Effective Poster Presentations
Content Considerations
1. What to consider when creating your poster: The following questions can help the content relevance and
establish scope for the poster presentation. They should function as a filter for maintaining the scope and
relevance of poster content.
a. What is the big picture? How does your research relate to it?
b. What is the particular question you explored?
c. What strategy did you employ to explore your question? (methods, materials, methodology)
d. What were your results?
e. Why are these results significant in terms of the big picture? What is your interpretation?
2. What are the characteristics of a good poster session?
a. One part billboard, one part research paper.
i. Good posters, like billboards, should capture the interest of the potential audience from
a distance.
ii. Make sure your poster is memorable.
b. A poster should be self-sustaining
i. The poster should be able to stand alone. A good poster contains just enough
information to be understandable. The presenter can always fill in the gaps if requested
by a viewer.
c. Posters speak, but you speak better
i. Once you have an audience, you will begin an oral presentation.
ii. Use a one-on-one approach when possible to sustain interest.
iii. When presenting in an open space, consider multiple listeners.
iv. Summarize the conclusions clearly in one sentence. Make sure they know what to take
d. Viewers are of all types
i. Viewers will approach the content you present with their own cognitive styles. The
designer of the poster can control how content flows (both in the poster and the
presentation), but there is no way to determine how individual viewers will take in the
e. Know your audience
i. Viewers will connect on different levels − those familiar with the topic will be looking
for interpretation; those who are not will be following the logic.
3. Structuring the narrative for your poster
a. Consider the narrative structure for your content. Typical conference posters use hypothesis and
experimentation to prove or disprove the research and lends itself well to a narrative arc structure.
But here are other ways to structure a narrative through argument or examination (this is not an
exhaustive list):
i. In building Evidence by Example you give concrete illustrations that provide a
convincing argument supporting a thesis.
ii. Process Analysis is a demonstration either of how something works, for example, cell
mitosis, or of how to do something, like edit a Wikipedia article.
iii. Cause and Effect focuses on what creates a particular outcome.
iv. Compare and Contrast uses a comparison of like and unlike things to explore an idea
and how it fits into a bigger construct.
v. Classification can help the audience sort through and understand detailed information
or ideas by grouping them.
vi. With a Deductive process you accumulate evidence to make a useful generalization.
vii. Definition is used when a subject requires the understanding of terms, ideas, or
phenomena, while Redefinition gives new understanding or new meaning to a topic.
4. Sections to consider including in a poster.
a. Depending on the event, sections may be predetermined, but here are examples of standard
headers and the type of content for each:
Title: Convey the issue, approach, and system; Make it catchy; 1-2 lines
Introduction or abstract: Get viewers interested; Minimum background material; Present a clear
hypothesis; Photos or illustrations OK; Maximum length ~ 200 words
Materials/methods/methodology: Briefly describe equipment/methods; analytical approaches
or research methodology used; images, graphs, charts, and tables can be used; Maximum
length ~ 200 words
Results/Main Ideas: Describe qualitative and descriptive results; Present data analysis; Provide
and refer to images, tables, and graphs; Maximum length ~ 200 words
Conclusion/Summary: Remind reader of purpose of work and results; Discuss why your results
are conclusive and interesting; Discuss relevance to other published works; Mention future
Citations: Follow standard format for your discipline; Cite articles you have read in full; Find
journal articles and books as opposed to web sites.
Acknowledgements: Thank individuals and granting/funding agencies.
b. Or, descriptive headers can bring specificity to sections. Use familiar keywords.
5. Other text considerations
a. Less is more: Keep narrative text to a minimum. You can fill in the gaps with your presentation.
b. Short and sweet: A poster is more welcoming if it isn’t text heavy.
i. Total 800 words: Aim for this number to keep the text minimal.
ii. 11 words per line: Is optimum for readability.
iii. 10 lines per paragraph: Make your point efficiently and succinctly.
c. Hourglass structure of content: intro = broad principles; analysis = detail;
conclusion = broad.
d. Take home message headers: Consider giving each section a header that serves as the “take
home message” or introduces the subject.
e. Figure or image legends and/or footnotes: Best place to discuss details of findings represented
by the accompanying images.
Design Principles
6. Why? Two main reasons:
a. Craftsmanship = quality: Constructing a well planned and executed poster will show your
professionalism. Good craftsmanship indicates that you care about presenting your subject in the
best light and that you should be taken seriously
b. Branding = memorable: A consistent look throughout creates branding. Branding makes a
presentation look professional and helps viewers remember the content.
7. Layouts
a. Grid options:
i. A number of columns and a number of rows (traditional)
ii. Organic grids (like a circle or web)
b. Flow from column to column: Content arranged in columns makes it easier for viewers to follow
and digest the ideas, moving from one column to the next. If content is arranged horizontally, your
audience will have to walk back and forth in front of the poster as they zigzag through the text.
c. Eye level is prime real-estate for content: Place the most meaningful or substantial content at
eye level to emphasize your most significant principles. Less immediately noteworthy content
(e.g., resources, citations) can be placed at the bottom.
d. Clear cues to guide readers - Think about the flow of information from one content item to
another. You can use placement within the poster, graphical elements like a bounding box or
arrows, and even numbers or letters to logically connect content items together.
e. White/blank space gives clarity: Allow enough space to break up the sections. The empty space
between sections should be of the same visual unit size as all other spacing units, or a size that is
related to the other spacing units (e.g. 0.5x the unit size, 3x the unit size, etc.). White space can
help clarify relationships by providing a consistent flow of visually aligned content for the viewer
to experience.
8. Graphics
a. A picture is worth 1000 words: Use images to illustrate findings and make your poster more
visually appealing to viewers.
b. Readable: Images should be comprehensible from 6 feet away.
c. Consistent image treatment: This is a branding consideration. Your borders, contrast,
shadowing, etc., should be the same throughout.
d. Image borders: Use borders to make images stand out from the background.
e. Image sequences: should be accompanied by letters or number progression; images should be
clumped together in a bounding box.
f. Image orientation: For close up images, accompany them with a reference to where the close up
is located on the image.
g. Use Captions: Images could be accompanied by captions and figure numbers
9. Infographics/Display of data
a. Simplify your message: too much data can obscure the message.
b. Don’t use 3d graphs for 2d data: Visually complex graphs can obscure data.
c. Horizontal Y-axis labels: If you have the space use horizontal type. If not then rotate the text
instead of opting to stack the text. Legibility is key.
d. Types of Infographics:
i. Distributione.g., bar chart, histogram, box & whisker
ii. Parts to a whole - e.g., pie chart, donut chart, tree map
iii. Time Comparisone.g., line chart, timeline
iv. Spatial – e.g., map, choropleth, contour line
v. System e.g., flowchart, schematic.
vi. Relationship - e.g., scatter plot, Venn diagram
10. Type Treatment/Font
a. Size of text: title should be no smaller than an inch (72 pt. font size = I inch)
b. Be consistent with font: Avoid too many fonts and competing styles: Use fonts from the same
family (variations of a font) to keep the look consistent for branding purposes.
c. Easy to Read: San-serif fonts are easier to read at a distance, but serif
fonts are easier to read up
d. No caps or all bold: Don’t use all caps for a title or in text bodies. Bold should be used sparingly
when attempting to direct attention.
e. Titles in “sentence caps” easy to read: Capitalize only the first word and proper nouns.
11. Color
a. Color attracts and speaks: Color is good for attracting and expressing tone. Color can be a visual
element that guides viewer through content. It can be used to emphasize select content. Color
choices will be an element in your branding strategy.
b. Colored backgrounds: can be overwhelming if too bright/dark.
c. Color schemes: Muted (light and/or less bright) colors are equated with professionalism. A muted
scheme often works well with a single bright color for emphasis.
d. Be considerate of those with color vision deficiencies: Make sure everyone can read your
poster. If you have a color vision deficiency, have someone check your poster. In general, avoid
heavy use of reds and greens. Use symbols and line patterns (e.g., dashed or dotted) instead of
colors for graph elements.
12. Methods for poster creation
a. Single sheet: Single sheet printing produces one large print. Your poster can be created in a
layout program and easily printed out, but it can be costly. So, once it’s printed you may have to
live with any mistakes. Be sure to proofread very carefully before you print.
b. Modular: This methods produces sectional sheets that put together constitute a complete poster.
It is easy to transport and edit in a hurry. However, it takes time to set up, and involves paying
careful attention to craftsmanship.
13. Programs to use
a. For images: Photoshop; Gimp
b. For graphs: Matlab; Illustrator; Omnigraffle; Inkscape; PowerPoint; Word, Excel; KeyNote;
c. For layout and print: InDesign; QuarkXPress; Illustrator; MS Publisher; Photoshop; PowerPoint;
14. Program/Production tips
a. Work within the print color mode: Make your document CMYK color mode, not RGB for more
accurate print color representation (relevant for programs such as Illustrator and Photoshop).
b. Resolution: Resolution (pixels/inch) of images to be printed in a poster should be 300 pixels per
inch to avoid pixilation or blurriness. Never use web images for posters unless theyre large on the
screen. Web images are always 72 pixels per inch. You cannot increase the size/resolution of an
image without it getting blurry. Do a test print at the size it will appear on your poster to ensure
the image is clear.
c. Print a font size test sheet: Print out a sheet of paper of your font at different sizes and place it on
a wall to see what the title, subtitles, and text look like at a distance.
15. Production Timeline
a. Rough draft or storyboard 1 month before deadline (the hardest part)
b. Final draft of poster ~ 2 weeks before
c. Print and mount at least a week before (but should be as early as possible)
16. Transport and assembly of posters (review the your venue’s guidelines if any)
a. What to have while there: Bring pushpins, Velcro strips or glue sticks to fix/assemble your poster.
b. What to use before the session: rubber cement, spray adhesive, or double stick tape to assemble
the poster.
c. What to use for transporting: Tube rolls for large prints or a stiff rigid case of some sort for
modular posters.
d. What to mount on: Matte board and foam-core board if using the modular poster approach.
e. What to cut with: Xacto knife, paper cutters, and metal ruler (straight edge).
17. Presentations tips
a. Speak to your audience, not your poster.
b. Don’t read from your poster.
c. Don’t put your hands in your pockets. No chewing gum. Do not even think about checking your
d. Pay attention to your attire. Dress professionally to make a good impression. Consider choosing
clothing that coordinates (or at least doesn’t clash) with your poster.
e. Give a one to two sentence overview of the poster (elevator speech).
f. If people approach your poster after you have begun talking to viewers, pause to welcome them
and identify where you are in your presentation, but don’t start over from the beginning.
g. Thank your viewers for visiting.
18. Handouts
a. Give them something: A handout will give interested viewers more information on your research
or project. Hand out copies of your poster, papers, accepted manuscripts, and/or business cards.
19. Extra considerations
a. Design concepts as they relate to other media: Consider the above design principles for other
media when creating content; web; PowerPoint; video; etc.
b. Where to print:
i. Check with your department for a large-scale ink-jet printer. Some departments have
them and use of it could be free.
ii. The Digital Media Center has a large-scale printer (relatively affordable) and the
applications necessary to create your poster. You MUST watch a 10 minute intro video
to printing. Payment via JCard only.
iii. FedEx Kinko's Office and Print Services, 3003 N Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21218, (410)
467-2454. They offer a JHU discount if you show your JCard.
iv. JHMI Pathology Photography Dept., 410-955-3843, Pathology Building room 111,
, around $12/sq.ft. (they will provide
proofs as pdf before printing if asked)
Sites and resources
20. Sites to check out:
a. Comprehensive resource
i. http://colinpurrington.com/tips/academic/posterdesign
b. Posters for the Humanities:
i. https://wp.nyu.edu/archivesandpublichistory/2014/05/13/poster-tips-for-humanities-
c. Flickr group “poster sessions”
i. https://www.flickr.com/groups/368476@N21/pool/
d. Color vision deficiency resources
i. http://www.toledo-bend.com/colorblind/Ishihara.asp
e. Tool for creating color themes (good for inspiration)
i. http://www.colr.org/
ii. https://color.adobe.com
f. Google Fonts
i. https://fonts.google.com/