FRIDAY, MAY 3, 2024
O! say, can you see by the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;
O! say, does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave,
O’er the land of the free, and the home of the brave?
Come and join in song together,
Shout with might and main;
Our beloved Alma Mater,
Sound her praise again.
Gloriana, Frangipana,
E’er to her be true;
She’s the pride of Indiana,
Hail to old I.U.!
—Joe T. Giles, Class of 1894
Indiana, our Indiana,
Indiana, we’re all for you.
We will fight for
The Cream and Crimson
For the glory of old IU.
Never daunted, we cannot falter.
In the battle, we’re tried and true.
Indiana, our Indiana,
Indiana, we’re all for you! I-U!
—Russell P. Harker
Indiana University Bloomington
Dear Graduates:
Congratulations! Todays Commencement ceremony marks the culmination of your years
of hard work at Indiana University. Let me add my best wishes to those of your family and
friends whose love, encouragement, and faith have propelled you toward this wonderful
day. The strength of that support helps all of us achieve our highest goals and deserves our
deepest gratitude. Today is as much a day to share that gratitude as to celebrate.
Over the course of the years, it may have seemed as if this moment would never come.
I am certain that each of you has faced challenges along the way, but I am equally certain
that your professors and mentors have instilled in you skills in persuasion, reasoning,
and critical inquiry that have helped you to overcome those challenges. Those are the very
skills that will serve you best as you face a global future of competition and change. You
have prepared for that future on an IU campus that, for many of you, has stretched around
the world.
As you graduate today, you are extending the great traditions of Indiana University
that have taken shape over more than two centuries. You and more than 780,000 other
alumni are a proud and important part of this universitys rich and living history.
Wherever you go, Indiana University will always be your alma mater and will always
welcome you back.
Again, congratulations, and bring on tomorrow!
Pamela Whitten
Indiana University
One Hundred Ninety-Fifth Commencement, Graduate Ceremony 3
One-Hundred Ninety-Fifth Commencement, Undergraduate Ceremony 4
Degree-Granting Schools 5
Administration and Acknowledgments 6–7
Commencement Traditions 8
Undergraduate Commencement Speaker 9
Student Commencement Speakers 1011
Graduate and Undergraduate Degree Recipients 13
With honor to the First Nations people of Indiana, on whose ancestral
homelands and resources Indiana University Bloomington was built.
Indiana University communications and marketing professionals
will be gathering still images and video for use on university social
media and websites, as well as for other marketing and news purposes.
Your participation in this public ceremony grants Indiana University
permission to use your likeness in such material.
Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall
Friday, May 3, 2024, 3 p.m.
PAMELA WHITTEN, President of Indiana University, Presiding
FANFARE Indiana University Herald Trumpeters
STUDENT PROCESSIONAL Indiana University Commencement Ensemble
Conducted by Jason Nam
Associate Professor of Music (Bands)
Jacobs School of Music
WELCOME President Whitten
SPANGLED BANNER Led by Jeremiah Marcell Sanders
Class of 2024
Jacobs School of Music
(A biography is printed on page 10.) Class of 2024
College of Arts and Sciences/Indiana University Graduate
School Bloomington
Assisted by Provost Rahul Shrivastav
and the Deans of the Schools
HAIL TO OLD I.U. Led by Mr. Sanders
INDIANA, OUR INDIANA AND RECESSIONAL Indiana University Commencement Ensemble
Memorial Stadium
Saturday, May 4, 2024, 7:45 p.m.
PAMELA WHITTEN, President of Indiana University, Presiding
FANFARE Indiana University Herald Trumpeters
STUDENT PROCESSIONAL Indiana University Commencement Band
Conducted by Eric Smedley
Chair, Department of Bands, and Associate Professor
of Music (Bands)
Jacobs School of Music
WELCOME President Whitten
SPANGLED BANNER Led by Tiara Thankam Abraham
Class of 2024
Jacobs School of Music
COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS (A biography is printed on page 9.) Scott Dorsey
Class of 1989
Managing Partner, High Alpha
Class of 2024
Kelley School of Business
STUDENT ADDRESS (A biography is printed on page 11.) Hannah Rose Pedersen
Class of 2024
College of Arts and Sciences
Assisted by Provost Rahul Shrivastav and
the Deans of the Schools
HAIL TO OLD I.U. Led by Ms. Abraham
INDIANA, OUR INDIANA AND RECESSIONAL Indiana University Commencement Band
College of Arts and Sciences,
page 13
Rick James Van Kooten, Executive
Jane D. McLeod, Executive Associate
Elizabeth Cullen Dunn, Associate
Dean for Graduate Education
Vivian Nun Halloran, Associate Dean
for Diversity and Inclusion and Arts
and Humanities
Richard Hardy, Associate Dean for
Undergraduate Education
Caroline Jarrold, Associate Dean for
Natural and Mathematical Sciences
and Research
Rebecca Lave, Associate Dean for
Social and Historical Sciences
Eskenazi School of Art,
Architecture, and Design—
College of Arts and Sciences,
page 24
Peg Faimon, Founding Dean
Jawshing Arthur Liou, Associate Dean
Hamilton Lugar School
of Global and International
Studies—College of Arts
and Sciences,
page 25
John Ciorciari, Dean
David Bosco, Executive Associate Dean
The Media School—College
of Arts and Sciences,
page 26
David Tolchinsky, Dean
Radhika Parameswaran, Associate
Kelley School of Business,
page 29
Ash Soni, Dean
Patrick Hopkins, Vice Dean
Dan Li, Executive Associate Dean for
Faculty and Academic Aairs
Josh Perry, Executive Associate Dean
for Academic Programs
Rebecca Slotegraaf, Associate Dean for
Sreeni Kamma, Associate Dean for
Robert E. Thomas, Associate Dean
for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and
School of Education,
page 45
Anastasia Morrone, Dean
Susan Lubienski, Executive Associate
Luddy School of Informatics,
Computing, and Engineering,
page 48
Joanna Millunchick, Dean
Apu Kapadia, Associate Dean for
Graduate Studies
Paul Macklin, Associate Dean for
Undergraduate Education
Selma Šabanović, Associate Dean for
Faculty Aairs
XiaoFeng Wang, Associate Dean for
Maurer School of Law,
page 54
Christiana Ochoa, Dean
Donna M. Nagy, Interim Executive
Associate Dean
Steve Sanders, Associate Dean for
Academic Affairs
Deborah Widiss, Associate Dean for
Research and Faculty Affairs
School of Medicine,
page 55
Jay L. Hess, Dean
Katherine Hiller, Associate Dean
Jacobs School of Music,
page 56
Abra K. Bush, David Henry Jacobs
Bicentennial Dean
Demondrae Thurman, Eugene O’Brien
Bicentennial Executive Associate Dean
Judah Cohen, Associate Dean for
Faculty Aairs, Research, and
Creative Activity
Ryan Kelly, Associate Dean for
Academic Aairs and Student Success
School of Nursing, page 59
Robin P. Newhouse, Dean
Angela Opsahl, Interim Associate Dean
School of Optometry,
page 60
T. Rowan Candy, Interim Dean,
Executive Associate Dean for
Academic Aairs
Stephen A. Burns, Associate Dean for
Graduate Programs
Kimberly D. Kohne, Associate Dean
for Students
Pete Kollbaum, Associate Dean for
Todd Peabody, Associate Dean for
Neil A. Pence, Associate Dean for
Clinical and Patient Care Services
Jerey D. Perotti, Associate Dean for
Fiscal Aairs
O’Neill School of Public
and Environmental Aairs,
page 61
Siân Mooney, Dean
Bradley T. Heim, Executive Associate
Joseph Shaw, Associate Dean for
Philip S. Stevens, Associate Dean for
Faculty Aairs
R. J. Woodring, Associate Dean for
Educational Programs
School of Public Health,
page 64
David B. Allison, Dean
NiCole Keith, Executive Associate Dean
Jerono Rotich, Associate Dean for
Organizational Climate, Inclusion,
and Belonging
Kelli Ryckman, Associate Dean for
School of Social Work,
page 69
Jery Thigpen, Interim Dean
Amy Murphy-Nugen, Associate Dean
Indiana University Graduate
School Bloomington,
page 70
Da vid Daleke, Dean
Pamela Whitten, President
Jay L. Hess, Executive Vice President
for University Clinical Aairs
Dwayne Pinkney, Executive
Vice President for Finance and
Latha Ramchand, Inaugural Indiana
University Indianapolis Chancellor
and Executive Vice President
Rahul Shrivastav, Executive Vice
President and Provost, Indiana
University Bloomington
Scott Dolson, Vice President and
Director of Intercollegiate Athletics
Michael Huber, Vice President for
University Relations
Hilary Kahn, Interim Vice President for
International Aairs
Rob Lowden, Vice President for
Information Technology and Chief
Information Ocer
Thomas A. Morrison, Vice President
for Capital Planning and Facilities
Russell J. Mumper, Vice President for
Nancy E. Paton, Vice President and
Chief Communications and Marketing
Julie Payne-Kirchmeier, Vice
President for Student Success
Anthony Prather, Vice President and
General Counsel
Todd Richardson, Vice President and
Chief Human Resources Ocer
Susan Sciame-Giesecke, Vice
President for Regional Campuses and
Online Education
Brenda Stopher, Chief of Sta to the
President and Vice President for
Strategic Operations
James C. Wimbush, Vice President for
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
J Thomas Forbes, President and Chief
Executive Ocer
Diane Dallis-Comentale, Ruth Lilly
University Dean
Rebecca Spang, Dean
Lynn Cochran, Assistant Dean
Rahul Shrivastav, Provost
David Daleke, Vice Provost for
Graduate Education
Carrie Docherty, Vice Provost for
Faculty and Academic Aairs
Aimee Heeter, Vice Provost for Finance
and Administration
Lamar Hylton, Vice Provost for Student
David Johnson, Vice Provost for
Enrollment Management
Brea Perry, Vice Provost for Research
Vasti Torres, Interim Vice Provost for
Undergraduate Education
James C. Wimbush, Interim Vice
Provost for Diversity, Equity, and
Colin Johnson, President
Quinn Buckner, Bloomington, Chair
Cynthia Lucchese, Indianapolis, Vice
Cathy Langham, Carmel
Jeremy A. Morris, Indianapolis
J. Timothy Morris, Nashville,
Kyle Seibert, Connersville
Donna B. Spears, Richmond
Isaac Torres, Granger
Vivian Winston, Bloomington
Brian Horne, Associate Professor
of Voice, Jacobs School of Music
Sarah B. Mostes
Carolyn Calloway-Thomas, Professor
of African American and African
Diaspora Studies
Valarie Akerson, School of Education
K. Allen Davis, College of Arts and
Brent Gault, Jacobs School of Music
Chase McCoy, Luddy School of
Informatics, Computing, and
Jennifer Piatt, School of Public Health
William Ramos, School of Public
Cathrine Reck, College of Arts and
Joe Schroeder, Kelley School of
Steven L. Tait, College of Arts and
Jennifer Terrell, Luddy School
of Informatics, Computing, and
Jessica Adams, School of Social Work
Kyle Adams, Jacobs School of Music
Richard Ash, Kelley School of Business
Ann Bastianelli, Kelley School of
Bill Beck, College of Arts and Sciences
David Bell, O’Neill School of Public and
Environmental Aairs
Saul Blanco Rodrigues, Luddy School
of Informatics, Computing, and
Mim Northcutt Bohmert, College of
Arts and Sciences
Victor Borden, School of Education
David Bosco, Hamilton Lugar School of
Global and International Studies
Jonathan Brauer, College of Arts and
Andrew Butters, Kelley School of
Jean Camp, Luddy School of
Informatics, Computing, and
David Cartledge, Jacobs School of
Trent Deckard, Kelley School of
Tony Emmons, Kelley School of
Nivia Escobar Salazar, Kelley School
of Business
Ellen Evans, School of Public Health
Elizabeth Geballe, College of Arts and
Joe Glennon, The Media School
Jennifer Goodlander, College of Arts
and Sciences
Dan Grundmann, O’Neill School of
Public and Environmental Aairs
Angelica Guevara, Kelley School of
David Hertz, College of Arts and
Jerey D. Holdeman, College of Arts
and Sciences
Elizabeth Housworth, College of Arts
and Sciences
Kevin Jaques, College of Arts and
Kaj Johnson, College of Arts and
Lynn Keller, Kelley School of Business
Susan Klinker, School of Education
Ivan Kreilkamp, College of Arts and
Tom Nelson Laird, School of Education
Brittany Lambert, Kelley School of
Novotny Lawrence, The Media School
Xiaojing Liao, Luddy School of
Informatics, Computing, and
Arthur Andrew Lopez, Kelley School
of Business
Reuben Lucas, College of Arts and
Paul Macklin, Luddy School of
Informatics, Computing, and
Martha MacLeish, Eskenazi School of
Art, Architecture, and Design
Allen Martell, Luddy School of
Informatics, Computing, and
Alyson Melzer, College of Arts and
Mark Messier, College of Arts and
Amy Murphy-Nugen, School of Social
Ilayda Altuntas Nott, School of
Michael Oakes, Kelley School of
Angela Opsahl, School of Nursing
Asa Palleu, Kelley School of Business
Bryant Paul, The Media School
Marty Pieratt, Kelley School of Business
Phoebe Jean-Pierre, Kelley School of
Catherine A. Pilachowski, College of
Arts and Sciences
Richard Roland, College of Arts and
Howard Rosenbaum, Luddy School
of Informatics, Computing, and
Molly Rosenberg, School of Public
Indrakshi Roy, School of Public Health
Jeremy Schott, College of Arts and
Sima Setayeshgar, College of Arts and
Patricia Silveyra, School of Public
Malcolm Smith, Eskenazi School of Art,
Architecture, and Design
Laura Stachowski, School of Education
Gabrielle Stecher, College of Arts and
Sunil Teluja, Kelley School of Business
Michael Trosset, College of Arts and
Henry Wakhungu, O’Neill School of
Public and Environmental Aairs
Songhu Wang, College of Arts and
Chris Wayne, O’Neill School of Public
and Environmental Aairs
Amy Wonder, School of Nursing
Luyi Xing, Luddy School of Informatics,
Computing, and Engineering
Brian Yanites, College of Arts and
Yucel Yimaz, College of Arts and
Thomas Youle, Kelley School of
Josh Levy
Sebastian Petzinger
Wayner K. Ramon Ortega
Stephen Stavnicky
Pat Anderson
Sam Bowers
Brendan Brown
Jake Buckner
Nathan Chambers
Grin Collins
Clarisse Finman
Patrick Grimes
Taryn Hariston
Avery Hoerman
Ian Kiyokawa
Jonathan Leveque
Tyler Martin-Nichols
Isaac Morton
Lawson Quesinberry
Scott Rasher
Connor Tipton
Zach Walter
Junming Wen
Nicholas Woods
Pat Anderson
Aldo Armendariz Dominguez
Caleb Barrows
Jared Barry
Phillip Black
Julia Bradley
Brendan Brown
Nate Centa
Kevin Chiang
Grin Collins
Max Dewar
Ally Donnelly
Joshua Flores
Bella Funk
Julien Gaudet
Blake Gibson-Ross
Heidi Harris
Luke Hershman
Leo Illari
Jake Jaskolski
Ella Jasnieski
Jonghwan Kim
Noah Kim
Ian Kiyokawa
Wayne Kreml
River Lessig
Angelica Markevich
Greyson Monroe
Pedro Mujica Useche
Alex Nacchia
Corey Patton
Jason Rabinowitz
Jaz Rios
Andi Rosin
Quinn Sciarra
Jonah Shoop
Joseph Shore
Chang Shu
Zhaoxuan Song
Jackson Stiver
Gavin Sturm
Anthony Tamborrino
Connor Tipton
Katie Urrutia
Zach Walter
Adrienne Ward
Christopher Watson
Ashley Wening
Martin Wilson
Bridget Wisdom
Nicholas Woods
Lorentz Wu
Trevor Zavac
Judy Zhu
Today’s 195th Commencement
exercises at Indiana University
Bloomington mark the joyous
culmination and proud recognition
of our graduates’ academic
achievements. The ceremony is rich
in academic tradition and protocol.
The origins of academic dress date
back to the twelfth and thirteenth
centuries, when universities were
taking form. The ordinary dress
of the scholar, whether student or
teacher, was the dress of a cleric.
Long gowns were worn and may
have been necessary for warmth in
unheated buildings.
The assignment of colors to signify
certain faculties was a much later
development, and one that was
standardized in the United States in
the late nineteenth century. White,
taken from the white fur trimming
of the Oxford and Cambridge
bachelor’s hoods, was assigned to
arts and letters. Red, one of the
traditional colors of the church,
went to theology. Green, the color
of medieval herbs, was adopted
for medicine, and olive, because it
was so close to green, was given to
pharmacy. Golden yellow, standing
for the wealth that scientific
research has produced, was assigned
to the sciences.
All candidates for degrees and those
who hold these degrees, including
university officials and faculty and
visiting dignitaries, wear traditional
gowns. Most are black, but some
are brightly colored. The style of the
gown indicates the highest degree
held by the wearer, and the colors
represent institutions and fields
of study.
The gowns for bachelor’s degree
and associate degree recipients have
a closed front and open sleeves.
At Indiana University, candidates for
bachelor’s and associate degrees also
wear crimson “stoles of gratitude,”
which they may keep as a memento
of the day or present as a token of
thanks to anyone who has guided
them on their path to graduation.
The master’s degree gown has
extremely long, closed sleeves, from
which the arms extend through a
slit at the wrist; the end of the sleeve
is square, with an arc cut away just
above the bottom. The doctor’s gown
has velvet panels down the front and
voluminous bell-shaped sleeves on
which there are three velvet bars.
Caps, Tassels, and Hoods
Candidates for associate and
bachelor’s degrees wear square-
topped caps—also called
mortarboards—which are adorned
with colored tassels appropriate to
the school or division from which
they are graduating. The same colors
are used throughout the United
States. They are:
Arts and Sciences—White
Education—Light Blue
In formatics, Computing, and
Pu blic and Environmental
Affairs—Peacock Blue
Public Health—Salmon
Social Work—Citron
Velvet-lined hoods are worn by
holders of master’s and doctoral
degrees. The master’s hood extends
to the middle of the back, is edged
in velvet in the same color as the
tassel, and is lined with colors
representing the institution from
which the degree was earned.
Indiana University hoods are lined
with cream and crimson.
The doctor’s hood is longer, has
wider velvet edging, and fully
exposes the lining.
Honor Cords and Medallions
Graduating With Distinction, High
Distinction, and Highest Distinction
Indiana University holds all of its
graduates in high esteem and takes
an added measure of pride in those
who have excelled academically.
Candidates who graduate With
Distinction, High Distinction, and
Highest Distinction are entitled
to wear on their left shoulders the
fourragère, cream and crimson
cords. In addition, on some
IU campuses, certain students are
entitled to wear gold medallions
indicating that they are graduating
with honors. The recorders in
each school distribute fourragères
to qualified students before
Commencement. The requirements
for graduating with honors are
different for each school.
IU Bloomington College, School,
and Departmental Honor Cords
Some schools and departments
offer honors programs for students
who excel academically and seek an
enriched and challenging learning
environment. Graduates who fulfill
the requirements of these programs
receive a notation on their diplomas
and are eligible to wear gold or blue
honor cords, which are provided by
the participating colleges, schools,
and departments.
Insignia from Greek Honor
A wide array of honors organizations
recognize outstanding achievement
in service, philanthropy, and
scholarship. Indiana University is
proud of all of its students who fulfill
the requirements for membership
in these important societies,
but on Commencement day the
university singles out those honor
societies that emphasize academic
achievement. Graduates who have
been admitted to these societies
may wear the appropriate cords at
Honor Cords for Veterans and
Service Members
Graduating students who have
served or are currently serving in the
U.S. Armed Forces wear red, white,
and blue cords.
Scott Dorsey is the managing
partner of High Alpha, a leading
venture studio that launches, scales,
and invests in enterprise cloud
companies. Over the last nine years,
High Alpha has launched more than
40 software companies, made more
than 75 venture investments, and
raised nearly $400 million to fuel
the innovation economy.
Prior to High Alpha, Dorsey
co-founded ExactTarget and led
the company as chief executive
officer and chair from startup to
global marketing software leader.
ExactTarget went public on the New
York Stock Exchange in March 2012
and was acquired by Salesforce in
July 2013. Post-acquisition, he led
Salesforce Marketing Cloud, which
encompassed 3,000 employees
around the world.
Dorsey serves on a number of
nonprofit boards, including as chair
of Nextech, executive committee
member and past chair of the
Indiana Sports Corporation, board
member of the Central Indiana
Corporate Partnership (CICP)
and the National Venture Capital
Association (NVCA), and Global
Advisory Board member at the
Kellogg School of Management at
Northwestern University.
He is a 1989 graduate of the Kelley
School of Business at Indiana
University and earned an M.B.A.
in 1999 from the Kellogg School of
Dorsey has earned numerous
accolades for his business and
civic leadership, including as a
two-time recipient of the Indiana
Sagamore of the Wabash, as well as
the Mitch Daniels Leadership Prize,
the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur
of the Year, TechPoint Trailblazer
in Technology, MS Society Hope
Award, Central Indiana Junior
Achievement Business Hall of Fame,
Indiana Chamber of Commerce
Business Leader of the Year, and
Indiana University’s Distinguished
Entrepreneur Honorary Designation
through the Kelley School of
He and his wife, Erin (B.S. ’89), met
at IU, and they have four daughters.
Their two oldest have graduated
from IU, their third is graduating
with the Class of 2024, and their
fourth will make her college choice
next year.
Patrick Blackstone is earning his
Doctor of Philosophy degree with a
major in high-energy physics and a
minor in mathematical physics.
During his time at IU, he has been
a recipient of the Department of
Physics’ Outstanding Associate
Instructor Award (2019) and
the College of Arts and Sciences
Dissertation Research Fellowship
(2022–23 academic year). Earlier
this year he was honored with the
William Koss Memorial Outstanding
Graduate Student Award.
He has served on the Physics
Graduate Student Council (PGSC)
as the first-year advocate (for one
year) and as president (also for one
year). With the PGSC he acted as
a liaison between students and the
department, organized social events
and other activities, coordinated a
survey on the climate for graduate
students within the department, and
helped hold officer elections. His
presidency of the PGSC coincided
with the COVID-19 pandemic, and
he worked closely with departmental
leadership during that period to
address graduate students’ mental
health and professional concerns.
During this academic year, he
was a member of the Department
of Physics’ Teaching of Physics
Committee. His role on the
committee, which evaluated the
undergraduate introductory physics
courses, was to examine how these
courses are preparing students in
the premedical track for the MCAT
exam, medical school, and their
future careers.
Blackstone’s role as an instructor
was a central focus of his time at
IU. During the summer of 2023, he
served as the lecturer and instructor
of record for the general physics
course P-202, which, enrolling more
than 100 students and involving
organizing a team of associate
instructors, is an assignment usually
reserved for faculty.
He has worked as a physics
tutor, helped with and presented
physics demonstrations at
Bloomington-area schools, and
participated in the Department of
Physics’ Colloquium Club, which
supports the department’s weekly
colloquia by providing students
with supplemental information,
materials, and discussions. He has
attended and presented at physics
conferences (both remotely and
in person) in the Netherlands,
Germany, Mexico, Italy, New York
City, and Boulder, Colorado. He has
also volunteered at Science Fest, an
annual, public, multidisciplinary
learning festival on the IU
Bloomington campus.
Throughout his time at IU,
Blackstone has been actively
involved in the local old-time music
scene. Through the Traditional
Arts Indiana apprenticeship
program, he has been studying
mandolin under the tutelage of
Bloomington performer and artist
Sam Bartlett, and he has served on
the board of the Bloomington Old
Time Music and Dance Group and
taken part in many dance events
affiliated with the group, as well as
performing at other area venues. His
extracurricular pursuits also include
Go, an abstract strategy board
game, and playing ultimate frisbee
in Bryan Park. In the immediate
future, he will be applying his IU
education to a position in local
Hannah Pedersen is graduating,
with distinction, with a Bachelor
of Science in Biology from the
College of Arts and Sciences. She
is the recently published author of
the children’s book Will I Survive
the Dentist? She aspires for this
book to help relieve any dental
anxiety patients may have, educate
individuals on proper oral hygiene,
and serve as an introductory book
to the dentist for families. It is her
hope that this story brings to light
how enjoyable and educational a
visit to the dentist can actually be.
She is one of the co-founders, with
six other students, of the pre-
dentistry honorary Delta Theta
Omega, which was established in
2023. As Indiana University’s first
and only pre-dentistry fraternity, the
organization provides an inclusive
environment with the purpose of
bringing all Indiana University
pre-dental students together as a
For the past two years, she has held
the position of president of Dental
Club at Indiana University. Her
duties have included determining
meeting agendas with input from
other officers, delegating club tasks,
and ensuring positive community
impact through the club’s service
She is also a member of the IU
chapter of the Brain Exercise
Initiative (BEI), which sponsors
volunteer opportunities at Beehive
Homes and Jill’s House, two
local agencies that serve people
experiencing memory loss due to
Alzheimer’s disease. Her activities
as a volunteer include engaging
in conversation with, reading and
writing to, and playing games with
those served by these agencies, as
well as helping staff members with
their tasks. “Through BEI,” she says,
“I have been able to explore a new
outlook on volunteering that I have
fallen so in love with.”
Beyond the IU chapter, she has
worked on the BEI National
Newspaper Committee to create
a monthly newspaper for the BEI
community. Her small team was
selected from a substantial applicant
pool representing universities
throughout the United States.
In the spring of 2022, she had the
privilege of traveling to six colleges
in Boston, Massachusetts, for prayer
and fellowship with students and
missionaries on those campuses
through Chi Alpha Campus Ministry.
In the fall of 2024, she will begin
attending the Indiana University
School of Dentistry. After
completing the school’s four-year
Doctor of Dental Surgery program,
she plans to work as a general
to this year’s Outstanding Senior Awards recipients!
Ajith Amba
Zoe Angeline Bardon
Trinity Abeja Barnes
Merly Barrios
Arpan Bose
Nicholas Thomas Bronico
Gabriella Couloubaritsis
Caroline Elizabeth Covey
Ara Alyse Cowper
Isabelle Marie deCastro
Caterina Marie DeSantis
Emery Jane Donald
Amangul Hydyrova
Tarrek Ghassan El-Saadi
Annetta May Itnyre
Marsha Koda
Mofe Koya
Prabhvir Singh Lakhan
Sarah Emily MacGregor
Ryan Gichuki Macharia
Niamh Cailin Monk
Madelyn Mustaine
Poorabi Nanda
Aramide Amy Ogunmekan
Kayla Marie Oxley
Isabella Michele Pastore
Francis Xavier Ramirez
Kennedy Reardon
Tarj Richards
Sarah Richardson
Rose Abigail Schnabel
Zoe Johnelle Swanson
Cooper Dutch Sykes
Madeline Nicole Tagua-Horne
Madison Elizabeth Tyler
Emma Elizabeth Lindner Uber
Imari Shanelle Walker
Jassen Jianxuan Yep
Deion Yamikani Ziwawo
This Commencement program should be regarded as a preliminary
document, pending confirmation of all degrees. It includes
candidates for degrees and honors from January through August
2024. Degrees and honors are conferred after the completion of all
requirements is verified. Diplomas will be mailed after all degree
requirements and honors are confirmed. For details on graduating
with honors, please visit who
have completed the Hutton Honors Notation are indicated with
an asterisk (*) to the right of their names. Members of the Hutton
Honors College must complete 18 credit hours of honors work
with at least a 3.4 cumulative grade point average in order to earn
the notation.
College of Arts
and Sciences
Martha Birhan Abaddi
Haley Ables
Hamza Abughofah
With High Distinction
Alisabella Ackermann
Adebowale Emmanuel Adelekan*
With Highest Distinction
Jonathan Price Adkins
Anne-Elise Sophia Aguilera
Arham Ahmad
Daniel Edward Aker
With Highest Distinction
Nicole Jolie Akin
Oluwafolajimi Abimbola Akinro
Jacob Michael Alarcon
With Distinction
Brooke Elizabeth Albert
With Highest Distinction
Erol John Algan
With Highest Distinction
Ana Lilia Almanza
Andrea Carolina Alvarez
Alexander Ammerman
Grace Evalyn Anderson
Kersten Donna Anderson
Matthew Russell Anella
Flor Angel
Lucy Anne Annee
With High Distinction
Aida Ansari
With Highest Distinction
William Anthony Arenz
Alexis Gabrielle Armando
With Distinction
Cassie L. Arnell
Jenine Ibrahim Arqawi
Josue Arroyo Cruz
Natalie Ann Asher
With High Distinction
Diana Maryam Atassi
Madeline Grace Ausderau*
With Highest Distinction
Desi Alexander Avidane
Christian Alexander Ayers
Emily Marie Babb
Isabella Krsta Baimakovich
Gabriella Yasmine Eva Bain
With Highest Distinction
Brooke Marie Bair
Claire Elise Baker
Hijiri Orion Baker
Jordyn Alexis Baker
With Highest Distinction
Rachel Baker
Kieran Christos Ball*
With Highest Distinction
Elizabeth Jane Balsam
Whitney Banks
With Distinction
Zoe Angeline Bardon*
With Highest Distinction
Paige Elizabeth Barnes
Trinity Abeja Barnes*
With Highest Distinction
Eleanor Proctor Barth
With High Distinction
Jessica Leigh Bateman
Ashton Noelle Baumgartner
Rachel Elizabeth Bayler*
With Highest Distinction
Sarah Elizabeth Beck
With Highest Distinction
Anna Bedratenko
Morgen Emma Bedwell
Gillian Johnstone Begg*
With High Distinction
Cael Begley
Joshua Rafael Belcher
Jillian Xian Li Bell
With Distinction
Joseph Bell
Ryan Joseph Bellucci
With High Distinction
McKenzie Leigh Bennett
With Highest Distinction
Carson James Bennink
With Highest Distinction
Stephen Philip Myers Berck*
With Highest Distinction
Mia Judith Berdine
Brianna Megan Berks
Zachary Isaac Berman
Hayden Asher Bernard
With Highest Distinction
Sydney Marie Bernardi
Joao Eduardo Peres Berti
Delaney Therese Bezenah
With Distinction
Lukas Tyler Biehn
With Distinction
Anna Elizabeth Biesen
Isabella Claire Biesen
Casey Martin Biggerman
Rebecca LeiAloha Bilotta
Lyca Marie Bishop
Tate Elizabeth Blackwell
Faith Blair
With Distinction
Svea Ryann Blalock
Gabrielle Grace Blazek*
With Distinction
Jaclyn Alexandra Bobos
With Highest Distinction
Kurt Ian Joseph Boleman
Alexi L. Booher
With Distinction
Delilah Booher
With Distinction
Estella Cassidy Borden
Tatum Lynn Boswell
Hallie Ann Bowden
Mackenzie Claire Bowlen
With Highest Distinction
Cameron Scott Bowling
Armando John Bracco
John Matthew Brady
Connor Nelson Brandon
Cheyenne Lakota Brenton
Rosabella Raine Bresnahan
Cyrus Ryan Brewer
With Highest Distinction
Ethan James Briand
LaSonya Gail Bridges
Nina Mae Brochin
With Distinction
Ruby Callula Brocken
With High Distinction
Katherine Elizabeth Broderick
Elizabeth Grace Broshears
With Distinction
Alivia Tatum Brown
Jada Ranelle Brown
Shelby Olivia Brown
Madison Jane Bruce
With Highest Distinction
Katelyn Bryant
Lauren Bryant
Linnea Renee Buhrow
Gabrielle Joline Bunch
Olivia Burgess
With High Distinction
Kaitlyn Joan Burns
Sydney Pauline Bustos
Bonnie Rose Ann Butler
Morgan Butrum-Griffith
With Highest Distinction
Corrisa Arshea Butters
Abigail Byun
Anaye Elise Caldron
With Distinction
Raymond Gibson Calhoun
Riley Elizabeth Callahan
With Highest Distinction
Alexia LeeAnn Calland
Kiara Elizabeth Campos
Evan William Cantrell
Charles Scott Canty Jr.
Lila Maeve Caplan
Alexandra Lea Rausa Cappelli*
Aftyn Belle Cappy
Trinity Carey
John J. Carlucci
Anna Catherine Carroll
With Distinction
Machaia Terela Aleece Carter
Maya Raquel Cazares*
With Highest Distinction
Abigail Cerimele
Alexandra Chacon
Nolan Joshua Chaddon
With High Distinction
Paige Elayne Chambers
Braden Lee Chapman*
With Highest Distinction
Rishma Chauhan
Hao Chen
Hongji Cheng
Suk Woo Cheong
Hailey Joy Christena
Violet Lenore Chube
Yoonseok Chung
Rachel Victoria Clark
Ivy Jane Clarke
Myah Anne Clayborn
With Highest Distinction
Edward Kenneth Cleary
Taylor Sue Cleary
Kelsie Grace Clendenning
Dasani Unique Cleveland
With Distinction
Josephine Iona Close
Salome Clara Cloteaux
Andrew Edwin Cobb
Jordan Andrew Cobb
With High Distinction
Megan M. Coen
With Highest Distinction
Denton Samuel Coffelt
Krishan Matthew Coffman
Amanda Doris Cohen
Melissa Rose Colasante
With Highest Distinction
Claire Marguerite Coleman
With Distinction
Katharina Collins
Haley Nicole Comstock
Celeste Nicole Conner
Jamia Conner
Nicholas Isaiah Conrad
Michael Robert Conway
Jemima Alicia Cookson
Gracie Elaine Cooper
Kaleb Douglas Cooper
Owen Andrew Cooper
Alexis Brooke Coppola
Gianna Maria Cotignola
With High Distinction
Caroline Elizabeth Covey*
With Highest Distinction
Brennan Johnny Cox
With Highest Distinction
Colleen Rose Cox
With Distinction
Kelsey Maria Cox
Luke Samuel Cox
With Highest Distinction
Christopher N. Coyle
Jeffrey Allen Craft
Sarah Crawford
Tamia I. Crawley
Dajshauna Meloney Catherin Crisler
Maximilian John Crookshanks
Zoe Noelle Croxford
Tory Ann Cruse
Yuan Cui
Logan S. Culley
With Highest Distinction
Onyea Simone Cummings
Kyla Rayne Curtis*
With Highest Distinction
Emily Patricia Czarnecki
With Distinction
Assata Latifah Dailey
Bethany Christine Dance
Sterling Alana Daniel
Abigail Paige Davis
Brianna Davis
Chloe Catherine Davis
Elijah Graham Davis
Mary Hinako Davis
With Highest Distinction
Ryan Emmanuel Davis
Sarah Rose Davis
With Highest Distinction
Audrie R. Day
Rowena Marielle De Guzman
With High Distinction
Maria Camila De La Hoz
Abigail Lynn DeArmitt*
With High Distinction
Isabelle Marie deCastro
With High Distinction
Isabell Victoria Deem*
With Distinction
Matthew Thomas Deering
Alexa Del Giudice
With Distinction
Zebadiah Jay Demorest
With Highest Distinction
Jessica Rae Demsky
Nash Devenport
With Highest Distinction
Avery June Devine
Matthew Solomon Dichter
Christopher Michael Dicken
With High Distinction
Jenny Doan
Demetria Cherise Doby
With Highest Distinction
Alece Tiffany Doctor
Lauren Elizabeth Dodd
Ana Dodevska
With Distinction
Jennifer Dominguez-Hernandez
Emery Jane Donald
With Highest Distinction
Kamari Jacquelin Donaldson
Kaleb Donnahue
Eliza Nancy Dowd
With High Distinction
Margaret M. Doyle
With High Distinction
Elizabeth Annette Drobny
With Highest Distinction
Madison Grace Dross
David Duncan
Trinton Lamar Duncan
Karley Marie Dunn
Sarah Dunn
Harry Hawkins Durno
Katherine B. Dwyer
Makenna Brynn Edwards*
With Distinction
Chloe Kathleen Eggleton
Benjamin Heider Eifler
Madison Agnes Eldridge
With Distinction
Jade Winter Ellsworth
With Distinction
Delaney Marie Eminger
With Distinction
Samantha Glen England
With Highest Distinction
Mason Sylvester Enneking
With High Distinction
River Lowe Epperson
With Highest Distinction
Amelia Gemma Erickson*
With Highest Distinction
Natalie Rose Erkman
Amy Tanahi Espinoza
Hunter Nicole Evans
Vivian Bernice Evans
Carson Zachary Eversole*
With Distinction
Brooks Hunter Ey
Mia Grace Fahey
With High Distinction
Hadley Bryanna Faith
With Distinction
Helene Wren Falkoff
With Distinction
Raylonda Farmer
Allison Michelle Faulkner
Vanessa Lynn Federspiel
Rebecca Feiler
Jane Frances Felts
With Distinction
Chloe Marie Festa
Salvatore Ronald Filippelli
Anna Marie Filoso*
With Highest Distinction
Mary Grace Finke
Trent Thomas Fischer
Anekah McKenzie Fish
Emily Catherine Fisher
Margaret Kay Fisher*
With High Distinction
Riley Fisher
Holly Raeanne Fizer
With High Distinction
Kyle Jay Flick
With Distinction
Savannah Folz
Megan Ford
Jonas Caleb Fos
With High Distinction
Heather Foster
With Highest Distinction
Kraig Earle Foster
Rylee Kristine Foster
With Highest Distinction
Reagan Marie Foust
Emma Patricia Fox
With Distinction
Nicole M. Fox
Serena Abigail Lepselter Fox
Sophia Gabrielle Franiak
Connor J. Franklin
Merin Ilene French
With High Distinction
Megan Lauren Fricke
With Distinction
Joshua Friederwitzer
William R. Frost
With Highest Distinction
Ang Fu
With Distinction
Sonia Fuller
Jayden Alexandra Gaber
Damon A. Gaddis
Lilly Grace Gallagher
Emma Rose Gallant
Anna Gans
With Distinction
Jackson S. Gardner
With Highest Distinction
Ana Maria Gaston
With Distinction
Ella Diane Gatchel
With Distinction
Caitlin Danielle Gately
Curren Elizabeth Gauss
Seamus Brian Geddes
Anna Florin Geller
With High Distinction
Clare Elizabeth Genter
Isabela Anastasia George
With Distinction
David Richard Gery
Samantha Marie Geske
With Highest Distinction
Ainsley Gibbs
Bryanna Gibson
Alana Tamar Gill*
Abigaile Marie Gillespie
Paige Nicole Glavan
Zachary A. Godsey*
Hayleigh Renee Goff
Cassandra Joan Golden
With High Distinction
Samantha Maren Goldklang
Erica Lindsey Goldsworthy
With Distinction
Eshward Thomas Gomez
Joshua Scott Gondeck
Jaqueline Gonzalez Chacon
David Anthony Gonzalez
Victoria Rose Gonzalez
With High Distinction
Abigail Bree Gordon
With High Distinction
Kyle John Gordon
Ellie Graff
With Highest Distinction
Allison Blair Graham
Sydnie Marie Graves
Ellie Gray
With Highest Distinction
Isabella Rose Greco
Erica Lauren Green
Lauren Elizabeth Green
Maya Simone Gres Smith
With Distinction
Sonya Mary Grewal*
With Highest Distinction
Kevin P. Grider
Jackson D. Gries
Katherine Lauren Griffin
With Highest Distinction
Katherine Nicole Griffith*
Lillian Grimes
With Distinction
Joshua David Gritt
Kayla Rose Grohe
With Distinction
Isabella Grover
Dara Groves
With High Distinction
Bowen Guan
Larena Shelly Guberman
Isabella Maria Guivas
Jessica Guler
With Distinction
Emily Elizabeth Gutman
Gabrielle Alysse Guzman
Osvaldo Angel Guzman
Emily Elena Haase-Flores
Elsa Marie Hagen
Olivia Noelle Hakes
With Distinction
Ciersten Aurelia Marie Hall
Guinevere Aurora Hall
Jason Charles Hamilton
Reece Logan Hanna
Gillian Rhys Hardy
With Highest Distinction
Keegan J. Harkenrider
Allison Anne Harris
With Highest Distinction
Cassity Faye Harris
Haley Noel Hartleb
Elizabeth Kathleen Harvey
Demrie David Hasey
With Highest Distinction
Samantha Erin Hash
Georgia Renee Hastings
Katherine Edith Hastings*
With Distinction
Meghan Hastings
Trent Hatfield
Matthew Hawkins
Matthew Padgett Hayden
With Highest Distinction
Kyler William Haynes
Morgan Ellen Haynes
With High Distinction
Carter Thomas Hays
With Highest Distinction
John Stephen Heath
Emily Alexandra Hedges
With High Distinction
Katie Renee Helmchen
Kendall Nicole Henderson
Stede Boyd Hendricks
With High Distinction
Brenna Danielle Henning
Andrea Maria Henriquez-Villanueva
Mackenzie Marie Henry
Sally Catherine Heppner
Sorani Del Carmen Hernandez
With High Distinction
Sharina Elvira Hernandez-Villalobos
Grace Annmarie Hernley
Ethan Daniel Hershberger
With High Distinction
Gavin Nathaniel Hess
Noah Thomas Hickey
Bailey Jean Higby-Richardson
Grace Kathleen Hill*
With Distinction
Emily A. Himes
With High Distinction
Kylie Hinkley
Gabriel Mason Hissong
Ngun Za Hniang
Jeffery Thomas Hochgesang
Casey D. Hodgman
With Distinction
Haley Ann Hoffman
With High Distinction
Kristyn Michelle Hoffmann
Maria Hoffman
Benjamin Christoph Conrad Hoham
With Highest Distinction
Ryane Nicole Hohman
With High Distinction
Emma Elaine Holdren
With Highest Distinction
Connor David Hole
Jenna Alicia Holguin
Benjamin Daniel Holl
Samuel Dale Holland
Mia Suzanne Holtzman
With Highest Distinction
Ethan Hommel
Meredith Grace Homrighausen
Abigail Jean Hooks
With Highest Distinction
Yuxuan Hou
William McAvoy Hough
Rebecca Huang
Runtian Huang
Stella Hubert
With Distinction
Kiersten Huff
Emma C. Hunt
Lillian Irene Hunt
With High Distinction
Jillian Michelle Hurley*
With Highest Distinction
Edin Hurst
Amangul Hydyrova*
With Highest Distinction
Ngun Hnem Iang
Steven Seth Ingram
With High Distinction
Margaret Claire Ison
With Distinction
Annetta May Itnyre
With Highest Distinction
Clarissa Elizabeth Iwachiw
Kathryn Anne Jackowski
Joelle Eleanora Jackson*
With Highest Distinction
Sophia Genevieve Jackson
With Highest Distinction
McKenna Hope Jacobsen
Lauren Iris Jacobson
With High Distinction
Pravi Rani Jain
With Highest Distinction
Thavisha Ashvin Thomas
With High Distinction
Isabelle Camas Jeffris
Cecily A. Jensen
Melaina C. Jerrells
With High Distinction
Alejandro Jimenez
Alexander Chance Johnson
Lauren Danielle Johnson
Nicholas James Johnson
With High Distinction
Olivia R. Johnson
With Highest Distinction
Aishni Jolly
Amanda Irene Jones
Armoni Shonetara Jones
Brianne Monique Jones
Corey Wilson Jones*
With Highest Distinction
Gwyn Katherine Jones
Kaisee Nicole Jonio
With Distinction
Katrina Lee Jordan
With High Distinction
Grace Ann Julian
With High Distinction
Julia Rose Kafkes
Quentin Kagan
Maya Rose Kallookulangara
Kalena Chiamaka Jonenedia Kalu
Rebecca Hannah Kamensky
Areej Kamran
Mia Kanatas
Jacob Andrew Kane
Claire Marie Kappen
With High Distinction
Anna Kappner
With High Distinction
Elizabeth Rose Kasper
Kaitlyn Katzung
Amandeep Kaur
Connor Stephen Kaurich
With High Distinction
Sarah Keating
With Highest Distinction
Eileen Keller
Kassidy L. Keltner
Anastasia Gail Kersh
With High Distinction
Hanna Deanne Killian
Ariel Rose Killion
Seongju Kim
With Highest Distinction
Logan Kimm
Alexis Yangchun King
Charity Jewel Kirk
Gianna Mariel Kirkley
Maximilian Agustus Kirschner
Mairin Virginia Klaus
With High Distinction
Grace Ellen Sadona Knolinski
With Distinction
Katie Leanne Kobold
With Highest Distinction
Joseph Vincent Korbar
Jordan Renee Kostick
Abhinav Sreeramachandra Kotaru
With Highest Distinction
Hanna Alicia Kathleen Kountz
With Highest Distinction
Adam James Kowalyshen
Shana Rachel Kozakov
Rebecca Ann Kramer
With Distinction
Emily Marie Krygoske
Komal Kumar
With Highest Distinction
Blythe Amelia Kunkleman
Clara Sara Labib
Meghan Joyce LaMaster
Michael Anthony Lambert
Tyler Jeffrey Lambert
Tracy Lamptey
Alexis Jillian Lane
Christina Lane
Gabrielle E. Lane
With High Distinction
Quinn Catherine Larkin
With Highest Distinction
Isabelle Sophia Marie Larocque
With Distinction
Emma Katherine Latessa
Lachlan Murray Latz
Lindy Lee Lawrence
With Highest Distinction
Casey Lazear
With Distinction
Faith E. Lee
Joan Lee
Samantha Marie Lee
Ethan LeFaure
Elly K. Legg
With High Distinction
Gabriel Benigno-Parial Leonardo
Steven Michael Lesher Jr.
Jack Michael Leverty
Zoey Lewis
Joseph Robert Licari
Cali Lana Lichter*
With High Distinction
Caroline Anderson Lilly
With Distinction
Mary Rachel Branigin Linderman
Jordan Lorraine Lingelbaugh
Madeline Taylor Link
Taylor Lawrence Lintzenich
Dawson Cole Lipperd
Kaiyuan Liu
Shiqi Liu
Xiaochen Liu
Ashton Elizabeth Locke
Kyler Heiser Logan
Hope Michelle Long
Macee Mae Long
With Highest Distinction
Yvan Longin Jr.
Vincent Lopez
Yanely Lopez-Delgado
Harland Alexis Lory
Dylan Tarick Loutfi
Erin Helen Love
Maggie Lowe
With Highest Distinction
Emily Grace Lugo
Ava Marie Lukacsek
With Highest Distinction
Ryan Gichuki Macharia
With High Distinction
Brandon Thomas Mack
Maria Ruby Magallanes
Sarrah Elisabeth Kaur Mander
Mara Claire Manoski
Rian Michele Marcus
Lee Mariotti
Abigail Christine Marshall
With Distinction
Ella Grace Martin
Gracie Elaine Martin
With Highest Distinction
Juno Lila Lilith Suarez Martin
Liesl Therese Martin
With Distinction
Jacqueline Martinez
Yanette Mayari Martinez
Taylin Danielle Mason
Madeline Louise Mastella
Allison Grace Masterson*
With Highest Distinction
Paeton Mathes
Milena Matic
Courtney Matkovic
Rhea Murthy Matlapudi
Lindsey E. Mattern
With High Distinction
Alexander James Maurer
With Highest Distinction
Benjamin Andrew May*
With Distinction
Johnnie William McCarey IV
Emiko Lindsay McClaine
With Highest Distinction
Alyssa Monica McClendon
With High Distinction
Nolan Edward McConnell
With High Distinction
Ian William McCormick
Stuart C. McCormick
Riley Marie McCoy
With Highest Distinction
Madison Lynn McEwen
With Distinction
Madison M. McKay
Emma Alexandria McKibben-Nuttle
Taylor Paige McKim
With High Distinction
Maeve Beatrice McKinney
Shannon Clare McNally
Timothy Tarpey McNelis
Amelia Jane Meiers
Kent Thomas Meinert
Sarah Grace Mellinger
With Highest Distinction
Aylivia Jade Mellon
With Highest Distinction
Elizabeth Anne Mendelson
Macy E. Merriman
Derenea Janae Merriweather
Lindsay Paige Messinger
Andrew Metrick
Sawyer L. Metz
Emmy Samantha Michaelson
With Distinction
Samantha Ann Mignogna
Alyssa J. Milah
Devon Grace Miller
With High Distinction
Elliott Emmanuel Miller
Hannah Elizabeth Miller
Jack Campbell Milton
Tess Olivia Milton
Joseph James Miranda-Szutowicz
Neda Mirdadi
Madeline Mischak
With Highest Distinction
Jessica Kate Missey
With Highest Distinction
Zoe Anna Moczek*
With Highest Distinction
Dylan Michael Moffitt
Adam Mohrs
Daniela Sophia Moloci*
With Highest Distinction
Jenna Layne Montieth
Joshua Dean Moore
Lillious Solomon Moore
Sophia Isabelle Morehead
Ashley Elizabeth Morford
With Highest Distinction
Aric Maison Morin
Michael J. Morra
Emilia B. Morris
With Highest Distinction
Madeline P. Morrow
With Distinction
Amber Rose Mosley
Tessa Rose Muller
With High Distinction
Asher Braden Chase Mullins
Meagan Mullis
Joleena Louise Mundy
With High Distinction
Mustafaa Munir
With Highest Distinction
Mayola Muniz
Bhavyaa Reddy Munnamgi
Yasmin Martinez Munoz
McKenzie Michelle Murff
Linnea Isabelle Murray
With High Distinction
Rachael Mackenzie Murray
Annalysa Nyambura Mwaura
Ashley Janice Mwonya
Alyssa Rachel Myers
With Highest Distinction
Jadzia Myers
Sydney Rebecca Myers
Yasmin Soorayah Myers
Megan Krysteena Myles
With Highest Distinction
Amber Nacyk
With Distinction
Alberto Efrain Najera
With Distinction
Poorabi Nanda
With High Distinction
Richard Indiana Nargang
With Highest Distinction
Desirea Dawn Nash
Ethan Tyler Neihart
Ava C. Nelson
With Distinction
Matthew John Neumeister
With Highest Distinction
Madison Rebecca Newport
Kassidy Charlize Gei Yeen Ng
With High Distinction
Elizabeth Ann Nichol
With Highest Distinction
Colin Wesley Noble
Anna Rose Noel
William Aloysius Nolan IV
Jackson Chase Norman
Delia Novak
Ricardo Armando Nunez
Gabrielle Catherine Nunn
Michelle Leanne O’Brien
With Highest Distinction
Brian O’Connor
Catherine Marie O’Connor
Grace Catherine O’Connor
Aidan James O’Meara
Amanda Jiae Okulski
With High Distinction
Justin Michael Opell
Jonathan A. Ordas
Carlos Isai Orellana
Zoe Silver Oslan
With High Distinction
Emma Rose Osowski
Jianhongjing Ou
With Distinction
Chyan Nyre Pace
Zachary Ryan Paley
Sara Jane Pallante
Kayla Elizabeth Pallotto
With High Distinction
Nina Frances Papakyriacou
Sui Len Par
Delaney Lee Parker
Taylor Brienna Parra
Natalie Isabella Parrish
With Highest Distinction
Lillian McElmurry Patel
Nina Marie Patton
With Distinction
Andrew Lawrence Payne
August Ian Pearson
Luke Cañas Pearson
Jaylee Danae Pease
Christian Matthew Peasley
Kirsten Renee Pecsenye
With High Distinction
Gabriel Pellicone
Samuel Thomas Pence
Lucy Mae Pendergast
Haiqi Peng
Kemal Ananda Perdana*
With Highest Distinction
Julienne Elizabeth Pergjini
Maxwell Phillip Perkins*
With Highest Distinction
Katarina Petrovic
Madeline Parker Petrucelli
Isabella Ruth Phillips
Mason Pickett
With High Distinction
Katrina Ydalmi Piedra
Cameron Hayden Pierce
Kendall Pike
Alexander Daniel Pilipchuk
With Highest Distinction
Helen Kathryn Pilkington
Gabrielle Eileena Pinegar
Alexander S. Pirowski
Annabel Marie Pittman
Joseph S. Pizarro
Ana Pjanic
Camden Patrick Plew
Anna Elizabeth Pockrass
With Distinction
Jordan Faith Polansky
Bailey Breanne Polston
Rishi Poludasu
Bailee Alexandra Poore
Virginia Basye Powell
Kanad Prabhakar
Megan Beatrice Pratt
Abigail Grace Presson Wallace
With Highest Distinction
Savannah Sue Price*
With Highest Distinction
Ethan S. Puck
Isabella Puga
Will Pujol
Jillian Ruth Pullen
Adina Putri Purnama
Emma Ruth Putt
Cameron Grace Quilling*
With Distinction
Daniel A. Quiroz
Isabella Katarzyna Rabianski
With Distinction
Joseph Edward Radde*
With Highest Distinction
Eliza Jane Rail
Briana Gabrielle Rainey
Olivia Rose Ramirez
Rafael Alejandro Ramirez
Italia Nicole Ramos
Aidan Christopher Rand
Whitney Dawn Randolph
Ahmed Rasooli
Zachary Robert Read
Marco Antonio Rebolledo
Maria Christina Reecer
With Highest Distinction
Maxwell A. Reich
With Distinction
Kim Reish
With High Distinction
Donald Cole Reitz
Ameriha Marie Renfro
Olivia Skye Renko
With Distinction
Austen Ray Rex
Rayna Soleil Rice
Jack Richards
Benjamin Todd Richardson
With Highest Distinction
Grace Eva Richardson
With Distinction
Emma Claire Richey
Taylor Brooke Nikole Richey
Izabella Verastegui Rios
Marjana Risteska*
With Highest Distinction
Caroline Ritchie
Sarah Katherine Ritten
Ramiya Jourdan Rivers
Jayden Roach
With Distinction
Morrigan Rose Robbins
Teagan Artemisia Robbins
With Distinction
Olivia N. Roberson
Ella M. Robertson
Israel Isaac Robles
Chloe E. Rodgers
With High Distinction
Alicia Grace Rodiz
Yaira Noemi Rodriguez Garcia
Lillian Cheyenne Rogers
With Distinction
Madeline Kendall Grace Rojowski
Madison Alexis Rossillo*
With Highest Distinction
Samantha Rowe
Paige Alexandra Royalty*
With High Distinction
Ellie Jean Rubey
Brodyn Ryan Ruiz
Diana Jacsiry Ruiz
Isabelle Kate Ruiz
Kristin Nicole Rumsey
With Distinction
Madeline Belle Ruprecht*
With High Distinction
Caitlin Ryan
With Highest Distinction
Haley Ann Ryan*
With High Distinction
Adam Saad
Sophie Anne Sabo
Riley Lynn Saddlemire
Quentin James Safka
Kathryn Lavinia Samaranayake
Heather Rose Samonski
Aliya Jade Sanchez
Rachel Annie Santosh
Juliana Rae Sarwacinski
With Distinction
Ashlynn Marie Sauerwein
Madisyn Jayne Schackow
With High Distinction
Jessica Schad
Mason David Schepers
Jean Antonetta Schleppy
Rose Abigail Schnabel*
With High Distinction
Calvin Michael Schneider*
With Distinction
Kylie Jane Schneider
With Distinction
Lauren Alexandra Schneider
With Highest Distinction
Michael Stefan Schnoll
Claudia Lynn Schreiber
Isabella Annarose Schuhrke
Hannah Rose Schultz
Leann Emily Schwartz*
With Highest Distinction
Abigail Rose Scoggin
Camille Nicole Sczerbowicz
Lucas Nelson Seale
Morgan Taylor Seeman
With Distinction
Victoria Mary Seest
Jolie Rose Segal
With Distinction
Hannah Marie Seifers
With Highest Distinction
Anna Kate Settle
With Highest Distinction
Emily Madeline Shahar
With Distinction
Abdul Malik Shahid
Cooper S. Shalley
Logan M. Shan
With High Distinction
Kayla Mae Shaughnessy
Arianna Grace Shaw
With High Distinction
Amanda Jo Sheckles Paul
Samantha Kailee Sheets
Emily Ann Shemesh
Phoenix A Griffin Sherling
With High Distinction
Maria Rose Shishman
Keegan James Shoemaker
With High Distinction
Samuel Russum Shoemaker*
With Highest Distinction
Bimini Rose Showers da Silva
Karen Elizabeth Shriver
Nicholas Theodore Siambekos
With Highest Distinction
Emma Rose Sickmeier
Ashley Rose Sidkey
Devin Michelle Silvers
Molly Elizabeth Simmerman
Ngun Hniang Sin
Anusha Sinha*
With Highest Distinction
Hollis L. Sisco
Elena Morgan Six
With High Distinction
Peyton Lynn Skaff
With Highest Distinction
Haleigh Jo Skeens
With Distinction
Ireland Brooks Skipper
Bria Ann Slack
Maybelle Sarah Sloan
Anna Smethers
With Highest Distinction
Anna Louise Smiley
Audrey Nicole Smith
With Highest Distinction
Caroline Mae Smith
With Highest Distinction
Erica Lauren Smith
Madeline Victoria Smith
With Distinction
Mallory Ann Smith
With High Distinction
Michael Ronald Smith
Natalie Michelle Smith
Thomas Flanagan Smith
Sophia Louise Smulevitz
Jakob Solito
With Highest Distinction
Andrew Wade Sons
With Highest Distinction
Alexis Bailey South
Nathaniel Robert Southwick*
With Highest Distinction
Olivia Antoinette Sowers
With Distinction
Megan Elizabeth Soyka
Allejandra Cara Spear
Keegan Daniel Spitz
Caleb Spitzer
Isabel Eva Sprecher
With Distinction
Shelby Janae Springer
Grace Conner Staggs
Preslie Staggs*
With Highest Distinction
Maggie Lynn Stall
With Highest Distinction
Kayla Chrysanthi Stamatas
Lucas Aaron Stauffer
With Distinction
Abigail Rose Steffen
Elizabeth Rose Barber Stettler
With Highest Distinction
Autumn Lucy Stevens
With High Distinction
Elliot Todd Stevens
Reagan Stevenson
Miracle Wichelle Stewart
Dylan Colleen Stoltz
With High Distinction
Arin Madison Stonecipher
Gavin C. Stout
With High Distinction
Kathryn Elizabeth Stovall
With Highest Distinction
Hunter James Stracci
Aysa Jordan Streeval
Anna Louise Stumb
Caitlynn Sublette
With High Distinction
Liheng Sun
Bawi Hnem Sung
Jazmine Arielle Susana*
With Highest Distinction
Sophia Rain Suter
With Distinction
Luke Riley Swain
Madeleine Makena Swift
Cooper Dutch Sykes
With Highest Distinction
Grace Madison Symington
With High Distinction
Linqi Tan
Remi Tyler Taubin
Sarah Emily Teitsort
Megan Corinne Tennell
Victoria Ann Terrill
Megan Rachel Tessier
Mallory Jade Tessler
Noah Theobald
With Highest Distinction
Sarah Kathryn Thomas
Bryce Leon Thomas-Cook
Dillion Wayne Matthew Thomason
Leathea Alexis Thomason
Andrew Stockton Thompson
Emmett Rose Thompson
Callum Joseph Thurston*
With Distinction
Hlawn Ci Tial
Noa James Tilden
Alec William Timbol
Jenna Elizabeth Timms
With High Distinction
Carson Tipton
Jordyn Rayann Tipton
With Distinction
Dimitri Alexander Tobon
Ethan Joseph Toomey
Gabrielle Paige Topper
David Scott Tragesser
Yennie Tran
With High Distinction
Tessa Allianna Travis
Zane Arthur Trent
Sophia Trinkle
With High Distinction
Nathan Tripp
Milena Karen Trivunovic
Ava Cynthia Truman
With Distinction
June Tschoy
Emmanuel C. Tsetse
Joel Leslie Tsetse
William Tull
Vishal Singh Turna
Emma Katherine Tynan
With High Distinction
William Colbernt Uhlemann
Lauren Andrea Ulrich*
With High Distinction
Katherine Lorraine Upham
Joe William Utagawa
Stephanie Denese Valdes
With Distinction
Gilbert Robbins Valentine Jr.
Caleb Van Winkle
With Distinction
Amanda Joyce VanBuskirk
With High Distinction
Olivia Nichole Vandall
Caroline Anne Vandeveer
With Highest Distinction
Abigail I. Vannatter
Joshua David Vanover
Nuria Abril Vasquez
Alexandra Skye Vensel
Jessica Nicole Villa
Luke Thomas Villarreal
With Distinction
Christopher James Vinci
Gianna Vita
Jessica Rose Vogel
With Distinction
Cami Lynn Voiles
Matthew J. Vollmer
Ramona Moon Volpp
Mirjana Vraniskoski
With High Distinction
William Wachowski
Abigail Faith Wagner
Ella Kerrigan Wagoner
Dalton Walker
Imari Shanelle Walker
With High Distinction
Ethan Joseph Walsh
With Highest Distinction
Haonan Wang
Jingzhi Wang
Yifan Wang
Zhenyu Wang
Jackson Joseph Wanninger
With High Distinction
Lynsey Noel Warner
With Distinction
Chaisey Lyn Wasnidge
With Distinction
Maya Esther Wasserman
Sarah Isabella Waters*
With Highest Distinction
Madilyn Jane Watkins
Olivia Paige Weber
With Distinction
Lila Pauline Welch
Makkenzi Milan Welds
Hazel May Weller
Angela Weng
Kennedy Marie Weyer
Hailey Nicole Weymouth
Grant Robert Wheeler
With Highest Distinction
Grania Katherine Whelan
With Highest Distinction
Alyssa Dale White
Jessica Anna White
Jillian Rosemary White
With Distinction
Trent Alexander White
Abbigail J. Whitmore
With Highest Distinction
Olivia Eileen Whitmore
Robert Colby Wicker
With Highest Distinction
Alaina C. Wiggins
Kristin Miranda Wilder
With Distinction
Hunter Todd Will
With High Distinction
Arden L. Williams
Aubrey Leigh Williams
With Distinction
Ethan Zander Williams
Garrett Andrew Williams*
With Highest Distinction
Logan James Williams
With Highest Distinction
Abigail Wilner
With Highest Distinction
Brant Elijah Wilson
With High Distinction
Emma Rose Wilson
With Distinction
Meade Lucia Wilson*
With High Distinction
Sydney Troi Wilson
Tessa Rain Wilson
With High Distinction
Theodore Brooks Wilson
Emmeline Evelyn Witt
Evan Kyle Witte
Tyler Lewis Wittles
With Highest Distinction
Ella C. Woernle
With High Distinction
Brendan Carter Wolf
Samantha G. Wolfe
With Distinction
Hailey Talia Wolff
Michael Kenneth Wong
With Highest Distinction
Lauren Kathryn Woodcox
Autumn Worrall
Jordan Brooke Worrell
Abigail Grace Wright
With Distinction
Agatha Gleason Wright
Erika Wujek
Lynn Xiong
With Highest Distinction
Bethany Yagoda
With Highest Distinction
Chenjieshao Yang
Jassen Jianxuan Yep
With Highest Distinction
Ruoxiang Yin
Jessica Ruth Yokelson
Kaitlyn Valerie Yoxall
Elizabeth Grace Zehr
Hanyu Zheng
Ruoyu Zhou
Ellie Rachel Zipes
With High Distinction
Deion Yamikani Ziwawo*
With Highest Distinction
Ryan Scott Zorn
Matthew Mason Baker
With High Distinction
Audrey Chen
With Highest Distinction
Kathryn Elizabeth Clamme
With High Distinction
Kamari Jacquelin Donaldson
Elise Claire Fogle
With Highest Distinction
Sophia Gabrielle Franiak
Sydney Greene
Grace Elizabeth Harrison
With High Distinction
Jaden Thomas Holtschlag
With High Distinction
Allyriane Josette Huq
Jacob Thomas Jackson
Jacob Shawn Kline
Kendall Claire Lamont
With High Distinction
Baylee Nicole McAllister
With Highest Distinction
Caroline Grace Moeller
Molly Isabelle Munn
With High Distinction
Alexa Nicole Norbeck
With High Distinction
Lindsay Osten
With High Distinction
Maya Marino Owens
With High Distinction
Allison Rae Povinelli
With Distinction
Nell Ritchey
With Distinction
Picabo Taylor Saunders
With High Distinction
Riley Lynn Savage
With High Distinction
Trevor William Sell
Laney Rose Smith
Shane Aiden Stoltz
With High Distinction
Justin Elijah Tidd
With Highest Distinction
Destiny N. Walton
Malachi Charles Seth Watson
Lauren Michelle Woodward
With High Distinction
Cory William Ahlrichs
Danielle Alexandra Anapoell
Aidan Cole Arad
Harrison Chase Baker
Nathan Edward Thomas Ball
Matthew Barker
Jacob Harris Bart
Alexander Logan Bean
Ronald Charles Bearer III
Kahlil LeMable Benson
Solomon Van Biak
Bryce Alan Bower
Jayelynn Ann-Marie Brewster
Courtney Marie Brothers
Kailah Martriece Brown
Zachary Edward Brown
Jake Turner Burkhart
Emily Grace Burns
Paige Butler
Zachary William Campbell
Lanell Carr Jr.
Victoria Anne Cassman
Luke Stephen Caylor
Alexander Jerome Clifford
Khabreya Daughn Cobb
Andison Martin Coby
Rennie P. Cohen
Darien Sage Cohn
Morgan Scott Colopy
Alexander Samuel Cowen
Nickolas Edward Crook
Gressa Anne Crowley
Peyton M. Davis
Olivia Braden DeJarnett
Hadassah DeVault
Chloe Grace Diaz
With Highest Distinction
Daniel J. Dittmer
Cecilia Divis
Delaney Lynette Donovan
With Distinction
Francis X. Dooley
Maja Drake
Andrew DeVoe Eschenbach
Claudia Michel Estrada
Sebastian Cole Everton
Autumn Sue Fateley
Andrew Floerchinger
Cameron Michael Fowler
Andrew Frankelis
Natasha M. Freeman
Dillon Patrick Galvin
Madison Eleanor Gardner
Olivia Mackenzie Gee
Andrew Gialamas
Noah Garrett Gillard
James Caileb Gillig
Joseph Snider Gollmer
Reyna Cecelia Gonzalez
Gracyn M. Grider
Ethan John Grossman
Quincy Grace Haag
Halle Hall
Dakota Anthony Shelvin Harris
Sawa Hashizume
Thawng Hmung
Isaac Van Biak Hnin
Jensen Olivia Horner
John Daniel Houchin
Trey W. Humphrey
Payten Nichole Hunt
Morgan Noelle Hutmacher
Jack Richard Iannuzzo
James Dusaban Icuspit
Jasmine Renee Jackson
Sampson James
Drew Johnson
Seth Daniel Jones
Nana Amar Kaba
Emily Blake Kahn
Kaylie Elizabeth Kallen
With Distinction
Jacob Maxwell Keown
Maria Konermann
Taylor Koziol
Victoria Bella LaFree Beckett
Trevor Lambert
Madelyn Marie Lampe
Nikola James Lash
MacKenzie R. Lewis
Nicholas Lief
Ethan R. Lieser
Evan Roth Lieser
Ellie Catherine Lockhart
Jake David Lund
Piper Grace Maaka
Aguissa A. Mahamane
Callaghan Loughrey Maher
Carter Makice
Laasya A. Mamidipalli
Hesedh Ira Manase
Hannah Rae Massey
Tonya Dawn McCray
Christopher Nicholas McFarland
Matthew Thomas McGraw
Joseph Michael McRoberts
Ava Milionis
Lucy Ilene Miller
Darrian Kobee Minor
Darryl Minor Jr.
Louis Lee Moore
Maria Angela Ney
DeAndre L. Nichols
Theri Nwe
Benjamin Robert O’Connell
Xiuqi Pan
Biak Chin Par
Nicholas Anthony Pezzuto
Winter Marie Pitts
Emme Raketich Poulston
Ana Valeria Prado
Hannah Pritchard
Erin Driscoll Pujols
Roman Purcell
Nishanth Daniel Raj
Klaire Rasche
Sarah Elizabeth Reasons
Addison Samuel Reed
Dmitri Vontae Richardson
Christian Yamil Rivera Negron
Nicholas Robbin
MacKenzie Xan Roe
Nyonna Leighann Ross
Hunter Anne Rowan
Liona Marie Russell
Johanzy Salamanca
Cicely Samuel
With Distinction
Nathan Michael Schammert
Gavin Nathaniel Schoenle
Zachary Douglass Scott
Sierra Hope Shelton
Siyuan Shen
Angelina Dominique Shufford
Lane N. Skutt
Connor Smith
Jason Michael Spriggs
Colette Stack
Sydney Morgan Stewart
Alexis Deshay Stratton
Daniel C. Swain-Brown
With Distinction
Destiny Thayer
Klaire Maureen Thoman
Olivia Paige Throckmartin
Hayven Gabriella Torres
Giana Carolina Toscano
Isabelle Marleen Treasure
With Distinction
Markazie Lee Uhen
Francis Jerome Van Schaik
Jenna Helene Vecchio
Armando Leon Vegas
Spencer Logan Waldman
Anna Grace Walls
Jake Sidney Waserstein
Joseph Thomas Welch
Gaelle Wells
Eddie Benjamin Williams Jr.
Mercedez Williams
Ryan Marshall Wilson
Miranda Rae Anderson
Hinako Barnes
With High Distinction
Meghan Ann Brown
Natalie Childers
Morgan Dixon
Kailey Lynn Everhart
With Distinction
Darian N. Gossett
Kelly C. Hammond
Jada Simone Harris
Alexis Renee Hill
Imogen Horne
Camren Litwiller
Kai Lora
With Distinction
Jaclyn Marie Maleckas
Evan Laughton McGuire
Camille Margaret Metzger
Alyssa Marie Riffle
Amanda Marie Sitz
Shadazisha Tolbert
Ariel Marie Tysver*
With Highest Distinction
Morgan Weathersbe
Hailey Nicole Weymouth
Stephanie Ann Wilder
Hayley Diana Wilson
Talha Ibn Qamer Ahmed
Jace Cameron Rusznak*
With Highest Distinction
Molly Jo Drye
Alyssa Renee Heilmann
With High Distinction
Xander Joseph Lowry
Varin Rajesh Radia
Ethan Brodey Steward
With Highest Distinction
James Cameron Adams
With High Distinction
Abdulhamid Dahan Al-Fadhl
With Distinction
Charlotte Noel Anderson
Michael Jeffrey Ayres
With High Distinction
Samuel Walter Carr
With Distinction
Sydney Grace Edwards
With Distinction
Emily Grace Elliott*
With High Distinction
Alec Mitchell Erny
Carter Benjamin Fox
Keatan B. Frohning
Megan Elizabeth Jefferies
Benjamin Ryan Johnson
With High Distinction
Komal Kumar
With Highest Distinction
James Allen Malony
With Distinction
Caleb Edward Daniel Nichelson
Paige Emily Robinson
With Distinction
Jonathan Branen Rusche
With Distinction
Kerstan Luke Singh
Alexander Southern*
With Highest Distinction
Erin Danielle Vest
Cosette Beloved Wu
Sohaib Afzal
With High Distinction
Lauren Mae Ahaus*
With Highest Distinction
Steve Akinterinwa
Rossen Tony Alexandrov
Gregory Shakoor Ali
Ibrahim Basil Alubaidi
With High Distinction
Ema L. Amstutz
With High Distinction
Kanika Arora
With Distinction
Aaron William Atkisson
Jackson Thomas Bailey
Shelby Renee Baker
With Distinction
Eleni S. Ballis
Whitley Kane Barkman
With Highest Distinction
Abigail Caitlin Bates
Elizabeth Bawilung
With Distinction
Willow Grace Beemsterboer
Ameya Vinayak Belamkar*
With Highest Distinction
Brandon Douglas Benbow
With Distinction
Ariel Michele Breeden
Christian Brooks
Olivia Claire Bucher*
With High Distinction
Evelyn Monica Cacchillo
With Distinction
Caleb Masterson Callahan
With Distinction
Aubrey Marie Chmielewski
Olivia Michelle Choros*
Ceilidh Fiona Christie
With High Distinction
Hyunjin Chung
With Highest Distinction
Elizabeth Delight Cindric
Kate Noel Clarke
Peyton Alexander Clouse*
With High Distinction
Emma G. Coffey
Matthew Paul Thomas Cole
Alexandra Noel Coleman
Reece Noel Coleman
Lindsey Samantha Cooper
With Distinction
Noah Christopher Creamer
Mackenzie Rebecca Curry
With High Distinction
Abigail Paige Davis
Gavin Emerson Davis
Wendy Michelle Deras
Houda Dine
Bryan C. Doan*
With Highest Distinction
Sydney E. Dunkin
Ruth Hannah Dutton
Cory Ellsworth II
Fathia Mohamed Elmoghe*
With Highest Distinction
Bradley Jackson Enneking
Anna M. Evans
Kyra Ann Ferry*
With High Distinction
Patrick Finley
Emma Brighton Galvanek
With Distinction
Jaime Ariel Garcia
Zachary A. Godsey*
Grace Caifen Gonsiorowski
Jesus Gonzalez
With Highest Distinction
John Nolan Gregg
With Distinction
Erica Kay Gullion*
Aidan Irene Gwartney
Andrenia Hall
Anya Hardwick
With Highest Distinction
Breanna Renee Hartung
Lillian N. Hatfield
Mekenzi Odette Hazen
Alexandra Hermann
With Highest Distinction
Lydia Hermann
With Highest Distinction
Abigail Marie Hoeppner
With Distinction
Kaylee Eileen Hoffman
With Highest Distinction
Imogen Horne
Trinity Anne Howell
Madison Ashley Hoyda
Jackson Hughart
Kennedy Ryleigh Hultz
With High Distinction
Imran Syed Hussain
With Highest Distinction
Oluwabukola Emmanuel Idowu
Adeleke Malik Igbasanmi
With Highest Distinction
Andrew Robert Irick
With Highest Distinction
Sydney Walker Jacobsen
Peyton Louis Johnston
Kyle Charles Kaufmann
With High Distinction
Audrey Kaul
With Distinction
Graham Thomas Keele
With Highest Distinction
Lucas John Keinsley
Jane Wacera Kimani
Taylor Lynn Kitts
With Distinction
Swetha Krishnan
With High Distinction
Alexander Ericson Kritzer
With Highest Distinction
Audrey Therese La Valle
With Highest Distinction
Anna Marie Latona*
With Highest Distinction
Robert Lian
Cameron S. Little*
With Highest Distinction
Ryleigh Loper
With Highest Distinction
Yinuo Ma
Kaitlyn Margaret Mallett
Denise Mares
Abigail Mae Martin
Roma Kaur Matharu
With Highest Distinction
Lily Mauck*
Leanna Margaret McKnelly
With High Distinction
Nathalie Marie McLeish
Elise N. Brincefield Meeks
Amelia Jane Meiers
Alyssa Mercier
Jay Charles Miller*
With Highest Distinction
Niki Mirhosseini
With Highest Distinction
Anna Luisa Moreno
Taha Mujahid
With Highest Distinction
Megan Krysteena Myles
With Highest Distinction
Bryce Jeffrey Nabors
With Distinction
Paige Elizabeth Nagel*
With Distinction
Madhav Nair
Korinne E. Neafus
Jessie Zungwah Ng
Daniel Dang Ngo
With Distinction
Nicole Lanchi Nguyen
With Highest Distinction
Ryaan Niazi
With Highest Distinction
Sung Chin Par Nichin
Ty A. Ofer
Kyle Marvin Onken
With Distinction
Karyn Ossei-Boateng
Melina P. Palakal
Carson James Park
With Highest Distinction
Krishna Kanaiyalal Patel
Kush Ranjit Patel
With Distinction
Jackson Stephen Pauwels
With Distinction
Marissa L. Peckenpaugh
Hannah Rose Pedersen
With Distinction
Alexis Danyela Puga
Andrea Gabrielle Puga
Mary Lal Hlim Pui
Alexis Denise Qualters
Pratul Raja
With Distinction
Alexa Sheridan Rand*
With Highest Distinction
Dawson Reinig
Kim Reish
With High Distinction
Izabella Verastegui Rios
Marjana Risteska*
With Highest Distinction
Zachary K. Rude
Daniel James Russell
Luke Allen Schmitt
Rose Abigail Schnabel*
With High Distinction
Rebecca Leigh Schofield
Daylan Elena Segura
With Highest Distinction
Kyle Matthew Senuta
Emma Ruth Seyer
Sophia Shelburn
Evalyn Marie Sherer*
With High Distinction
Ayra Siddiqui
Madison Noelle Simons
Arshdeep Singh
With High Distinction
Hayden Daniel Smithey
With Distinction
Nathaniel Robert Southwick*
With Highest Distinction
Susie Bada Spotts
Sydney Madison Stauffer
Kate E. Steiner
With Highest Distinction
Sara Corrina Suiter
With High Distinction
David Joey Sun
With Highest Distinction
Joseph Arthur Sundling
Reid Silas Syverson
Teya Tabbal
With Highest Distinction
Brandon Yu-Long Tao
Abigail Elizabeth Teipen
With Highest Distinction
Krishi Shaunak Thaker*
With Highest Distinction
Anne Elizabeth Sun Joo Thoma
With High Distinction
Callum Joseph Thurston*
With Distinction
Ritika Saivasavi Vavilala
Brittany Mary-Catherine Vinson
Nicole Juliet Virata
Bailee Rees Voegerl
Matthew J. Vollmer
Chloe Anne-Elizabeth Weaver
With High Distinction
Caleb Story Webb
Alinah Marie Wilbanks
Noah Wilder
With Highest Distinction
Julianne Wilk
Grace Carolyn Yarger
With High Distinction
Adeline Mae Yates*
With Highest Distinction
Olivia Marie Yeley
With Highest Distinction
Zane Emerson York*
With Highest Distinction
Zhiyu Zhang
With Highest Distinction
Huiyi Zhu
Zachary Douglas Zollinger
Noelle Coral Zolman
Aniket Santosh Binwade
Amira Nyree Bledsoe
Lilia Ruby Brunetti
With High Distinction
Rebecca Nicole Collins*
With Highest Distinction
Elizabeth Cooper
With High Distinction
Harold Fuchs
With High Distinction
Allison Carly Hullinger*
With Highest Distinction
Alexandra Mei Lynam
With High Distinction
Riya Radhakrishnan Nair
Maya Meera Nivarthi
With High Distinction
Dyuti Pant
Adelle Schwartzman
Emily Marcella Sorg
Jaline Tay
With Distinction
Daniel Alexander Adelfinsky
With High Distinction
Christopher Lewis Bozak
Isabella Rose Mary Clemmer
With Distinction
Peyton Alexander Clouse*
With High Distinction
Anya Hardwick
With Highest Distinction
Neal Hollinden
Samuel A. Krok
Patrick Owen Loftus
With High Distinction
John Emerson McHale
With Distinction
Stephen Alexander Parfenoff V
Alayna Marie Roberts
Michael Colin Ruane
Samantha Grace Squire
With High Distinction
Anna Katherine Stevens
Madeline Rae Torok
Robert Theodore Woodburn IV
With Highest Distinction
Jialin Zou
Casey Martin Biggerman
Margaret Grace Cornett
Olivia Anne Cozzi
With High Distinction
Drew Ryan David
Demetria Cherise Doby
With Highest Distinction
Josephine Everett
Alexis Nicole Isaias
Jake Asher Isenman
Abhinav Sreeramachandra Kotaru
With Highest Distinction
James Lawrence Kraus
With Highest Distinction
Lauren Emerson McWherter
Ollie J. Monroe
With Distinction
Courtney Lauren Moore
Collin Richard Pfeifer
With High Distinction
Ansley Lorelei Reid
Erica Vieira Ritzmann
Aniyah Simone’ Thompkins
With Distinction
Mallory A. Treesh
Leylani Yaney Zamora
Emily Nicole Payne
James Cameron Adams
With High Distinction
Carter Wayne Dills
With Distinction
Chandler Rose Skinner
Benjamin Christoph Conrad Hoham
With Highest Distinction
Abigail Elizabeth Comer
With Highest Distinction
Brenna Marie Gilbert
Katherine Rose Guinn
Katie Lynn Hansen
With High Distinction
Joshua T. Hutchins
Hanna Pauline Nyberg
With Distinction
Lauren Elizabeth Sensibaugh
With High Distinction
Zoe Johnelle Swanson*
With Highest Distinction
Cooper Dutch Sykes
With Highest Distinction
Alexandria Nicole Armstrong
Emerson Natalie Babcock
Sullivan Haze Banker
With Highest Distinction
Mackenzie Renea Bell
Lindsay Ann Bickett*
With Distinction
DeMisha Lachelle Billingsley*
With High Distinction
Abigail Catherine Blish
Blake Lawrence Bridges
Kristen Marie Brown
Tanisha Marie Bushhorn
Maria Inez Castillo
Adam Joseph Chapman
Jerry Chen
With Highest Distinction
Rachel Victoria Clark
Alexis Elizabeth Coleman
Camden Douglas Colestock
Jillian G. David
With High Distinction
Audrey Lauren Dimmer
Erika Jeanne Dimond
Kandyce Denise Donald
Zachariah David Dziennik
Malia RaeAnn Edlin
Bradley Austin Ehrlich
Margaret Carol Ernst
Elijah Alexander Garcia-Covington
Jaycie Morgan Gibson
With Distinction
Elizabeth Grae Gosnell
Isaac Gray
Kynton Grays
Marin Elisabeth Habig
With High Distinction
Emily Cierra Harley
Aniya J. Harris
Malyne N. Harris
Olivia Marie Hartz
Brianna Marie Hess
With Distinction
Florencia Soledad Hilburn-Gamarra
Aeryn T. Hopwood
Emma Ruth Huse
With Distinction
Alayna J. Iles
Jessica Ann Jackura
Sophia Love Johnson
Laine Elizabeth Kennedy*
With Distinction
Zachary James King
With Distinction
Lucie Beth Koeberlein*
With High Distinction
Kade Michael Kultgen*
With Highest Distinction
Sophia Kay Linville
With High Distinction
Alejandra Macyszak
Grace Kathryn Mandick
With High Distinction
Celia McNamara
Elsa Marie Meek
Andrew G. Menner
Emma Rose Messer
With Distinction
Preston Scott Miller
Mayson Patricia Moore
With High Distinction
Samantha Taylor Moore
Rachael Moraa Morara
With High Distinction
Matthew David Murray*
With Highest Distinction
Madisen Leigh Myers
Anastasija Naumoski
Chau Giang Nguyen
Cassandra Lea Norris*
With High Distinction
Tristen Grant Nuest
Elizabeth Colleen Origer
With High Distinction
Sophia Kalmanova Pate
Rachel Harshil Patel
Rythm J. Patel
Sanaya Patel
Blake William Piazza
With High Distinction
Elizabeth Reyes
Alma Rosa Rodriguez
Philipp Lukas Roehm*
With High Distinction
Jagger Boden Saylor
With Highest Distinction
Elizabeth Danielle Schmidt
Thian Britney Shields
Morgan Rose Shostak
Giancarlo Smith
Luke Austin Snyder*
Daniel James Sopczak
Jessica Ann Stackhouse
Rylee Catherine Stager
Maria Nefeli Stefanidou
With Highest Distinction
Kaitlyn Gabrielle Stitch
Alec David Strubel
Nicholas David Swank
With Highest Distinction
Lauren Alexis Tarak
Lacey Aaliyah Taylor
Reagan Danielle Thomas
Camren Scott Toole*
With Highest Distinction
Diana Tran*
With Distinction
Jessica Rose Vogel
With Distinction
Sophia Weigt
With Distinction
Halle Welch
With High Distinction
Taylor Michelle Whitaker
Cassidy White
Mazey J. Wilson
Isabella Ann Witte
Jared Tyler Woitalla
Joseph Kou Xiong
With Distinction
Tulip S. Amalie
With High Distinction
Camren Bosse
Ryan Alexander Brooks
Spencer Doolin
Peyton Andrew Eaton*
With Highest Distinction
Breanne Nicole Gatlin
With Highest Distinction
Matthew Padgett Hayden
With Highest Distinction
Dhruv Navin Javeri
Brodie Albert Kane
With High Distinction
Jonathan Alexander Zachariah
Jessica Kate Missey
With Highest Distinction
Kate Lynn Pletz
With Highest Distinction
Thomas Spencer Pugh
With High Distinction
Ezekiel Jacob Robertson
Carolina Salgado
Julianne Alyssa Sendon*
Daniel Erik Skora
Ethan Brodey Steward
With Highest Distinction
Hunter Lee Stewart
With Highest Distinction
Christian Dawt Hmun Thang
Kendall Nicole Viele
Maxwell Yaden
Maria Renee Casiano
With Distinction
Erin Delaney Clark*
With Highest Distinction
Samantha Elizabeth Denney
With High Distinction
Janvi Sanjaykumar Desai
Leah Kemper
Kyle Joseph Kristoff
Shivani Pridip Kumar
With Distinction
Rebecca Paulina Lozano
Hannah Christine Markley
With Distinction
Nirali Kalpeshkumar Patel
Cameron Lane Phipps
William Dale Rockliff*
With Highest Distinction
Erin Elizabeth Rooney
Fernando Uriel Santos
Michael Thomas Slaton
With Highest Distinction
Lindsey Elizabeth Way
With Highest Distinction
Tristan J. Young
With Distinction
Rachel Catherine Bracewell
Dariana Annet Chavez*
With Highest Distinction
Geneva Chipman
Qingwan Simone Dai*
With Distinction
Emily Grace Elliott*
With High Distinction
Jane Morgan Georgas
With Highest Distinction
Lilly Frances O’Shea*
With Distinction
Tammy Le Phan
Kelli Taylor Rivers
With Distinction
Passapong Ruksee
With Distinction
Eleanor Carole Starkey
With Highest Distinction
Jazmine Arielle Susana*
With Highest Distinction
Aditi Reddy Aalati
With Distinction
Manar Fayez Abuzer
Aderinola Anthonia Adewopo
Sufiyan Mannan Ahmed
With Distinction
Ranny Mohammed Badreddine
Susannah Elizabeth Ball
Angela Rosemary Baxter
Sarah Cristi Bickford
Viha Reddy Bynagari*
With Highest Distinction
Amy Cardona
Megan Carr
Megan Allene Caudy*
With High Distinction
Mehlika Cekic
With Highest Distinction
Marlee Brooke Christofanelli
Madison Olivia Dahl
Melissa A. Deming
Iandra Diaz Scheker
Brendon Gary Dixon
Sathvika Dobbala
Cayley Zayanah Darice Dodson
Dylan Andres Draves
With Highest Distinction
Anna M. Evans
Paige Christine Felix
Emily Kaitlyn Gallagher*
With High Distinction
Lilia Jacqueline Garcia
Donna Marie Grove
Isabella Grover
Isabella Jiselle Habash
Futhallah Hassan Hamed
With Highest Distinction
Autumn Harmon
Rachel Brigid Hinch*
With High Distinction
Rachael Colleen Hoffman
With Highest Distinction
Amangul Hydyrova*
With Highest Distinction
Adeleke Malik Igbasanmi
With Highest Distinction
Michelle Clarice Jepsen
Emily Morgan Kennedy
Rayyan Mansoor Khan
With Distinction
Shurun Kim
With Highest Distinction
Alexa Faye Kotz
Alexander Lee Kuklish
With Highest Distinction
Rachel Lynne Kump
With High Distinction
Prabhvir Singh Lakhan*
With High Distinction
Victoria Caroline Leeder*
With Highest Distinction
Lily Anne Leslie
Gaurav Sai Lokender
Mitchell Luetke
Lauren Elizabeth Macdonald
With High Distinction
Carlee Marcuccilli
With Highest Distinction
Roma Kaur Matharu
With Highest Distinction
Elizabeth Anne McRanor
Abigail E. Miller
Ashlee Layne Miller
Ian Frederick Miller
With High Distinction
Tess Olivia Milton
Deanna Marie Molina
Richard Antonio Montero
With High Distinction
Kiara Tyanni Moore
Paige D. Moore
Mustafaa Munir
With Highest Distinction
Hannah Na*
Claire Nation
With High Distinction
Caleb Edward Daniel Nichelson
Karey Noe*
Lilly Frances O’Shea*
With Distinction
Obinna Brandon Okoye
With Distinction
Nicole Antonella Oliva
Mariam Morenikeji Oluyadi
Ayush Panda
Shreya Umesh Parikh
Nidhee Ketan Patel
Julian Valentin Pentchev
Sophia Phoenix
With Highest Distinction
Amee Ashish Punater*
With Highest Distinction
Jonathan Grant Pyclik
Layla Ruby Qureshi
With High Distinction
Daisy Robles-Magallanes
Passapong Ruksee
With Distinction
Marina Mounir Salama
With High Distinction
Paris Sang Bawi
John Patrick Scanlon*
With Highest Distinction
Neha Rajesh Shah
With Highest Distinction
Gabriella Rose Smith
Saad Ahmed Sualeh
With Highest Distinction
Vedha Savithri Subramanian
David Joey Sun
With Highest Distinction
Krishi Shaunak Thaker*
With Highest Distinction
Caroline Alexandra Turner
Aishwarya Vallabai Pattel
Soumya Vijayraj
With Distinction
Bailee Rees Voegerl
Sophia Renaté Watt
With High Distinction
Morgan A. Weesner
Kristin Lynn Wilson
Morgan Blair Wright
With Highest Distinction
Trinity Wright
Lynn Xiong
With Highest Distinction
Jenny Zual
Abhinav Anand
Zachary Charles Anyaebunam
Gabriel Beasley
Daphne I. Burgis
With High Distinction
Katherine Ella Crews
Eric Ray Ely
Jordana Eden Leff
Mara Sophia Muresan
Jiya Passey
With Distinction
Maria Eduarda Peixoto Fragoso
Andy Iori Santiago-Hernandez
Megan Anne Scobee
Sahithi Nagasai Thippana*
With Highest Distinction
Alex Robert Tisherman
Jenna E. Chodkiewicz
William R. A. Clapp
Carter Wayne Dills
With Distinction
Peyton Andrew Eaton*
With Highest Distinction
Samuel Lee Gladney Jr.
Zane Gruwell
Brodie Albert Kane
With High Distinction
Maxwell Joseph Sabin*
Alexander Richard Trippel
With High Distinction
Maxwell Yaden
Jessica Paige Almaraz
With Distinction
Michael Angel Almendarez
Colemann LaRue Angelly
Lauren Elizabeth Barreto
Angela Rosemary Baxter
Kalyn Bender
With Highest Distinction
Caroline Skeens Benton
Zara-Rose Alena Bliss*
With Highest Distinction
Rachel Nicole Bourkland
Isabel Suzanne Brandt
Serena Faye Breeding
Angelina Burroughs
With Highest Distinction
Hunter James Butz
Vanessa Elizabeth Castro
Ruth Arpita Chikkala
With Distinction
Cassie J. Childress
Marlee Brooke Christofanelli
Ivy Jane Clarke
Morgan Catherine Corneil
Noah Gage Cumming
Melanie Marie Derwinski
Charles Joseph Dieffenbach
Dylan Andres Draves
With Highest Distinction
Harsh Vardhan Duvvuru
Lal Fel
Khloe Mackenzy Ferrell
Rachel Marie Flatto
Sierra Jean Fletcher
Lucy Olivia Fowley
With Distinction
Anders Mitchell Christian Fox
Kyle Chifung Friedman
Emily Kaitlyn Gallagher*
With High Distinction
Danny Nabil Ghalayini
Kathryn Anne Goetz
Ariana Alexis Gomez
With Distinction
Olivia Devon Goodman*
Victoria Rose Gray*
With Highest Distinction
Lillian Grimes
With Distinction
Raya Haghverdi*
With Highest Distinction
Sophie Nicole Hand*
With Highest Distinction
Austin Charles Himebaugh
With Highest Distinction
Bree C. Hobbs
Claire Elizabeth Horan
With High Distinction
Zion Reid Hulbert
Sabrina Marie Jacobs
Rayanne Elizabeth Janota
Jack Harlow Johanson
Hope Janay Elizabeth Jones
With Distinction
John Philip Keller
Grace Nicole Kerulis
Malaika T. Khan
Katie Leanne Kobold
With Highest Distinction
Susan Tobiloba Kolawole
Emily Kathrynne Landsittel
With Highest Distinction
Nicole Lawliss Langston
With High Distinction
Anaiya Sarah Hadassah Lee
Lily Anne Leslie
Nge Li
Sirong Liu
With Highest Distinction
Emily Marie Longenecker*
With High Distinction
Aziza Machnouk
With High Distinction
Taylor Louise Maguire
Spencer A. Maschino
Connor James McKinnon
Luke Dunkel McKissock
With Distinction
Malakai M. Moore
With Highest Distinction
Joslin Nguyen*
With Distinction
Sara Olivia Otieno
Ayush Panda
Nadia Christine Paredes
Karisma Nichole Peck
Abbey Nicole Perkins
Anna Elizabeth Pockrass
With Distinction
Grace Elizabeth Prangle
Sarah Qu
With Distinction
Sariah Jade Ramos
Lucas J. Reust
Meghan Georgia Sanders
Abhigyan Saripalle
Aubrey Elizabeth So
With Distinction
Carter Cain Stevens
Cierra Elizabeth Stith
Morgan Sophia Stuckey
Megan Corinne Tennell
Lilienne Rose Toledano
Rachel Jane Uhlik
Joseph J. Vessely
Cecilia Barbara Warrington
Jourdan C. Weinzapfel
With Highest Distinction
Ella C. Woernle
With High Distinction
Jacqueline Beth Woldt
Hanah Rene Wolf
Mary Claire Wolk
Tiana Michele Yoder
Madeline Olivia Zeller
Katelyn K. Zerbe
With Distinction
Minghao Zhu
Lillian Marie Peters
With Highest Distinction
Olivia Belle Thompson
Jordyn Rayann Tipton
With Distinction
Carson Zachary Eversole*
With Distinction
Stephen Philip Myers Berck*
With Highest Distinction
Jordan Andrew Cobb
With High Distinction
Josh Davis Gaughan
With Distinction
Mason Iizuka Griswold
With Distinction
Jinhong Li
Isiah Drae Perine
Alexandria Grace Wanas
Marriah A. Carpenter
Maci Glotzbach
Taylor Holt
Savannah A. LaMotte
Sara Pozywio
Lorelei A. Schmidt
Macie LeiAnne Willhite
Donghyeon Yun
Recipients of Master of Arts, Master
of Arts for Teachers, Master of
Fine Arts, Master of Science, and
Doctor of Philosophy degrees are
listed under the Indiana University
Graduate School Bloomington,
pages 70–80.
Eskenazi School of
Art, Architecture, and
Design—College of Arts
and Sciences
Hannah Marie Aitken
Jaquelyne Arellano
Samuel Andrew Bang
Giavanna Marie Baracani-Thomas
Soren Milagro Barrios
Gabriella Bunting
Florence Adelaide Chapell
Robert Cameron Cunningham
Allie Madison Dixon
Zofia Farley
Adam D. Fesler
Robert Anthony Fisher
Nazareth Carolina Gaspar
Bradley Elijah Gibbs
Alyssa K. Gilliland
Emily Marie Good
Teresa Linda Goris
Nicole Loren Grubstein
Jenna Hamdan
Britta E. Hess
With High Distinction
Allison Ignas
Allison Danielle Jones
Jack Henry Koceja
Marina Elesa Konstantinidis
Cassandra Sophia Kramer
Nini Laithang
Taylor Lamparski
Sophia Marie Lech
George Liu
Zoe Ann Myers
Brooke Marie Nottingham
Olivia Grace Orr
Neharika Palivela
Grace Eva Richardson
With Distinction
Melanie Quinn Roberts
With Highest Distinction
Matthew Ian Rushton
Hallie Grace Schwartzkopf
With Highest Distinction
Emma K. Short
Emma Grace Stafford
Sophia M. Talarico
Shifan Wang
Avrie G. Allen
Olivia Therese Callahan
With Distinction
Michelle Camacho
Zoe Noelle Croxford
Sarah Aziz Fazni
Devin M. Good
Ian Michael Hanlin
Evan O’Neil
Melody Alondra Reyes
Adam Alexander Richter
Danielle Shum
With High Distinction
Madison Joy Baker
Corinn Blanchford
With Highest Distinction
Lauren Taylor Boeke
With Distinction
Kelsey Magdaline Bonnell
Brooke Christina Busky
Madeline Chiabai
Madison Mae Cockerham
Kate Olivia Connors
Hailee Elizabeth Cooper
Jillian Grace Cummings
Logan Blake DeLisle
Ryann Michelle DeStefano
Lindsay Ferrell
Jennifer Ann Fleming
Tayler Marie Gomez
Lillian Faulkner Greenlee
Jadyn Leah Grossman
Olivia Tumidolsky Hardwick
Kate Margaret Heidt
Chloe Isabella Lambert
Allyson Chloe Lawrence
Sumer Singh Maini
Marina Pasena Mejer
Leah Jane Moon
Isha Nehl
Ashley Rachel Ohebshalom
Kathryn Bea Pappenheim
With Highest Distinction
Zoe Elisabeth Paragas
Arden Kiera Perez
Apsara Rangarajan
With Distinction
Natalie Grace Reno
With Distinction
Sam Leigh Richardson
Abbie Lee Skadron
Xandria Cheyenne Starks
Gina Nicole Vellutini
Aubrey Williams
Emilie Anne Wolf
Genevieve R. Zakrzewski
Molly Cai
With High Distinction
Nathan David Cesarski
Jack Dennis Chesman
Samuel S. Ecenbarger
Alexia Maris Gibbs
Hayden John Grider
Brandon Justice Harmon
Addison Isabella Hofer
Macy Alexandra Hough
Kyo Jin Lee
Kira Dawn Morton
Rei Eva Newman
Claire Patrice Otolski
With Distinction
Zachary Michael Searfoss
Reanna Jane Shelton
With High Distinction
Sita R. Wagle
Nu San Zan Hkung
Fathima Amani Zaneer
With Highest Distinction
Yehan Zhao
Ibrahim Mohammed Al-Mohanna
With Highest Distinction
Greta Rose Allen
Syanna Bonewitz
Juliette Catherine Castagna
Aimee Elizabeth Cool
Gabrielle Couch
Sophia Gaetano
Genevieve Leigh Hoppen
With Highest Distinction
Kate Rose Keighran
Anna Catherine Kubat
Jennifer Marie Lee
With Distinction
Trinity Jade Mayes
Megan F. Murphy
Courtney Carrigan Naylor
Emma Louise Nolan
Clara Elizabeth O’Brien
With Highest Distinction
Jamila Ashanti Richardson
Kaitlyn Christine Robinson
With Distinction
Melissa Shirer
Zoe Lauren Tiger
Elizabeth Torres
With Distinction
Allie Kathleen Warren
With Distinction
Lily Wever
Lauren Rose Winkler
Taylor Rose Zelisko
Brooke Marie Ballantine
McKinley Nicole Carroll
Kaitlyn Kathleen Czarnetzki
With Distinction
Jenny Durgaj
Gretchen Lynn Fehn
Jackson Bernard Frank
Brooklyn Starr Hornaday
Madison Hanna Kay
Selene Wing-Sum Lam
With High Distinction
Linh Gia Luc
With High Distinction
Ava Felicita Mikola
With Highest Distinction
Charlotte Claire Nelson
Gabriella Rosa Purpora
Anna E. Schutz
Abigail Rose Schwartz
Sierra Jordan Shambaugh
With Distinction
Arianna Rose Weisberg
Noah Benjamin Zentz
With Distinction
Esther Oluyomi Afolayan
Guillaume Allamel
Vladyslav Bobuskyi
Kaleb Evan Harris
S. M. Tahmid Hossain
Sepideh Sadat Hosseini Naghavi
Nadia Afrin Kibria
Jessica Miller
Simbarashe Mupandi
Aaron Stanley Thornburg
Martha Olivia Velderrain Chavez
Recipients of Master of Arts and
Master of Fine Arts degrees are
listed under the Indiana University
Graduate School Bloomington,
pages 70–80.
Hamilton Lugar
School of Global and
International Studies—
College of Arts and
Mohammed Ali Sulaiman Ali
With High Distinction
Erol John Algan
With Highest Distinction
Rashed Mohamed Jasem Aljalaf
With High Distinction
Abdulmotaleb Rafed Alsaad
Rachel Baker
Cecilia Standiford Ball*
With Highest Distinction
Stefany Raquel Banegas Molina
Joao Eduardo Peres Berti
Lyca Marie Bishop
Connor Nelson Brandon
Kayla Nicole Brooks
Caleb Masterson Callahan
With Distinction
Amaia Karrington Cameron
Julia Lynn Campbell
With Highest Distinction
Lila Maeve Caplan
Madison Irene Carter
Josephine Iona Close
Charles Dontay Jamail Collins Jr.
With High Distinction
Kierra Compton
With High Distinction
Joshua Michael Copenhaver
Vivian Kristine Costello
With Highest Distinction
Brandon James Cotton
Caroline Elizabeth Covey*
With Highest Distinction
Jacob Charles Cox
Frank Daley-Young
With Distinction
Chloe Catherine Davis
Margaret Davis
Maria Camila De La Hoz
Isabelle Marie deCastro
With High Distinction
Sofia Elizabeth Duarte
Jenna Nicole Felty
With Distinction
Micaela Marie Fenn
With Distinction
Katherine Teresa Ferro
Ryan David Fields
Franccesca Sophia Rose Finney
Mara Jade Fischer
Anekah McKenzie Fish
Madelyne Mae Ford
Heather Foster
With Highest Distinction
Sonia Fuller
Sydney A. Gable*
With Highest Distinction
Julia Suzanne Garner
Ana Maria Gaston
With Distinction
Anne Marie Getz
With Distinction
Michael Super Goebel
Erica Lindsey Goldsworthy
With Distinction
Margaret Lamara Goletiani
Kyle Daniel Gorman
With Distinction
Maura Carol Gormley
Ryana Danielle Griggs
With High Distinction
Olivia Tumidolsky Hardwick
Gabrielle A. Hardy
Carson David Hartley
Georgia Renee Hastings
Nathan Thomas Hatchett
With High Distinction
Carter Lee Hazzard
James Russell Hensley IV*
With Highest Distinction
Madigan Grace Hogan
With Highest Distinction
Emma Elaine Holdren
With Highest Distinction
Amangul Hydyrova*
With Highest Distinction
Mohamed Zakaria Izadine
With High Distinction
Krista Alexandria Kane
Hayleigh Knowlton Keasling
With High Distinction
Eileen Keller
Bomin Kwon
Patrick Ignatius Lee*
With Highest Distinction
Dawson Cole Lipperd
Heidi Renee Livingston
With Highest Distinction
Cameron David James Lowery
Aleksander David Maasik
Conner MacDonald
With Highest Distinction
Aziza Machnouk
With High Distinction
Benjamin Andrew May*
With Distinction
Mira Kathrine McDaniel
Madison Lynn McEwen
With Distinction
Dylan Andrew McLeod
Anahi Medina
Kendrick Judy Mernitz
With Highest Distinction
Haley Marie Miller*
With Highest Distinction
Haifa Khalfan Mohamed
With Highest Distinction
Adriana Francheska Morales
Ashley Elizabeth Morford
With Highest Distinction
Ian Lindsay Morris
With Distinction
Kelsey Paul Morse
With Highest Distinction
Itzial Fatima Najera Romero
Paige Elise Nevitt
Haleigh Brianne Nightenhelser
Liam Andrew O’Brien
Kelsey Renee Milham Ortell
Isabella Packowski
Sui Len Par
Saniya Ashish Patel
Jack Thomas Patterson
With Distinction
Christian Matthew Peasley
Jayna Leigh Pennington
Anna Pies
With Highest Distinction
Alexander S. Pirowski
Destiny Polter
Abigail Mackenzie Potter
With Highest Distinction
Will Pujol
Diana Rae Pyle
Cameron Grace Quilling*
With Distinction
Joana Melissa Regalado
Joshua Daniel Reid
Ebony Marie Richardson
Lillian Cheyenne Rogers
With Distinction
Daria Joy Rosenbluth
Jada Laine Row
Madeline Belle Ruprecht*
With High Distinction
Picabo Taylor Saunders
With High Distinction
Nadia Jane Scharf
With High Distinction
Leann Emily Schwartz*
With Highest Distinction
Victoria Mary Seest
Phoebe Jane Sellke
Roxanne Elizabeth Shaikhadeh
Nicholas Theodore Siambekos
With Highest Distinction
Jack Ryan Skidmore
Brennan David Skirzenski
Thomas Flanagan Smith
Allejandra Cara Spear
Jill Stafford
With High Distinction
Mary Elizabeth Streett*
Sachin Gautam Talagery
Carson Tipton
Benjamin Lowell Tomas Morgan*
With Highest Distinction
Luke Alexander Turner
With High Distinction
Emma Elizabeth Lindner Uber
With Highest Distinction
Stephanie Denese Valdes
With Distinction
Janet Valtierra-Palos
Caleb Van Winkle
With Distinction
Isabella Ans VanRooyen
Alexandra Skye Vensel
Oriana Vivas
Imari Shanelle Walker
With High Distinction
Lindsey Elizabeth Way
With Highest Distinction
Elizabeth Grace Weaver
With Highest Distinction
Christina Grace Westbrook
With High Distinction
Jessica Christine Wilson
Emmeline Evelyn Witt
Liam Wojciechowski
Benjamin Lee Woods
Elisabeth Anne Yanez
Eden Rose Zaborowski
Fathima Amani Zaneer
With Highest Distinction
Gillian Anne Zeuli
With High Distinction
Wade Ladin Bartlett
With Highest Distinction
Isabelle Marian Mae Blazey
Ethan Alexander Carrier
With High Distinction
Benjamin Matthew Dattilio
Stuart Walter Findley
Mason Hastings Green
Gwen M. R. Henderson
William Im
Justin Jonasch
Isaiah Solomon Jones
Alexander John Kukura
With Highest Distinction
Kendrick Judy Mernitz
With Highest Distinction
Jackson Stone Murphy
Paige Elise Nevitt
Sheena Victoria Phillips
Kathryn Claire Riordan*
With Distinction
Drew Stagge
Collin Payne Stewart
Truong Tho Nguyen Tran
Joe William Utagawa
Andrew William Ward
Joshua Zahl
Caleb Joseph Becker
Katharina Collins
Emma la Cour Dabelko*
With Highest Distinction
Katherine Edith Hastings*
With Distinction
Madigan Grace Hogan
With Highest Distinction
Hayleigh Knowlton Keasling
With High Distinction
Aiden Joseph Pentaleri
Ian Joseph Quinn
Chuanqi Wang*
With Highest Distinction
Rachel Nefertari Akhet Boveja
Brandi Michelle Bruemmer
Devin Jean Coryell
Shuai Ding
Mikayla Ryann Gothard
Clay Richard Keiser
Erin Nicole Larkin
Jacob Moore
Kenneth Earl Rusk
Alexis Raeann Weidner-Bennett
Recipients of Master of Arts,
Master of Science, and Doctor of
Philosophy degrees are listed under
the Indiana University Graduate
School Bloomington, pages 70–80.
The Media School—
College of Arts and
Ellen Anne Abdullah
With Highest Distinction
Aaron Joseph Abrams
With Distinction
Hayley G. Adams
With High Distinction
Sumeyye B. Akgun
With Distinction
Matthew Ryan Alicea
With Highest Distinction
Edie Elizabeth Anderson
Katherine Brooke Anderson
With High Distinction
Natalie Elise Austin
Andrew James Baker
Brayden S. Barger
Hinako Barnes
With High Distinction
Jake Benjamin Barnett
Carlo Garcia Barone
With High Distinction
Cameron Élise Barr-Kotzen
Daniel Simon Batler
Stella Sweet Behforouz
With Highest Distinction
Jordan Behn
Julianna Rosalie Bell
Bianca Leah Benedek
With Highest Distinction
Samantha Rose Berke
With High Distinction
Jorden J. Beshore
Trinity A. Beverly
Colton Jesse Bex
Marcus A. Blackmon
Dasia Lanae Blades
Joshua Theodore Bode
With Highest Distinction
Mackenzie Claire Bowlen
With Highest Distinction
Joseph Benjamin Brennan II
Maggie Brennan
Kaitlin R. Brenneke
Megan Catherine Briody
Kamryn Gabriel Brock
Conor Fitzpatrick Brodie
Emily Suzanne Brown
Jacob Christian Brown
Makenzie Bruce
Matthew Thomas James Byrne
Maggie Doran Cahill
Olivia Therese Callahan
With Distinction
Simon Jacob Camacho-Roy
With Highest Distinction
Anna Grace Campbell
Dominic Michael Cantanzarite
Joanna Cao
With Distinction
Dulce Ibette Carrillo
Jasmine Casana
With High Distinction
Samantha June Catalano
Florence Adelaide Chapell
Audrey Chen
With Highest Distinction
Casey Cheng
Suk Woo Cheong
Abigail Danielle Chovan
Andrew Thomas Cocozza
Gretta Ellaine Cohoon
With High Distinction
Maxwell Christopher Cole
Ava Collins
With Highest Distinction
Kierra Compton
With High Distinction
Wesley Elijah Cooper
Kylee Emma Corman
With Distinction
Andrew William Correale
Caroline Therese Corthinos
Devin Corum
Victor Ari Coustan
Lauren Olivia Craft
With Highest Distinction
Caprianna Vazzano Crist
Claudia Ann Crookshanks
Abbigail Micaela Cunningham
With Distinction
Alexander Christopher Cusick
Nicole Faith Daniel
Brianna Davis
Mary Jane Deer
With High Distinction
Caterina Marie DeSantis
With Highest Distinction
Cole Joseph DeWael
Marissa Diaz De Leon
Jacob Dilling
Louis Francis DiPietro
Lucie Christine Downing
Garrett A. Drake
Siyuan Du
Brooke Terese Duddleson
With High Distinction
Avery Lucille Durnil Wilkerson
With Highest Distinction
Carlissa Jo Easton
Minerva Sydney Elian
Eve Elliott
With Highest Distinction
Logan Marie Fairchild
Helene Wren Falkoff
With Distinction
Fares Fallouh
Noel Jordan Fary
With Highest Distinction
Gabriel Adam Fenster
Liam J. Fitzgerald
Gwendolyn Hope Foley
Amanda Kate Foster
With High Distinction
Gianna Foster
Chloe Lauren Foster-Storch
Susanna Nian Hua Fravell
Trey Frye
Joshua Glen Fugate
Chloe Fulk
With High Distinction
Mia Nicole Galante
Molly Grace Gallenberg
With Distinction
Jordan Garson
Ross Ethan Gelick
Andrew John Getz
Hayden Grant Gill
Jessica Lynn Glass
With High Distinction
Skylar Rene Golding
With Highest Distinction
Erica Lindsey Goldsworthy
With Distinction
Lauren Grace Gonya
With Distinction
Ainsley Beth Grabarek
Jacob Ryan Greene
Zachary Eli Greene
Sydney Marguerite Greggs
Brooke Nicole Grewe
Leah Elizabeth Grieco
Tessa Rose Haag
With High Distinction
Donovan Cortez Harden
Logan Hare
Alexis Harmon
Trisheena Heaven Harris
Andrew Todd Hartman
Kyler William Haynes
Griffin Everett Healy
Emily Alexandra Hedges
With High Distinction
Erin Aideen Hemmenway
Grace Henderson
With High Distinction
Alejandro Hernandez
Brenda J. Hernandez
Alanna Grace Herrey
Taylor B. Hoffman
Samuel Jacob Hollans
Grace Ann Holler
Mia Suzanne Holtzman
With Highest Distinction
Hannah Grace Hopson
Cooper Allen Hudson
With High Distinction
Lillian Irene Hunt
With High Distinction
Sarah Bank Hunter
Nicole Hurd
Lauren Iris Jacobson
With High Distinction
Eli Sander Jaffe
Ryan Dennison Janoski
Shaleese Aiko Jefferson
John Thomas Jehle
Andrew Maxwell Jeleniewski
Alex Dalton Johnson
With Distinction
Zachary Matthew Johnson
Taniya Lanae Jones
Nicholas J. Karn
Paul Jacob Katona
Victoria Lynne Kaufman
Louise Sebene Kern-Kensler
With Distinction
Anastasia Gail Kersh
With High Distinction
Malori Drew Killoren
David Joseph Kinzelberg
Tyler James Kisala
Anna Michelle Klauz
With High Distinction
Owen Matthew Klee
With Distinction
Sophie Marielle Klein
Bailee Sunshine LaCosse
Chloe Isabella Lambert
Taylor Lamparski
Quinn Catherine Larkin
With Highest Distinction
Kaden Jay Latimore
Hunter Jax Laurincik
Brynn Emily Lebel
Justin James Lemke
Connor Lennox
Kylie Sarah Levin
Tianchang Li
With Distinction
Wenqi Li
Dylan Lichtenstein
Joseph P. Lincoln
Nathaniel Douglas Linville
Staci Hannah Loring
Cameron Mahki Lowery
Liv Amanda Ludwig
Qianyuan Lyu
Halle Magruder
Edward Joseph Malooley Jr.
With High Distinction
Sean Michael Mangan
Jacob Richard Marshall
With Highest Distinction
Liam Anthony Maruca
Nina Francesca Matera
Nicole Scott Mathisen
Katarina Matt
Katherine Grace Matthews
Delia Christine McAleer
William Robert McDermott
Lucas David McLin
Julia Estelle McSorley
Elizabeth Meathe
Therese Elizabeth Meier
Elizabeth Noelle Melton
Ana Maria Mercado
Aidan James Mettel
With Distinction
Amanda Eliana Miller
Ella Grace Miller
Kennedy Miller
With Highest Distinction
Ellison Kristine Mills
Haifa Khalfan Mohamed
With Highest Distinction
Thomas Archer Montalbano
Marissa Moon
Anna Chemeine Moore
With High Distinction
Olivia G. Moore
Lauren Elise Morford
Jacob Dennis Mosness
Bhavyaa Reddy Munnamgi
Nicholas Raymond Murphy
Nathanial James Murray
Raquel Navarrete
Madeleine Marie Nedelcu
Siddharth Saisanthosh Nelluri
Valentina Gabrielle Nordone
Karli Maye Norton
Michael McLeod O’Neill
Rachel Elizabeth Orme
Lindsay Osten
With High Distinction
Kayla Elizabeth Pallotto
With High Distinction
Kathryn Bea Pappenheim
With Highest Distinction
Gwendolyn Claire Parks
Sydney Margaret Parrish
Ethan Jeffrey Paskal
Maximus W. Peeples
Maria Eduarda Peixoto Fragoso
Montana Bryane Pendley
Tonantzin Perez
Peyton LeAnne Phillips
Lukas Dylan Planck
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Pollock
Marin Maida Grace Porter
Monica Elizabeth Portolese
Allison Rae Povinelli
With Distinction
Luke Washington Price
Paige M. Pucel
With Distinction
Sebastian Puerto
Lauren Raffelock
Lauren Amanda Rakow
Daniela Cate Ramos
Maxon Pryor Ramsey
Marley Pearle Reback
Amanda Miriam Rebman
Juliana Chandavone Reeder
Shelby Lindsey Reeves
Magdalena Sue Reynolds
Carson Scott Rissot
Melanie Quinn Roberts
With Highest Distinction
Joebeth Rodriguez Melendez
Berkeley Tamara Roselinsky
Drew Rosenberg
With Distinction
Kerri Erin Rosenthal
Ryan Gabriel Rosenthal
Jillian Taylor Rosenzweig
Jordana Lindsay Roshco
Lilian Elizabeth Ross
Emma N. Roth
With High Distinction
Hannah Lindsey Runyan
Caleb James Russell
Francesca Belle Sacco
Blake Mackenzie Sadler
With High Distinction
Jovanni Salazar
Daisy Salgado Cuevas
Sophie Elyssa Salinas
John Nicolas Sanchez
Benjamin L. Santos
Kendall Lynn Santos
Audra Lee Sapp
With Distinction
Anahad Singh Sarkaria
Jessica Schad
Liliana Judith Schairbaum
Grace Catherine Scharnowske
With Highest Distinction
Lauren Jo Ann Schimpf
With High Distinction
Talia Elyse Schlossman
Trent Michael Schneider
Gwenyth Grace Schultheiss
With Distinction
Cecelia Margaret Schumacher
Hallie Grace Schwartzkopf
With Highest Distinction
Timothy Joseph Sciortino
Dante’ Jamal Scott
Mikaela Maree Scott
Frederick George Sehring III
Jacklyn Sloane Self
Madison Clare Shanks
Ezekiel Borns Shapiro
Jordyn Alexa Shapiro
With High Distinction
Brooklynn Alyese Shively
With High Distinction
Nicholas Michael Donald Shuey
Neil Lawrence Shulkin
Molly Sharon Silberhorn
Alexandra Jane Simpson
Sydney Elizabeth Sine
Hayden Scott Smith
Izaac Paul Snodgrass
Eden Marie Snower
Tasha K. Soe
Thomas Spaletto
Timothy Edward Stang
Benjamin Holt Stannard
Lydia Stellmach
With Highest Distinction
Bliss Anne Stengle
Owen Nathaniel Strubel
Meleena Strukel
Trey Stuckey
Shayley Ann Stumpf
Madeline Mary Sullivan
Sam R. Sullivan
Thla Sung
Grayson Kelly Suntrup
Sydney Sutter
With Distinction
Karina Joan Svendsen
With Highest Distinction
Olivia Grace Sweeney
Halle Morganne Sweis
Madeleine Makena Swift
Linqi Tan
Bridget Ann Taylor
With High Distinction
Claire Angela Thomas
Kiara Rebekkah Thomas-Powell
Grace Eileen Timpe
With Distinction
Taylor M. Tinsley
Ella Margaret Todd
Jada Elizabeth Tomes
Logan James Toon
Eva Topolewski
With High Distinction
Katherine Ann Tripp
Gabriel Keith Turner
Ryan Christopher Vaden Jr.
Grace H. Vang
With Highest Distinction
Caroline Grace Vegter
With Distinction
Elecea Josephine Villanueva
Joseph Oliver Waddell
Jack Fredric Waitley
Emily Danielle Janice Waldo
Jasmine Clare Walker
Mailouda Wallet Mohamed
Wanding Wang
Zhenyu Wang
Blair Morgan Wargo
Emma Frances Watson*
With Highest Distinction
Ashlin Watts
CéAira Waymon
Isabel Barry Weiss
Jessica Anna White
Lucas White
Mason Jacob Williams
With Distinction
Madeline Rose Wilson
Anna Marie Winterhalder
Aaron Max Woda
Catherine Chloe Woods
David Christopher Woods
Colin Francis Hill Wright
Allison Danielle Wylie
Caleb Scott Yager
Jasmine Ashley Young
Dylan Russell Youngberg
Allyson Marie Zdanowicz
Chloe Anne Zitman
Jocelyn Aguilar
Folesade Seymone Ajishegiri
Eleanor Marie Wood Albin
Alexis Allen
Jeffrey Marc Alper
Christina Michelle Avery
Anne Elise Bernstein
Olivia Margaret Bianco
Jessica Rae Black
With Highest Distinction
Kayla Nicole Brooks
Dominika Burdová
Salome Clara Cloteaux
Kylie Grace Cohen
Mina Marlena Denny
Daylee Marie Devine
Olivia Karen DeVries
With High Distinction
Adelaide Diseroad Watts
With High Distinction
Patrick John Felts
Sophia Louise Foley
With High Distinction
Avraham Hart Forrest
James Fortozo
Grace Marie Franklin
With Distinction
Roman Eli Garcia
Jackson S. Gardner
With Highest Distinction
Maya Elisabeth Gray
With Highest Distinction
Luke Hamilton
Dominick Owen Lennon Heyob
With High Distinction
Isabel Marie Hook
Runtian Huang
Haley Joy Hunter
Olivia Starr Hurley
Natalie Ingalls
With Highest Distinction
Rachel Faye Izsak
Gigi Ann Jenkins
Neal Stackhouse Kaelble
Kurtis Michael Karg
Lucy Kellison
With High Distinction
Abigail Frances Knaus
With Distinction
Benjamin Quentin Knuppel-Yost
Olivia Rose Landa
With High Distinction
Lucinda Catherine Larnach
Addison Sharyl Laux
Cali Lana Lichter*
With High Distinction
Alexis Lindenmayer
Jackson Charles Lindner
With Highest Distinction
Katelynn Alare Llizo
Kyler Heiser Logan
Natalie Anne Manfredini
Grace Milanes Markson
With Distinction
Tyler Charles Martin
Madison Olivia Massa
Maria Isabel McComish
Gracie Elizabeth McCullough
Erin Gail McNaughton
Haley Marie Miller*
With Highest Distinction
Patrick James Mitchell
Sara Veronica Molina
Samantha Gail Nance
With Distinction
Nicolas Napier
With Highest Distinction
Vy Dac Tuong Nguyen
Julia Grace Niehaus
With Distinction
Cole Robert Nobbe
Cailin Grace O’Malley
With Highest Distinction
Olivia Grace Oliver
With Highest Distinction
Sarah Nicole Parrish
Nidhee Ketan Patel
Emma M. Pawlitz*
With High Distinction
Julia Elizabeth Pearl
Marisa Margaret Piegsa
Ann Catherine Mack Pilger
With Distinction
Carly Lynn Rasmussen
Hayden Elise Rivard
Zoe Elizabeth Roman
Madison Alexis Rossillo*
With Highest Distinction
Caitlin Ryan
With Highest Distinction
Haley Ann Ryan*
With High Distinction
Nadia Jane Scharf
With High Distinction
Martin Schauss
Brittney Rene Seal
Isabella Dora Sodano
Dominic Andrew Solomito
Erin Stafford
With High Distinction
Ce’Etter Marie Stevens
With Distinction
Peter Alexander Storm
Alexandra Noel Sulewski
With Highest Distinction
Sophia Rain Suter
With Distinction
Jocelyn Francis Sweeney
With High Distinction
Ryan Terrill
Rosemary Trent
Emma Elizabeth Lindner Uber
With Highest Distinction
Abigail Ukinski
Lauren Andrea Ulrich
With High Distinction
Rachel Grace Waggoner
Hannah Elizabeth Waterman
Claudia Jane Westhafer
Geneva Grace Williams
Elizabeth Jane Wright
With Highest Distinction
Kennedy Wyles
Sergio Yanez
Carter Daniel Burkhart
Benjamin Gordon Johnson
Morgen Daniel Ludwig
Ethan Tyler Neihart
Rama Sarita Sardar
With High Distinction
Melanie Audrie Taylor
With High Distinction
Jonathon Daniel Zapf
With High Distinction
Aidan Maximilian Woo Barrett
Joshua Marshall Church
With Distinction
Caleb Joseph Dougherty
With Distinction
Cierra Nicole Farmer
Guinevere Aurora Hall
Juliana Faith Hand
Corbin Ambrose Maze
Megan Elizabeth McMullen
With Distinction
Omar O. Mohammed
Jessanay Payton
Nevaeh Ann Marie Swaim
With Distinction
Trinity Vaughan
Nicholas Alexander Wrightsman
With Highest Distinction
Recipients of Master of Arts,
Master of Science, and Doctor of
Philosophy degrees are listed under
the Indiana University Graduate
School Bloomington, pages 70–80.
Kelley School
of Business
William Scott A’Hearn
Phoebe Kate Aaron
Brendan Scott Abbott
Ranya Abedelmalik
Madison Leigh Abella
Carter Thomas Abercrombie
Bennett Louis Abeson
With High Distinction
Nithin Vinod Abraham
Robert Abrams
Abdullah Abuelreish
Atharva Shrikant Acharya*
With High Distinction
Luke D. Ackerman
Kev Addison
Nico Christopher Adducci
Mason Yale Adelman
Campbell Lauren Adelsperger*
Ethan Beran Advocate
Itai Afriat
With Distinction
Archit Agarwal
With High Distinction
Viraj Kumar Agarwal*
With High Distinction
Mahek Vinod Agrawal*
With Distinction
Rohan Agrawal
Knoll Ernest Aiken
Alexandra Kinsey Akers*
Raef William Akkary
With Distinction
Dhruv Akshinthala
With Distinction
Ethan John Albaugh
Kelly Albers
Brock David Albright
With High Distinction
Oluseyi Michael Alege
Nathaniel Thomas Alexander
With Distinction
Gal Alguetti*
Nathan Allain
Savannah Hope Allen
Luke O’Neill Allison
Andrew Joseph Allman
Shane Riley Alonso
With Highest Distinction
Albara Khalid M. Alrohaili
Kwame Ajire Amankwah-Ayeh
Bilguutei Amarbat
Ajith Amba*
Alberto Ambard
Kunal Amin
With High Distinction
Mansi P. Amin
With Highest Distinction
Alessio Miguel Amor*
With High Distinction
Sarah Grace Amrine
With Distinction
Aditya Anand
With Highest Distinction
Sahil Anand
With High Distinction
Veronika Ananyan
Cavin Anbuselvam
Roger G. Anda
Matthew Troy Andelsman
Jack Anderson
Julia Lynn Anderson
Regan Anderson
Sydney Nicole Anderson
With High Distinction
Isabel Laura Andler
Michael J. Andre
Matthew Andrews
Michael Charles Andrews
With Highest Distinction
Holden Simon Angelson
Bridget Sara Angus*
With Distinction
Matthew John Angus
Nicholas John Antonoglu
Margaret Vivianne Applegarth
Nandini Arakoni
Graham Wiseman Archer
Adam Aribi
Nicole Megan Arive
Hal Burrage Armstrong V
With High Distinction
Joshua C. Aronow
Arindam Arora
Aryan Arora
With Distinction
Joaquin Eduardo Arriagada
Marcel Arsenis
With Distinction
Luke Douglas Asher
Paige Ashley
Tanay Piyush Ashra
Taher Ayman Assaf
Peter Andrew Athanas
Dillon Perry Atkisson
Katherine Elise Augsburger
Eden Grace Auslander
Claire Frances Austin
With Distinction
Ayush Avlani
Michael Avnet*
With High Distinction
LilliAnn Rose Awdisho
Jan Misel Aygul*
With Distinction
Rohan Anand Ayyar
With Highest Distinction
Payton Kae Babb
Dane Alexander Babillis
Apoorva Babu
Lukas Snow Bachmann
With Distinction
Ellie Kay Bacich
Jahnavi Badri
Dylan Edward Baedke
Ryan Matthew Baer
Emily Grace Bagnall*
Nicholas Aidan Bailey
Siddhant Bajaj
Ethan Thomas Baker
With High Distinction
Harrison Steele Baker
Mustafa Baker
Viresh Bakhshi
Isaac Sullivan Ball
Mason Philip Ball
With Distinction
Becca Sue Bambrick
Samuel Bamdas
Aryan Anupam Bandyopadhyay
With Distinction
Varchasva Bansal
With High Distinction
Erik Hiroaki Baptist
Alexander William Barancyk
Henry Gates Barber
Samantha Carrol Barber
Nathan William Barcus
Adam Christopher Barich
Cole Barker
Kevin Matthew Barker
Lauren Marie Barnes
Austin Turner Barnett
Jack Edward Barone
With Distinction
Ethan Owen Barrows
With High Distinction
Robert Charles Barton
Isha Barua
Nishanth Reddy Basavareddy
With Highest Distinction
Paige Olivia Basore
With Distinction
Jessica V. Bastos*
With Distinction
Agni Basu
Joshua David Bate
Chase Thomas Bates
Andrew Anil Bathija
With Highest Distinction
Pallavi Battina*
With High Distinction
Jacob Michels Battipaglia
Jack Uli Baur
With Distinction
Madelyn Elizabeth Baxter
With High Distinction
Samantha Jane Beachey
Quinn Ryan Beall
With High Distinction
Samuel Aijaz Beams
With High Distinction
Joanna Li Beard
With High Distinction
Matthew Todd Becker
Sam Joseph Bedich
Luke Michael Behrens
Win Sujarit Bejrsuwana
Trent T. Beland
Frank Harold Bell
Jackson Halas Bellich
Hannah Jane Bender
Zackary Hampton Bender
Katia-Lisa Benguesmia
Marcus Ian Bennett-Sines
With Distinction
Elizabeth Nicole Bercik
Sarah Irene Berg
Daniel Benjamin Berger
With Distinction
Eric J. Berggren
Alivia A. Bergman
Jaeda Rose Berkemeier
With Highest Distinction
Ansley Bernard*
Robert Douglas Bernard
Tyler David Bertram
Karleigh Bessler
With Highest Distinction
Mihir Vikram Bettadapur
Ravi Mohan Bhalla
With Highest Distinction
Trisha Bhattacharjee
Ashi Jitesh Bhayani
Neha Jitesh Bhayani
Vineet Virag Bhodia
With High Distinction
Jonathan Bianucci
Connor Allen Bickel
Vamsi Dhar Bidthanapally
Melina Kasia Bielski
Layne Ross Bierk
Grace Anne Biggins
Drake Jeffery Biggs
Jestin Thomas Biju
Jane Anne Bilby
Luke Joseph Billeck
Joseph Michael Billotti
Kevin Madan Bires
Jonathan Mark Bishop
Katherine Louise Bishopp
Carly D. Bjerregaard
Sofia Grace Black
With Highest Distinction
Grace Blackburn
Ella Blaker
Brandon Quinn Blank
Justin Robert Blieden
Austin Joseph Blocher
Jessica Christine Blocker
Ava Lily Bloedow
Liza Belle Bluman
Collin Blye
With Distinction
Thomas Ryan Boccuzzi
Joel Francis Driehaus Bockelman
Michael Boehm
Griffin Andrew Bohr
Suraj Shailesh Bokil
With High Distinction
Nicholas Alec Bolivar
With Distinction
John David Bollinger
With Highest Distinction
Sophia Rose Bolton
With Distinction
Matthew Lee Bolus Jr.
Faith Marie Bondarowicz
Bryson Thomas Bonds
Chloe Elaine Bontreger
Reagan Elyse Boomer
Phillip Lloyd Borhani
Daniel Gyula Borhi
With Distinction
Tanner Robert Boston
Merna Botros
Corbin Bouvier*
With High Distinction
Varun Sai Boyapati
Claire Elizabeth Boyer
Tyler James Boyle
With Distinction
Zachary Thomas Boylen
Benjamin Cruz Boysen
William C. Brackett
With High Distinction
Kayla Ann Brady
With Highest Distinction
Colin Patrick Brasch
Holly Rose Brascia
Katherine Marie Braun
With High Distinction
Marvin Braxton
Luke Daniel Breier
Hayden Strefling Breiler
Sydney Leigh Breitbach
Daniel Anthony Brennan
Kyle Brennan
Kassidy Nicole Brenner
With High Distinction
Jessica Brewer
Sydney Anne Brigati
With Highest Distinction
Leo Richard Brigham
Jacob Paul Brittsan
Mia Victoria Brix
With Highest Distinction
Ethan Wexler Brodie
Nicholas Thomas Bronico*
With Highest Distinction
Nicholas Sebastian Broucek
Mia Browder
Ashton Alexandria Brown*
With Distinction
Madeline Taylor Brown
Mason William Brown
Angela Lorraine Brunner*
With Highest Distinction
Michael Peter Bruno*
With High Distinction
Beck Josef Brurok
Dominic Francis Bucciferro
Sarah Nicole Buchanan
With High Distinction
Dharmil Budhelia
With High Distinction
Zantha Simone Buirse
With Distinction
Jackson Thomas Bukowski
Nicholas Amir Bulas
John Michael Bulgarelli
With High Distinction
Dylan Burfield
Baylie Shaye Burgdorf
Andrew Patrick Burke
Kate M. Burkhart
With High Distinction
Tyler Louis Burnett
Nicholas Donald Burrows
Abe Joseph Burton
Carson Robert Burtron
Kaitlyn Marie Buschette
With Distinction
Dylan G. Bushelle
Ryan Jeffrey Busse
With Distinction
Sophia Nicole Busto
Kyle Robert Butterfield
Troy Daniel Buyers Jr.*
With High Distinction
Hochan Hayden Byeon
Trevor Jay Cabanban
Stanley Cai
Hudson Scott Cain
Alberto Miguel Calero
Caroline Elizabeth Callaghan
With Distinction
Brett Callahan
With Distinction
Alexis McKayla Calloway
Brendan Joseph Camp
With High Distinction
Blake Elizabeth Campbell
Cole Joseph Campbell
With Distinction
Lauren Marie Campbell
With Highest Distinction
Robert Campbell
With Distinction
Maxton Robert Canady
Connor Michael Caniff
With Highest Distinction
Sofia Rose Capurro
William James Carbonari
Bryce Carl
Ethan T. Carls
Eric Michael Carlson
With Distinction
Sarah Hartrick Carlson
Gowan Stuart Carlyle
Justin Daniel Carlyle
Zachary James Carr
Zoee Anne Carreon
Charles Gregory Carroll
Aidan Bailey Carter
Curtis Mitchell Carter
Michael Connor Cashman III
Ella Corinne Casse
William David Cassin
Anthony Thomas Castellani
Christopher Michael Castellon
With Distinction
Chloe Leigh Castetter
Briana Guadalupe Castillo
With Distinction
Jesus Castillo
Emmy Elizabeth Castle
Michael Castrillon
Andrew Castro
With Highest Distinction
Daniela Cerza
David Eric Cesario*
With High Distinction
Nyna Elise Chacko
Evann Alexandra Chadd
Cameron Chafin
Dikshita Reddy Chagam
Pedrum Matthew Chamanara
Nicholas Philip Chamberlin
Charles Jackson Chamley
With Distinction
Jonathan Chan
With Distinction
Kevin Michael Chan
Shaffer Matthews Chandler
Anish Chandra
Cheng Yi Chang
Jacob M. Chaplin
Jonah Chapple
Clayton A. Chase
James Chelliah
Alexander Crosby Chen
Vincent Chen
William H. Chen
Radhir Sai Chenna
Michael Dean Cherry
Neha Reddy Cheruku
With High Distinction
Lucas David Childers
Tiffany Young Chin
With High Distinction
Jaison Sood Chisnell
Shreya Bhavana Chitikela
Adith Harish Chitlur*
Soonhyuk Choi*
With Distinction
Wynona Ivy Chotiner
Dylan Villanueva Christianson
Harrison Paul Christman
Jacob D. Chudy
Caitlin Mary Frances Chval
With High Distinction
Louis G. Cimino
John Ajay Cinclair
With High Distinction
Stephanie Clara Cipowski-Smith*
With Highest Distinction
Ethan Matthew Clapacs
With Highest Distinction
Aidan Michael Clark
Ginny Kate Clark
Owen Clark
Ronan McAuley Clarke
William James Clarke
Jacob Michael Cleff
With Highest Distinction
Mitchell T. Cline
With High Distinction
Margaret Pauline Clolinger*
With Highest Distinction
Daniel A. Clough
With Highest Distinction
Abigail Elizabeth Coglianese
Jared Benjamin Cohen
With High Distinction
Justin R. Cohen
With Distinction
Nicholas Dale Cohoon
With High Distinction
Evan Alexander Coldwell
Kathryn Cole
With Highest Distinction
Daniel J. Collins
Shane William Colson
With Highest Distinction
Will Comiteau
Vincent Edward Condura
With Distinction
Maxmilian Jeffrey Congeni
With Highest Distinction
Alexander Dale Coniaris
With High Distinction
Anthony Michael Conley
Faith M. Connally
With High Distinction
Amber Paige Connors
Jensen Marie Conrad
Zachary Alan Conrad
With Highest Distinction
Kaelan Edward Conway
Sarah Katherine Conway
Kyle Thomas Cook
With Distinction
Clayton James Coolidge
With High Distinction
Robert Gerald Cooney
Joshua Andrew Cooper*
With Distinction
Austin Eoin Corbett
Daniel James Corbett
Brian Vincent Corcoran
Michael James Corliss
Evan Glenn Curtis Correll
Fernanda Maria Cortes
With Distinction
Joshua Patrick Costello
Taylor Aleksandra Cotte
Brendan Daniel Couch
Biamary Imad-Hussein Coulibaly
Gabriella Couloubaritsis
With Distinction
Shane Lawrence Cova
Matthew Cox
Natalie Martha Craun*
Anna Marie Creonte
Joseph Paul Crisci
Ethan Criss
With Distinction
Cooper James Crnich*
Paige Catherine Crossen
With Distinction
Ryan Robert Crotty
With High Distinction
Evan Crow*
With Distinction
Daniel A. Crum
Jaffet Cruz Valencia
With Highest Distinction
Sean Ryan Cummins
Brendan James Cunnane
Ryan Joonyoung Curran
Nicholas Michael Currie
Delaney Brazil Curtis
With Distinction
Nathan Edward Cyra*
With Distinction
Rodrigo Cyrillo Villa
Joseph D’Acunto
Natalie Brooks D’Ambrosio*
Aryan Dahiya
Caroline Blair Daily
Abigail Patricia Dalton
With Distinction
Satyadev Damaraju
With Highest Distinction
Nicolina Marie Damian
Nicholas Frank Daniello
Cooper Darcy
Rithwik Das
Samuel Helmut Daugstrup
Connor Randall Davega
Adam Michael Gottschalk Davidson
Joshua Davis
With Distinction
Aubrie Denae Dawson
Reece Jacob Day
Sebastian Gabriel De Felice
With Distinction
Mitchell Ray Deardurff
With Distinction
Samuel Christopher DeMonte
Ruixin Deng
Katie Anne Denien
Maggie Mae DePirro
With Distinction
Justin Robert Derector
Christopher DeRienzo
Michael Victor DeRienzo
Rahil J. Desai
Rohit Desai
Olivia Moir DeSantis
With Highest Distinction
Luke Joseph Desch
Hunter West Deutsch
With Distinction
Nikhil Devaguptapu
Tyler Devenny
With High Distinction
Luke Michael DeVito
Crew Ryan DeVoe
Rehan Diaz Dhala
Araya Dhiensiri
Jad Diab
Jessica Marie DiBella
George Siebert Dickman
Mason DiDomenico
With High Distinction
Luke Nicholas Diefenderfer
With High Distinction
Connor Christian Dietz
Mason Matthew DiFalco
Alexander Vincent DiGiulio
With High Distinction
Grayson DiGregory
Emma Gracie Dillon
Matthew Christopher Dillon
With Distinction
Michael Kese Dineen
With High Distinction
Samuel Louis DiNovella
Emily Grace Divis
With Distinction
Louise Dixie
With High Distinction
Charlotte Katrina Dixon
Colin John Dlugosch*
With Distinction
Sathvika Dobbala
Akshat Dodrajka
Aashna Dogra
Brendan James Doherty
With Distinction
John Ronan Dolan
Lily Gail Dolliff*
With High Distinction
Bradley Austin Domke
John Russell Donaldson
Shivam Vinayak Dongre
With High Distinction
Shannon Colette Donohoe
Anna Grace Dood
With Highest Distinction
Nikhil Doultani
With Distinction
Isabella Downing
Patrick Michael Doyle
Alexander Ryan Dranoff
Grace Marie Drass
Jackson Douglas Dreher
With High Distinction
Jacob Parker Dreyfus
Jack Dylan Driscoll
Helaina Marie Driver
Zeevielle Drizin
With Highest Distinction
Manas Teja Dronamraju
Avery Evans Drowne
Jackson Douglas Drumheller
Alison Louise Dry
With Distinction
Michael Dubois
Skyler Owen Duerksen
Meredith Ellyn Duffy
Cade Wyatt Dugan
With Highest Distinction
Juan Alberto Dugay
With High Distinction
Drew Matthew Duncan
Courtney Ann Dunlap
With Highest Distinction
Jackson Christopher Dunlavy
Aiden Joseph Dunleavy
Brendan James Dunne
With Distinction
Thanh Thao Duong
With High Distinction
Ethan Luke DuPree
With High Distinction
Erin Ann Durukan
With Distinction
Connor Jan Dyke
Jacob Myers Eagle
Cade Allen East
Jake Ryan Ebach
Cameron Nicole Eberhart
Andrew James Echausse
With Distinction
Vivian Lynn Eck
Kate Elizabeth Ecke
Brian Joseph Eckrich II
Lindsey Rose Economos
Elias Economou
Benjamin Dasari Eddleblute
Emily Elizabeth Eddy
Michael David Edheimer
Cory James Edwards
Lauren Rose Ehrlich
With High Distinction
Jonathan Eichstadt
With High Distinction
Michael Eischen
Jillian C. Eisenberg
With Distinction
Zachary Ryan Ekedahl
With High Distinction
Robert Joseph Eknoian
Tarrek Ghassan El-Saadi
With High Distinction
Brit Lauren Elowe
With Distinction
Tyrus Meeker Elpers
Michael Gregory Elsner
With High Distinction
Andrew Timothy Emmons
Luis Araham Encinas
Matthew Joseph Engdahl
With Distinction
Luke Michael Engelmann
Luke Robert Epple
Connor Ross Epstein
Vibha Geetha Erasala
Samuel Lawrence Ergastolo
With Highest Distinction
Amelia Gemma Erickson*
With Highest Distinction
Jakob Esch
With Distinction
Jacob William Eshowsky
Adam Ettalbi
Claire Julia Evanson
Megan Brynn Everett
Alex V. Everman
Thomas Kent Ewing
Lillian Jane Fair
With Distinction
Ethan Patrick Falduto
With Distinction
Philip Fan
With High Distinction
Maria Louise Farace
With Distinction
Alexander Jacob Farmer
Jake Farmer
Jack Lucas Farrell
Grace Elizabeth Farruggio
Adam Ahmed Fathy
Madison R. Fear
With High Distinction
Spencer N. Fear
With Distinction
Ethan Beckett Feder
With Distinction
Paige Christine Feeder
With Distinction
Lilly Feehan*
With Highest Distinction
Dylan Ross Feldstein
Ashley Marie Feller
Ashleigh Fender
Zixuan Feng
Nicholas Benjamin Ferdinand
Brian Daniel Ferguson
Thomas Alexander Ferrara
Emma Rose Ferstel
Dominik Joseph Figone
With High Distinction
Maurycy Filecki
Zachary James Finder
Owen J. Findley
Emma Grace Fine
With Highest Distinction
Nathan Thomas Finley
With High Distinction
Alexis Finney
Abby Scott Fischer
Dean Fisher
Devin J. Fite
David Louis Fitzgerald Jr.
Daniel S. Fleming
Maria Flevaris
Nicholas W. Flittner
Halle Cecile Flom
Alisha Floros
With Distinction
Riley Danielle Flynn
Reis M. Fogarty
Caroline Elizabeth Foley
Celeste Elizabeth Foltz
Robert James Ford
Kevin Allen Forester
Katarina Rose Forrester*
With Highest Distinction
Benjamin Matthew Fortney
Aerin Elizabeth Fortune
Alex Edward Fosnaugh
Elise Marie Fossum
Alexander Michael Foster
Abigail Leah Fox
Sarah Lynne Fox
William Ryan Frangul
Natalie Marie Frank
With Distinction
Sean Lucas Franklin
Spencer Cole Franzman
Evan Daniel Fredel
Matthew Jack Freedman
Jack Freel
Santiago Freeman
Andrew John Freund
Michael Osias Friedland
Noah Friedman
With Distinction
Benjamin Andrew Frische
Daniel Stephen Fritz
Davis Payne Fritz
Jacob Maranthon Fritz
With Highest Distinction
Ava Marie Fromm
Jossey Jordan Frye
Caroline Elise Fryzel
Anna Courtney Fucarino
Ryan Matthew Fuchs
Jacob Tyler Fulton
With Highest Distinction
Braxton Joseph Fuquay
Shashank Ravichandra
Sonika Gajagowni
Kyle Mathew Gallagher
Cade Galles
Madelyn Darlene Gamble
Dominic Anthony Ganser
Antonio Mauro Gargiulo
With Highest Distinction
Sanjana Garikipati
Michelle Garrido
Gunnar Brian Garrison
Jacob Michael Garrone*
With Distinction
Frankie Rose Garroway
Izaak Anthony Gates
Ella Mae Gebke
With High Distinction
Stella Geldziler
Andrew Scott Gelfman
With Distinction
Ryan Nielsen Geller*
With High Distinction
Andrew Logan Gelman
Jensen Christopher Genyk
With Distinction
Abigail Marie Geoffrey
With High Distinction
Victoria Sofia Georgelos
With Distinction
Jack Pearson Georges
William Patrick Gery
Anne Marie Getz
With Distinction
Shreeya Ghetia
Himmat Singh Ghoman
Ashika Ghosh
Keya Ghosh
Catherine Rose Gianni
George Andrew Gianoukakis
William Peter Gibbons
Brendan Joseph Gibson
Sofiane Giff
Siddarth Reddy Gillella
With High Distinction
Natalie Claire Gillis
Samuel Robert Ginder
With Distinction
Austin Michael Gineris
Zachary Thomas Gioia
With High Distinction
Tarunveer Singh Girn
Grace Anne Givan*
With Distinction
Chase Alexander Gladstone
With High Distinction
Matthew Tanner Glickman
With Highest Distinction
Ethan Glynn
Nathan Gmutza
With High Distinction
Andrew Allen Goble
With High Distinction
Bhavya Goel
Uday Goel
Sapt Rishi Goenka
With Distinction
Sydney Shea Goergen
Brenna Mary Goethals
Aidan Macaulay Goettlicher*
Amaan Raju Gokaraju
With High Distinction
Alexander Philip Goldberg
Samantha Helen Goldberg*
With Highest Distinction
Lily Sara Goldman
Berkeley Levin Goldschmidt
With Distinction
Jacob Mitchell Goldstein
Aidan Kyle Gonzalez
Julian Gonzalez
Leonardo Andre Gonzalez
Carter Maxwell Gooch
With High Distinction
Leo Edward Goodfriend
Jared Hollander Gornstein
Michael Patrick Gorsuch
Colin Joseph Gorz
With Distinction
Andrew John Gorzak
Nick Peter Goschi
Blake Phares Gosse
Ryan Govindadas
Grace Elizabeth Gozdecki
With Distinction
Anna Catherine Grabow
Paige Avery Gracz
With Distinction
Jack Alan Grados
Kristen Graham
Jason Thomas Gramins
Finley John Grant
Caroline Elizabeth Graue
Tyler Gray
McKenna Nicole Grayson
Carson Jacob Grebe
Jazmin Green
Noah Stephen Green
Travis Green
With Distinction
Julia Caroline Greenberg
With High Distinction
Caleb Anthony Greer
Zachary David Gregor
Jonathan Kierre Gregory Jr.
William Gregory
Ella Greifenstein
Bryant Nicholas Grewe
Megan Elizabeth Grewe
Jackson D. Gries
Molly Catherine Grigg
Emily Krista Grimaldi
Bradley David Grimes
With Highest Distinction
Alec Henry Grinsfelder
Bryce Clayton Gross
With Distinction
Easton Nathaniel Gross
Erica Elizabeth Gross
Talia Gross
Michael Nowlin Grossi
With Distinction
Matthew Jarred Grossman
Noah Grossman
Songyue Gu
Bowen Guan
William Hayes Guckien
With Distinction
Conrad Warren Gueck
With Highest Distinction
Tristan Tomas Guevara
With Distinction
Rahul Guhan
With Distinction
Tianbo Gui
Ananya Gulati
Vignesh Kumar Gunda*
Daniele Guo
Aayush Gupta
With Distinction
Karan Gupta
Parul Gupta*
With Highest Distinction
Ritwik Gupta
With Highest Distinction
Vanya Gupta
Anatoly Gurevich
Khushi Gurjar
Emily Ngoc Guse
Jack Christopher Gustaitis
Jacob Ryan Gutman
Olivia Hackman
Kali Nicole Haddock
Jack Haftel
With Highest Distinction
Marc Richard Hagist
With High Distinction
Rainer Hakenen
Carter Jalal Hakim
Luca Enzo Hall
Christopher James Halleran
Herbert Alexander Halley
Ryan Michael Hallisy
Benjamin Paul Halpern
Caleb Thomas Hamilton
Makenna Elise Hamilton
Bryce Addison Hammon
Griffin David Hammons
ShaoCing Han
Emily Grace Hand
Isaac Kekoa Haneline
Mackenzie Ellen Hanigan
Luke Hanlon
James Reid Hanna
Alex Yujun Hao
With Distinction
Sarvagya Harbhajanka
Thomas Milferd Hardie
With Distinction
Alexa Mae Harding
With Distinction
Cassidy Karin Hardy
Isaac William Hargett
With High Distinction
Matthew Scott Harkey
Aidan James Harmon
With Highest Distinction
Nathan James Harmon
Garrett Matthew Harper
With Highest Distinction
Cole Jordan Harris
With Distinction
Harper Paige Harris
With Distinction
Isabelle Mary Haseman
With High Distinction
Lilliana Elise Hassinger
With High Distinction
Michael Antonio Hatton
Eric Hau
Charles G. Haviken
Kylee Jane Havlin
Edwin Hugh Hawes IV
Chloe Lynn Hawkins
Grant Powell Hawkins
With Highest Distinction
Nikolas Hawkins
Ashton Tierney Hayes
With Distinction
Thomas James Hayes
With Distinction
Junchen He
Madeline Grace Heath
William Robert Hedstrom
Dylan James Heimert
Andrew James Heinig*
With Highest Distinction
Ryan Kennedy Heise
With Distinction
David Thomas Held III*
With High Distinction
Jacob M. Helm
Jack Thomas Henderson
Samuel Evan Henderson
With Distinction
Chaeyoon Heo
With High Distinction
Joshua Scott Herbst
Jacob Elbie Herendeen
Kelly Anne Herlihy*
With High Distinction
Katelyn Hermanson
With Distinction
Kevin Scott Hermiller
With Distinction
Justin Hertz
Eden Maxx Hess
With Distinction
Hunter Paul Hettinger
With Distinction
Max Frederick Heuer
Carter Hickey
Emma Ann Hickman
Bailey Jo Higgins
William Parsons Higgins
With Distinction
Brody Christian Hiipakka
Charles Millner Hill
Paige Lynne Hilleboe
Ameer Hussain Himati
Cameron Nicholas Hinkle
Anna Sophie Hinrichs
With Distinction
Harry Andrew Hinzman
Claudia Jane Hirsch
Miles Andrew Hirshman
Anthony James Hirst
Jonathon Hitchcock
Nicole Brianna Hite
With Distinction
Meredith Kuo Ho
Preston William Hochfelder
Maura Caitlin Hodan
Spencer Hodas*
Hugh R. Hodson
Kyle Joseph Hoerr
With Distinction
Jason Hofer
Katherine Anne Hoff
With High Distinction
Cole Thomas Hoffman
Ian Donald Hoge
Tyler Holle
With Highest Distinction
Lucas Travis Raimond Holliman
Katherine Leanne Holman
Wyatt Alexander Holtan
Jack Robert Holtgreive
Walter Scott Honnold
Roman Hoopingarner
Peyton Hopeck
Elliott Christopher Hopf
Layton Benford Hopkins
Trevor Emil Horenkamp
Zakary Edward Hornberger
With High Distinction
Greta Margaret Horton
With Distinction
Bryan J. Horvat
Tyler Horvitz
Molly Katherine Hosinski
Gracie Clarice Houlihan
Harrison Gregory Howe
Emma Elizabeth Howey*
Chung Fu Hsu
Yang Hu
Jiahao Huang
Justin Tsz On Huang
With High Distinction
Sydney Grace Huang
Robert Hubbard
Sterling Lee Huber
Nolan Trevor Huff
Lia Marie Hughart
John Lukas Hummel
William Anthony Hummel III
With Highest Distinction
Zachary Michael Humphrey
James Francis Hunt*
Joseph Owen Hunt
With Distinction
Joshua Hunt
Delaney Ann Hupke
Emily Grace Huse
Benjamin Charles Huston
Evan Gene Huston
Jake Michael Huston
Garrett Cole Hutchinson
With Distinction
Samuel Hancock Hykes
Ayshah Ibrar
Dustin Abraham Ickow
Michael Joseph Imhoff
With Distinction
Danielle Ann Irwin
Grant Philip Isom
Evan Neal Israel
Chad Andrew Ivester
Arjun Srinivas Iyer
Meera Iyer
Marie Rose Jack
Isaiah Thomas Jackson
Sarah Grace Jackson
Harrison Ian Jaffe
Samyukta Jaganathan
Arvind Jagdish*
Inan Jaggi
Bruce William Jahncke
With Distinction
Aanya Jain*
Abhishek Jain
With Highest Distinction
Ruhi Ajithkumar Jain
Haripriya Jalluri
Neha Jammula
Hyunji Jang
Taehwan Jang
With Distinction
Jack Charles Janka
With High Distinction
Max Thomas Janka
Benjamin Stephen Janney
With Distinction
Kathryn Paige Janson
Kyle Michael Jarnecke
John Jarosz
Varun Jauhri
Dhruv Navin Javeri
Aren Prajeet Jay
Owen Patrick Jay
Tor Won Jendrell
Jett Townsley Jenkins
With Distinction
Lindsey Michele Jennings
Ananya Jha
Ribhav Jhawar
Kritin Jhunjhunwala
Andrew Chao Jiang
Qiongbing Jiang
Palak Jindal
Adrianne Eugenia Johannes
Alexa Lauren Johnson
Brooke Rochelle Johnson
Jake Robert Johnson
Makayla Nicole Johnson
Taylor Elizabeth Johnston
Ronak Joneja
Sarah Marie Jones*
With High Distinction
Alexander Sherif Joseph*
With High Distinction
Joshua Thomas Joseph
Matthew Murphy Joseph
Sunjay D. Joshi
Jessica Marie Joy*
With High Distinction
Caroline Grace Jung
Anna Katherine Jungels
James Steven Jurasek
With Distinction
Komala Ranganayaki Jwalapuram
With High Distinction
Audra Helene Kaczmarek*
With Highest Distinction
Jack Donald Kaden
Max Henry Kadish
Nyle Kafeel
Stephen Kaim
With High Distinction
Chloe Elizabeth Kalis
Sophia Louise Kalivas
Saketh Kalla
With Distinction
Pyrus Kalra
Aakash Kambham
Tara Kandallu
With Highest Distinction
Krishnateja Kandru
Satvik Kandru
Ethan Kang
Saaketh Kanimilli
Cade Lewis Kantz
Tyler Benjamin Kaplan
Benjamin William Kaploun*
With Highest Distinction
Devansh Kapoor
Evan Daniel Kapp
Olivia Grace Karaboja
Jinal Sanjiv Karani
With High Distinction
Christina Sophia Karas
With Distinction
Kirk Anthony Karbowsky
Jack Samuel Karge
Akanksha Karnam
With Highest Distinction
Louisa May Karoub
Emma Baye Karp
Andrew David Karr
Kavin Suresh Kasi
Daniel Abraham Kastin
Lindsey Alyse Katalinic
Henry Patrick Kath
Matthew Kattan
Max Jacob Kaufman
Avleen Kaur
Samar Kaur*
With Highest Distinction
Aayush Kaushal
Kaustubh Kaushik
Rishit Kaushik
Nitya Kavuluri
Siddharth Kaza
Lenny Kaznachey
With Highest Distinction
Maya Ann Keaton
Ray Keel
With Highest Distinction
Erin Nicole Keenan
Maxwell Marion Kellaher
With High Distinction
Kaden Keller
William James Kelley
Drew William Kelly
Sean Patrick Kelly
Dever Patrick Kemme Nash
With Highest Distinction
Cormac Flann Kennedy
With Distinction
Emily Rebecca Kennedy*
With High Distinction
Aidan Joseph Kenny
Alexander David Kessinger*
Jerome Max Kessler
Joshua Kessler
Charles John Kestler
Carson Jayce Key
Cormac Michael Keyes O’Sullivan
Samuel Torrence Keyser
Sireen Hiba Khan
With Distinction
Maya Viren Khandekar
With Distinction
Aarya Khurana
With High Distinction
Kamryn Stacia Kichefski
With High Distinction
Jacob Robert Kichler
Marissa Lee Kier
With High Distinction
Zane William Kierzyk
Michelle Mendoza Kies
John Kight
Byel Kim
Esther Ye Jin Kim
With Distinction
Lawrence S. Kim
Meghan Lyn Kimberly
With High Distinction
Mallory Ellen Kimes*
With Highest Distinction
Deven Shah Kinch
With Distinction
Carson King
Trevor Paul King
William Mason King
Justin David Kingsley
Shawn Kinslow
Charles Declan Kinzel
Joshua K. Kinzler
Tyler Kipley
Trent Allen Kirby
Brandon Thomas Kirkman
Brian Shun Kitamura
Hailey Margaret Klaff
Jack Thomas Klbecka
Alicia McKenzie Kleckner
With Distinction
Benjamin Samuel Kluger
Brooke Elizabeth Knapp*
Justin Gordon Knapp
Jonathan Knepper
Dylan Knezevich
Caitlyn Marie Knisley
Jackson Thomas Knisley*
Ian Knox
Geon Yeong Ko
With Highest Distinction
Kaden Kobel
Adam Jack Kochman
Max Leon Kocour
Marsha Koda
Abhinav Kodali
With Distinction
Mahith Koduru
Daniel Max Kohler
Kenneth Britain Kohnen
With High Distinction
Ann Rachel Kolbasov
With Distinction
Nanditha Kolur
Elias Griffith Konow
Sophia Leigh Konstantinou
Anikait Koppaka
Daniel G. Korol
John Robert Kosior
Trevor Kosonocky
Kartikeya Atreya Kotamraju
With Distinction
Anmol Ashish Kothari
With Distinction
Samay Sanjay Kothari
Shaalin H. Kothari
Justin Malik Kotin
Vanditha Kottapalli
Ganesh Koukuntla
Layna Kayla Kounelis
With Highest Distinction
Sandra Beata Kowalik
Mofe Koya
Josephine Marie Krajewski*
With High Distinction
Jack Richard Kramer
Kyle Jordy Kramer
With Distinction
Mindy Kramer*
With Distinction
Mitchell Samuel Krasnopolsky
Courtney Diane Kreilein*
With High Distinction
Sanskrithi Krish
Shloak Poddar Krishnan
Luke Thomas Krizman
Kreeden Scott Krull
Sydney Kruto
With Highest Distinction
Jeffrey Jun Kuai
With Distinction
Lainie Miriam Kubow
With Distinction
Megan Anne Kubycheck
Elley Kuehne
Charles Joseph Kuhn Jr.
Emily Ruth Kuhn
Brooklyn Judith Kuhny
Janhavi Kulkarni
Andrew Kumar
Anirudh Kumar
Rohit Kumar
Saaya Melina Kumar
Shreeram Kumar
Ashleigh Marie Kuntz
Gregory Kuperman
Pranav Kuraganti
Laura Ashleigh Kushner
Jordan Suzanne Kutash
With High Distinction
Nicholas Christopher Kvale
With High Distinction
Angeline Kwan
Samuel Evan Ladd
With High Distinction
Joseph T. LaGrange
Kira Marie LaHart
Kevin Lake
With Distinction
Joshua Camran Lalezari
With Distinction
Olivia Halle Lampf
Rachael Aaliyah Landau
Clare Elizabeth Lane
With Highest Distinction
Anthony M. Lang
Peter R. Lanscioni
With Distinction
Mason Christopher Lantz
Benjamin Andrew Larimer
Sean Patrick Larkins
Maeher Laroia
Sean Joseph Larson
John Connor Lasson
Ronald Anthony Latiff III
Brady M. Latulippe
Jack Albert Lauinger
Hayden Lawrence
Riley Marie Layton
Chelsea Charlotte Lea
Nicholas Leath
Jayden James Leatherman
Anthony Leazzo
Connie Lee
Griffin Harrison Lee*
With Highest Distinction
Jackie Lee
Kevin Lee
Savannah Rose Lee
With Highest Distinction
Megan Patricia Lehmann
Julia Michelle Lei
Ryan Samuel Leibowitz*
With High Distinction
Edvin Kirk Leijon
Emerich Grant Leinenbach
Russell Joseph Lemaster
Moises Ariel Lencovski
John William Lenz
Hannah Noel Leonard
With Distinction
Ryan Joseph Leonard
Emmah Mauvorney Leu
With Distinction
Gabriel Benjamin Levey
Cristina Elaine LeVine
Jordan Brooke Levy
With High Distinction
Anna Lauren Lewandowski
Ethan M. Lewandowski
Jacob David Lewis
Jay Arnold Lewis
With Highest Distinction
Kodee Taliefero Lewis
Samuel James Lewis
David Li
With High Distinction
Joseph Li*
With Distinction
Lingyi Li
Tony Li
Zezhou Li
Zian Li
Niko Daniel Liavas
Zoe Rose Libs
With Highest Distinction
Brett James Liebross*
With High Distinction
Thomas Tadao Like
With Distinction
Michael Lim
Seojung Lim
With High Distinction
Christie Yu-Tong Lin
With Highest Distinction
Hsuan-Ya Lin
With High Distinction
Huizhong Lin
Ping-Chien Lin
With High Distinction
Terry Lin
Zachary Lin
Ellie Sophia Linder
Joshua Drew Linhardt*
With High Distinction
Alexander Robert Linn
Haley Suzanne Linville
Mia Liss
Lauren Ann Liston*
With Distinction
Amanda Michele Little
Mark Priest Little
Carson Littrell
Austin Liu
Jung-Tzu Liu
With Distinction
Simeng Liu
With Distinction
Tony Liu
Yicen Liu
Yu-Fu Lo
Margaret Genevieve Lockrem
Tyler James Lofaro
Jaylen Josephine Lofgren
With High Distinction
Abigail Mae Long
Charles Edward Long III
With Distinction
Tyler Joseph Loomis
Alexa Grace Lopez
With Distinction
Bianca Lopez
Emily Anne Lorenz
With Distinction
Ryan Joseph Loughlin
John Michael Lourenso
Skye Abigail Loventhal
With High Distinction
Benjamin Grant Lovold
With High Distinction
Baudelio Lozano Jr.
Yuntong Lu
Joseph David Lucas
Tommie Lucas
With Distinction
Michael Luciano
Joseph Fredrick Luebker
Shelby Luker
Noah Simon Luna
Jun Luo
John Robert Lyles
Claire Lyon
Eamon Ma*
Nicholas Stuart Keyes MacIver
Mason William Mackenzie
James Mackle
With High Distinction
Lakshmi Sunil Madhav
With Highest Distinction
Adam Madonia
Nicholas Madrid
Maren Margaret Mager
With Distinction
Meredith Paige Maginot
Anish Mago
Julia Rose Magrini
With Distinction
John Robert Maher
Tanay Maheshwari
Jacob Collin Mahon
With Highest Distinction
John Clayton Maier
With Distinction
Benjamin Malakhov
Jacob Paul Malatestinic
Maria Maldonado
Suraj Malhotra
With Distinction
Varun Mallampati*
Nathan Tiedeman Malloy
With High Distinction
Mansi Mamidi
Eli Matthew Mann
Marcos Darryl Mann
With Highest Distinction
Lauren Elizabeth Manns
With Highest Distinction
Andrew Kenneth Severtson Manous
Alexandra Mansfield
Matias Manzur
Raymond Richard Margherio II
Mitchell David Marinos
Connor Scott Maris
Marc Daniel Maritz*
With Highest Distinction
Luke Andrew Marley
Alyssa Marquis
Michael Sidney Marschall
With Highest Distinction
Elizabeth Archer Marsh
Peter Marion Marsh*
With Distinction
Christian Spencer Marshall
With Highest Distinction
Olivia Joy Marshall
Jackson Ward Martin
Jonathan Leo Martin
With Distinction
Kyle Patrick Martin*
Maxwell Hasemeyer Martin
Paiton Martin
Peter Michael Martin
Rayanna D. Martin
Allen Joseph Martinez
Marco Antonio Martinez Jr.
Michael Anthony Martirano
Luke Tyler Martucci
Luke Marum
John Hunter Marvin
Michael York Maslov
Christine Marie Massoni
With High Distinction
Isabella Anna Masucci
Emerson Alexander Masuccio
Aryan Mathew
Ivan Jacob Mathew
With High Distinction
Zackary Lee Matijevich
Gabriel Matos
Joseph Anthony Mattei
Franco Matticoli
With High Distinction
David Henri Mauter
With Distinction
Michael James Maxwell
With Distinction
Adam Ross May
Dylan Michael May
With Distinction
Mate Mayer
With High Distinction
Zachary Thomas Mayer
Jessica Faye Mazin
With Distinction
Frank Mazzola
Grant Michael McAtee
With Distinction
Gillian Eve McCaffrey
Brendan Scott McCaskey
Noah Hayes McCown
With Highest Distinction
Avery James McCrary
Ian Robert McDonnell
Jake Wyatt McEuen
With Distinction
Declan Patrick McGagh
Michael Edward McGreal
Jack Styron McGregor
Aidan John McGroary
Adam Patrick McGrogan
With Distinction
Daniel Murray McGuigan
Daniel Singh McGuire
With Distinction
Margaret McGuire*
With Highest Distinction
Benjamin Edward McHenry
Daniel Christopher McKay
With Distinction
Matthew John McKay
Maya McKeague*
With Distinction
Brendan Joseph McKearney
With Highest Distinction
Shane Wyatt McLaughlin
Aiden Kristoffer McMonagle
Yves Jayden McMullen
Grace McNamara*
Caleb Mychal McNulty
Susan Hatton McNulty
Kaitlyn McTigue
With Distinction
David McWilliams
With High Distinction
Sahana Medhal
Christopher Alexander Mehran
Amun Vishnu Mehrotra
Aashna Mehta
Shrey A. Mehta
Samantha Rose Mein
Emily Rebecca Meinzen*
With Highest Distinction
Swetha Sree Meka*
With Distinction
Dayton M. Melaniphy
Alessandra Laura Mella
Maxwell Jacob Melrose
Zachary Steven Mendelson
Audrey A. Mendrys
Gavin Meng
Xiaochen Meng
With Distinction
Maya Grace Mercho
Ainsley Marie Messenger
Madison Grace Metz
With Distinction
Bryce Mevorach
Isabel Kathryn Meyer
Matthew Meyer
Scott Edward Meyer
With Distinction
Jake Ray Meyrowitz
Harrison Hawk Michaels
Matthew Julius Michel
Carlie Clare Migdall
Alexa Rian Miles
Haley Jean Miles
Micheal Francis Miles
Olivia Shea Miles*
With Highest Distinction
Andrew Gregory Miller
Casey Miller
With High Distinction
Elizabeth Ann Miller
Emily Miller
Mekenna P. Miller
Samuel Aidan Miller
Victoria Catherine Miller
With Highest Distinction
Zachary Alexander Miller
Caroline Christine Milligan
Addison Rose Milton
With High Distinction
Anthony Charles Mingoia
Leighton Miotke
Michael Christian Miranda
Ryan Misciagna
Priyam Misra
Aryan Mittal
Catherine Nicole Modugno
With Distinction
Laura Ann Mody
Max Edward Mogilner
With Distinction
Sagar Mohapatra
Walter John Moll
Rodrigo Alonso Mongrut-Steane
Macy Nicole Montgomery
Aden Kay Moore
With High Distinction
Brendan Patrick Moore
Jacob Matthew Moore
With High Distinction
Ronin Raymond Moore
Travon Moore
Gabriel Moorman
Evan Morabito
Julio Cesar Mora IV
With Distinction
Ailis Elsie Moran
Jacob Anthony Moran
Daniel Morgan
Bryan Thomas Morrison*
With High Distinction
Campbell Morrison
Jacob Tyler Morse
Paxton Christopher Mosby
Jackson Moyer
Jillian Grace Moynihan
Victoria Rose Mueller
Sami Muhrez
Anish Mukhi
Patrick Joseph Mullarkey
Sophia Anastasia Mullen
With Distinction
Tyler John Mulliken
With Distinction
Thomas Fitzgerald Mulroy
Stuti Santosh Mundada
Charlotte Mae Murdock
Gus Murray
Thomas Murray
Samuel Rollind Murrison
Marni Elizabeth Myers
Thomas Edward Myers
Elise Jordan Nachlis
With Distinction
Jared Cameron Nachman
With Highest Distinction
Abby Michelle Nagel
With Distinction
Thomas Anton Nagle
Pranav Nair
Pradyut Narain
Aryan S. Narang
Avnika Naraparaju
Joseph Michael Narayan
Kavya Arthie Narayanan
With High Distinction
Nikila Ram Narayanan
Shreya Narayanan
Suriya Narayanasamy
With Distinction
Chulya Narinthrangura
Muneeth Sai Narra
Anika Narula
With High Distinction
Nikhil Keshav Narwani
Katherine Anne Naughton*
With High Distinction
Kevin J. Naughton
Natalie Mae Nauman
Nicholas Burbach Naumann
Sanil Navar
With Highest Distinction
Samuel Navon
With High Distinction
Amala Neervannan
With High Distinction
Quinton Chase Nehring
With High Distinction
Jack Joseph Neidlinger
Lucas Rafael Nelson
With Distinction
Isha Nitya Neti
Maggie Elisabeth Newkirk
With High Distinction
Oliver Penn Newman
Olivia M. Newman
Aaron Khang Nguyen
An Nguyen
With Distinction
Chau Ngoc Minh Nguyen
With Distinction
Daniel Nguyen
Kim H. Nguyen
Phan Anh Nguyen
With Distinction
Thanh Khang Nguyen
With High Distinction
Morgan Niemi
Camaron Eleni Niforos
Teodora Ana Nitu
With High Distinction
Juliet Emmi Noah
Allison Samantha Nochowitz
With Highest Distinction
Victoria Chan Nopporn
Benjamin Craig Norman*
With Distinction
Jack Frederick Norman
Maxwell Griffith Northrop
With Highest Distinction
Austin Michael Noto
Nicole Eiley Novey
Andrew David Nuerge
John Richard Null III
Nagasai Niraj R. Nuthanakalva
With High Distinction
Robert James Nystrom
Elle O’Bannon
Matthew Richard O’Brien
With High Distinction
Suzanne Marguerite O’Brien
Dillon O’Connor
Phillip Daniel Oddo
With High Distinction
Grace Ryan O’Donnell
With High Distinction
Nwachukwu Joshua Ofoma
Ugo Eloke O’Gonuwe*
With Distinction
Aramide Amy Ogunmekan
With High Distinction
Joshua Seung-Min Oh
Kiyun Oh
Paige Isabella Ohrvall
Kayla Okninski
Evan Victor Olchowka
Aidan Olson
With Highest Distinction
Amelia Onate
Brennan O’Neal
Benjamin Christopher O’Neill
Elena Ooi*
With Distinction
Matthew Anthony Orefice
Lindsey Beth Ormont
Diego Ortiz
With Distinction
Kelsey Osborne
Brooke Ashleigh Otis
With Distinction
Clara Ouyang
With Highest Distinction
Kayla Marie Oxley
With Highest Distinction
Luke Brennan Padden
With Distinction
Kira Elaine Padgett
Robert Riley Padron
Michael Arthur Pagliaro
Stephen Pak
Samuel Alexander Paley
Rohan Palle
Ryan Thomas Palmer
Krithi Reddy Palwai
With Distinction
Jiawen Pan
Abby Mary Panayi
With High Distinction
Garima Pancholi
With Highest Distinction
Shweta Panda*
With Highest Distinction
Ishitaa Pandey
Sulayman Faisal Pandit
Ronav Tyagi Panigrahi
With High Distinction
John Christopher Panos
Pimlapas Pao-in
Anthony Walter Papalas
With Distinction
Julia E. Papp
Kayla Ann Pappenheim
Ramya Parin Parekh
Saachin Parekh
With Highest Distinction
Hudson Simon Paris
Lucas James East Park
Min Park
Christopher Parker
Olivia Christina Parrillo
Vincent Patrick Alexander Pasquesi
With Distinction
James Farber Pasternak
Andrew John Pastore
Diego Pastrana
Akash Paresh Patel
Ashka Patel*
With Highest Distinction
Avni Nilesh Patel
Jinal Patel
Kailan Akshay Patel
Mansi Jignesh Patel
Nolan Kamal Patel
With Distinction
Sahvan Mihir Patel
With High Distinction
Vivek Patel
Yash Pravir Patel
Ashna Mangesh Patil
With Distinction
Ashish Patnaik
Sreesh Patnaik
Adnan Yakhub Pattan
Nicole Hailey Patterson
With High Distinction
Riley Patterson
Ebenezer Paul
Nathaniel E. Pawlak
Kaileigh Elizabeth Payne*
With Highest Distinction
Maximilien Pean
Jake Pearlman
With Distinction
Samuel Alexander Pecenka
Anjana Peddi
Ellie Ann Pedersen
William Maxwell Pegg
Nicolas William Pelagio
Christina Marie Pellegrino
With High Distinction
Hannah Virginia Pelletiere
Elizabeth Creed Pendleton
Sebastian Lee Penix*
With High Distinction
Isabella Rose Perez
Ellie Aviva Perl
Orsino Benzoni Perlman
Leister William Perrin IV
Christopher Santo Perrotta
Joseph Samuel Perry
With High Distinction
Maggie Perry
Chloe Elizabeth Persily
Michael Robert Peters
Wesley James Petersen
John Julian Petruzzi
Ellie Marie Pettyes
Brandon Thomas Pfeil
Khang Duy Pham
With High Distinction
Matthew Philbin
Diallo Nicholas Phillips
Matthew Richard Phillips*
With Highest Distinction
Robert Berthold Phillips V
With Highest Distinction
Maya Allison Phipps
With Distinction
Camila Marie Picha
Adam Wayne Piera
Lauren Elizabeth Piera
Jacob Pierce
With High Distinction
Katherine Alexandra Pietrangelo
Lucille Elizabeth Pietri
Alexander Daniel Pilipchuk
With Highest Distinction
Ilai Piperno
Kyla Pischel
With High Distinction
Xavier Thomas Pittman*
With Highest Distinction
William Brinkmeyer Pitts
Salvador William Planells
With Distinction
Adarsh Poddar
With High Distinction
Divya Pola
Snitika Polisetty
Audrey Maree Poole
With Distinction
Ka Wai Kary Poon
With Distinction
Hayden Alexander Poore
Natalie Monika Popowski
Jonah David Porter
Cole Jerome Portone
Amanda Danielle Potts
Naina Ann Prabhakar*
With Highest Distinction
Archit Sachin Prabhudesai
With High Distinction
Luke Pratt
Aidan Robert Preston
Ian Jacob Priebe
Andrew Gregory Principato
Marcus Charles Prine
Michelle Sarah Prupes
With High Distinction
Dennis Patrick Pryor III
Khushi Puri
With High Distinction
Adina Putri Purnama
Dhruv Hemal Purohit
With Highest Distinction
Surina Paresh Purohit
Brendan Thomas Putnam
Coley Patrick Putz
Joshua Daniel Quick
Brendan Edward Quinn
Harisankar Radhakrishna-Panicker*
With Distinction
William Raese
With High Distinction
Arya Raghav
Max Elvis Rains
Lakshya Rajavelu*
With Highest Distinction
Manasa Pattammal Rajendiran*
Shivasaran Rajendran
Yash Rajore
With Distinction
Kedar Suresh Ram
Akshya Ramakrishnan
With Highest Distinction
Jai Iyer Ramchander
With High Distinction
Ashwin Ramesh
With Distinction
Eric Jesus Ramirez
Franchesca Nicole Ramirez
Michael Christopher Ramirez
Tanvi Shailesh Ranade
Charles James Randolph
Kunaal Vasudev Rao
Emily Ann Ras
Joseph Rasamat
Haris Salman Rashid
Michael Joseph Raupp
Arjun Ravi
Geetika Ravi
Jatan Ravi
Rushath Ravindranath
Parker Alan Raymond
With Distinction
Afthab Razak*
With High Distinction
Daniel Alexander Razumov
Quinn Pannell Reavy
Casey Thomas Rector
Viha Reddivari*
Karthik Pal Reddy
Sahithi Reddy
Sai Venkat Reddy
Grant Reed
With Distinction
Spencer Patrick Reed*
With Highest Distinction
Sydney Lauren Reeves
Gabriella Nicole Regalado
Matthew Joseph Regan
Marco Daniel Reggiardo
Dillon Colton Rego
Samuel Victor Reichert
Andrew Joseph Reidy
Kevin Joseph Reiner
Merrick Addison Reiss
Emily Ren
With High Distinction
Mayson Ries Reperowitz
With High Distinction
Andrew Jake Reses
Emerson Paige Reuille
Zachary Louis Rever
With Distinction
Caroline Revich
Andrew Cole Reyering
Daniel Noah Reyna
Aidan James Reynolds
Shaun Michael Reynolds
Thomas Xavier Reynolds
Darius Alexander Rezaei
With Distinction
Laura Marie Reznar
With High Distinction
Taylor Lynn Rhoads
William Rice
Madison Linden Ricke
With Distinction
Anthony Rigitano Jr.
Elizabeth Catherine Rigsbee
Devin Aloysius Riley
Gage Nathaniel Riley
Jack Patrick Riley
Sean Riordan
Ella Ristic
With Distinction
Andres Sebastian Rivera
Ayden Rizvi
Ethan Cade Roberts
Jacob Dillan Roberts
Cameron Michael Robinson
Kelly Robles
Griffin Andrew Rode*
Margaret Manco Rodgers
Gabriel Joseph Rodino
With High Distinction
Nicholas Franco Rodriguez
Nicholas Samuel Rodriguez
Flynn Davis Roe
Jack Ryan Roehrig
With Highest Distinction
Halle Ruth Rogers
Sean Christopher Rogos
Andrea Valeria Roman
Giovanni Patrick Romeo
Christopher Luis Romero Guerrero
Nicolas Anthony Ronnel
With Distinction
Jacob Jack Ronning
Rebecca Hope Ronning
With Distinction
Nicole Elizabeth Rooks
Ethan Daniel Roos
With High Distinction
Kyle Adam Rosecrans
Alex Benjamin Rosenberg
Jack Carlton Rosenberg
With Distinction
Jesse Rosenberg
Morgan Frances Rosenberg
With High Distinction
Meagan Catherine Rosenfeld
Ryan Jeffrey Rosenfeld
With Highest Distinction
Sean Blake Rosenholtz
With High Distinction
Hannah Marie Rosenmayer
Cameron Ross
Aaron Charles Rossi*
With Highest Distinction
Meyer Rothbaum
Emerson Leigh Rotta
Yiyang Ruan
With Distinction
William John Rudolph
With Distinction
Duncan Charles Rumbaugh
With High Distinction
Katie Ann Runyon
With Highest Distinction
Adrian Kamil Rupar
Sydney Rene Ruppert
Patrick Liam Russell
Tess Elizabeth Rutherford
Chelsea Yvonne Rutledge
Hannah Grace Rutledge
Nicholas Adir Rutsky
With Highest Distinction
Lillian Kay Ryan
Marissa Margery Ryan
With High Distinction
Hyunsoo Ryu
With High Distinction
Markus Raphael Saba Jr.
With High Distinction
Shivani Sadam
Nakul Sadayappan
Ishan Sadhukhan
Rohan Sagar
With Highest Distinction
Aryaman Mohit Sahney
With Distinction
Sahej Sahni
Charlotte Yvonne St. Raymond
Deep Deepak Sakhrani
Sam George Saliba
Jack Evan Saltel
Caroline Anne Salvas
With Distinction
Mandeep Reddy Sama
With Distinction
Siva Murugan Sambasivam
Kyle Matthew Samberg
Marisa Solei Sanchez
With Distinction
Colin Albert Sand
With Highest Distinction
Hailey Isabella Sands
With Highest Distinction
Jared Sands
Shefali Gowri Sangappa
With Highest Distinction
Varun Amit Sanghrajka
Shrivatsa Saraf
Aryus Sarangee
Siddharth Saravanan
With Distinction
Evan Edmund Saroken
Phoebe Michelle Saunders
Kelly Marie Sauserman
With Distinction
Jonathon J. Sauter
Aashni Jay Sawhney
With Highest Distinction
Annabelle Grace Sawyer
Andrew Lee Saylan
Grant John Scaro
Sarah Kathryn Scarpitti
With Distinction
Daniel Irving Schechter
Camilyn Scheibert
Austin Mark Scheidler
Carson Michael Scheidler
Skylar Marcella Schena
With High Distinction
Dylan Jared Scher
Benjamin Jaren Schiller
With Distinction
Matthew John Schimpf
Evan Blake Schlabach
Nathan Schlabach
Samuel Joseph Schlegel
With High Distinction
Sara Schlichting
Ashley Winter Schmidt
Connor Michael Schmidt
With Distinction
James Kato Schmidt
Mason William Schmidt
Brendan Robert Schmitzer
Calvin Michael Schneider*
With Distinction
Jack Schneider
Hannah Nicole Schnuck
Nicholas James Schopp
Wyatt Paul Schrader
Corey David Schramm
Sydnie Leigh Schreck
With Distinction
Benjamin Reid Schreiber
Aleksandar N. Schroeder
With High Distinction
William Logan Schueler
Jacob Taylor Schulgasser
With Distinction
Courtney A. Schultz
Patrick King Schumacher
With High Distinction
John William Schustek
With Distinction
Abigail Grace Schwanke
Alexa Nicole Schwartz
Brayden Lowell Schwartz
Charles Riddle Schwartz
Zoe Madru Schwertfager
Georg Schüler
Karrington Scoble
Sebastien Remy Scott
Camille Elizabeth Scrine
With Highest Distinction
Daniella Sczurek
Jenna Olivia Seaman
Noah Ethan Seeherman
Luke James Selle
Param Sengar
Luke Anthony Sennott
With High Distinction
Armon Seraji
Olivia Serpico
With Highest Distinction
Oscar Noe Serrano Cuevas
With Distinction
Lucas Alexander Serrano
Omar Serrano
Thomas Arturo Serrano
Krishna Seshadri*
With Highest Distinction
Eknoor Sethi*
With Distinction
Pranav Sethi
Tyler William Settle
Nathan Seymour
With Distinction
Georgia Alexandra Sgouros
Ami Shah
Arnav Kartik Shah
Kishan Ashish Shah
Neel Rajiv Shah
Parth Shah
Prisha Nikhil Shah
Rohan Shah
Rayed Bukhari Shaik
Simon X. Shan
With Highest Distinction
Justin Tyler Shapiro
Nicholas Shapiro-Lopez
Yashraj Sharaff
Sahil Sharma
With Highest Distinction
Shaan Kumar Sharma
Madelyn Grace Sharp
Scout Shaw
With High Distinction
Yu Hsiang Shaw
Cynthia Annabel Shen
Isabelle Shepard
Olivia Shepherd
With Distinction
Daniel Lewis Sherman
Samuel Bryce Sherman
Jelani Patrick Wayne Sherwood
Shivani Shete
Jhanvi Sheth
With High Distinction
Aryaman Shetty*
With High Distinction
Alex Akash Kedar Shetye
With Distinction
Darren Yuje Shih
Kevin Shim
Michael Richard Shores*
With Distinction
Calvin Alexander Short
With High Distinction
Zachary Hamilton Short
With High Distinction
Addison Elizabeth Shorter
With High Distinction
Riley Ann Shorter
With Distinction
Akul Shourie
With High Distinction
Sanskar Krishna Shrestha
Amitesh Anand Shrivastava
Ethan Paul Shvartsshteyn
Caden Todd Sidebottom
Harrison Clifford Sikes
Jeremy Ryan Silber
Joshua Devin Silberman
With High Distinction
Ethan Alexander Silva
Olivia Christine Sim
With High Distinction
Maria Teresa Simas
With High Distinction
Mackenzie Paige Simmons
With High Distinction
Quinn Lyle Simmons*
With Highest Distinction
Joshua Lincoln Simon
Patrick Reed Simoncic
Jackson Thomas Simons
With Distinction
Presley Reese Simpson
Chaarvi Singh
Daniel Jarvis Singh
With Distinction
Mohkm Singh
With Distinction
Robin Singh
Shruti Singh
Ojaswee Singhal
Anika Sinha
With Highest Distinction
Yuvraj Sinha
Muskan Sisodia
With Distinction
Nikhil Sai Sista*
Victor William Siu
Sunnihith Sivarathri
Christian Alexander Skekloff
With Distinction
Nikola James Skidmore
Korrin Renee Skinner
Connor Douglas Skowron
Kathryn Slapshak
With High Distinction
Amory Reid Slott
Richard Allen Smikle Jr.
Braeden C. Smith
With Distinction
Bryan Ritter Smith
With Highest Distinction
Collin Hoyt Smith
Eli Joseph Smith
With Distinction
Ellory Ann Smith
Jackson Robert Smith
Mallory Ann Smith
With High Distinction
Matigan Claire Smith*
Nicholas Patrick Smith*
With High Distinction
Nolan Christopher Smith
Quinn R. Smith
Ellen Margaret Sneed
With Highest Distinction
Grace Marie Snyder
Joshua Adam Snyder
Payton Sodervick
Caitlyn Natalie Soegiantoro
Alexis Michelle Solntsev
Ben Elan Solomon*
With High Distinction
Trace Matthew Solonka
Steven Thomas Soltes
Charles Henry Sommer
Siheon Song
With Distinction
Steven Won-oo Song
Nicholas Howard Sorenson
Britt Katherine Soudan
Ryan Soule
Eli Lev Soumekhian
Skylyn Randall Sours
Mallory Austin Spayd
With Highest Distinction
Owen Ditto Speer
With Highest Distinction
Douglas Speicher
Maxwell Carson Spencer
Noah Zachary Spiro
Chloe Faith Sprigler
With High Distinction
Hayden Nicole Springer
Shreya Sreepathy
Ayush Srinivasan
Nalin Srivastava
Shubham Srivastava
Cameron J. Stack
With High Distinction
Sarah Ann Stagge
Peter Matthew Stange
Sophia Amber Stann
Samuel Starr
Zachary Starr
Jacqueline Taylor Stasny
With Highest Distinction
Emily Maureen Stec
Garrett John William Steckler
Marc Christian Steensland
Colton Stefanich
Patrick Thomas Stefurak
With High Distinction
Connor Patrick Steinlage
Sadie Lynn Steinmetz
Eric Raymond Stemper
With Distinction
Ashley Marie Stephens
Jackson Boyd Stephens
Alan Michael Stepto
Katie Elizabeth Xuan Stevenson
Nathan Andrew Stevenson
Brianna E. Stewart-Allen
Lukas Theobald Stitle
With High Distinction
Daniel Charles Stone
Evan Thomas Stone
With High Distinction
Jacob Benjamin Stone
John William Stoops
Ashton Edward Storey
With Distinction
Maddie Storey
Quincy Catherine Stotlar
James Evans Stowers IV
Matthew James Strait
Alexandra Nicole Strathearn*
Marissa Ann Streng
With High Distinction
Audrey Evelyn Strickling
Laine Nicole Struewing
Brett Matthew Strug
Camden Stuart
Ethan Stutzman*
With Distinction
Nishaan Singh Suga
Aidan Sullivan
Aidan Joseph Sullivan
Cassandra Olivia Sullivan
With Distinction
Caroline Sultz
Ritu Sundaram
With Distinction
Vignesh Sundaresan
Aahana Sunkara
Sarayu Surapaneni
Angelica Tamara Sutedjo
With High Distinction
Bryce William Sutfin
Ashley Sutton
Michael J. Svolos
Madeline Claire Swallows
Shashi Shekar Swaminathan
Russell Thomas Swansen
Annika Eileen Swanson*
With Distinction
David Michael Swanson
With Distinction
Nicole Anne Sweeney
Hayden Patrick Sweet
Ethan Isley Swift
Ian M. Swindle
Nicholas Syken
Kyle Patrick Sylvester
Avery Nicole Sysyn
Ethan Jeffrey Szuchan
Ethan Matthew Taback
With Distinction
Jad Takieddin
Ryan Talbot*
Vinno Tan
Sairaj Sangram Tandel
Jaskaran Singh Tandon
With High Distinction
Shefali Tandon
With Highest Distinction
Rayaan Taneja
Alexander Weijing Tang
With Distinction
Jerry Yi Tang
Kelly Tang
Ruoqi Tang*
Yongxing Tang*
Sahil Tanna
Kaitlin Sophia Tansey
With High Distinction
Bryce A. Taylor
With High Distinction
Collin Patrick Taylor
Kevin Michael Taylor
Kate Tchorbadjiyska
With Distinction
Brandon Philip Teater
Hunter Lee Teichman
Samarth Tekriwal
Edgardo Tenorio Valera
Miles Samuel Teperman
Austin Jeffrey Terry
Mitchell Garrett Tesser
Melia Ketan Thakker
Seth Francis Thomas
Hailey Ryan Thompson
Heidi Elizabeth Thompson*
With Distinction
Margo Colleen Thornberry
With Distinction
Sai Hitesh Thupakula
Eric Hampton Tice
Simran Tickoo
Lee Carroll Ticktin
Kevin Patrick Tierney
With Distinction
Priyanka Tigadi
With Distinction
Kate Lauren Tighe
Andrew B. Timm
Hannah Sophia Tippets
With Highest Distinction
Ethan Vikram Tirrnav
With Highest Distinction
Jacob Tissian
Adam Mark Tizabi
Andrew Joseph Tkacz
With Highest Distinction
Muskan Todi
Anthony Torres
Paige Alexandra Torres
Katia Noheli Torres Sanchez
Nicholas Ray Tracy
Ryan Matthew Tran*
With High Distinction
Eli R. Traub
With Highest Distinction
William Forester Trautman
Kelsey Grace Trecarichi
Evan Tretter
Trent Louis Troeger
With High Distinction
Gabrielle Corrin Trottier
Lawrence William Trowbridge
Adam John Troyer
Cameron Ryan Trueblood
David Stephen Tsung
Kameron J. Tucker
Danielle Tuckman
Isabelle Christine Tuma
Sanjeet Tummalapalli
Logan Elliot Tunnard
Mukundhan Tuppil
Dana Tyson Turk
Jack Macey Turken
Chase Aaron Turner
Mason Burk Turner
Patrick Turner
Gerik Charles Tyburk
Jackson T. Tyler
With Distinction
Pradyot Kumar Uday
Sriram Unnam
Nicholas Christopher Urbanek
Kavya G. Vadapalli
Soren Michael Vagenius
Thomas Anthony Vages
Nirali Bailur Vahalia
With Distinction
Anthony William Vaisnoras
Natalie Rose Van Alstyne
Pierce Avery Van Benthuysen
Christina Abigail Van Buskirk
With High Distinction
Miguel Angel van der Mensbrugghe
Jack Andrew VanderSloot
With Distinction
Charles Daniel VandeVelde
Srinidhi Reddy Vanguru
Sreenandita Vankineni
Alexander Cole VanZandt
Arjun Varma
With Highest Distinction
Rohan Vasudeva
With High Distinction
Lauren Emily Vaz
Rajan Vazirani
Mateo Velarde*
With High Distinction
Justin Patrick Venetucci
Sidanth Venugopal
With Distinction
Kendall Frances Vervaet
Isabella Vidal
Sophia Elizabeth Kabigting
Roshan Vishwanath
Peter Matthew Viz
Austin Michael Vo
Clare Elise Vogel
With High Distinction
Agustin Fernando Volante Silva
Daniel Vieira Volpe
Scott Steven Vrablik II
With High Distinction
Tyler John Vredeveld
Matthew Stevan Vukcevich
Thomas Vulpescu
Karan Wadhwa
Grace Waggoner
Sanjana Paresh Wagh
Jennifer Claire Wagner
With High Distinction
Jesse Paul Wagner
Ryan William Wainscott
Jenna Claire Wakai
Sarah Lynn Waldinger
Dhruv Wali
Adam Lee Walker
Drew Wallace
Tucker Olney Wallace
With High Distinction
Jaden Morris Wallach
Logan Joseph Walsh
Patrick Michael Walshe
Elizabeth Clare Waltman
Jack Thomas Waltman
Richard G. Wan
Chuanqi Wang*
With Highest Distinction
Drake Alexander Wang
Yifei Wang
With Distinction
Brook Bernard Wang-Swiontek
Grace Anne Wantuck
Zachary Ryan Warchus
With Highest Distinction
Andrew John Ward
Matthew Allen Ward
Jeremy Luke Warner
Lisa Isobel Warren
With Highest Distinction
Julia Christine Washburn
With Distinction
Matthew Washco
Andrew Jamison Washienko
Kaleb Matthew Wasmuth
Sophie Catherine Wazzan
Christopher Thomas Weathers II
Elizabeth Nicole Webster
Colin Edward Weger
Samantha K. Weidner
Elliott Jacob Weigel
With Highest Distinction
Seth Benjamin Weil
Dillon Reed Weinberg
Jack Michael Weinstein
Aaron Jacob Weinstock
Jonah Thomas Weinzapfel
Morgan Holt Weisberg
Marc Weisbrot
Jordan Samuel Weisner
With Distinction
Zachary Weitzman
Madeline Margaret Welch
With Highest Distinction
Andrew Schuyler Wennersten*
Nicholas Louis Werbaneth
Claire West
Zachary Thomas West
Kate Elizabeth Whaley
Cole Benjamin Wheeler
Christopher Collin White
Jakob Dylan White
With High Distinction
Ellen Elizabeth Wiegand*
With Distinction
Grant J. Wiegand
Charles John Kinsel Wiggins
Noah Bradley Wiggins
Gavin Robert Wight
Andrew James Wiley
Henry Wilhite
Rhett Arthur Wilken
Mason Roy Wille
Alyssa Diane Williams
Benjamin Michael Williams
Garrett Andrew Williams
Jack Michael Williams
Kyle Thomas Williams
Jack Andrew Williamson
Joseph Holden Williamson
Danielle Eileen Willing
Brooklyn Gold Wilson
Malorie Rose Wilson
With Distinction
Sean Wayne Wilson
Stephen Wilson
William Robert Wilson III
Ryan Winchester
Ian James Winslow
Zachary Joel Witaszek
With High Distinction
Jacy Mae Wobido
With Distinction
Brecken Patrick Wojciechowski
Ezra Moises Wolfschoon
Brent Wolfson
Noah Stefan Wolski
With Distinction
Brianna Malia Wong
Christopher Wong*
With High Distinction
Sebastian Andres Wong Vela
Joseph James Woodfin
With Highest Distinction
Patrick Woodhouse
Lauren Michelle Woodward
With High Distinction
Luke Alan Wooldridge
Wally Wormser
Luke Andrew Worthington
Cameron Michael Wright
Jason Wu
Evan Wurzbacher
With Distinction
Brooke Michelle Wyatt
Jane Stafford Wynne
With High Distinction
Justin Xiong
With Distinction
Michael Xu
With Highest Distinction
Venkata Seshagiri Kaushik Yadala
Adam T. Yaggy
With Highest Distinction
Andrew Yan
Jonathan Yang
Kara Huaying Yang
With High Distinction
Linglong Yang
With Highest Distinction
Yanming Yang
With Highest Distinction
Savannah Faye Dupre Yassin
With Distinction
John David Yates
Julia Elise Yates
Jonathan Tod Yazdi
Catherine Yazhuk
David Huan Ye
Seungeun Yi
Jiaxin Yin
Lydia Xinpei Yong
With High Distinction
Daniel James Young
Sunny Yu
Yanni Yu
Elaine Yuan
Robert Liam Zaccheo
Kyle Robert Zagaros
Grace Zagelmeyer
With Distinction
Thomas Daniel Zahn
With Highest Distinction
Abeer Zaib
With Distinction
Sanjana J. Zalawadia*
With Distinction
Pranav Zalpuri
Gabriel Zehr
Matthew Zeitner
Dake Zhang
Kaining Zhang
Brianna Zhou
With Distinction
Cayla S. Rashel Zimmerman
Thomas William Zimmerman
Samuel Rocco Zirille
Asher Zishan
Bryant Evan Zitlaw
Jacob Paul Zollinger
Stone Zachary Zubeck
Carter Timothy Zuch
Matthew Zukowski
Alenna Cristine Zweiback
Catharine Ann Zwick
With Highest Distinction
Raushan Baizakova
Dong Wook Chae
Olumide Stephen Abel
Maria Juliana Abello Ponce
Parag Acharya
Ricardo Acosta Jr.
Adedoyin Adeola Adenuga
Oyinkansola Aderele
Santosh Adivi
Emmeline T. Adu-Beng
Olumide Olorunjune Afuwape
Archit Aggarwal
Rita Korkor Agyei
Cheolwoo Ahn
JungJin Ahn
Seokhwan Ahn
Vijay Alagirisamy
Tanveer Alam
Louis Gene Alessandrini IV
Julius Alexander
Daniel Arturo Alfaro Arellano
Gal Alguetti
Sharon Alguetti
Kolawole Alimi
Suzana Amaral
Jung Hwan An
Aaron Anderson
Naveen Krishna Angirekula
Keoni Boyd Antolin
Lauren Armstrong
Veronica Armstrong
Muhammad Fatih Askarillah
Whitney Alexis Askew
Mark Allen Atkins Jr.
Jennifer Kay Autry
Mohamad Badreddine
Fernando Damo Baesso
Patrick Bagnuolo
Abhishek Kumar Bais
Andrew James Baldovin
Briana Baldovin
Dustin Bales
Ritabrata Banerjee
Kimberly Banks
David Bar-Gadda
Rod Amir Baradaran
Richard Bardell
Wilson Wayne Barnhill III
Sarah Christine Barry
Abdulazeez Damilola Baruwa
Mary Baumann
Jeffrey Bednar
Daniel Beer
Jacob Michael Beerbower
Kevin Bellus
Eric J. Berggren
Annalise Rose Berry
Lindsey Nicole Berry
Brenton Mathew Bersin
Alexander Bezugly
Divianshu Bhardwaj
Neelay Ajay Bhaskar
Tej Bhinde
Deepshika Reddy Bijjula
Edward Bingham
Ogochukwu Chinwe Bishop-Felix
Sajani Bobba
Dustin Dee Boler
Kyle Borders
Steven Mark Bouchillon
Hadijat Oluwatosin Bowale
Junior Rene Bravo
Tyson Ross Breedlove
Andrea Gilberti Brown
Dmitry Austin Brown
Paul Bruno
Matthew Scott Burnham
Joseph Burns
Alexie Morgan Burr
Robert Luke Byrd
Youngtae Byun
Victor Javier Calderon Rojas
Brett Callahan
Domenic Joseph Camino
Michael Robert Cantu
Kirby M. Carmack
Thomas Jay Carroll
Michael Casey
William Daniel Castedo
Natasha Castelli
Steven Castelli
Kyung Jun Cha
Alexandra Elizabeth Chapin
Chao Chen
Hao Chen
ShihTien Chen
Kenny Cheng
Roshan Cherian John
Ka Kui Cheung
Ming-Chun Cheung
Chelsea Childers
Hyunwook Choi
Sung Soon Choi
Yong Jun Choi
Samantha Eileen Choy
Mitchell Christenson
Daniel E. Christiansen
Hyunwoo Eric Chung
JaeHwan Chung
Katie Chung
Aidan Patrick Clancy
Ann Clark
Jacob Michael Cleff
Alex Clement
Hayley Paradise Cohen
Tramaine Latrell Cohen
Nicholas Dale Cohoon
Ryan Jacob Connelly
Akila Copeland
Samuel Kevin Coriden
Austin Rodney Craig
William P. Crawford
Nathaniel Croft
Marcus Cromartie
James Tanner Crosslin
Randi Melissa Cruz
Sean Richard Culkin
Alexander David Culy
Fabiano Da Silva
Matthew James Daly
Nickolas Damianides
Harrison Allan Daniels
Debashis Das
Jyoti Prakash Das
Ryan Davella
David David Gilreath
Pamela Maria Davila
Katherine Ann Wilkes Davis
Mary Davis
Stephen C. Day III
Elfie Maria De Jesus Perez
Lauren Noelle Delgado
Melanie Marie Dennis
James deSpelder
Gabrielle Rae Devroy
Rieski Anna Dewi
Dhrubajyoti Dewri
Manogna Dhodda
Jaime Antonio Diaz
Aidan F. Dillon
Jasmine Christina DiMario
Richard William Noel Dingle
Michelle Dinh
Patrick Thomas Diogenia
Jenifer Domenico
Jacob D. Donaldson
David Curtis Door II
Ruan Helan Dos Santos
Varis Duangmaneerattanachai
Rishi Dubey
Scott Steven Dueball
Dominic Dumbra
Patrick Thomas Dunn
Paula Maria Earley
Michael J. Eberhardt
David Ehmann
Jamie Therese Eichten
Chukwuka Stanley Ekeocha
Mohamed Abdelmonem
Abdelhalim Elfeky
Mackenzie Wade Evans
Youssef Ezzaoui Rahali
Laura Fager
Rafi Farhan Fahrurrozi
Chandler S. J. Fairfield
Oluwaseun Fakorede
Alexander Jacob Farmer
Jonathan James Faulkner
Ethan Beckett Feder
Sally H. Feng
Catia Silva Ferreira
Bronson Paul Ferster
Zach Nathaniel Finkelstein
Zachary James Fischenich
Joshua Fisher
Eric J. Fitzgerald
Liam Fitzgerald
Derek Benjamin Fletcher
John Claiborne Floyd IV
John Frenzel
Noah Friedman
Alexander Fullerton
Rajesh Gadde
Payal Gadura
Shuai Gao
Yi Gao
Gloria Garcia
Priya Garg
Shlok Garg
Siddharth Garg
Marieme Gaye
Eli George
Elizabeth Girard
Leah Marie Gistenson
Brian Godwin
Mallory Golden
Mayur Goli
Enrique Gomez Bravo Manzo
Pavan Gonagur
Mikhail Gongadze
Ryan Daniel Govoni
Ryan Grammer
Eric Fridtjof Gratz
Ryan D. Green
Molly Catherine Grigg
Tianbo Gui
Sijie Guo
Anup Kant Gupta
Chabi Gupta
Matthew Todd Guy
Arturo Guzman Villarreal
Peter Michael Hakans
Michael Kenneth Patrick Hale
Grant Dennis Haley
Michael William Halles
Jordan Hamilton
Philip Stephen Hansen
Alec D. Hassfurther
Matthew John Hastings
Kiara Hata
Lauren Hattendorf
Morgan Elizabeth Hawley
Clint Hawn
Jacqueline Brooke Haydock
Nicholas Hendricks
Derrick Hernandez Shupe
Sidnee Rose Hill
Caitlin Foster Hirsch
Margaret Elizabeth Hodan
Erin Castillo Holder
Katherine Leanne Holman
Lane Holmes
Daehwa Hong
Semin Hong
Eryn Bolinger Horton
Sundaresh Hosur Krishna Kumar
Ryan Houghton
Michael Huang
Jeremy Duane Hughes
Alex Jonathan Hunt
Morgan E. Hunt
Ryan M. Hunt
Garrett Cole Hutchinson
Fritz Carleton Hyde V
Anara Ibrayeva
Aboira Richard Irumudomon
Abhiram Swaminath Iyengar
Srinivas Iyer
Karol Aleksander Jablonski
Geoffrey Alan Jackman
Leon Jacobs-Nwude
Abhishek Jain
Neil S. Jain
Amadu Jalloh
Nathan Anton Janicek-Navarro
Alex Jenkins
Yeon Soo Jeong
Tyler Jett
Aaron Jill
Palak Jindal
Alexandria Grace Johnson
Nicholas James Johnson
Sheldon Jones
Divya Jonnavittula
Young Min Joo
Emma Jordan
Bhuvnesh Joshi
Michael Dominic Juliano
Hoon Jung
Krishna Sai Teja Kalavala
Eunjun Kang
Seongmo Kang
Thomas Kappler
Yanita Rossenova Karatchorova
Moksh Karira
Ajai Abraham Karottukottarathil
Alexandra Katen
Kyle Anthony Kazmierczak
Lenny Kaznachey
Matthew Lance Kearney
Patrick Joseph Kelly
Stephen Nathanial Kelly
Brittany Keltz
Ronald Kenny
Ateeq Khan
Pratik Kharel
Alfred Khashaki
Hyunsoo Kim
Hyunwoo Kim
Jinhee Kim
Junghyun Kim
Seungjin Kim
Alston I. King
Alicia McKenzie Kleckner
Brian Knutson
Lea M. Koehler
Ryan Koepke
Anais Koivisto
Maria Zenia Koulogeorgas
Nicholas Todd Krantz
John Krause
Scott Krieder
Jonathan Joseph Kroot
Ashish Arvind Kulkarni
Nicholas Kwan
Joseph T. LaGrange
Alexander Lampros
Kevin Landgraf
Benjamin Lange
Alexander Lanteigne
Sofia Lara Aguilar
Benjamin Andrew Larimer
Andrew Stephen Lash
Kendall Gregory Law
Kiearrah M. Lawrence
Robert Laws
Matthew Henry Leahey
Changsoo Lee
Elizabeth Lee
Hwang Lee
Jae Jin Lee
Jeongwoo Lee
Kuhun Lee
Minjoo Lee
Su Jung Lee
Youngmin Lee
Jeong Hyeong Lee
Julia Michelle Lei
Adam Emil Lesiuk
Cristina Elaine LeVine
Ethan Levy
Grant Nathan Lewis
Jacob David Lewis
Jinze Li
Yuanyuan Li
Yunsong Li
Kelli Lynn Liechty
Stephanie Octavienne Limuissa
Hsin-feng Lin
Jada Kai Linton
William Lisbin
Jessica Litza
Bradley K. Loden
Matthew Paul Lokar
Daniel John Long Sr.
Harry Poetra Lubis
Kelly E. Lucas
Scott Lyons
Kayla Hilton Mackelprang
John Jacob Manaloor
Dillon Jeffrey Manchisi
Hunter H. Mangueira
Joseph Marmo
Christopher Daniel Marquez
Christian Spencer Marshall
Danielle Martinez
Stephen S. Mathai
Charles Mather
Vanessa Mather
Merissa Mayo
Suchethan Mayur Srinath
Emily McCambridge
Braidy McCaughey-Outman
Andrew C. McCreadie
Paul Michael McCully
Zachary Owen McDermott
Carson Trent McIntosh
Wyatt James McKenzie
Ian Samuel McKinney
Cameron Joseph McLemore II
Mitchell McMillen
Christopher McVeigh
Nakia Daniels Means
Christopher Megdanoff
Chaitanya Mehta
Kathleen Elizabeth Melenbrink
Andrew Jason Menke
Marvin Mikle
Riley Jo Miller
Trenton Donald Miller
Anand Ashok Mirji
Amaresh Mirwani
Drew Mjaanes
Ashish Kumar Modi
David Moehling
Imran Yousuf Mohammed
Jaspreet Singh Monga
Matthew Monier
Antonio M. Montanaro
John L. Moody
Rachel Anne Morrison
Karen Renee Motley
Haruna Mudasiru
Enno Tjarko Müller
Andrew J. Murphy
Shawn Murphy
Brendan Andrew Musa
Joseph Conrad Mycock
Richard Nabila Nachinaba
Venkata Ratna Dileep Nachu
Samuel Paul Nadeau
Nanda Gopal Nalla
Sai Nandyala
Kelly V. Newsome
Le Vy Nguyen
Natan Noguera Lopez
Jonathan Grady Nokes
Anders Petrus Nordlund
Andrew Norgard
Jennifer Esinam Akosua Norgbey
Austin Michael Noto
Nkengasong Ntonghanwah
Julian Nugent
Sophia Nyanwin
EbunOluwa Abike Oduntan
Uchenna William Ogbejesi
Donggil Oh
Sujin Oh
Ali Ojikutu
Andrew James Chaneske Olenick
Caitlin Suzanne Olsen
Abdulai Omosunlade
Justin Orr
Diego Ortiz
Robert Owusu Ansah
Gregory Oyan
David DeWaele Painter
Enrico Joseph Palandri
Suresh Pappu
Darshan S. Patel
Rasesh Patel
Vishal S. Patel
Amol Patil
Setu Patolia
Christopher Briggs Patterson
Kevin Richard Patterson
John Michael Paul
Willy Alexis Peña Vilca
Steven Louis Pepke
Rody Enrique Perez Arenas
Claire Perkins
Daniel Peterson
Jackie Pham
Blake Picolo
Jake Pilarski
Nicole Elizabeth Pines
Sreedhara Reddy Pitchala
Thomas J. Plegue
Amanda Pokryfky
Matthew Stephen Polimou
Alyssa Marie Poticha
John Patrick Power
Gian Prabhudas
Zachary Prystash
Rahul Nandkumar Pupala
Anastasia Purgianto
John Quinn
Srivathsan Ragunathan
Prabaagar Ramachandran
Prasanna Ramachandran
Surindarr Ramachandran
Girija Ramakrishnan
Olivia Ramos
Andrew Ronald Ransom
Anitha Aparanji Rao
Alyssa Rapelje
Ryan Rapp
Srinivas Ravuri
Ayesha Raza
Thomas Anthony Rebbecchi Jr.
Morgan Redemann
Taylor Reeves
Dillon Colton Rego
Luke Reichert
Michael Reichman
Michael James Reinker
Christopher R. Rengstorf
Aidan James Reynolds
Jonathan David Rhodes III
James Richburg Jr.
Ryan Rieboldt
Jacob Risse
Beau Edward Robbins
Brandon Roberts
Jill Frances Rodriguez
Maria Angelica Rodriguez
William Roman
Alice Rose
Amanda Jo Roseboom
Jonathan Rosen
Sean Blake Rosenholtz
Maurizio Rossi
Erik Rowell
Max Henry Rowland
David Joshua Rubin
Ana Fernanda Ruiz
Tyler Russell
Nicholas John Russo
Zackary Allen Rutledge
Hyunsuk Ryu
Steven Paul Samek
Nupur Rajesh Sampat
Natalie Grayson Sams
Benjamin Ellory Sanderson
Jared Sands
Vijayachandar Sanikal
Emily Sanner
Theresa A. Sansbury
Kelly Marie Sauserman
Tiffany Marie Scheer-Scherer
Denis Alexander Scherf
Stephen Schilling
Nicholas James Schmeidler
Carly Schneider
Johann Schrell
Miriam Estanislao Schwartz
Sophia Kyoungah See
Daniel J. Seider
Sebonti Sen
Ali Shabbir
Akheeb Baba Shaik
Karan Sharma
Megha Sharma
Mehak Sharma
Brian Shea
Jaechul Shim
Hyunseok Shin
Matthew Michael Shovlain
Deepti Singh
Harsh Kumar Singh
Navjot Singh
Abhinav Singhvi
Sameer Sinha
Parker Brennan Sinko
Joseph D. Sirmans
Christian Alexander Skekloff
Nikola James Skidmore
Emily Madelaine Skooglund
Alexander Smith
Michael Smith
Walker Smith
Alexandre Daniel Smith-Bilodeau
Christopher Joseph Sobczak
Joshua Lee Solomon
Patrick Sommerstad
Chang-Min Song
Youngsun Song
David Carlos Sonka
Shiva Soorya-Varam
Sarah Southerland
Aditya Srinivasan
Saurav Srivastava
Joseph Thomas Steen II
Christopher Lyle Stehman
Evan Thomas Stone
Sanjay Sukumar
Cassandra Olivia Sullivan
Genadi Nur Susilohadi
Christopher Fritz Sutherlin
Theresa Marie Swift
Kyle Patrick Sylvester
Monica Tabor
Danie Tan
Jeff Tang
James Tarantiles
Charles Jason Tartt
Tyler Tarun
Jennifer Marie Teich
Natalie Teo
Rajat Thakur
Vasudevan Thangaraju
Mary Tharakan
Ryan Thompson
Flikk Artista Thornton
Cole David Toner
Christopher Arslan Toorani
Parviz Torabi Marashi
Drew Torrey
Jonathon Edward Toth
Andres Tovar
Megan Townsend
Jacob Towse
Richard James Trainor
Nelson Fan Tripp
Dhara K. Trivedi
Ketulkumar Trivedi
Kyle Troesch
Cameron Ryan Trueblood
Kateryna Turchenko
Victoria Ann Turchetti
Jason Michael Turton
Rachel Lynn Tuskes
Denis Jerome Tuttle
Md Shafi Uddin Siddiqui
Pamela Ogechi Udumba
Trevor S. Ulman
Sonia Umar
Aniket Jayant Vagha
Sonal Vajandar
John-Eric Samera Vallarta
Jessica Van Arman
Shweta Vasagadekar
Kalyana Vasanta
Juan Diego Vasquez Villavisencio
Sandeep Veeramani
Viraj Sushil Vishwarupe
Ana-Maria Visoiu-Knapp
Viet Vo
Benjamin Vowell
Prudence A. Vulhop
Grace Waggoner
Jennifer Claire Wagner
Peter Pechauer Walbolt
Elizabeth Hsing-Tzu Walker
Amanda Walkowicz
Zhen Wang
David Waskie
James Strong Watt Jr.
Mark Weaver Jr.
Joshua R. Webb
Jordan Weil
Marlo Evans Wendell
Peter Howard Wicker
Joseph Richard Wiegand
Craig Joseph Wikert
Brendan Wilczynski
Anna Alexis Marie Williams
Elronn Williams
Lauren Collins Williams
Stephen Matthew Williams
John Wilson
Natasha Marie Winchester
Aldy Anindita Wirmadi
Nathan Channing Wishard
Minori Wisti
Peter Philip Wolniak
Graham Dian Woodward
Justin Alec Wright
Yiwei Xia
Yunli Xu
Erin Yamaguchi
Jimmy Zhaohui Yang
Yuange Yang
Trevor Yarger
Robin Bertucci Yee
Hyunyoung Yi
Younggeun Yim
Sylvester Toe Youlo
Byron Young
Cheuk Man Kelvin Yuen
Scott Daniel Zapatka
Marium Zehra
Jenny Zhang
Ziying Zhang
Yuelin Zhu
Nicholas Badlu
Muniba Raza
Nicholas David Anderson
Antwan Brady
Rong Chen
Yi-Cian Cheng
Salvatore Franco Cohoon
James Thomas Coulombe
Jaxon Donovan Fetty
Christina N. Fortsas
Leon Gardner Good
Julia Grace Gutzler
Brock A. Harris
Amaya Louise Eileen Hatch
Nina Katherine Hecht
Joshua Douglas Helle
Douet Sean Kerr
Konstantine Spero Kinnas
Jiaze Li
Michael Thomas Loviscek Jr.
Jacklin Alivia Ness
Rosemary Chinazaekpere Nnuji-
Christopher Nordhoff
Kelan O’Flaherty
Jennifer O. Okoro
Emily Britney Osbourne
Amit Puri
Joseph Anthony Serra
Daija L. Smith
John William Staruck
Joseph Anthony Stellato
Sara Stelter
Jake Tyler Sullivan
En-Chi Sung
Chinedu Anthony Ufio
Nicholas Kyle Williams
Zane Williams
Sean Michael Zentner
Kirsten Ruth Adams
Corey James Augenstein
David James Aylor
James Rollin Boshes
Ashley Chumbley
Gilberto Corona
James Tanner Crosslin
Aaron Caleb Daniels
Michael Shane Davis
Loren David Deadmond
Sujay Dutta
Debra Jones Evans
Nathan Eric Gibson
Jay S. Joneja
Nicolle Krause
Robert William McCabe III
Christine Andrea Metrick
Shivananda P. Mizar
Nathan J. Molstad
Robert O’Leary
Babatomiwa I. Ogunkanmi
Suresh Pappu
Kevin Richard Patterson
Amanda Pokryfky
Jonathan Rozman
Rachel Jean Schmidt
Nicholas Seefeld
Ryan Goodrich Stevens
Alberto Suarez Jr.
John Tomasula
Hogan Jesse Walker
Matthew Ian Watts
Mark Allen Atkins Jr.
Mohamad Badreddine
Isaac Baker
Raiyan Bawany
Mayil Sushil Bhat
Taylor M. Booher
Amrinder Chohan
John Cohen
Skyler de Boer
Rishabh Anil Dhankani
Jaime Antonio Diaz
Anjali Serena Dziarski
Joey Lamont Eloms
Tristan Gregory Forsythe
Dylan Zachary Frank
Taylor Heidi Galitsis
Yuan Gao
Adam Glatz
Kyle Goodale
Javorn Ricardo Gray
Nicholas Guglielmi
Yang Guo
Philip Stephen Hansen
Alec D. Hassfurther
Lene Mari Bolkesjø Hovda
Christopher Hubert
Hailey Aubrey Hurn
Arnav Jain
Richard Paul Jones III
GreatGomon Laowatdhanasapya
Callahan Thomas Larkin
Paul Lavender II
Aidan O’Toole McIntyre
Kristopher Mensing
Jonathan Christopher Monovich
Sujay Nilesh Mota
Minh Ngoc Nguyen
Tong Hai Nguyen
Devon Orben
Magdalena Palka
Rishi Parekh
Sharon Lynn Paulus
Cedric Peerman
Ronald Powell
Rahul Nandkumar Pupala
Luc Andre Radice
Pardeep Kamal Rishi
Kristina Russell
Maxwell Armand Sanchez
Griffin Reed Scism
Sachin Bharat Shah
Reece Walter Shaul
David Carlos Sonka
Xiao Tang
Sarah Ann Thoerner
Divyam Bimal Vora
Hammad Arshad Waris
Kyle D’Amico Warneke
Ammar Zaidi
Liyan Zhang
Yunge Zhang
Kimberly Banks
Austin Rodney Craig
Jamie Therese Eichten
Blake Austin Castetter
Jonathan L. Dusleag
Brendan John Ferris
Aadila Rafiquahmad Gadatia
Christian Gettelfinger
Grace Marie Hironimus
Matthew Johnson
Noah Edward Lancaster
Eric Matthew Martindale
Tyler Neil Masten
Khaadhambari Meenakshi
Chase Michael Meyer
Kayla Marie Michaud
Thao Thanh Nguyen
Andrea Nowakowski
Damini Vikram Patel
Nicholas John Thomas Peirick
Alfredo Alexander Perez
Adam Nile Pratt
Cheyenne Paige Riley
Tyler Semler
John William Stewart
Shelby Anne Stone
Thi Ngoc Van Tran
Tamia Kyanna Trice
Kayla Grace Willens
Aisha Laraba Yusuf
Bret Thomas Augsburger
Richard Peter Borg
Lance Bradshaw
Aasish Changavar
Tyler Ray Dixon
Yan Ge
Joshua Ethan Glass
Rohan Gupta
Isaac Marshall Hunter
Jaesik Hyun
Jackson Whitt Jewell
Syed Nurul Kabir
Parkavi Kandasamy
Chad Edward Kennell
Stephen ByeongJun Kim
Pamela Brooke Kreinces
Kayla Christine LeFever
Meida Lin
Bhargava Krishna Mangalagiri
Mahek Hiralal Maru
Benjamin Ryan McKeown
Mout-Maine Ademola Moustapha
Carson Jeffrey Mundy
John Andrew Newquist
Zachary David O’Connor
Mauricio Andres Orellana
Jack Persinger
Maxwell Spencer Portnoy
Rahmaan Jaami Ruth
Manjot Kaur Sandhu
Jake Ryan Schoenegge
Adam Joshua Seidenfrau
Mina Shafaei
Garret Sheets
Yushan Song
Pongpapas Srivanich
Zachary William Tackett
Chimeddorj Uuganbayar
Vahin Vuppalanchi
Hannah Li Wang
Adam Guthrie Warner
Joshua Donald Weisbord
James Joseph Wieland
Nicholas David Michael Willham
Weican Wu
Vikaas Xavier
Sameh Abou Elnasr
Yana Almeida
Mauricio Alvarez
Marilou Pagarigan Anderson
Ekaterina Bannikova
Charles Bradley Bell Jr.
Daniel Braker
Eric R. Brown
Ratanak Chhy
Teppei Chiba
Baskar Rao Dandlamudi Siva Naga
Gevano Dantu
Girish Dharmapurikar
Nathan Dittmer
Josh Dulberger
Patrick Thomas Dunn
Thomas Nathan Falk II
Lauren Ashley Fox
Mukul Garg
Michael Gedvilas
Aisha Gilani
Alexander B. Gudgel
Jeevan Kumar Gupta
Derrick Hernandez Shupe
Anthony W. Heyn
Beth Hutchings
Amadu Jalloh
Chintankumar Joshi
Rohan Nikhil Joshi
Pratik Kharel
Alexandr Lvovich Kulichkov
Benjamin Kwao-Mensah
Vasundhara Lanka
Johan Lubbe
David Jonathan Maaske
Garrett Ivan MacKay
Emily Makota
Jesse Manis
Joshua McRae
Aamir Mukhtar
Urooj Mumtaz
Monty Nail
Shushrut Somashekhar Palled
Chaewon Park
Dhruv Parmar
Anand Prakash
Vivek Prasad
Amar Pukale
Abdur Rahman
Alexey Semenov
Michael Takeshi Shepherd
Namrita Srivastava
Alvaro Toro
Samuel Modupeoluwa Williams
Mark Wirbisky
Elizabeth Ryan Worthington
Josephine Yang
Wai Lam Yeung
Alexandra Elizabeth Chapin
Elfie Maria De Jesus Perez
Jisoo Ho
Hong-Sik Park
Andrew Ronald Ransom
Jordan Tyler Young
Abhishek Kumar Bais
Andrew James Baldovin
Mary Baumann
Steven Mark Bouchillon
Don Juan Carey III
Joshua Samuel Chelli
Winston Kho Hunn Chow
Dominic Dumbra
Manuel Flores
Emily Kate Harris
Robert Hofer
Yongjin Jo
Christian Restaino Kautzman
Lauren Kendall
Yeongho Lee
Wilfredo A. Maldonado
Emily Anne Mirro
Lauren Megan Murphy
Jungeun Oh
Helen Lindsey Peters
Willy Alexis Peña Vilca
Jonathan Schwartz
Karina Sirota Goodley
Youngjong Song
Raphael Chinagorum Tobis
Dimuthu Upeksha Wannipurage
Yuelin Zhu
Recipients of Doctor of Philosophy
degrees are listed under the Indiana
University Graduate School
Bloomington, pages 70–80.
School of Education
Danielle Abel
Lukas Ian Adams
With Highest Distinction
Jared Chase Adley
Sara Lauren Alexander
With High Distinction
Abigail Mae Allen
Alexa Allen
With High Distinction
Alexandria Lee Aschliman
Claire Elizabeth Ashcraft*
With Highest Distinction
Emma Kathryn Austin
With High Distinction
Riley Paul Axsiom
With Highest Distinction
Sarah Alice Bagshaw
With Highest Distinction
Kennedi Grace Baker
With High Distinction
Allison Staci Bass
With Distinction
Kaylyn Danielle Bates
With Highest Distinction
Katherine Anne Bauer
With High Distinction
Suzanne Camille Becker
With High Distinction
Anna Elizabeth Bennett
With High Distinction
Emma Elaine Berger
Emma Melissa Black
With Distinction
Madalyn Jo Bogart
With High Distinction
Hannah Brady
Brittany Brenner
Jessie Beth Brown
With Distinction
Asia Aaliyah Burgett
Claire Estelle Burton
Olivia Nicole Carlon
Isabelle Alexis Chandler
Emma Katherine Chapman
With High Distinction
Carolyn Joanne Clausen
With High Distinction
Ella Jane Cline
Ellie Cohen
With Distinction
Ava Connell
Mia Claire Contino
With Highest Distinction
Matthew Thomas Cooley
Jalynn E’mon Cooper
Kaitlin Jade Cooper
With Distinction
Taylor Breann Dodd
With Highest Distinction
Jahlea Douglas
With High Distinction
Gwendelyn Kristena-Nicole Drake
Sarah Ashley Dyer
With High Distinction
Evelyn Ann Eggers
With Distinction
Alyssa Lynn Elderkin
With Highest Distinction
Anna Marie Emmert
Ainsley Kathleen Epperson*
With Highest Distinction
Ashlea E. Eversole
With Highest Distinction
Emma Hope Fey
With High Distinction
Cassidy P. Flohr
Lillian Margaret Frankland
With High Distinction
Krystian Janee Garrett
Joseph Lee Calhoon Gordon II
Aiyanna M. Gordy
Brian Joseph Gottlieb
Kathleen Erin Graf
With Highest Distinction
Emma Corinne Grimes
Katelyn Marie Hamann
With Highest Distinction
Lauren Noelle Haraburda
With Highest Distinction
Dejaye Alauren Harris
Jalen B. Harris
With Highest Distinction
Jenna Lynn Hartley
With High Distinction
Summer Hope Haulk
With High Distinction
Samantha Rae Heiert
With Highest Distinction
Delaney Elizabeth Hendricks
With Distinction
Kaitlyn Rebecca Henke
With Distinction
Chloe Elizabeth Herzog
With High Distinction
Allison Bret Higgins
Natalie Cara Howard
With Distinction
Maiah Lynn Huffman
With Distinction
Avanel Grace Jarka
Addison Kathleen Jaromin
With Highest Distinction
Amber M. Johnson
Kendall Elaine Jones
With Highest Distinction
Madeline Renee Jordan
With Highest Distinction
Hannah Marie Kadinger
Lexi Kaner
With Distinction
Maxwell Jameison Keithley
Lily Elizabeth Kelly
Victoria Morgan Killion
With Highest Distinction
Olivia Kristine Koontz
With High Distinction
Emily Grace LaFree
With High Distinction
Audrey Elyse Lambert*
With Highest Distinction
Anna Terese LaMere
Charles Joseph Laymon
Justine Rose Lazaro
Abbey Rosanna Leffert
Erin Elizabeth Lehner
With Highest Distinction
Alexa Ruth Levine
With Distinction
Veronica Chaya Lewis
With High Distinction
Thomas Robert Lister
With High Distinction
Caleb Ahl Malcomson
Alexis Grace Maurer
Robert Zung Lian Mawi
With Distinction
Grace Adelaide McCartney
Mitchell Craig McCool
Clare Brigid McLaughlin
Grace Marie McNeal
Margaret Lee McQuillan
With High Distinction
Samantha Mears
With Distinction
Grace Ann Melrose
Grace Juliana Merryman
With Highest Distinction
Libbi Janele Miller
Allison Jayne Mobley
With Distinction
Lauren Nicole Moon
With Distinction
Bailey Anne Mooney
With Distinction
Jacob Orion Morris
With Distinction
Julia Morris
Aubrey Layne Neese
Thomas James Newton
With High Distinction
Anna Grace O’Donovan
With High Distinction
McKenzie Ann Odle
With Distinction
Caroline Elsa Oebker
With Highest Distinction
Jade Ireland Olsen
With High Distinction
Amanda G. Ordaz
With High Distinction
Brooke A. Ortez
With High Distinction
Celeste Andriana Pantoja
Jaya Chloe Parail
With Highest Distinction
Ellory Maya Penner
With Distinction
Joshua Pereira
With High Distinction
Lucia Jane Perrin
With Distinction
Gabrielle Pettway
With High Distinction
Andrea Kaylyn Pierce
Micah Plofsky
With Distinction
Elizabeth Alayne Potts
With Distinction
Anne Elizabeth Prasco
With Highest Distinction
Erin Lynn Proebstle
Rebecca Lily Radis
With Distinction
Sarah Lee Reams
With Distinction
Rebecca Jane Rhodes
Sarah Richardson
With Highest Distinction
Olivia Rose Ritchie
With High Distinction
Jolie Abigail Robinson
Mackenzie Claire Roe
Natalie Marie Rouster
With Distinction
Amanda Marie Kwon Ruddell
Jocelyn Singer Sargent
Averi Elizabeth Schindler
With Distinction
Isabella G. Schrump
With High Distinction
Lillian Clarice Scott
Hannah Kate Sheese
With Highest Distinction
Austin M. South
Addison Lynn Stailey
With Highest Distinction
Michelle Christien Stankard
With Distinction
Emily Marie Stasiak
With Highest Distinction
Isabella Marie Stoner
Olivia Lauren Terry
Anna Tilbury
With Highest Distinction
Erendira Makenna Toledo-Arrieta
With High Distinction
Katelyn N. Van Wyngarden
With Highest Distinction
Hannah Renae Von Plueren
Karen Elise Waldbieser
With High Distinction
Samantha Bryce Warshauer
With Highest Distinction
Radley Mia Weigler
With High Distinction
Lauren Elizabeth White
With Highest Distinction
Audrie Grace Wilkins
With High Distinction
Rylee Elizabeth Wiltfong
With Highest Distinction
Mackenzie Elise Woodard
With Highest Distinction
William Eugene Yunger
Miranda Rose Zaransky
Eric Agyemang-Dua Jr.
Brittney Almond
Brianny Alvarado
Jennifer R. Argumedo
Brooke Ashley Armstrong
Robyn A. Arvin
Olivia R. Ayon
Holly Alison Barker
Parker Stone Beckman
Evan Bonello
Katherine Bonilla
Brittany Bosco
Miranda Renee Bowling
Nathaniel Chase Branam
Billie Renee Chipman
Brandon James Ciolli
Wesley W. Clifford
Katherine Michele Collignon
Sydney Nicole Conger
Broderic David Cook
David Daniel Cress Solis
Gillian Dauer
Elizabeth Faith DeYoung
Wendy Doig
Rachel Downey
Trisha H. Doyle
Emma K. Drummond
Samantha Eastes
Derek Ellinger
David Joseph Donnelly Eron
Sean Fahey
Mary Kendall Fields
Erin Fleece
Rebecca A. Flores
Darcy Elizabeth Furlong
Devan Yvonne Garness
Micheal Garza
Telisha Michelle Glassburn
Michelle Marie Goodman
Jessie B. Grubb
Maxwell C. Hamm
Rebeca Maria Hayes
Skylar Haywood
Eric M. Hoffman
Jacob Lee Hunter
Noah Scott Ingalls
Michael Ivy
Young Jeon
Ian Keller
Zoha Khan
Julia Kreiser
Ashley Lynn Kreutzjans
Shreeya Kulkarni
Mikala Leath
Bailey Jean Ledford
Melissa Anne Luttmann
Randall Nelson Mahoney Jr.
Angela O. Martin
Colby Mathews
Madeline Mead
GeNe’ Elyse Mitchell
Karina Mojica
Heather Mostoller
Claire Elizabeth Murphy
Kristina Carole Nichols
Cortni Elizabeth Nourie
Lauren Ann Oxender
Jennifer Lynn Harris Palmer
Ananya Pandey
Justin Pavlina
Jasmin Lesly Perez
Lester Mercado Pitogo
Natalie C. Price
Abigail E. Rauch
George Reed IV
Serena Astrid Reyes
A’Shon Charles Ju’Waun Riggins
Kayla Mae Rinker
Kandace SaDonna Rippy
Alejandro Rodriguez Olvera
Jillian Rose Romack
Eric Allen Sader
Ayanna Samuels-Francis
Caroline Ellen Scott
Nandita Srija Seetalam
Mikayla S. Smith
Madeline Stephens
Anne Michelle Taylor
Ring Te
Kennedy Thompson
Rolanda M. Thompson
Yue Tong
Taylor J. Underwood
Grace Regina Waitman
Kimberly S. Walton
Hakim Warney
Heidi West
Hanah Rose Casey Winn
Yangtian Yan
Rebekka Jeanne Zawisza
Claire Elizabeth Murphy
Abigail Jane Noel
Maria De Lourdes Ruiz-Montoya
Jaylin M. Soto
Shannon Finch Athey
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: From Student to
Teacher: A Third Space Approach
to Support for World Language
Teacher Education Graduates
Research Chair: Karen Wohlwend
Jennifer Nicole Ayers
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Developing
Intercultural Competence: A Case-
Study of Secondary Students’
Study Abroad Experiences
Research Chair: Martha Nyikos
Kristine O. Bailey
Major: Instructional Systems
Dissertation Title: Expansive
Framing and Education for
Sustainability: Behavioral Impacts
and Influences
Research Chair: Krista Glazewski
Aishat Olere Balogun
Major: Instructional Systems
Dissertation Title: Exploring Trends
in the Use of Virtual Simulation
in the Science Classroom:
Presenting Teachers Perspectives
and Practices on Use, Access, and
Research Chair: Krista Glazewski
Brita Elizabeth Beitler
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Developing
A Year-Long Culture Circle
with Beginning Teachers: A
Counterstory to Traditional
Mentoring Models
Research Chair: Karen Wohlwend
Annalisa Maria Buerke
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Sense Making in
Gray Spaces: An Examination of
Evangelical Preservice Teachers
Navigating the Intersection
of Faith and Social Justice in
Research Chair: James Damico
Channa Beth Butcher
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Look at Me!
Listen to Me! Unlearning the
Colonial Narrative of the African
Girl through the *Herstories* of
One Kenyan Girl
Research Chair: James Damico
Taylor Allen Buzzard
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Avoiding
Stagnation of World Language
Teacher L2 Proficiency and Target
Culture Awareness through
Professional Development: The
Right Time, Space, and Place
Research Chair: Karen Wohlwend
Emily Kathleen Cassano
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Sparking Critical
Consciousness among College
Students: The Link Between
Ethnodrama and Critical Literacy
Research Chair: Karen Wohlwend
Andrea Lauren Coffey
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Developing
Critical Literacy through Dialogic
Pedagogy in Middle School: A
Practitioner Experience
Research Chair: James Damico
Rebecca Anne Delzer Peterson
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education:
Dissertation Title: Humanizing
Pre-service Teacher Preparation
through a Critical Ethic of Care:
Practitioner Inquiry as Trauma-
Responsive and Healing Pedagogy
Research Chair: James Damico
Jandi Terey DuPree-Drye
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Perceptions of
Literacy Among Culturally and
Linguistically Diverse Adult
Secondary Education Graduates:
A Case Study of Student Expertise
for Engaging Culturally Sustaining
Research Chair: Mary Beth Hines
Eric East
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: The Future Can
Be Perfect! Exploring Educators’
Expectations of Their Multilingual
Research Chair: Karen Wohlwend
Sarah Kristine Esberger
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: “We Have to
Make School More Human
for Kids”: Tennessee Teachers
Respond to Authoritative
Discourses in English Education
Research Chair: Mary Beth Hines
Laura Fonseca
Major: Higher Education
Dissertation Title: Defending
Affirmative Action: A Qualitative
Content Analysis of Higher
Education’s Amicus Briefs in
Research Chair: Lucy LePeau
Luca Giupponi
Major: Instructional Systems
Dissertation Title: An Evaluation
of an Online Master’s Degree for
Foreign Language Educators
Research Chair: Thomas Brush
Jason D. Gold
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Japanese
University EAP Students’
Academic Challenges and
Struggles: Investigating
Manifestations and Sociocultural
Influences of Learner Mindset
Meaning Systems
Research Chair: Karen Wohlwend
Carla Deniece Harper
Major: Instructional Systems
Dissertation Title: A Case Study
of The Perceptions of Faculty
Champions in the Diffusion of
Technological Innovation in
Higher Education
Research Chair: Gamze Ozogul
Umida Hikmatilla
Major: Instructional Systems
Dissertation Title: Intercultural
Pedagogy in Less Commonly
Taught Language Classrooms:
Teacher Perceptions and Practices
Research Chair: Thomas Brush
Beth Nicole Huffman
Major: Instructional Systems
Dissertation Title: Understanding
Students’ Perceptions of
Communication Skills in
Freshman Interior Design
Students: A Descriptive Case
Research Chair: Elizabeth Boling
Lisa S. Lee
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Cultivating
Language Teacher Identities: A
Narrative Inquiry of Pre-Service
Non-Native English-Speaking
Research Chair: Beth Samuelson
Chelsea Lonsdale
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Voices from the
Underbelly: Community College
English Faculty Experiences with
State-Mandated Developmental
Education Reform
Research Chair: Mary Beth Hines
Karen Elizabeth McLaughlin
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Reflections
from the Field: A Middle School
Reading Specialist’s Development
of TPACK to Guide Inquiry in the
Literacy Classroom
Research Chair: James Damico
Ryan Douglas Merriwether
Major: Educational Leadership
Dissertation Title: Impediments
to Instructional Supervision in
Principal Leadership
Research Chair: Chad Lochmiller
Joshua Nettles
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Teaching for
Language Retention through the
Promotion of Language Learner
Autonomy in Post-Secondary
Research Chair: Karen Wohlwend
Branden L. Roeder
Major: Educational Leadership
Dissertation Title: How Does
Superintendent Retention,
Mobility, and Attrition Vary
by Personal and District
Characteristics: An Indiana Study
Research Chair: Chad Lochmiller
Araceli Clarissa Salinas
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Narrating
a Practitioner Inquiry: An
Empathetic Approach to Teaching
Human Beings the Power of
Language and Literacy
Research Chair: Karen Wohlwend
Barbara Ann Spinda
Major: Instructional Systems
Dissertation Title: Faculty Selection
and Use of Active Learning
Techniques in Didactic Courses
in Medical Laboratory Science
Research Chair: Krista Glazewski
Michelle Stigter-Hayden
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: First-Year
Student Perspectives of
Service-Learning: Expressing
Cosmopolitan Literacies
Research Chair: Mary Beth Hines
Tamatha Norma Terman
Major: Instructional Systems
Dissertation Title: Supporting
Collaborative Learning for
Students with Autism Spectrum
Disorder: A Universal Design for
Learning Approach
Research Chair: Thomas Brush
Kevin John Wenger
Major: Higher Education
Dissertation Title: On Solid
Ground: Exploring the First-Year
Research Chair: Cindy Ann Kilgo
Ayana Aba Wilson-Coles
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Humanizing the
Work with Equity Facilitators
to Understand Culturally
Sustaining Pedagogy: A School
Administrator’s Practitioner
Research Co-Chairs: James Damico
and Stephanie Power-Carter
Recipients of Doctor of Philosophy
degrees are listed under the Indiana
University Graduate School
Bloomington, pages 70–80.
Luddy School of
Informatics, Computing,
and Engineering
Baybars Yanal Yahya Abaza
With Distinction
Hanna Marie Adams
Adebowale Emmanuel Adelekan*
With Highest Distinction
Opeyemi Anthony Adeyonu
Arham Ahmad
Zaid Osama Qassem Al-Nasser
With High Distinction
Zahra Abbas H. Aldar
With High Distinction
Tulip S. Amalie
With High Distinction
Brady John Anderson
Anudeep Annangi*
With High Distinction
Akintunde Richard Babatunde-Ojo
Jonathan Matthew Barger
Samuel Santiago Barrido
Elikem David Bleah
Ayman Islam Bolad
Reece James Boland
With Distinction
Joseph Robert Brewington
Ethan Bridges
Warren Briggs
Hunter Charles Burkart
Steven Patrick Butz
Spencer Marc Chambers
With Highest Distinction
Timothy Chan
With Highest Distinction
Andrew Cheng
Joshua Marshall Church
With Distinction
Grayson Scholar Clark
Eli Jeremy Cohen*
With Distinction
Silas David DeLine
Erin Depke
Tristan Jonathan DeWitt
John Francis Donahue
Alexander Matthew Doub
Jacqueline Isabelle Drs
Noah Alexander Ehrman
Daniel Alexander Ehrmann
With High Distinction
Joshua Evan Eres
Meredith Riley Fain
Brian Daniel Ferguson
Spencer Mark Flora
Justin Anthony Foll
With Distinction
Stephan Floyd French II
Andrew Joseph Fritz
Sunny Gandhi
With Highest Distinction
Hamilton Clement Gilbert
Anurag Gotety
Matthew Michael Hammans
Blythe James Hammett
With Distinction
Nathaniel Alexander Harants
Sloane Harker
Kenneth Harper
With High Distinction
Jiahao He
Weishun He
With Distinction
Peter J. Heile
With High Distinction
Jonathan Miles Henry
With Distinction
Enrique Hernandez
With Distinction
Jasmin Harmony Herzig
Grant Michael Holloway
Andrew Michael Holmes
Rebecca Renee Hughey
With High Distinction
John Robert Husar
Meera Iyer
Aaron Christopher Jackson
With Distinction
Evan Matthew Japundza
Enrique Jimenez
Creedance Klett Jones
Marcus S. Jones
John Kelly
Ashlyn Bridget Kennedy
Jordan Edward Keyser
Anna Soorim Kim
With Highest Distinction
Daeyeop Kim
Pascal Marie Koj
Tyler Clinton Lady
Sage Lazzara
Abraham Leininger
With Distinction
Jiju Lin
Jonah Benjamin Lukin
Lakshmi Sunil Madhav
With Highest Distinction
Jacob Andrew Magee
August Bruno Mannin
Zachery Luke McCurtain
James J. Michael
Jackson Miller
With Distinction
William Thomas Moore
With Highest Distinction
Ethan Kawamara Mugire
Alexander Mushinskiy
Tariq Nabe
Brett Ryan Odle
Khushal Patel
Christopher Evan Peele
Abigail Manya Peterson*
With High Distinction
Huy Duc Pham
With High Distinction
Kate Lynn Pletz
With Highest Distinction
Thomas Spencer Pugh
With High Distinction
Austin Rabaza
With Distinction
Akshika Rai
Jack Anthony Ramos
Augustus Richter
With Highest Distinction
Fairman Lucas Risch
With Highest Distinction
Trevor D. Robbins
Connor Troy Rogers
Aidan Joseph Rosberg
With Highest Distinction
Logan Sarsfield
Kevin Danigh Schoonover
With Distinction
Devon J. Scoles
Sydney Helen Searcy
Marcelo Seroes Nogueira
Darrion J. Shack
Jackson Jude Sherman
With High Distinction
Daniel Erik Skora
Annabelle Lee Smith
With Distinction
Jarrin Kolbe Smith
Seth Nathaniel Stanik
Jedidiah Daniel Stevens
Hunter Lee Stewart
With Highest Distinction
Ethan Michael Stone
With Highest Distinction
Kelly Sue Streight
With High Distinction
Jacob Sturgill
Ethan William Tang
Dongxin Tian
With High Distinction
Evan Garrett Tomak
With Highest Distinction
Theodore J. Toohill
With Highest Distinction
John David Tyndall*
With Highest Distinction
Daniel John Keyes Udelhoven
With High Distinction
Sasha Manuela Velet
With High Distinction
Aushveen Vimalathas
With Distinction
Enoch Wang
Zachary Charles Watson
Xander Wilson
With Distinction
Ryan T. Wiseman
With Highest Distinction
Brian Woods
Tony Xiao
Yuchen Yang
With Distinction
Jason Zheng
With Distinction
Selina Zheng
With Highest Distinction
Wade Ladin Bartlett
With Highest Distinction
Isabelle Marian Mae Blazey
Ethan Alexander Carrier
With High Distinction
Benjamin Matthew Dattilio
Stuart Walter Findley
Mason Hastings Green
Gwen M. R. Henderson
William Im
Justin Jonasch
Isaiah Solomon Jones
Alexander John Kukura
With Highest Distinction
Kendrick Judy Mernitz*
With Highest Distinction
Jackson Stone Murphy
Paige Elise Nevitt
Sheena Victoria Phillips
Kathryn Claire Riordan*
With Distinction
Drew Stagge
Collin Payne Stewart
Truong Tho Nguyen Tran
Joe William Utagawa
Andrew William Ward
Joshua Zahl
Christa Marie Abar
With Highest Distinction
Mohamed Humaid Saeed Slayem
Connor Gray Anderson
Madeline C. Anderson*
With Highest Distinction
Ahmed H. Awad
Saad Bin Azeem
With High Distinction
Jacob Benneth Cachila
Carolina Coria
With High Distinction
Joshua Martin Elms
With High Distinction
Melanie Lee Erkman
Jayden Scott Fisher
Samuel Edward Johnson
With Highest Distinction
Gabriel Richard Mack
With Distinction
Charles Joseph O’Connell
With Highest Distinction
Collin Daniel Rassel
With Highest Distinction
Raunav Sharma
Christopher Henry Szewczyk
Branden Tait
Austin Curtis Toney
Xaime Vina Patino
Michael Williams
With High Distinction
Samuel Allen Williams
Spencer Davis Aaron
Jenna Fei Adams
Sophia Ahmad
Sarah Ibrahim Ali
Max Joseph Arnold
Nicholas William Ashley
Myat Thu Thu Aung
Salai Aung
With Distinction
Olamide Alabi Ayangade
Armando Badillo
With High Distinction
Adam George Bagnall
Bradyn L. Baker
With Distinction
Nathan James Ban
Lucas Michael Bane
With Distinction
Luke Matthew Barker
Tyler Matthew Barrett
With High Distinction
Brandon Michael Barron
With Distinction
Brett Riley Bebej
Sean Joseph Behringer
Bodee-Charles Wayne Besser
Javien Terrez Bigbee
Bennett Charles Blackwell
Clayton T. Blazek
Elizabeth Clara Borgert
Mark Daniel Borkowski
Arpan Bose
With Highest Distinction
Ryli Dwain Botts
Hunter Noah Brafford
William James Browning
Elizabeth M. Burdsall
Samuel Lars Burkhard
Hunter Stewart Busselberg
Benjamin Richard Butcher
Evan Wesley Cassell
Zachary David Castro
Suhruth Chamarthi
Eric Xue Chen
With Highest Distinction
Kalyssa Branee Chiu
JeongTak Cho
Jennifer Y. Chong
Shane S. Christie
Matthew Kirkwood Clark
With Distinction
Lillian Kathryn Clarke
Colette Elaine Clouse
With High Distinction
Robert Vincent Considine Jr.
Mac Robert Cooley
Schuyler T. Curtis
Christian Daniels
Alexis L. Danielson
With Distinction
Alayne Collette Davis
Ryan Patrick Deady
With Distinction
Christian Javier Delgado
Matthew Tilton DeMars
With Highest Distinction
Logen Wyatt Dickey
Danielle Victoria Dixon
Isabela D. Dockter
Wen H. Dong
With Distinction
Cole Edward Donica
Elaine Elizabeth Dorsey*
With Highest Distinction
Ryan Patrick Dossey
Zackary Lee Dotson
Evan William Durham
Cameron David Durm
Jayden Augustus Dykstra
Amelia Ebling*
Joseph Patrick Enright
Erdembileg Erdenebileg
Matthew J. Ewing
Raymond Victor Fagalde
Hoi Ting Casey Fan
With Distinction
Kevin Farrell
Jason Daniel Fernandez
Katherine Teresa Ferro
Andrew Finkam
Karl Davis Foltyn
Sydney Ellen Foster
With Highest Distinction
Conley Matthew Fourman
Garrett James Franklin
With Highest Distinction
Mekheil Chan Garcia
Cort Louis Gerber
Gurjinder Singh Gill
John Edward Gillard
Mia Glass
Nathaniel Michael Grahovac
Christopher Richard Graninger
Lansing Taylor Green-Hogue
Kameron Greenwald
Keaton Joseph Greer
With High Distinction
Kayla Rose Grohe
With Distinction
Christopher Thomas
Grzeskowiak Jr.
Azya Lynn Guerrero
Leyla Selin Gulsen
Naya Gupta
Ritwik Gupta
With Highest Distinction
Shaalik Rajveer Gupta
Cameron I. Guy
Caroline DeLorenzo Hager
Nicholas Richard Hamersly
Harry King Hardin III
John A. Harris
Johnathan Keith Hasey
Jackson W. Hay
Shane Thomas Hickman
Andrew Joseph Hlade
Jeffery Thomas Hochgesang
Charity Holmes
Cole Horist
With Highest Distinction
Connor Luke Howard
Binyan Hu
Zhanli Huang
Samuel J. Huff
Erica Anne Huffine
Nicholas Frederick Huls
Delaney Ann Hupke
Kadon Giesler Hurm
Pavan Idnani
With High Distinction
Benjamin Ross Jacoby
Helena Iris Jensen
With Distinction
Abigail S. Johnson
With Highest Distinction
Alora Rose Joray
Jack Harrison Jordan
With Distinction
Emma Kalvelage
Alexa Kathleen Keller
Stanley Ralph Keller III
Jackson Kelley
With High Distinction
Shannon Leigh Kerr
With Distinction
Amitoj Singh Khatra
Daesu Kim
Min Young Kim
Nathan James King
Benjamin Kizior
Nathan Kluszczynski
Hayden Allen Krebs
With Distinction
Joshua Todd Kuller
With Highest Distinction
Samantha Jeanne Kuonen
Nicholas Avery Leamon
Maxwell J. Leitgeb
Riley Lemons
Colin James Lenzo
With Distinction
Cody Anderson Leslie
Wade Z. Lewis
Walter David Lewis
Heidi Wang Lin
Qunjie Lin
William Lucas Loverdi
Nicholas George Lymperis
Julia Dorita Macias
Vicky C. Mah
Benjamin Paul Malone
With Distinction
Cole Christian Marcuccilli
Preston Mays
Nathan Owen McBride
Nolan Arthur McCoy
John William McNish Jr.
Toby J. Meiss
Brianna Lynette Miller
Warren Thomas Miller
With Distinction
Kial Ann Mitchell
Flor Esperansa Mojica
Carter Mooers
Alec Kendell Moore
Gavin Munson
With Distinction
Yashasvi Nallamottu
William Robert Nelson Jr.
Luke Peter Nidiffer
Michael Patrick O’Neil
Molly Megan O’Rourke
With High Distinction
Michael O’Sullivan
Matthew Richard Ohrn
Kristen Lois Otten*
With Highest Distinction
Isaiah Wayne Parr
Dristi Vishnu Patel
Van Peng
Jeneve Christine Pilcher
Megan Leigh Pitts
With Highest Distinction
Carson Richard Plonka
Matthew Stephen Plonski
Elizabeth Rae Podlogar
Patricia Alexandria Proctor
Liam Michael Quinn
Yash Rajore
With Distinction
Matthew Rebey
Andrew David Reed
With High Distinction
Jackson Lee Riley
Chase J. Rivas
With Highest Distinction
Jacob Parker Robertson
Drake Ausley Rogers
Benjamin Andrew Rooks
Degan C. Ross
Nicholas Rubendall
Kiley Jane Rubey
Matthew Jerome Ruehman
With Highest Distinction
Marc A. Santos
Charles Clayton Sawyer II
William Patrick Scott
Joshua Stephen Scrogham
Cole Patrick Shaffer
Gavin Christopher Simpson
Ava Slowey*
With High Distinction
Aidan Henry Smith
With Distinction
Benjamin Patrick Smith
Ian Wallace Smith
Jeremy Alexander Smith
Andrew Carl Soderstrom
With High Distinction
Myles Soladine
Hyunju Song
With High Distinction
Ibrahime Sow
Richard Norwood Speer III
Sarah Anne Stark
Charles Gerard Stern
Cole Matthew Stilwell
John Fredrick Stroke
Peter Hyunsung Suk
Ryan D. Sullivan
Sydney Sutter
With Distinction
Cole Robert Sweeney
Jad Takieddin
Elliot Robert Taylor
Gary Taylor
Bawi Za Thawng
Devan Taylor Thompson
Sophie Rae Thompson
With High Distinction
Macie Marynn Thomson
Qianyi Tian
With Distinction
Ilya Tiraspolsky
Andrew Justin Tjahjadi
Evan Daniel Todd
Zhanshuo Tong
With Highest Distinction
Angel V. Truong
With Highest Distinction
Jayapriya Una
Melaina Ann Updike
With Distinction
Christian Jaffet Valenzuela
Emery Robinson Vickers
With Highest Distinction
Aren Robert Villano
Anna Grace Vore
With Distinction
Thomas Mitchell Waggoner
With Distinction
Nathan Reece Wagner
Ethan Brey Wanninger
Samuel McAllen Weddle
With Distinction
Matthew Joseph Weidman
Ryan John Wesley
Grant Michael Whetsel
McKayla Catherine Widener
Kylie L. Wilson
Samantha Wilson
Jack Wolf
Sarah Wolfe
Emily Rose Wong
Tyler Michael Wrenn
Shuhan Yang
Jack Christopher Yeung
Megan Elizabeth Zakrowski
With Highest Distinction
Zachary Marshall Zerbe
Jack Zhang
Karen Zhang
With Highest Distinction
Pengfei Zhang
With Distinction
Youyou Zhang
Edward M. Zheng
Omair Salem Alhajeri
William Douglas Brenneke
Annabel Brinker
Lina Chen
Peyton Andrew Eaton*
With Highest Distinction
Allison Kay Godfrey
Joshua Allen Grimes
Natalie Hartman
Isaac Shawn Hudson
With Highest Distinction
Christopher James Johnston
Nrushad Abhijit Joshi
With Highest Distinction
Sotaro Kaneda
Junuh Po-Yih Kiang
Kaleb Matthew Lewellen
Agness Lungu*
Zachary Thomas Magill
Grant Jackson Maxey
Jedidiah David McKean
Owen Michael O’Reilly
Joseph Ward Patus
Griffin Michael Peters
Josiah P. Phillips
With Distinction
Noah Thomas Probst
Gourav Venkat Pullela
Bryan Jacob Sauter
Noah Scheper*
With Highest Distinction
Erin Jessica Seliger
Anna Elisabeth Seraiah
Lucas Brandt Snyder*
With Highest Distinction
Keith R. Soruco
Owen Vogelgesang
Caleb Thomas Vrydaghs
Hutoun Meidhed Almutairi
Rakan Meadhed Almutairi
Madhura Mohit Ashtekar
Naomi Cleopatra Coleman
Ashley Gale Franklin
James Gentry
Mary Isabel Nelson
Damien R. Thomas
Ashley Renee Woonton
Hutoun Meidhed Almutairi
Catherine Amelia Baker
Josephine Barber
Laura Grace Brumleve
Kaela Butler
Nicole Alexandra Caba
Freja Heidi Cole
Naomi Cleopatra Coleman
Finch Collins
Tom Amos Driver
Anton Ermakov
Ashley Gale Franklin
Katherine Townsley Galbreath
Marly Gamil
Jacob Hayden Gentry
James Gentry
Julie Klein
Marloes Krabbe
Brandis Faith Vivien Malone
Kathleen Nicole Melsheimer
Mary Grace Najmon
Emma Jo Otremba
Emily Rae Paulson
Sarah Grace Petras
Caroline Claire Scheving
Hallie Elizabeth Schmucker
Tarren Scott Sexton
Sarah Elizabeth Vitelli
Abby Elizabeth Welch
Taylor Zartman
Poorva Poorva
Divyank Sanjay Agarwal
Sajith Alapati
Arjun Alluri
Bharath Chowdary Anumolu
Rohan Radhakrishnan Athlur
Chandra Kiran Bachhu
Pranav Badhe
Dipak J. Bange
Sai Durga Aniesh Baratam
Ronakkumar Laxmanbhai
Venkata Akhil Bhamidipati
Akshada Santosh Bhandari
Jitesh Bhandari
Dharmik Vershi Bhanushali
Sejal Raju Bhanushali
Niharika Bheemreddy
Mayuri Anil Birari
Siva Rama Krishna Bobbili
Himani Ravindra Borana
Smit Ghanshyambhai Borasaniya
Lohit Krishna Reddy Botta
Srichandana Chakilam
Aniruddho Swapan Chatterjee
Piyush Rajendra Chaudhari
Prabhruti Chaudhary
Sanket Chaudhary
Sowmya Cheedu
Shivani Chennoju
Venkata Viswanath Chittilla
Mudit Devenkumar Choksi
Krati Choudhary
Ankith Cirgir
Nikhil Sai Dandamudi
Manoj Kumar Davuluri
Shibani Dcosta
Royce Raymond Dcunha
Shreeja Shrinivas Deshpande
Saurabh Harishchandra Dete
Dhiraj Devarapaga
Animesh Dhole
Nagajahnavi Dhulipalla
Shashwati Chandrakant Diware
Siona Crissel DSouza
Vishal Dung Dung
Akhila Eshapula
Hari Venkata Sai Komal Galla
Varun Ganji
Harshitha Reddy Garlapati
Akshata Uday Gawas
Chaitrali Rajesh Ghanekar
Omkar Gholap
Souradeep Ghosh
Siddhant Dilip Godshalwar
Venkata Dinesh Gopu
Mitesh Manish Gulecha
Satvik Kalyan Gundu
Nishad Gupta
Rahul Gupta
Deva Raghava Shankar Hanumanula
Laya Harwin
Yash Anil Hatekar
Jacob Hendricks
Rishi Vakul Kumar Reddy Illuri
Anirudh Suresh Iyer
Onkar Subodh Jadhav
Prasad Sudhakar Jadhav
Rahul Shrikant Jadhav
Divya Jagabattula
Shubham Balkrishna Jambhale
Subhadeep Jana
Vibhav Anand Joshi
Taruni Kadiyala
Sanad Dilip Kadu
Sohan Narayan Kakatkar
Pranav Kala
Sai Madhav Kambhampati
Syam Prajwal Kammula
Maitreya Jitendra Kanitkar
Tejasvi Karthik Kumar
Kavya Sri Kasarla
Sreekavya Kashamshetty
Venkata Diwakar Reddy Kashireddy
Aadhya Kaul
Gurleen Kaur
Anna Soorim Kim
Chetan Sahrudhai Kimidi
Jayanth Kodur Kumar
Vikram Devesh Kolla
Abhiroop Tejomay Kommalapati
Hemeshwar Konduru
Kavish Bhavikbhai Kothari
Shalini Kothuru
Sahil Udaya Kotian
Lava Kumar Koyi
Chirantana Krishnappa
Abhiram Kukkapalli
Nikhil Prashant Kulkarni
Satwik Madhav Kulkarni
Vaibhav Milind Kulkarni
Kartikay Kumar
Tanuj Kundeti
Mohit Kundu
Gnaneswari Lolugu
Chinmay Vijay Lotankar
Lakshay Madaan
Sri Naga Sai Santhosi Mani
Meghana Madarapu
Tharun Madhiyazhagan
Nithin Shastry Madhusudhana
Meghana Chakravarthy
Anuj Sanjiv Mahajan
Rushali Mahajan
Ronak Mahawar
Tanmay Girish Mahindrakar
Shyam Bharatbhai Makwana
Kalyani Malokar
Dheeraj Deepak Manchandia
Krishna Anil Mandavilli
Suyash Mandhana
Rohith Manjunatha Prasad
Dinesh Mohan Mannari
Dwarakamai Mannemuddu
Sai Charan Reddy Maram
Poojitha Mathi
Kunal Mehra
Krisha Bhavesh Mehta
Steve Collin Mendis
Avinash Reddy Mettukuru
Shrirang Rajendra Mhalgi
Owen Nathaniel Miller
Bhavya Rakesh Mistry
Mahsa Monshizadeh
Sai Sumanth Muvva
Harshini Mysore Narasimha Ranga
Mounika Nadimpalli
Jignesh Kirti Nagda
Bhaskar Praveen Naidu
Sushma Shivshankar Nandiyawar
Kavya Sree Nanduru
Sai Tanishq Nannapaneni
Sreshta Reddy Narayana Reddy
Archana Narayanan
Akshay Vilas Narkhede
Venkat Vineeth Ram Kumar
Adesh Shriram Oak
Sumeet Pachauri
Vamsidhar Pagadala
Jinay Devendrabhai Panchal
Akshat Pandey
Atharva Sudhir Pandit
Jaydeep Amratbhai Patel
Ketul Vijaybhai Patel
Raj Santoshkumar Patel
Vaibhavi Kishor Patel
Chinmay Rajendra Pathak
Himani Rajendra Patil
Mrunal Yogesh Patil
Param Rajeev Patil
Siddhant Sanjay Patil
Trishna Patil
Adarsha Reddy Pedda Gorla
Maneesh Reddy Perkit
Sanjith Reddy Petapalli Venkata
Sabid Bin Habib Pias
Sriram Reddy Pidaparthi
Narasimha Ganesh Poomagame
Ajith Kumar Poori
Atharva Mahesh Pore
Nikita Parag Potdar
Sagar Srinivas Prabhu
Hrithik Prativadi Bhayankara
Deveshwari Prakash Pujari
Srikar Kashyap Pulipaka
Reddy Charan Pulivendula
Janmejay S. Purohit
Smit Pankajbhai Raichura
Dhanush Bharath Raj
Gowtham Veerabadran Rajasekaran
Aditya Ramachandra
Apoorva Ramesh
Amita Santosh Ranade
Nehul Rangappa
Kishan Singh Rathore
Charumitra Ravi
Manideep Regonda
Ravi Maithrey Regulagedda
Sarah Jayne Robertson
Tyler Michael Rowe
Hiren Rajesh Rupchandani
Nadia Amr Sabry
Sagar Dutikrishna Sahu
Sunilsakthivel Sakthi Velavan
Navya Sree Santhapeta
Mansi Sarda
Hiroki Sato
Darshan Shailesh Satra
Sreyas Anil Sawant
Vandita Saxena
Chiranthan Shadaksharaswamy
Dhairya Sanjay Shah
Rohan Bhupen Shah
Aazin Asif Shaikh
Ismaile Amiruddin Shaikh
Anshumaan Shankar
Kruthika Shankarappa
Ami Sharma
Anirudh Sharma
Anku Sharma
Karan Sharma
Kumud Sharma
Shivangi Sharma
Siddhesh Sheth
Yue Shi
Shambhavi Arvind Shukla
Michael Andrew Siler
Amritanshu Kumar Singh
Diksha Singh
Kunal Singh
Priti Singh
Shubham Sanjaypratap Singh
Shobhit Asimkumar Sinha
Sakshi Sandeep Sitoot
Aditi Dilip Sonawane
Nikhil Srirangam
Zixiu Su
Prabhat Suman
Parth Kamlesh Thakker
Susheel Thimlapur
Prathyusha Reddy Thumma
Pooja Tippur Shashidhar
Ratan Tejaswi Vadapalli
Surya Shanmukha Sreekar
Mihir Sachin Vaidya
Shreya Mariam Varghese
Varun Sreedhar
Madhurima Sai Veeramachaneni
Srinivasa Nikhil Vemula
Varsha Venugopal
Yash Rajabhau Vibhute
Thathva Sri Sai Reddy Yenuga
Manas Nitin Zagade
Diksha Sanjay Adke
Aaryan Agarwal
Radhika Agarwal
Shubham Agarwal
Mudrika Alla
Mustafa Alsaegh
Prem Anil Amal
Jayesh Prasad Anandan
Dhanush Chandra Raju Anegondi
Durga Sindhu Animalla
Maria Paula Aroca
Jannat Arora
Ingrid Arreola
Meghana Avadhanam
Anand Kumar Babu
Gowri Shankar Badugu
Atharv Abhijeet Bagde
Tanmayi Balla
Srikeerthana Reddy Bandi
Shricharan Baskaran
Soham Nagesh Bhagwat
Jini Ashok Bhanushali
Sai Harsh Bharatula
Vidushi Bhargava
Aziz Bohra
Sri Rashmitha Boya
Martin Breth
Sai Teja Burla
Nandini Chaganti
Gauri Pradeep Chaudhari
Sarthak Vivek Chawathe
Sricharan Cheeti
Saiabhinav Chekka
Zhaolun Chi
Sai Sena Chinnakonduru
Teja Naidu Chintha
Jagadeesh Chitturi
Siddharth Choudhary
Sadaramana Chowdam
Andrea Chung
Yeon Soo Chung
Kelly Craig
Shubhangi Dabral
Alex Dailey
Yash Sanjay Dalvi
Abhijith Dameruppala
Saurabh Chintamani Damle
Subhranil Das
Aravind Dendukuri
Bhargav Snehal Desai
Ruchit Jigneshbhai Desai
Chandrika Sowmini Devabhakthuni
Venkata Sai Abhigna Devarasetty
Ram Kiran Devireddy
Venkata Sai Srikar Devulapalli
Anudeep Devulapally
Divya Dhaipullay
Abhishek Venugopal Dhar
Trishita Dhara
Yerramsetti Dharma Teja
Rohit Rajkumar Dhonukshe
Ajay Digumarthy
Shantanu Dixit
Aarushi Dua
Chandini Sai Kumar Dukka
Vaibhav Dutta
Eswar Sai Yashwanth Eanumula
Tarun Krishna Edpuganti
Dhanyasree Elangovan
Dileep Sai Ellanki
Ahmad Faiz
Fhariya Aseem Fathima
Jeffrey French
Harsha Sai Gade
Shreya Yogaraj Gajbhiye
Sai Srikar Gandhe
Akash Gangadharan
Gabriel Gaynor
Apurv Mangesh Ghadi
Bhadrayu Milind Godbole
Prathima Godha
Kashmira Jitendra Golatkar
Cinthia Gonzalez Cruz
Maharshi Kiritbhai Gor
Chelsea Margaret Gorius
Manasa Gudise
Deepal Gunda
Siva Krishna Reddy Gundam
Pavani Lakshmi Gunnam
Hemanth Reddy Gurappagaru
Adeep Hande
Davyn Benitto Hartono
Aishwarya Hastak
Nakul Sanjay Havaldar
Shruti Ganesh Houji
Satwik Chowdary Inampudi
Sandhya Nagarajan Iyer
Thomas Mikel Jablenski
Adityaraj Jain
Vandit Manish Jain
Sanjana Jairam
Aayush Jaiswal
Renu Jaiswal
Atharv Pramod Jangam
Krishna Teja Jillelamudi
Drumil Tejas Joshi
Laxmikant Maheshji Kabra
Sai Teja Reddy Kalluri
Harika Kanakam
Bharath Varma Kantheti
Atharva Vinayak Karnik
Prajwal Kaushal
Muhammad Siddiq Naeem Khan
Ayush Khaneja
Dikshak Khanna
Ved Kokane
Anushree Kolhe
Srinivasa Chandra Sekhar Kommu
Prashul Kumar
Priya Kumari
Lakshmi Pavani Kuncha
Duan Li
Vaibhav Piyushkumar Lodhiya
Greyson P. Maddox
Pranav Mahajan
Jait Mahawarkar
Manya Mallikarjun
Lokesh Teja Mamidi
Kamalesh Kumar Mandakolathur
Sriram Manne
Divya Manoj
Mansi Manojkumar
Lakshmi Sai Ram Marupudi
Mohit Mathrani
Prithviraj Anil Maurya
William McWhorter
Anuja Kishore Merwade
Aditya Sanjay Mhaske
Mandar Dilip Mhatre
Nishant Mhatre
Shivam Mishra
Shrey Naresh Mistry
Preet Modi
Yash Saumil Mody
Sohail Mohammed
Astarag Mohapatra
Sanket Jayesh Muchhala
Ayesha Tajammul Ahmed Mulla
Syam Mungi
Rasika Muralidharan
Megha Nagabhushana Reddy
Vikranth Nallapuneni
Arvind Kumar Nalli Kuppuswami
Nihaar Nandedkar
Abhinav Krishna Narvaneni
Netaji Sai Pavan Neerukonda
Atharv Nikam
Olusina Ojetunji Ojewola
John Edward Okulski
Olufisola Olubiyi Oladipo
Nishant Pagadala
Pranaykumar Laxman Pagdhare Jr.
Shivani Pal
Meet Palod
Sayali Sambhaji Pandhare
Harsh Maheshkumar Pandya
Ameya Dattaram Parab
Pooja Ramesh Parab
Koushik Reddy Parukola
Kaushik Parvathaneni
Venkata Srisai Maruthi Revanth
Himaja Pathapati Jayanthudu
Advait Manoj Patil
Akash Ajay Patil
Santhosh Manohar Gouda Patil
Snehal Prafulla Patil
Bhakti Patrawala
Shiva Kumar Pendem
Manognya Pendyala
Viswa Suhaas Penugonda
Alexis Perez
Daniel Perez
Dheeraj Perumandla
Revanth Posina
Aditya Vijaykumar Prajapati
Shubhkirti Prasad
Rohan Ajay Punyarthi
Shahrukh Quraishi
Sain Raj
Hrithvik Ranka
Mansi Kishore Ranka
Nilesh Rathi
Sakshi Rathi
Himanshi Raturi
Rossmery Romero Gonzalez
Juyee Anand Sabade
Aakriti Sachdeva
Rahul Saini
Rashi Saluja
Sridhar Reddy Sama
Varda Sai Sreekanth Reddy Sanam
Anurag Sangem
Rakesh Santha Kumaran
John Brian Savage
Shreyas Shailesh Sawant
Shruthi Senthilmani
Atharva Jaydeep Shah
Jash Vikas Shah
Tirth Bhaveshbhai Shah
Mohit Kishore Sharma
Vaibhav Vivek Sharma
Vasu Sharma
Manali Vijay Shelar
Priyam Vinay Sheta
Rushank Ghanshyam Sheta
Shreenidhi Vishwanath Shetty
Jainish Hasmukhbhai Shingala
Apeksha Mahesh Shrirao
Siddhanth Udayashankar Hegde
Abhishek Anjani Kumar Singh
Amit Kumar Singh
Aarushi Slathia
Saradhi Somarouthu
Trevor Speich
Gregory William Spina
Vidyuth Sridhar
Balajee Devesha Srinivasan
Aryaman Sriram
Dhananjay Srivastava
Peter Vincent Stewart
Harini Sugumar
Keerthi Reddy Sure
Sarath Geetha Surendran
Sumeet Dayanand Suvarna
Kenny Lawrence Swamy
Laxmi Soujanya Taduru
Vedant Tapadia
Bhargavi Thanneeru
David Schreiner Thiriot
Jerin Easo Thomas
Sumukha Sharma Thoppanahalli
Colin Thomas Thornburg
Sahithi Thummuri
Sriram Kumar Toram
Zachary Tran
Haijing Tu
Pratheek Vadla
Akhil Reddy Vajrala
Devanshi Mital Sanjay Valia
Neha Reddy Vantari
Het Kartik Vashi
Pooja Vembu Rajan
Pavan Sai Ganesh Vemulapalli
Venkhatesh Arunachalam
Sai Pavan Preetham Reddy
Anurag Reddy Vookanti
Sri Narasimha Nihanth Vuddanti
Hemraj Yadav
Chunlin Yang
Naga Manohar Yelubandi
Akash Yenumula
Marlyn C. Yeseta
Dhanshri Pradeep Agarwal
Shreya Bedi
Manvita Srinivas Boyini
Alex J. Dlugosz
Nikith Joshua DSouza
Aniket Dwivedi
Neha Goswami
Syeda Maliha Hashmi
Wan Tang Hsu
Ruwen Hu
Riddhi Jiotode
In Je Kang
Qiuyan Kang
Avyay Ravi Kashyap
Prangan Kashyap
Juhi Khare
Falak Khurmi
Shreya Kohli
Chun-Hung Liao
Yun Shiuan Lin
Mayuka Ashwin Lokre
Kochanan Lucksanawichien
Nhu Luong
Shrey Maheshwari
Sai Warshitha Medepalli
Siyona Michael
Ritwik Mittal
Aniruddha Motaganahalli
Narasimha Murthy
Samarth Nagaraj
Snigdha Santoshi Narayan
Divya Pandey
Prasanna Kumaar Pandiane
Apurva Ashutosh Patil
Xinran Peng
Rohan Charles Pinto
Zhiyu Qi
Kaustubh Anil Salgaonkar
Tushar Sharma
Qiange Tang
Anna Suresh Varghese
Yi-Chen Wu
Xiaozhou Ye
Xingyi Zhou
Waleed Masood Zuberi
Shubhavi Arya
Aidan Bryce Little
Shubham Prasanna Pattojoshi
Aditya Tandon
Alec Andrew Theisz
Noni Thompson Ford
Emily N. Williams
Adewale Abayomi Adeniran
Mahnoor Aftab
Benjamin Anuolu Bamidele
Afeefa Bano
Joseph Clemente Bellahcen
Weizhe Chen
Dominique Miguel Clark
Caleb Eastman Cook
Gianfranco Louis Gonzales
Fadi Tyler Hayik
Zachary Christian Kaufman
Furkan Kurtoglu
Suchitha Marru
Nicole Catherine Miller
Kefu Mu
Isaac Francisco Navarrete
Jonathan Michael Ott
Caroline Grace Shumaker
Zain Smith
Jayaraman Sridharan
Eric Matthew Tatman
Dawson Wesley Thompson
Jason Alan Schlaman Edwards
Tushar Vilas Kulkarni
Noah Ferdinand Schenk
Ankith Veldandi
Recipients of Doctor of Philosophy
degrees are listed under the Indiana
University Graduate School
Bloomington, pages 70–80.
Maurer School of Law
Onpailin Jumpanil
Wimonrakha Srimongkol
Ibrahim Muhammed B. Alhujaili
Hamed Suliman Alhusen
Abdulmalek Alqasem
Lucia Bozzo
Tanmata Chanachaiwong
Carolina F. Colomba
Uduak John Ekott
Ming Hua Ho
Lien Fang Hsieh
Pakornkeat Insawang
Baramee Jaijanduean
A-Chiraya Kasiyapong
Yi Lin Ku
Supanut Leepaisomboon
Hsiang Jou Lin
Cheng Ting Liu
Nahida Awatif Mamache
Sarana Marmechai
Celia Menacer
Gianluca Pantaleo
Faris Sulayman Qayyum
Thira Saetieo
Apoorv Singh
Supitsara Suwanyod
Siripasawan Wongkajornsilp
Faris Fawaz Almalki
Abdalrahman Alwaalan
Yage Huang
Hwi Won Kim
Kathy Keunghee Kim
Celso Maziteli Neto
Angelina Nguyen Spitler
Chieh Jan Sun
Attamongkol Tantratian
Zijin Yan
Vidhi Aggarwal
Olivia Allen
Gerardo Andres Alvarez
Gerardo Alvarez Guzman
Serena Elisa Alway
Mikala Anderson-Schecodnic
Madeline Ash
Magna Cum Laude
Taima Attal
Bryant Barger
Aunya Marie Barney
Giovanni Adamo Below
James X. Benson
Kaitland Ashleigh Bickford
Cum Laude
Katherine Lynn Bingaman
Jacob Andrew Boesch
Jessica Bonadurer
Kendall Blair Bowers
Lena Bradtke-Litwack
Magna Cum Laude
Andrew D. Brown
Cum Laude
Liam Finn Bules
Megan Burtis
Cum Laude
Edwin Tripp Burton
Cum Laude
Ashley Carlisle
Sarah Elizabeth Chavez
Denisha Chetty
Matthew Bradley Chinn
Graham Douglas Christian
Haleigh Marie Chube
Julia E. Clifford
Nicholas Clifford
Jacob Max Cohen
Michael Cohen
James Cover
Carson Delaney Cox
Emily Criss
Cum Laude
Audrey Crites
Candice Croix
Robert Andrew Crossin
Lakin Cuchetto
Eugene Francis Cunningham
Isabelle Jacqueline Daellenbach
Cum Laude
Sydney Lee Darnall
Heidi Elizabeth Davis
Cum Laude
Jonathan DeBruin
Cum Laude
Mariah E. DeHoop
La’Kendra Nicole Carter Deitche
Ethan William Dilks
Magna Cum Laude
Jade Spencer Doty
Stewart Dunoskovic
Cum Laude
Hayden Earl
Chaise Avan Edebiri
Shannon Rae Ellery
Mackenzie Wade Evans
Yizhe Fan
Mohammad Uzair Farooq
Cum Laude
Nicholas Alden Fish
Margaret Abigail Flowers
Cum Laude
Gabrielle Eileen Flynn
John Michael Martin Frandsen
Cum Laude
Justin Fromke
Cum Laude
Caroline Garau
Magna Cum Laude
Gavin Matthew Gard
Cum Laude
Joseph Henry Garloch
George Frederick Glass II
Cum Laude
Ty Stewart Goering
Alexa Michael Grillis
Cum Laude
Yukuan Hao
Josephine Haseman
Samuel Decker Hauke
Cum Laude
Erika N. Helding
Stephen Conner Henderson
Lucas Andrew Henson
Magna Cum Laude
Kaija M. Herndon
Chad Jakob Daniel Heugel
Cum Laude
Noah B. Hines
Maxwell I. Hirschowitz
Grant Everett Hogan
Jessica Lynne Hohlweg
Magna Cum Laude
Morgan Hood
Brandon L. Houser
Cum Laude
Jonathon Jackson
Cum Laude
Daniel Jankelow
Magna Cum Laude
Marsha Jean-Baptiste
Celina R. Jennings
Jack Joseph Jontz
Rachel Hongie Joo
Cum Laude
Deidre Kaiser
Abigail Nicole Kapitan
Stephanie Kaplan
Ryan Kayvan Karimabady
Hannah Kautz
Anneli Kawaoka
Cum Laude
Morgan Suzanne Kelly
Robert Layton Kesling II
Amani B. Khoury
Magna Cum Laude
Emma Lynn Kilbreath
Jonathan Joseph Kroot
Karen Kukla
Magna Cum Laude
Arathi Kumar
Cum Laude
Benjamin Kurtz
Nathan Lee Landrum
Cum Laude
Joseph Ledford
Jake Andrew Levin
Nicole Lynn Lewis
Cum Laude
ZongFang Li
Bradley K. Loden
Michael Lonnberg
Cum Laude
Nahshon Lora
Wenxi Lu
Cum Laude
Aaron Mackay
Magna Cum Laude
Rafael Bruno Macía Briedis
Magna Cum Laude
Zoe A. Marshalleck
Anna Kristine Marvin
Cum Laude
Peter Thomas McAndrews IV
Cum Laude
Caroline M. McCord
Joshua McCorkle
Adam Ross McCrea
Cum Laude
John Dennis McGlone
Cum Laude
Michaela Marie McInerney
Kortney Dakota McQuarters
Margaret Edith Melchi
Calvin Mendel
Magna Cum Laude
Megan Rose Merritt
Cum Laude
Zion Arthur Miller
Magna Cum Laude
Carlos Montenegro Jr.
Shunyo Aizawa Morgan
Allie Morris
Bilal Raza Mozaffar
Justin Tyler Murphy
Brieanna B. Newbury
Maame Yaa Bosuo Norman
Taylor Kenyse Nunley
Lewis Walter Ostermeyer
Magna Cum Laude
Jackson Dean Pacific
Oliver Page
Devansh Parekh
Andrew Marion Parra
Tyler James Matthew Parrish
Magna Cum Laude
Casey Jo Pav
Emily Ann Peterson
Haley Ashton Powell
Abraham Ramsey
Cum Laude
Nainika Ravichandran
Arantxa M. Recarte
Kyle Reeves
Dagny Clare Rippon
Magna Cum Laude
David B. Robins
Cum Laude
Laura Jo-Ellen Rusk
Nicholas John Russo
Andres Sanchez
Jessica Savarese
Ciara Kathleen Saylor
Cum Laude
Nicole Elizabeth Scelta
Sydney Schnur
Rebekah Bruner Schwartz
Magna Cum Laude
Tanner K. Shapiro
Matthew Noble Sheffield
Aaron Jiamin Shi
Summa Cum Laude
Zenas Yimin Shi
Magna Cum Laude
Daniel Henry Silliman
Travis Austin Sloffer
Brandon D. Smith
Cum Laude
Mary Grace Smith
Cum Laude
Sarah Nolan Smith
Jason Neil Smotherman
Rama Sobhani
Ahsan Sohail
Lauren Spratt
Aleksandra Stankovic
Cum Laude
Sydney Stankovich
Bailey Brooke Steinhauer
Cum Laude
Sophia Stevanovich
Cum Laude
Stewart Alan Stockdale Jr.
Cum Laude
Sunny Dae Straw
Chih-Lan Sun
Nitya Elizabeth Sunil
Isaac Thuesen
Laura Moreira Tomich
Natalia L. Torrez
Wayne Lee Tuckson
Mrunal Bharatkumar Vansadia
Cum Laude
John M. Vastag
Cum Laude
Charles Vaughan
Zachary Charles Wakefield
Summa Cum Laude
Qixuan Wang
Yaqun Wang
Pawel Wasylkowski
Benjamin John Weber
Lauren Weed
Matthew Weinberg
Blake Welter
Nathan Wheeler
Rebecca Barbro Aurora Wiebke
John Witczak
Magna Cum Laude
Zhong Zhuang
School of Medicine
Recipients of Doctor of Philosophy
degrees are listed under the Indiana
University Graduate School
Bloomington, pages 70–80.
Jacobs School of Music
Alexander Pearson Alani
Bailey Amspoker
With High Distinction
Andrew Lofton Auchstetter
Francis Wells Bassett-Dilley
Julie Baty
With Distinction
Riley Marie Bender
Asher William Bennett
Sofia A. Bolivar
Samuel Bowers
Abigail Grace Bracken*
With High Distinction
KiMani Kwayera Bridges
Armon Cordell Brooks Jr.
With Distinction
Bailey Kathryn Cates
Justin William Clark
Kelsey Anne De Young
Joshua Charles DeGroot
Emma Jane DiSanto
Kearsen Cade Erwin
Joshua Bantog Flores
Alice C. Ford
With Highest Distinction
Nathalie Catherine Friederich
With High Distinction
Hannah Maria Greenstein
With Distinction
Stephen Thelonious Harrah
Javier Antonio Hernandez
With High Distinction
Nicholas Hilliard
Kaela Anoush Hogan
Homer Bryce Holt
Julia Ruth Johnson
With High Distinction
Louise Sebene Kern-Kensler
Michelle Kim
Henry Vincent Kline
Christian A. Knopp
Tristan Michael Kuhnert
Michael E. Lamberson
Olivia Morrigan Leake
Hope Tsaijung Lee
Chun-Pei Li
Heng-Li Lin
With Distinction
Jacob Keoni Lomboy
Laura Elizabeth Looper
Marina Alba Lopez Sanchez
With Highest Distinction
Julian Parker Lynch
River Thomas Makinney
With Distinction
Nicole Isel Manso
John Maruri
William A. Mayhew
Abhik Mazumder
Michael McKeague
With Distinction
Jacob Mullaney Meazle
Cayden Gregory Miller
With High Distinction
Christopher M. Montoya
Isaac Gabriel Morton
Adelynn Rose Mudd
Wenlin Winnie Ng
With High Distinction
Heng Ni
With High Distinction
Shir Ordo
With Distinction
Nicolas Orrego
With High Distinction
John Allen Osborne
With Distinction
Mishael Ruben Paraiso
With Distinction
Samuel Parnin
With Distinction
Christopher Patrick Pegram
George Lev Pekarsky
Kathryn Rose Peterson
James Lawson Swigart Quesinberry
Andre Luis Richter
Caleb Xavier Keith Robinson
Nina Elise Royston
David Alejandro Sanchez-Becerra
Cristina Marie Sarrico
With High Distinction
Ryan Wesley Smith
Barton Walter Sopata
Maggie Lynn Stall
With High Distinction
Eirene Loukia Stavropoulos
Owen Tellinghuisen
Catherine Tran
With Distinction
Gregory Alexander Turner
Michael Shane Tynes
Ethan Kenneth Upchurch
With Highest Distinction
Francisco Javier Vidales Carranza
Erik M. Wakar
With Distinction
Adrienne Ann Ward
Collin William Waugh Sr.
Junming Wen
Zoe Willingham
With High Distinction
Nickolas Patrick Wolfe
Ethan Ryan Wood
Richard Wu
Trevor Austin Zavac
With Distinction
Ash Bangia
With High Distinction
Riley Marie Bender
With High Distinction
Ethan Dennis Clay
Shane Donald Cox
With High Distinction
Evan Michael Eldridge
With High Distinction
Caroline Feryo
With Highest Distinction
Benjamin John Fogarty
Rebekah Anne Laflin
With High Distinction
Nolan Michael Lehman
Katharine Alice Martin
With High Distinction
Henry Oliver Otts
Dylan Reid Shane
With High Distinction
Joshua Thomas Sharp
Ethan Kenneth Upchurch
With Highest Distinction
Samantha Taylor VanVoorhis
With High Distinction
Keaton Alexander Weber
With High Distinction
Jacob William Bauman
Griffin Oran Burge
Luc Alphonse Savinien Charlier
With Highest Distinction
Maxwell Thomas DiBella
James Patrick Diskin
Noah Alexander Girdler
Roger Jia
Duncan Palmer Kane
Olivia M. Porter
Alexis Cavazos Reyes
Augustus Richter
With High Distinction
Isaac Joseph Scheller
Cory James Schmitt
Maxwell Scott
Michael David Walters
Reese Michael Wilson
Madeline Taylor Brown
With High Distinction
Zoë van Beever
Christina Jasmine Alegre
With High Distinction
Gabriel Martin Armstrong
Andrew Lofton Auchstetter
John Fletcher Barr V
Ruth Chaodan Connelly
Sophia Irene Davis
Joseph Richard DeCola
Zoe Holland Gonzalez Gallagher
Natalia Alexandra Garcia
With High Distinction
Ladarion Torrez Hardison
Yoav A. Hayut
Jayda Hazelett
With High Distinction
Aram Hengen
Amia Schiavone Korman
Maia Christina Law*
With High Distinction
Christina Nicole Lewis
With Highest Distinction
Sophia Nicole Long
Sarah Emily MacGregor
With High Distinction
Michaela C. Martin-Mason
Mallory A. McKeeman
Edwin S. Meadows
Audrey Grace Osburn
Abbie Leath Quesenberry
With High Distinction
Tamara Cassandra Shu
With High Distinction
Kathleen Robin Simunek
Tierney Della Solmo
Barton Walter Sopata
David Joey Sun
With High Distinction
John Christopher Szczuka
With High Distinction
Madison Elizabeth Tyler
With High Distinction
Josiah Marcellus Yoder
Tiara Thankam Abraham
Alexei Parish Aceto
Roberto Ignacio Aravena Jr.
Jacob Matthew Auchman
Dabin Baek
Addison Forrest Ballew
Phillip Charles Black
Braedon Mark Bomgardner
Alexandra Doyaun Branton
Robert Parker Buetow
Luce Levine Burrell
Samuel Zerfas Butler
Harper Estelle Byrne
Joshua John Catanzaro
Nathan Centa
Wai Man Chan
Nicolette Cheauré
Hung-Yuan Cheng
Sumin Cheong
Kevin Hudson Chiang
Eugene Chin
Yeoul Choi
Patrick M. Conklin
Jingyang Cui
Kathiana Dargenson
Kathryn Suzanne Davidson
Maya Charise Davis
Tomás Ibarra Alfredo de la Rosa
Eli Nathaniel Denson
Shan Ding
Jeremy Do
Jason Patrick Donnelly
Veronica Ellison
Erin Elise Erickson
Jackson Sean Faulkner
Julian Robert Fiaschetti
Matthew Fields
Seth Thomas Finch
Wade Austin FitzGerald
Brant A. Ford
Quinn Tanner Galyan
Madeleine Aurie Gotschlich
Haley Guerra
Noori Han
Yuntong Han
Haley M. Harrison
Patrick D. Hayes
Linlin He
Samantha Lynn Hearn
Minhye Heo
Delia Hernández Juárez
Ray Katherine Hootman
Isabelle Hsiao
Yao Hsiao
Yanbing Hu
Marielle Madeline Hug
Robert Feifan Hurley
Jacob William Jaskolski
Sarah Zixin Jin
Kyle Garret Johnson
Lillie Grace Judge
Dina Kasman
Amanda Kellman
Niki Khabbazvahed
Dongin Kim
Jonghwan Kim
Karl Kim
Seri Kim
Hannah R. Kinney
Faith Victoria Kopecky
Noah Lauer
Sejun Lee
River Macaullie Lessig
Delia Li
Xizi Li
Yujia Li
Hongbo Liang
Pei-Wen Liao
Zouning Liao
Shao Ling Lien
Yuxuan Lin
Zijian Lin
Alice Elizabeth Lind
Luyao Liu
Muyuan Liu
Yinxuan Irene Long
Xinyu Lyu
Wai Shan Ma
Giovani Malcolm
Xinyue Mao
Pablo Martinez Teutli
Alexander Arthur James McGrath
Devery Ross McIntosh
Grace McKenzie
Alejandro Meza Robles
Evgenii Mikheev
Aaron S. Montreal
Alanna Marie Mossell
Ashley Brook Mueller
Pedro Mujica Useche
Albert Michael Newberry
Yuhan Noh
Sadie Paige O’Conor
Eunjin Oh
Nana Okada
Soyoung Park
Molly Patrick
Ruth Ellen Peart
Amanda Theresa Perera
Thomas Joseph Pieciak
Gabriel Curtis Priem
Zhaomin Pu
Yuchen Qi
Xueshen Qiu
Carl Alan Questad
Brandi Michelle Quinn
Wayner K. Ramon Ortega
Kian Ravaei
Micah Li Reinharz
Gabriel Marcelino Rojas
Macey Lynn Rowland
Lane Joseph Royer
Soo Hyun Ryu
Lauren T. Salmon
John Lee Sample
Marienn Sanchez Sanchez
Adam Louis Schreiber
Frank K. Sewell
Nicholas Robert Shaefer
Deven King Shah
Emilia Beatrice Sharpe
Webb Eugene Sheely
Emily Nicolle Sipes
Gage Wayne Sippel
Nicholas Tyler Slaughter
Jacob Bryant Smith
Katie Elizabeth Smith
Jun Jie Edmund Song
Zhaoxuan Song
William Francis Spinnenweber
Xiang Su
Yi-Fan Sun
Zehan Tian
Madeline Victoria Tokman
Ella Irene Koran Torres
Robert Torres
Min Shu Tsai
Chin-Pei Tso
Benjamin David Tufte
Arda Turhan
Andrew James Vance
Linlin Wang
Shiyang Wang
Griffin Reid Wilson
Aaron Wonson
Joshua C. Wright
Gennavieve Marie Wrobel
Ching Wen Wu
Xiaotian Wu
Yucheng Xu
Yuke Xu
Gan Yang
Yi Wen Yeh
Sanha Yoon
Jisu Youn
Cynthia Yu
Qincheng Zeng
Xinyi Zeng
Hua Zhang
Hui Zhang
Shixin Zhang
Ruonan Zheng
Zihao Zhou
Katherine Elizabeth Jolley
Donghun Kwak
Tekla Cully Mendez
Benjamin Michael Pollack
Danae Lee Pick Redick
Seoyoon Bae
Kun Ding
Seung A Jung
Paige Allison Stafford
Colin Anderson
Brett Umlauf Arjomand
Andrew Behrens
Mark Berkowitz
Erina Marisa Buchholz
Jake Alexander Buckner
Ziang Chen
Chih-Yi Chu
Kathiana Dargenson
Julian Edward Garvue
Yuntong Han
Seyedehparastoo Heidarinejad
Fang-Ting Hsu
Ilina Grigorieva Ilieva
Jana Kaminsky
Haeun Kim
Heejin Kim
Yejin Kim
Aram Lee
Hyunjoo Lee
Seonghyun Lee
Thomas Mathias
Erin Elise Napier
Jaehee Park
Seonyoung Park
Liang Yi Peng
Naomi Joy Powers
Gwenyth Rose Sell
Somyong Shin
James Criswell Starkey
Yoshino Toi
Adriana Nicole Torres Diaz
Chian-Yi Tsai
William Mitchell Upham
Anan Wang
Yicheng Wang
Junming Wen
Bastian Rasmus Windisch
Hongjian Yan
Jiayu Zhang
Lawrence Jay Abernathy III
Major: Choral Conducting
Final Project: A Conductor’s
Analysis of Gabriel Jackson’s
The Passion of Lord Jesus Christ
Research Director and Chair:
Dominick DiOrio
Raoul Carlo F. Angangco
Major: Choral Conducting
Final Project: The Evolving
Significance of Language in
Philippine Music History: Josefino
Chino Toledo’s Misa Lingua
Research Director and Chair:
Dominick DiOrio
Layne Michael Anspach
Major: Horn Literature and
Final Project: Lyrical Etudes for the
Intermediate and Advanced Horn
Research Director and Chair:
Richard Seraphinoff
Eun Jin Bang
Major: Piano Literature and
Final Project: The Art of Piano
Transcriptions: Exploring the
Solo Piano Version of Franz Liszt’s
Research Director and Chair:
Émile Naoumoff
Steven Vincent Berlanga
Major: Choral Conducting
Final Project: Pre-Classical Form
in the Choral Music of Paul
Research Director and Chair: Betsy
Carrie Chen
Major: Piano Literature and
Final Project: A Comparative
Analysis of Selected Pre-College
Piano Assessments in the United
Research Director and Chair: David
Rachel Yu Chen
Major: Piano Literature and
Final Project: Understanding and
Teaching Students With Autism
Research Director and Chair: David
I Ping Chiu
Major: Horn Literature and
Final Project: Progressive Orchestral
Etudes: Repertoire-Specific
Exercises for Horn
Research Director: Richard
Committee Chair: Jeffrey Nelsen
Jihye Choi
Major: Organ Literature and
Final Project: Three Faces of Organ
Research Director and Chair:
Janette Fishell
Grant Lewis Farmer
Major: Choral Conducting
Final Project: Development of
Choral Tone through a Vocology
Lens: Using Informed Language
in Rehearsal to Achieve Desired
Research Director: Brian Gill
Committee Chair: Carolann Buff
Micah Robert Fleming
Major: Early Music Instrument
Final Project: The Ethnic Villancicos
of Gaspar Fernandez: Performing
in a Modern World
Research Director and Chair:
Stanley Ritchie
Kevin Joseph Flynn
Major: Cello Literature and
Final Project: A Study of Adrien-
François Servais’ Pedagogical
Works and Stylistic Traits:
Towards an Understanding of the
Belgian Cello School
Research Director and Chair: Emilio
Cassandra Noel Glaeser
Major: Voice Literature and
Final Project: Le Désir de Liberté:
The Life and Art Songs of Augusta
Research Director: Lauren Richerme
Committee Chair: Jane Dutton
Samuel Carson Myhre Grace
Major: Choral Conducting
Final Project: Assessing Cultural
Value: Ethical Gatekeeping in
Choral Music
Research Director and Committee
Chair: Dominick DiOrio
Whitney LeeAnn Hamblin
Major: Voice Literature and
Final Project: Teasdale’s Voice:
Selected Song Cycles for Soprano
by Modern Composers Richard
Pearson Thomas, Lori Laitman,
and Simon Sargon
Research Director and Chair: Brian
Esteban Hernández Parra
Major: Viola Literature and
Final Project: Resuena Abya Yala:
Decolonial Practices in Bowed
Strings Learning and Performing
Research Director: Javier León
Committee Chair: Mark Holloway
Pak Lok Alvin Ho
Major: Orchestral Conducting
Final Project: A Conductor’s Guide
to Interpreting Beethoven’s Ninth
Research Director and Chair: Arthur
Hyeseon Jin
Major: Piano Literature and
Final Project: Harmonizing
Ordinary Elements into
Unconventional: Exploring the
Musical Style of Korean Living
Composer, Juri Seo
Research Director and Chair: David
Tess Mirae Jones
Major: Wind Conducting
Final Project: A Concise History,
Brief Style Analysis, and
Transcription for Wind Octet
of Symphony No. 1 in G Major
from Deux Sinfonies à Plusiers
Instruments, Op. 11, No. 1, by
Joseph Boulogne, Chevalier de
Research Director: Tiffany Galus
Committee Chair: Eric Smedley
Akira Kaku
Major: Piano Literature and
Final Project: Revisiting
Rachmaninoffs Fourth Piano
Research Director and Chair:
Arnaldo Cohen
Boyoung Kim
Major: Piano Literature and
Final Project: Beethoven’s Piano
Concerto in E-Flat WoO 4:
Comparative Analysis on the
Orchestrations Reconstructed by
Willy Hess, Ronald Brautigam,
Jon Ceander Mitchell and
Philippos Tsalahouris
Research Director and Chair:
Arnaldo Cohen
Jee Won Kim
Major: Composition
Final Project: We Are... for Full
Research Director and Chair: Aaron
MinJi Kim
Major: Violin Literature and
Final Project: Sunnam Kim,
Forgotten Korean Composer of the
Korean War and His Violin Song
Early Spring
Research Director: P. Q. Phan
Committee Chair: Mark Kaplan
Yeonglee Kim
Major: Violin Literature and
Final Project: Sergei Prokofiev’s
Another War Sonata: His First
Violin Sonata in F Minor, Op. 80
Research Director and Chair:
Kevork Mardirossian
Alexander Martin Koppel
Major: Choral Conducting
Final Project: Mastering Beethoven’s
Mass in C, Op. 86: A Conductor’s
In-Depth Guide Using Julius
Herford’s Analytical Framework
Research Director and Chair: Betsy
Kaden Larson
Major: Piano Literature and
Final Project: Transcendental
Transcriptions: A Case for Eight
Research Director and Chair:
Norman Krieger
Yubin Lee
Major: Cello Literature and
Final Project: From Fauré to
Debussy and Poulenc: An Analysis
of Musical and Idiomatic Writing
for Cello in the French Sonatas of
the 20th Century
Research Director and Chair: Peter
Timothy Douglas Loman
Major: Wind Conducting
Final Project: A Conductor’s Guide
to Chen Yi’s Works for Winds and
Research Director: Eric Isaacson
Committee Chair: Tiffany Galus
Dominic Joseph Muzzi
Major: Piano Literature and
Final Project: Four Reflections: A
Worthy Addition to the Modern
Performing Pianist’s Repertoire
Research Director and Chair: David
Christopher Michael Nelson
Major: Wind Conducting
Final Project: Federico Mompou’s
Cancion y Danza No. 6: A
Transcription for Wind Ensemble
Research Director and Chair: Jason
Enoch Man Lok Ng
Major: Viola Literature and
Final Project: Shostakovich’s Sonata
for Violin and Piano Op. 147: A
Stylistic Interpretation
Research Director: Grigory
Committee Chair: Atar Arad
Jeongung Oh
Major: Composition
Final Project: Orchestral Suite
Research Director and Chair: P.Q.
Hiu-Ying Prudence Poon
Major: Piano Literature and
Final Project: The Role of
Culture in the Development of
Musical Identities of East Asian
Composers: Analysis on Piano
Works of Yi Chen, Unsuk Chin,
and Wendy Lee
Research Director: David Cartledge
William Christopher Rabun
Major: Trumpet Literature and
Final Project: A Comparison and
Analysis of the Pedagogical
Trumpet Literature of Peter Bond
and Mark Gould
Research Director and Chair: Joey
Jeffrey Michael Sabol
Major: Composition
Final Project: Rainstorm Reflections
for Wind Ensemble
Research Director and Chair: Don
Jeremiah Marcell Sanders
Major: Voice Literature and
Final Project: Black Opera
Textualities: A Look into The
Martyr, Highway 1, USA, and X:
The Life and Times of Malcolm X
Research Director: Lauren Richerme
Committee Chair: Jane Dutton
Hsin Hou Sun
Major: Cello Literature and
Final Project: John Elwood Price’s
Impulse and Deviation for Cello
I: An Afrocentric Analysis and
Scholarly Performance Edition
Research Director and Chair: Emilio
Isaac Terceros
Major: Orchestral Conducting
Final Project: Manchypuytu by
Alberto Villalpando: A Musical
Metaphor of Bolivia
Research Director: Javier León
Committee Chair: Arthur Fagen
Esther Jamie Tupper
Major: Wind Conducting
Final Project: Variations by Thea
Musgrave: A Transcription for
Wind Ensemble
Research Director: Jason Nam
Committee Chair: Eric Smedley
Jacob Wilkinson
Major: Composition
Final Project: Dante Études
Research Director and Chair: Han
Chao Jeng Yu
Major: Piano Literature and
Final Project: A Study of Bèla
Bartók’s Mikrokosmos: A Timeless
and Transcendent Piano and
Music Curricula for Children
Research Director and Chair:
Evelyne Brancart
Eddie Joseph Baraka Mony
Major: Music Education
Final Project: Transforming
Undergraduate Music Teacher
Education at Indiana University
Bloomington: Exploring a Novel
Perspective of Freedom Informed
by John Stuart Mill, Maxine
Greene, Paulo Freire, and Jacques
Research Director and Chair:
Lauren Richerme
Recipients of Doctor of Philosophy
degrees are listed under the Indiana
University Graduate School
Bloomington, pages 70–80.
School of Nursing
Samantha Sophia Lim Academia
With Highest Distinction
Julia Mae Ankney
Charmaine Anne Annee
Sidney Elaine Armstrong
Miri Kaur Aurora
Kaylyn Pearl Ann Ayers
Paige Anne Babb
Kennedy Marrie Baker
Merly Barrios
Leigh Ann Elaine Bauer
Julia E. Betz
With Highest Distinction
Kalli Sikora Blankenship
Brooke Cynthia Bolander
Jenna Bolinger
Ethan Cole Burch
Megan Cartellone
Molly Elizabeth Cavan
Lauren Cesarski
Jessie S. Cheziwa
Elizabeth Nicole Cochrane
Ava Elizabeth Dailey
Ragan Ann Davis
With Highest Distinction
Emily Mae Demitruk
Theophilia Yenanlonhan Ornelie
Wenting Deng
Elizabeth Edel
Kayla Fenstermaker
Rebecca Foltz
With Highest Distinction
Sophia B. Graf
Abigail Lynn Grim
Jessica Gruwell
Cora Beth Handy
Jessica Hanson
Tanyathorn Harrison
Shelby Rose Heerschop
Tyler Hoffman
Rachael Greer Houser
Samuel Duncan Hunt
Gwyneth Isaacs
Maimuna Jallow
Grace Elizabeth Jung
Kaylee Marie Kaiser
Donna Kontarzhy
Megan Hope Kueber
With Highest Distinction
Leiara Linda Lara
Bailey Ann Larrison
With Highest Distinction
Abigail Nicole Leonard
Anna Elisabeth Line
Lillian Ashley Lowe
Adrian Alonso Magallanes-Orozco
Madisyn Grace Marchand
Lindsay Elizabeth Marin
Demi Jo Meredith
With Highest Distinction
Madison Nashea Mills
With Highest Distinction
Deriann A. Myers
Brooklyn Neal
Bao Gia Nguyen
Ketochukwu Esomchi Nkemeh
Mary Jane Roma Nolan
Mallory Jane Oxford
Morgan Christine Payne
Rachel Christine Pilkington
Brianna Marie Poore
Peyton Pruett
Mya Nicole Przybylski
Olivia Christina Render
Tamara Ivette Riano
Eden Victoria Roberts
Julia Rosales
Lauren Elizabeth Rothgeb
Sydney Christine Ruff
Odalys Nivia Saez
Zachary Burton Schmidt
Madeline Claire Shone
Kaitlynn Michelle Shull
London Hailey Taliaferro
Brenna Lynn Thompson
Kayla Ellen Tunnell
Megan Elizabeth Turk
Abigail Rae Vinson
Morgan J. Williams
Morgan A. Wynn
Allison Nicole Yergler
Amy Young
Yao Yu
Kelly Zheng
School of Optometry
Andrew Young Chang
Donna Rose James
With High Distinction
Alec Clayton Love
With Highest Distinction
Brooke Meredith
With Distinction
Audrey Morrow
Hailey E. Ortyl
Leigh Anne Roth
Avonlea Ruth Adkins
Ebraam Mounir Bakhiet
Nicholas Eric Bantz
With Highest Honors
Mara Teresa Bedell
Kelsey Brianna Blalock
Jayson P. Burden
Cateon H. Burnside
Nicholas James Carlson
Kenzie Sierra Carr
Rachel Marie Cavett
With Honors
Heather Noel Cipperly
Shani Mackenzie Collins
Allison M. Davis
With High Honors
Sydney Jo Dayhoff
Amber Nicole DeNell
Trev Michael Didelot
With Highest Honors
Andrea Lee Dobbins
Benet Michael Friederichs
Annie Webber Getzin
With High Honors
Jordan Larry Gott
Isaac Gottschalk
Tanner Michael Grace
With Highest Honors
Annabel Lee Graettinger
Nicole J. Graham
Caitlin Elizabeth Haas
Alexa Marie Harb
Lindsey Mae Hatton
Zachary Lee Heinrich
Hannah Sullivan Honaker
Blake Hopkins
Austin Hribar
Ethan Eli James
Lauren Elizabeth Jenkins
Kendra Kappes
With Honors
Simeran Preet Kaur
Brady Gerald Kirsch
Ciara B. Knapp
Bryce Alan Kuehl
With High Honors
Alaina Labbus
With Highest Honors
Courtney Rae Langley
Mallorie Beth Larimore
Abigail Grace Lee
With Highest Honors
Mackenzie Ann Lee
Sydney Elizabeth Lee
Julia Ann Lilly
With High Honors
Maribel Lopez Perez
Olivia Ann Lux
Grant Kenneth Lyons
With Honors
Sidney Aldrian Reynes Magdaong
Mathirmedha Bhaavagnya
Akhila Manu
Mackenzie Noell Martin
Sydney V. Mathias
Allison Michelle McKamey
With Highest Honors
JaLeah Lenice Faith McKinney
Sarah Christine McNally
Parker John Miller
With Honors
Mariela Miranda
Laura Jeanne Moe
With High Honors
Kain Thomas Myer
Caitlin Marie Parks
Rohil D. Patel
Trevor Christian Phillips
With Highest Honors
Derrick Gene Prenot
Faisal Ahmed Rasooli
Kayleigh Grace Rohr
With High Honors
Callie Leah Root
Jack Rouleau
Megan Sabrina Scott
With Honors
Larissa Meredith Simkin
Michael Joseph Skipski
Courtney Smith
Michael Brayton Stewart
Taylor Stimson
Bailey Stotler
Corissa Renae Talamonti
Sierra Marie Tisdelle
Pieper Walton
Alexander Brian Welsch
Dalton Wentz
Mark Thomas Williams
With Honors
Walter Williams IV
Hayden Peter Wilson
Recipients of Doctor of Philosophy
degrees are listed under the Indiana
University Graduate School
Bloomington, pages 70–80.
O’Neill School
of Public and
Hijiri Orion Baker
Kieran Christos Ball*
With Highest Distinction
McKenzie Leigh Bennett
With Highest Distinction
Mackenzie Claire Bowlen
With Highest Distinction
Nina Mae Brochin
With Distinction
Katelyn Bryant
Aftyn Belle Cappy
Hailey Joy Christena
Chloe Catherine Davis
Eliza Nancy Dowd
With High Distinction
Benjamin Heider Eifler
Emily Elena Haase-Flores
Elsa Marie Hagen
Kyler William Haynes
Ethan Daniel Hershberger
With High Distinction
Gabriel Mason Hissong
Emma Elaine Holdren
With Highest Distinction
Annetta May Itnyre
With Highest Distinction
Quentin Kagan
Seongju Kim
With Highest Distinction
Yasmin Martinez Munoz
Kassidy Charlize Gei Yeen Ng
With High Distinction
Anna Rose Noel
Delia Novak
Jordan Faith Polansky
Adina Putri Purnama
Emma Ruth Putt
Benjamin Todd Richardson
With Highest Distinction
Jayden Roach
With Distinction
Brodyn Ryan Ruiz
Camille Nicole Sczerbowicz
Ireland Brooks Skipper
Megan Elizabeth Soyka
Hunter James Stracci
Luke Riley Swain
Cooper Dutch Sykes
With Highest Distinction
Sarah Emily Teitsort
Callum Joseph Thurston*
With Distinction
Nathan Tripp
William Colbernt Uhlemann
Lauren Andrea Ulrich
With High Distinction
Stephanie Denese Valdes
With Distinction
Sarah Isabella Waters*
With Highest Distinction
Hailey Nicole Weymouth
Jessica Anna White
Elisena Glen Anania
Thomas Christian Barham
William Charles Bender
Clara Marie Blackwell
With Highest Distinction
James Briggs Blevins
Hailey Ann Brezinsky
Nathaniel Alexander Brown
Jessica Kay Campbell
Dennis Cane
Rachel Shih-Ci Cheng
Ethan Joseph Corral
Annabelle Lily Daniels-Rosenberg
Keara Lynn Davis
Jackson McCormick Deets
Patrick Douglas Downey
Zoe Holland Gonzalez Gallagher
With Distinction
Amanda Joan Goldman
With High Distinction
Truly Christine Gordin
Lily Jane Hamilton
Mary S. Hartman
Mallory Jane Hipskind
Sijia Yuriko Huang
With High Distinction
Allison Elizabeth Johnson
Kristin Kiley
Lia Lin
Sarah Emily MacGregor
With Highest Distinction
Fiona Irene McDonnell
Rachel Elizabeth Petersson*
With Highest Distinction
Holly Kendall Porter
Reid Fisher Powell
Emilee Patricia Richardson
Mak Kai Smith
Madeline Nicole Tagua-Horne
With Distinction
Amanda Judith Whitley
Caroline Williams
Isabelle Alice Amacker*
With Distinction
Abigail Elizabeth Comer
With Highest Distinction
Katie Lynn Hansen
With High Distinction
Vanessa Hast
Seth Allen Heatwole
With Distinction
Tracy Mai
With High Distinction
Niamh Cailin Monk
Zoe Johnelle Swanson*
With Highest Distinction
Harper Marie Watson
Lydia M. Allard
Natalie G. Allman
Oluwanifemi Gift Anikoh
Claire Elizabeth Ashley
Isabella Marie Battiston
Kristofer James Beaton
Ciarra Paige Beisler
With High Distinction
Jett Clifton Burton
Caitlin Belle Cox
Preston Deonté Davis
Allison Nicole DeBolt
Hannah Leigh Doell
Jack Finnegan
Anne Claire Fowler
With Highest Distinction
Javon Aaron Franklin
Allison Rose Geis
Audrey Mary Elizabeth Gerth
Andrew James Gill
Ian Haithcoat
Rhiannon Isabelle Haley
With Distinction
Alexis DaiLynn Harper
Tai’ja Faye Jackson
Sidney Elizabeth King
Maya Ellen Kislyuk
Ekaterini Theodora Kostouros
Veronica Clare Light
Mason Scott Lingg
Jessica Esther Meier
Lauren Lisette Meyer
Emily Katherine Molitor
With Highest Distinction
Kennedy A. Morgan
Taylor Alexandra Morrison
Justina Oluwabukunmi Oluwayomi
Julia Lauren Orel
Jaylyn Parks
Ankit Nilesh Patel
Sophia Rose Patterson
Isabella Anna Pavloski
With Highest Distinction
Leah Marie Rader
Anoushka Chloe Redding
Estella Kennedy Ruiz
Alexis Sanchez
Sierra Noelle Schwartz
Anna Katherine Seng
With Highest Distinction
Christopher John Seydel
Olivia Paige Sloffer
Eileen Margaret Smith
Emma Estela Sowders
Adrian Zarek Tanase
With Distinction
Gracesyn Raye Thomas
Annabel Grace Troyer
Janitzy Valderrama
Willow Christine Via
Rachel Eryn Vose
Kallie Ann White
Madison Ann White
Hayley Nicole Willison
Lucas James Wynne
Jack Charles Abplanalp
Ty Jennings Albers
Victoria Ambrose
Mitchell J. Anderson-Corns
Abbey Kaitlyn Armstrong
With Highest Distinction
Ayden James Arquette
Madeline Grace Ausderau*
With Highest Distinction
Wendy Guadalupe Avendano
Jack Henry Bailey
Kelsey Alexis Baker
Maxwell Graham Baker
With Distinction
Sofia Balcius
Stephen Kyle Bansbach
Ali Morgan Barber
Gabrielle E. Barron
Catherine Elizabeth Bartlett
Ava Blake Beauchamp
Grant Christian Roy Bedoya
Atena Beitvashahi
Douglas Robert Belcaster
William Belke
Avery Bell
With Highest Distinction
Ciera Christine Belter
Maya Benysh
With Distinction
Amy Rose Bickham
Steven Peter Biegel
Jack Hayden Bilkey
Eric Birruete
Eric Bonar
William Bonilla Jr.
Riley Andrew Bosket
Maxwell Taylor Bowne
Riley E. Browder
Harrison Joel Brown Jr.
Kate Beidinger Burnett
With High Distinction
Brendan Augustus Burns
Hunter L. Burns
Ashley Nicole Buster
Kaylin Sierra Byrd
Neeve Marie Callane
Alexis Elisabeth Calvert
Jackson James Campbell
Emma Cannon
Rachel Carey
Quinten Thomas Carney
Harrison Lee Carpenter
Matias Nicolas Carrillo
Christopher Stanton Carroll
Sara Marie Carter
With Distinction
Jun Won Chang
Braden Lee Chapman*
With Highest Distinction
Tyler William Chapman
John Kenneth Cheek
Longfei Chen
Yu Chen
Kaden Morris Chestnut
Aidan Lawrence Chism
Tyler James Cleary
Samuel Joseph Cohen
David Forrest Cooke
Jessica Nicole Copeland
Jordan Summer Coplan
Melanie Hope Coppersmith
Noah James Crow
Joshua Roe Crudup
Jaden Reece Cruse
Jazmin Cuautle-Quintana
Miles Norton Cuban
Ashley Brianna Culbertson
Aidan P. Cunningham
Ella Rae Curtis
Katya Sabrina D’Alesio
Zakaria Ibrahim Dabdoub
Brookelyn Nicole Davis
Nolon R. Davis
Tyler James DeBoe
Alyssa Brooke Dennis
Donovan Joseph Devault
Kiersten Reed DeVries
Nathan Robert Dixon
Abigail Katherine Dobricky
With High Distinction
Natalie Elizabeth Donaldson
With Distinction
Oliver L. Dorn
Viayana Dorsey
Caelan Alexander Drummond
Sruti Venkata Lalita Durbha*
With Highest Distinction
John Edward Eagen Jr.
Jordan David Eckert
Emily Jane Eichberg
Kain Leroy Eller
Grace Anne Embi
With Highest Distinction
Fletcher Engle
With Distinction
Oliver Brant Eveler Sr.
William Michael Farrell
Corbin Atley Fath
Jackson Matthew Fellers
Destinee Amari Fields
Jacob Christopher Finchum
Samuel James Finefrock
Samuel Joseph Fiterman
Conrad Elder FitzSimons
Kyle Joseph Fleckenstein
Alida Marie Flores
Anjelo Dj Flores
Emma C. Flynn
Bianca Alexandra Foronda
George Sterling Forsee
Richard Hutchings Foster
Elaine Machall Fouts
With High Distinction
Tomer Frankel
Zefram Jai Fransen
Charles Joseph Freel
Jacqueline Alicia Freni
Alejandra Gamboa
Juan Eduardo Garcia
Julie Anne Garcia
Jonathan Paul Geis
Alexandria Laine Gentry
With Distinction
Ryan Andrew Gerhardstein
Tyler Alan Gibson
Joseph Peter Gillis
Ethan Sterling Golde
Christopher Dow Gorham
Patrick Ryan Gothard
Morgan McKelvey Green
Grant Michael Gresham
Joa’Quinn Demon Griffin
Abigail Elisabeth Grimes
Alana Jade Grinberg
Delaynie Elizabeth Grove
Braden Charles Groves
Dyan Itzel Guerrero
Taylor Ann Gunter
John Salvatore Guzzetti Jr.
Logan Bryant Hager
Haylie Simone Hall
Jack Haller
Laila Hamid
With Highest Distinction
Carson Michael Hamm
Jalen Haniton
Margaret Beverly Harden
With Highest Distinction
Logan Elizabeth Hart
Anushka Hebbar
Brendan Robert Hegeduis
Pete Mitchell Heichelbech
Victoria Eileen Heighton
Amir Matthew Henderson
Thomas E. Hennel Jr.
Maria Oliva Hernandez
Zane Higdon
Trey Mears Hohenstreiter
Spencer Michael Hollis
Joel Holtcamp
Jacob Thomas Honan
Shiwen Hu
Xi Huang
Zhaoqin Huang
Khristian Hurt
Robert Mitchell Hurwitz
Andrew Paul Ianigro
Ethan L. Iversen
Diamond Jackson
Dylan Alexandria Jackson
Humza Jalali
Saeha Jang
Benjamin C. Jennett
Grace Elizabeth Johnson
Gram David Johnson
With High Distinction
Noah Bjes Johnson
With Highest Distinction
Riley Sean Johnson
Tabreon J. Johnson
Vivian Michael Jones
Katherine F. Josellis
Kevin Josifoski
Omar Aneesahmed Kagzi
Evan Bailey Kashanian
Keahi Christian Keliiheleua-
With Highest Distinction
Lauren Elise Kellerman
With Distinction
Michael Sean Kelly
Alyssa Marie Kennedy
With Distinction
Christopher Alan Kennedy
Cam Michael Kilian
Connor Benjamin King
Savannah Grace Kjolhede
Alex Robert Konopinski
Yael Sarit Korin
Ashley Mae Koutropoulos
Ender Nathaniel Kovacs
Katherine Kozel-Ahmed
Anthony James Krumnow
John Patrick Kubat
Elizabeth Grace Kuebel
Jacob Christian LaCounte
Leslie Fernanda Lara
With Distinction
William Aidan Larkin
Maria Linh Laroia-Nguyen
With Highest Distinction
Cheyenne Lee
With Highest Distinction
Savannah Elise Lee
With Distinction
Ethan Samuel Lents
Raegan C. Leonard
Stephanie Marisa Levitt*
With Distinction
Indya Lashanti Lewis
Johnny Lian
Guangsheng Liang
Jacqueline Long
Adam Christopher Lopez
Brooke La Shai Lowe
Hector Horacio Lozano III
Edgar David Magallanes
Shauna Brooke Mahoney
With Distinction
Cole Stephen Mamayek
Grant Thomas Marker
Sophia Bella Martello
Itzel Stacy Martinez
Brooke Marie Martoccia
Carter Mathison
Naomi Maung
Andrew Steven Mayer
Yash Kishore Mazumdar
Shaianne Renee Mcgruder
Zachary Jory Mejdrich
Benjamin Higgins Mercier*
Kailyn Dariel Meredith
Madison Iris Meriwether
Trey R. Merrill
John Michael Mikucki
Brooke Lynne Miller
Jackson Noah Miller
Mychajlo James Hamilton Miller
Megan Mills
Adriana Mirano Portocarrero
Shayan Mirtalebi
Rose A. Mitchell
Luciano Rosario Mittiga
Tyler Monday
Matthew James Morettini
Alexzandra Brook Morris
With Distinction
Lauren Elizabeth Murray
David E. Nakhamkin
Katherine Rose Nelson
Noah Newcomb
Tim Nguyen
Luke William Norris
Anastasio Nunez
Matthew Ryan O’Connell
Eden E. Oddou
Hannah Odom
Keirstan Elizabeth Oeffinger
With Highest Distinction
Moshopefoluwa Oluminola Oluwole
Efe Maurice Osagiobare
Collin William Paquin
Avery Ann Park
Taylor Brienna Parra
Raj Patel
Sophia Lynn Patton
Sofia Joy Paulson
Adam Robert Peterson
Devon Andrew Pezel
Jackson Nolan Phillips
Luke Michael Piper
Lauren Helena Pollock
Ethan Wayne Poole
Kody Quintana
Francis Xavier Ramirez
With Highest Distinction
Gabriella Elizabeth Ramirez
Arianna Rangel
Dante Virgadaula Ray
Kaitlyn Keller Renneker
Gavin Connery Rettig
Austin John Richards
Leeah Rose Riley
Carter Ringis
Gabriel Lee Roach
Alejandro Jesus Rodriguez
Shane Scott Rodriguez
Justin Heriberto Rojas
Katrina Elisabeth Ronan
Alexandra Lynn Rose
Aidan Charles Ross
John Christopher Runnion
Paul Michael Rushton
Corey Edward Ryan
Brian Andrew Sagarsee
Christian Xavier Sanders
Robert Sands
Olivia Savino
Riya Ashok Savsani
Alex Trinh Saypharath
Taryn Lee Schermer
With Highest Distinction
Michael Lee Schloesser
Mikayla Suzanne Seman
With Distinction
Ivan Serrano
John Dunn Shehadi Jr.
Hayes Christopher Shepherd
Mia I. Silver
Christopher John Silverman
Reid Steven Silvers
Nolan Christopher Sinclair
Parker Allen Sinclair
Sukhraj Singh
Michael Christian Skadberg
Natalie Sue Skelton
Luke Andrew Smethurst
Taryn Kendal Smiley
Grant Smith
Kelsie Michelle Smith
Kennedy Jade Smith
With Distinction
Zane Alexander Smith
Mingyuan Song
Ethan Spearman
Mary Stafford*
Madison Alyse Stagge
Carson L. Stiller
Travis Jackson Stitzel
Trent Byron Stocum
Khloe Adelle Stover
Emma Logan Stricker
With Highest Distinction
Dawt Tin Sui
James Jin Sung
Par Hlei Sung
Andrew Szymanski
Jackson Dillon Taylor
Sally Teng
Tyler Martin Thikoll
Matthew Thompson
Avery Thorpe
With Distinction
Thach Ngoc Trinh
Tanner James Tromiczak
Meghan Ann Trossman
Xavier James Trueblood
Christopher Matthew Tsai
Luke Gabriel Turro
Thang Thian Uap
Hailey Elizabeth Vale
Isaac Ventura
Olivia Reed Vesling
With High Distinction
Michael Patrick Viele
Abigail Kate Mary Vitale
Colin Wade
Andrew Joseph Walton
Jackson Joseph Wanninger
With High Distinction
Quinn Lawrence Ward
Mary E. Waugh
Dana M. Weaver
Nikolas Dorian Weidner
Charlie Marie Welte
With Distinction
Maisie Ruth Westerfield*
With High Distinction
Kalyn Nichole Whitted
Andrew Jacob Whittington
Robert Colby Wicker
With Highest Distinction
Cassidy Victoria Wilson
Victoria Noel Woolbright
With Distinction
Rundong Wu
Yuntian Xing
Jack Thomas Yankosky
William George Yoder
Olivia Rose Zell
Elise Zeppelin
Cecilia Zhang
With Distinction
Vicky Ke Xin Zhang
Andrew Elijah Zimmerman
Nurfarah Irdina Bi Zulkifly
Ayomide Abimbola Arowosegbe
Claire Marie Brewer
Madison Rose Collier
Kathleen G. Duggan
Brendan Goldspiel
Madison Mae Hall
Brandon Horner
Cai Kemmler Fox
Ruby Jane Leverington
Khawaja Hussain Mahmood
Alyssa D. Musselman
Corwynne Pugh
Kelley Scholfield
Madalen Jade Wallaker
Rachel Nefertari Akhet Boveja
Brandi Michelle Bruemmer
Devin Jean Coryell
Shuai Ding
Mikayla Ryann Gothard
Clay Richard Keiser
Erin Nicole Larkin
Jacob Moore
Kenneth Earl Rusk
Alexis Raeann Weidner-Bennett
Rana Rafi A. Al Saad
Nehal Mohammed Alharbi
Adele Allen
Kris Tina Anderson
Mary Anne Ankenbruck
Olivia Jean Antonson
Chenoa Barker-Charles
Areena Basmadjian
Logan Baumgardner
Carolyn Ellise Bezotte
Breanna Bowyer
Laticia Lynette Brown
Jenna Rose Bunner
Bria Caitlynn Burke
Bethany Buss
Micah Travail Aaron Camble
Graham Castromiller
Brian James Caye
Zolboo Dashmyagmar
Julian Davila
Erin Walsh Dennehy
Joseph Edward Desmond
Patrick S. Dias
Ethan William Dilks
David M. Eberle
Philomena K. Engel
Evan Fall
Jayne Janet Joy Patricia Abayomi
Hannah Frome
Caroline Warren Galbreath
Lingqiao Gao
Bayrammuhammet Garayev
Mason Harrell Greenberg
Diego Gudino-Martinez
Alex Lyndon Daniel Hakes
Jeffrey Scott Harpp
Jamie Lynn Henderlong
Kaija M. Herndon
Laura Hinkle
Andrew Holland
Leilanu Sevon Salamo Jackson
Alauna Keeley
Maxwell R. Kerner
Muhammad Asef Khademi
Awais Khalid
Emily Rose Kurland
Catherine Dare Lewis
Mitchell Alexander Long
Taylor Anne Longhitano
Tracy Julien Luther
Francisco Martinez Marquez
Debby Mathebula
Gabriel Thomas McFadden
Charlotte Elizabeth McFerran
Lillian Grace Mercho
Jessica Anne Mercier
DeVon LaMarr Miller
Fiona Balfe Monaghan
Madison Ruth Morehead
Seth Morrison
Sophia Ann Mosley
Madison Mullis
Hung Minh Nguyen
Mary Adeline Anutelehe Ngwa
Rachel Notter
Anthoney Chijioke Obasi
Nargis Orokzai
Heather Otten
Justin Dean Pendergast
Cailey Lynn Pietrzyk
Sita Primadevi
Colin Ray Prince
Lila Reyes
Mary Celeste Ricketson
Ruccy Parsaoran Sagala
Aria Joy Salisbury
Christina Samons
Thomas Paul Scaer
Lauren Krista Schwarze
Carissa Seying
Jiawei Shao
Rosina Lohrenz Shipman
Jerika Lamtota Silalahi
Inderpreet Singh
Brooklin Suzanne Smith
Jacob D. Snodgrass
Adam Mitchell Stahon
Lance Turner Stark
Aaliyah Stephen
Fayme Stringer Henry
Erika Marie Suessmith
Suzanna Sumkhuu
Breanna Elizabeth Tabor
Isaac Thuesen
Katherine A. Timperman
Alyssa Kristine Tomins
Khue P. Tran
Shikhar Tyagi
Eriverto Vargas
Jue Wang
Zhaojie Wang
Scott Wasserman
Alexis Raeann Weidner-Bennett
Rebecca Barbro Aurora Wiebke
Grace Anne Wiley
Emma E. Williams
Rachel Nicole Wolfe
Daniela Cala
Wolfgang van Thienen Davis
Yaw Edu Essandoh
Lillian Loren Fann
Mason Harrell Greenberg
Isaac Nelson Huntington
Selbi Jumayeva Kramer
Michael Benjamin Pence
Justin Dean Pendergast
Cailey Lynn Pietrzyk
Jack Shinabarger
Erika Marie Suessmith
Romany Ezzat Zaher Tafid
Blake Austin Castetter
Jonathan L. Dusleag
Brendan John Ferris
Aadila Rafiquahmad Gadatia
Christian Gettelfinger
Grace Marie Hironimus
Matthew Johnson
Noah Edward Lancaster
Eric Matthew Martindale
Tyler Neil Masten
Khaadhambari Meenakshi
Chase Michael Meyer
Kayla Marie Michaud
Thao Thanh Nguyen
Andrea Nowakowski
Damini Vikram Patel
Nicholas John Thomas Peirick
Alfredo Alexander Perez
Adam Nile Pratt
Cheyenne Paige Riley
Tyler Semler
John William Stewart
Shelby Anne Stone
Thi Ngoc Van Tran
Tamia Kyanna Trice
Kayla Grace Willens
Aisha Laraba Yusuf
Recipients of Master of Arts and
Doctor of Philosophy degrees are
listed under the Indiana University
Graduate School Bloomington,
pages 70–80.
School of Public Health
Aaliyah Andrews-Patterson
With High Distinction
Daniela Viviana Arellano-Martinez
Mesha Suzann Ashby
Ashley Nicole Baltes
Jack Robert Bartz
Phoebe Marie Bates
Carson Scott Blount
With Distinction
Kiley Diane Bouvier
Elizabeth Ashley Bradford
With Distinction
Mekenzie Jade Buchanan
With Distinction
Katherine Tamara Buck
Taylor Nicole Calloway
With Highest Distinction
Sierra Aaliyah Carmona
With High Distinction
Lauren Nicole Chlebowski
Evan James Coveney
Chase Scott Cranfill
Carolyn J. Cvelbar
Lily Madelyn Darley
With Distinction
Jamie G. Davis
Isabella Nichole DiTola
With Distinction
Sam Patrick Frank
Ally Nicole Glassman
With Distinction
Angela Noely Gomez
Natalie Lynn Haffner
Joo Eun Han
With High Distinction
Jazmin Araceli Hernandez
Ella Grace Hester
With High Distinction
Gabrielle Alexis Humphrey
With High Distinction
Brahlyn N. Ivery
Emma Elaine James
With High Distinction
Brady Johnson
Sarah Toeppe Luttrell
Nathan James Marcinek
Emily Rose Marlow
Samuel Richard McLaren
With Distinction
Olivia Meek
Keilyn A. Mendez
Benjamin David Miller
Allison Mularski
With Distinction
Graham Michael Nitiss
With Distinction
RaeShawn D. Norfleet
Kelsey H. O’Hair
With Distinction
Madalynn Renae Parker
With Distinction
Joselinne Pineda
Jadyn Pugh
Jonathan Ramirez
Gabriele Sarhece Rasdall
Madison M. Reitz
Aahron Zackery Revell
Ashley Lanae Richards
Mekenzi Kate Robinson
With Distinction
Sydney A. Rolnick
With Distinction
Zoey Ryan Rosier
With Distinction
Abbey Elizabeth Schmidt
With Distinction
Darlene Senisse
With High Distinction
Madeline Lauren Soe
Madison Leigh Sullivan
With High Distinction
Jhordan Lyndzie Tate
Emily Anne Terrill
With High Distinction
Angelina Mia Verastegui
With Distinction
Macie A. Weiler
Ashley Jean Woods
With Distinction
Thomas Million Adams
Jude Ahmad
Simon Atif Aktar
Zachary Michael Aldridge
With Distinction
Aron E. Aleman-Moreno
Steven Donald Alton
Anna Eleni Amanatidis
Eli Daniel Anderson
With High Distinction
Sean Alan Andrews
With High Distinction
Oyinola Mary Anjorin
Nathan William Arthur
With Distinction
Christopher Peter Auerbach
Robert Austin
Lauren Renee Baba
Kyle Douglas Bachmann
Jacob Alan Bain
Samuel Max Baker
Devin J. Barksdale
Abraham Siegal Barnes
With Distinction
Benjamin Michael Barnhart
Allison Jordan Baron
Cameron A. Barr
With Distinction
Sean Patrick Barrett
Elliot David Barton
Jesse Adam Baum
Zachary M. Behrmann
With Highest Distinction
John Francis Bellflower
Brooke Elizabeth Benson
With High Distinction
Aaron Bernson
Jacob Robert Biederman
With Distinction
Graham Stewart Bobbitt
Spencer James Bolach
Quinton Bolander
Journey Lynne Mayson Booker
Sophie Kate Bowden
Christopher Lee Bowne
Olivia Grace Brawley
With Distinction
Thomas R. Britton
Nicholas David Brown
Blake Alexander Byus
William Ryan Bzura
Jonathan Cameron Cahill
Nicholas Patrick Cannon
Nathan J. Capek
With High Distinction
Dominic Castellani
Alan Cecherz
Alexa Taylor Clatt
Lily Alexandra Claymon
With High Distinction
Andrew Colton Click
Emily A. Cobb
With High Distinction
Tyler Cobb
With Highest Distinction
Benjamin Max Cogan
Ryan Daniel Coliano
Charles Collins
Nicholas Patrick Collins
Chase Joseph Connell
Lauren R. Cooley
With Distinction
Carmen Copelli
With Distinction
Kyle Nolan Cornwell
Ara Alyse Cowper
With Highest Distinction
John Nicholas Cramer
Thane Creager
Grant Bishop Cunningham
Logan Welles Davidson
Gabrielle Marie Dean
Vincent Michael DeBartolo
With Distinction
Sophia Marie DeCapua
Dylan Caleb DeFilippis
With Distinction
Max Christopher DeJoris
Keeley A. Depel
Jace Vernick Dery
With Distinction
Hannah Grace DeVoe
Leslie Jennifer Diaz-Munoz
Arthur Nelson Diem III
Federica Pilar Dimayorca
Olivia Delaine DiMenna
Bailey David Dyke
Zachary James Engle
Jackson Reid Erekson
Margaret Carol Ernst
Shanna Amel Esters
Taylor E. Etling
With High Distinction
Arkenyia Evans
Sara Kathrine Ewing
With Distinction
Evan Failor
Allison Grace Farber
Blayne Arion Faught
Jaxon Liam Fernandes
With Distinction
Jacob Elliot Fidler
Sophia Leigh Fischer
With Distinction
Julia Kristine Flannery
Ethan Price Fleischer
Alec Flinn
Alejandro Flores
Evan Thomas Foerg
Jalenn Kanye Fortier
Brinley Foster
With High Distinction
Tyler Warren Franklin
Avery J. Frasch
With Distinction
Anna Karen Freed
Eyal Moshe Friedman
Damien Funnell
Phoenix Gage
Emily Renee Garcia
With Distinction
Jakob M. Gashti
Daniel Joseph Gauvain
Morgan Lee Geddes
Ari Bryant Geller
Steven Hunter Gerschwer
With Distinction
Abigail Jenae Giesler
Camryn Rose Gilbert
Raegan Elise Glenn
With Distinction
Sam Jace Goldberg
Joseph Brooks Gradison
Logan Graham
Alexa Paige Greenberg
Josh Greenberg
Cooper Wiley Greene
Trey Griffin
Anna Caitlynn Groce
Rebecca Rene Grossman
Daisia R. Guzman
Kayla Habich
Konnor Michael Haehl
Zacharias Alexander Hands
Brenner K. Hanna
Helen Elizabeth Hart
With Distinction
Noah Hart
Haley Noel Hartleb
With Distinction
Kaylan A. Hartman
Austin Haskett
Julian Adams Hazel
Kenyata R. Helloms Jr.
Christina Nicole Hess
Alexander Bradley Hicks
Anna M. Hilbrich
With Distinction
Stephen Bradford Hildebrandt
Lexie Hill
Simone Hodara
Jonah Isaac Hoenig
Jacob Hogan
With Distinction
Luke Bohdan Holian
With High Distinction
William Holloway
Eoin Hopkins
Ellie Lillian Hornick
Taylor Ann Hosea
With Highest Distinction
Alyssa Marie Hotchkiss
With Highest Distinction
Amanda Marie Howe
Lillian Kate Hughes-France
Hanna Noelle Hullinger
With Distinction
Hailey Hunt
With Distinction
Ethan Joseph Hunter
With High Distinction
Richard Cadby Hutchinson
With Highest Distinction
Chloe Jacobi
Alexander Joseph James
With Highest Distinction
Kaitlyn Nicole Johnson
Lea Nicole Johnson
With High Distinction
Eric Christian Jordan
Hunter James Kacsor
Jesse Robert Kanofsky
Ayana Patricia Karner
With Highest Distinction
Andrew Dane Karsten
Alexis Erika Karwowski
Nolan William Kearns
With Distinction
Benjamin Robert Keller
With Distinction
Joseph Thomas Kelley
Olivia Brianne Kelley
Kaylie Jazmine Kemp
Jack Ryan Kennedy
Kan Kikuchi
Katarina Ann Kilmer
Hui Yeon Kim
With Distinction
Jun Gon Kim
Carter Michael Kincaid
With High Distinction
Colyn Russel Kittleson
Elizabeth Mae Kleopfer
With Distinction
Kyla Desirae Klingensmith
Thaddeus Daniel Koechel
With High Distinction
Madison Grace Koehler-Shirey
With High Distinction
Sydney Konzmann
With Highest Distinction
Jacob Daly Kortenber
With Distinction
Ryan Scott Kosikov
Eleni Antigoni Kostouros
Cristian Thomas Kunse
With Distinction
Alex M. Kuntz
Antonio Deonte Laidler
Krish Lalchand
With Distinction
Donavan Mclain Lambert
Cierra Lane
Katie Renae Langdon
Greyson Christopher LaRocque
Jack Hamilton Law
With Highest Distinction
Alexander Peter Leftheris
Megan Elizabeth Lentz
With Distinction
Emma Christine Lewis
Veronica Grace Lin
With Distinction
Mitchell Chase Liter
Jake Lawrence London
Tyler Christian Lowder
Angela Lynese Lowe
William Andrew Lucy
Sydney Lynn Maasberg
With Highest Distinction
Julianna Maberry
With Distinction
Cameron Liam MacDonald
Samuel P. Mackall
With Distinction
Keenan Matthew Makowski
Tyler Marotz
Samuel Martin
Samuel Timothy Edward Martindale
Jason Wells Martini
Dylan Matesky
Julia Barbara Mattessich
Chase Samuel May
Grace E. May
With High Distinction
Roisin Philomena McCabe
With Distinction
Madeline McClure
Taryn Elizabeth McFarland
Charles Nicholas McGinsie
James Patrick McGovern
With Distinction
Alina Ling McGraw
With High Distinction
John Patrick McGuire
Morgan Elizabeth McLain
With Distinction
Grace Joann McNamara
With Distinction
Donovan Quenton McNeal
Tristyn Makenzie Meeks
Elizabeth A. Mehling
With Distinction
Michael Jacob Melin
Calvin Henry Metz
Lauryn Paige Mick
With Highest Distinction
Alejandro Gabriel Migoya
Vaugn Bryan Mihok
Ezra Josiah Miller
Julian Scott Miller
Trevionte L. Miller
Maya T. Mills
With Distinction
Collin Joseph Miltz
Reylin Renai Mimms
Colton James Monday
Ava Marie Montgomery
With High Distinction
Chloe Maude Moore-McNeil
Maximo Frank Morales
Tre Michael Morris
Max Gustave Moses
With Distinction
Lucas E. Mulherin
Carter Nance
Conor Mills Nash
Julia Anna Nawrot
Gavin James Neal
Jorge Luis Nieto
Maria Guadalupe Nino Guzman
Olivia Herron Noone
With Distinction
Elliot Francis Nowlin
Osamudiamen Sylvester Ogbeide
With Distinction
Margaret Lynn Olesh
With Distinction
Lily Olthof
With High Distinction
Christopher John Opperman
Hogan Orbaugh
Addison Cynthia Jean Osborn
Nia Owens
Gino Panici
Christian Anthony Pansini
Joshua David Peterson
Jalen Wade Pettis
LaRiyah R. Petty
Duy Anh Pham
Jarrett Lee Phillips
Spencer Austin Pickering
With Distinction
James Edwin Pierce III
Cassandra Piper
Alexander M. Piurek
With Distinction
Zachary Pixley
With Distinction
Caroline Dawn Pollard
With Distinction
Brooke Skylar Popel
Dylan Prough
Annaka Mikel Pyle
Lindsey Rairden
Nia Randolph
Andrew Boyden Rapp
Reagan Joseph Raughter
With High Distinction
Mohdeep Singh Rawala
Sophia Reason
Joseph B. Reese
Carson Kenneth Retter
With High Distinction
Andrew A. Rhodes II
Hunter Jordan Rice
With High Distinction
Charles J. Richman
Jayce Kyler Riegling
With Distinction
Corbin Jacob Riggins
Mia Ristic
With Highest Distinction
Jenna Roach
Zachary Stephen Roberts*
With Highest Distinction
Elias Rodriguez Jr.
Grayson Rolen
Madilynn Tate Rooze
Mackenzie Elizabeth Ross
Joseph Anthony Roytan
With High Distinction
Sophia Marie Rozzi
Nikita Dmitrievich Rudakov
Madison Elizabeth Russin
With Distinction
Noah A. Rynders
Hallie Catherine Ryzewski
Abdulellah A. Saleh
Emma Sandford
With Distinction
Brooke Satterfield
Sara Nicole Scalia
With Distinction
Colleen Marie Scheer
With Highest Distinction
Andrew David Schorr
Patrick Evans Schulman
Sheldyn Riley Settle
With Distinction
Hailey Steve Shah
Kyle Patrick Shank
Jackson Henry Shapiro
Kaleb Christian Sherrell
Andrew Showalter
With Highest Distinction
Owen Douglas Sickles
Alexander Carter Siefert
Anthony Joseph Siener
With High Distinction
Sydney Marietta Silcox
With High Distinction
Haley Beth Silverman
With Distinction
Joshua Louis Silverman
With Distinction
Alexandra Kathleen Sinis
Matthew C. Skirvin
Lucas James Small
Hailey Rain Smith
Alexander Snively
Morgan Elizabeth Snow
Caroline Shirley Soe
Joseph Alfonso Solito
Jack Thomas Solomon
Harris Arthur Sonnenklar
Ava Sopcic
With High Distinction
Robert Benjamin Sorsor Jr.
Nicholas Kaden South
Jack Albert Specius
Sofia Rae Sperduto*
Allison Elizabeth Steele
With Distinction
Hunter Steinfeld
Avery D. Stumler
With Highest Distinction
Samuel Corbin Switzky
Andrew Arlie Tetrick
Benton Maximillian Thompson
Gabrielle Rene Thompson
Jacob Russell Thompson
Nathan Matthew Till
Brody Jay Tisdale
Hillary Joy Todd
With Distinction
Jan Tomaszewski
Brenden Alexander Toombs
Lane Jackson Trust
Ashley Nicole Turak
With Distinction
Richard Marius Tyner
Logan Urbanowski
Veronica M. Vicino
With High Distinction
Stojna Vidova
Thomas Eric Wahlstrom
With Distinction
Charles Edward Walker
With Highest Distinction
Stephen Walker II
Peyton Justin Wall
Destiny N. Walton
Gavin Waltz
Matthew Warren Warner
Chuanteya N. Weaver
Thomas Andrew Whalen
Bayden Ross White
David Maclennan Whitfield
With High Distinction
Alexander Hayden Whitman
Ryan Prescott Wieneke
Blake Wiener
Reid Nathaniel Wilburn
With Distinction
Benjamin Allen Wilhelm
With Distinction
Dylan Thomas Williams
Lorin Alexis Williams
Zackary James Wilson
With Distinction
Harry Braden Wise
With High Distinction
Amelia Claire Wiser
With High Distinction
Evan James Wittkamp
With Distinction
Samson Louis Wolpov
With Distinction
Dongjae Won
Drew William Yaffe
Edward Yoo
Naomi Janelle Young
Mubarak Yusuph
Robbie Joe Zakhem
Ellie Louise Zweifel
With High Distinction
Jakailyn Aaron
Snigdha Agrawal
Melida Ajradinoska
Isabel Blythe Alexander
With Highest Distinction
Noa Isabel Alterman
Marry Lucero Avendano
Gabriela Avila
Jasmeen Bedi
Briana N. Brooking
Jada Mone’t Brooks Edson
Katherine Lee Brown
Madeleine M. Byun
Lauren Michelle Campbell
With Highest Distinction
Zoe Elise Carlson
Taylor Carpenter
With Distinction
Antonella Celis Marin
Carlie Rene Christie
Hannah Elizabeth Clark
Kaitlin Marie Clary
With High Distinction
Emma C. Cole
Anijah Lo’Rae Cowherd
Daicy Anahi Cuahuizo
With Distinction
Deborah Bawi Len Cuai
Victoria L. Curtner
Freda De Los Santos Sorcia
With Distinction
Amy Elizabeth DeTorrice
With Distinction
Alyssa Helen Donovan
Khristina Dorcas
Dresden Dunmire
Emma Grace Ebright
With Highest Distinction
Kelly Joanna Flores
Rebecca Lois Foracappa
Makenzie R. Foster
With Highest Distinction
Emma LeeAnn Gagnon
Jamie Marasco Gebhardt
With Distinction
Sophia Giglio
Delaney Marie Gillespie
With Highest Distinction
Miranda Elizabeth Gnott
With Distinction
Fiona Rae Goldman
With Highest Distinction
Citlali Janett Gomez
Yesenia Guijosa
Anna Claire Gummere
With High Distinction
Lydia Guzik
Lexi Breanne Hall
Lauryn Marie Harcus
With Distinction
Makenna A. Hawk
With Highest Distinction
Haylie A. Hawxhurst
Molly Elizabeth Heikkinen*
With Distinction
Brooke Elizabeth Helm
Zoey Paige Horn
With Highest Distinction
Olivia J. Houston*
With High Distinction
Lindsey Elizabeth Howard
With Distinction
Haley Nevaeh Irvin
Charles Seager Jacoba
With Distinction
Kennedy Ann Kanouse
Ruth Catherine Kinion
With Distinction
Cassidy Rose Kleinbauer
With High Distinction
Kathryn Elizabeth Kraft
With High Distinction
Aidan Simone Kramer
With Highest Distinction
Brooke Claire Kuehn
Liza Rose Kuehn
Tatiana Kukurugya
With Distinction
Carli M. Lay
With Distinction
Donovan Todd Lee
Par Ii Lungtoem
Brooke Victoria Lyngholm
Jasmine Kaur Mawi
Carlos Luis Merchan
Kalaya Lynne Miera
Brooke Miller
Madeline Ann Mills
Cannon Anthony Mirro
Anahi Morales
Madison Chiara Moseley*
With Highest Distinction
Anastasia Sofia Moutidis
Avanti Mukerjee
Kaylie Ann Myers
Mary Elizabeth Myers
With Distinction
Sophia Gwen Naberhaus
Blythe Avery Nagel
Monica Rose Nair
With Distinction
Ja’Lila Newbill
Hannah Louise Oelschlager
With Distinction
Thet Su Oo
Jamie Renee Owen
With Distinction
Marley Grace Owen
With Distinction
Payal Patel
Zalak Patel
Brooklyn Ann Payne
Brionna Suzanne Perkinson
Dylan Keith Phillips
Emily Lily Piller
With Distinction
Payton Raketich Poulston
Layla Ruby Qureshi
With High Distinction
Dory Alyssa Ratliff
With Distinction
Wyatt James Reasor
Emma Nicole Reutepohler
Sydney Ann Richards
With Distinction
Ashya Jonae Rimschneider*
With Highest Distinction
Rachel Irene Ripberger
Robert Eugene Roe IV
With Distinction
Shayna Miriam Rosner
With Distinction
Kayla Nicole Ryan
With Distinction
Chloe Jean Scales
Hannah Nicole Shely
Emma Grace Sieman
Madilyn Rae Smith
With Highest Distinction
Abby Rose Steffensmeier
With Distinction
Escarvar Xavier Tatum
Mercy Siang Hlei Tial
Hunter Edmund Torres
Kyah Tran
With Highest Distinction
Brooke Alejandra Valencia
Carmen Jayd Vehslage
With Distinction
Maniechan Vongpraseuth
With Distinction
Chloe Marie Walsh
With Highest Distinction
Samuel Wittman Whalen
Graham Stewart Wilhelm
With High Distinction
Kilie Wilson
With Distinction
Jordan Danielle Windhorst
Olivia Jane Zigmond
With High Distinction
Ethan T. Huffman
Spencer Gregory Shuff
With Distinction
Adenike Victoria Adeyiolu
Masoom Unmeshkumar Desai
Antara Deshmukh
With High Distinction
Alex Dexter
Madeline Grace DiFlora
With High Distinction
Amaya Ledina Dorado
With Highest Distinction
Paul Michael Ginella
Elissa C. Hage
With Highest Distinction
Konrad William Harrington
Rilee Meadow Hartman
Aubrey Lynn Jones
With Distinction
Emma Rose Knox
Aidan Simone Kramer
With Highest Distinction
Victoria Elita Lemucha
Anna Caroline Meyer
Salinda Miller
With Highest Distinction
Biz Michels Mullen*
With Highest Distinction
Isabella Michele Pastore
With Distinction
Mallory Sue Pine
With Highest Distinction
Zachary Stephen Roberts*
With Highest Distinction
Laura Elaine Rogers
With Highest Distinction
Sandiya Sajan*
With Distinction
Ricky Jordan Salgado
Ethan Andrew SeRine
With High Distinction
Hafsa Shabbir
With High Distinction
Spencer Gregory Shuff
With Distinction
Dayton Clare Thompson
With Distinction
Gretchen Elizabeth Wheeler
With Highest Distinction
Mathews Zemen
Huiyi Zhu
Luis Enrique Barron Jr.
Noah Michael Boszor
With Distinction
Alexander Owen Carpenter
Anna Kate Cole
Amelia Guida
Alexandra Marguerite Halle
Elizabeth J. Midla
Luke Alexander Miles
Nathaniel C. Raibley
Connor Reynolds
With Distinction
Guinevere Anne Robbins
Jalil Leshaun Sanders
Morgan Elisabeth Walls
With Distinction
Ashley Akin
Annabelle Rose Altmark
Cristal Angel
Paige J. Baldus
Cynthia Ishimwe Bandora
Delaney Therese Bezenah
With Distinction
Lilly Marie Biggins
With Distinction
Piper Leigh Boyer
Madeline L. Brandi
Chloe Elisabeth Brennan
Brianna Nicole Bryant
Isabella Rae Bryant
Elizabeth Marie Capetillo
Sydney Nichole Chaffee
With Distinction
Lauren Chasteen
With Distinction
Natalie Marie Chibe
With High Distinction
Hailey Marie Claycomb
With Distinction
Samantha Marie Cline
Lindsey Coffman
With High Distinction
Makenzie Jordan Crouse
With High Distinction
Yesenia Cruz
Kaley Elizabeth Daughhetee
Quanesha Quincy Davis
Kendra Deckard
With Distinction
Cecilia M. Delinski
Jessica Kathleen Dittmer
With Distinction
David Escalante
Anna Marie Firebaugh
With Distinction
Kenzington Grace Gaynor
Ava Nicole Glick
Kimberly Michelle Good
Sydney Goodman
David Gregory
Emma Grigsby
With Distinction
Lauryn Guzman
Ella Elisabeth Haag
Ariel Kianna Hall
Lillian Claire Hopper
With High Distinction
Reagan Leigh Howe
Mollie Maxine Hutchings
Kevin M. Hutt
With Distinction
Jessica Elizabeth Jentsch
With High Distinction
Julia Charlotte Keats
With High Distinction
Alexis Hayley Knepper
With Distinction
Grace Anne Kwiatkowski
Chloe Alexis Lake
With Distinction
Emma Elizabeth Lantz
Olivia Lynn LaPrad
Anna Christine Lawson
Lily Skye Leff
With Distinction
Anne Elizabeth Lefler
With Distinction
Rebecca Elizabeth Lefler
Makyla Lockett
Sairene A. Martin
With Distinction
Lillian Kate Matavuli
With Distinction
Alexis Nikole McDonald
Miranda Lee McDowell
Chloe Elizabeth Meredith
With Distinction
Gracie Dawn Meredith
With Highest Distinction
Abirami Meyyappan
Haley Marie Neiman
With Highest Distinction
Alison Oberlies
Allison Sheri Olsen
Anjali Parekh
With Distinction
Julia Rose Ramirez
Elizabeth Faith Rehberg
Gianna Ivy Reyes
With High Distinction
Shelby Makenna Ridao
With High Distinction
Molly Ann Ross
Alexander James Scrivener
Trinity Shirrell
Olivia Rose Shotts
Jaina Louise Smith
Jordan Ellen Smith
Kylie Michele Sutter
Keandra Thomas
With High Distinction
Riese Marie Thornton
Parker Gayle Timberman
Ashley Vasquez-Rodriguez
With Distinction
Nicole Vidaurre
Adrianna Weber
Madison P. Weber
With High Distinction
Peyton Weber
With Distinction
Emma Jean Frances Wetherald
Avery Nicole Williams
Katherine Grace Wolfe
Liora Joelle Wulfsohn
Nikki Blake Younger
With Highest Distinction
Jenna Delaney Zeider
Kendra Elizabeth Barat
Moses M. Baryoh
Caitlin Bernard
Dakota Brandenburg
Matthew Tyler Bratcher
Savannah Butcher
Mysha Ahmed Chowdhury
Susan Sailer Dwyer
Hailey Feeser
Beiyao Gao
Francesca Marie Garza
Priscilla J. Goodwine
Jeffrey Grant
Kate Grauvogel
Rebecca Gray
Shannon Dane Hill
Denae Alicia Joshua
Claudia Andrea Lara De La Fuente
Andrew Medellin
Kyle B. Moore
Amy Elizabeth Phillips
Emma G. Schreier
Kirti Sharma
Daisey Naomi Smith
Skylar R. Stidam
Samuel Hancock Strunk
Lillian White
Ryan Berlin
Stephanie J. Butler
Nichole Flowers
Joel S. Heavner
Mark J. Hutter
Daniel Julius
Daniel W. Lingle
Dayanna Monserrath Moreno
Karla Perez Gonzalez
Jonathan Reid Pitts
Julia Katherine Amones
Alexus Christian Brown
Chinonso Emenim
Jonathan K. Hammond
Bayleigh Adriana Houchin
Sienna Leigh Miller
Anna Gabrielle Nelson
Austin Michael Siefert
Matthew Frederick Wardell
Austin R. Medlin
Bailey Katherine Ortyl
Patrick Branham
Kai Wen Chien
Justin Lee Collett
Trajan Cunningham
Averee Domonique Carlos Duff
Megan Graves
Lauryn Elise Helton
Katherine Hook
Adam Martin Howard
Joshua Eugene Menzie
Jonah Harrison Prickel
Cassia Weigel
Hayden Lurie White
John Wyatt Adderton
Alicia Nicole Draper
Naomi Foster
Abigail E. Gerdes
Aunah Beverly Knab
Palmer Augustin William Korpal
Sarah Elizabeth Martinez Jolly
Molly Jean Wimsatt
Recipients of Doctor of Philosophy
degrees are listed under the Indiana
University Graduate School
Bloomington, pages 70–80.
School of Social Work
Michelle Marshall
Amayrani Jarquin Mendez-
With Distinction
Dylann Albers
Ashton Noelle Baumgartner
Melissa Danielle Bielawa
Javon Lee Billingsley
Jenna Lee Braxton
Ni Tha Bor Cin
Aunika Noelle Crowley-Stallings
Emma Russell Crumback
Saul Jarrett Davison
Natalie A. Davisson
Da’Shayah Jamae Emerson
Shelby Lynn Ford
With Highest Distinction
Jaylyn Grace Gallmeyer
Melba Jean Grady
Abigail Renee Greenisen*
With Highest Distinction
Joeli Lake Hamilton
Madeline Hope Hamilton
Emma M. Hert
Abigail Daine Kaufman
Audrey Claire Keepes
Katarina Z. Lee
Christian Lubben
Maranda Kay Maier
Allie L. Malaise
Allison Kate Malloy
With Highest Distinction
Reagan Olivia Maxfield
Madison Mobley
Kaylee Moranchel
Mary-Patrick Mote
Mackenzi Lynn Neeley
Skyler James Neuhaus
With Highest Distinction
Claire Fiona Price
Arsalan U. Rehman
Raygan Savage
Destiny Desiree Scott
Leah Frances Sklansky
Celina Lynn Starr
With High Distinction
Claire Neriah Steffey
Kaitlyn Alexis Stevenson
Sierra Marie Suozzi
Ky Taylor
Amiyah Thomas
Kaitlynne Christine Wallace
Candace Wheaton Stallings
Mary Kathleen White
Alexandra J. Williams
With High Distinction
India Marcia Williams
Alexis Bergman
Kalli M. Britton
Dominique Lynn Caldwell
Kiara Mae Clouse
McKenzie Rose Copper
Nevin Clark DeCoster
Itzel Diaz
Grace Meraiah Disilvestro
Michael Gillis
Daisy Gomez-Rios
Christopher Grant
Jennifer Marie Hauge
Karen Hohnstreiter
Viola Rose Kadish
Alexander Montgomery Key
Hailey Ariel Lawhead
Erica Nicole Linker
Chloe Anna Lohrmann
Yasmin Nohemi Martinez
Sierra Calista Nicole McDowell
Adrianna McFadden
Lillian Grace Norris
Sarah Elizabeth Parnell
Jacob Shelby Priddy
Katherine Lili Schuttler
Allison Jean Stevens
Kevin Tomlinson
Taylor Reneé VanArsdale
Kelli Webb
Cameron Williams
Rebecca Nicole Williams
Indiana University
Graduate School
Bossan Abdyyeva
Major: Russian and East
European Studies
Ugonna Virginia Ahumibe
Major: Linguistics
Aiperi Aitbaeva
Major: Second Language Studies
Miral Alabed
Major: International Studies
Karen Albertson
Major: English
Kayla Sherice Anderson
Major: Musicology
Raquel Sofia Arias Labrador
Major: Media Arts and Sciences
George Armstrong
Major: Food Studies
Justin Chadwick Asher
Major: Mathematics
Clintin Jairus Austin
Major: History
Jessica Dawn Babyak
Major: Mathematics
Daniel Bachmeier
Major: Sociology
Andleeb Baig
Major: History
Nadia Barreiro
Major: Spanish
Sarah Berg
Major: Art History
Anjali Asha Biswas
Major: Sociology
Elissa Angelos Booras
Major: Food Studies
Anthony J. Brandy
Major: Spanish
Kimberley Bryan
Major: Sociology
Anna-Sophia Burr
Major: Musicology
Madison Victoria Chartier
Major: French
Bailey Clark
Major: Arts Administration
Jillian Clark
Major: East Asian Studies
Freja Heidi Cole
Major: Musicology
Finch Collins
Major: History
Joao Pedro Correa Da Silva
Major: History
Sarabeth Louise Couch
Major: European Studies
Hannah Elaine Dalida
Major: Germanic Studies
Elizabeth Del Real
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Caio Marques Pinto De Souza
Major: Folklore and
Sheryl B. Doades
Major: Arts Administration
Grace Elizabeth Donahue
Major: Arts Administration
Tom Amos Driver
Major: History
Donald Ray Edwards Jr.
Major: Political Science
Sophia Ellingham
Major: English
Shelly Enriquez
Major: East Asian Studies
Margaret Rose Eronimous
Major: Arts Administration
Lucas Esteves
Major: Arts Administration
Benjamin Michael Flick
Major: French
Chengzhang Fu
Major: Mathematics
Amena Ahmed Hassan Nadeem Gad
Major: TESOL and Applied
Marianna Gay
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Kati Rae Goodin
Major: Jewish Studies
Sarah Gorman
Major: Mathematics
Lindsey W. Grutchfield
Major: Russian and East
European Studies
Chloe Mae Halbert
Major: International Studies
Yumemi Hanaki
Major: Japanese
Samantha Hark
Major: Musicology
Gwyneth Rose Harris
Major: Folklore and
Jerrid Ray Hayes
Major: History
Victoria Morgan Henretty
Major: Russian and East
European Studies
Anitra D’jenne’ Higgins
Major: Food Studies
William Ian Holt
Major: Mathematics
Osanda Abhiru Illeperuma
Major: Mathematics
Marisa Anne Jacques
Major: Arts Administration
Michelle Marie Jatkiewicz
Major: History
Da Eun Jung
Major: Sociology
Nachiket Karnick
Major: Mathematics
Elianna Marie Kearby
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Elijah W. Kelsey
Major: Russian and East
European Studies
Kimberley Eileen Kistler
Major: Arts Administration
Hayden Kolowrat
Major: History
Marloes Krabbe
Major: Art History
Haruna Kyomoto
Major: Japanese
Briana C. Lander
Major: Curatorship
Zoe Lawson
Major: History
Zackary Leech
Major: Linguistics
Keren Julissa Leitón Villalobos
Major: TESOL and Applied
Steven Zachary Lewis
Major: Political Science
Vladislava Lodesk
Major: Media Arts and Sciences
Emilyann H. Long
Major: Folklore and
Ryan Lumsden
Major: Russian and East
European Studies
Hunter Lynch
Major: Curatorship
Piper Jasmen Majors
Major: Criminal Justice
Brandis Faith Vivien Malone
Major: Russian and East
European Studies
Mikaela A. Martinez Dettinger
Major: Jewish Studies
Benjamin Andrew May
Major: International Studies
Bethany Mazurek
Major: East Asian Studies
Brenna Milligan
Major: Curatorship
Seth Morrison
Major: Central Eurasian Studies
Sarah Michelle Muckerheide
Major: Anthropology
Alleluia Musabyimana
Major: Sociology
Mary Grace Najmon
Major: Art History
Paul Onesmus Ntinda
Major: African Studies
Roberto David Ortiz
Major: Sociology
Clair Elizabeth Padgett
Major: Jewish Studies
Gillian R. Paxton
Major: Media Arts and Sciences
Mackenzye Layne Penn
Major: Curatorship
Géraldine Petitdemange
Major: French
Sarah Grace Petras
Major: English
Matthew James Rodriguez
Major: History and Philosophy of
Sonja Margaret Rogers
Major: Curatorship
Eric William Ross
Major: Musicology
Jack David Rosswurm
Major: European Studies
Nathaniel Rudavsky-Brody
Major: Comparative Literature
Spencer Collin Schaefer
Major: Folklore and
Caroline Claire Scheving
Major: Art History
Emma Scott
Major: Second Language Studies
Jiawei Shao
Major: Arts Administration
Pei Chun Shih
Major: Chinese
Brandy Smith
Major: Sociology
Bryce James Smith
Major: History
Julie Smith
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Emma Swidler
Major: English
Lisa Cheri Terrell
Major: English
Katherine A. Timperman
Major: Latin American Studies
Robert Luke Tull
Major: History
Crista Siboney Urena Hernandez
Major: Sociology
Elizabeth Grace Vaught
Major: Musicology
Kristin Wells
Major: Media Arts and Sciences
Brooke Werner
Major: Arts Administration
Rowan Elizabeth Whitcomb
Major: History
Caroline Alyse Williams
Major: Spanish
Fernanda Yepez-Lopez
Major: Mathematics
Emily Clark Zarse
Major: Curatorship
Taylor Zartman
Major: Art History
Long Zhao
Major: Mathematics
Yuancheng Zhong
Major: English
Marcus Zwiebel
Major: Arts Administration
Patrick Thomas Bear
Major: Chemistry
Jennifer K. Liggett
Major: History
Rachel Marie Lulich
Major: Germanic Studies
Decker McGraw Pope
Major: French
Jacie Juliana Andrews
Major: Creative Writing
Beatrice Opokua Atencah
Major: Studio Art
Ary Bird
Major: Studio Art
Elliott K. Carnell
Major: Theatre and Drama
Antonia Teresa Constantine
Major: Studio Art
David Omar Davila
Major: Theatre and Drama
Alyssa A. Davis
Major: Studio Art
Camille Deering
Major: Theatre and Drama
Tristen Demmett
Major: Studio Art
Maria Jose DeSantiago Galan
Major: Studio Art
Lauren Ann Diesch
Major: Theatre and Drama
Eric Brandon Drowatzky
Major: Studio Art
Ethan Edwards
Major: Studio Art
Lyndsey Marie Gillespie
Major: Studio Art
Nicole Katherine Hiemenz
Major: Theatre and Drama
Maggie Jackson
Major: Theatre and Drama
Gwen Amber Law
Major: Studio Art
Chase Lewandowski
Major: Studio Art
Chyna Leigh Mayer
Major: Theatre and Drama
Maximillian Meier
Major: Studio Art
Abbigayle G. Poirier
Major: Studio Art
Natalya Pomeroy
Major: Creative Writing
Danielle S. Richardson
Major: Creative Writing
Zephany Gisselle Rivers
Major: Theatre and Drama
Rachel Shearon
Major: Theatre and Drama
Michelle I. Solorzano Medrano
Major: Studio Art
Kirsten Springer
Major: Studio Art
Jacob Tate
Major: Studio Art
Dereka Johnabe Thomas
Major: Creative Writing
Parinaz Valinezhad
Major: Studio Art
Grace Wallstead
Major: Studio Art
Sara Elizabeth Waters
Major: Creative Writing
Nichole Wolz
Major: Studio Art
William Hunter Bauserman
Major: Biotechnology
Spencer Britton
Major: Biotechnology
Matthew Alan Buzzell
Major: Computational Linguistics
Elizabeth Cooper
Major: Biotechnology
Phillip Frisbie Crook
Major: Chemistry
Sumayyah Zahra Din
Major: Biotechnology
Madeline Sophia Dittoe
Major: Media
Kayvonne Evette Ferguson
Major: Biotechnology
Joseph C. Hildebranski
Major: Geological Sciences
Jennifer Jiyoung Hwang
Major: Media
Emily Jayne Jones
Major: Cellular, Molecular, and
Cancer Biology
Snigdha Khanna
Major: Computational Linguistics
Woojeong Kim
Major: Applied Statistics
Matthew James Koelbel
Major: Geological Sciences
Yanai Levy
Major: Media
Yan Li
Major: Chemistry
Haoran Liu
Major: Statistical Science
Garrett Richard Leo Marietta
Major: Geological Sciences
Ryan Helena Murphy
Major: Media
Nam Nguyen
Major: Statistical Science
Dyuti Pant
Major: Biotechnology
Yeoeun Park
Major: Applied Statistics
Joel Perez Robles
Major: Statistical Science
Nathan Christopher Baldwin Roden
Major: Geological Sciences
Hyeseon Seo
Major: Statistical Science
Anum Jehan Siddiqui
Major: Biotechnology
Chelsea Simpson
Major: Biotechnology
Jakyra Simpson
Major: Chemistry
Natasha Singh
Major: Computational Linguistics
Gunes Sonmez
Major: Cognitive Science
Trent Stegink
Major: Geological Sciences
Janneth Vargas-Romero
Major: Biotechnology
Jonathan J. Ward
Major: Biotechnology
Ethan P. Weiland
Major: Applied Statistics
Jordon N. Winn
Major: Genome, Cell, and
Developmental Biology
Abigail Yates
Major: Media
Skylar Zemmer
Major: Biochemistry
Courtney LeeAnn Carlson
Andrew James English
Ochmaa Dashzeveg Escue
Carson Jerome Haskins
Ryan Kayvan Karimabady
Adam Kovats
Joseph Ledford
Shane Michael Mann
Sweni Karul Shah
George Woodrow Sorrells III
Moolu Tesfai
Jacob Williams
Xue Xia
Debadrita Saha
Dhakir Mubarak Abdullah
Major: African American and
African Diaspora Studies
Dissertation Title: Forgotten
Visionary: Herman Hudson and
the Black Studies Movement at
Indiana University Bloomington
Research Chair: Valerie Grim
Joel Alan Adams
Major: Business
Dissertation Title: Taking Vision
Seriously: Implications for
Rationality, Action, and the
Nature of the Entrepreneur
Research Chair: Jeff McMullen
Matthew Ayobami Ajibade
Major: Linguistics
Dissertation Title: The Effects of
Native Language Experience on
the Phonological Perception of
Complex Labial-Velar Stops
Research Chairs: Ken de Jong and
Samuel Obeng
Laila Abdulwahab Aljumah
Major: Special Education
Dissertation Title: Teachers’
Reported Implementation of
Effective Behavioral Strategies for
Students with Attention-Deficit/
Hyperactivity Disorder
Research Chair: Ana Maria Brannan
Sarah Abdullah S. Alwaqassi
Major: Special Education
Dissertation Title: Exploring Beliefs
and Teaching Practices Using
Universal Design for Learning in
Special Education Classrooms of
Saudi Arabia
Research Chair: Gretchen Butera
George Andrei
Major: History
Dissertation Title: Our Struggle
for Existence: Forestry, Rural
Citizenship, and Statebuilding in
Modern Romania
Research Chair: Maria Bucur
Megan Ankuda
Major: Music Education
Dissertation Title: A Landscape
Study of Elementary General
Research Chairs: Peter Miksza and
Brian Shaw
Zara Lila Anwarzai
Major: Cognitive Science
Major: Philosophy
Dissertation Title: The Social
Dimension of Skill and Expertise
Research Chairs: Kirk Ludwig and
Tom Schoenemann
Jeffrey Lee Ashby
Major: Environmental Health
Dissertation Title: Quantifying
Community Focused Vulnerability
to Climate-Driven Flood Risk and
Resilience in the Western Great
Lakes Watershed, USA
Research Chairs: Diane Henshel and
Kan Shao
Ebrahim Mohammed Obaid
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: High-Leverage
Teaching Practices for Oral
Communicative Competence as
Viewed by Foreign Language
Learners and Instructors
Research Chair: Serafin Coronel-
Jamaal Joseph Cyrenus Baptiste
Major: Folklore and
Dissertation Title: Musical
Encounters and Interaction in
Plurilingual Spaces: Exploring
Performances of Versatility
and Culture in Aruba’s Curated
Research Chair: Daniel Reed
Katherine Ann Beardall
Major: Sociology
Dissertation Title: “What We Call
Advantages to the Program Other
People Call an Inequity”: The
Role of Honors in Inequality and
Opportunity in Higher Education
Research Chairs: Jessica Calarco
and Anna Mueller
Marcel Trerice Bernucci
Major: Vision Science
Dissertation Title: AO-OCT
Reveals Cone Spectral Sensitivity
and Photopigment Density of
Individual Cone Photoreceptors
in Normal and Anomalous Color
Vision Subjects
Research Chairs: Stephen Burns and
Donald Miller
Nabarupa Bhattacharjee
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: Exploring
Rigidity and Flexibility: Two Sides
of the Coin in Crafting Functional
Supramolecular Receptors
Research Chair: Amar Flood
Pallabi Bhowmick
Major: Informatics
Dissertation Title: Design and
Development of Tangible User
Interfaces for Age-Friendly
Technologies to Address Social
Isolation Among Older Americans
Research Chair: Erik Stolterman
Patrick John Blackstone
Major: Physics
Dissertation Title: A Charged Lepton
Flavor Violating Tau Decay, a
Meson Pair’s Scalar Form Factors,
and a Quantum-Entangled Probe
Research Chair: Emilie Passemar
John Michael Bollenbacher
Major: Informatics
Dissertation Title: Measuring Offline
Effects of Online Social Media
Research Chair: Filippo Menczer
Kelly Bosworth
Major: Folklore and
Major: History
Dissertation Title: The Music of
Miracle City: Vanport, Oregon,
and the Sonic Imaginaries of
Multiracial Democracy
Research Chairs: Michael McGerr
and Daniel Reed
James Benjamin Bower
Major: Biochemistry
Dissertation Title: Investigation
of Neurotensin Receptor 1
Biophysical Properties in Micelle
Membrane Mimetics
Research Chairs: Marc Morais and
Joshua Ziarek
Beth Theresa Boyd
Major: Spanish
Dissertation Title: From Colonial
Foundations to Post-Colonial
Networks: la Virgen de Remedios,
San Miguel del Milagro, and the
Meme as Mexican Narratives of
Research Chair: Kathleen Myers
Derick Maurice Boyd
Major: Counseling Psychology
Dissertation Title: Former Black
Male College Scholar-Athletes:
Live Experiences in Completing
Graduate School
Research Chair: Jesse Steinfeldt
Kristin Elizabeth Brady
Major: Astrophysics
Dissertation Title: Applications
of Infrared Spectroscopy for
Chemical Abundances of Stars
Research Chair: Catherine
Benjamin Hall Bridges
Major: Anthropology
Major: Folklore and
Dissertation Title: Cedar Arts in a
Changing Climate: Weaving Rules,
Value, and Tradition in Southeast
Research Chairs: Jason Baird
Jackson and Sarah Osterhoudt
Cynthia F. Broderick
Major: Higher Education
Dissertation Title: The Origination
and Utilization of Titled
Professorships at Indiana
University, 1890s-1970s: A
Historical Study
Research Chair: Andrea Walton
Haley Elizabeth Brown
Major: Genome, Cell, and
Developmental Biology
Dissertation Title: Investigating the
Role of Epigenetic Regulation in
Drosophila Eye Specification
Research Chair: Justin Kumar
Angela Helen Burgess
Major: Curriculum and Instruction
Dissertation Title: Nature
Connection in Young People with
Intellectual and/or Developmental
Research Chair: Gayle Buck
Javier Cardona Otero
Major: Curriculum and Instruction
Dissertation Title: Taxonomía of a
Spicy Espécimen: A Case Study
of and for Public Performative
Research Chair: Gustave Weltsek
Kane Carlock
Major: School Psychology
Dissertation Title: School
Mental Health Teams and the
Implementation of Comprehensive
School Mental Health Services:
The Impact of Team Composition
and Multidisciplinarity
Research Chairs: Scott Bellini and
Heather Ormiston
Rishika Chakraborty
Major: Environmental Health
Dissertation Title: The Impact
of Household Food Insecurity
on Children and Adolescents:
Evidence from Two Middle-
Income Countries
Research Chair: Mary-Margaret
Mark Ortez Chatarpal
Major: Anthropology
Dissertation Title: What Do You
Mean by Food Security? The
Politics of Agrarian Policymaking
in Guyana and the Caribbean
Research Chair: Marvin Sterling
Chen Chen
Major: Epidemiology
Dissertation Title: Patterns
and Persistence of SARS-
CoV-2 Seropositivity and
the Relationships between
Greek Membership, Alcohol
Consumption, and SARS-CoV-2
Incidence among College Students
at Indiana University
Research Chair: Christina Ludema
Pei-Ying Chen
Major: Information Science
Dissertation Title: Taiwan’s
Scientific Collaboration under
the New Southbound Policy:
Trends, Effects, Mechanisms, and
Research Chair: John Walsh
Weizhe Chen
Major: Intelligent Systems
Dissertation Title: Towards
Automated Science: Active
Robot Learning for Information
Research Chairs: Roni Khardon and
Lantao Liu
Huzi Cheng
Major: Neuroscience
Major: Psychology
Dissertation Title: Exploring
Biologically Inspired Models for
Multifaceted Learning in the Brain
Research Chairs: Richard Betzel and
Joshua Brown
Hyeyun Cho
Major: Economics
Dissertation Title: Essays on
Human Capital Accumulation:
Labor Market Implications
and Perspectives on an Aging
Research Chair: Bulent Guler
Siyoung Choe
Major: Health Behavior
Dissertation Title: Identifying
Predictors of Marijuana Vaping
and Investigating Its Polydrug Use
Patterns, Using Machine Learning
and Latent Class Analysis
Research Chair: Dong Chul Seo
Madison Stephens Clark
Major: African American and
African Diaspora Studies
Dissertation Title: Re-examining
the Confederados: Afro-Brazilian
Response to Embranqueamento
Research Chairs: Maria Hamilton
Abegunde and Jakobi Williams
Jeremy Richard Coburn
Major: Linguistics
Dissertation Title: The Hadza
Language: Vitality, Phonetics, and
Research Chair: Kelly Berkson
Andreina Isabel Colina-Marin
Major: Spanish
Dissertation Title: Identity and
Code-Switching: A Sociophonetic
Study of Bilinguals of Mexican
Research Chair: Manuel Diaz-
Rebecca Anne Cravens
Major: Slavic Languages and
Dissertation Title: In Various Planes
of Time: Connections Between
Time Travel and Narrative
Framing in Soviet Modernism
Research Chair: Jacob Emery
Evan Zachary Dalton
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: Sources and Sinks
of Reactive Nitrogen and Chlorine
Species in the Multi-Phase
Atmospheric Environment
Research Chair: Jonathan Raff
Shival Vishnu Dasu
Major: Mathematics
Dissertation Title: Line-Point and
Cube-Tube Intersection Patterns
and Decoupling Theorems
Research Chair: Ciprian Demeter
Marcela de Oliveira e Silva Lemos
Major: Portuguese
Dissertation Title: Flashes of a
Present Past: Photography and the
Historicization of Memories of the
Brazilian and Argentine Military
Dictatorships in 21st-Century
Literary Prose
Research Chair: Luciana Namorato
Dee Ann Degner
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: English Language
Learners’ Perceptions on Learning
and College Preparedness in Rural
Midwestern Schools
Research Chair: Beth Samuelson
Eric Richard Dobias
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: Adopting
Cooperative Catalysis as a
Strategy to Overcome Challenges
in Palladium-Catalyzed Allylic
Research Chair: Thomas Snaddon
Anthony Michael Dominguez
Major: Higher Education
Dissertation Title: Queer
Experiences in Historically White
Fraternities: A Narrative Inquiry
into the Intersectional Lives of
Queer Fraternity Men
Research Chair: Lucy LePeau
Marina Aleksandrovna Dubova
Major: Cognitive Science
Dissertation Title: Observations and
Theories: A Cognitive Exploration
into the Mechanisms of Discovery
Research Chair: Robert Goldstone
Adam Timothy Eaton
Major: Physics
Dissertation Title: Numerical
Studies of Topology in Low-
Dimensional Systems
Research Chair: Herbert Fertig
Ricardo Carlos Ely
Major: Geological Sciences
Dissertation Title: Development of a
Novel Phylogenetic Comparative
Method for Early High
Morphological Disparity
Research Chair: David Polly
Annalee Marie Haviland Friedman
Major: Human Performance
Dissertation Title: Cutaneous Reflex
Characteristics and Perceived
Instability in CAI: Longitudinal
Exploration and Effects of
Stochastic Resonance
Research Chairs: Carrie Docherty
and Leif Madsen
Alexander Fuerst
Major: Intelligent Systems
Dissertation Title: Control Planes
for Efficient Resource Allocation
in Serverless Cloud Systems
Research Chair: Prateek Sharma
Melissa Garcia
Major: Sociology
Dissertation Title: Asian and Latiné
College Student Experiences in
Panethnic Organizations
Research Chair: Jennifer Lee
Abigail Hardy Garrett
Major: Microbiology
Dissertation Title: Exploring the
Relationship between Cyclic-di-
AMP, Peptidoglycan Synthesis,
and Potassium Influx in
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Research Chair: Malcolm Winkler
Hannah Carita Garvey
Major: Religious Studies
Dissertation Title: An Argument for
Research Chair: M. Cooper Harriss
Amani Khalid Gashan
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Between the
Roots of the Middle East and the
Leaves of the United States: An
Ethnographic Investigation of
Heritage Language Maintenance
in the United States
Research Chair: Serafin Coronel-
Ahmed Hamdy Ghobashi
Major: Genome, Cell, and
Developmental Biology
Dissertation Title: Investigating
Colon Cancer Tumorigenesis and
Research Chair: Heather O’Hagan
Charlène Gilbert
Major: French
Major: Linguistics
Dissertation Title: Referential
Computations and WH-Movement
in Native and Non-native
Processing of French: Evidence
from Reading Times
Research Chairs: Lauren
Dekydtspotter and Steven Franks
Sebahat Gok
Major: Cognitive Science
Major: Instructional Systems
Dissertation Title: Perceptual and
Contextual Grounding in Statistics
Research Chairs: Joshua Danish and
Robert Goldstone
Jack Steven Googasian
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: Synthesis,
Simulation, and ML Optimization
of Chiral Plasmonic Nanocrystal
Research Chair: Sara Skrabalak
Robert Edward Granger
Major: Statistical Science
Dissertation Title: Capture-
Recapture with Covariates:
The Bayesian Logistic Capture-
Recapture Model with Extensions
Research Chair: Daniel Manrique-
Brian Grant
Major: Business
Dissertation Title: Where Do U.S.
Multinational Corporations
Report Their Profits after Laws
Eliminate the Tax Benefits of Dot
Research Chairs: Sonja Rego and
Bridget Stomberg
Todd Michael Greco
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Heritage
Language Maintenance: The
Relationship between Affluent
Communities and Immigrant
Parents Raising Children with a
Heritage Language
Research Chair: Beth Samuelson
Kerry Guest
Major: Counseling Psychology
Dissertation Title: Examining the
Consequences of Racism-Related
Trauma for Black Mental Health
Research Chair: Jesse Steinfeldt
Holly H. Hamilton
Major: Germanic Studies
Dissertation Title: Silently Finding
the Fulcrum: Tipping the Gender
Balance in the American Turners
Turnverein Movement
Research Chair: Ben Robinson
Rabia Han
Major: Central Eurasian Studies
Dissertation Title: Women’s
Workforce Experience at the Time
of Uzbekistan’s Independence
Research Chair: Marianne Kamp
Jiachen He
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: Harnessing
Radicals in Trifluoromethylation,
Borylation and Anti-Markovnikov
Research Chair: Silas Cook
Olivia Claire Heck
Major: School Psychology
Dissertation Title: Student Voices:
Improving SMBH for Secondary
Students with Internalizing
Research Chairs: Scott Bellini and
Heather Ormiston
Monica Lisa Heilman
Major: Sociology
Dissertation Title: The Role of
Whiteness in Multiracial Identity
Research Chair: Dina Okamoto
Zoe Lawson Henry
Major: English
Dissertation Title: The Public
Interior: Modernism,
Theatricality, and Interracial
Research Chair: Jennifer Fleissner
Andi Herawati
Major: Middle Eastern Languages
and Cultures
Dissertation Title: Navigating the
World of Imagination: Ibn ‘Arabi’s
View on Khayal
Research Chair: John Walbridge
Benjamin Hiskes
Major: Cognitive Science
Major: English
Dissertation Title: Everyday
Wonder: Insight and Imagination
in Seventeenth-Century Poetry
and Science
Research Chairs: Penelope
Anderson and Fritz Breithaupt
Amelia Mary Hizer
Major: English
Dissertation Title: Accessibility in
Higher Education: Rhetorically
Navigating Spaces of Ableism
Research Chairs: Scot Barnett and
Robert Terrill
Teresa Lucille Hoard-Jackson
Major: Gender Studies
Dissertation Title: Fallopian
Feminism: A Black Queer
Feminist Methodological
Intervention on Reproductive
Research Chair: Laura Foster
Amani ReNay Holder-Dixon
Major: Psychology
Dissertation Title: Understanding
the Roles of Treatment Modality,
Access, Stigma, and Attitudes in
Black and White Women’s Mental
Health Treatment Decisions
Research Chair: Anne Krendl
Emma Jean Holler
Major: Epidemiology
Dissertation Title: Anticholinergic
Medication Use, Postoperative
Delirium, and Dementia in Older
Research Chair: Christina Ludema
Lindy Kathlyn Howe
Major: Psychology
Dissertation Title: Decisional
Processes in Daily Drinking:
A Daily Diary Study Exploring
How Real-World Incentives are
Related to Drinking Behaviors and
Research Chair: Peter Finn
Mecca Elizabeth Howe
Major: Anthropology
Dissertation Title: Investigating
the Relationship between Rural
Environments Characterized by
Industrial Agriculture and the
Timing of Puberty
Research Chair: Andrea Wiley
Hollyann Marie Huber Gifford
Major: Psychology
Dissertation Title: Implementation
and Evaluation of Evidence-Based
Practices to Support Trauma-
Informed Court Reform
Research Chair: Amy Holtzworth-
Jui Hsin Hung
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Investigating
Collaborative Dialogue and
Patterns of Interaction in Blended
Collaborative Writing
Research Chair: Faridah Pawan
Daria Ivleva
Major: Higher Education
Dissertation Title: The Contribution
of Russian Social Scientists to
Global and National Science
Research Chair: Victor Borden
Frederica Jackson
Major: Health Behavior
Dissertation Title: Perinatal Loss-
Bereavement Care Experiences
of Indiana Women and Provider
Research Chair: Cecilia Obeng
Elham Jafari
Major: Computer Science
Dissertation Title: From
Unsupervised Single-Cell
Multi-Omics Data Integration
to Enhanced Gene Regulation
Research Chair: Yijie Wang
Francis Edward Jagiella III
Major: Linguistics
Dissertation Title: Brazilian
Portuguese Rhotic Variation and
Research Chair: Kenneth de Jong
Kathleen Jantaraweragul
Major: Instructional Systems
Dissertation Title: Examining
Teachers’ Project-Based Learning
Research Chair: Thomas Brush
Claude Bernard Jean-Guillaume
Major: Genome, Cell, and
Developmental Biology
Dissertation Title: Brothers in Eyes:
PAX6 Paralogs Collaborate to
Specify Visual System Fates in
Research Chair: Justin Kumar
Lily Ji Jiang
Major: Psychology
Dissertation Title: Considerations
for Intimate Partner Violence
Screening and Family Mediation
for Family Court Cases
Research Chair: Amy Holtzworth-
Yuhua Jiang
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: Expanding the
Scope and Reactivity of Flavin-
Dependent Halogenases
Research Chair: Jared Lewis
Mengchi Jiao
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: Unveiling
Pathogen Interactions with
Immune Cells and Model
Research Chair: Yan Yu
Janet Lynn Jock
Major: Public Affairs
Dissertation Title: The Impacts of
Cash and In-kind Transfers on
Schooling and Health Outcomes:
Evidence from Cash Transfers and
School Food Programs
Research Chair: Jennifer Brass
Christopher Eric Johnson
Major: Anthropology
Dissertation Title: Understanding
Primate Distribution and
Abundance Using a Socio-
environmental Systems Approach:
Insight from a Sympatric Primate
Community in Costa Rica
Research Chair: Michael Wasserman
Caitlyn Sue Jones
Major: Psychology
Dissertation Title: Organizational
Mindset Cues and Their Impact on
Belonging, Trust, Commitment,
and Interest Throughout the
Human Resource Cycle
Research Chair: Mary Murphy
Yingnan Ju
Major: Intelligent Systems
Dissertation Title: Data
Visualizations that Improve the
Segmentation of Medical Images
Research Chair: Katy Börner
Hana Jun
Major: Curriculum and Instruction
Dissertation Title: Teachers’
and Students’ Historical
Understanding of Gender: A Series
of Case Studies in South Korea
Research Chair: Keith Barton
Nikolai Karpov
Major: Computer Science
Dissertation Title: Collaborative
Learning for Bandit Problems
Research Chair: Qin Zhang
Sruthy Kettidathil Chandy
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: Quantum
Chemical Investigations of
Complex Materials: Fragment-
Based NMR Predictions of
Biomolecular Systems and
Mechanistic Studies on Transition
Metal Catalysts for C02 Reduction
Research Chair: Krishnan
Ria Quintana Kidner
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: Deciphering
Cellular Aggregation in
Capsaspora owczarzaki: A
Window into Host-Symbiont
Interactions and the Evolution of
Research Chair: J. P. Gerdt
Kyu Ree Kim
Major: Business
Dissertation Title: To Profit or To
Assist? How the Interplay Between
Product Recommendations and
Relative Prices Impact Consumers’
Inferences and Choice
Research Chair: Rom Schrift
Yongseok Kim
Major: Business
Dissertation Title: Three Essays on
Empirical Corporate Finance
Research Chair: David Carvalho
James Samuel Kizer
Major: Gender Studies
Dissertation Title: Doing It
Differently? Narrating and
Navigating Autistic Sexual Desire
Research Chair: Cynthia Wu
Austin Knies
Major: Economics
Dissertation Title: Information
Frictions in Health Care and
Research Chair: Emerson Melo
Jodi Ellen Kutzner
Major: Health Behavior
Dissertation Title: Genetic Risk for
Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms
and Disorder: Influences on
Suicidal Behavior and Ideation
and Alcohol Use across
Adolescence in Diverse Samples
Research Chair: Kit Elam
Richard G. LaFosse
Major: History, Philosophy, and
Policy in Education
Dissertation Title: Disability Anti-
Discrimination Laws in Higher
Education’s Metaverse
Research Chair: Janet Decker
Lauren Renee Laskowski
Major: Counseling Psychology
Dissertation Title: Material
Orientation: Beyond Materialism
Research Chairs: Jessica Lester and
Rebecca Martinez
Hye Jeong Lee
Major: Instructional Systems
Dissertation Title: Examining the
Effects of Personalized Learning
through Artificial Intelligence to
Reduce Academic Disparities
Research Chair: Thomas Brush
Inbum Lee
Major: Physics
Dissertation Title: Development of
Polarized 3HE at 4K for Axion
Research Chair: William Snow
Jonathan Richard Leslie
Major: Economics
Dissertation Title: Essays in
Macroeconomics, Health Care,
and Machine Learning
Research Chair: Bulent Guler
Jiangqiong Li
Major: Qualitative and Quantitative
Research Methodology
Dissertation Title: The Goodness
of Fit Evaluation Against Local
Dependence in Polytomous IRT
Models: What Global Fit Indices
Can Tell Us?
Research Chair: Dubravka Svetina
Joanna Mingxuan Li
Major: Business
Dissertation Title: Essays on
Institutions, Organizations, and
Research Chairs: Tomasz Obloj and
Eric Zhao
Zhengyi Li
Major: Intelligent Systems
Dissertation Title: Understanding
Cybercrime in Anonymous
Research Chair: Xiaojing Liao
Conghui Liu
Major: Curriculum and Instruction
Dissertation Title: Fostering
Undergraduates’ Socioscientific
Reasoning Skills through Media
Research Chair: Gayle Buck
Kaiyuan Liu
Major: Computer Science
Dissertation Title: Deep Learning
Enhanced Computational Mass
Spectrometry: Novel Approaches
for Spectrum Identification and
Analysis in Proteomics
Research Chair: Haixu Tang
Yanyao Liu
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: Boron
Enabled Photosensitized [2+2]
Cycloadditions: Advances in
the Synthesis of Borylated
Research Chair: Silas Cook
Yuchen Liu
Major: Computer Science
Dissertation Title: Audio
Representation Learning for
Privacy Enhancement: Towards
Robust and Secure Conversational
Research Chairs: Apu Kapadia and
Donald Williamson
Nathanial David Lowry
Major: Mathematics
Dissertation Title: Abelian Varieties
over Large Non-algebraically
Closed Fields
Research Chair: Michael Larsen
Matthew Clay Lucky
Major: Political Science
Dissertation Title: Learning
Regimes: The Politics of Expertise
Research Chair: William
Fionnan Mac Gabhann
Major: Folklore and
Dissertation Title: Tradition and the
Politics of Culture: Case Studies
from Irish Folklore
Research Chair: Ray Cashman
Rafael Bruno Macía Briedis
Major: Law and Democracy
Dissertation Title: Constituting
the Demos: Constitutionalism,
Constituent Power, and the
Articulation of Democratic
Research Chair: Susan Williams
Hannah Nicole Malcolm
Major: History
Dissertation Title: Archiving the
French Revolution
Research Chair: Rebecca Spang
Pantalea Mazzitello
Major: Italian
Dissertation Title: Blasphemy
and Blasphemers in Italian
Renaissance Literature
Research Chairs: Andrea Ciccarelli
and Massimo Scalabrini
James J. McDonnell III
Major: Human Performance
Dissertation Title: Examining Gait-
Related Risk Factors for Overuse
Injury Across Three Consecutive
Days of Treadmill Running
Research Chair: Alison Gruber
Christopher James Mendez
Major: English
Dissertation Title: Mi Tierra Firme:
Creating Space and Identity in
Contemporary Latine Literature
and Media
Research Chair: Alberto Varon
John Paul Metzcar
Major: Intelligent Systems
Dissertation Title: Toward a General
Framework of Multiscale Systems
Biology with Application to
Cellular Motility and Phenotype
Research Chairs: Paul Macklin and
Filippo Radicchi
Aolan Mi
Major: Chinese
Dissertation Title: Revolutionary
Engine: Railways and Culture in
Socialist China
Research Chair: Tie Xiao
Alifu Mierxiati
Major: Anthropology
Dissertation Title: The Uyghur
Realities: Genocide in the
Homeland, Survival in the
Research Chair: Philip LeSourd
Alison Moira Miller
Major: Leisure Behavior
Dissertation Title: Grandparents’
Perceptions of Supervision
and Risk in the Prevention of
Unintentional Childhood Injury: A
Drowning Investigation
Research Chair: William Ramos
Ayushi Mishra
Major: Microbiology
Dissertation Title: Regulation of
Flagellar Gene Expression in
Bacillus subtilis
Research Chair: Daniel Kearns
Catherine Irene Mortensen
Major: Informatics
Dissertation Title: MAGnificent: A
Suite of Tools and Analyses for
Cleaner Metagenomic Assemblies
Research Chair: Yuzhen Ye
Richard Lee Mouser III
Major: Philosophy
Dissertation Title: Self-Interest and
Research Chair: Gary Ebbs
Gabriel D. Nah
Major: Neuroscience
Major: Psychology
Dissertation Title: Validating
Cognitive Deficits Following Mild
Traumatic Brain Injury
Research Chairs: Jonathon Crystal
and Nicholas Port
Shujon Naha
Major: Computer Science
Dissertation Title: Three Studies on
Generalizing to Novel Objects in
Computer Vision Using Semantic
Research Chair: David Crandall
Inas Saad El Din Nassar
Major: Middle Eastern Languages
and Cultures
Dissertation Title: Syntactic
Structures in Gaming Speech: A
Corpus-Based Study of Syntactic
Complexity and Word Order in
Language Production during
Online Gaming Engagement
Research Chair: Salman Alani
Khandokar-Md Nayem
Major: Computer Science
Dissertation Title: Towards Realistic
Speech Enhancement: A Deep
Learning Framework Leveraging
Speech Correlations, Spectral
Language Models, and Perceptual
Research Chairs: David Crandall
and Donald Williamson
Braden Edward Norris
Major: Human Performance
Dissertation Title: Examining
Collegiate Student Athletes’ Sports
Gambling Behaviors through the
Lens of Psychology Reactance
Research Chair: Paul Pedersen
Malena Anda Nygaard
Major: School Psychology
Dissertation Title: Mental Health
Action Plans (MHAPs): A Pilot
Study Exploring Coordinated
Mental Health Supports
for Students with Intensive
Socioemotional Needs
Research Chair: Heather Ormiston
Foluso Mary Okebiorun
Major: Linguistics
Dissertation Title: A Discourse-
Pragmatic and Phonological
Analyses of Selected Yorùbá
Literary Texts
Research Chair: Samuel Obeng
Zulfukar Ozdogan
Major: Qualitative and Quantitative
Research Methodology
Dissertation Title: A Qualitative
Researcher’s Struggles for
Recognition During Collaborative
Conviviality: Critical
Research Chairs: Lucinda
Carspecken and Barbara Dennis
Hyejeong Park
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Creating Space
for Social Issues in a Korean
Homeroom Class
Research Chair: Mitzi Lewison
Sheyda Partovi
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: An
Electrochemical Approach to
Transforming Nitrogen Oxyanions
through Systematic Catalyst
Research Chair: Jeremy Smith
Danielle Makana Peltier
Major: Geological Sciences
Dissertation Title: The Impact of
East African Rift System Processes
on Paleoecology and Hominin
Research Chairs: Edward Hermann
and Jackson Njau
Yuming Peng
Major: Instructional Systems
Dissertation Title: Learning to
Teaching Online through Online
Courses: Impact on Instructors’
Competencies and Practices
Research Chair: Thomas Brush
Elijah David Peters
Major: Germanic Studies
Dissertation Title: The Role of
Semantics in the Emergence
and Maintenance of Suffixes: An
Investigation of Old High German
-heit and -tuom
Research Chair: Tracy Hall
Ryan Edward Peterson
Major: Anthropology
Dissertation Title: Lake Superior’s
Native Copper Industry: Archaic
Copper Production Systems and
Values in the Northern Lake
Superior Basin
Research Chair: April Sievert
Meredith Lois Reid Phillips
Major: Epidemiology
Dissertation Title: Reproductive
Life History and Mid- to Later-life
Cognitive Function in South Africa
and the United States
Research Chair: Molly Rosenberg
Brigham Louis Pope
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: Optical
Manipulation of Particles with
Nanopatterned Lenses and
Electrodes Integrated into
Microfluidic Devices
Research Chair: Stephen Jacobson
Paige McKenzie Price
Major: Environmental Science
Dissertation Title: Hydroxyl and
Hydroperoxyl Radicals: A Model
Re-Assessment, Measurements
in a Ponderosa Pine Forest, and
Indoor-Outdoor Measurement
Research Chair: Philip Stevens
Sean Purcell
Major: Media Arts and Sciences
Dissertation Title: The Tuberculosis
Specimen: The Dying Body and Its
Use in the War Against the “Great
White Plague”
Research Chair: Stephanie DeBoer
Shukufe Rahman
Major: Curriculum and Instruction
Dissertation Title: In Search of a
Science Education for Rohingya
Refugees in the Camps in
Research Chair: Gayle Buck
Amala Raj
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: A Novel Orbital
Optical Trap and an Ultrafast
Probe of Vibrations in Viruses
Research Chair: Bogdan Dragnea
Pedro Guillermo Ramon Celis
Major: Anthropology
Dissertation Title: Migration,
Ethnogenesis and Tradition:
Zapotec Urban Organization
in Postclassic Guiengola,
Tehuantepec, Oaxaca
Research Chair: Stacie King
Agrim Sachdeva
Major: Business
Dissertation Title: Human-AI
Collaboration in Software
Development: A Multi-Method
Investigation of Vulnerability
Introduction Prediction And Code
Research Chair: Alan Dennis
Charles Joseph Salcido
Major: Geological Sciences
Dissertation Title: Evolutionary Lag
and the Evolution of Carnivory in
Cenozoic Mammals
Research Chair: Paul David Polly
Kamilya Salibayeva
Major: Neuroscience
Major: Psychology
Dissertation Title: An Integrative
Approach to Human Emotions:
Topology, Networks, Interoception
Research Chairs: Aina Puce and Olaf
Cesar Saturnino Salinas Depaz
Major: Economics
Dissertation Title: Essays in
Macroeconomics, Financial
Markets, and Epidemics
Research Chair: Bulent Guler
Nicolò Salmaso
Major: Italian
Dissertation Title: The Myth of
Raffaella Carrà: Female Stardom
in Post-1968 Italy
Research Chair: Colleen Ryan
Jill A. Scott
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: “Making” Stories:
Decentering Print with a Maker
Literacies Workshop
Research Chair: Karen Wohlwend
Stepan Serdiukov
Major: History
Dissertation Title: Identity,
Citizenship, and the Modern State:
Russian Sectarian Migrants in the
United States, 1901-1930
Research Chair: John Bodnar
Paul Edward Shephard III
Major: Philosophy
Dissertation Title: Trust So You
Know: Addressing the Spread
of Political Misinformation on
Social Media through the Lens of
Epistemic Trust
Research Chair: Frederick Schmitt
Elizabeth Meaghan Sherrill
Major: Geological Sciences
Dissertation Title: Unlocking the
Mysteries of the Earthquake Cycle
at Subduction Zones and Stable
Continental Regions
Research Chair: Kaj Johnson
Saber Sheybani Moghadam
Major: Intelligent Systems
Dissertation Title: Active
Sensorimotor Learning: Insights
from Infant Visual Experience and
Cooperative Physical Tasks
Research Chair: Zoran Tiganj
Cuishan Shi
Major: Music Education
Dissertation Title: A Multiple Case
Study on International Graduate
Music Education Students’
Learning Experience in the United
Research Chair: Julia Shaw
Ivanka Simic Stanojevic
Major: Leisure Behavior
Dissertation Title: Sexual Health
of LGBTQ+ Individuals with
Intellectual and Developmental
Disabilities: Self-Efficacy and
Support Needs of Direct Care and
Service Providers
Research Chairs: Alison Greene and
Jennifer Piatt
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Major: Vision Science
Dissertation Title: Optical
Implications of Myopia
Control Contact Lenses During
Accommodation and the Effect
of Prolonged Screen Time on the
Retinal Defocus Characteristics of
Children’s Eyes
Research Chair: Pete Kolbaum
Margaret Gwendolyn Lena Slaughter
Major: Religious Studies
Dissertation Title: Clefts in the
Rock: The Theology of Sheela-na-
gigs in Medieval Ireland
Research Chair: Constance Furey
Wyatt Arlen Smith
Major: Physics
Dissertation Title: Studies in
Hadron Spectroscopy: Amplitude
Analysis, Regge Physics and
Lattice QCD
Research Chair: Adam Szczepaniak
Xan Smith
Major: Media Arts and Sciences
Dissertation Title: An Exploratory
Model of Avatar Identification
for Transgender, Nonbinary,
and Gender Diverse Video Game
Research Chair: John Velez
Samuel Jay Smucker
Major: Media Arts and Sciences
Dissertation Title: Expatriate
Cinema: Melvin Van Peebles’s
Paris Years
Research Chair: Michael Martin
Pooja Lakshmi Somasundaram
Major: Business
Dissertation Title: How Consumers
Prioritize Their Own (and Others’)
Time for Well-Being
Research Chair: Jonny Olson
Kortney Seanne Stern
Major: English
Dissertation Title: Sonic
Interventions: Silence, Sound, and
Melody in Medieval Literature
Research Chair: Patricia Ingham
Meng Sun
Major: Business
Dissertation Title: After-Hours
Market Reactions and Media
Coverage of Firms’ Earnings
Research Chair: Ken Merkley
Aditi Tandon
Major: History, Philosophy, and
Policy in Education
Dissertation Title: Dissecting
Domination: Critical Perspectives
of Caste, Class, and Gender in
Schools in Central India
Research Chairs: Bradley Levinson
and Quentin Wheeler-Ball
Alexandria Marie Berry Thielmeyer
Major: School Psychology
Dissertation Title: Participation in
a Community Based Dance Class
to Improve the Social Skills of
Children on the Autism Spectrum
Research Chair: Scott Bellini
Jiannan Tian
Major: Intelligent Systems
Dissertation Title: GPU-Accelerated
Data Reduction for Scientific Data
Toward Exascale Computing
Research Chair: Dingwen Tao
Zuoyu Tian
Major: Linguistics
Dissertation Title: Investigating
Language Change in Chinese with
Computational Methods
Research Chairs: Patricia Amaral
and Sandra Kübler
Claire Sigrid Tomlinson
Major: Psychology
Dissertation Title: Brief Court-
Affiliated Online Parenting
Programs in Family Law
Research Chair: Amy Holtzworth-
Nicolette Maria Madeleine van den
Major: Musicology
Dissertation Title: Writing Music
after the Holocaust: Survivor
Identity and Memory in the Works
of Polish Jewish Composers
Research Chair: Halina Goldberg
Louis Alexandre van der Elst
Major: Intelligent Systems
Dissertation Title: Multi-
scale Engineering of Device
Architecture for a Prescribed
Biomedical Function
Research Chair: Alexander
Lance Anthony Vanderberg
Major: Higher Education
Dissertation Title: The Impact of
Low-Grant, High-Paying Status on
Freshman Retention
Research Chair: Thomas Nelson
Chao Wang
Major: Economics
Dissertation Title: Essays in
Industrial Organization
Research Chairs: Stefan
Weiergraeber and Ruli Xiao
Chuhua Wang
Major: Computer Science
Dissertation Title: Distortion
Adversarial Attacks within
Egocentric Video Analysis
Research Chair: David Crandall
Fengge Wang
Major: Epidemiology
Dissertation Title: Modifiable Risk
Factors in Relation to Risk of
Breast Cancer
Research Chair: Juhua Luo
Yanhao Wang
Major: Business
Dissertation Title: Essays in Health
Research Chair: Haizhen Lin
Zihao Wang
Major: Computer Science
Dissertation Title: Understanding
and Exploiting Threats in Transfer
Research Chair: XiaoFeng Wang
Zitai Wang
Major: Business
Dissertation Title: Three Essays on
Corporate Finance
Research Chair: Kristoph Kleiner
Eman Wasim
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: Ligand and
Support Coordination Effects on
Pd-ligand Supported Catalysts for
Selective Hydrogenation Reactions
Research Chair: Steven Tait
Andrew David White
Major: Psychology
Dissertation Title: Reflective
Pathways: Seeing Identity
Development Opportunities in
Academic Contexts Promotes
Student Belonging
Research Chair: Amanda Diekman
Marisa Grace Wieneke
Major: Folklore and
Dissertation Title: Memes as
Folklore: Toward a Method for
Meme Analysis
Research Chair: Pravina Shukla
Elizabeth Cargile Williams
Major: Philosophy
Dissertation Title: Character as
Narrative: Moral Responsibility in
Research Chair: Kate Abramson
Maureen Victoria Wood
Major: School Psychology
Dissertation Title: Consultee-
Centered Consultation:
Supporting Student Emotion
Regulation and Development
Through Collaboration with
Research Chair: David Shriberg
Claire Michelle Woodward
Major: Germanic Studies
Dissertation Title: Narrative
Bystanders: A History of
Compassion and Implication in
Observing Suffering in German
Research Chair: Fritz Breithaupt
Brittanni Nichole Wright
Major: Health Behavior
Dissertation Title: Understanding
the Sexual Experiences of People
Living with Sickle Cell Disease
Research Chair: Debby Herbenick
Travis Wright Jr.
Major: History
Dissertation Title: “You Can Help”:
The Friends of SNCC and the
Black Freedom Movement
Research Chair: Cara Caddoo
Yue Xiao
Major: Computer Science
Dissertation Title: Fulfill Privacy
and Security Compliance in
Software Supply Chain
Research Chairs: Xiaojing Liao and
Luyi Xing
Meng Yang
Major: Health Behavior
Dissertation Title: Use, Deception,
and Cessation of E-Cigarettes and
Other Tobacco Products Among
U.S. Youth and Adult Populations
Research Chair: Hsien-Chiang Lin
Alfred Thomas Yerger III
Major: Mathematics
Dissertation Title: On the
Deformation of Triply Periodic
Minimal Surfaces of Genus Four
Research Chair: Matthias Weber
Ramazan Yol
Major: Mathematics
Dissertation Title: Symmetrization
of Minimal Surfaces in Three-
Dimensional Euclidean Space
Research Chair: Matthias Weber
Shuhan Yuan
Major: Health Behavior
Dissertation Title: The Significance
of Physical Activity on Cognitive
Function in Middle Age: Insights
from a Long-Term Study and a
Daily Diary Study
Research Chair: Angela Chow
Donghyeon Yun
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Dissertation Title: Effects of
Compression Parameters and
Noise Reduction on Output
Signal-to-Noise Ratios of a Digital
Hearing Aid and Validation of a
Phase-Inversion Technique
Research Chair: Jennifer Lentz
Zhiyu Zang
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: Discovery of
Small Molecule Modulators of
Viral Infection in Bacteria
Research Chair: Joseph Gerdt
Wesley Mlsna Zebrowski
Major: Public Affairs
Dissertation Title: Discretion
and Inequities in Government
Agricultural Programs
Research Chair: James Farmer
Chengcheng Zhai
Major: Business
Dissertation Title: Improving
Drinking Water Access: NGOs’
Operations and Strategies
Research Chair: Kurt Bretthauer
Chengming Zhang
Major: Intelligent Systems
Dissertation Title: Hardware-
Software Co-design of Efficient
and Scalable Deep Learning
Research Chair: Dingwen Tao
Qiu Zhong
Major: Curriculum and Instruction
Dissertation Title: What Can Models
Do?: Improving Secondary
Science Preservice Teachers’
Epistemological Knowledge about
Climate Modeling
Research Chair: Adam Maltese
Rui Zhu
Major: Computer Science
Dissertation Title: Understanding
and Mitigating Security and
Privacy Risk in AI Systems
Research Chair: Haixu Tang
Yihan Zhu
Major: Higher Education
Dissertation Title: Career
Development for Chinese
Undergraduate International
Students at a Four-Year U.S.
Research Chair: Cindy Ann Kilgo
Taylor Rae Zuidema
Major: Human Performance
Major: Neuroscience
Dissertation Title: Tackling the
Neurological Implications:
Exploring Repetitive Head
Impacts in Young Football
Athletes Through Magnetic
Resonance Spectroscopy
Research Chairs: Keisuke Kawata
and David Koceja