2016-2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002466B
RN4870/71 Bluetooth
Low Energy Module
Users Guide
DS50002466B-page 2 2016-2017 Microchip Technology Inc.
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ISBN: 978-1-5224-2180-1
2016-2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002466B-page 3
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Object of Declaration: RN4870/71 Bluetooth
Low Energy Module
RN4870/71 Bluetooth
Low Energy Module User’s Guide
DS50002466B-page 4 2016-2017 Microchip Technology Inc.
2016-2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002466B-page 5
Table of Contents
Preface ........................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 1. Overview
1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 11
1.2 Key Features ................................................................................................ 11
1.3 Command Mode and Data Mode ................................................................. 12
1.4 Accessing the RN4870/71 over UART ......................................................... 13
1.5 RN4870 PIO Control Lines ........................................................................... 14
Chapter 2. Command Reference
2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 15
2.2 Command Syntax ......................................................................................... 15
2.3 Set and Get Commands ............................................................................... 15
2.4 Set Commands ............................................................................................. 16
2.5 Get Commands ............................................................................................ 26
2.6 Action Commands ........................................................................................ 27
2.7 I2C Commands ............................................................................................ 39
2.8 SPI Commands ............................................................................................ 41
2.9 List Commands ............................................................................................ 44
2.10 Service Configuration Commands .............................................................. 46
2.11 Characteristic Access Commands ............................................................. 48
2.12 Script Commands ....................................................................................... 51
Chapter 3. Embedded Scripting Feature
3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 53
Chapter 4. Connection Examples
4.1 Connecting to RN4870 using SmartDiscover App ....................................... 57
4.2 UART Transparent Connection Using SmartData ....................................... 59
4.3 Module to Module Connection ...................................................................... 61
Appendix A. Bluetooth Low Energy Fundamentals
A.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 63
Appendix B. Transparent UART Service UUIDs
B.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 65
Appendix C. Low-Power Operation
C.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 67
Appendix D. Status Response Summary Quick Reference
D.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 69
Worldwide Sales and Service .................................................................................... 73
RN4870/71 Bluetooth
Low Energy Module User’s Guide
DS50002466B-page 6 2016-2017 Microchip Technology Inc.
2016-2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002466B-page 7
This chapter contains general information that will be useful to know before using the
RN4870/71 Bluetooth
Low Energy Module. Items discussed in this chapter include:
Document Layout
Conventions Used in this Guide
Recommended Reading
The Microchip Website
Development Systems Customer Change Notification Service
Customer Support
Document Revision History
This document describes how to use the RN4870/71 Bluetooth
Low Energy Module
as a development tool to emulate and debug firmware on a target board. The document
is organized as follows:
Chapter 1. “Overview” introduces the RN4870/71 Bluetooth Low Energy Module
and provides a brief overview of its various features.
Chapter 2. “Command Reference” provides information on the commands used to
configure the RN4870/71 Bluetooth Low Energy Module with examples.
Chapter 3. “Embedded Scripting Feature” provides the details of the RN4870/71
Embedded Scripting feature.
Chapter 4. “Connection Examples” provides the steps on how to establish a
connection to the RN4870/71 using SmartDiscover, SmartData, and a BLE
All documentation becomes dated, and this manual is no exception. Microchip tools and
documentation are constantly evolving to meet customer needs, so some actual dialogs
and/or tool descriptions may differ from those in this document. Please refer to our website
(www.microchip.com) to obtain the latest documentation available.
Documents are identified with a “DS” number. This number is located on the bottom of each
page, in front of the page number. The numbering convention for the DS number is
“DSXXXXXXXXA”, where “XXXXXXXX” is the document number and “A” is the revision level
of the document.
For the most up-to-date information on development tools, see the MPLAB
IDE online help.
Select the Help menu, and then Topics to open a list of available online help files.
RN4870/71 Bluetooth
Low Energy Module User’s Guide
DS50002466B-page 8 2016-2017 Microchip Technology Inc.
Appendix A. “Bluetooth Low Energy Fundamentals” provides the Bluetooth Low
Energy Fundamentals.
Appendix B. “Transparent UART Service UUIDs” provides an introduction to
Transparent UART Service.
Appendix C. “Low-Power Operation” presents how to enable low-power
Appendix D. “Status Response Summary Quick Reference” provides a quick
reference of all the status messages returned by the RN4870 and summarizes the
ASCII commands.
This manual uses the following documentation conventions:
Description Represents Examples
Arial font:
Italic characters Referenced books MPLAB
IDE User’s Guide
Emphasized text ...is the only compiler...
Initial caps A window the Output window
A dialog the Settings dialog
A menu selection select Enable Programmer
Quotes A field name in a window or
“Save project before build”
Underlined, italic text with
right angle bracket
A menu path File>Save
Bold characters A dialog button Click OK
A tab Click the Power tab
N‘Rnnnn A number in verilog format,
where N is the total number of
digits, R is the radix and n is a
4‘b0010, 2‘hF1
Text in angle brackets < > A key on the keyboard Press <Enter>, <F1>
Courier New font:
Plain Courier New Sample source code #define START
Filenames autoexec.bat
File paths c:\mcc18\h
Keywords _asm, _endasm, static
Command-line options -Opa+, -Opa-
Bit values 0, 1
Constants 0xFF, ‘A’
Italic Courier New A variable argument file.o, where file can be
any valid filename
Square brackets [ ] Optional arguments mcc18 [options] file
Curly brackets and pipe
character: { | }
Choice of mutually exclusive
arguments; an OR selection
errorlevel {0|1}
Ellipses... Replaces repeated text
var_name [,
Represents code supplied by
void main (void)
{ ...
2016-2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002466B-page 9
This user's guide describes how to use RN4870/71 Bluetooth
Low Energy Module.
Other useful document(s) are listed below. The following Microchip document(s) are
recommended as supplemental reference resources.
RN4870/71 Bluetooth
4.2 Low Energy Module Data Sheet (DS50002489)
This document provides the technical specifications for the RN4870/71 module and is
available for download from the Microchip website (www.microchip.com)
Microchip provides online support via our website at www.microchip.com. This website
is used as a means to make files and information easily available to customers. Acces-
sible by using your favorite Internet browser, the website contains the following infor-
Product Support – Data sheets and errata, application notes and sample
programs, design resources, user’s guides and hardware support documents,
latest software releases and archived software
General Technical Support – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), technical
support requests, online discussion groups, Microchip consultant program
member listing
Business of Microchip – Product selector and ordering guides, latest Microchip
press releases, listing of seminars and events; and listings of Microchip sales
offices, distributors and factory representatives
Microchip’s customer notification service helps keep customers current on Microchip
products. Subscribers will receive e-mail notification whenever there are changes,
updates, revisions or errata related to a specified product family or development tool of
To register, access the Microchip website at www.microchip.com, click on Customer
Change Notification and follow the registration instructions.
The Development Systems product group categories are:
Compilers – The latest information on Microchip C compilers and other language
Emulators – The latest information on the Microchip MPLAB
in-circuit emulator
In-Circuit Debuggers – The latest information on the Microchip in-circuit
debugger, MPLAB ICD 3
MPLAB X IDE – The latest information on Microchip MPLAB X IDE, the
Integrated Development Environment for development systems tools
Programmers – The latest information on Microchip programmers including the
PICkit™ 3 development programmer
RN4870/71 Bluetooth
Low Energy Module User’s Guide
DS50002466B-page 10 2016-2017 Microchip Technology Inc.
Users of Microchip products can receive assistance through several channels:
Distributor or Representative
Local Sales Office
Field Application Engineer (FAE)
Technical Support
Customers should contact their distributor, representative or field application engineer
(FAE) for support. Local sales offices are also available to help customers. A listing of
sales offices and locations is included in the back of this document.
Technical support is available through the website at:
Revision A (April 2016)
This is the initial release of this document.
Revision B (September 2017)
This revision includes the following updates:
Added the following sections and subsection:
- Section 2.4.15 “SF,2
- Section 2.7 “I2C Commands”
- Section 2.8 “SPI Commands”
Added the following appendices:
- Appendix B. “Transparent UART Service UUIDs”
- Appendix C. “Low-Power Operation”
Updated the description in the following subsections:
- Section 2.4.14 “SF,1
- Section 2.6.2 “$$$
- Section 2.6.5 “@,<0-5>
- Section 2.6.12 “A[,<hex16>,<hex16>]
- Section 2.6.20 “IA,<hex8>,<Hex>/IB,<hex8>,<Hex>/IS,<hex8>,<Hex
> NA,<hex8>,<Hex>/NB,<hex8>,<Hex>/NS,<hex8>,<Hex>
- Section 2.6.27 “O,0
Updated the following tables:
- Ta ble 2- 2
- Ta b le 2- 4
- Ta b le 2- 5
Incorporated minor updates to text and formatting throughout the document.
2016-2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002466B-page 11
Chapter 1. Overview
Microchip’s RN4870/71 Bluetooth
Low Energy Module is a fully certified Bluetooth
Smart module offering Bluetooth 4.2 connectivity in compact form factor. With all of its
advanced features, it allows the Bluetooth Low Energy connectivity to be included in
designs with minimal engineering.
The RN4870/71 module uses Microchip's IS1870 Bluetooth Low Energy RF IC. The
primary difference between RN4870/71 firmware and the IS1870S factory firmware is
that the RN4870/71 provides the control interface based on ASCII commands sent over
UART. The ASCII command interface on the RN4870/71 is very similar to that of
RN41/42/52/4020/4677, providing an easy migration path for customers currently
using the RN modules.
Interactive ASCII commands enable the RN4870/71 to be configured without complex
configuration tools. The RN4870/71 supports both peripheral and central Generic
Access Profile (GAP) roles, actively scanning for other connectable devices instead of
waiting for incoming connection requests.
With RN4870/71 firmware version v1.28 (or later), the features of Bluetooth 4.2 such
as Data Length Extension and LE Secured Connections are supported and enabled by
default. Data Length Extension increases the BLE packet Protocol Data Unit (PDU)
length and provides higher throughput. LE Secure Connections feature support pro-
vides additional security during pairing against passive eavesdropping.
The RN4870/71 Bluetooth
Low Energy Module has the following key features:
1.2.1 ASCII Command Interface
The RN4870/71 is controlled primarily through ASCII commands sent from host MCU
to UART. The ASCII commands can control functions such as connection
setup/teardown, accessing Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) characteristics, changing
configuration settings, and reading status. The UART can operate in Command mode,
to receive ASCII commands, or Data mode to exchange data using “Transparent
UART” Bluetooth service.
1.2.2 Transparent UART
The RN4870/71 introduces a private GATT service named as “Transparent UART”.
This service simplifies serial data transfers over Bluetooth Low Energy (BTLE) devices.
RN4870/71 Transparent UART seamlessly transfer serial data from its UART over a
Bluetooth Low Energy connection, providing an end-to-end data pipe to another Blue-
tooth device such as RN4870/71 module or Smartphone.
RN4870/71 Bluetooth
Low Energy Module User’s Guide
DS50002466B-page 12 2016-2017 Microchip Technology Inc.
1.2.3 Custom GATT Services
The RN4870/71 has the capability to define up to five public and four private custom
defined GATT services. Each custom service allows up to eight characteristics. All
service definitions are saved in on-board Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) configuration
1.2.4 Embedded Scripting Feature
RN4870/71 supports script functionality. The script capability is unique to Microchip RN
modules that enables the user to write ASCII based script into RN4870/71 NVM and
automatically execute the application logic through the script. The script capability
enables RN4870/71 to run relatively simple operations without a host MCU.
1.2.5 Remote Command Console
RN4870/71 supports Remote Command mode which allows a remote device to access
Command mode remotely via Bluetooth link. This feature requires the UART Transpar-
ent function to be enabled first.
The RN4870/71 operates in two modes: Data mode (default) and Command mode.
When RN4870/71 is connected to another BLE device and is in Data mode, the
RN4870/71 acts as a data pipe: any serial data sent into RN4870/71 UART is trans-
ferred to the connected peer device via Transparent UART Bluetooth service. When
data is received from the peer device over the air via Transparent UART connection,
this data outputs directly to UART.
For configuration or control operation, or both, set the RN4870/71 into Command
mode. In Command mode, all UART data is treated as ASCII commands sent to the
module's UART interface.
As illustrated in Figure 1-1, the RN4870/71 can enter and exit Command and Data
mode using ASCII command over UART or over configurable PIO.
To enter Command mode from Data mode, type $$$ character sequence after 100 ms
delay before the first $. A CMD> prompt is sent to UART to notify the external host of
the start of the Command mode. The Data mode escape character can change from $
to another character using S$ command.
To return to Data mode, enter command --- at the command prompt. The END mes-
sage displays indicating the end of command console session.
In addition to using ASCII Command mode escape character and the command --- to
enter/exit Command mode, it is possible to configure a PIO to do the same. This
method is more suitable for applications where there is a need for the host MCU to
enter and exit the Command mode.
2016-2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002466B-page 13
The most common application for the host MCU to control the RN4870/71 is via ASCII
commands. For development and prototyping purposes, using a terminal emulator to
send commands and data over UART is recommended. Any terminal emulator, such
as Te raTer m (W i ndo w s
) or CoolTerm (Mac OS-X
), is used to control and configure
the RN4870/71 via UART on host PC.
With the RN4870/71 connected to a computer and a serial port enumerated for the
UART port, run the terminal emulator to open the COM port using the port settings
defined in Table 1-1.
To enter Command mode, type $$$ into the terminal emulator. Once RN4870/71
enters Command mode, the string CMD> is sent by the module via the UART to indicate
the start of Command mode session.
Once in Command mode, valid ASCII commands are issued to control or configure the
RN4870/71. All commands end with a carriage return <cr> and are always responded
to by the RN4870/71. Any subsequent command must not be issued until a response
is received for the previous command.
For Set or Action commands, AOK indicates a positive or successful response, whereas
ERR indicates an error or negative response. By default, when the RN4870/71 is ready
to receive the next command, the command prompt CMD> is sent to UART.
To return to Data mode, type ---<cr>. The RN4870/71 automatically enters Data
mode once connected or disconnected with another device, if UART Transparent fea-
ture is enabled.
GATT/Transparent UART
BTLE Device
x iOS
x Android
x RN4870
x PC
UART Setting Default value
Baud Rate 115200
Data Bits 8
Parity None
Stop Bits 1
Flow Control Disabled
Note: The module supports Fast Data mode. In this mode, the module does not
enter Command mode even if it receives $$$. To enable Fast Data mode,
use command SR.
RN4870/71 Bluetooth
Low Energy Module User’s Guide
DS50002466B-page 14 2016-2017 Microchip Technology Inc.
The RN4870/71 shares the same General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) control inter-
face with IS1870S. Up to 12 GPIO pins are configurable to perform various functional-
ities through IS1870S UI tool. The RN4870/71 is compatible with any IS1870S tool and
allows user configurations. For more information, refer to the “RN4870/71 Bluetooth
4.2 Low Energy Module Data Sheet” (DS50002489) and “IS1870/71 Bluetooth
Energy (BLE) SoC Data Sheet” (DS60001371).
2016-2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002466B-page 15
Chapter 2. Command Reference
The RN4870/71 supports a variety of UART commands for controlling and
configuration. This chapter describes these commands in detail and provides
The ASCII command syntax is a keyword followed by optional parameters.
ASCII commands are divided into multiple groups:
- Set Commands
- Get Commands
- Action Commands
- I2C Commands
- SPI Commands
- List Commands
- Service Configuration Commands
- Characteristic Access Commands
- Script Commands
All commands contain one, two or three case-insensitive characters
Delimit command and any argument with a comma
Text data is case sensitive such as Bluetooth name
All commands end with carriage return ('\r', \x0d)
Get commands return the value requested by the corresponding command to be
retrieved. Most of the other commands return either AOK (<AOK><CR>) that indi-
cates a positive response or ERR (<ERR><CR>), as a negative response.
All configuration changes made by Set commands are stored in the Non-Volatile
Memory (NVM) and survive the reboot or power cycle. Any configuration changes
takes effect after a reboot.
For a list of all commands, refer to Table D-2 in Appendix D. “Status Response
Summary Quick Reference.
Set and Get commands are used to configure features and functions of the RN4870/71
module. The format of the Set and Get commands are provided in Tabl e 2- 1. The Set
command starts with character “S” and followed by one or two character configuration
identifier. All Set commands take at least one parameter that is separated from the
command by a comma. Set commands change configurations and take effect after
rebooting either via R,1 command, Hard Reset, or power cycle.
RN4870/71 Bluetooth
Low Energy Module User’s Guide
DS50002466B-page 16 2016-2017 Microchip Technology Inc.
Most Set commands have a corresponding Get command to retrieve and output the
current configurations via the UART. Get commands have the same command
identifiers as Set commands but without parameters.
2.4.1 S-,<string>
This command sets a serialized Bluetooth name for the device, where <string> is up to
15 alphanumeric characters. This command automatically appends the last two bytes
of the Bluetooth MAC address to the name which is useful for generating a custom
name with unique numbering.This command does not have corresponding get com-
2.4.2 S$,<char>
This command sets the Command mode character, where <char> is a single character
in the three character pattern. This setting enables the user to change the default char-
acter to enter Command mode ($$$) to another character string. Restoring the factory
defaults returns the device to use $$$.
2.4.3 S%,<pre>,<post>
This command sets the pre and post delimiter of the status string from RN4870/71 to
the host controller. The pre and post delimiter are up to four printable ASCII characters.
If no parameter is given to the post delimiter, then the post delimiter is cleared; if no
parameter is given to the pre-delimiter, then both pre and post delimiters are cleared.
Command ID Delimiter Parameter(s)
End of
S Command Identifier , Input Parameter <CR> SN,DeviceName // Set device name
G Command Identifier <CR> GN // Get device name
Default: N/A
Example: S-,MyDevice // Set device name to “MyDevice_XXXX”
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
Default: $
Example: S$,# // Set ### as string to enter Command mode
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
Default: %
Example: S%,<$,#> // Set pre delimiter to <$ and post delimiter to #>
// When the output status string is Reboot instead
// of %REBOOT%, the output is <$REBOOT#>
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
2016-2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002466B-page 17
2.4.4 SA,<1-4>
The Set Authentication command configures RN4870/71 Input/Output (I/O) capability
which sets the authentication method to use when securing BLE link. The options for
the command parameter are described in Table 2-2.
Once a remote device exchanges pin codes with the RN4870/71 device, a link key is
stored for future authentication. The device automatically stores authentication
information for up to eight peer devices in Non-Volatile Memory.
2.4.5 SB,<H8>
This command sets the baud rate of the UART communication. The input parameter is
an 8-bit hex value in the range of 00 to 0B, representing baud rate from 2400 to 921K,
as shown in Tabl e 2 -3.
Value Description
1 DisplayYesNo – RN4870/71 as responder displays and automatically confirms
passkey. The remote peer device as initiator displays and manually confirms or
automatically confirms passkey.
2 NoInputNoOutput – RN4870/71 as responder automatically confirms passkey.
The remote peer device as initiator manually confirms or automatically confirms
3 KeyboardOnly – RN4870/71 as responder waits for the user to input and
manually confirms passkey. The remote peer device as initiator displays and
manually confirms or automatically confirms passkey.
4 DisplayOnly – RN4870/71 as responder displays and automatically confirms
passkey. The remote peer device as initiator inputs and manually confirms
Default: 2
Example: SA,1 // Set device to display pin
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
Setting Baud Rate
00 921600
01 460800
02 230400
03 115200
04 57600
05 38400
06 28800
07 19200
08 14400
09 9600
0A 4800
0B 2400
RN4870/71 Bluetooth
Low Energy Module User’s Guide
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2.4.6 SC,<0-2>
This command configures the connectable advertisement and non-connectable/bea-
con advertisement settings. It expects one single digit input parameter as described in
Tab l e 2-4 . The beacon feature enables non-connectable advertisement. The
RN4870/71 has the ability to advertise connectable advertisement and non-connect-
able beacon advertisement in a tandem switching manner when the SC,2 is used.
Refer to commands IB (2.6.20) and NB (2.6.21) to configure beacon payload.
2.4.7 SDA,<H16>
This command sets the appearance of RN4870/71 in GAP service. It expects one
16-bit hex input parameter. Bluetooth SIG defines the appearance code for different
devices. Please refer to Bluetooth SIG web site for details
2.4.8 SDF,<text>
This command sets the value of firmware revision characteristic in the Device Informa-
tion Service. This command is only effective if the Device Information service is
enabled by command SS.
The Device Information Service is used to identify the device. All its characteristics
rarely change. Therefore, values of characteristics in the Device Information Service
are set and saved into NVM. All values of characteristic in the Device Information
Service have a maximum size of 20 bytes.
For more information on the Device Information Service, refer to the Bluetooth SIG
website at: https://developer.bluetooth.org/TechnologyOverview/Pages/DIS.aspx and
Default: 03
Example: SB,07 // Set the UART baud rate to 19200
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
Setting Connectable Advertisement
0 Enabled Disabled
1 Disabled Enabled
2 Enabled Enabled
Default: 0
Example: SC,2 // Enable both non-connectable beacon and
// connectable advertisement
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
Default: 0000
Example: SDA,0340 // Set appearance to Generic Heart Rate Sensor
2016-2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002466B-page 19
2.4.9 SDH,<text>
This command sets the value of the hardware revision characteristics in the Device
Information Service. This command is only effective if the Device Information service
is enabled by command SS.
2.4.10 SDM,<text>
This command sets the model name characteristics in the Device Information Service.
This command is only effective if the Device Information service is enabled by
command SS.
2.4.11 SDN,<text>
This command sets the manufacturer name characteristics in the Device Information
Service. This command is only effective if the Device Information service is enabled by
command SS.
2.4.12 SDR,<text>
This command sets software revision in the Device Information Service. This command
is only effective if the Device Information service is enabled by command SS.
Default: Current RN4870 firmware version
Example: SDF,0.9
Response: AOK
// Success
// Device Info service not enabled.
// Syntax error, invalid parameter
Default: Current hardware version
Example: SDH,2.1
Response: AOK
// Success
// Device Info service not enabled.
// Syntax error, invalid parameter
Default: RN_BLE
Example: SDM,RN4870
Response: AOK
// Success
// Device Info service not enabled.
// Syntax error, invalid parameter
Default: Microchip
Example: SDN,Microchip
Response: AOK
// Success
// Device Info service not enabled.
// Syntax error, invalid parameter
Default: Current Software Revision
Example: SDR,1.0
Response: AOK
// Success
// Device Info service not enabled.
// Syntax error, invalid parameter
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2.4.13 SDS,<text>
This command sets the value of serial number characteristics in the Device Information
Service. This command is only effective if the Device Information service is enabled by
command SS.
2.4.14 SF,1
This command resets the configurations into factory default. The first parameter must
be set to 1. This command does not delete the private service and characteristics cre-
ated using PS and PC commands and the script created using the Embedded Scripting
2.4.15 SF,2
This command resets all the configurations into factory default including clearing the
private service table and the script.
2.4.16 SGA,<0-5>/SGC,<0-5>
Command SGA and SGC adjust the output power of RN4870/71 under advertisement
and connected state, respectively. These commands expect a single digit as input
parameter which can range from 0 to 5, where 0 represents highest power output and
5 lowest power output.
Default: N/A
Example: SDS,12345678
Response: AOK
// Success
// Device Info service not enabled.
// Syntax error, invalid parameter
Example: SF,1
Response: Reboot after Factory Reset
// Reboot
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
Note: This command causes an immediate reboot after invoking it.
Example: SF,2
Response: Reboot after Factory Reset
// Reboot
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
Note: This command causes an immediate reboot after invoking it.
Default: 0
Example: SGA,5 // Set advertisement RF output power to lowest
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
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2.4.17 SM,<1-3>,<hex16>
This command starts one of the application timers. Timers are used by the embedded
scripting features. For more details on scripting, refer to Chapter 3. “Embedded
Scripting Feature”.
The first parameter is the timer identifier, specifying one of the three available timers.
The second parameter is expiration time. If the second parameter is zero, then the
timer specified in the first parameter is canceled. Unit value for timer 1 is 640 ms,
whereas for timers 2 and 3 are 10 ms. This is the only Set command that does not save
parameter in NVM and becomes effective immediately.
2.4.18 SN,<text>
This command sets the device name, where <text> is up to 20 alphanumeric
2.4.19 SO,<0,1>
Command SO enables or disables low-power operation of RN4870/71. It expects one
single digit as input parameter.
If the input parameter is 0, then RN4870/71 runs 16 MHz clock all the time, therefore,
can operate UART all the time. On the other hand, if the input parameter is 1, then
RN4870 enables Low-Power mode by running 32 kHz clock with much lower power
consumption. When RN4870 runs on 32 kHz clock, UART is not operational.
RN4870/71 restarts 16 MHz clock by pulling UART_RX_IND pin low. When UART_RX-
_IND pin is high, RN4870/71 runs 32 kHz clock. When RN4870/71 runs on 32 kHz
clock, a BLE connection can still be maintained, but UART cannot receive data. If the
user sends input data to the UART, UART_RX_IND pin must be pulled low to start 16
MHz clock, then wait for 5 ms to operate UART again.
Example: SM,1,000E // Start the timer 1 to expire in about 9 seconds
SM,1,0000 // Stop timer 1 immediately
SM,3,0100 // start timer 3 to expire in about 2.5 seconds
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
Example: SN,MyDevice // Set the device name to “MyDevice”
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
Default: 0
Example: SO,1 // Set RN4870/71 to operate under Deep Sleep
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
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2.4.20 SP,<4/6 digit pin>
This command sets the fixed security pin code. The fixed pin code has two
If the fixed pin is a six-digit code, it is used to display when I/O capability is set to
Display Yes/No by command SA,1. The six-digit pin is used for Simple Secure
Pairing (SSP) authentication method in BLE if a fixed passkey is desirable. In this
way, RN4870 is not required to display the passkey if the remote peer already
knows the passkey. The user must to understand the security implication by using
the fixed passkey.
The four digit pin code option is used to authenticate remote command connec-
tion. For more details on remote command feature, refer to command ! (2.4.4).
2.4.21 SR,<hex16>
This command sets the supported feature of the RN4870 device. The input parameter
is a 16-bit bitmap that indicates the features supported. After changing the features, a
reboot is necessary to make the changes effective. Table 2-5 shows the bitmap of
Default: 000000
Example: SP,123456 // Set pin code to “123456”
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
Feature Bitmap Description
Enable Flow
0x8000 If set, the device enables hardware flow control.
No Prompt 0x4000 If set, device does not send prompt CMD> when RN4870/71 is
ready to accept the next command. If cleared, device sends out
prompt CMD> when it is ready to take the next command.
Fast Mode 0x2000 If set, no checking of configuration detect character in Trans-
parent UART mode is done. Instead, to enter Command mode,
RN4870/71 depends on the pin configured as UART Mode
No Beacon Scan 0x1000 If set, no non-connectable beacon shows up in the scan result.
No Connect Scan 0x0800 If set, no connectable advertisement shows up in the scan
No Duplicate
Scan Result Filter
0x0400 If set,
RN4870/71 does not filter out duplicate scan results. It
is recommended that this bit is set if the RN4870/71 expects a
beacon or a peer device which dynamically changes its
Passive Scan 0x0200 If set, RN4870/71 performs passive scan instead of default
active scan.
without ACK
0x0100 If set, the device uses Write without Response for UART
Transparent when communicating with another RN4870/71
module. If cleared, the device uses Write Request for UART
Transparent when communicating with another
Reboot after
0x0080 If set, the RN4870/71 reboots after disconnection.
Running Script
after Power On
0x0040 If set, the RN4870/71 automatically runs the script after
powering on, starting with @PW_ON event.
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2.4.22 SS,<hex8>
This command sets the default services to be supported by the RN4870 in the GAP
server role. The input parameter is an 8-bit bitmap that indicates the services to be
supported as a server. Supporting service in server role means that the host MCU must
supply the values of all characteristics in supported services and to provide client
access to those values upon request. Once the service bitmap is modified, the device
must reboot to make the new services effective. The 8-bit bitmap is listed in Tab l e 2-6 .
For information on Bluetooth Services visit https://developer.bluetooth.org/gatt/ser-
2.4.23 ST,<hex16>,<hex16>,<hex16>,<hex16>
This command sets the initial connection parameters of the central device for future
connections. The four input parameters are all 16-bit values in hex format. To modify
current connection parameters, refer to Action command T (2.6.29).
The corresponding Get command, GT, returns the desirable connection parameters set
by command ST when connection is not established. Once the connection is estab-
lished, the actual connection parameters displays in response to command GT.
Support RN4020
MLDP streaming
0x0020 If set, the RN4870/71 supports RN4020 MLDP streaming
service. To start the MLDP streaming service, use command I.
Command Mode
0x0008 If set, the device sees any bytes before or after the $$$
characters in a one-second window and the device does not
enter Command mode and these bytes are passed through.
This bit is available only in firmware v1.28 and up.
Default: 0000
Example: SR,A000 // Enable hardware flow control and Fast mode
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
Feature Bitmap Description
Note: Issuing command SS removes all custom defined public or private
services. Use this command to enable default service before defining any
custom services.
Service Bitmap
Device Information 0x80
UART Transparent 0x40
Beacon 0x20
Reserved 0x10
Default: 00
Example: SS,C0 // Support device info and UART Transparent
// services
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
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Connection interval, latency and timeout are often associated with how frequently a
peripheral device must communicate with the central device, therefore, closely related
to power consumption. The parameters, range and description are listed in Tab l e 2 -7 .
devices have the following special requirements for these parameters:
Interval >= 16
Latency <= 4
Max_interval - min_interval >= 20
Timeout <= 600
(Interval + 16)*(Latency + 1) < Timeout * 8/3
2.4.24 SW,<hex8>,<hex8>
Command SW is used to configure pin functions. It expects two input parameters.
The first parameter is an 8-bit hex of the pin index. Table 2 - 8 shows the pin indexes and
the corresponding RN4870/71 pins. Note that some pins apply only to RN4870, some
others to RN4870/71 and rest is available to both RN4870 and RN4870/71.
The second parameter is an 8-bit hex of function assigned to the pin. The supported
functions are listed in Tab le 2- 9 . For detailed description on system functions, refer to
the “RN4870/71 Bluetooth
4.2 Low Energy Module Data Sheet” (DS50002489).
Parameter Range Description
Minimum Interval 0x0006 - 0x0C80 The minimum time interval of communication
between two connected devices.
Unit: 1.25 ms.
Maximum Interval 0x0006 - 0x0C80 The maximum time interval of communica-
tion between two connected devices.
Unit: 1.25 ms. Must be larger or equal to
Minimum Interval.
Latency 0x0000 - 0x01F3
must be less than
The maximum number of consecutive
connection events the peripheral device is
not required to communicate with the central
Timeout 0x000A - 0x0C80 The maximum time allowed between raw
communications before the link is considered
lost. Unit: 10 ms.
Default: 0006,0000,0200
Example: ST,0064,0002,0064 // Set the interval to 125 ms, latency to 2
// and timeout to 1 second
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
Pin Index RN4870 Pins RN4871 Pins Default Function
00 P07 Low Battery Indication
01 P10 Status 2
02 P11 Status 1
03 P22 None
04 P24 None
05 P31 RSSI Indication
06 P32 Link Drop
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07 P33 UART Rx Indication
08 P34 Pairing
09 P35 None
0A P12 P12 None
0B P13 P13 None
0C P16 UART Rx Indication
0D P17 None
Function Index Function Description
00 None
01 Low Battery Indication
02 RSSI Indication
03 Link Drop
04 UART RX Indication
05 Pairing
06 RF Active Indication
07 Status 1
08 Status 2
09 Pin Trigger 1
0A Pin Trigger 2
0B Pin Trigger 3
0C UART Mode Switch: Rising edge for UART Transparent
mode; falling edge for Command mode.
Example: SW,03,06 // Assign Pin P22 to function RF Active Indication
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
Pin Index RN4870 Pins RN4871 Pins Default Function
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2.5.1 GK
Command GK gets the current connection status. It expects no input parameter.
If the RN4870/71 is not connected, the output is none.
If the RN4870/71 is connected, command GK returns the following connection
<Peer BT Address>,<Address Type>,<Connection Type>
where <Peer BT Address> is the 6-byte hex address of the peer device; <Address
Type> is either 0 for public address or 1 for random address. <Connection Type> spec-
ifies if the connection enables UART Transparent feature, where 1 indicates UART
Transparent is enabled and 0 indicates UART Transparent is disabled.
2.5.2 GNR
This command gets the peer device name when connected. If this command is issued
before a connection is established, an error message is the output.
2.5.3 G<char>
This command displays the stored settings for a Set command, where <char> is a Set
command name.
Example: GK // Get current connection status
Response: none
<Peer BT Address>,<Address Type>,<Connection Type>
Example: GNR
// Get remote device name
Response: <Remote Device Name>
ERR // Not Connected yet
Example: GA // Return to Authentication mode set by command SA
Response: // Value of the settings
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Action commands are used to invoke specific functions as well as display critical
2.6.1 +[,<text>]
Command + without a parameter toggles the local echo ON and OFF. If sending the +
command in Command mode without a parameter, all typed characters are echoed to
the output. Typing + again turns local echo off. If an input parameter is attached to the
command +, the input parameter is directly echoed back to UART.
2.6.2 $$$
This command causes the RN4870/71 to enter Command mode and display command
prompt. The device passes characters as data and enters Command mode if it sees
the $$$ sequence. If the command mode guard bit is set using SR, the device sees
any bytes before or after the $$$ characters in a one-second window, the device does
not enter Command mode and these bytes are passed through.
You can change the character string used to enter Command mode with the S$
The CMD> prompt is sent to UART to indicate that command session is started.
2.6.3 ---
This command causes the device to exit Command mode, displaying END.
2.6.4 !,<0,1>
RN4870/71 has the capability of Remote Command mode over UART Transparent
connection. Remote Command mode uses UART Transparent service. Therefore, it is
necessary to enable UART Transparent service using command SS before accessing
Remote Command mode feature.
The Remote Command mode feature enables the user to execute commands on a
connected peer device. The command is sent to the connected remote device, exe-
cuted at the remote device and the result is sent back to the local device. Since the
UART output rate is usually far higher than the BLE transmission rate, if the output data
(such as command H) exceeds the buffer size (128 octets), local device may only
receive whatever is stored in the buffer.
Default: Off
Example: + // Turn local echo on
Response: Echo ON
Echo OFF
Example: $$$ // Enter Command mode
Response: CMD>
// If command prompt is enabled
// If command prompt is disabled
Example: --- // Exit Command mode
Response: END // End Command mode
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The Remote Command mode provides a method to enable stand-alone implementa-
tion without host MCU for the remote device. A local device can use the Remote Com-
mand mode to get access to the remote device (module), access and control all its
analog or digital I/O ports. All application logics are performed locally without the
remote device's interferences. Therefore, there is no required programming or applica-
tion logic to run on the remote device. By this method, we can make the remote device
extremely easy to implement with the lowest cost.
Command ! controls remote command feature. It expects one parameter, either 1 or 0.
If the input parameter is 1, then remote Command mode is enabled and the device
automatically enters Remote Command mode. When in Remote Command mode, the
command prompt CMD> changes to RMT>.
Command ! is only effective under the following conditions:
Both local and remote devices support UART Transparent feature.
The two devices are already connected and secured.
Upon receiving the request to start the Remote Command session, the RN4870/71
accepts the request if the following conditions are met:
The BLE link between devices are secured.
The first 4 bytes of local fixed pin code match those of the peer device.
If the above conditions are not met, the BLE link disconnects immediately.
To exit Remote Command mode, the local device must get back to Command mode by
typing $$$ or the proper configured trigger character, followed by command !,0. The
remote device then exits Remote Command mode.
2.6.5 @,<0-5>
Command @ reads one of the analog channels and returns the analog values in 16-bit
hex format. The unit is millivolts.
Command @ expects one input parameter which is the analog channel in a single digit
format. The valid range of input parameter is from 0 to 5. Table 2-10 shows the analog
channels and their corresponding port pins.
Example: !,1
// Enter Remote Command mode
// Exit Remote Command mode
Response: RMT>
// Success
// BLE link not secured
// Success
Analog Port Parameter RN4870 Analog Port RN4871 Analog Port
0 P1_0
1 P1_1
2 P1_2 P1_2
3 P1_3 P1_3
4 Battery sensor Battery sensor
5 Temperature sensor Temperature sensor
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The range of the analog value returned by command @ for analog port parameters 0-4
is 0x0000-0x0E10, indicating the voltage range between 0V and 3.6V. For analog port
parameter 5, the analog value returned by command @ is in the range of
0x056B-0x0990 as indicated in the “RN4870/71 Bluetooth
4.2 Low Energy Module
Data Sheet” (DS50002489). Notice that P1_0 and P1_1 are configured by default to be
status indication 1 and 2, respectively. In order to read analog input on those two pins,
it is required to use command SW to remove their pre-assigned system function.
2.6.6 |I,<hex8>
Command |I reads multiple digital I/O values. It expects one input parameter of digital
I/O ports to read. The input parameter is the digital I/O pin bitmap in the 8-bit hex for-
mat. The I/O pin bitmap format is provided in Tab l e 2-11. If the bit is set for a corre-
sponding pin, and the pin is assigned to a predefined function, such bit is automatically
cleared. For pin function assignment, please refer to command SW (2.4.24).
The response to command |I is also a bitmap. If the corresponding pin to read is high,
then the bit in the response is set, otherwise, the bit is cleared.
2.6.7 |O,<hex8>,<hex8>
Command |O sets the output value of the digital I/O ports. It expects two input param-
eters. The first parameter is the bitmap of digital I/O ports that are affected by this com-
mand; the second parameter is the output value in the bitmap. The bitmap format is the
same as in command |I, shown in Tabl e 2-11. If the bit in the bitmap of I/O ports is set
for a corresponding pin, and the pin is assigned to a predefined function, such bit is
automatically cleared. For pin function assignment, please check command SW
Example: @,4 // Read current V
Response: 0A28
// The analog value of 0A28 corresponds to the
// analog voltage of 2.6V.
// Syntax error, invalid parameter or associated pin
// has pre-assigned system function
Bitmap RN4870 Pins RN4871 Pins
01 P2_2
02 P2_4
04 P3_5
08 P1_2 P1_2
10 P1_3 P1_3
Example: |I,06 // Read digital I/O P2_4 and P3_5. If return value is 04,
// then P2_4 is low and P3_5 is high
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
Example: |O,07,05 // Set digital I/O output on P2_2, P2_4 and P3_5.
// Set P2_2 and P3_5 high and P2_4 low.
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
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2.6.8 [,<1-2>,<0-3>,<hex16>,<hex16>
Command [ supports Pulse-With Modulation (PWM) function on RN4870. RN4871
does not support this function. It expects up to four parameters.
The first parameter to use in this command is the PWM channel. Two PWM channels
are supported. Channel 1 is on pin P22 and channel 2 is on pin P23. If pin P22 is
assigned to a system function, such command is ignored and RN4870 returns an error
The second parameter is used to enable/disable PWM and clock source selection.
Refer to Tabl e 2 -12 for details.
The third and fourth parameters are 16-bit hex values, defining maximum and compare
values, respectively.
RN4870 follows standard PWM operations. The clock source decides the unit time
used in maximum and compare values. Maximum value multiplying time unit is the
PWM period; compare value multiplying time unit is the PWM width which is output high
within the period. The basic concept of PWM operations is shown in Figure 2-1.
Value Description Time Unit
0 Disable PWM. Third and fourth parameters ignored
1 Enable PWM with 32 kHz clock 31.25 µs
2 Enable PWM with 1024 kHz clock 977 ns
3 Enable PWM with 16 MHz clock 62.5 ns
Example: [,1,3,00A0,0050 // Use PWM on P22, use 16 MHz clock
// max is 10 ms, compare is 5 ms
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error, invalid parameter, RN4870/71, or
// associated pin has pre-assigned system
// function
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2.6.9 &,<MAC>
Command & generates and assigns a random address to the local device. It accepts
one input parameter which is a 6-byte random address. This random address can be a
static or a private address. For format of random address, please refer to Bluetooth
Core Specification version 4.1, Vol 3, Part C, Section 10.8. If the device is currently
advertising, the advertising address immediately changes to the assigned random
2.6.10 &C
Command &C clears the random address and uses local MAC address for advertise-
ment. If the device is currently advertising, the advertising address immediately
changes to the local MAC address.
2.6.11 &R
Command &R generates a resolvable random address and assigns it as the current
random address. Such resolvable random address becomes the output to UART as the
response of this command. If the device is currently advertising, the advertising
address immediately changes to the new resolvable random address.
2.6.12 A[,<hex16>,<hex16>]
Command A is used to start advertisement. The advertisement is undirected
By default, or when command A is issued without a parameter, the advertisement is set
as a fast advertisement at first (at a fast advertising interval of 20 ms), followed by a
low-power slow advertisement after 30 seconds (slow advertisement interval of
961 ms). Command A is followed by two optional 16-bit hex parameters which indicate
advertisement interval with unit of millisecond and total advertisement time with unit of
640 ms, respectively. After the total advertisement time has elapsed, the advertising
stops along with a status string indicating the same. The optional second parameter
must be larger than the first parameter in actual time. When a parameter is used in
command A, the Fast Advertisement Timeout is no longer effective and the advertise-
ment with the interval parameter can last forever if there is no second input parameter,
or not up to the time indicated by the second input parameter.
Example: &,DF1234567890 // Set random address to DF1234567890
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
Example: &C // Clears random address and uses MAC address
Response: AOK // Success
Example: &R // Automatically generate and assign a resolvable
// random address
Response: Assigned resolvable random address
Default: Fast advertisement interval for indefinite time
Example: A,0050,005E // Start advertisement with interval of
// 80 millisecond for 60 seconds
Response: AOK // Success
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2.6.13 B
Command B is used to secure the connection and bond two connected devices. Com-
mand B is only effective if two devices are already connected. The bonding process can
be initiated from either the central or the peripheral device.
Once bonded, security materials are saved in both end of the connection. Therefore,
reconnection between bonded devices does not require authentication, and reconnec-
tion can be done in a very short time.
If the bonded connection is lost due to any reason, reconnection does not automatically
provide secured link. To secure the connection, another B command must be issued.
However, this command is only for securing link other than saving connection informa-
2.6.14 C
This command makes RN4870/71 try to connect to the last bonded device. When this
command is used to reconnect to a bonded device, the RN4870/71 automatically
secures the link once the connection is established.
2.6.15 C,<0,1>,<address>
This command initiates connection to a remote BLE address where <address> is spec-
ified in hex format. The first parameter indicates the address type: 0 for public address
and 1 for private random address. When this command is used to connect to an already
bonded device, the link is not automatically secured. Instead, the user must use com-
mand B to secure the link after the connection is established.
Default: Not bonded
Example: B // Bond with connected peer device
Response: AOK
// Success
// Status string
// Status string
// Not connected yet
// Failed in security
Default: None
Example: C // Connect to last bonded device, if such
// device uses public address
Response: Trying
// Start connecting
// Status string
// Status string
// No bonded device
Example: C,0,00A053112233 // Connect to the BLE address 00A053112233
Response: Trying
// Start connecting
// Status string
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
// Status string
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2.6.16 C<1-8>
RN4870/71 can store the MAC addresses of up to eight bonded devices. The C com-
mand provides an easy way to reconnect to any stored device without typing the MAC
address of stored device, if such device uses public address. When this command is
used to reconnect to a bonded device, RN4870/71 automatically secures the link once
the connection is established. To display the list of stored devices, use command LB.
2.6.17 D
This command is used to display critical information of current device over UART.
Command D has no parameter.
2.6.18 F[,<hex16>,<hex16>]
Command F, when invoked, automatically switches the device into Central GAP role
and start BLE scanning.
If no parameter is provided, command F starts the process of scanning with default
scan interval of 375 milliseconds and scan window of 250 milliseconds. The user has
the option to specify the scan interval and scan window as first and second parameter,
respectively. The inputs are in 16-bit hex format. Each unit is 0.625 millisecond. Scan
interval must be larger or equal to scan window. The scan interval and the scan window
values can range from 2.5 milliseconds to 10.24 seconds. Use X command to stop an
active scan.
Example: C2 // Reconnect to the second stored device
Response: Trying
// Start connecting
// Status string
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
// Status string
Example: D // Dump information
Response: Following information are shown after issuing command D.
Device MAC Address
The random address, if random address is used
Device Name
Connected Device: MAC address and address type (Public or
Random) if connected, or no if there is no active connection.
Authentication Method: device I/O capability set by command SA.
Device Features: device features set by command SR.
Server Services: bitmap of predefined services that are supported
as server role, set by command SS.
The fixed pin code, if fixed pin code is used
Default: 375 ms for scan interval, 250 ms for scan window
Example: F,01E0,0190 // Start inquiry with 300 ms scan interval and
// 200 ms scan window
Scanning // Start scanning
%<Address>,<Addr_Type>,<Name>,<UUIDs>,<RSSI>% // Connectable
%<Address>,<Addr_Type>,<RSSI>,Brcst:<Broadcast Payload>%
// Non-connectable
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2.6.19 I
Command I is used to initiate UART Transparent operation with RN4677 or RN4678.
This command expects no input parameter. Once this command is issued, RN4870/71
automatically enters Data mode.
2.6.20 IA,<hex8>,<Hex>/IB,<hex8>,<Hex>/IS,<hex8>,<Hex>
Commands IA, IB, IS and NA, NB, NS set the advertisement, beacon and scan
response payload format, respectively.
All advertisement, beacon and scan response are composed of one or more Advertise-
ment Structure (AD Structure). Each AD structure has one byte of length, one byte of
Advertisement Type (AD Type, listed in Tab le 2-1 3 ) and Advertisement Data (AD Data).
The set of commands either append an AD structure or remove all AD structures,
depending on the first parameter. The total bytes in the advertisement payload contrib-
uted by one or more AD Structures which includes the one byte of length, one byte of
AD type and AD Data must be less than or equal to 31 bytes.
Commands starting with letter “I” make the changes immediately effective without a
reboot. The changes are saved into NVM only if other procedures require permanent
configuration changes. This command is suitable to broadcast dynamic data in the AD
structure. On the other hand, commands starting with letter “N” make permanent
changes saved into NVM. Therefore, a reboot is required to take effect.
The second letter in the commands indicates the type of information to be changed.
Letter “A” indicates changes to advertisement; letter “B” for beacon and letter “S” for
scan response.
The first parameter is the AD type. Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) defines AD
types in the Assigned Number list in the Core Specification. If AD type is set to letter
“Z”, then all AD structures are cleared. Tab l e 2-1 3 lists the commonly used AD types.
The second parameter is the AD data. AD data has various lengths and follows the
format defined in Bluetooth SIG Supplement to the Bluetooth Core Specification.
The command can be issued in sequence to append one or more AD structures, but
the user needs to ensure that the total advertisement payload is less than or equal to
31 bytes.
Example: I // Start UART Transparent with RN4020 and
// RN4677/4678
Response: AOK
// Success
// Not connected or already enable UART
// Transparent mode
// Status string
Note: It is recommended to include the Flags AD data type in the Advertisement
Data for connection oriented applications. This ensures the Android
devices connect as expected.
AD Type (HEX) Description
01 Flags
02 Incomplete list of 16-bit UUIDs
03 Complete list of 16-bit UUIDs
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2.6.21 JA,<0,1>,<MAC>
Command JA is used to add a MAC address to the white list. Once one device is added
to the white list, the white list feature is enabled. With the white list feature enabled,
when performing a scan, any device not included in the white list does not appear in
the scan results. As a peripheral, any device not listed in the white list cannot be
connected with a local device. The RN4870/71 supports up to 16 addresses in the
white list. If the white list is full, any attempt to add more addresses returns an error.
Command JA expects two input parameters. The first parameter is 0 or 1, indicating
that the following address is public or private. The second parameter is a 6-byte
address in hex format.
A random address stored in the white list cannot be resolved. If the peer device does
not change the random address, it is valid in the white list. If the random address is
changed, this device is no longer considered to be on the white list.
04 Incomplete list of 32-bit UUIDs
05 Complete list of 32-bit UUIDs
06 Incomplete list of 128-bit UUIDs
07 Complete list of 128-bit UUIDs
08 Shortened local name
09 Complete local name
0A TX power level
0D Class of device
0E Simple pairing hash
0F Simple pairing randomizer
10 TK value
11 Security OOB flag
12 Slave connection interval range
14 List of 16-bit service UUIDs
15 List of 128-bit service UUIDs
16 Service data
FF Manufacture Specific Data
Example: IA,Z // Clear all advertisement content
IA,01,05 // Adds a AD Structure with Flag AD type
IA,09,313233 // Appends a AD Structure with Name
// AD type. ASCII data of “123” is used for
// AD data for local name. Issuing another
// command in sequence appends another
// AD Structure.
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
Default: None
Example: JA,0,112233445566 // Add public address 0x112233445566 to
// white list
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
AD Type (HEX) Description
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Low Energy Module User’s Guide
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2.6.22 JB
Command JB is used to add all currently bonded devices to the white list. Command
JB does not expect any parameter.
The random address in the white list can be resolved with command JB for connection
purpose. If the peer device changes its resolvable random address, the RN4870/71 is
still able to detect that the different random addresses are from the same physical
device, therefore, allows connection from such peer device. This feature is particularly
useful if the peer device is a iOS or Android device which uses resolvable random
2.6.23 JC
Command JC is used to clear the white list. Once the white list is cleared, white list fea-
ture is disabled. Command JC does not expect any parameter.
The only way to disable white list is to clear it.
2.6.24 JD
Command JD is used to display all MAC addresses that are currently in the white list.
Each MAC address displays in the white list, followed by 0 or 1 to indicate address
type, separated by a coma.
2.6.25 K,1
Command K is used to disconnect the active BTLE link. It can be used in central or
peripheral role.
Default: None
Example: JB // Add all bonded devices to white list
Response: AOK // Success
Default: None
Example: JC // Clear white list
Response: AOK // Success
Default: None
Example: JD //Display all MAC addresses in the white list
Response: <Address>,<Address_Type>
Example: K,1 // Kill the active BTLE connection
Response: AOK
// Success
// Status string
// Syntax error or not connected
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2.6.26 M
Command M is used to get the signal strength of the last communication with the peer
device. The signal strength is used to estimate the distance between the device and its
remote peer. Command M does not expect any parameter.
The return value of command M is the signal strength in dBm.
2.6.27 O,0
Command O,0 puts the module immediately, without any UART response, into Dor-
mant Power-Saving mode that consumes little power. In this mode, the module enters
a Deep Sleep state where there is no RF communication, and the current drawn by the
module is the lowest. The host MCU must force the module out of the Shutdown mode
if it needs the module to communicate with peer device.
On wake-up from Dormant mode, the module starts out of Reset.
If UART_RX_IND functionality is activated using the Power-Saving mode by enabling
command SO,1 (refer to command SO 2.4.19), then UART_RX_IND can be used to
wake-up the module from Dormant mode. The UART_RX_IND pin must be pulled high
before entering the Dormant mode. To wake-up the module after entering Dormant
mode, pull the UART_RX_IND pin low.
If UART_RX_IND functionality is not available, then the module enters the Dormant
mode when O,0 command is issued and can only wake-up when Hard Reset is
2.6.28 R,1
This command forces a complete device reboot (similar to a reboot or power cycle). It
has one mandatory parameter of 1. After rebooting RN4870/71, all prior made setting
changes takes effect.
2.6.29 T,<hex16>,<hex16>,<hex16>,<hex16>
Command T is used to change the following connection parameters: interval, latency
and supervision timeout for current connection. The parameters of command T are lost
after reboot or power cycle. All parameters are 16-bit values in hex format. Command
T is only effective if active connection exists when the command is issued.
For the definitions, ranges and relationships of connection interval, latency and time-
out, refer to Section 2.4.23 “ST,<hex16>,<hex16>,<hex16>,<hex16>” for com-
mand ST and Table 2-7 for details.
Example: M // Check the signal strength of last communication
// with peer device
Response: <RSSI>
// Signal strength reading
// Not connected
Example: O,0 // Enter low-power Dormant mode
Response: // No response is sent as the module
// immediately enters the Dormant mode
Example: R,1 // Reboot device
// Rebooting
// Status string
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When command T with valid parameters is issued by the peripheral device, minimum
interval of timeout is required between two connection parameter update requests. The
decision on whether to accept the connection parameter update request is up to the
central device. When RN4870/71 acts as a central device, it accepts all valid connec-
tion parameter update requests.
2.6.30 U,<1-8,Z>
Command U removes existing bonding. This command works in both central or periph-
eral GAP roles.
Command U expects one input parameter, a single digit indicating the index of the
bonding to be removed. The index of the bonding is known by using command LB. If
the input parameter is letter “Z”, then all bonding information are cleared.
2.6.31 V
This command displays the firmware version.
2.6.32 X
Command X stops scan process started by command F. Command X does not expect
any parameter.
2.6.33 Y
Command Y stops advertisement started by command A. Command Y does not expect
any parameter.
2.6.34 Z
Command Z cancels connection attempt started by command C before a connection is
established. Command Z does not expect any parameter.
Default: Interval: 0020; Latency: 0000; Timeout: 0200
Example: T,0190,0190,0001,03E8 // Request Connection Parameter to
// use interval 400 ms, latency 1,
// and timeout 1000 ms
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
// Status string
Example: U,1 // Remove the bond with index 1
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
Example: V // Display firmware version
Response: <Version String>
Example: X // Stop scan
Response: AOK // Success
Example: Y // Stop advertisement
Response: AOK // Success
Example: Z // Cancel attempt to establish a connection
Response: AOK
// Success
// Already connected
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The RN4870/71 enables an I2C peripheral interface over the following pins (valid for
firmware version 1.28 or later):
Only Master mode is supported over RN4870/71 I2C. Using RN4870/71 I2C, any
peripheral with I2C Slave can be connected. Tabl e 2- 15 lists the commands to config-
ure and access the I2C on the RN4870/71.
2.7.1 ]A
The command ]A enables the I2C in Master mode. The command takes two parame-
ters. The first parameter is the I2C address of the Slave device. The second parameter
is the clock.
Command Pin
Command Syntax Description
I2C Enable ]A,<i2c_addr:Hex8>,
Enables I2C in Slave mode, and
configures I2C Slave device address
and I2C clock.
I2C Disable ]Z Disables I2C.
I2C Slave Device ]D,<i2c_addr:Hex8> Updates I2C Slave device address.
I2C Read ]R,<i2c_len:Hex8> Reads data from I2C Slave device.
I2C Write ]W,<i2c_data:Hex8 32bytes> Writes data to I2C Slave device.
I2C Combined Read
and Write
Combines read and write from and to
the I2C Slave device.
Value Clock (kHz)
0 400
1 200
2 100
Syntax: ]A,<hex8>,<0-5>
Example: ]A,51,2 // I2C is configured with a clock of 100 kHz
// and Slave address of 51
Response: AOK
// Success
// Invalid value for I2C clock
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2.7.2 ]Z
The command ]Z is used to disable the I2C interface.
2.7.3 ]D
The command ]D updates the address of the I2C Slave device.
2.7.4 ]R
The command ]R reads data from the I2C Slave device. The command takes the
length of the data to be read as the parameter.
2.7.5 ]W
The command ]W writes data to the I2C Slave device. The command takes up to 32
bytes of data to be written to the Slave devices as parameter.
2.7.6 ]X
The command ]X combines the read and write data from and to the I2C Slave device
at the same time. The command takes two parameters. The first parameter is up to 32
bytes of data to be written to the I2C Slave device and the second parameter is the
length of the data to be read from the I2C Slave device.
Syntax: ]Z
Example: ]Z // Disables I2C
Response: AOK // Success
Syntax: ]D,<hex8>
Example: ]D,21 // I2C Slave address is updated to 21
Response: AOK // Success
Syntax: ]R,<hex8>
Example: ]R,10 // Read 10 bytes of data on I2C
Response: // 10 bytes of data read on I2C
Syntax: ]W,<hex8 32bytes data>
Example: ]W,01020304 // Write 4 bytes of data on I2C
Response: AOK // Success
Syntax: ]X,<hex8 32bytes data>,<hex8>
Example: ]X,01020304,04 // Write 4 bytes of data and read 4 bytes of data
Response: 0A0B0C0D
// Read 4 bytes of data on I2C
// Invalid value for parameters
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The RN4870 enables an SPI peripheral interface over the pins in Table 2-17 (valid for
firmware version v1.28 or later).
The RN4870 SPI supports both Master and Slave SPI modes. Using RN4870 SPI, any
peripheral with SPI support can be connected. Tab l e 2-1 8 lists the commands to con-
figure and access the SPI on RN4870.
2.8.1 {A
The command {A enables SPI peripheral in Master mode. The command takes three
The first parameter is the mode which defines the Clock Polarity (CPOL) and Clock
Phase (CPHA) for the SPI Master clock.
Command SPI0 SPI1
Note: The SPI commands are only available on RN4870. It is not available on
Command Syntax Description
SPI Master Enable {A,<spi_mode:0-3>,<spi_clk:0-4>,
Enables SPI in Master mode, and
configures CPOL/CPHA mode,
SPI clock, and CS pin set.
SPI Master Disable {Z, <spi_ncs:Hex8> Disables SPI.
SPI Combined
Send & Receive
Combines send and receive of
data to and from SPI Slave device.
SPI Slave Enable }A,<spi_mode:0-3>,<spi_clk:0-4> Enables SPI in Slave mode, and
sets CPOL/CPHA mode and SPI
SPI Slave Disable }Z Disables SPI Slave mode.
SPI Read }R,<len:Hex8> Reads SPI.
SPI Write }W,<data:Hex8 8bytes> Writes SPI.
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The second parameter is the SPI Master clock rate.
The third parameter selects the SPI Chip Select pin to be used by the RN module.
2.8.2 {Z
The command {Z disables the SPI interface. The command takes the SPI Chip Select
pin value as its parameter.
2.8.3 {X
The command {X is combines the send and receive data to and from the SPI Slave
device at the same time. The command takes two parameters. The first parameter
selects the SPI Chip Select pin to be used by the RN module and the second parameter
is up to 8 bytes of data to be sent to the SPI Slave device.
2.8.4 }A
The command }A enables SPI peripheral in Slave mode. The command takes two
Value SPI Clock (Hz)
Value Pin
04 P24
05 P31
Syntax: {A,<0-3>,<0-4>,<Hex8>
Example: {A,0,2,05 // SPI is configured as Master with a clock of
// 1 MHz, CPOL and CPHA to 0, chip select
// on P31
Response: AOK
// Success
// Invalid value for parameters
Syntax: {Z, <Hex8>
Example: {Z,05 // Disable SPI
Response: AOK
// Success
// Invalid value for parameters
Syntax: {X,<Hex8>,<Hex8 8bytes data>
Example: {X,05,00010203 // Write 4 bytes of data over SPI and read
// 4 bytes of data
Response: 0A0B0C0D
// Read 4 bytes of data over SPI
// Invalid value for parameters
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The first parameter is the mode which defines the Clock Polarity (CPOL) and Clock
Phase (CPHA) for the SPI Master clock.
The second parameter is the SPI Master clock rate used.
As SPI Slave, P31 is the Chip Select Input pin.
2.8.5 }Z
The command {Z disables the SPI interface. The command takes the SPI Chip Select
pin value as its parameter.
2.8.6 }R
The command {R receives data as an SPI Slave. The command takes the length of
the data to receive as the parameter.
2.8.7 }W
The command {W sends data as an SPI Slave. The command takes the data to be sent
up to eight bytes as parameter.
Value SPI Clock (Hz)
Example: }A,0,2 // SPI is configured as Slave with a clock of
// 1 MHz, CPOL and CPHA to 0 P31
Response: AOK
// Success
// Invalid value for parameters
Syntax: }Z
Example: }Z // Disable SPI
Response: AOK // Success
Syntax: }R,<hex8>
Example: }R,04 // Read 4 bytes of data over SPI
Response: 0A0B0C0D
// 4 bytes of data read over SPI
// Invalid value for parameters
Syntax: }W,<Hex8 data 8bytes>
Example: }W,01020304 // Write 4 bytes of data over SPI
Response: AOK // Success
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List commands display critical information in multiple lines of text in an easy to read and
easy to parse format. All list commands end output with keyword END.
2.9.1 LB
Command LB lists all bonded devices in the following format:
<index>,<address>,<address type>
where <index> is a single-digit index in the range of 1 to 8, representing the index of
the bonded device in the bonding table. This index is used in command C<1-8> to
reconnect, and in command U,<1-8> to remove bonding.
The <address> is a 6-byte number representing the address of the bonded device;
<address type> is a single-digit number, taking either 0 or 1. Value 0 for <address type>
means that the address in the bonding information is a public address. In such case,
command C or C<1-8> is used to reconnect to the bonded device. Value 1 for
<address type> means random address, therefore, reconnection is not possible using
the bonded information, since the peer device may use a different random address
when RN4870/71 tries to reconnect.
2.9.2 LC[,<P,UUID>]
Command LC lists the available client services and their characteristics. Client services
and their characteristics are only available under three conditions:
An active connection exists
Peer device supports server role services.
RN4870/71 issues command CI before initiating client role service.
Optionally, command LC takes one input parameter.
If the input parameter is letter “P”, then only the Universally Unique Identifiers (UUID)
of all services are printed out.
If the input parameter is the UUID of the service that is either a 2-byte UUID for public
service or a 16-byte UUID for private service, the indicated service and all its charac-
teristics is printed out.
If there is no input parameter, then all the services and their characteristics are printed
The output of command LC has the following format:
The first line is the primary service UUID
The second line starts with two spaces followed by the characteristic UUID, han-
dle, characteristic property and for characteristic configuration handle, current
configuration settings.
The property for characteristic value follows the definition listed in Tabl e A-1 in
Appendix A. “Bluetooth Low Energy Fundamentals”. Property for characteris-
tic value must have bit 4 and bit 5 cleared (no notification or indication), whereas
property for characteristic configuration must have either bit 4 or bit 5 set.
Example: LB // List all bonded devices
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Figure 2-2 shows Battery service output. 0x180F is UUID for Battery Service.
The second line shows that Battery Level UUID is 0x2A19, its handle 0x001A and
property 0x02 (Readable, a value handle; for more information refer to Tabl e A-1 in
Appendix A. “Bluetooth Low Energy Fundamentals”).
The third line shows Battery Level UUID 0x2A19, its handle 0x001B, property 0x10
(Notify, a configuration handle) and current configuration value 0 (Notification not
started yet).
2.9.3 LS[,<P,UUID>]
Command LS lists the server services and their characteristics.
Optionally, command LS takes one input parameter.
If the input parameter is letter “P”, then only the UUIDs of all the services are printed
If the input parameter is the UUID of the service that is either a 2-byte UUID for public
service or a 16-byte UUID for private service, the indicated service and all its charac-
teristics is printed out.
If there is no input parameter, then all the services and their characteristics are printed
The output format of command LS is very similar to that of command LC:
The first line is the primary service UUID.
The second line starts with two spaces followed by the characteristic UUID, han-
dle, characteristic property and for characteristic configuration handle, current
configuration settings.
The property for characteristic value follows definition listed in Tab le A- 1 in
Appendix A. “Bluetooth Low Energy Fundamentals”. Property for characteris-
tic value must have bit 4 and bit 5 cleared (no notification or indication), whereas
property for characteristic configuration must have either bit 4 or bit 5 set.
The characteristic configuration shows the notification/indication status. Value 0
means notification/indication has not started yet. Value 1 means notification
started and value 2 means indication started.
2.9.4 LW
Command LW lists the current script stored in NVM.
Example: LC // List all client services
Example: LS // Display all server services
Example: LW // Display current script content
Response: <Content of script>
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The Bluetooth SIG defines public profiles, services and characteristics. The SIG pub-
lishes the specifications and requires conformance testing for any device using a public
profile to ensure interoperability between Bluetooth devices.
For use cases not covered by public service, Bluetooth allows the creation of a private
service. The RN4870 provides private and public services/characteristics in a GATT
server and can work with private service/characteristics in a GATT client role.
Note that all Bluetooth adopted public service/characteristics have a 16-bit short UUID.
All private services/characteristics use a 128-bit long UUID.
All service/characteristic configuration commands start with letter “P”. The main func-
tion of those commands is to define services and their characteristics. All definitions are
saved in NVM which can be restored after reboot or power cycle.
Command SS adjusts the default services. Any adjustment to the default service erases
all custom service configuration. In cases where the user prefers to use default and
custom services at the same time, the default service must be defined first by command
SS before using any service configuration commands.
2.10.1 PC,<hex16/hex128>,<hex8>,<hex8>
Command PC sets private characteristic. It expects three parameters:
The first parameter is a 16-bit UUID for public characteristic or a 128-bit UUID for
private characteristic. There are many ways to generate a 128-bit UUID with little
possibility of conflict. For more details on UUID, refer to Wikipedia
The second parameter is a 8-bit property bitmap of the characteristic. Refer to
Tab l e A-1 in Appendix A. “Bluetooth Low Energy Fundamentals” for
characteristic property.
The third parameter is an 8-bit value that indicates the maximum data size in octet
where the value of the characteristic holds in the range from 1 to 20 (01 to 14 in
hex format). The real data size can be smaller.
Command PC must be called after service UUID is set by command PS. Refer to
Section 2.10.2 “PS,<hex16/hex128>” for command PS. If service UUID is set to be
a 16-bit public UUID in command PS, then the UUID input parameter for command PC
must also be a 16-bit public UUID. Similarly, if service UUID is set to be a 128-bit private
UUID by command PS, then the UUID input parameter must also be a 128-bit private
UUID by command PC. Calling this command adds one characteristic to the service at
a time. Calling this command later does not overwrite the previous settings, but adds
another characteristic instead.
Note: RN4870/71 supports up to four private services with eight characteristics
for each service and six public services with eight characteristics for each
Example: PC,11223344556677889900AABBCCDDEEFF,1A,05
// Define a private characteristic with UUID
// 0x11223344556677889900AABBCCDDEEFF.
// It is readable, writable and can perform notification.
// Maximum data size for this characteristic is five octets.
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error, invalid parameter or not enough space
// to add new characteristics
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2.10.2 PS,<hex16/hex128>
Command PS sets the UUID of the public or the private service. This command must
be called before command PC.
The effect of command PS is verified after a valid PC command and after reboot or
power cycle.
Command PS expects one parameter that is either a 16-bit UUID for public service or
a 128-bit UUID for private service.
2.10.3 PZ
Command PZ clears all settings of services and characteristics. A reboot or power
cycle is required afterwards to make the changes effective.
2.10.4 Defining Multiple Services
If multiple services are defined, perform the following steps:
1. Use command PZ to clear any previous defined services
2. Use command PS to set the UUID for the first service
3. Use one or more command PC to add one characteristic at a time to the first ser-
4. Use command PS to set the UUID for the second service
5. Use one or more command PC to add one characteristic at a time to the second
6. Repeat step 4 and step 5 to define more services if necessary
Example: PS,010203040506070809000A0B0C0D0E0F
// Define a private service with UUID
// 0x010203040506070809000A0B0C0D0E0F
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error, invalid parameter or not enough space
// to add another service
Example: PZ // Clear all private service and characteristics
// settings
Response: AOK // Success
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Low Energy Module User’s Guide
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The main function of BTLE is to expose information which is accessible by a remote
device. This information is defined by GATT Service, where the service owns a set of
data values called Characteristics.
RN4870/71 provides a group of commands to define and access GATT services and
2.11.1 Definition of Characteristic Access Commands
RN4870 supports GAP server and client roles at the same time, per Bluetooth Core
Specification version 4.1. When performing dual roles as both server and client, two
sets of services and characteristics are known to RN4870.
When the RN4870 acts as a server, all service characteristics are stored locally. This
is called Server Services. Services where RN4870 acts as a client are called Client Ser-
vices. In this case all data and configurations of characteristics are stored remotely in
a peer device. To address server services, the first letter of characteristic access com-
mands is S; to address client services, the first letter of characteristic access com-
mands is C.
Bluetooth SIG adopted a group of public services specifications serving as the basis of
interoperability between devices. A 16-bit short UUID is assigned to all services and
characteristics in the public service. Any user-defined private services and its associ-
ated characteristics have 128-bit long UUIDs. In order to optimize the handling of a
128-bit characteristic UUIDs, Bluetooth provides the method of using 16-bit handles.
The handles are generated by the GATT server. The GATT client reads the handle val-
ues as part of the service discovery process when connecting to the GATT server. The
RN4870 provides commands to read and write both server and client attribute values
by using these handles. To address a characteristic by its handle, the second letter of
the characteristic access commands must be H.
To read a characteristic, the third letter of characteristic access commands is R; to write
a characteristic, the third letter of characteristic access commands is W.
Before addressing the characteristics, it is useful to know the accessible characteris-
tics. List commands group provides two commands, LC and LS, to list the client ser-
vices and the server services, respectively.
Tab l e 2-2 4 illustrates the three character formats of the GATT access command. Each
column represents a character of the GATT access command.
The GATT access command types are described in details below.
Access Type
C – client
H – access by handle
R– read
S – server W – write
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2.11.2 CHR
According to the command-interpolation method described in
Section 2.11.1 “Definition of Characteristic Access Commands”, command CHR
reads the content of the client service characteristic from the remote device by
addressing its handle.
Command CHR takes one parameter, the 16-bit hex value of the handle, which corre-
sponds to the characteristic of the client service. The user must find a match between
the handle and its characteristic UUID by using command LC.
This command is effective under the following conditions:
An active connection with peer exists
Client operation has started by command CI
The handle parameter is valid and the corresponding characteristic is readable
according to its property.
The value returned is retrieved from the remote peer device.
2.11.3 CHW
According to the command-interpolation method described in
Section 2.11.1 “Definition of Characteristic Access Commands”, command CHW
writes the content of the client service characteristic from the remote device by
addressing its handle.
This command takes two parameters. The first parameter is the 16-bit hex value of the
handle corresponding to the characteristic of the client service. The user must find a
match between the handle and its characteristic UUID by using command LC. The
second parameter is the content to be written to the characteristic. The format of public
characteristics are defined in the Bluetooth SIG specifications. The user defines the for-
mat of each private characteristic.
This command is effective under the following conditions:
An active connection with a peer device exists
Client operation is started by command CI
The handle parameter is valid and the corresponding characteristic is writable
according to its property.
The content value is written to the remote peer device. The writing method depends on
the property of the characteristic.
When writing to a configuration handle to the remote device, Bluetooth specification
defines the format to 0x0000, 0x0001 or 0x0002. Value 0x0001 (01 00 over the air
in little Endian) starts the notification, value 0x0002 (02 00 over the air in little Endian)
starts the indication and value 0x0000 stops both. To start notification or indication
depends on the service specification and property of the characteristic. Refer to
Tab l e A-1 in Appendix A. “Bluetooth Low Energy Fundamentals” and Figure 2-2
for details.
Example: CHR,001A // Read the content of characteristic with
// handle 0x001A from remote device
Response: <Value read>
// Success
// Syntax error, invalid parameter, not connected or
// characteristic not readable
// Status string
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2.11.4 CI
Command CI is used to start client operation on the RN4870/71.
RN4870/71 starts as a GATT server by default. If the user also prefers RN4870/71 to
act as a GATT client, the command CI must be issued first.
Command CI performs essential service discovery process with the remote GATT
server and acquires supported public and private services and characteristics on the
remote GATT server. RN4870/71 supports up to six client public services and four client
private services. Each client service is able to define up to eight characteristics. Since
RN4870/71 needs to acquire the client service information over Bluetooth link, a con-
nection with the remote GATT server must be established before command CI is used.
Since command CI retrieves critical client information from the remote GATT server, it
is a perquisite over any Client Service related commands, such as LC, CHR and CHW.
2.11.5 SHR
According to the command-interpolation method described in
Section 2.11.1 “Definition of Characteristic Access Commands”, command SHR
reads the content of the server service characteristic on the local device by addressing
its handle.
Command SHR takes one parameter, the 16-bit hex value of the handle, which corre-
sponds to the server service characteristic. The user must find a match between the
handle and its characteristic UUID by using command LS.
This command is effective with or without an active connection. Reading the content of
a characteristic locally is always permitted regardless of the characteristic property.
Characteristic property is only used for remote access. The value returned is retrieved
from the local device and equals to what is written recently.
Example: CHW,001A,64 // Set value of characteristic with value handle
// 0x001A to 100 on the remote device
CHW,001B,0100 // Start notification on characteristic by writing
// 0x0001 to its configuration handle 0x001B
// on remote device
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error, invalid parameter, not connected or
// characteristic not writable
Example: CI // Start client role on RN4870/71
Response: AOK
// Success
// Not connected
Example: SHR,001A // Read the local content of characteristic with
// handle 0x001A
Response: <Value read>
// Success
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
// Value is not assigned
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2.11.6 SHW
According to the command-interpolation method described in
Section 2.11.1 “Definition of Characteristic Access Commands”, command SHW
writes content of characteristic in Server Service to local device by addressing its han-
This command takes two parameters. The first parameter is the 16-bit hex value of the
handle which corresponds to the characteristic of the server service. The user must find
a match between handle and its characteristic UUID by using command LS. The sec-
ond parameter is the content to be written to the characteristic. The format of the public
characteristic is defined in the Bluetooth SIG specifications. The user defines the for-
mat of each private characteristic.
This command is effective only if the handle is valid in server service. Characteristic in
server service is always writable regardless of its property. Characteristic property is
only for remote access.
The content of a configuration handle, which starts or stops notification/indication, is
usually set remotely. It is highly recommended not to write to the configuration handle,
although such operation is not prohibited.
When command SHW is issued to change the local content of the characteristic, a Noti-
fication/Indication can be sent to the remote device if the following conditions are met:
An active connection exists
Remote device supports the corresponding service and characteristic in client role
Property of corresponding characteristic supports notification or indication
Notification or indication service for the corresponding characteristic is started by
the remote device
The following section describes the commands used for the embedded scripting
function on the RN4870/71 module.
For more details, refer to Chapter 3. “Embedded Scripting Feature”.
2.12.1 WC
Command WC clears the script, if any, loaded in the RN4870/71. It expects no
Example: SHW,001A,64 // Set local value of characteristic Battery Level
// with value handle 0x001A to 100%.
// If notification service is started on Battery
// Level before, local device notifies the new
// value of 100% to the remote peer device.
Response: AOK
// Success
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
// Notification/Indication failure
Default: N/A
Example: WC // Clear the script loaded in RN4870/71 module
Response: AOK // Success
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2.12.2 WP
Command WP stops script execution. It expects no parameters.
2.12.3 WR[,<H6>]
Command WR starts execution of the script. If no parameter is provided, script runs nor-
mally by starting at @PW_ON event. If a parameter listed in Tabl e 2 -25 is provided, the
script starts execution upon the corresponding event with debugging information. Refer
to Table 2-25 for descriptions of the events.
2.12.4 WW
Command WW enters Script Input mode. It expects no parameter. When in Script Input
mode, the script is entered through UART line by line. Once all script lines are entered,
type escape key ESC to exit Script Input mode.
Default: N/A
Example: WP // Stop running script
Response: AOK // Success
Input Parameter Event
00 @PW_ON
01 @TMR1
02 @TMR2
03 @TMR3
04 @CONN
06 @PIO1H
07 @PIO1L
08 @PIO2H
09 @PIO2L
Default: N/A
Example: WR,01 // Starts script by entering @TMR1 event
Response: ERR
// Syntax error or invalid parameter
// Script run <cmd> - debug info output
Default: N/A
Example: WW // Enter Script Input mode
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Chapter 3. Embedded Scripting Feature
In a typical use case, a host MCU uses ASCII commands over UART to control and
exchange data with the RN4870/71 BLE module. For simple applications, such as a
sensor or beacon broadcaster, a host MCU may not be necessary.
By using the RN4870 Embedded Scripting feature, operations and functions are
executed by a script engine. A script consists of ASCII commands that do not need to
be compiled or processed. The script remains in the RN4870/71 NVM and does not
alter the core firmware in any way.
The scripting capability on the RN4870/71 is useful in the following situations:
Application is sensitive to the added cost of the host MCU.
User application uses proprietary service and characteristics.
User application mainly uses analog or digital ports that are available on the
User application is simple such as sensor or beacon.
RN4870/71 shares raw binary data with remote peer device such as a smart-
phone, where the peer device can interpolate.
The total script does not exceed 1000 bytes, each script line does not exceed 100
bytes and maximum number of script lines is 50.
Scripting capability is used to lower load of the host MCU. It initializes setting and
performs operations once certain event is triggered.
3.1.1 Script Overview
The main functionalities of scripting are achieved by executing ASCII commands that
are the same as those via UART interface. This section presents an overview of the
scripting capability. For detailed descriptions on scripting-related commands, refer to
Section 2.12 “Script Commands”.
3.1.2 Event Driven
The RN4870/71 scripting is event driven. There are 12 currently defined events.
Tab l e 3-1 lists supported events and their labels. All event scripts start with an event
label followed by one or more logic operations or ASCII commands. Once an event is
triggered, and an event label is defined, control is passed over to the script engine. The
script engine starts executing the commands that are listed below the event label until
the end of the script or until encountering another event label.
Event Event Label
Power On @PW_ON
Timer 1 Expired @TMR1
Timer 2 Expired @TMR2
Timer 3 Expired @TMR3
Connected @CONN
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RN4870/71 script engine handles the script line by line. Each line starts with multiple
spaces or tabs and ends with return or line feed. Even though space is generally
prohibited within a command, spaces or tabs are allowed in assignments and logic
Comment lines are added to the script. Comment line starts with letter “#” and lasts the
whole line. The script engine completely ignores the comment line and jump to the next
script line once a comment line is detected.
The following script line is treated as a comment:
3.1.4 Variables
RN4870/71 script engine defines two variables: $VAR1 and $VAR2. Variable names are
case sensitive. The value of the variables is assigned to a constant value, or a value
that is returned by an ASCII command. For instance, the following script line assigns
value 0x1234 to variable $VAR1:
Similarly, the following script line assigns the reading of the analog channel 0 to
variable $VAR2:
After assigning a value, the variables are used in an ASCII command. For instance, the
following ASCII command assigns the value of variable $VAR1 to the server character-
istic handle 0x0019.
The range of variables can be defined. If the value of the variables is not in the defined
range, the corresponding ASCII commands with variables do not prosecute.
The range of variable can be a single condition such as the following script line which
defines variable $VAR1 must be larger than 0x0100.
Disconnected @DISCON
Trigger Pin 1 Rising Edge @PIO1H
Trigger Pin 1 Falling Edge @PIO1L
Trigger Pin 2 Rising Edge @PIO2H
Trigger Pin 2 Falling Edge @PIO2L
Trigger Pin 3 Rising Edge @PIO3H
Trigger Pin 3 Falling Edge @PIO3L
# This is an example of comment line
$VAR1 = "1234"
$VAR2 = @,0
$VAR1 > "0100"
Event Event Label
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Variable range can also be defined by two conditions: with AND or OR logic operations.
In the following script lines, $VAR1 is defined to be valid in the range between 0x0050
and 0x0120; whereas $VAR2 is defined to be either larger than 0x0100 or less than
In the first two lines of the script, the ranges of variables are defined. The following two
script lines read values of analog channel 1 and 2, respectively, and assign the values
to the two variables. If the reading of the analog channel 1 is between value 0x0050
and 0x0120, the value is assigned to the server characteristic handle 0x0019; other-
wise, no value is assigned to the handle.
Similarly, if the reading of the analog channel 2 is larger than 0x0100 or less than
0x0020, the value is assigned to the server characteristic handle 0x0021; otherwise,
no value is assigned to the handle.
Currently, only single character logic operator > or < are supported.
3.1.5 Handle Association
In the same manner, an I/O port is associated with a handle of server characteristic.
Once the handle receives requests from the peer device to read or write, the I/O port
is read or written, respectively, without further instruction. The associated handle is
identified by the proceeding identifier %.
For instance, the following script line associates server characteristic handle 0x0021
with read operation of the analog channel 2, thus, whenever the peer device reads han-
dle 0x0021, analog channel 2 is read and the value returns to the peer device.
The following script associates server characteristic handle 0x0023 with write operation
of PIO22, thus, whenever the peer device writes to handle 0x0023, the written value
from the peer device is used to set the output voltage on PIO22.
3.1.6 Remote Function Call FUNCTION DEFINITIONS
RN4870/71 supports three custom functions. These functions are defined as ?FUNC1,
?FUNC2 and ?FUNC3. Each function is associated with write operation of a character-
istic handle using the following syntax:
As an example, the following line in a script associates write operation of the handle
0x0018 to the function ?FUNC2:
$VAR1 > "0050" && $VAR1 < "0120"
$VAR2 > "0100" || $VAR2 < "0020"
$VAR1 = @,1
$VAR2 = @,2
%0021 = @,2
%handle = ?FUNCx
%0018 = ?FUNC2
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The characteristic of the handle, most likely a private characteristic, must have the
property of Write or Write_CMD. If the function expects a return value, the characteris-
tic must have the property of Read or Notify. The data size of the characteristics must
be higher than the size of either the input parameters or the return value. In other
words, the user can assign the maximum data size to 20 when defining such private
One or more ASCII commands can be executed within the function until reaching the
next function definition or the next event. The function body format is the same as an
event, with the exception of the differences described in Section “Parameters
New variables $PM1, $PM2, $PM3, $PM4 and $PM5 are defined to pass input parame-
ters to the function. A remote peer device writes an ASCII value of the handle that asso-
ciates with the function in the following format:
The parameters are in ASCII format in 1, 2, or 4 characters to specify up to a 16-bit hex
value. If the function does not expect any parameters, the user is free to write any
dummy value to the handle to start the function. Up to five input parameters in total
length, including separating commas, up to 20 characters are supported.
For example, the following ASCII value written to handle 0x0018 passes input
parameters to function ?FUNC2:
When function ?FUNC2 is called after the written operation to handle 0x0018, the vari-
ables are assigned as follows:
All parameters are used in ASCII commands as input parameters. If a function returns
a value, the command SHW sets the return value to the same handle. Notice that the
input parameter is in ASCII format, whereas the return value is in binary format.
Example 3-1 shows how to use functions to read an EEPROM through I2C.
If private characteristic is configured to notify and the peer device has started notifica-
tion, the return value is automatically sent to the peer device. Otherwise, the peer
device must read the same handle to get the return value.
From the remote peer device, the following ASCII value is written to handle 0x0018:
or, in hex format:
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Chapter 4. Connection Examples
To establish a connection to RN4870 using Bluetooth Smart Discover (SmartDiscover)
App, perform the following steps:
1. On your Apple
device, download and install the SmartDiscover App by Micro-
chip Technology Inc. from iTunes
App Store.
2. Power on the RN4870 module.
3. Turn on Bluetooth and open SmartDiscover App on the Apple device.
4. Click the RN4870 module from the scan device list in SmartDiscover App to con-
nect to the module. Refer to Figure 4-1.
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5. Once connected, SmartDiscover App discovers all the services and
characteristics supported by the module as shown in Figure 4-2.
6. Click any of the listed characteristics that the SmartDiscover App discovered to
look for the details of the characteristic such as name, UUID, access properties,
notification/indication and also to enable notification, read and write the charac-
teristic based on the access supported. Refer to Figure 4-3.
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To establish a UART Transparent connection using Bluetooth Smart Data (SmartData)
App, use the following steps:
1. On your Apple device, download and install the SmartData App by Microchip
Technology Inc. from iTunes AppStore.
2. Open a serial port terminal to the RN4870 module.
3. Type $$$ to enter Command mode.
4. Enter + to enable echo.
5. Enter SS,C0 to enable UART Transparent service.
6. Enter R,1 to reboot the module for the configuration to take effect.
7. Turn on Bluetooth and open SmartData App on the Apple device.
8. Click the RN4870 module from the scan list in SmartData App to connect to the
module. Refer to Figure 4-4.
9. Once connected, go to the Serial Data tab in the SmartData App.
10. Enter text in the Enter text to send… field in the Serial Data tab of the SmartData
11. Click Send button to transfer data from SmartData App to the RN4870 which is
received and printed on the serial terminal of the RN4870 UART.
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12. Type any data on the serial terminal of the RN4870 to send data from RN4870 to
SmartData App which is received and printed on the receive view of the Smart-
Data App. Refer to Figure 4-5 and Figure 4-6.
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The RN4870 can initiate BLE connection in Central (GAP) mode to another BLE device
supporting the UART Transparent service. The command sequence is as follows:
1. Using a terminal emulator on host PC, open a connection to RN4870 PICtail on
the enumerated COM port.
2. Type $$$ to enter Command mode.
3. Type + to enable echo.
4. Enter SS,C0 to enable Device Information and UART Transparent service.
5. Issue command F to initiate active scan.
6. Wait until inquiry finishes and finds the MAC address/address type of the device
to be connected.
7. Enter C,<0,1>,<MAC address> to attempt a connection with the remote
device, where the first parameter indicates the address type that is found in the
inquiry result: 0 for public address, 1 for private address.
Once connected, characters typed in the terminal emulator are sent to the remote peer
device, and vice versa.
To kill the connection, type $$$ to return to Command mode, then type command K,1.
Figure 4-7 shows the commands and responses when connecting two RN4870
modules via UART Transparent.
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Appendix A. Bluetooth Low Energy Fundamentals
When two BTLE devices must be connected, one device must be in Central role and
the other in Peripheral role. The Peripheral device advertises to show its connectable
status, whereas the Central device scans service advertisements, and if required, initi-
ates a connection to the Peripheral device. Once connected, either end of the connec-
tion can choose to bond. Once bonded, all security related keys are saved and security
process are waived when reconnecting. Bonded peripheral device can only perform
direct advertise, therefore, no longer is able to connect to device other than its bonded
Similar to Bluetooth Classic, BTLE uses the concept of profiles to ensure
interoperability between different devices. As illustrated in Figure A-1, BTLE profiles
are collection of services. All BTLE services are built on top of the Generic Attribute
Profile (GATT), where GATT defines accessibility of attributes called characteristics.
Therefore, the main functionality of the BTLE profiles is built around the characteristics.
Those devices that maintain the value of characteristics in a service are called the
Server of the Service. On the other hand, those devices that acquire data from their
peer are called Client.
Each service and its characteristics can be identified by its UUID. The UUID takes
either a16-bit short form or a 128-bit long form. As specified in the Bluetooth Core Spec-
ifications, all Bluetooth SIG adopted public services and characteristics have short
UUIDs, whereas the user defined private UUIDs are in long form. For the details of
Bluetooth SIG adopted services and characteristics, refer to
The accessibility of each characteristic is defined by a 8-bit characteristic property in
bitmap format, as shown in Ta ble A - 1.
Property Bitmap Description
Extended Property
0b10000000 Additional property available
Authenticated Write
0b01000000 Write characteristic with authentication from client to
Indicate 0b00100000 Indicate value of characteristic with acknowledgment
from server to client
Notify 0b00010000 Notify value of characteristic without acknowledgment
from server to client
Write 0b00001000 Write value of characteristic with acknowledgment
from client to server
Write without
0b00000100 Write value of characteristic without acknowledgment
from client to server
Read 0b00000010 Read value of characteristic. Value is sent from server
to client
0b00000001 Broadcast value of characteristic
Note 1: Currently not supported in RN4870.
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As shown in Figure A-1, the GATT Client can access the characteristics in the GATT
Server in the peripheral device. When connected, the client reads the GATT Server ser-
vice and characteristic UUIDs. The characteristic values can be accessed by the GATT
Client using Write, Read, Indication, and Notifications.
Write-REQ enables client to update characteristic values on the Peripheral's GATT
server. The write requests can be performed using RN4870 CHW and CUW commands.
For more details on GATT characteristic access commands, refer to
Section 2.11 “Characteristic Access Commands”.
A Write-CMD message performs an unacknowledged write from a client to the server.
This is enabled for UART Transparent writes on the RN4870 when SR,0100 command
is used.
A client sends Read-REQ to read a characteristic value on the Peripheral's GATT
server. The write requests can be performed using RN4870 CHR and CUR commands.
Notifications and Indications are unsolicited updates sent from the Server to the Client.
The client must enable the notification and indication on a characteristic to receive the
updates. On the RN870 module, this done by using the CUW or CHW command to write
non-zero value to the Notification Characteristic. When RN4870 in client mode receives
a notification, the %WC,hhhh,ddddddd% message is returned on UART in Command
[GAP Peripheral, GATT Server]
GATT Server Service
Public Service 16-bit UUID
Characteristic 16-bit UUID
Properties & Descriptors
Characteristic 16-bit UUID
erties & Descri
Characteristic 16-bit UUID
erties & Descri
Private Service 128-bit UUID
Characteristic 128-bit UUID
Properties & Descriptors
Characteristic 16-bit UUID
erties & Descri
Characteristic 128-bit UUID
erties & Descri
BTLE Device
[GAP Central, GATT Client]
Central-Client devices
include the following:
x SmartPhone
x Host PC
x Tablet
x RN4020 module
x RN4870 module
x Other BTLE device
GATT Client Write-5(4
GATT Client Read-5(4
GATT Notification
GATT Indication
GATT Client Write-&0'
2016-2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002466B-page 65
Appendix B. Transparent UART Service UUIDs
The Transparent UART Service is instantiated as a Primary Service. The service UUID
of the Transparent UART Service is set to
49535343-FE7D-4AE5-8FA9-9FAFD205E455. The Transparent UART Service
contains the following data characteristics:
Transparent UART Transmit (TX) Characteristic
Transparent UART Receive (RX) Characteristic
The Transparent UART TX Characteristic is used for data transmission by the Server
or the Client. Once the Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor (CCCD) of
Transparent UART TX Characteristic is enabled, the Server sends data to the Client
using the Notify property. The Client can also send data to the Server using the
Write/Write without response properties.
The Transparent UART RX Characteristic is used for data transmission by the Client.
The Client can send data to the Server using the Write/Write without response
Tab l e B-1 shows the UUIDs and properties of the data characteristics.
Characteristic Name UUID Properties
Transparent UART TX 49535343-1E4D-4BD9-BA61-23C647249616 Notify, Write, Write
without response
Transparent UART RX 49535343-8841-43F4-A8D4-ECBE34729BB3 Write, Write without
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Appendix C. Low-Power Operation
Low-power operation and advertising can be achieved using Low-Power mode or the
Dormant/Power-Saving mode and Low-Power Advertising.
Low-Power mode can be enabled or disabled using command SO. When Low-Power
mode is enabled using SO command, the module enters low-power by enabling the
32 kHz clock. In Low-Power mode, a BLE connection can still be maintained, but UART
cannot receive data. The UART_RX_IND pin is used to enter and exit low-power
operation. Module enters low-power operation when UART_RX_IND pin is pulled high
and exits when pulled low. After exiting from low-power operation, UART is operational
after 5 ms.
Dormant/Power-Saving mode can be entered using command O,0. Dormant mode
puts the module into Shutdown mode. In this mode, the module enters a Deep Sleep
state where there is no RF communication and the current drawn by the module is the
lowest. The host MCU must force the module out of the Shutdown mode if communi-
cation is required with the peer device. If UART_RX_IND functionality is activated using
the Power-Saving mode enable command SO,1 (refer to command SO 2.4.19), then
UART_RX_IND is used to wake-up the module from Dormant mode. The UART_RX-
_IND pin must be pulled high before entering Dormant mode. After entering Dormant
mode, the module wakes up by pulling the UART_RX_IND pin low.
If UART_RX_IND functionality is not available, the module enters the Dormant mode
when O,0 command is issued and can only wake-up by performing a Hard Reset.
Another option to reduce power consumption is to use the Low-Power Advertising.
Low-Power Advertising is achieved using the A command appropriately by choosing a
combination of a larger advertisement interval and a shorter total advertisement time
duration. When command A is issued without a parameter, the advertisement is initially
set as a fast advertisement at an advertising interval of 20 ms, then set to low-power
slow advertisement interval of 961 ms after 30 seconds.
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Command A,
Note 1:
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Appendix D. Status Response Summary Quick Reference
Table D-1 lists the status messages that can be returned by the module through UART.
The status messages can be emitted using either Data or Command mode. Therefore,
it is important that the MCU sending the data, such as UART Transparent stream, can
recognize the status messages.
The delimiters of the status messages can be modified using the S% command.
Status Message
Default Delimiter (%)
%ADV_TIMEOUT% Advertisement timeout, if advertisement time is
specified by command A
%BONDED% Security materials such as Link Key are saved into
Update connection parameters of connection
interval, slave latency and supervision timeout.
%CONNECT,<0-1>,<Addr>% Connect to BLE device with address <Addr>
%DISCONNECT% BLE connection lost
%ERR_CONNPARAM% Failed to update connection parameters
%ERR_MEMORY% Running out of dynamic memory
%ERR_READ% Failed to read characteristic value
%ERR_RMT_CMD% Failed to start remote command, due to insecure
BLE link or mismatch pin code
%ERR_SEC% Failed to secure the BLE link
%KEY:<Key>% Display the 6-digit security key
%KEY_REQ% Request input security key
%INDI,<hdl>,<hex>% Received value indication <hex> for characteristic
handle <hdl>
%NOTI,<hdl>,<hex>% Received value notification <hex> for characteristic
handle <hdl>
%PIO1H% PIO1 rising edge event
%PIO1L% PIO1 falling edge event
%PIO2H% PIO2 rising edge event
%PIO2L% PIO2 falling edge event
%PIO3H% PIO3 rising edge event
%PIO3L% PIO3 falling edge event
%RE_DISCV% Received data indication of service changed, redo
service discovery
%REBOOT% Reboot finished
%RMT_CMD_OFF% End of Remote Command mode
%RMT_CMD_ON% Start of Remote Command mode
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Table D-2 summarizes the ASCII commands discussed in Chapter 2. “Command
%RV,<hdl>,<hex>% Read value <hex> for characteristic handle <hdl>
%S_RUN:<CMD>% Debugging information when running script. CMD is
the command called by script
%SECURED% BLE link is secured
%STREAM_OPEN% UART Transparent data pipe is established
%TMR1% Timer 1 expired event
%TMR2% Timer 2 expired event
%TMR3% Timer 3 expired event
%WC,<hdl>,<hex>% Received start/end notification/indication request
<hex> for characteristic configuration handle <hdl>
%WV,<hdl>,<hex>% Received write request <hex> for characteristic
handle <hdl>
Received connectable advertisement
Received non-connectable advertisement
ASCII Command Description
Set Commands
S- Set serialized device name
S$ Set configuration detect character
S% Set pre and post delimiter of status string
SA Set Pairing mode
SB Set UART baud rate
SC Set beacon features
SDA Set appearance in GAP service
SDF Set firmware version in Device Info service
SDH Set hardware revision in Device Info service
SDM Set model string in Device Info service
SDN Set manufacturer name in Device Info service
SDR Set software revision in Device Info service
SDS Set serial number in Device Info service
SF,1 Factory Reset
SF,2 Factory Reset of configuration; clears Private service table and the
embedded script
SGA Set RF power in advertisement
SGC Set RF power in connected state
SM Start timer
SN Set device name
SO Set Power-Saving mode
SP Set fix pin for pin code display authentication
SR Set feature
Status Message
Default Delimiter (%)
2016-2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002466B-page 71
SS Enable default services
ST Set connection parameters for central
SW Assign GPIO functions
Get Commands
GK Get current connection status
GNR Get remote device name
G<char> Get the stored settings for a corresponding set command
Action Commands
+ Echo
$$$ Get into Command mode
--- Get into Data mode
! Enter/Exit Remote Command mode
@ Read analog port
|I Read digital port
|O Set digital port
[ PWM control
& Static private address assignment
&C Clear random address and use MAC address
&R Create and use a resolvable random address
A Start advertisement
B Start bonding process
C Connect to peer device as central
D Display RN4870 critical information
F Start scanning as central
I Start UART Transparent with RN4020 and RN4677/4678
IA Set advertisement content immediately
IB Set beacon content immediately
IS Set scan response content immediately
JA Add device into white list
JB Add all bonded device into white list
JC Clear white list
JD Display all devices in white list
K,1 Disconnect
M Read RSSI value of connected device
NA Set advertisement content permanently
NB Set beacon content permanently
NS Set scan response content permanently
O Shut down device
R,1 Reset
T Change connection parameters instantly
U Unbond device(s)
V Display firmware version
X Stop scan
Y Stop advertisement
Z Stop connection process
ASCII Command Description
RN4870/71 Bluetooth
Low Energy Module User’s Guide
DS50002466B-page 72 2016-2017 Microchip Technology Inc.
List Commands
LB List all bonded device
LC List all remote services as Client
LS List all local services as Server
LW List current script
I2C Commands
]A Enable the I2C in Master mode
]Z Disable the I2C interface
]D Update the address of the I2C Slave device
]R Read data from the I2C Slave device
]W Write data to the I2C Slave device
]X Combine the read and write data from and to the I2C Slave device
SPI Commands
{A Enable the SPI peripheral in Master mode
{Z Disable the SPI interface
{X Combine the send and receive data to and from the SPI Slave device
}A Enable SPI peripheral in Slave mode
{Z Disable the SPI interface
{R Receive data as an SPI Slave
{W Send data as an SPI Slave
Service Definition
PC Define characteristic
PS Define service UUID
PZ Clear all service definition
Characteristic Access
CHR Read remote characteristic value as Client
CHW Write remote characteristic value as Client
CI Discover remote services/characteristics as Client
SHR Read local characteristic value as Server
SHW Write local characteristic value as Server
Script Control
WC Clear current script
WP Pause script execution
WR Run script
WW Write script
ASCII Command Description
DS50002466B-page 73 2016-2017 Microchip Technology Inc.
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