This guide will cover the following applications:
“I want to print a 4”x 6” Postcard. The color extends past
the trim. How do I set it up correctly for printing?”
Use this Step-By-Step Guide to add Crops and Bleeds to your
document to ensure accurate printing and trimming results.
Dening Crops and Bleeds:
Correct Trim Example:
Crop Marks: Marks added to an exported PDF le indicating the trim size of the nal document. Crop
marks should be offset the same amount of space as the required bleed, normally .125”.
Bleeds: Extra color or image that is added to an exported PDF to extend past the trim. This ensures
that when the le is trimmed that there will be no white space around the nished product.
Normal bleed is .125” on all sides.
Before Trim:
Printed le before it is
trimmed showing the
correct crop marks
to indicate the trim
line and bleeds (color
extending past the
trim line ) to ensure
correct trimming.
After Trim:
Paper is cut correctly
at the crop trim line
and nal product has
a nice clean cut with
color exactly to the
edge. No white on the
edge means a correct
BLEED = .125”
BLEED = .125”
How to add Crops & Bleeds:
1. When initially setting up your InDesign le. After
setting the size of your document indicate the
bleed you’d like to include in the “New Document”
dialog box. Standard Bleed setting is .125” on all
4 sides.
2. When your le is complete and ready for exporting
as a PDF, verify that if it has color or images that
extend past the trim that it lls the bleed area.
3. Use the “Adobe PDF Presets” in the File Menu
to export your le as a Print-Ready PDF. Select
[PDF/X-1a:2001] as the PDF you want to use. This
is the industry standard for Print-Ready PDF.
4. Once in the PDF options dialog box. First change
compatibility option to Acrobat 5 (PDF 1.4), this
will ensure to keep any transparency on attened
when you export the le. Second, click on the
“Marks and Bleeds” option on the right hand
side. Check Crop Marks only and set the offset to
.125”. Finally set your bleed to .125” for all 4 sides
in the “Bleed and Slug” area.
5. Export the PDF to save it.
1. When initially setting up your Illustrator le. After
setting the size of your document indicate the
bleed you’d like to include in the “New Document”
dialog box. Standard Bleed setting is .125” on all
4 sides.
2. When your le is complete and ready for exporting
as a PDF, verify that if it has color or images that
extend past the trim that it lls the bleed area.
3. Use the “Save As” in the File Menu to export your
le as a Print-Ready PDF. Change the le type at
the bottom of the Save As window to PDF.
4. Once in the PDF options dialog box. First Select
[PDF/X-1a:2001] as the PDF you want to use. This
is the industry standard for Print-Ready PDF. Next,
change compatibility option to Acrobat 5 (PDF
1.4), this will ensure to keep any transparency un-
attened when you export the le. Next, click on
the “Marks and Bleeds” option on the right hand
side. Check Crop Marks only and set the offset to
.125”. Finally set your bleed to .125” for all 4 sides
in the “Bleed and Slug” area.
5. Export the PDF to save it.
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Illustrator
1 3
How to add Crops & Bleeds:
1. Photoshop is different because it is an image
editing software and usually is not used for page
layouts. But you can still successfully save and
image with bleeds in a format that will work for
your printer.
2. Industry standards for printing Photoshop les
require them to be at least 300dpi and CMYK Color.
3. When creating a new Photoshop le, make your
image width and height .25” larger than you want
the nal trim to be. This will add .125” to all sides
to accommodate for the bleed area. For example,
if you want to create a 4x6” Postcard, then create
your le at 6.25”x4.25”.
4. Make sure you keep any important images or text
at least .25” away from the edge of the layout to
avoid anything getting trimmed off.
5. Save your le as a PSD, TIF, JPG or PDF File from
Photoshop with no image compression added.
NOTE: Crop marks can be added manually in
Photoshop but if the above steps are followed
the printer can add the crops when printed.
Microsoft Word is designed for doing simple text
documents and word processing. Most of the time you
will work from a preset template. If you want the color
to extend past the edge of your document and have
it print correctly you have to do a few more steps to
ensure correct printing and trim.
1. Open your le and go to the “Page Layout” Tab.
2. Select the “Size”option and scroll down to “More
Page Sizes” and make your page width and height
.25” larger than you want the nal trim to be. This
will add .125” to all sides to accommodate for the
bleed area. For example, if you want to create a 4x6”
Postcard, then create your le at 6.25”x4.25”.
3. Make sure you keep any important images or text at
least .25” away from the edge of the layout to avoid
anything getting trimmed off.
4. Save your le as a PDF in the “Save As” menu.
Adobe Photoshop
Microsoft Word
NOTE: Microsoft Ofce Programs are not engineered to be page layout programs for commercial printing.
They can be used for page layout but additional fees may be added to correctly set up les for printing.
How to add Crops & Bleeds:
Microsoft PowerPoint is designed for creating on-
screen presentations. Most of the time you will work
from a preset template. If you want the color to extend
past the edge of your document and have it print
correctly you have to do a few more steps to ensure
correct printing and trimming.
1. Open your le and go to the “Design” Tab.
2. Select the “Size”option and scroll down to “Custom
Slide Size” and make your page width and height
.25” larger than you want the nal trim to be. This
will add .125” to all sides to accommodate for the
bleed area. For example, if you want to create a 4x6”
Postcard, then create your le at 6.25”x4.25”.
3. Make sure you keep any important images or text at
least .25” away from the edge of the layout to avoid
anything getting trimmed off.
4. Save your le as a PDF in the “Save As” menu.
Microsoft Publisher is designed for doing simple page
layouts. Most of the time you will work from a preset
template. If you want the color to extend past the edge
of your document and have it print correctly you have to
do a few more steps to ensure correct printing and trim.
1. Open your le and go to the “Page Design” Tab.
2. Select the “Size”option and scroll down to “Page
Setup” and make your page width and height .25”
larger than you want the nal trim to be. This will add
.125” to all sides to accommodate for the bleed area.
For example, if you want to create a 4x6” Postcard,
then create your le at 6.25”x4.25”.
3. Make sure you select “One Page Per Sheet” and
keep any important images or text at least .25”
away from the edge of the layout to avoid anything
getting trimmed off.
4. Make sure you adjust your margins to keep elements
at least .25” away from the edge of the layout to
avoid anything getting trimmed off.
5. Save your le as a PDF in the “Save As” menu.
Microsoft Publisher
Microsoft PowerPoint
NOTE: Microsoft Ofce Programs are not engineered to be page layout programs for commercial printing.
They can be used for page layout but additional fees may be added to correctly set up les for printing.
NOTE: Microsoft Ofce Programs are not engineered to be page layout programs for commercial printing.
They can be used for page layout but additional fees may be added to correctly set up les for printing.