. I don’t even know how to get started.”
Well, we’re here to tell you that you can do it, and it is not that difficult to get started.
Have you ever asked yourself, “I wonder why people behave that way?” If so, then you have already
begun the research process. Research begins with asking questions. Curiosity about a casual observation
that you have made could initiate a series of questions. For example, you may notice that youth spend
much time watching television and that many of the television programs include references to sex and/or
violence. So you may ask yourself, “Does watching television violence have a negative impact on
personality development?” This is the beginning of a good research question. Topics for research
questions often begin with your own curiosity. This curiosity may be fueled by your own personal
experiences or observations. You may be interested in the topic of memory because you had a
grandmother with Alzheimer’s disease. You may be interested in people’s perceptions of schizophrenics
after taking a course in abnormal psychology. Perhaps the latest “reality show” on television stirs
questions about why people behave in certain ways when placed in certain conditions. Research is so
much more fun when you are pursuing a topic that fascinates you.
For most topics, it is very likely that others have already asked very similar questions and have
conducted research in this area. But a good researcher knows that unanswered questions remain in every
domain of psychology. So, given an area in which you are interested, what is the next step? A researcher
needs to become familiar with the research findings that already exist. These findings are most likely to
be reported in books and journal articles. Several strategies for obtaining this information are outlined in
the following paragraphs.
Ask the faculty in the psychology department whether they have any information regarding your research
question or whether they know of anyone doing research on the topic (this is also a good way to meet the
faculty). Often, the research interests of the faculty are listed on a department Web site. Most faculty that
we know enjoy discussing possible research topics with students and will often provide suggestions that
help to shape and focus the topic. If the topic is of interest to the faculty member, he or she may suggest
that you take an independent study course under his or her supervision.
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You should also consider professors at other universities. You may encounter these researchers at a
scientific conference where you attend their research presentation. Additionally, a search of the literature
may reveal a particular researcher who has published several studies related to the topic in which you are
interested. You could contact the researcher by e-mail to request a reprint of an article or to ask a few
Look in the subject index of a textbook in your area of interest. The text will often include the names of
researchers and citations of books or articles. For example, look in a Developmental Psychology textbook
for “television.” You will undoubtedly find a section that discusses the impact of television on
Use keywords to search relevant databases. Several very good electronic databases contain references to
journal articles or books. Ask your instructor or a reference librarian for the databases available on your
campus. Some databases that are useful for behavioral research include PsycLit, PsycINFO, ProQuest,
JSTOR Scholarly Journals, MedLine, and Sociological Abstracts. After you get access to a database, you
can search it for references. You can search by author, year, or other means. Often, you will simply search
for some word (or combination of words) that might appear in the title or summary. For example, you
could use the PsycINFO database to search journal articles for studies related to the effect of TV violence
on children. We did such a search. When we used the keyword “television,” the database produced 6,671
hits. No one wants to look through this many titles or abstracts, so we narrowed the search by using the
keywords “television violence.” This search produced 156 hits, and it would not take too long to skim
through those titles. A final search using the keywords “television children” produced a very manageable
17 hits. Thus, if the database finds too many articles for you to examine, narrow the search by entering
additional keywords or by trying different combinations of keywords.
The Internet can be a source of research ideas. However, it takes some skill to search the Internet
efficiently. First, much of the information on the Internet has no relation to science, and it can be very
difficult to search a topic without hitting these sites. Second, some of the information on the Internet
appears to be scientific when it is not. You must critically evaluate each site. For example, is the site
located at a university or a known research agency? What are the credentials of the researcher(s)? Are
there product advertisements at the site? Also, certain Internet search engines are more focused on
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scholarly information. As of this writing, two useful search engines are Ingenta, Galaxy and Google
Selecting a Research Problem
Scientists select a research problem for any of several reasons. Some studies are undertaken to evaluate or
to advance a particular theory. Others may be undertaken for the purpose of comparing the adequacy of
two or more theories. The researcher’s interest may have nothing to do with solving an existing
psychological or sociological problem. As discussed in the previous chapter, terms such as pure or basic
research are often used to describe research when no immediate practical application of the results is
intended. In contrast, some research is undertaken because of its applied, practical nature. A social
problem exists, and questions related to the problem are in need of answering. Is smoking marijuana a
health hazard? Will certain changes in our educational system enhance scores on the American College
Test or Student Achievement Test?
Others undertake studies to resolve inconsistencies or contradictory findings. If some research
indicated that sleep following learning aids memory (which it does) and other research found that sleep
hinders memory (which it doesn’t), then the findings would be contradictory. If so, then little could be
said regarding sleep and memory without additional research. The additional research would be directed
to resolving the inconsistent findings. It would begin with a careful assessment of the two studies to
determine in what ways they were similar and in what ways they were different. If important differences
in procedure were found between the studies, then the contradictory findings might be due to these
differences. In this case, a study could be undertaken to determine whether procedural differences were
Some research is conducted to extend the findings of prior research. For example, a study may show
a particular effect of TV violence on 10-year-old children. You might ask whether that same effect would
be observed in 5-year-old children. Also, you might be interested in extending the conditions that were
tested. Perhaps you are interested in testing a type of TV violence that was not tested in another study. At
other times, the findings of a particular study may seem implausible. In cases such as these, it is valuable
to perform a replication study. In such a study, the method is replicated (duplicated) to determine whether
the same results will be found a second time.
Obviously, research questions may be asked for many reasons. Answers to all questions cannot be
provided, nor should they be. Clearly, some questions are too trivial and meaningless to bother answering.
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Formulating Hypotheses
After you have reviewed the relevant literature and have a research question, you are prepared to be more
specific. You want to make one or more predictions for your study. Such a prediction is called a
hypothesis. It is an educated guess regarding what should happen in a particular situation under certain
conditions. Not all studies require that you test a hypothesis; some may simply involve collecting
information regarding an issue. For those that do have a hypothesis, the hypothesis should derive logically
from previous findings or the predictions of a particular theory. Hypotheses should not be based simply
on what the student believes should happen. A clear rationale is necessary.
An examination of publications by student researchers provides several examples of hypotheses. In a
study that examined gender equity in college athletic programs, the authors predicted “female students
would have more positive attitudes toward gender equity” (Teel, Fuller, & Allen, 1998, p. 20). Another
study predicted “people would rate representatives of their own culture as more physically attractive than
representatives of other cultures” (Khersonskaya & Smith, 1998, p. 40). As a final example, one student
predicted “extroverts were more likely to be hired than introverts because of their outgoing and
personable behavior” (Sheets, 1999, p. 8). You might be interested in the results of these studies. Goon et
al. (1998) found that both male and female students supported gender equity in athletics. Khersonskaya
and Smith (1998) did find that attractiveness ratings for American students were higher when made by
American participants than by European participants. Sheets (1999) found that college men were more
likely to hire extraverts but college women showed no preference.
To provide an example of hypothesis development, let’s return to our interest in the effect of TV
violence on children. Studies that have been done suggest that children who frequently watch violence on
television demonstrate more aggression at school. You wonder whether the effect is the same if the
television viewing depicts cartoon/computer-animated characters as opposed to human actors. Based on
research that suggests that children over the age of 7 understand that cartoon characters are not real, you
hypothesize that the effect of TV violence on older children’s aggressive behavior at school will be less if
the characters are not human. Now we have a clear prediction that we can set out to test using the
scientific method.
Good hypotheses have several characteristics, including a clear rationale, an ifthen format, and a
clear description of the relationship between the variables of interest in your study. First, what do we
mean by a clear rationale? You want to ask yourself, “Why am I predicting this effect?” It may be that
you are replicating a study already reported in the literature. It may be that your prediction is a logical
extension of what other researchers have published. Notice that our hypothesis in the previous paragraph
was based on existing information. It may be that your prediction follows from a particular theory and
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provides a test of the theory. For example, one theory in social psychology states that as the number of
bystanders increases near a victim, each bystander feels less responsibility to help the victim. Based on
this diffusion of responsibility theory, you might predict that if a student drops her books in a crowded
student center on campus, then the student will be less likely to receive help than if only a few people are
in the student center.
Notice that this hypothesis provides a clear description of the relationship between the first variable
(number of bystanders) and the second variable (likelihood of receiving help) and does so using an if
then format. If particular environmental conditions exist, then there will be a particular consequence in
terms of human behavior. Table 4.1 provides several more examples of good hypotheses, along with
several hypotheses that are not well stated.
Variables of Interest
When researchers are manipulating an environmental condition to determine its effect on behavior, they
use special terms that help describe these activities. A variable is any condition that can vary or change in
quantity or quality. The independent variable, or treatment, is under the control of and administered by
the experimenter. The behavior that is potentially affected by the treatment and that we measure is called
the dependent variable. The dependent variable is always a measure of behavior that we record after first
manipulating the independent variable. It is referred to as dependent because changes in it depend on the
effects of the independent variable. If a systematic relationship is found between the independent and
dependent variables, then we have established an empirical or causal relationship. It is also sometimes
called a functional relationship because changes in the dependent variable are a function of values
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(different amounts) of the independent variable. From these lawful or functional relationships, we can
construct theories and make predictions regarding future behavior. As we discuss independent and
dependent variables, you will notice that they are always defined in precise and measurable terms. The
nature and importance of these operational definitions will be highlighted in the next chapter.
The independent variable may be either qualitative or quantitative. A qualitative variable is one
that differs in kind rather than in amount. There are different types of violent acts on television, many
different kinds of psychotherapy, effects of different drugs on reaction time, and we may receive feedback
or fail to receive feedback when learning a psychomotor task. All of these examples involve qualitative
variables. In contrast, a quantitative variable differs in amount. One could examine different amounts of
TV violence to which a child is exposed, different intensities of punishment, the dosage level of a drug, or
the number of practice trials. Table 4.2 lists some qualitative and quantitative variables that are used as
independent variables in psychological research. It should be clear by now that selecting the independent
variable(s) and dependent variable(s) is a very important step in the research process.
Take a look at the box “Thinking Critically About Everyday Information,” and consider the different
components of the study reported there.
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Thinking Critically About Everyday Information: Why We Watch So Much Television
A national news network reported the results of a study with an introduction that stated that researchers
found that switching on the tube helps distract people from their personal failings.” The study was
published by Moskalenko and Heine (2003) in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. According to
the news report, college students took an intelligence test and received predetermined feedback regarding
how well they performed. Half of the students were told that they did well, and half were told that they
did poorly. All of the students then had the opportunity to watch television for up to six minutes. Results
showed that those students who were told that they had done poorly on the intelligence test watched TV
for more minutes and also looked at the TV longer before looking at something else. Students also
reported that after watching TV they “perceived less challenge to their chosen self-image.” Consider the
following questions:
What was the independent variable in the study? Was it a quantitative variable or a qualitative
What were the dependent variables in the study?
Although not mentioned in the description above, what do you suppose was the hypothesis for the
Do you believe that the conclusion as stated in the opening sentence accurately reflects the results of
the study? Why or why not?
Do the results of the study match your own personal experience? Do you believe that your own
personal experiences influence whether you believe the results of a scientific study?
SOURCE: News report obtained online from
http://abcnews.go.com/sections/living/Healthology/HS_TVlowesteem_030123.html on January 28, 2003
Selecting Levels of an Independent Variable
When we explore completely new areas, little information is available to provide guidelines in selecting
the independent variable. When dealing with quantitative independent variables, we are faced with the
additional problem of selecting appropriate values of the variable. For example, when testing a new drug,
how many milligrams per pound of body weight should be used as the dosage level? This decision is
important because too low a dosage may be insufficient to produce an effect, whereas too much may be
harmful or even lethal. We must rely on our judgment based upon experience, conversations with our
colleagues regarding potential problems, and the information that experts in related areas may be able to
provide. In most instances however, our research builds on previously published research. A rich database
is often available to assist in the selection of the appropriate values. In fact, most researchers choose what
they consider proper values of a treatment condition based on their own experiments and the published
experiments of others.
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Some obvious guidelines should be considered when choosing values of an independent variable. As
we shall see, a minimum of two groups is necessary to determine whether the independent variable has an
effect. One of these groups would receive the treatment (experimental group), and the other group would
either not receive the treatment (control group) or receive a different level of the treatment. If you use
more than two groups in an effort to ascertain whether increasing levels of the independent variable
systematically influence behavior, the choice of values for the independent variable requires more
Let’s direct our attention to the first of these problems: determining whether an experimental variable
has an effect. If we use only two levels (values) of the experimental treatment and they are too similar,
what risk do we run? The treatment may not affect behavior differentially, and your efforts to establish a
relationship may fail. You would wrongly conclude that the treatment is not worthy of further study. To
counter this risk, the first thought that often comes to mind is to select extreme values of the independent
variable. The logic is straightforward and simple: The greater the difference in value between the
experimental conditions, the greater the probability of showing that the independent variable has an
effect. Therefore, choose two points along the continuum that are extreme values. Under certain
circumstances, the logic is good and would provide an efficient way of determining whether the indepen-
dent variable is powerful and worthy of additional investigation. Unfortunately, this simple logic could
also result in coming to a wrong conclusion, depending on the relationship between the independent and
dependent variable.
The reason for the problem is that a variety of relationships may exist. Some of these are depicted in
Figure 4.1. The graphs in Figure 4.1 are constructed so that increasing levels of the independent variable
are shown from left to right on the horizontal (x) axis and increasing levels of the dependent variable are
shown from bottom to top on the vertical (y) axis. When the relationship between the dependent and
independent variable is monotonic, the curve is either continuously rising throughout (A and B in Figure
4.1) or continuously falling throughout (D and E in Figure 4.1). When the relationship is nonmonotonic,
the curve rises at certain points and falls at other points (C and F in Figure 4.1).
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Figure 4.1 Illustration of various types of relationships between the independent variable (IV) and
the dependent variable (DV). Curves A, B, D, and E depict monotonic relationships; C and F show
nonmonotonic relationships. In graphing relationships, the horizontal axis (x-axis) depicts values
for the IV and the vertical axis (y-axis) depicts values for the DV.
As you might expect, monotonic functions generally do not create difficulties for experiments that use
the extreme group approach. With monotonic functions, any two separated values on the horizontal axis
could result in finding a difference between groups. Therefore, when the relationship is monotonic, the
major limitation of the extreme group approach is that the shape of the relationship or function cannot be
established with two groups. Obviously, the effects of intermediate values cannot be determined with only
two values of an independent variable.
However, if the relationship between the independent and the dependent variable is nonmonotonic (C
and F in Figure 4.1), simply using two groups at extreme points could lead to grossly inaccurate
conclusions. For example, an interesting idea that relates effectiveness of performance to level of motiva-
tion and task difficulty has come to be called the YerkesDodson Law (Yerkes & Dodson, 1908). The
notion described by this “law” is that the optimal level of motivation depends on task difficulty: The more
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difficult or complex the task, the lower will be the optimal level of motivation needed. According to the
law, performance is poor with little motivation; as motivation increases, performance also increasesbut
only to a point. Beyond that point, depending on the task difficulty, further increases in motivation lead to
a deterioration in performance. The so-called YerkesDodson Law has not yet received convincing
support, but the idea is intuitively reasonable, and some supportive data are available. On this view,
optimal performance does not require the highest levels of motivation; in fact, too much motivation can
result in inferior performance. When performance (x-axis) is plotted against motivation (y-axis), the
relationship resembles an inverted U.
With this sort of relationship, simply using two groups at extreme points could be quite misleading. If
the relationship between the independent and the dependent variable is nonmonotonic (C or F in Figure
4.1), a study using only two groups could easily conclude that the independent variable has no effect on
behavior. If values 1 and 4 on the horizontal axis are selected, then both groups would perform in the
same manner and no difference would be detected. The same would be the case with values 2 and 3.
Finding no difference, the investigator might well conclude that the independent variable has no effect.
Some promising research might wind up in the circular file when, in fact, it should be pursued.
The safest way to avoid the problem is to test at least three values of the independent variable.
Selecting three points will not necessarily reveal the shape of the relationship, but it will help you to avoid
coming to incorrect conclusions in the event that a nonmonotonic relationship exists. The choice between
using two values or more than two values often depends on the information available, the importance of
the problem, and the cost of doing research.
Selecting a Dependent Variable
The selection of a dependent variable is not in the least a casual matter. Indeed, it is immensely important.
It reflects our underlying assumption that the study of behavior is the doorway toward measuring
psychological states. Moreover, it is the measure we use to ascertain whether the independent variable has
an effect.
Generally, we choose a dependent measure because we judge that it will reveal unobservable but
inferable processes that affect it and other behavioral measures. We often assume that our dependent
variable reflects some underlying psychological state. For example, emotional processes are often inferred
from changes in heart rate, respiration, or sweat gland activity. We might infer stress from ulceration or
from adrenal activity. The process of learning is inferred from the elimination of errors, correct
anticipation of words, and conditioned responses.
There must be no ambiguity concerning the identification of the dependent variable. Its occurrence
or nonoccurrence must be ascertainable according to clearly defined criteria. For example, the dependent
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measure in an operant conditioning apparatus is any response (usually a lever press or key peck) that
closes the microswitch and permits its delivery of reinforcement. Such measures as speed of responding,
latency, time to complete a task, eye blinks, errors, heart rate, weight gain, lever press, or key peck can be
unambiguously defined and reliably recorded. The reliability of a measure is its ability to give the same
result on each occasion. (Note that this is an important concept that will be highlighted in the next
chapter.) Such unambiguous measures are not always possible. Some dependent measures require the
judgment of observers. What about such measures as self-mutilating behavior in an autistic child, risk
taking, aggression, and disruptive classroom behavior? High agreement (reliability) among observers
must be achieved before the experiment begins. Special techniques are used to accomplish such
reliability. (Chapter 6 will discuss this issue in more detail.)
We should also note that automated responses such as a pigeon key peck or a rat lever press may be
unambiguous in terms of a switch closure but ambiguous in terms of what produced the closure. A rat, for
example, may produce a switch closure in many wayswith the left paw, the right paw, chin, tail,
shoulder, or rump. The experimenter may be interested in the entire class of responses referred to as lever
presses, or may be interested only in paw presses.
Characteristics of a Good Dependent Variable
A good dependent variable must be accurately recorded and reliably measured. This is another way of
saying it must be objective and quantifiable. In addition, it must be sufficiently sensitive to detect small
changes in the independent variable, yet not so sensitive that it is affected by the slightest uncontrolled
factors in the environment.
Further, a good measure should have a “low floor” and a “high ceiling.” In other words, the dependent
variable should permit a wide range of values or change. Imagine a task so difficult that few individuals
are capable of achieving it. For example, in a test of the effectiveness of vitamin supplements on physical
strength, the experimenter sets a criterion of bench-pressing 250 pounds or more. In this situation, very
few participants would reach criterion even if the supplement actually increased physical strength. The
“floor” was simply set too high. In contrast, if the task had been to bench press 10 pounds, the “ceiling”
would have been so low that virtually all participants would achieve criterion whether or not the
experimental variable affected physical strength.
Floor effects and ceiling effects occur sometimes when giving examinations to students. If an exam
is so easy that all students correctly answered every test item (all received a score of 100% correct), then
the exam may not have discriminated those knowing the material from those not knowing it. In this case,
the ceiling was too low. Students “topped out” and could not go higher. On the other hand, if the exam
was so difficult that all students answered every test item incorrectly (all received a score of 0% correct),
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then again the exam did not discriminate those knowing the material from those not knowing. In this case,
the floor was too high; everyone “bottomed out” and could not go lower. The sensitivity of the measuring
instrument is always reduced when either floor or ceiling effects are prominent. In the event of too high a
floor or too low a ceiling, the range of possible values of the dependent variable is so truncated that it
loses its capacity to discriminate among various treatment conditions.
When we observe behavior, human or nonhuman, we find that many different forms of behavior
occurit appears continuous but changing. Even when we observe an organism for a short time, we see
different frequencies of behaviors such as walking, talking, writing, or grooming. At the same time,
physiological changes also occur. The responses that we observe occur for different durations with
differing intensities. Deciding what particular response to measure can be a difficult task. As we noted,
selecting an insensitive dependent variable or one unresponsive to the independent variable may cause us
to fail in our efforts.
There are several reliable and sensitive measures that you should keep in mind when planning your
research. Researchers frequently use these measures because of their sensitivity, reliability, and ease of
measurement. They are (1) accuracy of responding, (2) frequency of responding, (3) latency (or speed) of
responding, (4) duration of responding, and (5) intensity of responding. All five of these measures are
sometimes taken within a given experiment. Accuracy of responding simply refers to whether the
participant is responding correctly. Frequency of responding may refer to the number of times a behavior
occurs. Also, a rate of responding measure can be derived if responses per unit of time are recorded.
Latency usually refers to the time it takes to initiate a response following the onset of a signal. This
measure can be converted to a speed measure by calculating the reciprocal of latency. Intensity of
responding, sometimes referred to as amplitude or magnitude of responding, relates to the vigor of the
response. Finally, duration or time measures reflect how long a response continueshow long it takes to
consume the food, solve the puzzle, or calculate the solution, or how much time is spent in one condition
compared to others.
Multiple Dependent Variables
Most experiments record only one dependent variable. One reason for this relates to interpreting what the
different measures mean. Does each behavior recorded measure the same thing? That is, does each
measure reflect the same inferred or assumed underlying processes? For example, is kicking a vending
machine that fails to deliver a candy bar the same inferred underlying measure of frustration as other
measures such as cussing at the machine or repeatedly pushing the selector button? A second reason is
that when more than one measure is recorded, traditional statistics require a separate statistical analysis
for each measure. These multiple analyses, in turn, make it difficult to interpret the true probability (p)
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value for a significant outcome. However, excellent statistical techniques are now available for assessing
multiple dependent variables.
Two, three, or more dependent variables are recorded and analyzed in a single procedure referred to
as a multivariate analysis. Multiple measures may vary together, thus suggesting a common underlying
process for all measures. When they do not vary together, different processes are suggested. Both
theoretical and practical considerations determine the number of measures used. A discussion of statistical
procedures for analyzing concurrently several dependent measures is too advanced for a first course in
research methods. Suffice it to say there are advantages to this type of analysis.
Aside from statistical advantages, however, there are other reasons for recording two or more
dependent variables. It may be that under the conditions of your experiment, a single dependent measure
may not show any systematic relationship to your independent variable. Your measure may be too
insensitive or too variable. If you record other, different measures, your chances of finding a systematic
relationship may be increased. In addition, recording more than a single dependent variable will allow
you to evaluate the relationship among them. You have little to lose and much to gain by recording more
than a single dependent variable, unless doing so is inconvenient, time consuming, or expensive.
Response Classes of Dependent Variables
The number of dependent measures recorded by researchers is determined by both theoretical and
practical considerations. Investigators studying behavior, whether in a laboratory or an applied setting,
generally use three major classes of responses. These three classes of responses are motor responses,
physiological measures, and self-report measures. Whatever measure is used, great care must be taken
when measuring and recording the response. It is not uncommon for researchers to record different
classes of responses within the same experiment. Each has advantages and disadvantages associated with
its use.
Motor responses involve the skeletal muscle system in some way. These responses may vary in
terms of accuracy, frequency, latency, duration, or intensity. Some examples of motor responses are
walking, talking, drinking, eating, crying, fighting, running, smiling, studying, smoking, gambling,
freezing, jumping, bar pressing, playing, key pecking, and choosing. When motor responses are
automatically recorded, mechanically or electronically, errors due to the human observer are virtually
eliminated. However, only some motor responses can be automated; observers must record other
responses. Relying on observers to note and record our dependent variables is a serious issue for a
considerable amount of research being done in psychology today. The issue is that human observers are
not perfectly reliable at the task and thus represent an imperfect measuring instrument. (This issue will be
discussed in more detail in Chapter 6.)
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Physiological measures can be taken from the surface of the body or from within the body. Measures
taken from the surface of the body include brain activitymeasured by electroencephalogram, PET scan
(positron emission tomography), or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)sweat gland activity, muscle
activity, heart rate, blood pressure, blood vessel constriction and dilation, and skin temperature. Measures
taken from within the body include activity of neural cells and levels of various substances. The
researcher may sample blood, urine, or saliva to determine levels of blood sugar, neurotransmitters, and
hormones. Physiological measures generally require more equipment and a degree of technical expertise.
With self-report measures, participants verbalize how they are reacting to the experimental
conditions. Participants verbalize whether they are anxious, concerned, aroused, depressed, happy, and so
on. Exposure to different conditions presumably has an effect on how the participants react, and they are
asked to self-monitor their reactions and then to report them to the investigator. It is obvious that
self-report measures are susceptible to distortion on the part of the participant. Further, some researchers
believe that the very task of asking participants to monitor and verbalize their reactions may alter the
measure; instead of reacting to the independent variable, they may be reacting to instructions. For this
reason, some researchers are reluctant to use self-report measures alone; they attempt to correlate
self-report measures with physiological responses. Because physiological responses are generally not
under voluntary control, they are presumably less susceptible to the criticism directed toward self-report
As we have suggested several times, researchers generally measure several dependent variables in
their research. These measures may be within the same class or across classes. It may be especially
important to record several dependent measures when your knowledge of the independent variable is
limited, when the effects are difficult to predict, or when you are interested in a possible relationship
among several dependent variables.
In closing this section, we want to emphasize that whether they are using human or nonhuman
participants, experimenters should strive to record dependent measures that are not distressing to their
participants. In choosing both dependent and independent variables, researchers should keep careful
consideration of ethical principles foremost in mind.
Case Analysis
A researcher wonders how well the sense of smell functions during sleep. In general, we know that our
sensory systems operate at a higher threshold during sleep. That is, a more intense stimulus is required to
elicit a response during sleep than during wakefulness. Furthermore, we are less responsive during some
stages of sleep than during others. Experiments using sounds suggest that we are less responsive during
stages 3 and 4 sleep (deep sleep) than during stages 1, 2, or REM sleep (lighter sleep). Thus, the
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researcher predicts that research participants will be less responsive to odors during stages 3 and 4 sleep
than during the other stages of sleep.
The researcher devises a system for delivering odors while college students sleep in the laboratory.
Peppermint fragrance is delivered at specific times through a modified oxygen mask that the students
wear while they sleep. Electrodes are attached to each student’s scalp, face, and chin to determine sleep
staging. Electrodes are also attached to each student’s chest to record heart rate. A change in heart rate
following presentation of the odor is used to indicate that the participant detected the odor.
Critical Thinking Questions
1. What is the research hypothesis?
2. What is the independent variable?
3. What is the dependent variable?
4. From which response class does the dependent variable come?
5. Is the independent variable a qualitative variable or a quantitative variable? Explain.
6. Why might the researchers want to use multiple dependent variables?
7. Describe one limitation of this study.
General Summary
We are all amateur researchers in the sense that we ask questions about human behavior and thought.
Quality research involves a more systematic approach. A good researcher understands that a research
question begins with an idea and is then shaped by information from other professionals and sources. The
research question evolves into a more specific research hypothesis that predicts a particular relationship
between the independent and dependent variables. The researcher carefully selects appropriate levels of
the independent variable and decides on the most appropriate type of dependent variable, whether it be a
motor response, physiological response, or self-report. In the next chapter, we will explore all of these
variables in more detail, including the development of detailed definitions and strategies for
Detailed Summary
1. Research questions are developed by using sources that include curiosity, professors, textbooks,
journals, databases, and the Internet.
2. Keywords based on your research topic are used to search the literature for information and prior
research on the topic.
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3. Research questions can be designed to evaluate a theory, to compare two or more theories, to address
a practical problem, to resolve inconsistencies in the literature, to replicate a prior study, or to
investigate a particular question that has not yet been studied.
4. Research questions lead to a hypothesis that states the predicted outcome for the study.
5. Good hypotheses have several characteristics, including a clear rationale, an ifthen format, and a
clear description of the relationship between the variables of interest in the study.
6. The independent variable (treatment) is the variable that is under the control of and manipulated by
the experimenter. The behavior that is affected by the treatment and that we measure is called the
dependent variable.
7. A qualitative independent variable is one for which the levels represent different and distinct
categories. A quantitative independent variable is one for which the levels represent different amounts
of that variable.
8. Selection of the levels of a quantitative independent variable depends to some degree on the estimated
nature of the functional relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Two levels
may be sufficient for some monotonic (single-direction) relationships, but three or more levels may
be necessary for nonmonotonic relationships (the curve changes direction). A good dependent
variable should be objective, quantifiable, reliable, and sufficiently sensitive to changes in the
independent variable.
9. The dependent variable should be selected so as to avoid floor effects and ceiling effectsthat is, a
limited range of values.
10. Dependent variables often measure accuracy, latency, duration, or intensity of responding. In many
situations, multiple dependent variables can be recorded to provide more information about the
relationship between the independent and dependent variables.
11. The three major classes of dependent variables are motor responses, physiological responses, and
self-report responses. Each has advantages and disadvantages.
Key Terms
ceiling effect
dependent variable
floor effect
functional relationship
independent variable
monotonic relationship
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nonmonotonic relationship
qualitative variable
quantitative variable
Review Questions / Exercises
1. Go to a relatively busy area of your college campus and observe some aspect of human behavior.
Based on these observations, write a research question that could be tested. Also, write a specific
hypothesis that follows the guidelines discussed in this chapter.
2. Consider a research topic in which you are interested, and conduct a database search for journal
articles on that topic using one or more of the databases available on your library website. Develop a
set of keywords that you believe represent your topic. Use these keywords to search the database. If
your search results in more than 20 hits, continue using particular combinations of keywords until
your search results in fewer than 20 hits. Review these titles, and select one article to read. Apply the
critical thinking questions from the case analysis in this chapter to the article that you have read.
3. Using the same database search or a new search, locate an experiment and print the citation (including
the abstract). Identify the independent variable and the dependent variable. Determine whether the
independent variable is a qualitative variable or a quantitative variable.
4. Provide a brief description of your own idea for an experiment on the topic of human memory. Write
the hypothesis, and identify the independent variable. How many levels will your independent
variable have? Specify the levels, and explain why you chose them.
5. Provide a brief description of your own idea for an experiment on the topic of sleep. Write the
hypothesis, and identify the dependent variable(s). Is your experiment one in which it could be
advantageous to have multiple dependent variables? Explain. Why do you believe that your
dependent variable(s) is (are) good? Identify the response class for each dependent variable.