T E A C H E R ' S
F O R F R E E !
Do you long for an advertising strategy that costs
nothing but time? Look no further than our
Marketing Guide for Facebook Groups! This guide
will show you how to use Facebook groups to
advertise your piano lessons and grow your
The marketing strategy we're going to share with
you works because:
1) It is targeted. Using this strategy you can seek
out young families in your local community;
enabling you to put your information in front of
the right eyes.
2) It is cost-effective. Posting to Facebook groups
is free (unlike Facebook ads, which are paid).
If you want a way to advertise to families with
young children in your community, follow along
to find out how to make Facebook groups work
for your studio.
Facebook groups are communities where
members interact in an online environment
that centers around a specific subject or
interest. Many groups require approval by an
administrator to join. Some groups are
public (anyone can see the content) and
some groups are private (only members can
see the content).
To access Facebook groups you will need
your own personal Facebook account as
groups often do not approve requests from
Facebook business pages.
It is very important that you
follow the rules of each
Facebook group. Groups may
restrict marketing or
promotional posts.
Ignoring group rules usually results in a user
being removed from the group or banned
from the group (meaning you cannot re-join).
Facebook Groups For
Piano Teachers
Young parents in your city or town often belong to
community-centered Facebook groups. This means
that the group has already done a lot of your hard
work; it's collected a target audience! By joining these
Facebook groups you can network with young families
in your area.
There is no guarantee that this strategy will work as
well for you as it has for others. There are many
factors that contribute to the success of your efforts.
This is simply a guide and we are not responsible for
the outcome of your posting. Please ensure you post
within the guidelines of each group (we can’t stress
this enough!) You can increase your success by:
1) Posting images that are sized correctly. Projecting a
professional image is paramount when it comes to
first impressions online. Fuzzy, distorted, or
improperly-sized images are almost always ignored.
Images that are “lifted” from Google are usually not
free to use. Only use images that are provided to you
from WunderKeys, created using copyright-approved
stock photography or taken with your own camera.
TIP: We share social media images that you can
download and use for free in the Growing With
WunderKeys Toolkit and in the WunderKeys Facebook
2) Using correct grammar and spelling. While social
media is more casual than print advertising, ensuring
that your text is grammatically correct is important
when advertising services to others.
3) Offering something for free. General posts about
piano lesson offerings are unlikely to garner much
interest. If you are looking to get a lot of interest
fast, advertise with an offer that can’t be ignored
(this is often free lessons).
4) Replying immediately to inquiries. Be ready for
interest with a well-composed response, informative
materials and scheduling options.
5) Providing several methods of contact. Leaving only
a phone number will significantly reduce how many
inquiries you receive. Consider offering at least three
different ways parents can reach you. We recommend
phone, text, and private Facebook message as these
are now viewed as “immediate” ways of obtaining
more information.
If you are advertising lessons using
the WunderKeys Method Books you
may not include any language that
suggests you are registered, trained
or licensed to teach WunderKeys.
Why Should Piano Teachers Use
Facebook Groups?
Your first order of business is to find as many groups
as you can in your local area. You can do this by using
Facebook’s “search” function.
On a computer, this search function appears in the
upper left corner (look for text that says “search”). On
a device, this search function is at the top of your
Facebook app (between the camera icon and the
messenger icon).
TIP: As you search, don’t immediately join every single
group. This is simply your research phase.
How To Search:
On your own Facebook page, click on the search bar.
Enter your search. In this case, the most lucrative
searches include your local area and the key words
suggested on this page. If you are not finding many
groups, you may need to expand your region. To
begin, try for as small a geographical area as possible
that still yields search results (it is not common for
families to drive more than 30 minutes to lessons so
you’ll want to keep your search within those
parameters). If you live in a very rural area, you may
need to join groups that service a larger area. If this is
the case, be sure to include your general location each
time you post.
After entering your search term, refine your search by
clicking on “Groups” along the top menu bar in
Facebook. This will ensure you are finding groups and
not private pages.
Suggested search phrases:
“Moms and <Name of your local region>”
“Parents and <name of your local region>”
“Families and <name of your local region>”
“Children and <name of your local region>”
“New to <name of your local region>”
“Businesses in <name of your local region>” (This is
less targeted but will bring up groups that often support
local small businesses and allow advertising/posting.)
As you search for Facebook groups, keep a list of
your findings. Use the Group Tracker included at the
end of this guide. Consider each group's value based
on the following criteria:
1) How many members belong to the group? This
information is always displayed.
2) Do the group rules clearly state that advertising is
allowed? This information is in the group description.
Some groups allow advertising on certain days of the
week, some groups allow advertising all of the time
and some groups do not allow advertising at all (this
is usually strictly enforced).
3) Is the group relevant to children in your
4) Would piano lesson ads seem "out of place"?
When you have discovered groups that that are open
to advertising and that seem valuable, click, “join”.
Be sure to answer any questions that the group
requires for approval. You will not be able to see
posts or to create posts until your request has been
approved by a group admin.
Step 1: Finding Groups
Step 2: Reviewing Groups
Step 3: Joining Groups
Adopt an organized approach to posting to Facebook
groups. Keep a list (provided in this pack) of the
groups you have joined. Beside each group, record
when advertising is allowed andthe last date that you
posted to the group.
This record keeping will help you avoid over-posting
and annoying group members. Each time you post,
update your list. As you receive post responses from
parents, keep track of the group from where they
originated. This will save you time in the future by
concentrating your efforts on the most lucrative
It’s never a good idea to join a group and immediately
start advertising. Instead, become a valued member of
the group; respond kindly to other group members'
posts and offer friendly advice to other group
members' questions. Don't be a "user". If you want to
benefit from a supportive Facebook group take time to
become a friend!
After you have been commenting on posts for five
days, it’s time to start posting to active, engaged
groups who are receptive to advertising.
Your first week of posting should not include
advertising (unless it's a buy/sell community).
Instead, post relevant content to the group that will
be useful or enjoyable for group members.
After two relationship-building posts you will usually
feel comfortable to post an advertisement for piano
lessons. We've included some samples of text you
can include with an image toward the end of this
Many teachers receive overwhelming responses to
group posts (one teacher received over 50 inquiries
in just a few hours). It’s a good idea to have a well-
composed message that you can instantly respond
with. We have included one you can modify and use in
this guide.
As you respond, be sure to collect contact
information and set a schedule. Keep detailed notes
on who replied, who has followed-through with
scheduling a time and who you should reconnect
with in a few days.
If your schedule fills quickly be sure to build a
waiting list.
Step 1: Build Your System
Step 3: Your First Post!
Step 2: Put In The Time
Step 4: Respond To Inquiries
Follow these steps to
advertise in Facebook
Community Groups...
We have a ton of free resources in the WunderKeys
Facebook Group that will help you create an
extraordinary first piano lesson experience!
Impressing new clients is the best way to get the
word-of-mouth ball rolling. New families are always
excited about the piano lesson experience and are the
most likely to share your studio with friends and
family. First impressions really matter!
As your studio schedule fills, use the following
strategies to refine your Facebook group posting
1) Post only to groups that were receptive to previous
2) Post only on the days of the week when you
received the greatest response.
3) “Leave” groups that were completely unresponsive
(this helps to unclog your newsfeed).
4) Be sure to follow up (no more than twice) with
families who indicated interest in piano lessons but
did not choose a time slot.
You can breathe new life into your original Facebook
group posts by commenting under the post yourself.
This will "bump" your post higher in the group if it
has been buried below more recent posts. It will also
show in the feeds of group members who may have
missed the original post.
Avoid simply commenting with the word, "bump".
Instead, comment with:
"Thank you so much to everyone for your interest in my
studio! I've responded to all of your inquiries, and have
just a few spaces left. Feel free to be in touch if you'd
like more information."
Only "bump" a post once.
It is usually a good idea to post no more than 1-2
times per month in each group you join. Posting
more than this:
1) Limits the effectiveness of any sense of urgency
you create (as it appears as though you have many
open time slots).
2) May annoy group members. Instead, be a helpful
member of the group to build relationships in your
Step 1: Prepare to "WOW"
Step 3: Bump Up (Nicely)
Step 2: Review and Refine
Once you've posted to
Facebook groups...
Step 4: Limit Your Posting
Here are some posts. You don't need to copy these
posts verbatim. Instead, use them as a blueprint for
your own personalized posts.
Suggested Posting Text
Falling in love with the piano is easy with the right
lessons! We know how to make children connect with
the piano in a way that is long-lasting. Using enjoyable
materials, a kind, caring approach and hands-on
learning, we'll bring smiles and happy music to your
home! I have just a few spaces left for preschool and
beginner piano lessons. Want more info? PM me,
comment below or text 555-5555. I'll get right back to
One of the greatest joys you can experience as a parent
is watching your child share music with others. Do you
have a young child at home who is ready to fill hearts
with happiness? I am offering 3 free trial lessons to new
students ages 3+! PM me, text 555-5555 or comment
below for more information and get started right away!
Bill Gates once said, “The first 5 years have so much to
do with how the next 80 turn out”. I’d love to help you
fill your child’s early years with piano and set the stage
for a lifetime of musical enjoyment. Using the
WunderKeys curriculum, your preschooler (ages 3-5) will
delight in our story-based, imagination-filled lessons. I
have just a few spaces left. Comment below, PM me or
text 555-5555 for more information.
Do you want your child to fall in love with the
piano? We can make that happen at the very first
lesson! Piano lessons will fill your home with
music and your heart with happiness as your
child learns this life-long skill. I have just a few
spaces available for preschool/beginner piano
lessons. PM me, comment below or call/text 555-
5555 for more information.
Does your preschooler love music? I’m excited to
offer a piano program specifically designed for
children ages 3-5. Your child will build an
important musical foundation with story-based
activities that will capture their imagination and
build feelings of success. Don’t miss out on the
chance for your little one to experience the joy of
early childhood music! I currently have a few
spaces available for one-on-one piano lessons
for preschoolers and would love to meet your
family. Comment below, PM me, or text 555-
5555 for more information and we can get
started right away!
Do you have a musical child? I’m offering free
trial lessons to beginning students ages 3+.
Come and see how different piano lessons are
from when you took them! Our studio offers
engaging, motivating and positive piano lessons
that will bring lovely music into your home
immediately! Comment below, PM me or text
555-5555 for more information and we can
discuss a time that works for you.
Improve your sign-up rate by responding immediately
to inquiries. It helps to have a template that you can
copy, paste and modify to personalize for each
When responding to inquiries:
1) Include program information that sparks interest.
2) Share a bit of information about yourself to start
building a relationship.
3) Share details about your free offer (if you have one).
4) Suggest available time slots. (You do not want to
waste time if there are scheduling conflicts.)
5) Give a deadline to reply.
6) If time slots do not work for families, offer to place
them on a waiting list.
Tip: Include links to your website and Facebook page (if
you have them) so parents can get a sense of your studio
NOTE: Private message replies may not show in your
messenger inbox. Regularly check your "message
requests" folder as they often will be filtered there
until you approve them.
IMPORTANT: If you offer "comment below" as an
option for parents to express interest, you then need
to message them by clicking on their name and
choosing "message". Make sure to also reply to their
comment, (and tag them so they receive a notification)
asking them to check their "message request" folder
for your message... so it doesn't get lost.
Hello Elizabeth,
Great to hear from you and thank you for your interest in my
piano studio. I’m looking forward to connecting with your family!
I’m always so happy to see parents of young ones who are
excited about the possibility of piano lessons; I see first-hand
every day all of the benefits that these little learners are gaining
and have been privileged to teach many students who have made
music a big part of their lives.
I start <beginning piano students/preschool piano students> in a
method book series called WunderKeys. It’s designed with the
specific needs of young children in mind and is filled with
imaginative, story-based learning that teaches piano skills in a
child-friendly, memorable way. Lessons at my studio are full of
fun. I use game-based learning, off-bench, hands-on activities
and enjoyable, colorful materials that children just adore.
I am currently offering <a free trial lesson/a month of free trial
lessons> so that your child can experience the fun of piano
lessons. These trial lessons are available until March 30th at my
home studio in Littletown. This offer has been really popular, so I
have just a few spaces left:
Tuesdays at 4:00-4:30
Wednesdays 5:30-6:00
Fridays 3:30-4:00
If one of those times works particularly well for you, pop me a
message back as soon as you can so I can save it for you (there
are several others who are also considering these same times). If I
don’t hear from you by Sunday I’ll put your name on my waiting
list and we can be in touch when a different time comes
After the trial lesson(s), students at my studio continue on for $72
per month. We can discuss other particulars once we meet face-
I look forward to hearing from you soon,
When responding to
A sample response to
Keep a list of the groups you have found. Make notes on member
numbers, when and if they allow advertising, and the dates you post.
Group Name # of Members Posting Rules 1st post 2nd post
Keep a list of the inquiries you received from each group. Over time,
focus on the groups that yield the most responses.
Contact Name Group Name Child's Name Method of Contact Follow-up