© 2007 The President and Fellows of Harvard University
All Rights Reserved
2nd Edition
Cover design by C. D. Vaughan. Photography by J. M. Lopez. Design of
Life Sciences logo by Jessica Raab.
Au!ors / Cont"butors
James Morris
Tom Jehn
Cheryl Vaughan
Erica Pantages
Tom Torello
Miriam Bucheli
David Lohman
Robert Lue
A co#aborative work
A team of innovators, contributors, and funders has made
this guide possible. Professor Robert Lue initiated the
project to improve the teaching of writing in the Life Sci-
ences at Harvard University and has sustained the pro-
ject’s vision over several years. Produced through col-
laborative efforts of the Department of Molecular and
Cellular Biology and the Harvard Writing Project, the
guide could not have been written and published without
the combined generous support of a Gordon Gray Fac-
ulty Grant for Writing Pedagogy and a Howard Hughes
Medical Institute Grant, both awarded to Professor Lue.
Table of Contents
Chapter I
Writing in the Life Sciences
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Links to Expository Writing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Using this Guide: A Guide to the Guide . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Chapter II
Specific Types of Writing in the Life Sciences
Short Answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Laboratory Notebooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Research Papers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Research and Grant Proposals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Critiques of Scientific Papers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Writing for the General Public . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Chapter III
Writing Strategies and Feedback
Revising and Editing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
Evaluation of Student Writing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Common Mistakes in Scientific Writing . . . . . . . . . . .48
Chapter IV
Finding and Using References
Finding References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
When to Cite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
How to Cite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
Chapter V
Related Skills
Reading the Scientific Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
Oral Presentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Active Listening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Additional Resources
Writing Centers at Harvard University . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Useful Websites on Writing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
Searchable Online Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Suggested References for Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . 76
Chapter I
in the
Life Sciences
My aim is to put down on paper what I see and
what I feel in the best and simplest way.
! ! ! ! ! Ernest Hemingway
! Writing well is one of the most important skills you
will tackle in college. Writing is not just an important form
of communication, but it also helps you develop, organize,
and solidify your ideas and thoughts. At the same time, writ-
ing is among the most difficult skills to learn and teach. This
difficulty is especially pronounced in science classes, where
the focus is usually on science content, not on writing.
While there are plenty of writing assignments in science
classes, there is typically little attention paid to the writing
process itself. This situation is unfortunate, as writing is cen-
tral to science. Writing serves as a way to communicate sci-
entific ideas and findings to other scientists as well as to the
public. Importantly, writing is also part of the scientific
process. The keeping of laboratory notebook, the writing of
a research proposal, and the telling of a story in the form of
a research paper are all integral parts of scientific thinking.
The education of scientists, therefore, needs to consist not
only of learning content and methods, but also of master-
ing both the general elements of writing and the specific
aspects unique to scientific writing.
A new initiative, Writing in the Life Sciences, began
at Harvard University in response to the recognition of the
importance of writing in science and the lack of a consis-
tent, clear, articulated writing curriculum for undergraduate
science students. While much thought and energy have been
put into the undergraduate science curriculum, a parallel,
complementary look at the writing curriculum in the sci-
ences has not been undertaken. Many undergraduate science
classes do have writing assignments, but there is little focus
on the connection between the writing assignments in the
various courses, the quality and consistency of the feedback
on the writing assignments, and the importance of writing
to the scientific process.
One of our goals, therefore, is to articulate and put
into place a coherent writing curriculum for undergraduate
science students. We envision a two-way conversation, with
writing that communicates scientific thought, and science
that comes to life through writing. Just as you progress
through a series of classes, each one building on the scien-
tific content of a previous class, you will also move through
a writing curriculum, with assignments that build on skills
learned in previous classes. That is, the writing curriculum
will be integrated into the science curriculum. We hope that
this dual approach will make for better writers and for bet-
ter scientists.
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter I
In the fall of 2004, we had several preliminary meet-
ings to understand what kind of writing curriculum is al-
ready in place in undergraduate biology classes, where needs
are perceived, and what models can be used from the expe-
riences of other departments at Harvard. These meetings
benefited greatly from contributions of faculty, staff, and
preceptors from the Biology Department and Expository
Writing Program. We learned that the core introductory bi-
ology (50-level) classes do have a variety of thoughtful writ-
ing assignments. In addition, we learned that the Expository
Writing Program has worked with a number of depart-
ments, most recently Psychology, East Asian Studies, Eco-
nomics, and Government 10, to create writing guides spe-
cific for their concentrators.
As a first step to foster a stronger culture of writing
in the sciences, we put together this guide to undergraduate
writing in the sciences. This guide addresses elements of
writing in general and writing in the sciences in particular,
provides instructions on and examples of different types of
writing, discusses how writing assignments are evaluated,
and points out writing resources available in the Harvard
community. Our hope is that this guide will serve as a useful
resource for students, teaching fellows, and faculty.
We see this project as an ongoing one to think about
and address issues of writing in the undergraduate science
curriculum. For example, over the next several years we will
begin to focus more deliberately on the sequence of writing
assignments that you encounter as you move through the
biology curriculum. Our eventual goal will be a thoughtful,
articulated, evolving writing curriculum that serves students
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter I
in the sciences, as well as one that provides a model for un-
dergraduate writing in the sciences in general.
Links to Expository Writing!
Expository Writing (Expos) is Harvard’s introduc-
tory course in college-level writing, required of all first-year
students. If you are using this guide, Expos is probably well
behind you. However, it is not time to forget about the les-
sons you learned in Expos, as much of what you worked on
and learned is directly relevant to writing in the sciences.
Some of these are obvious; clarity, organization, elements of
grammar, and use of sources clearly apply to any kind of
writing. But the connections to Expos actually run deeper
than these standard elements of good writing.
Two elements of writing that are particularly em-
phasized in Expos are argument and evidence. The Expos
philosophy holds that to think effectively, you have to write
well; thus, in your Expos class you worked on strategies of
argument. By writing drafts and revisions, you discovered
your ideas and practiced ways to convince your readers that
those ideas were valid: in each paper you focused on articu-
lating an idea that readers could reasonably disagree with;
you established why readers should care about that idea; you
substantiated your argument with evidence that you care-
fully analyzed. You learned as well the importance of antici-
pating objections that your readers could make to your find-
ings when there was counter-evidence to consider.
Argument and evidence not only are well at home in
scientific writing, they are in fact central to it. For example,
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter I
a research paper or research proposal builds a story or ar-
gument by carefully putting together different pieces of evi-
dence. The evidence, in the case of science, often comes
from scientific papers or from one’s own observations or
experiments. However, as in other forms of writing, scien-
tific writing uses these pieces of evidence to craft a well-
substantiated argument designed to convince the reader of a
particular point-of-view. While there are particular style
conventions that are unique to science writing, the impor-
tance of argument and evidence should not be forgotten as
you embark on your own science writing assignments.
Using this Guide: A Guide to the Guide
So why focus on writing in the sciences? In many
ways, writing in the sciences is no different from writing in
other fields. Both require a clear argument or thesis, careful
use of evidence and sources, organization, and attention to
grammar and wording. Both also require a good deal of
thought, as good writing often reflects a clear understanding
of the subject. In fact, the process of writing itself can of-
ten help to formulate and solidify ideas.
However, there are also aspects of writing in the
sciences that are particular to science. Writing in the sci-
ences follows certain conventions, styles, and formats.
These are considered in Chapter II, where we describe in
some detail the major forms of writing you are likely to en-
counter in the sciences, including short answers and essays
typical of science examinations, the laboratory notebook,
research papers, research proposals, reviews, and writing for
the general public. Chapter III focuses on a key aspect of
good writing, namely rewriting. Rewriting is often informed
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter I
by feedback, so we have also included here a section on how
writing is evaluated. In addition, we have included in this
chapter a list of the common writing mistakes that we en-
counter in reading student assignments. Alerting you to
these is the first step in avoiding them. Chapter IV deals
with sources and references, giving tips on how to find use-
ful references, as well as instructions on how and when to
cite your sources. Finally, in Chapter V, we have included a
discussion of two related topics: how to read a scientific
paper and how to prepare an oral presentation.
As you read through this guide, keep in mind that
while there are many types of writing assignments, each of
which follows a different format and set of rules, there are
also common threads that run through these various types
of writing, as well as between writing in the sciences and
writing in general.
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter I
Chapter II
Specific Types of
Writing in the
I write entirely to find out what I'm thinking,
what I'm looking at, what I see and what it means.
What I want and what I fear.
Joan Didion
Writing in the sciences takes many forms. Here we
consider specific types of writing that you are likely to en-
counter in your undergraduate science classes. If you go on
to become a scientist, be it in academics or industry, or a
physician, you will constantly revisit these various forms of
writing. For each, we provide an overview as well as detailed
instructions. These instructions are meant to provide a gen-
eral guide; you should follow the specific instructions you
receive in assignments that you have for class.
Short Answers
! We begin this section of the Guide with a form of
writing that you will encounter many times as a student, but
less frequently, if at all, as a practicing scientist: the short
answer or essay form. This type of writing comes up on
many of the examinations of the introductory sequence of
biology classes at Harvard, so it is worth at least a brief
consideration here. In some ways, this is the simplest form
of writing; you are asked a direct question and given a lim-
ited amount of time and space to answer it. The questions
are not usually open-ended, but instead are direct and
straightforward. At the same time, writing short answers can
present a special challenge. Sometimes, it is harder to write a
brief answer than to write at greater length. In a short an-
swer or essay, words must be chosen carefully and consid-
eration must be given to what to include and what not to
include. This takes some practice and thought.
When answering a short answer question on an ex-
amination, one of the most important points is to make
sure you are answering the question being asked, not the
question you hoped would be asked. For example, if the
question asks to compare and contrast elements of mitosis
and meiosis, the answer should do just that, compare and
contrast. Consider this example of a student answer:
Mitosis and meiosis are both forms of cell division. While mitosis
produces two identical daughter cells from a single parent cell,
meiosis produces four haploid cells from a single diploid cell. The
different products of the two forms of cell division result from a
difference in the mechanics of the two processes. In mitosis, a
single round of DNA synthesis is followed by a single round of
chromosome segregation. By contrast, in meiosis, there is a single
round of DNA synthesis followed by two rounds of chromosome
segregation. It is also important to note that the products of mitosis
are genetically identical to each other and to the parent cell, while
the products of meiosis are genetically distinct as a result of chro-
mosome segregation and crossing-over, two processes that lead to
genetic diversity.
This answer nicely compares and contrasts the two proc-
esses; it puts the two side-by-side and discusses similarities
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
and differences in a thoughtful manner. Now consider this
Mitosis is a form of cell division that produces two daughter cells
from a single parent cell. It consists of the following steps: Inter-
phase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, and Cytoki-
nesis. The resulting cells are genetically identical to the parent cell.
An example of mitosis is the cell division that occurs as a fertilized
egg divides to produce all of the cells in the body. Meiosis is a form
of cell division in which four cells are produced from a single parent
cell. There are two rounds of cell division and only a single round of
DNA synthesis, so a single diploid cell produces four haploid cells.
Genetic diversity is produced by crossing-over.
Notice that this answer is accurate and correctly describes
the two processes, but leaves the comparing and contrasting
to the reader. As a result, it does not really answer the ques-
tion being asked. The student has conveyed information,
but has not processed it or even answered the question. So,
in short, if the question asks for a list, provide a list; if it
asks to discuss, discuss; if it asks to compare and contrast,
be sure to consider similarities and differences.
In addition to answering the question, be sure to
present all of the relevant facts. Normally, an instructor is
looking for a set of key terms or ideas and it is up to you to
convey all of them. Sometimes it is useful to first jot down
key thoughts or terms before you begin to answer the ques-
tion, as a kind of checklist to yourself to be sure you are
including all of the major points.
While your goal is to present all of the relevant
facts, this does not mean to present everything you know
about a subject. Stick to the relevant facts; do not include
superfluous or unnecessary information. If what you write
is not relevant to the question, you will not receive extra
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
credit, and it if is irrelevant and incorrect, you may lose
points. Answering questions on an examination is not just
an exercise in conveying information, but also a chance to
demonstrate that you are able to read and answer questions.
Laboratory Notebooks
! Many of your science classes have a laboratory
component. Laboratory exercises are designed to give you
hands-on experience with techniques and to illustrate some
of the concepts that are introduced in lecture. This is also
the place to learn to ask questions, develop a hypothesis,
design or carry out an experiment to test the hypothesis,
collect and analyze data, and present your work.
Central to the process of doing science is the keep-
ing of an organized and thorough laboratory notebook. In
order to become a good scientist, you must learn how to
keep an accurate and current record of all experimental
procedures, observations, and results. Your notebook is
your own personal reference when writing a formal report
or article on the experiments you have performed.
When you keep a laboratory notebook, you also leave
behind a legacy once you leave the laboratory. Anybody
who follows in your experimental footsteps should be able
to go to your notebook and, without additional references,
repeat every single experiment reported there. In fact, when
you work in a research laboratory, your notebooks are the
property of that laboratory and you are legally responsible
for their contents.
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
The keeping of a laboratory notebook is a very im-
portant form of scientific writing and in some ways can be
thought of as the cornerstone of all other types of writing.
There are various forms of writing that you will learn about
in your biology courses at Harvard, but all of them build on
the critical skills of effective communication, organization,
and data interpretation that are first practiced in the labora-
tory notebook.
Laboratory notebooks often follow a particular
format, which is described on the following pages:
Table of Contents. Every experiment in your notebook must
be documented in the table of contents. The first page of a
notebook is typically reserved for the table of contents, but
some, including the ones recommended above, have a table
of contents page already included. In your table of con-
tents, record the following information:
the number and title of each experiment;
the date when the experiment was started;
the page number where documentation for that ex-
periment begins.
Date. At the top of the first page, record the date the ex-
periment was performed. Each subsequent page should also
be dated. On the first page for that experiment, write out
the full date (month, day, year). Subsequent new pages used
with that same date can be dated at the top using an abbre-
viation (X/X/XX). In either case, place the date close to
where the page number is located. If an experiment is car-
ried out over several days, it must be clear which steps in the
procedure were carried out on each date. You may put a
range of dates at the top of each page, and then indicate
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
within the write-up (in Notes and Changes to Procedure
section) what was done when.
Number and Title of Experiment. The number and title of the
experiment should be written at the top of the first page of
an experimental write-up. The title should be descriptive,
but not too wordy. Examples of good titles include “Ob-
serving Mitosis and Meiosis” and “Complementation and
Meiotic Mapping in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.”
References. Reference any source you used to prepare for the
laboratory. You will definitely need to reference the labora-
tory manual, and you may also want to reference the text-
book or any other source of background information you
used. Here are two examples:
Biological Sciences 50 Genetics and Genomics Sec-
tion Manual, Fall 2004, pp. 12-16.
Hartl, D. and Jones, E. Essential Genetics: A Ge-
nomics Perspective. 3
ed. Sudbury: Jones and
Bartlett, 2002.
Collaborators. Acknowledge the contribution of your labora-
tory partners by including their names in this section.
Purpose. In this section, you are explaining why you are per-
forming the experiment and how you will do it. Not only is
this section useful to others who may want to replicate your
work, but it can also be tremendously helpful to researchers
when they are reviewing their own work. In one paragraph,
succinctly convey the goal of the experiment or the experi-
mental question, why the experiment is being performed,
how the experiment will be carried out (methods or tech-
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
niques used), and any relevant background information. If
relevant, also briefly discuss possible outcomes. This section
should be no more than a half of a page.
Materials. List equipment and supplies, reagents and chemi-
cals (even water), names of organisms used and their strains
or genotypes. Also include the manufacturer of a reagent or
supply if a particular item can only be obtained from that
company—e.g., Ready-To-Go PCR Beads (Biorad).
Planned Procedure. In this section, present the procedure that
is outlined in the laboratory manual in your own words. Do
not copy blindly. List in step format. The steps can be brief,
but must be descriptive enough for someone to be able to
follow your directions. Also include helpful notes (wear
gloves, keep tube on ice, perform this step in the hood).
Pre-laboratory Exercises. Some laboratories will have pre-lab
questions or exercises (found in the laboratory manual);
present your work here.
Notes and Changes to Procedure. This section is completed dur-
ing the laboratory period. Note any deviations from your
planned procedure. Also make notes and observations per-
taining to the experiment and anything that you think is im-
portant to note about what happened or what you saw. Re-
member, someone should be able to read your notebook
and do exactly what you did, not just what was listed in the
laboratory manual. Be sure to make note of mishaps or any-
thing that you think may affect your results. Always make
clear the part in the procedure to which you are referring.
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
Here are some examples:
Step 1 was already completed by the teaching staff
before the laboratory period.
When loading the molecular weight markers in the
gel, 20 ul was loaded, not 10 ul as written in step 4.
This group’s yeast plates were contaminated with
bacteria so another set was used (supplied by J. Wat-
son and F. Crick).
Step 5: agarose gel was run for 45 minutes at 100
For step 6, 53 colonies were identified and streaked
to the master plate.
Do not forget to include what happens to your experiment
in your absence:
The TF incubated the plates at 30°C and then trans-
ferred them to 4°C after 24 hours.
Results. This section should include any raw data that you
produce during the laboratory period, such as tables of
yeast spore genotypes, charts of color changes of samples,
photographs, drawings of observations. Anything presented
in the results section should be labeled with a descriptive
title and measurements should always be labeled with ap-
propriate units. Do not forget to make a copy of any pho-
tograph or drawing to put on the duplicate page.
Data Analysis. This section will include any calculations, ma-
nipulation of the data, or conclusions that you make after
the laboratory period. Items that might be found in this
section include a table of molecular weight vs. distance mi-
grated and accompanying graph, calculations (Chi square
test) and determination of linkage, or identification of un-
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
known strains based on information presented in the results
section. Again, do not forget to include titles, all appropriate
graph labels, and units of measurement.
Discussion. In this last section, evaluate and discuss the suc-
cess of the experiment. Write as if your audience is some-
one who wants to repeat your experiment, or someone who
wants to move forward from your experiment (this could be
you, at a later date). What does that person need to know?
Include interpretation of your results—how you came to
the conclusions presented in the previous section and
whether or not your conclusions agree with any of the out-
comes discussed in the Purpose section. What did you learn
from the experiment? If the experimental outcome contra-
dicted expected results or produced surprising results, sug-
gest possible reasons or address possible sources of human
or equipment error. Keep in mind that just because an ex-
periment does not give expected results does not mean that
the procedure or the execution of it was flawed. Unex-
pected results can be real and can lead to alteration of cur-
rent models and ways of thinking (but only if someone else
can read your notebook and repeat your experiment). Also
in this section, address any questions posed in the labora-
tory manual.
Signature. When you complete each experimental write-up,
sign and date your work. Put the date that you did the calcu-
lations and finished the work, not the date you did the ex-
periment (this should already be documented in your note-
book). Cross out any remaining blank space on the last page
with a diagonal line.
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
Other Notes about your lab notebook:
Write legibly.
Laboratory notebooks are bound books, with numbered pages that
cannot be removed from the book (i.e., a 3-ring binder with loose
leaf paper is not acceptable).
Inside the front cover and on the table of contents page, provide
descriptive and identifying information: your name, e-mail address,
university, course number and title, laboratory room number, and
teaching fellow.
Do not remove any pages from your laboratory notebook. Original,
consecutively numbered pages must always remain.
Do not skip pages. If a page is accidentally skipped, draw a diago-
nal line through it.
Because laboratory notebooks often have duplicate pages, write
only on the front side of each page.
Write in black or blue ink. Do not use pencil.
Do not make erasures or heavy scribble outs, or use white-out. If
you need to change something, draw a single line through it and
write your correction on the next line. Nothing in your notebook
should be obscured.
Update the table of contents each time you use your notebook.
Start the documentation of each new experiment on a fresh page.
During the laboratory period, carry your notebook with you wher-
ever you go and enter data or observations as you have them. Do
not write information on scraps of paper and enter it into your
notebook later.
Photographs, computer printouts, and other data generated by
something other than your pen should be taped into the notebook.
A photocopy can be taped to the duplicate page.
When an experimental write-up is completed, sign and date it.
Cross out any remaining space on the last page with a single diago-
nal line.
Use continuation notes when an experiment requires more than
one page. At the bottom of each page, write “continued on page
___”; at the top of each page, write “continued from page___”.
This is particularly necessary when a single experiment is not
documented on consecutive pages (which often happens when a
new experiment is started before an ongoing one is finished).
Research Papers
A research paper is the currency, the mainstay of
scientific information. This is the place where new results
and ideas are communicated to other scientists. Most of the
facts you learn in a science lecture or textbook are actually
interpretations of data that were first described in the form
of a research paper.
A research paper is essentially an argument. In a re-
search paper, the authors put together various observations
and pieces of data to come to some sort of conclusion. It is
written for other scientists, but, because science encom-
passes many fields, is often written in a way that can be un-
derstood by someone educated in science though not neces-
sarily in the field under study.
The format, style, organization, and level of detail
of research papers vary depending on where they are pub-
lished. Some journals, such as Science and Nature, empha-
size short papers without a lot of primary data. Others,
such as Cell, Genetics, and Genes & Development, are
more complete and thorough. In addition to differences in
length, the organization of the papers varies depending on
the journal. The format described below is a generic one
that is presented as a way to consider each part of a re-
search paper. The particular format you follow will depend
on the nature of the assignment you have or the journal to
which you are submitting a paper.
As a student, you will often be asked to write a re-
search paper as a way to put together experiments that you
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
did and data you gathered as part of a laboratory exercise or
a series of laboratory exercises. Note that this type of as-
signment is different from the laboratory notebook (see
above). While the laboratory notebook emphasizes careful
note taking and observations, the research paper is a chance
to make an argument by synthesizing other studies and your
own experiments.
A research paper has several sections, which are de-
scribed here:
Title. The title of a research paper should be concise; at the
same time it should contain enough information that a
reader can determine the relevance of the paper to their
needs without reading the entire paper. In reports of an ex-
perimental nature, the specific information given in the title
should include the factors being manipulated and the effects
of responses being measured. An example of a self-
explanatory title containing the above three elements would
be, “Ultraviolet light induces apoptosis via direct activation
of Fas/APO-1, independent of CD95L.” Avoid cryptic ti-
tles such as “A Lab Report” or “Enzyme Action.” Such ti-
tles give little or no information as to the content of the
Another way to think about a good title is to put
yourself in the position of a researcher who is going to
search a database of scientific literature (e.g., PubMed) using
key words to find articles of interest.
Authors. When considering authorship on any paper, the
contribution of ideas, materials, experimental results, and
the work of writing of the article must all be taken into
consideration. In the case of a research paper based on ex-
periments you do as part of a laboratory exercise for a class,
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
you are the first author by virtue of doing all the writing and
a large amount of laboratory work to produce the data. The
second author is your laboratory partner. The last author on
your paper is your TF, acting as the Principal Investigator.
The other students in your section have provided additional
data for your article and thus should be after your lab part-
ner and before your TF, as scientists who have collaborated
in your efforts.
Abstract. This portion of your article should be a summary
of your entire report. Without including specific details or
references to figures or other studies, provide background,
state the principal objectives of your study, describe the
methods used, list your most important results and state
what you can conclude from them. Similar to the research
paper itself, the Abstract should ask and answer a question.
In addition, it should be able to stand on its own as a sum-
mary of the research; if the rest of the paper were missing,
the abstract should still be comprehensible to a reader un-
familiar with the study. Although it comes first, the abstract
should be the last thing you write, which will allow you to
simply extract key points that you have already written in
the body of the report and will ensure that you do not in-
clude any information in the abstract that is not in your re-
search article. An abstract is typically between 150 and 500
words in length.
Introduction. The Introduction should provide a context for
the topic under study and give the reader the background
necessary to understand the rest of the report. As a result,
the background will usually be based on previously pub-
lished material (which must be properly cited). In addition
to establishing the context of the problem, the Introduction
should provide a concise statement of the problem or goal
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
of the project and a description of the experimental ap-
proach(es) used to answer those questions.
Note that an Introduction differs from a Review of
a particular topic. While a Review typically covers a topic in
detail, the goal of an Introduction is to provide context to
understand the question you are asking or the system you
are studying. In essence, the Introduction should build to
your experimental question. This can be done by describing
what is known about a particular topic, to be sure that the
reader understands the system, but also considers what is
not known or where there is room for additional work.
Materials and Methods. This section describes the specific de-
tails of your experiments. As a result, it must provide
enough information about the techniques you used to allow
the reader to both judge whether the data justify your con-
clusions and, if desired, replicate your experiments. It is al-
ways written in the past tense, as it describes exactly what
you did. For example, “The plates were incubated overnight
at 37°C.
This portion of a research paper is usually divided
into sections labeled with the appropriate subheadings to
indicate a specific method (i.e., PCR or Western Blotting).
Usually these subheadings are arranged chronologically
based on the order of the experimental results presented in
the Results section. DO NOT present/discuss your results
in this portion of the article, it is meant to be a “how to”
guide to your experiments.
How much detail is required? You should provide
sufficient detail so that a reader could order the materials
you used and replicate the experiment. If a published ac-
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
count is already available (for example, bacterial transforma-
tion, PCR, sequencing), the technique itself need not be de-
scribed in detail again, but you must provide enough infor-
mation about how you performed the experiment so that it
can be independently replicated in another laboratory (for
example, in a discussion of PCR, you must provide infor-
mation about the primers and thermal cycling conditions
used, but you do not need to describe how PCR is done). In
addition, for all experiments, the name and manufacturer of
reagents (including enzymes, bacterial strains, kits, columns,
etc.) and relevant instrumentation must be provided. This
section should also include sample sizes or number of repli-
cations, strain and plasmid names, and other factors known
to affect the particular experiment (e.g., temperature, pH,
Results. In this section, you objectively present the results of
your work through descriptive text, figures, and tables. In
essence, you are reporting what you observed in each ex-
periment. Briefly state what you did in the experiment, leav-
ing out the plethora of details you included in the Materials
and Methods section, describe the key result, and indicate
the figure or table containing the supporting data. Remem-
ber that the essence of good scientific writing lies in its or-
ganization and the distillation of critical results. Refer to the
figures and tables parenthetically. This will help you avoid
bogging down your writing with a lot of extra words and it
will help to keep the reader focused on your key points. In
addition, you should avoid explaining every detail of every
figure. It is far better to direct the reader to a specific por-
tion of the figure that gives the best demonstration of what
you claim is your result. The first one or two sentences of
each new paragraph of results should be a transitional
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
statement that explains the logic of why, based on the last
experiment, you went on to do the next experiment. Finally,
you should avoid drawing conclusions or inferences about
the results in this section; save that for the discussion.
Figures and Tables. Figures and tables provide ways to display
primary data, such as a photograph of a gel or a Southern
blot or a list of numerical data. Each figure and table should
be accompanied by a legend. A well-written legend provides
enough information about the figure or table that the expert
reader (for example, a scientist in a related field) could un-
derstand the experimental results by simply looking at the
figure or table and reading the legend. In other words, fig-
ures and tables are independent units that can be under-
stood without reference to the text. Try this out by going to
any journal article and “reading” it by simply glancing at the
figures and tables. Note that every figure and table should
be referenced in the text.
Discussion. This is the portion of your article where you in-
terpret the results in the context of what is known in the
field. The first paragraph should summarize what you be-
lieve to be your most important results and what you believe
are the best conclusions based on your findings. Then, you
may go on to discuss those conclusions in the broader sci-
entific context (i.e., compare them to what has been re-
ported by others in the same area of biology). Discuss the
implications of your data and propose future experiments
to address unanswered questions. It is important to ac-
knowledge deviations in your data, compared to the results
you expected, and explain why those deviations may exist.
References. This final section lists all of the references you
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
cited in the research paper. Every paper you cite in the text
should have a corresponding reference in the References
section and vice versa. The specific format of the in-text
citations and the references listed in this section of the re-
search paper varies depending on the particular journal or
assignment. Two rules of thumb always apply, however:
Follow whatever format is suggested or required.
This ensures that the references are formatted in a
consistent fashion throughout your paper.
Watch the details of the suggested format. If a
comma is written after the volume number, this
means that a comma is required, not a colon, not a
Additional information about citing references can be found
in Chapter III.
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
FAQs on Writing Research Papers
What is the difference between the Re-
sults section and the Discussion section?
Think of it this way: R = Report. As a
general rule, you should not present any
interpretation or draw any conclusions in
this portion of your article. D = discuss.
The Discussion section is the appropri-
ate place to make conclusions and state
your interpretation of the data you have
presented. It is your job to consider all
possible interpretations before present-
ing one, which you think, is the best.
What types of materials do I need to
cite in my reference section?
All printed material that you use as a
resource to produce your research pa-
per should be included in your refer-
ences. This includes your class source-
book, websites, review articles, books,
and all primary research literature.
FAQs on Writing Research Papers
What is the appropriate length for each
section of the article?
The abstract is the only section that has
a pre-defined length, but often there is a
word limit for the article as a whole.
If the word limit is 9,000, the lengths of
each section may be something like the
following: 300-400 words in the Ab-
stract, 1,400 words in the M&Ms, and
1,000 words for your references. This
gives you a remainder of ~ 6,000 to use
for your Introduction, Results, and Dis-
cussion. As a rule of thumb, these sec-
tions should be about equal lengths,
leaving you 2,000 words for each.
Research and Grant Proposals
A research or grant proposal is one of the more dif-
ficult kinds of writing assignments you will encounter as a
student. In addition to understanding the basic components
of a research paper (described above), a research proposal
requires an additional step. It requires that you ask an origi-
nal question, develop a reasonable hypothesis or hypotheses,
and then come up with a plan for testing that hypothesis or
set of alternative hypotheses in the form of an experiment
or a series of experiments. If you are writing a real grant
proposal, you will eventually do the experiments you de-
scribe. If you are writing a research proposal for a class, you
are usually not expected to do the experiment or collect any
data. Nevertheless, the feasibility of the proposed project is
often considered in the evaluation of any proposed project.
If you are writing a real grant proposal, it pays off to do
some research into the kinds of proposals that are success-
ful with a particular funding agency before you start think-
ing of the questions that you would like to answer. Some
agencies give high points for novelty and creativity while
others may prefer proposals that are sound but low-risk.
This information may be easily obtained from your advisor
or by contacting successful applicants. Usually, these indi-
viduals are very helpful and will answer any questions you
may have. You can ask to read some of their past proposals.
Unless there is a conflict of interest, most grant awardees
will be very open to sharing information.
A major challenge of this type of assignment is
coming up with a question. This step is difficult because the
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
question has to be one that has not been asked before or
one that not been fully answered. In addition, the question
has to be answerable in the context of a feasible experiment
or a set of experiments. Fortunately, there are places to turn
to for help. Keep in mind that questions do not come out of
a vacuum. A good place to start is your advisor. A knowl-
edgeable advisor with expertise in a given field of science
will be an invaluable source of guidance. This person can
direct you to the questions that are currently unanswered
within a particular field. Alternatively, he/she may suggest
areas of study that have received little or no attention and
therefore make them ideal for a proposal. If you prefer a
more independent approach or if you are writing a proposal
for a class, you can read several papers in your field of in-
terest before coming up with a question. Most papers sug-
gest follow-up experiments in the discussion section. An-
other good source for a good question is a current review
paper. Reviews are written by experts in a given field and
they often suggest areas that need more study or questions
that remain to be answered.
The format of a research proposal is very impor-
tant, especially if you are submitting it for funding. Every
funding agency expects that submitted proposals be format-
ted in a very specific way. These guidelines are strictly en-
forced. A funding agency will turn down a proposal that is
not properly formatted. You will also loose points from
class assignments if you have not followed directions for
the layout. Therefore, be sure to follow whatever guidelines
are given to you for a class assignment or for a granting
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
The text of a research proposal is typically double-
spaced, written in a 12-point standard font (Times Roman,
Century), 15 cpi (characters per inch), with one-inch mar-
gins on all sides.
Make your proposal reader-friendly. You may occa-
sionally use bold or italics to highlight important points. Use
headers to organize your proposal. You should indent para-
graphs, and unless absolutely unavoidable, skip a line be-
tween paragraphs.
The final proposal is comprised of several sections
including the following:
Title Page (optional)
Abstract or Summary
Hypotheses and Aims
Background and Significance
Preliminary Results (if any)
Detailed Aims (research design and methods)
Anticipated Results
The sections in a proposal are distinct from those in a re-
search paper, and these will be discussed in more detail be-
Title Page. Proposals for class assignments often require a
Title Page. The Title Page contains the title as well as identi-
fying information, such as your name, campus address, and
contact information. The Title Page for most funding agen-
cies is given in a pre-printed format where you need to fill in
your information. For both kinds of proposals, the title
should be a clear, concise, and accurate description of the
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
goals proposed, while containing enough information so
that a potential reader can get the main point of the pro-
posal. Only the first of the three titles, shown on the next
page, is specific and direct enough to alert a potential reader
to the subject of the paper.
Abstract or Summary. In the Abstract, key elements of the
paper are mentioned. It should serve as a proposal “adver-
tisement;” that is, be simple, interesting and accurate. In the
Abstract, you should do the following:
provide context for your proposal;
introduce the model system you will be using, and
why it was chosen to answer the questions pro-
state your hypothesis.
outline your aims and briefly describe the experi-
mental methods to be used and expected results of
each aim.
explain the relevance of accomplishing the pro-
posed research and how it fits within the larger pic-
ture. In other words, how will your research affect
other areas?
A Comparison of Three Sample Titles
The Process of Nuclear Import Requires Recognition
of a Nuclear Localization Signal by α-Importin
Not Effective:
Importins Assist Entry into the Nucleus
How Proteins Enter the Nucleus
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
The abstract or summary should be able to stand on
its own without reference to the rest of the Research Pro-
posal. Typically, there is a word-limit for this section, such as
250 words. Although this section appears first to the reader,
it is best to save writing it until the end. A good Abstract
reflects the entire proposal.
Hypotheses and Aims. It is a good idea to introduce the reader
to your hypotheses and aims as early as possible. This sec-
tion should be brief (one-half to one page long). Funding
agencies are increasingly requiring that proposals be
hypothesis-driven. Even if what you are proposing to do is
more of an exploratory nature (such as a genetic screen or
microarray experiment), you should frame it within the con-
text of a testable hypothesis. Your hypothesis should guide
the research. Consider the examples provided below. In the
first example, the hypothesis is clearly stated. In the second,
it is less clear; after reading it, the question remaining is
“why?” You should be thorough and state your hypothesis
You should also include your aims or goals in this
section. Your aims should each have a brief description (1
or 2 sentences) of the methodology you propose to use and
how the results will be used to test the hypothesis. The
number of aims is usually dependent on the amount of
time needed to complete the entire project. Short proposals
(i.e., summer research) should have one or two aims. Longer
proposals (1-3 years) can have up to 3-4 aims. All aims
should be related to the hypothesis, and they should be at-
tainable and within your expertise level. You may choose to
draw attention to your hypothesis and aims by highlighting
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
(indent or use italics) those sentences. Most reviewers will
greatly appreciate this time saver.
Sample Hypotheses
I propose to use molecular systematics to test the hy-
pothesis that two species of the Pan troglodytes clade (P.t.
troglodytes and P.t.verus) are able to interbreed success-
Not Effective:
I propose to study the genetic and environmental deter-
minants for key pathways of folate metabolism during
human development.
Background and Significance. This section provides context for
the research by providing background information on the
questions being addressed. This section requires a good and
succinct literature review. Include appropriate citations and
all relevant information. You should state the rationale be-
hind your proposal and why it is important to answer your
specific question. The length of this section varies. If you
do not have preliminary results of your own, this section
should highlight any research done by others that supports
the rationale of your proposal. For short proposals (1-2
pages), this section can be brief and included in the above
Preliminary Results. When available, include work you may
have done that is relevant to the project. In this section you
may include Figures and Tables that show your work. You
should refer to the figures within the text (e.g., Figure #).
The purpose of this section (when available) is to support
the feasibility of the proposed project.
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
Detailed Aims. Include here the specific methods you will use
to accomplish your aims. Describe here the experiments will
you need to carry out to accomplish your proposed goals or
aims. Also describe the logic and design behind each ex-
periment proposed. You should include enough detailed
information for the reader to understand the methodology,
but do not give excessive information (i.e., materials used).
Consider your experiments carefully – does it really test the
hypothesis? What will the outcome tell you? If proposing a
new approach, discuss why it improves on current methods
used. Try to identify any pitfalls in your experiments and
discuss how this will be circumvented.
Anticipated Results. The name of this section sometimes mis-
leads students. Under this heading, you should consider all
of the possible outcomes of your study, not just those you
anticipate. In other words, you should consider all the out-
comes that you are able to anticipate. The point of this ex-
ercise is to think through the design of your experiment.
Will your experiment give outcomes that are interpretable?
How likely is each of the outcomes? For each possible re-
sult, you should discuss how you would interpret it and how
it would allow you to discriminate among your hypotheses.
Will you be able to meet the goals you set out in your Intro-
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
In addition, you should consider how your antici-
pated findings would change the way we think about the
topic and how they fit in the context of the field. This is
also the place where you should address potential shortcom-
ings or limitations of your proposed study. You are also
welcome in this section to speculate on the generality of
your findings and suggest new or follow-up questions or
experiments that might stem from your work.
Alternative methods should be included for experimen-
tal approaches that may appear risky (not been previously
used). It is particularly important to provide alternative
methods when the outcome of any aim (i.e., protein purifi-
cation) is a prerequisite to others (i.e., characterization).
The description of the alternative approach should not
shadow the initial method proposed. Instead, it should be
included as a concise description that strengthens the viabil-
ity of the project.
References. Provide a reference for each in-text citation. Be
sure to follow the suggested format. If not specified, the
use of numbered citations is recommended to save space.
Appendices. Any supplemental material, such as photographs
or enlarged figures, should be included in the Appendix. Do
not use this section to include essential material not in-
cluded in the proposal because of a page limit. Include ta-
bles and figures only if they add to or complement the de-
scriptive text. For example, a figure is sometimes useful to
describe a complicated experimental apparatus or biological
model. A table is sometimes helpful if your experiment has
many variables or many possible outcomes. Tables and fig-
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
ures are placed in that order at the end of the document,
after the References.
A Few Final Tips about Research Proposals
Be objective in your language: test hypotheses, do
not try to prove them.
Discuss your paper with classmates or anyone who
is willing to listen. Talking about your ideas often
helps to clarify them and others may catch errors
that you might have overlooked.
In addition to consulting published materials, feel
free to talk to experts in the field of your proposal,
whether they are from Harvard or elsewhere.
Edit your proposal after you have completed the
entire first draft. Editing a proposal before submis-
sion is essential. When submitting a proposal to a
funding agency, get feedback from different men-
tors. You want to receive feedback in every aspect of
the paper, including the science, grammar and or-
Be open to receiving criticism; this will only im-
prove the quality of your final proposal. You should
reply graciously to all reviewers’ comments and ad-
dress their concerns if resubmission of the pro-
posal is necessary.
! A review gives you the opportunity to explore a
topic in depth. You get a chance to read the primary scien-
tific literature, teach yourself a topic, synthesize informa-
tion, and put it all together in the form of an essay. Some
students confuse a review with a book report, thinking that
the point is simply to report what is known about a given
subject or to summarize four or five journal articles in a
given field. This is not the case. A review is in fact a creative
exercise. A good review not only conveys what you have
read and learned, but also takes the next step and comes up
with an angle or argument that extends what you have read.
What does it mean to take the next step? In this case, it
means to evaluate what you have read, synthesize informa-
tion from various sources, and then come up with a new
way of looking at a field. You may put together information
in a new way, compare and contrast different pieces of in-
formation, explore relationships, or analyze and evaluate
primary data. Whatever you choose to do, you should try to
analyze and evaluate, not report and list.
Your goal, in other words, is to make a point, to
come up with a thesis statement. A thesis statement is sim-
ply an argument that you propose and then use evidence to
back up. You will recall working on thesis statements in Ex-
pos. The thesis statement here is no different. It is a chance
to make an original proposal or argument. The strength of
this argument will depend on your ability to back it up with
evidence from the literature, anticipating and responding to
potential objections and counter-arguments, and the organi-
zation and structure of your writing.
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
Coming up with a thesis statement is not easy. You
normally begin with a topic, something you want to explore,
not a thesis statement. As you read articles and learn about
your topic, start taking notes:
Is something not clear to you?
Do different authors report conflicting data?
Do you think it would be interesting to bring to-
gether two areas that were previously thought to be
What is particularly interesting about a given topic?
Is one approach radically different from another?
Are there assumptions that run through many dif-
ferent experiments?
The answers to any of these questions can serve as a germ
of a thesis statement.
Of course, to be convincing, you have to find sup-
port for your thesis statement. Be sure that for the angle
you choose to take, you can support it with examples from
the primary scientific literature. Remember, your goal is to
try to convince your reader of the point you are making,
and you cannot convince your reader without a good deal of
A review gives you the opportunity to read papers
from the primary literature. This is not an easy task and is
therefore discussed more fully in Chapter VI. Reading pri-
mary research papers can be difficult, but it is an essential
part of being a scientist. It is in a research paper where pri-
mary data are reported. You should begin to get used to
looking at primary data yourself and coming up with your
own interpretations. After all, this is the task of a scientist.
What you read in a textbook, what is presented in lecture,
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
what is discussed in a Discussion section of a paper is the
result of a distillation process. Someone has looked at the
data and come to some kind of interpretation. While most
data are real and objective, interpretations are not. Reading
the primary scientific literature gives you the chance to look
at data for yourself and form your own opinions and inter-
pretations. Were the experiments well designed? Is there an
important control that is missing? Were the experiments
replicated a sufficient number of times? Are the conclusions
sound? Do the interpretations go beyond the data? These
are the types of questions that you should be asking your-
self as you read the primary literature.
Writing a good review, then, relies on the two as-
pects of writing that were emphasized in Expository Writ-
ing: argument and evidence. You should begin such an exer-
cise by choosing a topic and then researching it. After read-
ing several papers, see if something stands out or might
work as a thesis statement. Keep reading and find out if
your thesis statement holds up. Then begin writing. Some
people like to begin by writing an outline to organize all of
their thoughts and information. Others prefer to write
quickly and then go back and carefully revise their work.
Whatever your approach, you will want to pay particular
attention to the first paragraph, in which the direction of
your paper and the nature of the problem you want to ad-
dress are clearly stated. Once you state your case, you will
want to support it and build it carefully. Use the information
you have collected to make a point, to build an argument.
Writing a review is like taking a photograph. When
you take a photograph, you are looking at something that is
already out there and capturing it on film. While the result-
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
ing image is a representation in most cases of the real
world, the photographer does play a creative role. The pho-
tographer chooses what to include and what not to include,
how to frame the image, what to bring to the foreground
and what to place in the background, whether an image is
clear or out-of-focus, the amount of light and darkness. In a
similar way, the reviewer takes what is out there and distills
it through his or her own writing to create something new
and original.
Critiques of Scientific Papers
A common assignment in an undergraduate course
involves reading one or two papers (either a review and a
primary paper, or two primary research papers) and then
writing a critique. When dealing with all of the data and de-
tails presented in a primary paper, it is very easy to write an
unfocused, poorly structured paper.
When writing a critique, it is essential that you write
your paper as if you are giving a presentation or lecture
about the topic. You probably would not begin a lecture
with a critique of the methods used by a particular research
group. Instead, you would likely start by providing some
broad background information, strategically working your
way into the details of your presentation. If your presenta-
tion included a critique of the work, you would present the
critique only after having provided a solid foundation for
understanding your critique. And of course, you would end
with a well-crafted conclusion.
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
You should structure your paper similarly. Begin
with a broad introduction: what is the overall field or topic
being addressed? What specific question(s) are the authors
investigating? What is the main hypothesis of the authors?
Continue with your written presentation, describing how the
authors test their hypothesis (what is their experimental ap-
proach?). Only include specific details about the methods if
those details are later necessary for the reader to understand
or evaluate a specific point you wish to make. Then provide
your critique at the end, after you have explained all the
relevant details to the reader. Finally, end with a conclusion
that ties your points together.
Writing for the General Public
! Writing for a general audience, sometimes called
science journalism, presents a special challenge. While a full
discussion of this important area is beyond the scope of
this Guide, we include a brief consideration of this type of
writing here for a few reasons. First, you are likely to en-
counter at least one such writing assignment as an under-
graduate science major, so having a few pointers might be
helpful. Second, writing for a general audience can help you
sharpen your thinking skills and, in the process, your writing
skills. After all, if you can explain a result or research paper
to someone else, you probably understand it well. Third,
and perhaps most importantly, keeping lines of communica-
tion open between scientists and nonscientists is becoming
increasingly important as such issues as stem cells, cloning,
nanotechnology, global warming, and the like enter the pub-
lic arena. In this way, writing for a general audience can be
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
thought of as less of a task and more of a responsibility of
There are aspects of writing for a general audience
that are shared with other forms of writing. For example,
writing for a general audience requires that you know your
audience. At times you need to understand how to summa-
rize, at times simplify, at times explain to get scientific ideas
across. You need to understand when you can avoid techni-
cal language, as well as when a key term cannot be left out
but needs to be explained. You need to understand what
background you need to provide and what knowledge can
be assumed. Knowing your audience is a key aspect of any
sort of writing, even research papers. In this case, you need
to keep in mind whether your audience is general, from any
field of science, such as when you write for journals such as
Science or Nature, or more specialized, as is the case for
readers of Genetics or Animal Behaviour. The kind of
words you use and the amount of background your provide
will vary depending on who you expect to read your paper.
In addition, writing for a general audience is an ex-
cellent exercise in summarizing. Often we are asked, when
writing for a general audience, to explain an exciting new
result or discovery. To do this, we need to fill in the back-
ground, describe the key experiment, and convey the major
result, all in a relatively small amount of space. Understand-
ing what to include and what to leave out and how to sim-
plify a complicated idea or apparatus is often key to a good
piece for a general audience.
While there is no one way to write for a general
audience, there is a certain style that often shows up in this
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
form of writing. For example, the paragraphs tend to be
short, shorter than you are probably used to in scientific or
expository writing. Technical words are often avoided. Im-
portant terms that cannot be avoided are carefully ex-
plained. Finally, writing for a general audience often begins
with a “lead” or “hook,” something that is written in a way
to grab the reader. For example, the hook may be a simple,
dramatic statement of a finding, a narrative, or a twist or
surprise from what is expected. However you open a piece
for a general audience, and however you write it, you will
want to keep the piece moving and your reader interested.
Try not to get bogged down in technical explanations or
lengthy descriptions, unless it works for the story you are
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter II
Chapter III
Writing Strategies
The beautiful part of writing is that you don't have
to get it right the first time, unlike, say, a brain surgeon.
Robert Cormier
Revising and Editing
! Writing is really more about revising than about
writing. Revising is such an essential aspect of writing that it
warrants special consideration here. Seldom, if ever, do any
of us write a first draft and then feel that we are done with a
written assignment. Written material is reworked, reorgan-
ized, reworded, removed, and rewritten before it really starts
to make sense. How you write and subsequently revise a
paper can be a very individual process. Some people like to
get out ideas quickly, without much attention to detail or
organization, and then take the time to rework it into a co-
herent argument. Others prefer to write more deliberately,
taking time and thought with each sentence, even each
word, and then spend less time going back over their work.
Your approach to the first draft will inform how you end up
revising. Nevertheless, there are a few general guidelines
that are applicable to any writing style that are worth sharing
One important point to keep in mind is that every-
one can benefit from revising. We are increasingly accus-
tomed in our society to seeing or doing something once and
then moving on. We watch a television show and then turn
the television off; we pick up the paper and move quickly
from one article to the next; our nightly news is chopped up
into increasingly smaller pieces. Writing is different. We
need to spend time with the material, think it through, re-
visit it a number of times, and grapple with the ideas before
we can expect to have anything close to a finished work. It
is always worth spending this time, even if we are not used
to it.
Rewriting serves at least two complementary pur-
poses. The first is obvious; rewriting improves your writing
by making sure that you are paying attention to key elements
such as content, organization, and style. The second may be
less obvious; rewriting helps to clarify your thinking on a
subject. It is often the very act of writing, of putting
thoughts down on paper, that challenges us to make sure we
understand something. And in the act of rewriting, we make
sure that the arguments are clear, well supported, and pre-
sented in an organized manner.
There are a variety of ways to go about rewriting
and one way is not better than another. One strategy for
rewriting is to go about it in two phases. In the first phase,
pay attention to the major elements of writing: What is the
argument? Is it stated clearly? Is the argument well struc-
tured? Is the paper well organized? Do the ideas flow easily?
Is the argument well supported? Am I using the best evi-
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter III
dence? In other words, this is the time to pay attention to
such broad issues as argument, content, cohesiveness, and
organization. The second, narrower phase occurs once the
major elements are in place. Go back and consider some of
the details, including elements of grammar, word choice,
spelling, and the like. This two-phase approach emphasizes
that rewriting does not mean simply going over the paper
for spelling mistakes. Rewriting involves looking at what you
have written and making sure you are saying what you want
to say.
Here are a few basic guidelines to keep in mind as
you revise your own papers:
Consider going through at least three drafts as you
revise; four to five drafts are not unreasonable.
Try reading your paper aloud. Sometimes listening
to your written work is the clearest way to spot
problem areas, difficulties with logic, and grammar
Do not be afraid to make major changes to your
work. While sometimes it is hard to discard hard-
won sentences or reorganize a beloved passage, keep
in mind that your ultimate goal is to put together a
coherent, well-articulated paper. If a word, sentence,
or passage is not working, or if the organization
does not serve the argument, a major change may be
just the thing.
Print out your paper. In the editing and revising
process, it is often useful to see several pages at
once and not be confined to what fits within the
limited space of a computer screen.
Be aware of and address your writing weaknesses.
By the time you reach college, you hopefully have
had enough feedback on your writing to at least
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter III
have some idea of your strengths and weaknesses.
Knowing your weaknesses and rewriting with an eye
towards these is very helpful. If you know you have
trouble with transitions, ask yourself whether each
paragraph flows easily to the next. If you have been
told that you rely too heavily on secondary sources,
ask yourself if you have used and cited the best
primary evidence. In other words, know and explic-
itly address problems that you know you have.
Realize that your computer spell-check will not
catch all of your spelling mistakes. For example, it
will not pick up words that are misspelled but be-
come other words, such as is/if or deaf/dear. It also
does not do a very good job with technical words,
sometimes even automatically changing a correct
word to something entirely inappropriate.
Come at your paper with a fresh eye. The word “re-
vise” after all means to see again, and it is hard to
see something again without a bit of time between
drafts. This often means leaving your paper for a day
or two and then returning it. Of course, to do this
means completing one or two drafts well in advance
of the due date. While this may be difficult, such
planning often pays off in terms of being able to
get some distance from your work.
Seek help from the peer tutors at the Harvard Writ-
ing Center (Appendix) or from your House aca-
demic writing tutor (if your house has one).
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter III
Evaluation of Student Writing
! The evaluation of student writing in the sciences
follows many of the same criteria used to assess student
writing in general. Criteria for five elements of writing are
most emphasized by the Expository Writing Program in the
evaluation of student writing, and it is useful to be aware of
these, not just for the sake of improving your grade, but
because they reflect basic elements of good writing. These
elements are the following:
Thesis: Is there a main argument in the paper? Is it
clearly stated? Is it interesting and complex? Is it
well argued throughout the paper?
Structure: Is the paper organized clearly? Is it easy
to understand the main point of the paper, the main
point of each section, the main point of each para-
graph? Does the order of the overall argument
make sense? Is it easy to follow? Are there appropri-
ate transitions linking the various ideas?
Evidence and Sources: Does the paper give support-
ing evidence for each of its points? Does the paper
suggest that the writer has a good grasp of the sub-
ject matter and the field in general? Has the paper
missed any obvious or important pieces of evi-
dence? Is the evidence properly attributed and is the
reference information correct and properly cited?
Analysis: Is there enough analysis of the evidence?
Is the analysis appropriate? Are the conclusions
Style: Is the style appropriate for the assignment and
the audience? Is the paper concise and to the point?
Are sentences clear and grammatically correct? Is
the paper free of spelling and proofreading errors?
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter III
These five elements apply to writing in general as
well as to writing in the sciences, so it is useful to keep them
in mind in your own writing.
Common Mistakes in Scientific Writing
! Certain mistakes show up repeatedly in student writ-
ing. Here, we have compiled the most common writing mis-
takes that we have found. They are worth paying attention
to, as getting these details right will allow the reader to focus
on what you want to say, without being distracted by simple,
avoidable errors. While some of these pertain to writing in
the sciences, many are relevant to writing in any field.
Formatting Conventions
Pages should be numbered; the first page usually
does not have a number because it is understood
that it is page one.
Avoid series of parentheses, such as: (Davis
1999)(Figure 1). Combine the information: (Davis
1999; Figure 1).
In-text citations are always inside end punctuation:
“…higher fitness (Lewontin 1976).” Not “…higher
fitness. (Lewontin 1976)”
Each in-text literature citation must have a full cita-
tion in the References section and vice versa.
Figures and tables should be numbered in the order
they appear in the text.
Figures should be cited as (Figure 1) or (Fig. 1), not
(see Figure 1) nor (see Figure 1 attached), etc. The
same rules apply for references to tables.
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter III
During the publication process, figures (photos and
graphs) are usually scanned or photographed and
added to the layout in the appropriate place. All text,
including figure captions and tables, are word proc-
essed and added to the layout as text, not as a
graphic. For this reason, figure captions should be
listed on a single sheet (the last page of text before
the figures), and the figures should be camera-ready
with no captions on the same piece of paper (letters
and numbers in the figure will become a graphic
element). Note that, while it is important to layout a
table so that it is easy to interpret, journals will re-
format tables to conform to their standard table
If you use an abbreviation, you should define it after
its first use in the paper. For example, “The vo-
meronasal organ (VNO)....” After this, simply use
Scientific Usage Rules and Conventions
Gene names and their abbreviations, as well as Latin
words and their abbreviations, should be in italics:
e.g., ultrabithorax, ubx, ergo, in situ, et al., etc. Note that
some journals choose to ignore these rules.
“Data” is the plural of “datum.” Therefore, “…the
data were collected….” not, “the data was col-
The plural of species is species; the plural of genus
is genera.
The word “prove” is generally avoided outside of
mathematics. In science, you cannot prove a hy-
pothesis. The best you can hope for is that your hy-
pothesis is supported by the data, or that your data
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter III
are consistent with your hypothesis. If an idea re-
peatedly stands up to experimental scrutiny and is
consistently not disproved, then it becomes rele-
gated to the status of a theory, such as the Theory
of Evolution or the Chromosome Theory of In-
Be careful of attributing intent to organisms when
talking or writing about evolution. Birds did not
evolve wings in order to fly. Natural selection does
not work with a particular goal in mind, such as
flight. Instead, it works through random variation
followed by differential survival and reproduction.
While suggesting that birds evolved wings in order
to fly is a convenient shorthand, it misses the fun-
damental principle of evolution by natural selection.
Be aware of tense. The results of others are usually
discussed in the past tense, “Smith and colleagues
(1998) found that….” The Methods section of a
research paper is also written in the past tense (it has
already been done by the time the paper is being
written). However, the results section of a paper is
written in present tense. Grant proposals describe
procedures that have not yet been done, and should
be written in future tense.
A scientific name is composed of two words: a ge-
nus name and a species epithet. The first letter of
the generic name is always capitalized and the spe-
cific name is never capitalized. Both words must be
written in italics or underlined. Generic names
should be written out in their first appearance in the
title, abstract, and main text. If they are subse-
quently mentioned in one of these locations, they
may be abbreviated. It is also advisable to mention
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter III
the English name for your critter once or twice. For
example, “Caterpillars of the lycaenid butterfly Jal-
menus evagoras were studied….” Later, “J. evagoras
caterpillars were studied….” While most scientists
know that C. elegans is a nematode worm, it is help-
ful to provide a common name for lesser known
organisms. The generic names of some common
model organisms, e.g., Drosophila and Arabidopsis,
are now used as common names, too. When these
names are written in isolation, they are being used as
common names and are not italicized. In conjunc-
tion with a specific epithet they are scientific names
and must be italicized. A final note: Jalmenus sp. re-
fers to a single unspecified species in the genus Jal-
menus. Jalmenus spp. refers to two or more species in
the genus Jalmenus. Note the use of italics on these
intentionally ambiguous names.
General Comments
“Between” is used for two things; “among” for
three or more. So, “the caterpillars were distributed
among the three plants,” not “the caterpillars were
distributed between the three plants.
Do not use “however” as a conjunction, as “Doxo-
rubicin is a useful chemotherapeutic agent, however
severe cardiotoxicity limits its use.” This sentence is
a run-on. However requires a semicolon or period
preceding it and a comma after it, as “Doxorubicin
is a useful chemotherapeutic agent; however, severe
cardiotoxicity limits its use.” The same holds true
for “therefore.
Be careful with word pairs that are often confused:
that/which, affect/effect, its/it’s, choose/chose,
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter III
advice/advise, accept/except, proceed/precede;
between/among; less/fewer.
The words “who” and “whom” refer to people; they
cannot refer to animals.
It is not appropriate to use first person plural in a
single authored work. For a single authored work,
use “I.” For two or more authors, use “we.
Avoid strings of prepositional phrases: “Several re-
gions of the brain have been implicated in the rec-
ognition of kin,” might be written, “Several brain
regions have been implicated in kin recognition.
Avoid overused expressions and clichés.
Strive for verbal variety; do not begin every sentence
in a paragraph with “I.
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter III
Chapter IV
Using References
The most erroneous stories are those we think we know
best—and therefore never scrutinize or question.
Stephen Jay Gould
Finding References
" If you have tried your hand at any form of scientific
writing, or if you have reached this point in the guide, you
can see that scientific writing makes use of many kinds of
references. Therefore, knowing how to find and cite these
references is key and warrants attention here. In addition to
this chapter, a very useful guide to the use of references is
Harvard’s Writing with Sources (Appendix A), which pro-
vides a more complete treatment of the issues that are
touched upon here.
There are two general kinds of sources that you will
come across in scientific writing: primary sources and sec-
ondary sources. Primary sources report original experi-
ments, data, and ideas. They usually take the form of re-
search articles and can be found in scientific journals, such
as Science, Nature, Cell, Genetics, Animal Behaviour, and
Evolution. Other primary sources that show up less fre-
quently include dissertations, technical reports, and confer-
ence abstracts and papers. Secondary sources, as the name
suggests, are one step away from the primary data. They
include such sources as textbooks, review papers, and arti-
cles in popular science magazines, such as Scientific Ameri-
can, Natural History, and Discover. These are generally writ-
ten for a general audience and summarize many experiments
and papers. Most websites on a scientific topic that you will
encounter summarize experiments and data, and are there-
fore considered secondary sources. However, primary data
are sometimes reported on the web, in which case that web-
site would be considered a primary source. For example,
DNA sequence data are now frequently found on the web.
As you write your own science papers, you will want
to turn increasingly to primary sources. Primary papers de-
scribe experimental methodology and report original data.
Learning how to evaluate an experiment critically and inter-
pret data for yourself is an important aspect of being a sci-
entist (Chapter VI). While the secondary literature is often a
great place to start, you will want to seek out and read the
primary literature on which the secondary sources are based.
So how do you go about finding sources for your
papers? There are two general ways. The first is to follow a
paper trail. Start with the secondary sources, such as your
textbook or a scientific review. These are often heavily cited
and highlight major works in a particular field. From there,
read the primary papers that are referenced. Again, the lit-
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter IV
erature cited section of these primary works will be filled
with additional papers that are relevant to the area you are
exploring. In a short amount of time, you will start seeing
the same reviews and primary articles showing up again and
again, and this will give you an indication that you have
found most of the important or key references on a given
A second, complementary approach is to use com-
puterized, searchable databases. There are several excellent
internet-based databases of science references and you
should begin to familiarize yourself with them. These are
readily searchable, allowing you to type in a subject, key
word, author, or other search term and pull up hundreds, if
not thousands, of references. The challenge of using these
databases, then, is not finding references, but identifying
which ones from the list are most useful to you. Knowing
how to narrow your search is often key in the effective use
of these databases. The most widely used databases in the
biological sciences include Medline, Science Citation Index,
Current Contents, and Biological Abstracts (Appendix A).
These are best accessed through the Harvard University Li-
brary website (http://lib.harvard.edu
), as Harvard has li-
censing agreements that give you access to those that are
otherwise restricted.
When to Cite
" At this point in your education, you are probably
familiar with the basic rules of citation. You know you are
supposed to provide a reference following a direct quotation
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter IV
or when you borrow or make use of another author’s idea.
While these two rules certainly apply to writing in the sci-
ences, they actually do not come up very often. Direct quo-
tations are seldom seen in scientific writing. If you use a
direct quotation, you should think very carefully whether
the exact words are really required, or whether paraphrasing
might be sufficient. In either case, you will need to provide a
reference for the idea or thought. However, a direct quota-
tion in student writing in the sciences often indicates that
the writer did not fully understand what was written. After
all, it takes understanding to be able to paraphrase someone
else’s work. Only use a direct quotation if the particular
words carry significance that cannot be conveyed by para-
Citing comes up most often in scientific writing in
two other scenarios. The first is when you report the results
or conclusions of a particular study. In this case, you can
cite the study as, “Darwin (1859) suggested that evolution
occurs by means of natural selection” or as, “Evolution oc-
curs by means of natural selection (Darwin, 1859).
The second, often overlooked scenario for citing is
when you want to direct the reader to additional reading.
For example, if you write, “T cells are known to be impor-
tant in the immune system,” it is helpful to cite a recent re-
view on the topic or several key recent papers or even an
older, original reference if it is not cited in a recent review.
This kind of citation directs the reader to additional sources
if he/she is interested in pursuing the topic further.
When you cite references in either of these situa-
tions, it is useful to provide the reference or references up-
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter IV
front, at the first mention of the study or idea. In other
forms of writing, the citation is often held to the end of the
paragraph in which you talk about someone else’s ideas or
thoughts, as a way to signal that the entire paragraph relies
on that work. In science, however, the citation is provided
early, following the first sentence, so that a reader familiar
with the study or idea will instantly know what work you are
discussing. Even if the rest of the paragraph continues to
refer to the same study, you do not need to keep repeating
the citation. It is understood that the early citation is the
source under discussion.
How to Cite
" References are cited in two places in scientific writ-
ing, in the text and at the end of the document in a dedi-
cated “References” section. The format of the citations in
these two places is very important. Different journals, fund-
ing agencies, and classes follow different and often idiosyn-
cratic formatting styles. The task is simply to follow the
format that you are provided. So, if you are submitting a
paper to the journal Behavioral Ecology, you should follow the
format of that journal. Most journals have a special “In-
structions to Authors” section on their website that spells
out in detail how to format references. Another approach is
simply to follow the format of the references in a recent
article from that journal. Similarly, if you are submitting a
grant to the National Science Foundation, you should find
and follow those formatting guidelines. Most writing as-
signments for your college classes will also specify a particu-
lar style, either from a journal or another source.
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter IV
Whatever style you are asked to follow, it is impor-
tant to follow it. While this sounds simple, it apparently is
not, as instructors constantly receive incorrectly formatted
references even when explicit directions are given. A
comma does not mean a semicolon, and bold type is not the
same as plain type. For example, the American Psychologi-
cal Association (APA) provides specific formatting guide-
lines for references. A student who was asked to follow
APA guidelines came up with the following incorrect refer-
A. E. Newsome, 1965. “The abundance of red kan-
garoos in central Australia.” Australian Journal of
Zoology. 13: 269-287.
Can you spot all of the formatting errors above? The cor-
rectly formatted APA citation is provided here:
Newsome, A. E. (1965). The abundance of red kan-
garoos in central Australia. Australian Journal of
Zoology, 13, 269-287.
At this point, you might think that this level of de-
tail is trivial at best. However, there are several reasons why
citation format is important. First, as a scientist or physi-
cian, a journal article submission or grant will be returned
unread if the specified format is not followed. Second, fol-
lowing a particular style will ensure that your references are
consistently formatted. Finally, different formatting styles
convey different kinds of information. For instance, the
(author, year) style for in-text citations of APA or Cell pro-
vides information to a reader familiar with a field that a par-
ticular study or work is under discussion. Alternatively, use
of footnotes for in-text citations, as is required for papers in
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter IV
Science or Nature, saves space and allows for multiple refer-
ences to be grouped together.
In summary, while there is no specific format that
should be followed for all of your writing assignments in
the sciences, a few general guidelines apply. First, always fol-
low the format that is suggested in a given writing assign-
ment. The format is usually specified or spelled out in detail;
if so, it is not meant as a vague suggestion, but instead is
intended as an explicit direction. Second, watch details. Dif-
ferent formats and style sometimes differ in small ways – a
comma here, a semicolon there – and part of the task of
following a particular format is just that, to follow the for-
mat. While this might seem like a trivial exercise, the work
of a scientist in part involves writing papers for publication
or grants for funding, where following proper format is
crucial. Third, unless otherwise stated, in-text citations
should normally be in the form of (author(s), year), rather
than in the form of a footnote, since the former conveys a
lot of information to a reader familiar with the topic. Foot-
notes are generally used in scientific writing only when
space is severely limited, which is typically not the case in
student writing assignments.
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter IV
Chapter V
Related Skills
Reading usually precedes writing and the impulse
to write is almost always fired by reading. Reading, the love
of reading, is what makes you dream of becoming a writer.
Susan Sontag
Reading the Scientific Literature
" The scientific literature is a published account of
work done in a particular field and is the predominant way
in which experimental findings are communicated. The sci-
entific literature is comprised of two types of publications:
primary research articles and review articles. Primary re-
search articles are typically written by the group of scientists
that performed the experiment or experiments being de-
scribed and contain background information outlining the
rationale for performing the experiments, details about the
materials and methods used to conduct the experiments, the
results (data) obtained from the experiments, and the
authors’ analysis and interpretation of the experimental
Review articles, on the other hand, contain very little
(if any) experimental data; the purpose of a review article is
to summarize and synthesize the findings of one or more
primary research articles and to put those findings in a
broader context that is accessible to a wider readership. Re-
view articles may or may not be written by the scientist(s)
who performed the experiments, although they are almost
always written by scientists having an expertise in the sub-
ject matter of the article. Review articles often present al-
ternate interpretations of the data reported in a primary ar-
ticle, synthesize data presented in multiple primary research
articles into a single model, and provide suggestions for fur-
ther research in the field.
What about textbooks - are they considered part of
the scientific literature? Not really. Textbooks distill infor-
mation contained in primary research and review articles in
order to present a “broad overview” of a particular subject
– in many cases, a single textbook chapter may distill infor-
mation gathered from hundreds of experiments carried out
over many years! Most textbooks contain very little experi-
mental data and almost never provide a detailed description
of the experimental materials and methods. Although text-
books are extensively reviewed and edited by experts in the
field, they occasionally contain oversimplified models and/
or analyses based primarily on current opinion in a given
field, so you should always keep in mind that textbooks are
not a list of undisputed scientific “facts.”
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter V
It is important to gain experience reading the scien-
tific literature for two reasons. First, the most up-to-date
experimental data and ideas are communicated as primary
research articles and review articles, and so all scientists
must be proficient at reading the scientific literature to stay
current in a particular field. Since these most current find-
ings are not available in textbooks, most scientists use text-
books only as resources for gathering background informa-
tion on topics with which they are unfamiliar.
Second, reading the literature encourages you to
think like a scientist. Since the literature contains actual ex-
perimental data and procedures used to reach conclusions, it
enables you to critically examine the authors’ interpretation
and analysis of the data – do you believe what they are tell-
ing you? By examining the experimental data and under-
standing how the authors reached their conclusions, you are
being exposed to the “thought processes” of a group of
scientists (the authors) and challenging yourself to think like
a scientist.
Because the information contained in a research ar-
ticle is compartmentalized, scientific papers are typically not
read straight through like a novel; reading a scientific paper
is not a unidirectional process. To fully comprehend how
the experiments were carried out, understand the data, and
critically examine the authors’ analysis and interpretation of
those data, you will probably need to flip back-and-forth
between sections and will usually need to read the paper
multiple times.
The ability to effectively read the scientific literature
is a skill that is acquired over time. In this guide we offer
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter V
some suggestions on how to begin reading primary research
articles from the scientific literature (to help you prepare for
an assigned reading, for example).
It is important to note here, there is no single cor-
rect way to read a paper. The manner in which you read a
paper will depend on many factors, including your familiar-
ity with the subject matter and the length and format of the
paper (both of which will vary depending on the journal
where the article was published).
An additional factor that will influence how you
read the paper is knowing what you hope to gain from your
reading. Are you reading the paper out of own interest, for
an assignment in a course, or in order to replicate an ex-
periment that has been described in the literature? Alterna-
tively, perhaps you are gathering background information
for your undergraduate thesis project, preparing for your
Ph.D. dissertation defense, writing a grant application to
fund a research project in your laboratory, or reviewing/
critiquing an article submitted by another scientist prior to
publication. For each of these scenarios, you would proba-
bly read the paper in a different manner, by focusing your
attention on different aspects of the paper.
Below, we offer some suggestions on how to read a
primary research article, assuming that you have little (or
no) experience reading the primary literature and that you
are reading the paper to fulfill an assignment in an under-
graduate biology course. Experienced readers will probably
find they already use some of these techniques, but hope-
fully all additional tips will be useful for further improve-
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter V
Step 1: Read the title and abstract. This step will help you de-
termine if the paper is appropriate for your needs (unless
you have been assigned the paper, of course – then you
have to read it!). Pay particular attention to the following
What hypotheses are the researchers addressing?
How do they test their hypotheses (what is the ex-
perimental design?)
What are the overall findings of the paper?
Do not worry if you cannot answer all of these questions
from reading the abstract alone; you will be able to by the
time you have grappled with the paper a bit.
Step 2: Read the introduction carefully and take notes. A well-
written introduction should lead you directly into the results
section by setting you up to understand the experiments
presented in the paper. If necessary, do some supplemen-
tary reading (you might find it helpful to refer to a textbook
or to papers that are specifically referenced) if you need ad-
ditional background information on the topic(s) discussed
in the paper.
Note that if you are a practicing scientist and if the
paper is in your primary field, you may choose not to read
the introduction because you will be very familiar with the
experiments leading up to the work. However, most stu-
dents should read and understand the introduction, because
it is in the introduction that relevant background informa-
tion is communicated to the reader.
Step 3: Go through the entire paper one figure at a time. The figures
are where the data are presented and are therefore one of
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter V
the most important parts of the paper. Jot down any acro-
nyms you encounter and try to determine what experimen-
tal technique was used to obtain the data presented in each
of the figures (Southern blot, polymerase chain reaction,
Western blot, immunoprecipitation, etc.). This will help
prepare you to read the results and discussion sections. Do
not worry if you do not understand all of the experimental
techniques used in the paper – you will probably understand
them better when you actually read the results and discus-
Note: many scientists “read” the paper simply by
looking at and understanding the figures, reading the ac-
companying text only as necessary to understand the data
presented in the figures. Write notes to yourself about the
data, its significance and any questions you have as you go
through them.
Step 4: Begin reading the results (or results/discussion) section. As
you read the results section, you will frequently come across
parenthetical references to the figures. Carefully examine
the data and text presented in each figure/figure legend as
you read along, supplementing your understanding of the
experiment with the text in the results section, and, if nec-
essary, the materials and methods section. Repeat this proc-
ess for each of the figures in the paper, until you are confi-
dent that you understand the data presented in each figure.
Understanding the figures is so important that a good rule-
of-thumb is that you should be able to draw out the results
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter V
on a blank sheet of paper and be able to explain them to a
friend using plain English words.
You will likely have to flip back-and-forth, gathering
relevant information from the figure legends, materials and
methods, results, and perhaps even the discussion sections
in order to thoroughly understand the data presented in
each of the figures. By the time you have completed this
stage of the reading, you should have defined all of the ac-
ronyms you jotted down when you skimmed through the
paper and you should be familiar with each of the experi-
mental techniques used to collect the data. If not, you
should do some background reading on topics that remain
confusing, utilizing textbooks and online resources (such as
the “books” search engine at the National Center for Bio-
technology Information
Step 5: Read the discussion section. Once you understand the
results reported in the paper, it is time to tackle the discus-
sion section. The text in the discussion section provides the
authors with the opportunity to put their findings in a
broader context: What conclusions can be drawn from the
findings? How do the findings fit within the field as a
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter V
Oral Presentations
Many science classes require some sort of oral pres-
entation that you make to the rest of the class. An oral pres-
entation is usually done to present a scientific paper or re-
view a particular topic. While this is obviously not a writing
assignment, a brief discussion is included here as many of
the same principles apply, including clarity, organization, and
ability to communicate. In addition, if you go on in any
field, be it in science, medicine, business, or teaching, you
will frequently revisit the oral presentation.
There are very few people who have a natural talent
for delivering outstanding presentations. However, plan-
ning, some hard work, and practice can carry the rest of us
to a very good level.
Many students ask whether they should use over-
heads or PowerPoint in their presentations. While you
should follow whatever guidelines are suggested, a useful
rule-of-thumb is that the point of an oral presentation is to
communicate information to others. Therefore, you should
use whatever medium will help you communicate. If Pow-
erPoint will help you get your point across, then use it. If
the blackboard is more effective, then that would be the
route to choose. In other words, the specific medium you
choose is less important than your ability to communicate.
We have probably all seen very effective presentations that
are done without visual aids, as well as PowerPoint slides
that do not add to, and sometimes detract from, the presen-
tation. This section highlights a few things to keep in mind
if you are asked to present a scientific paper to the rest of
your class.
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter V
Initial planning. This is a key step. What sort of talk is it?
How long is supposed to be? Who is your audience? What
information are you expected to convey? Be sure you are
clear on these points before moving on to the next steps.
Read the paper. If you are asked to summarize a paper, take
time to read it carefully, paying particular attention to the
central question and hypothesis, methodology, results, and
how the paper fits in the overall theme of what you are cov-
ering in class. You will probably need to read the paper sev-
eral times, first to get the general questions and ideas, and
then to understand the details. Sometimes it is important to
look up, read, and discuss a key paper or two that preceded
the paper you are presenting, particularly if your paper di-
rectly follows in the scientific footsteps of previous work.
Preparing the presentation. Once you understand the paper and
know what you want to say, you will have to decide how to
say it. Unlike a conversation, an oral presentation is a one-
shot attempt to convey information and make a point. It is
essential that your talk be well organized and that your
points are presented to the audience in a logical sequence.
One example of a logical sequence for the presentation of a
scientific paper is to describe the background, question(s),
hypothesis, methods, results, and significance of the data.
Paying attention to these elements, in this order, is often
useful as a way to organize the presentation and communi-
cate the paper. It is often helpful to include a presentation
of at least one key figure from the paper. This demonstrates
that you understand the one or two key findings of the pa-
per and it is also a good chance to for you to explain and
interpret a figure, designate axes, describe the figure’s sig-
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter V
nificance (or lack thereof), etc. It is often more effective to
present the figure on an overhead, PowerPoint, or black-
board rather than have the students all refer to it in a hand-
out so you can describe it to the class. Finally, be sure not to
get lost in the details. While some level of detail is impor-
tant, be cautious about explaining every detail in the context
of a 15-20 minute presentation. Timeliness is at least as im-
portant as thoroughness in this context.
Visual Aids. Many students ask whether they should use
overheads or PowerPoint in their presentations. While you
should follow whatever guidelines are suggested, remember
that the point of an oral presentation is to communicate
information to others. Therefore, you should use whatever
medium will help you communicate. If PowerPoint will help
you get your point across, then use it. If the blackboard is
more effective, then that would be the route to choose. In
other words, the specific medium you choose is less impor-
tant than your ability to communicate. We have probably all
seen very effective presentations that are done without vis-
ual aids, as well as PowerPoint slides that do not add to, and
sometimes detract from, the presentation.
Questions. Sometimes, depending on the context and assign-
ment, a nice way to end an oral presentation is with a class
discussion. Prepare a list of relevant questions that you
think will stimulate a discussion. Open-ended questions are
far more useful for generating discussion than questions
that quiz everyone on the factual details of the paper. Many
interesting discussions result from connecting information
and concepts from other disciplines, such as neurobiology,
biochemistry, genetics, psychology, economics, mathematics,
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter V
etc. Here are some examples of questions to aid you in your
own question-writing endeavors:
How universal are the conclusions from this ex-
What assumptions do the authors make?
Can you think of a way to improve the experimental
Do you think the experiments are well controlled?
How do the results and conclusions connect to what
you are learning in class?
Rehearse. One of the most important aspects of preparing
an oral presentation is to rehearse. Do so by yourself at
first. Then for a real test, practice your presentation in front
of friends, classmates, or colleagues. As you rehearse, be
sure to pay attention to some key elements of oral presenta-
Opening. The opening should catch the interest and
attention of the audience immediately. This is also
the place to avoid technical jargon.
Transitions. The links between successive elements
of the talk should be planned carefully so that they
are smooth and logical. You should make the con-
nections between each part clear to the audience.
Conclusion. Try to help your audience understand
your main points by including some sort of wrap-up
or conclusion at the end. It is useful to signal that
the summary is beginning explicitly.
Rate. Don’t talk too quickly or you will lose your
audience. People tend to speed up when they are
nervous, so you may need to practice talking more
slowly than you think. Use pauses where appropriate
and repeat critical information.
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter V
Time. A 20-minute talk should be a 20-minute talk,
not a 30-minute talk or a 10-minute talk. While this
point sounds obvious, this is a typical place where
many presenters have trouble. The audience may get
antsy if a 20-minute talk starts going on too long
with no signs of finishing. Part of planning a pres-
entation is to make sure it does indeed fit into the
allotted time. When you practice, be sure you time
your presentation.
Active Listening
! Listening is often taken for granted. However, active
listening is an essential, but often overlooked and under-
practiced, skill in scientific and academic endeavors (and in
many other areas as well). Again, a full discussion of active
listening is beyond the scope of this Guide, but a few char-
acteristics of active listening will be highlighted here
Be attentive. Focus your thoughts and attention
on the presenter.
Do not interrupt.
Be able to restate the persons key points and
important thoughts.
Be mindful of your non-verbal behavior such as
posture, eye contact, facial expressions, and ges-
Keep in mind that active listening is personally
Adapted from Joan Sturkie and Valerie Gibson, Peer Counselor’s
Pocket Book, San Jose: Resources Publication, 1989.
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Chapter V
Avoid mentally arguing with yourself or with the
other person while s/he is speaking.
Do not antagonize the speaker with hasty judg-
Avoid making premature conclusions.
When the speaker is finished, be ready with a
question or two that shows you listened, under-
stood, and are actively thinking about what was
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Appendix
Additional Resources
Writing Support Services at Harvard University
Harvard University Writing Center
Barker Center 019
12 Quincy Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Pre-scheduled conferences with trained peer tutors
are offered Monday through Friday, 9 - 5PM; drop-in hours
are offered Sunday through Thursday, 7 - 9PM. Always
check the website for location of drop-in hours. (During the
week, you need to arrive no later than 8PM to guarantee a
slot.) You are also welcome to drop in during the day, and, if
one of the tutors is free, he or she will gladly meet with you
at that time.
Bureau of Study Counsel
5 Linden Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
e-mail: bsc@fas.harvard.edu
You should also check to see if your house has a
resident or non-resident writing tutor.
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Appendix
Useful Websites on Writing
Writing Center’s “Writing Tools”
Writing with Sources
Lamont Library’s Website for Student Writers
University of Chicago Writing Program
Searchable Online Databases
Medline (U.S. National Library of Medicine)
Follow links to PubMed from the homepage of the Na-
tional Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) home
page at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
/ for access to ab-
stracts only or to Medline from Harvard University Library
e-resources link at http://lib.harvard.edu
for full access.
Science Citation Index (Institute for Scientific Information,
or ISI) Follow links to Science Citation Index from Harvard
University Library e-resources link at http://lib.harvard.edu
for full access.
Biological Abstracts (BIOSIS)
Follow links to BIOSIS from Harvard University Library e-
resources link at http://lib.harvard.edu
for full access.
Harvard University Libraries
Access website at http://lib.harvard.edu, follow link to e-
resources, then choose journal or database. Your identifica-
tion number and PIN will give you access to all sources with
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Appendix
which Harvard has a licensing agreement, including Science
Citation Index and BIOSIS.
Suggested References for Further Reading
Harnack, A., & Kleppinger, E. (2003). Online! A Reference
Guide to Using Internet Sources. Boston: Bedford/St.
O’Brien, E., Rosenzweig, J., & Sommers, N. (2004). Making
the Most of College Writing: A Guide for Freshmen.
Cambridge, MA: Expository Writing Program, Harvard
Pechenik, J.A. (2004). A Short Guide to Writing about Biol-
ogy. (5
ed.). New York: Pearson Education, Inc.
Strunk, W. Jr., & White, E.B. (2000). The Elements of Style.
ed.). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Trus, L. (2003). Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance
Approach to Punctuation. New York: Gotham Books.
A Student’s Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences Appendix