Effective reduction of SMS costs
The push
notification server
Companies spend a lot of money every
month on sending messages to their
For example, sending 1 million SMS
messages, consisting of two segments,
at an average of $0.03 per SMS would
cost about $60,000.
Sending just 20% of 1 million of these
two-segment messages via a free Push
channel would save you about $12,000.
Implement your own Push notification
We offer you to deploy our
industrial-grade WINGS Notification
Server to enable you to send Push
messages to mobile apps FREE OF
CHARGE, bypassing any service
Our SLA guarantees
delivery of your
Push messages
High delivery rates Fallback option
How Push notifications saves money
1. 2.
Push is not a guaranteed delivery channel, and
it is important for it to be able to use the
fallback mechanism, i.e. sending undelivered
messages through other channels.
With fallback option implemented in WINGS
Notification server, you can switch absolutely
all available traffic to fallback delivery
scenarios, such as Push -> SMS or
If there is no fallback option, only non-essential
messages that require no delivery guarantee
can be switched to the Push channel. This
greatly reduces your chances of saving
When you develop your own Push
software, push notification delivery rates
rarely exceed 70%.
The WINGS Notification Server provides
>90% delivery rate for push notifications.
This means that you will only send paid
10% messages via SMS if you fallback
On the server side, all the necessary
measures are already in place, and there is
an mobile SDK to increase the push
delivery rate on your mobile app side.
How to save money using Push notifications?
The amount of money saved on SMS is one of the main indicators showing how effective Push implementation is.
The WINGS Notification Server provides the greatest cost savings and compares favorably to competitors'
software, service providers, or in-house development.
In-house push
You save less due to
low delivery rates;
moreover, fallback
option is limited or
Through service
The delivery rate is
high and fallback is
supported. However,
your savings are
greatly reduced due to
per-Push commissions.
Third-party push
Your cost savings are
average because
fallback is usually
supported, but delivery
rate is low.
Provides very high
savings due to high
delivery rate (>90%)
and fallback support.
Comparison with alternative Push solutions
In-house push
Through service
Third-party push
Push notification
delivery rate
Fallback option
Often no
Yes, but ineffective due to low
delivery rates
Cost of sending Push
Pay per Push or for the
Launching timeline
Data security
Hosted entirely on the
customer's infrastructure. Push
messages don’t pass through
third-party servers
Part of the solution is hosted
by the service provider, Push
messages pass through the
service provider's servers
Hosted entirely on the
customer's infrastructure. Push
messages don’t pass through
third-party servers
Hosted entirely on the
customer's infrastructure. Push
messages don’t pass through
third-party servers
Why pay providers or spend man-hours to develop own Push software
if you can deploy the WINGS Notification Server
and start saving right away?
«Deployment of the WINGS Push SDK boosted our push notification
delivery rate exceeding 90% for all types of messages, including
delivery to Huawei devices disconnected from Google services.
These are currently the best delivery rates on the market»
says Sergey Chikov, Head, Information Technology Service, Post Bank
official press release
Highest Push Efficiency on the Market
Post Bank deployed the Push SDK library in its
mobile app. This resulted in an over 90% push
notification delivery rate. The bank began
sending fewer SMS to its customers, thereby
lowering the cost of sending messages to its
Enhanced security
The Notification Server is installed in your
infrastructure (On-Premises) and is
managed in accordance with your own
security policy.
Your messages do not pass
through third-party servers (providers).
Unlike sending Push notifications through providers, your data does not pass through third-party servers.
Messaging statistics and subscriber data are not accessible by third parties. The sent content is stored only on
your side.
You can configure an operation mode where Push only notifies the app of an incoming message, but the
message itself is downloaded directly from the server. So, text messages do not pass through Google, Apple and
Huawei clouds.
For instance, your Push messages
are sent by the Notification Server
directly through Apple / Google /
Huawei services.
Independence from providers
Service providers often offer to install their own Push software
on the customer's infrastructure or use their Push SDK. But
messages still pass through the providers' servers, and
subscriber information is stored by providers.
Having such a provider integration module in the
customer's infrastructure is a major risk. .
The WINGS Notification Server
eliminates intermediaries that
would otherwise participate in
the process of sending Push
notifications to customers.
Easy integration with customer's app
An efficient Push solution should have a server side part and provide
optimization on the mobile app side in the form of SDK (library for embedding
into mobile apps). Without this, you can't achieve high Push delivery rates.
Our Push SDK already contains everything
you need to properly handle Push notifications.
We have applied the best practices, which
improve service quality and increase delivery
rates (>90%).
Push SDK simplifies the work of a mobile
app developers because they no longer needs
to learn the specifics of Push.
Seamless integration and easy migration
Based on our experience, we can confidently say that switching to using the WINGS Push
Notification Server goes smoothly and painlessly – both for sender systems on the server side and
for mobile app users.
The Push SDK is easily integrated into mobile apps. It simplifies integration and makes it easy for
the developer to quickly implement the solution, allowing you to focus on your core business.
We integrate with the customer's systems over the protocols currently used by the customer.
Sender systems only need to switch requests to another address.
The risks of switching to a new platform are minimized:
you can gradually switch traffic;
at any time, you can temporarily switch part of the traffic
to your old work scheme.
You can gradually transfer users to the mobile app with Push SDK, with a
smooth rollout and without any disruptions in the messaging system.
Integrating the Push SDK into your mobile app is well described step-by-step process. It doesn’t require
a separate in-depth study by the developer.
Embedding the Push SDK into a mobile app takes just a few days for iOS or Android mobile platform.
Embedding the Push SDK
iOS SDK is a library provided as an XCFramework or a
package for Swift Package Manager.
Supported iOS versions: iOS 11 and higher.
Android SDK is a library, the file extension is .aar.
Supported Android versions: 4.4.2 and higher.
Sending performance - 1000 messages per
second on one server.
Not enough? The Notification Server scales
out by adding servers to the cluster
(horizontal scaling).
The message processing time (from the
moment the message is received to the
moment it is sent) is 10-20 milliseconds.
One-time passwords are delivered instantly.
The Notification Server can be deployed in various configurations. This depends on how critical the service is for
you. For example, you can have one cluster for high-priority traffic, and another cluster for marketing traffic. You
can also locate the solution in several data centers.
Enterprise-grade reliability and
Considerations for different devices
Delivery of Push notifications on different devices and with different OS
versions has its own peculiarities. To a greater extent, this is manifested
on Chinese-made Android devices. Push delivery rates are markedly
reduced if these peculiarities are not taken into account; with reduced
delivery rate, you won’t be able to fully reduce the cost of SMS
We are constantly working on adapting
the Notification Server and Push SDK to
the specifics of devices and operating
system versions in order to guarantee
the highest Push delivery rate (>90%)
and quality of work.
Messages containing information about
credit card payments can be enriched with
the logos of the merchant who received
payment, and their correct names in native
languages. If no logo is available, the
message can contain the logo of the
payment category (products, gas stations,
This makes Push more attractive and
informative for recipients.
WINGS provides ready-to-use logo library
and ensures that transaction push
notifications are enriched with merchant
Enrichment of transactional Push
Push SDK gives the ability to quickly build a
notification history section in the customer's
mobile app, which will be accessible even without
Internet access. By opening this section, the user will
be able to see all his notifications, even if he has
cleared the notification center of the mobile device
or installed the application on a new device.
Users value their Push notifications more if they’re
able to view the notification history and this in
turn reduces the number of those who turn off
Push notifications after a period of time.
Using our off-the-shelf Push SDK library significantly
reduces the launching timeline and saves the
customer some resources.
Notification History
Interactive notifications (rich push)
Push messages can contain interactive buttons
performing certain actions. Having such
interactive elements right within the notification
message motivates users to perform the actions
you want them to, thereby increasing their
Push notifications also contain deep links directing
the user on which section/page of the mobile app
to go to when clicked.
Multi-device support
To fully utilize Push under fallback message delivery scenarios, the
customer’s phone number is used as his identifier. In this case, the
customer can also have multiple devices. Push can be sent to all of
these devices or to a specific one.
When Push new devices are opting-in or there are token changes on
already connected devices, the subscription data is updated on the
server. This is easily done through our SDK.
Pilot project
We are ready to conduct a free pilot project for you, within
which you can make sure of the high level of delivery of
Push notifications, as well as carry out load testing - on
your or our servers.
The pilot project would help you to check whether
deploying our software in the your infrastructure could
actually reduce the number of paid SMS you send and
reduce traffic costs for you.
The WINGS Notification Server can be easily scaled to any business needs
in the future.
Apart from implementing Push notifications through the WINGS software,
you can also send SMS directly to mobile operators without passing
customer data through third-party servers. This would enhance security
and privacy.
In the future, you’ll also be able to implement fallback channels, such as
WhatsApp, Viber, voice calls, email and social networking apps.
Further development
About Us
WINGS Solutions is a leading
Russian IT company, which
has been in the market since
2003. We develop and supply
enterprise-grade and
carrier-grade innovative
software solutions.
We've made over 200
commercial deployments
in 30 countries for SMS
aggregators, banks and
mobile operators.
WINGS Solutions has huge
professional experience in
delivering 24/7 fast, friendly
and responsive support,
monitoring and
administration of
mission-critical systems for
our customers.
Some of our customers:
129366, 13A/1, Yaroslavskaya str.,
Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7 (495) 225-44-09
You can request a demo, free pilot project or a
calculation of your potential ROI